Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1884, Image 8

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"Wednesday Morning August 27 ,
Hillings & Connor , Dentists , opp. P. O.
The Sultan of Turkey ordered two Stock
1'hnos for hit court In Constantinople , from
the f ctory In Now York , a2Cm-o
Thomas Ruby was sentenced to twenty
days In jail nnd costs Xlwidny for stealing n
pot of lead from the waterworks compvny.
The general siii > crintcndont will bo on Un
fair grounds from 3 to B p. m cich day tlili
week for the purpose of assigning space , etc.
At the corner of Sixteenth nnd Izard
streets nil ice wnson % VM overturned Xlon-
day in the big mudholo which Is to bo found
nt placo.
About twenty couples tripped the light
fantastic to the Inspiring strnlns of thoXIusi- Union orchoitra , Xtondny o\oningnt the
rwldonco ot XIr. A. J , Poppleton.
XIr. Clark Woodman has been obliged to
move bis fence on tlio Izard street side
about ten foot It makes a sid cut in XIr
AVoodman'a elegant lawn. Ho is now buildin.
a handsome stone wall fence around his mug
nificent residence.
Cnlm Brothers' opening occura Snturda
evening. The boys nrovoll known In till
city nnd have n host of friend" , all of whom
thoylmltoto nttond their opening. AJfini
noiuonir will bo presented to every ono \isit
Ing their place Saturd.iy evening.
Officer Illnchoy , whoso boat Is on 8t
XInry'H ncnuo , was gallantly engaged In car
rying ladies across the muddy spots on Sun
day night , when the gas had given out , XIr ,
Milton Itogors presented him with n vnlunbl
lantern , which the officer found a great help
: md appreciates.
XIr. David Schwcnck , of Sarpy county-
has laid upon our desk two carsjof corn , fine
ipecimens than which have never boon shown
in this city. The oars , nsldo from being very
largo , nro well filled nnd perfect. Upon Joni
of them is 1120 kernels. It is nearly bard
enough to bo out of the way of frost.
Ch.irllu Brown , ono of XIr. C , S. Hay'
mond'a ploaslng clerks , nnd who came from
i Clinton with that gentleman , thinks there Is
no climate like that of Nebraska. Last nirhk
liia wlfo presented him with n lovely little
dimpled boy baby. Charlie Bays it is a dandy
nnd certainly It must bo if It takes nftor its
genial daddy.
Thoa'nrm from box 23nt 7:30 o'clock Xlon
day evening , vascansedby thoburningof Homo
wrapping paper in the hardware store of
T. Linholt , on Thirteenth between Hnrnoy
nnd Howard streets. The proprietor was
reading his paper quietly in the front of the
OHtablisbinont when tbo flnmea were dls-
covered. The fire won extinguished before
tlio carts arrived.
J. T. Allen , kocrotary of tlio State Horti
cultural society , has Ills oflico with Governor
Funins nt the 1'nxton , nnd is receiving en
tries for a fruit nnd flower display ol
thu Btnto fair. As a last call ho urges fruit
growers to display tlieir npplea from the
hundreds of now orclnrds just coming Into
be.irlng. The object ia to show to now coin-
era what ! H boat to plant. Fruit sent to him
by express will receive prompt attention and
will lie carefully placed on exhibition ,
Timlloaly , uho went down to Kansas
City to impYira iuto the death of his sister
Catharine , nrrivod there Sunday , mid wltncna
oil the post mortem. Tlio woman died Sat-
urdny under peculiar ciicmnHt.incoo , and Cot-
oner Hogcra ordered the nrroht of Xllko Din-
nio on Husplcion , The examination showed
that Catherine died from gastritis , nnd Dlnnlo
was released. Tim had the romaliiH Interred
in Union cemetery yesterday morning and re
turned to Oirulia last night ,
A few days ago tlioio nppe.ircd In the Hi K
a "haunted houso" Bt-nsatiou , which in prov
ing lather nnnoying to the occupantx of a cot
tage on upper Dodge street , nroitnd which
suppositions people gather nightly in hopes of
atoing ghosts. ? One would naturally suppose
that in tills enlightened ngo a ghost story
\\oiildhavoiioothci effect th.m mere nmuro-
rnout to the loaders , but it seems that there
are personi who yet believe In ghosts. The
BKK reporter wan told the story by [ an imngi-
nutivo young man , and without any Idea that
any annoyance would bo caused by Its pub
lication , uroto It up for the HEK , for the sake
of a little variety which ia the "npico of life. "
The fact I'M that there was ic.illy nothing to
tlio story , The house in question is owned by
H. K. Smith nnd Is now occupied , and han
been contnnully occupied for yearn It waa
uccuplod by Xlr. Potter for six mouths. The
present occupant Is XIr. Hii/ulrlp , nnd if ho
moves out on tlio first of tlio month , Dr. Wil-
HOII , the dentist , wnnta the house. It is
hoped that this statement will Hatlsfy the
ghost-boliuvcrs that three nro no ghosta there ,
and that they will have to look elsewhere for
thoao imaginary croatuioa.
