Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1884, Image 4

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    OMAHA P AU.Y . BILE-THUIllSDAY , AUGUST 24 , 1884.
OniMm omco , No. O1O F rnnm St.
Council niudVj Olllco , No 7 Vofttl 5
Btrcct , Nrixr Hronrtwuy. I
Now YorUjOmco , Uonra 05 Trlt >
evtry trotnlnp , except Sunday
1RMJ * T Milt.
One Tent . (10 00 I Three Month ! . P . R 00 | One llc-nlh . 1
Tct Week , 15 Cents.
JJMToar . tiOO | Tbrm Monlht . t
SlxUonths. . 1.00 I Ono Month . . .
Amsrlun News Oompvjy , 3alo Ajentf , KowsJ
ti In the UnltM States.
A OotamutileVlnns rcUtlnir. to Newt and Kdltn
mUtcrt ahould bo addnxwod to the KOITOU or '
totter * anl Roinltttnoos ihonli !
ddtcssM toTrm Unit PcuMsnifa OjvrxtT , mi *
Pt alts , Chock * an t I'ortollleo ordcra to bo made ]
able to the order of Ii3 ! company.
A , H. Vitcli , MnimKor l ally Circulation ,
O. Hot , 4 3 Din.\X Noli.
WITHOUT a aonatorinl fight in Colorn
the Danvor papers would atarvo to dent
lr brevity is the soul of wit , Llondrio
letter will ciuso considerable inorriinc
in the democratic a imp.
CLI\IL\M : : ) nuikcs n bid for the Gi
man votu nnd totally ignores the rights
American citizens abroad , particular
the Irish portion of them.
IF the Fiirnam street paving en
tractors do not hurry up their work , tin
will not complete the pavement of tl
street before the state fair.
FOUH tnoro candidates to bo heat
from with letters , loan or lengthy , an
the country vrill bo ready to cast the di
A plume to a rabbit's foot that the fir
in the field distances all competitors.
IT was Gen. Hancock who immortalize
himself by declaring the tariff isauo
local ono. Cleveland is wiser than tl
great defeated , and refused to open h
mouth for fear of putting hit foot in it.
COMIKKSSMAN Helm , vrlio has ju
been re-nominated in Michigan made tl
canvas with a gleu club. Ha has bee
taking lessons from Nebraska politic
The sweat singers ot Michigan vrill prol
ably ro-olcct him.
ST. JuilK has opened the prohibitic
campaign in Canada. It was n brilliai
picco of statesmanship to ttriico tor ole
toral votes in a free field with the opp
uilion across the border. St. John has
long head and a mouth for mince pies.
Tin : campaign is practically nt nn cm
nnd its prolongation to November 4th
n moro matter of form to comply wit
the law. The fog horn of the domoi
racy of Omaha has ' 'advices only tmront
hours ago that make the election <
Cleveland nnd Ilondricka au nbsolu
certainty. "
TIIK Jicpttblican occupies nearly
column in defining for the benefit of i
readers the position of TJIB BEE , who
it could have boon done in n very fo
linos. TUB BEE is now nnd always hi
boon a republican paper on national ii
BUDS , but in local issues it proposes <
support the boat men.
WILUUII F. STOUY is dead to all intenl
nnd purpoaos and although ho is not yo
burled a disgraceful Tight over his oatal
which includes the Chicago Times has n
ready boon begun. Decency nt loai
should Jiavo prompted thn heirs I
postpone their fight until Mr. Storey hi
drawn his last breath.
PAT O. HAWKS has returned from 01
Kentucky. IIo is an ubiquitous pol
tician , but ho was unable nevertheless I
bo present at the three Nebraska ropubl
cm congressional conventions at thosani
time , so ho concluded to bu impartial am
attend nome of thorn.
TIIK Mother Hubbiird drees has llnall
got into politics. The St. [ .Louis Glodt
Democrat lays ;
The democrats are gcttini ; the dofons
of Olovclanil down so line that the onl' '
thing they will admit niter a while i <
that thu governor , on ono or two ocua
aions , appeared on the streets of Butlali
after night in a Mother Hubbard droes
IT won't do for a catholic , if ho Irni
any regard for his salvation , to act ai
manager for Pope Bob. Ingorsoll. Join
Magulro , the well-known theatre maim
f er , has been formally oxcommunlcatet
from the Catholic church , by Bishoi
Brondol , at Missoulv , for bringing the
great infidel into Montana for a aeries o
lectures. This will furniah Bob will
another test for a scathing lecture.
TIIK Farnam street pavjng contractor *
liavo done their work without any regard
to the public convenience. In the first
place they tore up the street the
whole length , and in the next place they
provided no crossings , thus blockading
tho'atreot at every point. Even now as
the work is approaching completion the
crowing * are loft to the very last.
Bosidoa [ this , material is loft piled up
on cross streets and obstructions
are allowed to remain at every point.
* AVby don't the contractors clean up their
material as they finish each block , end
also haul off the mud that they have
allowed to accumulate on the asphalt
streets , by reason of their storing materi
al thereon ? Or do they propose to
shoulder all this cleaning up work , for
which they are responsible , upon the
street cleaning contractor ? The way in
which the it ono contractors have used
the asphalt cross streets has certainly
Jieen'damsRing to that payment and never
hare been allowed ,
G rover Cleveland has nt last VM
hoard fvom. His loiter of ncceptm
pcptttflsosat least ono commcndnblonual
-Hint of brevity. Otherwise it is a v <
ordinary document , and shows Mr.Clo
land to bo n very ordinary man. J
Cleveland , of ciursc , expresses cord
approval of the democratic platform a
ho dismisses this subject with the dec
ration that "so plain n statement of de
ocratlc faith and the principles ur ,
which that party appeals to the sulFr.ii
of the people needs no supplement
explanation , " Had ho concluded to on
into n discussion of the long-wind
platform ho would Imvo boon obliged
remain in the woods n month longer.
