OMAHA DAILY BEE- WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 97 , 1884 , SPECIAL NOTICE * / -Specials will Poaltlvelynot bo inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Monov. MONK7TOLOAN tntumiot 1300. and upward 0. F. D vli and Oa. , Heal Estate nJ Lea Aeents. 150S FtrntmSt. 838-tt HELP WASTED. "IV'ANTBD At once , two Rood carpenlcr . In I T quire At 1013 llarne ; St. MB 28p T\TANTE1)-A chance for a jnu to gtt > proodpitjlnjr. situation at 4Z1 80. ictli strict. 4S9-2Sp W ANTF.D-Oood girl for kitchen vtork. OooJ wages 50t 1'lcrco street , cor. 6th. 43s-26p lTANTED-DlJliwasher and IXnlnir room girl , > 101J Itarnty. 487 t | 17ANTKD A flrst-clasi barber. Good wagci paid , T raxton Hotel Bnrbtr tbup. 490-f- WANTED-Wttlt r girls at the C nilcld House , at once , 400-20 | " \\7'ANrKD Exiicrlcnccd salesmen to carry llncsof T Women's , Misses nnd Children's Slippers , on commission In the West , In connection with other lines ol boots and Blioos. Hclcrcnccj required , Ad dress "Slipper Manufacturers , " Havcriilll , Mass. 437 20n " \\7"ANTED-Oood girl for general housework , 10th T ) and Mason , Mrs. F. a. Buth. fiOlOp WANTED-GIrl Immediately. Apply at 1814 ! ) TCDiiortstiott. 600-27p TlMNTKD-Coinpctciit assistant In an olllco.ytmng ? I man with best of rclcrencei , and city acquain tance. Address "Merchant" Bco ollico. 510 27 "TT7ANTEr > A Rood stout hotsofordcllverj wagon. 11 Address "A. " Bee ollicc , stating price mid where can bu Been. 4S4-tf& T\7ANTEU-Scpt. 1st , a man to drive dclhurj IIatfon ami wolk about Cornmlsslon louso. Must bo a iood salesman , ictho and not atrald of work , In short.Ja "live man. " Address "A. " Bee cilice. 4S5 tf "Tt/ANtKD At Fremont , Neb , one Rood butcher IT and tuo shop tenders , during the ro-nnlon. Ap ply lit ouco to MOKItIS & IHKnKNKll. < 05-SO City Meat Mtrkct. . , , , . . . . . „ ! ) District managers to represent us In Tt every county In Nebraska and Western Iowa. Inducements extraordinary $60 wceklv . 1 * . F. Col lier , 57 Darker Block. ' 4C4 80 "TIJ ANTED Clothing salesman None need apply Ti except thoroughly ospctlencod men with irood .rclcrenuea. LockUo\ , Sioux ilty. Iowa. 403'K ; \7ANTED-A flrst-clasj dining room girl at the > Occidental Hotel , corner 10th and Howard. 400 tf I7ANTEO Three dining room girls at SI.v en Ho- > tcl , South 10th at. 411,27p Tl/'ANIED A first-class cook , man or woman , Ti woman preferred. Inquire at No. 012 Douglas Street. 283 tf WANTED-LADIES Oil QENTLEMEN-In city or country , to take nice , light and pleasant work at their own homes ; $2 to $5 a day easily and quietly made ; work sent by mail ; no canvassing ; no stamp for reply Plcaso address llcltablo Mnf'g Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. 847-lui 8ITDAT10M8 V/ANl'liD. "ITlfANTED A position as houickcepcr In a private I i family where one servant is kept hya lady who Is Illlnc to niako hcnclf useful , vvagcsnot such an object as a quiet mco ho ae. Uefcrencc4 ox ( .hanged. Address till Sept. , 1st , " 31rs. M. ollbe. 600-28 "VX AMKD A joung Uian wlslios omplo.vmcnt m II traveling ealesnuii. Gents' Furnlehuig Goods or Groceis epcclaltlea preferred. Tour 3 oils'exper ience. H'st references. Gocu salary expected. Ad- drees "L , " care Bee cllic. . 403-28p WANTED Situation by a first class ( Ocrman ) baker. " 11. H."thisolllce. 478-2ap WANTED A good book-keeper desires situation. Letter frnra expert. Good reference. Address "J.S."leo office. 477-20p WANTED Situation tij llrst class broad and cake biker. Address Elkhoru Valley HOUEO , Omaha , 438-30 A Youngmarrloaman wants situation as book keeper , in wholesale establishment In Omaha. Address " 0. " care Beo. 896-tf WAHT& . V ' .NTED Bakers , none other need apply. 5lO-27t Joseph ( iarneau Cracker Co , WANTED To rent , hvr September 10 , a small house or rooms for light housekeeping , con venient to BKK ollico. AddrosaS. Bus office. tf Small family wants a hotiho of about 6 rooms , A ina good neighborhood. Parties wishing a prompt rcroainoDt and careful tenant. Address with locition and lowest rent , "Tenant" Bee ollico. 612-26p rvjv , "IT/'ANTED Nice pleasant ro5m with board In prl- \2 VV vato family by young gentleman. Best of ref erences gl > en. Address "J. E. M. " Bee office 60 } 2Sp "IT/'ANTED Tlio aciiutlntinco , a lady not over 21 V V j tars ot age competent to teach v olce culture .and p'uno. Must he passably good looking. Address "Mujlclan" Bee olDcc. 6C8-Hp T\f ANTKD Room mate pleasant , congenial and V V gentlemanly by young man , three blocks -om I'ostoillce. Mco room. Address "J. E M. " Bee otlico. Gll-23p TT/'ANTED Ahouso of 8 or 0 rooms , with stible VV and modern conveniences , incllalhln partof the city. Address T.II. HTANlON , U.S. A , 431-27 Omaha TWANTED rurnlshcd room vilthin tnrco blocks Vi 'I Hee office , by two gentlemen. Address "W. A. C. " Bee ollico. 48J-tf \17ANTEn Room and Hoard by gent' , wife and Vi chi d of 4 vcais. Address , stating terms , "VV. W " Bee office. 