A. Vllo IMneo.
To tlio Kditor of Tun HKK.
There are many places probably , in
thia city , that need looking after in n
sanitary point of view , but there is ono
place in particular that puts forth odors
not7rom"Araby"and is a standing menace
to the families , who , through the force of
circumstances , are compelled to dwell in
the neighborhood. That an epidemic of
cholera or typhoid fever have not already
appeared among them is a wonder , and if
the nuisance is allowed BO continue long
er , there in no doubt at all that typhoid
and kindred fovora will make their ap
pearance and aproad through that part of
the city , I refer to the place of ono
Board , on I/.ird street , between High-
toenUi and Nineteenth streets , whokcopa
a cow which is allowed to stand knoodoop
in its own droppings , which have boon
accumulating for mony months , as also a
privy vault filled to the "brim , " aondini ;
forth a terrible stench , polluting' the air
of the vicinity and creating nauaoa in the
stomachs of those who are compelled to
inhale it.
This matter , I am told , has boon re
ported to the city marshal and the city
physician , but so far without result.
XUNDAHL-At Bt. Joseph' * hospital , An-
gubt 25 , ut 2:30 : p. m. , Miss Sadie Lundiihl ,
agoii 19 yeur .
The remains vv ere taVi n to Drcxel & Xlaul'n ,
from winch pluco the funeral will to to
day at 2 p. in. The deceanud has a brotliu
in tuii city and two llvlogiomewhero In Iowa.
All ha\ebumotifkd and will bo hero to at
tend the funeral ,
Sleek Piano takes the lead. Sold
only bySleek WoonuitiwoK Duos.
SilO Opera Home ,
The Clans GatberiDg for To-flay' '
The Cnmlltlatrs "Who Appcnr nt
Claimants for Public
The corridors of the loading hotels o ;
this city are alive with politicians
who have arrived on the field early to
take an active part in the republican state
convention , which will moot in Uoyd'a
Opera House at 10 a. in. to-day
From all indications it promises to bo
the largest political gathering that has
over taken place in the state. In addi *
tlon to the -110 delegates , which comprise
the convention , from 1200 to 1500 out
siders will bo on hand to watch the pro
ceedings nnd labor with the del
egates on behalf of personal
friends. In many respects this
promises to bo nnjntcnaoly interesting
nd exciting contest. The largo number
of candidates , who enter the field as con-
toatanto for the various positiona , renders
it impracticable if not impossible for any
single combination to control or forestall
the action of the body. The manifest
disposition among the delegates that have
ao far arrived ia , to smash all old slates ,
discard barnacloa and have a now deal
all around. With the exception , per
haps , of Secretary of State Hoggin and
Suporintondunt Jonoa , ronomination is
not seriously opposed .in any quartorand
the coming ticket is likely to bo made uj
of now men all the way through.
The moat aurpriaing and dotormincc
opposition to Gov. Dawoa ia manifested
unong dologatea from every aoction and
u's friends are noriously alarmed. They
janio hero with the idea that Dawos
trould have a walk-away by acclamation
xnd find that there are four or five Rich-
nondsin the field to unhorao him. Aa a
natter of fact the opposition to Dawca ia
lot ao much personal aa it is a question
if military necessity. In the first place
Dawoa showed himself to bo a very weak
nan in the last campaign , falling away
johind his ticket , and , in the next place ,
won his friends are forced
jo admit that ho would put the party on
.ho defensive this fall , and weigh down
ho ticket. The party is just now in the
sondltion of the mariners , who had to
hrow Jonas overboard to save thom-
ielves. Jonaa was a good deal hotter
nan , but ho had to go.
Wo fail to discover anybody yet who
could favor the ro-nominatlon of At'oo
, nd ho goes down unwept , unhonorodand
inaung. Kendall and Wallichs have had
heir two terma and Sturdovant , bolnc u
lomocrat is not thought of in thia con-
ipction. The numerical strength of can-
Jdatoa for ovcry other oflico , makcH it
ittorly impossible to oven guess yrho
rill draw the prizes in the political
Aa far as wo can learn , the following
nndidatos have como forward for thu
arious positions on the state and oloc-
oral ticket :
Presidential electors CH. . Dewey ,
i. 0. Burr , Eugene Moore , Col. Hayes ,
f Norfolk , Capt Palmer , of Cass , and
onator Kinkaid , of Hole county.
Governor Jamoa W. Dawoa , of Saline ,
ohnM. Thayer , of Hall ; J. B. Uina-
lore , of Olay ; Ilonry T. Clark , of Sarpy ;
Vm. Daily , of Nohaoiaj E. 1C. Valentino ,
f Cumming , and Clms. P. Matthowaon ,
f Madison.
Llout. Governor Agoc , of Hamilton ,
Ion. H. U. Shodd , of Saundorsand Dr.
