Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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OnintiA OfTlcc , No. OtO Fnrnatn S
Council Bluffn onico.No. ! 7 1'carl
Street , Near llromlway.f I
Now York.onico , lloom 05 Trio
rnblhhod every trotnlnc , ciccrt Sunday"
eel ) Monday morning dully.
One TMt . $10.00 I Three Month * .
BliUontm. . , / . . . 5.00 I One Month .
Per W V , 25 Cotits.
tnic WHKW mi , rcuLHtisD KV T ;
P2.00 1 Thrco Month . I
Six Months . 1.00 1 Ono Month. . . .
Amcilam Now * Comp-jny , Solo Ajeatf , Now *
tt la tbo United States.
A Ccratnnnlcatlons relating to New nj Edit
Ballon ihould In ) mldtossod to tbo Koiroa or
Dl .
icsimss Lrrrau ,
All Uti'lno-u tiottora r nJ HomltUnooa thoul
ddrcMsd loTniillmi PufLisinso COM PANT , q
pialta , Cheek * anil Postotlloo orderi to bo made
able to the order ol the company.
E. ROSEWATEK , ditor.
A. H. Fitch , Manager Dally Circulation , P. 0.
, Xol > .
too much Ami
can banking capital being transferred
JIM LAiitn'ft ttionda arc of the opini
that ho will bo nominated on the first I
lot. Adams County Democrat.
Wo presume that that means his cU
ocmtic friends.
BUTI.UII has concluded not to w
for Cleveland to como out of the woi
with his letter of acceptance but to inll
upJn the country on Tuesday morni
the longest campaign address of the 8
THE campaign song writers have turn
out 12 , " ) Dlaino and Logan and 00 Clo
lane and Ilondricks songs. The avert
campaign song la composed of a sonsoli
arrangement of now words cot to c
Two years ago Laird banked on V
Wyck'a certificate of character. N <
that that certificate has been cancel !
.ho has used the telegraph very freely
got certificates of sobriety , morality ai
fidelity frein Senator Mandorson.
TUB headquarters of the Irish nationi
loagua are to bo moved from Boston *
Lincoln Nebraska. President Egan has cl
cidod to make Lincoln his pormanc
homo , and homo the movo. This w
give Lincoln considerable prominence
an Irish-American head center.
THE Omaha Herald is now earning i
Union Pacific subsidy. It ia carryii
out the contract to nid the Credit Mob
icr concern In its oflort to blufl and my
tify the govnrnment officers in thpir i
vostigation into its extortionate charg
for transportation of government aupplic
WALL STUEET methods are not coi
fined to that great financial center. Tl
loading banker of Lausanne , Switzcrlan
trho swamped bis bank by speculating i
iho Paris Bourse , has boon sentenced
the full penalty of the law , two years ir
priaonmont at labor and ton years dopi
vation of civil rights.
GENEUAL THAYKII is to bo the con
mandcr of the Grand Army oncampmon
which begins at Fremont on the lot i
Soptembor. The friends of Qovorm
Dawes think that the old veteran ia a
together too old to fill the chair no
occupied by that stay-at-home man
BY request from the state prohibitlt
committee wo publish a call for n sta
convention of the followers of the Intte
day St. John. Wo presume the aim ai
object of this movement is not BO much
deep-laid design to'capturo the elector
vote of Nebraska for St. John ns it is
keep up the agitation of temperance at
prohibition. What the effect of tli
third or fourth ticket will bo on the on
como in Nebraska wo do not nndortaj
to predict.
WILLIAM n. BAUNUM , chairman of tl
democratic national committee , wl
claims to bo an anti-monopolist had thir
annual railroad passes stolen from hi
at a Chicago hotel , and ho is now calh
on to explain how ho could consistent
travel on free transportation in the into
oat of Grover Cleveland , and yet bo r
anti-monopolist. In the language of tl
Chicago J/craW , "thirty annual pass
Indicate rather too wide an acquaintam
with the railroad magnates for an humb
anti-monopolist and workingmai :
friend , "
THE enforcement of the Iowa prol :
tition law is mooting wiUi oonnidorab
resistance of a serious nature , whii
-cannot but "result eventually to the di
advantage to those engaged In makii
violent demonstrations , such as recent !
-occurred at Iowa City , Burlington on
other places. At Iowa City parties 01
gaged in the enforcement of the law wei
mobbed , and two of the ringleaders <
the affair were arrested. In Burlingto
an attempt waa made to blow up tli
house of Mr. Blake , who has boon 01
gaged in the prosecution of Baloon-kooj
en. The friends of the law mid ord :
league assert that it waa the work of tli
ealoon-keepora and their allies who hav
been no vigorously prosecuted. Whothc
this Is true remains to bo proven. ]
jjeoms that Lawyer Blake had dismusc
a case against a taloou-keeper upon tli
payment of a certain sum of money t
iho law and order league , and ho was jn
raigned before a justice of tbo peace o
the charge of compounding a pul
lie felony. That the saloon
Iceopers havo1 become desperate i
many of the largo towns in Iowa canno
1)0 denied , and that they propose to re
sort to every measure to defeat the en
forcement of the law is but a nature
conclusion ,
An ingonions and original plan
unite the democratic party , nnd to cr
harmony in Now York nnd ether do
ful states , has boon suggested by a wi
In the Now York Slar. Tudor this ]
it is proposed to gtvo the voters full
portunity to express their proforcn
Thus in Now Jersey and Connecticut
voters who prefer Cleveland c.m h
their ticket with Cleveland , and tl
who prefer Ilondricks can head tl
ticket with Ilondricks and put Clovcl
at the tail. In Now York , howoi
where the names of candidates are
permitted to bo placed upon the tic !
