Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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SUIU'LUS MAY 1 , 1SS1 . 20,000
II. Wj YATE3 , | A. K. TOU7.ALIN ,
President. Vloo President. ;
( Kent K. lUydcu , Assistant ana Acting C shlcr ,
The Iron Bank ,
INTBUKST nllowod on tlmo deposits upon
f avoraUo toruia and upon acwunta of bnuka
nnd bankers.
Vouda nud County nnd City noeurltloa bought
nnd cold.
In its treatment of customers the est Hby
era ! policy is pursued consistent with s.ifetu-
nud Bound banking , mid wo invite corresponcs
cnco or personal inquiry ? iu connection there
NEW Yonn , August 27 , Money Kasyj
1 } 2 ; closed at li.
Prime Mercantile paper 6i@OJ ,
Sterling bills. 4 83j ; demand 1 85. } .
Governments Continue strong.
Ilailways I'irmcr.
Stocks Barely steady at the opening ,
soon becaino weak or lower on account of un
favorable reports concerning Trunk lines nnd
coal combinations. Lackawannn was attacked
with great severity nnd forced down to 109 { .
The decline outside of Lacknwnunn rnnjred
from J to 1 } per cent. Before 11 o'clock the
temper of speculation changed for the better ,
an advance being brought about by peed buy
ing for long account ranges J to 3J. In final
transactions there was a reaction of J to Ijj
per cent , due to realization. The market left
elf firm , nnd compared with last night the
closing prices nio J to Igc higher , except
Louisville it Nashville , which is } jc lower.
J1 * < J.UU 3
< 4'ii Coupons. . . .
TJ. S. now , 4V. . .
SwJfio & R of ' 95. 125
American Express . . . 00
Bar ) . , Cedar Rapids & Northern . Co
Central Pacific . ! ! }
Oblcngo & Alton . 13U
do do pfd . . 1-15
Oh ! . , Burl. & Quincy . 121 ?
Brie . Ifil
do pfd . . . 35j |
Fort Wayuafe Chicago . 130
Haunibn ! & St. Jcwph . 3SJ
do do do pfd . . * 88j
Illlnold Central . 121
Ind , , Bloom. & Western . . 15 ] ?
Knuoai & Texas . 19j
La'se Shore & Michigan So . S2g
Michigan Central. . . . „ ( IS
Mlnnoapollu & St. Louis . . Hi
do do do pfd . 32
Ml.inouil Pacific . . 92i
Northern Pacific . . 214
do do pfd . „ . HO ?
Njrthweatorn . . 10UJ
do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 i
Now York Central . 10r i
Ohio & Mississippi . 23 ;
do do pfd . . 65
Foorln , Bocatur & 1 * vanavlllo . . 15 |
KocJt Island . 115J
Chicago , Mllwaukeo & St. Panl . Sl |
do do do pfd . llli
Qt. Paul Miur. . & Manitoba . 9li
Bt. Pnuia Omaha . 3."i }
do do pfd . 07
Coins Pacific . . 13 }
Union Pacific- . . 51
nbaoh , St. U & Pacific . 0 ?
do do do pfd. . . . l.r > t
Weatera TTcJnn T lorrnpi . Cli
Aakod.ffixdividend. .
CliiCAGOAug , 27. Flour Modeia'o dom-
mand ; winter , old , ! fiO@5 25 ; new.1 2D@G 00.
Spring 3 75@4 50 ; Minnesota bakers' 3 15@
4 7rr.
Wheat Kegular No. 2 winter strong nnd
higher , trading uctho ; early advanced $ @ 'j ,
declined i@g , rallied -j , closed Z@l higher
than ye-.terd.iy : 77 ! ) ! i cash , 7K ! ) 7'l [ ' Aw-
pist ; 7'JJC'SO September ; Slg@81-f October ;
S3) ) @ : H November ; Slj ! December ; No. 3
bpiing 01OC ; No. 2 red 82 } .
Corn Opened Ihmj J4 hiRhor , declined
NovemCer13j ; , May ; ! ! , rejected.
O.ifa Aethi ; iiiid higher ; ySj&L'SjJ , cah ;
23. } , Augiibt25.irij ; } : ; , September ; tili , Oc
Kyo Good demand ; 5i. (
IJ.irley Steady ; ( i2 ( ( ! 24.
Timothy Active ; prime , 133@131 ; high
grade , 1 85 ; choice , 1 37J.
lfja\ Seed Firm ; 1 31.
1'ork-Quir-t nnd firm ; lAuprast 27 50 ; September -
tember 1 ! ) 00 ; October , 18 00 ; the year , 12 0
© ' 1280.
Lard 1'airly active and a ulmdo higher ;
cash and August and September , 7 17i@
7 fi ( ) ; October , 7 57i@ 7 CO.
Dull : Meats In fair demand ; shoulders ,
= 7 OOfe ? 25 ; short clear ribi , 10 SO ; short clear
sides , 10 85 ( 10 00.
IJutter In good demand ; creamery , 20@
21 : dairy lCin7. ( !
Kggs Dull ; 114. ! !
Cheese Sluggish ; full cream cheddars ,
OJffllO ; skimmed choddera 2 ( i 7.
Tallow ModeiaVily active and unchanged ,
Hides Steady ; groan Baited , bull , Gt ; damaged -
aged CJ ; light SJ ; heavy 8 ; calf 12@12J.
Iteceljitu nud Bhipmeiits
jtCctcolpU , Bhlp'ta.
Floar , hbla 18,000 'fi.OOO
Whuat , hushol 2 J7.000 122,000
Oorti , buahole -lls.OOO 211,000
Oatu , bufhols 217,000 il'J.OOO
Rye , buaholH ! < 8,0001,000
B&rlay. buabold 22,000 NOOO
AlTEUNOON JiOAitl ) . Wheat SoiitPinbi-r ,
nnd November io higher , October nnd Decem
ber 80 higher.
