Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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iiv M-Ar op
Connecting In Union IpKts | nt KnniasClty ,
Oinnhaniul Dcnvcrwltli through trains fur
Anil nil ] Xlnt9 In tlio Great West
Connecting iii Rrnnd Union Dopntnt Chicago
i trains Tor
W Y OJIK , no S 3' O JV ,
And nil Kp * jrn Cities
Atl'corln with tlmirt. < trains lor Imllannp.
oils , Cinclnniilt , Colnn lu , nml nil points in
thoSoutll.Knst. At H fjotlts wltll tlllouuli
tmlns for all points
KlORant Day Coaches , 1'ailor Cars , with Ho.
cllnltij ; Chairs ( Heats lieu ) , Smoking Cars with
Itovolvlns Chairs , I'nlliniin 1'alaco Sleeping
Cars and the famous C. H. AQ. Dining Cars
rnu tlally tonnd from Chlrniro iiml Kansas City ,
Clilcngonnd Council Itlulls : Chicago nnd DCS
Hollies , Chicago , St. Joseph , Atclilsnn mid
Topeka without change. Only thiouRh line
running thrlr own tmlns between Cliiraeo.
I.lncolii and Denver , and OlilcoRo , Kunsas
City and Denver. Through cars between
IniflaimpolU and Council JIHiird , via 1'eorla
, Solid Tmlns of Kle ant Day Coaehcs nnd
Pullman I'alacoSlccplnjr Care mo run dally to
nnd from St. Louis ; vin Hannibal , Qiilncy ,
KcoUiilc , Iluillngton , Ocdar ItapidHnml Albeit
I.ratoSt. Paul and Mlnneiipolls ; I'ailorCars
with ItccllniiiK Clialra lo and fiuin St. I.oiili
nnd I'oorla. Onlyonu cbaiiBoofcars between
St. I.oulsand UcaMolncs , Iowa , Lincoln , No.
hraska , and Denver , Colorado.
It Is also the only ThroiiKh Line littwccn
It Is known ns tbo prcat TIIItOUHII OAlt
IjINIJ of America , nnd Is universally admit.
led to bo the
Tincst Equipped Railroad in the World for
all classes of Travel.
Through Tickets via this line for sale ataT-
It. H. coupon ticket olllcca In the United States
and Canada.
V Ice-Prtl. * G n
Tno uio ot tno term " line
Line" In connection with th
corporate name of a greatroxd
I convoys an Idea of list what
required by the traveling pub
lic a Shojt Line , Quick Tlmi
and the best of accommoda
tions all of which ro turn
ohod by the groatcat rallwav to America.
And St. Paul.
II owns and operates ever 4f > 00 miles of
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , low *
Dakota ; and as ts main lines , brandies and oonnce-
tlona roach all the eroat business centres of tbe
Northwest and Far West , U naturally answers thi
description of Short Line , and Best llouto between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis
i\ \ Chicago , Milwaukee , La Crusso nncl Wlnona.
ii' nhlc'ujn , STIIwaukoo , Aberdeen and KllomUlo
i' Cliloago , Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and Stlllwatci *
! Chlaago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oahkoib.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsba and Ooonomowoc. ,
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairie du Chlen ,
I Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault.
Chicago , Delolt JanosvlHo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elgin , Uockford and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar Rapid * .
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
t Chicago , Bloux City , Blouz Fallsand Yank ton
I Chicago , Ullwaukoo , Mitchell and Chamborlalo.
Rook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul anil MlnnoapoUl.
Davonpoiti " "uluiar , St , Paul and Mlnneapolla ,
Pullman 8 copers and the Finest Dining Cars In
tlio : rlil are run on the main lines of tlio CHICAGO ,
attention Is paid to passengers by courteous employes
of the Company.
6. S , MEIUULL , Oon'l Manager.
A.V II. OAIU'ENTEU , Qon' Pass. Act
J.T. CLARK , Gcn'l Snpt.
OEO. U. HKAFFORD , Aoa'L Qcnl. Pa Agi.
axe astx-oot ,
Chicago , ; Sti Paul , Minneapolis and
The now extension of thla Una from Wakeflold up
n through ConoDrd and Golorltlge
370 3B3Cj5La = iiac'iaxrca-T03sr ,
Ruacbes the best portion of the State , Special el-
F curulon rates tor land tcck r < over this line to
11 * Wayne , Norfolk nnd Hartlngton , aucl via lllalr to all
kVi principal poli.ta on the
Trains orer tht 0. , Bt. P. M. & O. Railway to Coy
ngton , Bloux Olty , Ponca , Hartlugton , Wayne and
Noifolk- ,
Noifolkdoxa.aa.oot n.t 331 .lr
or Fremont , Oakda.e , Nellgh , and through to V l-
jtaTFor rates and all Information call on
F P. WI11TNKY , Ocneia Agent ,
Western Cornice-Works ,
1111 Dootflns fit Omiha , Neb ,
Galvanized Iron Cornices
' larDonner Windows , Klntali. Tin , Iron and Slat *
Hooting. Bpeclif * I'atent lletalllo Skylight , Patent
diluted Ilatchet Uar and lirackot Sholvlnir. I am
bei general agent for tbe boye lln of itoodi. Ire
f ] ' llrnr"'r ' > nnir. ! IUh' ' tradB .VnrandM. Iron li !
