TIIIl DAILY BEE YTEPXTCSDAY , AL WST 27 1384. NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PATH UP CAPITAL S2"0,00 SURPLUS MAY 1,1684 120,000 IREGTOllS : n. Wj YATK3 , | A. E. TOUZAtlN , President. Vlco Prcdhlent. . V. MOOUK , JNO. 3. COU.1VS , tKWISS. KKKD f ' ( Kent K. lUdcu , Asslitont ml ActluR Cashier. The Iron Bank. OOE , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS A GEXUiwuj HANKING BUSINESS TUANSAOTm INTEREST nllowoil on tlmo deposits upon fftvorablo torina and upon accounts of bank and bankore. FOUEIGN EXCHANGE Govornmon Bonds and County and City securities bought nnd Bold. In its treatment of customers the _ most lib' era ) policy is pursued consistent with safotd nnd sound banking , and wo invite correspondence once or personal inquiry in .connection there with "FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL NEW YORK , August 2(5 ( , Money Easy ; 1J-25 ; closed utll@2. Prime Mercantile paper 51@G\ \ . Sterling bills. 4831 ; demand 1 85J. Governments Strong and higher. llailxvays Quiet. Stocks Very Iriegulnr , but in the main xvoak. Union Pacific xxas conspicuous nttho opening fora liso of 1 } . The remainder of thu actixo list , after n fractional decllno in tliofTis1 sales became strong nnd higher , in synipaUiy \xiththo mo in Union Pacific , the. advance ranging from t to 1J. Union Pacific was then forced doxvn tu 60J , later rallied to Til , bul 8iibseitcntly ] dropped to l'J § . Co.il shares nlao \xeakoned , especially Lickawnnna , xvhicl ; broke I ! per cont. The remainder of the lisl declined J to 1 . During the afternoon the market was first firm , and then featureless. Ii the final snlos themaikot was weak nt or near the loxvest figures of the day. Compared will last iitoht , the closing prices are 4 < t'2J loxxer , o\copt Louisville & Nashville , xvhtch is fj high er. New YoikContial is unch.itiged. OOUEOHB 8 > 10 4JV Coupons . . 11 U. S. now , 4' 12 e clfio6'Bof'95 . 12 BIOOKS AND BONDS , ) American Express M 0 Burl. , Oodar Itaplds & Northern. . . . . ( I Centra ! Pacific -I do do pfd. . . . . . . . Ohl. , Bnrl. & Quincy Erlo do pfd Kort Wayne & Ohlcmo Hannibal & St. Joseph do do do pfd Illinois Contra ! Intl. , Bloom. & Western Kansas & Texas Laka Shore & Michigan So Michigan Central Minneapolis & St. Louis do do do pfd Ml aaourl Pacific Northern Pacific do do pfd . . . . . . North wosUrn do pfd. . . . * New York Control Ohio & Mississippi do do pfd Feorla. Docatnr & Evansville Bock Inland Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul do do do pfd St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba Bt. Panl& Omaha do do pfd TOIOB Pacific. Union Pacific Wabaah , St. L. & Pacific do do do pfd Wotorn Unl" " ToInpTftph Asked , -rKx-diudent ) GRAIN AND 1MIOVISIOXS. CHICAGO FItODDCE. CHICAGO , August 2(5. ( Flour Quiet ; Winter - tor , old , 1 50@5 Do ; noxv , 4 25ff5 ( 00. Spring 0 " " > < " 1 50 ; Minnesota bakorB1 II 7e@ I 7f . Wheat Firmer , modeiatoly nctixu , ad- \nnced jffSjJc , declined a trille , closed steady .it An ( So nboxo yenteid.iy ; cash , 77i ; August , /77/Septeinbei / ; , 735 ; October , SOftfSOJ ; Noxomber , 81f : ; December , K1J ; winter , fair demand ; No. 2 red Sl Sl } ; spring , < piiet ; No. 2 , 77i@77g ; closed inside. Corn Strong and .ictixe ; ndvancod l@lic ! , tliictuatt d , closed firmut @ 1J aboxo yeter - diy ; casli , 2Jfii"i2J ; August , 52J ; Septem ber , 51 ® , ' ) ! ? ; October , rlj@.ri0t ; Nox em ber , J.'iSj the year-12) ) ; May , -IHi ; rejected , 18. 18.Oats Cash nnd August nnd year dull and hteady ; September , October and May , fair do- iniind , improxed 4@S < - ' ; casli , 2lj' ; August , 24/24j / ; Saptflinbnr , 2.i'2$25jic : October , 20 ; the year , 2li ( 2l ; May , 2U3@2 ! > r1. Jlye Quitt at fG. 1 Parley Nominal ; G2 { . Timothy Common grades grades easier ; prime sold 1 Wall HI. I'lax Seed riim ; No Isold at 130J. Pork Dull and htoadx ; August 2750 ; September 111 00 ; October , 1800 ; the year 12 50. Lard Irregular ; modeiately nctixo ; do- cllncd 2i@5c , reacted 12iI0e { ( , rulid easy ; cash uiul August and September , 7 ir ia ) 7 17i ; October , 7 li'i @ 7 57J [ December , 7 10. Hulk Meats Shoulders 7 00 ; short clear ribs , 10 20 ; bhort clear eides , 10 85. Whisky 1 10. Butter Steady : choice creamery , 18 @ 19 , fancy dairy lGii ( 17. Cheese Demand light ; full cream claddarg , DJi lO ; skimmed choddorx 7. iggs : Weak : ia@14. Tailoxv ModernVly active nnd untbnnged. Sugar Cut loaf 7j5 ( < h ; gcanulated dj ; htin- ( laid A tij Hides Steady : green salted , bull , fij ; damaged - aged G } ; light 8i ; heaxy 8 ; calf V.121. Keccipts and tliipmcnts ItooolpU. Bhlp'tn Flour , bbls 59,000 58,000 Wheat , bushel 1,112,000 511,000 Corn , bushola > ' , lKi,000 ! 