Corn August 2 ° 'higher ; September and
October jo higher ; November Jo higher.
Oats August jio higher ; September
hii'ber ; October4e higher.
I'ork AugiiBt nnd the year unchanged.
l.fml August and September UJo hlKher ;
October EC higher.
NKW YORK , August 27 Wheat Spot
l(2ill ( higher ; optioiis opened i3 stronger ;
rallied 1@1 ? ; closing near outside rnti-s ;
receipts , 2'JOOiJ ( ) bushels ; export * , 121,000
bushels. No , 2 Chicago , SOJ ; ungraded red ,
75&D5 ; No. a red , h7 : No. 2 red , 8ytf928 ;
No. 2 red , crop In field , 91J < a,92 mixed winter ,
84October ( closing at 93.
Corn Spot , hold higher : options Jfl ! let
ter ; closing htniopj H-cclptH , 10,000
exports , 50 bushels ; ungraded , 59gC3J ; Octo-
Oats } C 1 lilphtr , moderately ncthe ; r i
cclpts , 19/.700 bifhels ; export' . 30 busheln ;
rni\cd w * tcni3lfi'35 ; white , 35(5112. (
Kggs Western fresh , ea > y nml dull ; 17 "
174.I'ork -Du'I ' and unsettled ; now mess , 18 CO.
Lard 1'iriii ; wontpru steam spot , 7 90
© 500.
IJutter Demand fair and linn
TOLKDO , August 27 ; Whent Opened eaiy
nnd after advanced ; No. 2 red , cash nnd Au-
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 cash & &i bid ,
O.Ui Opened p < i y nnd after advanced ! No
2Ica h , August and September , 2t > J.
J.ivnnrootAugu t 27. Uread'tuff * dull.
Whrnt AloriMiKiuity : winter , 7s@8 3d :
spiing , ( ! s lid4' Id.
Corn-Ss Ctl.
MILWAUKEE , Anpint 27. Wheat Higher ;
No , 2 nud August. 79Js September , 7l'iOc- ' ;
tbber , MV : No\oinlier. ! ? .
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , f > 3 > ' .
Oats Sc.-mv wanti'd ; No. 2 whtto , 3J.
Kyi Dull : No. 1 , Mj.Vi ( ; No. ' . ' , new , f > 2.
B.v oy Inirtuo ; No. 2 pring nnd Sop-
trinbei , iiuinlnal nt ( > ' . ' ; October wanted nt
NEW ORMUNS , August 27. Corn Fair
demand ; mixed , 70.
0uts Western , quiet ; choice , 30.30J.
Corn Dull and lower , 275.
I'ork Scarce but ( inn ; lower ! 18 7f > .
Lnnl- Steady ; tierce refined , 8i ; keg , 8J' .
Whisky Finn ; We tern rectiOcd , 1 00/ ( >
BALTlMonE , August 27. yhcat \ \ estorn
higher ; eo. ing firm ; No. 2 xvinter red spot ,
Corn Western No offering. No. bids.
Oats Finn nnd neti\o ; western wlu'to , 32
31 : mixed , J'J@32. !
Kyo-Qulot nnd i-.xsy ; 6C@oS.
Ivcgs Finn nt ll'o.
Whisky Steady at 1 IB.
CINCINNATI , August 27. Wheat
Kssli-r ; No. 2 ted quoted nt 80@81.
Corn Steady nnd in fnir demand ; No. 2
mixed DljC'o i.
Barley In good drmand ; oxtrn No. 3 fall ,
' "
"i'ork-Quiet nnd firm at IS C0@19 OD.
Lard Stronger , at 7 75.
Uulk Monts Stronger ; chuuluoia , OJ ; fhort
ribi. 10J.
Whisky-Steady nt 1 07.
Rye Ijntot ; No. 2 , 51@55.
Eggs Firm nnd unchanged.
KANSAS crrr.
KANSAS CITY , August 27. Wheat Strong
er ; 02J fur cash ; C2i bid for September ; ( Jig bid
for October.
Corn Firnv.lli for cash11J ; bid fur Sep
tember ; 37 bid for October.
Oats Dull ; nominal : 2 ( bid.
BT. LOUIS rnonucE.
ST. Louis , August 27. Flour Un
Wheat Active ; an-1 higher No. L'lred ljfr
812 ; cash , S'2@S2J August ; S2J082S Septemb
er ; SIgffiSIS ( October ; 6G@H3 ! November ,
Corn Ulgher and slow ; -1SJ@1D | for cash
IS for September ; IS @l7i for October ;
ing outside prices.
Oats Fitmor ; SGJ for c-vlij 201 for Au
gust ; 25jQf2dJ for September ; 2i@20i ( for
Kyo-Quiet ; 51.
Barley Nothing doing.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 20(121 ( ; dairy ,
Eggs-Steady ; 12@12J.
Flaxsewl-Steady : 1 21) ) .
H.vy-Quiet ; prairie , 700@000 ; timothy ,
11 00@13 f,0.
Bran Firmer : 02.
Corn Meal Steady : 2 50.
Whisky Steady ; 1 07.
Provisions Dull and price unchanged.
I'orkHigher ; 1C GO for August ; 2.J 50 for
September : 12 'Jj the year.
Lard Firmer ; 7 474 f ° r September ; 7 07i
for October.
CALL BOARD Wheat Strong and higher ;
S2 ( J3 for September ; 8J@85 ! for October ;
SUJ for Noember. .
Corn Dull and firm 47 } for October.
Oats Nothing done.
CHICAGO , August 27. The Drovers' Journal
reports :
Hogs Kc'ceipts , 12,000 ; brisk on good
i-iades and ICcbighor ; rough p.ickhig , 5 5 , " @
1505 ; packing and shipping , 0 10@C 03 ; light ,
5 75 ( ti 50 ; skips , I C3510. ( .