Iho namca of clcctora can bo trnnspo
so ns to indicate the voter's preference
between Cleveland and Hondric
For example , n Cleveland elector <
bo placed nt the head of a ticket , wh
ivould show the rotor's prefcrou
but if a voter wishes to express n prof
stico for Ilondricks , ho can put at
icad of his ticket the name of an olcc
ivho ia known to bo a friend of that c
lidato. It is simply a neat litttlo ga
1 'heads I win nnd tails you looe. "
31ovcland carrica Now York nt the hi
> f his ticket , thn electors are to cast tli
, -otca for him for president ; but
nero democrats express their proforoi
or llondricks , than for Clovola
hen the electors nro
oto for him for president ; but
toad of the ticket. This is a novel n
ofroshing scheme , nnd no doi
rould bo acceptable to 1
riondsof Ilondricks , ns it would gi
hem nn opportunity of making him pr
ilont after nil. It is indisputable ff
hat ho is the abler man by fnr , nnd tl
10 haa a great many moro friends th
llovolnml. There has boon considoral
ilk nbout withdrawing Cleveland , t
Ilia plan would obviate any suph a dli
rooablo measure. It the plan should
doptcd the democrats in case of vlcto
ould put Mr. Hondricks in the chi
soculivo chair. It is not unlikely tli
ohn Kelly and his Tammni
rowd will urge Its ndoptio
i they could then consistent
oto and work for the democratic tick
oadod by Ilondricks. The inventor
lis double back-action scheme maintaii
int if Cleveland will ngroo to abide by tl
oclsion of the voters of Now Yor
'ow Jersey and Connecticut ns to whet
r ho will take firat or second plnco , tl
lection of Cleveland nnd Hondricks t
"cndrJcks and Cleveland will bo nsaurci
After all , this plan is not so novel i
10 inventor imagines. During the fir
ivonteon years after the adoption of tl
institution , in place of the art
on of confederation , the olcctic
president nnd vice-president w ;
inducted in very much the same mai
jr. The man who received the higho
jmbor of votes was elected proaidon
id the man receiving the next Iiighoi
amber of votes was elected vice proa
ant. When Thomas Jefferson nr
aron Burr were rival candidates fi
10 presidency , it was generally boliovc
lat Jefferson counted himself in withoi
ling behind the returns , nnd tl
rolfth amendment to the constitutio
w thereupon adopted , establishing tli
osont system of indirect oloctior
rough presidential oloctors.
In case this game of "head nnd tail
ould bo agreed upon between Clovi
ud and nondricks.thoro woufd bo not !
g to hinder the democratic oloctoi
om carrying it out , providing all (
lorn in the domocratie states would cat
loir votes for the same men. If th
loveland electors should happen to pin
1 on Hondricks by voting their profoi
co after olec'ion , in spite (
loir agreement before the oloctioi
lore would bo no choice in the elector !
> llogo , and the election would t
irown into the houao. That woul
ako Cleveland president , and loav
ondricka out entirely , because the sot
o being republican would elect Logai
Booms to us that this plan of Imnnoi
ing the democracy to carry the doub
11 atatos is all very favorable to Clovi
nd , but afforda no assurance to lloi
icks , It is a jng-hnndlo achomo.
The lakini ; of testimony in the Unio
. " "
[ \cific-Unitod.Slates "imbroglio" wi
mtinued yesterday , Mr. Ktinball boin
Hiton the stand nearly all day. M :
lair , the government attorney , woi
.rough . n rnthor ludicrous performance <
outal gymnastics in a vain endeavor ingle i
nglo the experienced rail way manager i
s statements as to the propriety <
larging the coat of now dopotn , oto. t
> orating expenses. Mr. Klmball too
, o matter very cooly and going Into oa
tUHtivo details , explained how the cor
ruction in question was necessary fee
o proper and economical operation c
o road , and therefore a lawful charg
; ainst that branch of the business.-
maha Herald.
Wo don't ' believe Mr. Blair , the gov
nmont attorney , had any intention t
ianglo the experienced railway man *
r. Judging from past experience th
partmont of injustice in Wnshingtoi
srely wanted Mr. Blair to go througl
o forms of propounding certain quos
ms which would enable the manager
the Union Pacific to sustain their ox
rtionato claims against iho government
From LanUaulot Williams to Devon
d Browster , every head of the depart
mt of justice has boon moro or loss un
r influences that made him harmlot
far as prosecuting the Union Pacifi
any violation of its charter , fraudu
it laud subsidy or bogus claim.
"Operating expenses" on the Unio ;
cifio has been a very convenient torn
all sorts of expenditures. It cover
many varieties of unnocoasar ;
rchasea and outlays ns doe
) bill ot funeral expenses of i
funct congressman. While the Unioi
cifio Abridge robberies and swindle
ra carried on with a bravado tha
uld do honor to a highwayman , tin
enormous income from the bridge
offset by alleged "operating expenses'
that structure , varying from $250,001
§ . ' 100,000 a year. Mr. Kimball probi
would not have kept cool if ho had b
compelled under oath to toll what it
mndo up that $2J50,000 n year in opo
ing the bridgo. In those days there v
lavish expenditures for senatorial c
Possibly Mr. Kimball might have
mombcrcit nnd then again ho might
hnvo remembered the "operating
ponsea" nt Lincoln in 1870 nnd If
when from $100 to $200 were paid
delegates to nominate Welsh , Valcnt
find Nnnco. The expenses of operat
John M. Thurslon'a oil room nt Line
luring the senatorial cnnvnsa of 187' ) , i
the expenses incurred in opornting n ci
if political shysters in Saunders , But !
