Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1884, Image 1

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That is Whatilio Bombardment of Fo
Chow is Characterized ,
A Rumor that China Has For
mally Declared Wan
Severe Oritioisin of the English
Plan for Gordon's Eeliof ,
The Daily Eeport of the Ravages
of Oholora ,
Bradlaugh Coming Over to Amer
ica in the Autumn ,
Tlic AtiKlo-Gcriimii DIIHutiltlcs In
Africa Becoming Moro Sorioua.
The War In Clilnii.
LONDON , August 23. The Times dispatch
from I'oo Chow this afternoon says : The
1'iencli iiimcladi entered the mouth of thu
river this afternoon at two o'clock. The White
fort opened fire with Krupp camion wliilo thu
ships weio thrco miles away. After an hour's
engagement the French retired. The Chlneso
fire was creed ,
At six o'clock Sunday evening three burn
ing gun-boats floated down the stream , ono
carrying the French colors. Numerous tires
in junks were blazing In a dangerous innnucr
and imperilled KnglUh men nf-war , but wuro
fended off.
One English bark was saved by an Knglish
man of war. The French torpedo boat ex
ploded the f terns of tha Yang Woo trans
ports and the two sinking gunboats. Thu
scenes on the river as dead aud wounded
floated by were terrible. Tlio English saved
many wounded. The fort ? lower down are
not yet attacked. Tha Times correspondent
U the only newspaper roprojontativo pre-cnt
and was on board the Champion.
1'usw , August 25. A dispatch from Tien
T.sin says that the charge d'alfuirs left there ,
the acting consul remains. The Kopubliipie
Francais says : "Franca will soon seize and
i atain such territory in China as is useful tu
her. Chang Pi idling will lead the Chinese
troops against the French.
I'Aitis , August yi , A dispatch from Hanoi
< > f tu-diy state * that General Milot has taken
the necssary measurrs for repelling the ex-
pecte 1 Chinese invasion.
I'AIUS , August 2. ) . It is inuiored in Paris
ih.'it China lias nmdu n formal dcclnration of
war , and notified the powers to that effect ,
The French papers are indignant at the Btite-
inenK made by the London Times le.spoctmg
the bomhurduiEiit of Fee Chow.
I'.Milh. Augiisc 25. lj ? France eays tint
the Chinese foreseeing the bombardment of
Fee Chow , stripped tne aMenal of it. public
i .tillable * . It also says tha French are also
making coaling stations at 1'oudichcrry and
Toui.ox , August 2 > . OUR [ death from
cholera hera since morning. Onu death _ Is re
potted today at Hyeres and two ut La Seyne.
The record of cholera in the Toulon hospitals
today : Admitted , 0 ; deaths , iiouo ; discharged ,
; > ; under treatment , ! " .
HOMK , August S5. ! liulletin of cholera in
Italy ; JJergame , 11 deaths ; Cut-no , 11 death ? .
ten fatal cases ; Uarraiu , 15 deaths , eleven
fiesh cases.
\ 1'ltis , August 23. Two deaths from chol
era are reported at Marseil'e ' * last night aud
live at Toulon. Thu panic ut Toulon has iu-
vived and the return of fugitives is checked.
LOMJON , August 25.Thrru is another
i'hau o tor a misunderstanding in icgard to
the west African territory. On .July 12th thu
Hermans took formal posscs'ion of the GJIIIO-
i. ions river in Upper Ciiiinua and all the
adjoining country. This loused great dis-
sati-faction among the English traders , who
think that Kngluud .should have taken the
liver long ago. On July 25tb Mr. Hewitt ,
iintish consul , held a meeting of the mer
chants aud local kin s aud chiefs at Old
Calabar. As the lesult of this tha kings and
chiefs signed a treaty , placing themselves and
lii"ii dominion under British protection.
MMIIUD , Auzust 2. > . KiimuM are gaining
C'ureiicy here thit Seuor Xorill j , tha radical ,
is prepa'iMig tu raisa a rebellion , The govern-
niont is taking precaution ? .
Si1. I'ilBiiMintfi , August 20. IJusria will
1'st.tblUh a smitjry onion on the wehlern
Irontier to prdvent iieojila from France and
It ly from entering the country.
l.OS'iDN. August 23. William Lunpold
ll'isbcll ' lllaron AmpthillJ liritinh ambassador
t lierlin , ii dead.
LONDON , Angmt 2) . Charlea Bradlaugh
will deliver a xeriiis of lectures in America
il'iriiig October and November.
livuUN , Aucrust 23. I'rincesH Arlctoriu ,
wne f 1'rlnco William is iilaitiiingly ill with
( " ailet fever.
; * ' Special Dispatch to TllK 1JKK.
iii LONDON' , August 25. Adverse
"f the government's plan of thu relief expedi
tion to Klnrtuuni by way of the Nile , is daily
In-coming stronger. Many reasons are shown
f.T bslieviug thu expedition as now planned
v ill lie a failure , H is spoken of as a make
-hift ami claimed to bu miserably inadequate
In numbers and equipment. Clitics say that
the transportation facilities roliu 1 on for pa slug -
lug the cataracts of the Nile an * erndo and in-
suflicieut , nnd they urge thu war oliica to gend
another furco comppsed thielly of Indian uc-
clln atcd troops to Khartoum by way of Sua-
km und Borbtr. Meaiitimu It IH feared that
CM. Kitchener is in peril at Debbiih , as ono of
the lieiiten.ititi ) of Muhdl id within a day's
march of that place , with over a thousand
men flushed with their recent triumphs over
tha friendly tribe. It is alsofearad that Don-
g. .la w ill fall before re-mforcemenU can reach
it , and it is the general belief that Suakli
will not hold out much longer. In a wotd , nl
the cleniMi's are seen torn pilnful catastroph
in the Soml\u : situation , which would changt
the whole political front In Kugland ,
How AVnrncr , tlio Aliscoiiilin ) ; Untik
President Completely Ottttuil
the Institution ,
Special Dispatch to THE HEB ,
AI.UION , N. Y , , August 25. Mxpeits who
have been at wotk for the past two days < n
the vault of the First National bank micccedoi
this mm ning in forcing the tliirJ and las
door of the box in which the securities wen
supposid to bo kept. K\erythilig of valtit
had Veen abstracted. Tl'ie absconding presi
dent of the in. titutiou liad entirely dcpletoi
the box of its eontonts. This discovery great
ly intensified the excitement. Threats of violence
lence against Warner weio openly made bj
eoino of the depositors. Other ollichds of thu
bank IITO denounced in no measured tarins for
CArelessnesa in allowing themselviu to bo hood
winked by Warner. No trace of the latter'
whereabouts has us as yet boon discovered.
