Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1884, Image 8

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Wednesday Morning August 13
BlHngs & Connor , Dentists , opp. P. O.
Some small bay * In south Otnnhnobtainc
a kcR of boor List night and got howling ilrun
Sheriff Miller left lint evening ( or Chlca
go to bring bask Parkinson , the defnultiii
bookkeeper of Ddloni1 & Co.
On Sunday attornion next the post olTic
null clerks will play the railroad mail clcrka
rjAtno ol bsse ball nt the Athlotio Park.
Tim rain of yesterday stopped the paving
building and nil outside work , hut hud n tend
cncy to lay the dnut , wash tbc dust from the
trow , nnd brighten ntul liven tip vegetation in
A portion of IMor Ooos' now hotel Is fin
Jshed nnd the largo plate glass windows nro
bolng put In. The lu.iuo will bo furnlshc < l at
once and opened for business , '
The excursion of tin- First M. K. church ,
on account of the rain , has boon deferred mil !
the following Friday , when the i ooplo ( if
Weeping Water will bo prepared to gl\o their
guest ! from Omaha a grand reception.
1'rosldent llntf , of the Omaha Glee clul
lias tendered his resignation , nnd Director
Smith has signified his intention of doing the
same , and , huro is n atrong probability that
the club will disband in a short lime.
Inpolice court yesterday'there were nix
cases for disturbance of the poico. Four ol
them wcro fined $5 and costs , ono was dis
charged nnd the case ngninat the sixth was
continued ,
The Musical Union orchestra picnic nt
llnscall' * park , Sunday , was n Very onjoynblo
affair. Everything paused oft pleasantly nnd
nil who wcro present nro anxious to have the
JIusicil Union orchestra glvo another of the
same sort ,
The Baleen keepers nnd police return
game of ball will take plnco nl the .Sherman
nvomio now park , on Filday afternoon next ,
August 15th. Game is called at i ! o'clock
Mrs. Judge Lake mot with a horious acci
dent Monday at her homo , No. 2207 Dodge
street. While going down staira fiho nlippod
and fell , breaking ono of her lower limbs.
The fracture was reduced by n phyHlcIan nnd
nhu Is now resting as oaclly CM possible under
the circumstances.
The Shoahone , ( Idaho , ) Register snyathat
"Hon. C. II. Dowoyapprccialinft the "Dowoy
Houre , " of Shoshone , sent to the proprietors
a valuable memorial present , In the fihapo of
eight easy chairs nnd the Omnha , "Dally KB-
publican , " Idaho1'Herald" nnd Omaha " 1JKK"
the papers , each for ono year. "
A. J. rothoud , county clerk , T. B.Kssox ,
T. J. Choancy and 13. H. Lane , commission-
era of GOTO cfiiuty , worn in the city to-day
looking over the county poor house of Douglas
county. They are contemplating the erection
of a poor homo In Gage county. That county
has never boon supplied with such mi Institu
tion but It haaboDn necessary for the county
to hire its pnupors kept.
Complaint hns been made that during the
night time some parly or parties have been In
the habit of dumping filth nnd contcntx of
cess pools in the netghboihood of Twenty-fifth
and COSH [ streets , nnd it bos become nu un
bearable nuisance , lleru is n. job for the po
lice to ascertain who the parttrn arc that thus
violate the law of this city and endanger the
hoaltlwof this community.
The prosecution of the five train men who
were taken from this city to Genoa for trial
and charged with assaulting n buvy of maid
ens has fiiilod to develop Into any thing except -
copt ho release of the men. It was proven
that nil they did was to look nt the maidens
bathing In the stream while the train stopped
on'tho bridge ,
About 1 o'clock Monday morning burg'
larn entered the residence of Mr. Charles
Khiretnan , on Sherman avenue. They put up
a ladder to the second ntory window and mio
ccodod in stealing $150 In cash and a pair of
bracelets balonglng to Mrs. Shi reman and vnl
nod at SCO and HO\ oral other nrtlclea of jew
Hon. G. W. K. Dorsoy Is nt the Millard.l
Mr. Thomas Pcironet nnd eon have le
tunicd from a visit nt Dlxon , Illinois. ]
Mr. A. J. Hopkins , [ member of congress
from the ' 1th district of Illinois , is in the city
at the billiard.