Polk , Madison , Gngo nnd Stall
: ounties to force fraudulent boi
jpon the homes of farmers , were n
emitted from Mr. Kimlnll's schedi
rho expenses incurred in fixing juri
Bounty commissioners , and members
' .ho legislature , do not appear to
imong the things that the managers
ho T'nion Pacific hnvo kept nccount
n their nudit of opornting oxpens
Vnd the pay of the wholn horde of pol
: al hangora-on , strikers nnd blowc
vhich are charged to operating cxpcn
s a matter of convenience , has "i
angled the experienced railway mnnaj
n the least. "
Tin : man who talka of Mr. John
! owin for congress from thia district
lot the true friend of Mr. John
) owin. Undoubtedly Mr. Cowin cot
0 elected unmistakably ho would
n ornament to the house and a consp
oua credit to his constituency ; but there
ro some men who cannot aflbrd to go
Washington ns members of the low
ouso , nnd Mr. Cowin is one of thoi
'UK ' BEE'H talkof Mr Cowin ia unauthc
: ed nnd insincoro. The gentleman
ot a candidate indeed , ho would n
ave the oflico if it were tendered hii
tr. llosowator simply desires to thrc
: ones at Mr. Weaver , and ho hides b
ind Mr. Cowin in order to do it.-
mrt/irt Jtcp'Mican.
There may bo some men who canni
Tord to go to the lower house of co ;
oss , but there nro others whom tl
irty cannot afford to nominate when
soif-ovidont that they nro not liable i
it thoro. Thia ia not a question of poi
nal friendship to Mr. Cowin or ui
iondlincas toward Mr. Weaver. It
iroly and simply an exorcise of soun
scrotion. But the true fnonda of M :
win , who think ho would bo n
) rnamont to the house nnd n conspli
ms credit to his constituency , " are nc
long these who fear ho cannot aflor
become n candidate. Granting that :
juld bo a great pecuniary sacrifice fo
r. Cowin to take a seat in congress , w
ilntain that there are periods In tholif
men and parties when sacrifices mus
1 made. As to the sneer with which roi
once is made to his inabilit
afford to take a seat in tli
wcr house wo say that
in of first class abilit
n distinguish himself and servo th
untry with as much credit in the lowe
> use as ho can in the upper house. I
: t no man ought to bo sent to the son
3 who has not either acquired nn oxton
'o legislative experience either in stnt
jislaturos or the lower house of con
DBS. The greatest orators and atatoe
) n of this country have served in th
vor houao. John Quincy Adnma , ovoi
; or ho had boon president of the Unitoi
atos , regarded it as an honor to bocom
nombor of the house of representatives
our tlmo ROBCOO Conkling , John Shot
in , James A. Carfiold , John A. Logan
d last , but not Innst , Juntos G. Blaim
nduntod from the houao into the son
3 and cabinet
The Bun has not urged the nominatioi
Mr. Cowin nt his request or by an-
ority. On the contrary wo have state <
ry oxplicitoly that ho was not n candi
to in any BOIIBO of the term , which th
> rd implies. THE Bin : dosirca to nup
rta republican whoso nbilitioa are con
ded nnd whoso election is assured will
s nomination. Mr. Weaver is not sucl
jandidato , and Mr. Cowin is. Lot tin
publicans nominate Mr. Cowin , am
3 believe bo will accept the honor oven
hu has to make n aanrifico.
The Bir. : never hides behind any mai
order to throw atones at another. Wi
vo treated Mr. Weaver with porfocl
ndor and fairness and ho has boor
reed to admit it. The BBB has no fnv
> to ask from nny congressman , nnd iti
opriotors have paid out in support ol
idldatoa a hundred dollar
toro they have received tot
its in return , directly or indirectly. I
3 republicans want to take the advlci
Mr. Weaver's fool friends , nnd forci
n upon the ticket in the face of proba
i defeat , lot them do so. If dofoft
as como in November , they canno
1 the blnma at the door of this paper.
\ . NB\V YOUK state law provides a fine
850 for willful baggage smashing. Thi (
jonsidored a direct blow at the trunl
Lloiitonniit ,
By the way , what is the name of oui
tud llcutoimnt-govornor ? Is it ague 01
ilarin ? [ OMAHA BKK.
3ivoitup. It ia probably bronchitis
1'lattsmouth Journal.
\Vo believe it is something like a G
lioro does ho live ? [ Nebraska Citj
[ t ia very funny that you follows do no
ow him. Ho lives at Aurora , in the
mty of Hamilton , nnd is the man whc
d ho was "moro interested in sondinc
) G , A. H. boys to the ponitontinrj
in interesting himself in their society , '
p is Governor Dawes' lieutenant ,
lams County Paper.
1 1 MM Oirr , Montana , Augiiit 10. Kovinfl
i-yuuneB are InirniuR fttaa in thu 1'owdci
; r valley , Mainago huavy , Stwcktneu nr !
paring agultiit thi-ui ,
Who Wants to Play Governor Anol
A I'cw llcnfionn Wliy lie SJionlcl
Sliolvod Tlio l''lrst District
Must Nominate n Man
Wo Onn I-Jlpcr.
