Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Omftlm omco , No. O10 F rnMn St.
CoiincllBliinYi ] omco.No 7 Pcnrl St.
Street , Near Ilroiulwujr.
New YorkQOnico , lloom O5 Tribune
BnlUUnR. _
Published ercry rromlnft , eio pl SumUyt Tb
eel ) UoncUy mornlcg dally.
mius IT MAIU
One Tear 110.00 I Throe Months..W.OO
BUUooibi B.OO j One Month J ° °
Per Week , 26 ConU.
rn vrmuT , rnnusniD IT T , WSDKUPAT ,
mus rogn-AiD ,
On. KMt.I $2.00 I Thre Months I M
BU Months. LOO | One Month . .
Amorioan Now Company , Bolt Affontp ,
fl In the United Statos.
A Oommnnleatlona relating to New * and EdltorUI
mitten should bo addressed to the EDiroa or Tni
All Btutncm Iietton ' nd Remittances should bo
kddrotrod to Tni Dun ruRLtsiriKa COMPART , n * ni.
Pf atta , Chocks and Fostofllco orderg to bo made pay.
able to the order ot the eompfinr.
A. II. 1'itcli , Mnnapcr Dnlly Circulation , 1' .
0. llox , 488 Oranhn , Neb.
THAT "man of straw" should bo laid
On the sholf.
Li the cftso of Dawos precedent would
bo bailer in the broach than in the ob-
Tin : atill small voioo of litllo Sarpy
may yet chant the funeral dirge of that
roan of straw.
Do TUB republicans of Nebraska pro <
poao to nominate for governor an Indian ,
in-front-of-a-tobacco-utoro ?
IT will bo a dillicult thing to heave a
brick into the republican atato conven
tion witHout' hitting a candidate for land
NRIIRASKA should have a governor who
knows enough to know that an appraise
ment of school land at twenty-five cents
an aero is a barefaced owindlo.
GIVE us a lioutonant-govornor who can
preside over the senate with dignity and
does not propose to act as a inoro stool
pigeon for corporations and jobbers.
FKANK JAMES has at last started out to
make an honest living. IIo is advertised
as the chief attraction at the Moborly ,
Missouri , fairand the people are assured
that ho will exhibit his celebrated horses
and "attend thorn the same as any other
gentleman. " Col. James will probably
attend all the fairs in Missouri and will
provo a drawing card. IIo is certainly
ono of the most noted products of Mis
Yi souri.
A I'LEi'.T of 33 steam vessels owned by
the China navigation company , and do
ing business on the Chinese coast and
rivers , has boon sold to a Now York firm
of China merchants , This has boon
done to prevent interruption in the largo
trade , which the fleet is engaged in , by
the impending war between Franco and
China. Under cho transfer the vessels
have boon given the protection of the
Amorcianflag. Woshouldnotbosurprised
to see this sale followed by numerous other
similar transfers , and while the war lasts
the Stars and Stripes will float pretty
numerously in Chinese waters , and play
an important part as a protector of Chinese
nose commerce.
TUB Now York Tribune estimates that
the probable vote for the presidency in
November next will bo very close to 10-
000,000. The vote in 1880 , using round
figures , was 0,220,000 in a total popula
tion of 49,371,000 , and in a male popula
tion of the voting ago reported at round' '
ly 12,571,000 for the thirty-eight states.
The population of the states will bo in
November next above 5(9,000,000 ( , in the
eight territories and the District of Col
umbia very nearly 1,000,000 , making for
thh whole country a grand total < if 07-
000. Now , if a population -19,371,000
in the states includes a voting population
of 12,571,000 , a population of 50,000,000
contains a voting population of nearly
14,280,000 , or that number of mun pos
sing the legal ago for voting.
TUB location of the now Iowa insane
asylum at Cl&rinda has stirred up cousid
orablo ill feeling among other towns that
were striving to secure that institution.
The city of Atlantic , particularly , had
great hopes of obtaining the prize , and
her citizens are making a strong effort to
re-open the question of the location.
Hod Oak , also , had high hopes in the
matter , and her citizens also are anxiovi
.to have the location reconsidered. Dole
gallons from these towns recently wont
to Dos Moines to make a formal protest
but they failed to secure an audionct
with Governor Sherman , who purposely
gave thorn the slip , and kept out off tin
way. They finally returned homo with
out A hearing and very much disappoint
ed , as well as surprised at the troatmon
they had received at the hands of tin
governor. lion. Lafayette Young , o.