4 J-28p Avtidovof 41 will correspond with a worthy gen tleman. Object matrimony , Address "It B B. ' Bee office , 403 SiSp lANTKD To exchange , a line residence lot , i > ( inside ) , 21 blocks from street car * , for n coiner lot , pu ) lie iiillorcncu In value. Win Fleming 14th And Uuiub" . 430 30 TTT ANTED Two or three furnished rooms , ron- VV vent ntly located , fur lighthomckcupiiir. Ad. drees , lUtlLg terms , "A. B. " Dee office. J22 28p ITANTRD-raitner with $ . ' ! 01 cash. 1'rontable V cltj hiislncss , 1' . 0.1)0X702. ) 421p 81 600 on real estate security. Address > WANTED dress "B. " No , D. Dee ollico. 379 tf TlJANTED-82,000 on flrct-clasi citv Focurlty.for D tT'v tars , at 0 per cent. Address Box 820 1'ost- oltlco 700-tf f\TANTED Boir.l for gentleman , wife and two small elrU , within easy nach of the biisinotH portion of the city , itood accommodations dchlrcil , or * blha good price will bo pa'd. Adilregs "W. " Room Ho. b , postolllco Dulldlng , 491-29 roil RBHT nouoes aua tots. RENT Mceiyfurnished oriin'uinlsbed rooms 1 without board 1814 Davenport St. 10Mp F OR RENT Nlwly furnished fiont room suitable for two iicntlemen , 1023 Dodga St. M7p FOR HENT First floor , consisting of four large rnoiis , cltv water , large yard. Inquire at No. 1709Burt treet < 405 25p HKNT Furnished rooms , with or without FOR board , at 1721 Dauglas itreot. 403-2 p TTIOR RENT Furnished south front room 1001 J ? Farnam utruet. 494-2Sp RENT A good house of f iur rooms on N.lDth FOR , l t house north cf Grace , east side 400 27p RENT Uense S roomf , well , cUtern , cellar , FOR garden. Inquire of 1'aulsen & Co , , 1611 Farn m MS SOp T71O11RKNT House S. E. cor. 10th and PaclflcHts. JL1 O en Whalen. IXl-2p ) FOIl RENT Nicely furnlihod front room , 710 IDtli Blrctt , near Webster , 6C5 2Sp ORRINT : A cottaze 4 roarns , 10th street , half a block south o' ' Mdtou llogcrs. M. Lot , Urocer , and Lcavenworth , 492-1 OR KENT Twofurnlshed roomi for light touce keepln"Boemer'dBlock"cor. 8th and Howird. HENT A six room house In good repair. Inquire - FOR at Grocery store , U , E. cor-ar 10th and CuroliirSt -H8.28 RE.VT-ByF. W. Boukal.houseof 3 roonuat FOR il per month , Inquire on premises , 1226 south llllntrvet * OK RENT Plea-ant furnlthed rooms suitable f ir gentleman , 1019 FtrnamSt. TVTKVVSKPSOFOSIAnA-Bemls has reduced price -L > for nest dtya to I ! from 110 beretofore. F OIl RENT -Two roomJ , JiOOiand (5,00 | > er iu tli ( 19U Webster strett , 42Mf 17011 * HF.XT Furnished room * and board , 5112 1 I'tlfnrnlt street. 4:3- < | 17(011 ( HEM Furnished rooms 105 North 1Mb . 41fl.S7p 17(011 ( HKNT A HTO room cottMjo In eowl li ftll 1 Inquire atg413 Cipilol avenue. xm- ' 17 0ll KENT A brick coltAjo. Inquire at Ueo. II. Peterson's 10th 8t , nc r depot. SS2 tl ti > OU RKNT HOIKS ot 10 norni with moilcrn Im provemcnK BedlnrdSoucr , .t Davis , 322-tl 17 < 011UKNT A largo second floor and l > it emonl. Inquire 1113 llarncy strcel 190 If IOR RKM' Ilou o of ilx riKinu. Ull J ck on. X1 liKiuiro of T. J. FittrnorrlJ , 0(4 8. 17th slrcet , or Bee ollico. * pOR RENT-Mcely furnished front room 1816 ' Dodge street. llft-tf FOR llENT-Onoof the flneitrcildonMs In the city 11 rooms , furnacu , hot and cold cold water baths water clo'cts , grate * , etc. Kvcrvlhtng first class throuRhout. $70.00 per month. Bwkcr & Majne , 13th and Frrnaiu 112 tt IpOK RENT Hou * > 6 roomi good repair. N'lc yanl , cistern water. Rent 120 per month 1411 Park Wilde ve. Apply to Jno. W. Bell , Druggist , 10th St. JgftAl T7IOR HENT A two itorv frame hulldlnif iultblo JL1 for business. Largo collar , upstairs lulUblo for rosldcnoo. Innulre on premises , corner 20th and PIcrco SI. 170R HEVT-Furnlshod roomi with hoard , 1812 JL1 Dodge. B16-lmp [ 7\OH \ RENT Two flurulshed south front rooms , L1 222 N. 10th St. 870.1 FOR HENT Six room cottage , fine locution , by S. T. Pelcrsen , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. 617-tl 1011 UK.VT llooms In Crounse'a Block. O. M F Hltchcoek. 613-tl FOIl ItKJJT Ono crum square jnano. Inquire olEJholin and Erickson. 410-tl "I7\OR \ HENT Ono food ' six ro m house (25. | > cr mo JL1O.JI.Illtchoock. 28S-U FOR SALE. \ SALII Uarbcr shop , 4 ctalrs 30 } south llth Ir\OU ' , Inquire at i03 or 110 north llth St. H , Jurall. 513-aSp T70H SAM : FlnoBldohirhUKcy cheap nt 0. 1) . JL1 Thnvcr's 4f. tf i V8ALU UlRar , tobacco , confectionary store FOIl ilx furnished roomi attached. 1'rlco $100 A barcatii. Applj to H. JIannwclIor , 307 S. llth .St. 474-lSp l01l SAM : Cheapfurnlturo tori ) room house , JL1 and lioiiao for itnt. Furniture compkto ana icany now , house rcntu for $26 i er month , possession given on or bcforo fecpt. Itth. Addtcsi " 0. U " euro lee otlico. 