HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 27 , 1884. 59 FIXING FOR FUSION , Tlio Democrats and Greentiacte o ! lliiuoisConucil Together , They Will Endeavor to Eun a Fusion Electoral Tiokot , If They Can Settle the Disputed Claims of Each , Candidates for Congress Selected in Various Statesi Anti-Monopoly Ticket Nominator ] in Buffalo County. To.xna Grconbnokors Organizing for n | Cntnpalgn lor Butler. Fusion In Illinois. Dispatch to THE UKE. I IClllCAiio , August 2i. Chairman Oberly , of the domocratio executive committee , was busy today conferring with the democratic and Butler leaders , concerning the talked of fusion in this state between greenbackcrs and demo crats. It is authoritatively stated that the Butler managers offered to support the demo cratic state ticket if they could do go safely , on condition that tlio democrats would give thorn a fair representation on the electoral ticket. What constitutes a fair representa tion appears to have been the subject in con- trover y , at Oborly's meeting with _ | tlu < leaders. The greenback convention xvill beheld held at Bloomington tomorrow. The ob K stacles in the wav of fusion are many. On the part of tha democrats it is thought tlmt the coalition might lie construed as a confes sion of xxcaknuss , while on tlio part of the greenbaekers the loudens wore not sure of their ability to deliver the latter , liowex'cr , they expressed the necessity of some cooperation tion , it being feared that unless they were given aid McKcighan would succeed in dis membering the greenback organization in the state and turning the body of it over to the republicans. Anti-Monopoly Convention. Special dispatch to The Boo. KKAKNET , Neb. , Aug. 25. The anti-mo- poly convention was hold to-day and nomin ated James Jenkins , of Kearney , and J. P. Curry , of Gardner Precinct , for representa tives. The probabilities are that these nomi uees will bo ocdonsed by the democratic con vcntion. Missouri Grecubackers. ST. Louis , August 20. The greenbackers of thu Tenth -listrict in this state , in convention at Bismarck to-day , decided it inexpedient to nominate a candidate for congress , but passed a resolution requiutmg Geo. M. Jackson , of St. Louis , to rim as independent , and pledg ing him their suppoit. Michigan Fusion. KAI.AMA/OO , Michi , August 2(5. ( George L. Vaple , congressman from this distiiot , wan re- nominated to-d.iy by tha dem cr.itio district convention hero , and the eieenbick conven tion at Tlueo Jtlx-ers. Ho received thu unani mous vote of botli on the tiret ballot. Tlio Hijventli lown , DK.S MOIVKS , Augmt IT. At the democrat ic-greenback fiuiou convention of the Seventh congressional district , hold t Indianola to day , JiidgoV. . H. Henry , a democrat of Des .Monies , was nominate i tor tha long term and William K. Uider , of Wintered , for the short tenn of congress. Tlio Firbt Iowa. FAIIIFIKLP , Iowa , August 20. B. J. Hall , of Burlington , was nomiiuted by acclamation by the democratic cougrdasional convention in the lirst distiict. _ Missouri Democrats. Sr. Lot'ii , August 2i. ( The democrats of the Tenth districc of this state to-day noniina- at d Ialtill L. Clardy for ic-olfction to con gress by acclamation. Multcighnn's Convcnlloii. Bl.OQMlNiiTON , 111. , August 2i. ( The statu convention of the anti-monopoly greenback labor party was called by McICeighausill at > - Kumblo hero thU muriiing. Ic is Ijoliovoil that all ditfereuces will bu harmonized. Oberly chairman of the domocr.ttic bUto central com- rnitteiis here in consultutiou with delegates , Booking to effect a fusion. California. SIOCKIOV , C.di , August 2 ( > . The demo. cratH of thu second district this afternoon nominated Charles A , Hunmer for ci > ngresa- man , vice Jam11. . Uudd declined on account of ill health. New Mexico. SANTA FK , August 2(1. ( The lepublican con- xentlon today noininatod iludgu L Bradford Pricu as congressional dologatt ) . Keprusoiila- tives of four counties bolted Ihn convention , and xvill uominaed Col. Win. L. Hymort-on iludlciul Convent Ion , la. , August 2l-.IiulB ! Vf. 11. I'to of this city , xvas rt-noininated for circuit judgn by tha ioiublicans | of thu Ninth judicia- district at Iridupumluucu ted y. Thu nomiiiul turn was madu un the second ballot , MlHHonri ItppuhllcaiiH. Sr. JortKl'll , Mo. August 20. The republi- cana of tins fourtli cnn rotsinnal dNtricc met btio to-day and ufrxr several houi's seEHion they failed to makouoininatioii" , but cndon-cd ludga Jl. S.lICvllv , who is expected to aho receive tha eiidnrKament of the greenhackcni , fiuca llou. Nick Fordo has concluded to maKu thoroco for governor. Tc'MIS ) KlllllM-ltOH , Aii < ust 21 ! . A hays the htato greenback ujnvuution convened today. About twenty delfg.itej weru present , t was decided to put a full Butler-West ticket in the field. Klictors ut luige , J , 1) . | jtunkln and C. If. Jenkins. Tlio