Atlantic , had intended at this confer/one
to lay before the governor what h
claimajia positive and documentary ovi
< louco that members of the locating cum
mission had made effort * io secure bribe
for the location of the asylum. Senate :
Young says that the offer was made tc
him personally to take $5OOC
and eocuro the asylum for Atlantic. H
assorts that ho is able to trace back th
antecedents of the party who made th
olter to ono or nioro of the commissioners ,
Mr , Young makes s Borioui
charge ami it certainly shou'd be thoroughly -
oughly investigated. Why the Oovorno
evaded the proposed conference is
mystery to the citizens of Atlantic , Ho
Oak and other interested towns. It i
not likely , however , that thuy will sue
ceed in reopening the location of the nay
The legislature of Now York at its last
session passed a law conferring upon the
mayors of cities the power to establish
civil service examinations for applicants
for positions in city employment , and
Mayor Edison , of Now York , has just
promulgated his rules and regulations
governing the civil service of that city , to
take effect on August 29th , They apply
to all positions in the service of the city ,
except ofllcors elected by the people and
their subordinates for whoso errors or
violations of duty they are fin
ancially responsible. The sor-
rlco is divided into seven classes.
Schedule A includes all deputies of of
ficers and commissioners duly authorized
, o act for thnir principals and all persons
necessarily occupying a strictly confi
dential position ; schedule B , all clerks ,
copyists , recorders , bookkeepers , and
thors rendering clerical services ; sched
ule 0 , all policemen , both municipal and
park , and the uniformed force in the fire
department ; schedule D , all persons
rrhoso duties require special export
tnowlcdgo not included In schedule K ;
chodulo K , all physicians , chemists ,
nurses , orderlies and attendants in the
; lty hospitals and asylums ; schedule F ,
fill persons not included in the foregoing
chodulcB , except laborers and day work
men ; schedule O , all persons employed
as laborers and day workmen.
The applicants are to bo examined as
to their/qualifications character and physica
condition , and the examinations , if car
ried out according to programme , will re
sult in placing upon the "eligible list".tho
mmes of competent and honest persons
'or the various positions , which will bo
assigned upon the merits of the appli-
ciyits alono. When employes nco-noodod
n any department application must bo
made by the head of that department to
ho secretary of the advisory board , who
iliall certify back to such head of the de
partment the names of the three persons8
having the highest general standing in
the class where the vacancy exists , hon
orably discharged soldiers and sailors
having the proforonco. 'Tho appointing
oflicor shall select ono of the throe per
sons and notify the secretary of the board
of the appointment. The whole plan
jooms to bo fair and practical , and
s a big stop in the direction of civil nor-
rico reform. The system it a direct blow
at favoritism and corruption , and an in
centive to honesty , independence and
Idolity. The appointments are to bo
ompotitivo and non-partisan , and the
main object of the system is to give the
) ooplo an honest equivalent for their
money. Furthermore it loaves the op-
ointoos free to exorcise their political
iglits without undue influence on the
art of their superiors or ward politicians ,
f all this can bo accomplished , the
itizons of Now York are certainly to bo
Congratulated , for a revolution for the
otter will surely bo the result in muni-
ipaj affairs. The example sot by Now
York ia worthy of imitation by other
tatos and cities , and no doubt will in
uo time bo followed by all cities dcsir-
ng to have in its employ honest and
capable mon.
The French , in their war upon China ,
, ro certainly proceeding in a high-handed
manner. It would seem that the dashing
Frenchmen consider the Chinese as a
horde of barbarians , to bo plucked and
plundered at will , and that they think
that they have found a country rich in
spoils to bo acquired by an easy war of
conquest , which can bo waged without
any regard to justice or fear of interven
tion on the part of other nations.
Franco , however , will soon discover that
she has made a serious mistake in not
submitting lior claims to arbitration. In
the first place the Chinese are
far from being barbarians , and in the
second place the commerce of China is
too extensive and valuable to other na
tions to bo interfered with or destroyed
by the French. There is not a civilized
nation that is not interested in preserving
the trade und commerce of China. It is
neb likely that England , whoso interests
in China are more extensive than that of
any other country , will stand idly by and
BOO Franco by a destructive warfare upon
Chinese ports ruthlessly enforce the payment
mont of an exorbitant demand for inju
ries that nro more imaginary than
real. It would not surprise us
in the least to see England
take a bold stand at an oaaly day , and
declare that the French must cease their
warfare and submit to arbitration , or suffer
for the consequences. Should Franco
not hood the voice of England , wo may
look for an English-French war of no
small dimensions both on land and water.
The situation is being seriously discussed
by London merchants , who no doubt
will urge immediate action on the part of
the British government. How Franco
can bombard two Chinese ports and capture
turo a whole fleet'and still main
t tin that this does not create a state of l I.
war , but Is simply a means of furthering |
the French negotiations with China , is
something that puz/.los the moat astute
statesmen of other countries. It is semi
ollici&lly stated from Paris that inasmuch
as Franco has not formally declared war ,
neutral vessels going to China are no
subject to the restrictions which would
bo imposed in a state of actual war. I
would seem then that Franco intends t <
go on bombarding port of tor port , with
out declaring war. This course , however
over , will not bo tolerated by othe
nations , and -Franco will soon have to
declare her intentions in plain and un
miatakablo terms , as it rumored now tha' '
China herself , becoming indignant at th
treatment of the French , has declared
war and proposes to repel the invaders.
