Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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ron in ourlnc
\Kldnoy & Llvor
Troubles cons , Tains In
, the Brick , Lolna\ \
'madder , TTrlnnry or Sides , noton-
and Uvcr Diseases , or Noni
.Dropsy , O ravel and
JUabctce. ffrlno. '
( 'It cures Biliousness , Headache , Jaundice , Sour
V Stomach , Dyspepsia , Constipation and Piles. ( I
and cures Intemperance , Nervous Dlscaocff ,
General Debility , Excesses and
> romalo Weakness.
It restores the KIDNEYS , LTVE1V nnd HOW-
IB , to a healthy action and CURES when all
othermcdlclncsfill. Ilundredaliavobecnsavcd
ho have been given up to dlo by friends nud
i PrleclM.SS. SondforlUustratcd Pamphlet to
HUNT'S IlKHUDV CO. , Providence , It. I.
"Kidney-Wort Is the most successful remedy
I over used. " Dr. F. O. Dallon , Uonkton , Vt.
"Kidncy-Wort la always reliable. "
Dr. H. N. Clark , So. Hero , Vt.
"Kidney.Wort has cured my wlfo oiler two yearn
Buffering. " Dr. C. 1. Summcrlin , Sun mil , Qa.
It has cured whore aU else had foiled. It is mild ,
butcfflcient , CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION , but
hannlces In all cases.
tSTIt clcnn c the Illood nnd Strcnethcna nnil
Elves New I.I to to all the important organa of
the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is
restored. The Liver la cleansed of all disease ,
and the Dowels tnovo freely and healthfully.
In this way the worst diseases ere eradicated
from the oystcm. _ _ _ _ a
Dry can bo sent by mall.
Wf.IXS , ttlClIAimSUX A COJlnrllnjlnn Vt.
iK To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our next
Takes nf > other
. liourlBhmint.
It airot'K With
lilmin'riYttls , "
writes n moth ;
( r IfiinttrcflHGl
mini irtchtniiu.
i , n1 * will nt thiuo iroin rt'i it.iulc plonciaiiH
thrntit'hont thcvlml" I" h , t * " > tifj to thfwt rih uf
ittciulrcH no rooLnur. ill t tnod in henlth or nirk.
uo ( . . 4oninl7Bct . liyalhlniBWlttK Hool.i-uitlm ) .
1I ( ! ( II'K > > 1 ( ) < ! > CO. , It.H'iir . ? , V. Is.
- " -iaallourecuitot | iiricoliibtjiui > a.-ia
' ' CharteredbythcSlateoflU ; .
pertnanentlycured by reme-
tcstedina/'o - ' /l'cirJ
i dic < : , / (
® J.s/itf/uJJ'nirtlrc. / Seminal
Wenlcnesi. t ii'nl Lcs : > es by Dreams , 1'lmples on
theKace.Loat Manhood.iiialllvcti/cural TAcre
is no cjcpei'lntenlttHi * Ths appropriate re.r.dy
13 at once used In cnchcase. Consultations , per-
nonal or by letter , sacredly confidential , med-
icinti ; bent by Mall and Express. No marks on
ptCKace to indicate contents or sender. Address
About 2,600 head , mostly ono anil two years old
etcen. Will bo at Ot'nUlla about August 20th. la
uulio ol er address
B. It. OUIME9 ,
Jy jo-tnto Irn Oualalla Neb
Ine scaoUetlo year commences on tno
First Wednesday in September ,
V The course ot Initruction embraces all the Elcmen
tarrand higher branches ol a flultliod education
Dltlcrenco of Itcllitton Is no obstacle to the udmls
elon ol loun ; lidlcs. I'upllj aie rtcohod tt any
time ol the H'ar.
Including Hoard , Winning. Tuition In KnglUh am
J-'rcnch , UBO ol txioks. Wane , | ; rie ! ; ! oii ol
Five Months , - - § 150.00
fllng , Palntlr-if , Cctml
to the lutltatloa tw. h-.r '
The Convention at Atlantic to Nomi
nate a Congressman ,
First Blood For Manning Seat
ing of the Second Shelby
Delegation !
Tlio Convention Takes n Ucccss Un
til K\
Special Dispatch to TUB BKK.