Notes given by Warner as executor ot the
Uutrows estito are being received from var
ious points , and it U said that tha liabilities
represented by th se notes will wipe out the
jntlro DBtate. Warner's embezzlements will
foot up into millions. The liurrows estate
was originally § 2,000,000 and of this nothing
s loft but real estate , not worth over half a
nillion. Depositors who risked on Saturday
! l ) to " " > cents on the dollar for their claims
would now gladly accept 10 cents.
Special Dispatch to Tin : BKK.
COI.U.MIICH , Ohio , August 25.Word has
eachu j hero that the miners now at work in
ho Minus at Bucclu-ll , Ohio , were attacked
his morning by strikers. The Columbus ,
locking Vulloy .t Toledo railroad company
isked the governor for troops to protect their
nen and prnpeity , but weru refused on the
ground that thi militia cannot bo called out
intil the sheriff has exhausted all moans in
us power to imell the disturbance. The wires
lavu been cut and no further Intelligence is
) btainable.
Special Dispatch to TllK BEK.
UAH'ON , Ga. , Aug. 25. Georgu Clark , a
negro rapist , was hanged at 12HO today ,
rhei a was no trouble , whatever , not a semb-
aucuofariot. The rumored uprising of ne
groes was the result of tha exaggerated fears
if a few people. Daw-son is quiet , and there
iaa boon no demonstration whatever.
MAIIKIIAI.E , Out. , August 25. Win.
Vouis , head teacher of the Markdale
chool fired five times at the second teacher ,
MiH 1'ord , thrao shoti taking effect. Ho
hen shot himself dying instantly. Miss Ford
annot iccuver.
M'ACOX , ( ia. , August 25 The negro named
31ark was hanctedEtoday for tko rape of an old
vhite lady at D.iw.-on. Negroes declared he
lioiild nut be hinged , and made threats. Tlio
hcrilf telegraphed to the governor for troops ,
ml two companies from Albany weru ordered
, o the scene. When a mile and a half from
Ylbany , the engineer iound obstructions on
he trnck , but too Jala to stop. Thteo cars
veilderailed. . Nobody was hurt. Another
ram carried the militi tj Dawson this morn-
ng. Clark was executed at one o'clock in the
iiuicnco of a largo crowd. There woa no dis-
rder , the militi , * prdventing.
COAT.CKNTKII , Pa. , August 25 The miners'
ami > was reinforced to-day by the wivei ,
nothcrs and children of the miners arrested
ast week. This afternoon about fifty of them ,
leaded by mi old gray-halrod woman seventy
ears of age. mirchcd to thu ollico of 'Squire
XiwKon , at California , and applied for admin-
ion ta the poor house claiming they had no
loans uf suppoit. The application was w
used , and thu pirty then took up the march
.o Operator Noal'n house , but thu special olli-
eis would not permit them ti enter the
rounds , and they returned to the camp.
GyiiinnstH and ti. A. It. Men at Chi
CiiifAiio , August 25. I'pward of one hun-
red athletic I'uliemiaiis exhibited their siip- , activity and strength on the horl-
intal bar , vaulting horsolrapc/e and paraloll
> ars at Battery D. armory to-day. The par-
ormaucoswciu uallud "class , ' ' and were
laratory to tlio grand tournament of the third
inniial meeting of the Bohemian gymnastic
sgociations of America , which occurs to mor-
ow night.
Four hundred canvas tents have IH'OII pitch-
d in the Chicago driving pirk for tha rucop-
ion of the veteran soldiers and Keillors of the
orthwiHt , whose re-union is to begin to-mor-
ow. Tlio features uf the ro-uuion include
irix.o drilling and a sham battle , in which the
utional guards ot Illinois will tike part.
Destructive Klrr.
CvxiiliA , N. Y. , August 10 , Besides the
( us by tire in Abdallat park Btables , yestoi-
lay , ilamus Ilaiiuu lost his lifo , Win. H.
Vilson , owner of the stables , lost his resi-
[ once , Tha following Is .1 list of the horses
inrnod : Tiiunner , a st-illioii , valued at ton
hoiieand dollais ; Long lir.inch , stallion , five
.housand . dollars ; CliiHtnut Wilkus , live thou-
aud dollars , .Tornoy Lily , mare , tiflocn thou-
and dollars ; Winoni , brood marc , by Smug
ger , five thousand dollars ; Almont , goldlmr ,
iwtifd by C. Cason , five thousand dollars. No
UMiriuico on thu linrn-H , and but four thouBaml
lollurs on the Wilson building * .
I'ltoJIntult .V Footo ISiiHt.
NKW YODK , August 25. Scheduler in thu
isBienment of Hatch it Footu , filed August S ,
mt to-Uuy made public , show liabilities of
l-l'i)7,3r ' ) > , of which debts amounting tu
-iniS,000 ; nro secured. Nominul assets ,
< : . ' ' ! ( actual asset S ' Tlio
l,2v.L'li ; * , 'J8,87L assets
'insist entirely of railroad stock and bands ,
niningand other Brcuritius , including a small
amount of government bonds. The greater
lortion of tlioso necurities are pledged as col.
ateial security for various loans.
TtioVl'rij ) rtlto Trouble.