NEIIHAHKA CITY , Nob. , Aug. 11
To UIP IMilor of IHK I3HE :
The action of the Saline county c
vcntion in nllovring Governor Dawc3
name the delegates to the state conv
lion , establishes a precedent in the pc
ical history of the state ; and it will
in perfect keeping with this procedon
allow Mr. Dawca to nnmo his succoi
when the atato convention nsiembloa
Omaha on tbo 27th inst. And if it is
intention of the "ring miistor" to m ;
him the ntnndard bonror , it would
bolter for the party to concede thatrai
to hinS , BO that when ho ia defeated ,
ho certainly will be , DUWCB , and not
party will bo to blame.
With the record ho :
made in two years past by commult
Iho Bontonccs of two criminals who w
condemned to the gallows , nnd his be
liutig in effigy by the nail county poor
iind ilia notion in retaining corlnin oflic
in power nftor tlio matter had be
thoroughly investigated by the loglf
lure ; nnd ether points to bo shown
lioreaftpr , the republicans prefer to no
inato him in preference to such true n
tried inon as Col. , T.B. . Dinsmoro
31ay , Col. Crabb of York , Hon. J. '
rjilclirist of Saunders , Gen. Tliayor
Hall , Mr. Burton of Ilarlan , nnd oth
; hat I could mention , nnd bo dcfcati
Uho whole blame must not r
iltogothor upon Mr. llosowator. I
, ho subscriber knows quito n aprlnklo
itrnight-out deep-dyed-in-the-wool i
lublicans who will never vote for hi
ind they nro not auch cowards as to
'ducking" when the polls are oponc
iko Mr. Weaver did last fall.
ully endorses the nomination of John
Jowin , Captain G. M. Humphrey
'udgo Amrtsa Cobb for congress frc
Ilia diatrict , believing that either of the
ion could bo elected beyond a doul
hilo on the ether hand aomo of us ha
ory grave doubts about Mr. Wcav
vor being his own successor. AVcav
nd Dawos and their backers bo
ilnk that Blnino nnd Lop :
in pul nnyjtail through that the party c :
ominato. That used to bo the caao i
fobraska when the party made a tail 01
f bettor material than is now prcscntit
What the republican party wants th
ill is _ n very strong tail to the nation
ckot in order to wng the head througl
nd with such men ns I have alrent ]
xmed for governor of the slate , an
ingrcaaman of the lirat district , a
idea can't defeat us.
_ _
l > awcs to the Hear.
rood Itiver CJazctto.
It. is evident to the person who kooi
s oara open and listona to public opir
n that a majority of voters of this sec
m of Nebraska do not desire the olei
m of James W. Dawcs to the oxecutiv
lice.Vhatover may bo the cause c
, o dissatiafation elsewhere , it has arise
ire from his injudicious nnd undue 01
ciso of the pardoning power and intoi
ronco with the execution of the law t
rcctod by the courts both district nn
ipremo. Hia excellency may bo poi
aaed of a aympathotio naturn nnd a {
lals for mercy may have induced him t
an to the aide of mercy , but if this b
uo the reason ia all the moro apparoi :
iiy ho should not bo re-nominated or n
acted. To long ns there la a statut
oviding for the death penalty , ao Ion ]
ould Nobraaka have an executive wit
irvo and stamina enough to say "no
ion the imploring appeals of friendi
d attorneys and weak kneed Bympn
izora came in asking for pardons an
From ether portions of the state w
ar this samp complaint against th
) v. whoso actions as n feeble execute
the law ia being resented by nn ouf
jed people. True Gov , Dawos may b
exemplary republican , and the sores
: os ho him heretofore rendered thi
rty may have boon auch as to ontltl
in to reward , but justice nnd tha right
the people should not suffer by rcnsoi
the party's obligations to htm. Th
ocullvo officer of a nation , state , cot
ration or any organized body nhoul
a man possessed of nerve nnd courncj
indent to guard tlio interests of hi
nstituonts and , inasmuch ns our pros
t governor has foiled in numerous in
mccs to do this , ho should either bo reed
od or placed in some ether posltioi
lore ho can ronp a full reward for part ;
fvices and at the same time bo power
is to prevent the execution of the law
the commonwealth. The ropublicai
rty of Nebraska has plenty of men win
11 fill the bill nnd the Gnzjtto would bi
; aacd to sou one of the number chosui
succeed the man whoso ndministratioi
far ns the enforcement of criminal lav
concerned , has been n failure.
illmlclphtn Cull.
In various parts of the country nomi
lions are being made for congress. Or
is subject wo hnvo an earnest augccstioi
oiler. It ia that ropublicana put for
ird the best material they havo. Men
lability , while important , ought tc
re way to quality. It has boon tht
rso of the past that men have been son !
congress who have not boon qualified
Its duties. In the largo number ol
is fort ia to bo found the reason thai
; islation greatly needed for the good'ol
j country has boon totally neglected.
id it is this that works injury to the
rty as well as to the country. '
1'ho people hold the party in power
iponsiblo for the good or ill the con-
jsa it controls may do. And if noth-
5 ia done , where much is expected , the
il is fully appreciated. The fault * of
3 past ia that nothing was done where
portant legislation was required.