ATLANTIC , August 13. The republican
congressional convention of the Niutl
district mot yesterday at Atlantic Meal
of the delegates arrived the night before
and the preliminary talk and wire-work
ing commenced in earnest. It scomct
conceded by all that the real fight waa
between Lieutenant Governor 0. . '
Manning and Hon. John Y. Stone. An
attempt waa early made to Inspire the
dolcgatoa with the belief thai
Pottawattamio county , though its dele
gation was solid for Manning , still con
tained some strong opposora among ita
republican voters and workers. It waa
announced that n number of prominent
republicans from Council BlulFa and
Pottawattumio county would bo on hand
to light Manning's nomination. The
Atlantic Telegraph , Lafo Young's paper ,
en thoovouing before contained the follow
ing :
It ia stated on the atreot that Hon. W.
F. Sapp , Col. John W. Chapman , Hon.
Goo. F. Wright , W. S. Mnyuo. E. L.
Shugart , Henry Motcalf , Thoo. Guittar ,
N. M. Ptiaoy , John Bennett , John N.
Baldwin , 0. R. Scott , J. M. Philllpps ,
Son. J. K. Powera , Dr. F. S. Thomas ,
Frank Shinu , and inany other loading
republicans of Pottawattamio county
will bo In the city to oppose the nomi
nation of Hon. 0. H. Manning , for con
To make the impression more forcible
the names of a number of Council Bluffs'
prominonta were placed on tlio register of
the Reynolds house , as having rooms en
gaged and aa being expected. The op
posing party did not allow up , however ,
and it became apparent that it was a
bluff , to give the delegates from ether
counties an idea that there waa a big
local fight in Pottawattamio county , and
that Manning's nomination waa not in
the interest of harmony , and would cause
bolters oven at hia own homo.
The proprietor of the hotel where
the names of some of those
supposed opponcnta of Manning were
registered , and rooms assigned , explained
that ho had boon notified by letter that
these men would bo hero , and told to
reserve rooms for thorn. John Lindt , of
Council Bluffs , oflorod him § 10 to pro
duce any such letter ; and ho then explained -
plained that ho did not have the letter
It took sonic work on the part of the
Manning men to sot at roat these reports
of an opposition camp in Council Bluffs.
The fact that Chapman and his oppo
sition had boon nut down on in hia
own ward at Council Bluffa by
1G1 to 10 helped out oomo. Instead of
the largo delegation who were to como
from Council Bluffs to knlfo Manning ,
there appeared nonp of thorn. Mr.
Larason , who waa disappointed at not
being chosen a delegate to the i congress
ional convention , waa on hand , trying to
get aomo rpvengo by opposing Manning
on the outside , and C. F. Adams , who
lately came into the republican camp ,
was also at something : , but not voryactlvo
or effectual.
The convention mot at 11 o'clock in
the morning at the opera house , and the
morning session waa directed simply to
the organization and potting ready for
business. The following were the dol-
cgatca presenting credentials :
Fremont Benjamin , T. J. Evans , E.
W. Davis , S. B. Frum , A. W. Aakwith ,
Jerome Tumor , L. Kinnohan , Phil Ar
mour , P. Ehlers , J. Sims , W. T. Wilcox * .
B. W. Hight , J. A. Hake , L. B. Coua-
ins , J. A. Hamilton , K. J. Abbott , John
Lindt , R. Jones and C. M. Harjo.
Hon. 0. Coomes , C. H. Whitmoro , J.
L. Harvey , J. A. Spoor , J. H. Willoy ,
F. P. H. Daly , M. J. Davis , D. H.
Scott , A. S. Bright , Win. Sporow and
Win. Waddoll.
T. M. Britt , T. L. Stephens , D. L.
Hoinflheinior , 0. W. Lumin , Jas. Jones ,
Shirley Gllliland , A. Puraoll , M. J. Curtis -
tis , Clua. Munsingcr.
A. D. Stidaon , E. B. Young , Thomas
Weidman , J. B. Gregg , D. B. Miller , W.
Mahaffy , John Pattou , II. Howard and
W. S. Algor.
G. R. Brainard , C. 0. Hotter , S. P.
Lahman , J. A. Tnivorso , Win. Giddlnga ,
R. W. Boobo , II. Yoasloy , L. H. Noyoa ,
A. S. B. King , 0. J. Cutler , Win. Dakin.
E. S. Foster , J. L. Stotta , R. W.
Grlcga , H. E. Statzell , D. W. Mathiaa ,
W. J. Lancalot , John 0. Bonwoll.
First delegation J. F. Platt , P. H.
