OMAHA DMLtf BEE'-TTEDNESDAY , AUGUST20 , To the nccdt ( it t eurlit , commcrc tr \ tier nnd now t tier , Hwt Uer' S irincli Hitters l p lUtl ) ftdnpt l , sir It MrenRthons t dlfr.c tiraorg tfii ] , ! Iitucrs the phj l < fnl liifliioncef. Hi men cs nnd jirorci malArlil fc\er , or llp tlond8rHp8 ! htalthlully utin : litcsllickldncjsn bladder Mid cm Id Mncllftaimrlflcit blood. When c o o m e by f ntli whether mental phynlcnl , the wen and debilitated ft A reliable source ol renewed strength RII J romfo or > aleby all drue < rMs nnd dcalcrs'ircntrftlh . . phBlciivn ol hi praetlecnajiof Hide Food : "leanmyoftl prcparAtlonoHood It , .lt lim nc\cr failed n or failed to nqrto oh Klvenstrlctlj acconll , to my direction ! . WI ' crttpulou rare , the " need bo cr ) littletro / bio from bowel en ; phlnw , nnd to tlili Ii r v * * * fBZ ! & & ? iLt ! lid wlTh any form of omrhica or cholera Infi m. " Sold l > y drnzt'lstl In cua * sires , rctnllii c , 05c.Jt.S6 and J1.76 , WOOLltiCH &CO. , M.i n clnrcra. I'ulmcr. Ming. thrixes ou Horllck'fl Teed , " wrlto Inindrnln of grateful tnotlicrn. Mother1 milk rontnlim no turrit. llor.UCKS' rOOI ) roil INI'AMStfrcn from ( tareh ) ncpilrcxnocookliiif 1 helicot food In health orKlckne-s foMSl'ANTH The l > cst diet for DYSI'KITICS mid 1NVAI1DS HIchlylirncIlilM tonurt'lnKmolhcrmii'ndrhik rrireWntuKSc. Al drat-vlM * . IooLonth ( < trfiit > ncntcjfthililrctilfntv "I lllfip It to l c ti | > rlnr in AnftMne flf tti Hud for ehlllmi " / < .Sinnont Jf / ( Arm Tor * . I'ilir ltfillnff1r rrMiniitiee It llif ltt loytl la th * market ' If M 7/rtrrfff M tt , llntttn "line r > r the ' . .xl uti tUulr fur Innttirr I milk. " II a I'rnlon II II llmMi/n , A 1 * \V11I 1w pent liy mail on receipt of jirlco In pbimpv IIOItl.ICK'N FOOII CO. , Itndtir. Win. o-UKC HOIILICK'H DllV UXTIIAGT OF MiI.T'ltt TONIC \Vlllpiirlfytho BLOOD.'roet Ute tlio LIVERnncI KIDNEYS anil Itr.HToitu TIM ; HKAi/TJ onil VJOOIl of VOUTIL Uji iiopsln , Want of Appetite , it dlKcsllon , Lack of BtrciiRtl and Tired recllngntmlutcl cnruil. Hones , luiiicleinn niTvcirccc'lvaiiuwforci Knlhrns tlia inliitl nn minlleB llraln 1'own iRliomconiplnlnl . . _ . _ _ . f > pceiillnrlo Iliolrscx'wl Ilnd InDl ! , HAnTER'S IHON TONIO n Pntn un rp eUycuro. ( llvusaclcur , licallhy complexlm Frequent ntlemptnnl cnimtirr < > ltliiK unlyail to lliupopiil.irltyonhuorliiliini. Do not uxpcrl mcill petlllO OlIlClNAI , AND HKtT. f Homl younnhlri'tstoTnoDr. Hurlnr Tml.Co.V fst-l oulu. Wo. , for our"DKKAM HOOK. " > Fullof etruotio aod usufal laformaUon , fno.P Health is Wealth Dn. I' . C. WKST'H NBIHK AND IlitAtvTitKAHMKST , guaranteed Rneclflo for Hysteria , D r/lnon , Coinnl Blons , Kits , Nervous Nouralia , lloadachu , Nor\ou I'rostrat'on ' ciu > cd by the use of alcohol or tobbrxLcn WakcfulDcsa. Mental dcprcralnn , .Soltunliitf of th brain , reuniting In Insanity nnil leaping to niliory decay and death , Premature Old ago , Uaroneas , lot o [ power In cither sex , Involuntary Losioi and Hpei tnatorhoracauiod by ovorc.\ertlontof tlio brain , Hell abusooro\cr Indulgence , llich bux , contains on inonth'n trcatmont. $1.00 a boxer six bottled to 85.CO , lent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE C1UAIIANTEK SIX BOXKJ To euro my caso. With each order received by infer for six bottles , accompllihod with $5 00 , wo will soni the purchtstr our written ttuartntoo "to rotund th mcnoy If thotreatmoncdoosnot effect a euro. Guai nntccs Issued only by JOHN 0 : WIST ft CO. , Jy 23-mko-ry SIS2 JfaJlson St. , Chicago , III. GOULDy&QiD'S , y 13 DECIDED BY Royal Havana Lottery ! ( A OOVEHNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana , Huba , Every 12 to 14 Days. TICKETS , 82.00 , - HALVES , $1.00. Bubjectto no manipulation , not controlled by the parties In Interest , It Is the fairest thing In the nature of chance In existence. For Information and particulars apply toSIIIPSEY CO. , Cen. Agents , 1212 Iroaa ! ay , N Y. city. E. KAUU & CO. , 417 Walnut street , St. Louis , Mo. or Frank tiobrano , L. D. , 20 WjanJoOo , Kan. ly mile & wly. _ EED STAE , LINE , BolRlnti Bojal and U.S. Mall Btoamorc SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP JChtRMnc , Germany , Italy , HullanJ anil Prance Steerage Outward , 820 ; I'rcpalil from Antwerp , 81g ; Excursion , $79 , Includlugboddlu utc.'Jd Cabin , 850 ; Hound Trip , $90 ( JO ; Excursion , (100 ; Saloon from g50 to (90 ; Excursion 110 to 8180. fVI'eter Wright & Song , Gen , Agents. CD Broad way N. Y. Y.ll. ll. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. 1 P. E. Cllod mm & Co. , 203 N , 18th Street , Omaha ; D. K. Klu all. OirmliaAf-nt * . cd.1v DR.HORNE'S ELECTRIC . BELT Will euro hVrvmifnin , I.