Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1884, Image 2

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This medicine , combining Inn with
Vccctnlilo tonlr , nulolily nncl rmnjili tvly
I'urr * l ) ; | i ( ' | " > ln InillKritlnnVrnl < w i
J in [ mm llloi > il,11iiliirlnriilll * mill r < 'trr i
find NrnrnlKln. . , ,
It Is tin unrnllinc remedy for Dlfcnc oflio (
Klilnr ) * nnil l.lvrr.
It Is invnlunlilo for Jil on o < < iiertillnr to
Wnmpn , nnd nil who lend fulrntnrj llvci.
Itdocinol Injure the teellicnii clion < lnrlieor
Tirodiiro cmwifatlon of/if / Jran nnllnnrt itn.
It cnrlelics nnd irttrinci Hie Mood , ftlmnlntci
the appetite , alih tlic n Mml1ntloti of food , re-
llcvoi llcnrtmirn nnd llclcliliiR , nnd strength-
cm tlio inu clcs nnd nerve * . , . .
1'or Intermittent rovers , lAMltiidc , Lnckol
ncrRy , Ac. , It 1ms no equal. ' v
tu The prnnlne Ims nlimc Irmlo rnnrk nnd
crossed red lines on wnjiitr. Tnkp no other.
B.dt onlj bj- Itn\t.MIILIIUI ; , J. , limlJinlir , Jill.
To ho nocili ol the
otirlst , commercial
tier , Hoitcttcr'sSttf'
maclilllttor < l > pecu
liar ! } mlftpto'l ' , glnto
It ttn-nirlhcnt tlio
liraccn the | > h ) tcAl
( nl Influence * . Itro-
mo\ci fttitl proicnts
HuilaHa ! fo\cr , am-
stlpatlon.iljsfiqisla ,
healthfully ttunu-
htcilho Milne } ! nnil
Madder nnil on riches
nn w ell as nurlflcs tlio
Mood. When cue
coma liy fatten
whether mental
physical , the wrary
- m H tf" and debilitated ( Tnd
ft reliable Borneo ol renewed strength nnd comfort ,
Female by llilruggl ts and dcalcrn''cncr lv. |
. . phjslcian ol largo
practice ( a ) ol Illilgo'n
rood ! " 1 can say of this
preparation of fooil that
It ha * novtr failed ma ,
or failed to agree hen
given strictly according
to my direction ) . With
scrupulous care , there
need bo Mjryllttlc.tron-
bio from liowcl com
plaints , and to this las-
icrllio the fact that I
- _ - , " " * jr ; haNQ noverjet lost a
child with any form ofdiarrhica or cholera Infan-
turn. " SoM hy druggist * In ctrs Rli-cs , retailing
355e5c , 81.25 nnd J1.76 , WOOLlliCH &CO. , Man
ufacturcrs , I'almcr , Mass.
(517 St. Chnrlrs St. , SI. Lonls , Mo.
A TrBulftrRrftdufctoflfttto ilcillcnl Collr eii , hmlieon longer
tDjrtged | Q the i | > el ltrcaimcDt of Cmumic , NkitoL'tij BKI
Jiol Itixtoi * l > ] RRiiKiittinn unr otlicr DiytlrUD lu fit , Lvali ,
w elt/IB | > tTi liow mnl nil oft ! rrt > ) ent liDo .
Nervous Prostration. Debility , Menial nnd
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions ol Throat. Skin or Uoncs , Blood Poisoning ,
Old SorCS and Ulcers , nro tr < &tol with untiralleluJ
njefeni , on Utint tlfnllllc frlnelt leu , mfcl'tlnlrJ. \ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess *
Exposure or Indulgence * hih < in > < iurc numoorttid
lollowlne tdtcti tifttonaiirii , iltMUtr , dltnnfM of light
aiiddefcctUo uicmnry , j Implc * on tlio rnec , | lijilfMdcen/ ,
fiicrtlon to ilto locletjr of frmtl * * , r ufuilt * of Meat , etc. ,
rendorlna MarrlnRo Improper or unhappy , ro
> triniiiCBUjcimil , lnmpljlet(3ft ( i neijrin ttia BWJ * * , ncnt
{ o teitrtl cmlni'O , frrcto 11117 n < Mn * . ConmilUtlonatcf *
Uee or hjr mall fn , and Inrllr j , Wrlto for qucitlotii.
A Positive Written Guarantee
girt * In t1lcurtitoctiei. MoJIclncucnt etcrynhcre.
Pamphlet ! . Encllih or Gorman , 04 pnffoi.
ff above diacaicB , In zualo or fonmle ,
SCO ( "Miei , One r H1ntrntr < l la cloth ami ( lit Ma <
Me , mtiiitjcr I'oiURet natur , inj'Cf cnvtr * , ale. Tbli book
couUlui * 1l tbe curloui , doubtful or luuuUltlto * nnt to
A booX of grint | ut < ; rei to all , UcftUli , Uti&ly.
ou * are n&moicd ty lu tavlco.
r | ' r-i. < > -R"i6.l Ni'ALI
' M |
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana , Huba , Evury 12
to 14 : Days.
