Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    Oil All A DAILY BliEWliDNUXDAY , AUGUST ? 0 , 18oi.
a.Tlckots only So , Shares In Proportion" * *
Louisiana state c.iin tarn
" Wt tie hereby etrttfu not tit turertitt ths ai
anyintntl for all thr Monthly and Snni-Anwiat
Vininngi cf //oiiui'nna State Lattery Compmy
and tntitrum inttntijt and control the Drauinji
thttniefui , anil that the taint art consulted tsi'li
honesty , JairncH. and in good faith toward all par
tits , ami tfeauthorite the company to ute tMiur
tlfeatt , ulth/at-riniltt of cur titmturei attteW
in id adtxrtttermitl , "
InocrpotfttcJ In 1B63 ( or : A yt&ra by the loghlMari
for oduc-itlonrvl And charltitbla purposes with & C E.
Hit ot 81.000,000 to which n roscrvo fund cl OTBI
Sif'0,000 h.19 elnoo boon adJod.
Ity an overwhelming popnlur vote It ) franchise
was mido a part of the prosonl ( tale conslltulloD
Bdoptod December Id. A. b. 187S.
The only Lottery over voted on nnd en
dorsed by the people of any State.
( i never nail oa or postpone ) .
Its grand single nnmbor drawings lak
place monthly.
A splendid opportunity to win n Fortune
Ninth Grnnd Drawing Clasi I , in tho.Acad-
omy of Music , Now Orlonno , Tnosday , Sept ,
Jth , 188 1 17ld ! Monthly drawlue.
CAPITAL PRIZE , 875,000.
TOO.OOO Tlchota nt Five Dollnrs Ench. Trao-
tloua , in Fifths in proportion ,
I CAPIYA& rilliE . . . . . . . J7J.OOJ
1 do do . 5 , DOC
1 do do . 10.000
5 do 000 . 10,000
10 do 1000 . 10.0CO
0 do 600 . 10,000
101) do SOO . 20,000
EOO do 100 . SO.OC'O '
600 do 80 . 2S 000
10DO do 2fi . 25,000
B Approximation prices of $760 . 6,7(0
B ( io do EOO . 4,600
B do do S50 . 2,550
1B37 Prlia amounting to . f28IEOI
Application for ntog to alaba should bo made on ) ;
t o the otHco of the Company In Now Orleans.
For farther Information write clearly giving fall
address. Uako P. O. Money Orders payable md
ftddresa Rozletorod Loiters to
Now Orleans , to.
Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ex.
proea ( all Bums of S3 tnd upwards by Express at out
expense ) to
or M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans L * .
807 Seventh St. , Wash nRton , D. C.
(517 ( St. Clinrlps St. , Sf. Louis Mo.
A regular graduate oftno Mdlleil Collrec , tin * In'cn longer
copaged In ttie ticclaltrcatmcut o ( Ciiuo'ic XL oca , SKIM
nmi MLOOD I > iHRA L < tthaa nny oilier Phjikina lu fit , LoulJ ,
w city r lhtrhow turn nil oil joiUlcntuknow.
Nerxous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial anil other Affec
tions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , nro tn > &u < i viih unrnmiicitxi
success , on lit * -tktmuc i > rlncir > 1i < . a'cly , rrhatcly.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion. Excess *
Exposure or Indulgence , which procure , omc Of tha
lolloping tllc-ti : ucrtuaiuc-4 , debility , ilimnets of fUbt
Ktidtlefectho memory , ilmplcson ttic raeci > httcaldeoaj ,
mtrttoDto the Bcclfiy of female * , conrui loa of IJcas.cto. ,
rendering Marrinpo improper or unhappy , are
pcrmancotiycurL'd , l'nmpblct < rh j > agesotill.e ) bbo escut
( a icatcil cu\clo | c , frco to nor aJJrm * . Consultation t of *
lice or by mall free , and Invlttil. Write Tor question ! .
Positive Written Guarantee
gttuTTil atlctirnMocaics. Medicines Bent cvcrjuhcre.
Pamphloti , Encllsli or German , 04 paces , da.
. " " " "
ubovodlseaoCB.lnmaloor fomulo ,
SfiOjiagcs , fini ptats. llltntrnteJ la elotli tnj jilt binding ;
We , moiieycri'untage ; amc.i > antr covtn , 25c. Tbli toot
coutaloi * H tbo curious , doubtful or la utkltlfe vaot to
kuow. A tools of gnat Jutcmt to nil , iltalUi , Uumty ,
Happiness AFQ frouolctl Ijr iijj ftdvlca *
vs > mm
Jf A TlCtlt
IF X Cebilltr piematuro I decay , etc. havmc tneJ in
f X'lnevcJ known remedy , has dlwoverod11 Bimpla
> rneaus of soif-curo , vnich ho will toed L'Klili to
The scholastic j car tfDmmcncce on too
First Wednesday in Scutomlier ,
The course ol instruction embracoa all the Hlmiion
tarynnd hljrher hranihca of n finished education
Dilicrenco of llelislon Is no obstacle to the udrnla
aian of youn : ladled. Pupils arc received at nny
timed the year.
Including Hoard , Washing , Tuition In English aui
1'reiicli , use of hooks. 1'iano , per ocesion of
Five Months , - § 150.00
EXTHA CIIAUQKS-DrawInK , Palntlnj , Ccrmi
Harp , Violin , Guitar and Vocal Music.
Ilcforcncea are required from all persona unknow
to the Institution. For further information apply
jy 11.into
Prlvato rooms for adults at reasonable rates , Inclu
ding nursing. Prompt attention ghen to emergency
casoa. Patients can bo attended by their own pliy
slclan. tarDlsponsary for the poor ojcii Tuesdays ,
Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 to 11 a. m.
Phoinlr AMtuinoa Co. , ol ixradoo , Ouh
Aasett . USM(01D
Weitcheetoi . N. Y. . Capital . ,000,000.0
ifl MSts.ol ? N.wtk. N. J. , O.P1W lm.OOO.M
Qtrard Fire , l'ldl dolr bit , p J . } ' * JS'J-0
Fliemen's l-and Oap.Ul , „ . l.tSt.tlt.
( Kaculty I'rUo Medical ColleRo of Ohio.
And other Diseases of the Anus and lUictum.
'ova's ' ' Opera House , Ays ?
o\oed and utl
1 Summer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country ot WOODS AND LAKES. 200 mile , west
of Bt. I'auL Tnrcotralus dally on the N I' . 11. B. .
with 80 Day Excurilon. llckcts at about one-half
An elegant houss with aecommod tlon for 200
' R. COLBURN. Proprietor.
R. rnn. . . . . ur.,1 tvd Vl'1.1. PAl flLL'l.Ar.i.
The Board Malting All Arrangements
Necessary for Comfort and Con
venience ,
11 Unsuccessful Itnllottn for llio
Iliirtinnii School I'rinuliml ,
\ apcoial mooting of the boixrd of odu-
was held lust night , nt which nil
nombera wore present oxopt'llnll. The
oil was called and the meeting being a
one , the minutes were not read.
communication from J. 11. Baldwin
hat the alloy next to the Dodge etroot
chool house bo pivcd with Sioux Falls
rani to was referred to the committee
n buildings and property with power to
, ct.