'napp , of York.
Secretary of State Edward Roggin.
Troaauror J. G. Wilson , of Sherman ,
ix-Doputy 0. II. Willard , of Thayer ;
Ion. Ohas. Lamb , of Stanton ; W. H.
ioborta , of Burt ; Smith Caldwell , of
'uckollsMr. ; Tomblin , of Arunahoo.and
'at ' Dolan , of Rod Willow.
Auditor J. H. Alford , of Lancaster ;
fokry Groashans , of Clay ! Ohaa. F.
falthora , of Richardson and H. A.
abcock , of Valley.
Commissioner of Public Lands and
inklings George R. Smith , of Cass ;
Anderson , of Fillrnoro ; Scott , of
ull'iilo ; Dr. Buckworth , of Lincoln ; Mr
Inight and J. K. Marloy , of Lancaster ;
. R. Ratcliflb , of Morrick ; Uaaslor , of
'ivwn'io and Fuller of Butler.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
-Goo. B- Lane , J. B. Brunnor nnd J J.
'oints ' , of Douglas ; Vandorman , of Saun-
era and W. W , Jonoa the present in-
Attorney General Hon. Win. Loose ,
f Seward ; Frank Hunaoin , of Otoo and
. J. Dilworth , of Adams.
Chairman Dorsoy arrived last night
nd took up his headquarters at the Mil-
ird , where the committee ia now busily
ngagodjn the preliminary work of the
invention , examining credentials of
ologatea and preparing hata of thoao
hose Beats are not contested.
The NnincH 01 tlio Dclcgatcx.
The state central committee kept ita
flico open until 12 o'clock last night to
Qcolvo the credentials of the uncou
nted delegations from the various
Quntioa. When the oflica closed twelve
ountiea yet remained to bo hoard from ,
ut aa several of thorn are in the extreme
outhwost and northwest parts of the
tate , and aa their delegation * are small ,
; Is thought they will not all bo ropro-
ontcd in the convention. So far aa
as boon reported the Knox county delo-
ation is the only ono contested. The
iroofs are now before the executive com-
ulttuo [ of the statn central committee
nd will bo taken up this morning foi
ottlomcnt before the convention moots.
"ho decision of thia committee will then
10 given to the convention for its adop-
The following are the names of the
iologatoa entitled to scats tupon the
omporary organization so far as has
icon reported :
Adnnm County U V ! 8initli , II UosUlck.
! PI ( Friilini , ( ! eo Willlanm , W W I'hclpj , ll
Jiilkins , W 11 Coltrin , It IJoyd nud G W
jiickxvitll ,
Antulopu County U H Kay by J II Yutna ,
L il AiiiltTBun by J H Yntt' * , Ooo McJc ( < - , W
I M ( ( uoui , K 1 > Tliurnton by H MntheHou
nd U Ciiurn. ] | )
lloniiu Louuty Jol.n IVtern , t JI Hnzvl ,
Idiis KnudKcin by Hiilx'rt Cmmiiinga. Al'uw %
II liy L.iran Clink , J ) Tiacy by 0 L llnrria
nil CM Kiiifliani ; ,
Jlrotui county J I1' llurni , A J Uurnhiun.
M T Cook , W Jj Whlttt'iiioru nnd J ; Al
> < i\c.
Huirnlo county- John 1 * Mullallun , Uoy W
: tiouu , H A Cutting T li Gmmingliam , J ) II
.klibiirn , J U Tutu , ( icorgu K Brown mid J ] '
Jlutlfr county W II Fuller , A Cofh by It
> iuhcimer , J K ] ) ty , ] ' itfliihdinc'r , X
lowe by James Hauctt , J ] L Heath by W T
Ktclmrclion , Jumrn 1'nrdoc liy A Pardne , J G
Hhonlcs by J C llobbi-rU.
Hurt connty-M It Hopewtll , W K Bniry.
Ii KiwirV 1'arriflli , U II Kobinnon.1 N
1'coblw , W N Handy , O W Conkling , J 1
Nflnon ,
Cft i county H M Vnihnell , John W
Harm * , Henry ) J 1'Alinor , Harmiol Ihoina * ,
MHichell , T H Crlihfidd , L Sheldon , Sftir
li.itktr by OoS Hlnlth , J M Cranor , I a i
Rtonf , .1 V Cnrnep , J M Mntthowi and 1
Ceilnr county .C C. Jlostctlcr , by W , J.
IJrynnt , CJoorRO Horb.
Choji'nni1 county J , C. llmh , V , liccr
jwi r.
Clny county Gi orRO Scott , P < tc r Oruni by
tliH AlbirtR , J * . 1) . Fowlrr , K/ra lirownc ,
O. 1' . Dlckfinn , C. . ) . Mnrtin , D. U. ,
S. W. Chrlaty , Arthur WilllainF.
Colfnx conntv J. V Wood" , JmiiCH ;
bv , J. A. McMtirjihy , William Walker , by
Thutnaf Dryant , J. W. Itruwn , C. K. Snin-
ner , Daniel Vnnllouc , by 1N. . Uwornk ,
T. S Clnrkson.
Ciiming county 12. K. Valnntinr1 , A. A.