NKW YOIIK , August 25 , Commissioner
Fink nays the railroad managers will noon
BOttla all dilferencss. The meeting of the
managers of tlm railroads Iiitorostod In the
Pacific coait biisinesi will bo hold at Saratoga
on Septemlier 2 , and than I think the
trouble over the tripartite agreement will be
eettled ,
The Political Gospel of the Moflem St
John ,
Ho Accepts the Nomination fo
President with Thanks ,
And Actually Sooins to Think His
Election Possible ,
Daniols , the Tail of the Ticket
Makes His Little Speech.
A Large Amount of Fuss Over a
Small Matter ,
Oilier Political Notes I'roin Various
Notifying St. Joint.
Ci'iu , N. V. , August 23. ( Sov. St. John
niul Mr. Daniols worn mot by a reception coin-
inittco. The notification committed hnvo not
nil arrived. 1'nif. Dlckoy is expected at noon.
Cl'UAtX. Y. . August 23. Tlii1 prohibition
notification proceedings were held at St.
John's camp inretiug circuit ground * , a. grove
two miles from Cuba village. _ A tempcraiC3
: anip meeting to last five days is in pnigrots ,
rho piintipal leaders and upyiikcrj of thu pro-
libitiou movement aru present and will ad.
liuss tliu auilioiu'O during the week , The
audience numbers throe thousand. Thi oxer-
isesopened\yitli music and prayer , after
vhich Prof Dickey , chairman of the notifica.
Ion committee , WIM intioduood to thu auili
nco and candidates.
I'rof. Uiekey addressed the candidates ,
elm 1 * . St. John and William Daniel , .is fol-
' Gentlemuii : I am to speak for the commit-
oo representing hero today the thu nalional
oiivention of tlio proMbitinn party , recently
ii session at Pittsburg. Jn li.irniony with po-
itical linages , and in keeping with the dignity
ml importance of the high position in which
no shall eudo. vor to place 3 on , wo are here
or the purpose of notifying yon hi tin * ( illicial
ml fjrmal manner of your selection an can-
idate.s of tlio national prohibition paity for
lie positions respectively of prt > ident mid
ice-president of the I'nited States.
Thi ) convention which thin honoreJ itself by
0 wise n selection was no ordinary g.itheiing.
len were there bowed under the weight of
lany years ; who , a generation go , in the
nmo hull , were here toorgnni/.o for a victory
vinit seemed tn some iihopcle.sseau'etho | battle
gainst that other tlavery. YoiuiK nibii were
lirru with the ardor of youth and the devotion
f henios. Women we e there , Krancin Wil-
ml ami Mary \Voodbridgu and Mr * . Uiirt
ml Mary I/itbrop and Ksthcr Hugh , represen-
atives ot' the lie-t brain and heart nf Amen-
an womanhood. It was a convention of e itn-
lest men and pure women , who \vero them to
xpresa tlio convietiou that the government
light to bo a government of the puople and by
ho pe iplc , and not n government of the s.i-
eon , by the saloon mid for the i-nloon. It was
1 eovenution leprc enting a powerful constitu-
uey compjsod of citi/.uus grown tired of the
pectaelo of the two old political purlieu rival-
ng each other in thoirejgernes.s to servo the
iiuorlraltiu | , gi iiigdown np'iii thair faces in
ho dustbcfocu the Moloch of mua and crying
nit in the language of sciipturu "Am I noc
hineass upon which thou bast liddcn ? "
1 need not assurcyon that the prohibition
larty will give you most ardent suppoit. We
nay not sueeL'cd in electing you to the high
uiaition for which you liavo been named , but
vc Khali enjoy tlio proud satisfaction of
caowing that our candidates and our party
vero thu only ouea that ought to have sue-
ceded. And now gentlemen , in the 11:11110 : of
lie noblest womiu hood and the pure-it | ! man-
oud of Ameiica , 1 invoke the blessing of Al
lighty Cud to rout U.on | you , and may that
iviue power which rules and overrules in
lie affairs of the nation and of ni'in , vouch-
life to you such measura of xtiongth ainl
onraga and wisdom a * will enable you to
car well the burdens wliicb the national pro-
ibition party witu Biipromo confidence now
ays upon you.
( inturiiur St. John replied .13 follows :
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commit-
ee : In receiving this formal notification of
ly nomination for the highett ollu'e within
id gift of the people by the national convon-
ion of prohibitionists , permit me , iu > twith-
landing thu di-aiuction was not fought _ by
10 , 1 } iia&uro you in view of the niuiiim-
, y with which it was given , of my high aiipio-
ation of the gioat liuiior it confers. Theie
ru more puitius in the field to-day than there
in political issues. Upon the great ipiesiiun
s to what Khali be done with the trjfhc in in-
oxicating li < piorH as a bovcrago , both thudoiu-
cratlc r.nd lepublican parties ace united in
inking the trallie permanent , wliilo thu pio-
ihitionistH demanil that it ishiill bu forever
iaued ! under tha condumiiation of tliu luwnf
he land.
Thud an issue is clearly made and I think
o-day it is the only olio that nearly reaches
he heait and conscience < it the citizen" , L'tmn
his-isaue wo go to the people , tin1 source of all
lolilical power. ] , ut us appaal to reaHon
athcr than prejudice. Let llioi-e result to
lersonal abueo and scanilal who liavo nutliing
latter to uphold their eanso. The prohibition
mrty is not oigJiil/.ing OH a mere threat or
nenac. It is the outgrowth of a rapidly In-
reusing eryetali/.ed heutiinont ngauibt tlio
'rnit evil of the ago an evil that the old jur
ies darn not attack , but a/ainst which this
Doling party of the people , in defomo of the
lomeH of the nation , haa entered upon n war-
are that can never ceam'HO long an thu Hug of
he country waves Its protect ! mjf old stiver leg-
li/ed dram-fchopx , In this xtriiglM let
14 everKiememlior wo ara aecountabli ) teed
! od , and that our duty to Jliia is paramnunt
, o our nllogiaiico to any political paity ; thbt
lolitical ties will never , in 11 in night , ONCUSO
. ballot for any party thst does not Htiind up
oarlcsaly for iliN light. TJie homu will liavo
nothing to fear if peopht vote UH they pray.
