Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1884, Image 8

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    OMAHA DAILY BEE-- MONDAY , AUGrtbT25 ! , 1881.
Monday Morning August 26
llHings k Connor , Dontht * , opp. V. 0.
JudRO Uenekf lias nearly recovered frou
the injuries recio\e < l lust Tuesday night , am
will rcsuiiu' the duties of lib office today.
1'rank Duncli vim via brought bock fron
Colorado on Friday last on the charge of rm
bonlcmcnt cHectsd n stttlcmont with hi * rut
jiloyors and was rclo.iicd.
The police force nro lire-paring for n grant
ball to bo Ri\cn tha 10th of September. It i' '
ncodlesa to sny that the boys will dothothinp
up in shape nnd everybody will turn In nnd
help them.
llobt. W. 1'arnan , secretary of the stall' '
board of ngticiiHuio now hai his olllco in thif
city. Tliu meeting of the board of manage
tthich was announce J to take place the 22d it
the 25Ui.
1 IDS t poncd until
A inldo detective- tried to work an Omaha
traveling man t t 1'npilHon Friday. Hi' '
claimed that nil ti.-xvcling tncn in the elate
bad to pay A license of $50 and demanded
that sum. It wouldn't work nnd ho skipped
out of town.
Owing to applications for the relief of the
poor the .manigcment of the central hospital
have established a frcu dUpcnaaryin ] connection
with the hospital proper. Detuning cases
\\ill bo fiirnishod treatment giatutiously. Tlio
dhnonfiary will bo opened daily.
A tllllicuHy rvming about 10 per cent , of the
carriage Iliire , between nn undertaker nnd n
liveryman of thin city , resulted in u light ol
0110 round only , ending in the last mentioned
genllemnn'H being ejected from li s nntngo-
nlst's premlBcs by the man of collins nnd
The pxhlbttiim ( jama of base ball Satur
day wna nttcnded by nunrly 300 pooplo. Tliu
captained by llockwell struggled hard time
through the game against great oddn nnd waa
beaten by n score of ! l to 8. The game lacked
the interest usually attending n content of this
kind but the spectators werowull pleased with
the exhibition ,
The executive- committee of the Cleve
land and Hondricka club held nil cnthusialtiu
mooting in the rooms of Julius
Meyer , Saturday evening. > ) . -T. O'
Connor wvn elected chairman ot ttio committee -
too WnJren ; . Swtizlor secretary. A full
club meeting is called for to-night at the
place. A full attendance is desired , us the
Mnernl committee ] will bo appointed.
This evpning the republican ! ) of
the Fifth wnnl will erect n IMninu and Logan
polo at the ; corner of Sixteenth nnd Hurt
stroats , near the 1'iomonl hnuso. A stand
will bo .built , n number of olectiio lights
placed in position , a band Bocurad and speak-
eiH selected to mnku thu occasion one of the
grandest that bas over taken placein that
part of tha city. It Is expected that Col.
Jiourho , Henry J'stabrnok , Gdn. Cowin nnd
Judge Thurshm will speak on the occasion.
The republicans of thu ward will turn out in
largo numbers and the affair will bo made a
grand success ,
Miss Aujruslino Davis , last evening , cel-
ebiated her fifteenth bhthday , at her home ,
No. 1915 , Cnpital Aenuo , by giving n p.uty
to her young friends from 7 to 10 o'clock p. in.
The young folks indulged In various games
and then rutrc.itod to an elegant lunch. A
very pleasant evening was passed by nil pres
ent , nmoDg whom were : Dinko Oleilly ! , Dick
O'Kellly , Tyler Bell , Hairy McCoimick , Har-
ly Mooro. Harry Sharp , Kenneth Mclntyro ,
Hoxio Clark , Charlie Davis. Ursslo Ynten ,
'lad U.dcli , I'ink 13alch , Edith Crandell ,
Jthncho Soreusnn , Guoigia Sharp , Viola D.\-
> | H , Augustine Davis.
Mnd Doj ;
Friday n mad dog put in nn ap
pearance in South Omaha , near Park
" \Vildo avonuo. Ho bit two children and
two dogs before ho was killed. It is
said that it was a caao of genuine dydro-
phobia , in which case it will doubtless
prove very aorious.