476-3Up SALK For Sl.OCO , 88 , contalnlui ; half IflOll ' acre. Only four blocks from north end ol ISth street railway. Terms casj. IniUlro | ot Dr. J. H , 1'eabod } , 14U7 Jones street , 471-30 SM.K \ Hvo thousand dollar stock of pcncr- IJ10K ' , located in a now town on the B. & M. lUilroad , In southeastern Nebraska , country well eettlid and hit ; crops. A io3d chance for n man with small to niiko $3,000 a vcor. Address M. " Lock Box 20 , BrownvIllc , Xeb. 472-2flp TT\ oil SALK 200 acres of land , UO acres improv oil , JL1 3'Jncroa hay , 3 acres bog putmo,7 acres cuUI- dtnl timher , 3 acres natur a timber. Uocd sprint : later K ° ° Jliouso and other Improvements , will bo old on voryeasv terms , If sold noon. For other In- oruiatlon Inquire i crsonall.v or bj mail of Wm Ciair , Forest Cit.v , harpy County , Neh. 461-lm , FOIl SALE Or rent , &n old cstti.llncd groco- r\ boots , shoes and qucenannro busineas fur Kilo or to rent , In ono of the host towns In Neliratka. Goods and buildings aio new lluslnc-o ever $10,000 itTi ear. . \ u i o on acaount of old ngo. Ad- droiro ( areUee 4575 [ 7011 SALE Or will oxclmiiRo for liKlitBinglo open I ? wagon , ntwohcrflOcoveredwaKon In Rood order , uitahlo for vegetable , milk or grocery delivery. Vm. Fleming & Co , 1101 Douglas street. 433-30 F Oil SALC Piano , cheap , Crounso's Bloek , 4S2-tf L OIt SALE A oakery doing a good busineis In a 1 ? thriving town. Good reason for selling. For in- oimation , see "J C. 0. Steam bikcrr , 20th and Burt streets Omaha. 4362ip ) SALE Wo Oder for sale FOR 150 Choice 3-year old Feeding Steers. 160 Choice 2 jear old feeding Steers. 100 Yearling Steers. Abuve all good Iowa Cattle STKANOE BUOTHEIIS , 4S-lm ( Hloux City , Iowa. FOR SALE Ono billiard and one pool tnblo. In quire at theMerchant's Exchange , N. E. corner Dodge and 16th street. 405-2p FOR SALE Two and one-half acres and house In good location , only $1,050 , Uere is a chance to obtain a homo at a bargain McCAOUE , ? 15 tf Opp. P. 0. FOR SALE Flour Mill oneap , on easy terms ol payment , favorably located within fifty miles o , his city. Good opening. Address P. O. Box S418 , St. Paul Minn. 207-lm FOR SALE Cheap lots , $5 down $5 per month. II. 0. Patterson &Co. , cor. 13th and Farnam. 179-tf FOR SALE Graded Durham Cattle 7 jcarllns heifers ; SO two J ear old heifers ; 61 thrco } ear old cows ; 4 four year old cows ; 2 pedigreed Durham bulls , I and 4. ono la a show animal ; 2 seven-eighths Dur ham bulls , 2 veara old. Above except n few are gra- leu stock and show their breeding plainly 2J cahos > y eald bulls , out of above cows , as are the 1 } carllngetcers ; 17 two year old steers and 78 three car old steers. K. P. STEIN , Mindcn , Neb. JD2-lmi > FOR SALE At a greit bargain , the Scott real dcnce pro | > erty. Jut cast of I'ratt'a In llanscom Mace , This Is n very 'loslrabla 7 room cottage and vill bo soldat a sacrifice. DARKER & MA.YNK. 712 tf 13th and Farnam. FOR SALE A choiceilalry and stocK larm of 00 acres , 205 acres under cultivation , 21 miles ' -om Silver Crock , Neb. , on U. P. Hallway , Good house , : i cam and Ice houses , barns , corrals , eto , or dairy * ng anil stock ralsfng Land la well watered and all choice grass and grazing and , with plenty ol ran adjoining. I'or sale cheap. Potter & Cohlt , Farnam street. C71-tf FOR S ALE-Eiiirlnos now and second hand 10 h p 15 h. p. anil 20 h. p. portable and stationary ; also lOllcrsof any size and stylo. Richard & Clarke , U , I' I V. bet 17th and 18th St . Omaha. MO-tf FOR BALK A mlntlnofllro suitable lor a tmal newspaper or Job ollico. Will sell for cash or e\- change for Omaha City property. Addrosj' X. / . < J" Bee ollico. 403-tf FOR SALE Two ecoond hand pitnos , at KdhoU & Erlckson'A Mimlo Stora on 10th St. EOO-tf FOR SALE Two open second-nand bnioilea and ono delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 naruey St. S30-II FOIl HAT , ] ; A clean stock ot Hardware In Central Nebraska. Address "A. B. " Bee Publishing Co. , Ocnlia , Neb. 081-lin I poll SALE Leaving on account of 111 health 1 housn , barn , fow.erica and 2 la's. Also Iwo good residence lots. Apply T. K. Parfltt , Qis olilco. 13th and Farnam. BbS.lm F OR SALK-40 desirable building lots , tor trade 1 or cash. Call at A. llMpou 1619 Dodge St. 860-lmo MISCELLANEOUS. rrUICEN UI1 Thrco oows , one all red , one red with J. white Btrlp on back and one red with a white sUr n forehcail , taken up August 25 , by O I' . K Wilson at Ult house on south 10th , 61l 0p TO LEASE 10 ocrei of Ian J , fenced for garden purpose's , thrco inlleiS. W. of P , O. Inquire F. P. Foi > dike , 013 H. 16th tticct. Wi tl TX ILLoOcrata bargain for 10 ( Uls only. An TI east front rcildence lot Inadeilrable facility , convenient to street car. Address P. O. Box 806 , 440-30 T OST OinlBcatf pin Kinder will bo rewarded by J leavlng nau.o at 1121Dougl 8itreet. 48 ( ' . ' 7 p IJEIISONAL Hie Inly from Portland , Indiana , 1 whu railed nt Ii22 Farnam street , who diws the oil cameo painting , pleaio caU igaln . 40r-26p /"VNE PRICK Furniture ( Store , 10th street , ) > etween V/Burt and Cutnlng. 