Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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iljh Is Strewn AVIth Uortles oftlu
Slain ,
Republicin state convention
concluded Ha labois at 10 o'clocl
by morning , was in many respect
oat interesting political gathcriiij
13 ever taken place in Nebraska
auditorium of
/ntiroly / monopolized by the 41' '
„ , while the galleries and noarl ;
o'vjry inch of available space in am
abjut the dress circle was packed wit !
Many of the oxcltlng opi
.Bods ( durjng the ballotin
dror ? forth a great dca
of punt up enthusiasm as well as n gooi
doaljof suppressed indignation. The outcome
como of the convention work is a vorj
forcible reminder cf the fable of th
mountain which labored and brnugh
* Bforlli amouao. With the constellation o
political stars of the first magnitude am
an. itgouious plot for the actors , thopla ; ;
pronounced decidedly Hit when * i
\ \
'hero ' were on the floor , among Ithi
'gates ' two live congressmen , Weave :
an .Valentino , ono from lllchardsou ant
other from Oumhig county ; two ox-
COl crewmen , Orounso and Majors am
but not least the distinguished ox
coi ungont congressman , PatO. Hawcs
111 ire vroro four district judges , Hamcr ,
M ( rris , Norval and Post , besides imj
nber of ox-governors , lieutenant gov
erri ere , judges , colonels , majors uiu
postmasters , but neb a single high pri-
With all lls Intelligence and indivllua
Independence , the convention was sway ,
ed and almost entirely controlled by twc
or thrco loaders who generally make tin
slates and combinations , all in porfocl
harmony with the interests and dosigm
of the railway incorporators. Consplcu
r out among those were the iuovltabli
aad silver tongued John II
Thurston , chief fugleman , and pass bool
distributor of the Union Pacific and the
rpdonbtablo dipt. Philips , of the Bur.
lington , town lot syndicate , Then
were of courao the usual whipper snap' '
_ pora and henchman , whosnoozo violent ,
'iy every time that Philips and Thurstoi
take snuff. It was eminently appropriate
priato and in keeping witl
tlio convention and It
proceedings , that its stated and fore
stalled deliberations should bo presidec
ever by Chas. n. Gore , editor of thi
great daily , who pridua wear
ing as many brass collars as the corpor
, ations are willing to fasten about hli
( nock. An inside view of the pocullai
$ 'tactics , combinations and counter ploti
vrould make quite an Interest
chapter in political history A fe\ <
s may bo apropos. There was i
ip undercurrent against thoro-nomina
in of Governor Dawes , but it neve :
lumed tangible shape. Well informoc
U TcIins say that if the narno of Goner
M. Thayer , or some other eli
war horse had been sprung at tha tight
vtirao and followed by two or three red' '
iujtopeoches , ho would have boon nonv
'Inn'ted. But General Thayer was no
fjirciont , and with ono exception othoi
' canSidates were fighting shy and nurao
their booinlots under cover. Tht
organized effort was that for Ilanrj
T."plarKo , who seemed to have set it uj
foijtlio Douglas county boys , and exertct
a good deal of peculiar magnetism 01
aomo of the outsiders. Clarke's worker
were being much encouraged by the lie
publican Valley delegations , which won
generally opposed to Dawes and ready ti
vote for anybody to beat him. It wa
confidently assorted just before the con
vention met that over ono hundred vote
were coralled for Clarke , but the tactic
pursued by the governor's floor manager
gave the Clarke boom no chance to ma
terializo. Almost immediately after th
permanent organization was of
iFectcd , a motion to nominal
Dawea by acclamation was pushoi
.through and Clarke's name didn't got o ;
the record oven , except through a hypo
critical explanation from John M , ThurE
t The acclamation speech of his excel
oncy , was a common place affair , an
iomo thought it was a stump speech tha
had douo excellent service on anothc
occasion. The faint applause indicate
that there was cither nothing very origi
ml about it or the crowd was very ur.
The scramble over the lioutcnant-go\
ernorship brought out the Ilamilto
county magpie , better known as Ague c
Ageo. A short horse is soon currioc
i" SAffoo \ was put in his trundle bo
after ono round. His chief supportoi
were Capt. Phillips and the B. & ft
battalion , but they had not consolidate
with the U. P. and failed to connect.
Roggln was put through by acclami
tion , but ho w-is not on hand to "than !
< jed and kiss the baby" by telegraph.
The fight ever the auditorship wi
'fierce ' , furious and boisterous. The di
bate brought the demagogues , politic
trimmers and tinhorn statesmen to tli
front. Grosshans , the llueaio-Gormc
candidate from Clay county was BUJ
.ported by n Scotch Proabyterii
preacher , who made the fur fly as 1
tore nrouud. Walther , the strict
Gir.nan candidate was ably prosonti
by Congressman Weaver ai
Church Howe took a very active hand :
the sciiuimago in support of the claims
the Gorman-Americans in a speech i
full of taffy as an egg is of meat. B
nil efforts to nuintiiin the establish. !
pieceilent , whish concedes to the Go
mans one of the thrco principle places <
tl 3 ticket , were unavailing. Babcook ,
"Villey , who has never indulged iti lag
declared the choice
a : d prelzsls waa
tb convention amidst a gjod deal
u roar.
3harlio Willard , who is pretty EO !
"i Lancaster , carried off the trcasu
j with little exertion , but his spec
, j an unheard novelty , not much ubc
hrhisper. And now came the tug
Jr , in which the ono legged soldii
1.0 hulls all the way from Kearm
/ntniiahed Nels Anderson ,
popular Scandinavian , after dlstanci
Jtca other candidates for the land co
ImisslonorBhip. The defeat of Anders
Ileffcagood many aero spots which v
I-not heal very soon and may cauao def
* to a number of candidates. The Sea
dinavlans ore very bitter , not BO much 1
cause their candidate was beaten I
because ) they were sold out by a troai
1clous politician.
The man who parta hia name in i
middle wna n Htl'o bolter in Bolting uj
his political , plus than the long Lain
from Dough's.