Cjeo. Van Ilauton , of Hunting * , inattho
J. D.uiiols , of Lincoln , is stopping at the
Fr. Boyschlag , of Nobiaika City , is at the
Metropolitan ,
John B , Bouir , of Ogall.Ua , Is stopping at
thu Metropolitan.
.Tohn Steven * , of Springfield , Nob. , U at
the Metropolitan.
W. G. Baldiilf , of Froinonl , is < umrtvrrd ut
thu Metropolitan.
0. W. Tucker , of Blair , spent the Sunday
at the Metropolitan.
Charles J. Gtvvn , IJsq. , blurted Saturday
evening for Salt Lake.
6. II. Mcston and wife , of Nebraska City ,
nro registered at thu Mctiopolltau.
JudgeW.vUoloy left Satmday for Chicago ,
and will be nleent from the eity u week or leu
day > .
L. M. Bcnnet , KMJ. , and wifu returned yes-
terdnv from a two week's ple.xsuro trip in
tha vest ,
Georgol ) . Mciklejohii , llsq , , came down
f join Fnllerton lii tiv ening on business , nnd
will remain in the city until after the conven
Mr. .lames Woohvorth is entertaining his
brother , Mr. Calvin 0. Woolwortli , of Brook
lyn , Mr , Woolu orth is a prominent merchant
in Now York.
Hon. James W. Suvtgo utarUxl last liven
ing for Now York City , vv hero ho goes on legal
butineiB. Ife will bo nbt-ent from Iho city
about ten days ,
Mils Sadie lliloy has relumed from n two
nwnths' visit with friends in Detroit ami Chi-
t-'igo , Shu is heartily welcomed homo by her
many friends in thU city.
Gen , Alex , Chamber , U , S. A. , is In Urn
. cUy ftro day. llu is nn old military citizen
h io and h u brother of Major Chambers. Ho
i t cnrouto to Fort Bridger , Wyoming , which
put ho bos been called upon to command.
County ICommimioner Corliss has returned
from n trip eaU. HoUlttd his old
lioaio In Vcimorit and also paid a vMt to Nuw
York mid point * sloug the coast. Mm. Cor-
li < a rcuiaiuul b.'lilnd to vhit , frlund * In Canada.
1'olico Court ,
In police court KatuiJay Iloso
was fined $5 mid costs for dis
turbance of thu peace- and John
as fined a Jiko amount for a HUoolleiiBo.
Ton bootblacks , all "coone , " were run
in Friday nnd charged with vagrancy.
They were given two Lours to cot out cf
town , "
No Dclfty In the Xraimfcr oj CattU
Across ilioMlflHiiitrl.
When Iho first shipment of cnttlo wm
made from the Omaha Stock yards , th (
narrow guago denizens "over the river'
thought they would put a quietus or
shipments from the now yards at once ,
nnd immediately act afloat the story thai
it took lour hours for this train to gel
from the yards to Council Bluffs ,
and their papers quickly took ur
the cry nnd published it. At this Mr.
Upton , the secretary of the Union Stock
Vards Co. , n once sot to work lo nvestl-
gnto the actual tlmo made by this stock
train , and found it to bo forty-fivo min
utes , instead of four hours. Ho then
sent the following letter to the Nonpareil
hopintr they would rectify their misrep
resentation , but , although they wore fast
enough to publish the lie , they could not
Imvo the grace to correct it'
SECKKTAUY'S ' OrriuK , >
OMAHA , August 1C , 1881. J
Editor Nonpareil : You say in today's
issue : "It took four hours yesterday to
got a train of stock from the Omaha
yards over to the Iowa roads. "
Now 1 presume uomo one told you
this , for I can hardly believe that you
would wilfully print , and make public a
statement in which there is not a sem
blance of truth , unless you had what
you supposed goodauthority fortho samo.
I had hoard about this "four hour"
business before , and have investigated it ,
nnd find that the time was -15 minutes
from the ( time the stock in question
loft tlicso yards until the same was de
livered toV. . II. Burns , joint agent at
the transfer in Council Blull'j. I give
my authority for this , and it is Harry
Gilmore , yard master of the U. P. Ily. ,
[ 3maha , who waa with the Block when
ihoy loft the yards , and remained with
.hem until they reached Omaha and per
sonally know the time the train loft
there and arrived at the transfer in
Council Blulls.
