OMAHA TAILY BEE-TUESDAY , AUGUST 10 , 188-J. saw THE OMAHA B PIT Onmlm Omco , No. 010 Faniftm St. Council lilitfTA onico.IKo. 7 Pcnrl Si BtrcotNci\r Kroiul\vj-.l I Now YorkOillco _ , lloom 05 Trlbnn Building , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PnMI hd every rromlnf ? , it pt Sunday * Th enl > Monday morning dally. IKXS IT Mill * One VMI . $10.00 I Three Uonthl . $3.0 gltlfontns. . . 8.00 j One Month . l.C 1'or Week , 22 Cents. , Tin WIIIU.T in , rctusniD IVI&T , WIDNMDIT. nuns rosn-AtD. i > o * o r. ' . 2.001 Three Month ) . I & EUUonths. . 1.00 1 One Month. „ . Si Amerloin News Compxny , SoloJAgontp , Newsclea ! an In the United States. OOa * 8rO ! D SOT. i A Oommnnleatlons routing to News and Editor ! * Hitters should be oddrceaod to the EDITOR or Toi Bra. ) tHmitr , All Bmtnesi I/ctwrs and RemltttnOM should ) > addressed to TDK Bus Pcni.isiit.ici Coxrixr , OMAHA Pratt * , Chocks and Pojlolfleo orders to bo made pa ) allo to the order of the company. SHE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS1 B. ROSE WATER. : dltor. IF Mr. Doll can pull the wool over the eyes of the tax-payers of the First ward to make thorn believe that the low assoss- monta of the gas company , broworioa.dis' tillorica , packing houses , clovatora , Ac. , are in their interest , ho will accomplish what ho is nftor a re-election. THE experiment of running electrical street cars is to bo tried in the city of Brussels. An account for one year of the expenses is to bo kept , and if they are loss than the expanses of horao-powor , electrical .street railroads will entirely auperaodo the old system in that city. POWELL CLAYTON has been heard rom. Ho has dlatinguishod himself nt the largest barbecue over hold in Arknn- fsas. A joint debate woa hold by repub licans and democrats , and the dispatches inform us that the republicans achieved a signal victory owing to the brilliant efforts of General 0 lay ton. * BB.V BUTLI.II has fired hla manifoato at the suffering public. Benjamin haa evi dently forgotten that life is short , and that most people can't spare the time to road his long-winded address. The BEE therefore has boiled his long-drawn out effusion down to reasonable limits , for the benefit of its readers. WHILE the cold-blooded murder of Mormon missionaries in Tennessee is un iversally denounced iu unmeasured terms , the Mormons , who of course are very indignant , should not forgot the Mountain Meadow massacre by the in famous Danitos , to whom many ether murders are charged up. FIVB republican congressional nomlna- tions have hoon made in Iowa. Hon. II. Y. Smith , of Polk county , has boon nom inated for the unoxpircd term of Mr. Kasson , and Major E. n. Conger is the nominee for the full term in that district. Mr. E. Fuller , of Foyetto , hn * boon so- looted by the republicans of the fourth district.and ho will succeed Mr. Calamity "NVollor. Congressman Holmes , of the Tenth district , has boon re-nominated and Trill bo his own successor. SIIEUIFF WITT , of Faulkner county Arkansas , has issued a decidedly original election proclamation. Ho has headed it with the portraits of Cleveland and Jlondricks. Mr. Witt is evidently a thorough-bred democrat , who does not aooin to know that there are any republi cans in Arkansas. Suppose a republican sheriff in a northern state , should adorn liis election proclamation with the portraits traits of Blaine and Logan ? Wouldn't the democrats sot up a howl from Maiuo to California , which would bring Cleveland - land out of the wood ? IN the personal property listed for taxes in the state of Alabama for the year 1882 the farming implements in the counties of Coffee , Covington , Croiuhiuv , 'Cullman , I scumbia , Fayotto , Lamar , Marion , and Winston aggregated only ? 2M ! , while the guru , pistols , etc. , in the same counties aggregated ? l)2llil ) , The correctness of theao figures can bo verified by referring to the state auditor's report for the fucal year ending Septem ber 30 , 1883 , page 11(1 ( of exhibit VII. Tim explains the overwhelming demo cratic majorities in old Alabama , and wo venture to say that the shotgun will figure OB prominently in this presidential campaign as it has in any previous cam paign. