2 OMAHA DAILY BEE -MONDAY , AUGUST 25 , Science of Life , Only $1.0 DY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF AGUHA.T MHDIOAlYfVORR ANHOOD Exhausted Vitality , Nrrrotu and Phj-nlOAl DcMlll rrcmatnrc Decline In Man , Krrortnf Youth , an t untold mlserlot cunltlnR from Indiscretions or e CHPCI. A hook for every man , younf ? , midillt-age nnil old. It onntAlns 1S5 prenorlptlonii for all acn nd chronic dl ea ci each one of which U Invalnab S } found by the Author , nhost experience for jean Isiuoh Mprohtbly never before fell to the I ol any phyn'can BOO paces , hound In heintl IVenchmnglln ra jovodcovers , fall RlU.KturinUi t ) be ft finer work n evtry lenw , meehnlo l , I ! entry And profowlonn ! , th n ny other work told thli country for VICO , or the money will be refund ) la every ln Unoe , Price only 11.00 by null , pot pkld , lllustrntlro simple 6 oonti. Bend now. Oo mod l iwnrJrdthemthor by the National Medic Annotation , to the offloors ol which he refers. The Sclenao of Llfo should he rctdbr the yom tat Infraction , nJ by tha ndllctoj for relict. It v 111 benefit Ul. London Lanoot. Thire line member of ioclety lo whom The Be cnM c-f Life will not be uiofnl , whether youth , pa cnt , ittiirdlin , Instructor or clergyman. Arjron ut. Aridrna the reabody McdlcA ] Institute , or Dr. V It. 1'srker , No. i Bulflnch Street , Uoiton Mt a , wh niAy U 9 consulted on all dlicuei roqulr'ng ' skill an ctptrUnoe. Ctironlo andobrtlnatedlfteu mthat hai hilllcd the iktll of all otborphyi'UCAl oUr n nnecltltyi Bach treated tn > ! Mi.n LHL toll without n IniUnco failure. TUVCC C 13 DECIDED BV Koyal Havana Lottery I ( A OOVEIIXMKNT INSTnUTlON. ) Drawn nt Jlavnnn , ubn , Every 1 ! to li Days. TICKKT3 , J2.00 , - - . HALVES. 810 tiubjet-t to no manipulation , not controlled by th r artiuln Interest. It Is the fairest thing In tli ii&turo ol chance In oxlstonco. Forlnformatlonand particulars apply toSIIIPHn' CO ,0cn. Anentu , 1212 HroKtwRy , N V city. E. KAUII & CO. , 417 Walnut ntroct.Ht , Louis , Mo , or Frank I < obrano , L. I ) , , 20 Wjandotto , Kan. jymi.0 & wly. IN CASH GIVEN Smokers of Ilarkvtell'H ) Ocnulno 4ti\l Durham RmokltiK Tobacco will rccclvo I'rciiilmjm an foUovn nn terms and conditions hcrapinclflcxls Hst PREMIUM. ffi5TQQQ 2d " S2,000 3d " $1,000 UiJ other I'rrinliiinHnahcrOPhowD. The 2.1 prcmlumn vd1)0 \ \ nvrardod $2155 December S3 , l l IHI I'rcmlum KOCH to the itrson fronnvhomxvo ro. $200 echo tholarnofltnuinlicrof our empty $175 tobicco baifH I'rlor In lire. 15 lid will $15O Iw irtven for tlio next larvont nunilier $125 find thni , In Iho order of Iho number of empty \mm \ received fmni uicli. $10O to tlio twenty flvo eiicconsful con. $ O tcuL-intii Kncli Inv niuct Ix-nr unr oriidnal Hull Dnrliimi InUl. U a lto\cnuo Ktaiiip. and ( * autlon Notlco. } ? 70 ( luUHt iMidono up wcnnly In n $ UO u , with immn nml uldreBH nf $5O , nndnuiiilx'rof l-ur culit.'illl fni. plainly nmrkeil on tin1 oiitfldo , JS4O and muni J > nHcitrlmnnH ! prt-ptild , to lllnclixM'll'fi Diirlmin Tnliiirrii $ ao ( J < i. , DUIIHAMN U i\i-ryininuluo : packaw lm picture of Hull Sivi > ur next aiiiinuiircinciit. Proposal ) ) for District 1'nvlni ; Doiula CmrTRKAHujiim'aOmci- 1 Omaba , Neb , August 20th , 1881. ) Boalctl uropoaal * will ho rccolvoil at this ofllea tin til August 30th , 1831 , at 12 noon , for the mirchano o -ril.COaof Dutrlct 1'ailnir Itonds of the Cltrot Oma ha Said bonds are dated September 1st , 1894 , on and will bo due hi o otnothrooand four joars fron date , on equal amount becoming due each ) oar : nn In sums of ono thousand dollars oah , and boar Inter cit from thtlr dito at the rate of elx per centum poi annum , patablo annually. The principal and Inter est arn both payable at the olllco of Kountzo Ilroa. U Kovf York. Hald bonds are Issued under the chartirponcr o ! said city , and will bo dulhored o purchaser ! , on pay inont therefor at the City Treasury In Uinaha , 01 : September 1st , 1831. llldi will ho addressed to the undersigned anil marked " ' for ' " ami "I'roposals District 1'avliiK ( loads , must etato the full i amo and adtlrcm uf the bidder the amount of iald bunds doalrud ( an equal nmounl due In ono , two , threoand four years ) and the prlou propOHed to ho paid. The light IB resorted to reject any and all bids. TIIUMA- ; DUCK , aujf 20 d lOt city Treasurer. ACADEMY OF THE OMAHA NEBRASKA. The scholastic ) oar commences on tno First Wednesday in Sentcnilicr , The oouroo ol instruction omliraces all the Klenien tary and higher hmmhuii ol a llnlihud education Uillcrenco of Ucllglon IH no ohataclo tu thu admls. slon of youii ; ladiea. 1'upllt are received at any time ot tlio > uar , TERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Including Board , WanhlnR. Tuition In KnirjUh aud Freucll , use ol "books. 