Ilating Omaha will not build up
Council Bluffs. Imitating her ( Omaha's )
iluck and enterprise rather , would have
i moro salutary ofl'oct in routing the
'rogs from the Fouth ward , and breaking
ip Alderman James' yachting sports.
Yours truly ,
Not content with tolling ono "whop-
icr" these children of produdico and
lon-ontorpriso , started another crazy re
tort that Irwins& Ford's cattle that loft
.ho yards on the morning of the 18th.
ivoro three hours getting ovnr the river.
Mr. Upton immediately looked up the
( I. R. record on this lot and found the
.lino CO minutes , as the following letter
, o Mr. J. A. McShano , a director of the
Jnlon yards , shows.
Sf.citCTAUY'H OtTiei : , J.
OMAHA , August 20 , 18H1.J
John A. McShnnc , K < i , Omaha , Neb.
DEAU SIK As requested , I wherewith
; ivo you record of time made by Irwin &
ford's 27 cars of cattle that wore report-
id to you as having boon three hours on
ho road between hero and Council
Mufla , From yards to Omaha , 25 min
utes ; from Omaha to Council lilullj , 20
ninutos ; delay at Omaha , C minutes.
L'otal 50 minuted. The slight delay at
Council Bluffr transfer is caused by
changing engines and inspecting the earn ,
See certificate of W. 11. Burnesaiont ,
and Harry Gilmore , yardmaator U. P.
railroad attached , givimr above record.
Kospoctfullv , M. A. Ui'iojf , Secretary.
Secretary Upton informs us that ho is
; olng to follow up and "nail to the
cross" every onp of those fish atories
cgnrding the union yards. 11 o any 3 ho
lover "kicks" at the truth , whether it is
or or against his company , but "whole
loth" editors ho is going to sot down on ,
and don't you forget it.
A I'tiHlIliuiinioiiH I'ollcnnmn.
Thu pusillanimity of aomo men is
icvor maifostod until they are clothed
with a litllo authority and power , the do-
ire to exorcise which often makes thorn
obnoxious. An exhibition of the kind
oferrcd to took place yesterday when a
nporlor was compelled to withdraw from
ho apartment in which the jail record
was kept after having the Biimo taken
rom him by an ollicer whoao brains com-
> nro very unfavorably with his pondorosi.
y. The city jail is a public place and
Is records should bo open for inspection
> y all who wish to sou thorn.
f the ' "valuables"
which somotimrs hap-
> on to Ho by thorn are liable to bo
'touched" the vigilant eye of the police-
nan should never leave them. The do-
ire , however , of the oflicor "on tolo-
mono" yesterday , to sloop while on du-
y _ may have boon the cause which led
lim to make this innovation on the rules
of the police station. The nbovo ro-
narks are in no vvisu intended for jailor
'inrman who has always treated nowepa-
mr mon with fairness and courtesy and
a always ready and willing to give them
ill the desired information vvlion its pub-
icily will not interfere with the duo ad-
nimstratiou of justice.
Unco Hnll Tutiriminant.
The citizens of Friend in thii state
mve raised a purse of § 500 for a base
> all tournament to begin today , continu-
ng three dayn , in which all clubs not
iicmlurB of any league bo allowed to
compete. The purse of $2.)0 will bo
; iven aa first money , ? 150 second and
100 third. An entrance feu of flvo per
sent will bo charged all competing clubs.
Special rates will bo given by the B. .C
\I. \ , the ratcH for distance between 10 and
20 miles being ono and ono third faro ,
and over 20 miles ono faro for the round
.rip. It is thought the Union Pacifies on
account of dates made for thu latter part
of thh week will ho unable to attend ,
Found In
Oflicor Burdiah of the police foroo of
.his . city , assisted by Deputy Sheriff Glut-
terbuck , of Pottawattamio county , Iowa ,
and a spocialjpolioeman from the Blull'i ,
arrested a man named Stroud near Flor
ence , in thin county , on last Saturday ,
who i charged with selling mortgaged
poiaora\pioportr. \ S r.ud , U iu said ,
msses by the alias of Barnes. The prop-
iroperty disposed of by him ia thought
o have boon mortgtged in Lincoln , IIo
waa followed to Council Blull'j whrro lie
ngrcud to suttlo but there disappeared
rom his pcrsuor , as also did thu team
vliich ho had morti.Mid ! and dipoeod of.