And now came the hand to hnnd'con
flici over the nUoriioy-gonorahhip. Throi
candidates entered the race , with llan
som , of Otoo nearly 100 ahoud cf nil com
pclitora in the first liont , Dilworth boiiij
second and Lceao third. Oi
the second b.illot , nmid tin
mostiutcnno oxcitcmont , chanjea of vote :
vyoro recorded rapidly. Ransom was believed
liovod to bo nominated. Several pirtiei
who kept tally aay ho had 227 votes , bu
the counting machine slaughtered him
and when the next ballot was taken tin
votes of Dilworth were nearly all Hirowi
to Leeso , and llanaom defeated by abou
fifteen majoiitv. The nomination o
Loose was perhaps as much a surprlso t (
himself as anybody , and had ho boci
called up and niudo tlio speech which hi
delivered at this juncture , ho would'n
have had a corporal's guard. The dofoa
of Hansom was only accomplished b' '
pooling the B. & M. with thoU.P. forces
For the first time since Luicoli
has kbecn a town , Lancaster count ;
has gained with Douglaa on one candi
date but the triumph of this railroai
pool with Captain Philips at the head am
Corporal Thurston at the tail , is not onlj
an outrage but also n disgr.\ca to th
party. Thointousodtsliko of Ransom
who has boon n constant opponent ti
railroad politics , does not oven justtf ;
the B. & M. and U. P. in nominating
man for attorney general , who scarce1 ;
knows the difference between a writ o
habeas corpus and a handsaw.
Judfto Ucnoko wna down town yostcrda ,
t'lio fust tinia since ho roccivod bia injury.
John W. Ilonza yostordny resigned hi
place in the i > ostoflice. Kjason , too emul
There will bo a special Roulon of the coun
cil this cycning to transact the business c
last Tuesday night.
Michael Conly , the cxprcas man who live
on Davenport between Ninth and Tenth , hai
the misfortune to break a log on Monda ;
The George A. Cnslor Post will moot thi
evening to dctermiuo what take to
ward attending the G. A. K. reunion nt 3rc
mont next week.
The dwelling of Frank Crow at the stocl
ynrdi was last night burned to the ground ,
The loss sustained or the origin of the hr
could not bo ascertained. *
The slipping of ono of the largobelts fror
the l lt wheel In the generating works of th
Northwestern Light Co. extinguished th
olcctric lights for about fifteen minutes las
The ball nine from Keokuk , duo bore yes
tei-day atlOa. in , did not nrrivo in time t
ploy | yesterday , nnd the Uniou Pacific
amused theiusolYca by playing a game fo
In the pillco court yesterday aftornooi
Jmnos Ferris , proprietor of the Planter
Honso filed a complaint against a man name
Hayward , charging him with defrauding hi
londlord ,
The examination of James Davis , charge
with personating a United Stated rcvenu
officer , took placa before Anderson yesterday
The proof showed bo had obtained 825 t
settle a violation of tha revenue law .from
man at Ponca , named Conncra. The defend
ant was hold in the sum of 31,000 , and in dc
fault of ball was remanded to jail.
The room In the high school in whlcl
Miaa Hill B long nn J BO ably fulfilled the po
sltton of in'tructor will ba presided over b ;
Miss S. A. D.ivie , of Davenport , Iowa. Thi
lady cornea highly recommended to the board
and last year filled a like posltiou In th
bchools of that city. Her election ha ? bee :
tolecraphod her and It is expected aho will b
hero on Monday night.
Kx-Marshal Guthrie wan yesterday after
noon visited by a Bun m' u. Mr. Guthrie 1
looking fairly well , but saoma to chafe unde
his imprisonment. Ho ia hourly expecting
telegram from Lincoln deciding hi * case , bu
none had arrived ntC p. in. yoaterdiy. Sheri
Miller says , unless ho ia notified today of th
reversal of tholdlstrict court in his case , h
will take him to the penitentiary tomorrow
thatbclncr the last ono of the thirty day
given within which to rcmovo him to Lincolr
Tlio Stcnrnbonia OasuH In tlio U. t
Court Finally Disposed.
On yesterday Circuit Olork Frank re
colvod the docroea in the cases of Joh
A. McLsan and Robert JIcNlder , libs
lantu , against the otoamboatB , Nelli
Posk , Gen , Jfoado and Gen Terry an
ether claimants and appellants and Wi
liani SIcHaflie , Etigono H. Curry and I
II. Drumm , intorvonors. Thesa d (
croos are based upon the judgment c
the court rendered several weeks ag <
reversing , Betting aside , an
holding for nought , the decision of di
trict Judge Duudy , and sustaining th :
of Hon. James W. Savage. Two (
those boats the Gen. Meade , and thojGot
oral Terry , have already boon sold , tl
first mentioned ono having gene dow
the river past Omaha the night after tt
decision was learned at Covington in th
state , where they were all tied up a
that time.
This decision of Judge Brewer is fin
in the promises as the claims of the 1
bollants in each case are loss than § 5,00
this being ) the minimum amount upc
which any suit nt law can bo taken to tl
supreme court of the United States.
Test I UK the Bollcro.
The two largo boilers purchased for tl
now court house were yesterday aftornoi
subjected to the crucial test , prcllmina
to their acceptance by the county 001
misaioners. The services of William
Hayes , foreman of the bailer making d
partmont of the U. F. shops , were i
cured to subject them to a hydraulic pn
sure of of 1-10 pounds to the square inc
thiH being equal to a steam pressure
1GO pounds. The test was successful
made and they were accepted by t
county authorities. The boilers will
placed in a house built expressly for tl
purpose near the southwest corner of tl
elegant structure. The roof of this hoi
will be on a level with the surface of t
court liouso yard and will bo sodded 01
and become a part of it. The ontrar
to It will bo from Eighteenth street.
I'llo Tumors.
however large , speedily and painlea
cured without knife , caustic or eal
Send six cents in stamps for pampl
i-1 referoncea and reply. World'a Dlsp
I nary Medical Association. GC3 Main fie f
io J Buffalo , N , Y.
The Version Given lly Him of tin
O/alalln / SliondtiR AlValf.
O(1ALAUA ( , is'KJJ. , Aug. 20.
ttlitor o ! Tin : Dm
As 1 have been given unjust and un n
viable notoriety in the late Koycs shoot
Ing sllYir nt this place , 1 crave a littli
space in your dnily to place myself righ
before the public , and tot-ivo what 1 nti
assured by those who nro cnnversan
with the lamuntablo tragical all'air , tin
true status of it.
The newspaper dispathcs gave U tha
"Lamie , " alias C.try Smith the mat
who was shot and that John Koyos dii
the shooting , all of which was wrong as I
each party natnol in the dinpatchc ;
and how and why nuch i
blundering mistake should have bcoi
made is moro than I can account for
At the time of the shooting the night o
the 10th , 1 , "Lunio" nlias Cnry Smith
was at my house in Republican Oily , nni
John Jvcycs was not , nor had ho boon ii
these parta to the knowledge of any one
Therefore , Mr. Editor , it will bo aooi
that not only not being a party in the fa
tal affray , that I know no moro of its oc
curonco at the time than any other part ;
hundreds of miles away , and while
never have , never do , and never will seol
notoriety in aft'iura of this kind , it is m
less than justice to mo and my friend
that 1 make thn personal statement o
the matter that I hero do.
