G TJIK DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 27 , 1884. TI1E DAILY BISK. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning Augunt 27 , HUlHOUIITinN 11ATKS. lly O rilti - - - - - - - nont I t week II ) Mall . l"'w ! ' J1 * ' on'icm : Ko. 7 1'earl BtreaV , Near Ilro&dway , MINOR MENTION , See J. Roller's Hummer goods " "The Hoys in llluo nuTolToiPimportant Inmincss lo-night. " ' ' " three for Hmoko "Harry's l vnrilo , twenty-five cents , at the opera house In thu case of Halstod vs. Cuppy the jury returned a verdict ( jiving l'lu ' pi11' * ' till' J252. ' The Wabash has put on a chair car and a sleeping car between this city and Chicago. Permit lo wed WAS yesterday K'vml ' lo Pete Molina anil Hudtiok Horsow , both of Council Rlnlld. The roller rink will bo open on Halnr- day afternoon , but will not open for the Boason until tlio woathur is cooler. Tim republican county convention bus 1)Ban ) onlloil for Haptomhor 15 and the ju- dioinl convention for Soplomoor 18. Iloraos with heavy stones and Rand have boon kept busy in Iho rink , for thu last few days , wearing off the roughness on the Moor. 0. C. Case has received u flvo pound box of Spoir Head tobacco as n prize for Bonding to the manufacturers two hun dred spear head tags , The present and former pupils of Prof. N. S. lleardsloy , of the Western Iowa college , are to meet in a social gathering this evening in the college ball in Him- gart's block. Mr. N. S. Hoardsloy , of the Western Iowa oollogo , ban isauod invitations to the friends of the present and former pupils of this institution to attend n uooial gathering at college ball In Him- { art'a block thju evening. The brick residence of Mr. Jonoa , on Mynstor street , has been Huoceasfully raised byV. . P. Aylsworth , and the building of the foundation is all that re mains to complete the improvement which Mr. Jonoa Is the second person on- urprising enough to attempt. Next Saturday evening there is to be a ratification and jollification mooting of the republican clubs at the court hoiiau. A committee baa boon appointed to HU GH ro the attendance of Judge Thurston of Omaha and of Judge Lyman , both of whom are expected to make addroasos. Colored poatura are announcing that thu Veteran association of southwest Jowa and northwest Missouri will hold its annual reunion at Creston , Iowa , for three days , commencing Septemtuir HOtii. The old boys in blue extend a cordial in vitation to all in this part of thu world , who ate hard-tack and followed the tlag , to meet with them. 1'KUSONAl/ . Gt'orgo W. Bullock , of the lowu State Ku ia tor , U lu the city uttemliiiK thu iao . Mlm Anna U , Mm > ro lt j ucwptud u i > iul * turn in thohtoro of Alonsm. llurkuen lliuth em. Dr. 9. 