GKNKKAI.TUAYBU is not begging fo
the governorship , but during the war and
since the war ho has done enough for
Nebraska to entitle him to the highest
position within her ( gift.
The republican state convention which
is about to convene In this city to nom
inate candidates for the various state
oflices has a grave responsibility to dis
charge. For seventeen years the people
plo of Nebraska have confided the man
agement of their atato affairs to the great
party which aavcd the union
and mndo the United States a
republic in fact aa well as In name. It
waa but natural that an uninterrupted
continuance in power for such a long
period would tend to a slackness in ad
ministration that connives with or winks
at glaring abuses.
Tlio corrupting and harassing interfer
ence in our political affairs by the rail
roads , 'whoso aim seems to have boon
to degrade Nebraska to a tnoro province
ruled over by Wall street speculators ,
has seriously impaired the strength of
ho republican party and imperilled its
success. Two years ago 10,000 votes ,
five-sixths of which wcro republican ,
were cast in opposition to the party can
didates , some of whom were defeated
ivhilo others were elected by a
bare plurality. The problem now
onfronts the republican convention
.vhothor it ia prudent or safe to nomi
nate any man on the atato ticket whoso
candidacy would place the party on the
defensive. The precedent haa boon to
filvo atato officers a second term as an en
dorsement of their conduct. Can the
opublicans of Nebraska afford to go into
.ho campaign as endorsers of any candi
date whoso conduct haa boon open to
rave censure , either on ac
count of incompotoncy and 1
mbocility or collusion with dishonest
oubordinatos and rings ! It has boon our
desire to aoo a ticket nominated by the
convention which every republican could
conscientiously support. To prevent
blunders and disasters the BEE has spoken
fearlessly and without rcsorvo concerning
jovornor DITTOS and other atato ollicora
n connection with the school land frauds
md other questionable transactions. It la
'or the convention to decide whether the
party can recklessly ignorn
ndofonsiblo charges. Our duty has been
ilono , and if the convention does ita duty
ogardloss of precedent or personal
'riondship , the party will march on to
, 'ictory this fall. If the convention goes
endlong into the acclamation business ,
ts candidates will find themselves out in
.ho cold aftur the election
The state fair this year promises to bo
.he . best exposition that Nebraska has
vor witnessed. The state has boon
ilossed with the most abundant crops
vor known in its history , and the farm
rs , consequently , are feeling very jubi-
ant. No state in the union is in bettor
3 no reason why the display of our agri-
ultural products and live stock should
lot bo something wonderful this year , if
iur farmers and stock raisers make proper
( Fort , and wo have no reason to doubt
hat tlioy will do their duty. The citi-
o'is of Omaha , however , should not
logloct to contribute to the variety of
, ho exposition , so that it will bo made
loubly attractive to the visitors. Last
oar manyof our merchant ] neglected to
make displays of their wares , and con
sequently this feature of the fair was
lomowhat deficient in its attractions. It
3 hoped that the merchants and manu-
'acturers ' will this year make exhibits
that will reflect credit upon themselves 1
and the city , and elicit the admiration of
everybody. While perhaps it may cost
them a little money , it is
nevertheless their duty to exert themselves
selves in this matter. The oxponao
will bo n inoro trillo compared to the
benefits that they will reap from the exhib
ition. There will ho more people in at
tendance at this fair than were over
present at any two fairs hold in Ne
braska , and wo want everybody to bo
well pleased with Omaha and the efforts 1
of her citizens. During tlio past year
many thousands of uovr people have come
into the state , and they will visit
Omaha and the exposition for the first
time. The newcomers no doubt will bo
surprised at the attractive appearance of
the city , its size , and the extent of its
businofls. The older settlers of the state
who attended last year's fair will bo
equally surprised at the growth of Oma
ha and the public improvements that she
has made in the last year. They will find
many now and handsome buildings on
the loading thoroughfares , and instead of
unpnvod streets they will BOO our entire
business center pivnd with stone and as
phalt , there being ever aovon niilos of
pavement. In fact they will see the boat
part pavnd city for its oizo iu the United
States. They will BOO notable improve.
menU either completed or in progress in
every . part , of the city , and on every hand
they will bo confronted with n rush of
business , and evidences of prosperity and
a go-a-hoadativonesa that will convince
thorn that Omaha ia a growing and outer-
Arising city. The people of Nebraska
will certainly have reason to fool proud
of the metropolis of the state and they
will rujoico in her prosperity , as her
growth is indicative of the growth of the
whole state with which she ia keeping
NOMINATE nn attorney-general who
will recover the school lands fraudulently
loosed by the land sharks.
Now ilierovorirs uf tin ore have beau made
lutholllack Hill * .
Carney ii getting up a coal company with
capital stock uf * iUX ! > .