\iniljnfo.Itlicuiiiiitlmii , I'ur lll ) > ll , ftl'UMllKlu , Hllullcil. Klilnty , Hilnii | nn I I.her illM'UMii.duut.Atitliiim.llfiii t lllrcaht1 , ! > > | tlitprilu , Lulii > ' | . luilluii. li > > ( | iln . Cnlurili , % , I'lk1 * . I'l'lliiwv ' , liniiuttncy , IJumbAKlU' . I'lolapiu. Ulorl.itr. Only Klc-iilllloWo- the „ „ 'dllh .v. A- , , , . . that r. . . , . = tliuKUilrlilty anil unite- . . , . . . . .i throuirli II" ' bailanil tan burtcbaruvil In an In- [ Iftflt ty tllO DAtll'llt. 81.000 Would Not Du It. r'D . noKiB I was afflicted with rheumatism and oared by using a belt To any ODD allllctod with that dlseuo , I would uf , buy Ilorno'i Klectrla Belt , Any one can confer with me by .writing calling I my etore , UtO Dougln itraet , Omaha , Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. MAIN OFFICE U22 Douglas Street. MTForialeatO. t. OooUuiui'i Ding Store 1110 i arnam bt , Omaha. Ord r filled 0. 0 D Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Er longer , IJnvnria Culmbacher , i Bavaria Pilsner. . . . . * . ,1. Bohemian , Kaiser - . . . . Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser St. Louis. AnhauBer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Louis , Best s. . . . Mil waukep. Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee. Eruc'a Omaha. Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhixio Wine. ED. MATJUER , 121SFarnamSt. RURAL NEBRASKA ! Tbo Leading AgTlcultural and Llvo Stock Journal of the West. FHTKKNTIMEMI H. S. SMITH & CO. , EDITOR * . IION'EOBT. W. FUItNAS , Secretary Bltts Board of Agrlcultur e , Am > oclate Kdltor , fUUSCItIIT/ONl'IUOE | , ILCO per year In achauce. ftTAOENTS WANIED T Band 108S. Hth Street. - . OMAIIA , NED ft 22 aU it BILL POSEY. The Stormy Career of the Chief of a Bai of Texas Outlaws , Celebrating a Successful Eaid b "Shootin rUp"aTown , ATrnulo catli , William , or "Hill" Vosoy , writes n co rcBtfontlont of the 1'hilndnlphia Time ; wns ono of the most rockloaa nnd bloot thirsty desperadoes in Toxns , nnd h nntno wns a terror to the quiet , law-obit ing Germans living in the Now Braut fels district. At tlio titno ho flourishe the Comanchcs held tindiaputcd swny o tlio brond llanos of the old territory < Toxns. They mndo frequent rait through Coinnl and other counties in tl ; Ouadnlupo valley , nnd greatly nnnoyc nnd harassed the Ciormnn farmers. 'JL'1 Indiana were bravo , cruel , bloodthirat ; When word wns sent into the Now liraui fcls district that they were on the wa path the ilaxen-Imirod , phlegmatic Toi tons would tnko down their sinooth-bo rillos of ancient make that Imd boc brought from the faderland , and , afti kissing their fraua good-by , would sail forth to moot the rod foo. They won ! not return to their homes , until the Ji dians were vanquished. When nov were rccoivod hat Hill 1'osoy was on tt war-path their fncca would blanch an they would skulk in the bush until tli desperado wnsgono. llo had a grain ( rough chivalry in his compositioi nnd never molested women nor childrot : Bill wna born nt Horn Jiil ) , Limcalon countynnd nt llio tender ngo of JO began n criminal cnrcor that made his name ii famous. Texas was full of bad mon the and , na the boy was possessed of oxco [ tioiml executive qualities , his dosporat deeds speedily attracted attention , an mon ilockod to his standard. Ilogathoi od around him n lot of ferocious nn bloodthirsty demons and boldly declare himself and his band outlaws. Ho w < i a modern llobin Ilood , but ho was lncl < Ing in those romantic qualities wliic made the Lincoln outlaw n hero. Bi Posoy declared war against his fellowmen mon , and neither asked nor gave quarto : llo atolo horses , muloa and cattle , not b stealth nnd at night , but openly , in th broad light of day. LTo would ride up t n ranch , "round-up" the herd , nnd driv it oil' , the owner being powerless to pn vent him. So industriously did ho wor and BO much tribute did ho exact fror the Gorman farmora that ho wns nlway liberally supplied with money , which h disbursed with the moat reckless prodl gality. After disposing of the results o liia forays ho would go into ono of th little Gorman towns and spend his mono ; continuing his debauch until ho was pen nlloas. On these occasions , while undo the Influence of liquor , ho committoi most of the crimes which made his nami a terror. Once , after n successful rai ( through Coinnl county , ho returned will his pockets full of money nnd rode inti Novr Braunfols to spend it. A : usual ho ivns accompanied bj his outiro band. They fillcc themselves full ot fighting whisky am then , mounting their liorsoB , procoodoi to "shoot up the town. " Yelling liki demons , they rode through the quiel streets , shooting their pistols in the air , nnd frightening the quiot-lovlng Germans mans nearly to death. They drove peo' plo Indoors and closed every placo.o ! businosa in town except ono saloon , which Posoy compelled the Horrified proprietor priotor to keep open for the accommoiliv lion of himself nnd band. Every few minutes the outlaws would ride up to the door of the saloon , dismount , and at the inuz/.los of their six-shooters compel the Teutonic barkeeper to "act 'om up. " While the wild carnival was nt its lioight , the sheriff of Oomal county , a : pol nnd resolute follow , was urging the : imid citizens to unite nnd put down the iot. no finally succeeded in inducing ifteon or twenty mon to follow him. Fhoy were armed with shotguns , old nuakots , inuzzlo loading pistols , and muting rillos. Posoy and his gang , voro in the saloon drinking when the ihorilV'a posse loft the court-house nnd narclicd down the street. As the little pnrty nppronchod the saloon , ono of L'oaoy'a band snuntorod to the door and \i a glance took in the situation. "Bill , " ho cried , "tho shores comin' lown the street with n bit ; gang. " "Tho devil you say ! " cried tlio outlaw. "Jump belli nil the door there and give tto 'om if they comp in. " His drunken associates obeyed this or- lor , and they awaited the entrance of the ihoriffa party with drawn revolvers. iVhon the posse reached the front of the aloon the shoriirgavp the order toclmrgo , , nd they ruahed inside. Posoy'a men prang trom their hiding placca nnd con- routed them. "Tlirow up your hnndal" cried Posoy , irandiHhing his nix-shnotor. At sight of the outlaws the courage of ho citizens suddenly vanished , and they , rembling , obeyed , begging for mercy. ? ho aheriU'was mndo of different stull' , owovor. With a quick movement ho uisod his pistol and his finger pressed rigger. Ono of the outlaws doppod to lie lloor with a bullet through his heart. limultaniouBly Posoy and ono of his men rod , and the sheriff sank down , while lie blood gushed irom two bullot-holos i his breast. The volunteer deputies aworod and hold their breath from fear , xpocting every minute to bo their last , 'ouoy coolly regarded the body of the pad slier ill'a moment , and then replaced is six-shooter in its scabbard. Drawing Is butcher-knife , ho bent over and , with doxtolous turn of his wrist , romevod is victim's scaly. Waving the gory ophy in the air , ho stopped to tlio bar adjordorod drinks for the crowd. "Take your pay out of that ) " lw cried , inging the blooding scalp down on the nr , and the frightened bartender sot out 10 glasses. Posoy compelled all present to drink i his health , and then , picking up the alp , ho walked out aud mounted his ) rso. His band followed him , and lion all had mounted they discharged icir weapons and rode out of town , yoll- g and whooping. Shortly after this little episode Posoy id several of his gang rode into Lamp , as , with the intention of "running lings. " Unfortunately for the success their scheme , however , there happened i bo a equad of atato rangers in town , 'hen Posoy rode in they were sitting in 10 Bhoriil"a odlco , spinning yarns. Rapid looting down the street attracted their tontion , and they ran outside. "It's Bill Posoy's gang , " cried the ipriif , "and they've come in here to run ings. " ings.WHholp 'om , " said ono of the ngors , and they advanced upon the out- WB. WB.A brisk skirmish ensued , during which Dioy and ono of his mon were wound- i. The outlaw became alarmed and Hod upon his mon to mount their irnea and retreat , The rangers pur sued them nnd kept up a rapid fusillat on their roar. The outlaws TTOI mounted on good horses nnd they soc outdistanced their pnrsuorcrs. Ono i the outlaws named Taylor was mounlc on a superb animal. Ho lflgod ( bohin his companions , just keeping out < range of the rangers' rifloa. Occasioi ally ho would dismount and fire upon tl ; advancing squad , keeping it up unt their bullets whistled about his ear Then ho would mount his horse and rid off , with a yell of defiance , I again repent his net of bn vndo. Ho did this n doze times nnd oscnpcd unscathed. Finnll ; ono of the rangers named Frank Towe who carried n buffalo gun of heavy cal bor , determined to checkmate Taylor game. When next the outlaw dismoun ed Tower leaped from his horse and la ; ing his gun in the fork of n mosquil bush , took careful aim nt the rockloi desperado and fired. Taylor throw u his handstand fell back upon the groun mortally wounded. The rangers roc toward him , and , raising himself