9 TFL DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27. 1881. EDHOLM&ERICKSON SOLE AGENTS FOll STEIN WAY , WEBER , HAYNES AND HARDMAN AND SMITH , AMERICAN AND PACKARD ORGANS. \Vo hnvo the largoat and boat stock of Shoot Music In the city , comprising Bor Itn , Vienna , Potora' "Leipzig" Cheap Edition , Broalau , Mayonco editiona. Small Goods and General Music Merchandise of all Kinds , 101 AND 103 15TIT STREET , OPPOSITE POSTOFF1CE. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , Jewelry of n designs mndo to ordor. Largo stock of Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry. AGENTS ' ' SILVERWARE FORJGORIIAM MANUFAOT'NG CO'S STERLING LAJIGE STOCK OF Howard Waltham , Elgin , Lancaster and Columbus Watches SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED PaV * A. SCHNEIDER [ WATCH , DRESDEN. tlu i Cor. 15th and Dodee ; , opposite Postoffice. AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEBRASKA. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKK , Proprietors. "Superinfludent U. P. RAILWAY , 17TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS. INCLUDING THE 'Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Olotl It' ' , STEAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. -mmf I a O "We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for the erection of Flouring Milla and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller Sys'em. { SSTEspecial attention given to furnishing Powder Plaiits tor any pur pose , and estimaies made for some General michinery repairs attended promptly. Aadress EIUHABD & OLAEKE , Omaha , Neb COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. DISUNITED BRETHREN. A Church Having Serions Tronlil willi ODO of Us Local Preachers , Ho is Charged with Being To Fond of One of the Sisters. Found Guilty ami Tlioro Ima boon conaidornblo o&itntio of Into in the society of the Unite Brethren church , located on Tout ! nvonuo , caused by prntty free talk nbou ono of the locnl pronchors of the church ilonry llowo , a well known Brondwny inorchnnt. In general terms it is sail that Mr. llowo Ima boon too fnmilmi with ono of the siators of the church Mrs. L. IT. Jones , whoso husband lifts a atoro on Main street , and whoso residence donco ia juat in the roar of the church It haa boon said thnt Mr. llowo lad planned to got a divorce 'mm his wife , and Mrs. Jones to ; ot ono from her husband , so they could 'ollow out a mutual agreement and marry each other , and that Mr. Jones for some reason liiul alao agreed to allow this plat , o bo carried out. It was reported that Mr. Jones waa to have n mortgage lifted all his houao by Mr. llowo , and thnt Jones waa to take and caret for hia donf Mid dumb boy , and Lira. Jones was to , ako vrith her their son Eddio. Such icandulous talk with its consequent ox- agoration , made ifc nocoaaary for the church , in which both wore so prominent , to take sonioollici.il action. Howe , after ipplyiug for a divorce , naked for n letter rein the church , but they would not lot lini gowithout a trial to dotcrmino whether ho was entitled to a lottor. THE ron.OWIXU CHAllflEh were consequently filed by Hov. J. W. Ilnrpar , ono of the ministers of the church. 'OONCIL ' BLITFS , In. , August 19.1881. United Brethren , Church of Council Bluffs Mission Station , Croaton district , Weal Dos Monica Annual conforonco. Char-Res preferred against Ilonry Howe , of said mission for immorality or immor al conndust. Charge lat For aueing for a bill of divorce - vorco from his lawful wife when ho can not obtain such under goa- ; > ol principles. Specification. First , for throats made by him to his wife on the availing of July Uh , 188 J. Specification Und. For nog- ' .octiug the company of hia wife and seek ing the company ot another