Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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O m Mm Offlco , No. 010 Fnrniun Bf.
CouiicliRlnir ; onicc , No 7 I'cnrl St.
BtrcctNeixr llromlwuy.
Now YorkuOnico , Itoom Ofi Tribune
mbllshod OTcry irornlnft , except Snnd j < The
col )
inus IT KAIU
One Y ir . $10.00 I Three Months . { S.CO
IsUoncM . MM I On * Month . l.CO
1'cr Work , 8G CenU.
Cue y < r r . $ -100 I Three Month ] . I 10
Sit Months. . 1.00 I One Month . 10
American Jfows Company , Sole Agontr , NowfiltM-
ert in tbo United States.
A OCRitnnnloitlonn relating to News ADI ! Kdltorli I
cutters htuU bu addresjod to Iho Kmtca or Tin
Dit ,
All BuslnMJ fcottora unJ Uoinltfincol ehnald fce
dJrceflOil In Tun Urn I'OTUnmifJ OoxrAnT , QUAIU.
DritU , Chocks and 1'ostotflco ardors to be amae psj
bin to the order of the romiam .
A. If. 1'ilcli , Manager 1 tolly Circulation , 1" .
O. JJov , 488 Om.ibn , Nob.
TUB French say that the Chincao mm
JOHN CIII.VAMAN will fight itoutaalonj ,
his IIro crnckcrs
GI.EX.V KKNIUI.L'.S successor should b
n man of unswerving integrity.
Tun roll will 8Dtm bo called. When the
candidates will all answer "hore ! ' the
battle will begin.
Fossnav Mr. Dnwos will not hnvo
walk-away after nil. Savural dark liorscn ;
are about to bo trotted out from the
WE now have stockyards , and shall
aoon have a stock market. The next
thing vro ought to have is an open board
of trade.
IK Mr. Fusoy imagines that ho cnn car
ry the Ninth lown district this year , ho
is very much mistaken. This is an oil
year for democratic aristocrats.
Ir there is any proof wanted to show
that Omaha la getting to bo a inotropoli
city , it is furninhod by the fact that she
Lad fourteen burglaries in two nights ,
and no arrests.
has proved stronger 3
than the law in Now York. Notwith
standing the Ian- prohibiting its manu ;
facture and sale , it continues to bo sold
as much as over.
ROSEWATEH was opposed to Weaver ,
which accounts for hin nomination by ac
clamation. Liberty Jonrntd.
r Now lot the shouters for Weaver pro
ceed to elect him ky acclamation.
MK. PAT. O. HAWKS has returned to
Nebraska to take the stump for Mr. o
laird , who looms head and shoulders m
nbovo the rest oE the delegation , if wo (
can believe Mr. Hawcs.
BuTi.r.u has issued his blanket-shoot
addrons , and now wu would like to hoar
from Mr. West. And when Mr. West
gets through , wo would like to hear what
Susan B. Anthony has to say.
BY re-nominating Dawos the republi
can party may lose 8,000 or 10,000 votes ,
but wo will retain John M.Thurston , and
his gentle voice will bo hoard wherever a
a corporation capper is in danger of being
DAVU BUTLBH was impeached for bor
rowingand appropriating § 17,000 of school
moneys. Governor DJWOS asks to bo
endorsed for conniving ac the theft of
several hundred thousands of acres
of echool lands. Times have changed.
TIIK pouition of ohonlfof Kings conn
ty , in which Now York city is located ,
is a pri/.o worth striving for. It is sup
poood to bo worth from § 110,000 to § 10 ,
000 a year. Since 1800 only two incumbents
cumbents of the oflico have rolirod from
it without having acquired a comfortable
fortune. Of course there is no lack of
candidates for such n bonanza oflico.
GBKBUAL I'LBAHAMO. > , of bluo-grasn
fame , has again boon heard from. Ho
still sticks to his bluo-grasa theory , nnd
at the Pennsylvania state fair ho pro )
poses to have a special exhibit to illua
trato the revivifying influence of aasocl
atod blue and plain transparent glasses
in the treatment and development ol
farm stock , including colts , heifers , pigs
and poultry.