The bids for fuel for the ensuing year
ere opened and referred with power to
imko contract. ;
Tnobid3 for stationery were also re-
The bids for printing was referred to
ho committee on rules , forms nnd print-
up with po\ynr to net.
The election of janitors for the on-
uitig year for the various school houses
as next taken up , and resulted ns fol-
ows : Patrick Quinlan , Central school ;
3. W. Lane , Izatd school ; Samuel
Jurrall , Casa Atrcot school ; Mrs. Thomp-
on , Dodge street school ; Mrs. Column ,
'ackson street school ; Julius Kudowsky ,
icavonworth street school ; J. 0. Chris-
imisou , Plenant street school ; George
dson , Long nchool ; Mrs. Graney , Hajt-
.ian school ; 0. Bertolson , Pacific , school ;
lichaol Ford , Center school ; Elizabeth
Cohl , Lake school ; Kale Welsh , for the
onrd rooms.
A resolution by Copeland authorizing
.ho committee on buildings and property to
ocuro plans and build a two-room ouo
tory frame school house on the corner of
Twentieth and Douglas stroita was
The committee on school house sites
oportod in favor of securing two lots on
; ho south west corner of Twenty-ninth
Fnrnam streets for the sum of § 4,000
> rovided their owner would bring theme
, o purmanont grade. Adopted.
By resolution the secretary was authored
od to advertise for proposals to buiid a
tone wall about the high school grounds.
The board then procccdad to the soleo-
ion of a principal for the II art man
chool. Twcnty-nino ballots were taken ,
nd resulted in no election , Mios
jowo and Miss McCarthy each
laving four votes on every
allot. The superintendent was then
ustructed to lill the vacancy temporarily.
The committee on teachora and text
ooka with superintendent was author-
zed to secure a teacher in the nigh
nhool to take the place of Miss Hill ,
ho did not accept the position tendered
The board then adjourned.
Another Lil'c Saved.
About two years ago , a prominent citi-
ion of Chicago was told by his physicians
-hat ho must die. They said his system
ras BO debilitated that there notli-
ug loft to build on. lie had made up
is mind to try a "now departure- " Ho
; ot some of Dr. Pierco'a ' 'Golden Medial -
: al Discovery" and took it according to
directions. lie began to improve at once.
Ho kept up the treatment for some
months , and is to-day a well man. Ho
ays the "Discovery" saved his life.
Suits Begun and Disposed of.
Suit was instituted in the district
court by McIIugh & McGavock yester-
erday afternoon to obtain judgment for
$1,953.75 against the city , being the
balance remaining duo for the comtruc-
iori of the Sixteenth and Chicago street
sewer. The amount is not disputed by
-ho city but as there is no money to the
credit of this fund in the city treasury
the above named suit is brought to col
ect it from the judgment fund.
In the United States circuit court
yestnrday an action was begun by
William Hcyso against the Union Pacific
railway company for personal injuries
sustained on February 30 , nour Lincoln
The damages are laid at § 10,000.
In the .county court judgment for
§ 0)7.-13 ! ) in the suit sf Robinson agains
Woodworth was rendered yesterday by
.Tudco McCuIIoch in favor of plamtiif
Thisaction grow out of agradingcontract
the pbmull uvoring it was the agreomenl
that ho should receive seven cents per
square yard while the defendant swore
"t was to bo done at that price by the
cubic yard.Q
Letters of administration will bo
ranted to-day by county Jndio ? Mo-
Culloch to Henrietta M. C.ildwoll as ad
ministratrix of the Caldwell estate. It
is supposed to bo worth § 150,000.
In the police court yesterday afternoon
John Anderson , who terrorized the
hinamon in their wash-houso on Ilnr-
noy street about four weeks ago , was
fined § 10 and costs and in default of
payment was remanded to jail.
William Davis , the colored man , was
hold by Judge Bcneko in the sum of
$500 to'appear at the next term of the
district court. Ho was unable to give
the required bond. '
The case of Cnarlos O'Connor , charged
with being a suspicious character , was
next taken up by the court. Valentino ,
the U. P. detective , was the prin
cipal witness for the state ,
who testified that the defendant
was a constant companion of a gang of
confidence men that infest the city. The
witness continued that O'Connor did not
associate with the first class "con"
workers , as thoydid'not ' consider him their
equal in the business , not having the
necessary nerve. It was also shown that he
wns ono of the two men for whom William
Black , the Iowa farmer , waited at the
foot of Julius Troitscko'fl stairway on
the day Black was conlidencod out of the
§ 100. The case will bo concluded this
morning ,
The I'arlleularn of the Shooting
All'alr nt O 'Rilnlii.
A telegram from Ogallala was received
yesterday by George Duncan , of this
city , giving the particulars of the shoot.
iug uliray there , in which John Key was
supposed to have killed a man named
"Lime" Smith. It appears that the man
who did the shooting was not John Key
but his brother. Key and Smith had
con fplaying cards in Tucker's saloon
ml a dispute 'arose between thorn.
Imlth called Key several vile names ,
rhon the latter told hin' never to cross
is path or trouble would follow. Key
inrted to go out of the saloon when hens
ns intercepted by Smith. The latter
ontinuod his abuse , when Key tired ono
hot and killed him. Key is now in
ail , but the sentiment of the people is
11 In his favor.
H was rcixirtctl muni pocd authority last
reniup , tliftt tlio I'liton 1'arlfic lw i < ball liwn
ill Join the I'ninn l.cngno , Thn drsiro nf
lie Milwaukee * to enter mid take the place of
ho Krystones , f 1'liilmU'lpliin , lati'ly ills-
landed IHMIIR tlio only liar to their becoming
inoinbor of thi lull nwociallun.
Joseph Garnean , manager of the Union
'ncific live Kill Club a ocfalion came buck
estonlay fiom St. I.OUH lea\lng tinMl t utl
nclropolU after seeing the game between the
iiiona and the home nine.
John T. Bell nnd pen Unwind loft yea-
.t-rday for a ttlji tlnoiitjh the southern part
if the state , to bo gene about tun days.
The Nyc Faction in DoflscConnily Pol
itics Thoroughly Sat Up ,
ho Sou of Ills Father Feebly Holmes
the Old IMnu'n B < | ucnl.
lorrcxpondonco of TlIK UKB.
NOHTII BKXII , Nob. , Aug. 18 , 1881.