1'lano , | r nctalon of Five Moatlis , - ? 150.00 EXTRA OlIAUOKB-Drawlngr , I'olntln ? , Oorma liar ) ' , Violin , Uuitur and VotAlMutlc. lUilorenoos are required from all persons tinknow to Urn Institution. For furtncr Information apply the ; LADV BIH'KUIOI ! , jy ll.roto DOCTOR WHITHER C17 St. CltnrloH S ( . , St. Louis , Mo. A rrcultr crtduitaof t olft < lleal Collrcei , li lici u longer nctiHd lu lliaipcelaltrcBlnaut of CHUONIC , Nitvoii , HKIM Uuii lluiao ] t.ktiu4bao u r other 1'lirilclin lu JJl , Luull , ftj rl(7 ( | ) > r * bow anil All eli rr.MtDti kuow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altec. lions ol Throat , Skin or Uones , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , > ro Ur.if.i ith miortiiiioil utteiionUuilitUnUn vrluelpln. Mt'rlr.I'llolfl/ . Diseases Arising ( rom Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence. bich imdno mu. or thi fcillooluc eOxlil Mrivniucii , dctllllr , dluiuiii el ljbl u4 aeftcllre UJtraory , | Imnlf en Ilii li , | U > il ldcc r , vcnloulolln wclflj ol ( cmilii , rou'u ! o ( IJi iil < x. r nilorlnij llmrrl KO Improper or unhappy , an j < rui utBUjrcurcJ. t'.njplltt ( W Hfilcullte ilwrt , lent lo italM covilftf | , frrctu uy addrr.i. CvDiulUtlou at ftl- tocort/iu lllrix , ndlutll.d.rlt \ fur iUciUoiii | , A Positive Written Guarantee tlrulo tllciir > Mic > iei. WoJlclDcinol > rr ; Lro. 1'ainphleti. Entllih or Oerman. ill paeei , do. orlbliJL' aboro dlteaios , In uialg or remalo , i'ltEli MARRIAGE GUIDE * ! va i MCI , floe pl t . llluilrnnl lo cloib mil too , moucj cr i ilkct t niuv , | . | ' r cotvri , > &e. Tlili couutui * 11 tb curloui , itouttful or laauUlltrt VKDI u know , A bock of irnt lulcrmt lo ill , Ut lltl. Uuulr , Ui | > iiM art iruuikUnl t > / In de | DR.HQRNE'SEILIEGTRtGBELT Will t-uro Kervou ni-M , Luiiujiign.uheuiiidl in , | 'ir ul > .U , lllralll | > , Silullra Klilnthplnu nnt Liter llUtAHVOuUt.ptlllllU.lltJll1 dlMK - , , ' iatlLrll. fi\.iiila , Calorili lKi | . | > IIii | > r , Imp otent j , Dumti AUIIO . . - . . terl , . ! inl ) > Iricllfltln Am rln < lint emU thuKlcilrlilty mi initic XrtrtlMin thruui.-ti IliuUi'dy * anil LKHlHiiuiliarw lu alt In t ttut by tint Millent. SI.OOO Would Not Buw It. Winter U ooioltiR , the f taion of the jtar for achoi and pilni In view of this face , wey. . buy onu ol Doctor lloiov't Kloctrlo Jtclts , by no Jolnf , > uu will kvold Hlieumatl iu , llldnev tro'iblii acj otlur 1IU that Huh Ii bc'r ' too. I'o ' uot iSvlav , hut call at out cilice , and cxAtrduc the tvlti , H22 l > oulaa Ut. , Ouu h % J.'eb , x r/ornaleitc. V. OoodmJio'i DruzBton1 UK ftraunBI , OauJu. Odtn flllod 0,0 D LIGHTNING HANDLERS. Reminiscences of Old TimoaDflMililai Operators , Skotoh of the United Stales Mili tary Tolograpio Corps. 1(8 Hcrvlccft During ( lie Civil War- An Old HWCI-'H Jlccollcctlons llnccs I Jot \vcon BtcninlxmlH nnd TclUKrniiliy In St. Ioiiln. , LiouU.l'ont-DIsrntcli. The rotundn of the Lnclodo hotel wn filled this morning to ovotllowing wit old-time telegraphers. No 0110 is oligi bio to membership in this organi/.atioi whoso ncqunintanco with the wires doc not extend back of the troublous time when the civil wnr was nt its height Nona of the old timers are young moii but many of them nro in thoprimo of life nnd others have reached the lmlf-wn Rtation nnd their hoary heads nnd ben forms indicate that they nro going dowi Lho hill on the other aide , nnd the hand that once deftly manipulated the kay ire too slid nnd foobla to keep pace will the vigorous young men who nro tnkiti ; their places. There nro two distinc organizations represented in the city iho United States Milltniy Tolegrap ! Corps , which is the smaller body ? an members of the Old Titno nasociation nnd their bantjuola nnd programme o entertainment nro common , but tin business meetings nro distinct , the Olt Timers meeting to-day nnd the military operators to-morrow. The members ol the two societies spent the morning renewing nowing acquaintances nnd DISCUSSING UBMINISOENCF..S of cnrly times in the telegraphing busi < ness , THE riiFsinnNT or Tin : coins - s Mr. Win. II. Plum , who is nt prcaonl nn attorney in Chicago , but who wnt dontilicd with the milltnry Borvico during hu war , TIe has written n history of the Tork of telegraph operators during the wnr , nnd of the first organization of the corps , nnd probably has taken moro in- orost than any ono else in the labors foi recognition of the corps by the federal government. In n chat with n I'ost-Dis- latch reporter Mr. Plum gnvo a sketch if the work of the corps. lioforo thu ate wnr there had boon but little use of t telegraphic service of the warand none n this country , although the telegraph vns used with oll'ect by Germany , En gland nnd Franco to some extent nnd in , desultory mnnner. It remained for \inurlcati operators to