THE department of atato will lend )
from Washington to the World's Expos ! '
tion at Now Orleans , a sot of pictures
allowing the difloront broods of caUlo o ! :
the world. It is the intention of the
department to issue a publication of the
cattlo'indualrioa of the world , and the
work is now in the hands of the printer.
The material was obtained from the re
ports of the United States consuls in dif
ferent countries , who have taken groal
interest in the SUCCORS of the great Inter ,
national World's Fair.
TUB Mexican Central railway , which
was constructed largely by American cap
ital , is evidently not such a paying en ;
terprise as was expected by the investors. :
The trouble is that Mexicans are an
entirely different people from those o '
the United States. They are lazy one :
flhiftlcta , and cling to their old time
notions. They do not appreciate nor
patronize tbo railway , but prefer to carry
their freight on donkeys. No now '
towns have been built along the line oi V
the Mexican Central , nor has the country
lieon developed to any noticeable degree
by the railroad , and consequently the
business of the road will not bo materi
ally increased fur many yean.
ix AXI > our OF rorrncs\\ \ \
Are the railroads of Nebraska really
out of polities' Do they imngino they
can hoodwink the people into the be
lief that they are out of politics , when In
reality they are in deeper than eve
Last Wednesday Jnmtui Liird was re
nominated for congress in the eccon
district in spite of this determined oppo
sition of the mnnsrs of the republican1 ! o
the district. How did ho manngo
overcome such opposition ? The oflico
holding faction olono could never hav
carried the day for him had it not bee
for the efforts of Cnptai
Phillips , the political bcss e
the Burlington road. While th
managers of the Burlington road IIAV
assured the people titno nnd ngain tha
they wcro out of politics , the chief pol
itical bull-dozor WM very busily engage
all along the line in pushing the canvas
for Liird. All the peculiar methods
which are so effective in rallying th
company's employes and dependents a
the primaries wcro used without reserve
Section bosses , station-agouti ) , gravel
trains nnd pass-books wcro at Liird's dis
posal to coerce the republican voters
his support. The rosultis just what migh
have bcun expected , The voice of th
party 1ms been overridden nud rcpubli
cans who rcfuao to nbidu by the dictate ;
of the corporation boos will now bo denounced
nouncod as bolters , communists and
: ranks.
On the day which witnessed the nomi
nation of Liird , nt Hastings , Mr. A. J.
Weaver was renominatcd at Beatrice.
L'ho event ia announced in ft country
weekly in the following significant para
raph :
At the congressional convention hold
it Beatrice last Wednesday A. J. Woa-
or was nominated by acclamation. J.
H. Thurston , of Omaha , addressed the
lonvontion at aomo length , and his speech
vas well received.
This wno eminently in accord with the
itornal fitness of thinps. John M.
Dhurston was not a delegate to the con
jresaional convention. The Union Pnci
io had no case in court at Beatrice last
iVednosday which John M.Thurston was
equired to attend. But the political at-
ornoy-in-chiof of the great corporation
fas there to give AVoaver r
ho nomination , and place him
inder obligations. Mr. Thurston drnwH
lucrative salary from the Union Pacific
ailrosd , but the greater part of his time
given to the packing of primaries , run- :
ling of conventions , and corrupting of
giolnturas. Now the question naturally .
rises , has the republican party bccomo a
lore proatituto fortho base use of political
bortinoa like John M. Thurslon ? lias
10 patty grown so wretchedly poor in
ion of brains and character that John M.
hurston is the only man who can address L
s conventions , who can represent it on
10 electoral ticket , nnd net as its dolu-
xto to national nnd state convontionB ,
id monopolize oil functions which in
mmon decency should bo exorcised by
ion whoao patriotism nnd devotion to
rinciples entitle them to the respect and
Hifidcnco of their follow men. ,
Are the railroads really out of politics
long aa Thurston and Captain Phillips
ick conventions and nominate our con-
rossmon by a shameless use of railroad
utronago ?
