, LAILY BEE-OOUNCIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 13 11884 , THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Wednesday Morning AngnstlS , SUBSCRIPTION IUTKS. Pr Carrier . so oenf per week " lr jcar OFFICE : Ko. 7 Pearl fitroot , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Sco J. Rotter's Bummer goods. The city seems to bo having Blow work disposing of its steamers. Some big shipment * of heavy farming Implements are being made. F. A. Soars says that now boy of his shouts for Blaine and not for Cleveland , The Wnbash passenger train now ar rives at 4:15 : p. m. , an hour later than before. The ngod bag-pipo player , who lost a In the city again. J. L. Ilatkin has moved from Broad- way to No. 019 Main street , where ho will continue in the produce business. Loon Lozior ought to have taken off his shirt when ho run with Hamilton at the lair grounds. Ho wouldn't have been beaten so badly. Samuel Woirich , who has boon very ill for aomo time , was reported yesterday as being rapidly sinking , with little pros pect of recovery. Work is progressing well on the nddi- tional buildings at the institute for the deaf and dumb. The coming session Trill open September 10. J. E. Kilfoathor , who was arrested for hitting Henry Spotman Jr. with a chair , and who jumped his bail , has been caught The street crossings nro in a horrible shape , at least they are supposed to bo. Most of them are out of sight and their condition must bo that of the lost. The infant son of W. S. and Annlo Cooper died at 0:30 : Monday evening of cholera infantum. The funeral took place from Mrs. McGoo's , on Woodbury avenue , yesterday afternoon. The bootblack who , fell down in the park Monday in a sort of spasm , was still at the police headquarters yesterday and scorned to bo recovering his strength , so that no danger is apprehended. A time table has boon prepared for the Btroot cars to run by , but it is evident that the drivers and conductors haven't boon furnished with copies of it yet , judging from the irregularity of the trips. Oaptnin Carver .and a band of his Indians , who took part in the "Wild "West" show , returned yesterday from tlio east over the Northwestern and were taken to Sioux Oily , which is near their homos. The newspaper fiend used up a column yesterday about an accident on the Btroot car track which did not happen , but then it wns n wet day. If a real accident had happened , what would the fiend have done ? The case of Mrs. Juhn Morgol against Mr. Doorfllngor , in which aho claims $5,000 damages bncauso ho sold her hua- band boor , was called in the superior court yesterday , and continued until the September term. The Main street car on Its forenoon trips has no bolls or other signal to at tract the attention of passers-by , or those waiting to take the car. In the afternoon - noon , however , the teams have sleigh- bells enough to do for a carnival. It is said that ono of the troubles in disposing of the city bonds is that promi nent parties nero , who are opposed to the present elty administration , wrote to Now York bankers with whom they are acquainted , tolling them that the bonds ivoro not legal. A. M. Wood , who is with Taylor & Ehnniff , got up the other night to got Bomo medicine from n cupboard for a aick baby , and in reaching for it a bottle of carbolic acid was tipped over and some iBpllled on his fuco burning It badly , cs- Socially about ono oyo. Shorill Dan Fsrroll was here yesterday , Ho had just rocolved a letter from Sheriff McOord , who was allot by the desperado Ilsyuolds at Marslmlltown. McOord writes that ho la able to walk about some , and there is every reason to believe that ho will recover. This Trill probably save Reynolds' nock , fur it WAS openly and firmly declared that in tbo event of McCord'a death Reynolds would bo lynched. Charles nickson , a farmer boy , who lias been lying in jail on a charge of as sault with intent to commit murder , wan brought before Judge Aylosworth yester day on a writ of habeas corpus. It ap peared that the row was a general ono , nnd that youtig nickson