> nco a fooling of discontent , which will
soon in the coming election. The
Dplo &ro inclined to hold roproaonia-
oa In congress to their responsibility.
id this is intelligently understood.
0 old allogiuuco to party is not BO
ongly felt these dnya , and actual Her-
io is now looked to as Important. Wo
iply remind our republican friends
it these points deserve attention in
king the nominations for the coining
I'nmnuuiy ia a coquottu invhom there is n
at deal of guilu.
'liero Is toiuo danger of the campaign bar-
1 getting uut.
irtlmrji rnthuoiotm for Blalna haa not
lltil hid u efului > iia na n tUhernmn.
IcDounUlV nion and Hendrick'j men do
recognize v'ach other as they past by.
The only Hnrmim of the grrnt Democ
MIOW in called "a chairman for revenue 01
Uy the wfty.lf Clovelsnd is too limy fill
why cnn't llendricks write both letters o
coptalice ?
The fate of Thiirman and Hotully Is n
IndlcAtlon the Ohio man Is lo lnj :
Krip on the oflicci of his country.
The IJarntunvlra works In Detroit 1
failed , but the political wiro-iinllers will
tinuo bu'lncM at the old stand.
The cpiitlo according to St. John ha ?
yet been subjected to revision. Neither
St. BenJMnliio Indltod gootlly matter.
lllack.Tack has been ulicdillng a tcnr i
poc.r old ( Jeticral WahinRton's hcndauni
at owburg. Iloowcan by ( Jcurgc ,
The prohibitionlits have ono blfj ndvani
over the other partiei. Tlmy utllizo Sun
for masi meetings and political epooches.
The reason why the eoa serpant hn
lioun noon this year IR bccauso the real i
IIOM nro ull cngaRcd on political document
JIvcry man whojhai thus far dropped i
| ioclry on the CIc\ eland and ] fend ticks i
Has strusk on his hoad-Mllwnukci' [ Jour
The southern confedracy lint got nnol
Mr-nnd'tail hold on poor old Missouri , in
i surcd nomination of Marmaduko for goc
After n man ha * got through tunning
President of this his chara :
ooka n good deal llkoan ndobo hut nmdo
mid ,
Logan's first letter of acceptance Wan w :
en to a'tobacco manufaotnrcr In Virginia ,
icptiiiK n packngo of Bmokliif ; tobacco , [ N
Means 1'lc.iyuno.
A fortnight's pull at the tarry ropes of
levant yacht scarcely will harden JJen J )
cr'a haiula Bulllcicntly to maKe them wu
howlng to his Mlow laboring men.
liutlcrisnn astonlehlrig Boldlor , sailor , p
lodustrlaii and button lieU boqnot nud cli
lammor coat-tall fancy man , but politic :
io Is a complete old.corkscrow twisting nil
i ithout regard to consequences , [ Ilartf
? imes ,
"Call off your doga , " fhouta ono putii
ditor. "Call off your dogs , " rotorti the c
or of the other patty's organ. Hold , genl
lonl Would you stop the whole campaign
'hicago ' 1 lerald.
Wo will never have nny genuine politics
hit country until the old-faxhloned barbo <
i revived. Jinked photo , fresh butterii Ilk n
omo-mado bread will win votes when eve
lilug I'lfio fnila ,
A wotd to Grovcr Cleveland : lion IJut
laying for you with n loaded btundorbi
hen you como out of the North Woods. 13
ir keep under cover aa long as pos blo ,
vansas City Joutnal ,
An expedition Mill atari this week with t
jject of finding John Kelly , who is suppos
i bo Bnowod up somewhere near Saratofi
0 had gene on a cutting-out expedition
io direction of Iho poll ,
Johnny McLean carries the democrat
irty arouud in his breeches pocket , but is
turated with Standard oil that if nny o
as to touch n match to Johnny or the par
itli would go up In n chariot of firo.
Tin battle-axes will bo carried bycntlmsic
5 voters during the presidential campaig
nether exemplification , of the eternal litno
things. _ "Tm" Is the great desideratum
cry politician who has an nxo to grind.
J. Warren Koiter'a vindication seems
, ve been complete. Every ward In hia ov
unty voted to keep him away from congrc
is year. _ Wo do not know what ICeifer wi
for a living now , but wo hope ho will jo
] 5. Hayes in the poultry business.
Another touching spectacla of the presoi
mpaign is William K. Chandler sidliug t
James G. IMaiuo with harmony in his emi
d the soap and soft bolder streamiug fro
1 lips. It reminds us of n email boy tryit
compromise with n hornet's nest. [ Chicaj
st to think of the terrible danger that tl
jublican party has escaped ? General A. J
est , of the utata of Mississippi , and cand
to of the national party for vico-piesiden
nounces that ho will not support Clovelam
mora to the contrary notwithstandin ]
eat lleavensl What if ( Jencral A. M. We
d thrown his weight into the Cleveland ba
co ? Thn campaign might as well hao sto ]
i light hero.
Lr. ) Jlary Walker does not wear a "Motlu
ibbard. "
Lieutenant Grecly is not a West 1'olnte
> ia a North pointer.
Mr. Julius Caesar Burrows , of Michigai
i a Methodist camp meeting voice ,
Uinnio _ Palmer did not refuse to nllo
,0011 Victoria to kiss her hand , as repnite <
Mr. Locke of Toledo H known in Paris i
'etroloum ' O'Nasby. " They evidently thin
a a Frenchman.
lix-Lioutnnant Plippcr , of West Point fami
m honoied resident of El Paso , Toios
era ho gives lessons in hazing.