TIIK schonio of the Frowun brothers to )
take British provinces out of Wyoming
nd Montana by inducing the Canadian
ovornmont to allow cattle from these
jrritories to bo shipped through Canada
n their way to England , has mot with a
krong opposition in the Dominion , and
lie result is that the proposed ship-
tout has been prohibited. The premier ,
Ir. John McDonald , says that the
chomo , if allowed , would bo prejudicial ;
o the interests of Canadian farmers , as it
irould stock-raisers of another
give - conn-
ry facilities to compute with them abroad ,
Io wants the Canadian stock-raisers to
tavo the benefit of thoKugliah cittlo
rado , na they will noon bo nblo to aup- [
ily the whole British market with bouf
ud mutton. JIo can , therefore , BOO no
oed roaaon for allowing Wyoming ranch-
non to cross Canadian territory to do the
rado that Canadians prepared to do :
homselvos. Sir John McDonald aho op- :
inscs any coiuesaion whatever , for foir
lint ili'neaKO will break nut among Ameri- |
an cittlo during transit , in which event
ho British government would schedule
ho whole continent , Canada included.
f course the Canadian Pacific mil way mag-
mtos who expected to got the long haul
if American cattle , were on hand to
nake an cil'ort to push the scheme
hrough , but they di'l not succeed in In-
luoncing the Ca idlan cabinet , whoso
iat is final. This settles the Frowon
lan forever , and American railways ,
vhich would ha/o lost the trnnoporta-
ion of n great number of cattle if it
ould have boon carried into effect , can
tow rest easy. Kvou had the Canadian
government porraiUod the Frowons to
proceed with their proposed schonio it islet
lot likely that our government would
invo permitted it to go on unnoticed.
on the business outlook ,
ho Chicago Tribune indulges in the fol
owinn pertinent remarks : Of a few
things that make for an improvement in
trade wo are now sure. Prices have
jonorally npproachod very closely to the
est of production , and in some instances
hey have passed it. The supply of
joods per head of population has greatly
'ullcu off to such an extent in some
asos that is not easy for buyers to obtain
iBBortmimts. The creation of unnoccasa
y railroads has boon suspended , and the
lublio have arrived at more rational
'iows of the value ot railroad securities.
stronger and more healthful sentiment
n regard to monopolies and corporate
butes hastrrown up , Fortunes amassed by
obbory have boon swept away , and mon \
rho have accumulated their little hoards ) '
loiicttly no longer stand before thoji
Garrisons nnd Sonoys like pigmies In th
presence of n giant. The course o
economic events has relatively onricho
the mansoa of the people , with whom
the restoration of activity must begin
The decline in prices and the tcrtibl
ordeal of the panic have exposed n vas
amount of rottenness and rascality , whic
6row more nnd more destructive of n !
that is best in our American lifo the Ion
gor it remained in concealment. Tim
in a weak spot with us yet , and wo cat
well afford to sulfur from depression o
business till the big bank thieves are nl
turned out nnd disgraced. None o
the facts hero outlined imply nn immediate
diato revival of trade , but they do mark
progress , nnd they nflbrd the proinia
that when the revival docs coino it wil
bo a healthy one.
When it was proposed to pave Nintl
? treot with Colorado sandstone , and n
majority cf the property petitioned the
council for that material the BKH made
no objection. In view of the fact thai
the uroator portion of lower Ninth street
belongs to the Union Pacific , which
company isintorcHtod in introducing sand-
stonoat its owncxponsctlio opponents ol
sandstona lu n paving mitorial give
silent coniont to the experiment even
though the city dooa pay one-third o
the cost. But when it in attempted to
font sandstone upon other streets under
false protonacs , it becomes our duty to
uxpoao the imposture , Wo are in'ormod '
that Councilman Woodworth , who is act *
ing aa ngont and solicitor for Colorado
sandstone , hns sought to procure nnd in
factdid procurofaignaturos to apotition for
paving St. Mary's Avenue , above Twentieth
tioth , with that material by representing
that the cost of sandstone pavement is
$1.30 less per yard than Sioux Falls
granite. This is a bare-faced imponition.
The cost of paving Ninth with Colorado
sandstone on a foundation of broken rock
was $3.4 ! ) per square yard. The cost of
paving Farnam street with Sioux Falls
grnnito on broken stone foundation , the
city giving the contractors the stone from
the macadam pavement , was $3.44 per
square yard , The cost of taking up the
> ld material and cleaning and crushing
it was very nearly aa much as the expense
if purchasing cnuhod limestone , BO that
the actual cost of paving with Sioux
Kails granite on Farnam was no greater
lmu paving Ninth street with sandstone.
