1JAI1A' BEE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 20. 188-1. EDHOLM SOLE AGENTS FOll WEBER , HAYNES AND HAKDMM AND SMITH , AMERICAN AND PACKARD ORGANS. \Vo have the largest nnd best stock of Shoot Music in the city , comprising Berlin lin , Vienna , Potora' "Loipsig" Ohoap Edition , Bruslau , Mnyonco editions. Small Goods aud General Music Merchandise of all Kinds , 101 AND 103 15TH STREET , OPPOSITE POSTOFF1CE. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , Jewelry of n designs mnclo to order. Largo stock of Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry. AGENTS FORJGORIIAM MANUFACT'NG ' GO'S STERLING SILVERWARE LA11GE STOCK OF Howard Waltham , Elgin , Lancaster and Columbus Watches SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Cor. loth and Bodse ; , opposite Postollice. % / % % / > ' Frames and Mouldings at Wholesale , Tues-Thur- tVJVi TTy i-w fWWJra ! WJ' ' ! l 5r3 XF'WK3p:73TeyoX5lJ3W5rl : * Carry the Largest Stock , offer ctho Lowest Trices and Easiest Terms of Any Dealer Here on Besides Many other Well-known Makes , we sell the World Eenowned nmn. . IIj JLLJLVI.AJJ Jj 1 UPJOJj AND ARION PIANOS. AND THE CELEBR VTKD SQONINGER "BELL" ORGANS. Instruments Rented nnd rent allowed if purchased. Pianos on installments , § 10 Monthly. Organs , § 3 , Call or send for Catalogue and terns , 3 , - - ; OOE , 11TH AND PAMAM STS , Would call particular attention to their new stock of FINE WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE , AND AN UNSURPASSED ASSORTMENT OF Diamonds and Precious Stones , FULL LINE OF HOWARD' WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES. WAREROOMS - - COR , liTH AND FARNAM STS. . A. LINBQUEBT & CO. , 1206 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb , FOR PANTS AT FROM $8.00 AND UPWARDS. ALSO Stylish Suitings in florksorewa , Worsteds anl Cheviots LATEST STYLES I LOWEST PRICES ! of our Goods and Prices , tolls the story. JB3i Oor. 14tli & JoneS ) Omalia , I'or'ordafUlctoilwitlimn Ol ciso , rut cent KlMi ( c n fiiul IMHVJ , ftinl II iviplne n | > tU tc r om inhrrobo ( fttteinlcil 1 > . \ nnti \ lci n In ROCHlotnti tlin Thcl.jlne IiiDcinttnifnt l ( viicvcl\ltcftturo | Adilrcis Cantral llo < iiiiti ] , UniMm , Ntl > . FALCONER'S HALLS. Dancing Hall , § 15.00 Both Halls , 25.00 They contain Kitchen , Clonk I loom , Ladies' and ( tcntlomeu's Dressing Ronina with oyory convonionco. The supper room will scat fiOO. Apply at N. B. FALCONER'S Grand Sale of Shootings , Bleached Sheeting * 8-4 Pertporcll Sheeting 20 o worth 26 c 0 11'cpporoll Sheeting . . ,22o worth ! Bp 10-4 I'cppcrell Blioetlng . . .25 o worth 30 o 1) ) 4 Now York .Mill * 2 Jo worth S2io JO J'Now York Mitla. . . . 30 o worth S5 o 04 mica . . . . i7o ! north SB o 10 4 Utloi SO o worth 37jc 04 Wamsutta SO o worth 35 c 10.4 Wanuuttn nJo worth 37jo 0 4 Kruit of thoT.oom 27 ia worth 35 o 10-4 Fruit otttio Loom SUc worth S7JC Unbleached Sheetings. S-4 I'cpperill "Shcctlnc ISJc w orth 2Cjo 0 4 I'epporcll Shooting 20 o worth 25 o 10 4 Pcppertll bhcitlng 22jo worth 275c 04 HosUiii Shtrtliiicn. . . . . . .25 0 woJth 'M c 10 1 Uostoti fahcctliiKJ. 27ic worth S3\Q \ Pillow Casing. 42-Inch ' . . . worth - 1'cpporcll .12Jo IB o IBIiich Vcpnenll 13JO worth 041'ippcrcll 16 o worth 20o 42.lnrh Krult of Loom 13Jo worth 10o 64 Krult of Loom 16 o worth 17jo 0 4 Krult ol Loom lSo worth S.'Jc 6-4 Utlca 17jo worth 20 c 0-4 lltlcn 20 o worth 2S o 0 S Wamsutta 15 o worth 20 4-3 Wnmsutti i0 ! o worth 22jo fl-1 Wnuisuttn 25 o worth 27JO Cttatomors will find wo have plenty of these goods as advertised. I. B. DR , SWETNAM , Oflico IBth etroot , first door north o Farnam in Boyd's opera house. Ltav ! < ) orders at oflico or Saxo's drug store. Telephone 150. &LMA E. &OT1TO I'AXTON 1IOTEI , Millinery d Hair Dressing Parlors Hair ! Hair ! Hair ! Cheap CzrCountrv Orders Solicited WHEELER BROS. . IJOOKS AND STAPLE AND TAXCV 1622 DOUGLAS ST11EKT. AB. ST. JULIEN , PROPRIETOR. S. W. Cor. luth St. and Capitol Avenue. On the European Plan. First clft'a In c\cryro- npoct. 'Jablo nupiillcil with name nnil all dclicaciu'i ' ol the ccMon , where.1 joit paj for onhhat > on order as ior bill nf fare. Itonina attached ( or tratielout CUB oin. Will nlBO kuL\i \ day boarders at the most rc eoriablo rates. JEFFERSOH PARK OINING HALL , MRS. .T SCHOrLitt : , 1'ropriotor. Day Board $4.00 For Week , ; vcrj tiling now anil flrut tints , Icu cream and Lem onades a fc ) > ccl.altv. C'olToo 5 cents , arid a nice 6ct , dish ecrxidatal IIOIMB. 01 North Sixtoouth Street , Omaha , Nob. GANNON A HUNT , Proprietors. TABU : SUPI-UKD wi 111 Game and all Ddlicacics of the Sons on JIuala ( it all HCHIIH 113 N. inth St. , Omaha , Nell DAVID NIOEOLSON'S ' OR rou BAI.I : HV AU. Tills nnoxcolled Kxtract ol Malt la a rofrtuhlnK , noiirlshlnK lablo Itj\uraio ; a iiltasln ) ; , ind tin iKOratlne Tonic , ft romtulal Hoi njr the coimtltutloti torn crtonio thu various weak- nln ' ami wasting malajks , and tulldlag up a italiliyboJy ojaln. 