Hr. A. If. Swan , of Cheyenne , is said t
itrol moro live stock than nny other ma
the continent , not excepting John Kellj
jlonoral Grant , Commodore Garrison an
ler poor bankrupts nro managing to keep u
ilr usual style at Long Branch this a air
r.tfr. . Kasson will find the society of Bif
rck just as agicoablo ns that of tome low
inblicans this fall. There is no prohibitor
r in Berlin.
Tanhnio , the Mnoii king , carries nn nmbrei
ana wears n tall hat with n black bam !
i reminds the beholder of a loyal financit !
routu to Canada.
. .ieuteimnt Schwatka , who explored endles
ctic regions and rotuined unharmed , fol
; r a chair In hia own parlor the other da ;
] broke his arm.
Emma Abbott kisses she makes
ca like that of drawing a two-by-four dow ;
side of a chipboard house , but vi > fear ho
irt is cold and hard like a restaurant pu
\ > m Nast used to picture Carl SchurU as i
ing Bkolaton grinding harmony out of i
id organ Now ho and Sclmrtz drink bee
of the bamo Rliu > ; and luuch off the eann
iair , the driver of Maud S , gota 810.000 fo
part in Saturday's porformancp , half fo
orlng the maro'rt record nud half for beat
1 ' record ,
Jay Kyo-Sco'a
fissBjrd , thoeditrebs of a little eoutheri
i3r , IH enld to bo BO charmlm ; that all men
in lou > with her at lirat Bight. Their mot
probably U : "A Byrd in urms is worth twc
ho bush.
'nrter ' Harrison , the Bon Butler of UK
t , is described on ono who looks ns Gen
h , Lea looked twonty-livo years ago. Hi
erny , thin hair on ton , but moro copious
f nido locks , and a military face , indicative
oed living , gray , full beiud , worn like i
[ edorato general In the war , and n strong
ith , full of whlto teeth , nearly perfect. lit
blue oyeH , nnd whllo his address in general
Hlmnd and cordial , ho has lost none of the
itucky method of bringing his wholu torn
to the front. Ills ago Is ( X ) , nnd ho halls
n "Kentucky , nan. "
uother elevator has been built ftt Wood
er.wo churches are under construction at
ilphan ,
Inttgmouth Ixmats of tluroo Cleveland nud
idricka clubs ,
ho Valley county fair will bo held at Ord ,
totnber i3d ! to L'5th.
lum Creek Is | xxtically called "a gem seta
a emerald diadem1
utoam ( cry ls to IKS established on the
uouri at Blair next month ,
ha Burt County News has pulled up stakes
'ek&uia nnd moved to Oalclaud.
ho corner tone of the new Methodist
rch at Jfubbell will bo laid next Saturday ,
ill Hayon , nn itinerant horse doctor , from
a , was kijled by the .cars nt North Bend
ho Dakota City Eagle ran against two
10 trader , Ust week , and uow carries both
ca in mourning.
ho commissioners of Thaycr county have
ded to build elx biidgesover the htu'ams
lie county , to cot 87 , ' 'J7 ,
ho State Line Ucgietor , of Hubbell , nn-
iices J. If. .Sticks ! as anti-monopoly candi.
i for congress in the eecuutl district.
lie Lincoln Newii siya "blooded stooda ,
Iw , mules and jackasW are now training
.he . legislative race in Lancaster county ,
xderlck , the two-year old son of John
ChrisUan on , of Tekamfth , got hojd of , 'ft
tlo of carbolic acid and . swallowed cnoup
kill hiin.
llMtiiica would llko to get the branch
diors' homo , but no liberal mhided citizen
jot nnloo pd his pur o strings to cover PI
mouth's ] iilo.
The Sioux City * Pacific rnilroad coin ]
IIM commenced constructiiiff ft largo <
building In Norfolk , to be used for dl\i
headquarter * .
Some unhuman wretch raided the pailui
Dr. Ackloj- , near Juniata nnd brutally k
n cnw nn 1 t > ! g with an nTha bodies i
hnrrlbly imitilatrd ,
Saturday's rain did considerable damag
Platt'inouth. Cellars were filled , Mdew
and bridged wa lu-d away nnd much dan
dotin to the shop yard" .
The Springfield ( Sarpy county ) Monitor
ports tlmt hog cholera is raping in the woj ;
part of the county. S. 1) . 1'iko has only
lipgi left out of a drove of t'OO , nud Mm
3hTold lost 100.
Clarence II. Wilder of Adams com
itumbled on n tumbling rod running n thn
ing machine , nnd w/w almost scalped ,
ilothes caught on the revolving rod
ivcro torn from lilt body.
Martin Uyan , who shot Dan l < "oloy nt
jota City , was hold in § 4,000 bonds to n\
.ho result of the wound ho inflicted , l-'ol
iktill was crushed by the bullet nud his cliai
or recovery nro small ,
The employes of the Union Pacific nt Xc
L'latte nro etill on n strike , claiming that
icltlement made with the Denver delcoal
Iocs not cover their griovancen , and thefti
lese to fight it out on the striking 1mb
ivcry demand is couceeded.