I'ho contract for paving Thirteenth street
.vith Sioux Falls grnnito on n sand foun-
liitiou six itioho.1 deep waa at $31'J
> or equarn yard , or 30 cents leoa
him Colorado sanatoria on crushed rock.
if wo mistake not the contract for paving
ewer St. Mary's avonua with granite on
sand foundation is only $2 08 per
qunroyard. Now every intelligent por-
ion knows that Sionx Falls granite is
nero durable than sandstone and there-
ore preferable aa a paving material ,
2vory taxpayer in Omaha contributes i
lis share towards paying the coat of pav-
ng the intersection ! ) , nnd therefore it ia
ho public interest to have the best ma-
iCrial chosen by the property owners ,
mlois indeed the difference in coat P
ihould bo an object for choosing the in- "
'orior matorlal. When Mr. Woodworth
oprcBonted to Mra. Robert H. Olarkaon
liat the cost of Sioux Falls grnnito would
o $1.30moro ] porequaroyard than Colora-
lo H.-mdatono ho committed almoataagravo
oll'enao as ho dooa by acting as the
igont and eolicitor for the Colorado sand-
It is a grave misdemeanor for any coun-
iilman to bo a contractor with the city
ir to bo interested in any city contract. [
Wo respectfully call Mr. Woodnrorth's
ittcntion to auction 105 of the city
inrtor :
"Any ofllccr of the city or member of
Lho city council who ahull by himself or
igont becoino a party to or in any way
inti'reatud in any contract , work or letting
undur the authority nnd by the action of
the city council , or who shall directly or
tulircctly , by himself or other party , no-
sept or rocoivoany v.iltmblo consideration
for his inlluonco or vote * * shall bo
lined in any atiin tint lens than $100 nor
inoro thuii § 1,000. "
It is self-ovidont that Mr. Wood worth
annot bo a contractor for the city or ao-
opt a commission for procuring contracts
liroctly or indirectly , vfithout being sub-
ect to the penalty of the law for every :
> lloii30. There are ether improprieties
in this connection which would not bo
tolerated under n well regulated city
government. If the men who make the
laws and ordinances of thu city can violate
late the laws with impunity and cuter
into contracts with the city in which they
ixro personally interested , they bocoino a
uorrupting element in our city govern
ment that will sooner or later result in aTwood
Tweed ring.
GF.M-.UU , lInwAuu has boon hoard [
from. Ho is In attendance at the world's
convention of the Young Men's , Christian
Association , now in session at Berlin.
TIIKHK 1ms been a rise in wash-tubs
B'IIICO the Tallnpoosa wont down with the (
aailor suit of that jolly old tar , Bill
TIIK reform in'Union Pacific politics as
promised us by Charles Francis Adams is
still in the dim and uncertain faturo.
A PKW inoro funerals are wanted in
Omaha before wo can catch up with
Kansas City , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
IT may bo that Lamb will have to bo 1
sacrificed on the altar as a peace-offering , 1t
NOT ono word from Jim Brisbin in
three days , and the world still revolves , n
Tlio Hiirrow'ti KHIIXIO.
KOCMKHTIH , Aupntt ' . ' .I.-Tlio tcheduta of
tlio Diinow'j diUto itt Albion It exlituj In
1871) ) , tlio date of liurroHH ttoath , thuus un e.s-
tatu of ono iiiul threu iiniirtcra inllliuiiH. The , )
bnfu "f thu hank waao | > cned to-day , J'xaml. I' '
nor WlllUmn refusoj to tuvoal it H content * ,
Iinnc-Fclt AVnntfl At Tjlncoln
OppOBlttnn to Dawcfl lor Gov
ernor Other Mntlcrp ,
Com ipondcncf of THE BFK.
LINCOLN , August 22. Yourcorreapontl
ont has been too busy of late to giv
much attention to Lincoln happenings
but will try to bo more prompt in the fu
The continuous rains have kept th
directs ina fearful condition , in factnux
to inipasaablo in many placoi.
The now hotel , the ( iorlmtn , ia boin :
cuahcd forward to completion wi'h a
view to accommodating the legislator
this winter. The house will bo largo an <
commodious , and will in a measure " 111
a long-felt want. " The St. Charles hotel
which < vaa burned with the butter ant
egg-packing establishment last spring , lia
bcon rebuilt with brick , and is n grea
improvement over the old St. Cimrlus.
