Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAITA rAlxA J < HJ5 MONDAY , AUGUST 25 , 1884.
Onialin Omco.JNo.lOJO Fftrniim Bf.
OotinclljUInlTii Oulco , No 7 1'carl St.
Btrcct , Ncnr IlrofttlwAy.
Now YorkCOfllcc , itoom O5 Tribune
Bulltllnf ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rnbllihod ercty n-ornlng , eiocpl Band y < The
enl ) MoaiUy mornlDR dUj.
One Toftf . f 10.00 I Three Months . fS.OO
BUUonttu. . R.COOne | Month . LOO
Per WMlt , S5 Gents.
inn wmiLT > , rocusnio TK T ,
_ Tims rosrrAiD.
Jn Tear . tZOOl Three Months. . . . . . . ! CO
BU Months. . 1.00 I One Month. . . . SO
Amtrlfun Ketn OompAnj , Sola1AKentr , N w Je l
Ml In the United SUtoe.
A OommnnloAtlons rokllnu to Newt nJ Kdllorl *
utters should bo addressed to the KDITOI or Tn
All Btulnoei Lotton 'and Reinltt&noei ibould b
ftddrosMd to Tun nmi Itmusitmn OOMTAST , OMAHA
Dtklti , Chcokii and Postoinco orders to be made pay
kbit to the order of the oomptny.1
MB. ROSEWAT I ! . dltor.
A , II. Fitch , Mansgcr Dally Circulation , P.
0. Uox , 488 Omaha , Neb.
POOH AOF.K is to bo loft out in the
cold. Nobody wonts to adopt the ofF'un.
Mn. LAIUD'H friends are very anxious
concerning the health of Judge Gaalin.
TIIK B. & M. gravel trains did excel
lent work , as usual , in the second dis
trict for Laird.
TliE railroaders are all out of politics ,
but just keep your eye on John M.
Thuraton next Wednesday.
IT is now whispered that Captain Ilor-
man wrote Ucndricka' letter of accep
tance. This explains why it was so short
and sweet.
u- . SKU'OKANT BKAINAUD , ono of the Oroc-
ly survivors , has already begun lecturing.
It is the early bird that catches the
now ton little republican
candidates for the oflico of commis
sioner of public lands and buildings , but
after Wednesday next there will bo only
TIIK same old ring that wanted Loran
Clark In the ( state treasurywill shout for
Charley Lamb next Wednesday. As be
tween Lamb and Clark it is a choice
between lamb and sheep.
Tin : Honorable. Peter Schwonk was
bound to gut in a resolution in the Co
lumbus convention endorsing the bril
liant public career of E. K. Valentino.
There is some gratitude in Peter. Ho
has not forgotten his master.
POLK oounty promises to give Mr.
Laird a majority of 500 , and Adams
1,000. This ought bo done easily
enough. lla&tlnya Quzcttc-Journal.
If nobody runs against Laird ho can
probably got the above votes in Polk and
Adams counties.
AMONQ the assets of Jamoa D. Fishtho
bankrupt president of the Marino bank
of Now York , are forty shares of Kooly
motor stock. If that is the kind of stock
Mr. Fish wus speculating in his opera
tions were certainly of a very scaly na
IT only costs ton cents to send a ten-
word message from St. Louis to Chicago.
This is cheaper than writing , and the
wires are kept rod hot with commercial
letters. The rate between Omaha and
Council Blulla , a distance of loss than
four miles , is twenty-five coutn.
It was within the power of the republi
can party to place in nomination candi
dates whoso election by from 3,000to 10-
' 000 majority In each of the throe con
gressional districts would bo an assured
fact. The very narrow margin by which
the present delegation escaped defeat two
years ago In the state that gave Garfield -
field 28,000 majority , was a popular
protest that should have boon hooded
in the Ffrst and Second districts as
it has boon in the Third district.
That party succcas is seriously imperilled
in the renouiinatioii of Wuuvor and
Liird will hardly bo denied by any well-
informed person however much ho maybe
bo attached to either of these candidates.
If defeat docs come , as it almost surely
will , in onu or both of these districts if
men of character , ability and Integrity
are nominated by the opposition the
blame cannot justly bo laid at our door.
Son p. very important changes must ho
made in our city oharto r and in the rev
enue laws of the state by the next legis-
jlaturo respecting property nsoasmonta ,
taxation , rovouuo collections , and sala
ries of marshal , mayor , clerk and other
officials. Would it not bo timely for the
city authorities to take action toward a
thorough inquiry into the wants of the
city and a discussion of the measures
which it is essential to have incorporated
into our laws next winter. It has boon
customary to wait until after the election
and of ton to within a few days of the
Hessian and then wo usualy got an ill-di-
gestod and hastily compounded sot of
bills , upon which oven the members from
this county disagree. The result donor-
ally is a not of cr zy-quilt amendments ,
which , like the celebrated viaduct bill ,
have to bo killed of by the courts in or
der to prevent disaster and confusion in
municipal affairs. The proper time
for stating our wants to the delegation
from Douglas county is before they are
elected , or for that matter before they
are nominated. Lot every candidate
understand what is expected of him. If
ho ( Jiisenta and proposes to represent
his own sweet will rather than the wish-
ca of the community let him stay at
homo. '
TUB board of public lands nnd build
ings still preserve a sepulchral silcnc
about these school land frauds. Is th
board paralized by the magnitude of th
robbery or the gravity of the accusation
Dare they continue to ignore the almos
universal demands of the press for an explanation
planation ?