up , tl ; dying outlaw began to pull off his boot Ho waa growing weak , however , h head reeled and with a quivering gron ho fell back. When the rangers roacho the spot ho was gasping for broatl Ono boot had boon removed , the othi remained on his foot , With n suprem effort ho raised his head. "For God's sake , boys , pull off th boot , " ho cried hoarsely. "I want i die with my boots ofT. " A ranger stopped forward to porfori the service for him , but the outlaw , wit a gurgling moan , fell back dead. Posoy was next hoard of in McLcnnn county. After killing n Gorman fnrim ho atolo several horses nnd fled from tli county , followed by the shnrifF and hi deputies. They pressed him hard and Ii was forced to make n stand in the Braze river bottom. A terrible fight onsuct but the sheriffs rquad outnumbered tli outlaws , nnd Poaoy , doaporatoly wounc od , waa forced to surrender. Ho wi taken in triumph to Waco nnd lodged i the county jail. A fpw nights thoroa tor Poaoy's mon rode into Waco and am rounded the jail , forced the jailor i open the doors and release their captaii After firing a volley into the jail , the gave three cheers nnd rode out of towt Posoy at their head. A reward was 01 forpd for him , dead or olive , and over civil officer in the state began a hunt fo him. A company of rangers waa dotailo to follow him , nnd his life was ono con slant round of sudden surprises an fierce battles. Ono after another of hi followers were killed off or captured , an ho was forced to remain in hiding. Dm ing ono of these fights between Poaoy' mon and the rangora ono of the outlaw was badly wounded and deserted by hi companions. Ho succeeded in oludini the rangers nnd mndo his way to th house of an old Gorman farmer.Know imr that the very name of Bill Posoy filled od the Germans with terror ho boldly announced nouncod that ho himself was that re doubtable outlaw nnd ordered the eli farmer to dross his wounds. "Bo quick about it , too , old man , " In added , "or I'll fill you full of load I" The farmer tremblingly obeyed , am when the outlaw demanded whisky brought a bottle nnd glass from the cup board nnd sot it before him. Ho wntchoc his unwelcome guest narrowly , and whoi tlio desperado tossed off n glass of tin liquor n peculiar smile crossed his face Ho assisted the outlaw to mount hit liorao , nnd the latter rode away. Before lie reached the next farm-houso ho felt t deadly famtnoss creeping over him , and dismounting , dragged himself to tin door. Ho knocked for admission nnd i man cnmo out. "Go for n doctor ! " cried the outlaw , daggering into the house. "Tho d c Dutchman has poisoned mo ! " Tlio fanner assisted the dying man tc i bed , nnd then mounting his horse rode , vith all haste to Now Braunfols. He irought back n doctor and the sheriff , bul joloro they reached the farm-house the mtlnw had "passed in his checks. " Strychnine had boon mixed with the vhisky ho had drank at the hooso of the jonnan farmer , and Bill Poaoy had lost mother follower. Things now became too hot for Posoy n Texas , and gathering together the rom- mnt of bia band ho ilod to the Indian prritory. His career there waa a short- ivod ono. Ho stele some horses , wns inrsuod by n sheriffs posse , and finally irought to bay on a cliff edge overlooking , rocky creok. Bravely the outlaw faced lis pursuers , but finally , when all of his lion had boon shot down , and ho himself ras desperately wounded , ho waved his inpty gun in the nir , and with n yell of lolianco ran toward the edge of the clil ! ' . ) no of the sheriffs men intercepted him nd raising his gun cried : Halt ! " "Novorl" was Posoy's ' defiant answer. 'Shoot and bo d d to you ! " Ho bounded forward , and , before the oputy could lire , wrenched the gun from is hands and forced the wrotcnod man vor the edge of the precipice. The ro- lainder of the squad , with cries of herr - } r , rushed to the assistance of their com- union. "Como on , you cowards ! " cried Posoy , nd ho waved his hat. "I'll show you ow n bravo man can dio. " Ho turned , ran to the edge of the proc ) ice , paused n moment , raised his handt bovo his head , and , with a last defiant ill , leaped into space. Ho was dashed > pieces in the rocky torrent below , and id they buried his mangled body whore foil. Tims perished ono of Texas' most noted osporadoes. nios Files r ro frequently preceded by n nonso of eight lu ho back. loins nnd lower part of the > domoncMiHlutr the patient to suppose liahns uno affection of the kidneys or neighboring gami , At Umoa , sym toins of indlgoatlon o proHont , on tlatuoncy , unoaaluoaa of the oinach , etc. A molatcro llko ponplratlon , reducing