Cattle licccipts G,4CO ; brisk and firm ;
exports ; ( J 5'J@7 00 ; common to choice
shipping25@G ! CO : inferior to good COWP , 2 20
@ 3 'M ; Btockcrs and feeders , 3 L0@ I CO ; range
cattle firm ; Wyoming , 1 83.
Sheep lleceipts , 2,100 ; steady ; inferior to
fair , 2 Ofl@3 00 per cwt ; medmmlo extra ,
; 500@100 ; lambs , per head , 100@a50.
Drovers .Tournal's special Liverpool cable
reports market steady. Demand generally
weaV ; be-.t Americans steers ] 5a per ib dead
weight ; best eheep IGc.
St Louis , August 2" . Oattlo
1,100 ; iitmer for natives but slow for
nominally ( i 23l0 CO ; common to choice ship
ping , 1 50G 20.
Sheep Receipts 1,800 ; fair to choice
mutton ? , 2 50 ( < ? 3.7j ; lambs 2 20 ( 1 00.
Hogs Receipts , -1,000 ; slow and unsnttlod ;
Yorkers , G lfi@ 23 : packing , 0 15@G 33 ;
butchers' to extra G 10f'"G 70.
KANSAS UITV , Augt t 27. C.ittle lie-
ceipts 2,800 ; strong ; natives , 1 80@G 30.
Hogs Kecoiptc , 7,000 ; weak and shade
lower ; 5 ! )0f ) 3 30 : natuui 3 23.
Sheep lieceipts , N 3 ; steady , natives 3 C5.
op TUB 0 4H B a. Z
Wednesday Evening August 27 , 1
The following prices nru charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesalers and commission merchant -
chant ? with the exception of grain , wliich in
quoted at the priced u aiihod 'ay hoos\atora !
nnd other local buyers :
urain ,
Wheat Caih No. 2 , GOSGOjc.
Barley Cash No. 2 , 4S@50c ,
Kyo Oaah , No. 3. < 23.
Corn No , 2 , 3@38J5.
Oate-No. 2. 2J@21J. ' .
Irtru StoclE.
Hoas 5 25 5 75 ,
BHKP 3 003501
OAtvza 3 00g7 ( 00. V ,
Woo ,
Light fine l-m\7\
Heavy fine 10@13.
Medium 14 17.
Coario 10@13.
Burry 2 to DC elf |
? Ht ady ; green butchers , 5J@Gj green saltod.
7i@ ! dry Hint , 12@12jdry salt 10@llj damaged -
aged hides , two-thirds price , i . 1
T. llow-5J&Gc.
Slieep roltf-23c@l 00.
FIniir > iil MIIlRtitfTa.
WINTER WHE.W Best quality , .patent , nt
SKCOND QUALITV 2 85r23 00.
Srui.NO WHEAT Ui-stqiwJity , pit'-ul , 3 00 ©
315.SKCOND QoALT-2l B@27 5 ,
BHAN GJa per cwt.
Clloi'l'Kl ) FBEfPpr 100 Ibi. , 80ft ,
COHN MKAL 1 00@1 10 per owl , ,
SCIIKENINU G5@75o per cwt.
General I'rodnco.
ArrMM Choice , well iiacked stock , S2 7C@
3 25 per bbl. Crab.Applea , slow nt 78 cts. jer
BEANS Receipt ? light and demand good ,
BMI ! picked navy , per bu , 82 CO ; medium ,
200 225.
BEMWAX In ROO J demand , Choice blight
per Ib , 2G23c ; common to good dorlc per Ib ,
BITTKII Unchanged ; demand good , mainly
for the bettor gradfw. Choice table ,
Htato ,
, . . . . , . . . . _ . , , _ ndnn c "
la , R5o , Crnb apple , pnr gal , JWc ,
OHEEHE Fnll cream , wontorn , 11 j WU
oonsln now 12 ; young American 12s)13c. (
1'aos Itoceljits c < iual to demand , Prices
firm 13c.
Vodtniy Kuuira California oranaoa , per
box , 5 CO , Mofulna lemo na , per box
G M. linnacas , per bunch , (5 ( 4 00
Kifts , Ib. , ICc. Dates , In frailn , 7icj dbtea
ard , lu boioa IWe
OAXIB Vnlrlo chickens nro now In so'V'son
but after the fir < t few days tlem > ud haojlet uji
con idi ral > ! o nnd they are now * low < ale at
S2 PQt'.T < 0 per do/ : snipe , per do * . , SI OM
Hny-B&lod , ? S.OO@0.00 ! looio , * 7.00
000.JKLLY In 20 and 30 Ib tialln , G7Jj In 2 Ib
Mf , per doz , ? 1 50 ; MoNo tambloti ) ,
dot , SI 20 : schooncra , per doron , $3 00.
MAFLB ScaAn 1'uro. In bricks , per Ib , IGc ,
Ohio , 13o : small cnkei , 12Jc.
SUALL FRCITS Blue bortipin \ 12 qtc.
Si 00. Blaoklcrrles per St-jtcMO , S3 2 ? @
SI 00. Wild p'unu , y l Ji.ll 00.
I'fnvf- ' .
UAiawtiNiA FitriTs IVnrc , M-lb. lioxeit.
SI 0 ; 1'onchrs , 2d.lbl > exp < . $ ; 00 : 1'luni' , 20-
Ib boxes , SJ 23. Grapes pi-r crate ( I bo\ci
ONIONS Chotcp per bbl. S2 50.
1'orcoUN- good domnnd nt 2@2\c per Ib.
l'ofi.TUY Ri-coipU heavy nnd prices lower.
prliig cbicki-uf , S200&F225 ; old chlckiMu ,
1'iiovisios-t Ham , t.'cj B. Bacon , 13o : IX
S. Sides lli : C. S. Bacon , 12J : Shudders ,
SJ : Jloss IVrk , $20 00 ; Lard , l10c. )
Drr cooat.