form the first or ganized corpsand to prove that a regular rained branch was absolutely essential o the proper conduct of the operations of war. The first man to suggest and iut in operation n plan to make use of ho wires in nctlvo service was Thomas Icott , the assistant secretary nf war un- or Cameron , nnd the president of the 'onnsylvanin railroad. At the breaking ut of hostilities ho called to Washington ivo of the most skillful operators on his oad which formed the nucleus of what ftorwards became the telegraphic corp ? f the federal army. AI10UT THE SAME TIME Jon. John 0. Fremont , who was sta- ionod in St. Louis , called to his aid JporgoII. Smith , superintendent of the vires hero , and directed him to form the > aais of n military telegraphic battalion , several companies were enlisted and reg ularly drilled and these companies built ho earliest military lines nnd city lines n and around St. Louis. At this time , lao , Anson Stager , superintendent of ho Western Union nt Cleveland , was made superintendent for military pur- loses of all the lines in Ohio , Indiana ud Illinois nnd in thpsp parts of Kou- nucky and West Virginia comprised in lie military division of Con. McOlcllnn. Vhon it was soon afterwards found ccossary to have ono head , Mr. Stager was called to Washington and was > laced at the head ot the telegraphic war orvico. This was in November , 1801. lo remained in charge throughout the war and was commissioned a brigadier- general nt its close. No commissions vero made nt first , but it iras found iccusaary afterward nnd Con. Stngor was nado captain. Later lie was comiuiaaionod oloiibl and his subordinates were com- uissioned to the rank of captain or ina- or. Nona but the ollicors had uny mili- ary Hiatus , the operators being retained oil the civil list and retired nt the close v ithout recognition. Thcrorrns in the orvico altogether nn aggregate force of ,1200 operators and twice as many milders nnd repairers , who constructed nd operated thousands of miles uf tele graph linos. IMroitTANUE OP THE hKUVlOE. Every general in the tinny has testi- iod to the value und brilliancy ot the olegraphie service and lo the patriotism nd devotion of the men. As nn illu- truUon of the responsibility of their Hiskions it may bo mentioned that the coya of dispatch ciphers were placed in lie hands of the operators , and no ono ho , not oven ollicers , were allowed to oo . .or handle them. Ono brilliant chlovoment of the corps was the con traction and operation of lines in battle , o that the dilleront divisions could coin- kunicata with uach other during an on- iiKomont. This was frequently done nd lines wore removed and put up with very change of the army. The military olegraphora are almost as full of romin- scenses of danger and narrow escapes roni shot and shell as the soldiers. Sov ral operators were killed at work and rcquontly in the building and repairing f lines lives were lost The organization of the corps was rat broached in 1881 , at a meeting of liu old timers , and the first mooting was eld in 1882 , nt Niagara Falls , with nn ttendnnco of fifteen members. The ext mooting was hold nt Chicago last 'oar and the membership now numbers 1J1 men , Since the organization of the corps of- orta have made to obtain suitable recog. ition from the government as a regular rm of the military soivice. At the close f the war the operators , who had been s much in the military service as the oldlora , were dismitsed without recogni. Ion. At the last session of congress a ) ill was introduced for this purpoio , and 10 society moans to push the demand 'or the same rights nnd privileges as sai lers. It is asked that the operators bo ccognizod as officers with the rank cor- oipondlng with the pay , and the build , rr nnd repairers ns soldinra. Thu moot- ng of the corps takes place to.morrow. The Old.'i'imo Tolographors'nsaociatioii ras called to order at 11:30 : in the ladies rdinnry of the Lacledo , by President 3eorge M. Dugan of Jackson , Tonnover ifiy members being present. The proa , dent briefly welcomed the association , re lowing its nrogreas from its formation t Cincinnati in 1880 , up to the present titno. The object of the union , ho ssi was not to discuss politics but to me old friends in social reunion , The minutes of the last mooting wo : read and approved ; after which .1. ! Burton , C. W. Hammond , Chss. J. 0 berne , Henry L. Uall , 11. llohlo , T. . Whitehead , F. Harvey , A. Prcscott , 1 H. Uoyd , H. W. Dtigtmi , A. T. llnrvo' ' F. Smith , II. P. Hall , II. C. llonedic L. T. Sheldon , .1. M. Fortonbury , A. I S. Bliss , Ji M. Fairchild and Goorj Gardener , Letters of regret were rcn from mony absentees , among them froi 0. C. HincB , Now York ; Col. Clowr ; Chicago ; John Van Horn , Now Yor ! Superintendent Compton of Naahvilli