Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1884, Image 1

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Ihe Indianapolis ScoiiDOl Gels liscl
Into Hot Water ,
By Publishing the Article Defam
ing Blaine and His Wife.
The Bepublioan Candidate Wil
Defend His Wife's ' Good Name ,
With His Lifo If It Becomes
He Takes Prompt Measures in
the Matter ,
A. Iilbol Suit Commenced Acnliml the
Sentinel Publishing Company
by Ills Attorneys ,
Como Into Court.
" 1 I.VIIIANAPOMS , August 11. On the 8th
Instant the Sentinel , of this city , published an
editorial charging that Dlaino had soduccd his
prc ont wlfo in Kentucky and then lied to
Mainowhero the young woman anil her father
followed him and ho married her at the point
of a shot gun. This having reached Mr.
IMaina ho telegraphed Col. HollovvAy , of the
Times , that "tho statement was maliciously
and infamously false in every pirticnlar. " IV
litical slanders , ho saya , ho pays no
attention to , but thia attacking the
honor of his wife and children cannot bo sub
mitted to. Hnllou-ay was asked to sccuro the
services of n lawyer at once nnd bring suit
agaiiibt the lospomiblo publisher of the Sent1 !
nol in the United States court. Col. Hollo'
way placed the matter in the hands of Sena1
tor Harrison's law firm and papers nto now
in conrso rf preparation in [ accordance with
JUIaine'd direction.
Itlnino Indignant.
iMUANAi'OLls , August It. The following
h the text of Mr. BlainoS dispatch to Colonel
Ilollovvay : (
BAB H.viinon , Ie. , August 1-1. Colonel W ,
11. Hollovvay : I ha\o this moment received
tha atiocious libel of the Indianapolis Sent !
nel. It is utterly and abominably faNe in
every statement and in oveiy implication.
Political slanders I do not stoop to notice , but
when this editor assails the honor of my wife
andmy clnldien , I dcsiio jou without an
hour's delay to employ the proper attorney
and Invo tlio responsible publisher of the Sen
tinel sued for libsl in the United States dis
trict court of Indiana. It is my only romedj.
1.1111 MHO that honoi able democrat1" , ahko with
honorable icpublicans will justify me in d
finding the honor of my family , if need bo
with my life. JAMHS 3. llivr. ! .
lluriison Miller and Klam , attorneysin as
cordance with Air , lilaino's dircctinus tiled in
tl'O United Stitej circuit court a suit afjaiust
the Indianapolis Sentinel anil John C , Shoe
maker , its president and business manager ,
who , it charges , diiects and controls tlio pub-
lic.i'iimof that paper. The document proceeds -
ceeds as follows : "That on the eighth day of
Alignt , 183 > , said defendants , wickedly in
tending to injuie , defame and scand.ili/o the
plaint'ff , did mahciouly print and jiuhlish iu
their ienlnr daily is&uo of said p.ineifor that
dnjof and concerning the plaintiff a certain
false ,
ill tin wouls fitllovving : "Can lilaino afford
it. ' 1 ho campaign wai against Cleveland is
toay the least an indecent one. IKiiiding no
vulnerable point in his public record , the
enemy have assailed a supposed irregularity
in Ills piivato conduct. They ha\e diessod
and le-drossod the idfair until tlio naked facts
of it aio but a small paitof the fmbolowed ,
f i tiled and milled , bi/arro liguro vvalt/mg in
the lilame republican punts. Thu be-muar-
ing pi i\iito character is the stock in trndoof the
Ulaiiie folks ; it Is all they have toolfei ngniiht
tlmdimocratic candidate , lint can Janus ( i ,
Jilalno afford this plan of battle ? If liisonn
Hanks are ns unprotected as they are turicntly
understood to be , is he not
piinokmg a scathing fire by pei-
miUitg thiM ) asiaults on ( irmoi Clevo-
1 ind. The democracy will huidly uimain
quii t upon liloino's inner life when his Mip
potters are resorting to scaiidal-mongning .
iijrainst its candidate. The clmges of stdiic- if
turn made nlion Mr , Cleveland , and which me
fal-i upon their \eiy face , can , it appeals bo
tinned on Ulalno and i u m.ido tohtick. Thoio
is hardly an intelligent n an in the country
who Ins not heiid that James ( ! . Itl.imo hn ! )
truud the girl whom ho maiiicd , being foicid
to niariy her at the inu//lo of the shot gun ,
The domucMtlc prts < his had the moginniin-
itv not to put forth thosa rrpoits
which must eauso tnin to members
of theJIJhiino family. 1 ho lepiihlican pnii ] is .
have Ions ; Known of them and Invo allowed
them to go undenii J. If Mi. IJlalne was the
fa scoundrel to betray an innocent gill ; if alter \
I dojpollmg her ho was the craven to refuse hei to
legal rodiesH , giving hgitimncyto her tliild
until a loaJed Hhotgun stimulitid his con. iny
hcience , thai there is a blot on Ins pnvate te y
chancier mm o foul , if possible , than any of tepr
he countless ftuins of his political rocoid , pr
His conduct diHdofcs moral obliipiily rondei th
ing him undeserving of social conlidcnco and
.in unlit maiitoheprosidpiit. A candidatowith copi
suclia iccoid cannot atroid to assail his op- nn
puntints. As brtweun Clovdand and lihuno , nnmi
what fair minded man can hesitate to pro-
nonnvo the firmer a cleaner nnd purer man' ' "
The plaintiff lays his d imigis at * 10,000.