Bnow.s bliKETiNOi Atmntto A , 74c ; Atlftn
Ho I' , Go ; Atlnntlo IiTij fiic ; Brunswick , "lc ;
Beaver Dam LL , Glc ; Lnwrouco IjL. 5ifc ; Pncl.
flo H , 7Vc ; Royal Standard , So ; Indian Head
A , Be ; Wnuchujntt A , 7 o.
FINE BuowN SIIKKTINOS Argyle , 7ic ; Pop-
poroll R , 7c ; Salisbury R. Gic.
BLBACIIKD COTTONS -Ballon 4-1 , Gio ; Ba ,
Ion 7-S , 5Jo Cumberland 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD
Sic ; Fairmonnt , 4Jcj Fruit of the Loom 4-
.ia : Glory oftho West , SJc G old on ; Onto , 8 ?
Hill 7-8. Scj Hill 4-4 , Po ; Lonsdalo Sic ; Now
York Mills , lljc ; Wamauttn , lOJo.
DfCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 bz , , HJo : Bos
ton. 10 oz. , , MJc ; Boston , ! ) oz. , 1 lc ; Fnll Rlv-
- ( ) - Point , 8 oz. , lie ;
West Point , 10 oz , , lie ; Point Bear , 8 oz. ,
He.TiOKiNoa Amoskoag , Ho ; Cootlnantal
Fancy , OJc ; OsrdU , lO t ; ? OM' ' 7har , x4c ;
York , 12jc ; ilnmloton Awnings. 12JO.
DB.NIMS Amoskoag , 14c ; Boavot Crook
AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ;
Beaver Creek CO. 10 : Haymakers
8c ; Jaifroy D & T. 12fc ; Jnffroy XXX. 12Jc ;
Pearl River , 13c ; Wnrron AXA ( brown ) ,
12c ; Wnrren BB ( brown ) , Ho ; Warren CO
( brown ) , lOo.
OAMH1HC3 Fifth nvnnuo glova finish , fie ;
Koystouo glove finish , 5Jc.
CoiWKT JP.ANS Amory , 71c ; Hancock , 8c ;
Ko.vsayer , SJc ; Rockport , 7p
PRINTS AiIons-SJcjAmeric-ui Fc ; Arnolds ;
Go ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 1 1 ; Indigo , 74o
Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-1 , 12ic ; cheap gala
41c : Charter Oak , 4jc.
PHINTB SIIIBTINOS Amorlo a,6c : Cochooo
Co ; Gloucustor,5cSouthbrldgc : 4Ic ; Wnvorlys ,
4Jc : Roscdnlo , 4Jc.
GiNaiiAiia jVmoskong staples SJc : Bates
staples , 8ic : Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnkot
plnlda , 9c ; Hudson checks , Sic ; Amoakoog
Persians , 9i < x
Diuzsa Goons Atlantic nlpaccn , DJo ; Per-
slano c.whmor , 23Jc ; Ilnmloton caalimoro
c ; Hnmlotou Fnncus , Hie ; Hamleton bro
es , 15c ; Arlington brocnue , 18c ,
Groccr-a Jjlot.
GANNETT GOODS Oysters ( Standordpcr ) case ,
3 DO ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 20
raspberries , 2 It ) , per caso. 2 70 ; Bartlett
pearo , per CASO , G SO ; whortleberries , par caeo ,
3 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per cnso , 2 90 ; green
Stages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pica npploo , 2 Ib
par owe , 4 805 50.
ROPJC Sisal J inch nnd larger , 9c , S Inch ,
9Jc ; 1 Inch , lOc ,
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Iba , 16n , 14c ; 8a , 14o :
boxes 40 Ibs , 1C oz. , fa , 1-1 c ,
MATCHES Per caddie , S5o ; round , eaaoa ,
2 55 ; square caoos , 1 70.
SDOAR3 Powdered , 8 c ; cut loaf , 8lo ;
; ranuatod , 7Jo ; confoctlonera" A , 7e ; Stand-
wd extra C , GJc ; extra C , GJc ; medium yel
low. 5 c ; dark yellow , o.
OorrEES Ordinary grades , 12 < ai2Jo ; fair 18
@ 13to ; good , 14c ; prirno , 15@15ic ; choice
lG@17c ; fancygroou nndyellowlG@lGloold ;
government Java , 20@26c ; Loverinp's roasted.
17c : Arbucklo's roahted , 15Jc ; McLaughlluV
XXXX roasted , 15Jc ; mltatlon Java , 16J
C&liki ; Clsrk'd Aurora , I } c.
Bin -Lrfmi8iiuia pritna to choice , 7@7ioj
fair 81cJntmn , GJc.
PISH No. 1 mackerel hilfbrla. , 7 C0 ( No.
L 5 ; family mackora i. kits , COc ; No. 1
white Ceh , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 95.
Siarp Standard Com. S2c , bola ; Standard
do , li gallon kega 1 So ; Standard do , 4 gallon
keys 1 fiO.
SODA In 1ft papers , S 30 per CMC ; keg per Ib ,
PlOKtea Medium , In barrels , 8 0j ! do
in half barm's , 4 50 ; smiill , In barrels , 9 00 ; do
In half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkin In barrels , 10 00 ;
do In half hnrroln. B 50.
TEAE Gunpowds. , good , 45@55o ; choice GO
® 75c ; good Impotla1 , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c
Younfl UVHUII , good , 3650c ; choice.
C5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , G0@7fic ; Oolong , good,3540o ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souobong , goad , S5@40o ;
choicQ , 35@45c.
WOODENWABB Two hoop pr.Ha , 185 ;
threa hoop nails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckots. 3 5.
SOAFB Kirk'B Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
eatlnot , 3 GO ; Kirk's Ktandnrd , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , C 25 ; KUk s eutoca , 2 15 ;
Klrk'a ' Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; KIrlc'o
magnolia , doz.
POIABH Pennsylvania canu , 4 case , In cnso ,
3 Si ; Babbitt's ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. In cane , 1 50 ,
CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; slick , lie ; twist
stick lO c
VINEQAU New Vorfe apple 16o ; Ohio ap
ple , 13o.