till : DmiiiilH followed and ( aid : "To the
hairmnn and meinberH of tha committee : 1
VIM profoundly gratified for the honor CJM-
erred by belectmg me as ono of the utanduid
jenrtTH of the great reform movoinent. 1
, xcc9ft the nomination for the olliuo of
ico-president , and expect to do HO
nore formally by letter lieieuftfir , knowing
veil that it is oue of rcspoiibibility und in-
olving no little porKonal Karilico ,
appreciate this honor not merely
M a personal one , but an n token ,
if appreciation by the convention of thu
uriicht , Holid prohibition work that has IIIIHII
lone in my native Ktute of Maryland within
he fnw years past. 1 alto appreciate It us
in indication of the dcsiro of our brethren uf
lie great north and west to obliterate all we-
tionnl | i-ir\ \\i\es \ \ \ and lini'd ' up n grnud nnin
J' tty eotnposed of tlio best rlemcnti on bol
ldej of tilt" line , in array njnimt the wor t
the rcpi-e piitstlvf < D | protH'tii'M to hnmr
evprywhero a ngain t the Kftlootis. This din
| Msi'innl4 tnnra vloat ly evinced from the fat-
tlmt I am the first person Jelcctcd Hince lli
war from a toulhorn etnto l ft candid.T f
a national position. I lnt t thin
\\ill K1 the Imrblnger of intlvgii
Kooil will and union tlmniijliout the Intii
which a poet hat dcsrribwl i
"Tho union of Inkcs , the union of landc ,
The union of state tiono can uncr ;
The union of henrt. ' , thu union of Immls ,
And the ( lag of thonnion fotovor. "
Whatever may be the result cf lhi clToit
so far tu the precis-e nimibcr of votoa la concerned
corned , I bcliovo the agitation will bn of iiu
inense advantage to the ctu < o ftiidthi > eonntry ,
1 bi'llevu the r. suit will bo to rivet the ourn
eat , thoughtful attention of the Aiuri lean pen
pie upon this liquor trallic this gigiintii
crime of crimes -so ns to cause the Hpoml )
adoption of Mich iniM'iinrt n will pre tly
jmnten its overthrow. Thu iluty of the Imur
is to crystalir.o nnd organlw tin1 prohluitioi
sentiinunt. We hnvu idro.idy entered Inti
polltiejl action , nnd thus having n standard to
which we can rally wo sliull inoru rapidly
f'rm whatexer cUe cf ROiitimout that may
bo needed In any other way. 1 have , but to
sny in conclusion tlmt I shall do nil in my
power now nnd henceforth to bow onward this
[ irnhilijtion standard.
The following are the conuniltco of nollfica-
tlcn : Professor Samuel Dlckoy , of Michigan ,
ehnirinan ; Judge .lames Itlnclc. I'eiiiiRylvnliia ;
Professor A. A. Hopkins , Xow York ; D.
Shelton , Kansas ; 15nv. John HiHsell , Michl-
van ; Mi-s I'rancenVlllard , Illinois ; lion. S.
I ) . IlafitingH , WIscoiiHiu ; ( ieorga K. Scott ,
S'ew York ; Miss Alary Wuodbrldgo , Ohio ;
lion. .1. T. Turner , Alabama.
DKTUOIP , Michigan , August 25. Dnvid
Vston , of thin city , mentioned in connection
vlth the prohibition nomination for governor ,
mbllshos n letter tt > all the peoolo of Michi
gan. He claims allegiance with the party
hat acknowledge * Almighty God Injts plat-
orm , and says thu prohibition ! * ' ) ' ) Inivingdono
his , ho will accept the nomination it ten-
i.'nnl to him. Tlio prohibltonlnt3 ! meet
Vednesday at Lansing. I'roeton will liavo a
argo follo'win/ , and this nddx to the much
nixed Michigan politics. _ The republicAUB
ia\o already adopted n prohibition platform.
HomlrlokH liivlloil to Poorln.
IsiilAN.M'oi.iH , I nil. , Augii't 15. ! A com-
nitteo of gentlpnieii from IVurin , Illinois ,
vaitod on Gov. HeiulriekH today and tormnlly
ivited h'm ' to be proauut at the opoidng of
Iiu 1'eoria fair ept-jmln'r 10th , liondriukx
cceptud the invitation.
UllllllO llllllHpDUOll.
UAH IlAHiioit , August L'5. Mr. lilaine , ow
ng to a .slight indisposition , will not leave
! ar Harbor to-day. llo uxi > eets to leave
\roostook county to-morrow to vwit friends.
AVrAsiii.\iirii.v , Aug. L'u. I'rof. Dodge , stii-
Istieian of the department : > f ngiieiilture , nays
Imt reports show that the cropi have been
omewliat damaged by drouth in Ohio , ludi-
IID , IllinoH ami Kentucky. The injury ,
lowever , is inittmlHciant t.ioaiHo any pan-
cky feeling , as theroi.s every indication that
lie genqral crop will Iiu good.
ri.lll HO-l'N'Kf.MOXIA.
Dr. Salmon , chief nf the buicAU of animal
nil Ub try , today teh'graphed from Chicago an
ollows , relative to thu u\lHtuao3 of pleuro-
ineumoni.i am nig Jersey cuttle in Illinois :
This hli. u' han quarantined the infected
ilace.s BO far as discovered. 1 y ' - - , continue
tacing su pcioiis animals ia tills and ntigh-
loring states until nil uru dijcoverud ,
The secretary of the troutmry II.IH c.dled in
.lio following ! tliren ] > er cent bonds by original
umlierH , und inteiest will cua-e September
0 : 330 , Nos. : ) " to Sl-l , both inchi'-ivo , and
\os. iUlL' to iiit : : , both inclusive ; S100 , No
J.'jli to 'Jftili , both inclusi\e , and Xus. O.'il I to
fll-i - , both inclusive ; SfiOO , No.s. 1115 1 1 11W ,
oth inclu-ivu , and NOR.lOUll to 'lO.'li , both
ichisive ; SI.OOO , Ne . lO.IUO to 11OS3 , both
iclmive. niul Nos. L'2rf 18 to L'A''l.'t ' , both in-
lusive ; § 10,01,0 , , N'ns. ISKtSS to 2JI501 , botii in-
hisivo. Total , . 10,000OOJ.