This evening it h understood that lo-nioriovv's
procti dings will ho liiyun agaitxt Hliw in.iker ,
and the author nf the uitulo , under the iBl
( Jrnhhs libel law , in the state courts. This
ulll compel Mr , lilaino's attendance as a
witness. Attorneys pay the Hint and ciiminal I"11C
proceedings will bu pusliod with all possible is
ili-p3tch , isle
ltrl : Tlictn 1'i nt OhuutRtiiitia , ' "
CINCINNATI , August in. The Forty-fifth
annual convention of the college fraternity of
Beta Theta I'i will to held five days ne\t
week , beginning Tuesday , on the grounds be ,
longing to the Associated Chapters , at a point > f
. .n Ctnutauriua l.ako neir Mflvvllle , ealle
Wriijrlln on Chiuttuqtii , The commodiov
club linu e i-eci utly tiin hed , will be dedicate
with appiopriatooeumiuiioj , concluding wit
a banquet ami bill. Uournor lloadh-y , Sin
ator Mi Donald , liovernor Potter , Hon. 1'aii
Vooihicsand ntlii r distinguished memboi
an expected.
A DleriiHfMon of tlio National
IJIXUB nm ! Oilier Import-
nut Matters.
SVHATOOA , Amust II , At the bankeis
convention this morning tlm report of th
nominating committee was reid and adopteii
The ollicers elected are the sumo as last yea
with the exception of 1' . IVancis Itiggs it
placi-of .Tno. A. Cresswell for the District
Columbia ; Jos. H. Oglosby , president of tli
Louisiana bank , New Orleans , for Louisiana
A lengthy paper was read by J. .T. 1 * . Odell
of Chicago , on the London Hankers1 institute
He gave the histoiy of the o-gani/ation nm
the manner of conducting. It has a mem
bership of 18.0CO and is inpidly glowing ,
The follow ing resolution was can ied :
Jtesolved , an auxiliary membership
to bo ctllcd aisociato metnlHTs , shall Lo ostab
I Mini , the qualification * ! of which shall be
first , son Ice in any bank or banking establishment
mont for not less than live years ; second , pass
ing nn examination upon such subjects as
shall bo pi escribed by tlio executive council.
Ites-olved , tint a committee of tlneo te ap
lointrd by the chair to pel feet a plan foi
iractical application nf the Ideas contempla
ted in the foiegoingio'oluion ! , and report the
fame , when pel fecied to the executive com-
Mrs. Oemge , of , read a paper on
'Ono ' Named 1'apar. " She lefened to tin
nannei in which banking is cained on In
England , and compared tli9 UK thud with that
if the United States ; also the state n ode of
naking loans , etc lie gave a buef stato-
nont of the mode of making loans in Canada ,
and also sumo leiuarks on endorsed and se
cured nauer and unsecuied paper. Ho re-
narked that the piactlco of humming on one
lamed paper was illegitimate. The legiti-
natl way to boriovv is to make personal
ipphc.ition to the bunker and lay the 1
case befoio him. All other modes should ! bo
abolished. The piper was received with a ]
nlause. At the chv-o o motion was made by
Mr. Cole , of New York , to return thanks ti
Geoigo foi the able paper. Hughes , of Cm-
cinnilti , seconded the resolution. Ho said i !
the suggestion by the speaker had been fol
lowed ni Now York they would not now
.merging fiom a financial crisis. The motion
was uuinimotisly carried.
Mr. Williams lead a ptpor on bankruptcy
The follow in ? papei was presented fiom
Mr. Homy W. Yates , president of the Ne
braska National bank" , Omaha , Nebraska , on
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Con
vention , 1 have always taken a great inteicst
in the icsnlts of those annual reunions of
bankers , but have never been able to attend
one , although a contiibutoi- from the hist
oitrani/atnm of the Ameiican Hankers" a < o-
The questions th it aio now nppcimost in
the minds of the banking and financial com
niunity , mil to which icfeience h.n been
made , are , of cnuiM'i of the utmost import
ance , not only to the banks , butte
to the public at laifro. Much jrood ought
to loult confidence , Mich a- .
is nlloided by tin- annual convention of bank
eif. It must hovvevei , bo admitted that gieat
oiioitimity | ] is also thuoby piesentcd fir the
ailing of vogue and impracticable plans , by
thu consideration and. discussion of which
much valuable time would bo wasted. The
conventions heiotofore luve. in a great meas n
me , escaped inflictions of this kind , and I
hope will ba able to do so ! > gam. I am kd to
remark from the fact that , like other members
of the association , I am often in reception of
ciicuUia detailing at length well meant but '
crude schemes of financial prctontion which
an-wholly impincticable.
Not a few binkeis , doubtless , are induced
to endoise thtso plans aftei n biief and ills-
cm-ive Lonsideiation , and of course , upon an
entirely one-sided and inadequate prDenta
tion of the scheme.
My own opinion is that we must rely only
upon ( "cpciience to guide us in time of panics \
and monetary peiturb.ation. I balievo great
advancuiunt h is been made since lh"l. ! New-
York city hold- , the kev to the situation , and
the country thoidd look to the banks there foi !
leadeislnp and example both fiom the
fact that it U the iin.inunl he.ut of oui ey.s-
torn , and bec.uiso we have there banket i of
the largest experience ami most cultuicd
juilgmi nt , It must , I think , bo generally ad-
inittid that this confidence in Now Yolk
bulks has been t-tiuiigly vindicated dining the
piesent panic 01 depression.