Naturally enough , Mr. Clovola
finds fault with the republican parly i
remaining in power so long. Jlo plaii
intimalcs Ihat they ought to give I
democrats n shew , and lhal the limo 1
now arrived for thorn to exhibit th
magnanimity by quiolly slopping do
nnd out. "Wo proudly call ours n gi
eminent of the people , " says Mr. Cio
land , who goes on to argue that our gi
eminent is really not of the people "wli
ono parly fastens ita control upon I
country nnd porpolunles iU power by i
johng and betraying the people inslc
of serving Ihem. " Ilo fails to aho
howo\er , wherein the republican pai
has betrayed Iho pooplo. Ilia nssorli
D nnda unsupported by nny prc
whatever , nnd therefore nmout
lo nothing. Deco Mr. Cleveland pi
lend lo Bny Iho republican party ,
porpolualing its power , has done nnylhi
that would not bo done by Iho dome
racy nnd which Iho democracy has n
iono when it was in power ?
Mr. Cleveland glvos us his idonn
, vliat n president should bo nnd how ' .
ihould conduct himself. If ho should
rioctcd , which result is not now cons !
jrcd among the possibilities , it is hopi
, lmt ho will become Iho ideal preside
iccording to his letter of acceptance. ' .
lis effort to catch the workingmen , wl
ire deserting his banner by t ]
ivholrsalu , ho ] JTinnkoB a very Ian
) len , and what ho does say comes wi
, 'ory poor grace from n man who h
joon shown to bo iu full sympathy wit
.ho monopolists. His record contains i
mdonco of any fooling or act in bohn
) f the workingmon. IIo may Imvo u
tared flcntimcnls in the interest of labo
but his acts Imvo boon in the opposi
lircclton. His plea lo the workingnu
: omoa too late. It will not win ba <
Lhoao who Imvo already deserted
trill it retain these who intoi
k > follow their companions. M
Jloveland criticises prohibitory law
jut as such laws Imvo been onaclod i
inly two or three stales and are not boil
'onorally enforced , ho will not gain mat
, 'otcs Ihoroby. To Iho important quo
ion of transportation Mr. Cleveland d
rotes but litllo space , and treats it in
; onoral and careless manner. "Cher
md easy transportation should bo libo
illy fostered within the limits of the co
ititulion , The general govornmo :
ihould so improve nnd protect the nut' '
al watorwnya ns will enable the produ
irs of the country to roach a profitab
narkot. " This is nil ho has to siy c
his subject. Not n word does 1
ittor on the railroad quoslioi
IQ is as silent as the grave o
interstate- commerce nnd regulation
nilroads quosllons Ihat ore of vilal in
lorlauco lo Iho shippers and producers (
his counlry. Mr' Cleveland could n <
roll say more than ho has on Iho subjoi
if transportation , for ho evidently Imam
'orgollon Ihat his appointmonU of rai
'oad commissioner , ) wore solely in Ih
nlorosl of the railroad monopolists. U
irobably remembers that ho nppointc
is Iho superintendent of public works
nilroad conlraclor , nnd placed Iho ci
mis , which are intended lo cheapc
ransportalion , under thu control of U
ailroado with which they nro expactod I
ompolo. Ho npproved n bil
> assod by n venal and corrupt logislaturi
iving to Iho 0-donsburg and Lak
Ilminplmn railway Iho power to own an
tin vossolu on the St. Luwronco and u\ \
or lakes. This is how G rover Clovi
nd has cheapened transportation an
mdo Iho waterways the competitors clio
lie railways. Ho preaches ono thing
IK ! practices nnothor.
Mr. Cleveland declares himself li
ivor of civil service reform In n con
> rvntivo manner. But ho has not om
ord upon Iho groal ciuoslion of Iho lar
T. The problem appears to have boor
> o intricalo for solution by Mr. Clove
.lid . , and ho therefore wisely concluded
i ignore it. The great * talosman closet
is loiter wilh "an humble reliance upon
10 favor and support of the Supreme
oing" in the discharge of his duties iu
iso ho is elected to the presidency. But
hoUior the Supreme Being takes suf-
: iont interest in American politics to
) lp G rover Cleveland out of the woods
id Into Iho chief executives' chair ro
ams to be soon.
TIIK city council has wisely employed
; al counsel to recover any city property
lich has been sold for delinquency of
ICB. Councilman Furay cUims that
ere are in North Omaha people occupy.
j property formerly bolongiag to the
yand that the cily has yet good claims
ion it. Some of this property , Mr.
iray says , was obtained by the pay
jnt of 8300 or SlOO.and now it is worth
> m 57,000 to $10,000 , Wo have reason
believe that if the proper effort is made
argo amount of property can bo found
various parls of Iho city which can bo
: ovorcd for the city. It is a fact that
merous city lots have been gobbled up
> m time to time for litllo or nothing ,
d in an illegal manner , until now the
y haj hardly any real estate left , and
is compelled to purchnao loU whenever
wants ground Tor any public building.