1HKN1CIIOWON LIQUID IIRKAD IS IIEALI.Y " The " Beverage roil NUnSING HOTIIKUS. rtTOnBilo at Kulm&Co. , Hchroter & Ilccht , M. arr , .M. It. 1'oncll , H. Katz , ll > Imrod A. Co. Trade supplied by David Niolioluon , 13 nrnl 1C North Cth ttruct , Ht. I.cuU , Mo FUN ! FUN ! FUN ! Sherman Ave. New Ball Park FEIDAT , AUGUST 16TH , Saloon Keepers vs. Police. OA I : CALMD : AT z O'CLOCK , ( siiAiir. ) C'oiuejaiico8 ill ( caveat 1:30 : ( ronu-ornir H'hanil ' DoiiK'laa , 16th and farnaui and llth and Harocy tfD'beiit tth * , thu Kre t 6 hours no ua juu ( iltaau racu Ofcn tu niiialurn onli _ Bee Hive Photograph. STTJIDXO. . , aia North 10th Street. lU-membcr that my I'hotoeraphs aru luepectwl licforo hclrigilUivtrul ( mm the IIKK IIIVK I'lIOlO OHAI'H HTL'DJO a uriu - e\ir ) xiily pcrluct eatiafautlou , FHOTOUitAI'HKH EDWARD KUEHL , MAQISTKIl OK 1'AI.MYBTKHY AND CONDITION ALIbT , 803 Tenth utriikt , Ulvteun Farnam aoJ Hat- uey. will with the aid ol guardlin iflilta , obtaiiiln any one glance or the pane anil prttent , and ln certain uonilltlcn lu the future. UMlt and ehoti iridetocrdcr , J'crlict sotltUctlon Kuar nt d j THE CHEAPEST PLACE 1JSI UMAHA TO BUY One of the Beat and'largost Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , IT IS THE NAME OF THE TOWN WHERE ALL ARE FOUND ! Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water ! And nil of the good mid pleasant things thnt.go to mnlco up a com plete and happy existence. The town o South Omaha is situated south of the city o Omalu. on the line of the U. P. Railway , and it is less than Ii miles from tht Dmtihn post oilice to the north line of the town site. South Omaha is nearly 1-J miles north and south hf 21 east and west , and covers an area of nearly four square nnlos , The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit. Nearly 150 lots have been sold &nd the demand is on the increase The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The 500,000 , beef packing house is progressing finely. The § 30,000 Water Works are keeping pace with the other im irovements , and the Hotel and Exchange Building will be erected at once The B. & M. and Belt Line Railways have a large force of men at work and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depot tear the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will bt 'uruislied for Church and School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will novel ) e cheaper than they are to-day. B5"Apply at the Company's office , cor. of 13th aud Douglas Istreels over the OniahaiSavmg'sBauk. . A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary , AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings , at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-M1LLS , OHDIIOD AND SCHOOL BELL& . Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. OONNAUCHTON oonlc Snonaultatlon and Correspondence QraUs. P. 0. Box S92. ! Tolojihono No , 20. I HON. ED WARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , nays : " Physician ol Jitou ADUlty ana Marked Snccosa. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , "An rtonornhlo Man. Finn Snccons. Wonderful Cures. " IJoura 8 to fi. L. IMPORTER , JOBBER AND IANUFAOTURERS1 AGENT OF 13TH ST. , BETWEEN PABNAM AND IIAUNEY OMAHA , - - NEBEASKA UICnAUDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Snporinnndont U. P. RAILWAY , 17TII & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURE US OF AND DEALERS IN B WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , ill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS 'STEAM1 WATER AND GAS PIPE. . : BRASS GOODS ASTO PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. O 89 MlO TVo are prepared to furnish plans mid estimates , and will contract for Hio erection of Flouring Mills aud Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller System. ( JST'Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plautsfor _ any pur pose , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs attended promptly. Address RICHARD & CLAEKS , Omaha , Neb" 5 IMPORTERS OF 5I I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC MS.TOBAGGQS.PIPESsSIOKEBS'ASTIGLES . ' PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especialeo , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000 , AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT OIGABS : Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. New Stan dard , Good Advice , New Brick. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN FRIGES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. G. B. RAYMOND , Silverware. Stale Clocks , COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Walnut Clocks at Bottom Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. S. E. COB. DOUGLAS AND 15TH STREETS. F8WE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY