Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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The Bnrglars Holding High Carniva
Throniujnt ihc City ,
Fourteen HurKlnrlcs Reported fo
Hnttmlny * ml Sitiulny
nnil tlio llctuvitB
Not All In.
It has been stated by Tm : FEU aorora
imps of late thnt n hard gang had round
ml into this city and were preparing ti
"do up" th" town in the highest style o
the nrt. From present indications it i
apparent thnt they have concluded thci
preparations and arc nt their work. Fo
Saturday and Sunday nights fouttcui
burglaries have boon reported and tin
returns from the outside precincts an
not in yet. At the present rate of work
ini ; it ia estimated that they will complete
their work in thin city about thu tii'no
of the closing of the state fair , providcc'
they are not interfered with by the po.
On Friday night about 7:30 : , burglars
forced open the back-door of Mrs. 0. B.
Westron's bazaar , Xo , 115) ) south Fif
teenth street. They were trightoned
away before securing -my plunder.
On Saturday night the gang visited
Bergen & Smiley's grocery store , corner
of Sixtuonth and Izirdstroots. They ot
fected an entrance by boring eighteen
holes in the roar of the building and removing
moving the piece of wood tliua bored
around. They wont to work on the
eafo and succeeded in drilling two holes
in it when their drill was broken and
they wore probably frightened away , tak
ing with them only a few cigars. In the
Halo was § 41Hn ( cash which would have
boon a pretty good haul had they sue
ccedod in getting at it.
.1. II. Hl'l'.T.MAK.
Saturday night burglars entered the
grocery store of , J. H. Spotmau , corner of
Twelfth and Douglas streets. The back
door was forced open , thus affording an
entrance. The money drawer was riilod
of about $5 in cash and a few groceries
\roro taken but just the value of the
property taken can not now bu do
nEonac IUNCI itoiinci ) .
On Saturday night George King drew
his week's salary , amounting to about
S14 , and after having bought a copy of
Peck's ' Sun ho went to his homo in South
Omaha. Ho wont to bed , anct loft his
pants , containing the money , lying upon
a chair. During thu night some follow
crept in , and now George mourns the loss
of hii cash.
On Saturday night a man named Billy
Cone was stopped on Sixteenth street ,
near Nicholas , by two men , and his mon
ey demanded. Billy could not look at it
11 ( .hut light , and made a bold break for
the two footpads and ran thorn down the
On Saturday night the homo of a
watchman in the distillery , who resides
on Division street , was visited by the
burgulars. They hud juat got iiiai'Jo ' and
waa going through the man's pants when
liis little daughter awakened and cried
loudly for a drink of wator. This fright
ened the intruders , and they beat a
hasty retreat , leaving the valuables behind -
hind them.
On Saturday night burglars entered
the room of John Carmicael , on lower
Williams street , and carried off § 10 in
cash , and n half gallon of whiskey. How
can a man bo so rockloas as to leave a
whole half gallon of whiskey BoHing
around within the roach of burglars.
Such carlesanoas is inexcusable.
Sunday night burglars paid a visit to
the residence of Mr. J. Lauor 2018 Doug
las streot. Mr. Lauor was sleeping up
stairs ' "it. the movements of the burglars
in the moms below awakened him. Ho
hoard thorn ascending the stairs and
awaited the coming of the foo. In a few
momoi.ts the folding doors were slightly
opened , and a man's head was viaibta.
Bang vjnt the revolver and skedaddle
went the burglar. Down the ataira ho
wont , live or aix steps at a jump. Ho
did no stop to take anything with him
but mx.Uu tracks through the mud. John
got up , ixamined thu door , found a bul
let hole and again laid himself down to
sleep the sleep of th just.
David Guild'H Tenth street grocery
store evidently has a strange fiscination
for burglars. It was again visited Sunday
night and a quantity of groceries carried
A ( JLOTlIINfi STOIli : IJNTKlinn.
Sunday night burglars broke a window in
the rear of F. L. Iluf'a clothing store , on
the corner of Sixteenth and Dodge
streets , and carried oil' live coats and
-t'treo pairs of pants.
Leaven worth street was Sunday night
visited by the gang. A. L. Strong's resi
dence , near the corner of Loavonworth
and Fifteenth streets , was entered. The
key in the door was turned by a pair of
nippers , and $4 was carried olf.
John Smith , whoso residence is next to
Mr. Strong's , was entered Sunday night ,
nd § 13 was taken out of his pants.
Mr. Strobison , next door , was visited
And is $ . ' ! short this morning.
Mr. George Dickinson saw two men
prowling around his place last night and
gave chase but was unabln to overhaul
No clue has been obtained to any of
the above burglaries and it ia evident
that a regular gang is working
the city. _
The Dclefjatcs And Oandldatca Ap-
Voatorday witncaaol the arrival of thu
advance guard of the republican politi
cians of thia state to attend thoatato con-
ventiou which moota in thia city tomor
row. Only a small portion of the dele
gates are on the yround , nor have all the
candidates , as yet put in an appoaranco.
It ia expected , however that by tonight
nearly all , if not all , will have arrived ,
nnd everything will bo in readiness
for busineaa Wednesday morning. The
convention will ba held in the opera
house and called to order at 10 a. in.
Hon. Ci. W. K D rsoy , chairman of the
state central committee , came in from
Fremont yesterday and ir making all
necessary preparations to facilitate th
object which has called them together
The following candidates arrived ycstor
day aud luvo been busy since thier en
trance here in surveying th
aceno and looking nfter thci
fences : lion. William Loose , Seward
ard candidate for nttornoygonural
11. Orosshan , .Clay county , candidat
for tuiditor ; Nils Anderson , Vilmoro
candidate for land commissioner ; . U
Willnrd , Thayer county , and 0. L
Limb , Stanton county , caiulidntca fo
treasurer ; Colonel AlforU Lincoln , candi
date for auditor ; nnd Ooorpo U. Innr , o
Omaha , and W. W. AV. loncs , of Lin
coin , candidates for etulo stipcrintundon
of pultlic instruction.
Tlio Hoard MnkliiK Klnnl 1'rcparn
lions Tor tlio Stnto b'alr.
The board of managers of the Stat
Board of Afiriculturo hold n meeting it
the P.ixton hotel last uvoning at whicl
.1. B , Dinsmorc , Chris , llartman , Kobl
W. Furnns , William U. Bowen , J. C
Laughlin , ,1. JL Burke , W. U. Barstuw
S. M. Barker , 3id ! , Mclntyro and .1. Jen
eon were present ,
A communication was road from Mr.
[ lalloy , ot Fairbury , inquiring whether
or not the board would allow him to trot
lis horse on the otato fair grounds , as ho
lad been ouspondcd for violating the
lational association rules on a private
rack. The board decided ho ohould not
10 allowed to trot on its track.
The question of advertising privileges
of the funco around the grounds was giv
en to the driving park association as
gainst the managers of the state fair.
The resignation of Walter Pickoroll as
uporintondent of the sheep claa ? , was
accepted , nnd Frank Holt of Gogo coun
y was appointed to fill the vacancy.
A communication from Mrs. Koininc-
on , superintendent of fine arts , notified
ho association that she could not bo
> rcsont during the state fair. Authority
ras given to General Superintendent
Bowen to fill the vacancy.
It was also decided by the board to
offer premiums for Shetland ponies , but
heir amount was not determined.
A race for Nebraska four-year-old oolta
was also decided upon , the details- bo
greed upon hereafter.