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GENKKAL ( .MANAOKU CLARK , of the Union Pacific , who tendered his rosigna- tian some time ago , is to bo succeeded by Mr. S. II. Galloway , late general mana ger of the Chicago & Grand Trunk rail way , and at present assistant to Presi dent Adams , Mr. Calloway , who recent ly made a trip of inspection over the entire - -tiro system of the Union Pacific , will probably enter upon the active discharge of hla duties at an early day , making his headquarters in Omaha , The resignation of Mr. Clark WAS received with regret and accepted with great reluctance by the board of directors , but as Mr. Clark insisted upon its acceptance , such action had necessarily to bo taken. Mr. Clark has boon with the Union Pacific in vari ous capacities for many years , rising utci by atop to his present position , Ho in regarded as ono of the ablest railroad men in the country , The policies and methods of the Unioi Pacicific , which have often been condemned domnod by this paper , were in a greal measure dictated by Dillon and Goulld and were not , as wo happen to know always in accord with Mr , Clark's views The people of Omaha will regret tha Mr , Clark has resigned , but they will bi pleated to learn that ho intends to ro wain fn this city , where ho has l&rgi property interests and is engaged in var ioi o onlrrprzc ? , to which ho proposes t < denote his eutiro attention , A iroTO { WE are impelled to call upon the hoi est , industrious , sober and intolligci workingmen of Omaha to repudiate th dastardly work of the miscreants wlu under the pretext of defending th rights of labor , have resorted to warfar that would disgrace the lowest class c outlaws. Because wo declined to accede t demands that every honorable crnflsrrm would pronounce unjust and unreason able , and which no newspaper employe could afford to comply with , this pa per , which in season and out of season has stood by labor in its struggles ngnine monopoly and the aggressions of car ital , has boon denounced a an enemy of labor , and workingmc : have been nskod to array thomsolvc against It , and make war upon it. Al though no reduction ht > s been made i the wagua of employes in any doparl mont , and to-day our printers racoiv higher wages than those in any ether ol fico in Omaha , nnd higher wages tha asked for two years ago , it has boon git on out far and wide that wo have roducoc their pay to ntarvation wages. Althougl wo make to-day no discrimination agains union man , aud union inon have workot in this office for weeks since the lati strike by permission of the typographical union , this is denounced as a rat concern , which refuses employment to union inoi and pays scab wages. All this wo havi patiently submitted to because the groa body of the workingmen of Omaha havi continued to patronize this paper in apiti of villainous nbuso and nlandor , and on advertising patrons have given u more patronage than over notwith standing the bull-dozing , throats , am boycotting. But when the wretched vaga bonds and tramps , who have carried 01 the campaign of slander and abuse in tin name of organized labor , assault our cm ploycs , throw rocks through windows iv innocent men , and finally try to bun down this oflico to satisfy personal spite ire are compelled to appeal to the res pectable and honorable workingmen o ] Dinaha to take the proper stops to with- Iraw all countanonco and support from this awloss gang , whoso loaders have nether ) thor design than to feather their own icsts by a pretended control of working- Hen's ' votes in the coming campaign. What do thesa miscreants want at .ho hands of the BEE ? The men who proro employed here before the strike ire all gone , with two or three oxcop- .ions. Wo are paying more than the mien scale of wages , and wo are employ- ng union men , who are Trilling to be- tavo themselves , just as the ether ifticos do. There can bo no concession nndo where there Is no ono to demand k , aud where in reality the men are por- ectly satisfied , whether they are union r non-union men. In view of this fact t seems to us that the industrious , self- ospocting , aud law-abiding trorkingmon f Omaha ewe it to their own reputation ndhonor to cutlooso from all association , rith the blackguards , blackmailers and icondiarios who are carrying on this nholy and inexcusable war. NEEDLESS INDIGNATION. Mr. James E. Boyd , wo are told , ob sets to the raising uf the assessment in 10 First ward because ho has paid ono or cent of the entire tax valuation of lis city , and because in the spring time hen the assessor cornea around hogonor- ly haa a largo supply of meats and lard i hand. Now wo know a great saany aoplo who wonld cheerfully pay one- per mt of the taxes of this city if they haa tr. Boyd's property. The truth ier that [ r. Boyd did pay ono per cent two years ; o when the assessment was about .jQT- 30,000. Ho would bo paying it now if 11 the property in Omaha wore asscisod i loosely as the First ward. Ono per jnt of thu § 7,000,000 was equal to a tax n § 70,000 of property. MT. Boyd owns i opera house , worth , with the ( . 