473 30p gentleman would like a lady with ( SCO ready _ kca has partner ami traveling companion , In a paving budnehiadaptcd to a lady. Addren " 0 II. N , " city 44S-Wp FOIl K.VCIIANdK , LAND-eiOarrt'N unimproved land In eastern Nihraika , ru'table ' for btook farm lo ex hange for ktock of grocerica or general mcr- cliandlne , Address "R " lie ) ollleo. 444-lm Red and white spotttxl 8 vear old row STRAYED be paid by U , U. Ilobblu , 221 ! Dodge. 41111 rpKKN Ui' A brown cow , 7 or 8 v ears old. OH ncr 1 can have sam by calling on entries Berthdls , Cummg Htreet , O'Noll'u PUoe , and paving chariivt. I926t-lewp MURRAY liaa good pMlunng. Spring water , 8& OIUVY raulU , ilnki and ooispooli cleaned wllli I unitary cleaner. SatUfaotlon ( ruarnnteed by F. U Abel , ( suoetmor to to J. M. . Hiulth , ) bo 878. 00 ] Itnop 'BUNKO ' STEERERS AT WORK , Aii Old Man Itrnt Out of SI IO l > y Oanjiof. Confliloneo Men lit This City. On Monday afternoon John llolntrom , a specimen of the gonnino rustic , from Door Ledge , Montana , was meandering down town from North Fifteenth street , when ho wns accosted by n gentlemanly looking young man who pretended to know him , and who represented himself as n son of Laird , n largo banker In Mou * tana , well known throughout the whole territory. Tliu nll'rtirs of llollstrom were familiar ly talked over by the pretended Laird who taid ho was doing n good business in the city and had a line otlico on Mth street. After some time spent in talking over business matters the Montanian was invited up to the ollico by the banker's .son. llollstrom kindly accepted the in vitation. 11 o was takpn up the stairway of the Central II nil building , near Four teenth and Uodgo , and escorted into A suite of rooms in which were several well dressed gentlemen leisurely taking their case and smoking. After talking over their business prospects at great length ono of the men presented n lottery scheme and showed what a great amount could bo won from small investments. It was finally agreed thnt all should buy tickets in the scheme , the drawing to take place at onco. The price of the tickets was $40 each , but this was subse quently raised in $140 , the winner In the lottery to receive 81,000. When the granger had deposited his money the men were suddenly called away from their ollico , but said they would return yesterday at 12 p. in. The Mnntauian waited until the appointed time , and when they did not appear ho reported the matter to the police. An olllcor immediately - mediately wont to the room , but did not find them or any ono who know thorn. llollstrom is an old man who has been living with friends in the city for sometime - time past und has formed few if nny ac quaintances. It is said ho thinks ho has boon reported to thcso rascals by those who do not live by any such moans as wcro used to swindle him out of his money. The curious part of the whole altair is that llollstrom laments the loss not only of his $140 , but also his chance to win the § 1,000 , which ho places at several hundred. Ilellstrom loft last evening for the cast on a visit to friends. The U. P. Bniul'H Sociable. The Union Pacific Band mot for a so ciable time at its hall on Fourteenth and Hurt streets , last evening. Messrs. Ed- lolm & Erickson , Max Meyer & Bros and their clerks , invited to attend , were nearly all present. Tno first mentioned Irra presented the band with its annual ; ift , in the shape , this year , of a most beautiful solid silver pitcher and goblet. The present was then rallied of by the members of the band , Alfred Toozor win ning the prir.o. The party broke up after partaking of refreshments and discours ing several strains of sweet music. O 111 corn Klcctccl. The Deluge Hose company hold a mooting Monday night for the election of officers , which resulted as follows : 1. S. Ilascall president , Gus Williams vice- president , Richard Wiborg secretary , Otto Ncidweicsor treasurer , Fred Plaog- ing foreman , William Baxter first assist ant foreman , and John O'Byrno second assistant foreman. Fred Piliegng , the now man in charge , waa presented with a beautiful badge by the monitors of the company. County's Grain Acreage , The assessment rolls for 1881 show the number of acres in grains and fruits as follows : Wheat 3,308 , corn 00,437. oats 12,437 , barley 070 , meadow ( i.2 ! ! ) , rye 1 , ! ) ( > 7 , millet 1,951 , potatoes 7,833. Number of fruit trees , 2,104,218 ; number of grape vines , 40,720. OH ing to the abaauco of n majority of the members last evening , the council adjourned without transacting any business. At thu session of the United States court l.f-t evening two dru 'istH from Toiiuira , Sow- aid county , plead guilty to not complying with thu lovt'imo law , and were fined SL'3 each. A complaint has Ixt'n fili-tl against .Tamos Davis nf J'onca him with , , chaiginsf pcitton- atiug aravL'tiuc officer , Ills case will come up for examination before United .States Commis sioner Anderson to-duy. - The ladiodof Cracs chipel Mill ( , 'U'is a fr- tivnl this oveulng in ISrunner'H block , at the end of the red ear line , the proceeds to go to ward paying off the debt now existing against the chuich. Ice cream nnd all the delicacies nf the neason will bo orvod by the l.tdiex , Kvcrybody Is Invited to attend. 