j-Iatfurm I oppose * tlio Ipjvpof public or sehool land * ii larger tracts than 0III acre : fax-ors the polic ; of selling cliool lands in tin all tiacts on loin tiino ; adx'ocates the n-julation of railroa. freights Nominations of state ollicorsxxrr made. It i generally understock that the gn-enb-ickeM xvil ) support UeoKe Wnshlllgtol June' , independent candidate for gonor. . MATTKIIS. Tlio Northern 1'acino Taking Trail o from tlio Central 1'aclllu. NHXV You * . August 2G. Tlio general man ager of the Central Pacific Is quoted as saying that ho dooa not see how the Central Pacifu , can resume paying dividends for a comidora bio tliuo. The Northern 1'acifio has taken the business that male a dividend possible before Tlio Central Pacific will have to wait unti this loss is made good by the groxvth of other business. It 18 reported that the trip of Cy rus W. Field and others oxer the Noithen Pacific road has something to do with the syndicate dicato option on Villard stock. It is reporter that about 1000 ( hares of Northern Pacific preferred has been called under tlio option. The stock market has again lap'ed into dull ness. The first prices of the morning were generally loxver than last evening , but this was followed by a moderate rally , and then another declino. Without any special feat ure , this has boon the course throughout the day. It is oxident that limited operators \xlio hang nrovind the outer oilgo and pick up a crumb now and then are anxiously waiting to discover Home evidence of the leauine manip ulators of either tbo bulls or the bears. It matters not which they ehowthemselx-esto be , they xvill have a meager following xxhen the position becomes known. Foreign exchange advanced Jo and the leased - sod generally assigned is that there are very fexv commercial hill ? , and Kngllsbmon are still selling Krio and also Vana-rbilts to a certain extent. SUMMKIl Hl'OHrS. Tlio 1'nrf. HAIIATOQA HACKS. SAHATOOA , August 2 ( > , Fivu furlongs two year-olds nonwinnersUarrigan won , Hart 2d , Rapid 3ds time , 1OC. Holief stakes three-year-olds milo and five furlongs Modesty xvon , Posvhattan 2d , Tola 3d ; time 2:59. : Milo and a half all ages Freda won , Knclid 2d , Xottlo 'J ; time , 2:43 : $ . Milo non-winners Kosierre. won , Admiral 2d , Kmprcss 3d ; time. 1:48. : IOWA HTATE FAIR 11ACKH. DES MOINKS , August 20. The loxra state fail-directors have extended the time for ro- ceiximr entries in the free-for-all trot , freo-for- all pace , 2:24,2:2S : , 2:33 : and 2:11 : races , till Saturday evening , August 30th , as the time of closing was not fully understood , MOX.MOUTH PAIIK 11ACKM. MON.MOUTU PAIIK. August 2 ( > . Mile all ages Duplex xvon , Herbert 2d , Hopeful 3d ; tmiCj 1:45. : Mile and furlong 3 year olds Louisetto xvon Economy 2d , Kichniond 3J ; time , l"i3J. : Three-cpiarters mile 2 year olds Souci xx'on , Belinda's filley 2d , Elgin 3d ; time , 1:17. : Mile and three-quarters all ages Gamble xx-on , Bob Cook 2d , Heel and Too 3d ; time , 511. ; 511.Milo Milo and quarter , Kinglike wonKMonitor second , Farewell third. Time , 2:114 , . Handicap sxx-ecpjtakes for gentlemen riders , Mile 1'opo Leo won , Bondholder second. Haledoa third. Time , 1:17 Three-quaiter milo sellingalloxvances , Liz zip Mac xron , lola second , Joa Mitchell third. Time , 1:1GJ. The track xx-as heavy. Handicaj ) Rteujtle chase , full course Echo yon , Voltaire econd , Paxvneo third' Time , 5:27. : JAV IYISEE. : : Nr.w YORK , August 2B The Woild of yednesday says the great Jay Eye See trot- Ling race againct time , which xvas to bax'O ta- fii place oxer Prospect Paikcnursoyesteidtty las been jostponeduntil tomor.ow , and the race xvill then bo of greater interest. If thu Itlle guldim ; beats tno record of Maud S , of _ ' :0'Jhe / xvill belong to Mr , Bonner ; if not , Mr. ( Jaso xvill continue to own him. Bonner was in conference with Hamilton Busloy , of , ho Turf Field and Form relative to the piicc ilfered for the rival of Maud S , , and it was definitely nettled that no purchase should take ilacu within three \veeK.- . "Noxv tint liouncr has Maud S. , " paid Uusby , "ho does not especially care ; for Jay Uyo dee. After the gre t record made at L'lovidence , 1 was empoxx'eied to offer ncei- ain sum for tha gelding , mid at Chicago Mr. 2aso drexv up a contract under xvtdch he vould sell his phenomoual trotter. | lf Jay- Uye-See does 2:011 : / tomonoxv Bonner xxill get hnitfusal other for a month , Then Maud rf. xill be put in training1 , and in three xxeoks he xvill try to loxver the lecord. If shu fails , lay-Eye-Seo xvill belong to Bonner , xvlio stands ready to meet Casa's terms , xvhich are lot unreasonable. But as long as Maud S. tatids at ihu head of the list , ISonner is fatis- ied , and will not care to add to his stable. " Hnao Hall At Baltimore -Baltimore 1 , Metropolitans i. At Cincinnati Cincinnati ft , Indianapolis At Kansas City