'round , 170,000. Ilo owns a packing establish- icnt worth at least S100900. ; lo owns ether real estate in maha worth nearly § 100GOO more. His orsonal properly , moneys , stock , maatn , .c. , at a low estimate would probably Huro up to § 100,000. Mr. Boyd there- > ro is taxed on $70,000 for property ac- mlly worth nearly § 500,000. This means bout ono-soventh , while many poor poole - lo are paying taxes on ona-fourth o ? the dual value of their property. Inasmuch s the 20 per cent advance made by the ity council only includes his real astute i the First ward , it makes no difference rhatnvor in the tax which he paya on is meats and lard. So. much for Mr. ioyd'a complaint. But the question at issue is whether ho council , which is required by. law to ! quallzo the taxes of all the wards , is not ustifiod in raising the tax of iho Firat yard to something near the level of the laacssmont oi all the ether wuda. Tnat Doll is utterly without a. conscience in his assessments can bo shown by the striking difference ho haa made botwoou the property of ono class of citizens and the property of another. For instance , Paxton & Gallagher's building , including two lots , is assessed at fraction over § 10,000 , while Krug'a brewery , malt house , ice house , oflico , and store-build- ing , covering six lots , are assessed at a fraction over § 10,000. Mr. Krug would not trade his establishment for three properties like the Paxton & Gallagher block. It may bo that the Paxton & Gallagher block is assessed high enough , but Doll's outrageous partiality in hund reds of cases could not bo remedied ex cept by a general advance , whereby the First ward ia equalized with all the others. Ii may afford some comfort to the gai companies to learn from the Now Yorl limes that the electric light makes ulov headway as a competitor of gta in Nov YorK , and that in London it ia a ila failure , The electric is without a rlva among artificial illuminants , but th trouble isthat too much water has ' bee injected into the stock companies , whic have failed to rcnlizo the dividends tha were expected. It is the same old ator of stock watering over again. Twenty five million dollars were invested in th enterprise by sixty-two London companic all organized in 1882 , and ai expert , Mr. Arnold White , former ! a managing director of the Kdiaon , no. doubts whether the combined earning of the survivors are equal to a profit o 0 percent , on one-fifth of sunk It ia worth while noting where Mr White thinks the money went. Libo advertising , and "sundries" consume ) the largest item , or over six millions while the inventors' receipts were post lively the least , or a paltry § 700,000 Five millions were spent on "Installn lions , " and more than as much merion on "plant , " now largely obsolete. Tin directors , who directed to such bad pur pose , get more than iho inventors vontors , and so , of course , die the lawyers. The "promotora" tool a tidy four millions. Mr. White at tributes the financial failure lo oppressive laws , but the amount divided among tin promotora would alone have gone far t < pay living interests on the sum at risk How far the London experience haa boot duplicated in Now York the Times doe not undertake to say. That the olcctrii light gives perfect aatisfaction as an il luminant there ia not the least doubt It ia as far oupcrior to gaa as gas ia to tin tallow candle , and by proper managcmon tlicro is no good reason why it ahoulc not bo ft paying investment , Per Bonn who have once uscc the Incandescent lght ; will no use any other if they can help It , anc they are willing to pay more for it thai Ihoy have lo pay lor gas. The electric light Is bound to bo furnished sooner 01 Inter to consumers cheaper than gap , and that it will almost entirely supersede gas is only a question of timo. Improve ments are being constanlly made which render Iho electric light a very cheap luxury at no distant day. THE recent earthquake in Iho cast was described in Iho telegraphic dispatches in i highly sensational manner and the pco- [ ilo of the west were led to believe that it ivas no ordinary shaking up. The ac- ; ounts swelled in their sensationalism the 'nrthor west they were sent , and the ! 