'iciith stteot seems to ha [ gaining an tin- cnvlablo notoriety of Into. Last night Mr. William Jackson , late of Curning county , was suddenly commanded to halt us hu readied 1'iercn Btieot , and WIIH requested t hand over what ho had. Fortunately ho possessed only Nuvt'tity-fivo cunts in money and it silver watch , which ho deemed it prudent to hand over to the roliburs. Mr. Jackson congrntur lated himfcolf that ho had only'nailvo watch nnd a small amount in money , but he is Ntrongly of the opinion that Cumlng county la much safer than Douglas. I'KHRONAU Marshal CummlnKf returned lost evening from his chicken-hunting expedition. Mrs , Minnie Lalller , n'utir of MrB , I.lirown left yesterday for Cheyenne , which is to bo her future home. It was with much regret that shit left without Maying farewell to each of her friends , individually , but she had them in kindly remembrance. All In turn will w ! h the ) biidu of n woofs duration u happy lionuy < moon and a long life. At the Metropolitan Hotel : John Ifcrr and W , If. Nye , I'luiii Creek , Nub ; It. T. Cooper , Seward ; , J. 1) . Crrns , HidingsV. ; . T. BearleH and wife , 1'latto county , 1) . II. Yanline. ( irand Island ; ( Jeo. 1) ) , D.ivls and wife , Fre mont ; K. Hurvoy and wife , Waterloo ; J. W. Hall and lady , Klkhonij H. V. Frank , K.tlr- field ; Clux. K. Verity , Wisneo. A Ilrokoii'Dovvn Hlock NMV VOIIK , August 20. The World of this morning Bays : William J. Jlntclnnson wan not lit hla ollico yesterday , Ho Is tmld to heat at Ins cottagn at Henhright prostrated by his maultold misfortunes , ft is IMS than three yearn ngo nmc Ifiitchmson nmJo two million dollars in the Hannibal & St. Joe corner by hit peculiar transactions as broker for John H , Duff , which were con- sidcroi BO fraudulent that he was expelled from the stock exchange , After inakiitft n-ititntion to DnIT to the amount 9" > 0,000 , hu had Ml nrWr fortune < > f $1.210 , 1)00. ) Yet in the lulef period line'1 ' that tltno , lltitcliiinMiliMMiepJeiiMl in i 9iit1injf ni'.trj all of Hint v nut num.aml alter pitying lil indebt ciltii"u , ItH ilii-lftifdho will not Imo ivdolUr Ho owes nearly S'JOU,000 on the ttroet , and it In doubtful If ho ran liiniidntotlii o rlaiini without the M l taneo of hii vtifo , vvho ha a largo fortune In her own right. VKTKHAXS OL-1 T1115 NOUTinVKST. Tlio Honnlon nt OlilcnKO by ( Jencral IjORati Ycstcnlny. O , AugUHt 20.Four thouiiuul > et- crnrm of the late wnr , iUi three thnuiAiid of friend ? , particii it d in the opening oxer rises of the reunion of soldiers and vallum ol the northwest at the driving pntk this after noon , Governor Hamilton , of Illinois , deliv ennl the address \\elcoiiu' , followc < l by tton- era ! Logan , who WAS accorded an enthusiast ! reception. The Rcnci-al oulogiral the unsel fish patriotic moti\o * tbnt had Impelled the Milniitecri < , and paid MI vloqucnt tribute to their achievement ! , detailing nt some lengtl the cervical of the men from Illinois and men tlonlfR the record of the regiment command ed liy himnnlf at the outbreak of the war. Ha concluded as follows : "What I was ns n Boldier | yim nrndo mo You did the oik. You bmved OIB lninlhip- < , and to you 1 gratefully nucord the honor , l.nt ns teach the lessons of patriotism to our eliil- dicn , and let It be undiirxtood by all tlint an Amorlcan cit'ri'ii is entitled to protection where oxer our Hag tloatn , nt homo or abroad , " The other speakers \\oio Mayor Hnriisnn nnd ov-Govcinor Oglesby. Aiile.uingfoatiiro was the battle liMim nf the republic , Ming by Miss Alieo Mitchell , the voleiaiis joining in : lie chorus , Is'amfng the Fncinpment iu lonorof the lamented Col. Mulligan was the iccasion for a genciid comniendatloii. The re-union ondn .SnUinUy. TOMIIOIIOW there \\ill boa grand io\iew. Tlio Army mill Xnvy i > f riilnn , China has two trpnrnti' annhi * . The im- lorlnl nrmy in known under the 11:11110 : of thu \rmyoftho Kight Unnners , 1C is divided n to olght corns , each bclng distinguished by > pcculiai banner. This nrniy nlmost onus it mlliliiy caste , for it is composed ox chifhely of the descendtnts of the Muntcluiw , doiitgoliang , nnd Chinese rebels , \\lio , in liOl. invaded China nnd dethroned tbe impe rial family. During peace thu men of this : asto nro allowed to conduct ntiy common msmesfl , being forbidden cnly to leiuo the city without a poimit from the command' iiC ( ollicor. The olllcers cscel their iicn only in gyinimsllej. According to the 3hinoto notions , no man Is lit to ho nil otlicor mloss ho is an athlete , This army numbers ilO.OOO . men , Of