Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morninq August 26
The hole at the corner of Tenth and Far
nam is lielng pivot ! and soon teams can b
driven over Jn sjfcty.
The workmen arc rushing the pav ing o
the car tracki and the work will bo complctei
In a very short time.
" -The baseball tournamaut at Friend be
gins August 27 , Instead of August 25 , us slat
nl in yesterday's IsJiie of TllK BKK.
The rain of Sunday had a dampenlnK
effect upon the ardor of church goers ami the
churchoj wcro all poorly attended. It wa
not a good day for fair wca'.hcr Christians ,
Thcro only remains a half block of &ml
Btono paving to bo done on Ninth street. The
asphalt pavers luvvo four blocki of paving to
put in on this stroot.
republican state conven
tion will present credentials on arrival to UK
executive ccmmUtee , room 113 , Millard Intel.
Per request of G. W. H. Dor.ioy , chairman.
Yesterday a nun w.u picked up In an
alloy In a beaitly stale of intoxication , and as
ho had a watch-chain dangling to his voat , it is
wipposod that souio ono had relieved him of
his watch.
A great deal of complaint is heard from
the M-iidont3 upon ttppsr Harnoy street In re
gard to the cows running at largo. It is
great nuisance and all unite In saying it should
Six hundred and two dollar * and eighty
cents VVMI the ainiunt of cu tom resolved yes
terday on dutiable gaada "t this port , the
xame being paid on thirty-si\ crates of eatth-
A fight at tha corner cf Tenth street and
Capitol aveuuo Sunday afternoon drew out
a largu crowd. Oaoof the principals was at-
rested and lodged in jail , and yesterday
wa.s lined $5 and aosts.
The Y. M. C. A. , iu contemplating open
inj a gymnasium room. If such a thing is
done it will bo open to membars of the associ
ation , and all ethers wh > pay the necessary
fee of SI per month.
The asphalt pa-ers laying the base
on Fiftesnth Btroct , between Dodge street and
Capital Avenue on Saturday last. If good
wcithsr will help them the asphalt men will
null things during thu next few weeks.
Racing is indulged in to an alarming extent -
tent on Sixteenth street. Sunday two men
were running their saddle horses up and
down the street , while the small boy.s stood
upon the sidewalk and cheered lustily ai they
dashed past.
Two drug clerks up town will not visit the
Buckingham theater for some time to come.
They visited the place Saturday night and
were bulldo/ed into paying for a bottle of wlno
much against their will , but Bill Amour was
there with his club and it was pay or go to
jail and they piid. Another case of lobbeiy.
1'iftesn or sixteen c.vei ol drunk and dis
orderly were in policy court yesterday
They vvoro all servo 1 with the usual uoiu.
The striking feature of the mornlnpr session
waa the projoncoof aoout one hundred loaf
ers , who have nothing oleu to do but to go in
to police court and laugh at the misfm tunes
o [ other ; .
The annual banket pic-nic of the 1'tinn
club wid bo held at Trie * Lake , Katmday ,
August 30 , 1881. Wagon * will k-avo .Teller-
sun sipiarii at 7 a , m. Tickets may bo had by
applying to Win. Fleming , Fomtoenth and
Douglas stroctsN. 1) . Falconer , Fifteenth and
Douglas ; Win. Mcldrum , Fifteenth ami Far
mm , or from members of the club.
A complaint was filid before Justice Pow
ell Saturday John Dayloy for threat-
fliiln/ the life of Kdwai-d Savage with a club.
Upon the cafe coming to trial yesterday ,
it was found thut the defendant had no
club , but that ha was struck tiiiios by
: v stick In the hinds of the plaintllf. After
hearing a witnesi or two , Dayloy was dis
charged ,
A great many good horses are filtered in
the races at Council Blulfx this week , and a
number of the lovers of sport from this city
will bo In attendauco upon the mceticg. An
clforlwill bo made to Induce the most of the
horses entered at the races in Council lUuIf.s
tn como to Omaha during the state fair , and if
thin should Iw accomplished , first clan ] races
may bo looked for.
Tlio firemen chuckle with glee ns they uec
the etandpipes and ladder ! going up on sov
end of the largoi buildings in the city. It
has been almost impossible to dn cuYclivo
worlr when a fire has been started In the top
of a four story building , owing to the great
delay In getting up the ladders nud the dllli
culty iu draggkg up hosa after tha ladder bus
been erected , but with the standplpo this
trouble is obviated and firemen can aicond t >
any story or the roof with rapidity and ease ,
whUnapcrsou trapped iu the building will
not have to await the lalsiugof a lajclei.