A i my OrderH.
Leave of abienco lor ten daya is grant
ed Captain William n. Ponollfourth in
First Lieutenant E. D. Thomas , fifth
cavalry , will proceed to such points in thi
Santco-Sioux Indian rcseivation it
Nebraska , and the Ponca Indiai
reservation in Dakota ai
may bo necessary , and comply will
the orders of the major general command' '
Ing the division of the Missouri , already
furnished him , having completed hie
duty ho will return to his proper station ,
The travel directed is necessary for the
public service.
Tlio llcccptlnn Tcmlorcd the Rev
erend Qcntlonmn ImHt Evening ,
Bishop Willard F. Mallaliou , of the
Methodist Episcopal church , is the latest
elected of the bishops of his church and
hi.H visit to Nebraska is the first episco
pal duties which ho has performed since
his olcction. In view of those facts the
members of the various Methodist
churches in this city and atato tendered
him a reception at the First M. E ,
church , on Davenport street , last oven-
llov. A. Ilodgott , of Papillion , opened
IhorecoplionFridaynightwith prayer and
warm speeches of welcome were made by
Presiding Elders Marquott , of the Nor
folk district , and Maxfiold , of the Omaha
district ; Itovs. J. B , Stewart and J. B.
Loodom.of this city ; Rev. N. II. Gale , of
Blair ; llov. J. W. Shank , of Springfield1
The bishop replied in informal re
marks , In the course which ho alluded to
, ho fact that ho had been born , convert
ed , entered , the ministry and called to
, ho bishopric from the Boston district ,
in a atatp whore the indigenous products
are granite , ice and men ; and ho ex
pressed his unbounded faith in the ro-
lourcos of Nebraska and its future. Ho
exhorted the people who are laying the
'oundations of the state to base them
upon chriatinnity and emphasized the
locesaity of Christian educational inati-
, utiona.
At the conclusion of the address ,
which waa moat favorably received , the
; icoplo were presented to the bishop , who
received them very kindly. Presiding
Elder Maxfiold announced that the
bishop would preach in the First M. E.
church on Sunday morning , and the
south M. E. church in the evening , and
the bishop added an invitation to the
parents to bring their children.
The bishop goes from this city to hold
a aeries of educational conventions as
iollows : York , Wednesday , August 27 ;
Lincoln , Thursday , August 28 ; Beatrice ,
Friday , August 20 ; Nebraska City. Sat-
irday and Sunday August 30 and 31 ;
; led Cloud , Monday , September 1 ; Kear
ney , Tuesday , September 2.
lie will preside at the North Nebraska
conference opening at Blair , on the 10th
of September.
limn Fiction.
are the records of some of the euros of
consumption cll'ectcd by that most - wonderful
derful remedy Dr. Piorco's "Goldon
tlodical Discovery. " Thousands of grate-
ul mon and women , who have boon
Hatched almost from the very jaws of
death , can testify that consumption , in
Is early stages , in no longer incurable.
L'ho Discovery has no equal as a pectoral
and alterative , and the most obstinate
illectiona of the throat and lungs yield to
ts power. All druggists.
V Number of I'oncii ImlliuiH Call
Upon .InliiiH Meyer on Tlicir
IVay to Visit tlio
OnmlinH ,
Friday fourteen Pouca Indians ar-
ivcd in this city and called upon Julius
rloyor. Among the number was Chiefs
follow Horse , Standing Bear and Run-
ling Antelope. They wore accompanied
> y eleven rtravcs , selected from the tribe.
Mr. Meyer is a great favorite with the
ndians , and last night ho entertained
-ho - Poncaa in princely stylo. They were
nvitod to his rooms whore a grand foust
was spread bcforo them and of nhich
, hey partook with much relish.