Clawlcal , Sclentlfle , CJommerc'al aud Art DepartJ
" ' " ? '
'uitoj" * Fully equppjj'faculty
AddreulorjiMttcuIari , Her. w. W. Harjh *
V. U. VrwidiiDt , or Prof. O. M. Do Uistf. Booretary
tbo Facultr Beileruo , Neb. Jyme ZioO
Thrt mcJIelno , comblnlnR Iron with pure
tCRCtnblo lonlc < , nnlrkly nnd romplctcly
Ciirrn lT | irpiln , ItiillHrillnn , Wrnl < nrn < s
1 iniinrn llloocl , .llalnrln , UlillN nnd VvTH ,
nnd NcimilKln.
Ills nn unfallinfc remedy for Diseases of the
UMnrjji nnd Mvrr. i
It Ii invalimhla for Dlscasci pccullnr to
Womrii , nnd nil who lend f-cdcntnry lUcs. |
It docs not Injnro the teeth , cniiw hcnilnrhc.or
prrhlnco cntntlpntlon oA T IrontnttUctnttdo. *
Itcnrlchcinnil purlflc" ) thr blood , Btlmulntci
the appetite , nidi the nwlmllntlon of food , ro- ,
llcrcs Ilcnrtburn nml Udclilng , mid etrcngth.J
cm the mu plcs nnd ticrvcs. I
Kor Intermittent Kovcrs , Ijvsslttidc , Ijickot
Encrgj' , Ac. , it has no equal. ' t.
* 3- The Krniilno 1ms nbovo trndo murk nml
crossed red lines on w rappc j. Tnko nn other.
r.Oeonlji , , iiiKDT.MHKJiicil. ( o. , iULTinnnrnri.
James Helical Institute
Chartered by thcStnteoflll' .
nols for the express purpose
of nlvlng Immediate rcllclir
all chronicurinarynnd private -
, vate discn t . rtonorrbct %
QlcetnndSyphills in nil their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Ulood promptly relieved and
permnnentlycured by reme-
dlestestedlnarfl'cir (
Hitecttil 1'ructlff , Seminal
. .iRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , j > os/fft'f/j/ciimlT/cr6 /
( siiocxt > erl > nrnlln < t > The appropriate rc'.r.edv
13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines Bent by Mall and Express. No markn on
pnotacc to Indicate contenU or sender. Addresi
OK.JAMESNo.204WashnolonSI.ChIcaaolll ! ;
Wlllpnrlryllio DLOOD.'rcrn.
l.vlu tliu LIVER and KIDNEYS ,
nnd ItKHTOiiu Tin : HKAI/ru
na VIQOH of VOUT1L lyn-
, Want ofApjielltc , In *
loii , I. nek or HlruliRtli ,
uiicl'J Ire-.1 ' ' j'jUiiKnljsoliitcly
cured. Ioii73 , niiisclcnanil
iifrvas rccclvo ncwforcc.
iiillvcii3 ; ilia iiilnil nnd
n a i . - . ' siipnllcs Jiraln ower.
B /ft UB M R ? Ql SiiiriTliixlroin ciinipluliiU
BatfMb vJf DBnC.9 pouiillitrto tliclr Bi'X will
llnd InBILltOZirEU'SIUON XOSTZO n Fnfci iind
ppccuy euro , icllrus 11 clear , ItcaUliy complexion.
1' rcriicnt rttiomptn at cn' txTfciHiiK onlyndil
to Iliu popularity D | IJonotuxpurl-
UlCllt KuttlluUllldlNAI , ANDllKST.
xHoDl7nurndilri > 3to'Jb l > r. JliirlnrMml Co.V
ffiSt.Ixinli , Wo. , for our "DllKAM HOOK. " B
v vl all of ttruDto and useful information , tma.f > j
Health is Wealth !
( tuarantoed snocldo for lljutcrla , Dzzlnons , Convul
sions , Fits , Ncnoiu Neuralgia , Headache , Ncnous
Prostration caused by the ueo ot alcohol or tobbacon ,
Wakcfulnoss , Mental depression , KoIlunliiK of the
brain , rcauIthiK In Insanity and leaping to misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old ago , IJaronosi , losi
of power In cither sex , Livoluntary Lopsos and Hper-
matorhora caused by overoxcrtlontof the brain , self.
abuse or over Indulgence. Kach box , contains ono
month's treatment. 81.00 a lior.ur six bottles for
$5,00 , lent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlcu ,
To euro tny case. With each order received by us
for six bottles , aecompllihad with ? S.OO , wo will send
the purchaser our written gunrintoo to refund the
money If thotreatnieucdnemiot effect a euro , duar-
uitocs Isauod only by JOHN 0 : WKST .t CO. ,
jy 23-m&o-ry 802 Madison St. , Chicago , 111.