1 > . Mitchfll , oilltoi of the Iluimim County Cuucior , t > f Ijoguu , was hi thu city > fd- tvulay , A.'A , 1'iuBoua uiul ( iei > . W , Thi.iiui > sou loft ycaterclay noou fur NuluanVii , wheio ( thuy in- toud to iiud I'nuUKlii'iaUio ' chltkuiuto UPPO.ISU thuir ai > t > otltu. J. J. lUihs loasei tmUy ( or uu o\toiulnl tiip to the cast. Ilu will go us fur an Xuw YurU , and whvu he nnu4 b.ick thu ludiodll \ all wuut tu bcu him. I'm ! . Sl.itteiy loturuud yottvrday from St. IjUuU , wbcro hu h&i tx.'Uil l JuJing hU sum- uu'i vucatluu. lie looks aa if St. lonU aociu- ty win conguuiiU U > him. " U. 11. Van Brunt , ywtuuUy diuvu ovoi to Oiuatui , iK.'ooiup.mivd by Mi , MoKmou , to lK > k uvur thu fair evhibit , Homu uf ulnvh uru about ic.xJy to pUce lu position. Stuck SUI\iiuouln. The following were the shipments of stock from the union stock yards , Aug ust2C : M. Morse , four cars of cattle 80 head , to Chicago , via C. 15. & l > . M. Morse , two earn of hvgs. 120 head , to Chicago , vu 0. It. & Q. J. Wiggins , one car of hogs , 58 head , to Chicago , via 0. K. 1. & P. J. S. Sewer , two earn of ho n , I''ij head , to Chicago , via 0. R. 1. & P. F. & M. one car of hous , CO haad , to Chicago , viii C. M. & St. P. Purl fc Schmidt , one car of sheep , 110 head , tu Council Blufl'a. D. Auderuan , ouo car of hogs , 01 hoid , to Chicago , viu 0. R. 1. & 1' . J. R. Alter , three cars cattle , 105 head , to lUwliu , via U. P. Try "Choroota , " "Turks" and * 'Capital" 5 cent elf-urn. Opera house. Koul Kutatu The following transfers were Gled in the county clork's ollice yesterday and reported for TUJS BKK by P , J. MoMa- bouo : Win. Catoa-to 1. S. Wright , lotI blk 37 , Riddle's sub. , § 017. Cynthia , 3L tJiahop to Amuliu Bloom ur , lot -I blk 21 , Baylias & Palmiir's add. m Arthur J. larkin to Bridged Larkin , sj : o | U 70-1 , S'-IOOO. J 'olu Larkin tw Bridget Larkin , si swf 147013 , $1,000. Total julfn , ? 1,050. "Sam Carlos , " the beat 10 cunt cigar in the city. Opera house. IHulructivu Sturm , U'H. , Aub' . ' . ' 0It Will OOtt to rupuir thu UitmaKu duiiu by tliu Uirut to thu Kuw Lundim & , Nurthuin li. K. , Jtud bavurul Uiuueanl U ) repair thu lilglnvuyx. < \wt of cropn ilLktruyod uud inuuutuin ruuUu Threoyounu KngJltli tujiiat at the Moody cUool wuio Jiowiiud wJillo bitliing la c ovo- DEIKIOCHATICJOINGS. TlicBonrlioiis Borrow Republican Ora- lo enliven Tliclr Convcnlioii. llin lnl ; nH'M ' < 5lioiii in tlio Tin-no O . IIIK 'I'ho ( lomocriilio cmmly cniivoiitinn unit yorilunluy morning at the court houao. In tliu niMiincn of Col. Tnm , Iho clinir- limn of lliu enimnlUoo , Mr. II. A. Unit- coolt by lila request , cnllud llui conven tion lo orilur. Mr. W , II. Warn wna ohoson cliiiirnmn , and Mr. ! . < l. Htuwart loinporary Bucrotnry. Mr. (1. ( 11 , Jnokmm moved that a coin- niittou bu npiMiIntuil on credentials , tl. J. Krninoy moved lonniond by up- [ lolntiiiK a comiiilUuH to aoloct ( lolof'ftlcn. "Alter nniiio talk Krainoy withdraw liin ainuiidinunl , and the original motion Ilro > vnilud. 'I'lio ' chair apiioinlud aa cointnittuu on credonlialn : U. A. Holmes , of Council Illiilla ; .lainna Crow , of Mindun ; J. J. Blum , of NuolaO. ; II. Jnokonn , of Coun cil Bin Us , L. 1'routy , of darner ; Thim. iJowiiwn , of Council Itlull'ii. A recuns wan Hum takun until the com- mlltee could jiroparo its report. The cointnlttuo on credenllalM reported us follows : First ward f ! . A. Holmes , P. Lacy , 0 H Jackson , K II ( luunella , 8 Polno , R Rain. Hecoml ward W Pallon , W llrl.x , T ItowinnnV A Mynstur , .1 Nonmaycr , .1 NtuwitrLV R Vauhan. ( Tnlrd ward Tiiuodoro Lund , M ICeal- intf , F Kinney , A C ( iraham , 1) Hutch- iiiaon. Fourth