1,102,000 Onle , buehobi 1,152,000 909,000 Rye , bushels 20'J,000 88,0 K ) Barley , bushela . . , ( i 1,000 ln.OOO AUKKKOOV ItoAiii ) . Wheat September , Octobei and Xovcmbpr Jo higher. Corn August jc lilghor ; .September and November Jo higher ; October sjo higher. Oats August and October AC higher ; Sen- temlx r ] e hiher. Pork August nnd the year unchanged. hard August , September and October Be higher. NEW YCKK rilODDOK. NEW YOHK , August 2 < ! Wheat Fpot } ( & 4c lower ; rocnxorul , declined , and closed firm ; options i < ic ; strong and higlu r ; receipts , S80.UOJ bii h < li ; expoits , 168,000 mibhels. Xc , 2 Chicago , 8li ; ungraded red , 73(2 ( UO ; No. a red , KG : No. 2 red , 88i@tl ! ; October closing at llljj. Cirn Spot , JiMd hrm ; options Jf l , utMiig and Inglier ; receipts , ' . ' 5,0(1 ( J bu > hi ; export * , a.JIJO biuhi 1 ; ungraded , fifl tilt ; Nu , 2 , IL' J Octolx-T , uOl. OaUn \ \ higher , clu-ini ; firm ; rocdpls , 110,000 lm h Isuxi ; | H U , 1,200 : mixed western iKJ'ffSxhite ; , 311 42. J'IggsVestra freih , dull andlowrj 17C" Pork Veglected , nominal , Lard 1'irmxt ; tein aUam spot , " 85 @ 300. J5uttir Steady. TOLKDO. Tot.rno , AuRwt 2r > . Wheat ( Jtiiol and tlrin : X < > , 2 red , cn li nnd AuqvM , SI liid. Horn llnll ; IVo. 2 rn li and August. fid. Outs Quiet mill firm : Xo. ! / . ca li , 'JiJ l Id. I u Kill-cot. , . TitvKnroou A RU t 2f--lrend ! ? tufT ilnlli Wlirtit Wnter ; @ | 'M' "f > r'"Ki ' " \M@ > 7 * Id. ComE * Ikl. CINCINNATI. OINCIXXATI , AURiist 2(5. ( Wheat ] 'n liT ! No. 2 cil < inutoil nl SI. Corn Homy : No. 2 mlvod fit , OiN Ai'tno nml firin ; Xo. 2 mixed , .ViJ ( ' . ' 7. Kyp-Aulot ! No. _ ' , nig55. ( _ > ] ! arley-Sti-ndj nnd linn ; oUm No. 3 full , Pork-Quiet and firmnt 18 i > 0@ll ! 00. Iinrtl Strong at 7 70. Hulk Moats Firm ; ( liouldoia , t'j ! ; short ribs , 102. lliittcr-Qmot. I'trRKmii nnd Wh ilsky Actixo and firm at 1 07. KANSAS CITT. KAVUI CITV , August 20. Wheat Steady : OlJfciilJ for cash ; 02 } for September ; GIJ for OctolMT. Corn Weaker : 41fJ for cnjh ; 10 for Sep tember ; 'Mbid \ for October. " ' Dfill : nominal : 2li' ' bid. ST. I Oils IMIOIUCK. ST. l.niis , AitRint 20. Wheat , inactixo ; No. L' , rod , HlUd < 8L > c for e.-uli ; 81M8lJc ! for AupuHjMiiC'iS'.Jo fur September ; M @ 83jf for toi IMiilior ; 8 , " > J ( 8"i } fai Not amber , closing nt iusidopiicei. Corn lUfilicr und slow ; ( SJ(3)I9 ( ) | for AS for .Soptumborj l tf@ I7i for October ; clos ing OUtsllIO plicCB. Oats Firmer ; 2GJ for cash ; 2C < \ for Au gust ; ' . ! 5K : < ? 153 ! for September ; .MigL'OJ for Uctobcr. ] l > o Quint ; 51. llarloj' Xothiiig dointr. Uuttcrjuii't ( ; crcnmury , 20@2I ; il.iiry , Hgga-Stoady ; 111L ! 1. FIa\soed Steuly : I 20. ll.iy-Qtiiet ; pr.iirio , 7 00@9 00 ; timothy 11 Ou@it : fO. 15rnn Firmer ; 5'J. Corn Moat Steady ; 2 CO. Whisky Steady ; 1 07. Pro\lsions Uml nnd pricen nnchanged. Pork-Higher : li ( ( ! l ) for August ; iJ ! 00 for Soptamber : 12 ! > 5 the year. Laid Firmer ; 7 17i for September ; 7 C7J 'or October. C\LI < UaAliD Wlioat Stiong , iml higher : S21 for September ; 8IJ@MJ for October ; 85 J 'or Nox ember. Corn Higher ; I717 ( ! } for October ; 111 f NoM'iubei. NoM'iubei.Firm Firm but hloSfisj ; for September. MILWAUKEE. MILWAUKEE , August 'JO. Wheat Sliong : No , 2 nnd August. 77J : September , 78jj ; Oc tbber , MM : Noxember. 81 ? . Corn \Veakei : rejected , 51. Oats Firmer ; No. 2 , nominally at 2U@2U5. Ityu Loxxor ; No. 1 , 55. 13arley Dull ; No. 2 bpringnndSeptembci , G2c bid. NEW OnLEANB. NEW ORLEANS , August 2G. Corn Quiet ; mi\ed , 70. Oats Western , dull but iiimer ; 3CSn7. ( Corn Meal Moderate demand , 2 yj@2 05. Lard Higher ; tinrco refined , 8\ ; keg , 8J. Vhisky Steady ; xxestern rectified , 1 00 © 120. BALTIMORE. BALTlMonE , August 20. Wheat Postern lower and knctixe ; No. 2 winter red spot , 87 < 287i ! Corn Western No offering. No. bids. Oats Loxx'er to sellers ; xvostern white , 32f ( 31 ; imxpfl , 30@31. Ityo Quiet , nomin illy and stoidy ; 5G58. liggs Scaice nnd higher ; Hie. Whisky Steadv at 116. LIVE STOCK. cmcuio LIVI : STOCK CwiCAf.o , August 20. The Ihoxeis' Journal oports : Hugs Keceipts,12,50D ; dull < m common ti lioicv , firm ; lough picking , 5 GO@G 00 ; p.ick- ig and shipping , ti 00@u 52jj ; liglit , 5 i'tatji 1)5 ) ; skip ? , If iSlaO 10. C.ittlu llcceipts 5,500 ; steady ; choice ; c.irce ; exportH ; G 1 1@7 00 ; common to clioico liipping,4 2.0 U5 : infciior to good cow * , ti L'O a'.l DU ; gtockcra nnd feeders , 3 10 ® 1 00 ; range attlo firinei ; Montana , 4 37i ; Wjoming , 25 ; Oiegon , 1 10. Sheep HeceiptB , 2,000 ; weak on common ; nferior to fair , 1 ni@'J .50 per cut ; medium i extra , 2 50@4 10 ; lambs , per head , 1 00 @ 3 50. IJioteih .Tournal's ( -peciol Li\erji > ol e.illn eports market htoady. Demand goner.illy eak ; b"it ( Ameiicans steers ] 5a per Ib dead eight ; best sheep lc. ( ! ST. LOUIS St Louis , August 20. U.ittlo llcceipts , ,200ery ; dull , o\iorU ] , _ nomumlly 2j@C 50 ; common to choice shipping , 1 HO ® 50. Sheep Keceints 300 ; dull ; f.iii to choice inttone , 2 50 ( i Ii 75. Joja [ ( Iteceipti , 2",200 ; lower ; jiorkerc , iri'oC 33 ; packing , G : 00@(5 ( 10 ; butchers' , 2- KANSAS cm" . KANSAS UITV , August ( ! . Catllo IJe- L-ipts 72. ) ; steadier ; natives , 1 80@li HO ; cows < iltf ) ( 3 60. Hogs Receipts , 3,000 ; stronger ; closing , Sheep Receipts , 100 ; iteady , fair to good Hittoiia I ! 00@5 5U. OMAHA MAKKUIS. Wholoatilo Prloo . O"iOR OF THE OMAHA HKV , I Tnesdiy Evening August 21 ! I The following pricus are charged retailers > y jobbers , wholesalers nnd commission mer- lanta with tha exception of grain , which is uoted nt the prices lu'siihed by ieelavotora nd other local buy era : uram Wheat-Cash No. 2 , Bailey Cash No. 2 , 18g50c ( , Kyo Cash , No. 8 , 42 j , Corn No. 2 , SS@8Je. : ! 0 ta-No. 2. 2t@2 : LITO Htook. VAT Cowl275 < S.3EGtf Hoas 525 575 , BUBSF 3 flO@3 501 OAlVM-5 00 ® 7 00. : Wool. Light fine 140171 Heavy fine lfl13. Medium 11017. Coarfo 10@13. Burry2to 5ooa | IlldOH. (3tpady ( ; croon butchers , 5JgO ( ; green aaltod. Jjt8 ( ; dry ilint , 1212dry ; b.ilt 10@11 ; dam- ? cd hides , two-thirds jirice. . Tallow 51@l'c. Sheep Pelta-25c@l 00. Flour amlgMillHtufrn. WINTKH WHEW Best quality , .patent , nt 3 10g3 ( ! 10 ShCONl ) Qi'Al ITV-2 85ffl3 ! 00 , Srm.Nu WatAr Ue t quality , piU-ut , 3 00 ® 15. 15.Htcosn QUALTY 21 B@2T 5 , HllAN-OlC pf CWt. Cuoi'i-Ki ) KKKIJ Per ICO Ibi. , 83 : . COHN MKAL 1 00 1 10 r r cwt. SciiKK.si.so Ii5@75o pi r cwt. QouorAl I'niilaco. Arri lJ < Clioice , well i > acl ed ntock , S2 25 IMT bbl. Ofub Appli" " , elmv at 76 ctH. pei liutta IlccfllptH light and demand good. ljud picked navy , per bu , 4260 ; moJiuin , 00@2 25. BEESWAX In good demand , Choice bright > er Ib , 2fi@28c ; common to good dark per Ib , Offl > 25o ULITKK Unchangedj demand good , mnmly or the better grades , Cholcu tabln. lli@10c ; air to good , Hfojllc ; crean cry , 18@20c , Cinzn "Ohio" per bbl , 87.oui " ii urn titatej i3r bbl , $8 00 ; per i bbl , $4 75 ; condenned p a , 85o. Crab & ] > ple , per gal , 35c. Fiill cream , wcwtorn , lls Wl eon ln now 12 ; yontiu American 12W13o. 1'oni ll colU | < i-ju.il to demand. Price firm lac. FonKtflN FRCTTS I'allfornlu ornnean , psr box , $ . " < 50. Moftslnn lomo nt , per bo 0 50. Baimnw , ixr ) bunch , S 4 OC Visit , Ib. , K'-o. Untoi , In IrMr , 7ie ; datot nrtt , ln boxen 12 > o \MK-Prnirle chicken nro nnw in oi oi but after the tir t ft w day * doiimnd bii let u con idei ili'o ' nnd thsv arc \ \ ndnw do n S. 0083 * LO per dor ; mpr , per doSI 00 , \ Hay Baloil , ? 8.00@U.OO ; loooo , f'.OO ® 000. 000.JELLY In 20 i\ml SO Ib ualls , 07j ; In 2 1 nr , per doz , 81 50 ; ns oNo tumblers , dot , 81 20 ; tchoonorfl , t > or doron , S3 00. MAPLK SCOAH Puro. In brlrks , per Ib , ICc Ohio , 13c : imnll cakcn , 12Jc. SMALL KBIUTS llluo berries | > er 12 qtc. S2 00. Blackbonle * i > or S4-.it c 4O , $3 SOfi S > 00. Wild p'um * , r > tll 00 Pc , i - i ' . CAUKOIINIA FitriTa Poarn , 50 Ib. booS S 00 ; Peaches , 20-lb boxes , ? 3 00 ; Plums 20 Ib boxes , $223. U rapes per crate ( I bo\e 300 ONIONS Choice IHT LW. S2 50. PorcoiiN- good demand nt 2@2 o nor Ib Poi I Tin KeceipU heaxy nnd Jnc < ' ' limer rpring chickens , S200ii223 ( ; old chickeua ? . OOfc 3 50. PliouslovM Ham , 15o : U. H.iron , 13o ; I ) S. Sided , Ui : O. S. lUtoil , 12J : Hhouldera 8f ; Moss Pink , S20 00 ; Laid , U10c. Irr Gtiodi. llnow.N ailEETlNCis Atmntlo A , 74o ; Allan Ho P , Go ; Atlnntio ljl > 5JCJ Bnmswlck , 7Jc Uonor Dam LL. Gic ; Lnwrouco U ; . 5jfo ; Pact fie II , 7j'cj Koynl Standard , So ; Indian Honi A , So ; Wauchusott A , 7c. FINE BROWN SIIKETINOS Argyle , 71o ; Pop- poroll II , 7c ; Sallsbiiry K. 6 0. BLKACHKD CorroNaBallon 4-4 , CJoj Ba , Ion 7-8 , 5Jc Cumborlnnd 4-4 , 80 ; Davoll I > U 8Jc ; Kairmount , IJc ; Fruit of the Loom 4- 9c ; Glorj' of the Wont , 8Jc G old on ; Gnto.RJ Hill 7-8,80:111114-4 , Do ; Ixmsdnlo 8ic ; Now Vsrk Mills lljc ; Wnmsuttn , lOio. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llios Bon- ton. 10 oz. , 1 IJc ; Bosten , ' . ) oz. , 1 Ic ; Kail ] ! her or , Sic. lUKs-Orny-West ( ) Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point , 10 or. , lie ; Point Bear , S it/ , lie. lie.TIOKINOB TIOKINOB Amoskoajr. Ho ; Cootlcontal Fon'oy , 9Jc ; Oordij , lOfc ; ? oar" " "Zhor , i.4c ; York , 1240 ; llamloton Awnlnga , IL'io , DENIMa Amoskoag , 14c ; Beaver Crook AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , lie ; Beaver Crook CO , 10 ; llnvmakora 80 ; Jnffroy D & T. 12yc ; .Taffroy XXX. 12yc ; Pearl Kivor , 13c ; Warren AXA ( Drown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Wnrron CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAMDiuoa Fifth nvonno glove finish , 5c ; Keystone glove fiuiBh , 5 c. CORSET JEANS Amory , 74o ; Uancock , 80 ; Koarsayor , 8Jc ; Kockport , 7o PRINTS AlIons.5Jc ; American,5fo ; Arnolds ; 60 ; Cochoco , Gc ; llarmony , 1 ; Indigo , 7 a Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap ealo lie ; Charter Oak , 4JC. PniNTS SmnriNaa Amerlti a , Bo : Cochooo 60 ; Gloucoator,5oSouthbridgt : 4Ic ; Wavotlyi , 4c ; IJoflodnlo , 4Jc , GINOIIAKS Amoskoag staples 8Jo ; Bates stiulos , 8c ; Lancaster stapled , 80 ; PInnkot nlalds , 9c : Hudson chocks , 8ic ; Amoskoag Persians , 9o > DUESS GOODS Atlnntio nlpacoa , 9Jo ; Per > slnno cashmor , SSJc ; Hamloton cashmere 151o ; Haraletou Fancug , lljc ; llamloton bro. cauos , 15o ; Arlington brocade , 18c , Grocora liUt. CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Standardper ) cans , S 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per caao. 2 20 raspberries , 2 Ib. per case , 2 70 ; 13artlott pears , per caao , 5 80 ; whortleberries , per caao , 3 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; plno apples , 2 Ib per cose , 4 8005 50. HOPE SUal } inch nnd larger , 9o , i Inch , 9Jcj J Inch , lOc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , lie ; 8s , Mo ; boxes 40 Ibs , 1C oz. , Gi , 14o. MATCHES Per caddie , S5o ; round , caaea , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SuoAiia Powdered , 8Jc ; cut luf , 8 0 ; granulated , 7Jo : confoctloners' A , 7c ; Stand ard extra 0 , 6Jc ; extra O , GJc ; medium yel low , 5 'c ; dark yellow , c. COFITEES Ordinary grndos , 12@12ic ; fair 13 @ 131c ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15c ; choice lC@17c ; fancy green nndycllowlG@16icold government Java , 202Gc ; l.ovoring's roasted. 17c : Arbucklo's roahted , 15 c ; McLaughlin'i * XXXX roaatod , 15i'e : mitatlon Java , 10i @Uc ; C'lirko Aurora , I Jo. Ein Ivruioinnft primu to choice , 7@74o ; f ! r 04o ; Pntma , Gj'c. If I8H No. 1 mnckorol hilfbrls. , 7 CO ; No. 1 , 5 ; family mackora , kitn , C > 0c ; No , 1 white fieh , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 95. SrHIP Standard Coin. 32c , bole ; Standard do , 4 } gallon koga 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kops 1 50. SODA In n > papers , 3 30 per caao ; keg per Ib , 2Jc.PIOKLBS PIOKLBS Medium. In barrels , 8 00 ; do In half barra's , 4 50 ; small , In barrels , 9 00 ; do In half barrels , 5 00 ; ghorklna In barrels , 10 00 ; do In half barrels. 5 50. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice 60 ® 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , G0@65c Young Uj-son , good , 36@50c ; choice , 55c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choco | , C0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , S5@40c ; WOODENWABB Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; throe hoop nails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer woHhboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; WollbuckotH. 8 IE. HOAI'S Kirke Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; KSrk'a latinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 525 ; Kirks eutoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. PoTAflil Pennsylvania caru , 4 case , In case , 9 35 ; Babbitt's ball 2 doz. incase , 1 90 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 50. OANDT Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , lie ; twist iHck.lOJo. VINEOAB Now York apple lGo | Ohio ap ple , 13c. SALT Dray loado , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ashton , In lacks , 3 50 ; hbh dairy 60 , 5s , 3 hu. STAUOH Pearl , 4c : Silver Gloss , 8c ; Corn Jtirch , 80 ; Kxolslor ( Moss 7 ; Corn , 7Jo. SPIOES I'eppor , 17o ; Spice , 15o ; cloves , ! 5o ; cassia 15c. IiTE American , 8 4Qi (3 oouwlch , 3 40 Western , 2 76 ; North Stai 2 00 ; Lewis' lye I C5 : Jewell lye ,275. , PLUO TODAOOO Climax 40c ; linlllon 45c ; Elorsoahoo , 443tar , 47c ; Juddy , 45o ; Her * ley's , 40c ; Black , 38@10c. FINB CUT Common. 20@SOo ; good , 45@ > 0o ; Koflo Loaf , 70c ; Premium , G5o ; Diamond Drown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 50o , SMOKINQ 0 , 8. , 22o ; Meerschaum , 80o ; Dnr liam , 8 oz , , 65a ; Durham , 4 oz , . 