SALT Dray lends , par bbl , 170 ; Ash ton , ( u
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5a , 3 30.
STABOH Pearl , 4Jc : Silver Gloai , 8c ; Cora
Starch , 80 ; Kuelaior Gloss 7 ; Corn , 7io.
SPIOEB topper , 17o ; Spice , lEo ; clovoa ,
25o ; cassia 15o.
LTE American , 3 40j G-oonv/lch , 3 40
Western , 2 75 ; North Star 2 00 ; Lswla' lye
4 05 : Jewell lye ,2T5 ,
Ptuo TODAOOO Oltmax10c ; Bullion 4fio ;
Horseshoe , 43tar ! , 47c ; Jatldy , 45o ; Her.
eoy's , 40o ; Black , 38@40c.
FIKS Ctrr Common. 20@30oj good , 45@
GOc ; Rose Loaf , 70c ; Premium , 65o ; Diamond
Crown , 55c ; Sweet SIxteen , 50o.
SMOKING O. S. , 22o ; Moorschanm , SOo ; Dnr
ham , 8 oz , , 55o ; Durham , 4 oz , . 57o ; Durhair
2 or , , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , C5c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; O. K Durham , 4
oz. , 28c ; O. K. Diithnm , 2 oz. , S0o | Uuclo
Nod , i'u 25o ; Tom and Jerry , 23o ,
AtCOIlOIr-188 proof alcohol , 2 10 per wlno
gallon uxtra Cahfonda spirits , IKS proof ,
110 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirit )
187 proof , 114 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstillod
whletdoa 100@1 W ) ; line blended , 1 G0@2 50 ;
Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 0Ko)7 ) 00.
BUANDIES Imported , G 00(310 ( 00) ) domoatlo
1 40@4 00.
GIKB Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domoatio , 140
@ 8 00.
RCTMB Imported , 4 60@G 00 ; Now England ,
2 00@1 00 ; domosttu , 1 50@3 50.
CHAMPAGNES Imported nor case , 28 00 ©
31 00 ; American , per auto , 12 OOJ516 00 ,
I'alnto Olio nnd Vnrniohoa.
Olts 110 carbon , per ga'lon , 12o ; 150 °
headlight , pnr etallon , 12Jc ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , ISc ; 150 ° water white llj ; iln
AW , Mf WUA.W , tyw UMOIAJI , ttO , IfCI Kill
Ion , 1 GO ; No. 3,1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 00
uponn W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; lialiV. . B. ,
nergallon , OS ; noattifoot extra , ] > ur ( 'nllon , 90o ;
No , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ;
itunmer , 15c ; golden machluo , No , 1 , per nal-
Ion , 85c ; No. 2 , 28c ; uporro , ilgnal , per gallon
80cj tnrpontlno , per gallon , 48c ; uaptha 74 °
per calloo , IGc.
PAINTU IN OIL White Ioa-1 , Omaha P. P , ,
6c | white load , St. Louis , pure , Glc ; Marseille *
green 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20c ; French zmo , green
teal , 12c ] French rlno , red seal , He ; French
lino. In varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc. In nil
aflat , ICe ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown.
ISc ; lefiuod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGo : Prussian
blue , 40 * ; oltramarino blue , 18c ; chrome green
L , M , & I ) , . IGo ; blind and ohutter green , li
M. & D. , IGc ; Parii green , 18o : Indian red ,
15o ; Vonotlan rod , V Tuscan rod , 22c : Aintrl.
can Vennllllon , I. & P. , 18ci yellow oehro 'Jc
L. M , , O , &D , 0 , , ISc ; yellow oolirs , 9 : |
golden ochre , IGo , patent dryar , 8 : ;
colon , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chiHtnnt
Mid * ah ICe ,
iota , S8e@42o ; hemlock Bolo23ciSfict (
hemlock kl SOo to 1 OOjninnor GTiflto 80o |
homlc tk wdf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o
to 24 : ; onk. tipiwr. 2lc ; alligator. 4 00 to 5 W ) ;
calf hid , 32@ir > ; Grol en JJci. 2 uO to 2 75 ; oak
kip , fOe to 1 00 : oak cult , 1 20 to 1 30 : French
kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ! French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nw-
dots , fiWto 75Cj littiRB , CCO to 8 50 top
pings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , SOo to 35o ,
pobbloO. 1) . Morocco SRc : ulninn , 2 50f.3 CO
HAUMSS.No. . 1 star oak , 37c ; No. 2 : C > c- ;
S5ct No. 1 Ohio oak , die ; INO. a uo , l o | No ,
I Milwaukee 84o : No 2 do 8Sc ,
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , 87o ; No. B Pitts nnk
Uar , 860.
Dncas ANH CiiKMicAta Add. Carbolic , fiOo
acid , tartarle , 55o ; balsam capabln , per lib ,
G5cbark8.viiatra8 ; ! , per Ib. 12c : calotnol , peril )
75c ; clnobonidla , t > or oz , , fO.G. ) ; chloroform.
per Ib. , ? 1 10 ; Dovora powder , per _ Ib. , 81,23 ;
oiwom saltfl , per Ib. , 8Jo ; glycerine , pure , per
Ib. , 28c ; load acetate , i > or Ib. , 22c ; oil , castor ,
No 1 per gal. , 81.55 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per
gal. , § 1.10 ; oil , olive , j > or gal. , $1.40 ; oil orl-
gnnum , 50o ; opium , $1.50 ; nulnluo , P. k W ;
and R. k S. . per oz. , 81.40 ; potaxslnm , .
Iodines ] > or Ib. , ? 1,50 ; Ballcln , per oz. , 40c ; nrl.
phatoo ! morphlno , per o ? . , S3.50J milnhur
flour , per Ib. . 4c ; strychnine , per oz. , 81,35.
Drr 1'nluu.