ward John Schoontion ; , AV H \Varo , John Fruinoy , W nalvin , 0 R Mitchell , H Panohol , J K Cooper , 0 P Wlokham , J P Weaver. Drove township John llimling , P Ja mison. Clamor Henry Hoywood , L Prouty , 1 Fflornor , James - T Jollorson , T V Hoatty. Koj ( Creek J nines Flood ) A W Wy- man , H Illinium. Knox J Hipsloy , IS A Ilabcook , S Sixndors , W U Cuppy , H O Soill'ort. Lavton J 11 JolmimHOii , W II Llnfor , Win Doml , Ilium Dlecka. Minden John Stuer. .lamea Crow , A Turk. Vulloy 0 W Hnrdumn , John Warren. Macedonia W Dye , D W Uorull1 , M Ashley. JgWnvoliuul W niaino , D A Coo. Washington James Hums , Jauksou Lewis. Carson T J Ilartwoll , R W Urigga. Uolknap J F Uatea , S U Toby. Noola J J Shou , Tim Koloy , S W Hartwell , II Roso. The report wua adopted , and on mo- Jon of J. J. Shua , thu temporary or ganization waa made the permanent one. On motion of J. J. Frainey u oouuiilt- oo of live was appointed to select the lelogatea to the three conventions thu state , judicial and congroaaional conven- ionathis county being entitled to thir- oim dulugutca in each. The chairman appointed the following- Uownum and J. P. Weaver , .f . Council Uluth ; W. 15. Cuppy , of Avoca ; ' A. W. Wyman , of Keg Crook , and O. II. Lucia * , of Lewis. While thu uommitteo was making up ita report , and the convention waiting , Mr. It. W , Itrigga , of Carson , waa culled out to make a tipoeoh. Ho gave n sort if philosophical address , touching upon ho tttull question very delicately , mid evidently attempting to say nothing which could bo construed into his being n favor of the free trade or protection. [ lo committed himself u little more ful- y ua uguinat thu prohibition movemunt I'ho only applause which ho called out , was by bis taking hia seat. tilt , K. A. liutcookua then called mt. Even he could not got up any on- -luiHlnam in thu waiting convention. He liscuasud thu tuTiil'quoatkm and charged ho republican party with milking false repress utatk ns. Thu republican * l ipoko of u proteotivu tunll' , whun in fact it wua a tarlif for thu bunetit o ! thu monopolists unit to make thu rich richer and thu poor [ > oor r , J , J. Shea of Nuola waa called out. aud duclarud that it waa hi * luaidun speech. It waa u lively one , whether a maiden one or u graudmothur'a one. He said that hu was oiiu ol thu democrats who were in demand this yearan Irish democrat. lie predicted a democratic victory even In Iowa , aud cruokud u number of jokes about the Irish being coaxed over into thu republi can camp. Thu convention rather woke up under Shea. llou. Win. 1'uttou waa then called out. Ho denounced thu protective tunlT aa beiui ; agttmat the luteruaU of thu wagu- workura. He believed in reform , ilu wui auuiuat corruption of thu ballot. Hu believed in licuuau. Col. C. R , Scott , of the republican camp , wus called out with much applause aud laughter. Hu said hu didn't know what the matter waa. Hu thought that thia waa a democratic convention to chooao delugatcu , not to hear republican spuochoa. .Mr. Babcouk "You have opposed republican - publican candidates so often that we thought you was enough of a democrat to talk hero. " Col. Scott " 1 am an independent re publican , aud when the