Union- , Kansas City , 1 , Cincinnati 3. At Louisvillu Louisville 3 , Columbus ) . At Npxv Yoik Now Yoik 4 , Cleveland P. At Jtichmond Allcghenyx I , Virginias I , Gunm called at the end of the siith lulling on iccoiiut i.f rain. At PhiUdelphia-Brooklyn ( i , Athletics y. At St. Paul St. Paul 3 , Milwaukcu 0. Klmur Footer , who pitched for the St. Paul club , broke his arm in pitching thn first ball. Kiiemls on thu grounds immediately made up .1 handsome imrsu for liim , At St JjniiToledo 0 , St. Louis 11. At Minneapolis Minneapolis K , Winoim 0. Orcnt. Dry GondH Halo. Ni\v : ' 'OlK ! , August 2fi , There was a very arga Httondancu today at the beginning of the assignee sale of Halsted , Haines it Co. It in cluded leproientativos of tlis dry goods trade rom all parts of the country. Sales today vero foreign and domestic dross goods. Pi loss averaged 'J' > per cent of market prices , in onis iti'tances I hey xvcro aboxe thu current irice. Velx-ets x.iried from 55 cents to § 1.02 , jrocado Hutms from fi ) t ) ! ! . ' centf , check silks l tn I" cents and colored faille silks 7K cunts. ) resigoods hold rcmarKably well. " OliOHtor CiiHtN Anchor. ] 'ltoviliN'Kmtu : s 2 ( ! . Thu lospiUh ar > Ivud nt Ncxxport with Pretident Arthur at loon , and receixed a salute. * II .nr > 'H Itnily. NnwYoiiK , August 2i.-Tho ( body of Pri- vata Henry is \humed and xvill bo examined to-inorroxv. NEWS OF ALL NATIONS. The Arrival of a Cholera Ship in Mexico Creates a Scare , It is Thought that the Vosso Oanio from China , Latest News from the Seat o : War. The French Lay All the Blame on [ General Millet Alarming Outbreak of Yellow Fever in Porto Eioo. The Corn Crop of Chihuahua Pro iinitiuicil n Totnl Failure. Cholera Arrives In Mo.vleo. GUAUIAS Mexico , August 26. The cap tain of the port of ( unynms 1ms received otliclal notice from the minister of war , that a vessel has arrived at Salinas Cruz with Asiatic cholera on board. Ho instructs the captain of the poit ID allow no one to land From the vcisols arriving from Salinis Cruz , or from other ports lower on the coast. The olllcial notice boars the data City of Mexico , August 18. Similar notices have been rece ived at Mazathm , S-ui Bin * , Altata , Manzan- ilia and other 1'acilic coast ports. Salinas Cruz is the chief port for the state of Tohuntc- [ > ec , and lies 300 miles south of Gunymas on the 1'itcilic. It is considered unaccountable there that any person could nrrivo there from tlio infected districts of Kuropo. It is gener- illy believed hero that the ves el in question i from China , and brings the original cholera jerms. Die now causes great uneasiness on , ho coast cities , it bejng thu first inforination of the arrival of Asiatic cholera on this con- .inont. TIIK CHOI.KUA IN KUItOI'E. inWABlUNOTON , Aug. 20. The state depart- c cut received from Mason , United States insul at Marseilles , a report upon the situa- 'on at that place and Toulon. Since the ibatoment of the cholera epiilomic hosays the inances of Toulon and Marseilles have baon strained to the utmost in cleansing the streets ind tenements and caring for thu sick and jurying the dead. The presenca of impend- ng financial nitn weighs heavily on thu bus- ness community and even the ordinary re sources of charity mo seriously curtailed. The tide of returning fugitives has just sut in. No description can picture the wretchedness tml destitution which already exists. Jto.MK , August 2i. ( The daily bulletin of the progiess of cholera in Italy is : Forty-four leaths , seventy now cose * . TOUI.OK , August 20. Ono death from cholera in this city today. The hospital re- > ort is : Now cases admitted , ! ; discharged , .2 ; de.ith" , 2 ; under tit'ntmeiit , 37. MAUSKILLUS , August 20. There were twelve deaths front cholera hero today. YELLOW 1T.VKU IN I'OUTO III CO. WASHINGTON , D. C , August 2li. The Ma rino hospital bureau is informed that yollotr 'over ' is prevailing with great fatility on the .aland of Port liico. The disease was not con- ined to recent immigrants from Spain , but al so atta > ks the Creole population. Governor- General Marquis lo La Vojw In'clan died of yellow fo\er after fivii days illness , mid sover- il Spanich citi/.ens me down with the disease. Tin : ntANco-c'HiMjsi : WAH. PAULS , August 20. It is believed aftoi Ad- nirnl Courbet has destroyed the forts on the ilin mer , between the arsenal and mor nouth , ho will join Admiral l.espes , before veoliiDgmdarriugn : : with him for the occtipa- ion of that place. There is talk of an oxpedi- ion from Tonquin into LTnnaval at the end of , he wet season , unless China accepts Fiance's erins. I'.iris pa pars indignantly deny the charges ly the l.oiulon Times , tlmt cruelty was oxer- ist-dby Adniiral Com bet at K.io Chow , and ndulgo iniulunt abtiso of ICngland. The Voltaire and Tempi g.iys : "Franco has no leed to exculpate itsalf to n country which sot ire to Alexandiia , Admiral Combot destroy- d the Chinese gunboats because he could not veaken the crows by occupying them. " 'ho Soliid and Itopublniuoli'raiiukUo approve Admiral Com bet's oneigetie course. "All ho id , " they Kay , "was to oboyoiders in the lopes of I'lfecting a prompt tottlemont of the XHting dilliculty. " Ciiii-agimc's paper advo- ates an alliiint'O between France and Uer- nany. JiKiti.l.v , August 2 ( > . liron ! do C.iinesl 'Vench i.'mbinBador , returned from a visit to 'aris in response to a summons from the gov- rnnient , and started for Vartin to confer \itli jiisnurck. It is belinved this conference elates U > the Kranco-CliiuoHO dilliculty. ISllANCillAI , August 20. Aihices from Fee Jhow to tbo2ltb , leceived nt 0:15 : this oven- ng , ciinfirm thu ropoits of thu destruction of ho whole Cliineso lleet. The Fionch lleet est live mon , ineluding an Amoiican pilot , < illcd nn board the heavy armored Fiench hip Volta. The Fiench lloet was not dam aged. aged.PAHIH , August : ir > . Lo Paris states that it H expected ttiat China will to-morrow nrnko a formal declaration of war against France. KNKHAI. Mll.I.Or Till' HL'AI'K-dOAT KOIl J'HANCK. PAIUS. August 20. The Figaro says that iLMieral Millet will bo lecallud from Tinuin ( | , lecausr ho is consideied lerijioiisililo fur all .he diflicidtios since the Tien Tsin tioaty was nade. A ( .HUMAN I'OLITICAI , MISHIONAin. liKiu.iN , August 25.Pi of. IJingscli , llsytit- ologjst , has bi'en appointed to the diplomatic. survic'e and piiueeiU to Africa in .September m Homo political mission , the nature of which in unknown , ON in M'HICA. ( I'liiliAl.r.Mt , August 2 < i. Tlio Uniti-d States Kt amur Koaisargo iecei\od direct orders fiom Washington to makii u cruise along the iiortl and west coast of Africa. A Hi.iaur HIIAKK , LONIKIV , August 20 Theiewasau enitli- riiiaKu of tidily secondb today on the Island o ! Jersey , HKl.ufAN IDUCTio.v. : . IlllL'ssKLs. August ' . ' ( ! . In fthu chamber of loiuties | today thu Hist clause of thu education jill was ailopted by a votu of 7H to f/0. Cllllll'AIII'A'H ( OILS1 C'llOI- KAILl'JIK. WAHHIKCION. I ) . C. , Augmt 2i ( itomeio , VIoxican Minister , received a communication annotmcing the failure of the corn crop In Chi hu.diu.i , and anklng him to jmtifv oxpurters o coin in.this country , who nuy wl h to exp.u It for seoil to Chihuahnaj to addren the gov nrnmcnt of that ttato , giving the prices , quali | und quantity. K roii KN < nsit THO I < . , August SI'llio ) authoritlei lm\c etters fivm cavalry olllcois In Kng land Inquiring the prospect of bu\ing ultabU remounts for the Knglish cavalry in Canada and uhat horses would cost delixeied at < ) ua bee. \\OLfiKLKY (10MW KflU'T. l.ON'DON , Augudt 2tl. Oeii'ral Wolselej will proceed to Itayiit at once to aisumochief military command of thu forces thcro , FHXNCII CONSUL OUnKllKIl TO UKM.MN. CAIIIO , August 20. The French con ul at Khartoum is ordered to rcniiin then1 , even in event that General Gordon convents to retuin with the telief v.xpedition. MUSIOXAIUKH IN D VM.KII. PAUH , August 20. Great fear is expressed for the safety of the Catholic mi inniuios in China. FOO-OIIOO. of a itoiunrkatloChlnn o Clly , AVIiloli AVas Itonihardcd By The French , Foo-Choo , the point In China where the fiist attack of the French forces was made on Sat urday , Auguit 23d , is thu capital city of the imn ince of Noh-Kion , and ono of the few [ iorts in China open to foreign tiade. The Chi nese uauio of the city is Hok-Cin , which signi fies "happy region. " Foo-Choo ts situated in latitude 21 ! degrees and B minutes north , and longitude 111) ) dcgrocn and 20 minutes east , almtit 42) miles northeast of Canton , and 375 niles southwest of Shanghai , It stauits on [ [ .t [ ilain , about two and a half miles from the north bank of the rlvor Miu , and twenty-fix v miles from its mouth. An amphitheatre of hills surround the city about four miles die taut , and It is protected by ono of the peculiar ivalls of China , which is seven miles in cir cumference , from 20 to 25 feet high , and from 12 to 20 feet in thickness nt [ dilTtircnt points' . Seven gates afford entrance to tlio city propi r .hroueli this high wall , and over each of the gates i j a high tower which is jealously guard ed by watchmen. The whole dlstiict between .ho city and Ui\er Min , thn island of Xnnt.il , and the southern bank of tha rlxvr aio occu- > ied by extensive suburbs , and the liver Itself s occupied by a largo floating population , which lives in the boats which crowd its xva- , crs. Communication from bank to bank of .ho . river is afforded bya tnno Hidgo , which s about a quarter 01 a mile long and is sup- > orted by10 piers , placed at unequal distau- ii'H. Across thcHO piers are laid iimnenso stones , IJ feet square and about -Ifi feet long , and over these a grauito pl.itfoiin l-xtcmls. This bridgu is known to the natives as the