Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Omnhn Office/ . 010 PAtnivm Bf.
Cottnclt BliifT ! omco.No. 7 1'cJirl I
Street , Ncnr llrniulwAjr. ! I
Now YorkJOIIlco , lloom O5 Trllmi
Building. _
mi > H < hed erery trornlnfr , except Sandj < 1
oat ) Kond jr tnornlog dally.
mm RT wtilj.
One TOM . $10.00 I Three Months . W
SliHontni . MM | Ono Month . 1
Per Week , 25 Cents.
HUMS roimiD.
CDS Tear . t2 , 00 I Throe Month ! . I
U i Months. . 1.00 | Ono Month .
American News Gompviy3oleiAonti ; NowtJi
tit In the United States.
A Coromanloitloru rotntlnz to News nd KJItoi
m&tterj ehould bo aJdrauod to the KDITOB or 1
Tetters in ! nimlttaneti ihonttl
Eddrpssed to Tnn Bun Puniiianixa COMPAIT , o1
Pr&lti , Chocks and I'oitotllco orders to be roado p
able to the order o ( the compiny.
E. ROSEWATER , dltor.
A. H. Fitch , Munujror Dilly Circulation , P. O.B
llm'tn's Km inurASrm CKNTI'AI. Ccivwimit
FRKMOVT , Neb , August nth , 1831.
The different llnoiof railway In this state will t
ickcts to the dclfRftlcs elected to the republic
ftite contention to 1)0 lioIJ t Om h , AURUit 271
' 1 , for ( are for the round ( lip , aid to Ilia illitr
contentions to lie hrld at Ilcatrlcc , HastlcRS a
Oolumbnj , August lOtli , ' 81 , for one and ono fein
fire. The delegates w ill prcsont tliclr credentials
local asrvnts who are authori/oJ to sell tlrktcsup
euch rrojcnta'.lon. UKO. W. K. Itousm
Tin : campaign has boon going on f
t o months , and not a word from Valid
vort or Pa * . 0. Hoxvcs.
His Excellency , the Governor , ia no
publishing n daily at his homo , but v
fail to BOO an explanation of the echo
lands frauds in it.
Two years ago Church IIowo was
candidate for lieutenant-governor. No
ho aays that ho would not take the ollic
as a gift. What is the matter ? Do (
Church want the earth ?
MK. VAI.KNTI.VB is lying very low s
present , lie is making out prcacriptioi :
in his West Point drug store , and the :
is no tolling what sort , of love powdora h
is fixing up for hia delegates.
Tin : republicans of this district will I
happy to learn that the Omaha Ifcral
supports "Weaver. The democrats ai
very anxious for the republicans to nom
nato a man whom they can boat.
As between a knave and an imbecile i
the executive chair , the people will pr <
for a knavo. They can watch n knavt
but they cannot protect their intorcal
against the blunders of a fooblc-mindc
Two years ago .lini Laird rode into tli
conventions and finally into congress o
the II. & LI. gruvol train , and now aboe
politician of that company is trying t
switch him back to the national capita
The blank pass-books are being frool
used to Bocuro delegations for him.
INDIAN Commissioner 1'rico threaten
to resign if Secretary Teller does not n
voko the order moving the India
bureau from ono story of the intone
department to another. If Mr. Pric
does not want the ollico , there are sovcn
men who will take it oven if the ,
hare to room in the garret.
IT is proposed to hold on indopondon
American exposition in London in 1881
It is a novel scheme and is already al
trading a great deal of attention in Knj
land moro so than in America. W
stupoctthat it is a money-making schom
on the part of some enterprising Yankoi
From the prospectus of the oxpositio
wo learn that it is designed to roprosci
every phase of American life , from \Va
fltroot to Nevada. There are to bo Cal
fornia wino shops Florida fruit Btorei
Indian canoe-makers , Alaska lishoi
men , machinery of all kinds , wit
white and black operatives of both BOXCI
oil wells , mines of precious and baa
inotals everything , in fact , to show th
industrial and agricultural pursuits c
every class. educational system i
to be fully illustrated , the wonders i
Yoscmito and the Yellowstone will b
hhown in miniature , and ovorythin
American will bo reproduced , down t
canvaa-back ducks and terrapin
The prospectus roaches its climax In th
statement that the war department wi
send a display of modern artillery an
arms , and the navy department will iu
low suit frith modohvof iron-dads. Thoi
ia no doubt that such an exhibit woul
draw crowds from the ends of the oartl
and there may bo "millions in it.
COUNTY TKEAsuitEiiRuHuis altogotlu
too previous in rushing to the dofonao i
Assessor Doll , of the First word , and ro ]
resenting him as an honest and impartii
oflicer. The county commissioners , wh
arc very conservative , have overrule
Mr. Doll and raised the assessment to
per cent. Do not the county commisi
loners know moro about the oaactamoi
th&i Mr. Rush ? Perhbps Mr. Hush ha
boon favored by Mr. Doll. This is n
new thing with Mr. Doll , who ha
boon denounced by tho'Ber. forjtwo yeai
bis outrageous methods. Ho he
willfully violated his oath under the pie
h ho could interpret the law to uui
own convenience. The hw sayi tin
shall make an honest and equitabl
asietsment. This ho has iu done , fc
ho bos favored big corporations and mo
of wealth. Ho may have made a few FJ
captions in favor of the poor men who
bo could thereby gain a few votes at election
tion , If Doll is an honest assessor wh
did ho not raise his assessment from lai
year , when wo know that property ha
advanced from ten to fifteen per cent i
The tax-paying citizens of the Fii
ward are said to bo indignant over t
action of the city council in raising t
assessed valuation of property in tli
ward 20 per cent. They propose
petition the city council to roconsid
their action. Now , before thotax-pnyc
of that ward hold any indignation mec
ing , THE Ilr.t : would like to uny a ft
words to them on the subject of asacssi
valuation and taxes.