republicans do not do right 1 go aguimit them. 1 am a republican and can't bo anything elae. 1 couldn't bo a democrat under any circumstance * , for a democrat cuuuot do this. Do not tbiuk , my democratic friouda , that be- cuuau I slept with you once , I am always going to bo u harlot. [ Laughter and cheers. ] I am not with you thin fall , aud 1 advLjo you ua my personal friuuda not to fool yourself spending any money or time in trying to get Cleveland elected , for hu wont gob there. " Hu then poured m aomu red-hot shot , giving it good-naturedly , however , and it wan taktm in good part , too , but ua hu was eulogizing Bluiuu , Thuiiiaa Bowman broke in aud said thu committee waa ready to report and thu fun wua cut short. Thu wwiuittuo pruauntud ita report. Mr. BabcocH moved that the report bu adopted , Mr. Putton moved to amend by substituting thu uuinu of Win. Brix for that of Cupt. Russull , claiming that Russull had alwuyu been u republican. A hot diacuaaion unaui'd concerning the loyalty of Cant. Uusnoll , it being stated that Russell hud just .joined thu demo- wutio party. Mr. Brix withhold bin uumu aud the report waa then adopted , aa follcws ; Tlio committee reported thu following dulegutus tu attend the sevurul conven tions uamud STATK CO.NK.VTIIW. . W H M Piwey. 0 P WJckham , John H Keaduy.W R Vaughuo , John Sciiount * K n , John A Churchill , G U Juckmnj , W 0 Jauiua , of Council Blulfa ; U 0 Siiltfurt , of AYOCB , 0 W Uardmau. \ al- Iny township ; John Hlnlir , Mlndnii , A W Wyman , ICeg Crook ; J II Johanson , of Layton. iiinn lu. i ON\I NTION. Robot I Porcival , W A Mynslor , Wl Patton , W H Ware , ( Inn A Holmes , J N Cftsady , of Council Hlul ! * ; J P Orgm and J J Hhoa , of Neola ; 1C A Knbcouk ami J H Tain , of Avocu ; Jan Crow , Mill- dun ; R W MrlgiA , GVnon ; R Kfrkwood , nf Cronfliil. ( ( I.VOIIRHSKINAI , I ONVKVT10S. J P Cnsady , J J Krftlnoy , P Kncy , 0 R Mlichell , A 0 ( Jraham , ISA Trout man , L H Rnsnull , of Council lllufh ; W II Llnfor of Lnylon , John Ilartung , ol Hrovo ; W W Oardinnr , of AvociA ; Unso , of Noola ; O II Lucas , of Lewis Hylroster lye , nf Macedonia. ALTKUNAII'.S. Wells Cook , John P Wo'avor , J' ' II Gnanolln , of this city ; M U Toby , Bol knap ; Dim Hunt , \V II Cuppy , and G Dicdrlch , Avoca ; S N Harvey , Noola P J Gallagher , Garner ; R Klrkwood , G'roscmil ; 11 Onren , .Silver Creek ; P ArniRlrong , Valley ; Perry Reel , Hnzo" Doll. Adjonrnmunt WAS then taken. A FEEBI.E RAY. Sonic New Disclosures COIICCFUI'DK tbo Life of an Unfortunate , A AVlfo HnouiTH A Dlvoruo IMonlliH Alter llor HiiHlinml'M Dcutli. A few days ago a gontluman from Ohio arrived In this city and put up at Kiel's hotel. Ho < ioon began making inquiries for ono George Ray , whom ho bad beard wu.i nomowhoro in this part of the coun try. " \PUH , bo is bore , " at last replict ono of those of whom bo inquired. "The poor follow was hero , but you will have lo dig to II i id him. II o is put under the ground. " Sure enough the poor follow was here and yet bad gone. Many here still remember ( ioorgo Ray , not because of his prominence in society , or in poli tics , or in business , but bocauao bo was a kind-hoartod , friond-making sort of a fellow , and because his death was sad one , and attratccd much attention and excited much comment. The death took place about n year ago in a rickety old building , next to the oh ] llryant house on Broadway. Hero bo liad lingered along in poverty and sick ness for several weeks , attended by a woman who clung lo him with n great er tenacity and faithfulness than many who are honored by the name of wife Of the poor fellow's previous history little waa known , except that ho had boon n musician in the regular army. While liure ho did some harboring , seine tend ing of bar , and in fact whatever his liands found to do , untij diseased and dig- couraged , ho laid him down to die. Ho was put at rest in the cemetery , and bis jrave has been about forgotten save by , ho woman who hud performed the wife- y duties , and who soon after his death : > ocamo a mother. She has visited his ; rave frequently , taking to It little Moral tributes , showing that whatever her 'anils , she had one tender spot in her lioart. The stranger from Ohio who had learn ed these facts concerning poor George , was not a little surprised. He , too , had i few pages from George's history. It ippeais that ho hud lived in Ohio aud Jiuro married , but despite a happy homo , wife and children , bis footsteps got into : he down path , and wine , women nud ; hu gaming table soon brought him into .terplexini . ; troubles. In Ins desperation : io raised what inonoy ho could by dis posing of his property , and even went so : ar as to forge his wife's uncle's name tea a note , which he sold , and then disap peared , dcaorting wife , children aud friends. After u time it waa learned that iiu had noao far west , and later that ho tiad enlisted In ihe regular armv us a luuslciiui. He wait stationed at Omaha for a time , and then was transferred to some of tbe frontier posts. There he de serted , aud waiuloriug eastward came to this city and here finished hia course. The Ohio wife not hearing anything Erom him after hii desertion , waited ami watched until hureturn seemedno longer to be hoped fur. Luat spring she secured a divorce from him m the courts here , not knowing that thu poor fellow was dead aud buried almost a year before. The custody of the children was given her , and yet , though legally separated from the man , she desired , if possible , tu learn something about him , and so this gentleman , a relutivu of hers , bonig on hU way west , stopped hero to make i quirio ) . THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , 13UCCKSSOK3 TO 1'llK J 11. B. & B. CO.J THE MONARCH Tbii tuoit uitunalve iwuiuactur ( rii of RM& Fool Trifles LS TUB WOULD uhn lIockitU3 ur Uuueral Axciit lor Ncbriuk.i and 409 a , Touth Street . . . OMA11A , NSU f"l'tlcv < ol Uilllnl and fool Tablw and uiateriola uruahinl on appllcutloo C.A.W1LSONIV.D. ! ] ( f&oulty 1'rUu Uudleul Coiki ( ot Ohio. Sl'KCULTY PILES , FISTULA , And other IUM.UJHI of the A nun aud Kuotuiu. nVll'tJ ' flTlPrfl Rniln ( Street , 3UUS | Uytjld UUlliiU. OMAUA.KKU. ovuu.l and tf I UrX'lUKD UY Royal Havana Lottery 1 ( A OOVKK.NMBM' LNSTITLTION. ) Drawu ut Huvujiu , f'ubu , Kvery 12 to 1-t Days. TJCrurro , .oo , . IIAI.VES. oo. aubjott to no manliiulallou , not controlled liy the vwrtiuili ; liiUire.t. It In l too lalrvit toiuu lu the gaturaolcbmiooln xli > ttincu , rorliilormaUuuand uartloulan anuly toaiJIlljKY U .Uen.Aaunu , 1 12 biowway , K V cuy. .KAUB4CO. , W lnut .Iri.t.St . , Luilli , Mo. I or KnuiK Lobrauo , L. U , 2U Wyaudottu. liui. I ) y iiiiu &wly , * MANDJ5MAKERS & VAN , i STAIR BUILDING A SPECIALTY. SJOI Upper HmiMlwny Cor. Slutsmmi St. , COUNCIL ULUPKS. Orders in tlio city or country fiolicilod. 