The track on the Lincoln driving park
is nearly ready for use , and is being pu
in the boat possible shape. The owner
of fast stoppers are Rotting very anxioui
to try Iho now track.
Tlio olcclrio light schema has boon ro
vlvcd , and will in a few days bo in work
ing order again , the company havu pur
chased two sixty horse power engines
which are thought to bo ample power
There is quit o an unsettled fool'iig among
a grunt many of the old stand-by republicans
licans in regard to rcnominatitig Dawca
for governor , believing aa many of then
do that his nomination means a dcmo <
crntio governor. Whether or not the
fooling is strong enough to organize an
opposition is hard to toll , but certain ii
is that were ho coining up fora first term
io would not bo nominated , and for this
very reason it is feared that if nominated
10 cannot bo oloctcd. Those who are
talking In his favor use the threadboro
argument "precedent , " and say that to
dump him would bo to spoil the chances
of others who expect to bo struck by ofli
cial lightning. Quito a number ol
staunch republicans say they will not
rotn for Dawos if nominated. This seems
o bo about the status of affairs in this
leek o1 woods , and if the Republican
valley coino in ca it is claimed they will
with a strong man for governor , the prob
abilities are that the button-hole boqunt
vill find ho has no walk-away.
Tlio Prominent IluHlticsH Men nnd
the Town.
To the Editor of TIIK BKE.
FUEMONT , Neb. , August 23. It foil to
my lot to spend n fo\v days this week in
the beautiful western city of Grand Is
land , and aa I have boon in nearly every
town and city of importance in the state ,
[ cannot refrain from making special
mention of this placo.
The estimated population is 5,000.
[ iirgo brick buildings ijraco the principal
msincaa streets , the finest ono undoubt-
idly being the one erected by Mr. II. A.
Ivoonig , president of the Citizen's Na-
ional bank. The First National also
iccupies n very Cno building , built by 0.
< \ Bontly , cashier of that bank , and 0.
V. Abbott , attorney. These two banko
Io the principal part of the business. Mr.
Fames Oloarytho pioneer hardware man ,
ms also erected n Iprgo brick building , a
art of which ia occupied by a private
milking institution ,
The loading dry goods firm is Messrs.
iVithora & Kolls.
Two largo brick school buildings have
joen erected and a third in in course of
irection. The streets are kept in a pretty
air condition. A number of law firms
ire there located , the ones doing the
irincipal business being Thompson Bros ,
md Harrison & lloif. These gentlemen
dso do an extensive business in real es-
There are six or seven drug stores. 1
L'ho largest stock is .owned by Mr. A. S.
'atribk , who does the most extensive
Tlio town ib Badly in need of a good
There are four churches and seine four-
con saloons all doing a good business.
Moro anon. W. C. A LI.EN.
IKVINGTON 1X12318. '
of TlIK UKK.
IUVINOTON , Aug 18. Miss Addio M.
Dlark , of this vicinity , having last :
Wednesday accidentally mot her alii-
meed , Mr. Lewis Turiioy , at the resi-
ienco of Mrs. Fox of Summer Hill , nnd
hiding him sick nnd they fearing him to
30 dangerous , concluded to turn forward
ho Orogarian callonder , or bring down
next spring the next day. A gentleman H
wont to the city nud procured the nee-
jssiry legal documents , nnd on his re
turn taking into his carriage the pastor '
if tlio Irvington church , hastened to the
sccno of joy or grief , where the knot was
July tied and hope revived.
When it was observed how suddenly
bo brightened after the ceremony , ono
might have suspected a ruse on his part
to expedite the matter. With good
nuraing-of his own ho snoms rapidly im
The McCoombit who purchased the
Balia farm near here , have it al
ready thoroughly stocked and have mag.
uiticont crops.
Miss llnttio Browttor , who is homo on
a vacation will soon return to Oborliu ,
Ohio , and commence the third year ol
the "Ladies' ' Courso" in that college ,
Mim Seymour , of l-wa , stopping will
her friend Mrs. Browator , at the close ol
her second term of vocal and instrumonta
music , is to give a public concert , noxl
Monday night.