3)r. W. O. ISridgcu , accompanied by his
Hitter and Mlw Abbot loft yesterday for Den
ver , to IK ) gone ton days.
Hon. J. M. Woulworth nnd lUuhop Potter
loft last oveuinc ; for Ogallalu. They will nlm >
visit Denver , Ijead\lllo , Gunnison nnd other
places of interest in Colorado nnd return In
ten days or two weeks.
Iludolph Harris , city editor of the Daven
port Democrat , is in the city ilud intends to
start went on n trip to-day ( vith Mr. Kmil
Schaifor , of the 1'ost and Telegraph editorial
corp , who goes as far as Wyoming.
W. Uradloy , Ainsworth ; L. F. Hlltou ,
I3nir ! ; Theron Nye , Fremont ; John Ktorn
and W. H. DIckenson , Wabou ; C. 1 * . Lamb ,
Stanton ; T. U. Itiuh , Grand Island , nnd
William G , liinsoll , Columbus , weru nt the
Millord yesterday.
Ed A. Urown , NobrauUa City ; G. M. I am-
bertson and Robert L. Reynold * , Lincoln ;
Martin A. Colin , Grind Inland ; Frank 11.
Wilson , riattsrnouth ; H. H. Smith , Tekamah ;
J. H. LeiU and James Wnru , Jgallula wi-io
fiUMtu oftho 1'uxtonvesto rdry.
Mr. J , M. Woolworth was made very happy
yesterday by the news that hi con Charles 1 * .
Woolwotth had arrived In San Francitco from
Japan eli his tour of thu Oriental countries ,
in good health. Father nnd son will moot in
Demur , and Clmrlw will soon bo In Omaha
and ut homo again.
A GlmtiKU lor the Better.
Mr , 8. F. Hints has bought out Mr.
Gus. Hchultz , on the southeast corner of
llth ntroet nud Capitol avonuu. Mr.
King is apopular young colored gentleman -
man , and will c&rry the beat of liquors of
both imported and domestic brands. IIo
will conduct his plnco on entirely diller-
ont urinslnjpa from those on which it has
befjri run hitherto , lining u responsible
ypiii | < { man , and desires all his friends to
K\ve \ him a call.
A full line of Canitmit ; ! ) G jods on
Imud. . .Please call and mlect a * early
* > s pnsiiblo. All ( ho manufacturers ate
T'Ji'u'd n'iih rdora. Call and BBO them.
Coiipl ta ut'lformii ' for Republican tnd
and Djnncmie clubs , t/J-m&alOt
The City Falhcrs Deem it Best Not t
Pnrcliaso a Patrol Wagon ,
Last Spring's ' Assessment of the
First Ward Eaised20Por Cent.
OllierMnttorH ofHnirincfiHTrnnrmctc <
for Iho Pnlilic.
At the regular mooting of the cib
council last evening members Bocho )
Redfiold , Woodworth , Bohm , Anderson
Murphy. Ford , Thrano , Furay , Knuf
man nnd Uascall wcro present. Rol
was called and the minutes of Iho previous
ous mooting dispensed with.
From the acting mayor , giving notice
, lmt lie had vetoed certain ordinance ;
insscd nt the Imt mooting on account ol
irrors contained in the same. The veto
was sustained.
From the H mo , vetoing nn ordinance
irovidlng for paving the alloy between
lownrd nnd llarnoy and Fourteen nnd
' " "iftoonth streets on account of errors.
[ * ho vnto was sustained.
From the same , approving certain
ordinances passed nt last mooting. Filed.
From Mine , submitting his reasons
why the patrol wagon flhouW not bo
mrchaood , the nbaonco of police tolo-
; raph , the want of proper funds and the
unall expense norr attached to hauling
irisonors to the jail not admitting it.
I'ho communication was adopted.
From the same , appointing John T.