1'rotnpl attention mid satisfaction Giwrnntocd. . P , ALYSWORTS. Pruiro Ildinon moiiil rn llm LITILKOIANT triioks Mhl ntiy cllsUnco mil over Miy kind ol ground llltICK IIOUHK3 r l o < l W. 1 * . AYtiSnOIlTII , iniONI COUNL'II. HLl VW. DeVOL & WRIGHT , WHOLESALE re , CM ery , Tilers' ' VHrccl attention by mull COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. W110LKSALK DKALEUS1IN HATS , GAPS BUCK GLOVES , and 344 Itrnndway , COUNCIL BLUFFS IO\V j DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP Fresh and Salt Meats * HAMS , BACON RIED BEEF , SALT PORK ASD LARD , 742 Broadway - - - - Council Bluffs. GOMMISUOIAIj , COUNCIL nLTjrra MARKET. COUNCIL lituiTrt , IOWA , August 2(1 ( , 18S4. Whoftt-No. 1 mlllliiR , 7CbO ; No. 3 , (55@ ( 70 ; rejected 50. Corn Local purposoa10@45. Oats For local purposes , 33@10. Hey $10 00@1200 per ton ; baled , 50@CO Kyo I0@l5o. Corn Meal 1 " > 0 far 100 poutula. Wood Good lupply ; priced ut yards , C 00 © 700. 700.Coal Delivered , hard , H 50 per ton ; soft , S 00 per ton Lard Ifsdrbnnk's , wholesaling at OJc. Flour City Hour , 1 G0@3 SO. Brooms a t 5@3 00 per doz. LIVIC STOCK. Cattle Butclior cows a 00@3 25. Butcher atooru , I 00 ® I 'J5. 2 ; > @ -l C5. AND Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com * mliHlon inorchiuitH , 538 Broadway. I'oultry l.hoold hoiw , 7c ; spring chickens , i L'o@50 per tloz. ; UNO turkaya , 'A' . IVachos i biw. but , 1 00. l.oiuuiu 5 50 per bo * . Ituiutuiu " OU@3 00 per bunch. lutter ! Creamery , 20o ; rolls , choice 9@10c. Egpi 1S4 per dozou. Vegetable- Potatoes , 1 50 > J22 00 per bbl ; > nlou)1 ! ) 75o per bu ; cabb. so , 50o per doz. ; ipplotf , S5 ( ( r > 0 porbbl ; tholceporbbl S jQ& I 00 ; beaus , I OO'O IKT bushol. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a tortUtiUieiito. mo as Lost , found. To Loan , for Salt ) . To Ueut , Wmta , BoirJ. agt etc. , will bo luiwrtttd lu thU oolumu at the low tate ol TUN CKNTC I'KK LINK ( or the flnt lutwitlon knd F1VK CE-S'W 1'KK LINK tor each utnh iuenl u- witlon. Leava adv rtlaoui ntii at our o&oa , No. I'uarl Strwt. near Broadwav WANTS. A \ rAN"l'Kl > I'lnlnx' rootu Klrl iiuuudiately. Waites IT $15 per uioutb. pv'y ' ° ' Mvttard , Ogdeu llouso. V\7\ u A ttrst UAAS barber by Schmidt A , Harb , 11 7 0 , Wet Broadv > iy , Council Ulum "I7K > K S.XLK My K l'leiiOJ , corusr Vth a\tmu aud II 10th struct. II Uktm soou will null lor f..OOJ below value. Will al > o ivll ( urulturu. curts , &o , all or In putt. 11 uot Mold at once will runt v' m'- ' ttt , with homo ( urul hud or uuturulih d at uiodoratu rvnt. Any ono thiuklu of iiuklu , ; their hviui lu Council Ulutl * will do wull to invvati into ; thin oiler. It id thu bent buricam uvrr oUtir d in the cltv 11 A L'lTlIN C ) Ll > hujudrud. l'Al'KU-for w.lu at . at 2S ceuta WAN1K1) Every btMym I'ouucll llluflj to tnio ItisU.tx IXillvervd by canlur at ouly tw uty cwuta week. A tlK.VW-Uvdlcd auJ gtwtleoien can nuke Umt iVoLw ) wa en by ueUlox the "Chauiplou BOHOIU Strecther aud rouuii ; Board. " Ketalld at II.DC. Auy Imly cuu do uu Su uhlrl without a wrlukU aud glotw l | u ulovly u thu budt luuudiled ruu. A J Jrcuo for puitlcularu U. B. S. JL L Co. , bu o ce. Cotuici Blulls. . O. O. DENTIST. 