I. The MiMuurl 11 waililng rapidly , oppoiitl
Pierre , having onton Into tlio banks 800 feet in
n few week * ,
The new directory of F.irgo contains 3,332
i.-imc . and on that the Argus claim * a papu-
fttlon of 11,002.
Tlio corn is ripening very'fait In Hanson
county , ninl the crop will l > o the largest In the
lilsloivof the cotuily.
Tlio corn crop of Mortoncounty tlii * ynar
. > r < > miM'H to bo nn natonlfhlng ono. U'wlll
outrank of nny county In North ] ) nkot.i.
It will average from fifty to sixty Imihols per
at re.
The Manitoba road hi * made n reduction
.n Its freight ratci , which , oti wheat alone ,
will a\oSJOO,000 thin full to the i-ountiet of
Tnilll , Ornnil Forks , el ell , KnmB.iy , Walsh
and PombiiiA ,
I'lanklnlon will go into winter quarter * wilb
n pretty good record hating built up to date n
§ 15,000 flouring mill , n 815,000 court house , a
315,000 mil , n Congregational church , A Methodist -
odist church , A llax mill and rnuuy residences
and business buildings ,
A ca\o IIM boon discovered about twenty
miles from Stanton , Mercer county , In which
wiM found n hideous looking Idol carved out
of cedar , four nkclotonn , copper pc r henJs , n
n email cutlass , imnloineiiM of copper , and a
mill for grinding , such as wore used in
ancient J' gpt and parts of Asia.
What is termed tha " lands" of Dakota
wont of IhoMitBouri rl\ r , Is turning out to
by an Kldorado for stock raising. There is
now -10,000 head of stock in that country val
ued at a million dollars. Tlio country fur
nishes ample simitar , and not above two per
cunt of thu stock has been lost from all causes.
Hughes county lias | iilto a number of In
dians who have p'ovod up on land under tlio
homestead law nnd some of thorn have fairly
cultivated farms , but a majority prefer the
lazy , vagabond lifo they have been no-
customed to , nnd rcfiino to till tlio soil with
the exception of a amall corn and "truck"
It was expected that the total valuation of
Dakota would rt-ach nearly 8100,000,000 this
year. It will be something in IT SSO.OOO 000.
All but three _ or four counties have reported
to the auditor and the Inures nro now S77-
liO..liOO. Property throughout the territory
was assessed upon a much lower valuation this
year than last. It it had been the sumo the
figures would have lieon considerably over
8100,000 000. The astoni liing development
of Dakota as chown by these figures : In 1882
the total valuation wan but 847,101,47 ! ) , and
In 1883 , SG .155,005. It has nearly doubled in
wealth In two jL-ars.
Boports are ciiculatlnp that the Northern
Pacific will build a branch down into tbo territory -
| I ritory
iV tdlck burglar raided the store of Valentino
tine Baker in Cheyenne and madu mvay with
| 8300 In cash.
George W. Baxter , a prominent stock-
grower , has purchased ! IUOO nerus of lund
from tlio Union Pacific. The land is qtiltn
close to Choyunnc.
A religious crank who nailed under tbo
immo of "Brother Hcnticu ! , " an > 1 bored the
people of the territory with lectures , turns
out to IK ) a harmless fanatic who CHcaped from
a convent down oast. Ho has been Bent
Htlin territorial fish commissioners , have do-
tilled to locate the hutching IIOUMS for the pro
pngation of fish , provided for by tlio lint leg
islature , at the springs on the Fort Sundew
military reservation , near Laramie City , a.
pormlt from the war department having been
received to use the spriuga for the purpose.
COI.OIlADf ! .
Thu Denver exposition opens next Monday.
Texas Cover has appeared in Southern Cole
A now National bank has been organized at
Tlia ranchmen of North Fork are cutting
lurgo quantities of liny for winter feeding.
The Presbyterian and Congregational
churches of Boulder propose consolidating.
The loader uf a gang of cattle thieve * was
run down by Sheriir Sweeny at Fort Colliiu.
A Into strike In the Gladiator mine is said
to bo the rli-host iu
Hillsdnlo county. Tlio ere
assays SMC1.-10 to the ton.
The ninth annual f > csMon of the Colorado
grand ledge of Knights of 1'ythias will convene
at Lendv'illo , September 1C.
Tourists to Cheyenne Canyon , ono of the
wonders of the HUte , ai o now compelled to
pay liberally for the plea tirp , the owners of
adjacent laud having built fences and estab
lished toll-gates.
Cattle owners of C ilorado appear to enter
tain no fenr of the dreaded pleura-pneumonia
getting into the liords of thu west for HOIIIO
yet , if at all , So inr the disease appears to
confine itself to Jerseys , a bread which is but
llttlo known In thu west.
It in creditably reported that n baud of
About sixty UncompaliKro Utea is on the war
path i i Southwestern Colorado. The c.ittlo
mon down ttiero are complaining bitterly of
the action of the agents in allowing the In
dians to loavu their reservations , and oven
giving them passes poniiittinp them to do BO.