TIIK chief of police of Pitlsburg order
Iho Austrian consul to take down I
Austrian consular ling , nnd upon rofui
to do so , Iho chief made complaint agait
Iho consul under Iho swinging si
ordinance. This Incident may bccoi
an intornalionnl episode , as Iho com
proposes lo appeal lo Secretary Frolli
huyacn nnd Iho Austro-LIungarian in in
lor. The consul considers Iho action
the chief as nu insult to Iho tl :
nnd ho in probably correct ,
it is claimed that Iho 11
wai in no wise n slrcot obstruclion. Ft
Ihcimoro , It is assorted llmt in Iho troa
between the Auslro-Hungnrian govoi
inont nnd the United States there Is
clause covering this very caso. It pi
vidoa that a national Hag may bo plac
by consuls in front of their consulates
the same manner na the coat of anna ,
may bo that the Pitlaburg chief will
called upon lo apologize or Imvo o
government do it for him. His ncti
certainly was discourteous to say I
Tin : Now York fmlcpcndrnt hsa fmi
ly concluded lo drop Cleveland on i
counl of Iho Maria Hnlpin scandnl. Tl
causes great joy among Iho Now Yo
republicans , nnd dirmay among Iho del
ocrnls. There really scorns lo bo a mot
inont of foot , in consequence of this m
other stampedes , to force Cleveland
withdraw. The Butloriloa are jublla
and assert that if Cleveland is withdrav
Butler will capluro the democratic vet
nnd thai if Cleveland is Inkon oil' 11
ticket Bullor will receive Iho reguli
democratic endorsement , and bo olocte
The Butloritcs are counting Iheir chic
ens before they nro hatched , na there
no probability that Mr. Cleveland wou
allow himself to bo thrown ouorboard
this juncture , Although ho has lo
strength , ouch n course would bo auisid
to the democracy. All rumors as toClov
Innd'a withdrawn ! may bo sot down i
morn sonsalioiial gossip.
Tin : proposition of Mrs. Parnoll i
turn the Irish vote over lo oilhor parl
For n consideration in Iho shape of
promise to admit Irish manufacture
goods into this counlry duly free , * s n
insult to the intelligence of Irish-Amor
cans. DOOB Mrs. Parnell suppose for
moment that they will permit thomsolvi
to bo Bold in Ihis manner ? Such a schon
will not work , and wo do not baliovo
will bo considered fern moment by eithi
party. Wo nro surprised that n woma
uf Mra1 ParnoH'a intelligence should ha\
Qiitercd Iho field of American politii
with such n proposal of barter and sail
Even if she should succeed in nmkiii
it contract , she could not deliver 111
, 'oods.
Two convicts , James Cunningham an
Dwon Bradley , rendered valuable assisl
unco lo Iho olHcors of Iho Konluck
ponllonliary during the revolt nnd a
tempt at escape on last Thursday. Cut
iiingham , who saved the lifo of n guard
md wa wounded in the hand to han
fight at the door , w s a lifo prisouoi
liaving boon sonloncod for killing his sic
: or's aoducor. Bradley was a coinino
iorao thiof. Both have boon pardono
jy Governor Knott aa a reward for thei
jravo and honorable conduct.
BUKUSTKU , attorney-general ,
cnlly says that the statement is prepot
; oriously false ihal ho has n great rotinu
) f horses , carrlagea , and [ aorv-
inta at Long Branch. Mi
Llrowstor claims lo bo living in n plaino
md moro quiet way than over before
md that ho is spending his time at hi
Business and with his books , his objec
n visiting n Long Branch boini * to sou !
rnnqullity , and not display or excite
Wo were n litllo premature in compli
nontiiig ( rover Cleveland on Iho brovlt ;
if hid loiter of acceptance , llondricks ii
mtilled to the premium for brevity. Mr ,
londricks had little or nothing to say ,
ml ho didn't occupy a column and r
iolf in tolling it. Ho simply says thai
o accepts the nomination , endorses the
lalform , and is "your obedient Borvniit. "
A AYomun'H CnrltiiiH llc < mcst.l
oston 1'oat.
In the will of Rachnol T Stevens , of
omervillo , recently filed in the probatn
> urt of Easl Cambtidgo , appears the fol-
iwing bequest "I give and devise all
iy estate , both real and personal , to the
ty of Boston , in trust , nevertheless , for
10 following uses nnd purposes vis : To
y the not income thereof in somi-nn-
aal paymonU lo Hannah J. Adanu , of
Jincrville ; upon the death of said Han-
ih to pay the not income of said rust
tate for the support and maintenance
poor , worthy Protestant single
amen of Boston who have arrived at
onge of 0 ! ) years , ( not including whi
rs ) paying each the sura of 8100 an-
tally Jin semi-annual payments ; upon
p marriage of any bonehciary under
is will ; uo further payment is lo bo
ado to her , nor is any furlhor payment
bo [ made to any beneficiary who bo-
mcs unworthy of help undorthis trust.
Aforegoing i a porpotusl trust , "
or Somerville property is directed 'to
hold intrust until it can bo sold at"l
r square foot , at which time Iho city
authorized to [ sell without applying to
y court for leave , the proceeds of the
lotobohold ; upon the terms'of the
ovious trust.
Governor St. John and his co.prohibi-
mists , emphatically deny the ute of
mulauta in any shape or form. In tak-
? hold ot and advocating the u o of
Ion a new rum cased tobaccos , "Trot-
r"aud "Old Jam , " they are governed
a well known princlp l in science that
ese two poisons noutralira each other
d give the boys n harmless amusement
uch destroys the ttsto for anylhinj ?
ong. _
CUlt ttlyc flour is unequalled. Sold
ly by J. B. French it Co. 18-3t
The n ii\i > nhiontu Itvtns ? In Lincoln i
Vicnic to ' Ihcr September tith ,
Hixrry Muller was thrown out ot n wn |
by n runaway tonin at I3luu djuing * , nnd s
( insly injurcil.
H..II. . Jnmoi NM'niil. of St. 1'atil , has
cfUM tlio iinmlnntion lor thr sonatorinl i ]
ttict niin | > o > til of ll'iwftrd , Shcnnnn and U
falo counties.
Clnltn jiiin ) ) * rs nro worrying money out
settlers In the Otnnhi rp < orvo anil tlieir ope
tloijH IIAX o Itccomo co l ilil niul frc'iuorit t
Iho BCltlcrs prnpnso to orRanl ftiiil lr
them to buckshot or tnr nnil feather * .