Or , Amelia Burroughs
o '
1617 Dodge St , - Omaha ,
Tlio Btoamshlps of thli well-known line are built of
Iron , In water-tight oompartrronts , and are ( timlali-
od with every reriuisito to make the iiaaxago both
> afo and agreeable. They carry the United .States
ind European malls , and leave New Yorks Thurs
days aud Maturdajs ( or Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PARIH ) and IIAMIIUMQ.
Rates : Kirat Caliln , 56 , f5 ! and $70. 8toorago$23
Henry Pundt , Mark Ilansen , F .K. MonrcsM. Toft ,
agcutsln Omaha , Oronuwleg & Bchoentgcn , agents In
Council Itlulls. O. II : IllOIIMU ) &CO. , Don. Pasj
Agts. , fll Uroadway , N. Y , Olios. Kozmlnakl ft'Co-
General Westein Agaiits , 107 Washington St. , Chios
P w
MAY men "Poisoned ttith Potash. " This Is the
case with hundroilH who lm\o heun unwlae
enough to take Rarxiparlllas , Potaah mixtures , etc. ,
antll dlgrvstlon U almout fatally linpmd. Swllta
jpccino Is a vegetable remedy , anil restores the sjs-
om to health and bullJd up the waste made by these
[ lOllOUS.
"I uta suffering \\llh llboil Polnon , and treated
let eral months ulth Mercury aud Potash , only to
nako m worse. The 1'otaih tookuway myapx | > tlto
tnd gatunie tl)9iieiHla | , and both gavomu rheuma-
.lain. I then took tiarsiparlllu , uto. All tlie o made
no still w erse , an It drovu the'iioUnn farther into my
u stem. A friend Insisted I should Uko H Ufa Spocl-
Ic , audit cureil uie or tlio Uloixl PoUon , drovu the
Mercury anil Potash out ot nyBti . , and to-day I
un at well as 1 ovoruan. " QK o.6.\ ' KljualArt , Jr ,
Baluin , Mass
John A. Smith , the hrK'e.-t In Qilneav llle.
[ la. , Biijrs : "I Bdlferod for years from the combined
jlloctuol Kr ) lH.las | anj I'czcina. I continued to
jiow wrso under medical treatment and by taking
medicine cent ilnlnir I'otash. H. 8. H , cured mo thor
oughly ami absolutely. My appetite , struntcth and
llvnh returned I was cur od with It. "
Our Treatise on Ulood aud Skin Diseases mailed free
ipnllcauts to
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , G .
N. Y. Omoo , 1(0 W. 22d St. , betHoen Bill and 7th
Avenues. Phlladeluhla oltloo 100 Chestnut t.
Imported Beer
Erlanger , . . . . .liavorio.
Culmbaoher , . Bnvana.
Pilsner . , . .c Bohemian.
Budwoiser . St , Louis ,
Anlmuaor . . St. Louis.
Best s . . . . - . Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsner . Milwaukee.
ETruc's . Omaha.
Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhine
Wiuo. ED. MAU11ER ,
me Leading Agricultural and Live Stock
Jinrual of tbo West.
20 Pages { nmENTinEAu.jgo Colmnris
H. S. SMITH & CO. ,
HOU'llOBT. W. KU11NA8 , Bacretary Bt to Hoard
/xrloulturu , Autoclato Kdltor.
3UUSCUIITION I'llIOK , | 1.00 per jc r la aJvanoc.
I i I tin Br l. - OtflUV , KEB
11 tn t ,
Cnrions Tales Abont Monntain Terrors ,
Slicct-Irnn .Fuck , tlio Morrj' Ilrlantul
\ IllR Snmly , tlio Cow Greek Ics
porndo , and IIIH Career ,
Now York Commercial Advertiser.
StoHos of famous California slago rob
beries' hnvo of late appeared moro
abundantly than usual but of the really
picturesque pictures in frontier desper
ado lifo one haa hardly n glimpse in
these days. "Black Bart , " who stopped
stages dozens of times in northern Cali
fornia-operating with the utmost au
dacity , and leaving specimens of his own
rhymes on the emptied mailbags and
troasuro-boxoB , or oven sending amusing
letters to the local journals was a most
original genius , troll-educated , intolll-
; ont , possessing but ono fault the stago-
topping propensity. But criminals
ully as interesting In their exploits as
'Black Bart , " or oven as Joaquin Mur-
attaint ! Tlburcib'Vasquoz , the Spanish-
Mexican outlaws , have only n local
notoriety. Tales of their adventures yet
told in pioneorH1 cabins , have never yet
reached permanence in printed form ex
cept in the merest fragment.
The first of these questionable heroes
was "Shoot-Iron Jack , " an audacious
brigand , whoso real uamo is involved in
obscurity. Fifteen years ago ho was a
terror to several counties of Northern
California. Ho was well educated , hand-
sDino , tall ; the son of n minister , BO all
accounts agreed , and his natno had boon
gained by the immunity from bullet-
wounds that lip appeared to possess.