TICKETS , 82.00 , HALVES. 81.00.
iJutijovt to no manipulation , not controlled liy the
pjrtlualn Intercut , It la the lalrout thlnK In the
tinturo of ctmnco In oxUtonco.
For Information anil particulars apply toSIIIl'SKY
CO..Qon , AuuntH , m2 Itroauuar , N V. city.
E. KAU11 & CO. , 417 Walnut struct , Kt. Iouln , Mo.
or Frank I.ubrano , I-.L ) . , 20 Wyaudotto , Kan ,
IVmiio A wly.
t p.rmtntutrun , , ltnokfr .
Tlio lUtanuhlpa ol thlt ucll-known line are hullt ot
Iron , In uator.tlKht oouijiartmontg , ami are furnish-
ixl with mury ru < | Ui8itu to make tUu tianiOK0 t'oth
BIO and aKrtxiablu. They carry the Uiiltcit Ktatua
nnd Kurojienu nmlls , and Icaio New Viirks Tlmru
naturdayu for I'l ) mouth ( LONDON ) Clier-
K , (1'Altlb ( ) and 11 AMIIU.Md.
KMc-n : Flrnt Cabin , * 55 , J05 and ? 7B. 8tccrnk'o , ? 0
lUnryl'undt , Mark llannvn , K .1 : , MooruaM. Toft ,
nXtnUIn Omaha , Uronimlix Sclinfiitijen.aKeiiUlii
Council Illuff . C. 1) ) : KICUAIIU a CO. , < lcm. I'a ii
AKtu. , ol Uroadway , N , Y. C'ljis. Kozinlimkl & Co-
General WestcJii AK > uta , 107 WanhliiKtou HI. , Chlca
Science ot Life , Only $1,00
Kibttuted TlUlllr.Kerroni and PbrilcjJ Dobllltj ,
Premitnre Decline In Man , Knoriof Youth , an the
aotoH mliorlei eiultlni from IndUorttloni or ei >
OIMM. A book ( or every man , younjr , mlddlo-ijed ,
and old. It oontalni 1S5 proscription ! for all acute
and chronic dlteoaei e-achona ol which li Invaloablo
83 found by the Author , whoso exporlonoe for S3
ytara Ii tuob ai probably ncror before fell to the lot
ot any pbyilcan 800 pagot , bound In boautlfa
Woncb tmulln maowodoovon , fall .
tjboaflner work o every ien > , mechanical , lit-
eiary and professional , than any other work sold In
tali country ( or I2.CO , or the money will be refunded
In every Instance , frloeonly 11.00 by mall , pott-
pild. llliutratlve umple 6 oonU. Bond now. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National Uedlcal
AModatlon , to the offloeri of which be refers.
TheBdcusoof Life should be road by tbe yoong
( or Instruction , and by tbe anlloted for relief.
It will benefit all London Lanoot.
Tlnre Is no member of society to whom Tbe Sol-
cuoe of Life will not be useful , whether youth , par
ent , guardian , Inttructoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Addreu the FcAbody Utdlcal Institute , or Dr.V
II. I'arker , MW. t Bulflnch Street , Boston UBV. , who
may 1 > > oonialtod on all dlseuos requli'iif skill and
e. Ohronloandobstlnatodlsoai.jsthat liavo
btlllrd tbe skill of all other phj M r I dam
a spuctiJiyi Bach treated aoueei.nt.HI. fully
without an InsUnce failure. -
About 2,600 head , mostly one and twojeiri old
etetn. Will be at Ogalalla about Auifust 20th , lo <
quire of or addrttaa
B. II. nUIilES ,
Jy 0-KSelw _ Oxalalla Neb
The Facts ConcGrniogtliePriYatiuiis of
The Grcely Party ComiD to
the Surface ,
Life Sustained in Those Rescued
at the Cost of Their Com
rades' ' Lives ,
f * of tlio Orccly I'nriy
The Now York Times printa a horrible
Btory of the sulTorings of the Orcoloy
pnrty. It Bfiys : Written documonU now
In the possession of tlio navy department
at Washington mid to the record of mis-
0 ruble humnn suffering already published
in connection with the Finding of the
Grocly relief expedition the most ahpck-
inr ; atorics of inhumanity and cnnibalism.
All the faots liavo boon In the possession
of Secretary Chandler for nearly tnroo
weeks , but so closely liavo they buon
guarded , and so strongly liavo the naval
plliccrs and sailors maintained the silence
imposed upon them , that not oven an
inkling of the true and horrible condition
of allairs has yet reached the public
oar. For the sake of humanity and
the American people , the army author ! ,
ties are endeavoring to keep the matter
hushed ; but in the official investigation
which Is almost sura to como the facts
will undoubtedly come out. Every efFort >
Fort will presumably bo taken to prevent
it , but the truth must bo known in timo.
To prevent the possibility of the remains
of the dead being soon , Commander
Schloy , it will bo remembered , insisted
upon remaining in St. Johns until iron
caskets could bo made and the bodies
liormetically scaled. The object of this
is now clear. The sailors on the relief
ships , with the exception of n few men
who assisted in removing the bodies ,
were not allowed to sou them. The lips
) f the oflicors wore sealed. When Commodore -
modoro Schloy mot Secretary Chandler
and.Gonoral llnzan at Portsmouth , Aug
ust 2 , oti the arrival of the
ships from St. Johns , ho was
very much agitated , and called the
( ontlomon into the cabin of the vessel.