Hock , O. F. Graves , S. D. Acker , John
R. Rhodes , Joshua Brindloy , 0. A.
Montzor , H. 0. Holcomb , Mike Hoadloy.
Contesting delegation Platt Wicks , D.
F. Paul , John Pomoroy , Joseph Stiles ,
0. M. Robblns. W. M. Oungst , H. 0.
McCuakoy , G. F. Colby and John Fitz.
A. D. King , A. R. Anderson , W. R.
Paul , E. Smith , W. W. Reoa , G. W.
Perkins , M. M. Parish , A. Shiul.
Charlca Tabor , J.P. Miller , J. B.
Portorvin , T. .1. Garrison , J. P. Connor ,
J. P. Fitch , J. J. Anthony.
J. H , Willoy called the convention to
order , and on his motion Wrn. Waddell ,
of CUBS , was chosen temporary chairman ,
and Henry Howard , of Cass county ,
temporary secretary.
On motion of J. A. Hake , of Potlawat-
tamlo , a committee on credentials was
selected , each county naming ono , and a
similar ono on permanent organization ,
The following ore the o named , Shelby
being oxcoptcd until the contest could bo
settled :
On Credentials John Bunnoll , of
Andubon ; M. J , Davis , of Cass : T , J.
Garrison , of Crawford ; A. R. Andoraon ,
of Fremont ; J. A. Travor , of Harrison ;
W. S. Loivia , of Mills ; Henry Howard ,
of Montgomery , nnd T. J. Evano , of
Permanent Org nlzitlon J. L. Stotta ,
of Audubon ; F. P. IT , Duly , of Com ; J.
'P. Conner , of CrawfordM | , M , Perry ,
of Fremont ; J. 0. Milliman , of Harri
son ; J E. Robinson , of Mills ; E. B
Young , of Montgomery , and E. W
Davis , of Pottawattamio.
On motion of 11. W. Griggs , of Audit
bon , it was decided that the report o
the committee on credentials should nebo
bo considered until the contest in Sholb ;
county was settled , and n member fron
that county added to the committee 01
Adjournment was then taken until two
o'clock in the afternoon.
It was after 'J o'clock when the convou
tion reassembled. Whllo waiting for the
report of committees Mr. A. B. Thor-
neil , the candidate for district attorney ,
was called out , and spoke for a fovr niln
utos. Ho spoke of the importance o
the coming campaign , because if a demo
cratio victory , it meant not a short term ,
but n long succession of power , as the
democracy did not believe in any clvi
service reform. The democracy had no
now issues , and tried to deceive tiio people
plo as to the old ones. Ho thought thai
if all these issues were really dead , ami
to bo forgotten , the democratic emblem
should bo a baby saying , "I have no
memory , no political principles , no re
cord , but 1 am wise as Solomon and
hungry aa the grave. " Amid the cheers
and laughter , n voice wan
hoard "Cleveland has "
, n baby ,
and more laughter was called out.
The committee on credentials then re
ported. The only contest was in Shelby
county. The committee stood four to
four on the matter , and that matter was
loft to the convention , the committee not
being able to decide. The other dclega
tions were reported as above.
On motion of Mr. Hake , so much of
the report as concerned the eight conn
ties , excepting Shelby , was adopted.
T. J. Evans moved that each of the
Shelby delegations bo allowed thirty
minutes to their cause , and that then the
convention proceed to vote on the con
test without further discussion. Mayor
Anderson opposed the motion , as being
In the nature of a gag rule , for a half
! iour would not suffice either side , and
.ho cutting off of general debate would
) o outrageous.
Mr. Evans withdraw that part of the
motion which cut oil' debate , and Andor-
ion sat down saying that was all ho ob-
.ectod to.
The contesting delegations were then
icard. Mayor Tom Ledwich , of Harlan ,
irst spoke in favor of the claims of the
irst delegation of Sholby.
The second nine was called. The first
nine had not used all its time , and was
caving that for a closing argument. Mr.
? latt Wicks , who was to speak for the
ocond nine , refused to start in until the
convention decided whether or not the
it'st nine could como in at the close for a
reply. Mr. F. Benjamin moved that the
irst nine finish its statements in ono
lash instead of saving some of' its half-
lour for reply. Major Anderson In n
lory speech opposed the motion.
An amendment was moved that the
irst nine have but ton minutes in clou-
ug. John Lindt raised a point of or-
lor that the motion and amendment
were out of order The point was do-
larod not well taken. The amendment
was then carried. J. A. Travor wanted
o know on which nine would fall the
jurden of proof ? No answer was given ,
nd the original motion was carried.