In the first place the city council ca
not reconsider its action , because as
board of equalization it has adjourno
The law limits the time during whii
the council shall sit as a boni
of equalization , and having doi
its duty and adjourned ,
cannot bo legally revived. If there
any remedy in law it must bo sought :
the courts. The horizontal advance of'
per cent may oporalo an in justice in
faw instances , but this was the on
method by which the council could cqua
ixo the extremely low assessment of tl
First ward with the assessments of tl
other wards. The council could not scr
for every individual tax-payer , and ov (
if it had done so the limit of time won
have prevented action on moro than on
fiftieth of the property. The propi
remedy for the tax-payers of the Firi
Ward is to elect an honest assessor it
stead of a fraud , who makes it his bus
ness to rob the tax-payers of the otlu
five wards by his utidor-vnlimtions. I'll
Br.i : has repeatedly denounced tli
methods of Assessor Doll an an outrage
It is alleged that the poor are tuning t
sillier by reason of the 20 per cent , rats
in the assessed valuation. This is no
true at all. It is Doll's undorvaluatio
of the property of the wealthy that ha
caused the council to make the raise o
20 per cent. The poor man who owns
lomo assessed at Isss than $1,000 wll
mrdly pay enough additional taxes t
lomponsato him for the time ho woul
pcndin attending an indignation moot
ng and getting up petitions. Lot us t\t
umo , for instance , that the average tax
> ayer among the poor is assessed at § 80C
This moans that ho has property actual !
worth over § 3,000. Twenty per cent , o ;
? 800 would raise the valuation to § lC ) ( !
md if the city tax is four per cent , h
vould pay on the old valuation § 32 , am
an the now hia tax would bo § . ' 18.40
naking a diilorcnco of enl ;
? li10 ( in this year's taxes. Bu
ho fact Is that not moro than ono out o
ifty poor man ia assessed at § 800. Tin
nest of them are not assessed at eve :
> 300. Under the now valuation thl
vould bo raised to § 300 , and the ta :
vould bo raised from § 12 to § M10
naking an increase of § 2.-10 , not mud
nero than an average day's wages.
On the other hand the poor man wil
ind that ho will bo saving money by tin
-using of the valuation of the rich man'i
> roporty. The entire assessment of thi
vard was a fraction over § 000OoO , ant
in increase of 20 per cont. woult
make It S7iiO,000. Taking i
for granted that the pee
man's property represents oni
luartor of the entire valuation , whili
hroo-fourths include the rich man's prop
rty , the factories , packing houses , ware
louses , elevators , stores and costly rcsl
loncos on the hills , wo find that the pooi
nan has boon paying taxes on § 150,000 ,
vhich is now raised to § 180,000. Undoi
ho old valuation ho was paying , at 4 pel
out. , § 0,000 , and under the now valua-
ion of § 180,000 ho will pay a tax ol
? 7,200 , making an increase of only § 1,20 (
n the entire ward for the moderate prop
jrty owners. The wealthy class , now
isscBsod at § 150,000 , are raised tc
? 5-10,000 , and their taxes are increasei
23,600 , This § 3,000 , when applied tc
ho payment of the general expenses ol
ho city , will rcduoo in proportion tin
jntiro tax of the poor.
The trouble in Omaha haa been , HI
I'm : DKI : has time and time againshomi
Jiatthu wealthy property owners have no
mid their ahnro of the taxes , owing ti
ho fact that wo have had too many un
air and dishonest assessors , 1'hia ha ;
juon ( " .specially the cauo in the Firs
vard. Assessor Doll , Avho hangs to UK
illico as if there wns a great dim
n it for him , has nlwaya miuli
pccial cilbrts to curry fixvi
vitli the largo properly owners. Durliij
ill'tho years that ho has allowed the ricl
o escape an honest taxation , tin
ithor wards of the city , together will
ho poor tax-payers of the First ware !
lave boon compelled to make up the do
icioncy caused by the tax-robborios whicl
mvo boon permitted by Doll.
The First ward is assessed at § 011,000
This is extremely low and unfair whet
: omparod with the other wards. In tin
First ward are located distilleries , brow
Orion , packing houses , warehouses , elevators
tors , lumber yard9 , coal yards , gai
works , agricultural implement depots
notaries and other largo establishments
which are not found in the other wards
The Second ward is assessed at § 011,000
the Third word at § 1,000,000. All tht
nthor words are assessed much highoi
ban the first , although not possoaslnf
uch extensive interests.
Mr. Doll has gene on with his under
valuations , from year to year , under tin
iretonso that ho was saving us Iron
tate taxes , and the people wore hood
irinkod into that idea. But on oiamina
ion they have discovered that the stat <
joard of equalization inquires into tin
olativo standard of the valuation of oacl
ounty and raises or lowers it BO as tt
nako the burden of taxes uniform. Foi
nstauco , if in Douglas county ono fiftl
) f the real value i o the nvonigo assess
nont , and Cass county it is only ono
ifth , they would lower ono county tc
orreepond with the other.