] 'miua 1'iaher , n school ma'am of Tn
Jock , was thrown from her horse last M
lay and eovcraly injured. Her foot ( caugh
ho stirrup and she was dragged over
ouijii road n cnnsiderablo distance , besides
ng kicked in tlio head by the horse ,
llli.m J"Sral" . n rnashcr living u
jouisillo , Cass county , was wnlted upon
ho Rlionff last week and requested to fat
, fatherless child or BO to jail. Bill wns
iroviout with his nfliancid. The Ingrains
gloriously bad , oae of them being now
nil for complicity In the LouisUlIo car r
The corn-fields In Butler county , saya
m-id Cit.v IJepubllcan , mo simply immon
nd every indication points to the largest crop <
rep over raised in this country. Tlio n
imptuary indUiduals aio rejoiced , as
ilco of corn will bo produced in Croat nbi
Dodga county has struck It. Thn rep
> mes from Jamestown that George P. Da\
hilo sinking a well wont through three ve
; coal the first two very slight , but the 1
10 (120 ( feet bolowtho surface ) n vein of ci
derablo thickness. The find will bo tin
ighly investigated.
The Donnebrog nottlcment , sixteen mi
) ith of Grand Island , was thrown into t :
ildest excitement onj3unday ] ast by the BJ
; o freaks of n mad dog. Before the canl
as killed he succeeded in bitmtr seven he
cattle. After being shot three times
tacked n German woman , named lloush.a :
o bravo woman pinned her rabid assailant
o ground with n pitchfork.
The Missouri Vnllov and Blair railway ni
ridga Co. , filed articles of incorporation wi
o secretary of state n few days ago. Tl
jks lilco a schema to operate the Blair bridj
a separate institution , eimilar to the Unit
icific bridge at Omaha. The incorporate
o John I. Blair , Horace Williams , Man
iighstt , David P. Kimball , P. H. Hall ai
iver Ames. The purposa of the co
ration , is the 'construction ' , mai :
nanco and operation of n railro :
nn a point nt or near the town of Mi
uri Vulley , Harrison county , Iowa , to Ulai
n'hington county , Nebraska , and oxteiulii
enco to such ] iomts and on. such route c
utas in Nebraska as may hereafter be desi
ted by the djreftors ; together with the co :
; uction , _ maintainanco and operation of
ilrpad bridge acioss the Missouri ri\or , co :
cling the said rnslroad in Iowa and N
- "I BOO that the Glee club is goir
disband , if the statomenta publiahc
ono of the papora nro truo. What d
m know about it ? " Such waa the qne ;
m put by the BEE'S Man About Tow
a prominent member of the Omah
! co Club , who replied : "Tho nowapj
r article to which you refe
vo aa ono of the causes of dissoli
lion of the club , 'a lack of intoroa
long the members , ' etc. Ono woul
pposo after reading that article , that I
is inspired by a member of the clut
d if such ia the caao ho waa cortaiul
ito fresh , aa nothing haa tranapirei
iia far to warrant any ono in saying tha
3 club wna about to collapse. Mr. Hal
not the first president to resign fron
3 club , and if the wriker of the articl
d called at the Savings bank and realer
or the resignation , ho would hardli
vo said Mr. Half loft the club in dia"
at. It haa been the practice of the clul
adjourn over from about May 1st t <
tober 1st of each year , and 1881 hai
t been nu exception to the general rule
o only trouble the club has ever mel
th waa caused by the dishonesty of om
its members , who robbed it of 82U (
ih , which caused a deficiency of abou
DO at the end of the season. It mad <
no of the members feel & little chillj
on they contemplated putting thoii
uda down into their pockota to maki
for that steal , but the assessment ha. .
311 made and la being paid , and when
jr the season opens the club will take
ldnnd _ give thuir Omaha f Honda nui
nircrs a moro brilliant aorica of cents
ts than over before. "
* *
"Well , Charley , how are you got
g along with your paving con tracts ? '
: ed the BKE'R Man About Town ol
[ irlea 1 ? . Squires , of the Aaphalc pav-
company. "First rate , " replied ho ;
0 are pushing the work right along in
ry part of the city , and our work is
ing general satisfaction. Asphalt is
nd to bo the favorite pavement in
aha and in every other city when-
r it ia put down properly. It is bo-
nsod to-day moro extensively in
: opo than any ether kind of pavement.
1 what Mai Meyer says about it , " said
Squires , who handed the BEE man
utter from Max Meyer , from which
following is extracted : "Since I left
aha I have aeon a great deal of this
Id. I first wont to London , where I
a great many streets paved with as-
U , and npon inquiry 1 learned that
ry ono liked that kind of pavement
( r much. In fact they are taking up
10 in a great many street * nnd roplac-
it with asphalt or wood. In the wood
omont the crevices are filled with wi
lt. In Rotterdam , Amsterdam , the
; uo , BrussoL , and Paris I found moro
ess paving with asphalt or wood , but
stone or granite is being
1 in the now pavements.