man's wifo. Charge 2nd For coveting hia neigh bor's wifo. Specification lat. For stat ing that ho 'oved ' that man's wife and yas determined to have hor. Specifica- , ion ! ? nd. For visiting Mrs. L. U. louos , at Coon Rapids , Iowa , while she was the wife of another man. Specification ( id. For being In the lompany with Mra. L. II. Jnnua nlonu between sunset and dark , on or about Sabbath evening , July ( ith , 1884 , and when a certain person wont to the same houao where they were , the door waa shut , Ilonry llowo came out and opened the door andhonnd Mrs. Jones seemed to bo very much confused. Specification 4th. For going and mooting Mrs. L. H. Jones nt the Mil waukee depot on Monday evening , Aug ust 18th , 1884 , and accompanying her up to her homo. Specification 5th. In hia bill for hia divorce from his lawful wife , ho status that it ia for cruel and Inhuman treat- \ man , endangering his lifo. The trial took place at the church yes terday afternoon. About twenty-live were gathered there , of which the largo majority were the sisters , on'y ' six or a seven of the brethren being prcaont. A committee consisting of Otis Ilayuos , Mr. Green and Mr. Bias , acted as a tri bunal witli W. E , Clausen as chairman , and J.M. Ilarpor as secretary. Elder Johnson , of Illinois , the evangelist , ap peared as prosecuting attorney for the church , and Mr. Howe appeared for him self. Mr. llowo acknowledged the first charge , but thought ho had dona nothing wrong. lie objected to what ho termed horcsny evidence , witnesses being intro duced to show what Mrs. Tones and Mr. Jones had told than. Do objoc'ed ' so far as to threaten to leave the hoi so , and not attend to the trial further , but finally concluded to stay. The chair said ho was in great sympathy with Brother Howe and would rather give $50 than learn thit Brother llowo iwan guilty of the charges. Ho himself had had conversations with llowo nbout this , and advised llowo to with draw his request , for a lottor. Howe told him that Jones and hu were good friends , and that Jones was to keep the deaf and dumb boy , and "wo" the younger ono , meaning by "wo" Mrs. Tones and himself. Other things were told him by Howe in confidence and thcHO no would not tell. Ho understood from Jfowo that it was mutual agreement between Air. and Mrs. Jones and llowo. Johnson had also talked with Jones , and Jones told him ho did not want to Interfere because 10 did not want any shooting or hanging. Jones also told him that Howe was to pay the mortgage on his house , and have that and his team clear , and that ho and Mra. Jones could write to each other when they wanted to. Brother Howe kept ob jecting to this hearsay evidence , but ho was overruled. Sister Dobson also had a conversation with Jones , in which ho told her ho could got a divorce from Mrs. Jonoa on the ground of adultery , but that nho couldn't got ono from him , and that ho had known of the intimacy for a long time , but did not want to put Howe out of his house or got a divorce because ho feared Mrs. Jones would commit suicide. Mr. llowo was sworn and admitted the conversation with Johnson , but de nied that ho had told him about lifting Jones' mortgage , but that JoluiHon told him that Jones had said that , llowo admitted that hia memory was rather poor but ho remembered that part of the conversation. Ho said that ho stopped at Mrs. Jonos' occasionally to rest on Sunday , for it wan such a long walk to church. Ho had repaired goods and done some varnishing for her , ; tnd other business. Ho wont to Coon Itapids on business , and thought as a brother of the church ho ought to call on Sister Jones while there. Brother Howe consulted then out' ' side with Mr. and Mrs. Jones , and as a result of the conference Jones appeared and took