jiidgo of 10.000 ages , and is said to bo Silo Vfars old. It is lined alorg the sides with shops , and Is constantly filled with the people if Fee Chow. Tlio city proper of Fee Choo is regnlaily built , but the struptH , though paved with gran- tu , and in many instances planted with tieo * , ire filthy , narrow , and Infoitod with beggirs. L'ho population of the city has been \-aiiously estimated by travelers in China at from 1100 , 000 to 4,000,000 souls ; The moat remarkable establishment of thoV.ity is thoarseiialsituat > d about three miles down thu Itixcr Min , at 1'a- ; oda Island , whore the seagoing x-cssels usually inchor. Itxvas fouuded in 18'ir ' , and h'vs ' been conducted , under ihu direction of French engine - no iH , according to Km * p'"n mothwdp. In 870 it employed about 1,00i ) xvorkmnn , besides iO JCuropean superintendoilt > . Fee Choo in cnown in China as a city nf the firstclass , and s the teat of a \ iceroy or Fovpinor-Rcneral , vhoso jinUdiction extends over I'oUien mil Chekiang , the provinca juljoiu- ng Foklon l- > the noith. 'Iho city is also n ; reat literary center , and numerous gentry vho Iiavoictired from otlico in ether paits of ho cmiiire and men of hixh literary attain- nonts resiiio there. It lias Mneial cotton , pa- > er and hardware iimtitifnitoricd , bevoral limi- lied factories for making porcelain , and fac- .urics of liluo cloth , hcrocns and cuiiibj. Near > y are pionuctivu lead minus , and aeieat ten- ( rowing dibtiict lies within 70 miles of the ity. The commerce of Foo-Choo is princi- mily with .lapan and tin ; maratimo iirovinces if China. The chief exports nro black teas , imber , bamboo , fruits , orange pool , tobacco , iota-li , spices , gr.iin , coiipor and lead. The mpoit.4 areopiimi , which somotiings amounts o Jj)000 ( ) ( ) , ( ] in valno fora yoai ; salt , sugar and ICuropoan manufactures. A Fallen I'rcnciior , Sjiecinl Dispatch to TIIK UKE. Clil.TK , Neb. , August'JC. Ki > v. S. llender- on , piesiding elder of this distiict , nho fell .lirou . li tbo railroad biidgo noiir heio yOHtiT- lay , is reported improving to-day. His in- uiies nro of a most set ions character , but it is loped houll 1)0 able , with the aid of a strong onstitiition , to Hurvivo them. ScroMfi Rcrolula IsrmaJ , ill < 7 man general than any other dlseiII FI Insidious In th.'iracter , and manifests Itself in running sores , piibttilar eruptions , bolls , fixxtlllngs , cnlarKCd Joints , abscesses , sore eyes , etc. Hood'H Sarsaparllla expels all trace of Kciofulii from the blood , leaving it pure , enriched , and hcalMiy. " I xras severely aflllctcd with scrofula , and /or over a year had two miming sores on my neck. Took five bottles of Hood's fiarsaparllla , and consider inyoelf cured. " C. K. LoviiJOV , I.oxvell , Mass. C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous sores for hcven years , spring and fall. Hood's Sarsaparllla cured him. Salt Rheum William Spies , I'.lyrla , O. , Buffered greatly from erysipelas and salp rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At tlncs ; his hands xvould crack open and bleed. Ifo tried various prep arations without nld ; finally took Hood's &ir- bapiirllla , and noxv B.iys : 'JI am entirely well. " "My bun hnd salt rheum on his hands and on the culvcH of his ICKH. lln took Ilood'n' Barsaparllla and Is cntljcly cured , " J. II. BTANTON , Jit , Vcrnon , Ohio. ' Hood's cSarsaparilla Hold by all driiKulbts. 6 - , six f or $ .r . Madu only by C. I. HOOD St CO , , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. THE WICKED WORLD. The Record of Crimes and Accident Yosicrilay , Suioido of a Life Prisoner nt the Stnto Penitentiary- Eiotous Demonstrations of Strik ing Minors in Ohio , A Warrant Out for Warnon the Champion Thief , Oapturo of the Farmer Who Ter rorized His Uoighbors , And n Ctioluo Assortment orCriinlnn Notes In Gcnornl. Hululdont the Penitentiary. Sjv-cial Dispatch to TUB HKK. LINCOLN , August 2(1. ( This morning n Hfo prisoner in the ponitontiiuy named Clintoi Dill committed suicide. He xx-as sent from Kcd Wllloxv county iri IbSl for killing a coxv boy named Sam IIUCAB. Ho procured a pocket knife this morning and stepping into thu gata house , xvlioro ho xvas acting as gate keeper , ho made sovotnl cuts at his throat , Tha ( juaul arriving on thu scano. Dill made a terniiu lungu at hit xvindpipu and severed the insular. In his dying struggle he tluunr tliu knife at the guard and then full lucka corpse , Dill xx'as-IS yours of age , and loaves axvifo ami three childii'ii in this city , thu eldest 10 yea ri. JIININt ! TUOnil.KS IS OHIO. Uui'HTKi , August 20. The minors are com ing from the BUI rounding country , ami tin most bitter feeling is evident between the Btrikersand thugiiaidson duty. When the new mon were put into the mine today , the striker * obstructed the road , but were'linully driNou luck by the PinKerton men. Ono agcil