> y claim it is too noisy , and too
i on vehicles and horses. In Paris
leading boulevards are paved with
mlt ; and I can assure you that it is
io a relief when you are out driving ,
r having driven over stone , to got on
laphalt street. * * * In Vienna
ro ia any amount of asphalt paving
ig on all the timo. I reached Berlin
o weeks ngo , and have had ample
s and opportunity to got around this
, I think it would do you good , as
asphalt man , to ecu what they
doing here. It acorns as if
the town is torn up.
granite is being taken up
replaced with asphalt , and at a much
lor price than wo are paying In Oma
ha. Upon inquiry I find thnt they pay
for the equaro motor n triilo moro than
a ynrd sixteen marks , or nbout $1.00 ,
and while they can have stone much
cheaper they prefer asphalt. Slnco I hnvo
scon all this I have felt sorry tlmt a fotr
old-nioss-bncks , who never lonvo their
shell , could carry their point to have
Fnrnain street paved with granite , nnd I
think they will live to see it taken up and
replaced with asphalt. You can bo na-
sured of ono thing nnd that ia that I am
for asphalt now for nil our level streola ,
nnd wood or macadam for our hills , No
stone in mino. "
* *
"I admit that ono of Iho most pro
lifie crops in Nebrnskn is babies , " remarked
marked n well-to-do citizen , "but I
question Iho propriety of having a baby
show at the state fair. It aooma thnt
the managers of the fnlr have oflorod two
prizes to the two handsomest babioa
ono n girl nnd the other a boy to bo ox.
lilblted nt the fnir. The managers , however -
over , have probably not well con-
ndorod the grave responsibility
that they nro assuming , nor
Imvo they thought of the serious
results that are liable to nrlso. Of
: ourso the proud mothers of Nebraska
will bo in attendance in full force with
.heir babies , all rigged out in tlio most
ittractivo stylos. Now , what Is likely to
lappon nt this baby.expoaltlon ? In'tho
irst place there will bo BO many youug-
itera oo much nliko that if their tags
ihould bo lost their mothers would ba
inablo to identify thorn , nnd they would
lover know to n certainty whether they
; ot their own babies back. The same
lalnmity might happen if some mischief
nnkor , a < ? in Pinafore , should swap tags
, nd mix thoao babioa up. But worse yet
10 youngster with the whooping cough
Abound o be there , as well aa the kid
nth the mcasloa or some other disease
lint is bound to catch the average baby.
Jut the worst feature of the whole affair
s the character of the prizes. A barrel
f apples , frcah from a Nebraska orchard ,
a to bp given to each of the winners.
Vhat in the world do the managers moan
y giving a barrel of apples when a singlo-
pplo would answer just na well ? Do the-
lanagers know anything nbout babies at
II ? Have they over raised nny ? Do
lioy labor under the impression that
ables are born with teeth and can eat a
arrol of apples , or oven ono apple , bore -
> ro they are two years old. It is hoped
lat if the managers carry out their babjr
ipw they will ofl'er nioro appropriate
rizes. Why not offer baby buggy or
patent awing , or a cradle , or aomethins ;
I that kind ? But In the interest of the
ifantilo population of Nebraska I em-
iatically protest against the proposed
by show.aa it is exposing them to many
mgors , Including green apples. "
Mothor-Iu-Lis\v Tactics.
ncoln Journal ,
The Omaha Republican sees some ovi-
sncp of restored harmony in the Third
strict , nnd it at once pounces savagely
i Mr. Dorsey , whom it seoins to hold
aponsiblo for the . existence of it. It
ems that the ropublicana who wandered
f after M. K. Turner two years ago
ivo _ returned to the party. There is
rtainly no great political crime in this.
has been the Journal's views for years
at these who go astray in time of
oat excitement and under the im-
ilso of wr.ith and bitterness should
i duly nnd kindly sought after when
salons have cooled , and that the olive
anch should bo nailed to the gato-posfc
the party fold. It must bo admitted - " & .
at If the majority of these wanderers \
the third district are not brought or
i not como back into the party
nka that there is a dismal pros-
ct for the election of a ropnbli-
ti congressman. Tha Republican
es not belong to thp third district ,
d any attempt by it to govern that
itrict will bo a disastrous failure. Wo
acedo its right to rule the big firat if J
body kicks , and to rule it anyhow If 7
9 majority desire. But its meddling *
affairs outside its legitimate sphere is
t laying the ground ior party disson-
n and paving the way to possible
feat though it may bo this is what the
publican wants. But it is hardly pos-
10 that its mother-in-law tactics will
vil anything.
i Opened a Shrewd Man's Eyes.
im the San Francisco Post.
Chore is a cheap clothing dealer on
arney , near California street , whose
ifidenco in mankind has received a so-
'oaotback. _ The ether day an honest-
king countryman walked into his store
1 said :
'You remember that second-hand over-
it 1 , bought hero for $8 yesterday ? "
'Never dakos pack anythings von once
t , my front , " said the hand-mo downor.
'Oh ! that's all right. I just wanted
wy that I found this § 500 bill sowed
the lining. Perhaps the owner may
I for it. "
Of gorse ho vill ho has call already ,
tear front , " exclaimed iho dealer ,
erly capturing the money. "You ieh
i honish man. lloro , f gif you feofty
ar aah a rovard. Dot vill bo all
lit. "
Vhon the hones customer got around
corner ho murmured softly : "I guess
better take the fifty and skip up to -C-1
'tland before that sheeny tumbles to
t counterfeit. It's Dotting mighty
d to shove the 'quoer * "round " these
ts , and that's a fact. "
Brands ndrertlied ai abiolulcly pore
i a can top down on a. hot store until hrattd.theiu
ve thecoiorand union. A cheinUt will not it n
id to ilotoot the prewact of ammonia.
r ± ' * century u ba * %
? syoAij.8s'.rti9r : ? '
viictni or
Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , ,
ltron | > ln idiUcl ui > id Uriieii9rlM Du4
Price's Lupulln Yeast Gams
r Light , Healthy llrenJ , The licit I > ry lltp
Yeut In the World ,