3oaton Advertiser in commenting on this 'act soya : According to Iho telegraphic reports ho recent earthquake was not felt in the vest ; but the reports of Iho western tapers tend to remove this impression , .nd . acorn lo show lhat Iho intensity of ho "seismic cataclysm" became greater s the news of it moved toward the Pa- ilic. Hero there were len people who lid not know there had been a quiver tone no that did. But , .according toweat - ra journals "tho whole populace waa lanie stricken. " Here , the shock , as elt in the top of the Equitable building , night perhaps have rolled a man off a o/a ; but by the time it reached Chicago ho poor wretch was thrown from the ofa across the room , while in Omaha all ) ho fufnituro was piled upon him and in Ian Francisco only faint traces of his om&inaworo to bo foinid. The great anger discoverable in this curious plie- omoaon lies in- the poceibility that tli9' tiock may malto the circuit of the globe' nd return to plague us at the end of' ighty days. If it does the Chicago owapaper correspondents had bettor be1 lainod up for the day , or all Boston will o in fragments. THE Now York Times' has upon its laif four men who have dintinguishod icmaolves by acts of moro than ordina- f bravery. One of this quartette of ho ses is Hurold Frederick who recently isilcd Marseilles and Toulon and wont trough the cholera hospitalo in order to ivo The 'Pinion n reliable and complete : count of the condition of affairs in 1060 plaguo-striokon cities How many owapaper correspondents ara there lhat ould thus have riakod their lives ) An ther Timoa hero who performed n aim- ar aorvico during the yellow fever [ lidcmic in the south ia Mr. E. G , larnoll , who apoat weeks among the dead nd dying and sent daily dispatches to is papor. The third hero is Frank A. > ul'uy , who wont on board a vessel In uarnntino and interviewed a yellow jvor patient. George F. Spinney , the Jiirth member of the quartette , cornea lie gold- medal of the Ilamano aocinty , nd a enocial OKO voted to him by con- ress for liorolsni of a different kind , ) uring the Spuyton Duy7Jldisastor Spin- oy , at the imntinont risk of his own ife , crawled through a burning car and oscacd an old gentle-man who WBJ inioned under the wreck. Miu Biium certifies to the integrity | J Assessor Doll. New let some ropuUu > lo citizen cartify to tha integrity of 3Tr. Jirkott. BOKTQSIANS are discussing the Boinnio listurbanco. Some people call U aa jarUiquako. . Ills Wlfu'H ISathliiK I'roai the Somonlllf Journal. They were walking up the street to take a homeward-bound car , when ho mddonly clapped his hand to his sldo indexclaimed : "By Jove , I believe I have lost ill" "What's the matter ? " Miked his friend. "Mailer enough , " ho answered , with a frightened countenance , as ho searched pocket after pocket , and the expression of fear on his face became more and more omphasuod ; "matter onoughjwo start for Nowportto-morrow. " The friend gaxod upon him in amazement. Al length ho drew a long breath of relief aud fishing an envelope- out of his inside vest pocket , ho exclaimed "Eureka ! I thought 1 had lost it , and wo start for Newport in tto morning. " "Wluu'a In the envelope ? " asked his friend , "My vrifo'B bathing dross. 9 Krlo's New I'rceldent , saNKwYoilK , .AtiifUbt 18. Thu Commercial pyntbat Jubn Kinp , Jr. , lm accepted thu lebldeucy uf the Kriu railway. VANi > Eunn/rs IIKAVY I.OSSKS AVcnllli Snld to Hnvo Dwindle ( o n 1'nllry $ l. 0. ( ) ( ) ( ) , < ) ( ) ( ) . Correspondence of the 1'blladoliihia I'ress. A photograph of Vanderbilt's face an its expression as ho drives do mi Iho roa would bo a rich addition to any gollor you may have on exhibition. Ho hr lota of dollars and very few friends. Bt his lots of dollars are not so marvelous t they were , It is no secret of course , ths ho haa wilhdrawn § 10,000 000 within th year from his strong box ol governmer bonds , and il ia a very open secret tha that tolerably "tidy sum of money" wa turned over lo his BOH , William . , balanaco IOSSOR made by that young acioi of the familv , under the direction , however over , of Wra. U , , himself. There is good reason to believe , that aside froi : the shrinknpes in the Vanderbilt proper ties , or rather in the price of Iho Vandcrbilt securities , th family , as such , have been vor ; far from being fortunate in their Wai atront ventures. You will doubtlesa recall call the fusa-and-fcathory way in whic ! every member of Ihal family took pns session of his house when furnished , th reception given by Vandcrbilt here , ani the wonderful § 50,000 bill given by Vanderbilt dorbilt also. That , however , wa3 tw or three years ago. Have you heard c any reception lately ? Were there an ; grand balls given last year ? As malic of fact , , the Hon'n ' house was not opone at all hat winter , and an air of glnoi nnd neglect hung about the place. Mi Vanderbilt three years ago was supposed nnd said l > v people who ought to know lo bo worlh in Iho neighborhood of § 200 000,060. Judged by thu market price c hia securities to-day , and the know amount of govornmunl-bonds regiatere in his name , it is considered a fair cst mate lo put him down at § li > 0,00e,0p0. Now , it ia manifestly absurd to judg the feelings of a man worth § loOCOOOU by these of a man worth § 20CCO