A great many sneak-thlovcH , burglars and
lad men of all sorts nra "rounding In" to this
city to wait for the state fair , at which time
they expect to gjt their pockets well lined elf
the unwary and giccn. Not alone in this way
do they anticipate a lively busbies' ) , but in
watching the houtcaof thosowlm attend the
fair , and when all art ) absent they will nmko a
raid upon the placa and cairy elf whatovcr of
valoo can bo found. Already they have begun
their work , and nearly every morning from
one to tbr'.u burglaries nro reported in various
parts of I ho city. Not the least dangerous of
thosa criminals are thn small Itoyw , young
toughs , from ICansai City , Ht. .Too and other
places. On Saturday ton little "coon" boot-
blanks were in pollcu court charged with va-
gianey. They wen- all from the above-named
places , nnd all acknowledged that tiny wcro
hero to wait fortho opining of the fair. They
were given two hours in which to leave town ,
but as no officer was detailed to BOO that they
did i , It la safe to say that uvory mother'n
Kin of them is utill hanging out hcio. And us
there ate BO many young colored lads who re
side In Omaha , it is diilicult to tell a right one
from a wiocg ono upon the streets ; but if Iheso
tramients are watchsd theye.n eavlly be de
tected , they seek the thelter of Home open
tarn when night comes on. Thoio ate utt the
only ODOI. aud It has been rinuoKd that there
ii to be a general "mmd-up" nf the crook *
and supposed craoks , m this city In the veiy
nfar fnlUrr , aud aa effort um'lo to chuu them
out before thu fair.
HUKT'l H-CulIa , d Jiighler of Officer Ilkli
nrdnii'1 M > rv lutrl ) ! > li , ut 1:15 : p m. , An-
iriut V5-.h , 1831 of Inthuiat on of the bowuls.
A u.J 11 ni'iuthii f ndt 'oy ' < i.
Fuanral at 2 p. m , , Tne d y , August i'dth ,
frum UIQ n-sidCMiCJ 1010 Davenport utiect.
The wotttn-BKNuwKEU CLOUOII it ]
WAUUKV OnOAiai re nc nowliidped the
hTNDAUU OF Tin ; wouii ) I'V > r * al by
A2D Ot WAX alEvni & I'no.
A Grand Jollificalion in the Fifll
Ward Lssl EycniDg ; ,
Uooil SpccclicH Mnilc ly Sovcrnl
Oinnlin ? Icn liul K I'olo Ilnlncd ,
The Fifth wnrd republican meeting
nnd polo raising last evening , on the
corner of Sixteenth nnd Hurt streotr ,
was a siccct.s in point of numbers and
speeches , but the rearing of the flag nnd
slnll'waa n disastrous failure. It was in
tended by the committee in charge to
erect tlio polo nnd then have a repub-
icim jollification. A crowd of 500 or
000 waa assembled nt 8 o'clock to sou the
Hliino nnd Logan streamer run up but
was sorely disappointed , The pole ,
which hnd boon raised to nn angleof
about ! ! ii degrees wns swayed to ono side
by the small boys with guy ropes nnd fell
to the ground. Tnoklo blocks were then
brought into use , but with no bettor re
During thcao unoucccsaful trinls the
V. O. H. band nnd a martial band were
discoursing their music. The hour of
iino nrrived , however , and the polo
than nt
being no nearer n perpendicular
oiijht , llenry Kstnbrook , ns chnirnian of
ho mooting , took the stand nnd nn
lounccd that aovoral good speeches were
n waiting for the audience , which might
spoil if not delivered , lie then intro
duced Mr. Thurston , who delivered ono
if his old time speeches which frequently
ailed for merited npplouso. The follow-
ng la n brief synopsis of
The nudionco assembled nt this meet-
ng ia something wonderful for ono ward
1 Omaha , and if a good sharp of it was
omoerotic , ho was glad of it. Fifteen
oars ngo to hnvo brought together such
crowd in this city would hnvo called
ut all the people in it , but now ono
vnrd is enough.
The laboring people will say in No-
ember that the candidates of the rppub-
can party represents the highest inter-
sta of the common and manufacturing
asses. The Chicago convention in SOB-
on nearly two months ngo and ono of
10 grandest bodies over assembled in
lis or any other country said ,
ot in the hont of pas-
on , that the slanders against
U3 great man , Blaine , nro not true. Tlio
opublican party had put n ticket that
ould load it to victory in November. Of
10 819 mon present in that convention
ot ono man wont away saying ho would
ot support the ticket nominated there ,
'hia ticket , continued the speaker , will
o elected because every American
horovcr ho may bo , feels that ho will
o protected in his political rights ,
nd because every man who labors will
o remunerated by an honest day'a
ages. The imuo between the parties
oday is free trade or the protection of
.morican industries. Mr. Thurston
ion discussed at length the elleet which
roe trade bud upon Ireland after the ab-
.ition of import duties by the English
overnniont about tlio year 1800.