Men did not hesitate to dcchro that thoj
atl BOOH good shots flred point-blank at
! iis breast and miss him squarely. lie
became known as the most export horso-
thief in the region , and Innumerable ex
ploits of his are related in Shasta and
Tolmma counties. On ono occasion
lie throw his pursuers off his track , as-
lumod a disguise , met the sheriffs party ,
delighted them with his aongs and stor
ies , put up with them at a little village
inn , and durintr the night escaped with
; ho three best horses in the party , after
laving turned the others loose in the
woods and leaving a saucy and funny letter -
tor of thanks ending with an apt Latin
juotalion for the sheriff , whoso wrath
was of such an abiding sort that brief
would have boon Jack's life-lease had ho
boon overhauled ; in less than two min
utes ho then wore assuredly hauled over
Mid dangling from an oak-limb.
Shoot-Iron Jock , with a moro bigatollo
f twenty or so warrants hanqing over his
head , once ventured into Hod Bluff , quite
a largo town on the Sacramento river ,
whoso broad , rapid and bluff-walled cur
'out ' sweeps in a semicircle past. Ho hat
i world of disguises , but on this occasion
ho was recognized in the main street an
pursued by an armed and excited crow
of citizens. Ho ran into a stable , cut
horse loosp and rode for the river , will ;
bullets "sizzing" through the air abou
him , jumped in , swam his horse over ant
escaped. Ho fired a few shots himself ;
but under the circumstances ho is not t <
bo blamed for devoting his best onorgiei
to locomotion.
Ono of the most characteristic feats o ;
this follow was performed at a mountaii.
ball , in a log cabin. Young people had
assembled from many miles distant , sonu
of them coming a day's journey. The bal
bad hardly begun when a tall , black
haired , well dressed , handsome strange
appeared and excited much comment. 1
particularly handsome young girl wa
taken out on the floor by her partner ,
and suddenly the stranger stopped up !
and with great politeness requested the
gentleman to resign the lady in his favor
Ho whispered his name in the young
man's car , paid a compliment to thi
young lady , took her forth and led thi
danco. The word wont around that Shoo
Iron Jack had come there to dance with
all the pretty girls ; that ho had sovora
revolvers , never missed a shot and proba
bly had friends hid within call. The long
and the short of it was that the thirty
youn men present were terrorized , and ,
ono after another , the handsome brigand
danced with the prettiest maidens in the
room. Then ho bowed to the excited as
Hombly , stood in the doorway a second ,
and mockingly said it was a pity the moii
were not as bravo as the ladies were
handsome and disappeared in the dark
Stories of his liberality are atill told ii :
the mountains. Many a poor follow ,
hungry and footsore , trudging along the
roadside , hoard the rattle of hoofs as a
man on horseback approached , was halt
ed , questioned sharply , ilung a five or
ton or twenty-dollar piece with the in
junction -'drink no whisky and don't
believe all the hard stories you hoar
about Shoot Iron Jack. "
The following Incident was told to the
writer by ono of the principal actors
therein , a number of years ago. It was
a bright August day and a young Gorman
was riding along the mountain paths of
the Northern Coast range , Suddenly
his horse , a fine and valuable animal ,
began to show lamonoes and in an hour
was unable to moro than hobble forward
at moro than snail's pace. The youth ,
ignorant regarding the ways of horsollosh
was in despair , Ho had invested § 150
in the creature and how was ho to pro
coo-1 on his way ? A mild-voiced , bonov
olout old man of farmor-liko appearance ,
but in reality the shrewdest horse trader
in the mountains overtook him at this
juncture , won his confidence , examined
the horse and pronounced it a case of
"founder. "
"And it'll take a year for him to git
wall , and ho won't bo the same hess ag'in
nothor. "
"What shall I do ? " cried the sorrow
ing Gorman.
After a long talk the shrewd trader
offered the German thirty dollars for the
liorao , saying that ho ahoulu turn him out
to pasture a mile distant , and leave him
there a year or two. Ignorant , bowil-
Jorcd , the Gorman consented , took the
money , delivered thu limping horse , took
his saddle and bags and started to walk
to the nearest stage station. Meanwhile
the sharper waited until his dupe was out
of sight , tlioij took a pair of smith's pin
cers out of his saddle-baps , and in live
minutes ho had wrenched off all four of
the now stool shoes from the horse's
hoofs. In half an hour the horse was
able to walk easily.
"Thar , 1 tho't BO , " the now owner
"Tho ininit I seed them now shoes I
knotted sumo fool hud tight shod him.
That hess IB wuth two hundred at least.
Lordl 1 wish 1 could find aoch a fool
uvory day. "
The poor Gorman plodded slowly on
his toilsomo.wny for several miles , when
a man rode out of the bushes and do-
maudod , ' 'Where in the devil was his
homo ? " Ho told the story brietly , and
with riling suspicions that it had two
lidefl. The uian listened attentively ,
broke into merry fits of laughter , sitting
lidewlso on his great brown horse , with
3iio KIICO thrown over the saddle , pulled
hi moDstacho refloctingly it was Shoot
Iron Jack. Ho began to nsk questions
about the aged and benevolent stranger.
Finally ho said :
"You'vn ' boon swindled shamefully ,
and as this is my boat , I suppose I must
help you out. You walk in these bushes
till you como to a camp. There's broad
and dried beef plenty. Then you lie
down and go to sleep. "
An hour later ho overhauled the now
owner of thohorso , and at pistol point re
covered the property.