Campbell , by Kuecno Mooic , K , U. Ilnrkcr ,
C. 0 McNish , J. W. haffirty , by K. N.
S\vctt , Hnlo Ptrrlnc , by C. 15. Verity.
D.kota county TJ Kmff. W K 1'coblcs ,
C II IJ.-vIn . by I , A Hait , II fetott.
Iixon ) county W K N'orrij , V XI Moly-
ncauv , J W lUilford , J U Uaincn , A S
I'ftlinprby 1) W Ha'son
Doduii county L 1) Iticlmrdn. It 11 Islco-
loinim , J : C Hums , J Y Smith , C D Mnrr ,
Mnnley Itcgora , (5 W K Dorsoy , A M Hpoontr ,
C CWck , .IK Cantlin.
1'llinoiu county . ! Xt Kishor , H IJnrr , U K
Cobb , J , J W Kllor , W O Mae.ey , V
AStcwail , J II llraztlton , T 15 Tanner by
WII Wallace.
I''rnnkbn county H W Montgomery , W 1
Mcul bv T .1 I'ickett , 0 X Adams , II Ale-
> 4iio , It tj Stownrt.
Ontro county. K II Harrington , 1Holt. .
I W 1'arki r. W C Hill , WllllS n Land , A K
Martortnati , C A Humhnnd. S C Smith , N T
McCk-urcy , O C Sabm , W II Siimmers , C J
, nno , Itlchnrds , J'crry Walker , S Me-
) o ell , j ; W Lane , George Tuttle , V 1'
Douclan county John XI Thurspn , Isnno S
Inscafi , K M Sttnbcrg , .1 G 'JVplor Jby T W
ilnckburn , G Andrew , Morris Morrison , W
'Schmidt , FredNjc , H A S UurUu , W V
lochol , .Tojcph Itndnian , Dooy ] J Houck , bv
T Cliirko , .1 W INicholi , A. 11 Sander. W K
Tumor. HO Turner 1)7 13 F Chinii , 1' XIoAr-
dlo. J V 1'nBc , Will Itrown.
fiospcr county Jolm Hen1) .
Ilnnnlton county W H 1'ronnoll , l.eo Cox ,
Harry White , A J Spannglo , L W Hast
llnrlnti conntv A TJ Burr , L K Morris , M
tf Jones , I' .1 Clean K W Coata.
Holt county M 1'Klnkold , II H Grimes ,
CM : MUIB by jKWost. BScott , ] ; rnich-
inond , 11 FCIevoland.G WJonos.
Jo trerson county C .1 Bills , P Jamsin , 1)
li Oaphan. W P Siulres , 1' Cross , W J Tom
berton , li S Baker.
Johnston county .Tolm Wilson , 0 A Car-
fiii , J K Lanutor , IT P llontuliaw , P Blake ,
C. Wjinan , Andrew Salrniuo , by A H Swart ;
T Dlsilson , A A Cainun , by .1. 8. Daw.
Frontier county W li McClary and
Tolm li Sanders.
Kearney county John McPheley , D B
Ball , by H St. Glair ; M McAntyre , J H Van-
lonberg , A C Christiansen.
Lancaster county J I ) Mcl'arloml , 11 0
L'hillips. O P Uavlc , M C Brock , T P Kon-
mrd , Kd Bignoll , C M Lambertson , Kd H
rcr , N C Abbott , C II G ro , J L Caldwell ,
I Brugnian , Angus MuKinnon. Alex. Bird ,
jy Frank Hall ; H D Khea , B Bramwell , by
I C Carter ; Ben Dodrill , by Charles Fox-
vorthy ; John ; itiglitford , by A 1) Burr ; C J
obcs , Henry Grace , by J II Harley ; J W
iVnore , by CV Masher.
Madison county H C Brome , George N
Juls , A II Nndig , C 1) Jenkins , W M Bick-
uy by T J Hunt and T J Hunt.
Merrick county W It Morse , J (3 Holdon
ly Dan Hopkins , A J Bowels by K F Whit1 ,
ohn Pattenwm and N It PorshiKcr.
Nantn county - Brad D Slaughter , 13 V
Jlarke , H C Magoon and Jatnea Voro by 1) )
T Clutko.
Nnckolls country .Tamos M Campbell ,
Jcorgo L Day. II S Gibson by J II Todd , W
I Leigh and J M Cook.
Otoo county It F C.nly , HA Newman , A
Jarrow , J M Taylor , J C Watson , If W Jlobb
f New , J H MclCee , F B Sto\enson , M Klls-
lorth , and George McKeo.