57o ; Durhntr 2 oz. , 55c ; Seel of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 55c Seal of North Carolina , 4 or. . 57c ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOo ; O , K Durham , 4 } z. , 28c ; O. K Durham , 2 oz. , 30o | Undo Ned , i'a 25o ; Tom and Jerry , 23o. Iilunori. ALCOHOL 188 prouf alcohol , 2 II ! per wine gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 115 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 187 proof , 114 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies 100@110 ; fine blended , 1 502 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BnANDiEfl ImportedGOO ® 1COOj domosUa 1 40 ® 1 00. GINS Imported , 4 KHgO 00 ; domoutlo , 1 40 @ 300. IlnuH Imported , 4 60@6 00 ; New England , 2 004 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PKAOH AND AFFLB BBANDY 175@4 00. OHAMPAONEH Iinixutod ror ca o , 28 00 ® Bl 00 ; American , per caan , 12 001G 00 , PalntB Oils and \arniahoi. OILS 110 carnon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 ° headlight , pnr gallon , 12c ; 175 ° headlight , per gkilon , 15c ; 150 ° water win to 11) : lin seed , raw , ; ti GlIon.59c ; llneoed. boiliid , per gallon , C2oLif3. winter etr'd , per gallon , 70ci No. 1 , GOcjNo , 2 , 50a cantor , AlV ) IK r gal Ion , 1 GO ; No , 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , i or gallon 1 ( X ) iporm W.B. , per gallon , 160 ; lull W , B. , pergallon , ( < " > ; noaUfootextra , | MT gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 7Do ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 80o ; lommer , 15c ; golden mocUno , No , 1 , per gal. Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; apenn , xtgnol , per gallon BOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ) naptha 74 ° nor cnllon , IGc. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omnha P , P , , 6c ; white load. St. Louli , pure , Cic ; Marseille * green 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green teal , 12oj French zinc , rod seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish east , 20c ; French tine. In oil Mst , 15o ; raw and bunit timber , 1 lt > cano , lOc raw and burnt Slonn , lOc ; Vandyke brown 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , am ivory black , lOc ; drop bUck , IGc : Pnunlnn blue , < 0i ultramorino blue , I'Sc ; chrome green L. M. & D. , IGc ; blind nnd nhuttor green , L M , k 1) . , IGc ; Paris KTOMI , 18c ; Indlnn rod 15c ! Venetian rod , ! ) Tit fAn rod. 22c ! Amcrl can Vormllllon , I. it P. , IS > i ll.w .nlit < ' L. M. , O. & 1) . 0. , 18c ; yellow OMITS , 9 : gotdou ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 8t ; grAlnim colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , Kud ash 16o , Irti tlicr. 0 k eolo , S3c@12c ; homoclciolo28c3.V ! ! hamlock kl 80a to 1 00 ; runner G5c to 80c homic tk calf , 85o to 1 00 | homli > ck upper , 22c to24tonk upper , 21o ; ftlll/ator / , 4 0(1 to 6 50 calf kid , S 2 ( rM ; GroUon Liu. 2 to ! to 2 75 ; onk kljt , 80c to 1 00 : oak cH , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 55 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 ( X ) ; nw doU , B50lo 750 ; vAinss , 6 CO toS50 toppings - pings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco. 8j to , .V pebble 0 , 1) . Mrrncco 8.1c ; slnmn. 2 50 ( 3 00 tfftHHMSS. . - No , 1 still oak , ; i7e ; N. > 'J Xn S5c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , die ; iNo. ilo , roc ; No , IMllwmikoo Sic : No 2 do 83c , No. I Pitta oak hnr , 37c ; No , B Pitts oak bar , S5& S5&p Dncns ANU CHEMICALS Add. ncld. tnrtarlc , 55c ; balsam cnji-vbln , tier lib , ! V > cbarkRnriAafra.i ; , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , peril ) 75c ; cinohonldla , ) > or oz. , 80.05 ; chloroform , per Ib. , ? 1 10 ; Do\ors nowdor , per Ib. , $1,25 ; > psom saltn , jter Ib. , 3jo ; glycerine , pure , per ; b. , 28c ; load ncotato , per Ib. , 22c ; oil , castor , o 1 per gnl. , $1.55 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per gnl. , § 1.40 ; oil , ollo , jior gal. , $1.40 ; oil ori ganum , 50c ; opium , $1.50 ; ouinino , P. it W ; uul H. iV.S , . per oz. , $1.10 ; jwtasstum , . 