With regard to the shooting of Wlior
ley by Lank Koyer , allow mo to say this
1 have the following statement from gen
tlomou whoso truth and voracity can b
relied on , as being the true etalus of th
allair. The man Whorloy , deceased
asked Link Koycs for a loan of money
Koyes declined lending him the mone ,
as ho had no more money than ho wautci
for his own immediate uso. Whorley repeated
peatod the request In a mandatory manner
nor the second and third time and belli ;
refused each time , said to Koyos " 1 ar
your enemy from this time on , and 1 wil
either kill you or you will me , " at th
same time having an open kuifo in hi
hand. Koyes thought for a moment am
asked him , "Whorloy do you moan who
you say , " to which Whorloy replied , in i
threatening manner , "I do mean it , " a
which Koyes drew his revolver , believing
ing that Whorloy meant to attack hln
then and there , and shot his antagonist
as would any man who might bo prcpar
ed to defend his lifo against the threat
of an Intending assassin.
Instead of having killed BO coral men
as the presses over the state have give ]
Frank Koyos the name of having done
ho has merely killed his would-bo slayer
and that in self-defense , and upon exam
ination hero last Friday was ncquitte
aud the majority of the publio boliovef
justly , too.
That the public may bo rightly in
formed of this affair and I feel it duo t
mo that the public la BO informed , I as
your widely circulated paper to give thi
statement a place in its columns.
I am sir , very rospoctlully yours ,
( alias , Lamia Smith. )
Ogalalla , Neb. , Aug. 26 , l6ot.
ThoSconory ofVlaskn ,
J. A. Harrison in Llppincott'sifor Soptombo
Wo were greatly favored when wo lei
Sitka Starting off in a raiu In whic
everything lay in muddy eclipse , w
woke up next morning and found oui
solves tracing the outside route to th
Muir glictor in sparkling sunshine
Thuro were no longer the vaulted vapor
of the preceding days , the dense com :
lorpano of nobuloua gray that covore
the whole sky with ita monotony. Th
heavy cloud-banks clung to the mouu
tains , leaving an oxquistt are of sky , al
most Italian in its sunny azure. Noth
ing could bo moro supurb than the deep
dark , velvety tints of the crinkled an
crumpled mountains as they shelved t
the ea and came in contact there -wit !
an edging of foam from the blue Pacific
Hugo jolly fish flapped about in th
clear water , nebular protoplasmic exit
istanco capable appearantly of no othc
functions than sensation , motion an
self-propagation. Some of thorn wor
richly streaked , lout ; tailed , delicate !
margined with comet-like streamers , ioll
frilla and nuclei like a wide open But
flower. Their motion ras so indolent !
grateful that I could not help gazing n
Mt. St. Elias ! Yes , there it was , the
affirmed , on the northeastern horizon ,
vapory , unsubstantial conn , dancing u
and down in the refracting light.
looked and looked , persuading myso ]
that 1 saw the glorious vision 1,500 ! foe
high. Others persuaded themselves e
the samp fact , being naturally ambition
of carrying jjaway remembrances of th
tallest mountain in America. But , afte
all , I fancy that nobody had n vor
strong faith in his discovery , particular !
as the reputed mountain eoomod t
change its place , flit hither and thi the
on the curve of the sky , and finally dii
appear. But yondorl What is thai
Clouds ? Apparently. But look ogait
What , that small speck just on the odg
of the water ? No , higher up up uj
What a aightl Certainly the grande :
view wo have had ypt. A huge , white
snow-tipped back , like a camel's hunij
now loomed apparently right out of tli
water's edge the mighty range c
Mount Fairwoather , Mount Crillo
and eight or ton otlu
domes and peaks , the highest 15OC
feet high , according to the ineueurciiiot
of the United States coast survey. Th
is the finest mountain landscape wo ha\
over soon , not oven excepting the Al |
from Noufchatel. The peaks looked eno
mously high as they shot up behind tl
eoa-odgo , far above the first stratum
cloud which ran along midway of tl
mountain in deep , alato-colorod bolt
How and then the vapor thinned to 11
fineness of tulle and Brpusa gauze , b
hind which the mountain colors loomi
in vague and yet radiant purity. Grad
ally the ardent sun molted away tl
uiiJy atrattcd belts of cloud and t lie ( ; rr
peaks ut'jod out culmly and j.loriou' ;
effulgent in the crystal August air ,
scene of oxq'iicito luvcl'noss and mibliii
ty. At one end u mighty glacier r
down to the p.ea , and nt the oilier tether
other the pigmy mountains ( wo or tin
thousand feet high ) against the white ,
rlpplo of dark velvet against ermine.
For hours wo steamed toward t !
splendid picture , which , while growl
moro and moro distinct , did not appt
to bo any nearer than when wo firat s
it. In the afternoon wo turned to t
right of this range into icy straights , a
soon wo were in the midst of a scene mi
wonderful , perhaps , than that tlirou
which YTO had just passed. On the lig
green water lay literally hundreds of 1
bergs of all shapes and sizes , gome a di
translucent blue , the blue of cobalt , o
era green , others a pure white , eorrat
castellated , crenellated , glittering , fi
the size of a tureen to that of & en
church. Wo soomM on the point of en
tcrinr that ancient palitocrystic tea , o.
which the gcoligisis speak , ice everywhere
whore , our ship cutting its way throttgl
impinging ice. At length wo cast nnchoi
in 83 fathoms of water clnso io tin
gigantic Muir glacier , which foods thea <
icy straits with their wonderful masses o
crystal. Tliij vrns the nemo , thi ) culmi
tinting point of our tour. Before us 1ft }
the stupendous urns of serrated ice ,
from Mi ) to MO feet high , mid severs
mile * wide from shore to shore , bliu
wondrous , inaccessible , moro nncicnl
perhaps than the mountain against whicl
it rested , running utraight into the set
whcro wo were at anchor , every innmcni
enormous fragments breaking oil' ant
rolling down into the water with a re
verbernlion like a clap cf thunder. Fei
houra wo lay there as if spoil-bound bj
this magnificent remnant of glacial ac
lion , moro striking , to our thtnkine
than all the other clacicra wo had pasaoi
and examined through our lenses , evoi
than the U.uidson glaciern or the wonderful
dorful incrustation along the SUckcen.
Trl/.o Drill nt TiouUvlllo.