From January 11 August 1 , 105 quartz
locations were made iu Sliver Bow county.
During the xamo period 172 locations were
made In Door Lodge county ,
In Miles City , a few ilays ago , a Crow In
dian named I'rania Chicken attempted to oa-11
capo from jail and was shot dead after a
COVDIO struggle with the jailor and the
sheriff ,
Cold hay been discovered four Tiilea oatt of
Mimonla. There Is great excitement and
the town l.s deserted. Claims nro being rap
Idly loc.itoJ. Color ij found everywhere for
two miltH around.
The Central Pacific has disposed of all its
For fifteen con ecutivo days in August the '
thermometer registered 100 ° iu the hade at
Loss than it milo and a qunrtor of track now '
lemaliisto bo const uctod on the Kol Itlvor &
amount Kurokn railroad of freight to reach has Sptingvillo. accumulated A iu largi tli'ia
vallny awaitlug shipment
The now peat beds uncovered near Compton -
ton , Los Aiigolos county , are proving n veil-
trblo bonanza to tlio owners. Under the mi
croscope the peat pnt.-eiitu the apcctnclu of a
moss of fiber stulf. This pent burns tnico BB
iu voll us coal.
The estimates can now bo mido wlth toler-
ubto accuracy of thu total pack of the Colum
bia oinnorles fur this season , It Is be iovxd
( iOO.IiOO cases may bo safely uonsldeied coiroct.
The pack of the northern canneries will bo
between 70,000 ami 100,000 cases.
Tbo citizens of Oakland nro taking steps to
build a boulevard nround l.ako Merrill , at an
ostlmntrd cost of 8180,000. The plan provides
for a Biilevyulk next to the xhoro 15 foot
wide , nextU ruadwny for carrlogos , etc. , next
a speeding track 100 ftiit wide , then lawn
with trots , 35 foot ivld nnd on the extrauio
Inner eldo a way for pedestrian * .
A largo iy k trco thrijj miles from Jtedding ,
Shusta coiiuty. was nti-\ick by lightening re
cently und Ipllt Into two parts , one sldo ful-
In tffUio ground whil thu otbor remained
8tiudrif. ( A skeleton was found iu the i > r-
tion which remained standing , tha skull f
which was broken in ttoteral plucoj , and three
bullet-holes weru In tha-forehead. Tlio myn
tery is llkoly to remain foiovor unsolved.
The overland line , from SauFrancisco to
Portland will bo In operation in tbo oarlv
part of next month , tha hardest part oi thu
st Rfl route having been traversed by raiU ,
leaving the gap which will remain between
t Impend of thu track running north mid that
which comoJ south from 1'ortlniid to meet it a
cnmimratlvely oavy ouu for the passage of
utiuriw end fruiglit wngunu , Whou througli
fipitihtimd imsiengais oru received tha Utle
will IM able to go from SanFraucUco to I'oi ( <
laud iu about two dny and a half.
Fuelun I'uxHlbllltlcf ,
St. Paul Pioneer Prees.
It is evident enough , ovoa at this dig-
tance , that the cheering hopes indulged
in by the Democracy at the beginning of
the campaign of carrying Now York ,
Now Jersey and Connecticut have boon
largely dissipated. For every gain they
have found a loss to match , and their
prospects at the east are now as unillu-
minated by hope as they wore at this
season four years ago. Feeling this.
ground or fancied security failing bo-lc
neath them , they have turned to an-c
other quarter to seek reinforcement. , 11 (
I Great hopes are now entertained by the
| party of nuccess through fusion with the
grccnluckcra in Michigan , Wisconsin ,
Iowa . , nnd perhaps other states ,
and with the nnti-prohlbitionists of
Kansas. If they can invade those re
publican strongholds , they flatter
' themselves that the name may yet
bo not wholly lost. They have been
largely aided in this project , and nor-
haps partially forced to it , by the ndv'co
of Duller to his followers. The plan ho
urges , of forming an alliance in every
state with the minority party , is one
which would help the democratic party
in the woat. Probably the public
is not advised as to the extent to which
such fusion , If carried out to the full
limit of uniting the rotes of the several
factions opposed to the republicans ,
would afToct the final result. From the
following tables , giving the Inet presi
dential vote , and also that of the last
of the last state election hold since 1880 ,
the situation may bo porcoivcd at n
' °
1880. 1832. 1883.
President. Governor. Judge.
Uopublican. . 185,311 140.CU7 m.SHO
Democrat. . .131,507 Fusion. 154,20 ! ) 127,370
Greenback. . 31,885
Prohibition. 913 5,853 13,1)50 )
1880. 1881.
President. Governor.
Republican 114.-IOO Hl.tMIt
Democrat 111,04 ! ) 09,701
Greenback 7SO ! ) 23,225
Prohibition ' . . . . Oil 7,002
1880. 1882.
President. Go\ernor.