1'awneo county U Sto\ens , ChailcH Dort ,
i li Venei' , J NKckmnn , J 11 Kruin , K Van
Javis , P D Howe , 1,11 Woods.
I'liolps county Cliarlm J Backman , George
) Khoa , Peter Pierson , K W Huberts by J II
I'itrce county O J Kiost , I ) P Holmes , J U
Thayer county Jatnei Dinsmoro by Kd S
W , , MMHonso by F J Homlshot , PM
V'itlionild by I ! S Knight , J Ynam-haw by
t M Bargoi , F Wilcox , G W Boanblusaomby
! B Cooo.
PI itto county-W T .Seailos , W A McAllis-
3r by B K Cimdery , J K Mancrof , G G
tocher , J J J' , Leandtr Geiard , L U
Klch.irdson county J D Gibnan , Kd Hoi-
moU , J V Lichty bv A. H. Kein , George W
loll md , Kd Stei 1 , K H Henton , A N Korks
y JLSlocum , H D WclN , F W H.umders ,
tartin Wcrnor , C B Gildloy , O A Coopei , B
' .Mil , H ,
K.ilino county J R Johnston , F L FOSH , TJ
Wescott , A B Taylor by K W Metoalf , W
IMoiriH , FM Suiter. H Cole , O W Bait-
ley , JO Thurston.T HMillei , J H Kim-
Sanmlers county T W Gilclniat , J C Ho-
U'l , Henry Andeiirm , William Fletcher by
lenry Anilersnn , 11 II Dorney , KOPancoHt.
V W Hall , J C Griner , It A Hoaton , O M
Jartcr , T J Pitkett , ) r , J P Gibbons.
Sowuid county -T L or\all , William
llemmons , JJ 11 hanilfB , Allrn Price bv 11
I Wai Ing , US Nor\ . ill , J H Ptt/er , K C
lariiH , T G SimtnoiiH , ( ) T Lowin.
Sioux county W K Annin.
Stanton county Jolm A Kihaiilt , John
'oylor by Kbcrly , A Axen.
Valley county J'eter MartoiiHOli , U M
lolfin. U S Buchanan , N K llidlon , A Ward ,
I B Colliu.
Waxhington untnty Loicii7o Urounne ,
Innry Spiick , L F Hilton , W J Crane , W D
[ allotH Boxvcrinan , Jnmes HomingH C liil-
tigs , Li : Hind by S B Taylor , A Ptr-
Way no county John Bresslor , 13 Martin ,
O liichardsnn by J S Hako.
Wobstei county -W H Strolun , AV N liich-
idhon by J A TnlljH , A L Funk , H V bber-
v , John Moore , I'M Cotnet , 11 A Simpson ,
! J Ciidman.
York comity-T 11 Stewart by WT Scott ,
V H Kii'kley , M Beions , .Ininen 8 HeoJ , ; 0
; a1kiu , M Howoll. G W Kills , IM D ICiusel ,
) rWMKnap | ) , h Mai tin , J U Post by G
V Pout.
n Nebraska and Iowa during the week
nding August 211 , 188 i , furnished by
Villiam Van Arlock , of the poatollico do-
lartmont :
Eatabliahod Butler , Buil'alo county ,
Jonjuinin S. Gitcholl , postinaatcr ; Oa-
alpa , Holt county , Uri Lord , postmaatur ;
ilyera , Dawson county , Aliraham J.
ilypra , postmaator.
Postmaatera nppointod Ida , Valley
iounty , John W. Brockusj Ruby , Sow-
ird counfy , Joseph O. Wmnaly.
Established Ohalyboato Springs , Jas.
ior county , Isaac 0. Boltluu , postniastor ;
'ollotts , Clinton county , George W.
'owull , poatinn.Htor ; Munatt , Powushiok
lounty , Mary E. Martin , postmiiitross.
Discontinued Howell , Marion county.
Poatmaatora appointed Olomona ,
larahall county , .1. W. Egloston ; Duke ,
Jubiuuo ) county , Frodcrii Byrnca ; Ohio ,
iladiaon county , 0. W. Wright.
Found by Ollicer Ilurloy Imat
MKlit In Couiiull niufTH.
Ollicor HurUy at 11 o'clock last night
oimd a boy baby on the stopa of Jon-
linga * reaidonco , on North Ma < Hton
troot , and a letter Baying the boy was
wo weeks old and his name was William
'lill'ord and ho was thua disposed of to
How bis parents to follow their profes *
ion. It'waa taken to.tho Homo for the
' 'riondloea by Ilurloy , aa wai also nbout
vo fluita f of line clothing , loft with
ho child.
Ice AMD COAL atlienzon &liro > Ini
I'rogrAitiino for I ho O , A. It. He-t'nlor
to bo Iloltl nt Fremont ,
The following programme has been ia-
sued by the otlicors of the department ol
Nebraska :
The following distinguish ! guests are ox-
pooled to shire with us the pleasures of the
occasion :
Bcri'cant 1) . L. Brainard , of the Greolry ex
poditlon , who has boon nearer the north pole
thin any other living man ; and ho carried the
old flag , Ijoyil
Gen. B. M. Prcntiss , of bhlloh fame.