White load , 8c ; French tine , 10c ; P ls
whiting , 2Jc ; whiting Rildora , IJci whiting
com'l lie ; lampblack , Gormautoxvn , 1-lc ;
UwMsinCK. : ruin.iry.lOc : Prussian blue , ECc ;
unti rc rin 18c ; vnndyko , bra\rr , Sc : vimbrr ,
burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4o ; flonn , buiut , 4o ;
nlonnn , rv , 4c ; Paris grocn , R i v 13 , 25cj
Pails K'oon. common , 20ochromo : RTecu N.Y. ,
SCo ; chtoino green , K. , l2oi vor7 < > "J , Lug. ,
7Cc ; vonnlllloiu Aracrlonn , ISc ; Indian , rod ,
lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Vonotlan rod , Cookson's ,
2c ; Vonotlan rod , American , IJc ; rod load ,
7jo ; chromo yellow , gonuluo , 20o : chrome yel
low , K , , 12cochro ; rocliollo , 3cochro. ; Froncli ,
2fc ; ochre , Amorlcnn , 2o : Winter's mineral ,
2jc ; lolJgh brown , 2JCJ 8panl h brown , 240 ;
Princo'B mineral , Sc ,
VAnNlSHKS Barrels , po. * Rnllon : Furnl
turn , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , til coach ,
extra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damnr
extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70ansrhixltum ; , extra , 85o ;
ahollnc , $3 50 : hard oil finish 81 50.
HortTT HnrilTTAro List.
Iron , rntoa , 2 50 ; plow stool apodal oaat , Go
crucible , 7o ; spoclal or Gorman , f > c ; cant too ;
do , 15@20 : wagon spokes , not , 2 25(313 ( 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; foHooa sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
ouch , 70@85c ; axled each , 75e ; square nuta per
Ib , 7@llc ; xvashora or Ib , 8@18o ; rivets , per
Ib , He ; ooll chain , per Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 80
Iron xvoilgoa. Go ; crowbara , Gc ; harrow tooth
lc ; spring tool , 7@8o ; Bnrdon'a horaohoos 4 70
Burden's mnloahoos 6 70.
BABBED WIBB In cat lots , 4 per ICO ,
NAUB Rates , 10 to GO , 2 65.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , koga , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
qnr.rlur kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , koga , S 35 ; fuse ,
per 100 foot We.
LSAD Bar , 1 65.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
ria run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltobroast lump ;
6 00 ; Whltobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00
Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rook Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
cite , 11 25@ll.50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , 'per ton
Wo quota lumber , ata ani ahlng c j on oara
at Omaha at the following prices :
Jomr AND SOANTLINQ 16 tt nnd under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TiMDEna 16 foot and tmdor , 22 00.
TIMDEB AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 2G 50 ; 24 ft , 26 60.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
SnEBnna No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK BOABD3 A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FLOOBINQ No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 85 00 ; No.
3 , 2500
SWING , clear 27 00 ; 2 25 00 ; No. S ,
CEILING : X , 87 00 ; 8 , 25
BHINQLKS , best I 50 ; standard , 3 50.
LATH 3 25 per M.
Lius Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 35c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa piaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
oar bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 Ita , 3 CO ; utraw
board 8 BO ,
LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , graw , 100 Ib. 3 75
@ 4 00 ; ehoop , live , 2 00@2 CO ; dressed 5 00 ©
G 00 ; hogs , live , (5 ( 50@G 75 ; dressed 7 60@8 5U.
Hides. Dry Flint , lli@12o. ; green 4@5o.
ijreon calf 8@10 : ; bhoopskins , dry , 8@10c.
Tallow. 5@Gc.
Wool. Colorado 13@Mc. ; Colorado heavy ,
ll@12c ; Now Mexican 710o.
1'Lonn Colorado. 100 Ibs , 1 85@2 15 ; pat
ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 85@3 15 ; Grahnm , 100 Iba ,
2 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 25@2 45 ; buckwheat , 100
Iba , 10 00@10 50 , bran , ton , 12 00@13 00 ; corn
monl. 100 Iba. 1 45@1 75.
GUAIN Wheat , 100 Iba , 1 10 ; corn , In
sacks 100 Ibs , 1 1C@1 20 ; oats , 100 Iba , 1 SO
© 1 35 ; barloy. 100 Iba , 1 30@1 35.
IlAV-Balod , upland. 10 00@15 00 ; bottom
tom 10 00@11 00 ; straw.19 OOfail 00.
BniTKn Finest , 2'J@30o ; Nebraska dairy
14@15o ; common , 68c.
KGOH Fresh , 18@l'Jc ; ranch , doz , fresh
K Full cream , 12@13c ; Llmburgor ,
18cj Smss , Imported , 32o.
POULTIIY Live , chickens old , doz,5 BO@G 00 ;
spring chickens , 3 50@1 50 ; drotsod Ib,1920c.
POTATOES 100 Iba , now , 2 00@2 25.
VKaETABLES Onions , now , 100 Ibn , 2 00@
2 25 ; cnbbago , now , 100 Ibo , 1 00 ; MOW
boots , 150.
FIIDITB Lemons , choice M oselna , G 00 ®
! ! 50 ; iipploi , bbl1 , 755 50 ; poaclies per
loxl 75@ 2 25 ; watermelons , per doz , 4 00
@ 5 00 ; pears , per box , 350 ; pluniB , per box ,
1 50 : blackbcrrios.por 21 qt. case 5 00 ; Cali
fornia grapen , 2 75@3 00.
MKATH Hnma , Ib , 15@lGs ; bacon , break
fast , llf@llo ! ; lard , in three , Ib , 10o } ;
dry salt Nldoa , 'J4@10c.
FIHII Mackerel , No.l , 1 50 , kit , moss ,
I 752 25 ; California nalmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
Holland herring , ktur , 1 00(31 ( 75 ; trout , per
Ib. 1718o
T. 0. CAllLIBLE ,
. , - - - .