A Lincoln Unck tnith thinks ho htis otn
n iniLi > of tli In the invt'iitn > n < > f n naf
car coupler , wlurli ho clniini will do awny w
the tii-eeitity nf litukcinon ( 'o'iifl ' > i t\ucn
cam to mnkc n coupling. Ho lias applied
n pitcnt ,
A young man named Hope fell nut of
wngnn in llftinllton tnunty , tutnlilingn 1
rd iif nail nfter him. Thu Imiid ntruck 1
on the hand , frightfully mutilntlnR liis f
ai'il cracking IIH ! kull. Ho was nh\o nil
nccDimts ,
] 'rrmonlcrs are a little irrititcd o\er
pttltlnn of thu pcnplo cif Ccntnillo to
county cuimmaaionrrj , rciiucstlng thom to 8
mil to n vol.i of the people tlio question
romo\Iug the county seat. Thn coininlssl
era have noi > } ct actud on tlio pot ! ) ion.
1'ntilck I'.ngan , rccontly elected promdonl
tlio Irlnh NHtionnl Icnguo nf Auicrna , \
unrmly welcomed homo t Lin 'oln , Tinsel
Mr. linger Wnluli , nccroUry of thn Imgut1 , >
11111 % o to Lincoln noon nnd make thntcity
ln'adipiartorH of the league ,
A lull hill tory comes from lituwn coun
to the effect that during u Inti storm congi'i
lioiihli'ts fell so miiiiL-roualy .is to kill nil pi
in the fitted distiict , nnd the pcopio in
\lcinlty h no game enough stoicdau.iy to fi
thum all wintnr. Had n few r.tniliilatcs bi
killtd oil the stoiy would ha\OSMmi > bn
Lucinno 1'odillo , tha Jtoxlcnn uh" outraf
a httlo girl near Crotu hmt Saturday , wni c
turoil Tuesday morning by Mnrflial l' < the
of lioatnee , nuil landed In the jiil at Linci
Ho had just ( inWied n term nt Ihu year
the penitcnti.iry for a similar criiuo counnlt
m New Mexico , nndll \ doubtless bo trea' '
to n second ilo e.
Thu cniiiinlM loiicr < ) of Johnson county h.
apjiropri.ited $ ' 00 to defr.iy tlio OXIUIISCK
making a piopei exhibit of the product !
this county nt tlio Woild's 3'nli , to bo held
New Orleiuis next winter , and npp-intei
committee to pieparo a colloctiou of full
grains nnd otlior products grown in the com
tii bo forwarded to the coiiiiiii sionci-s for I
said cxpbsition.
sunimioii SPOUTS.
The Turf ,
SAIUTOOA , August 'JO. Mile and half fi
lung non-winners Vintun won , Ilidalgo 1
Mnrlo Stuart 3d ; time , 1:52J. :
tile and 000 yards purse Lucky B. hud
wnllc OUT.
lfio furlongs Fairmont won , Leonidas :
Fidelo ! ld ; time , I'M j.
lile Ulnck Jack won , NoM'ina 2d , Mil
3d ; time , 1:41. :
Mile Ada Glenn nnd Gano dead lies
Mniinnoiust Del ; time , ItllJ.
IJim.iiTq.s lU'ACll , August 0. I'ixo fi
longs maiden 'J-yoar-olda J.isk Code \\t
Duylccii d and .laoet'H luido M. Tit
1 05.
l\Iilo Selling allnwnncosThuigor wt
Lutestring 2d , Lillie J ! , 3d Time 1:11 : .
August cup -all ages T o miles and
half LoMint won , itcniy J" 2d. Tu
1 3HJ.Mlh
Mlh < nnd aquniter ollvges fontankwc
Wood J'limer 2d , liurton 3d. Tune liliOj.
Hteeilo | ih.i e thott courts Odotto we
Unbok 2d. Time 1:5H. ! : (
lnno nail ,
At Cincinnati Cincinnati , 10 ; Union
Chicago , 5.
At Now York Xew York , 11 ; ISufT.ilo , 0.
At Uoslpn lo ! ton , 7 ; Chic.igo. 1.
At B.iHiiuoie Unltimuio , U ; Viicinia , 1.
At Winon.i Wliiona ,2 ; Milwaukee , 12.
At Minneapolis Minneapolis' , 8 ; St. I'.xt
At 15oiton Unions , Boston , D ; Bnltimor
Atl'io\iilunco Vrinidcure , 5 ; Detroit , 2.
At Now York MUiojjoljtaiu' , 1 ; Bro.i
yii , 3.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia , 0 ; Clc\
and , ! ) tio.
At St. Louis Unions , St. Louis , C ; Kans
2tty , 2.
Tlio mile.
LKAVKSWOIITII , August 20. To day closi
ho coniputitionof rillniion of the Doparttnei
> f the Missouri. There was considerable ra
uulnul. . The shooting however was % ei
food and the men form a strong team. In h
wo boat days Clark inado the unprecedontt
mi of 182 out of n possible 210. There \\i
> u an imluulu.'il sktrmlih inado to-morro
norning nnd a ill\i.-ion contest will follow c
September 5. The following is the scores fi
.wo . d.iys of the men selected in the ordi
umed to constitute the team of twohe an
w o alternates. The totals giou reprct.entn :
wo ecorej at each of the ranges , two , thn
ind hundred yanU , vith a possible thirt ;
i\o nt ench range , or n possible t'vo bundle
uul nnd tin combired :
Jlark , pihata 10th infantry . 1) )
) eh > ale , pi u. itu 2d " . 11
lart , seu 13th " . \ \
riiompson , cap't. 21th " . li
\ing , 2011. " . i ;
klc abb , corporal 21th " . 15
'low , corpoial 20th " . i ;
May , lieutenant 10th " . i ;
ilford , prixatelCth " . 1 (
lulibaul , 10th " . 11
) ay , lieutenant Uth cavalry . ll
veefo , corpoml 22 < 1 Infantry . ll
'rei-tiiu , private 21th " . II
' .iblei , ttMrgi"iit 2'.M " . . . li
An/liitll' , r , Movniiioiit.