Lot'iKVU.i.K , Aug. 23. The pri/.o drill n
the exposition [ 'rounds concluded toil.iy b ;
two coinpaniej of llii ) Tro.vUviiy rillea of St
Loufa , Missouri , ntul the ludiniinpulli LRI ! !
infantry , of Indin apolt , Indiana , drilling
The Itrookfield Ouardu , of llrookfiold , Mis
Bovirl , wUhdroxv from the contest drill. Tin
drill \vaj witnessed by fully fiftoou thotmm
people and watery lutcreatliiR. The Ttoad
way rilles put up ono of Iho nu t perfect drill
over BCOU hero or probably ulsuwhoru. The ;
are a line looking body of men and their fii'h
iiunementH were execute J lu a niannor tha
could not bo improved upon. The Indi.uinpu
1U Light infantry presented a hanilsoinu np
penrancu mid dillled in n manner highl ;
credltulilo but not up tti their crack coinputH
or. ' . The roatiU will not bo nnnmnicod tint !
t .morrow , us the judges nro not ro. dy to re
port on it. 1'rizei will bo nwnrdctl tomorrow
The opinion of nx-.soldlera and niiljtivry export
generally is that the Trondway rilles will go
lirat ntouoy , the 1'oiterrilleo , of Nuolivllle , sec
oud , the Montgomery ( treys , of Montgomery
Alabniua , or the IndinnapoliR Light iiif.intn
National haw uiul Order
OIIICAOO , August 28. The national law am
order league began Its minimi meeting to-da ;
nt Lnkolilutr , near Iho city. President C. C
Uonnoy , of Chicngo , reported that Iho organ !
zntion now conshtB of ( Ivo hundred locn
leagues , reproienting a total inombeislii
of sixty thousand. Or. Gooigo II. Foster , c
Milwaukee , mid C. W. Wymati , of Urattlt
bore , Vt. , were among tha speakers at today'
bession. | _ _ , - . _ _ _ _ _
Cyclone nt , AVlnnlpcir.
WiKNU'KO , August 28. A terrible cyclon
pa sed ever this city last night , blowing dow ;
many buildlngi niid stripping roofs from uiai
slvo blocks. I'rovincml owners suffered Ho\eu
ly. D.tinago to the crops heavy. At 1'ortngc
L il'rairio , the CauatJiun 1'acllic slicds wet
razed to the ground. Telegraph Hues in over
direction are prostrnted.
Another Itrokfii Bunk.
AiiniAK , Mich. , August 28. = The Adria
SaviiiKB btuil ; Kus ] > cndod yesterday. Loouiii
the eaahier , siys the trouble WOH ] irociltate |
by the iunblbty of the bank on Monday fu
Slfi.OOO. Something of n run began amen
the small creditors. About S80KXI ( are diiot _
d | ) pitora. Loomia etAlo the assets of the ir
stitution are entirely ndoquai ii to pay ull liabilities
bilitios in full.
Losnox , August 28. Wolscley proposes t
roach Dongola with the Gordon relief eiped
lion by November Boventh. lie declares h
confldonco of being nblo to nocomplis
thia programme ) without difficulty. Thoi
nro only BX cataracts to piws , where , na in tl
Ked river expedition of 1870 ho carried dri
boata ever 40 planoa. T
I lo 1)1) in ! antl Miirdcroa.
OIIATTANOOOA , Aug. 28. Tuojday nieht
I > os9o of man caught the man who n she :
time iiqo bad robbed doe Davis nt Gleuniar ;
of a thoiiB.tnd dollniH , shot , him raid placed h
body on the railroad wh ro it wfts _ liorribl
maDglod. It was discovered by accident t
day how the man mot his f to.
Vnnllln.Tjcninii.Ornnici * , rtclnvnrCnUc
< 'rviini , l > iiililliiii > , .t.'o.ii < dcllcnlely mill nil
ill-ally in ( liurrnlt IVoni ivhlcli ( licyiireiiiuil
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. 6t. Loulo , Mi
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pov/dei
Dr. Price's Lupulin ycnst'Gcini
Halt Dry Ilot > Yeuil.
arora 0 .1.13 D-X
I'roposnlH lor Dlntrlct I'nvliiir llond
CiryTiiKAiiuniM'HOmcB , I
Omaba , Nob. , August 20th , IKil. )
HeaMcrnpowliwIlllii ) receive. ! at thU nfllco u
til AUKUit 3lth ( , 1831 , at 12 noon , ( or tlio imrchmu
'll.COOol District I'ailnifllaiuU ( if Iho City ol On
lia Halil bonds are ilatoj Hoptcmbcr 1st , 1831 , a
ami will bo duo In mietwotirc ) < j and fourjcara lr <
date , an equal amount liecoiuliiK duo each } uar : i
In Burrs of ono ttinuHarul dollaru oai , and lioar Int
cat Iron tlulr lUte nt tlio rate ot tU per centum i >
annum , pa\afelo annually. The | nlnclpal and lull
eat am both payable at tlio olllco ol Kountzo llron.
hulil bond ) are iseuoil under the charter power
ealil city , and Hill bo delivered to purchxicrr , on pi
moat thcrelor nt thu City Ticauury In Oinuba ,
UopUinb rUt,1881.
lllil ) will bo addroiKdl to the under > lnc ) < l a
marked "I'roposaU for District 1'avlni ; Honda , " a
niuslstito tlio { till name mid oddreis ol tha bldd
tlio amount ol ld bonds dodred ( an equal amoi
duo In ono , two , three and ( our yearn ) auJ the pri
proposed to bo paid ,
Iho tight la reamed to reject any and all bldt.
TituuIK UUCK ,
City Treasurer
, - - - -
itooknrs'le. OorresDondenoe lol'dt '
All persona holding stock In the Missouri and
traski Coalcomiiany are notified that at a meet
held by the ttockboldirs ot said company on th
d y ol January , 1881. an MMssment ul 26 per c
on each time was laid on all stock , In acoordai
with article 18 ol the ly.lawsol a.ld company ,
Omaha , Aogiut 18,1884 ,
ftug 18-1M V. M. OUSTIN , Presided
, . . ,
OOVl-llWt !
I'ntll offlfos tire repaired horn rcsu'l ol fire , ollloo
WithHr. 1'Atkcr , llootuS , Crdl ton Dlock 16th ami
Duoclns 8t . I ! " .
The Loading Agricultural ana Llvo Stocli
JilUnal of the Wont ,
20 Pages { "EKNTIMKAU i go Coluuius
UONMIOIIT. W. KUUSAS , Secretary 8t to IJoan
of ARrlcultuio , ABXoclato IMitor.