To aid thorn from their prostration , wo
propose a few simple questions , oasil ;
answered , as affecting the question o
their guilt or Innocence.
First , For what purpose did the general
ral government make the generous do
nation of the 10th and < ' ! Gth sections to
this state ?
Second , Why did the state provide
that the lands thus donated shquld not bo
sold for loss than seven dollars per acre
Third , Why did the state provide for
the leasing of lands when they could nebo
bo sold for that price ) To make thi
question easy we further ask was it note
to obtain some revenue from the same ; to
obtain a fair interest or a fair price. How
could revenue bo obtained from a nomi
nal valuation ? If it was desirable to
lease the lands to obtain moro populatioi
why did not the board lease to nctua
settlers only ?
DOOB the Lincoln ring Icaso at in
creased valuation to actual settlers ? Have
not the board as much business
capacity and tact to Icaso to in
dividimls as the Lincoln ring particularly
when the Lincoln ring h composed in
part of clerks and subordinates of the
state board , and who arojprcsumcd not to
bo of so largo statue as tha mombora ol
the board.
Fourth. How many acres of land have
boon leased by the present board ? In
what counties\ \ located ? At what ap
praised value ?
Fifth , What clerks in the different
state nflicoa at Lincoln , have boon par
ties to or interested in said leases J
An immediate answer is desired. The
questions are simple , and lot the answers
bo plain and unequivocal. The people de
mand it , republicans demand it boforotho [
assembling of the ntato convention , so
that in case the answers are not satisfac
tory , they may nominate men who will
save what has not already boon stolen
from the school lands , and , if possible ,
rescue from the hands of the spoilers
these already stolen , and take the necessary
sary steps to bring to justice these who
may have bcon engaged in conspiracy
and robbery.
DOWNS , KAS. , Aug. , 19 , 188-1.
Kditor of Tin : BKI : .
1. Does the ruling of the board of pub
lie lands in Nebraska apply to all school
lands , or only to the school "lands in
Keith county ; in other words , will these
who huvo leases dated in 1880 have to
obtain now ones ?
2. Did the now homestead law repeal
lug the pre-emption and timber culture
act pass the senate , or is the old law still
in force. A. M. JIou.i.NO.
1. The recent ruling of the state
board of public lands compelling the return
turn of the leases of school lauds inKoith
county , to bo substituted by now leases ,
applies only to Keith county. This was
owing to on exposure of the fact that the
school lands in that county had boon
fraudulently disposed of. They were ap
praised at a nominal sum their value
being put at only a few cents an aero
whereas they are worth from § ! l to $7
, ior aero. They were not advertised and
the leases were given in a secret manner
nor ton syndicate of land sharks. The
whole thing was a fraud from beginning
, o end. This is acknowledged by the
board by its act of calling in the leases.
But Keith county ia not the only county
in which our school lands have boon fraud
ulently given away to speculators and
land-grabbers. It is the opinion of the
BKK , however , that leases dated in 1880 ,
will not have to bo replaced by now ones ,
unless procured by fraudulent appraise-
" . Thobillto repeal the pro-omption and
.imbor culture laws was passed by the
louse of representatives by a vote of 1-1'J
.o 40. It had not been actcdonbythoson-
ate before congress adjourned , and is
therefore "still "ponding , licnco the pre
emption and timber culture laws remain
n full force. That they were not re-
icalod was an outrage , because under
hose laws gigantic frauds have baon per-
totratud by land-grabbers , who have boon
enabled to rob the public domain of mil-
ions of acres. The timber culture law
especially was gotten up by and for the
solo benefit of land sharks , and they are
still taking advantage of its provisions.
A now departure In Nebraska politics
lias boon iuauguratcdby GovernorDawos.
When the Saline county republican con
vention mot two wooka aoo ; ho had him
self invited and authorized to name the
delegates to the state , congressional and
judicial conventions.
The example sot by Mr. Dawca has boon
followed by candidates for congress and
state offices in other counties wherever
these conventions whore made up of
dummies and henchmen.
A more debating innovation in politics
can hardly bo conceived. Ic will do more
than any other agency to destroy what
.hero is loft of solf-rospooting manhood
n the republican party of Nebraska.
It is a hundred per cent trorso than
the machine which packs primary elec
tions and manipulates conventions.
Alien a olnglo man is given the unlim *
ted power of naming delegates to ono ,
wo or thren conventions , to nominate
udgo , district-attorneys , congressmen
and state officers , a political dictatorship
s created which tramples under foot all
ndividuality , and reduces the delegates
n convention to ] moro tools. In the ao-
ion of Governor Dawos , the one-man
power baa reached the height of audacity
and insolence. If the republican part }
desires to survive , the ono-man power
must bo frowned down and crushed out.
It is bosnism in its most offensive form.
Even the railroads have never done
anything no bold and impudonl
ns this. County committees have
arrogated to themselves the power to
appoint delegates to conventions instead
of allowing them to bo elected by the
people , but under the Dawes plan wo
shall presently have no need of either
primaries or conventions. The whole
power of appointing stale officers ,
congressmen , and all other officers from
constable to United States senator ,
will bo delegated to a syndicate of half n
dozen small bore bosses. If the republi
can state convention docs not denounce
this infamous practice in the most em
phatic manner it will bo dirolict in its
duty to the principles of republicanism
and the great mass of the individual
voters in Nebraska.