Undoubtedly ho then communicated to
; hem the facts which have since become
an open secret. The sulFuriiifB and pri
vations of the tnon in their canvas huts
luring the lone , bitter winter of 188-4 !
lave not half boon told. It has boon
published that after the game nvo out ,
early in February , they lived principally
on sealskins , lichens , and shrimps. As a
natter of fact they were kept alive on
liuman ilosh. When the rescuing party
discovered the half-starved survivors ,
their first duty was to look to the two
men who iroro insensible from cold and
privation , even to the point of death. '
( Jno of them , n Gorman , was wild in his
delirium. "Oh ! " ho shrieked , as the
sailors took hold of him to lift him
tenderly , "don't lot them shoot
no as they did poor Henry.
Must I bo killed and oaten as Henry
was ? Don't lot them do it. Don'tl
Don't. "
Tlio oailora were horrified , but at once
oportod the man's words to Commander
jchloy. After n brief investigation ho
'elt satisfied that the poor follow was
speaking the truth , and that Homo of the
lion who perished had boon stripped of
their ilosh to keep their 'comrades alive ,
Mr. Schloy proposed to make thorough
work of it. When the horrible reality
was brought out before an Investigating
committee ho did not' propose to have it
rest on his oral testimony. lie instruct
ed two or three gentlemen , among whom
was Dr. Amos , the surgeon of the Boar ,
to make a careful examination and put
their conclusions in writing. This was
done , and the reports nro now
in the hands of the navy de
partment. Lieutenant Grooly was
decidedly advorgo to having the bodies of
the buried dead disturbed.
Ho thought it best , as they had boon
burled so long , to lot thorn remain in
their Arctic graves. Commander Schloy
did notiigreo | with him. The bodies were
dug from their graves in the little hill
just back of the permanent camp estab
lished iu October , 1883. Most of the
blankets contained nothing but heaps of
white bones , many of them picked clean.
The remains could bo identified only by
the marks on the blankets. liy in-
quirio * commander Schloy discovered
that many of the seventeen monjwhojworo
said to have perished from starvation
had boon oaten by their furnishing com-
It is reported that the only men who
escaped the knife were three or four who
died of scurvy. The amputated limbs of
men who afterwards perished were eager
ly devoured as food. Uharles 15. Henry's
death wan particularly tragic. Ho was a
young German , without any relatives in
this country , and joined company KFifth
cavalry , in Cincinnati. His friunds tried
to dissuade him from going with the ex
pedition , but his spirit of adventure was
aroused by tales of Arctic exploits , and
ho determined to go. Driven to despair
by his frightful hunger , Henry saw an
opportunity to steal a little inoro than his
share of rations , and ho made
the attempt. lie was found out and
shot for his crime. In the published of.
ficial report the death of this man is sot
down as having occurred on Juno 0
When the body was found his hands and
face , though shrunken , were intact and
recognizable , but nearly everywhere else
the skin had been stripped from him and
the tlcsh picked from the bones. Even
his heart and lungs were eaten by his
comrades. Ono rib was found shattered
by a bullet , and to another small frag *
monts of load wore attached. A bullet
hole was found in the skiu. The body
was lu this condition when it was . in
terred in Cypress Hill cemetery last Sat *
Commander Schloy was soon to.nlght
on board the Thetis and declined to have
anything to say about tho. state of the
bodies more than ho gave to the public
in his first official dispatch.
"Did you BOO Henry's body ? " ho was
asked. "
"I did not. "
"Of what did ho die ? "
"Starvation , or nourvy , I believe , the
same as the others. "
"Do you know whether ho was shot ? "
" 1 am not prepared to answer that
( uostion , " said the commander , hurried
ly , ' 'and furthermore I positively decline
to bo interviewed. When an olliciul in
quiry is made into the details of the trip
1 shall say what I have to iay , if any
thing , and not before , " and without
another word the commander hurried bo-
Txvonty Mlllloim in hllvor ,
Philadelphia Record ,
A well known Philadelphia citizen , J.
, J. Uoylo , has just returned from Vigo ,
Spain , whom no has discovered , after n
thorough and exhaustive exploration of
the inner harbor of that town , a Hoot of
sunken Spanish galleonr , sup *
poeed to contain cot lots tlmu $20,000 , .
000 in bullion , which ho expect * to res
cue from a watcry _ depository. Those
galleons are a portion of a llcot of treas
ury ships sunk in the harbor in the early
part of the eighteenth century during a
conflict between the English and Dutch
war ships and a French and Spanish fleet ,
Mr. 15oylo himself wont down in a diver's
suit to the trcasuro'galloons sunk in the
inner harbor and found the vessels
covered with mud to the depth of four or
five foot. The woodwork of the sunken
Hoot hodiscovoicd to bo in a sound con
dition. The number of the sunken galleon
loon * is not known , but the silver which
is said to bo in the lower hold of the ves
sels is supposed to bo not less than § 20-
000,000. Permission to recover this
money has boon obtained from the
Spanish government and work will bo
commenced Immediately.