If Cleveland could bo elected by the
] iigliah capitalists , ho would bo the next
ircsidont by their unanimous vote ; but
lank Clott , it is settled by no foreign
lower , but l > y men from every _ nation
nider the tilobo and citizens of this great
"In conclusion , " said the speaker ,
'hero worship haw not entirely ceased in
lia noon-day of the nineteenth century ,
t won thu custom among certain poopbj
n ages gene by to place upon their
ilondy shielda their most valiant in war ,
nd crown him king , and ap the ropub-
ican party has put up as its standard
) oarera its greatest men , whom it will
rnwn with the highest ollico in the gift
any pooplo. "
Mr. liurko was next called upon , who
poke principally upon the tariu"question.
lo was followed by 11. D. Estorbrook ,
I' . W. KYI.K , EM > ,
vas next called for , who spoke at some
cngth upon the production ot Ameiican
ndustrii'H , and thu respective characters
of thu several candidates. Ilo also icfor-
cd to the ingratitude of the democratic
maty , in setting aside such men as Dny
ird nnd Thurinan , who have grown gray
n its Burv'ico. 'J bo republican party is
ho friend and protector of labor , and has
loininutod men who have long labored
vith it nnd for it , and
whoso iiolicfB for tlio future nro
veil murk od out by their acts in the past ,
. 'lie republican party protects free labor
a against paupnr labor. The speaker
onclmled by stating that the foreign
> ewers , which opposed thn ascendency
of the republican parly , are still KH
greatest opponents.
The opovrh waa wall received nnd
oudly applauded.
Mr. Sinythu was next called for who
tatcd on account of the latonesa of thu
lour ho would postpone his speech to
onio other time.
Throe cheers were thnn given for the
iokut and the mooting adjourned.
Latest sheut music nt
Oor. 15th and.Djdgc , opp. post oilieo.
Moriluir ol' I lie Hoard on
SATUUIIAY , Aug. 28 , 1881.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment.
Prfaunt. Comniiaaionora Kiii ht , O'Kooll'o
nd Corliss ,
The clerk waa initruotod to return lo
olin Hollonbock $25 , amount deposited
a aocurity in Road No. : < U8. B.
Sumuol Lippincott was nppointod oon-
table Omaha precinct No. 2 and bond
The following resolutions were
doptod :
Keaolvtil , That the county trenhiircr ba
nd hi'reby ia diructod to dnnv from tlio KIMI-
nd fund $ 'J.r > ,76 and apply the aaino tu thu
.mnent of thu dolliuiiiuiit no ( iiml t of V
) OiMiiivrfurthoyMiiH 1875 , 1877 , 1878 , IB'll
nd ll-M , on I'Cjiunt tf nurvlcfH at petit jiuur
uno tnrin , IBM ) .
Iti'tulvod , Tlmt tha enmity CHTK hu nud In
inri'br initnictcd tu notify K , KMvcrs. .
rchltect fur tlio nutv court luiutc , t < i coiiipli it
nd funv.ud tu UjiiLtlai cuinity , liirthulth , tha
ruiiHunil 'uoclllcailoua fur fiirnituru in ttie
lew court house.
Tlio potitiuii from citi/.ntia nndtax-pay-
r of the I' irat ward in regard to the
88-1 ntieaimunt , wna ordered illud and
referred to J. 0. Cowin , EJIJ , county
Iu ucoordinco with a petition tiled by
Max Sierf , prajins ; foru private rnud , the
ooard appointed John llillunbeck , John
Lomko and Herman lloria , commission
ers to view and mark out n private road
The following accounts were allowed
H Awty , Kf dlii ( ? . 25ft
S. 3'r > o , grndlnft . 10II.W
N' . Otimo , work nn rniul . 180
T. Jlitchlo , work on tend . 37.5
\V. Uowllnp , work cm ro.vl . 111.0
1' . Cawidv , wcirk on rend . 15.5
J. McArcllo , dnin.iRf on road HI' ' 15. . . . 70.0
\f. Dnlfy , work DM road . 31 o
H. 1C. Tl'tntn" , work o toad . lit. 6
M. Konncly , prndiii ) ; . 150/ (
1) . Coglcy , work on mad . 3.5
I ) . O. rintphtn , uoik on road . -13.H ,
1) . IMtcdtnan , RrAdiiiR . 21I.U ,
llKNKIIAr. H'Nl ) .