In a recent speech Mr. John Bright ,
referring casually to the existing depres
sion in trade , said that while the
the trouble might bo said to bo world
wide , it was evident that England was
suffering loss than any other country on
either aide of the Atlantic. His esti
mate of the relatively small shrinkage in
England is borne out by the traffic returns -
turns of the loading English railways for
the Grst half of the present year , as com
pared with the corresponding period of
1883. The great Northern , the Lan-
coshiro and Yorkshire , the Manchester ,
Sheffield and Lincolnshire show small
ains ; the great Western , the
London , Chatham nnd Dover ,
the London and Northwestern , and the
Northeastern small losses. The only
company which is obliged to reduce its
dividend aa much as 1 per cent , is the
London and Northwestern , which drops
from 7 to 0 per cent , per annum , its ag
gregate capital being JL'89,000,000. There
Is a largo amount of now capital going
into existing railways in the way of im
provements and extensions , the Lanca
shire and Porkohire alone calling for 3- ,
" 00,000 to bo expended in the next
eighteen months. The Great Northern
calls for nearly , L'2,000,000 , the London ,
Chatham & Dover for 'l,7r 2,000 , nnd
the Metropolitan District for ' 1,000,000.
lloro is § 40,000,000 worth of now work
cut out on four old English railways in n
lull season. The comparative prosperity
of the British railways con hardly bo as
cribed to the free trade policy or any
artificial drops which support the traf-
10 in Great Britain.
The British railways are honestly
juilt and honestly managed , under the
rigid supervision of the government
I'ho stock dividends are issued only
nonoy actually invested. Fictitious jap
tal has no place among the assets of . Brit
ah railroad. In this country noar.y over
railroad is built by credit mobier insid
rings , at extravagant outlays or wretched
equipments. They are u ually bondoi
or all they nro Wrth and then
unlimited quantities of jtock are issuoc
and kept afloat in th market by stock
; atnblors. When the lambs have been
iluckod and the patrons have boon
qucezcd out of all they can possibly con
nbuto , the watered stock naturally
brinks and depreciates , and dividends
ire pasaod. ThoHo periodic stock pinics
uust continue until the American poole
> lo have wrung the water out of all the
raudulont stocks and put an end to al
stock inflation by rigid national and atato
FitnjionT , Aug. 23 , 1883.
Cditor of TIIK BKI : :
I have been a constant reader of tin
IKK and took the paper ns neutral or
anti-monopolist. I Hurt out you hid fact
or hang your flag for Blaine and Logan ,
ind you will find host of others from
iero. G. A. UIILEIN ,
A German Cleveland and Ucndricka or
Wo fail to understand what the writer
oally means , unless it is that ho wants
0 find favlt .with Tim BKI : for support
ng Blaiuo an-l Logan. If ho Is a con
tant reader of Tun BEK ho ought to
enow that this paper ia neutral In noth
ng. It takes its position upon every
sauo , and maintains it. In this nation
1 campaign the issues are simply bo-
tha democratic and republican par
ies , Blaine nnd Logan are not anti
nonopolists , neither are Cleveland and
Ilondricks. Whenever and wherever
tie anti-monopoly issues are squarely
lot TIIK BKK will be found where it has
Iways stood against corporate inonop
, - and for the people.
Sioux county , where the noble red
nan still roams at largo , and where the
owboy is in all his glory , was represent-
d in the third district congressional ro-
mblican convention by ono of the noblest
ed ( headed ) men that over gathered
> olitlcal scalps tor a pastime. His first
name is Vic Biorbmvor. As a member
f the congressional campaign committee
10 will see that Sioux county casts its full
uota of thirteen votes ' for Hon. G cargo
V. E. Doreo .
IH Douglas county to have no candi <
atcs before the republican state con'
ontion , excepting these for state iiipor-
itmident of public instruction ?
Piles are frequently preceded by iciue of
( volght in ho back , loins and lower port of the
bdouioncauaiuR the natloiit to eupixua helms
some atleution of tha kldiioyn or uelghboriuc
rKaiu. At Umea , tym tou of ludlRouUon
ro present , M tlatuoncy , unoaainosa of the
toinach , otc. A molitcro Ilka perspiration ,
> roducius A Aery disagreeable Itching partlcu-
arly at night after getting warm In bed , its
orv common attoiulaut Internal. External
nd Itching I'lloa yield at once to the applica-
on of Dr. Boaauko'a I'llo Remedy , which act *
iroctly ur-n the jmrU allectcd , absorbing the
umors , allaying tha intense Itching , aud ef.
octlng a ] > onnaueut cure where other rome-
lion have failed. Do not delay until the dra'n '
> n the system produced permanent disability.
nit trv It aud bo cured. Bchroter & liocht.
"Trodd auppllad by 0.1' Goodman. "
McPhoreon's ' Hand-book of Politics
for 1K81 is on our table , filled , from first
page to last , with the political facts
which outer into political discussion.