There may be mom for fuithei imptovo- ,
iiient or elaboration , but I doubt if any bettei
ifeiieial plan than the Now York C'leaung
lioiiso aiiangenient will over bo devised for
such times ; and if extended to the other laigo \t
and email money centres , the time may come
ivhen the well conducted bulks iu anv town <
L.UI act iu contert and weatliei any gate , oven
it lee and too wulolv cxtemkil tnncoins go
I'jwn. Some mumix , however , should bo do- >
nsed of bunging aboat the hitter icsult in a
pilot and biisino's like way , by the othei
inks interesttd , nnd thernby leave no cause '
pill.lieMispMim . and dlntrnst towaid the
ithers in the t-ysti m. 1 II.IVH no doubt Now >
Voile will jet solve tlm pioblem.
Judge 1'oland , of Yuiront , made refer
ticn to the 1'ctter refunding h II , and cpoke
tlir bound reuse it continiod. Ha con-
.hided by cillm ? upon Mr. Potter , the
irigitintui of the hanking BV stun of the conn- 1
ry , and whoso views aie embndiid in the
ibovu bill , to inako some remarks , I'otter
ook the iilatfornt amid loud applause. Ho
nadu brief leferenco to the present hanking
i-hti m as one to ulnchhogavo his early at-
.entiim , lie did nut want the system Used to
leipituata the national debt , hut to bo use-
us long as the debt remains , lie hope 1
he bill would bo favorably consult icd in
ungn'Hs. If pashed its ctfecL would bo to
ilace ; our inteiosts upon as high a pitch as any
lation in tlio world. After listening to a
lumber of other inl'm-iting ' papers , the con-
ention ad join nod sinodio.
Iowa City Terrorized.
low v Cm , Iowa. The city pasouJ a fever-
night aftei the tan ing affair of yesterday ,
nid attacks upon thu witnesses In the liquor
iroiouitioii on thu htn.-ets l.ut night , Special CI
mhco guarded the town. Warrants vvero
ssiied last night for the arrest of thu ling-
oaderH in the mobbing alfoli , but owing to
excited condition of affaits tin * officers
lava imt vet served them ,
Tlio AVnll Htrcut I Ian If ,
NnvYoiik , August II , It Is reported that
he United States district attniney issued n
warrant for the arrest of Cashier Dickinson , ic
the Wall street bank ,
GrammcrcY Park Not Enthusiastic fo
Grovcr ,
But Its Sago Will Open His Barrel
rol for Cleveland's ' Benefit ,
While Holding Great Doubts o
His Suocoss in the Campaign ,
St , John Speaks a Word for His
Party ,
And Claims Prohibition Is To-day
the Only Livintr Issue ,
Political Pointers from Other 1'olntM
in Our Own Stuto ami
Klfw. here.
Special Dispatch to TIIK IkK.
AI.IIAM , August 11. The Kvoiiing Jour-
i il'd Now York special sajx : " 1 lunin from
inquestionabloauthoilty tlmt Tlhlen is far
rom enthusiastic ocr Clceland's nomination ,
lo thinks it was not paity wi-dom to pa < < < <
overoxpeiioncod and honored men in tin
i.uty to try an jmtrlod quantity in politics.
My informant , who is an Intiiu.ito fiieud of
rildcn , and his frequent v isitor , 803-8 the deni-
icrncy is sick at ht-ait over tlio outlook and
hat Tilden eliaies in the general appichcii- The disilosinos of Clove
anil's woahuo'swith a largo body of demo
i.itsj and other disclosures concoiinng tlio
amhdato are having an effect so widespioad
nd .imaging that tlio campaign nunagers are
l"spondent and depiossed. Tildin loceivcd
Cleveland with thu utmost couitosy on his 10
out visit and advised most kindly and pa
lontly with his \isitor. His heart is not m
ho campaign , blithe will contnlmto , as has
loon his custom , a liberal sub-ci iption to help
ho cause of democracy. It has leaked out
hat Cleveland's managers find it exceedingly
liflicult to raise funds , and Ihoie is talk of
asking aid from local ollicials in nil democratic
illicea in the countiy. This is opposed by
ocal politicians , who said that all funds that
can bo laiscd in this way arc required , for aid
it homo and it will be ditlicult to c.iriy nny
lorthorn Btate if such policy is carried out.
St. John SponkH. , X Y. , August 11. At the
> yens camp meeting to day the principal
eaturc was the address by IX Goveinor St.
lolni. Ho said in substance , "All political
> owei is inherent with the people and they
uopose to USQ it tj | otect their homes
Dg.iinst the destructive influence of ITfi.lOO
egali/ed saloons In this country. N" ed to-
lay is so gieat as the liquor trallic. Jt is
guilty of every crime hmmn in the catalogue ,
t robs the poor of their money and the n.i
.ion of it honor and manhood. Jt destioys
ionics , stuff * ballot bove" , soolfH at \ irtne and
vM'Uin ice , ami has no conscience. Yet
icknow lodged as it to be the
( lIKATkhT KVIt , Of T0-l\ ,
neither of'tho ' old political parties dare to say
\\oid agiinst it for fear of losing the uhitLy
otc. It matters not which of the old partits
vin , it means the coutimution of the Iiiioi ( |
lallic. Uemociatic whisky is no woroo than
opublic.ui whisky , and the sooner we got rid
f both , the bettor it will be foi our country ,
'lohibitionists piosont the only living I'MIIOS
f tlm hont that renclit's the henit and con-
cionco of the | > eople , and the ptople inojiofe
0 press this matter until this ineasiuo is tii-
mphsnt and blesses 6\eiy homo in the land ,
nil the political Duty in the fuca of this great
ul , is afraid to Htand foi the right onuhL
1 be , nnilill he lieaten. You say you don't
\.uit to ;
\ \ AULU \ \ll. )
ECIIK mber that no uito uas oxei lost that \\.is
ast foi priiRiplo. Let it lie lunembored that
io party or individual that dies battling foi
lie right goes doun with the piomiso of a
lorions lesninction. The piohibitionihts are
ght , God is jiut , and uctoiy is xme to
oine. "
li'\Knn'a Heceptlon In York Htato.