\YIIATKVCU may bo the fueling agaiusl
lormonism there can bo no justification
) f the assassination of a party of Mar.
tnon missionaries in Tennessee. Fc
Mormon ciders , while preaching I
Sunday to A email congregation in a p
vato house in Lewis county , were dolibi
alely shot down in the most cowart
manner by a body of thirty masked a
armed men. Other persons were seven
wounded. No creator outrage I ;
over been porpolratud in this con
try. If the Mormons we
committing any crime , the proper w <
to proceed was to have thorn arrest
and punished according to law. Th
certainly had done nothing thatdoscrv
death. That such a thing should occi
ovun in the backwoods of Tennessee , ie
matter of no liltlo surprise. Had tl
Mormans been driven from the commu
ity , which could have easily been dor
the affair wquld have excited litllo or i
comment. As It is , Tennessee hao bci
disgraced , and the officers of the It
should at least make some effort towar
wiping out the stain. This can bo doi
by promptly bringing all the assassins
Tin : AJIT/C jion POR.
His now generally believed that tl
survivors of the Grooly expedition save
their lives by feeding upontho flesh <
their dead comrades. Lieutenant Grco
ofliclally reports that private Henry wi
shot on the Oth of Juno for continui
thefts of food from his comrades , an
that ho had a military execution. Groolj
ivho had repeatedly warned Henry tin
10 would bo shot if ho did not dcsis
: laims that hin execution was nccesaai
, o maintain military discipline. As the t
, ho alleged cannibalism , however , Grool
iays , in an unofficial intorviov
, hat if there was anything the
ho kind it must have bee
in individual act , as ho saw nothing of i1
Jo does not atato positively that ho dot
lot know that they ate human flosl
Cho whole matter will probably come ou
n duo time , as Lieutenant Greoly ho
brwarded to the secretary of war a dt
ailed report of Henry's execution. Sec
otary Chandler , of the navy , will ordc
\ court of inquiry to investigate the QIC
iution which may bo approved under th
lircumstancos as a military necessity
ncidonlally the subject of cannibal
9m will bo investigated , if fo
10 other object than { o got at the whol
ruth. Even if it is proved that the sur
ivoiH of the expedition ate the flesh a
hair dead comrades , including Henry
r-lmt can bo done about it ? It is tru
hat it is sickening to think of it , bu
uch things have boon done before undo
xtrcmo circumstances , where the law o
Dlf-protcction'takcs precedence over al
thorn. Men on a raft in mid-ocean , af
or suffering the pangs of starvation
avu fdrawn lots to see who should dii
rat in order that the rest might bo saved
ml perhaps men , situated as the Arctii
xplorors were , have done the same
liing. So faa as Grooly and his com
anions are concerned no ono can blami
horn much if they had to S sort to aucl
horrible measure. No other fooling thai
hat of sympathy can bo expressed fo
horn. But , if they really had to subsis
pen human flesh , they might as wol
iako public the terrible details , and not
ait for them to bo brought out by an of'
cial investigation. The public wants tc
now the truth for the truth's sake
lone , no matter how shocking it may ap >
The disastrous results of this oxpodi-
on ought to put an end forever to fur-
lur Arctic expeditions. Nothing hat
vcr boon gained by these expeditions in
ho cause of science. Wo know now all
: iat wo will ever know , perhaps , concern
ig the north polo. What matters if
liothor wo ever find the north polo'
Vliat good will resut therefrom
'ho ' world will contino to re
olvo all the same whether tin
orth nolo is discovered 01
umains undisturbed in its ice-clad sur
oundings. Kvcn in the interest o
cionce there is a limit to foul-hardy
onturca , and wo hope that the Grooly
xpodition will bo the last of Arctic ox
loralions under the patronngo of tin
ovornuient. Ofcoumo if suicidal ad
onlururs wish to undertake ouch oxplor-
lions upon thuir own responsibility wi
uppoao that they cannot bo prevented.
Kr.NDuw , NKII. , Aug. 1 ! ) .
Hon. IS. Uosowator , Omaha , Nob.
) oar Sir : What will bo the stand takoi
iy the Br.i : in the comim ; election as ro
ords state oHicorn , members of congress
to. , etc. ] Will it support nominoci
. ith a republican label , or will it snppor
non , regardless of their party alllliations
in early answer is requested.
Very llospoctfully ,
The position of TUB BKE was clcarlj
efined before the present campaigt
poned. On national issues Tut : BEI
Iways has boon and still continues to bi
republican paper , On local issues i
rill give preference to republican candi
ntos when they are men of charade :
rith a clean record and free from corpor
tion [ control , When the republican !
omlnato thlnya for congressmen , state
flicors or legislators TiiK lHn : will ro
udlato thorn and support the candidate !
f the opposition , ( whatever their part }
ibol may bo , provided they are men , If
either party nominates reputable and
Qinpotont men for positions on the state ,
angrossional or legislative ticket the
IKE will call for independent CMididatet
ho would servo the state faithfully and
rodltably , This will bo our position
ntil a law is enacted that will punish
raud , bribery , ballot-box shilling and
allot-box smashing at primary elections ,
'hlchasuow ' conducted ara a farce and
Mil , DOHSKY has carried Fremont , We
> ld you so.
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco it the
n Ic.iclicni nro tinjilnj-wl In thf pi
lie nliools of ( irnnd lalnnd.
Timlixu < l nf cducntinn liaxn reci-iieil 1
nipicntioii8 | ) fur jKifltmns from lcacln > r < .
'Hia 15ink of ( Jn County , in Plnttimom
In ? contracted for llic erection ( if n new la
building to Iw completed th's ' fnll.