( Jen. John Gibbon , of the Potomac army.
GDI. H , A. Morrow , commander of the
department of Washington Territory , G ,
A It.
His Kxcollency Jflluei W , Dawe , governor ;
the members of the mpromo court of Nebras-
kn ; Hon Chan. F. Mnmlnrfioii , United States
BOtiato ! Hon. C. II. Van Wyt-k , United States
senate ,
rnoi.n \ MMEMONDAI. .
Gathering of the host ? .
Meeting of slate organisations.
1'stabllshinontof Intelligence bureau. Man-
atrcr , John C. Bonnell , P D. C.
Addtcss of wolcomu by Mayor Cloland.
Kesponso by Department Commander , II. K.
Formal turning ov < r of camp to Gen. Jolm
M. Thayer , coniinander.
Address by Hon. George W. E. Dorsoy ,
hatrmnn of reunion committee. lUuponsoby
o n , Thayor.
Beading orders and announcement1 ! ,
Lighting the camp-fire.
Same order of business continued.
The old-tiiuo recruiting ollico.
Urganl/.atton \olunteer rogltnonti for
services during the week.
Drill and dross pirado.
Housing camp fire for evening ,
Grand parade nnd review at 10 o'clock a.
Company and bntallion drill \olunttor
Artillery evolutions by Uattory A , light
artillery ; N. N. G.
3 o'clock The children's cump fire , under
the directions of Colonel John Hammond of
Night attack and ropulno.
Grand parade and exhibition by the Capi
tal City 1'lambaeau club.
Camp fire at night.
Mooting of the state organisation.
Grand sham battle.
Itccuptton to Sergeant 15r.iin.ird , of the
Orci'ly expedition.
Camp fire at night.
Statu Reunion , and election of officers of
St.ito organizations.
Grand ro\iow and diatinguish
ed guests.
Is aval engagement ; gunboite passing the
forts at. night.
Breaking camp. Adieus. Good-byes , and
God bices you , boys.
Break ranks , march.
II. K. Palmer , department commander ,
John M. Th.iyer , commander of cam ] ) .
Geo. W. K. Dorsoy , ch'n reunion com.
8. 15. Jones , sup't of transportation.
Teachers Examination.
The examination of the teachers closed
Saturday evening. The following name d
) orsona have been granted certificates to
ioach :
First grade , Goo. W. Hill.
Second grade , Ray D. Packer , H.
layoa Claire , Carrie Kumpf , Lora E.
Sweet , Katie A. Gardiner , Harlo E. Era-
cine. Myrtio G. Young , Max Randall ,
iV. . ] . McCandlcas , Anna E Leach , Hor-
oiiso E Smith , Sadie E. Manville , So-
ihio Cleveland , Maggie McLaughlin ,
fonnio C Noyos , Mary Dnnorgon , Chria-
io B. Ohlson , Alice Douahoo , Mary E.
3onroy , Carrie A. Boyor. Anna E.
Svors , Emma Donorgan , A. D. Agoe ,
Mary D McCoy.
Third grade , "Raima Saling , Ida E.
HcEwon , 0. L Ilotchkiss , Mary B. Aua-
in , Mary Burko. Maggie Swift , Eva A.
ilorgan , Ida Saling.
A largo majority of the schools in the
lounty reopen on Monday next. There
ire still vacant placoa for three or four
nalo teachers at § 50 per month.
Itc-Union at tlio A. M. E. [ Church. ] |
The prand re-union of the A. M. E.
ihurch will take place this oven-
ng , beginning promptly at 8 o'clock p.
n. There will bo plenty of enjoyment
ia wo can fully aaauro for the committee
iavd spared no pains in trying to make
irrangomonts to merit the approbation
> f the people , and us everything ia free
vo do widely extend an invitation to all
rionda and especially strangers.
The grand glee club , under the man-
'soniont of Mr. Hall , will furnish also
oino cf their boat music , which will no
loubt onthuao the dullest and homheat
nan from his status and cause him to
oap for joy.
In connection with this there will bo
iddrosso * delivered aa follows :
"Our Relations to God and Ono An-
) thor"byP. J. VSilliama.
'importance of Union Among us , " by
iJonj. Fulton.
"Sociability , " by Wlllio Vinegar.
Remember the time to-morrow for if
jou neglect this opportunity wo are euro
t will cause great regret.
Heal Kututo TrniiHfors.
The following transfers were filed in
, ho county clerk's oflico yoatorday and
reported for Tin : BKB by Amos' real ea-
; ate agency , August 25 :
A. J. Popploton and wife to J. M.
VVoolworth , w d , lota in sulphur springs
John A. McShano to P. F. Murphy ,
iv d , lot y , block 8. McCormick'a add
31,412 ,
M. K. Clark to J. C6unsman , c d ,
ot 7 , block 201J § 27.