Authority was given Secretary Furnas
o arrange and have published a com-
iloto programme of the fair.
The board then adjourned.
Vn Old Man Koblied of Ills A'alunblCH
l > y a Couple of Hiilllnns.
Two men named Scott Ilalbort and
fins Bodda were arrested last night by
Captain Donahoo on tlio clmrgo of rob-
> ory and lodged in the city jail.
It appears that a stranger in the city
amed Schlank was aoan going down
tintll street between Douglas and Dodge
cstorday forenoon in a more than slight-
y inebriated condition , accompanied by
; wo men whoso presence boded him no
ood. Schlank waa towed into the alley
jQtween Eighth and Ninth , and n short
mo afterward ho was soon with his
watch-chain dangling from his vest' '
> ockot.
The matter was given Captain Donahoo
> y a colored woman who witnessed the
tvholo affair. The description of the
men waa given him nnd after taking the
ild man to jail the captain nnd Officer
iloystin arrested Halhert and Bodda on
apitol avenue , who were nftorward
dontiGod by * the colored woman ns
lavinp committed the rob-
> ory upon Schlank. The old
nan was too drunk last night yet to in-
Diligently state what ho had lost. The
romaii says , however , thcso men took
rom him a watch and a roll of bills.
i'ishor , n roustabout in that vicinity was
nested on the suspicion that ho too
enow too much about the affair. JTal-
ort says ho is working on the Omaha , St.
'aul , Minneapolis , < t Chicago railway.
micron , of I'npillion , AtiiilicH to
Mcoullooli lor a Iln-
Yesterday a complaint was filed in a
mticn court in Sarny county , against
Loraco O. Bancroft , who kocp.1 n enloon
i Pdpillion , charging him with violating
lat section of the Slocum law which
rovides that no screen shall bo placed
vcr thu doors or windows of such a place
f business. The complaint was inquired
ito by Iho justice , the proceeding being
i the nature of an examination and
Jancroft hold in the sum of ? , ' ! 00 to ap-
> ear at tlio next term of court.
An application was then filed in Iho
ounty court of that county for a writ of
mbeas corpus , the application being
msed on the ground that the justice had
urisdiction under the staluto to hoar
nd determine the case and if found
uilty to pass sentence upon the defend-
nt. The application was denied and the
iriaonor was handed ovpr to Snoriff
ipcarman , who brought him to Omaha
or safo-keoping. On his arrival here his
ttornoya filed an application in the
ounty court of this county setting up the
amo grounds as in Sirny. Shorill' Hpoar-
nan brought Bancroft into court and do-
ivoiod him to that tribunal. Ilia bail ,
which was fixed at $ . ' ! 00 , was given , and
tie prisoner was released , The hearing
was tot down for September 2 ,
With Durkoo'd SauJ Dressing there
s no waste or disappointment. Vou are
iortain to produce a good salad , It costs
ets than homo-made , and is , besides , n
50od table aauce.
Dr. K , K. Livingston , uf I'latUmonth , wlio
las filled tlio chair of nurgcry in thu Omaha
Icdicnl Inhtltuto for Homa tiini. ' pn t , has
) oen elected to that of the priiicijilcH nnd
iractiruiif luedlcino In the \idini Ua Collcgd
CModitino nt Linciiln In tliin utato. Dr.
.Ivingtton lias rosl neil liu | ionltliiii in thu
linalia institute , DC. 8,1) , Mcrcur , a ii'ccnt
irofcBHOr of ' medical mirKery In the Omatju
Iixlicnl institute , him licuu dusted to tlio
UIIIQ chair in thu Uulvir ity of Nebraska Col-
egc of Miidicini ) nt Lincoln , ThoHi- two gen-
leincn h ivi ) u usptvd tliesu pnailiona todiich
licy liavo Itsen i-lcctcd , anil will ontfr upon
lifir dutiuH ut the oi' ' ' of thu uiiivtTnlt
Uth , j
The combination , proportion , and pro.
CSB in preparing Hood's Saraaparillo , are
peculiar to thia medicine , and unknown
to o'hera ,
HKIII.IX , August 2."i It ii rumored tli.i
1'rjiico nnd China nro inclined to request CJrt
man mediation , nnil tbat Karen Control
French mnlunjador , ha l > cen tixpieitcd t
loiilul Disnmrk on the subject.
A KIlKXni OITIC-KH kll.t.Kll.
Loxitox , August -Semi-olliclal advice
from China report that dm lug the bombard
meiit of Koo Chow , a French olllr r of hig' was killtd ; nti'l ' only three Chinese gin
iHuts were destroyed.
1111. ru > vii TO nn-OMMKXci : IIOSTIUTIK.
l.ovttox , Auguit 2. i A I'oo C
of yo U > nlnv says that during tin1
one of the French Iron-clad * was struck am
badly damaged. Shu will b > - repab-cd dining
the night. The 1'ieiich will recommend
Citing nt three Inunrrow morning ,
l.oxpox , Augmt 2A Times Hong Kniii ,
dldpatcli .vys taut the Chlnim-wbonie wholly
tinprcpatfd for war , deiiounej the mnlprac
tlces of proMiieial governors , nnd will hoh
them answerable for any collnpjcs uf nattonn
defence" .
Thti 1'ivnchrro elated atClnneso pugutclfy
'cause this will condnco to protiaetod bus
tlbtic ) , in which cuso only the capture o
IVkiu will effectually entl the
tnillic on the Cimtuiithcr has beei
prohlbi cd.
There is an riiormana increao in stocks
and the import Undo generally Is paralyzed.
l.nxiHix . " . . ' '
, AiniHt2."i.--Tho'rcleprapb't-rinan !
ci l nrt'clo taj-s tint the war between Vraliea
and China bus led to an lncren < n In
at Moyds nnd vniioux other ItiMirniico ofllesi' ,
r > reuilnnn of 10 to Id per cent being paid on
ve.'M'ls laden with munitions of war lor China.
Slrong rtiprrsfntations will bo tnado by Mug-
land , ( ierniaiiy anil America to Premier 1-Vny
in lelatiun to the treaty poiUof thn Chinese
etnpiie. Although it is not believed that the
I'ronch xvlll leally attempt to blockade tin-
ports , U. is prubablo thtt tlio rates uf the cur
rent Jlincing lane markets will be enhanced
in ashoit time , especially the rates un teu
Till : CIIOI.IMIA AT Sl'K/.lA.
5fhA SIT./.IA , Augmt 2a Over I't.OOO people
hive loft the city un account ( of the ennlcra
scale. Four pel-sons died on the trains leav
ing here nnd the e.irnages were immediately
burnel. Trains In the fnttiro will carry an
inPirma y and n | loct"r , o that In event the p.ifl
pengow are attacked they can bo eared for at
once. Nobody will be allowed to tidt | the
city until the cordon has been temoved.
VIKXXA , xVng. 25. The inter national mar
ket opened todayOflicial returns for crops
in Austria and Hungary chow wheat to be n
little over the average yield , and thu iniallty
lluctuatlnc ; barley , over , oat * excellent , malne
yield medium , wfieat ; available ) for export , 8-
1)00,000 ) metric cwt. , corn , -1,000,000 cwt. anil
oats 2,000OJO cwt.
The merchants and public generally are
warned rgalnst accepting iiuy drafts made by
CJ. \Voingavt , who nho travels under
nEsumud names , and v.ho represents himself as
a traveling man nnd has made Hoveral right
drafts upon 113. He was novcr in our employ.
( KG. MAIIKS ft Co. ,
Wholesale Saddlery , Hastings , Neb.