Win. lofl" ! petit juror. Juno 1RSI . . . . S 3.1C
A. Kirchoftl , repairing liarn at jmor
farm . 30.00
K. I ) , Cooper , halanco jutlt jiiror . . . . 12.2i
11. Dcihcrty , dnf ( tax rrltindrd . 1.00
Oinalm Kopuhlirin , hookn , lilankn nnd
stationery for 183 1 . 4H7.H3
, t. Iluck , city treasurer , psvlnp tax. . . . ( i20.'J (
.1. It 1' A. Co. , 1'otlt juror . ( jl 0 (
I. Tiirnhull , witn"M fco . 2.CK
C , A. llaldwni , dofcnding prlsuiicr. . . . 25 Ol
( t. H , Thomii' , Rroccrit-s tor jmor . 17.55 !
SVomltnan Lln cod Oil Works , oil for
county . C.2.r
IV'rkini i ( ' l.anrj dWioi for poor farm . . 1.0 (
1' . K. Mooron , tickoto for poor . 7.iD
Adjourned to the 27th inat.
County Clork.
A. Prlvnto fc'clionl to lie Opened In
Tills Clly September l t.
On September 1st t litre will bo opened
in this city an institution , tha need of
which has long boon felt. It vrill bo
opened under such a management as will
insure it success , and it will immediately
leap into popular favor.
The institution referred to ia a private
school which will bo opened the first of
September at the northeast corner of
Sixteenth nnd Davenport streets , under
the immediate charge of Mrs. T. II. Ed-
jar and Miaa Cartio E. "NVymnn. The
Dbjoct of this school will bo to combine
ivitli the necessary diaciplino of school
nrork a method of teaching which will
iwakcn the interest of the pupils and
nako the studios of practical uao , also to
: mng the child under all the influences of
i careful homo training. In order to lay
; ho foundation in early childhood for a
iroad education , and to form tastes which
vill tend to n higher culture , nn ondoa-
. or will bo made to present in a simple ,
intcrtniniEg way , suited to the compro
louaion of children , many matters of
general information in branches which
tovolop the mind , cultivate the powers
if observation , and which , if loft to bo
ircsontcd in text-books , with technical
mines , or formidable Hats of dates and
acts , often fail to interest anil educate.
In order to carry out this plan of work
t will of courao bo naceaaay to drop
nany of the uneasentials of moro routine
Especial attention will bo paid
o the study of languages. The
English language will bo taught with
; roat care and attention , to insure first ,
jorrect speaking nnd writing , and later a
.borough knowledge of its structure nnd
IWB , and it ia hoped that the plan of
laving daily exorcises in Gprman and
French , lining the name method of teach-
ng as in English , viz , beginning with the
to-called object looaqns , will moot with
jonoral approval.
To those desiring it French and Gor
man will be taught to all children under
twelve years of ago , as a part of the reg
ular The desirability of this cnn
bo readily soon , aa the pupil will thou bo
prepared to take up a regular course in
these languages with a preparation which
enables him to enter unduratandingly
upon a higher course of English. The
plan ia baaed upnn the principles of the
language schools , lends to the study of n
language in books written in that Liu-
guago and the lirat stops above mentioned
are essential to the thorough knowledge
nf n foreign tongue , especially to insure
fluency in speech.
A most important part of n complete
education , ia a thorough knowledge of
the ways of the household nnd it is
hoped that parents will want their chil
dren to have the advantages of the cook
ing and sowing school to ba opened in
the same building with the privalo
school about thu middle of October. A
part of n day once or twice n week de
voted to these branches will bo of incal
culable value to the child , both as n
change from school work and for UBO in
lifter life. The departments of cioking
iind nowing will bo open to all who doairo
instruction , adults or children nnd will
bo moru extensively spoken of in another
That this school ia ono of the great
needs of thia city cannot bo gainsaid nnd
it is to bo hoped that those ladles who
have undertaken this work will meet with
the hearty support of the citizens of
Omaha , ns they nro worthy of any help
that may bo given them tending toward
making the school n successful and per
manent ono.
Have you aeon the Cttinpalffn
at Moore's , where the lion rouru for the
cheapest and best goods in the woat
Como nnd aoo thorn , it will do you good
lloul ICHlntn
Tlio following transfers were filed in
the county clerk's oilieo yesterday and
reported for TUB HKK by Ames' real ez-
tate ngency , August 2Ild :
D. L. Thomas and wife to M. A. S
White , w. d. , lot 8 , block , 72 , Florence ,
525.S. . and 1. SchloBsingor to D. K. Schloi-
linger , w. d. , lots 7 , 8 and 0 , block J ,
llmiry fc Shelton's addition , SO.ROO.
E. M. Iliggins and huuband to II , A ,
Noyes , w. d. , lots 1 and 2 , block 7 , sub-
livUion of John 1. Hedick'a addition ,
5t,70(5. : (
Jauiea Flannory and wife to T. Collo-
iv w. d , , part lot A , Ilascall'a addition ,
A. E. Touzalin to P. J. Creaton , w. d. ,
; ota J and 14 , Hillside addition , § 1,700.