The first nine was then called on to
occupy the rest of its twenty minutes
opening. Cyrus Board , of Harlan , then
ama to the front and presented further
lalms for the admission of the first dele
gation. Hon. Platt Wicks took the
) latform in reply , his time being limited
to a half-hour.
Myorly , of Harlan , closed the debate.
Major Anderson moved the first delega
tion bo admitted , and Travor moved to
substitute second delegation , and a hot
discussion followed , in which charges of
rorcimination with claims of forgery and
frauds were made and Anderson made a
strong fight to seat first delegation and
J. B. Gregg spoke hotly for the second
delegation. Tno amendment in favor of
seating the second delegation , or Platt
Wick's delegation , was carried by 42 to
39 , as follows : For amendment Audu
bon 7 ; Crawford 3A ; Montgomery 1A ;
Harrison 11 ; Pottawattomio 19.
Against Cass 11 ; Crawford 31 ; Fre
mont 8 ; Montgomery 7A ; Mills t ) .
The original motion ns amended wes
carried by a like vote , thus securing the
first blood for Manning. Adjourned
till evening.
Continued on Fifth pa jc.
At the Blaine anil Tjo nn ] lcad < | iiai--
tcra in this City.
The following IB a list of the names of
newspapers that are kept on illo at the
Blaine and Lo an lioadqunrtors , corner
of Main and First avetiuo :
The Now York Tribune ,
The Indiana State Journal ,
The Chicago Tribune ,
Tho.Judgo ,
The Irish Word ,
The Citizen ,
The Irish Nation ,
The Buffalo Evening Telegram , and
the Council Blutl's
Glebe ,
Herald ,
Nonpareil and
Tlio headquarters are open during the
day and evening and all gentlemen are
invited to call.
Konl Knt to Transfers.
The following transfers were filed in
the county clork'a oflico yesterday and
reported for THE BEE by P. J. McMa-
hone :
Robert Tindolo to S. W. Bosloy ot al ,
part out-lot UF , " Johnson's add , $195.
J. J. Bradshaw to Henry Swlgard ,
part nw } 21 , 75 , 43 , § 1,000.
Caspar Foster to ( Jlmrlou Altmnri-
sporgon , lot 3 , block 11 , Minden , $100 ,
Margaret Crow to R. A. Benson , lot
10 , Dlock ! , Minden , § 80 ,
Sheriff to D , F. McCarthy , aw \ 1 , 77 ,
Charles P. Mayncs to J. W. Smith , ot
al , lot 0 , block 10 , Macedonia , $000.
S. Caldwell o Alfred Fierce , so i , so i
31. 77 , 30 , 8150.
Total saloa , $2,80 82.
An alarm of fire waa sounded at 12:15 :
last night , but no fire could bo found ,
The fire department wont down Main
street to the 0. B. & Q. do pot.
Boeing tlio Elephant Prom tlio IiiHlcln.
Now York Sun ,
Although its eyes iCro not open yet , 'ho
big blue elephant at West Brighton re-
cuivoJ apvorjl hundred viiitora yesterday ,
The vuitora tnid 15 cents each to climb
up through the vlujihaiil'ii hind leg * mid
observe a silk loom which made hand
kerchiefs in his stomach. Besides the
loom there is _ a double-deck protaonadu
in Una part of him. By stoop staircases
reared agnlnai the cloplmtit'H ribs thn vin-
itort climbed into the observatory on his
back. The Insldo of the elephant i
throe stories high , nnd is coing to bo fillet
with bazaar stands. > The trunk goo
down into what is going to bo a big dairy
stand. Alongside the elephant's lof
foreleg yesterday lay nn Irrogulnr shaped
shell that waa about ns big as the side o
n house. Ittrnaono of the olcplmnt'a
tin oars. Fifty people could stnuil on i
nt.onco. When the olophnnt'a eyes nro
opened people will bo nblo to see througl
them nil over the island and nwny out to
son , vrotrh the nid of of telescopes. Chil
dren can look out for 6 cants loss thmi
their fnthorsnnd inothors.
A big brass band played under the ele
phant yesterday ami contemplated the
star-shaped heap of dirt that is going to
bo n llowor garden uoxt week , Arounii
the olophnnt will bo restaurants , salooni ,
rillo galleries , nnd other familiar chan
nels through which visitors can spend
their surplua money with case and com-
pnr.ilivo satisfaction. Electric lights
will aid them to see things at'night.