Wui ino\\s \ , N. Y. , August II. Geneial
,03.111 nnil pirty armid lion1 at noon fiom
Jtka. The train \\iii greeted along the louto
y crouds with cheers and firing of cannon.
O.irtlugo a gnat crnwil was gathoied.
ogau , in response to calls for .1 spi cell , h.iiil
"Ladies and Ocnlloinaii : Its v srv gratify-
ij , ' in passing through tlio fitato of Now York
meet so many fnonila and coincides , whoso
ind grciting I tinly nppeeiato and shall ovei '
incinlier with gratitude. Tins comes n-
'sp < ttivo ( if ] > nrty , and la therefore tlio niitro
loaxmg , Tnuo allotted will not permit of a
ng ppeith , but 1 xliall bo plpn-od to nhttki
anils with as many of you as i can. "
Aft i thiou liiutl chrers for General Login
ml tin PO mm o for MIH , Logan tlio crowd .
irgod aioimd tlio of the car to grasp hi *
iml. Substantially the b.imogiacting aw.ut-
him at each station pot-sod. Tha armory
as crowded , the ( Jiand Army of tlio Kepiih-
especially being wi II repiosoi.ti d. The
liitfuim u.ixoccupied by manj loadinghtatcs
iwi and citi/ens of western Now YorK.
ognii and paity continue on th' ' Ir way to tlio (
lionaand Island * tills afternoon.
HIIAI Nl KM , Tex. , August 1 l. Thodomin-
Ilia Tenth distiict to d.iy
ly nominated Joseph U. iS.iyoi , Tlio din-
let IN now toproseiited liv .lulin Hancock ,
In i d ( dined tj he a candidate for remind- MI
IllllKllB ,
] * KIIII.\ , August II. Tlia democratic con
dition of thu Tenth district here to-day mini-
natod U. K. Wortlmigton for cungroim by
own DoinocrntH anil GrconlmckerH
Will K'HBO.
DKH MoiNl.s , Iowa , August 11. Tlio demo-
at and greenback mitral uimmittoiri held a
secret Bcs'iou hero to day , and after a '
ormy HOHHOII , decided to inaKo a fnxiun on
electoral ticket , tlio groenbackoia taking
xand thu democnU a\on of tlio
for nli-eloti. They filled tn rli inir. tindit
of the ih mocratio i-oliv ent'on ' at I' tvenport t
n ilalo not Interftring with tlii > utito fair
K. SI . ' "liu , gonrrnl i > \ scn .i i iijrnt nf tin
H > ck Inland rend , uotilled tli. < dcniotrati <
committee of the withdrawftl- f ipr11 d into
to the convention , < m account < > f tlmtcomiiati ;
IH ing oMIged to nct' nil lollltii ? stH , k nvnilnbl'
fni Jtito fair cxnirnioiia to ] ) < Mulm s. Kiniv
nn < l\Veavei eio ipikesmon fo
thth lespcttivo partUs.
A lUuly of IMnHkril Mon Murdering
X.\sliv n t.B , Ti'iin. , Augillt 11 A dlipatel
fi-oin Conterville corrobor.itt" ) then poit of tin
murder of Mormon * in Lo l counH , lij
masked mon last Sunday nmimug. The
milling party numbered About fmty. Thii
teen of tli wo attacked the IIOINO of Maitii :
Condon , where the Mormons' meeting was ir
progress. 1'orclng open the dnois , they \u-ro
cncountonxl by young Condon , armed \ \ ith n
gun. In the clfoit to disarm him , one of tin
raiders \\as struck with thu gun , unmnsUing
lim , hut ho drew a pistol and hot Condon in
Lho bowels , and after staggering a few stops
HMas shot again with buckshot , by olio ol
the party , killing him instantly. At the s-amo
uitatit another of the partyllrcd upnu a Mor
lion older by the immo of Gibln , who VMIS
i.utially hidden behind tliijvvifo of old nun
C ndon , killing ( ! ibbs , and severely wounding
Mis. Condon in the thigh. , . Ho thru tired the
remaining loid in the pun ( it mi elder named
leiry , wlio was behind tlm bed , Killing him
nstantly. Another Mormon rider in the
louse ran out by the bock door , and was
iiiuucd bv two of the attahhig patty stationed
ouUIde. They fired on him us ho ran , but it islet
lot known whether ho was killed or not ,
Vfter killing Iteiry the thrto masked men
tartod and just as they got out of tin- house
' . 11 , Hudson tired and killed D.ivo Unison ,
mo of the masked mon. One of Unison's
urty stood ever his body and ( nod two louls
if buckshot at Hudnou , literally riddling him ,
"lie Moinmni , in fear of another attack , did
nit maki1 a search until Monday u lien they
omul the Mormon that rnu away from Con
[ ons dead , and it is rumoiod Unit the other
Hissing elder has hoeu found dead , The Moi-
non elders claim to have been sent hro direct
loui Utah to make converts and establish
Sycnmoro'H Sciifmtlon.
Special Wspatch to TIIK BZE.