] ! OSTOX , AtiKtist 1 ! . " ) . Dispatches from Hun
gers of the leading cleinng hmM-s of the
Jnited States show that the total c'lo.iranrea
or the week ended August -id ! were S MO'J1- ! )
8" , a dterCuEo of twenty-four nnd eo\en
mndix'illli ! ) per eont.
Niw : YOIIK , August 2. . Supt. Smith of
lie llaukovH & Merchants' talegraph company
ays of the report that the company was cm-
Kirrussed to snchan extontthatit was nnahlo
o pay the wages of its unployes , that the
onipany had changed in pay day from thu
nd of each week tit the end nf each month.
'his , he supposed was what ciuscd thu ru-
iiir. Employes will lu > paid iu a few days ,
A IUSB ix oil. .
iJPrrrsiinii , August 25. Tlio lioom inaugu-
ated in oil last week continued today. Thu
norning HO'-siou was inaetlvo nnd the market
vcak , hut during tin * afternoon the market
uddenly took n jiinin upward , and closed
vp cents and a half higher than the lowest
loint of today. There was no eanso a. iBiieil
or the advance except good buying nt New
Tork nnd Oil City , and as it was entirely nn-
xpectod sborti were caught badly. The
ccne at the exchnnigo dining the last houra
vas of the wildest , nnd the hltorts
[ tonly trampled on each other in their efforts
o cover. Thu market opened SI } , advanced
0 SU , declined to S.'U , thun rallied anil
iosed hlrong ut cSSJ.
l nirjjL'K Iowa , August 25 The tr stoes
F the NowMollaray Altbey.uear Ibis cltvona
f only two Triipist ; | monnstaries in thn Unit-
1 States : decided to lu-bond its iiido'iU'dno-H '
f ? IK,000 ) , at live years , at li per cent. These
unds wcto first i"-ucd live years ago tn oover
Hiidden financial diHastcr after building n
ew abbey Sinct' then the Trappists have
\tingtii-hcd $7&OCO of tha debt , nnd the
emU arc at par. Nearly all will be negotiat-
d here. The monks own ahjiU-ndid faun
wclve miles from here , around their abbey ,
rilii.\nii.riilA ' , -Lailner Unit.
\ : , AugustLailner ,
unkeiv , di/iii ) ; bneinnss at No. . ' ! ( ) South Thini
, re ° t in thU eity , made an a igmnent to
Villiam K JInrrity to-day. Tim alignment
as mrxlo by tlm firm and Iho individual mem-
iota without making any preferences. The
i'lhUliuH : ivo cstinmted at $1&0,0'J ( ) ; assets mi-
wAitsrii's r.Miii//.i.iMKXT. : :
.Mrs. Kliia CJlcnn began netion ng.iin > .t
.OIIIH K. iiiulVjlliain I ! . ItniTows , each indi-
iiliviliy , ns executors of the will of RnswiOl
inriowH , d'iceau'd , upon a note for SU,7' ' < 0
; 'lM'n by Warner IIH evecntor of the estate ,
nd asks the appointment of n receiver pond-
ng tint di't-M-ininalion of the uetlnn. I'aul :
CxamiiiH'Villiiuiis ivfiisci to onligliten thn
epoaiturs as tj the condition uf affaird at the
> anlr ,
It-H. Illiilno'B Blstor KtxyH ( lint II or
Father Novcr Sn\v iilalno ,
SAX KUAXCISCO , August 25. The Kvoning
'ostpnlilishen n italomont from Jtln. Abbio
i. Mnrblo , employed In the San I > 'raiicieu
ostotlicu , and sinter of Mrs , ,1. ( ! , Ulalne ,
enying the publUhed nccounts that .Mrs.
Inino'd father forced Dlaino at the point of
shot-gun to marry htr. J\ln. \ Marbln snyn
lucircnniKtanca wnn a uimplo impossibility ,
H her father died in January , 1815 , never
now our HAW Jllaitio , and it was nnt till nix
ran after lliu death that her ! stor. Miss
tauvtroid , now Mrs , lihdno , law Mr , Jlluiao
or thu first time.
Arthur KeoolveH a N vul Visit.
I'noviiiKNt'E , AiiffiiHt 25. A naval squadron
vent out from Newport this afternoon ft
Vest Maud , Secretary Chandler going on
lut Tennessee , the other vexsoU of the < pmd.
on being thi Kwatara , Vandalla and Al-
anca , On the Alliance wen ) thn honntu com.
nit'.coon ordnuncu , their la-ilex , nnd Attor-
ey-Cioneral UrewDter. Tlio piirnoHii nf going
West Inland was to pay their respects to
'rchiilent Arthur 'anil halutn him. On the
' , the Tennchbee , wliuii outHido
teal Hod ; , went ou a blind luJgo .
'upUln Sclfriilgo says the chart givui nine
athoniH of wat r at the spot wherti thues -
el wtut ou , Shq uamo iilf without itsnUtanee
fter u di'lay of liftcpn iniiintes nnd as chx
was imlnjiirtd , joined the other chips un tha
vay down. I'roililent Arthur win fii-hlng
when thn 8iiudioii | hnvo in night. 'J'hen uf-
er n brief tarry the llcot icturiitd nrrhliu .nt
Newport nbuiitti'ti'ii o'clock. Arthur will
rrlvo in N-iwp-irt between tun nnd eleven to-
iiinowon thu ll jutch ind bu tainted by
IKI h'juailrnn.
A I'Yoo I'.ir nil Hpurrin
BIMPIV , Augmt 2"i Wlmltiirtheatre wan
crowded tonight owing to a uparring match
Iwtwven Domiuick JluCaffrey of I'lttsbnrK
anil 1'eti McCoy. Among the rpectatora
w < ro tfahun-'rel ' s.ocr'ing men from Now
York. lleMdra the gate receipt * there wa n
particular piiti- , but bottirg run vi-ry hlgl
New York nipn genrrnlly nupimrltMl McCoy
Thn first round con l ted in skillful pitring
with little Mno liflnxy hitting. In the n\
end rounil both nie'i resorted to wro thn
tactics in whloii McCoy showed liim df supi-i
for. Once he thn-w MeCalfiey n > heavily tha
his grunt wa hsntd all o\or the homo
and McCoy lauded Iho I'itlshurvrr on hi
til-mi the latter fairly ulumtlng with pain. V.\
ritoinnnt ran hig'i n the ftcroml round ch >
with McCalfoty yelling anil the cn' d innkinf
n tiandonionintit of noift * . In tbn thinl roum *
MtCoy was down twiee , wlirn n number < >
of I'xeltetl ntit-'idcrs jinnpnl ou the ntnge , A
McCntfrry nttempli-il to rise , Mi-Coy vtinck i
heavy blow at him , \\hleh wa the ignal fori
gonernl nirloi > , 1Mb pugilists luid nun ;
lMrli < nti < , and the o pep.irAtcd into e ) tile tiin >
foieesns they inshnl upon th > - > tuo. Join
N. Sullivan , tlio second for McCoy. Ktiivkct
down hnlf a do/en mpporlers of Mi-Calfrpy
when the pollen rnhcd ii | > on tin- ligo ; am
Mtoppcil the pel formanee. Tin1 light was do
elareil a dr.\w.
Tlio Turf.
SAIITonA , Atignit 25. TlirciMiiailt | > iii
inllo two-ycnr-ohl" , nun winners Kapids
won , K nl 2d , l.uln S. H ; time , MliJ.