YOIIK , August 20. Negotiations ai
Jiicluded between the Atlantic \ IV ih company and the Southeia and Coi
nl 1'anlie companies of California with
lew to forming a cloao working tiuin servic
: id ti.ilhc nriangenifiit extending from S
oulsnver the St. Louis A. San l-'rancisc
ulioad nnd from Atchixm and Kansas l it
or the Atchlson , Topiki & SanU IV rai.
iad by w.iy of thn Atlantic and 1'ncific rout
' Alhumiuitnie , New Mesico , to San 1'rai
co and all points in California.
| % nlHn.I.einonar nKt , rlr.larar CnUr ,
ruiu..l'iillB.v-c.u | , dcllralelr uuU uul.
ullr u > IhofViill IVuniMblch tbcy urc wuilc.
riif io ir THI
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
iloooo , III. BI. Louis , MO.
r , Price's ' Cream Baking Powder
* . Price's Lupullii Yeast Corns ,
Ilc.l Dry Ilau Ycuil.
O-ftT.T ! 33TT OXICC3CIU3.
An ordlnafioelevvlnu a sptclalUx n < l as t ! men
til lw and real csUta within alley rating DIM
No 0 , In the city of Omiha , to cover the rosl
paving allc > Ijttwctn Farnim ami Douglas itrc
anil 14th anA 16th strocta
Whereas , It hatlnjr. 'csn , nil bclnj hcrchj
JiiilKO' , iloicrmlncilaml f Ubl shed IhM ihe ic\
lots and pieces of real rst tc hcrelnalter rcfcrre
have each hecn gnccUU } benelltteJtothe fullamo
herein levied and as'Omed against o ea of ral.i .
and pieces of r. al estate , reiifctlvtlj , hj' roaw
tin pivlnc of alley hetneen Karnam and Dou
trc-t , and 14th and 16lh streets ,
Ihcrcforo , for thopurine | of pajlne Iho oiil
llp\vlntf alloylH-twccn Katnam and UouzUs
4th and 16th olrect * .
Do ll Ordaln d hy the City C ulticil ol the Clt' '
I. Thitth ceil of tmvltijf &uPy w | |
allcj pminR Ulstttft No 0 , In Iho oltj ol Omilia ,
t ein Fnrnam and Dnujln dtrccls , and 11th
lrith tlnotj MM cost toliKt the sum of 8 ,05I 07
and the xame is hereby lev led anil omofscil In ]
portion to ) ho fntt fmnt along MlJ pivlnif , ami
cnrillfifftoMiecIv lunefltHhv reison ofld pav ,
upon the following descrllicd lo s and real estate ,
shown hv the ecncriill ) rimKnli-dinapof thotlt
lm\h , 1SC3 , Mineral httl and published hyOco
llcmli , Ktld co t bo'nK ' no Icvlcdon tai I lots and i
estate , respective ) } , as follows , t ) wit.
I. J Kennar.1 , N. 10'iJ It. E i lot 1 , b 11J , Omi
II llce.1. S , 20 It I' i loll , b 110 , Om > ln$3U
HiiKh Clark. M J lot 1 , b 119 , Om ha , $ S5 CO.
ilcrilolcCilminlnKi , W. J lot 1 , b llO.Omah'J.SS ;
Marvin llatrctt , K. } lot 2 b U9nmiha , W 6
Wind Smds.if. Jlot2 | , bllO.dmiha.S'SM.
\ \ m O Samls , W 1 lot 2 , b 11B , Omahi , ?
ifilholm A , Krl ( kson , K. J lot 3 , b 110 , Omaha 8'
, JAsllccIc3' E-SOil'tof W , 41ft , Iut3 bllOO
lift ( cSO 3J.
C JK-irlKieh lot , b 119 , OnnhaW238 40
Uojd'n Opera IIousu An oclitlou , lot C A , W,1 1
lot 6 , b 1ID , Ouiilia , J20D 21.
A J Ilansoom.W. 33 ft. of K. 65 ft. lot 0 , b 110,0
ha , 8 23 25
Oco II Lake , K. J lot 0 b 110 , Omaha , $35 CO
AiumtUH Pratt , \V J lot 7. b 119 , Onnha. $ S3.t
H A Herman , Mnt \ 7 , b 119 , Omaha , ? S5 50.
S II Ilrcriui , i : A lot 7 , b 119 , umahi , 35S.50.
3 U Brown N. in ft and W. 6 ft ot N , 3J It , lo
HI ) . Omiha , $155 10.
Heirs of Ij SiAnilrtBcnrK. ; 03 It of N. 33 ft. lot
11 , Omaha. # 101.0S.
fn.8 'Hut said s pf r S [ taxes levied afores
on salil lots , parU of luts and pieces ot leal cst
rrtpectivily , shall bewruo itullniiitnt | as folh
One-fifth of tin tola' ' rtmount so levied on old
fald lots , pattH ollotsor pl3of rcil o fvto , 8
hf come ilollnriuent 111 nitj das from the pas
nnd approval of this orillna
one filth In ono uir , ono filth
two JOHI , ono fltth hi three \eirs and one filth
four joirs alter * ald lcvanil bclnj from thu page
ago and approval of thU ordinance. Kich ol s
ol said Irutil uictits , cxccpttho llrst , shJll draw-
tf rest at the rate of icveti per cciit pr annum fi
the time nl the Icvj oforesild , until the Btmo 8
become delinquent A pena'ty ' of leu percent.
gither w Ith Interest at the rate nf ono ptr cent ,
month , pajablo In advance , shall bo paid on c
dclliifucntloftallment. |
Sri 3 That the entire amount of tax so lei
and osscfscd on anj of said lots , parts of lots ,
pieces of real estate , nny be paid by the ow
thereof : or Iho properly charitable nroporllon of i
tix on any part ot said lot" , or pieces of real csti
m y bo paid by any person within flftv days fi
said levy , and thereupon nail loU purls of lols
plccoi of real estate shall bo oxouipt from any 1
or charge therefor.