SM-AMOIIK , 111 , , August II.A shocking
ragedy occurred tlnoo miles west of thisplaco
afternoon , l-'loronce " "
estorday , or "Kitty ,
as she was called , the 17 year old daughter of
leek Mitchell , a farmer , waj shot by Louis
Taylor , the hired umn , JUid the murderer soon
iftor ended his own lifo rather than bo put to
lentil by thoavcngoia who weio npccdily on
ils track. The particulars of tha dreadful
alfairs aie as follows : Immediately after their
early dinner , Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell loft the
10H30 and went to the city ,
lei being at work iu the vicinity of the
10U90 when they took their departure. Mies
\Iitchell had united Allco Donnif , a noigh-
) or's daughter , and horjown particular friend ,
over to spend tlio afternoon with hei. When
, ho young lady arrived shoitly before three
o'clock , she could find no trace of Ploronie ,
and BO proceeded to Boarch for her. Kbo had
lot looked far before she ouierrcd smoke issu-
ni ; from the cellar , and hastening to the bnso
ntnt she was
t the fearful sight that met her ga e. Her >
liond lay prone on the llooi , her clothing
n I'm1 and Mii < s l ennis thinking the gill had
alien from suffocation , dished n pill of water
v or her and then Hod , calling madly for holp.
V couple of men who were passing heard the '
Irl's shrieks , and entering tlio jionte cairled
lie body of liss Mitch ell out into the upon
ir. It was then found tint the unfortuii ito
irl had been assaBjinatt'd the hull having
'iitrred her head , three inchoa behind the
ight eai , and turning upu-anl ,
.Siipjiicion immediately fastened upon Tay-
or , the hired man , who was nowhuro to bo
omul , and a crowd of three hundred men tlmr
iad gathered bUrtod in pursuit , swearing to
vroalc upon him the duett vengeance should
10 be overtaken. Tlio throngHproad overt ! o
ulds in oveiy direction instil
'nylor'ri tiail discovered through
10 cornheld in the dilution
f the woods. Suddenly the
nd a deafnhig yell , droadfnl in the navngo
ntonsily of its ragewent tip from 'tlK ) throatH.
' .ij lor was again presently lost to sight , and
lofoto ho was again seen the report of n pistol
ing out sharply upon the air Indicating that of
HI wretch hud prefenod to dlo by his own (
land rather than nt these of Ills victim's
vonpcrH. Tlio croud hmlied on toward the
leek and on gaining it tlio advance guard of
'aylor'H ] ) iirhiinra iliucovcicd the man's ii'in '
ting uhovo the viator ill the centoi of the (
.ream. The body was ,
iwAcor.n i IIOM Tin : \\\ri.u
ml il. was found that Taylor had phot him-
elf through the heart , At the blink of the
.team luy a revolver with uno chumhor emp-
Y. 'J'h't lomams were tukou to jail to
unit thocoronor'n iniiiost |
Taylor had worked for Mr. Mitchell for two
oars. Hid .mother , Mrs. William Tralford , '
veslnthla city. Miss Mitchull wasavory
andsomo girl , In Ight and good natured , and
, L8 lined and rospoi ted by all who knew hci.
or ( mother has bucu driven msitno by the
orrihlo ovent.i
l''rnnco ,
1'MtiH , August II. Fifteen hundred shotp in
looteiri embark at Algiers today foi Ton
inn. Hemy M. Stanley , now m this city , in
itlans that l ongo , in it fico Htato , will soon
reeogai/ud by thu whole world. The state
lopoxes to give upon commerce to all nations has
id expects to brcomo a t' fonfudorutlon
rnatlvo chiefs under the control of nn lai-
ipean and Ainencan LommisHion. Stanh >
utcshowill nhuitly vi it l.ondini and urn
eittho Dnglifth who now htand alone in oji
oBltuiii to hmpiojicts , HopraiHid DoHru/.ta ,
10 Trench 01 plorer , who ho said dostlnod to
Midor gi oat H < > I vice tn I'Vauec ' , the
IloOot an AnniiKl PUSH. IIIK
Kl-vv YOIIK , August II Li-oiinnl AV.
lavis arrested for foruing the naiixis of Jos ,
'ulit/or , editor of thu Win hi and Albeit
'nllt/.er , editor of the Mornicc ilouruul , to
tterx asking passes nn lailioads and steam *
oatH wanneiit tn the ] 'nitenttary for one
Details of tlio Execution of Priyat
Henry , at Cape Saliiuo ,
His Death Essential to the Preservation
sorvation of the Explorers !
Lieut. Grooly Asks for a Court o
Inquiry , or
Boooption Tendered tothoExplor1
or atNowburyport ,
The Flag that Waved Nearest th o
Polo Unfurled.
It In 1'rCHontcil to tlio Knluhts-
Toinplur ny tlio Iiloutonant.
DotuIlH of nn Are
WAHIIINUTOV , Augu t II. The followiinf is
Lieutenant ( Jreely's olhcinl report of the o\e
cutionof 1'rlvato Henry
I'oiiT-tMOt Til , N. 11. , AucustU. Adjutant
lloneiall' ' . S. , ( thiouKli Chuf Signal Olllccr
LT. S. A. ) : Sill : -I have the honor to ropoit
Jilt on .Itiuo Cilli , 1S8I , nt Camp CInv , near
J.ipo Sahlna.CJiindell land , it necoas.iry
'or mo to orclor the military execution of I'll
vato Chns. li. Hemy , Fifth cavalry , for con
aimed thieving. The order was Riven in writ
ng , on my undivided responsibility , being ;
loomed absolutely essential for the safety
if the surviving members of the expedition.