Republican 183,02. ) 1G1.1S2
Democrat 105,815 13'J.OK !
Grocnbask 23,701 23,03'J
18SO. 1882. 1882-
President Governor. Governor.
Uopublican. . 121,51 ! ! 75.158 ! I8,1G5
Democrat. . . 59,801 S8.237 01,547
! Greenback" . . . 1IVJ51 UOi'JItS MJSOO
In Michigan , had fusion boon complete -
ploto at the date of the last election of
11 president , the combined democratic and
greenback j vote would have fallen -0,000
short of that cast for General Gar hold.
Since that time , however , the people
have become accustomed to the idea of
| such [ an alliance , and twice the fusionists
have carried that stato. Each time the
majority was loss than the vote given to
the prohibitionist candidates. This year
it is not likely either that the prohibi
tionists , only 942 of whom voted for their
candidate in ' 8Uwill waato their ntrength
by supporting St. John , or that fusion aa
complete aa in a mere state contest can
bo attained. There is no probability
whatever that the carrying out of
the programme now aduotpd in Michigan
will endanger republican success.
From Wisconsin there are uncertain re
ports. It ia claimed that the prohibition
ists are steadfast , the groonbackers in
creasing in number , and the Gorman
republicans inclined to disaffection. On
thu basis of the last state election , sup
posing the prohibitionists to hold their
own , a democratic-greenback alliance
would just about equal the republican
voto. There still lingers in the minds of
old politicians the memory of a fusion by
which the state was swept ten years ago ,
and this is suggestive of possibilities not
likely to turn into facts. With anything
like the vote that was cast four years ago
no efforts and uo alliances could take the
state from the republican column.
It is instructive to note that the most
positive signa of danger appear in the
two states which once contended for the
honor of being called the "banner state"
of the union , with regard to the size of
the republican majority. In both the
republican party has surrendered to the
prohibition craze , and seems likely to
pay for it by having to fight for a narrow
victory. In Iowa , particularly , the
whole body of Gorman republicans has
been driven from its ranks , together with
a multitude nf others who hold to the
principles of personal liberty , and who
are disgusted with the arrogant and tyr-
ranical regime of the prohibition fanat
ica. Kansas , which gave Garfield over
sixty thousand majority , elected a demo
cratic governor two years ago. That
the defeat of St. John was owing chiefly
to personal unpopularity is shown by the
fact that a republican waa elected lieu
tenant governor at the same time by over
20,000 majority. Nobody can tell how
many votes St. John will hold hero , be
cause the prohibitionists have not existed
a ) a distinct party since the republicans
consented to pull their chestnuts nut of
the fire. But , when his vote , certainly
reaching the thousands , Is subtracted
from thn republican tally , a combination
of democrats and grcoribackers would at
least push the enemy hard. Had fusion
prevailed in Iowa in 1880 , Garfield would
still have received -15,000 moro votes
than the combined opposition. Two
years latter a fusion party would have
cast within 2,000 of as many votes as
were givun for Governor Sherman. Ii3' )
gust with prohibition gave the democrats
four Congressmen , and wo know not how
much this defection may have gone
since then , with the passage nnd enforce
ment of n prohibitory hiv The Ofreon
Imckcrs are numerous and persistent.
Tnoy hold their own remarkably well
ovdii in a presidential year. Fusion has
now boon accomplished , and a combina *
lion electorial ticket ia to bo plucod in
the Held. Absurd as it would have (
Boomed a few years ugo , Iowa is not
safe , and the republicans have nobody
but themselves to thank for it.
From the obacuro region of Missouri
como reports of another character. The
prohibition vote haa never boon recorded ,
but the sentiment ia strong and crowing.
Its advocates are there mostly democrats ,
and there is a scheme on foot for an alli
ance between thorn and the ropublicana.
Union democrats and groenbacker.s will
alao unite with them , it Is said , to defeat
the ur-rebtl general , Marmaduko , candi
date for governor , and possibly may BUO
ceed. The same seasons , however ,
not enter into the support given to the
electoral tickets. At no tune since 1880
would the combined republican and
greenback votes have reached 35- ,
000 of thu adherents of democra
cy. From this survey of a portion
of thu field , an idea may bo gained of the
confusion and uncertainty which are in
troduced into all calculations by the
schemes of fusion , apparently about to
bo generally adopted. Of course , infer
ences drawn from slate elections lese
most of their force if applied to estimates
for a presidential year , when larger con
siderations are euro to prevail. Yet it
will not do to ignore either the changes
which four years may have
wrought or thoao which are
visibly taking place , as in Iowa.
Unfortunately , the if publicans have for-
foiled thu advantage they might have
had from the moral died of this general
tendency to union between democrats and
groenbaokors , by thomaolvea consenting
to sanction a similar policy in West Vir
ginia and other southern states. The
practical argument nil ! tell against them in
with thousands vf honest money demo-
-'crats whom fusion would otherwise hare
driven to vote the republican ticket. The
outlook ia not so well defined that it will of
not bo particularly desirable for party
managers to keep n keen eye upon the
field with reference to the possibil
ities that the fusion plan has brought
prominently to the front.