A Aery disagreeable Itching purlieu- rly at night niter getting warm lu bed , 1U > ry common attendant. Internal , External m Itching Piles yield at once to tlio nppllca- ii of lr. Boantiko'a L'ilo Remedy , which nets roctly urrii tlio pnrta affected , absorbing the .morn , allaying the iutensa Itching , ana of- ctliig n iHirmnuont euro where ether romo- Od Imvo failed. Bo not delay until the drain i tlio ivntom produces permanent disability , it trv It and bo cured. Schroter & Itechtj , "Trade auppllsdbv 0. V Goodman. " FroaUa , nrtford 1'otit , A hallelujah banquet recently hold In orwich , Oonn. , by the Salvation army is followed by an all night of prayer. lady who in her excitement declared at plumes and finery were a barrier to o full enjoyment of full stultification , affected some of the well dressed per ns that they took their expensively mined bonnets from their heads andre ro from them the ostrich plumes , ttio tractive flowers and the ruschos andrew row them to MHJ. Moore , who cruni- ad the costly finery in his hand and roiv It upon the floor , until there was u io sufficient to fill a half bushel bosket , presenting many dollars In valuo. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To- cso. SCHOOL MARMS WHO FLIRT. Vacation Days for tliGYoiiDg and Preil Teachers. Wlicro They Upend I lie Summc Mont liH AV lint tliclr HnKKiKoCon. of Mttlo Mono } ' , but Much Fun. New York Journal. Soon the summer holidays'wili bo ovc and the Iprotty little achoolmarm will b found on the 1st of September sitting r her desk in the big school-house pn pared to toil through another yo-xr. To a reporter's queries as to what tli schoolmarma do during vacation , a wol known educator ropliod"Whytho : prott dears go up in the Catskills nnd down t Asbury Pnrk , Oconn Grove , and hum rods of other places convenient to th seashore or in the mountains. Yo will never find any of them at Nowpor Saratoga or Long Branch. Oh , nothei purses could not stand trips like tlia Inatead they frequent cosoy little countr boarding houses , where the sturdy ol farmer will show thorn how to milk , nn where they can pick berries nnd tram around to their heart's content. Whj you would not believe what a 'chang their little holiday makes in their a ] pcaranco , When they leave school r the close of the term they are palo an careworn , duo .to their hard labor nn long confinement. When they rotun however , they nro brown na .berries an rosy as cherries. " "Do they generally start on their vac ! ticn singly or in groups ? " aakcd the n porter. "Always in groups. Five or six ( of thorn in the same school will put the : money together. In some cases they hit n little pottage in some out-of-tho-wo place convenient to the seashoro. Hoi they turn into regular little housokoopoi they take turns at housekeeping , cool ing , otc. Some of the school leathers at splendid oarswomon. You would bo sui prised if you would stumble on a party c them in the some out-of-the-way corner I have described. They are passlonatol fond of outdoor sports. If there are number sufficient living close to oac ether they form base ball clubs. Som of them nro no moan players , either , n I happen to know. " "Aro they all young women ? " "Oil , no. There is always some star old principal or vice-principal who goc along to keep the young and frisky thing in chock. They generally have a liari time of it. The young ones put all th work on the poor old matrons , while the ; go off flirting nnd enjoying thomsolvo generally. " "Oh , they do flirt , then ? " said the ro porter. "Well , I should say so. They are inveterate votorato lltrters. You know lady schoo teachers have an idea that they will neve got married. They think the mon dis like thorn. Therefore they nro nlwayi ready to encourage nn eligible younj man. The young men are not nt nl afraid of them either , as can easily bi found by examining the resignations o the registry books of the board of cduca tion. Numbora of thorn got marripddur ing vacation. They go away as Miss am como back as Mra. * ' "Do they carry much baggage with thorn when they start on their littlt trips ? " asked the reporter. "Oh , yes , an immense amount. Thoj generally buy a little hand satchel whoi preparing for the trip. When they come to pack up , though , they have to change for a Saratoka trunk. Here is a lial which a school teacher friend of mine made up when she started : Seventeen white dresses , ton pairs of mitts , twelve ilitto silk stockings , three pounds of showing gum , five volumes Mrs. Brown ing , ton ditto 'Ouido , ' sixteen pounds of jaramola , a bathing suit dona up in an Jnvolopo , a pair