How Three Imports Itotlo Down
Mount lAVasliliiKtoti from the
Very Uuiiiinti ,
Boston Globe.
Last Thursday , 0. F. A. Bookora , J.
S. llogors aud Arthur Young , three ex
port bicyclists of St. Louis , performed
the hazardous feat of descending Mount
Wnshlnglon on their Columbia machines.
They reached the summit on Tuesday
night. The brakes of each machine were
furnished with two lovora , ono on cither
sldo of the other , so that In case ono
should break the rldur would bo able to
control the machine with the other lover.
It ruined hard all night , and the next
morning , although the weather was fnir ,
the wind blow such n hurricnno that
-wonty foot from where they started they
were blown oil' their wheels. A nocond
attempt mot with no bettor success , so
; ho wheelmen wisely concluded to defer
another trial to the uoxt day. It rained
itoadly during the afternoon nnd night ,
nit cleared atray the next morning.
At about 9 o'clock they jumped on
their wheels , nud , encouraged by assur
ances from the people who witnessed
.heir . start they would never reach the
bottom nlivo , started on their pcriloua
ide. The soft roads , from the previous
loavy ralna. were very soft
nnd wot. Loss than n hundred yards from
ho start they struck on unusually soft
> lace , resulting in a grand header for nil
hroo. They noon , however , regained
heir saddles by taking the "pedal
nount. " The poJnl mount , and nt the
inmo time throwing ono leg over the
mndlo bars , is the only safe way to
nount n machine on n ntocp down grndo.
? hey quickly got both legs over the
landlo bars , nnd , leaning far back , "lot
icr go. " The double brake lovorawpro
ound to bo of great sorvlco in resting
ho hands , for , being applied together ,
nit little power was required to keep the
> rake pressed close to the tiro.
For the first milo they kept well together -
gothor , but then Bookora began to gain
on the others , nnd in another milo was
intiroly lost sight of. A number of
loaders had by this time boon taken by
each of the riders , but none proved of
ousoquccc , except a fall received by
logoro while trying to cross n foot-deep
washout across the road , when the wheel
truck him on the hold , The wheel nlso
ocoivod seine damage , so that quite n
eng stop was made necessary to repair
t. Young nnd Rogers did not mind
much , however , for they felt confident
.hat . Beckerswould take good care of the
record. Soon after tboy started again
hey began to find otrown along the road ,
novels , comb and brushes , ties , scarf-
) ins , mountain souvonoira , etc. , and on
ho curve at the half-way house How by
"M. I. P. " bag belonging to Beckers'
machjno. They were , of course , very
much frightened nt thia , for they thought
perhaps ho had jumped oft' the cliff. It
ras found out afterwards , however , that
Seekers' bag had become open without
lis knowledge , and finally dropped down
utp the bicycle wheel , but with no more
orious result than a header for the rid-
After leaving the half-way house the
est of the distance waa accomplished
with case , aa compared with the road
.hoy had to ride ever for the first five or
is milos. In many of the steepest places
ho road was very narrow , not moro than
ight feet in width , with a yawning chasm
or ravine on ' ono side to heighten the
ilcnsuro of the rido.
They , however , finally nil arrived safe-
y at the Glen house , where they found
lathered a largo crowd anxiously wailing
or thorn. Betting had boon heavy . that
hey would not como down nlivo. Beck
er made the descent in exactly forty-
line minutes to the base and fifty-ouo
ninutoa to the Glen houso. The others
lid not hurry , nnd camo. down In ono
lour and fourteen minutes. The font in
ortainly ono of the most remarkable
ever accomplished on the bicycle , nnd It
s not likely there will bo many imitators.
\ count of the headers taken aliowa that
Beckers received seven , Young ton and
iogors fourteen. _ _ _
Hlio UailcrBiood Politico.
. 'nek.
"Now , lot mo BOO If J understand thia
residential election at Chicago , " said n
jlushing bride nt Niagara Fulls , nftor
hey had enriched the hackman for life.
"Blaino nnd Cleveland wore chosen ,
voro they not , my deary pot ? "
"They were nominated at Chicago , my
sweety sweet not elected. "
"When will they bo elected , my angel
"Only ono of them will bo elected ,
dove. "
"Then why were they both nominated
at Chicago , my pretty poU"
"You ueo , my dear , ono Is a democrat
and the other is n republican. "
"Then what is the nso of having two
non nominated at Chicago if they can't
) oth bo elected ] I know there are always
two men on the ticket. There wna Tildon
ind Hondricks and Hayoa and Wheeler.