Milo nnd n quarter inin-winiirrs Sov-
( ii-igii won , Master 2il , Yclvotton M ; time ,
; ! 1 A.
MiloMamniani l won , Oaiio 2d , Anohutn
.Id : time , 1 : 1.
Mile and live fnrlonzs , six hurdles Scalper
won , Dunrko Cochran 2.1 ; time , IliOIt ,
imiGiirnv BKAI-II
UlitiJliTox HIA : < 'II , Aiign t 25. Tlini'-quar-
er mihi 1'ieeiiini won , .Innett.i I' id ,
Machfio3dj lime 1:1 : Jl.
Milo nnd furlong elinp ! I'limger \\oii ,
5ullx llc.ul 2d , Shelby llarnes ad ; time
; ' < \ .
Mile and furlong soiling nllowane'B
v. won , Mattle liapturo 2d , Llttli- Dan ltd ;
mio 1:5HJ.
Maiden stakes 2 yeir olds three-qnnvtors
nilu Minnie Wnricn wou , Wnllun 2d , Tliim-
lerbolt 3d ; time 1:22. : { .
Milo and ( piui tnr all ages 1'Vrg ICyle won ,
.ittle Kutlt-n-iip 2d , Tilford 3tl : time 2:12. :
Throo-ipiatlers milenoiiwiniirrn Capt.
'lalierty won , Iti-d Kux 2il , Cathcart 2d ; lime
KAXSAS CITV , Ansnst 2. " > . The seven days'
vnlkingmntch for S500 will begin nt Armour-
ale Stnulay night next. The eoutet-tants are
Janiel O'l.enry nnd Henry Schemhl , of Chi-
aio , anil Charles Constll , uf Charles , 111 ,
15un Hall
At Unltimoro Unltimoro ! , Allegheny 2.
At I'itUburg-lUnions ) I'ittihnrg 3 , St.
> oliis 5.
At llostonUnions ( ) Uostou ! \Vilming- l -
on 0.
At Uoston ( irniims'HOcimdgaiiic,4:15p.iii. : )
HrstonO , Wi mington .
At I'hilatlelphla-J'hllailelphla 3 , Buffalo 8.
At I'liiladelphin-Atlethie 3t Jtrooklyn 1.
At .Minneapolis Minneapolis 2 , Milwau-
tee 1 ( > .
CllIi'At.n , Aug. 2.-1. 1'atsy CnrJilf nnd Will
5radbnrn , foiient with haul glove * , ( jueous-
ni-y mien , tonlghl for gale receipts. Thu
ilfairwas paiticulnrly brutal and exciting
loin the start and was marked by the most
ptoaiioiM conduct on tha part of tlio umli-
nee and seconds. The police teveral timrB
\eteobligadt' ' ) intotlero between the two
rineip tl < , nnd mnro than once tued elnbs on
in H ] > eetatiirtlo : with pistil in hand
ushnil upon the hi : ge. In the fourth round
2auljir kmicki'il Uradbitni Hcnscl-M and was
w.irdrd the victory.
Cllli'Aiio , III , August 25. The spin ting cl-
ment , especially the hundred odd citizen * of
lore or less pntminenco , who have ntibscribed
wenty JolliiM each to witness thu proposed
' 'iles-Chandler prize fight , were brought tip to
pitch of almost painful anxiety ton'ght ' by
iiinor.s that tin' meeting would ocvur within u
ew hoiim. Tiiu elosest eecrocy is being oh-
erved , hut It is rep < irto t that tno bruisers will
ace each other at daybreak.
CllK'Aco , Angn-t 23.In aecordanea with
trevions arrangements Daniel Cojgron nnd
Cbnrlfs Allcudido , two local tnltghsi met to-
ighl bcfora n , select company in n jirlvato
partmont , nnd with baroknncl.jcsand due re-
ard to ( jneen lmry rules iiounded each other
ut of all i-einblaiice to their original Hi'lvec.
oven di-sperato rounds were fought. The
ion were ready to drop of sheer exhaustion
hen frii'iids interfered. The tight was
ailed a draw. The stakes were $25 a tide.
A ICnuo On"
s , N. Y. Aug. 2"t. UOSH-
'eemer race nt Saratoga , September 2 is : off ,
> .osn rows ' 1 eemer nt Point of Tines , near Uos-
on , about the 20.
Hio AViir In
CAHIO , August 25. Soldieri from Burlier
oport six hundred and thirty-six Kgyptiun
licer.1 nnd Huldicrj in thu ha-ids of thu robrls ,
ho treat ttfin as nlavos. Tlio rebels nrny
ir tlio .Maluli instead of thu Sultan , ana do-
are the TnrkH nro heathen who are to bo
died orcxpolli'd.
Dlhallxlleil Clierolcoew.
Niw : OIU.IAXS : , August 25. A Times Doni-
crat Indian Teriitory dispatch t-siytt ; The
celing among the Clii.'rokcc.i lognrding the
resent elite of their national iilfairJ is asbiim-
ig considerable pioporlions. I'earH aie ox-
ressed that in tin near future they will lose
lelr identity us n nation. I'rnmiiioul Cheio-
ct'i Htrongly nrgu holding u masj convontiun
i HeptomlxT. They my the mettln/will con-
der and duviso menus to uxlrieato thu CliPio-
00 nation from the finbarasstnent It is under ,
'h' ) government fence question nnd monopoly
[ lands will nlso bo conttidi'rod. Citizenship
nd thu intrusion of laws regarded as Inado-
unto will reei'ivu nUnntion. The provisions
1 two railruad bills whieli p.iHifd tin last con-
ru.'H urn rrg.nded as having iMirpMil anil
.iiiiplfd iipon their rights. Tint report of
in ilelei''ition ifjtiiini'il from U'uihitigton ca t
gloomy outlook ever the future of tun tcrii-
.ory imlVh.s immediate action is taken by the
A DiiHlnrilly Grlino.
i , August 25. A npuciul from Urad-
urd nays that ut Kail Creek , Clenrflcld conn
y , I'a , , Friday night last an unknown pornon
ntereil a boarding IIOIIHQ where four people
rti.'ru asleep , the piopri-tor , bin wife , and nn-
ther married couple. Kimt nn attack was
nadu un the proprietor and his wlfo. Thu
alter won klllud. The in found $ -100
oncealod in the bed nnd bedding , but missed
KOO that wan BOWCI ! in a bed iiillt. | I'anting
ito the next room tint ttkulls ( if the othnr
onplo werocnifllied , hut no money found ,
'ha first woman WM struck doail ulmust in *
Lantly ; the othar throe nt lant aecuimtH were
.ill living , but with no hopes of reuvery.
llnora Hciieut | < > ( l to Oondiiiio Work
Ht I'roHcnt 1'rlcnn ,
COI.UMIIUH , ( ) . , AngtiHt 25 , Thu executive
toardnf thn Ohin Minorn' Amalgamated inso
lation to-night ieslied an address calling upon
lie Ohio minors to work nt the present rnteu
nitead of demanding thn ii'iml advance the
it of Soptsmbcr , until after a Nlatn eonvtn-
Ion f minors , which ] 'ra ident Mcltride In
eipiestod to c ill by Soptrmborll 'J'ho con-
'ontion U to comtidrr whi-thor it In ndvlNable
.n muku the naiial ilninund for u fall advance ,
'ho ttddrcKK is si nml byVillliiin 1 > , Tnrnei ,
oaejib Smith , nnd X , It. Hyscll ,
TDD Itnllrnail AVar In Iliti
NKW YOIIK , Angiint 25. ThijTriliunu
but C'nita-y : to oxpoctallon of many persons
lioru wes no cutting of paxsengur rates to tin
vest o/er thi < counters of the regular pool olll.