of slippers , two boxes rancy bordered handkerchiefs , more earn- nols. The veterans in the business gen erally take a pot cat with them. It takes .ho place of a man in their affection. I 'orgot to mention a dozen or more papers ) f hairpins which my lady friend took vith her. Her baggage filled a hugo Saratoga. When she came to lock it she bund that she could not get the lid lown. Well , would you boloivo it ? She ilacod a heavy mattrass on top of that rttnk. She then sat on it nil night. She s not an ethereal boitig by any moans , ind so by the next morning her baggage tad boon pressed down so that she was , blo to lock her trunk. " "Aro these ladies generally well aup- ilied with money when they go on their ' .ications ? " "Well they have on an average § 75. ? hey take just enough for necessary ox- lensea. They make tlio young men horn they become acquainted with payer or the incidentals , such as ice cream , odn water , little picnicsnnd ] so forth. ' ' "Whon do they start on Bthoir vaca- ions ? " "About the second week in July , 'hoy ' stay two weeks in town to pay vis- 3 to friends and so forth. They return ) town on the Saturday before the Moil- ay on which school opens. " "What is the average ago of school tachors ? " "Woll , I know ono lady , she is pri'iicl nl of a school up .town , whoso hair ii uiot gray. When * I first became ac- iiaintod with her fifteen years ago , she kid she was twenty-eight years old. Alert lort time ago she acknowledged in i urst of confidence , tint aho wns twenty x. She would scorn a lio. But in my [ linion the average ago is twonty-throo > twenty-five years. A school teacher morally hopes to got married until she thirty years of aga. After that she tils nt matrimony , She says that there nothing llko a lifo of single blessed- DBS. Nevertheless any man at all oligi- lo can have her for the asking. "It is gnnornliy supposed that school mchors develop a crabbed disposition 'tor ' they once engage in the business , his is not so , though. A woman of that imporamont could not got along at the jslnoaa at all , It requires a woman with kind and gentle disposition to teach , os icinlly if her class is ono of boys. " "Do they make good wives ? " "Tho best in the world. I'm married an ox-teacher myself , and , bless her , icro is no batter woman to bo found in o city. If you want to judge school- achors pay a visit to the depots and era where cars and boats land from the llo slimmer rosorta about the last week August. You can toll school teachers ' their monster trunks. You can't BOO y more modest or pretty ladies at any sort , though. I will wager a round m on that , too , " concluded the Jour- 1'a informant , as they parted. No Moro Scrub Stnolc Breeding. From all sides como decided opinions favor of regulating scrub stock to the ir and replacing it with thorougbrods , lose qualifies , both for milk and beef , iko thorn so greatly superior , ssys The lorado Farmer. The aim of the ranch- ' mon should always bo to have the be stock , nnd by retaining his females 1 can raise n fine herd of his own. It is o this system that the foundation of n broods have been laid. Good stock lit always preceded the herd books. The are but the records of past achievement and are valuable only ns they make fi turo progress easier nnd moro certair The time for raising ecrub or low grad stock has gone by. Wo know of nothin bnttor now than thoroughbred1) . Th highest profit lies there , and the sooner ranchman can have every animal on hi place n thoroughbred the bolter. It i not wiao , of course , to go beyond hi moans. But in cattle ho should by a moans lay the foundation of a goo herd , in nt least ono first-class female. It needs only this determined effort o the port of farmers in any portion of th stalato make that section a center fc the ' trade in that claas of cattle. B poraistont grading up they can in n foi years run their cattle up to thrco-quai tora , sovon-eihts , nnd finally npproxi mate so nearly to thoroughbreds thn they have practically the eamo result ! Thcro will , for a long time nt least , bo demand for high bred males that wi causa a largo profit A CARD. To all who are sinter In R from euro ami Indiscretions ol youth , nerums ucaliiirng , cnr decay , loss ot manhood , etc. I will Bond n rccli.o th : will cure jou , KHEK OK CHAHOK. Thil ( trout ret cily was dlsco\creel by n lul'sloncry In South Amci cv Hcml soil addressed envelops to HRV. Josuril' I.VHA.N , Station D. Now York. dy o ru & icxl Tnko n Town. Sr. 1'Acr , , August 19. A special to the 1' oncur 1'rosH from CaisoHon , Dakota , say Eighty tramps took sossesaion of this pla < ycatordny , drove tlio fntntlo3 ! out of the nonius ami committed ether ovces'i'.q. I'm ot the tramp ? were captured by the sheril nnd the others escaped , OIEIGIN Of AM5IONIA. Ammonia 19 obtained In largo quantities L the putrefaction of the urluo of animals. 