The important legislation effected durinu
the last two yearn includes the Civil
Service Act. the Tariff of 1883 , the
American Merchant-Marino Act , and
the Supplemental Act touching Chinese
Immigration. Uf these , the first two
were enacted by the Forty-Seventh Con
gress and the last by the Forty-
Eighth. The entire record of
proceedings of each is contained
in this volume ; also the action upon the
unsettled and pending questions of the
Electoral Count , the Presidential Succes
sion , the National Bank Circulation , the
Trade Dollar , Intor-Stato Commerce ,
National Aid to Common Schools , Sup
plemental Anti-Polygamy Legislation ,
Unearned Land Grants , Enlargement of
the Navy , and the principles on which
our pension system to soldiers and sailors
is to bo reconstructed. Oftho _ decisions
of the supreme court , printed in full ,
throe are of commanding Interest these
relating to the Civil Rights Act , the "Lo *
laws. The chapters devoted to the dotailof
constitutional movements in the various
states , and of constitutional propositions
in the two houses of congress , show with
clearness the tendency of political
thought and the direction which political
activity will tako. The questions of the
Future are enwrapped in these sugges
tions , and they deserve moro than hasty
The hand-book is as impart ill state
ment of the important political facts of
the period , nnd will bo invaluable to
campaigners , debaters , students , editors
ind all intelligent citizens. It is pub-
ished by Jamoa J. Chapman , Wash
The September Contruy aims to rival
the August "Minsummur Holiday num
ber" in entertaining summer reading , as
well as in articles of unusual Importance.
Mrs. Mary Hallock Footo has given a ro
mantic story of Monterey. The other
short story of the number is a humorous
dialect story of southern life , called "Tho
Brief Embarrassment of Mr. Ivorson
Blount , " by Richard Malcolm Johnston ,
Charles G. Loland's "Legends of the
Pasaamaquoddy" Indiana ( with illustra
tions drawn on birch b irk by a Quadi In
dian ) , has the interest of fiction as well
as a value to students of folk lore.
James's "A Now
Henry two-part story ,
England AVintor , " is concluded , and
Boyosen's longer novelette , "A Problem
atic Character , " is continued. Mr.
Jablo's novel , "Dr. Sovipr , " nppraachos
the conclusion , which will lo printed in
iho October number. "From Coventry
; o Cheater on Wheels , " the opening illue-
; rated paper , recounts the experience of
Mr. Joseph Pennoll , the artist , during
a trip on a tricycle in England. W , J.
5tillman's second paper , descriptive of
lis yackt journey , "On the Track of
Ulysses , " is oven moro attractive pictorially -
ally than hia first paper. A stirring in
cident of life in foreign lands is alac
given in Horace D. Warner's descriptioi
of "A Tropical Hurricano"in Costa llica
i'rof. S. P. Lingloy , the well known as
.rounmpr . of tno Alloghonoy Observatory
.vgina in this number a series of illus
rated papers on the "Now Astronomy. '
An essay of extraordinary importance to
physical science in this country is .losopl ;
Edgar Chamborlin's analysis of "The
Foreign Element in our Population.1'
Besides this , there is an unusual quan
tity of excellent poetry and miacollan
cous matter in the editorial aud other
departments of this magazine.
The Manhattan-for September is ono
of unusual interest. Among the con
tents are ' . 'The Chalice Bearers , "
poem , by Elizabeth Studdiedford Mc-
Chosnoy , with illustrations by Jessie
Curtis Shepherd , "Tho Misoricordia of
Florence , " by Ada Bakounino , with il
lustrations by 'Mcllhennoy , ; " A Glance
at the Hungarian Capitals , " by J. W.
Davis ; " Balxic and Literary Circles of
his time , , " by James Lane Allen ; ' ' No-
neo , " a story , by Hope Lodword ;
sketches entitled : "On a Siamese Pa-
coda , " by David Kerr ; "The Grave-
Digger's Scene in Hamlet , "by Henry F.
Kandolph ; "Californian Acadia , " by
jSruost Ingersoll , and several others.
"Trojan , " the aerial , is continued ; Kato
Fiolda keeps up her lively chat in "My
Diary in London , " and John Bernard
adds to his "Rotroapactions of the Amor
icau Stage. " The "Recent Literature , "
"Town Talk " and " "
, "Salmagundi" depart-
incuts are attractive and diversified. The
Manhattan is growing rapidly in popu
larity , aud promises to cpino to the iront
rank in American magazines.
The September number of Harper's
Magazine ia iu itself quite n tour of Eu
rope. Mr. Ridoing deccribes "A Run
Ashore at Quuenstown , " including Blar
ney Onatlu and Killarnoy , with ninny il
lustrations ; parsing on to Londjn,1 there
is more of Rav. Troadwi'll Wnldpn'a ac
count of "Tho Great Hall of William
RufiH , " with its portraits of the early
kings and ( inoons ; crossing to Frauco ,
Miss Uuinpruy'a pen and Mr. Roinhart's
pencil describes the lifo at the French
sea-aido resort , Trouvillo ; aud , finally ,
the artist Bouyhton strolls farther iii
Holland. At homo , Mr. Ernest luger
soil describes the "Wheat-fields of the Co
lumbia , "withillustrationsbylludwoodand
paper by J. G. Pylo , with illustrative
diagrams , explains "Tho Reservoir SJ-HT
torn" now under construction to equalize
the supply of water In the Mississippi.