'a told "
mo so ,
"Yes ; but you must understand that
hero is a vice-president. "
"Oh , my darling of darlings ! " exclaim
ed the bride , reproaching heraolf for her
doubts ; "J aeo It nil. Cleveland Is to bo
president and Mr. Blaine the vice-presi
dent. "
Then the husband mortgaged a farm of
ils , nnd took his bride for a drive to
iVhirlpool Rapids in a hack.
for Conijmny.
Chicago Ninvs.
"Gentlemen , may I go with you ? "
"Whore ? "
' I don't caro. "
"But tvo are going in opposite diroc-
ions. This gentleman in going north
vhilo Inm going south. "
" 1 don't caro. "
"But which of us do you wish to ac
company' ! "
"Koth. "
"But you can't ' go in two directions at
onco. "
"Can't f , though ? I gtiona you don t
know who 1 nm. I'm thu dvmocra'.io
platform , I am. "
ISUCCKSS0113 TO TIIK J. St. 1) , t 1 ! CO.J
The moit extensive manufacturer ! ol
609 S. Tenth Street OMAHA , NEtV
tffi\cta \ ot Illlllnl and Tool Tnblos/iind / tuMc rials
urnslKHl on application.
Plnttsmouth , - - - - - Neb ,
milDiRor tnoaouatiBRnu AMD man OBIDI
UTYanntr Btook lor lo. Coiiiipnnilenm loll etl
TIIK reports ( Mm tlio mo of Sniffs Speclllo ( S. fl
S. ) In tlio treatment of Cancer continue to bo
\om1crful. Them socnn to l > o no ilmilit that It Is n
Kislllro ipoclflo for Hklii Cancer or Kiilthellonm.
"For twenty joirs I siincrctllroni a Cnncor on m.y
icck. 'Patent 1'otjvilianil Mercury Mixtures' fed
Mjtcrul ot curing the cancer. I lost the Una of my
inn nml the uvrvr part of my liody. My ( 'onornl
icaltliaibroken tlowiii and my lifo uai itlspalrcd
of. S. H. S , cured mo BOUIU ! and well. Tlili new lenso
of life It KI\\O to mo cannot bo inc.iiuroil by any
iiBiietaryalno. . Innoimllfa and the tninport uf
ny family to Sultt's Speculo. "
W. 11. HUHINSON , D.-ulnloro , ( la.
"Mr. Drooks , near Albany , \ \ an hopelessly atlllctod
\ltliCixnecr. It had eaten through hta 11030 Into
ill mouth and tlmnt. 1'hotlmoot liU death \\as
only a iiio | tlon of n \ ery short time. Ho praj ed for
rtoath , his suffering w a * BOKroat S B. H. ha : ) had a
onllcrf l cffcet on him. Ills lmpro\emcnt Is mi
rroat thnt wo all foci BIUU of Iili bclni ; nettedv ! cured
u tluio. W H. OIMIKHT , Albany , 6 .
Our Trcatlea on lllood and Skin Ulscaacs mailed frco
o applicants.
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , ( la.
N. Y. Omco , ICO W. 22 > 1 St. , between flib and 7th
AVOHU03. rhllailelDht.t otibo 103 C'hustuut St.
tt'lllpiirliytlin BLOOD.Tppi-
l.itu tin- LIVER anil KIDNCYG ,
nml ItKHinitb Tin : ilKAiTit
mill VIGOR of YOUTH. 1)10-
jirpMti , Want of Appetite , ill *
tlljgt'pilnit , Lack i > t hlrciiKlh.
BI1lITIlLMll''t'l.llllKll ! > ) IUtOly
ciirutl. Itoni's , iiiimolfMnnil
HTrs I'ocelvu nrwlorco.
iliilUona the mini ! itlul
nupiiUus llraln 1'mviT.
Piillu ! '
SJjioiMillarIn Ihi'lrsi'X will
lind In DR. IIAnXEU'SIItON TONIO u mifo imd
rpc-cUycuro. ( lives n i luiir , livnlllir rntiiplt-xlnii.
rruiiuiiiit nttumpls at oiuiiiterri'ltliii ? only mid
tntliuponiil.irltvol'lhooilKlnal. Do nut u-ipurl-
UlCllt KUtthuOllllllNAIiANII JIUST.