Scandinavian Political Treatment.
Svenska Wlckoblndet.
A few weeks ago Bro , Gardner in The
Detroit Free Press said something like
this ( o tbo members of the Lime Kiln
club : The least time you squander on
politics the bettor you are off , for it will
bo in the future as it has boon in the
past ; you do the voting , and the vrliilo
people hold the ofllccs. Looking over
the political history of this atato , Bro.
Gardner's words can ap ply to the condi
tion of the Scandinavian people versus
the Americans and Germans in this com
monwealth. Wo have certainly done the
voting and wo have done it all the
time with the rapublican party while
the above named nationalities have hold
the ofliccs. It lifts happened n few
times that the Scandinavians have brought
out men who they thought fit to represent
the people in some ollicial capacity , but
with the exception of a few insignificant
oflicca such na COLS'.able , justice of the
peace and such like , wo have always mot
with opposition in and by the conven
tions. And while our cayacity to till the
place has not boon questioned still our
desires have almost always boon unheeded
and wo have as a rule been loft in the
cold. Reasoning thus it is natural for us
to think that the only ground tor our re
pulsion is our nationality and our well
known love and preference for the repub
lican party and its principles , It seems
as if the party leaders should think that
it makes no difference how wo treat the
Scandinavians , their support wo are sure
of under all circomstances , and so it is
more profitable for us to hold the oflices
and let them continue perpetually to do
the voting. But why is it that the
Germans have not boon treated politi
cally in the same way , especially when
wo take into consideration the fact that
as republicans the Scandinavians are the
strongest of the two ? Why is it that
county and state conventions respect
fully listen to and oven inquire into the
demands uf our Gorman follow citizens
when it is well known that they support
the republican ticket in part
only and oven then tea
a great extent for while
the Scandinavian votes the republican
lican ticket from choice and on masse ?
Is it necessary for us to bo lukewarm in
our support of the republican ticket in
order to bo recognized among our party
friends , or is it their intention to test
our political patience and endurance , and
to see how far they can ignore us before
wo will bolt ? Wo shall prefer to think
at least for the present that the slight
wo have received has been unintentional ,
but wo can assure the republican party
loaders that there is such a thing oven
among the Scandinavians when patience
cenn s to bo a virtue.
With what wo have said concerning
oar fellow citizens of Gorman birth wo
will not bo understood as wo wcro in any
wise opposed to their political recog'
nition , bo that far from us ; wo have
always supported their candidates when
regularly nominated in our conventions ,
and wo will continue to do so , but wo
used them to make comparison in the
party treatment between them and our
own nationality. Neither will wo be so
understood as if we should demand any
thing from the republican party simply
because wo are Scandinavians.
Our behavior in this our
adopted country has made
it clear to all observers that wo slanp
second to none among all the foreign
born nationalities in adopting American
principles and in embracing all opportun
ities to bo not only naturalized but also
Americanized. All what wo ask are to
bo treated equally fair with all other clti
zens and to be placed on the same foot
ing with thorn politically , and if wo ore
that , then wo can stand political defeat
as gracefully as any one.
Before our next issue comes out the
state convention is over , and canditatcs
for the different state oflices are nom
inatcd , and wo ask our country
men to carefully watch and takoparthular
notice of the proceedings of our nest
party assembly. It is possible that a
Scandinavian name will bo presented to
that convention for a place on the state
ticket , and wo should bo sorry to have to
chronicle hfs defeat , at least on
the ground above indicated. Wo must
confess , that wo consider it a well earned
honor to bo allowed at least ono name on
tbo ticket headed with the naino of the
great historian , statesman and American
patriot , the next president of the United
States , James G. Blaino.
All llnrrjliij ; tlio Farmer.
Chicago Nows.
It looks as if every industrial interest
in the United States haa just now turned
upon the agricultural , in order to make
tliat the "scapegoat" for its own short
comings or misfortunes , at the same
time that prices of ugricultural products
have fallen to figures lower than hereto
fore known for a century.
Thus , the New Yow Journal of Com
mcrco publishes a list of sovonty-sevon
cotton mills which will shut down for two
or more weeks. Their capacity is 2,700-
UOD spindles and 00,000 looms. Tni a
stoppage will secure a curtailment of
ii,000 ( pieces per day , or 702,000 pieces
in two weeks , mostly the common quali
ty nf all brown and bleached goods.
The lumber dealers proposu to restrict
production to the amount nf GO per cent
in order to put up prices L'5 per cont.
Only seven of the sixteen steel rail
mill are running , the object being to keep
up prices.
The mine-owners have raised the price
of coal by stopping production , at the
same time they have largely rnducod the
price of labor.