The acting secretary of f-e interior has do-
'iUd in the COKO of the Southern Pacific rail-
> ad vs. th state of California that invalid
choiil sections are a bar to attachments of
andu under railnud rights.
Tlio Mm lima 1'erHeculioim.
SALT IMUK , Utah , August 25. Alainorinl
crvlces in lespfct to the inunory of the ! Mor-
1011 elders ass < a'-siiiatodiii | Ti'imcsseivoio held
esterday inull the huge , and many of the
mailer tiwim in Utah. A congregation of
bout seven thousand uttei.dcd tlit'Hti vice < in
ho Tabernacle ut this city. Tlio rcninrka of
lie nprakervli eh ichoeii the Hontimrnts of
le congrugation , were c 'iieiliatory and con-
oliug ; r. fleeting in no way on the people of
Vnnosxco gonoially , but attiihiiting the mur-
ers to bigoted prejudice on the part of ignor
nt and misinformed individuals' , The providi
ng sentiment among the leading Moimons
nil Mormon people generally , is that such
cts are the outgiotvtli of misroprcHentatiiin
nil falsehood , ehielly unmnating from this
ity , and eontiniially kept before the country
t large by their enemies.
liver DlHCDViirod in AVcst'lrliilii ,
peeial Dispatch to Tun llui : .
CAIKO , W. V. , AugiiHt 25. The gioat
xcltemont in Ititchio over the di < coveiy of
liver is becoming intense. Hundreds of
prospectors aie flocking to the mines. Sev- good mines liavo been found on Short
mil lluck runs , The mine of Jtov. Walters
IIIH u five-foot vein mid the last ussny Bliowed
Sir,0 : > ilvrrand 811 of load to the ton. ILrt-
ett'H mine UH.sayH S170. Widow I'ool , of
Suck Itun , in excavating a wall found n lump
f silver urn that weigh * d eleven pounds ,
vhich sold for * ii..r | , being nearly puro.
OloHlnt ; of thi ) < Jliiiumii < | iiii AHBOinlily.
CliAUTAfgfA , Antr. 25 , The closing oxer-
IHIM of the Chaiituuiiia | asHnmbly for the year
; ere held this moiinng , AddresEea woru de-
Ivuiod by Chancellor Vincent , 1'resldPiit
, n\viH Miller , of Akron , Ohio ; Jtnv , Dr.
hton , of I'oorla ; Itnv. Dr. Adam , and Socie-
n ry Duncan and othera to Immifisoaiidlonons
Irs. Hill Hang "Home , Sweet Homo. " The
lOile college glee club sang Bin oral Helcctiunn ,
'hi'Horvlcon were very iinpresslvo.
Tho'J'nllapoonit HI l > n llaland ,
I' : , It. I. , Auzmt 25.-A New-
xirt dispatth to the Journal tuiyft : The scero-
ary of the navy has determined tu iiuike an
dfort to ha\a thu 'I'dllapoosa raised. Ho is to
oiwldreshod at WoiKl'u hall before Momhy
loon next.
CoiidilioiioftlicHarlcliuTuOsc ( Com-
inoflilits Ycslcrflay ,
Considerable Doing in Corn Owing
to Lower Pricosi
A Declining Tendency in Wheat
Partially Counteracted ,
Oats , Pork and Lard All Take a
Tumble ,
Cattle Moderately Active , Soiling
at Fair Figures ,
A. Very IJulit Domain ! Tor It ORB
Cannes a Dull Murlcct.
Special to Till ! HKK.
CllK'Aiio , August 'JT > . The maikct <
Inigged rather heavily again to-day , with the
xcoption of coin , In which eoimdorabln In-
: orcxt nuitereil , caused by a lower range ol
The wheat market was ngain quint , and at
times dull , with lower prices. The market
oldnlfntj to ic soon .after opening , Inlhi
oneod to Eomo extent by the discouraging
onor of foreign advices , nnd larger receipts
lore. Than followed a firmer fooling , nnd
irices rallied Jo under moderate demand.
Ixpoi U from the seaboard for the past week of
\hoat and Hour were reported to exceed
hive millions , wh ich Induced a little inoro
mying. Later prices tided oany again , and
: ! OSIH | .jc under Saturday. On thu afternoon
board the feeling was again easy and a i-linde
owcr , clesini' at 78 for September , 7U3 for
) ctobor , 81J for November , and Hi ! ; ) for
( 'iHN' .
Markets ruled weaker and lower all around.
Varmer weather and largo leceipts brought
ut rather free selling , anil it was also credit-
d that a big local operator who had bought
reely at tha oponiug had sold out. 1'iices
e -lined to a point J ? to le lower than Satur-
ay , rallied Jc , then fell off again and closed
c niidor . Saturday. On the afternoon bonrd
lices again receedod J toe , cloning at fdj
or August , ftlg for September for October ,
ml1II for JSovember.
OA rs
idod a chade lower , closing at 24V for August
nd Seutembcr , and U.j' for October.
iled dull , and doferml deliveries declined " "i
110. ! August was marked up ilOe to " 7 M ) .
eplemlior closed at ' . ' 0 00 , October 1'J ' 00 , and
ear 1'J . ' (74. (
" ' " '
fc'ined 10 to Ific , cliiiintr at 7 It7.for \ August
ud September , and 7 I7i for October.