Tonn. ; Col. Von Duzor , Michigan ; . . I ) . Hold , E. 0. Bush , F. M , Colobun and from other prominent tclographoi in various parts of the country. Vico-Prosidont Ed. Ilosowator , of th Omaha Ilr.i : , delivered nn eloquent at droas , reviewing the perilous sorvic performed by pioneer operators in tram porting the first wires across the Kockic nnd in serving at the army front with th fidelity of soldiers. Ho suggested the the old-time telegrapher bo requested t furnish reminiscences in order that n nit toty of telegraphy could bp written , an the chair ndded that specimens of ol style noparatus ought lo bo procured. j committee consisting of Messrs , Plurr Taylor nnd Buntull was appointed fo the nbovo purposes. Mr. Plum , chairman of the committo on resolutions , spoke feelingly of th death of 0. 11. Booth , of Mansfield Ohio , George W. Trabuo , of Nashville Mo. , nnd L. M. Painter , anU resolution embodying the sentiment of the sociot ; were adopted , nnd will bo engrossed nm forwarded to the families of the deceased The following ollicors were elected fo the ensuing year , President Chas. W Hammond , St. Louis ; Vice President Chas. E. Taylor , Frankfort , Ky. ; secretary tary nnd trorsuror , S. B. Fairchild , St Louis. ON Till1 HIVElt. In the afternoon both associations won down the river upon the Charles Morgan The saloon was tastefully decorated foi the occasion nnd there were about 10 ( members of the association and thoi ; friends present. The boat ran down the river as far as Sulphur Springs , where t largo proportion of the party dobarkot and drank of the waters for which the place is fninou ? . The steamer loft Sul phur Springs shortly before 8 oclock , ant as soon ns it was under way , the gucstt aat down to what was rcpoiicd to bo t sumptuous banquet. The boat stopped at the barracks for up wards of an hour to give the orators ol the party an opportunity of enlarging up. : m the marvellous achievements of the alectric telegraphy. The festivities wore brought to a close by the singing ol "Auld Lang Syne , " nnd the homeward journey was resumed. The city wat reached at 150 : ! o'clock this morning. 51. Louts Republican. The society of the United States Mili tary Telegraph Corps mot in annual reunion - union at 110 : ! this morning in the ladies' ' ordinary of the Lacledo hotel , the presi dent , W. II. Plum , in the chair , and Mr. E. I' . Whitford acting aa secretary. Hioro were presontE.P.WhitfordO. : M. Fnrnham , A. II. Bliss , H. W. Plum , J. NT. Crittenden , A. W. Nohr , and W. 11 , L'luin , of Chicago ; Cain Culbortson , pi 'racy , Iowa ; J. 13. Crinso , D. A. Wil- 1 ams , W. D. Gentry , II. Lothgow , ol Kansas City ; P. J. Murray , of Jackson , Tonn. , II. Benedict , Marshall , Texas ; [ 1. B. Hoover , Springfield , 111. ; T. B. Knapp , Paplllion , Nob. ; Chas. H. Pal mer , Jeflorson City , Mo , ; E. Ilosowator , Cornelius Dwyer , Omaha ; T. B. Fair- uhlld , C. W. Hammond , Sol Palmer , L. E. Macklind , of St. Louis , Mo. : E. 0. Armstrong , Omahu ; H. Browor- inun , Kennard.Nob. ; L. F SholdonMo. , I. 11. Bunnoll , Now York ; T. Barwick , I'loasanton , Kan. ; U. P. Hall , Little llluo , Mo. Having called the mooting to order the : hair made an address in which ho said : hat they were a peculiar fraternity , and ; holr corps was unique. Tholr service -vns an era in war and the example of .heir work in the civil war had been : opiod since by the armies of Europe , several members of the corps had died linco their last mootinn and there wore nany who wore moro ( load from hard- ihips endured in the service than alive , jeing unable to earn n living or to OI1TAI.N A TENSION , ind it was the silence of the iiovorniiiont > n this subject , the manipulations of un- ust discriminations as well as a longing ; o renew the friendships of the days that .ried moil's souls , which occasioned the organization. A bill had been framed ind introduced into the house for the ro- ief of members of the service who had itillered in the war , and the speaker had ireparod in support of it a report which ihowcd that during the war twelve of the irmy telegraphers were killed , twenty- .hreu died in the serviceton were wound- id and Ifi 1 captured. There was no loubt that many moro tluui the number nciitloncd died in the service , and prob- ibly 100 moro were captured , making .ho IOEHOS of the corps i22 ! , not lounting deaths occurring out of .ho service in consequence of diseases ior.tractcd therein. A history "of the lithorto unsuccessful effort to secure the lassago of the bill was a veiy interesting mrt of the chairman's address. The Mil stands on the calendar for the next lossion of congress , end it was hoped .hat sooner or later , perseverance would osult in its passage , and themselves and .heir . comrades , ( toad and living , rocog- lizod