A F. Knight and husband to II , B.
Knight , w d , 101 ! acres , sections 28 and
> ! ) . Hi , 12 § 1070.
P. Murphy and wife to J. F. Chapin ,
y d. lot G , block 2 , Boggs it Hill's add
F. W. Gray and wife to V. H. Golf.
nan , w d pt lota 1 ! ) and 20 , John I. Red-
ck's add SltlOOO.
A. Purcival and husband to II. OatholT ,
v d , lot 0 , block 5 , Kirkwood § 500.
Hoards Put Up on tlio Street
CorniTH in Direct Vlolutlon
of tlio I < u\\s of the
There is a city ordinance prohibiting
ha erection of signboards or poles upon
; ho streets of this city , and yet nohvlth-
itanding this BOIDO advertising fiend has
procured a number of advertising cards ,
vhioh have been painted upon a circular
ward about four foot in diameter and
loisted upon top of n polo on several of
ho moat prominent street corners in thia
It is bad enough to have the streets
filled with telegraph and telephone poles ,
but this is a nuisance which wilt have tc
bo tolerated for a time , but when men
openly and with no fear violate the citj
ordinances , _ it is time that the strong arm
of the law is outstretched and such -vio ;
lators brought to justice. Omaha is now
a city and cannot afford to have her
at roots filled with clap-trap signs or whirl
Those signs , which havojustboon erect
ed , are largo enough to obstruct the view
of the streets to a considerable extent ,
and aside from this , they are scaro-crowa
which tend to frighten horses , and thus
endanger the life and limb of those who
drivo. Upon the top of the largo sign
board is a whirligig arrangement which
turns in the wind , and aa it rovolvoa it
makes a humming noise.
A merchant who is doing a legitimate
trade wpuld not bo allowed to put up
such an ungainly looking sign in front of
his place of business , and thcso advertis
ing sharks should not bo allowed to do
what residents of this city cannot. Pull
down thcso sign boards , or repeal the
city ordinance.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To-
Attention ! Sons nl Veterans.
There will bo a meeting of the sons of
veterans at St. Goorgo's hall , north-west
corner of Fourteenth and Farnam streets
Wednesday , August 27th , at 8 p. m.
sharp , for the purpose of muster and
election of olHcera.
\ delegation is expected from Weep
ing Water and a full . .attendance is do-
a2J-2t. (
Seal of North Carolina tobacco the la
BUBO Ball.
There appeared in Monda evening's Dia-
patch , an article relating to the game of
ball between the Sherman Avonuca of
Omaha , and the Plattamoutha , on the
grounds of the latter. It was taken from
the Plattsmouth Journal and the acer
was said to bo 28 to 3 , which ia not tru
aa the right score was 10 to o in favor o ;
the Plattamouth club ,
The umpire of the game was the manager
gor of the homo club and ho did not glv
anything like a fair "shako" to the
Omaha club. Several partiea residing
in Plattamouth , who know something
about base ball , say that at ono part of
the game the pitcher of the Sherman
man AvenueMr.Charlcs Walker , pitched
aovon aa fair strikes over the
plate as anyone could wish which the
umpire called balls on account of their
being curves. Ho would not call strikes
on any ball except a straight ono. Mr.
Walker retired from the box in disgust
and could not bo persuaded to pitch
again with such an umpire to decide.
If the Plattamouth nine wishes to play
a fair game with the Sherman Avenues
lot them come to Omaha and play ac
cording to the rules of the American
association. Bring up a competent urn'
piro and i will wager two to ono that
they will get the worst beating they over
got since they organized.
Manager Sherman Avenues.
Plattsmouth Journal ploaao copy.
rhla ponder never varies. A marvel of purcnoss
'trenicth ' and wliolcHomoncsg. Moie economical than
.ho ordinary kindsand cannot bo Bold In competition
with the multitude ol low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold onlv In cans. ROYAL
Omnlii No1iraataln which In taught double arid
iingluentr ; llook-keoplni : , Commercial Ian , Civil
lla erument , Iliiglriess 1'ractlco , rouumnahlp , 1'jig-
lUh ( Iraiunmr , Heading , Pr-illluf ; , CurrcejionoVuce ,
itnd bhort llaiul Writing.
Uotnple'e ' Course , one jcar , ( short hand ex-
ciptcil f60 00
CompleteCnnrfo , one month 8 00
L'nin Icte Oourxe , two months 1500
Uumpltte Coulee , three months ' . ' 0 00
Katli month thereafter B 03
IhlrU l/cstoisln reumanelilp. . . 600
1 ho ahot a course , ( Uook-Ku ping exceptid ) one
month 6 CO
rho abo\o course , ( book keep ne encptcd S
mouths . . . . . < 1200
bind for circular , Address llATlinUN , I'rln ,
in&c Omaha , Neb ,
lias bcou eaUblUbrd and cipeclally equipped ( or th
treatment ol dueuea ut the
Nervous System ,
Blood , Kidneys ,
And Bladder ,
t ? All distance prcducluir blood ImpurltUe and poll.
mitt ; , " ' " ' truptlon * on tha ukln aud ulcers.