SUDSCltUTIO.V I'HICi ; 1.CO perjcirliimhaiico
1HH 1 ui , , - , . . 0\UU. , S'lt
15th & Dodge Streets ,
On thh Met for turRfttnn , ami If you wish a lot In an ;
liartof Omaha Want to rent n homo have Jou
liouao rented bU3' a house poll the ono > ou ha\o-
wunt your | xiicra made tltlo looko I up , and any
thlnu relatlnir to Heal Katato , RO and sra
No. 218 11,700 IIoii9o of fl\o roomi ou hall ol
E4PO at time of rule , and 725 i > or month.
No. 206 52,000 1 ncro ami I room bilck house i
Tark Tlaco , cash.
No. 225-l,650 Hou'o of six room * on lot 65x160
Park 1'Iaoo , on easy termj , ? ! iOO , nnd ? 20 per month
No. ? 20-l,500-IIouso and lot In llonery Hill
Qooil cistern and well. Olio-half each and time
221 f2SOO Oood alx room hoimo on eorncr hal
lot , ono block from 13th street , south of U 1 * . depot
llran now Sold on easy terms.
217 31,800 House of 4 rooms on full lot , Conk
ttrcot. Qood well , cistern and walks. Halt caul
and timo.
197 SI.OOO HOUM of two rooms all lot , He
gan's addition. Ono half cash ,
SO $1 ,800 Houio of four rooms on full lot , on 16tl
street , eoath Omalin , one half cash.
62 $1,800 llouno of tlio rooms on full lot In Pit
kcr'a addition , ono block north of { 20,000 scboo
house , south front , irood Hell , cistern , bo. , and a boi
ialn on easy terms.
70 37,000 Corner lot II V , Smith's addition , tw
good dwellings , south and cast front , on car Hue
cheap and on easy terms.
40 (4,000 Lota 13 and 14 , comer Farnam rtrool
and near court house , tno K ° od dwellings on lol
but Is buslners property. A jrroat bargain.
And Iotn of bargains all o\cr town. Call at offic
and examine our lltt for improved property-
And In all flrst-cUis Insldo ddltlons , nnd If wo fate
to find a lot to suit jou , out of our oxleuslvo lia
th'.Mi Omaha dee not contain ono.
Omaha VIew lit on the toiil to the bfirraeks , ailil
that pint south of L. II Williams' residence. Wo sc
ota from ? )00 to $310 , $10 or moro down at time
ole and monthly payments. $200 down audowl
lid you a homo on the lot.
Hawthorne Is west of the Illph School ono mil
nd wo nro Belling lots ono third do n and month
pnyiocnU. Tldu addition Is graded nml lots are $3 !
to $000 each. Now Is the time to buy , w Into prlo
are low nnl terms cftHy.
Tabor 1'laoa Is on 1'arnam street nnd Ii n choli
addition , with only twclvo lot * left , and they are t
e.t irood lots as there are In Uo addition , Prices Jl'
and 8550.
Lots on Sherman avcnno , easb and west frjnt
One-half block In WUoox's addition , cheap and ca.
jTDon't fall to call for bargains at the clllco ,
Cor. 15th and Dodge Streets.
New Attactnncnl !
Warranted 5 Years
fJ2H. HthBtreet. Oanha ,
I. W.
. . , . , ,
Physician & Surgeo :
( Formerly of Mercy Hospital , Chicago. )
Norvoua IHnoancH and Diaonaoa of the Kyo u :
Kur n HjiijcluRy.
/ITOlllco-Odd FtlhwH * Illook , N. W. oonior 14
and Dodge streets , Omaha , Neb. Olllco bourn 10
12 a. in , 2 to 4 and 7 to H p. in. Han.laju . 10 to 12
m. All calla promptly attended.
' ThisuiC rled ] Kxtract ol Malt Is a rolrcth !
nourishing Table Ilevcrago ; n plcablng , wlioleac
and ln > lgoratlnir Tonloj a remedial Ilevcrago , ate
InK tno constitution tj overcome the various we
oniiig and wasting maladies , aud building U |
healthy body galu ,
" The " Beveras
roit NUUSINQ iioTinus. :
jHTOniale at Kutm&Co. , Bohroter & Bocht ,
I'arr , M. U , 1'owell , U. Halt , Jl.imrod & Co.
Trade supplied by David Nlohohon , IS and
North flth elreet , Ht , Loul Mo .
/trnpcclAln win roaltlvalynot ba luaorlsd
ttnlean paid in advance.
rONKT TO T.OAN In siimi of $330. md npvMd
1 > 1 0. r. U.MU tnl Oo. , KtM feUit knii rc
nif. 1505 Ftrakm ! U. 891-11
"XA 'ANTUTno 5001 mills irukcrs.V. . U. lti\r
Jin , Council 11 nfl.i .It
\\rAM UD-A RooJ Rltl ftt 1711 t n lviSt ,
M929p !
\\T.\STBD-A lurbcr Ikt3l5ii > ulii 12th Ht.
? 1 643-C3p
IX ANTKD A competent rlrl for RcncrM homework
work In ntmillfmlty. . Apply attcrp m.ftl
N. F. coMicrSJInni ! Chlax-n. tir 20p
AATANTKP Uliiliig roam n < l humlrf eltli ntonci
T I Rt lift ) I'linuin St. ( loivl W.IKOH jmlil. ISO S'l
\ \ 7ANTKDDlnlnRroomKltl 1017 Canltol MO.
\ > 1,51 89n
- . dvlllornl.x St.
pa a Di8-i
" \\rANTKl ) linmrilliitoly , n < to 0 room lioutonloi
) ) loav.lon. ono withbttn iircfoircil. Al'iily Whlti
Ho\\lnK ni clihio ollljo : 111 noitli UMi St. fi3-a ! ) |
AA/ANTKD trtly So lmr maclilno operation
> onco. Ai | | > lyto Whtto KcwIiiR Miulilnoolllcc
riU > :9p
" \A7ANTKD A uocxl ritj eainawor fttoci-c. AnpV
White Honing > I , chlno nlllco. 643-2)p
"l"\7AXTKt TwoRootlliojH ikliout16cnMolil , In
11 ipilto itt llcottUco mall loam liet con the hoiu
o ( 0 anil 11 o'clock a , in. 611.
\\7ANIIH ) A cooilplrla RoticrM helper In kltct
\ > on tlviKliito 'tilt on table nt the Arw.l .
Hotel , ISI
\\7ANTii-llrl : for Roncrnl houso-work , nk S21
\ > Doiulas St , iiivir loiTcnon , f 63-10
-TAily cltrknt Jutnlioa' lOJOtoro 001
lOlhnnJ U-.uenrtoitli , Apply at oncu.
A\TAN"nD ; Toiliitor nml uliohos for grocery Inn
II nevi. AuMrod "Stotl " Dcontllao.