Src. i. That this onlmincoFhall take cUcrt t
bo In force from and after Its passa.c.
Passed August 6th , US I.
Attest ; J J. L. C JKWFTT ,
City Clcil
P. K. Jltrtfm ,
President CityCounci
App ovcd August ! 8th , 1SS4.
P. P Mfnui\ ,
an , ' 16-51 AclingMajo :
An ordinance lev ; ing a special tax and as ) ssan
on all lots an 1 real csiats within allej piviugi
trltt No 10 , in Iho cltv ct Umab.i , to cover
coit of paving alley bctwcui Parnam and Doug
BtritU and 13th and 14th st eU > .
\\hciea , It having beer , and being herebv
Indeed , dtlcrmined and cstabllihad that the sevc
lots and pieces of real estate heieii after referred
nave tath been pecial'j ' bencllttcd ID the I
amount herein levied and asse-sed against each
Ealdloliard ii'ccesof ' real cstat , respectnclj ,
rcavcu of the pavhu'of a'ley ' bctwun Fatium t
Donglaa ttrtils and 13thmid 14th ttrcct ? .
Thircfore , for the purpo'C of paving the cost
pall pav ing allpj bttw cen rarnaui.and Douglas n
13th and nth strce'e.
Ilo It oidalnoJ b } the City Council of tha Cltv
EKCTION 1. That the cost of paving all y within al
paving district No. 10 , In the city of Omaha , belwi
t'arnam and Douglas utreots > nd 13th and 1
streets , sa'd cott btiiiK the sum of $2 07S 1C. be a
the tame is hcrobj levied and assessed. In prop
tkm to the feet front along said paving , and acco
ing lo special bcntnts bv reason of said favlr
upon the following described lots and real cstitc ,
shown by the k'eccrill.v recognized m p of the city
[ Imaha , ! Sb3 , lithoirraiihcd and published b } Ceo.
DciuU raid cost bcinj so levied on said ots and r
estate , roipccllvelj , as follows , to wlf
Omahi J > atn'l Bank , 1-21 ot 1 , b 120 o 1-2 o
lot 2 , b 120 , Omaha.242,45. .
Savings Bank o 27 It n 1-2 lot 1 , b 120. Oma
IJodco 4 Da j ton , w 25 ft , e 52 ft , n 1-2 lot 1 , b 1
Dmaha , $29 62 ,
SUCreary , wr H ft u 1-2 , lot 1 , b 120 , Omal
ilcCreary. ell ft n ! ? lot 2 , b 120 , Omal
lielra of Cildwell , w 11 ft o 1 3 , n 1-2. lot 2 , b 1 !
) maha , IJ12.C9.
Helra ol Caldwell , m 1 3 lot 2 , b 120 , Omaha , $38 ,
( ohu I Rcdlck , w 1 3 lot 2b 120 , Omaha , $40 69
Heirs of S S. Caldwcll , e 1 3 lot 3 , b 120 , Omar
fsO 59.
Uco 11 tale , in 1-3 lot 3 , h 120 , Omaha , JS8 iO.
O W. Smith , w 1 3 lot 3 , b 12J , Omaha , $56,59.
O W Smith , o 11 ft lot 4. h 123 , ? 43 29.
Henry Horn ticrgcr , w 22 w e IJ lot 1 , b li
) rainasa59.
J J Brown , w 1-2 lot 4 , b 120 , Omaha , ? 129.S7.
M llcllman , u 41 ft , w 41 ft , lot 5 , b 120 , Omal :
! 92 37.
Caroline Calm , a S3 ft w 44 ft w , lot B , b 1 !
) ma-a , S3 .81.
G \ \ Smith , o 1 3 lot 5. b 120 , Omaha , SS6.CO.
Ilclrs of WniMcKdl , w 1-3 lot 0 , b 123 , Omar.
It U Kllison. ml 3 lot 6 , b 120 , Omaha , $3".5) .
O \ \ Smith , u 1 3 lot d , h 120 , Omaha. 0,5P.
O.-o F Mills , w 34 ft lot 7 li 120 , Omaha , $133 S2
Lehman A. Co. , c J2 It lot 7 , b 12) , Omata , $125
Ketato Jn McL'ormlek , vv 1-3 1st S , b ISO , Ouiali
Sl ( . { > .
Heirs ci S II Megeath , ml Sand n 25 ft of o 1
utS , b 120 , Omaha , 117 S3.
Clias Bcindorf , s 107 ft o 1-3 , lot 8 , b 12) , Orcah
:55 : 35.
Sn. 2. ThatealJ special taxes levied aforestl
in ( aid loU , parts cf loU and pieces of real * stai
cnri'ttlvl } , ehall been e dthnquo il as fellow e ou
IHh of the total amount eo levied ou eich < f fn
ot , parts ol lota or ihces of real cUU > , tliall L
omod'liniii | nt In lilt } ravs from the passgo ai
ipprovalnf thin ordiname , onefth ( In oce jca
me llftli In two jeam , one tilth In three .uars , on
lltli in loir je.irs altir slid ICM , and being fro
he pa-8 gonnd approval ol th a ordinanie. I'M
I nalllnitallincnu , cxce-pt ths nrst.shtll draw I ,
crest at lie rate ol seven | er cent per annum fro
lielia.c of tl e lev ) afmetald , until the fame flu
lecomj ilil M'lMtnt. A | enalt } of ten psr cent , t
; eth' r with interest al tte ra'o of ono per rent IK
nontli , pjvabV in advance , stall be paid on cac
, llnipie-nlinstarmcnt.