They are on their way to visit the
Dmaha Indiana , who recently returned
'rom Europe. They had with them many
rich presents which they will bestow
ipon thu Omaha braves.
TnoHuKlnnortlio Cnn n.
The exploration of this part of Africs
opens up a vast field for American com-
nerco. The chief drawback is malaria ,
vliich attacks stranuors and adventurers ,
L'ho bust antidote to malaria is Brown'a
ron Bitters. There arn not many drug-
toron in the Congo region , but all res-
lectahlo druggists and doalora in modi'
ino in this country are supplied with
frown's Iron Bitters , and speak highly
of it.
Seal of North Carolina tobacco thu Is
Cdwnrtl DavlH Anrctucd Tor Iinpcr-
Mounting a II , H , Olllcor.
On Saturday lost Deputy United
States Marshall Ed. Alien brought down
rom Dixon county a man named Ed
) avis , charged with impersonating n
Jnitcd States revenue ollicor. Davia
lad been working his scheme for aomo
imo in and around Ponca but had not
ieen very successful. His system was to
visit thu various persons , whoso duty it
was to comply with certain require-
nunts of the United States
statutes and represent to them
hey were laying themselves liable for
violating the law. llu would then state
or a small sum ho would sot them all
right with thu government. llu suc
ceeded in beating ono man out of $25 ,
and an arrangement hnd been made to
iidut a Bucutul onu , who had promised to
cllnct n "settlement" by paying 810 , but
Davis was arrested by thu deputy mar-
nlmll before ho locuivod the money.
Davis had in hm posicutlon several
railway passes , which represented him as
a corrcspandent of thu Northern Pucitic
Hallway Journal , lie witn placnd in thu
county jail and hia examination will
take plnco today buloro U , S. Coiumia.
Bioner CiuaUvu Andoreou. Davis Bigni-
led his willmgnuua to Deputy Shuilg
Mien to plead jjuilty to the chiirgu pro-
ortd againet him if by BO doing ho
would loEHon thu tpnu of his bent unco
I'lio penalty for this oll'enco i from ono
o fivu years' imprisonment.
DlbMllllKlOII N'dllOC.
The linn of E , Motit Co. has boon
desolvcd by mutual coneonr , Mr. A Lav !
IAS retired , and Mr. E. IMotz will con-
Imio the buslnean at the old xuiiid.
ni.-a.3t K. MOTZ.
The Last of the Miles Blandishes i
Nebraska Farinor ,
Visit to His Pleasant Home
in Oass County ,
Tlio Descendant of tlio Illnatrloni
1'iirltnn Captain.
In ono of the loveliest portions of fail
and tortile Cass county , hbout twenty
miles from the thriving little city o
Plattsmonth , there lives a young farmot
who , though in humble circumstance1) ) ,
can trace his ancestry back further than
many of the aristocr.itio citizens of the
Hub. Ho boara the famous name oi
Miles Slandish , the illustrous captain
who came over in the Mayflower , and is
of the eighth gnnoration of that name ,
counting down from the date of the
landing at Plymouth Hock.
When , less than thrco centuries ago a
Ilttlo fair haired child was playing among
the hedgerows of England , who was des
tined to learn the art of war and bo a
lower of defense to the unsoldierly col
ony of Protestant America , who would
mvo dreamed of the romantic future and
ho imperishable fame which awaited
lim. Much loss could Capt. Miles and
"his bolovcd Rose" have believed that
joforo those thrco contnrics had closed
another "littlo fair haired boy" the ninth
; onoration of their family , would
irst sou licht beneath the sunny skies of
, ho Far " \Vpst and play among the llowor
aden praii-ics of thn then unicnown trans-
Missouri country. Yet ono of those appar
ent impossibilities has boon realized and
lie other is likely to for the young Cass
county farmer married a young Nebraska
girl about a year ngo and it will bo
strangu if ho ia not called upon to chris-
, rn the ninth Miles Standish before the
snow Hies.