Among the arrivals were -1,500 TOXIUII and
OateniK. Them wern no first cla H imtivtH ,
nd but few tha' would pass for bccoiid clais
n a fair run of stock. A few natlvoj that
vere olfi-rcd mid easy nt about closim ? jrices
or hist week , while thu Texuns und westerns
vere 10 to Ifie higher , with a few ilrovcs t0 ! to
5o higher. Tin rii were but few etoekers and
eders on pale , barnly Biilliciont to make a
laikel , but there WUH fair inquiry and good
lock would have made a utrong pi ice.
'hrra were liberal ofl'ei ings of stock calves ,
ml thny cold readily nt from 81 to $11 ! pur
load , with cul H at .IClllo 1050 per hood ,
'licro were but few cows and Bulls among tliu
irivals and they sold at 2 CO to II Uj ;
alvos at I ! ill to 7 00 . The market closed
teady at 'A M ) toI ' . " for nati\u grusiers ; ! TiO
> 51TiJ for native steers that liavo had
> mc corn , 0 00 to f ! - . " > for good neujml class
urn fed , and ( i fit ) tu 7 (10 ( for host. TUXIIUH
re quoted at ! ol ) to I 00 , and we tenn at
00 to ! > 'JO. l.iuds of the latter ( Montana- )
iado the latt > .r price. ( ! oed to cboico ship-
In1'JUO to UtTiU pound' , are I ! ( h ) tu Ii 7f > ;
ommon to medium , 1000 to 1'JOO pounds ,
OD to ! fl ) ; inferior to fair eows , a IM to
00 ; medium tu gnod , II 00 to II 75 , stockcr * ,
nil , : i 00 to I } ; fceifers , I ill ) toI f0 ! ;
angn cattl" , Ktromrer ; ! I77 Montana , averugo
veight Infill , nt ft 00 ; INS Oregon , average
euht llli , at I ( JO ; IM ! ) Oregon , aveiago
vtiight llJI'i , at ! ( ; gr.iHs Texas , 800 to 110U
oundri , 't : ! J to I TiO ; Americans , I 00 to f ) 'JO.
The lurgo percent.igo of fresh arrivals were
ratsers and conimon Hurts , 'J'ho market was
nil fnnr fiist tu latt , climing woiik with IH-
JO to IL'.OIH unsold , and 10 to 15c lower , witli
resh receipts of about -M OOl ) on Halo. 'J'he
irovision market was dull , and prieen on : dl
orts nt piMillicU lower , hence picker * were
otiinxious buyers. Shippers did : iot eecm
o luvo any urgent ordiTs , aud were not on
Iiu inuiket. Kales hhowed it rmigii of 5 00 to
.10 for granserit and c > rn-fod skips ; fi 7fi tu
. ' 10 for conimon to good xHsnrted light ; fi T > 0
o I10 I ! furlough to good ihiiico heavy , Ught ,
.r > 0 tu lilO poiinih , 5 5. ) f ) Ii10. .
AOriVITV Ol'1 ' U. I' . HTOUK.
AVIilcli tied ( o ihn I'\vton- '
Hlvo l''liiotiiatloriH I/UHI , AVccir.
Special Dispatch tu TllK Dr.i : .
Niw : VOIIK , August ITi. It was repmled
ate Saturday afteinuuii that the I'niou I'a-
ilic and We-ilorn Union had boon thrown
tut of loans by the lutilcs and other financial
iihtitutioiiB , and that that was thu reason for
i break In tlioso stocks which carried down
he rest of thu market. Inquiry thin morning
it sixteen of thu principal banks and tiust
ompunles elicited thu statement that there
vas no truth in thu report. The Helling moyo-
in-lit which began Saturday continued with
; re.itor activity , bull cliques , howuver , apimr
ntly giving iiu hiipjiort to tin ) market , and at
'J o clock thu genural lani/o of prices for uctlvo
tucki was from 4 tu " per cent , lower limn ut
ho close , Sjttirday.
A deu itieof i ) pur cent in Union Pacific from
he highest liguru ( if Friday tu the lowest this
urenoon , hhoWrf that for HOIIIU reason thu
) liiiioln | thatHtockhad withdrawn iti support ,
t WUH nut believed that the clique could liavo
narketed any considerable jioi tiun of the si nek
t miiHt liavo accumulated in advancing It from '
\l \ : on August 8 to 574 onjKilday.
Thu Hamu Is trua in HO mo degree In regard to
St. I'md ,'kawann.n , Northwestern nni
simin utliers The prob.xhllity , tlirrrnf , Ii tin
thocllqiiu will bo obligitl to v.\ttv nnd iipor )
the e storks. Thostory of a tirhato tittle
tneiit of a lurgi1 short Interest by otn preiui
ni'iit liear may pailly aee unit for the uccllno
hi I't Ion I'ni-ilir * , but whatever the cailfe , tin
ilecllne , like the advance , w UK due iMamly ti
nitilirial calispH and not any ehango in tin
liti , > nrhl condition of thn ntock.
Union I'acille being the loader of lha cliiti | <
stock * , others luuo followed It.
Tlio Murk Imno KvprcBS Weekly
I.ONIIO.V , August L'n.-Tlio Mark l.nno Kx-
press in its weekly review of the com traih
nays ; 1 lent and drought continued throughout
the week. The lmr\est la already nnlshed in
the earlier dlntrlct * . Should this heat continuo -
tinuo the harvest will bo finished this weok.
Iteturim to far recehed show thu average
yield of various kinds of grain per acre Is us
follows ; Wheat , 4l ! binihols ; barley , ! IJ ; oats ,
12t ) . Hales for uheat nro declining. The lineal
rvd wheat commaiuU from III to ; iU ( , and
whilu wheat ! W < ( XT qusitcr. Such prices
never occunxSl before ) In this country. It is
probable Hint they will decllnu utill mine.