Dr. Abbott "sots it up" t > Thoron and
10 kid in a very appropriate manner , in
unday's Fremont Tribune and ho but
chocs the sentiment of nine out every
on of the republicans of Dodge county.
iVhon Thoron Nye , after being fairly
eaton in the convention last spring to
end delegates to Norfolk , procured a
rosy and followed the delegation up to
ofoat the expressed Svill of the people ,
10 throw to the winds nil the Inlluonco
10 then had in Dodge county politics ,
nd it cannot bo recovered. True , it
may bo urged that ho has a local paper
nd a state paper to back him , but ono
if thorn never had ny
nfluonco and the othnr attempting to
olslor him up must certainly bo pulled
own to his political lovel. "Tho son of
us father , " the editor of The llepubli-
! an , is a writer who has no moro dcscro-
, ion than a yearling male bovlno and ho
s no bettor adapted to load the politics
if the state than his father to lead the
lolitics of Dodge county , aiid his inllu-
nco in the state , judging from the cx-
ircssions of republicans in this vicinity
nd republican papers generally of the
itato , is waning fully at fast as that of
lis father in Dodge county.
Messrs. Nye and Colson were both
delegates to the recent convention , but
; hey were conspicuous only for their ab-
lonco. Why were they not in atten
dance ?
If unsavory delegates were elected
whoso fault was it moro than theirs ?
The fact of the matter is , they stood
alone and since they saw it impossible to
rule the convention they proposed to
itand at arms' length and fight it. Mr.
Fred Nye says that Mr. Dorsoy _ has
simply cut Dodge county in two with a
knifo. It may have done so but if It
ivas it has simply left Thoron Nye and
A. . B. Colson on the ono side and the
reat republican party of Dodge county
on the other. It is barely possible that
the young man nf the Republican fancies
that his progenitor and undo will tip the
beam. Lot her tip. It will leave the
party on the upper end.
Respectfully , 0. W. HYATT.
SEED , at EVANS' Seed Store , Omaha.
aug 13-wlt
The Austrian l''lK Blust Wave or
I'lTTKiiuuo , August y. The diUiriunco be
tween the Anglian consul , Max Schiimbcrg ,
and the chief of police JJrown , is not yet ml-
tilted. There U every prospect of the alTiir :
issuming pioportions which WH ! ! ncrusbitaU
the intervention of Secrctaiy KrolinghoyhOi
nnd the Austio- Hungarian minister to tlu
Ifiiited ctitcs. Scliiiiiibeisiefusnd to lecugni/.i
thu aiithoi ity of liiiiwn in nrdeiinir tlio AIM-
tiiun tlnp _ taken down , and says if thn luttei
foici's suit ho will appeal to tlie seurotiuy o
state. Jle coiihideiH itmi iiiHtilt to the ll.r , '
nmlisveiy indijjuaiit.
Horsford'H Acl l
ForNc.vousncss , IndtBOStlon , etc.
Send to the Kumford Chemical Works
Providence , R. I. , for pamphlet. Mallei
free. _ _
The Iowa Oily Troiibln ,
IOWA CITY , August 19. Thu JuhiiMin conn
ty board of hiipervii-ors lure to-day niu
ranted pciniils for tlio manufacture and Bale.
of alcoholic ] iiUnrH. AH of the men grantei
permits ate saluon kcepeu or bicweu , and nl
most all aio charged with being implicated in
thu riotous proceedings of hist week. The
peimit asked for by Croff , was the
only ono not grant-id.
Warrants for a numlxsr of others who WCH
active in the recent dibtiubanceg have hcei
iasiH'd. and nrrcsts are lioing made an a
pi- , iljjo. John Knglert , who returned to th
city last night was arrextod and brought bo
foru Judge lledgus thix morning. lit ) gu\
bail in the BUIII of 81,100. KiiRlcit'H oxnmpl
is being followed by tlio other * ) arrested ,
Arohblshnp Ilyan at
IfAItHlriiium ) , Augiut 19. Archbishop Hy
an accompanied by the binhops who left St
Louia with him , arri\ud in this city atI : ! !
p , m. , and wa welcomed by a largo deltga
tinn from 1'liiladelphia , aa well an reverent
fentluiiien connuctud with the thrch In thi
bection of the xtato. Bovernl thoiiHand peopl
were gathered at the depot , and in rcspoiibu t
the urgent rumient thu archhlxhop took his jx
aitionon thu platform nndjtenderod hla thankK
saying : "f thank you for thu honest welcom
received upon on tti ing this province , for
have not yet entei od into my diocese , and
will pray t > Almighty ( o < l to blenH jou anc
bloHH your fu nihex. If tliia nmnirtcatation 1
an ovldciiico of jour loyalty , It hpeakH well fi
your future , dud UIVH you , " AH tliu tral
( Icpaited , thu nrchliifhop was loudly up
The JjOiiiHliinu TronhlcH.
NKW IIIKUIA , La. , August ] ! ) . Tlio < la
liasac'd otf quietly , and the t root had moro o
a InifiiiPfs-liko appcaranni thix ovcninf ,
Shciiff Vi-aiiey found a jioition of the ntole
leunrda in the liar'ioom on the lower floor o
the cinirt building. ' 1'ho houlHunn field a
tillory loruo on tlio II n. m. tru'u to-nigh
tailing cx-Khenlf Viator and the jirikiniiTH t
New OrleaiiH.
] ) l nioiTjMlch. , Augiut 111. Jtcporta froi
Kaht Tawa tate t'n m me foicut liuw In tha
neighboihoud , Tuo housitx li.ut ) been hurnci
A heavy couthweat wind provuHn to-diij
I'anuera uro deserting their honiea and bur }
ing their hotmchuld goiKU. The fire is uliou
half u mile acro-a thu lake from Iv'ubt'J'awus ,
ho Vagaries of Frcwcn Excite Afliiii- '
ration in Canada ,
Ornzy Farmer Starts Out With
Toroh and Shotgun in
ho Mother Hubbard of Ohina
Thirsting for Fronoh Goro-
AHsortntotil ofGonornlNows.
Vrowou's MmieliniiKOU Kclioino.
MOXTIIKAI. , Atigunt 19. T. 1C , l.iiiRlrm ,
anndiau c\ltlo : shipper , received the agency
f 1'rcwen lro ! < . . of Wyoming niul Montana ,
ho o\ui n iniartor of n million head of cntlln
i tluwo territories , nil cf wlilcli will bo brought
cio for fhlpmont liy the Canadian I'ncifir
illwny , when the government gives consent
i briti ) ; cnttlo through thin lino. Ita \ alleged
10 fraud t of American cnttlo nlono ill ni-t
x. millions per nnnuin. niul thorn \vlll bo nil
utlay of half tint itinouiit in Canada for fod-
IT , while-stock ii in transit. UngliAiu my *
10 route via the Cmindinn I'nciiic H litUO
illea shorter tluw \ in Now York or nny other
Ulantio port lo'.l.lvcipool from Moulaiin.
of ix Dccpi'rnto Ifarmcr.
VICSXA , Ills' ' . , Aug. 19. Yostortlny morn-
ig n constable sold under oxccntionn lot of
heat in the stack belonging to David A\cry ,
farmer , living four miles southeast of this
iwn. .lust ns the constable wan ! ea\lng
Vvury wont into the fiehl nnuoil with n
onblo-barrolwl shotgun , sot fire to the stacks
nil remained until they were nil completely
uriii'il. He then stxttod towards tlir town
nil on the way mot John 1'ickorH nnd Daniel
"ago.ifannois , nml both neighbors of ln . Ho
.mice friendly to thombut hnd'uo sooner passed
mm thnn ho turned nnd .tired , killing lt gu.