But the worst form which this curtail
ment of production against the interest
of the agriculturalsUs has assumed is the
order ot the oil syndicate to stop the
flowing of the principal wells in the
country for the avowed purpose of rais-
jng the price of that necessary product ,
which nature give to man for the
more askng.
Now , this conspirajy against the unprotected - ce
protected an immense decline of his
product , it not only raises the prices of
everything ho hni to buy , but also dis-
cour gos and lessons the consumption ,
and consequentlytho price of everything
ho has to aoll.
It is a singular spectacle that the coun
try now presents in all parts thereof.
Every protected interest in the United
States has tuincd upon the unprotecled
and trusts to make that pay the
cost of a glut , the result of over produc
tion , to bo directly traced to our tariff
Aerial Navigation.
The success of Capt. Ronard's recent
nxporimenta with a navigable baljocn at
Moridan has created the greatest intercut
all the military circles of Europe. M. .
llervo Kangon'a paper on this subject , W.
which was presented totho French Acad
emy of Science , epoaka withso much hope J.
the possibilities resultant from Capt.
Ronarcf'a invention that England , Gar-
many , and Russia have already noted
the fact that a great atop forward has un
doubtedly been made in aerial naviga
tion. The British war ollico contemplates
inaugurating a series of experiments with
navigable balloons of different kinds in
the hope that they may bo able to un *
ravel the secret of the Frenchman's plans.
Members of the engineer corps stationed
at Chatham and Woolwich are holding
daily conferences , and the curiosity and
interest displayed have not been equaled
since the launching of the fish submarine
torpedo. The Gorman and Russian gov
ernments nro also striving hard to obtain
some definite information concerning the
working of Ronard's cigar-shaped ma
chine , which M. Mangon assorts is as
easily diroctodin the air as a steam launch
on the water.
back proved conclusively that every room
in the house was as brilliantly lighted as
gas could light them. As wo have never
board of the kind of spirits with which
this CDuntry has boon blessed presenting
themselves under the bright rays of n
chandelier , wo deem the method adopted
on Saturday evening n Aery poor ono and
are of the opinion that those who were
inmates of that house that might know
more about the "reign of terror" therein
than they would bo willing to admit.
Should it bo nocossrry to satisfy the in
credulous , wo nro ready to appoint two ,
three , or five of our number who are
will spend the night comfortably in that
house without a light in it. and will guar
antee to loose no sleep on account of the
ghost. Very truly yours ,
L. OltlllSTIAKSFJi ,
Compromising Documents.
OnKhSA , Aujr. 20. Compromising docu
ments wnro discovered in the hou o of mnr-
cIinnt KalitiBiinRi , whose daughter fired at
Col. Kntanski , of the gcnsdarmfo , Thursday.
Infantile Bloid Purifiers and Skin
A Positive Cure for Every form of
Skin and Jilood Diseases , from
Pimjiles to Scrofula.
TNPANTIf.E nnd Birth Uumoro , Milk Cnist. Scallcil
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Pimply , Scrofulous and Inherited Dlfcasts of the
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ment of birth.
Mr. and lire. Ktcrctt Stcbblns , Ik Iclierto\vTjr.as8 ]
write : Our littloboy was terribly adlictcd with Scrof
ula , Salt lilioum , nnd Kr.tsipclas otcr since ha
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until no tried Cuticura Remedies , which gradually
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J. S. Weeks , Eaq , Town Treasurer , St. Albans , Vt
si ) B In a letter dated March 28 : "It works to a charm
on my baby's Nee and hcsd. Cured the hod entire
ly , and has near y cleaned tbo ( ace of sorin. I hare
recommended It to , and Dr. Plant his order
ed It lor them , "
Charles Eaj-ro Hlnklc , J-rsovCitv Heights , N. J.
write : "Mvson , a laj oi tndro years , van com.
letely cured oi a terrlbli case ot Eczema by thou
u tl cura Remedies. From the top olhis head to the
Boles of his feet was ono maoj nf scab ) . " Every other
remedy and plijsiciaiiB had been tried In vain.
Emaciated children , with pimply , tallow sklc , the
Cuticura Remedies will pro\o a perfect Mesalng ,
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and expelling the germs of scrofula , rheumatism ,
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Sold every where. Price : Cuticura , 60 cento
R.sohentl. Soap,25 cents. FOTTBB DRUO AND
Send for "How tnCuie Skin Diseases.
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Vital \Yralcness ami Pros
HUMPHREYS : trillion from over work 01
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ruiremedyKnown. PrlcoSi ptrvlaiorr vialBoi
l.irKOtlnl at powder for ft.1 sent pbst'frct1 on m
ivljit of jirlco. iriphrrv nMloniro. Ali-il. Co ,
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Organised in 1808.
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TrioucU it | renerl banking bualneci. Is uoa time
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Also Lin Ion , Dublin , Edinburgh nd Ibi plncl ) > a
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L.U. BENNETT Vice President
. A. PAXTON Manning Ulrectci