'odino , imr Ib , , $1,50 ; salliin , jtoroz , , 40c ; mil. mate of morphine , per oz. , $3,50 ; sulphur Hour , per Ib , , Ic ; strychnine , per oz , , $1.35 , I > rr 1'alu'J. White load , 8c ; Jfronch zinc , lOoi'FirN whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gililors , lc : whiting ioin'1 IJo ; Imnpblnck , Germantown , He ; rdJOi cn itumary , lOc : PrusMm blue , ffic ; luttmtanna 18c ; Vandyke , brjwo , Vurnbei ; , rarnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; ploun , bum * , 4c ; iennn , n.v , 4o ; Paris groou , gtut :3 , 25c ; 'arls gteon , common , 20cchromo ; cucn N. Y , , Ic ; cluomo green , 1C. , 12c. vnrt I r j , Eng , , Cc ; loricllllon. American , Isc ; Indian , rod , Uc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cooknon's , jfc ; Vonotinn rod , Ajnoricnn , IJfc ! rod load , ic ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yol- ow , K. , 12c ; ochre rochelle , 3oocliro. French , jfc ; ochre , Amoricnn , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 40 ; loldgh brown , 2 o ; Spanish brown , 2Jo ; 'rlnco'e mineral , 3c. VAKNIBHES Barrols. pw ( gallon : Fnrnl turo , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; coach , xtrn , $1 40 : coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Dnmar xtrn , $1 76 ; Japan , 70c ; asphrtltum , extra , 85o ; hollac , $3 50 : hard oil finish 81 50. Honrr HttnlTr ro Iilit. Iron , rntes , 2 50 ; plow stool special cast , Go crucible , 7c ; spociator Gorman , f > c ; cast too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon e kos , sot , 2 25(513 ( 00 ; hubs > or sot , 1 25 ; foUoos sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , ach , 70@85o ; axloa each , 75c ; sqnaro nuts per > , 7@llc ; washers or Ib , 8@18o ; rivets , per b , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , 6@12a ; tnalloablo , So ran wedges. Go ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth c ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohooa 4 70 ] urdon'a rauloshoos 5 70 , BABBED WIBB In cor Iota , 4 per K 0 , NAILS Kates , 10 to GO , 2 65. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental xiwdor , koga , 6 40 ; do. , halt kegs , 3 48 ; do. , uartor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , or 100 foot " 50o. LEAD Bar , 1 65. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor Is run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltobroaat lump ; 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 owa nut , 5 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthrn ito , 11 25@ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , Ipor ton Imrnnnr. WHOLESALE. Wo quote lumber , ata am shlng esj on oars t Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINQ 16 It and nndor 2200 ; 18ft , 2350. TIMBERS 16 foot nnd nndor , 22 00. TIMBKB AND JOIBT 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 It , 23 60 ; 22 ft , 26 50 ; 21 ft , 26 60. FKNOINQ No. 1 , 4 nnd 6 In. , 2100 ; No. 2 , 22 00. SHEKTINO No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. STOOK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOORING No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. ,2500 SIDINO , clear 27 00 ; 2 25 00 ; No. S , 000. CEILINGJ , 37 00 ; 3 , 25 SHINGLES , best 1 50 ; ntandard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 35c ; emont , bbl , 2 25 ; lown plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair or bn. 50c ; Torrod felt , 100 its , 8 50 ; straw onrd 85P , DKNVKH OlAllKKT. LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , grass , 100 Ib. 3 75 @ 00 ; Hhoop , II vo , 2 00@ ? 50 ; di eased 5 00W ( 00 ; hogs , live , ( i 50@i ( 75 ; dressed 7 50&jS ( 51) . Hides. Dry Flint , llj@12c. ; green 4@5c. froon calf 8@10 : ; sheepskins , dry , 8@10e. Tallow. 5@Gc. Wool. Colorado 13@14c.j Colorado heavy , l@12c ; Now Mexican 7@10c. FLonn Colorado , 100 lb . 1 85@2 15 ; pnt- nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 85@3 15 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , I 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 25@2 45 ; buckwheat , 100 bs , 10 00(5)10 ( ) 50 , bran , ton , 12 00@13 00 ; corn oal. 100 Ibs. 1 45(5)1 ( ) 75. OKAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 10 ; com , In acks 100 Ibs , 1 ' 5@1 20 ; oatn , 100 Ibs , 1 30 @ 1 35 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 1 301 35. HAY Baled , upland , 10 0015 00 ; bot- om 10 00@11 00 ; straw.t'J 00(5111 ( 00. BUTTKU Finest , 2'J@30c ; Nebraska dairy i@15c ; common , G@8c. KaoH Fresh , 18@lc ! ) ; ranch , doz , fresh l@25c. CHEEHE Full cream , 12@13c ; Llmburgor , ! c ; Swiss , imported , 32c. POOLTKY Live , chickonH old , doz,5 EO@G 00 ; pring chickoiui , 3 50@4 50 ; dressed ! b,19@20c. POTATOKH lOOlbs , now , 2 00@2 25. VKaETAIILKH OlltollS , J10W , 100 1IS , 2 00(5) ( ) 25 ; cabbage , now , 100 Ibs , 1 00 ; new oota , 1 50 , FBUITB Lemons , choice Messina , G 00@ ! 50 ; apploH , bbl , I 75rm ? 