Ihoro are sketches , with tine portraits , of
Qeorgo Fuller by Frank D. Millet , and
of Charles Roado by itabort Buchanan ,
the frontispiece of the number being n
roproducion of ono of Fuller's paintings ,
further instalments of Roe's "Nature's
Serial Story , " with Gibson's and Diel.
man's illuetrations ; of Black's "Judith
Shakespeare ; " of William Sharp's "Iran-
icripU from Nature. " with Alfred Pur-
ion's illustrations ; short atorios by "A
SVorking Girl" and Rose Terry Cooke ; a
Due-act comedy , "A Cloud on the Honey-
inoon"by Julian Magnus ; tinda number of
; > oemu , by Will Carleton and others , fill
jut , with the editorial departments , a
brilliant uuniDor ,
The frontispico of the September "Pop
ular Sciouco Monthly" is a tine portrait of
Prof. . J. P. Lssloy , chief geologist for
Pennsylvania , and president of the Amer
ican association for the advancement of
science , of whom a biographical sketch is
; ivou. The loading article of the nuin-
jer is by Prof. J , P. Gookt > , of Harvard
University , on "Scientific Culture ; its
Spirit , its Aim and its Methods. " "Tho
Jpper Missouri River System , " by Les-
or F. Ward , is an illustrated article do-
priblug the action of the Missouri and
L'ellowstono rivers in continually cutting
i\vay on side of their valleys and build-
ng up the other InVhora and how
re Remember , " also illustrated , M.
Ulen Starr , M. D , presents the ovi-
lencoBupporting the view that the various
unctions of the brain have each their
efinato location , "Tho Astronomy of
'rimitivo Peoples" and "Ohineee Ooro- ,
icr'a Inquests" are interesting as showing [
ho vagaries of minds untutored in I „
cience. In "National Health and t
Work , " Sir James IMgot strikingly pro
eonts nn additional reason for sanitary
activity in the loss which results to the
nation from the sickness and early de.ith
of its workers. The "Chemistry of Cook
ery" and "Morality of Happiness" series
are continued , and the other articles are :
"Aims of the Study of Anthropology , "
by W. II. Flowers , F. U. S ; "SorRiim as
a Source cf Sugar , " by Henry B. Parsons -
sons ; "Hygiene for Smokurs , " by Dr.
Felix Bromont ; "How the Dodder became -
came a Prtrasito , " by Joseph F. James ;
"Sun-Kinks , " by T. O'Connor Sloano ;
"Thol Problem of Population , " by Char.
Morris ; and "Protection against Light
ning. "
Cassell's Family Magazine for Septem
ber presents an interesting table of con
tents , together with its usual number of
linely executed engravings. This is ono
of the most entertaining magazines pub
lished. Ono of its special features is
articles of practical information , under
the head of "The Gatherer" This department -
partmont alone is well worth the subscrip
tion price of the magazine. In fiction
Cassoll's ' magazine always contains charm
ing short stories by the very best authors ,
and its descriptive articles , which are
plcgantly written , are handsomely illus
"What are the wildjwnvcs saying ,
Slater , the whole day long ?
Why , probably thoy'ro praying
For rtlief frfom the campaign soup ; .
St. John in aware that all prohibition signs
fail In dry times.
The Illinois prohibitionists have Hobbi fern
n candldato and hobbles for n platform.
The close of the campaign will show the in
dependents In a truly pitiful plight. Elgin
The rmadrlennlal befuddlesomeness of the
partisan newspaper la now approaching its
worst stage.
The real Issue of thi1 campaign is apparently
fast narrowing down to "I tavo we a Joseph
among us ? "
The Germans throughout Now York Uity
IITO organizing to work for the election of
Blaine aud Logan.
The republicans of Indiana were nevermore
moro thoroughly organized than now. They
are not only organized but enthusiastic.
Notwithstanding that thousands of parti an
organs on shouting , "Tho campaign has ba
gun fall in , " the people do not seem to fall
How ephemeral la famol Since the June
convention not ono diagram of President Ar
thur'rt pantaloon' ] has appealed in the fashion
In pu-Mdcntial ycais it is well to harves
tliucandidates'crop of wild pats early in thi
summer. There's moia serious business on
hand for the fall.
The attempt to make a Know-Nothing cam
paign against Mr. Blaine will icstilt in noth
ing but harm to the cause of his opponents.
[ Sehenectidy Union ( Itep )
Cleveland has gone fishing , but there's
money eays ho won't catch a fish with the
head en the wrong end. Nature doesn't in
du'go ' in freaks of that sort.
The Washington cleiks nro to bo accorded
half faio by the rallioiuls , for themselves am
fnndlie ? , good for thirty days , when it comes
time for them to go homo nnd vote.
What Mr. Blaine did some thirty two yean
ago as u school teacher in Ken tuck is of Hmal
concern to the people , and the democratic
party refuses to fight the campaign on bud
Wo appeal from 1'uck to-day to Turk ol
March 14. 1883 , when that \ery patriotic
and con cioneioua journal leferred to Gov
ernor Cleveland as "tho creatuie of monopo
lists. "
Ono hundred and forty-five members of the
Stebblefield family hold a reunion at Bloom-
ingtoii , III. Among _ them ara forty-eight
voters , all of whom will vote for Blaine and
To Buy that Butler will not hurt Cleveland
in New York , is sheer folly. lie is running
to defeat him , not to pccuro hfs own election ,
nnd liu frequently succeeds in doing \\ltat he
starts out to do. [ Taylorvillo Journal.