or eve § 1,000,000. The latter would auppoa that the possession cf § 150,000,000 woul make him supremely happy and entire ! contented with this world , which woul bo quito gold enough for him. Suppose however , that n man were to lose 3,00 < of hia § 20,000. It is clear enough to th most obtuse intellect that ho would b worried and excited , but , believe mo , hi wouldn't be ono tilho a worried and ex cited as William H. Vanderbilt ia lo-daj because his millions are not so many a : Ihoy were a year and a half ago. Vanderbilt , you must remember , is nc longer a young man. I dent know his ago , but it ia somewhere along in the six ties , Indeed ho was considerably over -1C bcforo his father considered him wortli trusting with any considerable amount of : nonoy or ua a confident in any of his vast Hitcrpriaca. William H. Vanderbilt ivas a grown man with a grown family , living on Statcn Island , as a kind of half- talced farmer , when his father took it nto bin head lo utilize him aa the only mo of the family who had any df greo of lonso tit all. Don't you believe it ? "Well , Jiink it over. > Vhero are Iho olhoi /anderbilts ? It would puzzleyo lo ind any. The only Vanderbilt living vhom the world over hears of is William 3. , and the only reason it over hears ol lim is because hia father loft him a stu- > endous fortune of 100.000,000. > lory nnd Slmmo ot'Knllrond History Vmciican Grocer and Dry Goods Chronicle. The recentexpoao in the Now Yorb Pimes of the Union Pacific management s a dark chapter ili railroad hlatory. 'ho abuses and e tool 8 , are alil f p ossal a design and execution. Vomnity , cor- uption , falsehood and deceit leave a race as sinuous and slimy as thai of ser- lonla , and the poison injected inlo Iho ody politic by , tlioso who Bought to buy nd < defy legislation , ha&boea. hurlf ul and crnicinus. The infamous Credit Mnbi- era ia not forgotten , nor the smirch and tain its ecandals loft on hitherto honor- The fortunes dishonestly amassed at : nit time , although larger have been clipsed in the later history of this prop- rty , , wlich is loft ruined and stranded by lioso folae to their corporate trusts. They ave escaped with their bouty after years ft open defiance to congressional onact- lontf. Congress haa failed of its duty , nd sworn officers of iho government ave alee been remiss in the performance f their high trusts. Bribery in courts , ribory in legislation , 'bribery in high laces , almost open and shameful , has eon practised and no man brought to ustico. IB it a wonder that public sentiment ia obuscd , that the moral sense has become- ullod , when corruption and fraud BO un- lushing : and high handed go unpunished nd the despoilers count their ill-gotten c.ins by thu millions ? IB an open deli- nco c f the law by the few calculated to rin for ib respect from the great masa , -hon they behold the oiTbndera at eaao nd unmolested. If wealth will buy exemption from tha iw when guilt is proven why not Bock ii y the Eahortest road rogardlcsa of the latins c > 2 others ? If men bold and unscrupulous can row powerful enough' ' to snap _ their ngorfv-ot the verdict of courti and juried ) vcrrido and sot at nought all forms of quityr and at the same lima recetvo omago Hiid attention , why hold fast to lie old notions of hcnon and honccty ? t ia not to bo wondered at , therefore , hat the standard of public morals is jworod. Who are rosuouiblo for this late of things ? The law breakers and luv [ makers. 'Hills is eminently truein Iho history oE ho Union Pacific railroad. The mean- ire was conceived during Iho civi'J wur- , , nd found ready. Bupport. The road vould add now strength to the Uliioa ind become a now armor of defence. ftmqreia grantol it liberal subaidioi and lie people foundt no fault. Deep iniao ist waa taken iaitho enterprise , nud the lational pulse wa stirred at ita- rapid iroftress. Tlis completion c $ tha last ink which united ia bands of iron a. ton- .inont was hailad with delight. The ; utiro nation partook cf the onthuoiaam , which waa earnest and patriotic , The originators and promoters were July honoiud , for the inside history had not been asvoalod. As wolves > u sheep's : lothing , Ihoso men preyed upon a nation's devotion for luiion to enrich thomsolroa. They styled Iho road Union in Pacific in deference lo the union lonliment of Iho people. They took ad- antigo of nation's generous franchia- 33 and subtidies and turned them ink : najiuuls cf prlvatu gain , HoWiiH Glad to Meet Mini. Drako'a Travellers' Mngaaino. As Iho Irain pulled oul of Kansas City recently , bound wesl , a fine looking uld gentleman , who occupied a seat it : the smoking car , was accoated by a rani looking specimen of western humanity. "Goin1 