the stand , and waa a worn , Ho evidently had pee ; memory , and evaded the questions of th prosecution by "I do not remember. ' Ho know there waa talk and rumors , and people had mndo him bohovo a good many things , llo thought n good deal of the testimony wai falso. llo denied nearly all the important points in the testimony , and denied thnt any arrange ment hnd been made between tlioin. Mrs. Jonoa also wont on the stand and declared that Howe hnd always been a gentleman , and denied any intimacy. After being out loaa than ton minutes the committee brought in a verdict of finding llowo guilty as charged. Hogav notice of an appeal. TRACKS OlfTHE TRACK ! The Opening Day of the Fal MCCtiH. Quo Hat Eaoo in Whioli Ko : Wins , Todnj'a l > rojrniiiiiio. The attendance ) at the opening day at ho fall mooting waa very fair. The music nras furnished by the band of Buchanan Comedy company. The opening event of .ho day was the running race for all agus , no mile and repeat , for purse of § 250. There were four entries but low Mallory ivna drawn , leaving as starters Trix , Jcoswing and Little Follow , who drew ilaces tn the order named. Clmrlos M. Smith , of Karlvillo , 111. , orvod as starter , a most excellent man 'or the place , being a professional starter nd a thorough horseman. M. M. Morao , of Karlvillo , n member of the na tional board of appeals for yonra and a no loss excellent horsomnn , served also na judge with . ) . W. Poroiroy ns the third judge. Dr. Macrau served as timer. The firat heat was won by Trix the favorite - vorito , Beeswing second , Little Follow third ; time , l'J"i. : At the furnish Bees wing waa close onto the > \ inner , there not being a nock's difference. In the second heat Bocswing wont to the front on the firat quarter and kept this ulaco to the third [ quarter , Little Follow keeping second place for the first quarter , Trix being kept in aomothing of a pocket until after the quarter waa passed when Trix crowded up to second and in the third quarter pressed to the front. On the finish Trix came in the winner , Little Follow close upon him and Beeswing trailing in the roar , so that she got distanced. The judges gave Trix first , Money and little Follow second , and gave the driver of Little Follow a tongue christening , not liking the way ho drove nt the finish. The judges had no direction , and so gave him second money , but advised him very plainly to hereafter drive the horse ho was riding and not the ono ho waa not driving. The owner explained that it was the firat race in which the boy had rode ; and the judges replied that they gave him the benefit of the doubt. THE SCOHE. Running race ; all ages ; milo and re- poit ; purse $250.00. Tiiv 1 1 Little Fellow : i - ' ISeoowiiiR - din Tnnoll7i , 1:18. : The next event waa the 3:00 : trot. There were nine entries but throe drawn. Go Fetch It , B. B. Kenney , Lexington , Ky. ; Pock's Hamblotonian , 0. II. Ilink- ley , Walnut , Iowa ; St. Elmo , J. H. Jarvis - vis , Concordia , Kansas. The others were placed as follows : Ethan Allen , A. Thomas , Omaha ; Joan Smith , B. J. Johnston , Creston , Iowa ; Katy II. , Goo. W. Holmes , Lincoln , Nob. ; Henry Clay , \V. 0. Footo , Uutchinson Kas.Ruth ; S. , I'lios. Slinger , Merrill , AVis. ; Clifton , E. Work , Kansas City. In the first heat a very fair start was had. Joan Smith and Ethan Allan had snug contest for first place to the half , but Smith pushed ahead and kept the leap to the finish , the others being snug ly huddled at times and getting close up on him. Ilonry Clay broke badly and from the third place foil to the roar , but got onto his foot and pushed into fourth place at the finish. Jean Smith won the heat in 2'M : { , Katy U. 2d , Ruth S. ! Id , Ilonry Clay-Hh , Kihan Allan 5th , and Clifton ( Jth. In the second heat there was a great deal of scoring , but the start was finally made , and a fine ono indeed. Guan Smith took the lead and kept it. Hulh S. kept close up on him and came in n good second. Knty H. broke badly , but when on her foot allowed herself speedy , and succcoded in getting in third , Clifton fourth , and Ethan Allen and Henry Clay distanced. Time , ii5 ; ! ! In the next heat Guan Smith took the load and kept it , Ruth S. , Katy II. , and Clifton following in the order numod , and thus pntHint ; under the wiro. The driver of B. Clifton tin to rod a protest against Ruth S. , claiming aha was n ringer , und that if driven she would have tukon the hoat. The judge informed him that , ho must reduce hia protest to writing. The heat and rnco was given to CJoan Smith. Time , 2:35 : ? . Jill ! HCOIIH. Trotting , 3:00 : class , purse 8500. Ocan .Smith 1 1 1 Until 8 i ! 2 Katy II 5 ! It 3 Cllftiui (1 ( 4 I Ilonry Clay 1 ilia. JUlian Allun 5 (1U , The next event was the 2:31 : trot , in which there were | Jfour entries and four starters placed as follows : Rex , J. 0. Igon , I'rbana , 0. ; Review , 0. II. Gallop , I'ahagan , Mich. ; Mattie Price , W. 11. Johnson , Kaunas City ; J. II. McCormick - mick , B. P. Kirk , Mason City , Iowa. The first heat was an easy walkawty for McCormlck , On the uond-olF Review led to the quarter , the others having a pop-corn time going oil' their foot. Then McOormick took to the front , Review next , then Mattie Price , and than Rex , and kept those positions to the half. On the third quarter McCormick still kept the load easily , and the three others hunched and struggled for the other places. At the finish they came in as follows : McCormlck , Rex , Review , Mattie Price ; time , 2301L ; The second boat proved a surprise party. McCormick started out nobly , taking and keeping the lead , followed by Review and Mattie stringing along , while Rex , who had broken BO badly as to come to almost a standstill , was trailing behind but gathering spood. It was not till after the half was passed that lively work bo gan. Review pushed speedily up along side of McCormlck , and then to the fora and came in winner ; while Rex , making up for bad work by n splendid spurt , got second place , leaving McCormick third with Mattie Price fourth. Time 2:28 : } . The third heat was another surprise , Review took the load , while Rex , by one ! of hit ) breaks , fell behind and kept there ] till the half , Ho then commenced get tin ? to the front and came down the alrotch ahead of Uoviow by a neck , win- lung the heat in 2 2if. ! Mattie 1'rico came in third , but was sot l > tck to fourth and McCormick given third placo. In the fourth heat Review led to the half , while lox ? by a break fell to the roar. Ho soon aped toward the front , and down the stretch it was a lively race between the two , they trotting so close that their wheels touched. Hex came under the wire a none ahead , Uoviow second , Mnttio 1'rico , by speedy making up for bad breaks , getting In third , am McCormick fourth. Time , 2 2S | . Tlio fifth and finishing heat was a lively contest between Hex and Review It was apparently for blood , and tin horses came down the homo atartch fo all they were worth. Rex got his mm under the wire first and won the hea and race in 2:201. : TIIK SCOUR. Trotting race , 2J)4 : ) class. Purse , ? 500 ! t > \ 2 2 1 1 li-viow II 1 1 ! 