es yetitJTday. At the onUido oilicen , howov-
ir , good biiainoiH wai donp , tickctn being Hold
n western puiuU from § 2 tu ( ff under regular
111 Do It \t Oiui ! > , J'or 10 cent * got a
mckagoof Dhmond Dyes at the DrngKlnt'H ,
. 'hoy color nuything the finest and wont do
irable color * . \Velld , Kichardnon k Co.Jiur
Ington , Yt , Sample Card , 3 j colors and Uuok
if dlri'utlonH for 2o Mump ,
Thanks from tlio Survivors ,
lUmov , Augn t 2.The sin vlvorn of tin
( Jrroly expedition now in this city have
adopted the follow ing , copies of which hnvo
been forwnrdcil to those nu-ntloned therein :
We , the MiniMir * of thn I.ady 1'ratikllt :
bay e\H | > ibtiini , de- > ire publicly ID thnnk Iho
olllceis and cn-wt of the relief hi | > n for their
untiring tnoigy in rearhing ns , and their
kliulnr-x afwrve \vrre suod. To pint n *
lutatil suiycons. r. . II , ( ircnn ami It. ] ' . ,
Ampti > \\hii e nnri'initttng nttention nnd pro
fo ion.d skill \vo prib.illy ewe our lixo * . MO
t'apeeiaby driiro to r\pto . otir gratitntle.
AVhnt S y Yon , Diu'ior ?
Some phyniciann are afraid to prescribe
nnything except what they direct the
apothecary to compound. Yet frnpient
ly wo lind thoeis who have found Hrown's
Iron Itittura such a valvablu mudiciitu
that they are glad to prescribe it. Amoni ;
thoao ia Dr. U. Smith , of lint Creek ,
Vn. , who says , "I have frrquonty pro
scribed ISrown's Iron liiUora in my practice
tico , ami tind it n moat excellent prepa
ration. "
When Y-ni il-Vol | ltliio
itud your back aches , nnd your head foeln
lieavy , nnd you wnko unrofroMicd in the
morning and your bowch are sluggish or
costive yon nocd Kidnoy.Wott. It ia
nature's great remedy nnd niiver fails to
relieve nil cases of Diseased Kidneys ,
Torpid I/vur , Constipation , Malaria , otc.
It uporaUM simultaneously on ho Kid-
leys , I.ivor nnd Bowels , strengthening
.holn and tcaloriug healthy notion. Put
ip in both dry and liquid form. Sold by
ill druggists.
Morn ItllnliiK Tt-nuhtCH ,
Coi.fMiifs , O.August 25. Duo liuiubvd
'olUh minei-fl from Toledo \\ero taken to
luchlol this morning and placed In n atone
muse to be guarded for thu time being from
ttlktng miners. The latter endeavored to
lri\o thorn back , but Ihoy were le.sislcd by
lttctl\es nnd it looked fora time as if thnre
vonld be a riot. A crowd of smeral hundred
nenvomcii and ehildivu had gathered
around thu now minor * and were apparently
lot ° rnnned on an attack.
Augiiit 25. A Nowa'neo
pud nl s ay a : It ia reported hero to-day that n
orriblo tragedy occurred yesterday in Coryoll
ounty , over the grnvo of a young man named
rahani , who was recently xtahbud and killed
ly n companion. The ehler lirahani mot his
oil's nssns-in accompanied by the latter'n
athor , at yumig ( Jialmm's grave. Angry
vnnls passed , leading to n de.spcrato buttle ,
eMiltlng in the dcatli of both father * and thu
oiing aseascin.
Itrnmli .i.lvorIUc.1 n > nlionltilrly pnr
IMnron topiUiwn tut it hot ntuvo tintll hcatoil.tlion
ftnimt tlhtfovur mil im > ll. A flumistlll nut bo ru-
ulfuU toiluloct tlio tuotuiti'K uf uininonlii.
In ft million hoinoi far n ipinrtrr of & eentury It liti
vud tin * iMiniitioteiV rullnlilu trNtt
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
Tlioalrontrt linoit itrllrloui Bnilnalur * I flavor knownand
ir. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
I'ur I.lthl , lli'nlthy llrriul , Thr llcnt Dry Hop
Vcmt In I hi' Wurlil.
Omulit NoliiOBVn , In ulilch In UiluU iloulilu nnil
innluuPitry lliiDk-liceplnir , ConnniT'-lnl law , Civil
ID ( TiiiiHiit. Uimlnu'4 l''l" , reniiiiin < hli | , l'.nf-
h ( Irnmmar , lluuil UKpilllii ) ; , C'urrcupumUincv ,
nil -.Irjrl lUmlVriiin ; , - .
> nrnplo'o Course , cnocar. . . ( thort hand ex-
'oniiletoMuritu | , onu month
! nin IctoCoiirnu , two I'loiitlis lf >
Nimplitu Conrnu. thrtio inonthti . . 'JO
: < n li nnmtli thcrutfitr [ ,
hlrty Irf'J'ni.H . in IViimaiihlilit
ho ulmto couiK' , ( ) ( ) ! - > ( iiovcu | | < liiloiio
initiith . DUO
'huahDto ( ' "iiriie , ( book kreti UK uxifptuil 'I
montlM . 1'J CO
HenJ for circular. A'MroH
( , K ( ) . II. ItATIIIllW , I'rln ,
mlo Omaha , .Noli ,
The 1110 ot the term " Hho
Unc" In connection with th
cor | > orate nauio of a Ktcatroul
convoys an Idea of list what
roriulrod by the traveling pub
llc-n Hhort IJn , Quick Tim.
and the Lout of accommodi
tlom all ol which art furo
hed by the Kroattxt railway lu America.
And St. Paul.
It owni anil oporatra over 4,500 mllrt ot
lorttiorn Illlnoli , Wlsconilu , Mlnnoiota , Iowa
> akcto ; and aa U main lines , branchfi and oonnco
loni roach all the Kreat btuliiena control ol Ihi
Korthweit and Far Weit , It naturally annwori Ihi
description ol Hhort Uno , aud Hoot Itouto botwooo
ChloaKO , tlllwaukco , Ht. Paul and Minneapolis.
ChloiK0illllwai1" Cro 80 and Wlnona.
( Jhloaxo , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Kllendal
UliloaKO , llllwaukco , Kau Clalro and HtlllHator
CbloaKO , llllwaukoo , Wauuu and Merrill.
Chicago , tlllwaukeo , Heaver Dam ind Oshkoih.
ChlcaKO , Milwaukee , vYauknnha and Oooiiomowoc.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mad lion and 1'ralrlodu CbliD
Chicago , Mllwaukon , Owatonnn and Kalrll anil.
Chlcaxo , llololt JanoavlUo and Mineral 1'olnl.
ChlcaKo , KlL'ln , Hock ford and Dubu'juo.
ChluiKO , Clinton , Hock Inland nnd Cedti ItapliU.
ChlcaK , Council lllulla and Omaha.
, Hloux City , Sioux Kalltand Vitikton
Chlcairo , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hook Inland , Uubuquo , lit , 1'aul and MlnllolpolU-
Davenpoit iiltnar , Ht. I'aul and Mlnni < aioh | > .