The fact that the last of the Standishos
was located in so remote a quarter from
.ho family birthplace , was learned
.hrouuh the genial gentleman and indo-
atigablo insurance man , Mr. R. J. John
son , of this city , whoso territory includes
? ass county and ho has a splendid fac-
ilty of discerning a good news item when
10 sees it. At his invitation a drive was
akon ono lovely Sabbath morning out to
lie farm and homo of the subject of this
article. The drive was through
ono of the handsomest pieces
of farming country in the state , and in
ho heart of Cass county. Leaving the
> old bluffs which at this point guard the
Nebraska shore , the way lies across a
rolling prairie undulntiona extend as far
as the eye can reach , until iinally , they
are lost in the horizon. The hills and
valleys involuntarily remind ono of the
stormy ocean o'er whoso tubulont bosom
ho little bark bore her precious load of
) aasongors , but a magic wand has solidi-
iod the waves and instead of snowy caps
rom oacli crest now glistens only thu
asaols of growing corn. The trough of
lie inland sea no longer threatens des
truction , but through ir , between broad
rich meadow lands and fields of ripening
maize , flows the sparkling stream that
; ivca li o to the land and refreshes its
nhabitants. Notwithstanding his
juido's familiarity with the county gen
erally , it scorned at times as if a chart
and compass would bo a
; oed thing to aid in piloting
, ho reporter to the spot sought. Fences
are not the style hero and when you are
directed to go to the next corner , north ,
urn to the loft and drive to thu third
cornei- and then turn south two corners , "
vith not a sign of a fence corner to bo
eon it looks like a vague intimation to
, ako a tumble toyourself. . After going
out oi our coureo several times and
doubling ever several miles of the road
ho residence of Mr. Fred Terryborry ,
one of the wealthiest and most success-
til fatmurn in the country , was reached.
Jla homo is a model western ono and
, ho plain , ono-story dwelling ia sur
rounded by granaries bursting with old
corn , pens tilled with American hogs
hat oven Bismarck could not object to ,
and aUbles containing cattle and horses
.hut are true typos of the fine Nebraska
Breeds , Inaido the house thu most im-
irovcd farming implements are only loss
ittractivo than the line piano in an ad
joining room and a whole arsenal of guns
n ono corner leads to
; ho statement that Mr. Terry-berry made
iia first money by hunting and got his
amunition out of the trunk of an old
tree by the aid nf a jack knifo. After a
; rand dinner which was greatly relished
in hour was spout in looking over thu
'ubtiloua treasures of corn , grain , etc. ,
nnd then , with better directions as to
lie route , another start was taken for
Standlsh's ' place , which ia rented from
VIr. Terry/berry , a great admirer of his
oung tenant's energy and pluck. At was.roached and aeconding a gen-
Iu olovatiou thu buggy waa drawn up at
ho door of the house , on the stops of
which stood Mlles himself.
Longfellow in describing the bold
Sow England warrior , says howas"short
if staturu , strongly built and athletic ,
> road shouldered and deep chested ,
jroivn as a nut was his face and russet
lis board , " and , with the ex
ception of the beard , which as yet only
shows itself by a brown moustache , the
toot has painted n very accurate picture
if his successor. Young Miles is cosily
f not luxuriously fixed in his now homo
and blessed with a charming young wife
lU lifo is no doubt a happy ono.
In searching among the circuitous roads
which led to the house , the only resort
mil been continual interrogation of the
'armors thorcaboutand in BO doing much
was beard concerning Miles and his life ,
so that it is safu to say that ho will real ,
zo the wish of the historian in the dudi-
: ation of his "Lifo of Milus Standishtho ,
i'uritan Captain. " This reads ,
"To thflilvsiuiiilntiU of Capt. Milcn Ktamlmli ,
low nuiaboriiiK tlunisuiuls , thin yulumo la to-
pt'itfully inecrihtxl , with thu hope tliat iiuuiui
if them nmy o\ur dim the lintcr of thitnnuu
o which tltelr ilUtiiiriiUhoil ( ancestor has at-
acheil Imperishable rcnowu. "
The namu will not bo tarnished in this
Thu visitors were invited into the little
arm-houso and made quite a call during
which the talk was largely upon the sub-
ect in 'ideation and the memoranda kept
> y thu host hlmsulf. This ) od to a gen
eral conaidoration of the voyage and life
of Capt , Miles Standish , and though
hat is made familiar to all our readers ,
) y both the historian and poet , a fo\v in
cidents will bo found of interest. Thu
utter eays Capt. Miles Standish "was a
; cntlunun born , and could trace hi pod.
uracu plainly back to Hugh Standinh , of
Duxbury Hall , in Lancashire , England.