Sales of ICngllsh wlunt the past week weru
: il'i' ' ! ' > : l quartern nt ; iisId ( , against H7t'.0i :
quartOH at13Sil for the coiivsponding week
lastyenr. Thu condition ot foieigu trade is
ItiUugihlo and indetcrlhnble. Casii oll'ers are
only a tcstof what values really are. Thu sup
ply on hand is large. There were eight nni- off the coast One cargo win Hold , niuo
withdrawn anil four remained , Including uno
of American spring wheat. Thirty cargoes
arn duo.Vhout carg es on paspngu or for
nhipmont mi > "t with n restricted and cautious
demand , 1'lour is cheaper. It declined dur
ing tha week IB per pack all around. Mai > is
weaker. Uarley , nothing doing. O. t are
Failure ) at llnlley , lilnlio.
IlradstTcet'rt agency notified the trndo to
day that the firm of Van Dyke k l''rodflmn ) ,
general morchaiullso dealers , at Ilalley Idaho ,
! iad made an atsignmout.Vo learn a iium-
lier of Omaha houses nro interested. The f allure -
uro is thought , to bu hoiimt The biislnnss has
loon managed by I , 1' . I'Vodshnin , while W.
1)'au ) Dyke , the otter partner , haa been
employed by the U. I' , freight department at
Ogden ,
The bank of WindsoV , at Wiiuhor , Vtu , lian
The Orchard ( iruvo at Wciw , N. II.burned
ast night.
Two deaths from choleni are itsortod ; : ia the
aland of Corsica.
The robbing of a largo jtnvelry .storo in VI-
'Una is attributed tu iinnruhlstH.
Henry ( ieorgo liohn , autlinr | and puUieher ,
if London , Kngland , is dead. i
New York groonbaekors will name their
electoral ticket daturd.ity next.
All the bodies have linen recovered from the
mining mine at ImcUiidgo , P.I.
A lire nt Cyntliimn , Ivy , lust night , dea-
royid five \aluablo race horses. (
H has bnen decided to cvliunio the body uf
I'rivnta Henry , of the ( lieely party.
A siuall ycloiie struok D.ilhiw , Texas , Sat
irdny , duing considerabh ; iliinago.
The Louisiana grpenbaclceis. niu preparing
'or au iiggru vivo campaigii lor Itutlcr in that
I'rivnlo Henry'H body will U ; cxliuiutd IVH
noon as a penult in uhliiined from thu goveru-
n nt.
I'riisideut Aithur left Now Yoik for Now-
iort Satoiday. Jin will tt.op atNuW Loiidun
Onn .Montreal caltlo firm i ) tiaiil to.have lost
ivcr S3iOOOJ iluring the pant three yuntv , ail-
other SlL'U.OOd ' ,
li'reaso liiiudolph says tU > Itnltliiioiii t
) hio is not negotiating for the Illinois Culi
ra 1 , as was riimorud.
'Ihe main building of thu Now Orleans ex-
) initioii in nearly completed. Kxhililts will uu
cceixed Seiitember Ut.
A destructive 11 ro oucuned in the lumber
ection of Dululli , Saturday , with IOSHCH
imoiinting to over $100,000.
The United Kitten conmiiseionerH liavo in-
'oxtlgated nnd found that pleuro pneumonia
lees not oxibt in Mulioan county , 111.
Hope is oxpresicd that llismarlt nuiy yeb
iriiig hU inllunco tu bear in the Franco-
JhincHi ) trouble , tu avert further war.
llondricks is tu bn given a poraonul invlta-
lon by soveiid loading man ol I linolH to do-
Ivcr tlio oiening ] address at thu 1'eoriu fair.
It is understood ut the treasury dcpaitmont
thut the prin used call for I IOOOD00 ( ! uf bonds
will t.u issued the early p.ut of nuxl week.
Memorial services were hold yesterday in
the .Mormon tabernaRlu at Salt Lake , in honor
if the elders who wcie martyred in Teiinosui1 ,
Tlio military eniampmont wl.i.'h begins tj-
iiiiirnwat Alilwaukeu piumlHes to ue a great
xiicccH'f. I'Xtentivii pieparalions liavo boon
made ,
A tit o has been raging in Koine , Austrian
iiidlli'la , for tlireu days. It hus dmtroyed
thiuo hundred houses , and rendered , three
thousand people homeless.
The war Is paid tohavu lit-
Llo or no effect on trade In Indiii , ami it is be
llovod thi ) oirofl will c intiimu to bu slight tin-
luss thu hostilities are prolonged.
Advices f i om western Africa ropott rnndl
pox tu bo raging In Aslianti-o , The iiatlvm of
that country have nnkud annnxatlon to Kug-
land , being disiatlsliod with their king.
Tlio total rojorvo in the United States troaH
ury Saturday was tfMo.MO.OOO. Thoijuldiu
nerve , which has uteadily incrrascd tin ) past
w 1 ; umimntx to uboulSl'JO.OOO.OOO.
Assistant Secretary o ( the Interbr.Toulyen
has rufiiHi'd the request of a number of catth
iiieii on the Oklahoma lands , in Indiun tuni-
toiy to iiimaln till they can remove their stock
without lii'S tu theniMilves ,
Tinco ynun : men ami n Jujr of whisky WPIII
a lioat tilling n5.-t. , lun ph Mo. . aaturiUiy.
C'oiiseqiienci-ii ligUt fiisued , llm boat wii'
c'aiiii/.ud | uud nil weie dimvnul. The moral o
this storv is that tline men aru too many fov
one smiill JIIK of wlibUy to mipply.