50 ; ponchex per > oxl 75@2 \uitonnolons ; , JUT do100 § 5 00 ; peniH , | > er box , 350 ; plums , per box , 50 ; hlackherricH , per 21 < | t. case 5 00 ; Cull cirnia graex | , 2 75o3 ( ; 00 , MEATH llama , Ib , 15@lGo : bacon , broak. est , 1 1 1 1 lie ; lord , in three , Ib , 10)- ) ; ry salt xldos , DJ lOc. FJHII Mackerel , No.l , 1 50 , kit. mess , 75@)2 ) 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; Holland herring , koc , 1 60@1 75 ; trout , per b. 1718o T. 0. CARLlbLE , DHKKDKK OF MO. VALLEY IOWA. . , - - - . n8nil tor Clrculari. " Dn.HORNE'SELEOTRSGBELT " ' c''n Ki rvoiiHii M , iiliuirii llliruiiiiiiihiti.l'ur l , < llllllnl , hiluilca Klilniy hjiliiD mil llnr 'li'iunil flunl Wtlnnu limit lllMllrtI'l'l11" ' ! ! * I " ' " 'I liull .11 li. < . ( Mlu. ( ulanli , l'llo I | illiu.v. liniiolnir ) , Duinli AKUH I'liiliiimtiD I tiiliti > Only mUntllicM lilt Hill In Aim ma iluit * < ruin tint Flu Irli 113 uiul MtUiii tlir.Mii.-li tin liuily uiKliuiiliuiithu rliuilliy Iliuiiulltnl 81.000 Would Not Buu It. Winter la coming , tlio icanoii of tliu jcnr ( or nthia and pains ID view of thin fact , wu n > y , liuj imu of Doctor Jloruo'a Cluctrlo IloltH , by Helloing ; , jou will avoid ItlitiimaUmii , Klilnuy tririhlco anil ollmr IIU that Iliitli lii no'r ' tou J > o not < iola > ' , but cull at our olllcc , Anil ixainlnu tlio bolta , Wl Joujlun ( bt. , Oma lia Noli , OTfoi tale at O , F. Ooodmia'i Viuftitott' 1110 Muim Ut , Oinahl , Orders flllod C. O I ) Summer Resort or the Northwest , Detroit , Minn. A country of WOODS AND f.AKKS , 200 nillca wont of Ht I'-iul. Threu trains dally on the N I1 , U , K , with 80 l ) y Excursion. Ticket * at about ouu-bulf rates , HOTEL MINNESOTA , An elegant liouso with tocommoditloni for 200 ifiieit * . R. R. COLDURN , Proprietor. QfftillU ttilL tUCUUKUUIVIXU IVU , rmtlCULiM. Railway Time Table. In I'.lfert VugiKt 17th , 18M. The uttontlon of the lr\K > lllne pithllc l mllM t tl.o fart thtt thlf \ the out ) romitloto mill l' ' oltito 1) correct tlmo Ulile imMlnhotl In the v\l\ \ All tr ln < ftrrlrii m nl ilrpttk Irnm Onufu o Contrrtl StMiiKnl Ilnio , which Is ! l minutes Ink thvi nun tlmo. t Ktcc | > t SatunUy , Ktccft Siiniln ) , | Ksrr ; > t Mon I 'roiu Union I'Aulllu Depot ; Tenth St t , P u. R . "MAIN LINK. \ ' . \ \ \ . II 40 m AUnntlo Kxp 7\'O t , n I'tclflo K JI S.SApm MM ! tin ) Kip..4.00pu IH Ix. UKPtmUCAN VALLKV DIVISION. I.IUVK. 1 AKklVB , Lincoln Kip. . . It 66p in l.lnoaln Kip. . .15:66 : n m DUMMY TKAlNS-nillDUK DIVISION. Leave Omaha : 8 40 , 8.00,0.00,10 00,11,16 a m. , t.-OO , S:00 , 8 00 , 4'00,6 00 , fl 00 , 10.SS it , m. On fmmlati. 0 40,9:00. : 11.15 . m ; 1.00,3 00,6,00. 0.00,10.55 u m Anlxo attranafcrilepotl ! ) mlmitm Utot ; Uroailway dmiot.CounrU Hindu , to minutes Inter. Leaxo Council lllunf , llroadway ilepot , 7:10 : , R 80 , 9.SO , 10.30 , 11:40 : a.m. ; 1:30 : , JSO : , 3 SO , 4-80.6:8018 : JS , 11:05 : p. m On HumUys ! 7M : , 0.30 , 11:40 : a. tn.il 80 , 3.W ! , 4JO , 8.85,11:06 : 1'in. ArrlTO atTran fer 7 mln > utes Utor , Oonncll llliirTi Transfer ilrpot : 7.86 , 8,87 , 0.57,10.57,11:47 : k m ; 1S7 : , S.S7 , 8J7 : , 4:40 : , 6:87 : , 0:46 : , 11:1611. : in. Atrlro Oman * IS minute * Utor. TIUN8FKH TRAINS. I'IUM. No. 8 . .S:16 : m No. 61..0:45 : m e R68oin S. . 11M6 m 62 10 05 n m 16..1SS6) : . m i 4:26 : l > m 9 7:36 : p n 8 M0i > m 1..8:16ii : ru 10. . . .0,66 V' " mi MISSOURI 1'ACIFIO. LIUVa. Mall" 10.35 m Oinnhik Kip . . .8tO km St , Louis Kip 8.36 pin Mill * &CO pm B. O.kl. ll.lt. LtATl. Uatl 8:40 : a m St , P 'Kip. ' . 0:45 : am St. rnulKsp 066 | i m I Mult. . , , TIS6 p in Dally. o. , R. I * r. it LI1V1. I AIR1VI. | DcsMolncgAoa'.0'40am Kipront 0:45 : * m Kill' 8:16 : ami DcnUolnoa ApoV8:60 : p in ICirrerit 1:26 : p ml Kail * 7:85 pm 0. k N. W. R. . LIIYI. Kill * 8:16 : a in RirrcM ) 045 km 46iim : Mill- 7S6.iim : O..M. k t. P. R. R.AtBIVt. L11VI. AtBIVt. ' 8:16 : km I' cl0o Kipl. . . . 9:45km : Atlantic Kit Mall * Kn > 7:36 : pm hi M > AV TRAINS During Aui'Ut , Situnhx I'Mtiliik' nml Siindix luornln tr vliiHI11 ilopirt ( roinOiimh i for iiiul SutiiHx oxtnlnjc uiul Miming inoriilti triiliisx\ ill arrlM ) ill follnus : Mind ix mnriiliiK trnliM will k.ixeniiil Suiul.iy vxcn \\\g \ \ \ truliimirrlxo. August iTtli , xl i Hook Nhiul i t 10nml .11 , xli. thu MllniiUkppA , St. I'nil 1st .Intnl 44 , xH tlio Clilnitfo V. .North\U"4irli , S.itnnhj ixi'nliiK trains xxlll liixi' ; U nml 1U. xh the Kink Mnnd , It ) , vliu thi'Mllttiirirto > V t 1'nul. AiiLMisiOaml III ) , xK , tlio riilni ii.V Nnrthudturii. Airixuln the B.UIU' orilvrthe Mnmlix lollnulii " . 0 I ) , \ O. triilni runuxcrx iliix In tlioxxvik. 