'aulson , John Groves and William
Vhito apraisors ] to assess the damoeos
arising from the opening of Clark Bo-
woon Sixteenth and Eighteenth streets.
The contract and bond of the Dispatcher
or the city printing next came np for ap-
iroval. They were rejected nnd the clerk
luthorizod to give the city printing to
'HE BKI ; until such time as the city shall
iavo advertised for the bids.
From 0. Hartman , asking permission
0 use throe foot of the sidewalk in front
f lot 2 in block 142 , for the purpose of
reeling n'rotalning wall. Granted.
From D. W. Lane , presenting his res-
; nition as member of the fire depart-
lent. Accepted.
From Charles Splitt , asking to bo ra-
munoratod by the city for removing dead
nimals. Placed on file.
From Andrew Doigol nnd others , ask-
ng that a sidewalk bo laid on the west
dc and southwest corner of lot 5 , block
0 ! L Granted.
F rom J. Woidonsall , calling attention
f the council to the condition of alloy
1 block 10 , Shinn's addition. Referred.
From 0. H. Baliou and others , stating
iat § 700 cash can bo raised toward the
poning ofNicholan ntroot , for property
ondomnod. Referred.
From G. S. Robbins and others , ask-
ng that Iho grade of Georgia avouuo bo-
.woon BAltimoroaiidLcavonworth streets
> o established. Roforrod.
From J. Bull and others , protesting
gainst the proposed grade of St. Mary's
venue between Nevada and Phil Shori-
an streets. Referred.
From Ellen Lucas , stating that § 225
was Insufliciont to pay the damages
aused to her property by the cotstruo-
ion ot ciltch basins on Thirteenth and
Chicago streets. Filed.
From George Koll'inan and others ask-
ng that the grade of Williams , between
lovcnth and Thirteenth streets , bo
oworod three foot. Roforrod.
From J. D. Her and others , that nido-
valks on Ninth street bo made twenty
oot wide within the district that is now
mvod , curbed and guttered.
From Truman Buck , stating the result
f the tenders of damages for opening
ndinna strroot. Filed.
From M. Goldsmith , stating Iho stakes
s sot for the east line of Twentieth
troot , between Douglas and Dodge , were
2A foot on his lot. Roforrod.
From R. 0. S. Burke , asking for in-
sroaso of § 25 per month for his services
o the city. Referred ,
2From James Creighton , presenting n
onimunication from the Barber Asphalt
pmpany , proposing to repair along the
ino of the street railway in n certain
nnnnor. Roforrod.
From same , presenting certain approv
ed estimates. Approved.
By Woodworth , hat the city of Omaha
> ay the Woman's ' Christian Aid associa-
ion § 10 per month for rent of room.
By Andorson.Jthat a warrant/lcss § 700 ,
to drawn to pay the cost of opening
Nicholas street Referred.
By Bocho ] , that the platform in Hans
om park bo repaired. Adopted.
By Woodworth , that the workingmen
o Allowed the use of city hall next Moil-
ay evening , in which to hold cony-on
ion. Adopted.
By Furay , that the city engineer bo
nstructcd to make the proper survey to
uttlo the boundary lines of block 191& .
By Bohm , that two catch basins bo
ilaced in St. Mary's avenue , near nine-
centh street. Adopted ,
lU'.roiiT.s or UOMMITTHKH ,
_ Judiciary , recommending that the po-
ition nnd waiver of damages on the Fur-
am street grade bo carefully preserved.
Adopted ,
Steouta and grades , reporting that the
communication of Lee , Hart to the eil'eot
iiat I. S. Hascall'a lots were being gra-
pd down by the city laborers and the
irt filled in the street w.iu without fouii-
ittion , Adopted.
Police , recommending that the con-
ract for collecting garbage bo lot to John
'otorson instead of Stephen Robinson ,
who refused to nlrn It. Adopted.
Siduwalks and bridges , recommending
nit thu tax imposed upon Air. 0.
ioodman foraiduwalks built in front of
iis property bu cancelled. Adopted.