these , over one hilf arcsta- ioned in 1'eUn and the lest in a few largo vovmcinl cities. This military cavln can by ui ino.1119 be regarded as n tegular cnny. Tlio eeond , or provincial nrinv , Is called the Aiuiy of the Great Banner. Kach of the eigliteoi irovinces of the emiiri | < is obliced by inw to ceop a certain number of eoldiorc , and their iggregato , according to the ollicinUtatistles , Is iSu.OOil men , Theiu ure eighty generals andover ever 7,000 olliceis , The piovlnchil nimyis competed chiefly of mercenniicshilo the mn- ority of thoolliceiB ure of the military estate. L'hcso two Ainilo" , amiiuntiiig to 800,000 moil , ni > all the foreo the Celestial empire has to le- y on in case of war. TllKIJirKHIAt. OUAIII ) . Tlie Imperial Guard , about 18,003 strong , ! H ho flower of the army. Uf thu guard inlan- ry 0'JOO mo provided with mur/lo-loaders ueseutod b the czar of Russia ; the others ire armed with flint guns , lauces nnd shields. Half of the cavalry , about U.UOO men , inn armed \\ith Chastepot rillcn. The artilleiy las thirty-two lironzu guns , bought m llnssiit , md a few mortarn. Tiioro are 1,750 educated irtillorymcn. Tlio army of the governor of Shjily.about 80,000 etiong , is also reorganized. The men nro instiucted by English ami Kiencli illieers. The army has hreceli-loading lilloi nnd Krupp stool cannon. Accoiding to Ger man wiitors , up to 1871) ) Kiupp had sent to China ICO he.tvy guns and 275 hold guns. The irmy of the govoinorof Khnn-Xu nnd Slmn- .Ico. 10,000 strong , Is said to bo supplied with all the modern arms hud to bo drilling nccording to the piinciplej of Moltko nnd iluntoliTel. ( This army fought successfully against Ynkoob lieg , and indeed | iio\ed itself the best discijilined aimy in ohlna. It is obvious , then , that in China Jiero are only about 120,000 men properly armed nnd drilled , whilu the rest of the sol- Hers can bo regarded only IM undisciplined md unarmed reserves. JIUNIIIONH or WAII. As to gunpowder nnd arms the Chinamen apparently have an abundant supply of their O\MI. Then ) arc eight excellent arsenals , di rected chiefly by Kngli-shmon. Thu nrsennl ot Ilan-Xin , fur instance , turns out daily U.liOO KinndH of powder. At the arsenals of Nan- ; in nnd Shanghai the Amoricin guns of Hi'iii- ngton nnd Speuier arc mimufacturod. At .lie Koo-G'how ursenal Mih-marino minus tro piopaied. At the Lan-Choo nrcenal cartridges and niniH are inanii- 'acturcil. The foit.s are found nt the months of the great riven " 1'xi Kiang , Min and Yung-tso-ICiang , to protect the great cities. Canton , Fee Cliovv and Shanghai. In the interior of the coi.ntry all the largo cities are nlso defended by forts. The capital city of I'okin is , of eourso , the most strongly pio- tcctod. It it defended by l''oit ' Daku , amply [ irovided with Krnpp cannon , and is sur- i minded by Btone walls 10 to 70 feet thick and about , P ) feet high. Nine gates luid to thu city , and thesu nro defended by cannon mounted in the minieioiis to ei/ / ) , JIIK ri.KEI' . _ China hai tinea sop unto fleets. The Can ton Meet cornel l's t eho gunbuat' , of which nin were made in Knglaud and ro In ch.ugo of Kng'ish nflicois. Tha J''u Kiang lltet m composed of si < c gunboats and a few traiiHiort | vi ssuls , These ucin madat 1'ou Gh iw nnilor thu mipervlsion of Kienchinen , ThiH fleet is in excellent oidjr , and it n in chargi of Chinumen , Tlio iShsnghuI Heel is compo oil of nine gunbonti , two frlgateii and trnuKpotl ves o H , All of thpsu weiu made by thu Chinamen thomBolves and nro nther in- sigmfieunt , Itetently China hoi got from Kngland eight iron-cl'ds , nrmcd with guiii of the largest edihre. Thu slrniiKest und most elfeetlve part of the Chinexo fleet In inade ii | of thirteen unall gtmhoats , named niter the li-ttors of the ( iieek ulplmbot , of 1,11.0010111 di paciincnt. ! They aio built of ntucl , anil iiii ! propelled by twin KCIOWH driven by compoimd engines of , altogether - gothor , U.tiOO indicated homo power- They each enirv two twenty-nix ton tin-inch breech- loading guns , mounted up'.n centio pivots , one forward nnd ono aft. Kach of these heavy guns ( jomnmndi a nuarly all round fiio , The vhargo nf the gun IH 1KO pounds of powder , thu weight of tlio projectile ' 100 poinuN , iini ] tlu < peimtrativo power equal to jincrvlng ) Inclu > 4if wild , unbacked Iron pjnto , They carry besides In ou < h fuur forty-fpnr pounder breech loading gun * , two nine-pounder hreocllr loading'giiiix , twicN'ordenfeldti arid four Gut- lings , nnd , ( nrthorinore , two ttoanl cuttorj fit ted with star torpedoes. The > ossols nio also armed winh n formidable steel knife cdgo Hjnir or raui , Anxlouu f FlKiit McCoy Or , Slilllvni ) . , Mas . , August lifi Dominick Mo C.ilfroy , of 1'lttnbur ? , nlloglng grosily unfair treatment in the fight witli I'eto McCoy at the theatre last night , ISBUCH n challenge. Ho aays : " 1 hereby clinllenifo I'eto McCoy to a glove