The B.ifo In Iho 15. , V M. dc | it nt la\
City wa cracked tin4li T niht ( and . f
In cn h taken. The flusliitl burglart cover
tliflr trnrks.
TincltirciiH of I'lnttiinoutli nt ti tnnsn mci
in liwt 1'rid.iy n ! ht Hidwrrilmil $ l.,000 m
liontu for OKtalilinliincnt nl tliclicw Koldie
lioino nt that iilnci- .
Work on tlic ficciind trarlc frnm < ironMi |
.function to 1'lattsmouth Imi nln-ndy coi
ini'iu'cd. Tintrnck uill ! > ' n l > los mp to trn
men who nhvnjH drcad'tl thnf ] \ \ liptid.
Tlinri'portnf .Siipcrmtcndftit llnttli-y ,
the Lincoln fcliool , oliowa an eniolhnent It
year of 1CO" ! ] ,10J ! ( ! > oy < nnil 1.251 pirliT
totnl ca c8 of tnrdines f , it up y.lH'J , makii
n loss of 37.1 liours. Tilltlio tnperlntende
conidcr nn nnlnvorahlo sliou-inp. An avt
nfje nf twelve liutilli per month receixod ci
Ixiral tiiinishment for vnrioim middcods.
Stakes liavo Ijccn drhm and ground liroki
for tlio Is'eliraskn Htock yards nt Lincol
The jilaii of the yard provides for peno to n
coniinodalL-13,000 liogs , and S.ROO cattle , nl
for the erection of a hotel and oxchnni
huilditiff , waterworks , rtc. 'J'lio conipai
prnlioio tn build the hotel and the cxclinD )
with brick. Tlio water workn will lie coi
ini'iiced immediately. It will lequire at Ion
100 cars of lumber to construct the pens ai
btiildingH now in contemplation.
The Arothodiits are buildinpa Sl.oOOclnnc
nt Hprlnglield.
lieadle county shona S.H'Ootei ' * ar
61,0.)5,0'.y orth of property this yuar.
ThiM year's nppropilalion for mneys In I ) ,
kota IK 810,000 , \vhlch S30,0'0 Is to lie list
thin fall and 810,000 , held back for future us
Tin1 annual reiinirii ef the Soldiers' an
S.iilois'association of Dakota will lie held i
YnnUon on the Otli , 10th and llth of Se ]
Thu KpiVcopnl collepe bulhlinj , ' , to bo crec
od at Sioux Kallc , will he 'J\.ll.ri ! fuct on tl
ffround and tinoo stories and n half ba umei
hlph. The walls ulll be of solid graniti
trimmed with ted pipe-stoni- .
. wioJiisr.
The territorial supreme coint Is again i
running order.
The territory will make n big display of IK
products at the Now Orleans exposition.
Inhibitions of canine pugilism nrothofnvo
i to Sunday amusement at Clicycimo'a San
The assessed valuation of property in Uinta
: onnty last year was S'.Ul.OOO. This yonr it i
51,07 < i,000 , a clear gain of 8103,000.
Suit has bet'ij instituted at Cheyenne , by C
r ? . 1'IayiT , against Get ) . E. 1'oland , for tli
iiissession of cattle and sheep valued nt SOO ,
)00. )
Ashton , the bloycllHt , bound for San Prai
: isco from Kockfoul , 111 , , bioko < Umn final
: ially nt harnmio and coaked his wheel f
riui. !
Kawllnsiri a live and enterprising town
I'hev aie making piepaiatioriK to purchase
51,000 tiio aparatu ? , including a . 3,000 stean
in1 engine , hose and hook and ladder tmck.
The Cheyenne Sun claims to have positiv
nforn > ation that oideis have bee :
ilnced for n.atorial for 100 miles of railroai
ind 200 miles of piiio line , by the Hollnm-l
ij-ndicato , both to bo constnated this season
f bin is rather too much for the a\erage rail
oad contractor , or xovornl of them , to do bu
ween now and mow timo.
Thu htock griAVom' as'-ociation has requestei
aihoads not to bibiff any moie Texas cattl
nti ) the state , owing to the pruMilenco o
L'oxas fusciStatu quanintino will not bo ea
ablishod at preMjiit.
The Hhliinionts of cattle from the ftato wll
lonmisiially laigo this ( easou. The stock
lion are grumbling about the market price
irliich will reiluco profits below fifty per cent ,
rboprico to tlio cDiiHtkrnl-r , however , remain :
it the old notch.
The bullion Bhipnionts from Dutto for tin
icek endini ? August 9 , footed up SIOOH20.
Montann'H contribution to the AVasliingtoi
lonnment has been sent east. It is H blocli
f granite weighing COO pounds.
The managers of thu Union Pacific hav <
toppeil all work on nuw branches in the ter
Itory anil discharged the workmen.
The. 15utto it Atlantic railroad companj
an been incorporated. The company propcm
> construct a railroad from Unite to Gallatii :
tation , on the Not thorn Pacific.
( < rnut Iu Literature.
few York World.
It is so bo sincerely hoped that the cur
out item relative to General Grant's em.
'loymont ' by the proprietors of the Con.
ury ia true , Much that wo find in the
lowspnpora relative to the affairs of Gen
ral Grant wo know to bo false , and
icnco wo have somu doubt about the
laragroph referred to. It Is to the offee !
hat the Ronoral lus contracted with the
nonngors of the Century to contribute tc
heir periodical twenty articles on the
irincipnl battles of the war , for which he
B to receive the snug aum of § 10,000.