0. , B ftlj ll.lt. x la Council lllufTu. ) UUTI. I iBIUVI. Uall 8:16 : am I Kiprru 8:45 : a m Eipros 45pin : | Uall 7:85 : pm Dullx- . ( Noto. ) The 9.00am ami 6 00 p m dummy trains al o connect wlthoaat-liouiiil trixlim on the Kock-InUnd , DuillnRton , Nnrth-Weetcru Mitl Mllwaukeo roaiU. WADASII , SI. LOUIS It 1'ACIFIO. t-IIHH. I ARttlVI. Cannon Uall l:00.'pm : | Cannon liall 3:60 : pm Dally. K. 0. , ST. JOE h O. U. ( x la Council DliKfa. ) LIUVB. I AURIVR. Mail „ 0:00am : KxpreasI 7:60am Eiprcaat 8.66n m I Hall 7 6um ARRANOKIIKNTOF SUNDAY TRAINS From B , ft M. Ioi > ot ; Tontli Stroot. B. U. RAILROAD-UAIN LINK. uiwvmi iiratiu. WHIT HOUND 1ST LRAXB. ABUVB. Omaha. . . . 8:10pm : 7:60 : am ; 7:00pm : 10:06 : nm Aehlaml. . . 8:27 : pin 10.03 am ' 6S pra 8:18 : am Lincoln. . 10.00 pm 12.00 m S.60 pm 7 : 6 am Crete 11:17 : pm 12:640pm : S:41 : pm B-Otam Hixatlnira. 6:16 : am 4:1B : pm 11:66 : am 10:60 : pm Ilcil Cloud. 8 00 am 8 03 pm 10.25 a'n 8.126 pin McCook. .10.65am 916 ; pin 8.16 am 4:10 : pm Akron . 3.46 pin 2:10 : am 12.60 nm 11:06 : am Donxor. . . 7:25 : pm 0.15 nm 9:26 : pm r.r:30 m Dallv. K ! OMAHA AND PI.ATTTOOUTII TRAINS ; Lr. Omaha at 7:60 , nnd 8:45 : n m ; 4:60,0:10 : : , 7:48 : p m Ar. Omaha 10.25 , 8:40 : nml 10.05 a m ; 7.00 , 7:30 : | i m Dully. C. U. & Q R. Rxia ( riixttumnuth. ) i.HAxn. ' I | niuv 1 KanUrn Ki | 8:46 : n m OmnliaKxp 8:40 : n m Chicago Eip..4:60 : p m | Wcxtirn Kip..7:80 : p m Dnllx- . , K. C. , ST. J. & C. 1) ) . ( via 1'Inttamouth.J ] LBAMI. r Mall 8:46 : a m Kxprcost 6.25 k Kvprosul 7:45 : pm Mall 7.80 p From O. St. P. M. &O. Depot , lltli * nd " \Volislcr StrcetH , 0. . SI. P. M. ft 0. No 2 i'a i > ciiKor..8KO am I NoS lllitxi loSO : am No 4 Mixed S.fjO nm | No I I'lanongcr. 6:30 : p m SuudaxH Kxcentud. opantne ana closing or Malls. BOUT ! Oru > . OLOBI. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. 0 fcN. W.C.R. l.fcP. , & C. if. & St. P. 1030 8:00 : 6:50 : 8:20 : D. II. & Q. B.OO 8.CO e:30 8:20 : a. K. k M Kx Mail < : ld 3. O. & r. In Iowa 8.00 6:30 : Watmsh local 4:30 : 12:16 : K. O. , St. Joo&O. a fl.45 8:00 : fiso : BM : > Missouri I'aclflo 7:00 : 8:30 : a , SUP. M. &o 6.00 Boo : Union Paolllo 8:30 : 4.3011:10 3. & Republican Valley 1:08 : 12:16 : ) . & U. Ixicnl 7:00 : 7SO : Ii. & M. Kx. Wall. 10.30 6:16 : OUloo open Sundaxs from 12:00 : m. tn 1:00 : p. m. C KCOUTANT I'ontmastoi' "V JE3 WITH A.nd your work I'H donofor all time to come. WE CHALLENGE The World to produce n more durable material for Htroot pavement tnnu e Sioux Fulls Granite. COBDERS : : _ ou MACADAM filled promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MoBAJN&CO. , Sioux Falls , Dakota. WORK , UNOmn inMAT . SPECIAL NOTIOK TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WK CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. His the hosl und cheapest food lor ttoolc or kny klnd.HOne pound Ii eqnkl to thtoe ponnd § ol eorn stock led with around Oil Ukko In the Fall and Winter , ln to J of running do n , will Increase In nolgbt knillioIn matkctAblooond.tlon \ In the . , , prlnc. Dilrjmen as vrcll M otliors who use Ucan Ill morlt * . Try It and Jndg * fui yourulrot. Piloo 125 00 per ton : no ohUo ( foi stckt. Addrew WOODMAN LIN3EKD OIL COMPANY , Omh Neb. , JLL DEALERS IN Safe and Lock Comp'y FIEE AND BUEGLAR PEOOF XOBO y * nrzaLntXL IStroot. Oxxi. STEELE , JOHNSON& CO. Grocers H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Drnpor ) Chicnjro , Man ager of the Ten , Cigar nnd Tobacco Departments. A full line of nil grades of nbovo ; also pipes nud smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices nnd samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & * RAND POWDER CO PERFECTION Heating and Baking IB only attained by using _ lt l = : = -4-r. . rt i. Rj-'M r.V-rJh > s ' " ' > rr T" ' -'ry'- CHARTER OABC IIS = T i SSTrrVitVi inrr6 * JIV"If / Stoves and Ranges , $ A WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER D30B r t-Swl ; Fci Bftlo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA" \EASTERN \ PRICES DUPLICATED ma FARNAMSTREET , - . OMAHA , NEB 0. M. LEIQHTON. H. T. OLAKKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , EUCCKSSOnS TO KENNAHD 11ROS. l CO. ) DEALERS IN Paints- Oils. Brusshes. OMAHA , NEBRASKA M.HELLMA.NJ& CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. MAHA : RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. ] ATHER , SADDLERY 0 SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL , . -WE PA THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES For Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will be made. 13th Street. Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave. , OMAHANEB ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) 6L1ME AND CEMENT. Oousiias t > ' I