Two of the Massachusetts ladies
spending the season hero have returned
Mr. C. Pomp has been so successful in
driving his trade of bUcksmithing and i
wagon making that a year niro ho was
enabled to purchase a farm of 100 acres a
little way from here , toward Omaha. In
that ono stroke he made moro than
twenty wagons.
Trade teems rather on the increase
t the store of Mr. II , S. Johnson
md crops in this region ara good. A
man from the city was hero last week to
ont or purchase ton acres of ground for
mall fruit but did not succeed.
Mr , William Bsrbcr has opened out an
iuhty acre farm near hero and built a
louse and added other improvements. '
llr. Bates , recently from loua , a little
northwest of this , has completed a fine
residence on his 320 acre farm ,
Many ether improvements and general
signs of prosperity. Ono thing is especi
ally needed , and that is the opening up
of now roads to the west and south and
to the northeast of hero. Ono cannot do
better in driving from hero to Pnpillion
than to drive via Omahr.a.
Attention , O. A. K !
GIUND ISLAND , NEIL , Aug. 23 , 1881.
The following appointments on the
at.ilf of the commander of the reunion
camp have bcon made :
General 0. ' II. Frederick , Douglnn
county , chiff of staff.
Colonel .1. W. Small , Clay county ,
adjutant general.
Colonel Harry llotchklss , Lancaster
county , assistant adjutant general.
Colonel F. 0. Parcell , Kedge county ,
quartermaster general.
Colonel John Hammond , Platte coun
ty , assistant quartermaster general ,
Colonel J. A , Force , Howard county ,
commissary general.
Colonel J. 0. West , Hall county , inspector
specter general.
Colonel P. Hirat , Howard county ,
judge advocate general.
Colonel R R. Livingston , Casa county ,
surgeon general.
Colonel M. W. Stone , Saunders coun
ty , asaiutant surgeon general.
Cjlonel E. Van Buron , Dodge county ,
assistant surgeon general.
Commodore J. I ) . Moore , Hall county ,
commanding Plntto river naval squadron.
Colonel 0. E Wooster , Merrick coun
ty , chief of cavalry.
Col. S. 15. Jones , Douglas county ,
aido-dc-camp , master of transportation.
Col. C. L. Howell , Hall county , aide-
Col. Chris. Hartmann , Douglas county ,
Col. J. A. MacMurphy , Colfax county ,
Col. J. C. Bonnoll , Lancaster county ,
Col. W. 0. Henry , Fillimoro county ,
Col. L. P. Derby , Lancaster county ,
Editor of TIIK BKI : .
The list of the staff as published in
some papers is so incorrect and incom
plete ihat I send you the above authen
tic list of officers I have selected for the
reunion staff.
1 take this opportunity to request all
soldiers having muskets to bring them
along ; if they have none , then bring
rifles or shot-guns if they have thorn.
It ia earnestly desired that all posts
should arrive at Fremont on Monday if
they possibly can. The address of wel
come and response , and the turning over
: ho camp , will take place Monday oven-
tig , and the regular excrcieo of the camp
will begin Tuesday forenoon.
Commander of Camp.
Blainu and IJO UH Chili.
AiaiNOTON , Nin ; , Auo. 25.
Editor cf TUB BEE : A young men's
31aino and Logan club was organized at
his place Saturday and about thirty
lames were enrolled ; besides , a largo
lumber of veterans wore received in as
lonorary members. The principal
peech was by E. T. Staples , 'quite a
oung orator , who vividly portrayed the
opublican camping ground aa against the
emocratic burying ground , and then
akcd the youngm-jn to takothoir choice.
! ho mooting was largely attended.
At tlio Opera.
They were at the opera , says Drake's
'ravolora Magazine , and as they seated
lemselves ho remarked , impatiently :
"There ! I have forgotten the opera
lasa again ! "
"Oh , well , " said his wife soothingly ,
'wo will got along nicely without it. "
"Nonsense , " ho replied. "I will have
n opera glass if I have to rent one. "
"You didn't make such a fuss about
orgotting the opera glass when wo wont
0 see Henry Irving in 'Hamlet , ' " she re- 0
narked a little sternly.
"I know I didn't. But 'Hamlet' and
French opera are very different things ,
foil don't imagine that a man can ap-
ireciato fine or ar music without an
ipora glass , do you/ / "
An Ominous Dark Cloud.