This Is good , honest , legitimate work ,
ind the ( jonorol should bo encouraged ,
t is explained that financial reverses
mvo forced the general to take up his
ion. It is more honorable for a dia
iiiRuishod man to soil the product of hit
train to a generous publisher than to sol'
ii name to a financial swindler , and we
ire pleased to BOO that General Gran that
ound honorable employment at last. We
rust that his contributions will prove
worthy of his reputation , and that the
iboral publishers will find them profit
, blo.
VOUIIK AVoinnn AVIio Got
to SunrlHo 1'raycr Mootlii' ,
Ulanta Constitution.
1 must tell you about Tro'uns all twine
; wino to the Union camp ground here
other week , and what happened to
2alodony while wo was thar. I hadn't
> ooii to a camp mooting afore sonco I wai
: nco high to pap , and all I could fetch to
nind about it was the smell of wheat
trow and rod apples , and gittin my eyes
ull of smoke whar they was cookin' uu-
lor a shelter , and hoarin' the mules and
xittors holler that was hitched to
wingln' limbs all ever the woods , and
oeing two dngs fight , and a little boy
all into a spring and his mammy wear a
ilolcory baruaciously out on him. Some
oiks haint got one grain of sonsu about
rhippin1 of a chile. She hud lot him run
11' and hadn't paid no 'tention to him ,
nd when somebody axed her if she
Mowed whar her young ono was , she
owed ;
"No ; I've ' loft him in the hands of
'rovidence , " but whoa she found the
tlio follow all wet and muddy and lot
: ( on him with that hickory switch , I
now in reason ho thought ho was iu the
amis of "Old Nick. "
But 1 must ( toll you about Cal. Mend
nd her had perused around and got ao
uaiutod with a right smart cluuico of
pys. Wo stayed thar a week and ono
ight , one of the preachers , a good old
ray-hoacled man , axed all the young
jlks to see how many of 'em could git
p to sunrise prayor.maotin' .
The gals all sot into whisperln' and
otton' which would bo the first ono up
10 ono that rizfust was to run all around
ndvuko up tulhurs. CdlvcLuny uuvur
would bo outdone in nothin' if she coi
help it , and she is tlio bangincst gal
git into scrapes over you seed. She
next tnomin' fore anybody else , and we
ever to the Robinson's tent to wako
the gala , Last year the gala had
stayed in the loft-hand side and the be
in the rit ht , and incoso she thought t
pals was in thar now , so she crept ulo
easy and pulled astdo the curatin a
stuck her head in nnd aaid "peep. "
"And nless your life , " soya Cal ,
couldn't hardly got my head out to sn
my life. 1 felt that I was plum peri
lizod to the spot. The long bed agin t
wall was chock full of boys ; some sou
nslcoy , some wakin' up and two or tht
had riz and waa a shuckin * into tli
clothea hard aa they could stave , n
thar 1 stood like a crn/.y cooso a :
couldn't move hand or foot pear
jist like I couldn't git my head out fc
they could sco who I naa to save my li !
but when 1 did git it out 1 axed foot
help body and 'lowed I'd run and hii
whar they couldn't look out and see w !
it was.
"i ; said "pcop , psop , " all the w
and made for the session room like
sheered bird llyin' ' in out'n the stor
I was shore it was empty like it waa In
year , but wo never knows what a ye
will bring forth.
1 foil up the stops , shoved the deepen
open and fell sprowlin' in the middle
the lloor saying "poop , peep , peep , " at
pcop was all I could say : ' 'Poop , pee
pcop , " says I. "What's the matter
nays ho. "Peop , poop , " says I , and
know in reason 1 was as , palo and whi
as n piller slip.
"Well , what you pcopin' in here for
says ho. "Petop , peep , " saya I , " ho
boys , poop , them boys , wlmt'll they thii
ot mo ? " "Why ? " says ho. "havo yi
boon a pooping at the buys ? "
"No , no , no , " says I , "yes , no , yes
did no I didn't , yes , yes I did , " says
try in' to scramble up , but my knooa gii
away ana 1 fell ngin. The good old mi
had shucked into hia clothes , and litte
ino up on my foot. Tether old follor r
up in bed nnd rubbed his eyes to sco wh ;
upon the livin yet it all meant , and whc
I cotch a sight of him , if I han't alread
been skccred to death * ho would have fii
ished mo a uottin' up thar in a rod ilai
nol shirt without h's wig and tooth wi
Did Brother Colo. 1 wanted to fly , but
was too weak to movo.
The good old man helped mo down tl
rtopa and I wont on back to the tent an
limed to stay thar and not show my fac
no moro. 1 know in reason 1 said "poof
i thousand titnea , and the word was sti
ringing in my head when I rigged out i
i frock I hadn't wore , and borrowed Nai
jy Singleton's hat , and made shore thei
aoys wouldn't know mo. I waited ti
; ho 11 o'clock aarmon aud everybody wr
it the stand and the singin' had sot ii
lore I made up my mind to go ; but atte
[ got fixed I made shore they wouldn
snow mo , and stopped out and riz in
cd unbroll and atarteel across to the stan
'oolin1 ' all right when about a dozen lltt !
) oya the size of Jack Simmons sot in t
lollorin "poop , poop , peep" loud as the
: ould , and all eyes looked at mo.
It was all 1 could do to stand it.
itarted back , but I knowed that wouldn
lo. They had done seed me , anyhow
10 I thought I'd face 'cm and go on the
ho mootin' .
Wo'uns laughed at Cal , and tormentci
lor lifo putty nigh out'n her about it.
But Cal gits into so many scrapes sh
ion't mind it long.