! > HTIU3 , 'I bit the entire aniouut nft.iole'vi <
nil .ae * ed on mij of j..v d lot * , pirts , > f li t- * , t
lecesnf rial eM.a'e' , m.av bo puid liv tlio nwiic
luruif ur thpropirlj rb.irjr.iblo proportion of > ai
ion tnv I art ofail Iiits , or pines < f eM Hi
uvbv.iidbv mi ) IH.ISDII v\ithin Illtv davH froi
ilu h vv , and tliereiliHUi Kild lot' , | nrts of <
leres of e-tatObfi.all bo exempt from anv lltn i
InrKP therefore' .
S enoN4. That this ordinance thall Uko cffex
nd be'inforio from .and .liter Its pa .in'e' .
Paj. exl August 5th , Ihsl ,
ttest : J. J. I. C. Jtwrrr.
I'ltv Clerk.
P. K.Miiu'm ,
Presidcnl Cit ) Council ,
ppioveil August Sth , 1SSI.
P. P. Mi'Biuv ,
JK 15-51 Acting Major.
Iu the Circuit Court ol the I'nitiM Sat. ! > j for th
istriitof NebrisVa :
me'rlran Freehold I ml Jlortgago 1
eonmuiv of Ixindonlliinitexljvs ' Iiuhancerj ,
tJeorguTajlor. )
Public notice n he re bj given , that ill pur uanco am
> virtue of a decrtti intereil In thu abov
, uw , on the- eighth da > nf Januarr , 13I , I , Kills I ,
Urbower , t-pexlal uuter in chaucerj in taul Court
111 on the IMhtUv of Svptembe-r , 1MI , at the hou
lOoilockln the loiennon of the Mijihv.ut th
irth dwr of the' I nlt l htati-s Court IJouw'and I'o
Itlce liulkllntr , in the'Cit ) of Omaha. IKni "la.C.uint
ati and IH.trlctof Xetbra.k. > , i-ellat am t Ion the f ,
wing dtM-rlheil | roinr.v , to wit.
TliOMJUth-half of the north e'ie.-l quarter and tin
irth we t quarter of the north e < a t quarter of nitioi
J. Mxfi ) , In towruhip No twent > eight (2 ( > ) , nortl
ii e No. > euu (7) ( ) , wi.t In Antilxiw To , .Neb
, , " IH-eUIJIasteriiil'liaiie-erv.
aue" 18 , 25 , i te'pt 1,8,15.
Beilsd protosa's will b rccclTtel M the underilgn
until Uocl ck.noon , Augv t ioth PSIorptlnt
; of the legal net < xi of tha cllv of dnuba frcm
t of contni-t to thu eudipmeiitftCAl Je-ar.euJ
Bild biil * 'h ll bo accompanied bj the mines of the
opo el lurcty whoiuthr evtntof award npacrn
tct , will cnUr Ute a bond with the cltv of Omaha
rthoiruecifmrarc | cf till contract.
rh cit ) riiervejtLuiltiht to rrjexrt ny and all
Enwlcr cfitainlng Mprope ! ioI bids ihill
iruikcd "ricpctalii ftrtrlrtlrg ] t&l notUvt. "
j addititcd to Ibe Lndenlgnee ) .
. J. J. U C.JKWETT ,
Omaha , Aug. Ktb 161. City Ucrk.
15th & Dodge Streets ,
On thU lint for birz&ins , and If \ ou wish n lot In
partol Omaha \ \ ntto runt n home h\\c j
house rented buy a house-sell the onojou ha\
want } our ( npcra undo tltlo tookot up , nnd t
thing relating to ttcal Estate , en ml sco
No. 218 JI.700 House nl ( Uo rooms on hall
400 t tltno of sale , and $25 l > cr month.
No. 2 5 12,000 1 acre anu < room briskhous
Park Place , cash.
No. 225-l,050 Kouso of ek tooron on lot 65x1
Park Plaoc , on ctsv terms , $ MO , and $20 per mor
No. ? 20-1,5'0 | Hou-o and lot In ISowcrj 1
Ooo'l cl tcrn nnd well. Ono hill cnih and time
221 ? J,300 Oood six room homo on rorncr I
lot , ono block from 13th strett , south ot U I * . dC )
Uran new SoM on raiy terms.
217 J1.SOO House of 4 rooms on full lot , Cor
street. Good well , clatcrn nud walks. Half c
and time
107 $1,000 Hou o of two looms alf lot ,
gan'd addition Ono half Ci li ,
29 ? 1SOO House of four rooms on full lot , enl
street , couth Omaha , ono hall cash.
62 $1SCO House ot fUo rooms ou full lot In F
kor's ndiltlun , ono block north of $20,000 son
houio , south front , good well , clatcin , &c.and al
pain on casv terms.
70-$7,003 Corner bt II V. Smlth'9 addition , t
Eood tluclllngs , eouth nnd cnst Iront , on car U
cheap and on easy terms.
40 (4,000-Ix > ta 13 and 14 , comer Tarnam strc
and near court house , two Rood dwellings on 1
but U buslnces property. A Rtcat barRaln.
And lots of bargains all o > cr ton n. Call at oil
and cxaratno our lint for lmpro\cd prorer ; > .
And In nil first cilia Inside additions , and It wo
to find a lot to suit jou , out of our citcusUol
then Omaha doe * not contain one.
Omaha Vlow Is on the toad to the bnrracke , am
that plat south of L , I ! Williams' residence.Vo i
ots from StOO to $350 , $10or moro down nt time
tJe and monthly pa ) incuts. $200 down and wo v
lid j ou a house on the lot.
Hawthorne Is west of the High School ono m
nd wo vo selling lots ono third down and mont !
pav mcnta. This addition Is graded and lots arc &
to$800 each. Now Is the time to buy , while pri ,
are low and terms easy.
Tabor Place Is on Farnam street nnd Is n cho
addition , with only twcho lots left , and they are
as good lota 03 there nro In tke addition , Prices $
and S')50.
Lots on Sherman n\cnuo , cist nnd west frin
One-half block hi WIIcox's addition , cheap audc :
tTDon't fall to call for bargains at the office ,
Cor. loth aiid Dodge Streets.