[ a then proceeded to the farm of .Tohu 1 hum ,
iwut n mile distant , nnd sot iiro to his Blacks
'wheat. Armed pnitioa mo now in search
: thu doporato man.
'ho Iowa Kvhiblt at No\v OrleaiiH
A.MEM , August 10. The board of directors
' the ttnto horticultural society held a con-
ercnco heio with Commissioner Parall , the
onmiissioner for Iowa for the world's fair at
\ u\v Orlcan , and appointed ns anporinton-
out of the department for Iowa ,
olonel llrackvtt. of countv , who had
inrgo of the snmo exhibit at the I'liilailolphla
vpositlon , and Henry Strohl , of Iowa City , as
Iternrtto. Thu beaM nlso made a libei.u : ip-
ropriation to assist the exhibit , and the pios-
ccts of n line showing nro excellent. A nioet-
ng of the. completed lioaid of Biiporintcndontrt
nil llio members of the Iowa commission will
o hold at Cedar Itapidf , Aupust'J'J.
K.\i > rcHB Tlilcl' Captured ,
MiN.Ni\rous , August 19. A. 1) . Sly was
ikon into custody hero this moining by n do
ectivo , for the lobbory in September last , at
t. Joseph , Mo. , of S10r > OD ot the Auieiiean
Ixpiess company's delivery wagon. It took
lace while ho was employed as diivcr of the
oiiipany'a dolivciy wngon. Sly has boon
cio ninco last Vebruaiy in the omplov of thu
iHlwniikou & Si Paul i.iiluay and to an
Evening .louind : ropoitci ho confessed the
limo nnd said ho had Biiimt the money. Hj ;
as \vifo and two children. The piixoner
a back to Miesnmi willingly nnd without a
c < iuisition ,
KnlglitH of Pythias.
LANC.VBTTII , 1'a. , August 19. Thu grand
> dgo of I'oimsylvnni.t , of the Kniglits of
? ytliiw : , incot in this city to-day. JTliCiu Is n
argo icpiesontation of delegates. The mom
ny ECision was occupied by ropoits of tlio
rraml ofiicuis nml the ndmis'-ion of now lep
csHiitativcs. A session of the uniform rank
f knights wns held this morning toiform i
tate organization of thin branch. James It.
/aniahan , major general , piunidcd , but with-
ut transacting uny business of.iinportancu , i
cccaa was taken till afternoon.
German Veterans.
MILWAUKEE , August 19. The Nationa
Association of Veterans of thu German nrmy
osiding in the United States was formed to.
lay. Letters of regiot wrro icceivod from
Miiladelphiii , Allegheny , Now York nnd St ,
jonis. A constitutional committee was ap
minted , who declared the objects were Him ! '
in1 to the G. A. K. The ollicerselected wen1 ;
"aid Werner , Alii cm , Ohio , commander ; Hint
"laiwig , Milwaukee , auditor ; ChailcsWinkier , ; , paymaster. They meet in St. Louis
loxt year.
OdI-l < 'ellowHlili > in New Vorlc.
Ni\v : YOIIK , August 19. At the pension o
.hi' gi and lodge of Odd Follows to-day , tin master recommended funerals at night
1 To biiid that less money ought to bo spent on
the dead and nwru on tile living. Ho dcclai-
d that Odd Fellowhbip was decreasing in this
city M > tapidly , that it was almost unknown
n puliti ) society , and recommended changing
.ho meeting pi.icon of Homo lodges from tenu-
uout honnos and saloons , whfro they now mo.
1''ranCO and Oliiiui.
LONDON , August 18. A dispatch from
Shanghai to-day says : Tuutig Sung Tang nud
Shu Tsong ( Jhin , Chinese plciilpotentlarlen ,
loft Shanghai in accordance with instructions ,
From 1'okin. No prospect of settling the dit-
licnlty with I'Vanco. Tliirty-livo members of
the boaid of censors presented a memorial to
the ompro'S opposing the conditions ottered
by the I'Vonch , and xtroni'ly uigiiig hostili-
tiuH. It if. teported the empress liu.s decided
todecluio wur.
A Cnsc of CminllmllHin.
CIIIOAOO , August l-TIio ! ) Daily News Delphi -
phi ( Ind. ) Bjicclal ( iiiyn : I'lio boily uf 1'ilvnto
WliUtlur , of the Grooly expedition , wan ex.
liuineil thin morning in tlio prt'Honcu nf hU rc-
lutinna nt the family cuinutorv in tlio country.
Hln Identity WAB lully CHtnblinhod. The facu
anil nuok wcio well prc-gorvoii linttho llosh wiw
all cut from the I nick anil llinlw. The intuH-
tinea were In iilaco , lint I'inpt ) . The atuinnch
Kintalnud only a mnull amount uf hair uud
mossy btuff.
A Coal Opcrutor'B Collapse.
1'irrHiiono , August 10. A meeting "f the
creditorH of . ! . A , Stone & Co , , larK" coal
oporAtorH | hm : boon' arranged , ) und will beheld
hold in n few days , when It in thought thu ox-
tmmioii asked for will bo granted. Llablll-
tics are In the neighborhood of 8300,000 ; an-
KOdtn extimatod over $500,000 , Thu ombar-
raHeinont waa caunad by thu general duprea-
hlon in the coal trudo ,
Tliu "Wall Htroot Ilnnlf.
YOIIK , AugiiHt 1 ! ( , L'i ) ii complaint
I'ldutiHud Win. K. Test ivBiiitwiiH
brought to-day against the Wall Street bank
t liuvo Unit corporation dissolved , it * fran-
tliiso foif cited and for tlio iippointiuont of u
rccdver , JudKO Itaitlott In the Rupicnia
com t clmmliura grantvd a temporary injunc
tion roetraining the bank or lU dlliceid from
disposing of it ) property.
A Failure ,
OI.KVKI.ANII , ( ) . , August 10. A Herald
HH'ciM | K-porU that tlio Asht.tbiira hoan IIHSO
elation cloned iU doorH tii-day for exainlna-
lion. LlubilUicB , iiJ500OOOi capital , 8100,000.
Dilliciiltv in iiiaking colluctloim In tliu allvgid
of buapi ( | liii.
"For economy and comfort wo use
Ilood'g Sarnajmrilla , " writoa an intelli
gent Huffalo , N. YM Jady. 100 Dosea
Uno Dollar.
Dpnth of Mnrjr Otrninior.