All sorts inginnorly goea up thur to th
Jnion camp mootiu' good and bad
ugh and low , rich and poor , young am
> ld , niggers and white folks , babies am
logs , mules , horsoa aud stools.
My tailor candle has burnt nraacl
[ own into the socket , and is a winkta
nd a blinkin' . I'll mould some moro
nd to-morrow night Pll finish tollin
ou about the camp mootin' .
Vyoming Oil Fields to bo Devclopce
and Xliclr Product Taken
to Market.
Ihoyenno Sun.
The party of English and eastern gen
lemon who are members of the Wyo
ling Central association returned frorr
lioir trip to the oil fields and other pro
uctivo territory in the northern pottioi
f Carbon and Sweotwator counties yes
erday. They did not appear to have en <
ured any serious hardships or to have
assod through any critical perils. Thoj
lanifcstcd great pleasure with their trii
nd said that they had seen line country
nd a great deal of it. As to thu result ;
f the trip , which it was believed would
0 freighted with importance to Wyo.
ling , each and all referred the inquisi
ivo reporter to Mr. Bothwoll. j
It wns with considerable ) difficulty tha
Ir. John U. Bothwoll , the gontlomar
ocogiiizcd an the foremost mc-ver in the
ntorpt 180 , was corralled and induced tc
ilk. lie made a sort of doprecatprj
lotion when the reporter cornered him ,
nd then , seeing that it was useless tc
un , said :
"Woll.l suppoao 1 might givoyou whai
iforniation 1 can. The party have ro
urned from n long triphaving thorough ,
y enjoyed it , and they are all of a favora
Jo opinion of Wyoming territory. Whal
ro want the people of Wyoming to know
1 that wo moan business. What wo r > n
loiug , not what it might bo imagined wire
ro going to do , is the matter of interest ,
'ho Wyoming Central association hai
hipped § 10,000 worth of machinery fron
'onnsylvania. There will bo a gang ol
ion , with dorrrlcks and other machinorj
ate that country within two weeks , drill
; ig oil wells. Several gangs are at wori
hero now sinking shafts.
The development of the oil country It
oing ou just as fast as it can bo crowded ,
f wo moot with success in our develop ,
louts in the next thirty days , the prob-
im of getting the Wyoming oil to mar.
ot will bo very quickly sottlod.
" \Vo are go'ngon with other work ot
10 development of the other re-
> urcos of that country. If flowing oil
oils are struck there will bo 1,000 men
ut from Pennsylvania in a short timo.
"In regard lo this railroad question :
'o have hod railway surveyors in the
old for a year , nnd have thorn at work
ow. Wo are going to build n railroad ,
ut where wo will build tlio track is a
tatter for the engineers to settle.
"Thoro is no longer a question of the
ipital coming into the country. It on.
t depends on the developments to di-
) ct the manner and rapidity in and
ith which it will bo invested. Wo are
ling on just as fast as business prudence
ictatos. The iiioa who are putting in
10 money to develop the oil have the
lonoy to do everything else nftor the
arolopmont is made. "
Tlireiitenliif ; Ilctnllatlon ,
ort Worth Curette.
This senseless quarantine against Texas
, ttlu might bo stopped if Governor Ire-
nd would quarantine ngainst the poo-
o of every state which docs not raise it.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To-
AKnll Sliuo Ticket Nomltmtcd ni
I'rolillildon Rejected.
I > ETnoiT , August 11 , The republican it !
convention adopted the following report
committee on resolutions :
The republican1 ! of Michigan declare an <
their devotions to the principles and orgnni :
tion of the national republican party up
questions of national policy , and pledge th
utmost rlfortfl for lh success of Iti prlncip
nnd candidates ( hero followa the pl.itfoi
adopted by the national repullcan con\ciiti
n t Chicnro. ) The republican party rccngnii
the need .f morn elficient laws to protect !
rights of the laboring men of the state in c
taliiinpo juitreward for labor , and it ther
fnre promises that It will fax or the enaclme
of such lien laxvs and other measures aa w
carefully pimrd nnd promote the interests
laboring men. That the republican par
pledges it'elf to resist the practice of Inipoi
Ing Into the etato convicts and conx let labc
crs of other states , territories and countrii
to bo employed in comiisttlion xvl
laboring men of this stale. The republic !
party has always recognized thnt the tun
stiatned tnanufacturo and ? ale of intoxicath
liquor * are prndiictivo of ex-ils of the greate
maBidtude nnd that itls the duty of the la
making power to ndot , from time to tin
such measures n aio found most practical
and ellicont for the restraint nnd removal
melt ouls ; audit nnxv rootlh ins that its puln
will he in the future to acconipllnh the sail
gieat result , by the enactment of such laxvs i
oxperieuco shall .shoxv to bo boat nelnpte
for tlio purpnfo. Wo inxito in this xxorK tl
aid and co-operation of all who iccognizo tl
uxlstance o ! such ovlls , xvlialexor be Uicir r
Bpoctivo xiexvs upon the wisdom "f particnli
measures to that cudj that the best molhue
bo found and the greatest goc
accomplishod. I'ooplo are ll
.oxercins'niij couices of Ntatopoxvcr nnd xx'hi
any cousidorab'.o poition of them demand a
amendment to the organic laxv of the state i
H-gard to any general policy thereof , iti <
comoi the duty of the legislature body , I
grant to the people an opportunity for an o :
pression upon such subject in a constitution !