far weal , alrangor ? " ho asked , "Yes , sir , " replied the old fiontlciuau , politely } "I am going to Denver. " "Busineasor pleasure ? " "ChioOy for ray health , " "Ah , yes. I ace. From the eas ain'"V "V os , I am President of the Twonti ' fifth National Bank of Now York. " "You don't say so ! " exclaimed Ui woalornor. Then ho added in a whispn "Gin us yor hand , old parcl. I'm rigl glad lo meet ycr. I'm a Missouri trai robber. " . A Warm llino Ahcnd , Boston Transcrijit. No , " aald.Fopg , meditatively , " don't fear what nmy como to mo in another ether world ; it ia the act of dying tha fills mo with a sort of nameless dread , don't like the idea of crossing the tlarl river ; I always was afraid of water , yoi know. " "You shouldn't lot that botho you , " replied Mrs. F ; you'd have i splendid chance to dry your clothes whoi you reached the other side. " L Ho Could Stand Anything. 1'rom the Arkansaw Trau-ler. "I'll hove to take your leg off , " said i physician to P man who had been injurci in a railway accident. "Never mind your chloroform , doc tor , " replied the man. "I was onci governor of Arkansaw and can stam anything. " _ TORPID BOWELS , DSSORDERED LIVER , and MALARIA : Trom tin-so sources nrlso threo-iourlhs o tlio diseases of tlio human RICO. These jyminmnslmUcntotlielrcxutenoojT.m * 01 Appetite , Jtotvclil contlvc , t > lclc Ilcail- aclie , fullnesf nCtcr vntliii ; , aversion t < i excitlou of bed } or mlml , 12ructutloii of foiitl , Irritability of temper , J o DpIrllH , A frrlint ; ofliariiit ; neglected t nine duty , J > lr/.liiesqI'lHUcrIiiint the Illenrt , Dots before tlio eyes.lilchly col- rrcil Urine , OOV5iTU : ATIOV , nml do. mantl tlio use of n romcily that acts directly tin tlio I.Ivor. AssiLlvormcillcIuoTUTT'S I'lTj yimvonoc iiiul. Tlit'lr action on the Khlncys and liln is also iiromit ; removing all impuiltiea tlirotish thcso ituoo "scnr- tiiKcrii of the Hysum , " jiroilucliiK nppo. tlte , sound digestion , n-gular steeN , a clnar n'alnmidavluorousbody. TUTT'.sl-ll.r.S cmiso no nausea or K > ipi'\B nor Ijitorfero vrltli dally \voricnnd aio u i rfc-ct ANTIDOTE TO W1ALARDA. l-ulilcv. i ) uhi n\2.- . t'Uli-P.41 Jlurr iySt.N.Y. GHAT Hvtu oil " \VniKi its cunngcil in Btantly lo n HJAOK by tiRlugta np- plication of tills uri : . SoM by Druggists , cr sent by cypress on receipt of 31 unico.-ll Jliirrnj-Strct-t.XPW York. iVlAHUAL DF USEFUL RECEIPTS i tbri\r3 r Horllck'il Food. " write kimdmU of crati-fiil ninslier" 5Iothpr ' nulk omtnlu" no March IIOItl.ICKS' 1 OODTOUlXrASTSfrco from htari'li > rtiiircnijoc5oo.ii. | ! Thplxst fotnl In health or n claima for INT VNTa. Th < 'lll tdletfor in SIT.l'TrcS ami ISVAf.TDS HijrhlybcncuclaS toiiurblntfnotlicrnoBailrl'-l. rric40aml7 . - . Alt drugv'lBt"Jook out ho tn-.irnn ntof children , frea "I T > clo\e ) ft tn he mipi ripr to nnvOilnc or tha klmlrorchilMmi. " 1imTiniij it ticirlVJ rnhi' ltnliicliiroiiouiiic ft i In tx-'t Food i a th < luarkfl I * " U M < tritir V J > . Ittit-tn 'Oin of t t' > i > tt HutjHtliute. r r i milk. ' * / / /'r.Xim , Jl , II , II oi'Uy.i , A r. \V1I1 IK- Kent by mnil on receipt of price In ptamps. IIOItl.K'li'N ] ' < > ; > C ( ) liurlne.ViN. . * J-UBE llou icu'a Uuv KJIHXCT WILLIAMS'B'IaOCK 15th & Dodge Streets , KEEP YOUR EYE In this list for harcains KDdlf you vloh a. lot In any rt'of Otuaha Want to rent n house haic your ioi a rtnted buy a houje sell the one you have -want your papers raaue title look d up , and any. hlnK routing to Heal Estate , en ami Bei ) BKAIIS--B03ARD , No. 213 11,700 House of tlto rooms on half ot , iK'Oct ' time of pale , and $25 per mcntli. No. 206 82,000 1 acre and 1 rocm brlcliiouso n ark Plaa , cash. No. 2 i-Jlfl50 House cf six room * on lei 05x160 , nrk l'&c ] , on easy terras , $500 , and ? 0 pir month. No. > _ 1,5CO IIou . and 1st In Bowery Hill , } oed cittern and well. One-half cnolraiid tmo ! 221 C-2.300 Oood eli room houai.nn cocnpr hall at ) one bock from 1SI Kekett , eouth ollT P. depot. Iran n w Sold on eaov termn. 217 J7.SOO House of 4 rooms on foil lei , Center trcet. Oood well , clatern and walls , } Ialf cash , ml time. 197 JI.OOO House ol two rooma oil lot , lie- ; u'u audition. Ono Ijilf ca h , SO 8lson House oj four rooms on full lot , onl5rh truot , iauth Omaha , ono half coon. 62 31.800 HOMSO cl five rooinKHi full lot In Pjr- ; er's odiltlun , onu block north ol 320)000 uchool iuue , south front , tfuod neil , clttotu , iMXanJ a bar. ; a.ln oivasv terms. 7D J7.COJCorner Ut 11 V. Fmlth'rt aiidltlon , two ; oed d"lllniB , souili and cast front , on car line , hwi.i and on easy terms. 