An ordinance reealing | ordinance 792
u account of errors in the same. Passed ,
An ordinance repealing ordinance C21
n account of errors in the samv. Passed.
An ordinance fixing n license upon cor-
iiin exhibitions and sales ot medicines ,
The council then adjourned.
The Hoard of Kiiimll/.ntlnn.
The council just previous to its cession
s a council was engaged as a board of
quulizition in the work of equalizing
10 general asspsimont of the city for last
iriug , The question which had been
cfuro the board for the whole session
WM again called up that of raising the
( moral Biicssmont of the First ward.
Nmncilman Rodfiold moved that the
nlualion of this ward bo raised 20 per
: nt. pml WBH seconded by Member
i'ord. This called out cnnaidorabln do * In which Alombora Behin , R dflold ,
Hascall , Thrano nnd Kaufman took part
Rodfiold not only championed his motion
but said that this ward should bo raised
from its present assessment $011,000 to
that of the Second ward , $ ! > ! 1,000 , mak
ing the per cent , of increased valua
lion nearly 50 per cent. Bohm
said that although the assessor o
this ward could not bo called
to nn account for his nets in his oflicin
capacity , lie should bo arrested for high
wny robbery. Ho cited n single illustra
tion of the First ward n.i-csament , that o
Krug's brewery , which ho said was worth
§ 250,000 , nnd valued by Mr. Doll , the
ns o ser , nt between § 17,000and $18,000
Members Hac ll , Thrano nnd Kaufman
opposed the motion , admiUlng however
th t , generally speaking , the statements
of the former members wcro true , _ but n
great injustice would bo wrought if the
motion should prevail , n considerable
property had been assessed to correspond
with other portions of the city. Furay
also favored the motion.
The board then adopted the following
report , being n summary of business done
by it since the beginning of ita session ,
August G ;
The city council of the city of Omaha
in session as n board of cquilization as re
quired by law from August Gth to August
llth , having taken into consideration all
complaints regarding the value of prop
erty as returned by the assessors and
acted upon by the county commissioners
as n board of equalization for the year ,
ind as follows :
Mary Ann Byors , lot 1 , Bartlott'a nd
ditlon ;
Frank Sehnotz , lot 0 , Oak Knoll ;
R. S. Calvin , lots 4 and 5 , Shinn's nd
ditlon ;
Mrs. Mary Gorman , lot 5 , block 40 ,
iavo no reason to complain as to the
value of their property as returned by
.he assessors , and compared with the
value of other property an near as
may bo.
That the complaint in reference to tax
ot 35 , section 10 , town 15 , range 13 bo
reduced from the value of § 3,500 to § 2-
)00 ) , and that the property returned as
exempt , owned by church nnd other or
ganizations , nnd not actually used for
ihurch nnd other benevolent purposes , bo
assessed us required by law.
It appearing to this board that the
Tirat ward of the City of Omaha has
teen assessed below the other wards of
ho City of Omaha , it is hereby ordered
and dotormincd that the valuation of said
'irat ward bo raised 20 per cent on the
valuation returned and equalized by the
> onrd of county commissioners.
The board then adjourned.
TniiiCR AiiKusttiR Pliiltipn Arrested In
tills City For a llapo Committed
in Iowa.
A short time since , a letter was re-
oivod by the city marshal of this city
tating that a llttlo girl had boon raped
n a school house in Fottawtamio county ,
owa , nnd that the man who had com-
nittod the hellish deed was travelling
with a woman who was engaged in soli
ng electric bolta. A description of the
woman \ras given , and a photograph of
ho nmn enclosed.
A few days since the woman put in an
ppcaranco in this city and began to ply
lor trado. A close watch was knpt of
inr but it was impossible to gob a sight of
ho innn who was said to bo with hor.
This morning the woman wont to the
> olico station and said that she had bor-
owed two dollars at the corner Eleventh
itrcot and Capital Avenue , and that she
md put up some bolts as security. When
ho wanted her bolts the holder of them
ofusod to surrender them. The marshal
ccompaniod her and got her bolts and at
ho same time found out whore her
'solid" man was , and together with the
aptain of police , captured the follow , who
s now in jail.