1 cyclopedia Jlritannica. contain ! can of tl . . . . _ down on n hot etovo until heated , then roinot the cover and smell. Dr. 1'rico'a Cream Baking Powder docs n < contain Ammonia , Alum , Lime , Potash , Hoi , Phosphates , ( provo it by the above test ) . ] is bropared by a Physician nnd Chemist wit special regard to cleanliness nnd hoalthfu nosg. m-o-w-2m A PInKue in Iowa , ClUCAfio , August 19. The .Journals DC Molnes lown special savs : A disease whicl hns marked symptoms of cholera has appearo nt Central Van Burien county. Local phys : clans pronounce it Grey ilux. Thirty-tw cases ore reported , one-fourth of which nr fatal. To make a goot1 salad dressing in th ordinary way good condiments , plenty o time aud no little skill are essential Durkoo's Salad Dressing supplies all thes requisites. Sold everywhere. An Improved Balloon. PAW , August 19. JI. Hervo Maiigon pro aentcd Iris report to the Academy of Scienc concerning the recent balloon ascension a Mcndim. The balloon was under the direc tion of Captain licnards , and .although i moved against the wind , it easily followed thi coureo along which it was steered. It was tliui turned nrouud and brought back to tlio poin from which it started. M. JInncroii consider it n momorabla event iuthe history of rxrostatl science. Tlio "Wall Street Bank. KEWYoiiK , Aupr. 19. Bank Superinten dent 1'aino reports the condition of tlioVnl street bank as follows : Assets , nctuul values 81,120,505 ; liabilities , SlGiG,028 ; deficiency S485,47-t. On this report the attorney genera began suit for the receiver. PRINCIPAL LINE ritoM IHICAOO , PEOR EA & ST. LOUIS , 1IV WAY 01' OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENV3R , OK VI V ZANSAS CITY AND ATCHISOH to DEMVS3 ioniK-cliiii ; In Union Depots at Kunsvs fity , Onmhauml IHmvc'rvltli tluotiKli tiiuns tor .And nil points In tlio Gieut West . In ( iniuil Union Depot ut C'lilc.ijju with tliioiiKh trains lor Y OltK , Ji O S 3' O y , And nit Kp rn Cities. At I'roil'i with tluoi jlnilns lor Inillaimp- UH , I'lnc'Innatl , ColuiK , .in , and all points fn liepoutli.Iviist. At Squills with nilna lur nil points Sen V . Coai'ltus , I'ailor Caw , with Ho. iiK C'lmirs ( scats lieu ) , SuiokliiK Cars 111) involving I'lmli-s , I'ullnmn I'ulaeo Slocpiii } ; 'an ' * and the famous u. It. & Q. Dining ( . ' 1113 nn dally tonml fioni rhlcngo and Kansas City , IllniKoand Council Illntls Chicago and Drs lollies , UhlcaKo , St. Joseph , Atchlsou nnd 'opcka without change. Only thtoimh line mining their own trains between Chicago ilncoln unit Denvur , and Chicago , Kansas Ity and Denvor. 'I'limugh cats between iidlanapollsund Council lllulls , vli : I'eurhv. ( JOINT ! WOKTIC AND SOUTH. Solid Trains of Klogant Day Coaches nnd 'ullinan ' 1'ulacoSleeping Cars me 11111 dally tend nd fioni St. Louis ; via Hannibal ; Qulncy , eoknlc , Jtmllngton , Cedar Itupldsnnd Albeit , catoSt. 1'iinl and Minneapolis ; 1'arlor Cai-s itli Itccllnlng Chairs to and from Bt. Louis nd 1'uorla , Onlyono clmnguof cars bi'twoer t. Louis nnd Dew Moines , Iowa , Lincoln , h'u niska , and Denver , Colorado. It Is also the only Thiongh Line between r. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It Is known as the great THKOUCIt OAK INi : of America , und is unlvctsiilly udnilt- > d to bo the incst Equipped Railroad in the World for all classes of Travel. Through Tickets vln this Uno tor Mile at ait . It , coupon ticket olllces in the Unitud States id Ciinaila. . J. 1'OTTRK , 1'EHOEVAL I.OU'ELL , Vkc-l'ju. i Gin. JI n L'iT. O' IMKEN SPRINC VEHICLESI Vcb/rlc / mule. with ono pur- isiwiiiuwo- > " .T- ' The Hprlngi i til be n anililiortenaerordlnatolliewuliilitihey rrv. Kqually well kdapteif to roujU country .diundniiedrlvetofcltle. . . Maniihrlnrrdnul dby llllielpndloKC'Brrlxellullileriuid Ur - I. llrnrr TlmU n. l tmt . Hi. lx > l , aaaojw7 SBPTT auoey coi' ' ; - THE [ " " BEST TQN8C. = Tncdlclnc , combining Iron \rllh pur Vegetable lonloi , nnlrkly nnd pninpk-tcl Cnrri l > Ric'"lni | | Inillurotliiii , \ \ fnl < nr - Impure lllm > { | , iMiiiirlut ! lillli und I'cxcrf and Ncnriilulii. Ills an unfalllntr remedy for llccnscioftli ) lUlllH'JH lltlll l.lVIT. It 11 Invnlunblo for Pl'cn ei t and nil who lend todenjnry llxcs. It docs not Inliiro the teeth , cnu ehem1nclico protluro constipation o/Arr Jrnn malicinri < ( c Itenrlelicsand purifies the-Mood , stimulate ( ho appetite , aids the -lmllatlon of food , re llcvvs Heartburn nnd Ilelchlng , nnd ttrcngtli ens the niU'elcs and nerves. Tor Intermittent I'uvcrs , Ijissitude , Lnck o tucrgy , A.C. , It hus no equal. > . fs The genuine 1ms nbnvo trndo mnrk mil crossed red lines on \ \ rfljipcr. Take no othei Hide cniji.j iinou.s iiii.iicu. in. , iui.TuoKr , nc Smokers of ninck ell's Gcnnino -ilill Durham Rlnoklng Tobacco Mrlll feeclvo 1'rcniliiins as follows on terms and couditlons heropnociflcxl : 2cl " 3d " $11,000 " ' i other Premiums aslicrceliown. $1550 Tlio 23 iiremlimis will bo awarded December 22. 