2 L Mnttlo 1'riiv I I I H 3 McCormick 1 3 it lilif Time , 2:301 : , 2:21 , WJk. S.V.MJ , 2:201. : The following is the programme of to lay's races. I'Am.i 2:25 : CLASS. iTiisK Ittu-k Dlckcnuin , ch p , U. .1. Johnston , Crt > J on. In. IMnttti- Undo , gin , | M. M. Undo , Cuuncl tlulTs In. Clurllo K , bl fi C. X. Ktiiery , Hoatrioo , Nrllio B , K in , Cnl Hati-fl , liiilopoiuloiico , Timrrixo 2:10 : CLASS. ITUSK $500. Lady Mnck , lir in , A. 11 , Swan , Clitiyrnno , S. V. Sheldon , a g , A. A. Hombrck , 3ity , Alo. ( 'rnco 1) ) , ch m , A. K. ( Ilnoy , Minnoniu1N | , II. / . l.oon.ird , 1) , < l , N. l.i'oimrd , Lin- oln , Ni'li. lliulil Doblo , I K , U. C. Holly , Ptiolilo , Citl. COISCIL llI.l'l'I'H DKI1HY foil TWO MIAUOI.IH - ONIMI.M.P MII.K DAM1I , Mablti Aloorc , Aiclno ll.itolictt , Sprlnglioltl , Irish Litsb f. H. C. Holly , I'noblo , Col. Jlil'.ll'c ' , John Vrnll , 1'aitliolil , Ii. : Little Ham , ch R , IUK ilncKHon , Molinc , Also rimnind rnco , club purno SI 00 , OMAHA NEBRASKA. Tlio Bcholixstla year commences on tno First Wednesday in Sentcmlicr , The cniirso ol Instruction embraces nil the Klcnicn tnryaml higher lirnnchos ol n llnUhuil oihinvtlon Dlliuronco ol Helicon ia no obstacle to the niliuln- elon ol yuuii : Ivlleu. I'lijillj nro reach oil at any time of the } cur , TERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Incluilhi ) ; Hoard , Wnshlii ) , ' , Tuition In English auJ French , UBO ot books. 1'lnno , i > er c8Blon ot Pivo Mouths , - - § 150.00 EXTHA ClIAUOES-DrnwInit , Tftlntlng , donna Ilnrp , Violin , ( Inltar niut V'ot-Yl Music References nro romilroil from all persons unknow to tlio lubtltuUoii. Fur ( minor Information apply the _ j iLADV SUl'KItlOll , | i 11.mto \VITII. \ men "I'olsoncil with l'otali. " This to the MAY cone \\lth ImmlroilH ulxi Imvo hccu iinwlao enough to taku Bar aimtllliui , 1'otiuh imxUlrc-H , etc. . until elocution It almost fatally Imptrcil. HulltH Spcclllo U a Wk'ctalilo rcinoily , anil rcntore.1 tlio ) B- tum to health nnil ImlMa up the uauto made by thouo "IUH siiflerinn "Illi Ilhoil I'olson , niut truatoil emtral months Ith Mercury ami Potash , oi.ly to make mu worse. The I'otmh tookauay my a ] > | > t'tlto anil ( ; a\o mo ilHpepHln ( atul hotli Kavomo rhotuna > Item. I then took Sars3arllli | , etc. All tlicou innilo mo Btlll worno , a ltilro\o tho'p"8" ' " further Into niv Bihtcm. A ( rienil lunl to < l I should titko ilt'flHu'cl- | - He , anil It enrol mo ot the Dlooil I'olHon , < ln o the Mercury anil l'otuih out of mys\stom , anil tii-ilay 1 am 0.3 neil as I incrw.ia. " OUO. O. WIH.I.SIAN , Jr , Ualum , Mafu John A. Smith , the lnrjL"-t mcri'h.mt In OalnrHtlllo. On. , HVJB : "I Btlllcroil for } car from the combined ofToctB of Krnl | .lai an.l Kczuma. I ( on tinned to RIOW wruo miller moilical treatment nnil hy taking moOicIno c'OntiilnliiK I'otnsh. S. S. S. cured ma thor- oiiKhlyaml uhniiluUly. Mv aiiputlto , BtreiiK'th anil Meah returnoJ 1 was cur uil with It. " Our Troatlso on Illood and tjldn Dlsoogos milled fruo appllcaiita to THESWinai'EClKIO CO. Draper 3t Atlanta , Ga. N. V. Oflloo , 169 W. 22il St. , Iwtwocn Uih and 7th A\enucB. rhlladeluhla oflico 108 ( Jhuxtnut t. UErUKHKNTS fboanlx Asournnoo Co. , ol Condon , Cub 8tche8torH. T. , C I > 1U1 . 000,00 ! ' . 0 , < KMuronani8. of Newuk , N , 1. , 0 t > ltal 1,276,000.03 Ulrttril i'lro , I'ldUdolfl.li , v > tU . 1,200,000.0 1 , S915. icieiice of Lite. Only $ ,0 BY MAIL POSTPAID. MW THYSELF , , A OUBAT MEDICAL 'WOIIII Kihumtwl VltAllty.Ncrvons and 1'hynlo Premature Iocllno In Man , Kirorunf Youth , an the aotold mlsorlcf ) caultlng from Indlacrotlona or m * A hook for every mm , ynur-tf , mlddlo. ged , mil ohl. It oontulni 120 proftorlptlons ( or all ocato and chronlo dlsoinos ouch ono of which lo Invaluable Si found by the Author , whose experience for 23 ytarg It Bucli oiiproliably never before foil to the let nf anr physic an 800 pagi * , bound In beautlfa P/ench muslin raooseed covers , full Kllt.guar&nteoi ) to be a finer work n every ion e , mechanical , lit erary and profoodona ! , than any other work sold In thli country for 12.60 , or the money will be refunded la every Initanoe. Prtoe enly 11.00 by mall , poet- paid. Illuitratlve sample 6 oenti. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National UodlcM Aaaodatlou , to the officers of which he releri. The SclciiBO ol Life should be read by the young for Inntructlon , and by the alHIoted ( or relief , It will benoftl all London Lancet. There Is no member ol society lo whom The Sci ence bf Life will not be useful , whether youth , par ent , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. AddreBd the 1'eabody Uodlcal Institute , or Dr. W. II. 1'arhrr , No. t Uulfinch Street , Boston Mass. , who mav 1) > consulted on all dlsoueg reulrli | ( { bklll and uxporhnoo. Ofironloandobntlnatedlseai. isthat have halllfd the skill ol all other phs-UCA | cl01" a HixiclUtyi Hncb treated suoooM-llCHL lolly without au Instance ( allure. TUVCCJ C NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY HUCOESHOK TO DAVIS It BNYDKB.I Oenoral 1TATE 1505 FAKNAM BT , OMAUA. Have lor eale 100,000 acres carefully selected Und ID Kaatern Nebraska , at low prlou and on cwy term * Imniovea uruio lor sale In Dou Iai , Dodve , Oolfai I'lttte , Hurt , turning , Harpy , WasulDgton , tlerlot ( janndors , tnJ Duller Joumloa. Taxes paid In all parti ol the HUU , ; Uooer loaned on Improved fannr. Notary lubllo Always la odloo Ihltod THE CHEAPEST PLACE itl UMAHA TO BUY Ono of the Boat andglargest Stocks in the United State ? toQsoloct from. NO STAIKS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , SOUTH THAT IS THE NAME OF THE TOWN WHERE 'bl ' FOR ALL ARE FOUND ! Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air < & Waterl And nil of the good onu plettsnir. things tlmtfgo to mnlco up a com plete mill happy existence. The town of South Onmlin i i , .tinted south of the city of : Omaha on tlio line of the U. P. Railway mid it is less thnn 2 miles from the Oimihn post oflico to the north line c i the town site. South Omnhn is nearly 1J miles north and south by 2 } east and wesLnud covers an area of nearly four square miles , The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit. Nearly 150 lots have been sold nnd the demand is oil the increase The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The § 30,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant supply of PURE SPRING WATER. The B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a largo force of men at work and will , in connection with thoU. P. Railway , have a union depot tear the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be ! urnished for Church and School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never )0 cheaper than they are to-day. Apply nt the Company's oflice , at the Union Slock0. Assistant Secretary , Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , BrnoH and Iron Fittings , at wholesale and retail. HALLADAYVINDMILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are tlio Cheapest. Most Durable , Smallest in Si'/.e and Lightest in. Weight. Vth no Hav I'rcemcs of any kind can the amount of work produced at such little expense , ( ten tons of hi ndovortu lo d rallrnail boxcar , ) as can ho done with the Krtcl Improved Machines , \\arrcntud or lo , For Illuitratod now circular uddreud , . „ , , , , , , . , , , i , , OEO KUTKL & CO Qulnoy. Illln < la otlonOMAHA HKK. all-cm Ket + bUshodlulga . 3L. "W'IRIGrlHIT1. , IMPORTER , JOBBER AND MANDPAOTURERS1 AGENT OF J IJ'JLUIJIJ II UJL UJ ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND JIARNEY NEBRASKA OMAHA , - - OMAHA NATIONAL BANK U , S. DEPOSITORY. J. H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier. . Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOO. OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Flro and Bntylar Proof Snfoa for Kent at from f5 to $50 per annum. t