waa not so much to blame for hitting another fellow with a club. The judge remanded him to jail with instructions to have an information filed charging simple lufiault , to which charge Iliohson will plead guilty. When the city council put up ? l00 ! in cash for Mayor Ynughan to go to New York , it was generally auppoecd ho was going there to sell bonds , but from hfa success in getting intorviowud by ( ho Herald reporter. It aoema to bu more of a democratic.mission. In tlio course of his bombastic talk about Iowa going dem ocratic , ho is reported a laying : "In my city of Council Bluflis , nut of a population of 3'J,0001 do not believe Cfty German votes will no to Blainc. " Kveu in "Vaughan's $250 write up in the Tinica , liiapenny a line placed the population at 25,000 , and lu fuilel to uy the city be. 1 gelt. . SHARP SCHEMING , A Fellow by Raising Notes Gathers in a Roll , Ho Gets Auriy With tlio Plunder. Ono day last week n man appeared In this vicinity pretending to Bollinp nursery slock from Rochester , N. Y. His state ment was that ho was not a salaried agent , but was buying the stock nnd soil ing It , for his own profit , awd thus con- troling the territory. Ho effected nt least two salon , ono to Mr. Spol Miller and Uio other to Mr. Bokompor , both living outside the city. The sale to ono amounted to § 2 and the other $3 , nnd ho took notes for thoao iimall amounts , pay able In the fall. The notes were In the foim of printed blanks , which ho had filled out , and the men had signed. Af terwards it Boomed that ho added two clphora to the $2 in ono case , and to the 83 in the other case , nnd wrote the word "hundred" in between the written "Two" and the printed "Dollars , " there being plenty of space on the dotted line , and no dash of the pen to prevent. In this way ho raised the notes from 82 nnd § 3 to § 200 nnd § 300. On Saturday ho called on Mr. J. W. Rodofor , who is in tlio brokerage business , nnd wanted to soil the notes. Mr. Ilodoforj with his usual precaution , took the pains to inquire - quire as to the credit of the parties , the genuineness ' of the signatures , nnd being satisfied by the information which ho thus gained of responsible parties , who were posted in regard to the standing , nnd familiar with the oigna- turcs of the parties , ho entered into negotiations with the nursery-man for the purchase of the notes at a dis count. Ho paid the follow only a portion tion of the amount agreed upon , the seller to come in yesterday nnd got the roat. In the meantime Mr. Rodofor Bent notlco to Mr. Miller and to Mr. Bokompor that ho had their notes , des cribing them , nnd that if they desired to pay them before duo ho would make n reasonable discount. This called out the denial of those men that they had signed notes to any such amount , nnd the gnmo became clear. The followhad not shown up for the balance of the money , and as nearly aa could bo ascer tained ho took the train Sunday for Chicago , and has doubtless ere this put a sufficient number of miles between him self and Council Bluffs to render any further search for him useless. The follow gave his name as Thayer , but prodably has other alias , so thnt oven this gives little or no clue by which to follow him up. It seems almost useless to repeat the old advice to beware of signing nny sort of papers presented by strangers , for the advice seems to bo un heeded , oven by those who ought to hood it most. _ _ _ _ THE PUBLIC LTBRAET , The Trustees Pay n Tribute to the llov. Cyrus Hiunlln. At the mooting of the trdatoos of the public library laat evening , the following resolutions wore unanimously adopted : WHKUISAH , The Rev. Cyrus Hamlln baa resigned hio position as a member of this board , therefore bo it , Resolved , TJiat wo ttka leave of the llov. Cyrus Hamlin with sincere rogrot. Ho has at all times discharged his duties with zeal , intelligence and fidelity. A man of extensive reading and broad cul ture , ho brought all his fine taste nnd ac curate knowledge of currant literature to the work of arranging , classifying and selecting books for our aholvoa and the people of our city ewe him a debt of gratitude for his earnest devotion to their interests as trustee of the Free Public library. Ilosolvod , That our personal inter course with Mr. Hamlln had boon at all times ploasaut and harmonious. Wo sin cerely regret his removal from the city and wo extend to him our earnest wishes or his tuturo welfare. Ilosolvod , That copies of thcso roaolu tious bo furnished the papers for publica tion , and a copy sent to Mr. Ilamliu. The follow was tlio monthly report of the librarian : Nn. of book Inkers . l,16fl NH. of vInitxirH . 