JforHclonl'H Acid
A Valuable Notvo Toulo
Dr. 0 , C , Olrnstoad , Milwaukee , Wis , ,
says : "I liavo used it In my practice
ten years , and consider it n , valuable
nerve tonic.
A , Gloomy 1'roBpcct for tlio "Window *
UlaHH AVorlccrH ,
Pittsburgh Special to the Olobo Democrat ,
The window-gloss monufaiturers of the
country are discussing the propriety of a
move of great interest to the 0,000 men
and boys employed in that Industry. On
accnunt of the strike the factories of the
went are in operation only three months
of the year , which ended on the 30th of
Juno. There was no dissatisfaction on
the part of the employes when the usual
summer suspension of two months was
ordered , dut they were not so anxious for
thn vacation as if they had worked stead
ily during the whole year and had boon
in good shape financially , and liavo
looked forward eagerly to the 1st of Sep
tember , when the period of rest would
bo ended and they would again bo
making money. The manufac
turers liavo also boon looking
forward to the 1st of September ,
put through different spectacles. The
jomand for the product of their factories
lias boon very unsatisfactory during the
summer , and there is a decided disposi
tion not to light their fires at the usual
lime , but to continue the suspension at.
least two weeks , and probably until Oc
tober 1. The matter has boon quietly
discussed for several days. A special
mooting will bo hold very shortly to de
termine what shall bo dono. Manufac
turers who were spoken to to-day say
the outlook for their branch of the glass
trade is very gloomy , and that the prob
abilities are the season will open with
a reduction of prices and a correspond
ing reduction or wages. The latter will
bo effected without a strike , as wages ,
indor a now arrangement are governed
by tlio soiling price. The Hint factories
ll resume operations on Monday , after
i six weeks' suspension , and the bottle
factories will resume on the first of Sep
tember. Trade in both branches is poor.
Tlio Voice of tlio 1'coplc.
The people , ns a whole , seldom make
mistakes , . and the unanimous voice in
praise which cornea from those who have
jsod Hood's Sarsaparilla fully justitied
, ho claims of the proprietors of this great
iicdicino. Indeed , these very claims are
aasod entirely on what the people say
flood's Sarsaparilla has dono. Send to
! . I. Hood it Co. , Lowoll.Mass. , for book
containing statements of many cures.
" \Vnr on tlio Mormons.
Special to the St. LOUH Koptiblican.
NABIIVIU.K , Term. , Aug. 11. Npws was
rocolvcd to-night of a torrihjo fight in LowU
cnuntv yostonlny between dinguiHcd men and
MormoiiH. For Homo time Mormon elders
liavo boon proselyting In Linvm ami lllcktnnn
comities with ciinsidorablo BIICCIHS , 1'coplo
Imvo oxprui < sod great Indignation and [ determi
nation to drive them away. Yesterday n
Mormon meeting was in progrosB at thu houxo
of n man named Condon at the Kast Fork 'ot
Gave Crook near the post ollico of Ivy Mills ,
Lowit > | county. Several Mormons were prou-
ont Including three oldorH. While the meet
ing wai in progress ton or twelve mnkod man
roua up and duinnudod the surrendiir of Con
don's BOH and n. voting man named Htidi-oii.
Thin was i of lined and the Monnana began tn
uhow roeistanco. Ono of tlio masked men
walked In nnd knocked young Condon down
with HH gun , breaking hia nkull. Hudson
lirod and fatally wounded DUO of the masked
men , who proved to bo David Hinaon , a well-
known farmer of lllcknmn county. Hie
inaakud men then opened it general liio In the
crowd. Two of the ohlom wuro killed out
right. Ono ran behind Comlon'ri wlfo and a
nhot Htruck the woman on tlio leg , breaking
It. A third older , whoxo name was Ulbbx ,
lied to the woodo , purtmod by Homo of the
masked men. fjhota woio hoard , but it was
mibHoipieiitly learned that Glblm wan soon on
thi ) road Homo distance from the uceno nnd it
IH mippoHod ht > escaped.
It wan also learned tlmt the masked men in
going to tlio mooting nt Condon's houxo stop
ped nt a Iiouao near by of n man nnmod
( iarrott , n Mormon convert. Hero they
found another Mormon elder. Ho was taken
to the WoodH nnd left in charge of two nm Ked
men. Keen lifter tiring wnx iioaid , nnd there
in % ory little doubt , that ho was killed.
The mon were armed with double-barrelled
hhot-gmia loaded with btickahot. The uceno
of tlio tumble in off the r.ilhoad 'nnd tolO'
graph. Parties Iiavo gene out from Centio
vilio , thonoaiost Htntlon , to InvoHtigato and
got full paitictilnrH. llickiimn and Lewis
countioH nro greatly excited over the occur-
lunco , and further blooiluhod la nppiohcndod.