U. and L. S , flood and wivoa to M ,
Mani > nid , w d , 100 ucrra in aoo 'Ji : , 15 , 11 ,
F. Dlnklomcyor and wife to A. Brown ,
tr d , lot 10 , block D , Lowo'a lit add ,
T. 0. Wallace and wife to 11. II. Day ,
1 a d , pawl aeo 18. 1C ) , Kl. S2GCO.
J nnd M. 0. to L. M Edwarda , w d ,
lot 12 iu block 4 , Onmha View , ? 350.
Mt'sa , Kaufman liros , , of 207 S. 15th
street , will give to each and every pur-
chaiier nf 25 oenU worth of cigara a num
bered iickut which will bo good for on *
ohancu in the drawing of a $40 golf
watch. Thaao ilriwingn will take placi
on the last duy of each month until fin-
thur notice ,
Synopsis of a ScrraoD by Key , , J
Italia Snnflay.
Jlcv. , ) . S.Uctxvcllcr 1'rcnuhcN a Good
Hound Sermon In thn First
Sunday morning Rov. W. J. Ilniaho
of the First Presbyterian church , nnt
Hov. J. S. Dotwcilor , of the IKnglisli Lu
thcrmi church , exchanged pulpits. Tin
morning waa stormy , and only omall con' '
rogations assembled at cither place ,
The sermons wore both g nd , and a syn
opsis of each is given below :
1'rov.i : , 33. 'lie that wliintlh Minis in
wl.o. "
In thcsa words wo have two tilings : n dclln-
to plan of llfo pointed out. and the wisdom of
that plan stated. Tlio plan in the winning of
noub. And on tlio wonl ( if Solomon , tlio
wisest of men. It In paid that tliN occupation la
, ho hlic ! ( ; t witdom and the moat lasting nnd
complete luppinc'Mi.
There I'H no rnyatory about what is meant by
tlio w inning uf souls. It la thu putting forth
of prayerful nnd well-directed effort for the
lalvution of men. The word "win" has lo\o
u it. There mnnt bo persuasion nnj alfec-
.lon.ito tindcrnctx used. Hut there is nleo
strength in the wnrd. In the Hebrew it is
Itornlly "tako" "ho that 'tikcth'somV as
f grasping thorn from present rulu. Both love
and strenKth , both persuasion and vigor , both
stratagem nd tact , nro to bo used In winning
the souls of men to Christ. They nro nolrieti
ami din-stained and headstrong , and Christian
vorhcra need tlio wisdom of serpents and the
larmlejmcjs ( if doves.
Tht-roaro both direct and indirect efforts
or souls , ] iy the dircu is meant the ordinary
vork In the Sabhath-fclnol , and in the daily
lllilo instruction , nnd in the preaching of the
gospel from the pulpit. The conscious object
if Mich effort is to bring men to acknowledge
.heir pinfuliUHHand lly to Chiist for help , and
10 wo may properly call it ( Jnect. It Is often
jiat tccdinpllshod by simply living a godly
ifc. Yon fay you are not adapted to ovan-
rollsttc effort ; you cannot speak of the faith
hat in in you , and you have no nkill In ex-
ilniniug the scriptures. Work through your
ifo , then. Youcanlivoif y u cannot wpeak.
Vnd yon may have for your motive of living
podly and truly that mon may bo saved
hrouih ; your example. You think , not what
' 111 the world lay , but what will the world
o ,
You may also accomplish this direct work
jy mini ; your personal inllucuco. Sometimes
' ( in hear persons objecting to influencing poo-
ilo to hecoma Christians. The objection is
icifcctly foolish. ] f men may use frlendfliiji
mil ptrional tnagnitUm to win souls to evil
iiere can bo no impropriety in our using them
i win Houls to God. Our Lord outlined this
ork when ho sold : " If thy brother trespass
uainst theo go nnd toll him Ins fault bctweon
am and theo alone ; if ho nhall hear theo , thou
last won thy brother. " If wo may ttso tact
nd personal iufluonco in winning a brother
who has trospajied ngaiust us , smely wo may
leo thorn when that mother lias done wiong
leforo God.
] Jut tharp may also bo indirect work for
mid. 'ill is 1 can best illustrate by example.