An soon as suitable papers can bo pro-
urol ho will bo taken to Iowa to answerer
or his horrible crime. Ho is a hard-look-
ng follow , and looks as if ho was capable
of committing any crime , no matter how
A Gorman Democratic Club.
The democratic Gorman voters of this
city mot Mondy evening atBrandt's sumner -
nor garden for the purpose of forming a
Gorman Cleveland and Hondricks club.
Pho attendance was largo. Phillip
Andres called the mooting to order and
nado a brief speech.
Gustavo Beneko was chosen president
of the club and Paul Woiuhagon socro-
ary. The election of treasurer and cor
responding secretary were loft until the
icxt mooting , to bo held on Sunday next
at the name place.
Committees to canvass each vrard and
ovoral precincts were appointed :
First Win. Scgolko , Chas. Brandos ,
) lma. Kaufmann.
Second Louis Heimrod , Paul Woin-
mgon , Julius Nagl.
Third Ohas. Flock , Ed Mauror , Julius
Fourth Peter Gees , Henry Voss ,
Hhnrles Krutli.
Fifth Jerri Bcauor , Jacob Knurman ,
Vm. Slovors.
Sixth Jacob Houok , Goo. Stratman ,
'etor Ponnor.
Saratoga Charles Gruoning , H. Lea-
Jull'orson George Timmo , George
Ninety-three members were unrolled
n the spot , and the committee expect to
eport fully 800 by the next mooting ,
tlr. Brandt hns tendered the usn of his
tall and garden free of charge to the
The name adopted is "Tho Gorman-
American Cleveland and Hondricks Club
f Douglas county.
The commlttoo on constitution nro
Jharlos Kaufmann , G. Stratman , L.
loinu'od , and Jucob Hauck.
Monotonous ,
'oius Sifting ? .
" " said Austin
"Charming Lucy , an
ilded youth to the apple barrel of his
ixpoctution ; "a kiss from your lips is a
leaven on earth. "
"O , iivo us a rest. "
"Havi lolfonded thee , dearest one ? "
"No , lut you bore mo with your lack
f originality. Hundreds of men have
old mo that old story until I am tired of
tearing it.1 '
.lust Suited Him ,
"You don't say that Tom Russell is
oitiR to marry Miss Molly Pondorby ? "
"Yes ; that's what they say. "
"Why/eho hain't pot any mind of her
own. "
"That's juit the reason ho is marrying
hor. lie loves a qutet life , and aa aho
hasn't ot a mind of her .own she psn't
be eternally giving him a piece of it , "
Mai Grinim Comes Up Meg on Hi
Morn ,
His KrlontlH Itcllovo That Ho liar
Met AVIth Foul Play ,
There was quite n little sensation in
certain circles in this city ycstorda ;
when the hour of nine o'clock arrived
That was the time appointed when Mr
Max Grinim was to have boon united in
wedlock to a highly respectable young
lady of this city. The hour arrived the
guests and minister were on
hand , the bride was arrayoc
in her wedding robes , bu
Max came not. Long they waited bul
the expected bridegroom failed' to ap
After a time it dawned upon the company -
pany that Max would not come. Thai
either ho had got sick of the bargain nnd
took this way to got out of it , or that ho
had mot with some accident which prevented -
vented his coming.
Some of his friends started out to looker
[ or him. They wont to his boarding-
liouso on Eighteenth street , near Dorcas ,
and found that ho had not boon there
since Saturday evening. At nine o'clock
Saturday ovoniug Max loft the homo of
iiis betrothed , ilo was in the best of
spirits , nnd was to have mot her at
church Sunday morning. IIo did not
moot her at church , and did not call on
icr Sunday evening , and oho thought it
strange , but did not have any idea , that
his absence would prove of BO much mo
IIo was n tailor by trade , nnd for a
long time worked for 13. Newman & Co.
By his industry and saving ho had become -
como the possessor of some real estate in
; his city.