The oldest voters , who lemembcr how Jack
fen was abused , do not call this n camyaigi
of uraudal. Ono of the mildest stories told
about Jackson was that lie was a cannibal and
frequently had a voucg nigger cooked for his
The independents , instead of adopting
Cleveland , should have nominated some mem
ber of the Adams family a > > their can-
did.ita. There is no safety for thu indepen
dents except in sticking by the Ad.uns
The Illinois democratic committee announ
ces that Carter Harrison will "swirg around
the circle" on a special railroad train making
Rptechos at all the stopping place ? . Andy
Johnson was the father of this experiment ,
and wo all know what became of him.
The campaign can be mid to have opened.
Scandal stories were started about Cleveland
amJ Blaine , and Mr Blaine has sued the In
dianapolis Sentinel for S5l,000 damages. Our
liijdily esteemed republican brethien got full
iiuickor thane expected. [ Kansas City
The Fulton Democrat published at Lewiston -
ton , the leading dcmucintlc paper of Fulton
county , bus dpHorted the Cleveland ranks and
run up the Htnjuliml of St. John. This Is ono
democratic piohihitim paper If the woild
should no\er see another. ( Hloomtngton Pan-
The pi Neil reformers count both of the
pro.jideiithd candidatis OB their friends. Gov
ernor Cleveland Is ( iint vies pieMileut of the
piNon aswiciali in of Now York , itnd Mr.
Blaine was out ) of the oiiginal iucorporntoni
of the intlonal prison a'hocution of the
United States.
Tim Age , of Houston , Tox.ofTnrFi this singu
lar prl/o : "A reward of 850 will bo git en for
the best written or piint'd pewiption of a
political 'independent' Thu description to
lii embraced in not mm n than 109 lines of not
more than ten words each , and to bo forward
ed to the Age oflica by the Ibt of September ,
proximo. '
The democracy only use Mr. Cleveland in
order to it-cm o assistance from the indopend
fill * , and the people know it , andthovnlst
know that the democracy , If It gains the of
lice , will rule. No Individual man or weak
ally like the independents will rule them , or
nven belli rule. Wo know to our sorrow how
It hos ruled In the put.
She ; "What nro you so absorbed in reading ,
my dear ? " Ho : "Schuron Illainu. " She :
" ( irodnens gracious ! What will the papers
punt next , I wonder ? Tha minute n man
runs for oljiee they cannot even Jet the poor
tfllow't uln'rU nlono. It's a downright out
rage , 1 -Cincinuati.Saturday [ Night.
Adi ices from various parts of this state
unto the fact that the republican meeting ;
dmost without exception , are being very largely
ly attended , the people exhibiting a drgiee o :
interest thus early in tl.u canvass that has
lieen quiet iiiuisual herdtoforo in great pn'iti '
3 d eampagns. This Is cheering augery.- [ Chi
The flutter uhlch has been caused nmoiu
Clovolend'u uprI'rtcm by ( the announcement
that Butler will run against him , i' . In i
measure nUuyed by an nrc * > rsion winch ha
recently be < m made in liU benefit. Some ol
III * Southern supporters have * ent him "the
left hind foot of a graveyard rabbit shot on
; ho grave of the Jato Jesse Jamoj. " With
, hls charm on his pertou the New York gov
irnor will bo Invincible igainst ill luck and
: au encounter all the hazards of the campaign
vithout fear. That is at leut thu jediiction
'rom the prevalent supposition Iu the south
Atiiinoula u obtained In large quantities by
ho putrefaction of the urlue of animals. An.
yclojxJia llritanntea ,
Kvery hnusekeeiier can test baking powders
outaiiilng this diegusttng drug by placing a
an ot the "IJoyM" or "Andrews' Pearl" top
lown on a hrt stove until heated , then remove
he caver and smell.
Dr. Prlco'd Cream Making Powder doea no
ontain Ammonia , Alum , Lime , Potash. Bcne
'honphaUu , ( prove it by the above test ) . It
i brepanxl by a Physician and Chemist with
> > eclal regard to cleanliness and healthful- ,
ess. m-e-w-2m
The Railroads and Bummers Secure
Laird's ' NomiDatioD ,
Siucch No F/ivorlto AVltli tlib
"Ucc" Ills 110 Hays of Agony
Defense ot Ills llccnnl ,
Correarnndenco of TIIK Urn.
HASTINGS , Auguot 21. On last eve
ning the second convention over held in
this congressional district ronominated
Mr. James Laird , on the first billot. The
preliminary canvass has boon short but
sharp and pointed. A largo number of
staunch republican papers have boldly
arraigned the incumbent on his oflioial
record and to nome extent on his perso
nal record , which is honeycombed with
that looseness of conduct said to bo n
characteristic of Grorer Cleveland , the
democratic candidate for president.
Up to within a few days it was confi
dentially believed that the opposition
would h.ivo n decided majority over
Laird , but the result proved disappoint
ing. This result was largely brought
about bp the active work of the B. & M.
railroad. At Had Cloud , McCook , and
other points in the Republican valley the
railroad strikers carried everything before -
fore them , In ono day , it is reported
that Bovon men started out on the line
of the road , on passes telegraphed for by
Mr. Laird. Cap. Phillips and Roadmas-
tor Campbell were the managers of
Some delegates were offered passes to
the convention and return if they would
agree to vote for Laird , otherwise they
would have to pay their faro. Some
sworn affidavits on these subjects will bo
published bcforo the close of the cam
paign. Polk and Butler counties everyone
ono said , would bo against Laird , and if
they had boon ho would have boon de
feated. All reports agree that the pnoplo
of these counties are bitterly opposed to
him , and yet ho had the delegates solid.