1'ou had already died of starvation nnd two
nore lay at the poi t of death. The facts
endnclng my action were as follows1'rovln -
ous had been stolen in November lS8t : , and
Henry's complicity therein wai moro than
suspected , MarcliIth , 1881 , the party noar-
y perished from asphyxh. While several
lieu were unconscious and eltoi Is were bomi ;
nado for their restoration , Prhnto Henry
stele about two piiuuda of bacon from thu
nous stores. Ho was not only scon
iy thu Kakiino , .lens lMwardsbut his stomach
joiug overloaded he throw up utidlRestod ba
con. An opuii inroHligation was held nnd
every member of the party declared him guilty
if thcso and other theft ; . A clamor for his
ifo was raised , hut was repressed by mo _ I
mt him under surveilnnco until our waning
itrougth rondoiod Inn physical services
ndlsponsablo. Later , ho was found
ma day intoxicated , having stolen liquor
on hand for niediclnul issue. A second time
lis lifo wns demanded but 1 again spared
inn. On .lunofith a theft of provisions ends
ds pat t had been reported to me , 1 h ul a
conversation with him In which 1 appealed to
u.s practical eenso , pointing out that it was
mcassary to our preservation. Ho promised
entire reformation , but distrusting him , I
ssvod n written Older that ho should 1m shot
f detected Hte.dmg ngam , On .luno ( ith ho
not only stuto n pait of the
shrimps fin our breakfast , hut
visiting I unauthorised winter camp , stole
ijjcortain f.d nklu reserved for food. I
; hon ordered him shot. On his parson \uis ii
'oundn sllu'rchronogiaph abiudonod by mo
it 1'ort Conger and stolen by him. In his
ing was found a larpo quantity of coal skin
ind ii pair of skin hoots stolen a low days
icfoio from the hunter. Sucpeiting com-
ilicity on the part of 1 ordeied his ex
ecution by three of the most reliable men. \
After his death nn ordei was read to the
autiro paity and concurred in by every inoin *
lorni being-not < mly just hut essential to our
safety. To avoid public scandal I ordered no
nan should upoak of this matter until the of-
icial leport was inado of the facts. I huvo
tlio honoi to rnpiost that n emu t
f inquiry bo ordered or a court martial bo
convened , should the honorable sccrotiiiy of
var doom either advisable. In this case I
iavo thoi ght it best not to sk the written
tatomoiits of the suiviving members of the
laity forappendlcoi to thoreiiortlest I might
oem to be tumporii.g with them. I have not
asked Binco our rescue , . .luno2d , vvliLthor
lie 11- opinions concurring in my
ction liavo changed or not , leaving
uch iiiuittiiiii8 | to your action if deemed requis-
te. I ( naturally reprot the tircumstincej
liat imposed such u terrible losponsibdity
pou me , but I am conscious I should have
ailed in my duty to the rest of my patty had
not ncti d promptly and summarily.
( Signed , ) A. W. ( JltKHM. f
Nl-w Yoiih , August 1 1. - The deputy legis.
rar of vital statixtics to day font a lettei to
lie seen tary of the navy asking the fads
bout the dtath of private Homy. Tin1 lee
rdri in the bureau xav that it was duo to
taiv.'itmn in the Arctic legions. If shot , the
egixli . r desn cs it coi lection.
Orccli''H Itccnptlon at Ncvv liuryporl.
Nl wiiuitM'Olil , August 1 1. At 15,000
tr.mgi rs aie in the city. At 10 'JO the New
Imiyiort eomiuandeiy pmcoodid to tlio hoii'
Lieutenant ( Jicelv'H mothei Ijiontenant
ireolv piesentid the Sn Knights with th. .
American flag ninth h\ his wife , which has
been f.uthei ninth than any othi i II ig , with
the lequest that It IJK handed to Maym John
xoii foi display at tlio gi.ind htand to day.
ileoly was then excelled to the eatiiagn
nmd iheeis if ml iimsiu. On the route Guiilj
vvan the recipient of applaud ) and ehoers to lie re-tponded with noils and Hindus. At
the Lily hull Groely H.ud he delighted to get
luck to his old home and wax son v ill health
piovontod Ins surviving comrades fiom nccom
panning him. The hist bit of American
mist he saw on lotiirnine fiom the AIL tie in-
LTIOII was that Hiniiiimding his nalivo elty Ho
U'.IH pleased to meet the loprosontatlvcH of thu
IJIC.-H as all with a single otceptiunhud tit atcd
linn like a man.
Honrj'H Kolnilvt'H' Opinion.
CHICvt.o , August 11. William Helms ,
who wrote to Hutu taiy Chandlei iloinanding
investigation Into the death of I'liviitn
Chailes 15 , Henry , one of the ( ! > eely party , in
interview of KOIIIO length rclatm that Ins
inilv i elation to the deceased is bv mainago ,
and that only dibtantly The father anil
mothei of the deceased Jive in ( formally. Ho
a nlxtoi living at Lincoln , Nebrahkn ,
iiametl Dora I luck. Henry's proper iiamo Is
Charles Henry Illicit , ho having ilningi d his
iiamo nn joining the regular army. Hemy is
iK'hcilhed UH u person of good education and
Hull biimght ui | AH to meriting Ins death ,
Mi. Helms sin.I . "If Henry did ntenl the juo-
unions us Lieutenant ( iieely claims ho did ,
latter WIIK jiMtlfird in tntlerilK Inn death "
view of tha olhor ciiciimntances Hinitijiid-
the I'uso , hovvuvor , Mr. Helm niiid ho lull i
jiiKtllied In asklpg for im liivestigiition. \ iv \
l.ovoo.sAugust II. 1'arliainoiit won pro
rogued to-day with the usual ceremonies. The
moon In hat speech said : ' 'I sincerely iegret
that an impoi Cant part of your labors failed
of result In a Irii < ! alnn enactment ,
mtrteourjo mbsiots with all forolRii pnweri ,
lUplomatle relations have been re umrd with
Mexico and n pri hmin.iry nRtermont for trea
ty of commerro his boon ignpil. 1 have to
lament the failure of the conference to dovl o
means to restore the nuances of Kgypt , which
are so import mt to the well being and good
order of the countiy. 1 shall continue to ful
fill faithfully duties grow nig out of the tiros-
pui-o of my troop in tlm valley of the Nile.