do jure , what , according to Oou. jlioriiiau , they were do facto , n part of ho army of the I'nited States in the war if the rebellion. The following were elected members if the society : 0. F. Bart , Now York ; I. E. Xoublin , Chicago ; 0. Culbortson , [ 'racy , Iowa ; L. E. Mucklind , St. Louis ; V. W. Smith , H. B. Hull , II. ; 0. Sprague nnd Thomas Barwick , of Kansas My. My.Mr. Mr. Ed. Ilosowater , chairman of ( Jio ongtessional committee having in hand ho care of the bill in recognition of the orviccs of the United States military iilograph corps , llErOUTKD WHAT THEY HAD DONE , hewing that they had mot with many illicultics , but oxpresaing n belief that hey would still succeed in their object. On motion thu present committee on on rossional action , consisting of E. losowator , W. 11 Plum , Win. B. Wil- un and John 0. Van Duzor , was ro- loctcd. and they were authorized to raw upon the society for uucli money as hey might require , such drafts to bo Dokod after by the secretary. On motion of Mr. Uoaowator it was ro- olvcd to ask the luombois ot the society o contribute $ L each to the woik of lolpiiiR cm the congrcgas bill , On motion the annual assessments of ho members were fixed nt $1 each. Several letters of regret for absence roro road , among them ono from J. B. Toi-gati of Fort Scott , Kan , , inclosing ho following from OENEUAL u. H. OHAST : LONO BIIANUH , N. J. . July 23,1881. I am in receipt of your latter of the 18th inst. , asking somothtn from mo in acknowledgement of the so : vices of thu telegraph corps during th war of too rebellion. In the course c sonic articles I am now willing for th Century Magazine , I will endeavor t show how indispinaablo the tolcgrap was to our success , and how uniform ! well the soryico was performed by th operators ( sic ) in the field. The tele graph and the signal sorvsco , its c < ordfnato , were as necessary to the su < cess ns the railroad is to commerce. Ver truly yours , L" . S. GIUNT. " "J. P. Morgan , Esq. " The following telegram was receive during the session of the society : ] "LouisviuE , Ky , , Aug. 21. Trai dispatchers assembled nt Louisville son greetings to old timers and United State military telegraph corps , and toll C. W Hammond to BOO that their battery mn torial does not run short. J. B. CI.AIIK. " An answer was sent expressing n hop that the railroaders would not bo aid tracked for moro than twenty-four hours The election of oflicoufor the onsuln year rciultcd as follows. President , W H. Plum ; vice president , E , Koaowatcr secretary and treasurer , Jns. E , Petit. _ A committee was appointed to confo with the old time tolcgranhers' asaccia tion to nrrango for the place and date o the next mooting , The place will bi Now York City but the date has not yol boon decided upon. The convention thoi adjourned. A CARD. To all who are Buttering from oiror and Incllscrotiona o ( youth , nencms wtaknosj , carl ; decay , loss ol munli-wl , etc. I will send n tccl.o | Ilia will euro xoii , PUEK OF CHAHOK Thli K'c t remedy edy was mscmorod by n mlfslonory In South Amcrl en. Hcml soil addressed envelope to Knv. JOSKI > II T INUAV , Station U. Now York. dy o in & cod JOHN SIIKKSIAN'S 11AL"IOE. TlioBcautlriilllonio Secured Tliruunl In I'ubllu Jjifc. Senator Shorinon is just ono of the finest country residences in Ohio , at hia homo in Mansfield. It i : dark red brick of two stories nnd a man sard roof , finished out with a tower and many corners. It has roomy porches at the front nnd side , giving shady seats nnd beautiful views at all hours of the Oiy. The windows of the house , built on the French order , open like doors on to those porchns , and their ceilings arc of polished wood. The trimmings of the house are made of a remarkable stone , a quantity of which underlies Mr. Sher man's farm east of the city , 'lhat used by the senator comes Irom a quarry on nn adjacent estate. It is a reddish sand stone , mottled nnd grained with many dilleront coloreel reins. At sotno places it looks like a section of knotted , gnarly wood , and at others like the veins of a half-rotted stump carefully polished. The voina nro of dilleront widths and _ they wind and twist themselves around into all conceivable shapes. Now a number of them will run in parallel curves , now they twist themselves iuto ai many rings as the snakes of Lacoou , and now they stand out in all , directions like the hair of the Medusa. 