OEjnil (01 ( Circulars. "
. " "
t , Hiion. : | nu . C'liliinli ,
I'lliii , Kpllcimv , liniiiitinij ,
Dumli Aicil" 1'iulap-lK I'lill.ilc. Only K li-nllf''i I.I ) i >
III' Ik-lllll Mn'Ti'.i tlmt HMilntll liilrltlty : ami Inlil.-
em tlirouwti UK hod ) , uitil cuii burt-clmr tdln un 111-
' nt.
SI.OOO Would Hot Buw It.
Winter Is coming' , tlm rcaann ot the year tor aches
anil lulnu ICM low ot tlilo fact , wo H y , buy ( inu of
Doctor llorno'd Kloctrlo Delta , by Bodoliif ( , jtiti Hill
avoid Ilhuninatisin , Klilnuv trniiblva anil otlur Ilia
that Hull la liolr too. Do not clclav , but ( .all at our
olllco , ami examlnu the bulls , 1122 DouglaH Ht. , Oma
ha Nob.
WTKnr ulft at O. K. Uoodnuo't Dra Btoro * 1110
trntmHt ,0miii ,
Ordi.r Uliucl C. O I )
raSummer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country of WOODH AND LAKKH , 200 miles west
> 1'M I'aul. Tnrou traluu dally oil tlio N 1' . H. It. ,
wlthSOWay KxoutBloa , Tlckotn at about one-hall
An elegant liouao with awninmoiUtlortj , , ii ZOO
< ueetn , tl. R. COLBURN , Proprlotor.
riTnnxu run cmouuiiuiviNu J-UJ.L I-AK/IUULAIW.
10H Webster Street.
0n | September let , A llmltoJ number of nuplli
roulvid , TCIWH $9.09 , W.CO ami fig.CO per ton
( , aug 2J.2IU
Railway Time Table ,
lllKlICCt AtlRIHt ITtll , 1SSI.
The attention ol the tfuolllntf pulillo l CAltad to
ll.o lict that till * I * the only complete ami absolutely -
ly correct tlme-taWo puhlinhotl In ilio city.
All traim arrho at and ilepatt from Omaha on
CetitMl SlAiiiUnl Time , which It 14 minutes fitter
than tun tlmo.
t Kxccpt Saturday , Kxccpt Sunday , t Kiccpt Mon
From TJnlini iMutllo Depot ; Tenth St
I , 1 * . U. n. , MAIN LINK.
MAVB 1 xni
MMlnm\' \ : 0 > tn AtlanticKtp 7f : a
raciao K > II. . .b:2A : pm Mall and Kip.,4co : n
MM * . I . . _ AMI\V
Lincoln Kip. . . 12:6i"ii : > m | Lincoln K\p. . 12t6 : p m
Lonve Omaha : 8:40 : , 8.00,9.00,10:00,11:16 : : m. , 1:00 : ,
! :00 : , a-00 , * : oo , 6:00 : , 8.00 , 10S5 : n m. On RuntUyt :
fl. o,0oo. : 11:15 : , m ; 1:00,3 : DO , 6,00. 8 00,10.8& 11 m
Anho ttmni for iloi > ot 13 mlnntcn btcrj lro ! Jw y
drpot.Counrll llHiffit , SO mtuutcg IMcr ,
l \o Council HKiffK , Hronhny ilpivt. 7:50 , RSO : ,
B.SO , lflJO : , 11:10 : i.m. ; 1:30 : , SSO : , 8:30 , 4:80,6U)0e.S : ) ( ,
11:06i.m : ( On 8umU:7:20 : : , B.SO , llUOn. m.-lW : ! ,
3.SO , 4:30 : , 8:36,11:05 : : I'm. Atllvo kt Ti n ( of 7 rain'
utoi later.
I/e ve Connell Illufft Tr nnfrr ilepoll 7J6 : , 6B7 ; ,
0:37,10:37,11:17 : : : m ; 1:37 : , .37 , 3:37 : , 4:40 : , & : S7 , 8:45 : ,
11:16 : p. m. Attlro Omnnik 13 mlnutea Ifttcr.
rasa. No. S . . . . .8:16 : m TOM. No. 61.,0:45 : a m
" a .R6S n m 11 8..11:16 : a m
11 (3 10.05 a m 1 16..1S5i : m
" t 4ss : pm " g 7:86 p m
11 8 flo : pm " l-.8:16i ) m
" 10 fl:66 : urn
urnHal v.
M1330U1U 1'ACIFIO ,
MAT * . I L _ .
Mall * 10.38am Omaha K < p..Bi0 tn
St. liOUlg Kip..8:35 : pm Mall * 8.10 p m
s. o. A r. K u. .
MAVI. * .
St. P 'Kip. . 0:45 : m
Mill. . , , 7i35 11 m
ttalliv .
o. , n. i * r. H
Io MolnoiAoo'.R:40ara : Riprem ) 0:15 : k m
Mall' 8:15 : a m I DoATolnes Aca'.8:50p : m
. . . . . . . ! ! pmlltall' , 7:35 p m
0. AN \v 11 if
Mall * 8:15am : Rirrcgat 0:45 : km
4:2RnmMaU : | > 7:36 : um
0M. k St. 1H. . B.
UallfcKx * 8:15km : Paclflo Kipt. . . . 0:4Jkm :
Atlantic Kit. - . .4:26 : ! in I Ualt ft Kin * 7:35 : p m
DiirliiR AuKU t , Satimlay e\tvnln ( { nml Suiiihy
Inornliitrains ) 111 ilop irt Iroin Onmh i for J'lilnirii ( ,
uiitl Siiiul.ts conln ' ami Moniuy morning trains \ \ 111
nrrl\uii8 Iullow :
Suml ly inornltij ; tmlns " 111 lea\o mul SunJiy u\cn-
hi ) ; trains iitrhc.
A\'ilit ! | 17lli , \ il Hock lilanil.