Cap. Phillip is credited with inventing
the fichemo which captured liutlor. It is
safe to say that Laird cannot carry either
of theao counties at the election. Nor
can ho carry York , Seward , Clay , Saline
Jell'oraon , Kearney , Phelps , Franklin or
Harlan at the polls. At least such is the
claim of persons thoroughly posted in
the politics of these counties.
Judco Gasliu declined to allow his
name to go before the convention , rightly
believing that no republican is bound by
the action of representatives so elected.
Hon. Goo. B. Franca received the hand
some compliment of 57 votes on the
first ballot. Next to the railroad influ
ence , the most active forces in behalf of
Mr , Laird were the
nil over the district. The reputable pso-
plo of Hastings confessed with shame ,
that the follows who ran his campaign
belonged to theao classes. Supporting
Laird through local pride , and the ex
pectation of favors from congress through
his efforts , they yet had to take a back
scat in the management cf affairs the
bums are always nearest his person and
Senator Manderson's certificate of good
character and spotless habits may do for
dress parade , but to those who know
mid have known for years of his modu
of life , it will only excite a smile of de
After the business of the convention
was over Mr. Laird made a lengthy
speech in justification of his record in
general and of his Fitz John Porter vote
in particular. Although attractively de
livered it was like most of Mr. Laird's
speeches moro windy than solid ; a
regiment of words to a corporal's squad
of ideas.
Ho began by referring to the calumn
ies of the press , mentioning by name TIIK
BEE. Ho considered himself a very
much abused man. His triumph at the
convention was evidently a surprise to
him on his own confession. Believing
that ho had earned the compliment of a
second term , the fear that ho would not
bo accorded a rouomination caused him
to "experience an agony for the last
twenty days" such as his hearers ' 'could
not know and such , as ho trusted , they
might never know. "
The convention , by n numerous and
eery decided "no" refused to make his
nomination unanimous , and there were a
largo number of delegates who openly do-
zlurcd their intention not to support
liim. The forcing of Laird's nomination
lias seriously jeopardised the election of
* republican congressman from the cec-
jnd district. *
P.CHohitloiiH 1'aHHciI l > y tno Imncastcr
Con nly Touchers.
Wo , the committee on resolutions reTort -
Tort for the consideration of the Lancaat-
: r county institute the following :
WIIKIIK.VH , the educational interests of this
lounty ik'iimiiil thut Uachcra phaulu cherish
ii' ' ro of u professional spirit , and that such
ipitit cm bust bo fuhterod and cultivated by
nouns of stitod social and educational gather-
np-i , ilifiefoic , bo It
KfBolvcil , that thi ) Ijaucaator county
caclioiH do incot t\vicn during the ensuing
oar at the high school building In the city of
jincoln , for the purpose of social reunion , and
Itornry entertainment. One of these meet-
HK Bliall bo in December , and the other in
ICuinlvtd , that u committee of five bu ap-
minted to Bocuro lecturers for these occasion * .
f which committee the county auporlnten-
iont shall bo chairman.
Whereat ) , the motto of the teacher
bonld bo "Onward end Upward" in his pro-
esnion , nud
WIIKIIEAK , Carefully selected reading U
nest conducive to advancement , therefore
10 it
Itesolved , That immediate steps bo taken
ownrcla the organization of a county teach-
ra' library , To accomplish thin wo would
uesrst that every teacher ploca In tliu hands
f the county buperlntendcnt. who shall act as
ibrariuu , one or iHoro Ixioks pertaining to ed-
icntien. The Bald books xlnill constitute a
irculatlng library for the Ixmtifit of thoio who
hall anoint in thu formation of it. If at any
line any teacher remove from the county or
save the profe nioii lie rr she may be entitled
0 the work contributed. In addition to the
i o of this clrculdtlnit library , wo would rec-
mtnoml the course of reading as prepared by
. M. IJreemvrod , of Kansas City ,
llsiouri , or tlie Clmutauqua reading
oursa which already has been
dopted by tiity thoimiml student * . In view
f the fact I'roftueors Grant and Uraiier , Mr * .
'ifJany , Mis Uyam and JIUs Hall have la-
ored arduously during the session of the ID.
tituto , therefore , bo it
Ko olved , That wa extend to them a vote of
liankttforthur efforts in our behalf. We
'ould ' acknowltdgo thu hame obligation to tha
untlemen who so kindly fmored 119 twith he-
ires during the past tvwlon.
lleaolved , That we consider the past fesslon
1 tbu Koiinal institute a very profitable one ,
: d wo beieby express our gratln'otioo that
I many of our numbtr have availed them-
> lves of the excellent opportunities ttfered.
i a iccommend , furtheimore , tint every
taeher of Lancaster county re d at least ono
> uk on Kindergarten Mtthodn during thej. ,
inning year. " j ,
We , the teachers. ) ! LxujiiJr < mi < / * C
che ( > rfnlly commend our worthy mid efficient
RUprrinttnilflnt , for hit untiring /eal In bohnlf
of iir schools , for Ida co-operation with the
teachers In their work nnd for his efforts to
elevate our avocation to the dignity of a pro-
fe ian , and v.o hereby pledjo him our hearty
lloiolved. That n copy of UIOTO resolution1)
bo forwarded to the SUto Journal , the
School Work , nnd the Oninli * UEK.