I'ullican & u p < iri ami the Fluent lilnlni ; Can In
ho u rldiuro run mi the malnllnoibf thdCIIIUAOO ,
attcntlonU paid to i > an eiiKer by couituouaunployu
ol the Com
b. B. MKHUII.T , ,
A. V II ( Mltl'KNTKn , Don1 I'ara. Aft
JT. CI.AI1K , Oun'l H.i | > t.
(1KO II. IIKAKFOUD. Aiw't roi' | . I'a AvI
CANNON & HUNT , Proprietors.
Game anfl all Ccteics of tlio ton *
MOIUJ at all Hour * us K ICIIi'i. Oaih-i , N-j1)
x-sp cial win Poiltlvolpnot be inserted
unions pain In ndvatico.
MONKT TO T.OAN In nurai of fSOJ. iinJ tipwnrd
O. P. 1U\I ! on.l Ox , Ro l KsUto knd Lon
, 1505 K rntm SI ttJB-tt
\\rANTKl -tlltl for \ woilc In family
nf two , ( tnovl W-K-CS | Hi.l. . A | ' | > lj nt AtMii'Oti s
Mlllncry Slorc , 16lh si. irn tf
A\rANTKI > A ioo < l 'I t homo fur tlellim nagon.'rCM ' "A. " IICO OlliCU , fUtlllR JltlPO Mill
licio CAII tin neon. 4Sl-l ( > t
\\rANrKU-Set. | l t , ft man to dtlvo ilrlitrrj
> HAiriw nnil wotK nliottt IMinmlliion I oil c ,
Mint lie a ificil IP UIMI , ctho ar.d not trrilil ol
work , In shoit.J * ' lUo limn. " AililrrM "A. " tlco
\\ANfii-At : Kiomont , N'cli , olio iiootl hutchcr
11 anil tttOHli.iitciulci | , ( lutliii ; the re-union. Alt-
| > ly it once to J1UUUI3 & IUiilKNKR. :
1S-SO nty Meat Miiki't.
\ \ 7ANTKIni trlet minitcr r to mircscnt m In
11 c n > < nitiiy in Nflirimn Mid \SvMoru Iowa.
$60weoklj . P. K. Col
lier , S ? darker llliKk. 4C4 30
\\7ANTKll-Clotlilnu flMcflmrm None nrotl fti | > ly
11 rxccp' lt'0tiniilopcrlcncot | men with umvl
reference' . LockDux , " 4 , Sioux illy. lo . 4H' ( i !
UAXTii-Sl\ : ti'iu-n to haul brick lniUlroat |
A. Jnhnion , Mil ) lUrnry ittu-L SBp ;
I f ANTKlt A Rlrl tor to rook nn.l tlo homo work.
I Hood wnKtM..lniUiiuSm | DimnpoitM ,
45' ' 25
\\fANTKII Ompotslit k'lrl In family tf throe , H
11 W. corner lUtli ami Wdi.ter Sti. 44S--'ip
I'ANTKD A flrst-clUM illnlnc room Klrl nt tlio
\ Occidental I loti-l , corner 10th nml llontml.
\\TANTKI ) Tliroo clhilnu room k'.tls t Slncn llo
to ! , South ilUthSt. 411
\VAXTKO-A ( rood lurlwr n Nortli llciiil , Nor -
? r lirn-ikn. w pa < imr.intcoil. P. II. Tel-
'rlor , moiitlctor , North llcml , lHl'u ( Co. , Noli.
401 lJp
\\TAN1KD A llrnt-clasH cook , man or woman ,
11 om n preferred. Ininlrc | ol No. 012 DonglM
Street. 2S3 tf
I T or rountry , to take nlco , light mid pleasant
voik at ( heir onn liemc ; > i to $5 n ilny vaslly nd
( Ulelly umilc ; work mint by null ; no cuivasnliiRi no
tamp for I'lcaeo mklrcm llcllaklo MxilV Co. ,
hlladolphLt , Pn. 817-lm
"ll/'ANTKO A rrlJillo-nKe l man wl lion employ-
I T incut , clerk or wkluinmn , grocery profcrrcil ,
lent reference. AiKlrots " 1'enua. " tills ollicv.
117ANTED-Sltnttlon ly a llrtt claca UJctnmn )
11 Inker. " 11. Il."thliolllCfl. 478-2et |
'ii : > A Ki
U'ttcr ( mm cxHTt. | Oitoil [ rofcrtntu. AiMrcni
'J.N.1 Ikoollloo. 477-20p
Siliiatlon l > v llrnt.clni lironil anil ruko
It.kur. AdiluMa Elkfiniti Vulluy llumo , Oinnha.
' Halcsman collector.
I'ANTKD-SUtmtlou na or
1 r m\uhad 12 ytnripi'i ' lone ; nut | -oaUcrinan- ]
on furnlth Ixmtof lufcrcnco ; niiolijortloiitoongA o
out n [ lliu city. AiKlti-m "H > l , K. ' Ilcu ulllco.
\\7ANriill- 1 ! ) a ) emi | { ( loiman In ) li eH < iks
TV inullHhn : iltiiation ni ItoUbckt'O AitdieBU
'A. It.1 lleo mrco. 420-25p
UAN / I hit- Situation hy n llft-l-clum meat cook ,
oi oho can tnku char o of hotel kitu ton ur
osUi\iiiint In city or country. Addresa "X Y " lice
oiiico. ai ; : j ] >
mtnntioii an
keeper , In whcloaalo ebtablliihmoiit In Oinnha.
Addrjtw " 0. " care leo. ! BOfl-tf
* *
i\7ANThl > Jlarritil conjilo liihonrd nlaiiyIuuiii ;
It > ! Irrutlnn of IIXK nt the room cotUio fuinli < h-
cd li lrahlo lorut on , near 1'nik nuwtioItcfur -
'iireHtxchaniicd. AJilii'BH "W , J. lleo olllcu. 4bU.f > p
\17ANTK1) Alinuso of 8 or 8 roomn.ulth staltlo
IT nrdmoilorn uoini'ulrnruD , Inillnlliln iitrtot : the
city. Addrens T. II. HTANlON , C.S. A. ,
481-27 Oinnha
. . . _ . { ! ) Kiirnldhtd room within thrco lilockn
it IIco olllcehytttit gentlemen. AUdrctii"\V.
A. C. " lleo iilllce. 4S3-lf
WANTKI ) Knoin anil llonril liy ( 'ciif , H Ho anil
clil'il ot 4 ycam. Aililrusii , eUtlng terms , "W.
W " Ilcu olllcc. 4IIJ-28D
A widow of 4i ) will rorrcnponil with a woithy ( ton-
( Ionian. OMect matrimony , Addrma "I ) . II. U. '
lleo ollkf. 403 2Sp
'll ANI 111) A partner In n first class paying html-
T ness , with mnr.llamount of inonoy. "U. w , "
ice iilllcu. 440'i | >
WANTED-Homo ron'fctnhlo family to adopt r
child 'our inonllis old. For further particular
adJresH ' ] ! . I < . " raiu lltu olllco. i4l-26p
UANTIID To oichanKo. n line rvnlilrnia lot ,
( Inildo ) , 2 } nlockii from Htrcct cnrii , for a corner
o > , pitjlniiilirurenco In valuo. Win. Pluming 14th
ami lloui-lai. 4.19 III )
WANTI'.P Two or thruo furnished rooms , ton-
\enl ntly locatfil , for lightliousckvuiilnir. Ad-
drcen , tt.tlr.K' ttrliin , "A. H. " 1'co olllcu. J22-2HP
\ \ fANTK.II'nitner with ( Sol conn , J'rolltahlo
city liutlnoHD. 1' . O.llox702. 4'21-Jfp
Uooil Blr.cil room nnil board tirlvato
) V ( jinlly prilorrcil ( or pent , wilu anilthllif. lour
yoarnnM MO. pur m nullreferences , ex Ad-
iliurH "Mr. : . " ! olllco. < IU-22p
_ _
IrANTKD-Thuo boarders at 1721 DoiiKlM Ht.