manner. .For thirty yeam the vopubllca
p.iity has administered the affairs of the tat
with such wisdom , integiIty , economy an
ollicioucy as to insure prosperity at home , nn
honor , nnd credit abroad. It has fostered an
promoted educational nnd chniitablo instill
lions. It has stood for the Integrity of tl :
nation , and the liberty of the Individual. ]
has developed nil the great rcsomces and Ii
dustries of the state. The history of its ai
ministration of the stu o in Iho past,5s its boi
pledge and promise for its conduct In th
future. Mr. Van Lee offered as i smbstitut
for the temperance plank repotted by the con
mittoes Iho liquor plnnk of the platform f
1S81J , as follows : "It Is the fundamental risli
of the people to allor from time to time th
organic Inxxof the state aa noxv circumstance
or groxving evils require , laying its fouudatio
on such principles and organizing its poxx-et
in such form as to Ihem shall aeom most likel
to effect their safety nnd happiness. Th
evlls of intemperance hax-e become so grea
that in the name of patriotism , the most ci
fectivo measures ought to bo taken to reduc
these evils to the minimum , nnd as the mem
hers of no political party are wholly agreed ate
to whether this can host bo done through pro
hibition or regulation of the trail !
in intoxicating liquors and as tli
people are and ought to bo Una
arbitrators of the question , and as this mora
and intellectual people of the btito asked tha
tha question ho put to the people by this aub
mission to them of n prohibitory cmislitutionn
amendment , xvo again declare that xx-o bellevi
it would bo xx-iso and patriotic for Iho nex
legislature to submit mich nn amendment ti
tha direct vote ot the people , and x\-o demaiu
that it bo so submitted , " Tha substitute xva.
ix-as adopted by a rising vote of 4" ! )
N'o iii'frativo vota xvns taken. The platforn
ivith this change xx-as unanimously adopted.
Gen. H. A. Algerand C. A. l.uco weropn1
n nomination for governor. Algerxas noin
natcd on the firsst ballot.
Ijiico xx'ns then nominated by ncclamatior
'or JJetitenant Go\-ernor. Lxtco declined am
Vrchibald Butler nominated on the firsi
jallot. The rest of the ticket stands ns fol
oxvs ; the incumbents being ronominated ir
inch cafe ; Hairy A. Conant , secretary o !
tatu ; 3vdxx-ard II. Uutler , state treasurer
Vm. C. Stevens , auditor general ; Minor S
s'owoll , commlKsionor of the etatci land ollico
Hoses Taggart , attorney general ; Ilercho
3as8 , superintendent public instruction :
Tames M. Ballon , member of the state board
if education. Adjourned.
rohibltion anel Unionism Lead tc
liloody Koxvs.
CHICAGO , August 13 This evening , xvhen
, on-union men to the number of nbout forty ,
rho have taken the places of tlio strikers in
iibben & Sexton's steve foundry , quit work
nd started home in a body , they xx-ero fol-
jwed by strikers , hooting and jtering. Their
umbers xxere constantly Increased aud , when
: > mo distance away , the mob began throwing
tones nt the xx-oikmcn. Ono of the
umber fell with n ga'h in his
ead. A pistol shot followed and
nether fell xvilh a bullet in the leg. The
rorKinen , who were all armed by their em-
leers , then turned and fired a x-olley at
icir assailants , ono of whom xx'as shot through
iio heart mid died instantly. After nbout
ivonty shots weio fired the mob scattered aud
lie workmen xx'ent to their homes. The dond
lan is named lleck. It is stated that ho xx-as
haul character , that hn had killed n man and
liat ho recently came hero from ] 'itt burg.
Inly one arrest has been made thus far.
IN' IOWA cnv.
loxx'.x Cirv , loxva , August 1 ! ! . The city is
i the midit of a great excitement to-night ,
'ho etreeti aio croxx'ded and fear.s of violence
rex-all. The Iroublo arose ever Iho trial of
lau for s'lling liquor , The mob , many of
hem crazed by chink , tried to catch the prin-
ipal xvitness , named SxvafFord , nnd would
: wo hanged him had they founil him. A con-
table xx.i i-erionsly cut xvith knives. Itoughs
amo to town this evening , and for an hour
ad po > sc.3ion of the streets , thu eherill'd force
nd city police being poxxerless. After
upper the mob found Sw.ilford and
necked him and his brother down
n the street and xvould have
Illod SxvniFord had the latter not boon so-
toled in tlio store. A mectlngof citizens has
eon held aud social police appointed for Iho
{ glit. Kxcept in two or three instances there
as been no trouble hero to close the saloons ,
ml it in the adherents of these foxv violators
lie are causing nil the trouble , The bent
ooplo of all parties nro urging ohoyanco of
10 law. The rinelenders ot the disturbance
ro knoxxn nnd warrant * have boon issued for
loir arrest.
'J p. in. Tbo city has quieted down nnd
> ars of further trouble are dispelled. It U
iiw discovered that half a dozen loxva roughs
ore reinforced by a large body of thugs from
itaiilu the city , nud thnt nil inch suspicious
laractera haxo einco left town ,
Tlio Humor of It.
lushing Times.
What a funny campaign it is , to bo
jrol Everything is at sixes and sevens ,
publican papers aud leaders are demo-
ralic , and democratic leaders and papers
ro republican , and both are lialf-and-
alf. They are all quoting what each
thor used to say upon subjects now dis-
jssed from opposite standpoints , and
ith different results.
* * * Pile tumors , rupture and
atulas , radically cured by improved
lothods. Book two letter stamps
World's Dispensary Association , Buffalo ,
' . Y. tu , f. and wkly.