/jHenil j-otirnililrwiato'Jliollr. lliirlnrmpd Oo.
fVst.l/juls , Wo. , for our "DHKAM UOOJC. "
t > 41'ullo [ ttrunuouod usoful.lnlormutloa , fnio.
WIIF.HKAS , joint resolution waaailojitotlby the
LcgUlaturo ot tbo Stata ot Nebraska , at the
Hichtcouth Session thereof , and amirovod February
Tth , A. V. 168.1proposing an Amendment to Section
Fourlo ( ( Arllclo aiirco(3) ( ol tlio Constitution of
said State , and thatnalil section as amended shall
oadns follows , tu-wlt :
"Section 4 The terms of olllco of members of tlio
legislature shall bo two jcrue. and tliortliall each
ccclvo a salary of three hundred dollars for-their
Bonloi-ailurini ; said term , and ten cents fur over ;
mllff they ehall tnuel In Rolni ; to and returning from
ho iilaco of meeting of the IjCl8'.itiro ( ] , on the most
laual routa ruoviiiKii HOWKVKH , that neither mow-
jcrsof the LecUlaturo nor vnn > loyeB shall rrcolvo
ny pay uriicrqulslteB other than Hid : Halary and
nllcaKO. lukch session , except Biicclal ucuslone , Bhall
> o not less than elxty days. After the expiration of
orty dayu of the pension no bids nor joint resolutions
f the nature of hllli ) shall bo Introduced , unless tlio
loiernor shall , by spoelal incBsaKO , call the attun-
Ion of the Ije ialaturo to the necessity of paaeln ) ; of
law on thaBUbjctt matter cmljraced In the msasiiKO ,
nd the Introduction of bills shall bo restricted
hereto , "
The ballots at the t lection at which Bald Amend'
mcnt shall bo submitted uhall bo In the following
orin. "For proposed Amendment to the Conttltu
Ion rclatlii ) ; to LeKUIatlvo Diparttiunt " "Aualnst
iroposuil Ainondnient to the Constitution relating
o I.PKlsUtlvo Hcpnttment. "
WHKIIKAH , a joint resolution wn3 adopted by the
'C'l"laturo ( of the Btato of Nebraska at the Ki'u'h-
couth .Session thereof , ami approml Kebruary 'Jhtli ,
A. D. 18B3 , ) > ropouhi | ; an Amendment to Section Ono
1) ) of ArtlUo 1'hc ( f. ) ol the Constitution uf said
itatc , and that Balducctlon OH ainuiidud Bhall read av
[ olloue , to-ull :
"Section 1. The KxccutltQ Department shall con
1st ( if adnternor , IJciitenant-Umcrnor , Secretary
ot State , Auditor of I'uMlo Accounts , Treasurer ,
lUporlntcndentof I'ubllo Inutruction , Attorney ( Ion-
ral , Commissioner of I'ulilla I.tiida unt ! DullJIiiKB ,
nd Hoard of Hallway C'oimulsslonorn. 1'ho oIllcurH
lamed In tlili section shall each hold Ida olllco fur
ho term of tuo j cars from the first ThurHdoy alter
ho first Tueediy In January next alter hlseltctl n
nd until hlr ) s\Ktcfcsor U elected and iuilllled | , I'no-
'iiiKU IIOHKM'.K , that the llrst clocllon of H'lld olllcerd
hall he hcl > l on the llrst Tucslny mcvcddliif the first
londay In No\ ember of 1MB , and each uucceedln ) ;
lection Khali ho held at the name relative time In
each o\cn year thereafter. All other olllceru that
nay bo provided for by law , under the provisions of
his section , shall bo chOHon In Buch inaijnir and at
uch tlmuj , and f hall hold their olllces fur'mich IciiKtn
iljtlmo aj ; may bo provided by law , and shall per-
oimsuch dutiesninlreecho mich conipcnaatlon aa
nay ho provided for by law. The Uavcrnor , Hocro-
ary of State , Auditor of I'llhllo Accounts , Treasurer ,
'ouiinlssloncr of 1'iibllo I.andaand Iluildln ) ; ' ' , and At-
ornoy Ceneral , shall rcaldo at the teat of government
luring their terms of ollico , nnJ kc i > the public ro
cordu , boohs anil pajieru there , and the olllcers herein
mined nhall perform sticli duties ai may bo rcqulrud
jy law. "
Tliu ballots at the election at which Slid Amend *
nont bhall be submitted shall bo In In the following
erin : "for propound Amundmcntto Section Ono
1) ) of Article five ( D ) of the Constitution , entitled ,
' " ' ,
KiecullvoDepartment. 'MKaJnstjiiopOHedAmend
nent to Section Unol ) of Article l'hofi ) of the Con-
tltnllon , entitled , 'Kxccutlvo Department. ' "
Therefore , I , Janice W. Dauua , Oovtrnor of the
tate of Nebraska , do hereby L'lvo notice , In accor-
anco with Section One ( I ) Article Fifteen (16) ( ) of the
Jonstltution , and the provlnlonsof an act entitled ,
'An Act to provide the manner of proposing Amend-
nenta to the Constitution and submitting the same
0 tlio Klcctoraof this Bt to"approved Kebruary 13th
A. D. 1877 , tint said proponed Amendments will bo
ubmltted to the iiualilliid voters of this Stata for
atlflcatlon or rejection t the Uoneral Klealon to be
iclil on the 4th day of November , A , D. 1881.