Ills friends think that ho has mot
ivith foul play. At the time of his loav-
ng the house of his betrothed on Satur
day night ho had between § 150 and $200
in his pockets and it is thought that ho
vnsmado away with to obtain thomonoy.
3is betrothed is nearly beside herself
with grief at having her loved ono
snatched from her arms just nssho was to
claim him forever.
Any information in regard to his
whereabouts will bo gladly received by
iis friends if loftat _ Henry Kaufman's or
at this ofilco.
At the time of his disappearance ho had
on a black sack coat , groy trowsora nnd
a black stiff hat. Ho was about five feet
on inches in height and weighed about
L75 or 180 pounds. Ho had a dark com-
ilexion , dark oyca and had a small
ilack moustache.
Real Kstato Transfers.
The following transfers were filed in
ho county clerk's oflico yesterday and
reported for THE BEK by Amo's real-
estate agency , Aug. , 12.
Samuel E. Kogora and wife , to
Fus. Laughran , lot 3 block 3 , S. E.
.lexer's addition , w. d. $150.
Thomas'Laughran and wife , to James
1. Laughran , lot 3 block 3 , S. E.
logor's addition , w. d. § 500.
John Quick and -wife , to Mary E.
Simmons , n i lot 2 block 20 , E. V.
Smith's addition w. d. $800.
Matilda Albert and husband , to
Matilda Kendal , lot 11 block 21 ,
Wilcox'a 2nd addition , w. d. § 325.
James MeVitto , to James Thomas
BrcVitto , lot 2 block 0 Isaacs & Solden's
addition , TT. d. § 1,00.
Jas. G. Chapman , to Mitchol F.
Chapman , part of sec. 30 110 r 13 , Q. C.
D. § 1.00
Charles Schafor to Julia E. Van Dor-
ook , 33 33-100 acres in sec. 17 , t. 1C ,
13 , w. d. , § 900.
D. L. Thomas and wife to Joseph and
Qoorgo E. Barker , lots 9 and 13 , block
, lota C , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , block 15 Moy-
rs , Richards and Tildon's add. , w d. ,
§ 450.
Samuel F , King to Jack Morrison , o.
lot 2 Isaac's and Griflin'e add. , w. d. ,
William R. Fisher to John J. Shan
non , o. J lot 8 , block 10 , Isaac's and Sol-
don's ' add. , w. d. , $300.
John II. McShano to Win. J. Scott ,
ot 3 block 3 Brookline , w. d. , $1CO.
Army Orilors.
Recruit Henry Brugirard , enlisted at
Fort Omaha , Nob."is assigned to the
fourth infantry ,
Recruit Wilhelm Weiaonborg , enlisted
at Fort Douglas , Utah , is assigned to
roop II , Fifth cavalry , and trill bo sent
o the station of his troop on the first
avorablo opportunity.
On the recommendation of his troop
and post commander , the unoxpired por-
ion of the sentence of the general court-
rmrtial in the case of Private John W.
7aldwoll , troop F , Fifth cavalry , pub-
ishod in general court-martial orders No.
J3 , current series from these hoadquar-
ors , is remitted , to take effect August 3 ,
'lio attontlnn of Vctorniis Called to
HOVCTA ! Importnnt
General Order No. 17 hns boon issued
rom the headquarters of the G. A.
) avid City , for the department of No-
iroskn , nnd rondo as follows :
1. The sixth annual icunion of the do-
lartmont ot Nebraska , Grand Army of
ho Republic , will bo held at Fremont ,
? ob. The department will go into camp
n Monday , September 1 , to remain six
2. Comrade John M Thayer , post No.
1 , Grand Jaland , has boon selected by
ho reunion committee to command the
3. The department olllcors have used
every means in their power to procure
outs from the United States and state
; ovormnontBand failed in every attempt ,
t is therefore ordered that all posts in
his department , immediately on receipt
of this ordur , take the necessary stops to
ecuro tents for their own uuo at this and
uturo re-unions , Commanders of posts
will communicate with Comrade N. G.
Franklin , assistant quartermaster-general
at Lincoln , Nebraska , who has made ar
rangements with tent manufacturers to
supply tents at u treat reduction.