'Well trimmed and polished and cut into beautiful shapes their color matches well with the dark rod of the house , and in front , where they show out prominently above the door and hold up the great porch , they form n finish moro rich and beauti ful than any stone that can bo procured anywhere olso. The interior of the house , howeverwil1 bo its chief feature. It has many rooms , and they are largo , airy nnd high-ceiling- od. The halls are so wide that a wagon- load of hay could bo driven through them. They run through the center of the house , and arranged with a sort of L at the back , so that every room on each floor opens into its respective hall. Thr carpenters were busy at work hero sovorr days ago when I paBaed through the house in company with Senator Sherman. Wo went together through the throe stories , carefully stopping up the partial ly made stairs , stooping low as wo movjd around through the scaffolding , and going through n number of largo-windowed rooms , giving a series of views which ex tended far and wide over the rich farms and wooded hills of Ilichland county. The house itself is situated on some of the highest ground in the state of Ohio. It has a largo lawn filled with shrubbery , a line orchard and fields surrounding it , making up nn estate of about fourteen acres. It fronts on Market street , the finest in Mansfield , and is well to the west of the city. Several of thcso windows dews overlook the city , and there are none of them but give beautiful country views at well. The largo halls and easy staircases are finished in beautiful rod-cherry , highly polished , and in places elegantly carved. l ach of the rooms is finished in n differ- 3iit kind of choice wood , and each of ; hoin contains n fir jlaco nnd mantle irimmcd in the same material , The din- ng-room for instance , is of a rich oak , ivith its sideboard to match. Thu kitch- 311 is finished in yellow pinu of a boauti- 'ul grain aud highly polished. The sit- .ing-room , 1 think , la mottled or bird'c- > yu poplar , and the library in BOIIIO nlier rich wood , The shelves of the li brary are built close up against the wall , ind their chief ornamentation is the > ooks resting upon them. A lirgo libra- y table aits in the center of thu room , uul this to-day was covered with books ind papers. Before this time , Soritor Sherman has had his libra'/ the third itory , but now he has removed it to the ground floor , putting it In the northeast iornor of the room adjoining Mrs , Shor nan'd sitting-Boom , which lies between it ind the parlor. It is a largo room , well ightod and aiiy , with several windows ookingout upon the lawn. Etrery room in ho house has an electric bell , und nil ho chambers are furnished with modern lonvonloncos. It will bo a splendid > lace for entertaining , and it will con- iuuo for many years ns ono of the historic ions of the country. It la n remarkable louae and Is rich , without being ox- ravagant or gaudy. That which con- titutea thu soul of the homo is still to 10 added. Aa yet no curtains have > eon put up , and the glitter and polish if furniture nnd brass work are absent , n two weeks , however , nil will ba com- iloto. Thu pictures will bo on the rails , the fine rugs will partially hide ho woll'joinod floors , and bright chaud- llora will throw the1- rays over a houaand and one tilings which , so much lore than woodwork and masonry , go to ell the character of the inner life of a oiiip or the tastes of its inmates. As it i , it compares well with the other oiues of great statesmen. Clay Web- tor and Calhouu had but ordinary oiiioa , and Buchanan's Whontlaud , near mncaator , though located much the 11110 as Senator Shoiman's homo , ossessod no elegance worthy of ro- tark , The combination , proportion , and pro- ess ill preparing Hood's Saraaparilla , are eculiar to this medicine , and unknown a others. Gnrcrr of .lolin King , Jr. There will no doubt bo a great deal < surmise indulged in ns to the induci ments offered John King , Jr. , to acco ] the presidency of the Erie. Mr. Kir has time and aqaln stated that ho woul not take the position if It were offore him , and that ho had given up railron work altogether. His Itng nnd very nb ! services of fourteen years as vice prcs dent 04' the Baltimore it Ohio road hnv shown that ho is in oveiy way fitted t perform the duties of his now ofilci but the impression gained nftcr h return from Europe , that h would nccej.t no position thoroafto tendered him. Ho said then : " have been esked t : > tike promincr. positions at different times with ono c moro foreign railroads , nnd with Amor : can railroads PI well. 1 refused each an uvery ono , and if 1 continue a sane mar In full possession of my faculties , I wl continue to refuse any nnd nil such ol fers. I broke down my health and neat ly killed myself by overwork as vie president of the Baltimore it Ohio. have recovered my health , aud I do nc propose to sacrifice it again. I have an ; massed aufilciont wealth to enable mo t spend the rcit of my life in ease , comfor nnd quiet , and so I propose to on thorn. ' In the light of these statement there is no doubt that Mr. King mua have boon offered something very hand