competition of four or nix rounds with small gloves , under Marquis of Qiieonsbury rulcH , for 31,003 or $5,000 a side , and gate re ceipts , the winner to take nil , and the match to ho decided within six weeks , in Now York City , wkero wo can both bo nsmirod of fair piny. If McCoy lifelines to accept this chid lergu , I Hhiill feel disappointed , unless I cm nfciiro 11 match with John Hullivitn , whom I hava heretofore b'tried in all my chnllongox , but who , after the trim-faction * of Monday night , I am prepirod to mental any time or jilaco for any nmoun' < > ' n n'rshn ' may deslro , ' Kir. ) . I'liiUDKM'lllA , AiiKUit 27.A djspatch ti the I'rcHt from Scranton Hiys : The fire whlcl broke out thi < morning a confined to tha mill nnd yit'd of .lohejih Ahiidey. LOBHOS ca tlinaUd nt g7f > ,000. JiH'iranco 7,000. "I was nil run down , and Hood's Sar saparilla proved just the tnodicino 1 needed , " write hundroda of pooplc. Take it now. T11TAI AlUlKSriMM. A Mnrnlinl AttniilitH tn irrost ( Juv- ornor Ireland , ofToxnH , lint ( ips ( Si-Rtnl Out , (5ntisTns , August 2t ! . A News Au lii Pitjs that I'liited Stales Mnnhnl Tracy arrived In the city today and cntoied the govomor'n ollico thli nfteriiiH > li bent on tin' eirand of arresting Governor Ireland under thu vvarrntit Issued in the Vrnnnois miscegeiia" lion case , Tincy introduced the subject , saying "Governor , I suppose you know what 1 am hero for1 The governor made n suit able reply , Tracy ndtl he URretted Iho necessity ho should have to poiform inch nil olliclnl duty ns the nrrest of the governor of Texas , nnd presented his warrant , Governor Ireland nt this juncture relieved Cot. Tr ey of some tteptilatlon np- pun-lit by saying ho would plvvnyn submit to n process legal on Its face , nnd would nnsner nl court its tpquireil , hut ho considered the marshall - shall of the eastern district of Texas had no authority to serve a process hero ( out'ido of his district ) , thnt the proceedings nt Gnlvc.ston vveiovlthollt a nhndovv of fact upon uhlih to IKVSO the case. This beltiff si > , while ho undone no resistance to the writ , nnd would nnswor as any citizen hoiild , lie would hold Tracy nni4 others vvho had interesleil tli'insolvei iu the mailer ro iiKiusible for Ihcir roiulucl , Tracy referivd the goturnorto the I'nitcd ' States stntuto on the viibject , vvlileh the goveinor dcelnies ho liad nbendy examined , and he BO inpUiiied their tenor thnt Tracy , without making tha urest , , left thu evrutivo ollico to roinnlt I'nited States Dlstncl Altornoy Kviiu taking his wmiantwilli him , In n couple of hours Tracy letnrnod nnd in- roniUHl tluigoveinor that ho would note - Cillo Ihe wilt , silling llial he had consulted with .liulfjo llv nns , vvho veib.dly condemned , lu < proct'cdings in miong InntJiiiige. In mi- s 'er to a iilicstlon benrliig tin tha case sub- uiltcd to livnns by Tracy , tie ! fonner fur- lishod Tracy n < > iitten opinion , dcclnung .hnlTincy , ns United .State * innishnl of Iho instein dislriclof To\ns , bad no nuthotity to 11 rest aciti/en losident and found In thewcsl- iu district under a wut Issued by the United Stales cummlttioner for Iho eastcin diniricl , except in Hpeei.d cases. Kvaus do- dales that the rhaigo ' of viola * Ml ) of section "yMO , tovi'-ed statutes if the United States is not ! t special case. ICv- \ns onteis into detadx , citing authority to BUB- uin Ids opinion that 'I'rney could not lawfully eivolho wniranl. 'j'racy his Infonnod Iho 'overnor that ho would it-turn to GaUestim Vletnvvhilo tha governor awaits the next move n the celebrated e.iso. It is undei stood that ho proceedings by Kianyois will be dis. Hissed. 11)1 ) INmiKlUIH Mll.VVAUKKK , August 2t' > . At the HC9MOII of ho national relail dinggisls , Mr. Kliul olforod aiosoluliou to the effect Unit the association voulil | iledgo co-oper.ttion nnd l > rotoction to iroprictora who adoptyil the Campion plan uf oiling goods , nnd would frown down all non- eciet or trmto ir.nik goods calculated to simu- ute legitimate goods and deceive lliu public. V Ion ? and linn dixcitfcsion followed , but the esulnliou was ndopiid after the words "non- ecret"vveie ktiicUon out. The tlnrty-KOumd annual meeting of the Amcilcnn i'haimacuntieal assoiiution began tills nftt'i noon , President W. S. Thompson , if Washington , dohveiing the addrit-s. _ ! ] ! he evening the druggUt nnd pliannac'iHts voro given a icceptton nt the I'htnKington 10118O A ll\K \ Out by the Noriliorn 1'nolllo. SAN Kn.VNCi'-co , August lli. ! A Chronicle , rortlanil , Oiegon , special m > 8 tlio Northoru Pacific lins issued leleRraphic circiilais today nnuaiiiiciug they would carry RIIIIM lioin all liuinlH on llirir line in WiiBhinpto.i leriitoiy to Diihith , MinncapoliH ami St. Paul , nt eisht liillais ) mrton , tin' jtaino H3 the piesant rates to 1'oitlaml. The circular nlio sttateB that Ihu r.ilo of HOVCII dollars nnd cisty ccnls can bo secured via thelakon to Iiivi'ipool or ( ilimgovv , ihiiH giving bolter tliiuiiRli utlea to shippers Jmn via thu Horn. UntUAOil TeloplioncB. CINCINNATI , August-li It I'M claimed thai iimtrmiicntH of thu JJoli tclrpliono company ( mvonot been li-leil for luxation for four years. 