40 S , OW-I.oU : i ! < uid 14 , csnxvr I'arnim street .ndmwr court hou o , two c < xxl ilnikllngii on lot , mt bunlnef s property. A Kro t lurpvn. And Iota of barirrlns all < mr town. Call at offloj .ud'-jxamlne our IU ) lor Improved prcptry. LOTS IN SAWTEORNE , TABOR PLACE , ; OMAHA VIEW , Ul In all flrst-'Jaia Inside r-JJItloan , and It o find a lot toumt jou.out odour citonsho hat , ben Omaha Aztn not contain ono > Onmhu View b on the toad to Ita barracki , and U hat v'at ' sout'J of I < , K rVAihins * nnldenco , .Vo sell f.Hfrom iOO oJ'.0 , Jiocr inoro down at Mine ol le anil monLhly i > a ) menU $200 dowu and wo will lid j ou a 'tonne on tljj lot. lUwtliorr * U west ojitlw IInH School 030 mile , nd o are wiling lot ? oim third down amlroonthlv jayiiienU. This addition l 'jradca and lot > are $350 w'jflOO caii. Koiv iatto tlai * lubuytUla prioel iru low nivt terms cuy. TaUor W oo lion I'urnanntrett and I ] a cholM ulditlon. with only tavlvo l t' Mt , and ttey are al m eood : iU oa thei * aru lu > tl > 0 addition , Prices f t75 Lotam Shermv ) . &VUVM , ast and west frjnio. 3ne-hUf > Mock Iu IVIlcoa'S addition , cbu p and vay : erui . iiT.Tcu't fall iicill br kuxalns at.ue olnco , SEAES < & ; E03ARD Cor. 15th and Dodge Streets , WILLIAMS liLOOK. A , SHIPMAN , M. D , BDllevuo , - STeTiraska. OKF1CB WITH M. A. SDIPMAN , DRUGGIST 1710 DODGE STJIEET. Prh ate rccms lor adulti at rcaionable ratei , Inclu- dluy nutilng. Prompt attention Kl > en to cmergeney cttet , ritienta can U > attended by their own phy sician /jTlHilwnsaiy for the poor oixm TueM JS , 1hunJtt md bftturda a ( rom 10 to 11 a. m. BROKERS , 1404 Farnam St. , OMAHI PARTlAti LIST OF SPECIAL UAUQAI.V3 PROPERTY , Fnrmint ; Lands , Improved Farms an Stock Farina in Doughs , Casa , Cedar Nanco , Thayer , and Howard Counties. BUSINESS PROPERTY , C& For Sale 88x00 foct on IStli street , near Hai noy , ruorn ( or a brick block , of loiirntorcs whic \\ouKl rent readily. If notsold within SO liaj It will be withdrawn and built upon. Sout 44 ( t. corner alloy S. JOO. Inside 41 ( t. , 93,250 43 For Sale A barBln ( , 88x132 It. on 14tli St. , nca Jonca St. ! Call aud sco tn In regard to thla pro ] crty w o hao 1urialn for > ou , H- For Sale Octxl business lot on Cumlng St , ( ,3W2 feet (0,000. 01 For Sale Iinpro\cd Farnam street propertynra 12th street , SI7.COO. 117 For Sale -40jxl3I feet , splendid brick Improve incut , aa oed bujlne a UK Is Iu the city # 10,000. 2S For Silo Elegant corner oil street car Wnc , 33 : 00 store , two story , and biicmcnt 18x40. Oooi locatloa , SO.COO. 18 For Sale Splendid business crrncr on 13th St lot OtKliS , etoro buililiuf , ' and barn bargaln- SI,5CO. , 07 For Sale A business property for S4SBOO jl W ing a rich income of 15 per cent , net on In Teat meut 53 For Silc On California , close to Belt line lo 31x132 , twostjry house and barn , 83.500. RESIDENCE PROPERTY Tor Sale witnin Half-Mile of Poatofiico . 15 Hou e and lot . . . . . . $ 0,00 3S3 - House and lo ! _ , . 3.5CI a5House and lot . 2,80i 32J House nml lot . 2,601 HO House and lot . 2/01 -s9 House and lot . S,2u 02 Houscand lot . , 12,001 01 Two Houses . 12 , K ° 3 House and lut . 3EO ! > 3 Housaaudlot . 2,20 ( 73 House nnd lot . -l.ooc 72 House nnd lot . 3801 (18 ( House and lot . , 4,501 63 House and lot . 20 ( 59 House aud I6t . 0.f.C ( 57 House and lot . P.fOC 80 House and lot . 4 , o : 31 Huuse and lot . 0(0t .151- House and lot . ; 3,00 * . 55 House and lot . B.OOi f5i Uouac and loj . 3,00. 40 House and lot . 12,001 3S House and lot . 0.5CC lenidcncos for snlo within a milo circle oi Postoflico and outside of Half Milo. 'o. ? 3U noiiFoandlot . S2.SOC or HoU'eindSlots . , . O.COC 3S Ifouse and lot . , 3.60C 33 House and lot . 3,000 3G House and lot . 2.BOC 3D Housaand lot . 2,800 XI House ind lot . 2,100 2S Hou'e and lot . 1.70C 45 Houwanllot . 2.26C 70 House and lot . - . 3,5 e 08 House anj lot . 1,050 C8 Houao and lot . 3COt OOl Houwandlot . 2.000 75 Housoandlot . 2,800 30 Hou.D tail lot . 3.300 93 House and 2 lota . 3COU 91 House and let . 1,700 73 Houeo .oral lot . 2MO SS House and lot . 4 , COC 81 Homo and lot . 2,000 CSTHesidrnce lota in all parts o ! ' the city and all , \cr * jirojiorty near the cily. Prlceuand NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY SUCCESSOR TO DAVIS h 3NYDEH.J General Dulcialn H05 FARNAM ST > OMAHA. Hctn lor 9 ! _ 2COcno lores nirotrlly Delootdd bndl eastern Ntiiraslia. at low prloo cad on OMy tcruu. Improvra nruia ro/ealo In DOUK'M , Uodgo , Colin latte , llu.