WANTKIl-81 f.00 nu real uatato nccurlty. Ail' '
ilrmm"ll."No. f. llea iilllcu. JHOtf
Vl ANTKD AKittitH 'ur the licut cainpalKii ntuUul
IT III llio nmtliot. S < jiul 10 r.enU lur un | lj to
Kniiorluii | ) , Oinitha Ncl > , ZU.Mf
\\TANTKl-iwa on llr.t-clam eltv feciirlty.tor 5
IT yiara , nt 0 per tent. Add r CM llox ( Jo I'ust-
olllcu 700-tt
[ OH KJ1NT--HOUDCB ana r.otu.
171011 IlKNT Tn'oliirrUlicil roonm for llilit l-miro
} ltcliii"llutJiiici' | ) llluek"cnr. 8th and llow < rd.
IJVlll UKNT A HU room houxo In good rejialr. In.
1 ijiilro utUrocory ntor < > , H. K. cur'ivr .I'tli and'Ht. 41U 20
JpOJl HKNT lly I'.W. Iloiikal.hoiiBool a roonnat
1 ? 7 per month , liiiiil | o on premium , 1225 Mouth
llilntnut. 415-20
ITUm HKNT-l'lea-ant furnUhcd rooms miltahlo
.I1 I , r gonlleinan , 1010 Farnam Ht.
J71OK HKNT Two roomi , tH 00 anil f5 00 ) wr
' month , 10U Welnttr iittcel , 42)-if
Jj OK HKNT-Fni rooini and l.oaid. 2112
nrnla htrcut ,
FOR UK.NT Fnrnlihed loomt 1U6 North 18th.
J71OR IlKNT A flvo room cottaRo In ( food locality ,
' lniiilru | at24H ( Jjpltol avonuu. 208-2dp
pOlt IlKNTSU KOO < | hoinca i > { i rooms cm N.lOtli
1 itreet , Ut house north . I orao < ) , < utttl < lo 40027) )
tpUlt IttNT I'urnUnej IOOILII at 2203 Uulgo
I Oll IlKNT-Fimililici ) rooms at 1011
I1 tl)7-I5n )
17(011 ItKNT-A brick cctt KO. Innulro at dun. II.
J1 I'otinoi/a 10th tit. , Lear dfpct. 332 tf
tJMH ) IlKNT Nicely ( urnlnhed oniu u nli-eil rooina
1 withuul board IHli Uavnupoit tit. Ifli-ilip
HUNT lloinaol 10 r onm with moilcrn Im-
titdlnrdHuuer , & Davln. Uii-U
ITIOUIIKNT-A largo wcond floor and baaomont.
1 Inqulro 1113 llarnoy Blreot ilIU tf
FOll HEKT Furnlthoil rootuj 1707 ( . ' * mi St.
J ; iill Km. ' ! '"of iti\ i\iiui. lll"JtukBUii. .
1 Iii'iulro ol T. J. Htiiiiorrln , OU d. 17ih ttruct , or
lleo olllco ,
I 'Hl ' HKNT Niouly ( rout room ItilC
J' Hoilvo bttret. tin-M
_ _ _
JjV'lt ItKM-iinuuf ( ha line Kfhl k'lii'i-H In inu ouy
' 11 rcwum , ( urnacii , hot'aiid told cold water bath *
water I'loHeU , Krutun , eto Kvurvthmi ; llrstoona
throuiihout $7v.00por mouth Uirkvr It Maynv ,
13th and 1'rriiain. 112 tf
17101 ; HKNT Houua 6 loimt ) good repair , NUe
1 yard , cistern water. Kent tfil ) per month ] n
Turk Wlldo ave. Apt ly to Jno. W. lloll , llruitk'ii
17 < 0lt HKNT-Atwo ttory trainu bulidliiK intiLlu
for builnt'Sd. tartfit cellar , Unulr | * nult blo ( ur
roildonoo. Inijulro un prouiltcd , corner 20tn ani
I1 1 ? OU IlKST FuraUbtKl roomi with ImiM. 181J
I poll HKNT Two flurnlihcd south ( rent rooms ,
1 222 N. 18th St. 670-t
TJlOIlHKNT Six room cottaje , fine location , by 3.
JC T. I'ctfpwn , S. K. ear. Ifith and Dougla * . 617-tr
T OH IlKNT-Iloonn In Crounso'a Block. O , M
1 Hitchcock. M3-U
IT'OIl lir.NT Ona grand square piano. Inquire
1 ofKdholm and Krlckian. 440-tf
IlKNT Ono rood six room house { 25. per mo.
1 O.JMlltoheock. ' 285-lt
. OIl SAL ! : Finasldoliirlugcy cheap ftt 0. D.
' Thnjcr's II'M '
| , Mlll > SAI < K I'lgar , tobacco , confectionary ( tore
J.1 wllhilx ( nnilsliGj ronmt atUchoJ. 1'rlco S40O
Aplyto | II. Mannncllcr , 807 U. lltliHt.
HAM : Cheap , lurnltuto for tf room hou ,
JAdll homo lor tent. I'urnlturn complcto and
mnriy now , homo rcnta for ttb \ crmonth , posse Ion
jUcnoii orbtfurotivt , Uth. Aildrcsi "o. U."caro
lit o ctllcc. 470-3011
\ SAI.K For 31,000. l.-Jl 68 , rontalnlni ; half
1r\0ll 1 ticro. Only lour blocks from notth cutl or IStli
uttrct rnlUny. Terms enfy. IniUlro | ol Ur. J. 11.
I'calHXl ) , 1407 .loncs ttcct. 471-30
/ HAt.K A live thoiiMtiil dollar stock of pcncr-
1 ttliiHTJhamllso , located In ft now ton n on the II.
ft. M . Kailroail , In Routhcftstcrn Nebraska , country
well tcttlnl anil MK crop * . A pojil clunce for a mwi
ltliMiiRlleatiltal to m ko $3,000 ft jcnr. AilJrt i
"II. " Lock llox SO , llrowmille , Net ) . < 7i-2Bp !
irOH SAI.K 200ftcicjcf Iftltil. l(0ftcreslmpro\ci ( [ ,
1"3Vnrroi ! liny , 8 ftcrci hnif i atuio,7 ncrca cu'tl- '
\ntciHlmlicr , S ftcrcstmturl'ft timber. Gocil fprltiK
water KIWJ homo Mitl uthor liniirocmcnta. will uo
nolilon > crycni > \ tcrJH , If noM noon. For other In
formation Inquire | rnonally or by mall ot Wm. CUIr ,
I'nri > t rit > , SarpyCtiunty , N'o'- . 4.'i4-lm ,
SAI.K Or rent , an oM ostiMMtcil ( jroec-
171011 boot * Mioc * anil imcciunro btislncn * for wlo
or to rent , In mio of the best lowni In Noltraekn.