The touts will b'u sold as follows : lOx-
2 ft , , 8 oz , duck ( pins nnd poles com-
ilote ) $8 ; 12xH ft. , 8 oz. duck ( pinsand
) olcs complete ) ? 11 , and each order must
to accompanied with chock or money or
der for tbo amount. None but cash or
ders will receive attention. As the time
a BO short before the opening of camp ,
comrades will BCD the necessity of iiuuio-
diato action. No blamomustbo attach
cd to any officer of the department if yoi
are not provided with shelter at Fremonl
See general order 14 , Juno 13 , 1881.
4. As soon as the railroad rates nn
ascertained they will bo published in al
the dally papers of the state.
C. The council of administration wll
assemble at headquarters tent on camp
ground at 2 o'clock D. in. , Tuesday , September
tombor 2 to transact all business tha
may bo presented to them.
U. The department commander i
pleased to again annnunco that the mar
tial bands of this state who mot in
Lincoln on Decombor21 , 25 nnd 20,1883
perfected an organization to bo known n
the State Band association. All band
in the state nro cordially invited to join
this association. A copy of the constitu
tion and by-laws can bo procured by ap
plying to S , L. Ilawloy , secretary , Mar
ley , Ncbraaka. All musicians .holding
certificates of membership in this associa
tion will bo entitled to free transporta
tion to the annual reunions. These cai
also bo obtained by applj ing to the sec
7. Owing to the resignation of Comrade
rado John F , Dionor , Comrade A. Alice
of Post No , 7 , Omaha , is hereby ap
pointed department inspector. Ho wll
bo obeyed and respected acsordingly.
8. Comrade William Powell , Post No.
21 , Syracuse , is hereby appointed aid-do
camp on the department staff , and wil
bo obeyed and respected accordingly.
9. S. B. Curtis , Post No. 89 , was erroneously -
ronoously reported delinquent in gen
eral orders No. 10 , they having sent in
reports nnd duos Juno IK ) , 1884.
10. Comrade John A. Wood is com
mander of General Augur Post No. 192
, Nob. By command of
Department Commander.
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina TeA -
A Moral 1'lon.
To the Editor of IIIE BEE :
I BOO by THE Br.i ; that a petition is in
circulation asking that the Davisos and
ether women might bo removed from the
river bottoms. I hope they may not bo
tllowod to como into the city , as some
mouths ago they were allowed to occupy
a house for months , not half a block from
the third ward school house , to the dis
; ustof the teachers , children and passers.
As a citizen I would like to ask how it
s that wo are compelled to bo overrun
by this class of women in the third
ward ? Their drunkenness , blasphemy
nd the indecent exposure of their per-
ions , is an abomination that ought not to
) o tolerated any longer , and if the mayor
and marshal with the police force will not
irotoct us , wo , mothers and wives , must
> rotect ourselvos.
Some mothers have concluded to keep
heir little ones homo from school and
ot them grow up in ignorance rather
han to expose them to this terrible vice.
These little ones in passing to and
rom school Tseo only the bright side of
heso girls' life ; they do not see the end
, hat follows and hence do not fear. It is
Ipmoraliziug to the | , boys as well as the
Ijwish every mother in the city of
Omaha would realize that there is danger
ithor directly or indirectly from school
ssociation , or otherwise , .to her young
{ rowing family.
If men love a pure homo life they must
BOO to it that our laws are unforced.
Not long ago ono of these girls rented
rom a councilman and a policeman kept
ior. In the very block in which the
bird ward school house is situated there
ro the very worst kind of people living ,
nd a class that is most demoralizing to
.ho colored young nfcn.
Wo ask in all kindness that pur city
uthoritios will take action in this matter ,
'hoy are paid for this work and wo look
o them to do it. Our lairs are good if
lioy are only enforced.
Seal of North Carolina tobacco is the
> est.
Absolutely Pure.
ThUnovrJor never vnrlos. A marvel of puronoas
enjttn nj wholosomcncsj. Moid coooomlcal tbftQ
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Are prepared to do work
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