'J'liu iimtiinnenlH i tlio jiroporty of .ho 'lincrican Dell tulophono cciupuny nnd aio leased to tlio local companies at the ratu of twenty dolfarit per anmini for each instru ment. Tliu li'li'lihono officials heio li.tvo boon oiled to appear bcfoio tbu county auditor Kri lay nu\t. "What wo learn with pleasure wa never forgot. " Alfred Afcrcivr. The Following is n cnuo in point. "I paid out iiundrods of dolhtrs without receiving nny benefit , " aaya Mrs. Emily lUionds , of McBridcs , Mich. " 1 had female com- plainta , especially 'drngfjing down,1 for ever aix years. JrR. . V , Piorco'a 'Fa vorito Froicription' did mo more good thitn any medicine I over took. 1 ad- viao every sick lady to take it. " And so do we. it never diaappointo ita put- roiia. Druggists still it. I 1'V-iil IJellor. How cheerful a man looks when lie la saying thcao words ! And what n de lightful thing it in to help to make him fool bettor ! And what a privilege tc know that ton thousand people all ovoi the I'nitod States are to-day saying , " 1 fool butter , " because they are usin } -own'fl Iron Hitters' ' Mrs. J. A. Ed son of 118 Medford St. , Chelsea , Mass , writes that she nuH'ored with kidney dia ease und blood troubles , nnd that she used . ' 5 bottles of Jkoini's Iron Hi tarn As the result of this treatment eho suyu " 1 fool bettor than 1 have for u loin , time , ancl I believe I am cured. " Tins AVoutliisr loilay. WAHIIINIJION , August 27. 1'or the up ) MlHHiBBippI vnllciy , Konorally fair , followed bj incruaHinf'cloudincHH and localHliovvorH , In tli northern pnrtion , Niiutliorly VMiidn , Hlight HH in teiiipoiaturi' , and luvvor barmnulcr , K < > the MiiiHiiinl valley , fair follotvud by iiicrra in cloiiilluesH nnd HliovvorH , Hintlierly wini'H ' , luglici tomporutiiro and lower baioin eler. eler.NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF T MllliiI.riii < iiiOriiiificlr | , , ( InvoiCntirt , ( 'K'liiiK.l'uildliiKi , , ! < , , n > ili'llfiilfly mill nut * ili'iillyui tbol'rilll IVuin ulilch Hu-y KIT nmilc , Toil STHKNOTJf AND TKUIJ PKU1T I'LAYOJl TIIKY STAND ALOSI.1. PMMHID Br 7HI Price Baking Powder Co. , Chicago , III. Ot. LotilB , Mo. UIKIRI or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pov/dor -4NO Dr. Price's ImpuHit Yeast Coins , licit Dry If up Yrinl. WC WAUK BUT OMB QUALITY , Tainted. Chemists of the nntiou clmrgo the loynl ? Unking Powder Cora- liiny : with the usoof the powerful drug AMMONIA 111 their Powder ; Unit no nrticlo of food should be tainted by this nnsnfo drug ; Unit it is unfit for tipncnrnnci1 in tiny humtin diet ; thnt its long continued use in nny form will dernngo the blood ; thnt it jsonly found in the nnturnl food and drink oi ! man ns nn ncci- dontnl impurity. That NATURE ABIIOUS nnd expola it na an excrement. That in a Baking Powder it 1ms not oven the virtue of neces sity. If the charge is unjust , would it not bo nn nctof of justice to themselves , as well as u polite concession to n deeply interested public sentiment , to answer the chnrge ? To nnswer immed iately ? To answer honestly ? Oily evasion won't do Oily dignity , oily plausibility , oily non-committal won't do. Rid icule won't do. Come forward iu n manly way and give the public evidence that justifies its use. Per Cent of Ammonia. "I find PRICK'S CREAM BAKING POWDER a WHOLESOME nuil STRONG combination of PURE MATERIALS , entirely free from AMMuNIA , which is conlninod in almost nil other liakinc Pomlora , in- cludliiR the "lloyal" in which I HAVE FOUND AS111GU AS FIVE I'ER GENT , of this unnceccssnry substance. " PROF. CHARLES E DWIGHT , Chemist , Laboratory , Wheeling , W. Vn. June , Hth , 1881. Every houaowifo cnn try the "Iloynl' or nny brand of Baking Powder , by placing the can , top down , on n hot atovo till heated , llo- inovo the cover , and if there oho will nmoll AMMONIA. After which alio can change it or Prieo'n , that has nothing base in it. They Are Without A Hival. -AND- Have been Awarded One Hundred and Eighteen Prize Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years. And Iij tlie West Lift Pianists , Most Perfect Piano IN TONE i TOUCH An examination o these iinignificent JPianos is politely requested before iHiiclimring nny other instrument. Genoiul Western Representatives. P. S.-Also Gen'l Ag'ts for KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS. , and ARION PIANOS , and SHONINGER CYMBELLA and OLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN. ov ot BTaicri.TnnsT.oLAH AND TWO WHEEL OARTB. llkIRandlSJ01Urn vBtre l j * \ M- _ L. _ _ C I | C80 fuiulitid ( irmioc iriHrMUD ' > Vat fTlafltA THE LEADING CARRIAGE-FACTORY 1409 aniiy 1411 IDodeekSt , , i . rd } iOmaha' Heh