A CAKD. To all who am suffering ( mm ourora
aiul Itullicrdloiia nl youlli , iionoim wuakiicai , I'nrly
Uocay , lus.1 ol niiuihnuil , eta 1 will eoml a rc'clo that
will euro jou , KIIKK Of UIIAUU1Thlt : ureat rein-
etly was illncnvorcd by n iiilitlonory In South Ameri
ca. Kuntl null tuldrcHwil c vuloi | to HKV , Jomirn T.
INUA.V , Station 1) . Now York. Uy o in & ooJ
OyoloncH ,
roorIivIll.Triincrlpt. ( )
Up the Platte river in Nebraska , as
you may huvo hoard , it blows. And a
'blow" In Nebraska i different from
what it is in Illinois , Tlio ordinary sum
mer broo/.o of Nebraska would make an
lllinoisan hunt his cyclone collar , and
what a Nebraskan calls a blow is a widely
different sort of arrangement. Cyclones
are not common in the i/roat treeless
state this year. Wo were out there a
few days since , and learned that they
did not average more than three a week
Occasionally they have two In cue day ,
but not often. The Platte river has two
channels. When the wind is in the
south it tills one , when in the north the
other. Wo are credibly informed by an old
native one who came through with
the "forty-niuors that the Platte some ,
times oyoillows its banks , and green people
ple think it has boon raining above ,
when it is simply the wind blowing up
stream ; and , again , it goes almost on *
tiroly dry when the wind is down stream ,
All the stories of fish showers are true ,
and they are all blown out of the Platte ,
People go around in the evening regu
larly looking to BOO whether the cables
that hold the houses to the ground are
all secure , and it is nothing for them to
sloop for hours with the house two or
three foot above the ground , They have
a perfect contempt in that country for
cyclone caves or collars , and people who
have Docomo accustomed to the wind Kay
they wouldn't give a snap for u breeze
that couldn't blow away a hole in the
In the absence of suitable materials or
thu tune to propuro it , pec pi o often go
without a dressing for salads. Buy Dur-
keo'a Dressing and you will never trouble
youau'lf to make another.
Tlio Good Oltl DIXJ-H AVhon Money
Plenty Down In Texas.
llrooklyn I'nion ,
A reporter of the Union noticed ono of
the "hangers on" around the Coney Isl
and race track riding a racer without sad
dle or blanket. The animal seemed moro
than ordinarily vicious , and would
plunge from side to side , rear up on its
hind legs and throw his head violently
toward the ground in his efforts to unseat
the rider. But the man sat firmly and
gracefully on the horse's back , and al
most seemed to bo directing the 'animals
movements , so quietly did ho adapt him
self to the changed position of the equine
When the man had put the liorao in the
stable , ho sauntered over to where the
reporter was standing , and to the amaze
ment of the scribe betrayed not the
slightest sign of having done aomo severe
voro work.
The reporter said to him : /'You seem
to have had a tough time with that an
"Nuthin'tulF about that ; why , that's
only child's play. I'm a 'broncho * rider ,
I am. "
"ilow do you moan ; a 'broncho * rider
or ? "
"Now , gill , what'or yor given1 us ?
Don't ' you know what a broncho is , or a
mustang , or a pony that cowboys in the
west gonor.illy use ? "
"Aro bronchos and harder to ride than
the animal you have juat been rid
ing ? "
"Well , 1 should smile , yon see that
horse 1 was just riding simply jumped.
His legs wont free and his body went
free. Well a broncho doesn't ' jump , ho
'bucks , ' that's what ho does. "
Whnt'a the difference between buck
ing and jumping ? "
"Well , you are a tenderfoot sure
enough. A pony when ho bucks gets
his fore foot right in under him , and then
ho springs right into the air and comes
down still' logged , just as iNn's legs were
iron poles ; and then there is this pecu
liarity ; while ho'a comln1 down ho gets
his head nearly between his fore legs ,
and his tail under his belly , and makes a
hump on his back like a cameland ; Trhon
ho comes down you bet a rider goes up.
Well , ho does that act about six times in
succession , just as quick as you would
count thorn. You see , when I redo that
horse just now I gave with the horse ;
well , you can't give with a 'bucker. "
There's no give there ; you got to make
yourself stiff as iron and wear him out ;
that's the only way. Why , I've often
got on a 'bucking broncho , ' and staid
there too , until the blood spurted out of
my nose and oars , and 1 felt as if Ivas
twins. "
"Whoro was that ? "
"Out iu the west. Texas and Cali
fornia. "
"What were you doing there ? "
"Principally herding cattle nnd sich. "
"Oh , indeed ! You were a cowboy ,
then ! "
"That's what 1 was. "
"You ought to have an interesting
story to relate. "
"Now you'ro shoutin * . That's what 1
have and I could toll you it , too , if there
was a place to sit down , " and the "hang
er-on" looked loungingly at the bar
where boor was sold , and then at the re
porter. The scribe took the hint and
shortly afterward /'bucking broncho
rider" * waa smilling behind a largo
schooner of beer. ; ;
"So you were a real comboy" said the
reporter , and visions of wild cattle and
bucking bronchos danced before his vis
ion , whllo the reformed cowboy emptied
ono schooner and called for another.