"But I ortor hev back thot $30 I paid
the fool Dutchman. "
"My honest sir , that goes for my fees
as counselor In this case. Now I think
of it , it is scandalously small ; turn out
your pockets. " And ho took § 000 from
the trembling and conquered sharper ,
onjoycd his despair a moment , tossed back
half of it and rode off.
The young Gorman was roused a little
later by Shoot-Iron Jack. "Hero's your
horse and outfit ; I'vo filled your saddlebags -
bags and given you a pistol. Don't 1)3
afraid ; I bought it with honest money
onco. All I ask is that you keep the
story of this adventure secret fora month ,
Tonight I must move my camp. Ride
off . " And Shoot-Iron
as soon as you can. -
Jack retired to his tent. Somehow this
talented , educated , brilliant man escaped
the tallons of the law-hawks , and was
shot dead in a quarrel a few years later.
"Big Sandy , " now in state prison for
murder , was a desperado of a very differ
ent typo. Ho was a red and burly giant ,
twice the size of ordinary men , Ho and
n brother lived in a cnstle-liko and forti
fied house on the headquarters of Cow
Creek , noithorn California , and with
their hangers-on they terrorised the
whole region for years. The place was a
resort for thieves and murderers , so it
was surmised with justice. Cattle and hogs
were shot in thn woods. Mon who ex
pressed themselves strongly nn the sub
ject were likely to hoar a bullet whist
ling past whllo they were milking or
chopping wood.
Sandy had boon a slave driver in the
palmy days of that ghastly occupation ,
and ho had neglected none of its lessons
of greed , cruelty , and hypocrisy. The
story is told against him , gathered from
his own admissions and boasts whllo
drunk , that ho had once grno to two or
phan nieces of his , in some western vil
lage , told them that ho was wealthy and
prosperous in California , and with con
summate villiany persuaded to sell their
property , place the proceeds in his hands
and start to California with him.
took them down the Missisappi , and
Now Orleans abandoned them , . ' with
wcek'a board paid in advance , taking wit
him oven their trunks and wardrob
And at this point the merciful veil of s
lonco * lias fallen upon the fate of thos
unprotected girls , alone and penniless
a great city , But yours afterward
shameless women who shared his cabin
ard took part in the councils of the gang
were the dresses of these botrayc
At last it cam out like a loaf from
novel the brothers shot and killed ai
old man named Shroler , who lived al
alone , his only companion being
splondod horse ho owned. They mad
the horse restless , and the old mai
walked to the stable in his shirt-sleeve. .
and slippers. As ho crossed the moon
lit atrip of turf they shot him , and she
the horse also. When the murder wai
discovered the community was arouaed
and the brothers were arrested. Th
chief witness for the state was a ochoo
tcachor a man of much nerve , nnergy ,
and courage of convictions a rough ser
of a bluoeyod'mountaineer , with
'pickod-up" education , and romarkabl
success as a teacher. This man had dis
covered the chief links in the evidence
and with him out of the way the crim
inals would infallibly escape. They hn
the prestige of long authority over tin
simple Bottlers of their mountain region
for years Sandy never rode abroad withou
several pistols at hiabolt , or down to tow
without his shotgun in the wagon. Thii
teacher dwelt in a cabin on the slopes
the Sierras that rise toward the twin
peaks of Casson a finer sight , and on >
better worth the tourist's attention tha :
the much-lauded dome of Shasta. II
went homo to this cabin , where his wifi
and child were , every Saturday night ,
ride of twenty miles on a tough littl
mule , and started back at daybrea"
Monday. Ho waa summoned to tin
trial at the county scat , forty miles dis
tant , and planned to make the trip by
moonlight. A woman , mysteriously
veiled , whoso identity has never beet
satisfactorily determined , mot him , however
over , and warned him of diuigor ahead
Ho rode by a moro roundabout trail , an
reached his destination. But all tha
night men lay on the trail they oxpocte
him to take , with buckshottod guns it
Slow-footed justice at last overtook
the "Terrors of Cow Crook. " Ninety
line yean was their sentence ; and will
: ho loaders gone , the few families tha'
iad disgraced the neighborhood gradual
y lost their influence , and Cow Crock is
juito a civilized region to-day. In tor
, 'onrs no ono will bn atlo to believe that
is late as 1878 the burly , muscular ,
od faced , stolid , giant Sandy rode , lonu-
y as a grizzly bear , along the highway
> r across the trails through the Chemisa :
ind Manzinita , with an arsenal's supply
if guns , pistols and knives bestowed 01
iis awe inspiring person. Slow , grim ,
loliborato , the writer can BOO "Sandy"
> nco moro as ho used to look , reining his
lorao in front of the saloon in the mpun-
nin town ho most frequentedand alight
tig , to stride in , tixko a drink and call up
ho crowd to assist. Swaggering , confi
lent bully ho was ; so was Bill Sykes.
May their kind perish from oil * the face
> f the oarth.