2,12a NO. OF 1IOOKH TAKKN. Philosophy . ( ! ( Tlivoliiuy . U Natural Hcicnco . fit Fiction . Poetry and l''tiayH . HUtnrynml biography . . . . . . ; > ( i ! Travels . 85 Total Tlio Circuit Court. The Auguat term of the circuit courl opona next Monday. There are 22 casoa on the docket , of which 21 are di vorce cases. The following is the list ol petit jurors and the postoflico address : II. G. Ubllngor , Council Bluffs. W. II. Brown , Council Blull's. B. Stahl " " Cyrus True , Avoca. A. Uitter , " ' J. II. Love , " " B. T. Oonnora , " Samuel Vrico , " Charles Moron " ' John Short , " " Uoorgo W. Putnam , Wheeler's Grove James Osier. " " James Flynii , Nnola. D. W. BorutY , Macedonia. John Tliomna , Orescent City. S. B. McNuy , Council Blull'j. M. J. Cheney , Taylor Station. K. A. Stoupfel , Council Blulla. Thomas Juirorson , Hancock. W. G. Bone , Hancock. T. B. Miucy , Council Bluffs. Cheater M. Clark , Klliot. John Htulir , Mindon. i * The Superintendent Miithows 1ms filed with the county treasurer the followin report of the Institute fund and of th normal inetltuto just closed : Teachers enrolled , fiOO ; on hand a last report , $758.15 ; examination foes ro cclvod and paid to tiuaauror , $231.00 ; rcg istrution foi'n rocoivcd and paid trea ; uror , § 200 00 ; state appropriation , § 50. 00 ; total 81.212 15 : puld instructors mu lecturers , § 500.00 ; ' ineidental expenses 8128.iO ; ; total , § 1528 UOj balauoo of fun unexpended , fOlD.BS. It will bo BOOH that the fund is aninllc than at thu clooo of the normal last year or at thu linio of thu report , but to in elude the foes for examination of tone ! rrs , the report of w hich will bo mudo n thocloso of this month , will bring th amount up to about thu tainu , and at th time of next normal the amount wi probably reach 81,000. This fund is eupportid entirely by th egistration and examination fees paid y teachers and apoaks well for their at- endanco at the county normals. THINJ THEY HAVE HIM , The Omnha Olllcors Here Alter Muro 1'olntcrfl About John FhllllppH. Yesterday Marshal Cummings and Cflpt. Donahuo of Omaha , wore on this ido of the river interviewing the police fllcors , in regard to a man whom they ad arrested on that side of the river , nd whom they suppoaod to bo John hilllps , who ia wonted for rape n Hazel Doll township , and or whoso capture a § 100 reword was fibred. From what they could learn ioro they became pretty well satisfied liat the man they have is the man want- d. The aliened victim of Phillips' lust was a little Swede girl , and great indlg- otion exists in the community where the rime was committed. 1'UUSONA.IJ. TlioreVA Mann" from Hamburg , at the 'gdon ' , 1) . W. Blnnchard , of Dnbnqiio , stnto oil in lector , WAS at Ik'chtclo's yesterday. Simon JJiroman has returned from Now fork where ho has been purchasing goods. S. W. Ferguson leaves to-day for Missouri , icn to Kansas and on to Now Mexico , to bo jseiit until September 1 , J. W. Berger , with hh daughters Misses ll.i and Lillian , and Miss Ilnttlo Gardiner , ro off for n tow weeks rest nnd recreation at plrit Lake , Congressman Hepburn WAS hero yesterday , assiug through the city In the morning , for cross the river , intending to return to spend ast night hcie. H , K. Love , of DCS Moincs , clerk of the Jnitcd States courts , arrived hero yesterday , ailed hither by the death of Marshall Key , vho was his deputy , Colonel John Donovan , of St. Joseph , Mo. . ho was a most intimate friend of the Into laruball Key , has arrived hero , and will ac ompany the remains to Chicago. Ira W. Marshall , representing- Y. M , C. . Watchman , is In the city , Tlio paper ho cprescnts is ono of the l > est religious journals n the land , and especially valuable to those utorosted In Y. M. C. A. work. Mr. Orcutt and Mr. French , of Casndy , 'rcutt ' & French , started for Now York yes- onlay intending to bo gene until September Mr. French has a brother living in New fork city , and besides having a chance to iait him , tlio tourists will make selections nd carpets for their great carpet house , Harry Hunter has BO far regained bis calth aa to bo able to resume his duties as Ity editor of the Nonpareil , and his many riends gladly welcome him back. C. J. Best , ho has performed thu duties during lib nb- enco , will remain temporarily at least , and seist Mr. Hunter , whoso strength is not yet ully restored. County Supervisor Rishton was in the city esterday. Ifo has recently returned from limiosotn whcro his wife is now trying that limnto for her health. He bays she Is gain- tig Homewhat. His brother's wife , Mrs. nines Itinhton , and her little baby boy , nro i very sick , the little babe , about four 1'uiitlin old , not being expected to Hvo. Itcnl Estate Transfers. The following transfers were filed in ! io county clerk's oflico yesterday and oportod for THE BKE by P. J. McMa- ono : F. C. Hoist to Pottawattamio county , art DO qr , sw qr , 3f , 75 , 41. 83i5. Jwmos O. Rhodes to James Wilkinson , hf no qr , and part w hf no qr , 14 , 74 , 0. 84,800. 1 James E. Calvin to 'A. 0. Strong , part o qr , 12 , 75 , 40. § 300. A Frcderickaon to Peter 0. Hanson , art nw qr , no qr , 1C , 77 , 39. § 105. Emerson Losh to Carl Roohl , part so jr , no qr and s hf aw qr , 2 , 74 , 40. 83,000. Emerson Losh to Carl Boohl. part no nw qr , 12 , 75 , 40. § 200. John 0. Stewart to Win. Slodonhopf , ot 9 , block 19. Galcsburg add. § 20. Total Bales § 8,400. ObHciiulcH of Mr. Koy. The funeral services of the late Mar- hal Key , will bo hold at the family rosi- lonco on Seventh street , at 3 o'clock , t will bo uudor the aunpicoa of the tlasonic fraternity , assisted bv the loyal Arcanum The religious services vill bo conducted by llov. T. J. Maokay , rector of St. Paul's church. The re- iiains will bo taken to Chicago , over the J. B. & Q. rood , and buried there on Thursday. JlOJ'H II ] UlllO. To-night the Hoys in Blue are to hold an important mooting in the court house , d Isjitdoaircd that every member shouk bu present , without fail. Among the nmttoni to bo considered to-niqht is the question of a uniform for cumiwign pur Attention , Itoyal Arcnmini , Momb era of Fidelity council No. 150 Royal Arcanum are requested to moot ii ; noaombly rooms , Wednesday , August 13 ut 2 p. m , to attend thu funeral service of Bro. Marshall Koy. By order of tin committee. OOMMKHOIAU , CODNC1I. 1ILUKKH MAUKET. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , August 12,188I. Wheat No. 1 iiillliujr , 76@80 ; No. 3 05 ® 70 ; rejected GO. Corn Local purpose , -JO ® 15. Onto For local purposes , 'M@ 10. Hny-510 00@12 00 per ton ; baled , W@IX ) Hyo I0@45o. Corn Meal 1SO per 100 poutula. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00 ® 1 vl ) Coal Dollvorod , hard , 11 BO nor ton : soft 0 00 per ton Laril 1'nlrbauk'e , wholesaling at 9a Flour City Hour , 1 f.0@3 'M , Uroouig 21 > 5@3 00 per doz. UVJC BTOOK. Cattle Butcher cowd 3500100 , Butchoi etcnrH , noiui In market. " -t.r : > o. oo. I'llODUOK AND VKCITS. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co , , corn mUuIon morclmuts , r3S Broadway , . , or .11tny I < tvoolllIOI" , , ) ' > 7c > 'I'ri"K chickens 2 f3 CO per doz , ; Hvo turkoya , Do. IVachca-A bu . b x , 1 00. 