) neday John the Baptist waa talking with
wo of Ilia deaciples near the Jordan , when
xiintlnp' to a man who was passing , John
aid : "Behold the Lamb of ( Joel , who taketh
way the sin of the world. " Olio of thesa ile-
ciples was Andrew. I lo went and found hu
inithor Peter and brought him to Jesus. Thii
nis direcl work. Tima passed on and An-
row falls out of our notice ; but Peter bo
nnes a leader in the Gospel work. On the
> .iy of I'enticostSOOO people were saved by
Is sermon. 13ut the ciedit of this successful
ay'it work was laid as much to the account
f Andrew an to 1'eter. Ho had been tha
leans of Diving 1'eter , nnd I'ctar'u work
ould go partly to hit ciedit. Tiiii U indl-
set or modute work. Take another example :
'hili [ ) hud boon d ing a gnuul work in Sama-
a ; ttio whole town nas ttiired iu a glorious
ovival , Uut God calloil him to leave this
nd go down by thu desert way , tlieio to meet
solitary inan in a chaiiot. This man Wus
ived and in thut ono deed I'hilip sat in mo
oa an agency that wrought moro oud than
ho had uunvortEil an hundred f5.inuui.inp.
'ho tnmich was an Afiicau and
ut of Afiica , through his pieachlngof Chiist ,
xme Ongan , Cyprian , Atluunilana , Alnniui.
XugiistiiiB , 1'erp.tiu and tha rest , nil useful
nd Godly LhrUtlnn workors. Sovo cannot
.oil what a mighty work wo are accomphhhing
n biiiiging ono soul , it may bo a little child ,
o Christ. Through that mid wo may go on
orking while the world stands and leap re-
Mid for all eternity.
Henci ) results the wisdom of winning souls.
'hero _ U an interest and a happiness in the
ork iti-elf that nothing else can give. 15y
J'H work wo have a cliauro to gain iinmortali-
y , such as no moro painter , or sculptor , or
ihilauthrnpUt over dronmrd of. And by this
vork wu put oiu-clvod in the way of having a
llowship with Christ in Heaven , far sweeter
lanwuuould otherwise enjoy. Is not the.
ork w ise ? Let mo shout continually iu your
; irH , thnn , the cry that the teiitinels in the
: ump of the cin aders were compelled to phout
lourly , "J'oniember the Holy Sepulchre ! "
Umomher thut sepulchre into which Chiist
rai laid and out ot which ho come to gi\o us
fn .ind immortality , and let us briu uthers
ally tu bellevo Iu him ana live.
The sci vices yesterday mot nine : at the
) edge stieet 1'rcHbyterian chinch , wcio con-
nctcd by l.ov. J. K. Dotwoller , pastor of the
juthcran church. The lermiiu was a veiy
lain and f rciblo presentation of the funda-
leutal truths of the tjospsl. The singing by
lie choir P'l-Benscd ' iU imml sweetness and
larmony , The suprano cole immediately
iroceding the set niou breathed tlio spirit of
lie gospel , iind wax rendered with cisllnct
mmuiatlon aud power.
The speaker china lor the text of bin ( lis-
ourriu , AH ( iiid for Christ's mko lui fui iv
n you. " All tervico fhntihl bo done for
'hrist'rt Hake , the nuke of him who i < the cyn-
hiiro of all ttye.s , the pomon whiim Xiipoleon
lonorcd with the woulu , "I Ha iwpect in mil-
ur l though dead hululnds of yearh. '
The declaration of for huuiKa is clear urn.-
uivocal and positive.
It U soinctinifs hoard from the lips of the
leoplo that forgiveness is on account of cor-
. mi o'uulit.oiis ' of the mind. They nvldently
liink tbarols an inheient power of thn mind
which when operating under certain circum-
Unces will piopaio the mind , or soul , for the
eternal it t" heaven.
Hut thi U not the ciUorlon of judKement ,
vo must laKe that lieloved book , that detested
look -tlio bible , Thu is thu tinal appeal for
cno\vleda < la relfcMiico to futnixoi.oss.
When Clnist healed thimo who \\CMI tick
nd told tin in to trust God for temporal and
ulniii blouiug instead of telling tlum to feared
od ; the I'lmrisea luotested and felt it , was
icir duty to put the iKolistical pettonago out
f the hearing of the people ,
Heaven U ntfered to yon , while pardon Is
i\en tu you , A father glveji a birthday
iieouut to hU sou and promises a part of his
vfiilth hen ho is of ngr , If ho is u respectable.
nd loyal son. Man must rely upon that
liich lias been uttt'rtd by the creator of the
irth aiul the starry heavens , and not upon
m uureltahltt oporutious of the wind.