striker xvas knocked down by the guard an I jroko ono arm , The guard \vaa arrested and joundoxor in the sum uf $500. COI.UJIIIUH , Ohio , Aug. 2i ! . Reports from liuchtol and other mining towns to-day nro that all Is quiet xxith no iiidicationn of troubto is yot. Pirmni'llfi , Pa. , Aug. 2(5. ( A Coal Centre special says thirty-four moro _ camping coid minors xvoru arrested thin morning by special otliccra McClmo and Jlcliurnoy tor tres passing on railroad property. They were odgcd in the Udil I'dlows' hull and xvill bu , ala n to Washington jail in xv.kgoiH this aftor- loon. The wives of hftoen or twenty prinnn- TS came to thu hall with babies In .heir arms this morning and begged x bo sent to jail with .heir husbands , us there is nothing to live on , nit a little coin meal. Th < ir request xvas not ; rautcd , Citi/ens are indignant at the whole lalo arrests which are madu xvithout xvarruuts , tndj it ii probable a publla.inuotiiig denoucing .lie action of thu olliccrs xvill bo culled. Kom- Hindi oil noxv rocrmtn iiruuxpuctcd to arrive in camp. A lepoit fiom Staib's mines in thu thild lool indicain n seiious break in thostriKo. Jno hundred and lifty men are said to h.uo ; ocio \vorltlila moi niug , and otheni are wuak- ming , and are expected to go before thu cloao of the \Vcok. TIII : rAitsiKii XVHO HAN A MUCK. CAIKO , 111. , August 2I > . Daxid Axcry , ac- 'used of burning xvhunt and killing a man lamed dago , wan caught noir Khaxvneutoun enterday. Ho hai been biought here for ! ifu keeping. A WAIIHANT KOIt WAKNCII. Ai.niio { , N. Y. , August _ ' < ! . -W. It. Caulk- us , the lioston partner ofV" . It. Huiroxx-s in ho medicine business , is heio for thu purpose if securing a warrant for thu arrest ot Albert 5. NVanifr , the missing iircsidoutof the l''iist National bank. The dUtiict atlornuy says .hut papers hitxe boun placed in Inn hauiU by hidga Itairoxvs , of Itnlfalo , on which ho xvill .tonco begin ciiminal ] iroceediugs against Wai nor. KoniKHiKii , N. Y , , August 20. It in stated on gooil aiithoi ity that Warner , ] ro i- lent nf tlio 1'irst National bank of Albion , HSIIM ! notes of thu llurrows estate to an imount tn UYceod the value of the roul estite , [ i , is thought that depositors xvill lealirunnth- OK. Tliu county funds ( amount not dlvu'ged ' ) were on deposit. A xxarnmt has been issued 'or the arri'ht of Warner , uho is thought to jo in Canada. HANK IlOliliKHV. Hi' . 1'Al'Ij , Minn. , August 2l ! . Homo time letween Saturday night und Monday morning . 'IK People's bank was robbed of ! $ ] 0OOU. I'lio robbery is supposed to have bnon corn- nitted by some ona in possession of tliocom- ilnation of thu vault * , and NUApiciun reals ou'ono of the cleiks xvlio IUH left town. ANOTIIKIt Vll.l.XIN CAITI IICI ) . Sioi \ Crn , AiiKiitt'JO. Tl . iin : Dills xi'as ) iiiught back from St. I.onls , xvhtio ho hud .nken tliu 1 ! ) year old daughter of a neighbor. Ho was lodged in juil heiu under b.ul of a thousand dollais. Dills Hx'od In Fork loxvn- ihlp , this county , but xioloncu was feaied , lenco ho xvas lodgud in jail. It in nut decided whether he xvill bu iudutcd them for mine .Ion , taken to Nebraska xvhuro he xvas guilty of ilgmny and perjury by maiiying his child victim , or returned to St. Louis , xvhero the child died and bo tried for minder. I'AVNK I'NIIKH AIIIICHT , Kom : HXIITII , Ark. , August ' ! ( ! . -Captain ' , the Oklahoma boomer , and Knven of its uHiociatcs xx'ero nncHted at Hock Mills , ndi'in Territory , by Gonciul Hatch KomodayH ngo , and arrived hero in chaigo of Lieutenant Tuuksoii and a detnchment of tlio Ninth IT. i , cavalry. They worn not delivered to the uithuritiuH at Fort Smith , as xvun thu oiiginal ntonlion , but by directions from Caldwell , \iiliKa , hleiitonanl Juckson will take thom to 'ort Scott , KariPan , xvhero thny will bo placed n cliurgu uf United Sl/itei olllcers. 1'rloHiH In Council , ) iifijrc , Iowa , Augmt 2i. ( Ninety-su priuitiof tlio dloi'cso of Dnhuqiie , coniirining ] Northern Iowa , mo noxv holding thcii annual eticst heio at rot. .loseph's collego. It is bu ng eondticted by Id. Itov , ltinhop llnnncssy ind Itov. I''athor Hill , of the Society of Jesus , St. Olnra Niw : YIIIIK , August 2 ( ! . Clara Lnuiso Ki-lJ. gH , the niiigoi , obtained Indgineiit by default agnimt ( JeoiRo 1 ! . Hlnnchard , vico-presiatn of tlio Krio ro.ul for $7,000 damng s with inter o t from May 18&I , for which \aico \ the sail ho pild tueuty Inmds of $ 00 each nf the I/ondon mining compuiy , at the earnest sollci talion of llhxnch.iid , who XVAS prntldont of ilia company , lllamhard on July "Sth moved ( o have default npcmtl and be allowed to defend as ho said ho had a good defence ; namely , that the guarranty ho-had cixen Mi s K oil opt should not loose Anything by her Inx'fltinoni did not render him liable until she had suei the company. Judge Van llrunt to < iay do- cldod to open the