W.MIISUTOX , 1) . 0 , August U ) . Mary
Ctommcr , the pitted nuthoiesio \ ! of I'd-
inUlul Hudson , cdltiMof the Wruliiiifjtou
CnplUl nnd coiro pondeut ( if llio 1lott n Her-
r\ld , died IHMV to-nl ht of heinoiihnpo of the
brAill , Klu < had l > en ill fur omo XXTokc , liv
iti ) ; li id what xva supposed to bo n ( light nt-
tack o ! apoplexy , Init It w.-u not until InU
Wcdne dny Hint tlio tupluio of u
blood-xowl in the brain produced cnmplnlo
jiroslr.itiou , endlnR Iliutlly in death ,
ho exent ha * enU'od Krunral fadmwR. Mlii-
ad been honon-d hrro for years ns otio of tlio
idliig xvrit ofyn liitiKt < in , and n < the lirst
nuny of the linoi of xxoik through
lilrh jiho lm < long 1'iH-n MI wpllKiioxvn ; to the
inntrA year pioxloin to lilr uinnint , ' < ' he
nil H soxeio fall in a iiumway nocldont , xvlueh
jnrcd ln-r ; Prom this ( ho h.minxeren.
n'ly leooxerod , thrush her tri | > to Ktimpe
tor timniui0 acemed to haxo fully featured
or. lint aetixo work brought mi nttnok xx'hich
it llnnlly caiund hnrdoAth. Hcrllfo in NVanh-
on lnia vxti'iulcil O IT the period of rcpnb-
can rule. Knuii lr ! t tit last RIO1 \ boon
iorouhly | idciitilii-d with the best thought
' the unity in its time of war nnd lit dayii of
once , Him hn < born a most nstiu * , oarm t ,
id deeply conscicntioiH witter , und Inn so-
ally pxutcisod n most hnalthftd tnlluonco upi -
i public niruiiN. Her luuno lifo pioxiotn to
r inntiinutMVM beautiful in CMI-O lfor u i'il
nicuts anil other * noeditif * her o\or-liclpiiiij
and. llcf inaiiia o broni'lil ijitt happlnesN
id feomod to her iiitnnato fiiondu tn bo the
iwiilnjtof a llf'ihteh liehly deservol hap-
nr i. Her death will bo a oluu-k to the
oni.'iiili who for ycnt.i ha\o U-cn her con-
Jillt le.idei-x.
Marv Clenimer wm bom in Utie.x , X. Y.
ho Clemmor family traej their origin to Al
icia. Uvii In I Slid that Maty Cleiiunor en-
orcd upon an original and upccilic line of
ournnlivtlc work , when the New Voik Imlo-
emlent pubh > hed "A Woninu'n Letter from
VashliiKton. " Thti'tt lettcn bccamn nt OIICM-
ry pnpidaiTtnmgh theao letteis fixnn the
apitol hlui v\as In'st Klioun to thneeiieial
illillc , though t.ho h.idwiitten serial noxeN ,
lems , and moiioRiMplit on Oharlss Siniiner ,
laiLMrot Kuller , tieorpe Klliot , l.oii-follow ( ,
' Knii'fKOli. .Sevei-.x ! Nohiines of her xvoikti
ivo beeu published , amoiij' them " 'IVn Yearn
i Washington. " Slio lixi-d in n beautiful
miocn Capitol Hill A Inrgo biick iiiaiiMiou
, ucliiiioil with the oainingrt of her pen.
Tlio AYonllipr To IJny.
'WASHiN'iiTON ' , AiiRUst 20. For the upper
li isfiippi valley , fair in the oxtiotnu , for the
nithein portion partly cloudy , rainn
ilh Kox'cro htornia ; muthoru portion
iiithcily xxiiuN , shiftlnR tonoithly , noithoiii
irtion loxx-cr tonilioratiite ; Missouri vnlloy ,
arty cloudy witli local rain nnd Htonn , luisk
outlmly xvinds , pliiftiiif , ' to noithoily ; iu
to 1101 thorn portion loxxor tompciaturo ,
AVIicii My Slilp OOIIIOH In.
or far rwny o'er n sunny son ,
Sails a tro.imiro vrssol , nnd all ia mino.
BOO the iiiplo3 | thnt fall uxvny ,
AH 8ho cleaves tlio nzuro xx-aves before ;
1 nearer , nearer , day by day.
ruxx-H the luippy hour whonJluho comoa to
The uoxtltho 172d ) grand monthly ilrnwliif ;
E the ljunininiix ! State l.ottory , ut NoxxOr -
oiue , Ija. , on Tm.-sd.xy , Sopt. Dth , xx'hen 8'Jfl5-
00 xvill bo her frniiht ; ( ivt all infoimallon
rom M. A. Dauphin , NoxxOrloann , La.
A Finn ttuuuluiico DiiHtroyctl.
SAN KitAxriM'o , Anijiitt 111. dipt. K. It.
'lumipton'fl residence at Alameda \viii tot.illv
estroyed by file , yesterday. Jt xxs ono of
lie tiui'st leaidenct-j in California , l.osi ,
JlAX MKYKU it Co.s' .
A full line of Campaign Oorida on
miul. Plcaso call nnd uoloct as early
s ponsiblo. All the innnufacturura aiu
ruahcd with orders. Call and ooo thoin.
/omploto uniforms for llojiublicnu and
nd Democratic cliiba. ail.iii&olOt
IJIcyollHto In Convention.
CI.KVKLAND , O. , August 10. The foiiith
inniial meeting of thu Ohio ilivition of the
oaguo of Amuiicau xvheoliiinu I'CRim hciu to
day. Vivo hundicd xvlicc'Iinen xieroin attend-
met' . Kace.s took place ut athletic p.uktliin
ftcrnoon. und un exhibition tlin ovoninf , ' in
ho Killer linlc. Theio will bo u ntiuet parade
o-inoi row nioi ning.
Arthur Arrives Home.
NKW YOIIK , AuRimt 19. 1'ioiidunt Aitlmr
arrived unattended ut the ] 'ifth nveiiuo hotoj
o-night from Kiiie toii , N. Y. lie xvas Iu
good health uud ictirod almost an BOOM at ho
cached thu hotel without Mining anyone , .
Tlio I5nd of Ills Itopo.
NKXX' YOIIK , Aiifjuat 10 Joinua HonderHon ,
xvho killud roliccmnii Lofrun two years a o ,
VI\H shot mid eaptnrcd by the police tliU
norniiif , ' whllu robbing n drmikon inuii ,
Destructive Fire ,
1'OMKliov , O. , AugiiBt 1 ! ) A fire yesterday
leatroyod forty-txx'o buildings. Loss , § 50,000 ;
imnranco , S3D.OOO.
UrniulinihritlKutl Rsnbbttliitoly pnrn
. lnraraii topdou u mi a lutt KI > \ ( * until hoAtoil.thrn
riMiiuvu tliui'Dvuritnil SUM II A Hit mist \\111 nut tjo rw-
lud tuilutcct thu mUKUIIUO nt nniiilunla.
In A million homei for K qunrter of & century It ba
Itvod thtt roniumen' ri-IUItle tvtl ,
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Exlracls ,
Tbti1ronittHOidrllcloni * a < 1 attar * tflftf or lnowaud
Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
for Lliiht , llrilthr lirracl , The Dry Hop
Yra t In llio Wurlil.