Upon what ground was thin declaration
lade ! It wa not upon the moiiU of work
iino by man let man consume his timu and
dunU to obtain this ono thiiiK and tie will
all. And man cannot rely up-
DII the abundance uf work of
athera.Vo must not lo deceived by the dee
trine ot minererogatlen Won not > ely only
upon the merits of Him who in the majesty of
iiuity cuiuo to the hnlpltn mottils of earth
and offered to them His hnnd , Some men of
nxcelloiit morul character muko this plan for
them olve9 , " 1 will bo good , I will go to
church , 1 will read tha lublo and lira ) , and
then 1 will go tu heaven " lint \\hilu thin a
giKid stou to take , It ia a eerlou * error wlun n
person thlnka it biiHiclott. IkOilud all this
ttiuro must Im OIKI Mnall reiiultltion a loving
faith without vvhii h the test U us barren as
I scrt. "Not by the law of woiks , but by the
Uw of faith. " A certain juJpn during the
ilinn of the vvnr , tlii.ught IIH would not do at
nuch i hlhinthro | It ) w ik but tend morn ei-
iitciiklly to his profesuion. One day a soldier
auiH lo liiui with roimoit which the judge
'id ' not hftd , butvvheu the man pioducfd a
olt r , ami that letter was from hit sou Char-
oy , luMiik'hU father for bin tftko to p\\a \ thu
in MI : t klrd reception , the fivthor cd
did for him the B me M ho would hsvo don
for hit fen , under dlmllar elrcum tnncci. S
( iod acccjits inpii when they hand Him a lottc
from His nun , Jesus.
Some think they are victims of clrcunr
stances , atd will ! carried to heaven by tin
tender mercies of God. the same M chair i
carried by the wind , but a permit mu t bi
suru ho is an adopted Jim nf God and thei
praise him for It , not live a life of prayer foi
salvation. I'ralcp ( { nd for that which yoi
havo. What will you do with the crops o !
forglvones , . The apostles went nverywhcrf
and told whcro thn cross stood , why itstooil
there and what you must do to bo saved by It ,
If you know that you stand In the position ol
a > Inner you will lly to Christ , and vou will
ask , What I dn to bo saved' ' There Is
no formula < if woik for you to do , you must
simply ttiHtulmt Chriit has caid , and If you
hava faith then work will blosrom as natur
ally as the rcsobuch. I do not protch idle
ness , but I prenih the necc lty of the foim
tain of life lining in every heart that It may
ivetllow wiili joy. lh it vv-eik for Christ may
if but a sound ol Its mu lcal waters. All
men must yield 1 1 thu word" , "For Christ's
alee1' and b.v thix all mon are placed on an
( | iml footing. Nniie can boast wlillo all have
ullicient t- > thank Omnipotent Love for , clur
Lg llfo aud etert.ity ,
Ji'tmbc J'ianzn , for palo by
n'-'o.lit MAX Mr.YKii & Bito.
Seal of North Carolina tobacco the la
Glicnp ! Cheap ! Olicnp !
Fine atoel engravings with elcgnnt
frames , paintings , art materials , canals
nnd art goods at bottom figures at A.
IIospo , 1519 Dodge stroot. A5-lm
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To
A. D. Powds , of IVotnont , h ai o Metro
poll tan.
John K y , of Grand Island , is at the Metropolitan -
politan ,
J. H. Wnrton , of Sevvard , is at th Metro
1 * . Otlar , of North 1'latte , is htoiiping at
the Metropolitan.
C. N. Kmery and wife , of IJea'.rlce , are at
the Metropolitan.
J. W. Adams , of Xotth Ucnd , is registered
at the Metropolitan.
AVarreii Switelcr , Esq , Jeturned yesterday
from a trip to Spirit Lake , Iowa.
Mr. N. Merrlain , of the firm of Illmebaugh
& Merriam , has returned from an extended
eastern trip.
jr"L McPheeloy , A. H. Burnett , A. C.
Christanus , of Minden , are quaiterod at the
Metropolitan ,
Mr. Paul Wilcox and his mother , of Now
York city , are in this city , the guests of Mrs
Stephens , 2502 Harnoy stroot.
Wo are pleased to learn that Itlchard S ,
Hall and wife are expected homo from their
extended eastern trip some time this week.
IIiiii. P. M. Mullen , wife and family , left
yesterday morning for a two weeks' visit ti
the Donnelly home , near Friendville , this
Hon. Charles I'1. Mauderfou , accompanied
by his wlfo and Mrs. 1C. C. Brown , arrived
in the city yesterday morning and took rooms
at the Millard , where , tliey will remain in
Mr. W. II. Aniiiu and wife have returned
from a bridal tour through the ea'.t. They
will remain in tnis city until Thursday , when
they will tike tholr departure for Fort lobiu !
ton , their future home ,
Mr. C. F. Goodman hai gone to Milwaukee
keo to attend the annual inciting of the
Pharmaceutical Association of Ameilca. Mrs.
Goodman and daughter a cnmpanied him up
on the trip.
Ilev. W. P. Davidson , pa.-.tor of the Metho
dist church in Painsvil'e , Ohio , wno has been
in the city for several days visiting friends ,
leftlast evening for Atchiuson , Kail. , where a
brother resides.