default and allow Mr. Dlan- chnrd to defend , THK HUN 1C ION TAIiTjiVl'OOSA. BtntcmontN ItcunnlliiK tlio lilllly for Her AVrcck. ugust 2 ( > . Divers xxill probably examine Iho Tnllnpoosn tomorroxv to learn the intent of the damage , and ascertain if any bodies are on board , The allldavit of the lookout man of the schooner Jamas S. Lowell , xxhlch sunk tin Tnllapoosn , s ys that ho saw the steamer ahead , n little on the Ice ] > ort bow. He faxv that the schooner's lighti xvoru burning right "As the steamer approached , I saw tlmt sin xvas swinging ncrojs our boxv , nit I saxv tlueo of the llolltH , g'Oen , r.id and mnsthund , ailil finally gre > < n and masthead lights" , and then In ix few niiimouts the xoitols struck. " Second Mate l''itiorald alio testifies that tliiistenmor chaiifed her course , causing the collision. Samuel Kdgett. who was nttlu xxheol , says thu tchoonrrs courru xvoa not altered , and jn-t I efora the collision ho saxv the green light , anil tlum thu led light. After tha collision both lights went burning brightly. Dry GcxulH. NKXV YIIIIK , August 2(5. As > isual to Tnos day thu general demand xvas light , still a good quota of orders gixcs fair total sales , hut unoxcnly distributed. Jobbers are doing faitly well , as mtny of their customers are attracted tractod by the auction sales of Ilnlatond , lluiucs it Co.'a bankrupt stock , xvhich is ho- Ing sold at good prices. Exports of domestic cotton goods the past week xvero largo , amounting to 7,035 packages , a larger quanti fy than for the same period any pr < vious year. IMcdnlinn'H llcinnliiH. .Xr.w YOHK , August 20. Among those who vi.nitcd McCiuhan's remains were .Slurnt Hal- stead , Major Lucas , ttato Senator O'Neill , { opiejont.tivo H. 0. ( ! rower of Ohio , John nun * , ivprCRonting LoTington , ( ) . , where the imil Interment will take place , and P. A. Me- < almn , brother of the dead. Two xxieaths > f lloxvers xvero placed on the casket. Ono > ore a long satin ribbon on xvhich xvas in- iciilw-d , "I'Voni ' the Noxv York Piess Club. " The silver plute on thn casket wan inicribod. ' .I. A. Muciaimn , ( tied Juno'.ltli , 1878. Agisi U yonii. " L'lio liouUvlllo Nash- NKXX YOHK , August 2(5. ( The directors of .he Louisville , V Nahhvillu Itallroad company .o-day agreed upon n plan for thn reorgan/.a- ! .iuii of the company. Thu details xvill not bo nade public until Si ptrinber Ifi. The plan Mil then be pubbshei' nIHeialiy and inmlta- leoiisly m Noxv Yoik , London ailil Amsler- lam. IleHlriiuiivi : Fire. SIMIAN TON , Pn. , August 2(1. ( This morning a ire bin nud thu planing mill uf Joteph Hans- oy at Hydn 1'urk. L'ho ollica and a largo juantity of lumber xx'orodestroyod. At txvo a n , the \\aiHjiicadiiigrnpiilly ! in thu dircc- ion of Main htrcet. Soxurx'al IIOIHCH are in lamcp , und asxvater is fearce , n largu amount ) f property may bo dehtioyed. Honry'H Itixlj Will ItcM InVnaoo. Niw : YOKK , Augmt 2(5. ( As the suiiervis- irs of ( iroen county refused to dofraj the ox- lonxos of exhuming the body of Prixatu Ii-nry , ( foity ilolhus ) , thu remains of the un- rtunato Antic voyager xvill not bo din- in-Led. Virginian FltmnccH , KICIISIONII , Va. , August 20. In tliogen- ral asHiimbly today thu joint committee of oiifcrence on thu diHagieement upon tha amendment l > ) thu Itiddjuborgcr debt law ro- [ iortod defining the tine interest. ClilcIuiMiixv Kleotlon. Vom Smirii , Aik. , Augnst 20. Returns fiom thu ChiclciiMuxv Indian nation { show thu election of Jonas Wolf for governor by n mull majoiity. Tlio Wolf party r.hax'0 ten majoiity in eongrefs. Itoi'iiixrKll , N. Y. , August --Advices direct from tteciutary Kolger's homo to-night lira In tha olfuct that there has been somu im provumont In l olger's condition. ARSHOUS RYINCTO HOLD DOWN EARLDAKINGPQWOD ITAMUOUIIDTOniCC PURE CREAM SHOOO. be foiim' ' In Androxvn * X'eurl JlaVinirPowilnr. Is ( xg. lively p IH' ! E , Ucliliemtor ; > < " < llinuteutlmoiiliu'n reel fvtillroiu Kiir'leiiu ! linsH. Jl.uri iluyN , llos ton ; M , lelionuunc : ! , n ( ' Clilc'.igo , , , nu uiiituvi Jloilc , Mil'xauUe. Nexersohl In Ii. . . . . f" 'JtfitsV CHICAGO MARKETS. Another Qnict Day on 'Change ' , wilh Stronger Prices. Wheat Manifests a Generally Up ward Tendency. Oorn Likewise Higher , and Closes Steady and Firm. The Provision Market Dull and Prices Higher , In l' cl the Kntlro List Tn Ujwnrcl Turn , nud Closes 1 * c ro Special Dispatch to TUB UKE. I CMICAIIO , August 2i. ( The loading. " . > on 'change today were very quiet , bu | / " " * > r stronger , and n little inora improved1' the Inlluciicu of local buying , and a consider able ) decrease in the visible supply state- inont. FLOD1U Vlour remains quiot1 nud heavy , with very moderate x.ilos , WHEAT opened well up to yesterday's quotationo , and during thu cnily houra ranged very dull and inactlxo , hut fluctuating Irregularly upward. Mora or lens strength xvas