Chicago. . St , Paul , Minneapolis and
Tbo now extension ol this line from VYalieflold u
through Concord and Coleridge
l&achvt tha boat portion of thu State , Hpocial ei
curtbn ratut fdr land lockers over thin line t
Wine , Norfolk nnd IUrtlujtou , and vU Ulalr to tl
principal poliiU on tha
Trtlinovor tht 0. , Ht , P. U. If O. Hallway to Cov
nylon , tiloux City , i'ouca , Hartlugtou , Wayna aui
Norfolk ,
doaxxxoot * n.t 231 .lr
01 Fremont , Oakd xi , Neltifb , and through to Vtl
on tine.
tffot ratet tnd all Information cell on
F I' . WillTNBY , Ocnirt Ak'CDl ,
Dormcr Windows , Flnlala , Window C p , Iron Crcstlnzs , Mrt.illl Sky.llirhti , &o. Tin , Ircn and Slito Ha1
tts S10 South lth btrcct. Omaha ,
ctrspnolalR will roottlvolynot uo innerted
nnloan vaia in advance.
TU i.DAti-aionar.
TO LOAN In ruaa ot MW. n J umtird
MONKY Davla knj Co. , llcul KsUte and to
J , 1605 F rnim8t. 393-tl
: i-iltllorlimi ( cwork , Jlri W.V. .
liam , 10th stti'ct , 4th liousoV. . 8. toutliol
vcnwoith. ,171-COp
I'.U-Iloylicluccn lOnnJ ISjou * . Aiiy | | |
nt once , Jiiiubo lOc etorc , lutli niul t.fa < ciuvortli
37U U'p '
A \ ANTKD So\cr l uooillronoiii nmi ntnrchnis nt
\ \ llio Kmi'lru Htonm Lniimliy , 1110 U IL'I ) ) SU
1' A tlr t ctw | > iwtry cook , incut eoo ) > ,
ono who rnu t ko clwttto ot nkitchi.ii , ANo
\Mtcr at SU .Inlicii Hc-tnurnnt.
\\7ANTID-A ! man In Omilii to Ukonn olllco nnd
1 \ rrpn oit n iimufActmcr In accurlii ) ; ni'cntH
nmlsclIliiK llio tr ilc.n now line nt uoo.H SM to $ JO
per cokr u lie niado. Hnnll cnilt | l require I. Ail-
ilrcw"IHl'Inc 3 cli.iiico , " 01 Siniiaicr St. , lloiton -177-21
\\rANTKD-A nrst cU'9 Imkcr. Mint IH ) utrmly
\ \ nnUolicr. W Ron3l2 | icrwcck. Aililre * nt
euro toS. V'rlmoli , Noith I'lttto , Noli , IIIO-M
rANTIIl ) Two illsliHushcra , lOlBllirucy street ,
\\f.\.VTiD- : A KOOil ( jltl lor kllclion work. Oood
OKI'S to ( tool ilrl. B01 1'lcrco , corner Stli St.
378-iM | )
\\7ANT1'.I ) A girl to do ironorttl housework No.p
> l SU02 fntliam , North-west corner 20th nml Knr
liam. 317-Ulp
A I7ANTKI ) Wnltiira niiJulsliwnskcrs nt onoi nt
> > U W ranmm St. SIS-'O
A VTA NTKt ) A cook niut Uuniircm. Apply to Mrs.
KliiKiuan.bOl I'lTOMiit btroct. 27fi-SOp
. . . JTD nattier forSxxcukionly. 1 , .
Iniiilro | atniSaouth 10th St. U. 1' . KUc cr'u.
'ANTHD-A.too ' | > lRlrl nt No. 1311 1'lcrco St. ,
botwocn IStli nml Htli. 243-23ii
AA7ANTKI ) Two clinnibormntils nml girl to tow
> V nmlwnlt on table , at tbo Occidental. 851-tf
Two men ot coed nddrou to Bell
. Stcaily ciiiilojinont. | O. ll 43loutli
uth Btrcct. S53-20p
\\7-ANTi U : ) A ulrl tor | rcnotnlr.oU80'.vork ( looil
T i wntP8 101)0 ) i'nrnnm slreot. 30'2-20ii
\ \ TANTKD Immediately , ncoiniNt ! nt girl nt 1710
DoilglM street. 35S-20
\\rANTKD-Ulrl todo second work , 1UI7 Cipltol
\ \ OMimo 359-lOp
IX/ANTI'.U A good girl lor poncrAl I'ontoworli ,
t ? illist bo n gooil cook and laundress Mitt. J
I. Thurston , 2120 llarnoy street. 3ll-tl (
\\7ANTIU ) Qlrl for general housowurk. Apply
I \ ut .Mrs. Ueu. A. Wllcox'j , cor. Qeurgln ami 1'op-
ilctjnav. ' . 316-10
VTANTEll-A , : rompelent gill for general houio
I 1 woil. . . Mil t HpenU Kngll h. Apply to Mrs ,
Viu. MofBoll , 2110 1'arnam street. 357-10
- 'f' ' ' ' " f OO < 1 cnnipetent girl for goner
> lioiuu worl. . Gooii wages , lull Wcbiter St.
33.v (
\ \ ANTKD A woman , mlilillu a cd prelorrcd , to
\ > gi'iicrnl houfoworklu nfamlly of six , at OgaUlla
Nub. Will | i y $500 porwcck nml faro to Ognlall
\ddress "N. I' . F. " lion olhce. 301-21
" \\7"ANinD A first-class cook , man or woman
I I woman preferred. Impilri * at No. 012 Donglai
Street. 2S3 tf
AV'ANTr.D Dy the St. Joseph Iron Co. , St.Joeopl
IT Mo , four to ( Ho traveling men. None but
Irst-class snlcmncn and thoto uiporieuccd In Heavy
Hardware hutlnensnoad nply. Hood lotorcncoi re-
piired. Good wages paid. 201-11)
117ANTKD A comtotcnt girl lor general houso-
TT work. Mrs. M. llogcrs , 18th and Loatcnworrh
street 213 tf
\ 7"ANTiD : Klrst-clasa cook , dining room nnd
IT kitchen girl at Trctcont llouao , Kith and Hurt.
A \ ANTKl-tiOO tcares on O. & A. It , lU oo.i"T
T T now under construction between lllgbeo and
Clarkson. WorK will last six months. Wages J3.60
| icr day. Frcu trannporttit Ion Irom Kansas City. 1 * .
J. adtlreis , John MoLaughllu , llenlck , Mo. 120-lOp
or country , to take nice , light and pleasant
work at thtlr own homes ; )2 to 75 a day easily and
quietly made ; work mint by mail ; no oanrasalng ; no
stamp for Please address llellablo M nl'n Co. ,
rhlladelpbla , Pa. 817-lm
Siliutinn by n competent baker on
liruiul murY'iKc. Can furnMi the best nf refer-
CIICCH I'ulliir aildrcsH KlUhorn Milley Home , cnrner
llth und DuiU'f. 317-20p
l \7ANTED A position axliousekooper In a prUato
T T family where cnoscrtant Is kiptly a lady wVio
li willing to inaKci licrHelf uivful. Uagcs not such an
object ana ( jiiict. nit o homo. Hefcrenc'es turnicheil >
Addrees till Sept. 1 , 'Mrs M. ( J " llco olllco. 13J-10p
Cl , AN'IVD lly a youngmariled man of bnstnoia
T T abillt ) ami iixpcricnco , a pinltlon as book
keeper , coricMiondciit or clerk. lias had rnilrraJ
cvperlonco. Addrits " 1) . I."o ro Ucoolllco , ai3-20p :
\\7ANir.l ) Siluntlon an book-kciper byn joung
T T man of good buslncus qualltfcs and Is an oupcrt
book l.i I'por. Aildreiij "I. . " Jlctropolllan Hotel.