ff > . ' . 'In witness whereof , I have hereunto let
BKAL. ( my hand and caused to be olllxed the
1 - -s I tin at Seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln , this 18th day of July , A , D. IBS ! ,
lu ) Kiffhtccnth year of thu State , and nf the Inde-
londeiito of the Unltod Statui , the Ono Hundred and
Hy the Oovcrnor : JAMKS W. DAWE3.
Arrimri KuwAttU IMlouuiw ,
jy W mo 3m 1-cw Kecretary ol State ,
Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and
Tbo now extension of tula line from Wakofleld up
through Concord and Coleridge
leaches the bout portion of the Btato , Special ex
cursion rates for I'tnd ieoler > over this Una to
Wayni , Norfolk nnd Ilartlnitun , aud vlu Blair to nil
irluclpal podits on the
Trains over thtO. , flt. 1' . M. & O. lUllwav to Coy
nuton , Hloux C'lty , 1'unca , IIu < tljrh'toiiVaiio rnJ
Norfolk ,
or Krcmout , O&kd .o , .N'ulUn , ( .lid thiou h tu V l
cntliio. |
CCYvi ifttcj and nil ( n.'oruu-tlon call uu
V f. WHITNEY , donor * Agent ,
TT 1 I V& U TI
One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Waterl
And nil o tlio good nntl plensniifc things tlmt go to iunko up a complete -
ploto and happy existence.
The town o South Omnlm is situnted south of the city of Omaha
on the line of the U. P. Railway , nnd it is less than 2 miles from the
Dmalui post oflico to the north line o the town site.
South Omnlm is nearly 1 i miles north ami south hy 2i east and
west , and covers an area of nearly four square miles ,
The fltock yards are at the extreme southern limit.
Nearly 150 lots have hcon sold and the demand is on the , increase
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The , ? Gl)00 ) , ( ) beef packing house is progressing : finely.
The SUO.OOO Water Works nro keeping pace with the other im ?
provements , and the Hotel and Exchange Building will bo erected at once
The B. & M. nnd Bolt Line Railways have n Inrgo force of men at
work and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have o union depot
near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be
furnished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
bo cheaper than they are to-day.
B-gT'Apply nttlio Company's office , cor. of 13th and Douglas Jstreeta
over the OmalinSSnving's Bank.
Assistant Secretary.
J. H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier.
Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOO.
Fire and Burtrlar Proof Safo.i for Kent at tf m 85 to $50 per annum.
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Braes nnd Iron Fittings ,
nt wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
CDft f 4 4 fo CO O 03 f-T 3
* 5 rt < fi fQ 111 §
0 < o
5103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 187& Catarrh ,
JDoafncBB , Lung and Nervoua Diaeaaea Speedily and Permanently Cured. Putlonti
aOurod lit Homo. Write for "Tim HHDIOAL-MISSIONAUY , " for the People.
HOonaultatlon and CorroBpondonco Gratis. P. 0. Box 293. Telephone No. 20.
5 HON. ED WARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , saya : "Phyaiclanol
jitp . ADlllty HIU : MiirL-nd Ktwrcx\o. " CON'ORKSSATAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
"Auaonorabln Man. Kino Hnccosa. Wonderful Ourea. " HoutuB 50 6.