coutriouted by the visible supply Htatcmont , which showed n do- croaBO of nearly 20,000 bushel * asralust n gen erally oxpoctcd increase of considerably over 1,000,000 bushels. This stimulated tha buy- lug by loc.il house ? , which bought out an ad vance of V to jj cents on the morning session , the outside inngo being fuigt-iinod , and the narket closing steady at 1 o'clock. The sup ply statement created coiiHiderablo comment , jut the figures generally were accepted. No. J spring , told at 77i to 778 conta for cosh. Corn opened rather easier than wheat , being luotably i conta lower , but oorly figure * were .mvloxvcHl of tlio morning session. The best riundft corn had were Uliis , Comttock , Cant- ii" , MotthoxvB , Mroxvn , Diiver , Adams and Jukcr. All took considerable and mndo the general feeling firm , and brought about an advance - vance of 1 to lj cents , which xvus nearly all sustained , the morning session closing steady uul linn. No 1 ! sold at 62ic cash. OATH uled weak and heavy for cadi , but hold up inn for futures , especially for May , which re- ordod a nornml aoJvaLcu of Ic. Cash was m ight request , theru being a largo supply , and lily sold up ic. Thu general market was overned by the other grains and ruled dull uul inactive. KVE van in largo supply and easier at Jc decline or near dulivorings- holding up fairly veil for long futures. No 2 cash wis quotably - bly f > ( ic , niut Duller Scptomlwr 0 lie. ittractod but scant attention , though ruling inn and recording mi udvanca of Ifis in lard 0 lOc in ribs , duo hugely to the strength m uuii. The market at 1 o'clock cloned steady mil firm , though the outside figures weru not ustaincd. f „ > ss Wlieat was firm and higher , with morobuy- ng , closing ut 7t)7Ao ) ( ) ! ) , September ; Tic , for October , HlUc for Nox ember. Corn was strong- r and higher , closing at 5 @ 0ic : for Augtut , i\a \ for September , fiUic for Uetober10 Ju for ox ember , and -I2jie year. Oats xvcroathado tetter , 24 ic for August , 2fi.c } for September , ( lie , October , 2-lic , year. 2UJc , May. 1'ork vas Btendy at 27 fit ) for A\igust , 20 00 for Sep- ember , 1'J 00 for October , 12 CO for year. ( ard wan a shade better at 7 GO for Augrut ; 50 , September ; 7 M , October ; 7 47 J.iNovem- wr. Short ribs were stronger and moro firmly iold , ceasing at 1015 for August , 1015 . for eptomber , 0 82J for October. ( MTTLU There were about 105 cars of ruiigo stocfc vith the receipt * , among which wcro lt earn f through Texans , the balance northwestern. 'ho market was generally rather quiet. There vas but light inquiry for good natives and but uxv on sale. The great bulk of fresh receipts voro rangers , among them a number of droves ; oed enough for shipment or thu drorsed buo Tade. Thu supply of canning stock was ight and the aenmud rather limited. There VOID but few stockers or feeders among the ilfeiing ! ' , but several ear-loads jf fair dairy calves from the east Hold at strong prices. Na ive butchers' wtock was scarce and the do- uaiul light , as butchers could get all they wanted out of the big supply of rangers. 13es6 natives were C 75a7 ( 00 ; tecond-class , 5 509- . 5 25 : common , ! > 105 25 ; gratsorn,3 80@J 80 ; cows awl bulls , 2r > lfaiOO ) : ; stackers , 250 © jnOfeidiTM ; ) , SOOGfljaij Texans , 325@-i5J ; Montannu , Wyoming * and Oregons , 4GOnOO ; daily calves , 10 CO to Iti 00 per head ; good to ' choice shipping. 2,200 to 1,360 pounds , ( XgOCO ; ' common to medium , 1000 and 1200 Ibs , S 1.25(2) ) 1.75 , MonUim , 12U ) Ibs , SU74 ; Wyoming , . His , 81.25 ; Oregon , 117-1 Ibs. 81.10 ; grass , ' D , 700 and 1)00 ) Ibs , ftU5 ( ! 3.7D. HOCJH. Thu market opened slow with few Bales and a shade lower than at the close last night , but later there was Imtter demand with a slipht lulvanca on the bunt heavy , yet the general market underwent little or no change and closed steady with about all eold. Light wirts remain dull , gratscrs selling at about whatever salesmen can gut. Best light hold at a rangu of S5.30@li.3U , henpy ? 5.S5@ ( ti.5'J { , While graasers may be quoted at $5 to W.50 , light , 150 and 2uO Ibs , $5. SOIIH of SoldlerH In Council. PiiiLADKLriiiA , AngtiBt20. Tlio convention ofthu Sosond Cirand Division of Sons of Vet erans , was held in this city this morning , . Kight Htatos were represented , Now York , New Jersey , Delaware , Pennsylvania , West. Virginia , Maryland , Virginia , Ohio and tho' District of Columbia. The preliminary meet ing was | > m ate. There are many member * hero HOiit in an oflicial capacity from other Btatoj than those mentioned. The total num- . her pienent is about 100 , drawn from all ranks and inofessiona. mmm n Hwll/.nrliuul anil Homo. KOMI : , August 20. Negotiations between Switzerland and tlio Vatican are making fa- vor.iblo progtujs , 1'apal delogatui at liorno were iiutructod to make reasonoble conces sions. ' Smoking Tobacco