UUoajon u ( the liter , HhcuniJtisru , Piles ,
u'hionlc feral' ' li ' iu , dl oa t
) t the > ) o and Ear , C tauh , Abthnia , UronchitU ie
ill triatod b > new anil tuicctiiful uiUhode , latludiog
iha Vltalltod Oxjseu treatment , Vouiiif lltu Mid.
He Airtd and old Jlcn , butloilnt ; from tervouj debll
ty and ciliauitlou , Iron. nj cauio hato\er , prudu
: iiiB ludUcstlun , | ulplntlou , dtp nd ncy , dlrilneai ,
OM ol memory laak ol entrty and ambition , can lie
wrnnccntly aim | H.'fllly cured. NO CUHS ttQ
I'AV HllTltiATilENr ) : 1 he jihiolcUn In cbarfc-e
a regular graduate nd t&n ituduii lil rrofeadon
n Ixmuon , rarli anil llcrllu Hi li aa expert In a'l
lltcatus ol the Urlnar ) organs In both II you
i e Btlllcted , i all ut write lull dcsulptlon ol your
a e , and mcdlilne uuy bo wet you. Coniultatlon
ito. Addien all oomuiunlcatloui Omaha Dlgpenta-
y. Crounne'n Dlorlc , Omaha , Neb. Olllco bouil 011
i. in.,1-5 and 7-S | > . m. Suadajl , 0-10 a in.
Angry Housekeepers !
Wish to know why the Royal Baking Powder Company withhold frem
the Public the simple intelligence thab their Powker contains
Eminent Physicians and Chemists
Ammonia is a Dangerous Drug
in any humnn diet. Its use in footl is an oflbnso to nature.
Tartrato of Limo is found in all Cream of Tartar. It is a natural product , of.
vegetable origin , derived from the wines -which produces Oroam of Tartar. It is a
constituent ol the grape , na well as other fruits.
The idea that Tartrato of Limo can bo converted into lime at the temperature
of the oven is the rankest nonsense , and could only originate in the brain of ono
totally devoid of chemical knowledge. The "Royal" containa it. It has no iniur-
lous action upon the system.
The crying of "Lime" in the way the Royal Baking Powder Company do , is
another trick to extricate themselves from the uSe of tlio powerful drug Ammonia
in their powder.
Every housekeeper can prove the truth of our atatomenta by placing a can of
the 'Royal top down on a hot stove until heated , then remove the cover , and
and Btnoll "AMMONIA. " This test will ahow that the "Royal" contains AM
MONIA ; that DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER does not contain
Ammonia. J ho strength of our powder can bo proven by the consumers' reliable
The Test of the Oven.
T DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is superior to the "Royal. " It
contains no Ammonia. The "Royal" contains Ammonia. The use of Ammonia in
articles of food I Ibeliovo to bo injurious. ELIAS H. BARTLEY" , B. S. , M D
Chemist of the Department of Health , Brooklyn , ( N. Y. ) May 20 , 1884.
Price Baking Powder Co.
MEEGELL & ROSENZWEIG , Are prepared to do work
Practical Painters & Decorators OUTSIDE In any branch THE , CITE
On Short Notice
3TORfHADES 1515 8o"c" PAINTING ,
Dowlas Street. Omaha , i Correspondence DECORATIN
Booths' Oval Brand
* , V JI
D , B. BEEMER , Agent , OMAHA , NEB
The Largest Stock in Omaha- , and Wakes the Lowest Prtoes
Jnat received an aaaortment far snrpasalng anything In thia market , comprising
; ho latoat and moat taaty doslgna manufactured for thia spring's trade and. covering
\ range of prlcoa from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive.
Parlor Gobds Braoeries.
Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of all the Up <
tomers , the newest novelties in styles in Turcoman , Madras and
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
ElofifantlFassenger Elevator to all1Floos.
1206,1208 nnd 1210 Farnam Street , - - - - OMAHA.NEB.
Dormer Windows , Flnlalt , Window Caps , Iron Croetlnn , Metalll Sky-lights , &o. Tin , Ircn and SUte Boa
era 310 Smith 12th Street Om h Nehru * *
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Established 1878 Catarrh ,
Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Formnnontly Cured. Patient *
Cured at Homo. Write for "TUB MEDIOAL-MISSIOJUKY , " for the People.
Honsnltatlon and Oorrospondcnco Gratia. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 20.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , Bays : ' Physician ol
tie * . Ability ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MUUPHY , Davenport ,
"Annonorahln Man. Fine Success. Wonderful Ourou. " Hours 8 10 5.
\ :
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