"That's what I but then
was , a cow
boy ain't what ho used to bo. Four
teen years ago I wont to Texas , and after
knocking around a bit , I got a job as a
cowbov for a big cattle owner in the
southern part of the atato. Oh , them
waa the times , though. Ono hundred
dollars a month an * found , and six ponies
a year to kill if you liked , ana a share in
all the cattle you could steal. Well , sir ,
there was ouo year there that I cleared
$0,000 in good hard cash.
"What did you do with it ? "
"Blow it in , of course. Mexican
monte and red liquor got it all , oveiy
cent. You see it was this way 1 made
the raise. Wo started to drive a herd of
100 head of cattle into Colorado for sale ,
about l.fiOO miles. Well , of course wo
run across stray cattle that had no brands
on thorn. Sometimes Tro'd ' got only ono
nnd sometimes twenty. Well , wo drove
nnd drove , killed n fresh beef every day
and only cat the tenderloin. Oh , but wo
did live ! Well , at any rate , wo kept
drivin' ' and killin' and collcctin' strays all
the way till wo got to Denver. It took
us over three mouths , and when wo
struck Denver that herd of 100 head had
become 2,000 , and we sold them all at
S1T > a head , and the four of us and the
imm wo worked for , which made five ,
divided the stuff. That's how 1 made
the $0,000 at a lick. Wo used to do that
right straight along until about eight
years ago. But then eight years ago
wages commenced to bo cut down , and
the first thing I know I waa getting $00
a month , nnd then $50 and ihpn $10 ,
so I thought to myself I'd git out.
You see the fellahs kept a coinin' in
from the east and the south , and
they "crowded us out. Of course as
the mon became plenty the wages became
scarce , until to-day the cowboy gits only
$20 or $25 a mouth and no chance to
make at all There is no more big cattle
drives. Yon know a follor when ho
wants to sand his cattle away for sale
ho packs them on the cars and there's an
pud of it. Everything's the same ; wages
is all cut down , and there's no chance for
nobody , as I said boforo. Why , fourteen
years ago an enterprising cowboy could
start out with his broncho and whip and
bo able to sell n herd of cattle fiUO miles
away. But now you see not only is all
the cattle branded , but all the brands is
registered , and everything shows up on
Its face. And then , again , there a so
many cattle associations. You BOO , these
osiociations are gotten up for the protec
tion of the cattle dealers , as they say ,
and they hire cowboys and do the herding
for all the small ranchmen in the coun
try. That's another reason why there's
no more money in tlm business now. A
cowboy used to bo somebody , but now
he's only a farm hand. "
"What sort of a lifo is that of a cow
boy ? "
"I toll you stranger , it's a holy terror.
In the spring , summer and fall the cow
boy is in the saddle night and day ; if ho
sloops nt all it is on the ground , wet or
dry. Cattle are collected at'a certain
point and started on the drive for differ
ent places. When they reach the first
shipping point cattle of a certain brand
have to bo separated from the othorsand
that's where the work comes in , May bo
you see a bunch of 200 cattle , and in that
200 want ton of a certain brand. You
no to cut them out and the whole lot
stampede across the prairie , Of conran
then B the time you have to rldo. Well ,
you got the ton out and may ba you'vo
boon at it two hours and may bo ton.
Thou again the drivn takes the catt'o '
into a strange place. Some of the herd
era arc put ou watch ; they take their
turns at this ; some watch whllo others
sloop. The watching is done this way ;
The cattle are all rounded up and finally
rcstin' quipt. Well , the cowboys on
the watch ride round and round the cat
tlo , carryin1 lamps , so that
the boss of the camp can BOO
that they're movin' . Well , everything's
going nice for awhile , until 'tumo bloody
cayoto , who's prowlin' around for grub ,
gets a kick | or a horn from a steer ant
lots out a yowl that 'ud make your hair
stand on end. The cattle give * a snort
and oil' they go in every direction. The
whole camp has to got out and after
them , and maybe it's a week before the
whole herd is got back , and maybe
they're never got back. Then again
comes the brandin' time , when every ono
has to take a hand in , and maybe gel
horned or run ou by a wild steer. And
they think a fellow's goiu' to do all that
as knows his business for $20 a month.
Not much. The cowboys nowadays is
all farm hands. That's all. "
"Did you ever knew a cowboy to save
money ? "
" 1 know only ono , but then ! ho killed
himself. "
"Ilow was that ? "
"Well , you BOO it was while I was on
this ranch in Texas. It was near San
Diego , right by the Klo Grande , Well ,
there was about ton of us on the ranch
and I toll you wo used to make the place
so lively you'd think it was ou springs.
13at anyhow there came to the ranch ono
night a big Dutchman. IIo waa dirty and
ragged , and said ho was hungry , The
clothes ho had ou him was all patches.
Ho was n walkin' patch , that's what ho
was. Anyhow , ho comes up to the ranch
and ho says , soys ho , 'I'm hungty and
tired and got no work.1 Well , wo took
him in and the boss gave him a job. Wo
used to go out together lib out once a
month to blow iu our stufl Well , that
Dutchman used to como with us every
time and git blind , staviu' drunk on our
money and never blow iu n cent. Wo
stood this thing for .four months , and
finally wo noticed that the Dutchman
didn't oven got a now outfit.