" \\7ANTK1) ( Miupctcnt a lst ntliianplllooynim
inanullhlic-it of rolorcnccn , nml city niiiualn
tauco. Atlilrcm "Merchant" llco olllco. B1U-27
AA7ANTG1) ) liiiinpjlatoly , tno cooit cornlco men
Tliiso. lIuotttfiHon , Fremont Kob.
Vy ANTKD Kipcrlonccd illnliiK room ulrl. lien
II olnge3. . Itoaton rcitauraut , 1114 Don 'laaBI
ANTKD-Clrl for cntrnl liousoork. . liiiiulr
at 107 south lUli St. Kl-tO
" \\TAN"riU > Asents to nitiiaiu ino Dell Pat'ii
II Weather ttrlpg. AiWrcss or call on Goo. W
llcll , 1120 llanicy street , Omaha , Nob. f.SO-lmp
AAfANTUD A competent Klrl for concrnl
> I work. Incpilro at 823 South ' . 'Oth Htrcet , bet
Lravcnworth nml Mason. Hov. T. O. Hall , D33-SS ;
) A oullK Oo-nian pattnor or ROOI
WANTIC1) Adilrcsj" ! ! . U'lleo olllco. 632-2 ? ;
\A7ANTKO A llatbor , 7UO aoutli 10th strecl
> V 631-gp lit.OU ) ,
AAJANTKll A chance for n you to K't
I \ ( -ooil paylni ; ettuatlou at 421 bo. Kill ttri t ,
TANTii : ) Dlahnuhcr and Dinliiif room Rlr !
> V 1U1S llarnty. 487 tf
TA7ANTKD A K"0il stout hotHofordellu-rj wager
V ) Address "A. " Iko clllco , utating prlco an
w hero can b euon. 434-tlJ
\\TAKTED-Hopt. 1st , a nmn to ilclvo Jelnor
T i wnK'im anil work nliiiut Uommlcelon ) OUBI
Must bo n goccl ealrrman , ctt\o ami not aftalil i
work , liiBhortSa ' 'll\o lean. " Aildroao "A. " UD
olllco. 4S5-U
WANTED A tlrat-claas dining room Rlrl nt tl :
Occidental Hotel , corner 10th nnd Howard.
WANTK1) At I'lemont , Neb , ono good butcln
ami two Hhop tomlors , diirlni ; the ro-iiiilon. A
ply > t once to MU11U1B & IKKHhNKIU
40J-SO City Mr at lltrkct.
WANTI'.D Dljtrlct managers to represent ua
ototy cuunty In Nobraatn nnd Woiturn Ion
Inducements extraordinary $50 weekly . 1' . F. Ci
llor , 67 UixiKor IJIock. 404 SO
" \\7ANTKD \ situation by n liulv na coo't In a p
Tl > ntu family. Addrcca "ii 13" JJco olllco.
1ANTKD Situation , a competent lioolc-kce ]
I > ile'lrcH situation , llei-t of referonco. Ail.lrt .
" \V. \ A. " Cnri ; lluo ollloi. fD4 I0i |
A17"ANTEI ) 1'osltloii by nn experienced etor
' ( 'rnplicr. lie isnlao familiar nith tyro write
Address "W. " leo ! olfioo. 621-2S
\\7ANir.D A JOUIIB nmn nltho
II lrr.\fliii ta'osmin. Uentn' I'lirnUliun ; Uou
or ( Jrocers epeclaltles preferred. Kourjimii'oxpi
IOIICD. l'nt ! tdoronco. " . Ooiul salary expected. A
ilicEH "I < , "curo 1)00 ctri'o. 403 28j ;
All/'AJJlKU / Kltnatloo by Ural-class bro d and ca
Vi biker. Aduruos llll.hoin Valley Hctuo , Ouial
? mntilodinttn antfl Bltuation u ucx
Aiouiij , In nholosalo tatabllshuiunt In Oinal
Addrcai " 0. " care IJeo. SOB-tl
WANTED To rent , bv : Bcptombor 1C , u sin
housu or rooms for lUht hcmokecpliii , ' , c <
veiilcnt to IKKolllco. ! AddronH. UKaollleo. t
.Small family wantn a lioiiHi ) of about 6 roor
A Inn Kood neighborhood. 1'artlcn vtlahliii ;
prompt rurnamont and careful tenant. Aclor
n'.tb location and lowest rent , "Tenant" llco olll
612-28 ]
. _ . : t > Nlcopleasant room with board In |
\ato family by yomiK gontlcnmn. licbt of i
oronoca given. Address "J. IJ.1I. " lloo olllco
60J2S ]
\7ANTK1) The anUalntinco | , a lady not mtr
it oompoteiit to teach volco culti
and pUno. Mint bop utalily uooU looking. Addr
"Mtulclan" flee olllco. KU-H\ \
Vl/'ANTKI ) llooin-mato pleasant , conionlal ; n
IT ( 'cntlciniiiily by young man , thrco liiooVa Ir
! st oltlcu. Mcaroom. Adilroui "J. II , M. " I
olllcu. fill. ' .
A wlilow of11 will rnrruspoinl ulth a worthy K
t Ionian. O jjuct matrimony , Addrruu "II II I
Iko olllco , 400 U ]
\V ANTHD To oschauiio , a flno rctiMcnco 1
11 ( Inilde ) , 2 } lilocks from btrui't earn , for a con
Int , paying Ulllorcnco In value. Win. I'Jemlni ; 1
and DoiiKlan. 430-30
ANTKD Tnonr tbroo furnlaheil rniiini , r
W vcnl ntly lucatod , for ll | < htlionf > ckeeplnir. ,
dress , fctitli g tunnu , "A. H. " l.'eo ollluo. J22-23
TlfANTKD-l'aitncr witli (30) cash. I'rnfUa
V T city business. I' . O. Ilex 702. 421-261
" \ Tl7'ANTEIl.f)00 on real estate security.
Vl ilroaa"ll."No. 6. lloooir . 3701
WANTEI2,000 on flret-clasj city Buciirlty.fc
years , at 0 per cent. Address Uox 020 I'c
olllcu 700-1
WANTED lioiril for gentleman , wlfo acd I
small ( 'lrla , wltbln unsyriacli of thu biibln
portion of tnu city , llond accommodations dtsli
nr whichngooilprloo will bo paid , Address ' "
Itoom No. D , poslolllco uulldliiK , 401-2
ton KKHT--Uocum kca Late
Foil HUNT A larco two story IIO'IEO for re
dwelling npfctaiHand agood runnliitt groo
Htor licluJt.ttock and llxturcs lor Bale It wont
lniulro at the itoio 1814 1'lerco Ht. near IDIh Bt.