I tnut thonperinl mission which 1 have de
termined to send there will materially aid mo
In i oiiMdrring what stops to adopt. 1 MOW
with unabated MlUfnrtioii the mitigation and
diimtiatlon of ngrarhu crime in Ireland nnd
the substantial improvunent of the
condition of the pooplo. 1 deiUn
nn oirly ported to c\ll your Attention
to tlio great mibject of representation of Un
people. 1 rejoice to observe mill j the numer-
OIH itidlcat'ous of InU-iest in the nliect | the
constant proofs of loyalty to the throne nnd
tcsppct for the law. Tlip i > Indications Inspire
"in Hh full U'hcf that n great national aim
will bo pursued with order nud modorntlon ,
the best securities for
mich a tottlomont as
may conduce to the happlno < s nnd liberties of
the iMHipto nnd uttongth of the emiilro. "
The speech closed with thaiikfiilnrsfi for
the favnrablo Reason which Is "ftllovlatlug the
prcwiro has go long and savoroly affected
the agricultural industry. . '
Denver Strlkqrn Coming to Oinalin
to Confer KniiNnn City Shops
Shut Down.
DKNVKII , Augint 11. At a meeting of the
uvocutlvo committee of the Union Pacific
tilkor * , n communication wvs read from H'
S. 11. Cr.irk , goneial manager of the Union
'acifio company , Omaha , through head 01-
ani7ation thoie , in which he expressed a wish
o meet one or moro rcptosontaltvo strikers
uth a v low to anncahlo adjustment of the
lilliculties. Two rcpresentativuj i-elected loft
nimediutely. Kveiythlng Is ipiiot at thi
hops and on the street.
DKNVHI , Col. , August II. The status of
ho htnko of the mechanics of the Union
'acilic shops is substantially unchanged slnca
his morning. A small number of men em-
iloyed in the yards nnd freight platforms
invo joined thostnkcrs. I'.vori thing is quiet.
[ 'he men generally IH > found nt their
lomes. The ies.nlt of the conference at Omaha
vdl probably bo known to-morniw.
K \VSAS CIT\ , August 11. In accordance
v ith 01 ders received from Om.ihi , the Union
'aeiiic shops nt this point closed to day. No
\planationls\etgivon. About three huu-
liecl men wore omplojed.
KVNSAS Ciri , Augiut 11. The action In
losing the Union 1'ncillo shops here , it is
taled , was tikcn to finest ill the eontilifency ;
fa stilko until the differences elsowhcio 1110
djusted. Manager Chapman of tln < shops
ays he knows of no t Ik of a strike here.
The Army ol' tlio TOIIIICHHLO.
ST. I'Ain , Jlimi , , Augiiht 1 1. At the biisl-
ess mooting of the Aimyijf the Tonneeson ,
tthn hotel l.nfajc'tti' , Inku liunotokn , this
loining , all pioxont olliccis v\eiu rnolocttd
or thu i nsuiiig year. Chicago was selected as
lie next place of meeting , tha eccond week m
ptcmuor , IbS1) .
ITlrH on tin ) "War 1'atli ,
WASIIIM.TOV , Auniist -lovornor ( Mnr-
ay , of Utah , telegi.iphed to day to the Indian
opaitment that tin 1'te Indians are on thou
\u : path m Colonido and Utah , and asked
hut troops bo feout tn piotcct the whites ,
lliillioutl ,
IVAI.AVIA'/O ( ) , Mich. , fiugusl" ' ! I. Thu
vnights of 1'ytliiai' excursion tram , hound for
Detroit on the nnvMichlgni and Oliio mad ,
vas deiiiiled and ludlv wioekml bi'twien
lo Click and Maish.ill. 'J'ho engineer was
calded , perhaps f itally.
AMMIIIM , August II. Tboso wlm suf-
eied lintes at the tiiuoof the Itiltisli horn-
ndniont nio becoming impati nt that their
imands foi indemnity aio ntisotllod , They
tircuten to nmko a gieat public domonstrn-
on to bung prasauro upon the authoiitlui.
African MotlioillHfH ,
Augint II. Fifty niinisteis
the African M. I' } . , church aio holding their
ill toonlh annual confi renco in Itloomingtoii ,
ii-idrd over by Itishop < lolm M. lirotvu.
LONDON' , Augtst II. A Itritish gunboat
as boon 01 dered to Hohgot , foi the protec- li
ion of I'liigllsh fishorie .
DLMII IN. Augiiht 11 , A justice of the peace
amed lloyle , imphcitcd in the Cornwall
.anda ) , IIUK Hod.
J110 us
friliiiii or nny Injurious Hihstunies can bo found
Aii < lrow ' JT'earl JJaklnts 1'owdor. In Jios-
els' PURE. , and tostlinoiiliili !
icefvexllroiiisucii chimlstsuHK , Duna IIn > s , llos
iu ; M. llclufontamc , ol Uldcago ; And uUbUivut
lode , Milwaukee. Nevertold in In/ , ! . .
csr vvatatA
The Slate of tlio Grain and Stock Market
Yesterday ,
Wheat Falls Under the Tnfluonoo
of the Boars-
But the Bulls Eun Up the ' 'Prices
on Pork , /f
Good Cattle in Demand b jor
Ones Not Wanted f"
While the Hog Market ages
to Hold Its 0 W
SlilpporH nnil Scnlplicrs liny Hogs
Freely to the DIacotnlUnro
of ( ho Kvuhango.
Special Dispatch to TIIK HKK.