[ Signed. ]
Coinmittco. | KMII.Y 1' ,
I Lf.nXOItA , llKKVK ,
( Mils. N. ( J. FllASKU.V.
The above resolutions were adopted by
the unanimous and hearty voice of the
Lancaster county teachers and It appears
to us that both the teachers and the institute
stituto instructors as well as their super
intendent must bo made of the true
itutl to call forth ouch nn expression of
their sentiments.
Killers Is n household word
all over the world. For over CO years It hag
advertised itself by its merits. It IB now ad
vertised to warn the public against counter
feit * . The genuine article. Is manufactured by
Dr J. ( .5.13. Slegort & Sons.
ST. Louis , August 23. The bank at Marsh-
field Mo. , Mipptmled yesterday , and C. F.
Brooks has resn appointed receiver. The lia
bilities are reported to bo 830,000. Aseets
unknown ,
LANCAHTKK , Pa. , Augwt 23. The Lancas
ter Bolt company aligned to-day. Liabilities
§ 07,000.
Ainio.v , N. Y. , August 23. The tiltuatlon
at the suspended bank remains the same.
Nothing will bo knnwii until the chest in the
tafe is opened. It Is thought that it will bo
opened today. The bank officials and persons
in charge will say nothing. These who had
confidence in Warner and the bank nro fast
losing it. Depositors are offering claims for
70 and 7o per cent , and tboro are nn takers.
K. K. Hnrt , of the Orleans County bank , say.s
his bank Is prepared to pny all it owes , but
there has been no run and nniio is expected ,
The sheriff , in the suit by W. A. Parmloy ,
has taken posseeoion. Kverything was found
belonging to Werner , which was not much.
No piovislnn was made by Wainer for the
support of his fatuity ,
ST. Louis , August 23. Ileports were circu
lated yesterday that the Jacob Ambs Distill
ing company were in trouble , and that more
than ono of their chocks had been thrown out
of the bank , but on statement of the firm that
the matter had been satisfactonly adjusted ,
nothing was Niid about it in the news dispatch
es. It transpired to-day , however , that the
company divided their assets among their
creditors in proportion to the amounts due
them , and announced their intention to retire
from business. It is stitcd that povoral of the
creditors accepted the allotment of assets , but
the Continental bank objected , and late this
afternoon IVeil an attachment suit against the
company for 821,000. Tha liabilities of tha
firm are said te bo $110,000 , and their assets
figured out at the same amount. Thu firm
owns the Woodcock distillery , and are said to
have done an extensive business In tin south.
Airong flio assets are said to bo10,000 iu
whiskey in bond.
f r
ThUunoxcalled Kstroct of Malt la a relreshiny ,
nourishing Table U aerate ; n plca ng , wholcsomo
anil ImlKoratlntr Tonic ; remedial HcncraRO , assist
ing the constitution t ) overcome the various voak-
cnliiR and wanting maladies , ud building up a
heal hy body again.
" The " Beverage
jtSTOnsala at Kuhn&Co. , Schrotcr & I5echt , M.
Parr , M. B. Powell , S. Katz , jMmrod & Co.
Trade supplied by David Nioholsoa , 13 and 15
North Cth ttrcct , St. Louis , Mo
( Faculty I'rlzo College of Ohio.
And other Diseases of the Anus and Ilcotum.
Boyil's ' Opera Honsc. "
eve od and wtf
Classical , Scientific , Commercial ami Art Depart !
nciitn. Both sexes admitted. Tuition low ,
ng chonp , best of society l iUr equipped lacultj
iirAildro s Jnr particulars , Huv. W. W. Harthi
) . U. President , or Prt.f. O ii. Don Islets , Secretary
uo Faculty Bcllovuo , Nob. Jy mo 2ioU
T fcoblo gro
( ft , Strom : when lloate
1 tcr'sStoiruch Hitler
Is u1 o J to promote as-
tlmlhultm of the focxl
auil unrlch the liloou.
Indlgcutlon Iho chief
obstacle to anacqul'
lion of strength by
thourak , Is an ali
ment which Infalli
bly Hucrumbs ti the
action of this peerless
corrective. Lees of
Ili'sli and ,
falluro to sleop. anc
crowlni ; evlduncoof
ureina'uro decay , are
upetdlly countoract-
cdliy the treat In.
v I'oron t , which
braces up the pay-
, . , , . _ nidi energies and for
ties the constitution apalntt ilUeajo , For gala by
I diugglsU inddc&lcn " "
festern Cornice-
1111 DouglM Bt OcahA , Neb.
Balvanizea iron Cornices
fa-Dormer Wlndowi , FlnUli , Tin , Iron and fU ) .
Doting. Biwcht'i Patent UtUIllo 8k > light , latent
ljuatvd lutcbct Ear and Bracket bbelvuig. I am
> general agent for tb above lloa ol gouda. Jro
liig , Ealtut < lcaVerandMIroo Ii *