> 0 VI I iMtH UlXLd
I'litlloiHcti ore leralrcxl from remit of ri > , ollico
thiir. I'iriur , Uooaj 6 , CrcUltou Illock 16th uiil
03B *
Authorized Capital. - Sl.000,000
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000
ft W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Stf >
FRANK Mrarnr , President. I ! UM'tK. noonns , V.P
Bin. B. WOOD , Cashier. I Luriua bunt , A
Frank Murphy , Samuel K. liners , BSD. B. Wood ,
Charloa 0. Hotnol , A. I ) . Jones , Luther Drake.
Traoskct a General Banking Bualnosa. All who
haroany Banking business U transact are Invited
call. No matter how large or small the trunaictlon ,
It nlll receive our careful attention , and wo piomlio
wwaya courteous treatment.
articular attention to business ( or
reel. linn outside the city. Exihango on all the prln-
clpalcltlci of the United States at very lowent ratoj.
Accounts of Banks and Bankers received on favoi
able terms.
lesuca Certificate of Deposit bearing 5 per eon
Bmgand sells Foreign Eichange , County , d
and Government socurltina
S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sis ,
Capital , - - (5100,000,00 (
C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
8. JJ. CALDWELU , V. Proo't.
N1. T. QARLOWf , CnnhlorJ
3. S. OAIDWELL , j8. F. SMITE ,
Accounts solicitor' and kept cub
oct to sight chock.
Sortlflcaton of Deposit Issued yav
iblolnS 6 and I2monthn , bonrlnc
ntoroot.oron domnnd without In-
: orost.
Advances madoto cuotomoreon
ipprovodsocurltlosat market rate
> f Interest.
The Interests of Customers are
i'osoly guarded and every facility
iompatlblo with principles oV
tound banking freely extended.
Draw sight drafts on EnglandIro-
and , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
Soil European Pnooa o Tlckoto
States Depository
3or. 18th and Farnam Sta.
"he 0/dest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
Organl'iod in 1803.
irganlzed as n National Bank ! n
attVAM Komrrzi , President.
JOUR A. CaBianroN , Vice President.
A OUSTUS KODNTIH , 2d Vice Preeidocl.
A. J. PopruTcm.
F. n. Divis. Ciahlet.
' H. MBIKJOIUI , Assistant Cashier.
rraneacta a general banking business. Inn
HQcatea bearing Interest. Drawa drafts
i clsco and principal cities In the United
Load on , Dublin , Edinburgh and Ib.
I tbli continent and > i PT
Cor. IStli and Douglas Sts.
apital Stock , - - - 8150,000
Ability of Stockholders , 300,000
, YC Per Cent Interest Paid OE Deposits
J1E3E.UOV1) . Pro nl
M. JJKNNETT . Vice Prealdont
, A. PAXTON . Manikin , ; Director
'HNE.WILBUU ' , . Caihloi
JAi5 , Si. PSABOi ) * jti , a.
Itosidcnco Xa. HC7 Jones St. Ollico , No. 1503 For-
ni tit. Ollico liourn 12 in. to 1 p , in. and ( roai-J to
> . iu. Telephone for ollico 97 , residence , J2S.
ittcr of A | > i > Iliatloii of J. E. lilack for Liquor
S'otico li hereby ( 'Ucn that .1. E. Itlack illtl
on the Oth day ( if Aug. A. I ) . , 1881 , Illo
i npiillcatiun to thu ina > or ami city council of
laba , for license to bdl malt , 6iiilt\iou ] and Unmia
uoru , at cor. 13th and Center fct , 'JJ ward , Omaha ,
b. , from the llth d y of April , Kbt , to the IHh
V of April IbSS
f theru I * no objection , rcmonstranco or protest
'd nithln two ( .ck from Aug. Oth , A. 1 > . 1&4 ,
) said license Kill bo granted.
J. K. BLACK , Applicant.
! 18 2t-le * k' J. J. I. . 0. J KWETT. City Clerk.
ngineering , Sorvefing
no i thin the city and throngnout the State.
rOffieo Crelghton Illock , opposite City Englneer'e.
9 been established and eipeclally equipped lor the
ervous System ,
Blood , Kidneys ,
And Bladder ,
ill dlaeaies producing blood Impurities and polj \
ag , with plniilci | on the ekln DUciscs ol tim X.
er , UbeumatUm , I'llen , Chronlo Fi-nulo DUeisia \
neeol Eye andfor.Catarrli.Aitliina.lironchltls ire
truttod by new aud Biiccoseful method , , including
VlUlifd Oxrgeu truitiacnt. Young Men ,
Aged and Old Men , ( iiderlne from Ntrtoua debt'
and eihaustlon , from any cause whttc\er , prof'
IT IndlgcatloD , pa < i > ltatlon , dc i nJtncy , dLUnM ,
i of memory , lack of cncigy and aui Itlon , cn > t > >
mancntlr and speedily cured. NO Cl'Uf
VFOHTUEATMfc'KT Tno piyslclan In p 1 > ' °
i regular graduate and nustudlvd hi * prif8"0.1'
London , 1'arls and Berlin. He 18 an e i'i" , , & 1
iucs of thu Trlniry organs In both cio > 'M ou
altlictod , call , or rite full dBicrljitlcft'5ou'
i , and mcdldiK rray be st-nt you. rtW"iMlon
i. Addroisall ooininanlcatlon Om.n . ' P60'
Ciouu o'loek ! , Oinaha , Neb , Oftco ba" ' 8'12
i , 1-5 aad 7-8 f , in. bundajsOlOa. if