Ammonia is obtained In largo quantities by
ho putrefaction of tha urluo of auimalii , Ln
yclojxtlia Jlritannica.
Every housekeeper can test baking nowdera
: < mtaimiiK this disgusting drug by placing a
an of the "Koyal" or "Andrews' Ponrl" tor1
lown on a hot utovo until heated , thou remove
ho cover and smell.
Dr. Prico'o Cruam Unking Fowiler does not
ontttiu Ammonia , Alum , l.imo , 1'otash. Bono
'hosph&tcs , ( proto it by the nbovo test ) . It
i lireparetl by a 1'hyslcian and Chemist with
poclal regard to clouiilinoau and healthful-
OSH. m-o-w-2m
Flro In liouUlmm.
NEW IIIKKIA , La , August 20. The store *
( Lehman k Taylor , dealers \\holop.ilo dry
ooiln , ( tiul half a dozen other Imililiiipa weru
uineil to-night. There is no telling when thu
ontlngratiou u ill bo extinguished , The loss
.ill . ) > e heavy. Joseph HttynoUU , a fireman ,
. as killed bynu iron tAiutter falling ,
Camp Vlro ,
PHILADELPHIA , August 20 , Tbo Sons of
reterns thin ovonin ? held a camp fire. May.
r Smith wolcumod the viaitlng sous of vctiT-
ns to the city. Commander-in-chief 1'rauk
t , Merrill replied ,
1 ho proof .1 tno pudding L not In chawing
lie titling , but In hating an opportunity to
out the article direct. Hchroter a , Bocht , the
> ruirgUU , have a free trial bottle of Dr. lio-
ink A Cough and Lung Syrup for each and
\ory one who Ii allllctod with Coughs , Colds ,
uitliiua Consumption or any Lung Ailectiou
Seventh Avenue AslonisM by llit
Little Mare ,
A Corpulent "Sport" Bllitnkcs Her foi
A Cyclone , AVlillo , ' , the haulcs
Clasp Tliclr Hnmls and Sigh.
Now York Journal ,
A hlt h hoard fcnco inclosed the back
yard of Mr. llobert Bounor'a handsome
roaidonco on Fifty-seventh street , neat
Fifth avonuo. A red brick st-.blo with
granite tritnmlnga occuuies the middle of
the yard. A covered path of tanbark -
bark tana around the stable , inside o
which the fastest trotter in the world ro.
cnivcs her visitors. A gate loads through
the fence from the Fifty-sixth street side ,
and small boys stand nround and endeav
or to obtain a poop nt the queen of the
turf through the holes in the fonco.
A dozen of boya nnd half that , number
of men were on the sidewalk ycitorday
afternoon when the gate opened and the
nose of the beautiful mare peeped forth ,
The nose waa followed by the sparkling
eyes , the nrched neck nnd the glistening
body of Maud S. She was to r-.ko her
first exercise in Now York sincz she
came In the hands of her now owner. A
light road-wagon was hitched to the niaro
and the colored nttpndaud , "General"
Grant , attired in n linou duator and a
straw hat , was seated in the wagon.
Maud reared her head proudly as she
glanced at the observers and evidently
intended to say : "Look nt mo. I can
boat 2:093 : if 1 like. "
Tlio slick-looking driver used no whip ,
but chirruped to the mare as she pranced
leisurely nlong Fifty-sixth street' , un..1
Grant turned her head into Seventh
Ladies stopped upon the sidewalk nnd
Riancoi admiringly at chohandsome mare
and the few hproemon on the nvenuo
looked at her with critical eyes and sized
her up aa n llyor oven if they were not
aware that she waa Vandorbilt's lost
troaiuro. When the trotter had reached
Eighty-fourth street ho waa feeling lively -
ly and the General little dilliculty
in holding her head steady. A robust
man with a heavy black beard and a soft
felt hat shading hia eyes , came bowling
owiftly nlong behind Maud S.
Ho drove n mettlesome looking dark
bay _ horse that moved along with n free
springy motion and covered the ground
rapidly. The robust man drove right by
General Grant nnd Maud S. turned her
pretty head around indignantly an if to
ask , "Well , what does this mean ? "
The big dark bay was 200 yards ahoa
when the General tightened the reins ov
er Maud and whistled lowly. What ni
poarcd to the spectators on Seventh nvi
nuo to bo n streak of red lightning , fo
lowed by abyciclo. daahot ? along the roa
in n cloud of dust. The big bay hora
hoard it coming and tried to get out th
way. Ho wont straight nhcad with tha
object in view , but ho couldn't do i
The red streak whizzed by like a Has
and did not stop until Ono'Hundrod an
Tenthstreot. General Grant pulled he
up there and waited until the robust ma
and the big bay horse ciught up to hin
When they did the man said in a star !
led tone :
"Say , mister what , is that your'odriv
ing ? a comet or a cyclonoV I was nove
loft behind like that before.