Hugh was tha aon of Ralph and thu
grandson of Thurston do Stan-
dish. Ho alao says ho was
'heir unto vast estates * * * "
which ho wai defrauded out of. The
family records fhow that the income 01
the estate belong to the two families < vn
half a million dollars a year , which hac
they fallen to the legitimate hcira woult
have made the descendants of the purl
tan soldier among the richest men in Am
erica to-day. In fact , not only back tx
the days ot Thurston do Standish bu
back to the thirteenth century can be
traced the rank and opulence of the fam
ily , It is probable that the diversion o
the estate arose from the religious quarrel
rol growing out of the bitter foolin ;
caused by the passagn of the "Act o
Conformity" in 15011 by Queen Elmbotl
after nhich there were two families
the Catholic branch , hailing from "Stan
dish Hall , " and the Protestant branch
from "Duxbury Hall , " Capt. Mile ? descending
sconding , of course , from the latter am
leaving thu service of Qroat Britain to
came with the Pilgrim father ? and aid in
establishing religious freedom in America.
The eldest son , from Thurston do
Slandish down to thu latest were : Ralph ,
Uui h , Mlles , Alexander , Miles , Miles ,
Miles , Miles , Alfred , Noah , In accord
ance with the will of Capt. Standish , the
records , heirlooms , and ether property
descend to the oldes. Miles Standiah ol
each generation , but at hia death do nol
at once bcconio the property of the noxl
Milesgoing instead to the oldest remain
ing member of that generation and thence
dcccondlng , * according to the ago of the
survivors , until the generation is extinct.
following the death of the last remain
ing brothur or sister of Alfred , his father
and no baby Miles would bo entitled to
, ho treasures until his uncles and aunt
tad all passed in their chocks. Among
.lie relics each then coino into possession
of are to bo noted , a pair of brass "lira
dogs" used on board the Mnyllower , and
i pair of silver sleeve-buttons worn by
; ho captain on the voyage the latter are
diamond-shaped and each composed of
; wo similar plocoa , connected through
ho cuff by a slender silver link.
The present
was born in Beaver county Pcnna. , Juno
20th 1857 , and learned the trade of
wngon maker with his father. In March
L87C , ho removed to Cass county yrith
lis uncle , and there worked thrco years
is a common farm hand , after which ,
laving saved up some money , ho
) urchasod a team , and ront-
ng a farm began lifo for
limsolf , taking as his helpmate Rachel ,
laughter of Jacob McNurlin , a wealthy
armor in that neighborhood.
Now , fairly launched upon the voyage
of lifo ho has prospects of a different
ifo from that of Rose's husband. Ho
does not contemplate the hardships of
ho wilderness cr conflicts with ferocious
avagos , desolation about him and pros-
icctivo famine. On the ether hand the
Nebraska hills trill soon bo yellow with
heir weight of golden corn , whoso
'goodly oars and golden kernals , " if no
totter than those discovered by Capt.
Standisli in the old Indian mounds , will
iold their hundreds of thousands of
mshels whore the former was but a few
cottlos full to aavo the starving colon-
sts. If Milca the farmer cannot ac-
omplish the knightly deeds of his an-
ester yet shall Icavo a reputation for
ho aamo honorable , buld and generous
laturo as had the friend of Jlaasasoit and
> o ai bravo as him whoao name is writ-
en in the old church records at Chorloy
"Milo Standanaut , " ho will but add
nether to the long and illustrious list of
ncestors bequeathed hia posterity by
Captain Miles Standish.
Bidding our host good-bye , as the
hadows lengthened across the prairietho
ity of Plattemouth was reached late at
night , after having crowned the pleasure
of the day with a visit to the hospitable
nansion of Mr. Jacob "Vallory , who
ireased additional favors on the hungry
.nd tired nows-aeckurs , and aont them on
heir way refreshed.
Absolutely Pure.