August 10 nml ill , \ l.i. tliu MII\\.iuki < k St. I'.ml
SitunlAj cvcnlni ; trains will K.MU :
Au Usr 2 nml 23. % U tin ) Huck Nlaml.
Auuu-t 10 , tli. tnoMtlnuivru .Ht 1'itul.
ArrUoln tliOKimu onler the Monil.iy fullimlni ; .
C. II. & < J. trains run ucrv the u i-i-k.
0. , 1) fe < J U. II. > la Council lllufla. )
Itall . 8:16 : a m I Kiproea . 5:45 : a m
Express . 4:28 : p m I Mall . 7:35 : p m
( Note. ) Tlio 0:00 : am anil 6:00 : pm Jummv trains also
connect with cnst-bournl tralua on the llock-ldlaml ,
llutllDK'ton. North'Woxtcrn anil Mllwaukro roadg.
Cannon Ilall . I:00'pm : I Cannon Ball . 8:60 : p m
E. 0. , BT. JOE k O. \taCcmnclI llluffa. )
Mail „ 0:00 : m EiprcsH ) 7:60 : am
Exprosst 8:65 : . . p m Mall 7 6 pm
- - - - - > f
? .u. >
From B. & M.Uopot ; Tenth Street ,
Omaha. . . . 0:10 : pm 7:60 : am 7:00 : pm 10:05 : am
AshUnJ. . . 8:27 : pm 10:03 : am 1:62 : pm 8:12 : am
f.lnoolii. . . 10:00 : pm 12:00 : m 3:60 : inn 7:26 : am
Crete . 11:17 : pm 12D40pm : 2:41 : pm 8:0-1 : am
HaqtliiRg. . 5:15 : am 4:16 : pm 11:55 : am 10:50 : pm
Uoil Cloud. 8:00 : am 8:03 : pin 10.25am 8:26 : pm
ItcCook. . . 10:55 : am B15 ; pm 0:15 : am 4:10 : pin
Akron. . . . 3:45 : pm 2:10 : am 12:60 : am 11:06 : am
Center. . . . 7:26 : pm 0:15 : am 8:25 : pm ET:00 : am
Lv. Omaha at 7:60 : , and 8:46 : a in ; 4:50,0:10,7:45 : : : p m
Ar. Omaha 10:26,8:40 : : ami 10.05 a m ; 7:00,7:30 : : p m
O. n. & Q. I'lattnmouth. )
KoMorn Kip..8:45 : n m I OmahaKxp 8:10a : m
Chicago Exi 4:50 : p m 1 Wubtcrn Kip..7:30 : p m
| K. O. , ST. J. & C. ( riaUainnnth. ) ]
L8AVB. Aiiurvs.
Mall 8:45 : a m . .0:26 : &
Kiprosst 7:46 : p m , 7:30 : p
From O. St. P. M. &o ! Depot , 14tli anil
AVoliBtor StroctH.
0. , St. 1' . If. k 0.
LHAVI. * | Aujiivi.
No 2 I'ooscnKcr..8M : ! am I No S Klxoil 10:30 k m
NolMUod SMpm : | No I raBsonRer. 6:30 : p m
Bunua\a Kxcnntod.
Oponinft ana oiouinjr or Malia.
a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.
o 6N. w.c.n.i.r. ' , ft o.
M. * Ht. I' . 10SO : 8:00 : 6so : 8:20 :
0. II. & ( j. Boo : 8co :
C. IJ. ( i. U Kx Mail : io
a. C. & I * . In low * 8:00 : 6:30 :
4:39 : 12:16 :
K.O. , St. JooiC. I ! . 0:15 : 8:00 : 6:30 : 01(0
Mlsflourl Pnclflo . . . 7oo : 8:80 :
O.,8t. P.M. 40 0.00 o.oa
Union 1'aolflo , 8:30 : 4soiiio : : r:6o :
O. & Ilepubllcan Valley 1:06 : 12:16 :
II. It M. Local 7:00 : 7:20 :
II. & II. Kx. Mall. 10:80 : 6:16 :
Omcoopcu 8undrB from 12oa : m. t 1:00 : p. in.
. O , K COUTANT 1'ontiiiMtoi'
And your work is donofor nil time
to como.
to produce a more durjiblo mnteiial
for Htreot pavement tnnn o
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples Bent nnd
estimates given upon application.
WM.Mol3AIN&CO. ,
Sioux Falls , Dakota ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
Itlstho host ami cheapest food tor ( toek ot any kind K30no pound la eqnal lo tliroo ponnd of com
ttnckieAwitharoundOIICakoln the Fall and Winter , Instead of runnlnc down , will Increase In weigh *
mil bo In Rood marketable oond.tlmi In the iprlnfl ; . Dairymen , as well as others , who u o It can testily I.
Itfluiorltj. Try It and Judge fur youmlvet. rrlcn f 16.00 per ton ! no charpo for mien. Addrosa
i's Safe and Lock
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Locltwood & Drnpor ) Chicago , Man
ager of the Tea , Cigar nud Tobacco Departments. A full line of
nil grades o above ; also pipes and smolcon1 articles carried iu
etock. Prices and samples furnished ou application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
Is only attnlrod by mlng
T5H & K ? "B" IP IP O&KJ
wLVH ( > HalrV. H K , SH 0 4ra
Stoves and Ranges ,
WITH HE dZE OVER 1)308 )
Fci sale by
,1 zittifZ''yffKstsi
'f '
PaintsOils. . Brushes. Ctoss. v.
Milwaukee , Wis.n
GTTNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers.
Clothiers !
7307 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE7 CQR. 13Tht
For IIile8Woo ( ] , PoltH , Et-c. , nnd consignments mndo to us Avill receive
prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made.
I3tli Street. Bet.rDodge and Capitol Ave. , - - OMAHA , NEB
Off ! jgafiiljrardI : : h and Douelas ts- .
c- * 1