( lootlinml liullilli.K ftt iu.w. lluglncxi muf $10,000
| icr.\car. I w-Uhlorotlroonnciouiitof cl.lago. _ Ail-
tlriss-Hlrocory Dealerrarolive. -IS7-5
Jroll SAl.K-Or will cvchitiKO for liRhtnliirlc | open
' wngon , a two lii > n iix cruil waifon In ROOI ! order ,
tiiHuhli- ( \ctriUlilc , milk or procory delivery.
Win. rictntiij ; k Uo , 141)1 street. 4.13-30
. . A ten ncio n great hiriraln , ( or
1 two \\eckn or ly. Ihv same li locactd 3i miles
southwest. Iniiilro | at 117 small ICth St. N. Stivons.
OIl SAIiK A bakery doing a good buslnots lu a
Il 1 thrUlngtown. ( litml r'nHi.nfnr Belling. For In-
otmatlon , sea "J C. (1. Stonm b\kerr , 20th and
llurt stri-otB Omaha. 430 Mp
3ALK 1'lano , cheap , Crounso's Mock.
432 If
ITIOHSAI.K Woofler forsnlo
± 1 160 Choice 3-ycar old Feeding Steers.
IfiO Cbolco2-rnrold Fcoclinff Steers.
100 Yearling Steers.
Above all goott Iowa Cattle
8T11ANOK nitOTHEllS ,
4iS-ltn Moux City , lon-n.
I7MMI HAl.bOnobllllird and ono pool tablo. FIT
A1 iiiilrott the Merchant's Kxclmngo , N. K. corner
kMlgo nnil 10th Btrcrt. _ 405-2p
Ornxrhango for farm lanrt Ono of
' thotlnett hotels In tLiithern Ncbiaskn Hu a
atgo commercial trade. A inonoy making chance.
loud reason for Belling. AtUrtB ) lock box No. 13 ,
Superior , Nebraska. 297-25
> OU HAtK Two nnd on"-hnlf acres and house In
17 gnrd location , only Si , CM ) . Ikre Is a chance to
obtain a homo ut a bargain. .McUAtUIi : ,
WS-M Opp. I' . O.
' SaliE Flour Mill cpenp , on caty terms of
IT'Oll , fn urnbly located within fifty miles o.
thla clly. ClooJ opening. Address 1' . O. Uox 541S ,
it. I'aul Minn. 207-lm
SALE Chaaitlots , 93 down , $5 per month.
FOll . C. I'attursou & Co. , cor. 13th and Farnnm.
. OIl HAL.K Qrailcd Durham Cattle 7 yearling
J. heifers ; 50 two year old heifers ; Cl tnroa 'cir old
cons ; -I four year old cows ; 2pedlgreed Durham bulls ,
.land 4 one la u slum1 anlmnl ; 2 siiven-clghths Dur-
nm bulls , 2 } ears old. Above except a tew are era-
lo. flock and ehoxv their breeding plainly. 20 calves
> y mid hulls , nut of above cons , as are the yearlings ;
11 jcarllnu steers ; 17 two year old steers and 78 three
vear old steers. U. 1' . STiiN : , Mlndcn , Neb.
.Miiin _ .
1TIO11 HAl.H-At n great bargain , the Scott rcsl
I1 denco pr | H > rty. ] u > t cMt of I'ratt's In Uanecom
Place , Tills Is n very Heslmblo 7 room coltngo and
will bo eold at a sucilflco. IIAHKKK & MAYNK.
712-tt 13th and Faritam.
\ . A choice dairy ami stocK tann ot BOO
17\OIISA1.K acres under cultivation , 21 miles ' .am
Hllver Creek , Nob. , on U. I' . Hallway. Uoo.1 house ,
a cam and Ice houses , barns , corrals , cto. , or dairy
ing nnd stock rnlafng Land ! a well \valetcdnnJ all
choice gin M and grazing and , with plenty or ran
adjoining. For Bale cheap. Totter & Cobh , ' ,
Fornam Htrcet. _ 671-tt
FOll SAIiE-Knglncs now and second hand 10 h. p.
15 h. p. and 20 h. p. portable and stationary ; also
hollers of any slzo and style , lllchard & Clarke , U , !
H. Y. bet. 17th anil 18th tit' . Omaha. 549-tl
BALK A piloting olllco suitable tor a email
FOll or Job olllco. Will sell for cash or 01-
change for Omaha City property. Addrcsd ' X. Z. Q"
Uue olllcu. 483-11
BALK Two scoond hand pianos , at Edholm
FOll ' Mnnlo Store ou mil St. 890-tt
BALE Two open second-Hand bngglra aod
FOll delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Haruey St.
BALK A clean stock ot Hardware In Central
FOll . AddrcbS "A. U. " lleo l-ubllshlng Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. OBl-lm
\ MALIC Leaving on account ot III fcnlth.
I7\0ll , birn , tow ones nnd 2 lots. Also two good
rcBldunco lots. Apply T. K. 1'arlltt , Ola olllce , 13th
and Farnam. BSO.lm
HALE 10 doBlrablo building Iot , lor trodo
FOR each. C'.illut A. IJcstuu 161'J ' Dodge Ht.
1) rnta hirgaln for 10 dais onlv. An
. . east front r.tldonco lot inndu > l'abli ) loollty ,
convenient to atrect car. Addrusu I1. O. llox 000.
0ST Op linear I pin. Finder will bo Tenanted by
Jleavlug uau.uut 11J1 Douglas street. 48i-27p
pKHHONAL The lady ( rom Portland , Indiana ,
1 wliu cillod it 1 22 r'urimm utrect , who dooa the
oil caaco ] atntmg , jtlcaso call ogiin. 407-20 | >
ONK 1'lllOK Fuinlturo ( Store , leth street , between
llurt nml Cuiiilng. 473 30p
gentleman voulil Ilko n lady with J CO ready
A cnili , ns ) > art crand traxellni ; companion , In a
pajlngliutlnesjudapted to a Indy. Addrom"O 11.
N , clly. 44H7p
I7\0lt FNCIIANQK , LAND-640 ucrrn unimproved
1 land In va turn Nibraika , kultablo for ktaak farm ,
to el. . hango lor Block nf ( ; rocerii or Keucral uicr-
chamlluo. Adilrcxj "K. " Iloj nlllo. 444-ltn
THAVI'.D lied aud white spotted 3 year ol 1 caw.
S' HowarJ will DO paid by U. U , Hobble , 2121 Dodge.
NKW MA I'.S OF OMAHA DcinU has rrduccd prloo
for next 0 dayi to $3 from (10 bcretoforc.
r p W EN 1) ) 1' A brown cow , 7 or B year * old. Owner
X can liavo B.aim > by calilni ; oa Churlei Uertholn ,
OumliiK Ktroot , O'NoU'i I'Uoa , and paying charges.
102 fit-lewp
T. UIlllAY boa good posturing. SprluR wattr.
T > HIVV vaulU ) , elnki and cowpoolii cleaned wllh
military ilrancr , Hatlifactlon guaranteed by t\
U. Abel , ( nuccxB.or to to J. M , Smith , ) box S7&
1000-1 mop
MANUFAcrruiiisii or
O.H.O liatlx CBtroot.
o uv
fullKU W.M fit Cu. , 1 > . )
ron AU.KINH8 or FINE wonKix
i nev ) rit . tvvry. ttaUur , Fuji * : it. H
Ftr Kttatrttg rVttXtTDllS tr A'nudu
I IA. ir.rtTi f.lWibn. 1 4 . ! . J
RfSSIA CEMENT CO. , Cloueesltr.Uui
CA.V.rLE TIN C . -.K 3EIJT GV > . ! ! , 28 CTSil