WANTKU A position by a llrbt-ch's h4v book
keeper. Address " 83 , " lleo oilier. 715 tl
A 1 oung married man wantn Filiation m hook *
kouper , In nholeaalo iBtabllehmcnt in Omaha.
Addrcsa "C. " care Bee. 800-tf
\\/"ANTii-Torciit : ) , 8 or 10 roomed house In pert -
> t fictrt-palr , with modurn Imprnteinenti , nnd
centrally located. Addrc3i"A" thisiilllce. 'AO-'Jlp
H.600 on real citato bccurltv. Ad-
droau "II. " No. C. lleo ollice. H7D tf
W ANTKDgtiitK for the best campaign medal
in tlio market. H < ind 10 cents tor sample to
Yoinig'uArt Kniporlnni , Omaha Neb. : uMf
WANTii-W,000 : on llr t-clasj dtv.seciirlty.for 6
years , at 0 per cent. Addrous UOx OiU I'ont-
you uBMT--upnB9o uua r.oto.
V OlVlfKNr Ucslrabre fimililTij riwna ini a
X1 prUato famllv , suitable for ono or two gentlemen.
Location convenient. Addrtsi"K , " P. O. ! I72 2lp
IrumitKNT-On Mill and l-nnnmortlitticeta. A
' largo room , ( .ultablofor tchoul cr tliur.h pnriio
VCD. Apply to.V. W. Mtrrlll , 10111 Ilarnuy Ht. 308 21
FOU IltNl' I'urnlsbeJ rooms at 220) Ii ) 871-VSp dgo
3,1011 ItKNT > I'lirnlshed rooms at Iflll Dodge St.
17MJII ItKNT A brick cottage. Inquire nt Ouo. II ,
1 PvUrson's luth tit , , i.ear depot , 332 tl
ITiOlt IlKNT-NIofly lurnlahul room , 15(8 Callfo i
mamruU. 8ll-21p
1TIOU ItKNT Nicaiyluriiiiihid ( iriin n nlu-cUrouui
1 without board 1S11 Davi.iioit | tit , 10iCp
FOll HKNT Two ilojTaiitHiltim , l t o rooma , on ivconil Hour , .S'o 141K lM\tu \ ttruet
frubhly palntul arid ikcorakd , Jair.iu ( I. chapman
1 011 IlKNT Frout room , 1016 ChlcoK" Kt.
271-20 |
ITiOll Itr.NT A cottage of e rooms , coiiipleteh fur
1 nUhud ; also piano. Water In kltchui and gdoi !
etablo for ? : is tar month , nn V2d strict , bitucun Dn
VLMport ami Chicago. Gallon premises. SGI-li )
FOIl HKNT-IIouse of 10 rnoms with modern lin.
provuuents. liedlord , Soutr , & Davis. 322-t !
I poll ItKNT-Uuluruished rooms 1621 Capitol a\o ,
_ _ _ 883-S2p
FOIl HKNT. Neat eattngv , near high school
8 0,10. O. F. Davis k tu. ! , 1603 Italian. Bt.
F Oil HUNT. A hteroomfurnlthed house at 83 (
Uolkxostreet. Will tutu board In exchange-
part. F.mpilro on premltes or at planning ml I
ICth and Maroy. J. videnor. SiiMOj
FOU HKNT. Largo front room with flnt clot
board , IMS llowfurd Kt. SCO )0i ,
POIl KENT-Kurnlahcd roomi 1810 Dodpu A in Street oo.i
"T O KKNT A tlio room cottage In good locality
J1 In Ire at5ll3C pitol avenue. ICS-Mp
I OHHKNT A largo srcond floorTTnd basomont. '
Inquire 1113 llarncy Mrect. 100 H
I"TuTllliNT-T ) : o foonw at j.OO and . ' < 00 per
1 month , 1014 Webster street. 230-lmr >
ipoil 1 lir.ST Furnished room ! 1707 Ca s St.
_ 831-iSp
KKNT Fnrnlfhfd tooins kt No. 709 North
isth st. a .2ip
IlKNT Nicely furuUhtxl front room IBIS
Dodge sttoct. 110-tt
17011 UKNT , SAt.n OH TRADR-Umno , and harn
I1 xxllh SO stnlN.on K 20th street. ( Iround 1cao
nnuOr r . Wm. L. Monroe , Clli and Douglas St.
Telephone SOI. 248-10
I OIt UKNT-Kutntshed rooms to tent , 1717 W
A1 Mrect , 253 10 | )
170H KKNT-Nlccly furnished rooma 1023 IodKo
-T utrcct. 212 VI p
17"ll UrvivT-ltMion of U rooms. 1(11 Jickaon.
1 lniiilro | of T. J. ntzmorrl9,014 S. 17th street , or
lloo olllco
HKNT-Ononl the nncitresl.lcnces In the city
JpOll roimn , turnic.j , hot and cold cold wr.tcr lath ?
water ctoocti , Rrato , eto. Kxorxthing flratclasM
throiiKhont. $70.00 pot month , linker & Mayno ,
13th and I'miam. 112 tf
17011 IliNT : Houw fi roomi good repair. Nloo
1 ynrd , cittern water. KcntjtO per month 1411
Park Wilde a\o. Apply to Jno.V. . Boll , Urugglot ,
ItithBt. 165-tt
Ii > 0ll HKNT A two Btorv fnmo ImltdliiB milUMo
lorbiulinm. lArtfo cellar , upjtnlrs eultAlilo tor
resilience. Inquire on iiremlscs , corner SOth anil
Tlerco S8. OS3-tt
J70II HKVr Famished room ] with board , 1812
.1 DoJgo. Olfi-lmp
FOH IlKNT Two ilurnlsbcd oouth front rooms ,
222 N. 10th St. 670-t
FOH IlKNT Six room cottage , flno location , by S.
T. Peterson , 8. K. cor. 16th and Douglas. 617-tl
HKNT llooma In Crotinso'n Block. a. M
FOIl . 613.11
FOH ItKNT Ono grand gquaro piano. Inquire
oIKtlholm and Krlekson. 440-tl
FOIl ItKNT Ono ( rood six room house f 2G. per mo.
a.M.llltcboock. ffli-tt
OIl BALK A first-clans , cll established harness
i 1 business , bouse , let and etock , n 1th noojiposltlon ,
worth ? 3 OOU. In ono of the best tonns In Northern
Nebraska. Terms , part oarb , balinco on tlmo wltli
good security. Address "K , K. " this olllco. 27w-2t
17011 HAL12 A candy ami cigar store. II Mtnu-
L1 xv cllcr , 307 South llth St. 376-21p
SAIiK A icoUurant , whole or halt Intorcit.