Cllli'Mio , Auginl 1 1 , The sharp advance
yesterday in giam was very nearly lost at the
close of to-day's trading , the decline for the
day being nearly 'J cents iu wheat. Trading-
was \ory active , the ontsido business havingr
largvly inci eased.
The feeling in wheat Is unsettled and prices
ait > subject to numerous and ipiito fretpienb
fluctuations. The market opened a shade
firmer than the closing on yesterday ifter-
noon's board ; October selling up to S3 , then
under fmi olforings declined ll@l.yc ; Ituctua-
ted and closed weak on the regular board.
On tlnr afternoon Iwiard moro free Hellingvw
indulged in , the market closing 7U ! Septem
ber ; 80J October ; 82 | November.
A largo business was transacted in coin.
cliielly sH'eulaUve. | and the fooling developed
wasuupettlcd The market oK-ned | steady ,
Lint under free offerings soon declined J to Iu ,
rallied Jo , then declined Ic , lluctuated and
closed 1 to IJo under yesterday. On the af-
Lornnou board there was n further decline of
1 to ijc for August , closing at files September
"lUfjc , October 1'Jo and November -15J.
ruled moderately at 25c ; stoidv , closing at
1SJ ! e Amrust , 2 Ijjo September. Sojo October.
There waa mm o doing m ] > ork , and prices
weio again advanced fur ceitain option ? , An-
gust cloiing at ! W5. .Septemlier S2U25 , Octol 'i-
> 21 00 , year Sill 12 to III 2.1.
I All ! I
ruled Him , closing at $7 CO ScptemheJ , S7 TO
Caltlo sollorH v\eie not especially ple.isid
with the condition of j oxterday's market.
HoldeiH of Kood to best gr.idns had no reason
to tind fault , tilth meeting w ith a good de
mand fiom the rotfiilm shippers , and the
dtcss"d beef mon , and Helling quite ns high as
the previous day , hut tha less dosiiabln Eorts
wore , if possible mm 3 under neglect than on
\Vi-dnoidiiy , and despite the best efforts of
holderH thoio was a futtliLr jieiceptiblo do-
cre.ivo iniricos. \ . The sul's show a reduction
from Monday's figures of rather mure than ID
ceuU. In isolated cases the decline reached
LT ) cents. The weakness extended to nativo'
butchers' stnir in a ICSH maikcd decree , but
was not appa'out ' in stockers and feeders.
Thi > lattei continun in light supply and are
In good demand _ at fully recent prices.
Jtangocattlo woe in laigcr supply than for
days pa t and woie weaker , but not noticeably
louer than the day before' . In comparison
w ith Monday a decline of 15 to 20 cents is ap-
paeient Kales range from 2 50 for scrub COVVH
and hulls to 7 OU for extra eteers ; export
grades < ! HO to 7 00 ; good to choice shipping 1 , .
2011 to ! , : < 0 Ibs. , ( i ( K ) to ( i10 i ; common to mo-
diimi 1,000 to 1,200 It's. I ( iO to 5 M ) ; inferior
to fail COWK and mixed 2 20 to II 00 ; medium
to good : i20to 100 : steckeis 'HO to 1 DO ;
feedeis 0 00 to I ! ! ! > ; ungo cattle steady ; grusrt
Texans , 700 to 1,00 llw. , 3 CO to I 50 ; wintered
Texans I 00 to 5 00 ; Ameiicans 1 00 to 6 25.
There was no gieat dilferemo in piicesm
comp.n od with Wednesday. Light hogs jiro-
vions and sold at pii"cs avernglng a httlo
stinngei , the bulk ot them going at f > ! ) p to
2D , and not a few sales at li 25 , but mixed
and hravy lots weiti dull and loss firm. To
such firms as weio willing to shrink their-
hogs the packers WCIK pa } ing big piicca. plac
ing tlm mombuisof the exchange at a gieat
disadvantage , Hhippcin nud t-calpors bought
with Homo freedom , however , and between the
Miveial intoii'sts. about all the meulmntihhi
hogs wore picked up by 11 o'clock. The ex-
tiemorange of puces was ltoitr ( ! > . The latr
eliug was weak , light , 0 10 to 0 30.
A Colil AViivo HiKiial Provided For.
W \HIIINIITO.V , August II. The chief nignal
ollicor has Heciircd the consent of the post-
mailer general to hoist a cold wave. Hag on
pont'ilhco buildings throughout the country to
signal for the Ix'iiclit of laimors and otfiois ;
thoappioach of cold waves. The Hug is
white with a black ci litre. It will remain in
position twenty four hours after beiujf
in Indian Territory ,
WHIIIMIUN , August II. Acting Hecre-
taiy of thu Inloiior Joslyn to-day dii-ccted tlm
commissioner of Indian ulTairs to vviite a letter -
tor for thu ( h legation of JCioWii Wichita ami
Commancho Indians to talto to the Indian Tei-
ritory , advising their tiiten to loasn portiona
of tnolr lands for a few years. The ludian *
exploded the opinion that leasing their lamU
to cuttlo men will not only j leld them incoinu
but will ho the moans or teaching them how
to gra/o and care foi cattle.
Cnv , JIo. , August 1-1. The
demociatie state convention leinalned in he -
bion all night and adjourned at U:30 : this
morning. The ticket was completed as fol
lows : Attoiney general , 1) , ( i , Hoouo ; lail-
road commiGNionor , N. ( i. Downing ; pieslden-
tial electors atjiirgu , Henry O. liruckmayer , of
St. Louis , and James Craig , of St , Jo oph ,
CilK'Ado , August 1I. ! Uev. II , M. CoIIut-
BOII , who killed his wife nnd then shot himself
tlniiiigh the heud josterday nfttinoon , is. still
aofiere recognized _
Tobacco to
© orntUmer. )