100 MAIN STREET , "OL'NCIL ULUfi'S - . - IOWA. SD13. K. f. CADWIOL SIMS Jt OADWELL. Attorneys-at-Law J CUCNVIb BLl KrS , IOWA. Oilico , llaui Mrttit. Itoonid I 4iid 3 Shuxart i. Me- Slahuu u Block Will practice Ui Ulu and THE .K.miOJSD L.O.BEACEETT AOK.Vr , 2'24 & 2L'0 Uroadway , COUNCIL BLUm. IOWA. STATIONERY , TJYS LND JSOYELTIES. Largest Stock LJ VSJl I'.UCtti. Mrs H J Hilton. H , , , . n. , PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON , 322 Ulddlo Bro dv y. council Blufla. J.H. TATE. WAKIIEN WHITE1 T A. TE& W JbLITIE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice lu State and Federal Courta. Collections promptly attended to. Room 9 , Schugart'a Building , COUNCIL ULUFFS , IOWA. W.R.VAUGHA I. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council Blurt ? . estate collection agency , Odd Fellow's Block ices , orricu , u. M. rrair. OFFICER & PUSEY BACKERS. Council EluQi . U. Establishea - - 1856 Dealers In Foielgn aud omedtlo Eichanz an Sceurltt LI J. UJLU * . J. J , U I J-fVAWOAWl BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY I1AMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No .W IVul Street . Council Bluflu owx Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The ( ollovtlDK are the tliuou of the arrival 'and da- partiue ot troiua by oeatrol it nd rd tliue , at the lovul deiwbi. Traluii leave transfer depot tea rulii u.eu ewUer and arrive tea minuted later. CUllMUO. DVULUUrUK A3B HULSCT. LUVI. 1XBIV * 5:35 : p 01 CMovu KxpreiM 9.00 a ui 0:40 : a m fut Mall. 7.00 p o J:45 : l ui * SU11 and Etpretw , 7t'poi I'l'SOl p iu Aivomuiod tlun. 2.4U p ru * At local di'i-ot enly. KAMHA5 C1TT. ST. JOJt AID COUMCIb SLL'rrS. 10.06 a iu ,11111 and Cxprend. j7 06 p m 3.V6 p iu I'ncillo Ktpretid. 5.5U p m CUlCilW , UlbWiUKIB UI ) UT. fAVL. Sri5 p m UxprvHD , 9:06 : a m J:15 : a m Exvtvud , 8:45 p in cuioAao , aocu ULA IU u > a ricirio. 5:30 : p in Atl uitlo UxprudK , 3.05 a iu y.ii ) A ui Duy Ktpreuo , 8:54 : p ru 7A : ) A iu * Vvt Maiued Aecuuiuiodatloo , O.US p m At local depot only. wi Aau , at. LOUU AMII rActrio. l"A ) tn Mail , 1:13 : p 01 O.lUpui Acvoiuuiodaton 'J.Wlm * AI Traaafer "uly CUIOAUO and NU TUWIUTUII. 5.50 p m ExprutM , 9:50 : p ru 9:23 : 4 iu 1'v.nllu KxpredD U.U5 4 ui sioux citr A.III rAcirio. 7-W : p ru St. Vaul KxureM , 3:50 : a m 7 IU a m Day Kxpreiu * d:50 : p m UNION rAcirio. 8.00 p m Wuoturu Kxpreiw , 3:35 : a m 11:00 : a ui I'acldo Eipruna , 4W : p m 7'Wjm Lotal Kxpreiu , 0:54 : a m I'JUU a ui Lluooln K.\iro i. At friuttur only. DUMMY TKA1.1S TOOMAHX Loana 7'208l3:3tf10.iWU : : : a. m. 1:50-3:3 : : 3ao-tJU-4BO-d:30-Uu6 : : : : : p. ru Sunday 3:30-11. tea a iu. l.30.3Ju5:30I.JUa.U6 : p. in. Aiilve 10 mill te befuru liuvlui ; tiuiu N. SCHUKZ. jHsticeotloPeaco. OFflCK OVKlt AilKlUCA-X OUNCIL BLUFFS . 