Lixt'iiiiuno , A'a. , August 23. The Lynch-
jiirgh homo guard is under arms aw ailing
inler.s from fchoiilf Ainliuret to resist the
hre.itonoil attack of nogrooa on the jail ,
'liliidgo Morris , n prominent joung fanner
if tb it county , on Saturday throw a boot-jack
it I . ( in ( irecn , a iiu ro woman , and bioku her
iktill. Shadiud. Tim assault was prouikod
ivagmm in'nlt to hii mother. A pos o of
iti/.eiw Rinuded the jiill Inat night. A lioily
if neproea mo a'semliled near thu court housa
nit 110 demonstration was m.ulo. Tumble is
eaied tu-iiigUt.
A Correction.
Wll.KKsiiAitiih , I'cnn , , August 25. A spec-
Hi from lieio liiht night nun mnciug the death
if Fred Hurst , an Knqliblimnii , who was
tabbed nt lla/.eltmi 3'ildny , 13 not tuio. Ho
alive this inclining and doing woll. The
illuician thinks helll recover. All quiet.
Another Kiillrouil In Ohio ,
CINCINNATI , Atigunt 23. The Cincinnati k
'nutorii railroad was opened for bnslnes * to
lav from IITO to I'ortsmoutli.Oliio , a diitanco
if 1011 inlluH , Tlio road la nnirow gimgu anil
legotlntions are in progress to change it to a
itmidunl gunge.
rrom tlii'uo ' Iso
aouriH's ui tlirco-rourllis ot
the discuses of the Imnmn raco. Tlicso
iymitoinainillcntotliolroxidtcncurlna > o <
Aptietlte , JIvrl > contlic , hick Head.
clie , fulliiei * after eating , nvrmlnii to
tzertloii of bnily or luluil , iriictntton
ot foiiil , Irrllnblllly of trmpcr , Iow
IplrlU , A frfltiiff of having urulrctcil
ic > iiie liif-t ] > lzzae | iriuttcrliiiattlio
irrnrt.Doln before I lie eye > , lilcily ) col-
ircil Urluc , ru.VSTIPATIU.V , mill do-
inniul tlio use ofa i ouiotly Hint nets directly
on tha Liver. AsaLlvorincdlcliioTUTT'S
IMM.S liuvo no oaunl. Tholr nctlouou tlio
Kldnays IUK ! Skin U ulso prompt ; removing
All linimiltlra throncli tlicso thico "n n > -
riiRrri of the * v Uin , " pioihiclilfr nppu.
tltu , hoiinil dlsosttoii , regular stools , n ch'ar
nVIn and u vigorous body. 'I'UTT'H I'ir.r.S
csiiiso no nuiisca or Rilplnif nor lutciTuio
> llh dally work iinil nio u jiurfoct
CTQ.U5c. t'lcc.1I.Miirr.iybt.N.Y. | !
Oiur Him u WIIIHKI IM clmnKPii in.
staiitly tu n UlXMar 2iufic brn ini1o ; np.
pllrutloii of tlild JVi : . Sola by lniti ;
or trnt by oxm ess on irccilpt ' - . { S S .
unicti , Jl Jliiriuy Struct , jr York.
A ictlm of c rly impruuence , c .t1ag nerrom
JcbUlty. mcmiture Uocur , etc. . lunnit inni ( a
> la every known rorowly. ha ill uvprod a nimr )
aitioj of M-vure , volch ho will
Ksd tfliUU to
. -v- * " - vw
* U ello Miu n.r . AiMm * .
A WKKVKH - iuith w > * t * * * vnr >
Beina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to 5120 per 1000.
Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. Mew Stan
dard , Good Advice , New Brick ,
Proprietors. Superiiiftudont
ill and Brain Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
W Vv' W\M. \
We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
le erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
lourinc Mills , from Stona to the Roller System.
OT'Especial attention givouto furnishing Powder Plants for any pur-
ese , and estimaies made for some General machinery repairs attended
romptly. Address
RICHARD & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb
j UUlUUIJi |
H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE CashleiJ
Capita ! and Surplus. S5OO.OOO1'
Fire and Bnrolar Proof Safoaor Kent at from 85 to fSOper annom ,