-t , Lu.nlnHarpy , Vtmsiaxtua , MericV auudera , und Butler Jountlea. Taxes pild In all p rt-j of the BtSa , ; Moncv loaned onlaiproved farms. Notary. lublic alrraj a Iu office Correspondence Icltod CHICAGO , ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC R'Y Ujr tha central tioiltlon of Its line , conneettttha Ka t aud thu West by the oUortcot route , and car * rloa piuionir \\lthout chac o of cam , hutvcen Olitctga aud Kan o Uit > , fouiu-il Ilutf ) . Ltuvcn. wartli , Sichuan. Wlnncarclm and tit r..ul. It conceeftt in Union Ucnol * Ith all the principal Unc of road bi > tv\rei tlio AtUntio nnd the Vagina Ucc. ria. It > cquipiurut 11 unrivaled and ic-iKnl IcepiiiB Ctrl , nnd the ileal i.uia of Jliulnu Can . .i Iho World- Three Traliu ' " - Siid ulltnourl JUvtr i'olntfc Tw- " ' ' > . n oiil- ud Uiunrapcrlii inJSi. .wu ! , , , , MUvnouj "ALBERT LKA A New aud Direct Line , via Seneca and Kanka. . _ AU Thraush the ' Ucltcc ' ' tttateH * aud a a Uauada. ! ! Pf'pclpal ' Ticket Offlcen In lliicize cheeked Ihrouch aud ratei of fare al. woy AH low a coiapctUora that oner lv advtn. tagea. for dcttllcd InlormatloD.rel the Mapiand Fold. tr ot the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE i.1 your ueirci ! Tiulial Olnee.or nddrcn n , n , CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , ' - THE' MBKCHAHTS Authorized Capital. - $1,000,000 J Pnid-up Cnpitnf , - - 100,000 ' Surplus Fund , - - 70,000 BANKING OFFICE I N W. Cor , Farnam ana 12lh Sts OFFiornsi FIAM Mtrnmr , President. I Bin'tK. UoaiM , 7-P Din. B. Woor , Caahler. | Lrrilia DKIRI , A Frank Murphy , Samuel K. Revert , Ben. . . Charles 0. Iloueol , A. D. Jouoa , Luther Drake. Transact a Oeuoral Banking Business. All tare any Banking business ta transact are Invited call. No matter how larpe or email the transaction , t will receive our cartful attention , and we pioml ln ayg courteous treatment. Piv panlcular attention lo btHlnew lor p rtlM residing outside the city. Exshan e on all the prin cipal cities of the United States at very lowest rules. AcoounH of Bank ! and Bankers received on laver .bio . terms. lasucaCott'flcate ot Dorics ! ! bearing B per con ntercst. Buys and sells Foreign aichange , County , Oil and Oovc rnmont seountltm UNITED STATES OK OMABA. S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sis , Capital , - - $100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. 8. n. CALDWELL , V. Prco't. M. T. BARLOW. Ganhlor. . DIRECTORS : 3. S. OAIDWILL , B. P. SMITH , 0. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BAIUOW , 0. WILT. HAMILTON. Accounts solicitor , and Icopt aub Joct to sight chocU. Qortlflcatos of Deposit Isouod pnv able In 3 Oand CZmontha , boarlng Intoroot , or on demand without In- toroat. Advances made to custornoroon approved oocurltloa at mnrUot rate of Intorost. The Intorooto of Customers rtro c'oooly guarded and every facility compatible with prtnclplos of sound banking freely extended. D'aw sight drafts on Englnnd.lro- land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu- I'OPO. Seil European Passa e Tickets COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. k Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts. Capital Stoclt , - - - 5150,000 Lability of Stockholders , 300,000 FJB Per Cent Interest Paifl-os - Deposits LOANS MADE ON HEAL J8STAZE JAUESE.BOYD . Pro nl D.M. BENNETT . VIoo President W. A. PAXTON . Managing Director J01IN E. WILDUR . Cashier DIIAS. P.MANDBR3ON , TIIOS. L. KIMDALL , X. W. GANNETT , MAX MEXEK , ( KNKT PUNDT E L. STONF United States Depository OF OMAHA- CD ] : . 13th and Farnam. Sts. The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHEflJ. orcanlrod in 1808. Organized aa a National Bank In C20OGOO 3UKPJjtJS Ain > PROFITS - UntMin Kouxrrs , Presldcoi. JOUN A. CamcinTon , Vlco President A auaius KOONTZB , 2d Vice Preetdeni. A. J. H. MiaQnmB , AMlstunt Cashier. ' ' " ' nuacts k general banking business , lit n citco b&arlnR Interest. Drawa itrnfta BCD and principal cities In the United nnd un , Dublin , Edinburgh and to ( t tbl continent and CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER , AND DEALElt IN KolalicSascs.Cafflns , Caste , Shronfls , HTO. , KTO. , 000 Fat-nam St. , - O 1AIIA , JNEU 'clcKraphio orders promptly attended to. Telephone Jo Ml , _ H , K , BUJBKET . . OIBiCTOR UNO EMBALMEfl 111 North 10th Street Umana 818 14TH 'STREET , BET. AND DdUOLAS DREXEL & MAULf ( snooEssonsTO JOHN a. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS 1 the old eUnd 1417 rarru-n street. Otdors by i ph snllclttil anrt promiitly atter.toil to JA , fl. PEABODJt Jtuia , PHYSICIAN & SGEGKON , Hc/ldcnce No. 1407 ionti St , OlAcc , No. 1509 r"ar. uiu St. Olllco hours 1 ! in. to 11 > , m. ami from f to p. in. Telephone for olllco 87. roldeuce , 126. HOIBROOK , SBEL'l'OiTS'MEAHY. ingineering , Suivefing \ , * AND CONTRACTING WOUK Done ulthln the city and throughout the SUte. /irOfflco CralKhton Block , opposite City Knclneer'a Illce. al3-lm . 0. CARLISLE , DttEEDER OF MO , VALLEY , - - - IO\VA. Snd ( or Circular ! . "