1 Scars .t li.isin ) , 16tli nn.l Dodgo. 343-23
17Vll SAIiK At a barKnln , n small store , good lo-
' cation. A line stuck ot Clears , Tobacco. Confoo-
tliintry nnd School Hooks ai.d New a Depot , 0171
north 15th nUcct. H42 p
1T\JH HAIi-ltcataurant nml contectionury , N
1 ? 2105 Cumlnir strict , Omaha , Neb. 303-Mp
FOUHALi : Itnl Irish setter dog. Apply nt 1012
Lnpltilnvcniic. 305-20p
I7OII SAI.i : Phaeton for one halt whatit Is worth ,
U ntSlfiliuiiKOn'iiM\ury | talilo , 32t-22p
17Mll SAIJ : Or uvhango lor [ arm lauu Ono ot
iholliicst hoteH In tcuthcrn Ncbinskx liana
lar i commercial trade , A money making chance.
need reason tor Helling. /dJrcas lock box No. 13 ,
Superior , Nebraska. 207-25
17011 * SM.r. A stock ot hnrdwaro In n junction
i1 tow not Southern Noluaskn. Only stocu In the
place Address C' . K. Snow. Kndlcott , Nob. 1277-20
OIl SALK Seven Maniard show cason and ono
I 1 nlcipiccu cfsboUlnuftuddrawers. Edholm &
Hrlckion. 2C2-19
8ALK Two nnd one-halt ncrus and house In
Kocd location , only $1,050. Hero Is a chance to
obtain ivhomo at a bargain. McOAQUK ,
V46-tt Opp. I' . O.
-171011 SAW ! . A IUo year old , ( 'ood ilzcd , gcntlo
X1 rldlni ; pony , ( bay uurc ) leasouablo , Aildrcsa "C.
K" this oltico. 210-lPp
FOH SALE Hour Mill cheap , on caey terms ot
iiameiit , favorably located within filty mllcfl at
this city. Oood oiiurifng. Address 1' . O. Box ? 418 ,
St. Paul Mum. 207-lm
FOU SALK Cheap lots , S1) down , $5 per mouth.
K. 0.1'attcrson &Co. , cor. 13th and Fanmin.
FOK SAI.K-Ora < lcd Durham Cattle 7 yearling
heifers ; 50 two year old heifers ; Cl throe year old
cons ; -I ( our year old cows ; 2pcdhrccd Durham bulls ,
3 nnd 4. ono Is a show animal ; 2 Bovoii-olRhths Dur
ham bulls , 21 cars old. Al > ovu except a low are era-
dcj stock and uliow their breeding plainly. 20 calves
by enlil bulls , out ot above cows , as nro the yearlings ;
11 jcarllni ; steers ; 17 two year old stocra anil 7S tliroo
year old steers. It. I * . HTjilN , lllnJen , Neb.
tJALhAt a Krait bargain , the Scott rosl
X1 dfinca property , just cait ot 1'ratt'n In Hanscom
Place , 'Ilils la n very desirable 7 room cottage ami.
will bo sold at a eacridco. liAUKEIl & JlAYWK.
712-tf 13th and Farnam.
IflOll SAIiK OH THAUB A 6 year old Kentucky
1 homo 16S bands high , goutlo and kind , trota In
3 mlnutcH untrained , also a new line side tar top car
riage. U. J. Canau 731-lmo
FOllSAI/E Acholcodairy nml Htocu tanu ot EOO
rwrw , 203 ncres under cultivation , 21 mlloj ' 'Tom
Hlhor Creek , Neb. , on U. P. JUIluny. Qood house ,
ciuamnnd Ice limited barns corrals etc'or
, , , , dairyIng -
Ing and stock raising Land iswcll waloicdand ull
choice gram ) and gracing hud , with plentv ot rang , )
adjoining. 1'or Halo cheap. Potter & Cobb , ' . i
Barnaul utrcct. 571-tt
JjAOll SAIjU-nnglnui new and socoud hand 10 li. p.
1 15 li. p. nnd 20 h. p. portable anil Htationary ; also
bollera ot any sl/.o and fcfylo. Ulchard & Clarke , U , l >
U. Y. hot. 17th uud 18th SU Omaha. 540-tI
FOU SAIdJ A mlrtlng olllco suitahlo lor a email
newspaper or Job olllco. Will sell tor cash or ox-
chnngofor Omaha City property. Address' X. / O"
IIco oitlcu. 403-tt
FOU SALE Two second hand pianos , nt Edholm
& Kilckaon'x Jlnxlo Store on 10th St. HM-tt
171011 HAM ; Two open Kosond-nand tingglos
1 ono delivery wagon , clicsp , ttlOl ! ) Hirncy Ht.
HI01liST price paid for Id hand pianos , furnl-
turo ami ttoro tixtures. Add ret a "If. It. " lleo
olllco. J31-23i |
ANY person having ( or rent a nuat unfurnlahcd
cotttgo of Irom ! I to 5 rocins within 1 mile of
Post olllco. Hav do well by addicting ' ' 0. J. K. "
Ilea oltico , stating terms and location , 355-21
NKVfm PS KOJIAHA Ilcmls hasrcduced prlco
( or next 3 daj u to ? 5 trorn 10 teretoloro.150tl
FOH SAt.E A clean etock ol Hardware In Central
Nebraska. Address "A. li. " Dee 1'ublUhlng Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. 081-lm
H 81LE-245 aero ; 100 acres under cultivation ;
good grove , frame house , stable , granary , well ,
and Boino ( rult trees ; about r , miles south ol Valnar.
alto , In Lancaster county , Nob. , at $16 iwrncrc. Ad
duces Thos. Wollo , Divld City , Nob. Tei j easy.
W0.1es t4t
FOU aALK Leaving on account of 111 health ,
houuo , barn , fow.erles and 2 lots. Also two good
residence ' Iota. Apply T , K. 1'arHtt , Qis otlico , IStb
and r'aruaui. 8SO.ini
Foil SALE 40 doslrablo building lotu , lor trade
or cash. Call at A. llcato'a 1510 Dodge St.
! . 868-lmo
rp\KEN UP-Abrown oow , 7 or B years old. Owner
X can have sarao by calling on Charles lierthols ,
Curamg Street , O'Ncll's Place , and paying charges.
I > UIVy > aulta , links and cesspool cleaned wllh
Bariltary cleaner. BatUfactlou guaranteed by F ,
O. Abel , ( succesior to to J. M. . Smith , ) box 878.
TJI ( JHIIAY has good jiasturlDg. Bprlai ; water.
II the party who took the pocket-book ( rtm the
ra tou llouso yesterday will return tbo same with
the note , and check , and otlur papers , and keep the
money no cut8tloLn will bo Diked.
At out 2,000 bead , mostly one and two yom old
. WU1 bo at OgaUlla about August Zotb. In.
ol vi address
r. n. OHIUKS
rlO-m > Im UtitUi i Utb