MiiS Mary J1' . Campbell , daughter of .Mr.
John Campbell. citsto'Jian of the U. S. gov
ernment building , returned yesterday from a
six months' visit with fiiends in Boston and
other places in the east. . Thomis and C. Gillespio , of
Falls City , came up to Omaha yesteiday to
take the neccs-ary steps to enter the cases
of Putnam against Wittwer and C'omad , re
reutly decided by V. S. Judge Dimdy , in
tha supreme comtof the I'nited States.
Paas-e ,
Fhl pouilcr no\or varies. A marvel of purencM
.trenk'tli anil wholesJinoni'Si lloio eoooumlcal timu
.honrillnary kluil , aailaannotbu mJ ! la competition
ltli tlio multitude ot low tent , thort Height alum or
iho iiliatu poudom. Hold onlr In cans. UOYAL
lias boon etitabUiliud and etpecl&lly equipped ( or til
tioalmcnt ol dUcanvn ol the
Nervous System ,
Blood , Kidneys ,
And Bladder ,
AU d ! oato producing Hood linpurltliaand rols-
inlii ; , viili pliiiiik'H on the skin. I/ltcaicaol the liter
llhcuiuitKin , l'ik , C'hrunla Fouia'e Diirateii.dl'vascii
jl I lie tye and bar , Uitanh , Aitlnna , Ilronchilla ate
ill tri atcd by new an I tuccwlul nifthojs , Iu lading
Ihu Vitalize I Uttueu treatment , Younxlloa JIIJ.
illu Aiiid and old .Men , bUiTuilii | { from i cnom dtbll ,
it ) mil rxhaudltou , fro * any MUtu ubatetcr , | < ru1u
L-inirliidUiiXloii , luUltatlon , deiiul ucy , dUilnos ) ,
IVM ol memory iak r ( ciitiK ) ' Bl"l ambition , can bo
ifirmai ontly nnu mwtilily cured , NU CUUiC O
I'AYKOU'lllKATJlhXl' Tbe pliynlclan In olarso
l i. ri'uuUr iiraduttetiKHai itudUU lilt rrofcmtun
In Unison , ( url an J llvr'lu. Id luauexptlt In 11
dlicaui of tlio I'riniry organs In both iiui. II > ou
a o nillU'U-d'all IT nrlto lull dtio.lpilon ol your
i mo , uud luilklno may la Kent ) ou. t'ontultatlon
Irte. Addivtt ull coa.iuimk-atlmm t'lutlit Urjienu-
ry , Crounai ) ' * lllrcXOinalia , Neb. ( )1lco Muu 0-tl
| > . in. , 1-5 aud 7-B p. u. 8uada ; , 0-10 a in.
Practical Painters & Decorators ,
1515 Donglas Slrcct , Omaha ,
Are prepared to do work
In any branch ,
On Short Notice
ooths' Oval Brand
B , B. BEEMER , Agent , OMAFA , NEB
The Largest Stock in Omaha : and Makes the Lowest Prices
Juat received nn assortment far surpassing anything In thla market , coroprlaln ,
the latest and moat taaty designs manufactured for thlo spring's trndo and , covorln/
a range of prlcea from the Cheapest to the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods
Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of nil the las
tomers , the newest novel IKS in styles in Turcoman , Madras and
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Iltc.j Etc.
lleofant ) Passenger Elevator to alUFloora.
fTSr A T3T "BC dWYT7TTiT ! < ni'Hr
tSJil V iisl I
Jal iJtbiBiLiD ll. ,
1206,1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB
HMD tad 1BSO Unnoy Stir ot uad < u3 d. ISIblBlrest ,
Sir arrllr M < j
? 03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , D. S. A. Eatabliahod 1878 Catarrh.
Denfnesa , Lung and Norvoua Diseases Speedily and 1-orraanontly Cured. Pationti
, Cured at Homo. Write for "THE MEDICAL-MISSIONARY , " for the Pooplo.
B'1ouanltatlon ' and Oorreapondenco Gratia. P. O. Box 202. Telephone > 'o. 26.
HON. ED\VARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , sr.ys : " )
ueu Ability ana Marked Snccoan. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
'ten ' ; % -An nnnnr.iblp " T n. Fine SnccMs. Wonderful Cures. " TTonrB R 10 5.
< o
o - o .K o
bo(9 o o tn fi i
S 03fi. . io
: ine Silverware , Mantle Clocks ,
Walnut Clocks at Bottom Prices.
BOSTON , March let , IBdl.
E . < f v iO i > - QmUMiix Your Initrumtnti , Orin Squareand Uprlzht , re really nob1
, ml . i > emty ol toae aoJ UoUh. Allow uis to congratulate vou on iyour sterling ,
jQ f
AV Dcdgo Street , Omaha ,