Grant showed hia white tooth in
grin and answered : ' 'This is Maud i
sah. "
"Great ScotU" exclaimed the robua
man , "that explains it. "
The -wondeaful mare waa kept out fo
two hours and was then driven back t
her finely furnished stable , which riva
many a fair lady's boudoir in its arch
tocturo nnd dainty fixings. Maud wa
rubbed down and polished for th
twentieth time in a day , and shook ho
little head at old Dexter , who conton
odly munched oats in his stall , as if sh
pitied the veteran record breaker.
"Sho fools like a school girl , " sai
Grant to the reporter. ' 'She bohaye
well , although a little frisky , and I thin
she can boat the record tomorrow if ah
pleases. "
At which Maud hoked up and vrinkc
wor left eye knowingly.
"What causes tha great rush at Schrotor i
Bocht's Drug Store ! " The free dlstrlbutio
uf Buinplo bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cough nn
Lung Syrup , the moat popular remedy ft
Coughs , Colds , Consumption and liroiichit
now on the market. Kogular size 50 cents an
The Midler Slicop.
The very smallest of all the kinds o
ihoop is the tiny Breton ( sheep. It
too small to bo voiy profitable to raiao
'or of course it cannot have much wool
md ns for eating , why n hungry mai
: oiild almost oat n whole ono nt a meal
ft ia so small when full grown that it cm
lido behind a good sized bucket. I
akos ita name from the part of Franci
vhero it is most raised. But if not t
> rolitablo sheep , it is n dear little creature
or a p ot , for it is very loving , and bo
: .uiao it is so small , it la not such a nuis
inco about the house as was the cole
> rated lamb which belonged to a littl
; irl immod Mnry * It would need to bet
t very largo little girl n giant girl in
Iced who could take nn ordinary sheep
nhor lupandcuddlo it there ; but anj
ittlo girl could find room in her lap foi
i Breton sheep quite as easily as for ono
if those very ugly little dogs called by
ho ugly name pug. Ono of thi a little
ireatlire's poculnritios ia its extreme
ymp.ithy with the feelings of its humat
Honda , when it has been brought up as
i pot in thu house nnd has learned to
liatinguish between happiness and un-
lappiness. If any person whom it likei
i very much pleased about anything mic :
hews it by laughing the little sheep will
risk about with every sign of joy ; but ,
f , on the contrary , thia person sheds
L-ars , the sympathetic friend will evince
: s sorrow in an equally unmistakable
ay. A kind word nnd a loving caress
ill also fill it with happincaa while a
roan word or harsh gesture will cause it
vidont distress.
Tim Jtlntr.
NKW York , August 20. A prize Cgut has
uen arranged between MIT vine Thompson and
aptain James Daly , stakes are $1,000 aslclo.
'ho ' light lll bo governed by the rules of the
oudim prize ring "ml will take place within
hundred miles of Now Orleans , thieo days
Fter the Stoddard-liiirko light
ClIlOAOO , August 20. Tno Files Chandler
: legcd prize tight occurred tonight in it
very fctalilo on State btreet , In the produce
' about ninety * perU , who hud been induced
i pay .loro Dunn 820 each for the privilege ,
liu contestants , Tom Chandler and Jonuy
lies , were small , soft gloves. It i * not
nown what the btukesere. . Four rounds
ere fouyht. In the tinttthrco of which there
oa to much cautious upming and little
) avyk luigtg ! ) ox to disgust thu ttpectatort ,
ipectantly waiting to see goto. The fourth
Hind opened with DOUUI bird hitting , and
handler managed to force Files to the ropes.
'hile In that position 1'ilw receiuxl a ro-
unditig blow ( in the neck that tutliced to dis-
> \e \ him for more than ten seconds , required
f Queen bury rules , The fight was over in
m than lifttx'n minutes from thu time It star-
d ,
All contestants for the 25 premiums rurgrerat-
Ins above ninount , offercil by Dlackwcirs Our-
ham Tobacco Co. , must observe the following
conditions on which thu premiums are to bo
nwnnled : All hues must bear our original
Hull Durham label , U. S. ltecnuo Stamp , ana
Caution Notice. The bags npist bo done un
securely In n package with name nnd address
If f J number of bags contained plain-
y marked on the outride. Charges must bo
prepaid. Contest clotciXorcmlxrSOlh. All pack-
ngcs should bo forwnnlcil December 1st , and
must reach us at Durham nof later than Deccm-
IcrUth. No matter where you reside , send
your package , ndvtta us by mall that you have
clone so , and state the number of bags cent.
Names of successful contestants ulth number
of bags returned , will bo published , Dec. 22. In
Hoston , Herald ; New York , llcralil ; I'hlladcl-
Rhla , l\mcs { Durham , N. ( J. , Tubaero J'lanl ;
cw Orleans , Ttmct-Dcmorrat ; Cincinnati , A > i >
quircr ; Chlcaco , Dally Xcus : San Frtracbco ,
ChronMe. Address ,
DlT.IUM , N. C.
Kvcry genuine package bus picture of Bull.
X > 3Sco our next unnouticenicnt.'u *
( Faculty 1'rlzo Collcgo of Ohio.
And other Diseases of the Anus and Rectum.
Boyfl's ' Opera Honseim
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana , fiuba , Every 12
to 14 : Days.
TICKKTS , 32.00 , - - - HALVES , 81.00.