This po ilorno\or varies. A marvel of nurcneaa
trough anil wlioleHomonoaa. lloio economical thau
ho ordinary klnJs.iuulcaunotbo Bilil In competition
with the niultltudu of low tent , short weight alum or
ihOBpliatouottdcrs. Sold oulv In cana. UOYAL
Sherman Ave. New Ball Park
Saloon Keepers vs. Police.
Com chances will | c&\oat 1.SO from corner Hill ami
touk'la * , HtlionJ ranmai and lltli anil Harnuy
JiTdui't. ' bth , thu k'rest C hours go at jou plcaso
ace , 0 | > ou to amntiuru only.
St Jiilien
S. W. Cor. 15th St. and Capitol Avenue.
On the Kuropcau 1'lan. First class In excry re.
pi'Ct. TiDlo iupplloil with iramo and all ikllciclis ot
he waion , u hero ) OU pa ) fur onh h t \ uu order ad
> or bill < > ( ( aro. llounu attached ( or tramluut cus-
om , Will aldo Levp Us ) bcarJcrs at the most re *
onaole ratoii.
lllnery and Hair Dressing Parlors
HF'mm.n.xaa. jSJts-oot.
Hair ! Hair ! Hair ! Cheap I
Oideri 8ullcit d. JT/ ; ) ]
Wish to know why tlio Koynl Halting Powder Company withhold from
the Public the simple intelligence that their Powker contains
Eminent Physicians and Chemists
ia is a Dangerous Drug
in any human diet. Its use in food is nil oflbnso to nature.
Tartrato of Limo is found in all Cream of Tartar. It is a natural product of
vegetable origin , derived from the wines which produces Dream of Tartar It is a
constituent of the grape , as well as other fruits.
The idea that Tartrato of Limo can bo converted into Hmo at the temperature
of the oven is the rankest nonsense , and could only originate in the brain of ono
totally devoid of chemical knowledge. The "Jloyal" contains it. It has no injur
ious action upon the system.
The crying of "Limo" in the way the Royal Baking Powder Company do , ie
another trick to extricate themselves from the use of the powerful drug Ammonia
n their powder.
Every housekeeper can prove the truth of our statements by placing a can of
the "Royal" top down on a hot steve until heated , then remove the cover and
and smoll---'AMBIONlA. " This teat will show that the "Royal" contains AM
MONIA ; that DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER does not contaia
Ammonia. The strength of our powder can bo proven by the consumers' reliable
The Test of the Oven.
" DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is superior to the "Royal. " It
contains no Ammonia. The "Royal" contains Ammonia. The use of Ammonia in ,
articles of food I believe to bo injurious. EL1AS II. BARTLEY , B. S. , M. D. , .
Chemist of Iho Department of Health , Brooklyn , ( N. Y.May ) 20,1884.
Price Baking Powder Co ,
MEK&ELL & BOSEflZWEIG , Are prepared to do work
Practical Painters & Decorators in any branch ,
, On Short Notics
IHADKS 1515 Do * StroGt , Omaha , sollclt PAINTING DECORATIN ,
D , B. BEEMER , Agent , OMAHA , NEB
The Largest Siock in Onialia- , and ? Mcs tlis Lowest Prices
Just received an assortment Car nurpasslng anything In this market , cornprlain-
; he latest and most tasty designs manufactured for this uprlng'a trade and
raugo of prices from tha Cheapest to the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods
ow ready for the inapectiou of cus Complete stock of all the In * ,
tomers , the newest novel tip B iu styles ? in Turcoman , Madras an > l
Suits nud Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
Eleaaatf Passenger Elevator to airloors.
1S06 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , - - OMAHA.NEB. '
Wv UOn . . . '
-.ITffiiTB _ Ci : C
- r- - IT Tl" " "
llllfl BcUOU rn yBU Pt nd 403 < J.
1(03 ( BHADY ST. , DAVENPOUT , JOWA , U. S. A. Eatabliuhod 1878-Catflrrfj
IDcafneia , Lung and Nervous Diseaaoa Hpcodily and 1 orraanently Cured. Patlcnta
jOured at Homo. Write _ . . for "THE MEUIOAL-MISSIOXAUY . . , . _ , " for the Pooplo. "
Jrt _ . _ _ _ i i a rtts l" / * \ T * ftnn fTinl > kYi x n n