Cor , 14th & Jones , Omaha ,
PersJns allllcted with nny disease , not conta iot
cau find n noun , nnd It occtip > inz a prito roe
may hero bo attended by nnj phjsician In good ( to
ding. TheLjing inDfjiarliiient Isancsptcialfcatui
Address Central Hospital , Omaha , Xeb.
Dancing Hall , $ ! ? > . (
BothHalls , 25. (
They contain Kitchen , Cloak Iloon
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dressing Iloort
vrith every convenience. The supp
room will seat 300. Apply nt
( hand Sale of Sheetings
Bleached Sheeting-
8-J Pepperell Sheeting SO c worth 25
D 4 Peppcrell Sheeting . . . .22jc worth 25j
10Pcjipercll Sheetlcg 25 o worth 30
IM Now York Mills 2SJo worth 31) )
-irrfew York JIllls. . . . 30 c worth 35
0-JUtlci . . . . : j0 worth 35
lO- Utica so c woith 371
94\\an utta 30 c worlh 35
10 1 Wnmsutta 32jc worth 371
D4 Krult of thetooin 27Je worth 35
10-4 Fruit o ( the Loom SO c worth 37 }
Unbleached Sheeting ? ,
8-4 Pepperell Sheeting . . ISJc worth 221
0 4 Peppcrell Shieling . . .so e worth 25
10 4 Pepperell bheeting 22Jo worth 27i
0-4 Ilostou bhictlnge . 25 o woith 30
.0-4 Boston Sheetings 2"So north 33 !
Pillow Casing ,
2 Inch Peppcrell 12ie worth J6
13 inch repiiercll . . lab worth 18 ?
oiWu . , ISio wrrth 20 ,
2.lnchtrult of Loom . 13jo wortli 1B <
, " ' ° ' ILoom 15 e worth irf
' 4 Irultof Loom . . . , isle worth 2 J
. } . } l'i = worth 20
< \ " . 20 c wurth is i
8 JJainsut a is c worth 20
S \J aiunitU -jo o w orth Wi ,
WanuutU 25 c worth 2 ? } ,
Customers will find wo have plenty 01
hoao goods as advertised.
1 B.
Office 15th street first
, door north o
> arnam in Boyd's opera house. Loarq
rders at office or Saxo's druc store.
Telephone 150.
llnery and Half Dressing Parlors
3H" , r-aaL , naL Stroot.
[ air ! Hair ! Hair ! Cheap I
r Country' Orderi Solicit * !
d. to order. - ' 1
Authorized Capital , - $1,000,000
Paid-up Cnpitnl , - - 100,000 S
Surplus Fund , - - 70,000 S
N W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sis
FIUNK McaniT , President. I SAM'I K. Roams , V-P
Bin. B. WOOD , Cwhlor. | LUTUIR DRIRI , A
Frank Mnrphy , Samuel K. llogon , Ben. B. Wood ,
Chirlos 0. Houtel , A. D. Jones , Luther Drake.
Transact a General Banking Business. All wha
have any Banking business U transact are Invited
call. No matter how lareo or small the transaction ,
It will receive our careful attention , and wo piomlie
alw a ) s courteous treatment.
Tavs particular attention to business for parties
realdln ? outsldo tha city. Exihango on all the prin
cipal cities of the United States at very lowest rates.
Accounts of Btnka and Bankers rooelroil on favor
able terms.
Issues Certificate of Deposit belting 5 pel oen
Ilujsnnd Bolls Foreign Exchange , County , C'l
and > securltlm
5 , W , Cor , Farnam and 12ih Sts ,
Capital , - - $100,000,00
C. W. HAMILTON , Proo't.
O. n. CALDWELL , V. Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW. Cnshlor.
Accounts solicitor * and liopt aub
Joct to sight chock.
Cortlflcntoa of Deposit lasuod pay
ablolnS O and 12 months , bonrlngj
Intoroot , or on demand without In-
Advances made to customers on
approved socurltlosat market rate
of Intoroot.
The Interests of Customers are
c'oooly guarded and every facility
compatible with principles of
oound banking freely extended.
Draw sight drafts on EnglandIre
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu
Soil European Passa o Tickets
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Capital Stock. - - - 8150.000-
Lability of Stockholders , 300,000
F.TB Per Cent Interest Paid on Depsits
OflBLoox-s tSa 3Dii-ootore
L. M. BENNETT . Vice Prcsldenl
W. A. PA.XTON . Managing Director
JOUNE. WILBUR . . . . . . . .Cashier
United States Depository
3or. 13th and Parnam Sts , * 1
The Oldest Banking Establishment-
in Omaha ,
Organissa in isss.
) rganlzed aa a National Bank In
CAPITAL . . . . . . .
omciKa DikicTOM
ImuAic KODSTII , President.
ions A. CaiionTOs , Vice President
A UDSTCS KOC.VIZJ , ! d Vice President
A. J ,
H. , cr
Tnnsacta a ( rener.l banUlnij Imalneju. In ucs time
; rtm tes bcarlnir Interest. Drawo drills on San-
ranclsioand principal cities In the United State
° " Duhlln' E-Hnbursh .nd the
.l00' ' rilnclpa '
continent and Kurope
111 North 18th Street Umana
( sncxjEsaona TO JOHN o. JACOBS )
'h ° " t"d 1T tarnam rtrecl. Order * by
tph tolldted and promptly atteoted to
slalic Cases , Cofflnymicb ,
> OOFapn mSt. , . OMAHA , NEB
orden prompUy attended to. Telephone
. M , u.
oglneerlng , Srayiog
lthta the city and througtiout t" , . BUte.
rpffice CwUhton Block , opposite City En.-Ineer'
- - . _ _ _ alilrn
T. 0. CARLiaLB ,
3. VALLEY , - - - IOWA ,
Snd tot Clreulin. "