031-20 ,
FOll HUNT Six room lumso In uood repair nn
btteet car lino. Imiulro at grocery touthi
coiner Uth and turning Ht. 65V-
17 ) Il HUNT Two ( urnlfclicd rooma three blc
J' from Post otllcc , 1010 Divenpoit streets , 612
TT10H IIIJMT Ccttoifu live rooms and clos < In , 1
_ lcnwortb ? , near ! 23d street , Inqulru til'J so
Ulth Btreet , de
TT OU IlKNT-Ilol room , with or ultiii
I' ( iiintshcd front parlor adjoining , 1714 Call 01
btreeU 6'JS t
of three rooms.
| Ulro 1223 Noilh lUtli Direct. MB-SC
I TTiOIl UKNT-Nloa kulto ( uru.hed | rooma 40rt
1 ? llthttlett , (35-j :
ton HKNT MCOII furnulioit orun uinltmodro
without hoard 1814 Daveniioit Ht. IflMi
701t IlKNl'-Nlccly furnished liont room Hulti
lor two Kcntleuicii , 10iS Dodge Ht , 60i
1011 HUNT Kurnlsbod ronnm , wltli or will
FjF board , ut 1721 Uouglaa street. 403-2.
OH 11ENT I'uriitehcd south Iront room
F '
Kurimm street. 401
fTlOll lUNT-Houso B. K. cor. 10th and 1'aclOo
I * flu'Ati WlinlAn r.n < oo.i
Foil HUNT Nicely lurnUhed Iront room , 710
street , mar Webalur. tci
FOHHKNT-A cottage 4 rooms , 10th itreet ,
16 a block south ol Milton llogera. U , Let , Or\onworth. 4 ?
FOn nr.NT Twofiirnlshul rooms for light rjoti o
kccpliiu"lccmcr'i ) Dlockncor. 8th and Howtnl.
for next , d\ys to $3 from | 10 heretofore.
irion ltK > JT Two roomi , $8,00Aixnil $ J.OO pet
JL1 month. 1014 Webster street , 42MI
11KNT Kitrnlchcd rooms nnd baard , 2112
. . _
J"J OH IIKN'T A brick cottiRO. Inquire at ( leo. II.
' l'ct r an' 10th at. , near ilc | et. _ 332.11
IflOll UKMT Houio ol 10 rMms th modern Im-
1 provemonts. Hcdlord , Soucr , to David. 322-tf
Ij > ( ) llllNNT A largo second floor and basement.
tmiulro 1113 Harner street too tl
JJiOIl 11ENT Nlcoly lurulshcj ( rent room IBIS
' Dchlgo ttrcot. _ 110-t (
( poll UKNT-Ono ol Iho flnoitreVidonpos In thn clljr
11 room , furiiaoo , hot ami raid cold water Mth *
water clrnots , grMccto. . K\cntliln ? first ol
throughout. (70.00 per month , llirkcr & Majnc ,
ISthand Frnnni. 112 U
IpOH IlKNT HOUM 5 room ? ( texxl repair. Nlo
1 yard , cistern water. Unit $20 per month Hit
1'nrk Wlldo nvo. Apply to Jno. W. Bell , DnieRlrt ,
th Si. 185-tf
1J > 0 HKNT-Atwo story Iritno building
X1 ( orliUilntM. I.irgo collar , upstairs sulShlo lor
rctldcnee. Innulro on premises , corner 20th and
IMorco Ht. oss-tr
71011 IlU'TT-runilshcil rooms with bc-iinl , 1812.
L1 DoJgo. 015-lmp
I poll IlKNT T\vo nurnlshcd south Iront rooma ,
1 22-2 N. I Oth St. 670-
InOUHRNT Six rocm cottage , fine location , hy 8.
1 T. Peterson , S. K. cor. 16th nnd Douglas. 617-tt
. . . HUNT lloonu In Cruunso'a Illook. O. It
llltchoock. 613-tf
FOR HUNT Ono grand tquaro piano. Inquire
ofKdholm and Krlokson. 440-tl
TtOll IlKNT Ono teed ; six ro m house ? 2i. rr mo.
i'P.M. Hitchcock. Wo
FOll 8A1.K 10 gooJ dairy cows , Apply to a C.
Ihrnno , Kth and Jackton St. 657-SOp
I poll SAMI A Confottlonory , Cigar and Tobacco *
1 store la n good location. Itciion lor wlllne | m-
Itig hick to the ulil eauitrjr. Address "U" N. K.
cor. 10th nmlVcbstcr tticetn. 627-2p
1TIOII SMi-Cho : ; lilotH , ? , ' > rjO down , nnd { 5.00 jxir
' month , assisting worthy persons to bulM nlco-
little liomea. U. U. 1'attcrson & Co , cor. 13th nndU
Fnrnam. t37-tf
SAI.r. CllKAl' Contents ot an eight loom
171011 . Am lcn\lng the city , luquira ct J.
llonner , 1315 and Douglas. 631-30
71011 HAI.K-Stnall hoiuo and half lot , Kim street.
1 ii uHlioimMicmic , eolith ot Dr. Chamber * ' .
uiulro eg nrfiiiUoi. 633-Pp
FOll HAI.K-I'nibcr shop , 4 ctnlra 30 south llth
street , Innulro nt 103 or 110 north llth at. U.
Jurall. 613-2SP
[ 7 < 01l ISAtjB Cigar , tobacco , confectionary ( ton
J wltluU ( uriiUliou roomi nttaehod. 1'rlco I(00
A bargain. Apply to H. Mnnnwcller , S07 8. llth at ,
171011 1'ino ulJo b r buggy cheap at O. D
V Tlmjcr'a 476 tl
Foil H.U.i : Cheap , furniture lor 0 room hoim.
nnd house lor rent. Furniture complete nnd
nearly now , IIOUKO rents for 625 per month , possostlon
gl > en on or bcloro Hept Hth. Addroa ] " 0. U. " cam
lice olllco. i70-30i >
FOIt SAt.K For SI.OOO. tot 63 , rontAlnluir half
an nro. Only four blocks from north end of 18th-
street railway. Tcrmtcasy. luqulro ol Dr. J. 1L
1'oabody , HU7 Jones street , 471-30
8AIB A bnkory doing a gooil buslno s In o.
thriving town , flood rronon lor soiling. For In-
( ormatlon , eeo "J. C. Cl. Steam biker ? , 20th and
Hurt stroola Omaha.
FOll BAI.K 200ocrciol land. UO acres Improved.