sotno. The salaiy is 830,000 n yoai Mr. King is n portly man , c commanding prcsenco with genia face. Ho was born in Baltimore was there educated and is now C2 year old. Ho wi brought up in a hardwar store , nnd was afterward for two years ii the office of the Adams Express company In 1851 ho entered the employ of tin Baltimore nnd Ohio railroad na ticko ngont nt C.unden atation. Two yeir ; later ho was made paymaster , and om year after that ho became auditor. Subsequently sequontly the duties of general froiglv agent devolved upon him. In ISO" tin oflica of vice-president was created foi him. Ho continued in that oflica foi fonsteen years. Ho retired in 1881 , or account of his health , and went tc Europe. At the time of his retirement ho was _ receiver of the Marietta and Gin- cinnati nnd Ohio and Mississippi rail roads , and president of the Pittsburg and Connolla"illo railroad. Mr. King returned to this country July 4. .Another Lilo H.i\ca. About two years ago , a prominent citi- Z3n of Chicago was told by his physicians that ho must die. They aaiu his system was so debilitated that there was noth ing left to build on. Ho had made up hia mind to try a "now departureHe got some of Dr. Piorco's "Golden Medi cal Discovery" and took it according tc directions. Ho began to improve at once. Ho kept up the treatment for some months , and is to-day n well man. He says the "Discovery" saved his life. The Mexican Ijlur Scores One. Two Uojmblics , City o Mexico. The following stoiy comes rrom Mi- choacan. An Indian went outside the ( own of Chernntxieurin , state of Michoa- : an , to look for some fuel in the moun- tnin near by. While cutting up a diy oak ho felt a bite on iho calf of his leg , given in the fraction of a second. A mo ment later ho felt coiling around his bodj the terrible folds of a boa constrictor. In- atinctivoly ho leaned hie head over to ward the wounded leg , and was almost Fascinated by the glare of two bright basilisk eyes that gleamed like fiery seals in ho head of the serpent. Quickei than a flash the Indian ducked his head jnd caught the neck of the reptile in his tooth , clinging to it with the desperation of the dying. The hugo serpent lushed its tail and tried to twist his head tc bury his fangs in she Indian , but the lat ter clung on and began to chow away at the nock of the boa , which is the thin- neat and softest part of it anatomy. Af ter chewing for a long time the Indian succeeded in beheading his antagonist , the folds dropped off , and the Indian ares free. DUFRENE& MENDELHON. OT HKVOVFD10 C1JAI1A hTIOANAL BiNK 11U1LDIN3. A. SEIPMAN , M. D , Bellevue , - Nebraska. OFFICE WITH M. A. SHTPMAN , DRUGGIST DISEASES OF THE O a. . AH MSTRONG , M. D. , I'ntll otllco3 nro repaired 'rom result of flro , olllco Itlilir. 1'irkcr , lloum D , ( 'rcl hton UloK 16th mid [ HE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANV , ISUCOESSOIIS TO THK J. M. 1J , & U , CO.J THE MONARCH The molt extensive manufacturer of IN THE WOULD n 8. Tenth Street OMAHA , NED f JTI'rleo ) nf Illlllrd and Pool Tablet and materials riiihoJ on applloitlon ALONG THE LINK OK THK hlcap , St. Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension of thin Una from Waleflold up 6HAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OAN through Concord and Coleridge lachiil thu best portion of the State , Special ex > mlon ratci for land teckera o\er tblt line to aj no , Norfolk r.nd Hartlugton , and via Illatr to all Inoljul | K > li.U on the IOUX 01TY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Trtlni over tht 0. , Ht. P. M. t. 0. lUllwav to Cor { ton , Eloux City , 1'ouca , Hartlngtou , Wajno and oifolk , Ooza.xa.oot .t 331 .lr Frauiant , Oakda e , Nolljn , and through to Val- entlue. tftoi ratei and all Information call on r I1 , WHITNEY , Ocncra Acent -THE g BEST TONIC. = Ttifa medlflno , combining Iron \ \ Ith pure VcRctnblo tonlM , qulrlJy nml completely < nrcH l > ; | iriln | IiiillKi'Mtlnii , UVulinr- . , 1 inpiirn llloilniiilrirlut hlllNinn ! I'c > cr , nml Nnmilulii. His nn unrnllinr ; remedy for Diseases of the Klitiirjn nml I.IMT. It Is invnlunblo for llen rs jiernllnr to Women , nti'l ' nil Mho lend fcilrntnrj ll\0' . 11 iloei not Injure the teeth , cmi e lienilnohc.or produce enmtlpfitlon of/iT Iron mttliclnn tin. lUnrlelicininl purifies the blood , ftlmnlntei llionppotltc.nlda the -ImllfUIon of food , re- Hexes llcnrtiiurn nnd llelrhlng , nnd strength en' the nni'dcs nnd ncr\e . Tor Intermittent rovers , Lassitude , Lnckof Energy , v c , It 1ms no cqnnl. > . Kf The comiltio Ima nliovo trndp mnrlt nnd crossed red lines \\rnppcr. . 