10W A K. Rice M. D. ° * other tutuora lamovod withoatihe luilta or dnwlav a blood. CHRONIC DISEASES""nd , . * . Over hlrty yuan urm-Uoaleipuritui * OHM Ko. INur troel , Couudl Uluilg u Irwi H.H. HORNE & CO. . . WIIOLESALK DEALERS IN Fine Cigars % dr Wo make n specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nd VARA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by ua are of our own manufactures and warranted aa represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , * H. U. 1IORNE & CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , . ' H IOWA. H. P. HATTENHAUER , OFFER FOE SALE REGARDLESS COST Light Uoad WaijonB , riano Dox Top and Open Buckles , Drcwstcr Top and Open Bufirfcs , Windsor Top and Op n llinrclcs , l'haeton < ot all kinds and t o Seated Carriages. All of the aboie are of my own iranu- facturo and guirantecd the best of stock , and llrst-clisa In o\cry particular. Send fordcicriptlve clicuUr. f Kactory and Otllce 27 , SO and 31 Fourth street , Council Bluffs. LARGEST AXD BEST STOCK OF ALL KLNDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. } MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer , ASADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH urtains , InLace , EVk , Turcoman , ( Etc. Oil clothsMatttng3 | , Linoleums Etc hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , [ ome and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods In our line. hoapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the C'ty. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. - f t Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - .COUNCIL BLUFFS 'V. Mfc Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care. " iano Beat aud Most Keluble. HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANO Endorsed by faA.M Lurr. EMERSON PIANO. Uari > ailed ( or Tone or Finish. KIMBALL PIANO Beat Modern Trice to Buy. The KimVJall Orean , so long and fa\orably known in the west , rncommendj itself. J. L. STKWAKT , Sole Agent for above lines of Goods. Wareroouu , J29 Broadway , Council BlutFs , Jowa. Correspondence Solicited. Amenta Wanted. Metalic Caskets and Wooden Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH OllDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 3XTO. 3.2 3KT. OVIfviii St. . The remaining HATS on hand will be Sold Below Cost to make room for New Goods. A Full Line 1 NOTIONS always Hand J. J. AUWEBDA , 317 Broadway. Council Bluffs. NEUHAYEE'S HOTEL ON THE i American Plan. Furniture and appointments all new. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff MES. J. J. GOOD. Waves three inch part 65c , Coquetts lOc each , Switches $ lto$20 each. Hair ornaments given with every pur chase. All kinds of hair work promptly attended to. Waves made of Ladies' combings at 50c per inch , ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J. GOOD 29 Main Stree GRE8TOH HOUSE /1H3TCLA33. v Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - COUNCIL BLUFFS DE. JUDB'S ELECTEIG BELT. 3,000 Elm-trio Belt tag aiuJi Junu by tin. A cents Wanted ! Re/trencus Any a tliu bUbliiu hotuia In Council Dlmfa. J'CDD i SMIT11 Proprietors. 19 BROADWAY . OCCNC1L BLUFFS