183 ! lnt rrcmlum $200 pees to the iwrson fromwlioni o re- celvo the larKcstnumbcrof our empty $175 tobacco Inirs t'rtar in Jlte. 15. iil will $15O bo ( riven for tlio next lanwi number and thui , lu tlia order of the number of empty linirB received from each , to tha twonty-nva Buccemfnl eon. $00 tcstinti. Ldch boif imiFt l > tnr onr $ so orlidtnl Unll Durham label. V. 3. KcncnuoBt.nmp. nnd Cnutlon Notice. $70 llura must IM done up pecurely In n $ oo package , with imnio ami address ol HcuJer , nnd number of biim contain. m , plainly nmrltiil on ttio outBlde. nnd must bo Rcnt.elt itvos prrpald , to ItlnrknrllN Diirliiiiu Tolmcro $20 C' i. , DonitAM.N 0. Kwry packairp has iilctun * of Hull S81O Sou our next announcement. s for thcexprcss purpose i of fjlvinKimmcdiatc rellclln all chronic , urinary nnd riri- atc diseases. Gonorrhcca , _ Wcil.acss. Nipht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the Face. Lost Manhood. iiiiittlvelycitrctl Tlcrt > isnoexticrlntrniltHh Th ; appropriate i . .r.e < lv is ut once ustd In each case. Consultations , per- wnal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Issd- : incs sent by Mall and Express. No marks on to indicate contents or sender. Address Uh.UMESNo.204Wa3hinaonSi.lCliicagolll ! For Men Qa'ctc. Har. , fe. Itook free. VBCOR CiTlalo AK DC ) , 160 Pultou St. , ? .ew York. ACURi : AT.L , but as n tonlo and health renew er , and for Illood nnd Skin Dlscaes , and troubles dependent on Impure or ImpmcriaheJ blood , Snltt's Specific is uithout nrhal. "My baby six months old brolto out with Bomo kind of skin humor , and after being ; treated flto months by my family phyalcian , was given up to die. The drug t recommended Sutft's Specific , and the result waa n9 ( jratlfjIng as U was imrncubus. My child soon got ell , all t'accsof the discaeo Is gone , and ho is as fat as a plir. " J. J. K1UKLANI ) , .Mlndcn , Husk County , Texas. "I used Swill's Speelfloonmy little daughter , who ivag olliicted uith some Elood 1'oison which had re- dstcd all sorts of treatment. The Kpcclllc relieved tier permanently' , and I shall u e it In m ) ' practice. " W. E. UltOXTK , II , U. , CpressHld0'c , Ark. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed ( roe " " THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. If. Y. Ofllco , 15D W. 22dSt. , between flth and 7th Y\ctmcs. I'hlladoluhU orQco 100 ClicetuutSt. HAMBUEG-AMEEIOAN DIRECT LINE FOR ENGLAND , 1'JIAKCK AND QEItMANY. Tlio stoarrwhlrs of thlj well-known line are built of roil , In wutor-tixht couipvttnentB , and are furnlah- id with ottry requisite to make fie paimgc both afo and agreeable. Thcv carry the United Statca .nd . European malls , and lca\oNcw Yorks Tlinru- lajsandHatttrdaysfor 1'Ivmouth ( LONDON ) Cher- lOiirg , ( PAHIS ) and 1IAMIIUMO. lUtcs : First ( Jil.In , f55 , $ | 35 and $75. S t ecr n'o ; , fCQ Henry 1'undt , Mark llaupei ] , K .E , Moorcs.Jl. Toft , ffcntaln Omaha , Oronewiii ; & Schocntgcn , agents lu ! ouncll niuCfa. C. 13 : KICIIAU : ) & CO. , Unit. 1'asj iptB. , 01 UroajMay , N. Y. Cbas. Koziuliisld i Co- loueralVcatojn Aii'nts , 107 Waahlugtou St. . Chtca HAS NO UPERIOR. 'he Steck is a Durable Piano. OS STECK HAS SINGING QUALITY OF TONE FOUND NO OTIIEH PIANO. SOLD NLY BY WOODBRIDG3 BROS , , OMAIIA NED. a ftrr11 11 ! * cftxiulilu finer. uovtii l vfrU * Aol. vclli , cur * . l > ; ( pt * k pltrrL * . lfr i.d Afu. . unl ll U f lb < l'lr.tlii 0rf nf Af.w d r * luil.rt kdtll luUfltTr Ui glMi at chtmttl'M. ' > o4 10 All i mtntr drivkf Tir It. tad tkrf f vMlbtrr.kl Alt Tpur froo-r or Jnicrl.lfcf U. ( uu.l. $ k.T Hl l > r Uir lt , UK./ 11. elililT.TAfcO.V3. J. W. VrPPZSMAl.lT , COLS A3E I , rtjvojy > i ur. jr. i * . A. SHIPMAN , M , D , ollovuo , - Nebraska. ! OFFICE WITH . A SHIPMAN , DRUGGIST A Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm Sir Edwin Davis , who is well and favorably [ mown in Omaha.Thi $ mil enable us to ban- lie an increased list ) f property. We ask ihose who'have desi rable property for ; aleto place the same Krfth us , The new firm mil be JU > 13 South 14th St