1nl > c no other. tUJoiMiljlinilOM.MIIf.jmU (0. , im.TI1HIHKIHl. James KsdioalhilU Chartered by theStateoFIll' , neil far thccxprcsspurpos of Rlvlngimmrdinte relielll all chronicurinarynnd prl vale disccr * * nonnrtbn i"lVeiJ.5a5i < t > olct-ta"d:5yP1"llslnollthel , f7Ti A > M/R eomPllcalei1 forms' nlso nl k "t.oPK.i" ? ? > diseases of the Skin nm i V " "V1 j5 < } ? * A \S c.ikncss Nipiit LossTcsby Dreams , Pimples ot iNM'tre.Lent Manhood , JitiilttvrliictintlTlicri iminrj-L'friiitrnlhiit. Ths nppropriate tc.r.ra\ ; tnncs uselin each case. Consultations , per- < i"ial or by letter , sacredly confidintlal. J.icd- 'it's sent bv Moll and Express. No marks or .iCiML'c to Indicate contents or sender. Adores ; us.l.lMESNo.204VVa3hinfjton5i.Chicagoll ! VIll purity thp BLOOD.Tcpii. l.itu the LIVER aiKl KIDNCYS , uini jti XT-OKI ; TIII. IIIAX.TU nnd VIOOK of YOUTIL Or * pslii. Wantot Appnlltc , Jn- iKU&tlon , l.u-k ol Htrviifrtli , oinrili"t'ialsoliitclj ! curcil. GOP a , iuiisck-atul iicrvosr vi \u new force. . iiill\cn : < 9 'i ? inlnit anil Mippllcs * ! raln 1'nwcr. ' StiJT'-iliiplroin voinplalnt ! 5 iM'i.nll.irio tiiclrsix will Una lnDK.It UTER'SIKOM TO iC n fnfo ncil C" " < > 0yciiro. Cllvcsailcar , licalthy complexion. Kieqiicut & 1icniptsat c - ' " f JiiK onlyailil to thupoiHilarltyot thuorlKlmi. Donot c.\i > url- UlCIlt pet UlU OlllOIS Al. AM ) IIKST. /Send 3 our nildre gto'lhflllr. HmterMod Co.V Ist.IXuls , Jlo.for our-'IlKKAM ; BOOK. " H Etraneoaad usufulloIorLaaUonfn < o. > ' J Health is Wealth ! DR. E. C. WKST'S NKRVB AS-D BRAIN TRmsMKST , i truarantced ppcciflo for Iljsterl.x Dzzlnoss , Comul Bions , Fits , l > cr\ous Neuralgia , Headache , Ncnoii ; Prostration cau cd by the use of alcohol or tobhacoo Wakcfulncss , Mental deprc'slon. Softening of thi brain , resulting In Insanltj and leaping to misery decay and death , 1'rcmature Old age , llaroricsi , las of power In cither SOY , Imoluntarj Lopsosand Spet matorhoracaused by o\erc\crtlontot the brain , sell abuiouro\cr Indulgence. I'.ich box , contains om month's tieatmcnt. ยง 1.00 a boxer six bottles foi $3.00 , lent bj mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE OUARAKTEK SIX BOXE3 To euro ny case. With each order received by U ! for six bottles , accomtilUh-id with ? 5 00 , wo will sem the purchaser our written guarantee to refund thi mcncy If thotrcatmenidoesnot eOectacuro. Quar ontccB Issued only by JOHN C : WU3T & CO. . Jy 2S-mio-ry 802 Madison St. , Chicago , 111. "Horltek'i Fool for Infant , hit tafeur Hrei , wrltci K.V. rooter , J// ' . , CttKaju.nl. SoUtij- fill druffglitp , 1'ricA < Uii,17Jcfnti Sect _ _ tj mall for aiuount In Kiirpi. C7iouiicnirrr < ; . llurlltk'il ooU lo.IUilne.nli. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE' 1617 St. - Omaha Dodge . , , TELEPHONE No 1M HAMBURG-AMERICAN E * .olK.ot C3osaa.j3w.xi.-3r. DIUCCT LINE FOU ENGLAND , FIUMCU AND GEKMANY. Tlio steamships nf this well-known line are built ot ron , In watertight compartments , and are furnish- > dwith every roquiaito to nuku the inssage both late andagrteable. Thin carry tlio United States ind European malls , and leave New Yorks Thurs- lajsand&aturdajsfor I'lvmouth ( LONDON ) Cher- jourg , ( I'AIUS ) and IIAMUUMQ. Hates : First C'ibUi , 8'iB , < J5 and $75 , Ptcerago , ? 2fl Henrj I'undt , Mark Hanson , F K. MooresM. Toft , LKentsIn Omaha , GroiicwIrK&Schociitgen.aKcuti'in Jouncil niutTa. C. B : UICIIAIID to CO. , Clou. I'nss iigts. , 81 lJro d av , N. Y. Cua * . Kozmlnskl & Co- icui-ral Weetojn A ) its , 107 Washington St. . Chlca &ED STAR LINE Kuynl amlU.S , MallStcnmcra SAILING EVERY SATUHDAY , BCTWEEN HEW YORK AND ANTWERP VhtRhint , Ocrmawj , Italy , ITuJlaml anil France Steerage Outward , 020 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , $ IR : Ixcurblon , ? SI ) , Including heddini ; , etc , 2d Cabin , 8SO lound Trip , JSJO 00 ; Excursion , 3100 ; Saloeu from 850 10 890 ; Excursion 110 to 180 , XSffTetor Wright & Sons , Don , Agents. 66 Broad iCaldwolt. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. 1 P. E. Fled nn 4 Co. , 203 N. 10th Street , Cmaha ; D. K. Kim all , OmahaArxntii. od-ly , X BOTTLES , 3rlang r , . Bavaria. mlrabacher , . . . . . Buvnnn. ilsnor . - .t Bohomian. DOMESTIC. tudwoiser . St , Louis. inlmusor . St. Louis. olilitz-PilBiier . Milwaukee. 'ruc'fl . Omaha. Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine Vino. ED. MAURER , laiSFaraaniSt. IURAL NEBRASKA ! la Leading Agricultural and Live Stock Ji rtrnal of tbo West. H. S. SMITH & CO. , I "IDK8 AS 3N > KOBT. W. FUKNAS , Secretary State Board of ArlcuUuic | , Amoctate hdltor. rnscilllTION THICK , 1.00 perjoarluaa ance. ! XirAOENTa WANlED Jf nd 103 8. llto Street. - OMAUA , NEB Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm I Mr Edwin Davis , who is well and favorably known in Omaha.Thi@ will enable us to han dle an increased list of property. We ask those who1 have desi rable property for saleto place the same with us. The new firm will be REAL ESTATE 313 South 14th St. L \