32ncrra hay , 8 acres hog putuio,7 acres culti
vated timber , 3 acres natur a timber , Oocil sprlnir
water goodhouso and other lmpro\cmonU. will b
sold \oryeaey terms , II sold soon. For other In
formation Inquire personally or by mall otVm. . Clalr ,
Forest City , Harpy County , Neb , 454-ltn ,
ITMJK Hi\lK Orrcnt , nn old oitAbllinod groeo-
l ? ry , hoots , shoes and queensnaro bualncnn lor tnle )
or to rent , In ono ol the liekt towns In Nctiraeka.
Goods and bulldlcga are new lluslncs * o\ur 310,000
perjcar. I ftlshtorotlroonnooouutol oldage. Ad-
droas ( Irocory DoMcr , cats Boo. 457-B
FOIl SAI.K Or will exchange lor light , single open-
wagon , n two horne oovcrod wagon In good order ,
lultablo for vegcUlilo , milk or grocery delivery.
Win. Fleming & Oo , HOI Douglas street. 433-30
171011 SAtK Waoftcr fornalo-
JD 160 Choice 3-ycar old IVodlng Stdnrs.
160 Choice old Feeding btecra.
100 Yearling Steers.
Abio nil good lonn Cattle
8-lm SioHX City , Iowa.
FOIl BAI.K Ono billiard nnd ono pool table. In-
quire &t the Merchant's Kxchaugo , N. K. corner
Dodge nnd 10th etri'Ct. 405-2 | > -
FOIl SAM ; Two nnd one-half ncrcs nnd houao In
good location , only $1.050 ] Horn U n ohanoe to
oblnm nhomo at a bargain McOAOUK ,
245-tf Opp. P. O.
I7U111 HAM : Flour Mill cheap , on caey tcnnaot
paj mont , favorably located , wltbln fifty miles ol
this city. Cloo.1 opening. Address 1' . 0. Cox 8418 ;
St. Paul Minn. 07.1m-
I71011 SALE At a gro t bargain , the Scott rod
dcnco property. Just cast ol 1'ratt's In Ilansoom.
I'laco , Tlilslaa\ory ileslrablo7 room cottogo and
will bo Bold at a eacriUoo. 11AIUCER & MAYNU.
712-tf 13th and Farnam.
I01tHAIK A choice dairy and ntocK larm of BOO
1 acres , 200 acres under cultivation , 2i miles horn.
HlUcr Crook , Neb. , on U , P. Hallway. Uood house ,
cj cam and Ice houses , barue , corrals , eta , or dairy-
Inn and Block ralufng. Land Is well watoied and all
choice grass nndrazlnK" ( and , with plenty ol ran
adjoining. For Halo cheap. Totter & Cobb ,
Karnam Btrsct. 671-tf
17011 HALK-KnK'Incs now and second hand 10 h. p.
' 15 h. p. anil VO h. p. portable and ntatlonary ; aluo
boUcrd of any slza and stylo. Jlichard & Clarke. U. 1 *
U. Y , bet. 17th and ISth Sti. Omaha. WO-tl
1011 HAIjb A minting nfllco suitable lor a emal
newspaper ; or Job ollloo. Will boll ( or oaah or ex
change lor Omaha City property. Addroaj/ . Z. Q"
lee olllcu. * 408-tf
TT OH BATK Two Booond hand pltnos , at Kdholtn
J ? & Erlckson'a llnslo Store ou 10th lit. bW-tl
171011 HAI.K Two open aoaoul-naud bugglKi aud
X1 ono dollvery wagon , choip , at 1811) ) llirnoy B ) .
HATi-A : clean stock of Hardware In Central
Nebraska. Address "A , 11. " JJco Publishing Co. ,
Omaha , Kelt. 08Mm
HAIjB I-oaviiiK on account ol 111 health
house , barn , fow.enca nnd 2 lota. Ainu two goo'
residence lota Apply T. U. 1'arfltt , Qaa olllco , 13tli
and Farnam. 880.1m
F 1011 BALK 10 deslrablo bulldluK lota , lor trade
orcadu Callat A. Ubspoa UlODodgoSt.
STnAYKD-rromroyherd Atigiut Sd'h , ten Teias
ponies and mules. Information regarding their
whcroaboutaulllbo reward nt this olllco. a. W.
Hhlpley. E66 ' 'ftp
rilAKI'.N Ul' August 10th , one rod anil white cow
.1. and white cull. Aldo on the 18th one medium
Blicd sorrel mare with suchiiig bolt , and ono Binill
bjymaro. Cyrus Jlortoii , Went of bounty Farm.
A certain Kentlci'ian , nhoao namu U withheld , will
do m nklndiiofatoccanfyour constant watch-
In and following ol ar , as 1 nui nun led woman. I
hold n hand ol friendship and respect lor ) ou.but no
moro tilnce a midnight conversation was overheard
between jou and two others , I am well assured jou.
hold uo good heart toward mhuiband. .
Omaha , Aug. 27th , 1BS1. MH8. BATTEW.
E17'i7p !
" THAYii : ) Medium elzeil white cow , wlthoome
red on neck ; blind ononoeve ; rope around horru *
ekln I nro r ii uhonldcra. Howard 111 bo paid for her
return to l&thand Cunter. John Meyer. CI8-28i >
LOST In ttreet car , package containing order
bocks and acoociiM. I'lndor will bo rewarded it
I uckxu U taken to U. 1) . Thayer'a olllco , Oth ttrcct.
rpOI.KSI5inucro8 ol Ian ) , leiicod Jar cardcu
J. purpoai ( , thrco intlesH.V. . cl 1' . O. lunulru K P
I'Cbdlku , 013 S. HthBtictt. MZ-tt
WIMofl rat a birgatn ( or 10 d B oiilyr. Au
oaai front r Idonco lot In a dot liable looalltr.
con > cnlt'iit to Btreet car. Addrosa 1' , O. Uox 806.
GNU I'lUCK Furniture Btoro , IBth utrcot , bttwcci
Hurt ana Ciioilng 473 aop
Foil KXCHANQK , LAND-flJOncrcK unimproved
land In eastern Nebraska , tultablo lor brock farm
to exchange ( or stock , ol grocerlm or general mer
chandise. Addrcag 'H. lloiolllou. 4IMia
nn KEN Ul' A brown oow.T or 8 years old. Owner
X can hnv e same by calling on Olikrlca Berthola
Ouinlng Htreot , O'Noll'g Plaoa , and paying charge * .
Wi 6t-lowp
UlllUY hM . water.
TU good pasturing. Spring
860. tl
I)1UVY raulti , links and oeupooli cleaned wltbj.
all sanitary cleaner. Batltfactlon euarintood by p.
t" 0. Abel , ( tucocNot to to J , U. Smith , ) box 878.