Well , none of us was 'much on
clothes , but that Dutchmen was a cure.
IIo kept the same pants ou ho had when
ho como , only they was moro patches on
to them. Well finally , ono night when
wo was all pretty full , ono of us , n fel
low named Fred Nickoraon , 'Whoop 'cm
Nick" wo used to call him , when wo was
all drinking together , got an idea. IIo
says , says ho , 'Boys , do you know what
I think ? I think every one of them
patches on Dutchoy'a pants is monoy.
Well , wo all laughed. But says ho.
'You follows may laugh , but I'll bet the
drinks that Dutchoy sows his "boodle"
in his trousers , and that's what them
patches moan. Suppose wo hold him up
and see ? ' Wo jumped at the idea right
away , gets our bronchos , and goes to
hunt Dutchy up. Well , wo finds him
goiu' out of town on his broncho , and
wo gets a talkin" to him easy like , and
Nick pulls out his gun and says : 'Throw
up your hands , "Dutchy,1 Up goes
Dutchy'a hands and wo takes nis gun
away from him and makes him got oil' hia
pony. Nick then says : "Tako
off your pants , Dutchy _ . ' "Well , ho
begged and bogged , but it was no go.
We made htm take them oil' , and sure
enough , every patch was money. IIo
had $3,800 sowed up in them pants.
Well , wo asked Dutchy to como and have
a time with us , but no , ho wouldn't go.
Wo wont to town and painted ir red lor
two days and Dutchy wont to the ranch ,
got another gun and died. When wo
came back to the ranch wo had to bury
that Dutchman ; the whole top of his
head was blown oil ! Some thought ho
committed suicide and eomo thought it
was an accident. But anyhow ho was
doad. But then these were the good old
days. Tilings aint what they was , and
I'm going to got into some other busi
ness. I'll take another beer and that'll
bo the last. Hero's to you. "
Angostura Bittern do nct only distin
guish themselves by their flavor and aromatic
odor above all others generally used , but they
are also a sure preventive for all diseases oric-
mating from the digestive organs. Beware of
counterfeits. Ask yonr grocer or druggist for
the genuine article , manufactured by lr ) , J.
. li. Soigcrt & Sons.
> Dependent Iillco the Vine. '
Now York Evening Post.
A very charming effect was made for a
private wedding on Monday , at River
side , by trimming the dross of the young
bride , who were white satin , without any
face , with asparagus tonuissimus. The
delicate vine wns laid in sprays about the
skirt , and a long spray ran from the corsage -
sago to the end of the train. The veil
was fastened by a wreath of this fragile
vine and a hand-bunch of lamarquo roses
was fringed with it.
Ammonia in obtained in largo quantities by
the putrefaction of the urine ot animals. Jin
cyclojictlia llritannicu.
Kit'ry houKokoonorcan test baking powders
containing this disgusting drug hy placing n
can of the "Uoynl" or "Andrews' Pearl" toi-
down on a hot steve until heated , then remove
the cover nnd Htnell.
Dr. I'rico's Cream Making Powder docs nol
contain Ammonia , Alum , Liino , 1'otnsh , ISono
Phosphates , ( provo it by the nbo\o test ) . It
is bropari'd by a Physician and Cliomiat with
special regard to cleanliness and healthful
nous. in-o-w-2m
KxtromCH In Idaho.
Yitginin Enterprise.
On the sand plains down by Hawthorne
it is BO hot that mercury boils in the
thermometer unless the bulb is kept
wrapped in wet sponge. A dipper of wa
ter thrown up into the air evaporates before
fore reaching the ground. The only liv
ing creatures soon about Walker Lake are
bho pelicans , and in Hying from ono shore
to the other in the middle of the day ,
they are obliged to descend two or three
times and fill their pouches with water ,
The sand at the bottom of the lake gets
so hot during the day that bathers going
into the waver of evenings nro obliged
to wear boot to prevent burning their
Elomor Index.
Snow banks are still plentiful near
town , on the slopes of llounts Gilcrest ,
Scowdon , Ilavorly and Ilotnor , on the
southerly aldo of Mill Crook Canyon and
ou Mount Elector , north of town , while
on the west , circling the head ot the can
yon , largo , unbroken fields of snow loom
up against tno sky ou McCllntock Peak ,
Mount Bill Williams and the Sea Lions.
Piles nro frequently preceded by a eonso of
weight In ho back , loins and lower part of the
abdomencaii8lug the patient to suppose ha has
some atlection of the klduoya or neighboring
organ" , At times , gym "loins of Indigestion
are pregoiit , us tlatuoncy , uneasiness of tlio
stomach , etc. A moUtcro like perspiration ,
producing n Aery disagreeable itching particu
larly at night nftor getting warm lu bed , Its
very common attendant. Internal , External
ana Itching Piles yield at once to the applica
tion of Dr , liosanko's Pile Komody , which act ?
directly nr-n the parts affected , absorbing the
tumors , allaying the intense Itching , and of.
looting a permanent euro uhoro other reme
dies have failed , lo not delay until tbo drain
ou the system produces permanent disability ,
but trv It and be cured. Schrotor & liecht.
"Trade SoppUjdl-y C. F Goodman , "
I * fiui "f i-lti * i ( o tit iwc.nff ! hnk Trj it ,
Ur * f mi. . ! * * < /Uk > Jf ft r c rtrurjrt * ff Ui < ( ttL *
3cl , tohtuT * lurtH , liR. J < > B tli'.I RTfcs < NS ,
j. w. wcrrssiTAm ? . COLS
Dolftlntt Roynl umltl.S , Mall Steamers
e , Germany , Italy , ITvJland and France
Steerage Outward , $20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , Clg :
Excursion , 230 , Including boddlne , etc , 2d Cabin , $50 ,
Round Trip , fOO.tfl ; Kxcurslon , $10C | Saloon from $51
to { 90 ; Excursion 110 to 2160.
XVI'etor Wright & Sons , Oon , Agents. 65 Broad *
* ) ' N. V.
Cftldwcll , Hamilton & Co , , Omaha. P. E. ( Hot
man 4 Co. , 203 N. 18th Street , Omaha ; D. E. Klin
ill , OmnlmAconto. t > coil-lv
KM Summer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , 200 miles west
of St Paul. Tnrco trains dally on the N P. U. ! ( . ,
nlth SO Day Kxcurslon , Tickets at about one-hall
An elegant house with accommodations foi 200
KUL sts. R. R. COLQURN , Proprietor.
"Will purify tlio DLOOD.Tcpi-
l.itu the LIVER nnil KIDNEYS.
ami itKSTDuu THIS liEAi/riJ
nnd VIQOU of VOUT1I. IJio-
pepsln. Want or Appetite , in
digestion , i.uui ; 01 Strength ,
& onil'llrcil Peelingabsolutely
* cured. Hones , muscles rum
nerves receive iicwforcc.
Knllvt'iis the inliul and
piipnllcs Drain L'owcr.
, . StillurliiKlrom complaints
CV A f un - ? pi-ciill.irto tliclrsex will
find InDK-IIAnTEH'SIIlON TONIO nfnla nail
f"eUy cure , ( lives u clear , healthy complexion.
Frequent attempts nt coiinKrA'Hliijt only add
to the popularity Uoiiotexperl
lacilt ( 'L'tllio OlIIDlNAI. AM > JIKST.
Sendroupnddn > ! 3toTDBlr. nrpro.o.
* < MXul8 ) , Mo. , for our"DHEAM BOOK. "
Full of ttrnngoond usoful.informatlonfn > o.
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our next
Talcs no otlirr
. nourlrhnieiit.
It UK'rrcrt lti )
hlinperfictly , "
nrltcri n moth
er IliiiulrcilHof
- HintlarUvtiiiio.
p , nn well nt the troiu rcputnlJlihi | > < ! riuiK ;
tlirnuirhout the \\linln IT StHtlfytn tlic nrtll of
KuimruH no cooliilii.liotfciuil in liwiKli or del. .
jicp . . | unurr.rti. HyallilniinrlBtH liooknutfrie.'K'S I.'OIM ) ( . ' ( > . , Hnclir ? . U l .
riccln 6f nni's.ia '
lames Medical Instiiuio
> Chartered by thcStateof 111' . ,
' /nois for tliecxpresspurpoec
J of givmclmmciliatc rchcllr
.ill chronic , urinary and prl-
.vate dhccses. Gonorrhoea ,
. Gleet nndSyphilisinall their
complicated forms , also ol )
diseases of the Skin nnd
Hlood promptly relieved end
rcrinanentlycured by remc-
- - 'wMllIeB'tes.tlnn.fV".y1"c'/lrJ /
r > / inTYW ' >
c42xaZiiii. < - 2aSicJiM rarifrBeminal
Weakness. Jllllt Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
theI-'arcIO' t Manhood , jmalttveli/rurtil 'Hiert
lannejCDcrliiii'inimi. Tli : appropriate ru.r.edv
natoncc used In each case. Consultations , per-
tunul or by letter , sacredly confidential. Md-
'ciora sent bv Mall and Express. No marks on
eacuncc to indicate contenU or sender. Address
'JhJAMES.Ho. 204Wa3hlnaion SL hlcsgo , !
The Steck is a Durable Piano ,
The scnolMtlo year oommcncca on toe
First WBflDcsday iu SeMer ,
Phe courwi ol tnitruction enturaccs nil the F.lemen
ary and higher branches ol a llnishtiil education
Dlltcrcnoa ol HcllL'lon li no obetnclo to the ailmls-
ilon ol younc hdloa. Pupils are received at any
ilmoof the tear.
Including Hoard , Washing , Tuition In KaglUh nuJ
r'rcLdj , use ol books. 1'bno , | n-r wslon ol
Five Months , - - $150.001
EXTKACHAHaES-PraHlnif. I'ilntlr. ? , Germ *
Harp , Violin , Uuiur and VouilUutlc.
Kcfercnoet are required iron all persons unknow
the Inttltutlou. Vu Imtufr Inlormition apply
ho JUAUV ! "
J ) I1.U.&D
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' ' have desi
rable property for
saleto place the same
with us , The new firm
will be
213 South 14th Sfe