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled hy the
risrtles In interest. It Is the fairest thing la the
nature o ( chancti In existence.
For Information and particulars apply toSHIt'SEY
CO.Gen. Agents , 1212 JJroaUway , N Y. cltj.
E. KAUD & CO. , 417 Walnut street , St. Louis , Mo.
or Frank Lobrano , L. V. , 20 Wyandotte , Kan.
jymio &wly.
= < SSl'EljlirBLn
roit TWENTY YEARS Hiinuilirryi' Ilnmco.
mul .Hcnnai-rlcf , uml others hauaUus stocl
nlth perfect siicei-ss. . , _
Ilimtlihri * ) * ' \clrrlnnry nfnnnnl , (130pp. (
( tit friM' liy m.ill on receipt of price. .Ml onnti
lnnii'hli-t3 m-iil Ireu onniipHcaUun
jinnvs HOMEOPATHIC .1 it > .io ; ,
1OI ) Fulton Street. : * ew Yorli.
' Vital Vcalcnc s nnd , '
HUMPHREYS trnclon from overwork 01
Iiren In uio a
nn remedy known. Prlco gTpof Via" or sTl'nlsaV
arijaTlal of poivder for 3T > , noiit post-free on rs
: oliitofprlrc. HuiniiIirc > H * llnmeo. Mrd.iJo.
illiist. Cxtalo ua Imii , } 105 ull uu bt. . IV. sv
UADIOnPCTI C * I'MtDlem film HUM Hook ir a
VMniUUUI.UQ CltuleUcnc ) . lool'iiltuu tJ < . v
Science ot Life. Only $1.00
pntt ? THYSnF. v
Eih nst < nl Vitality , Nervono and PhyeK-Al Debility ,
Piematuro Decline In Man , Kfrorsof Youth , an the
untold mltorles ooultlng from Indlscrotiono or ez-
osooes. A book for every man , young , tnlddlo-aged ,
and old. It contains 125 proscriptions for all tcnto
and rbronlo fllseanoo each one of which Is Invaluable
83 found by the Author , whose experience for 3
y rs In euch as probably never before foil to the lot
ot any phyelcan SOO pages , bound In beintlfn
French muslin m aosaed co\ ere , full gilt , guaranteed
t ? b ? a finer work n every eonBO , mechanloal , lit-
e : y nnd profcoslonal , than any other wo/k soM In
this country for U2.60 , or tbo moury will bo rofundrd
la every Inotancu. Price only Jl.OO by mall , pott-
pvild. Illnatratlvo eauiple 6 cents. Send now. add
medal ananled the author by the National Medical
association , to the o Cicero of whlrli ho refers.
The Scli'iise of Llfo should bo read by tbo ycncg
for Inntinotlan , and by the KtMlctod for rollef ,
It ulll benc,1l ill. LondonLs.noot.
Thjro Is no member of society to Vthom ThaScl-
cnco of Llfo will not bo useful , whether youth , par
ent , irno/aian , Insttuctoror nlergyrcon. Argonaut.
Address thn Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W
II. Parker , No. * Bnlfinch Street , Boston MaBs. , who
mar 1)9 consulted en all illsoajoB requlr'ig skill anil
nxpcrliuno. Chrcala andobstlaatodl t > &t. mtbc.t . hive
btlllcd tha eklll of all otherphys-Jjroj din *
a ppeciillTi Uacb trettod Easecso-IlEHL fully
ulthcut en Inetance failure. TUVQpj C
The scholastic } car commences on too
First Wednesday in SeDWer ,
rho course ol Instruction embraces all the IClemen
aryand higher branohes of a llnUtieJ education
) iflcrcnce ot Rcllelon Is no obstacle to the admU-
Ion of youn ; ladies. Pupils are received at any
hue of the year.
ncluJlng Board , Washing , Tuition In English aud
' 'rcncb , use of books. Plauo , per gctslou of
? ivo Months , - - $150.00
EXTRA CIIAUdES-Drawlnar , Palntlnj , derma
larp , Violin , Guitar and Youtl Music.
lUferonocs are required from all parsons unknow
a tbe Institutlou , For further Information apply
ho . . iADY SUPKUIOU ,
Iv ll.m&
1605 FAllKAM ST. OMAHA ,
n r (01 ealo 109,1X10 ic/es ctrolally ejected landi
V itcro Mebruiu , at low prlco and on euy torroj
Improved iaru lor Bale In DougUs , DoJgo , OoUaz
itte , Uurt , tXiuluR , Sarpy , WastUoKtoo , tlerlck
, under , and Butler ijountlea.
Taxet paid 111 all parti of the Ht U , ;
Monov loaned on Improved firmi ,
Notary IMblic al ji la olfica Oorrcspondenoe
i ro l for lor.nti h l
kof llrvf , wrltci
K X.T ,
a'l ilruitliti.
JU md Ii MOII. htll
r _ _ tjr tuill twr amouDl la
llurllik't I Dud I a , U cl , n Ik
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Davis , who
is well and favorably'
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' ' have desi
rable property for
saleto place the same
with us , The new firm
will be
213 South Mth St ,