T'ho Uuittd Stairs chuigu d'jfl'airs nt KOIOB
notllies t'io stVu depaitinetit uf the oiilhro-ak
of ch'd ra nt Sif4ii | : Tl/o uunti 1 ictneriil a
( ieno.i trli'guplis ' ChiiJi'ru r > irlilenly at
tacki'Ji Hpc/.ia un the 't\ \ Sixty-one wmeK
lastmxht , foit.1-idno fatal. "
The lati'ht reports frojuHI | ( huw put tin
I'tench loss at m men. The Vjoiiibmtiineut i
( Inscribed a * lielng more of tin nutiiro of i
} ! > ! is acic Ttm Cliiiu-'su tl'M'L ul Van Chow I
f entirely blotted out. N'unimrendt < r was nlhtw
i'd by thii 1'ii'iicli tu 'i'.ilile I und Kinking sldiis.
jThi'lr KOIIdildiH''d , they wen- shelled fi *
Tfoe New Borland Slatts visiltil by Iho
Great Amount of Da | Done to
Growing Or ! < jf
_ _ _ _ , "
Tlio Damnco Princiii in the
Northern Soot
A Whole Town Burned by a For"
oat Fire in Michigan.
Mlles nT Territory Tjnlil AVnRto by ( ho
Devouring Klcmcnt.
Tlio Now ICiiKlnnil
AuguH --Dispatches imlicato
that last night's frott caused great damugo to
rowing corn and buckwheat in northern Now
? ; iiRhtnd. In many places corn ia still in tha
milk , and the crop will prove n total failure.
Kollowmg the drouth the frost will caupu ee-
vlous loss to farmers. Frost was also report-
id at 1'nrt.lnrvix , N. Y.
At WaU'tbury , Vermont , corn is damaged
on the high lands. Near iionuiuftou in
many tioUlH the buck wheat crop Is riiintdlor
greatly damnged. At Lewiston , Maine , the
front H confined tu the lowland ) * and no dam-
ngu is yet i-opoiteil. Coiuiderablo loss to
tiirmers Is reported from the vicinity of Lit
L'oiitooeo 1kreortscoiifllder.ib'8dnmagrthery | | (
nnd in the Warner river valley. Coiieoid , N.
II. , reports qnito hpavy fni-t ) in theMerrimao
river valley ta t night , causing considerable
damage to vegetation , and at Canan , this
morning the mercury stood at 38 , being a
ctuuigo of morn than 70 degrees in tcmperatunj
diuco Thurnay last. A largo nmoui.fc
if garden ntulf wan tlpstinyed
Jiero by Inat niuht'H frost. Several other
.owns in central Vermont had very heavy
rests ) a t uiRht. lea formed in thu vicinity
> f Middlesex , Vt. , and garden cropa nro'niuch
njurcd ,
J\Io.vTJOMiuv : , N. Y. , August 20. There
was a heavy froct in thin section last , night.
1'liu damage done in not ascertained.
ForcRt KlrCH lit
DKTIUIIT , August lit. The Free IVet's ' 1'ast
Tivwas 8iecial [ says : Wo havti had a heavy
gale from the south nccompahiod witli light
rain , but not enough tu tmhduo the liru.s. Ye.s-
.erday afternoon the lire , driven by a north-
vest wind , HV/opt down on Harmon city , , burn-
ng every building but the limu kiln and ono
louse , Thu dock and u warehouse contaiu-
ng a lot 'of merchandise weru burned. 'II.a
iiMperty belougs tu tlio firm of Illinium &
Jrowl of C ovciand. Kire ? yesterday and to-
lay are bin iiiu ) ; fiercely on both sides of TA-
vas hiko. lilnek muck in the swamp * is burn-
ng tu the depth of t-cveral fuet , and burning
mder the roots of largo trees which tnpplu
iver into thi ) burning mass. To Homo the tile
s a benefit in clearing ibo land , and to many
others a great IOPH in crops and building.
A Severn Sloriu In Now
ST. .IonK < vN > V. Augustus. In a tocent ?
storm at Carbonoan , two homes ) were destroy
ed , and trceif.uprooted. At Outer Cave litv - , .
teen , lishiiiR atuackH were lust. Thoechoonei8 W |
Petrol and Mliitabeth were lost in AVldtu Pay. fV
A li hing Hiiiiiuk with four men and txvu lady
passengers lost off Capo llrojrlu , It is ra- > "
i KM ted that a largo number uf shins weiu lost
in St. ( Jcniye'd b y , but no particulars liavo
been received.
/VT/onir Tl inn lct\vi'ii lUealH. s
Fern : I'LAIN , N. Y. . August un Kato '
Jmolsoy isin about thu H.IIIIU condition as fur 'I
, hu pant few days. Apparently she is not
iiueli wo liter ; Miuin cuiiruiim * and convcives
vith tin1 luuily. him takcH no nourishment
mil wants nonu , nnd sw.tllows no drinlc of any
dnd Tliis is the onu lumdrud and sixty- j ,
eventh day of her f jst. v ,
Honry'H Itody.
I.o.Sfi IHI\NI > CITY , August 2."j Charter-
nanter ( Seneral Vcrrv was not on Guveriior's
slum ! when Coroner KouitiHou , ot thin city ,
called to get permission t.o disinter 1'iivnto
lenry'H body , but left word hu would meet
ilm tomorrow. The coroner does not'.thiiik any
ibjccllon will b ) iniiilo t' > his taking up the
> ojy and holding an investigation.
- ! n i - -
Tli Doiilli llecord.
iMii.VN.M'OUM , Aug. M. Dr. .lohnC. Wat-
rs died hero today i > t the St. Vincent's hos-
lital , aged 5it. IluwMHchiof ( tliu I''onian
iigimi/atioiv , luiviuc MU'Cutd-cd lames Steph-
uiis as the hend center.
fljtm It
y > WP
> * , .
igr p 6 in USE
: mm M sm
'A'irw ' e1 . . tzsjgssKB5 *
Ifaium oraiiylirur } ! ii
luAndrov/u'PonrlitafcinKl'owclcr. . Is ! s.
Mtfly PURG. lleiiigviKlorseii.CJidteslltnouliil.i
ut-civcd Irovts'.ir.hfliesiilitsiiHB. ihmaHay , Bos.
( . MI ; Jl. DcteibiitiuiK1. nfOblefliwiijUil uoaUiuu *
JJode , JliKvimUeo. Novef sold tu biiiX ,
* r
r. * * . * * A / * * * . T ViftX. . 1
5eaPer ) a