1.0M1UIU ( i 00 jmr box , lianuinu 2 OJ3 ( 00 per bunch. IJutterCroainoiy , 20cj rolls , choice 0@10o J-KK" i l per dozen. Vegetable * 1'oUtoen , 1 fi0 2 00 jx r bbl onlona , 7ftiiM < rbui c bbapor > 0o | Ksr dorntlni ; ; npplon , 1-3 bu box , fOc. cholco iwr bbl 3 Sflfe I OOj boauf , 1 50@L',25 | > or liuahel. Live and dressed sprint ; chickens Oasoy's moat mRrkct , 514 Broadway , bickering Pianoi Best and Host ItolltUo , IIALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANO Endorsed lij FRA.tz I.iszr. EMERSON PIANO. Unrhnllixl ( or Tone or Finish , KIMBALL PIANO Best Modern I'rlco to liny. The KimLnll nriran , eo long and favorably known In the west , rncommomls Itsolf. J. L. STUWAHT , Sola Agent for above lines of Goods. Warerooms , 320 Broadway , Council Uluiln , Iowa , Correspondence Solicited. Agents Wanted. DeVOL & WRIGHT , WHOLESALE flntlprv TinpiV tnnfr Ftp llllllulo , ulllluljf , olIM , Lib , fararcc.1 attention by mall. QOUMCiL BLUFFS I A. The exposure of the candy schema in yesterday morning's BKS caused the chief of police to issue an order forbid ding the soiling of it any more. AJDnkotA | Bank Cloned , HfnoN' , Dakotn , Augmt 12. The tinso- cured liabilities of the bank of Huron , which innilo an assignment yesterday , Is understood to bo about $8,000 , mostly to depositors. The assets cannot ho learned. There nro $2,000 In tliii a.-ifo. Thu cnuso h said to bo the unbnsi > ncfls-liko manner in which loons were mndo. The deposits made yesterday have nil boon returned to the dopostore. ! A Hot Day in London. LONDON' , AuRiist 12. Tlio hont yesterday in London sent the mercury up to 02 Farenhiot. It wftf tlio most intense experienced in twenty years. Work was partially suspended , and n number of cases of sunstroke resulted. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vcrttsemonts , sue at tiost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate ot TEN CENTS PER LINE for the flrst Insertion and FIVE CENTS FER LINE for each subsequent n- tortlon. Lear * advertisements at our offloo , No. Pearl Street , nur Braadwav WANTS. F Oil SALE Uy residence , corner 7th avenue and 10th street If taken soon will ecll for 92,000 below value. Will nlio tell furniture , carpets , &c. , all or In part. If not eold at once will rent promi ses , with houio furnished or unfurnished , at moderate rent. Any ono thinking of making their homo In Council Bluffs will do well to imcetl- gate this offer. It la the beet bargain ever offered in the city. JI A. UPTON. T 03T Lap robe , Sunday morning between Her- JLJ dlo barn and packing house. Suitable reward for return of tame to e K olllce , Council Bluffs. WANTED A good barber , will good wages , steady job. Harmon & Carlton , Missouri Valley , Iowa. ( - \LD PAPERS For sale at Bus office , at 25 cents it hundred. TITANTED E\cry body m Council Bluffs to take W TUKBin. Dellicred by carrier at only twenty cents A week. FOR SALE CHEAP. Good boarding house , saloon and billiard hall. Fine business. Address K. BKH olllce , Council Bluffs. GENTS Ladles and gentlemen can make flrst cliss wages by Bellini ; the "Champion Bosom fitrcctlicr nnd ronlne Board. " Retails at fl.OO. Any lady can do ui > a line shirt without a wrlnkls and glotu It ag nicely as the beat laundries can. Addreso or particulars 0. B. S. & I. Co. , Bun , office , Councl liluds Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival and do- arturo of trains by central standard time , at the ocal depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mill- u.ca earlier and arrive ten minutes later. CHIUOO , BUtUNOrON AUD QDlSCr. LKAVB. ARBIVB. 6:35 : p m Cldcago Express 0:00 : a m 0:40 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p n > i:45 : a in I'Mall and Express , 7'.1 ] p m .2:20 : p m Accommodation. 2:40 : p m At local depot only. KANSAS CITT , ST. JOH AND COUNCIL IMJ7PS. 0:051. : m Mall and Express , 7:05 : p m 8:06 : pm Paclflc Express , 6:60 : pm CUIOAOO , UU.WAUKHD AKD 8T. PAUL. 6:25 : p m Express , 9:05 a m 8:16 : a m Express , 0:65 : p m cnicioo , rtocx ISLAND AND FACITJC. 6:20 : p m Atlantic Express , 0:06 : a m 0:26 : a m Daj Express , 0:64 : p m 7:20 a m * Des Molnos Aooomrnodttlon , 0:05 : p m At local depot only. WABASII , ST. UDI8 AND FACIPIO. 1:20 : m Mall , 3:06 : p m 6:10 : p m AccotnmodaL on D:00 : a m At Transfer only CUIOAOO and ( IOHTIIWBHIKBN , 6:30 : p m Express , 0:60 : p m 9:26 : a m 1'ttclflo Express fc06 a m SIOUX CITY AND PACIFIC. 7:40 : p m St. Paul Express , 8:60 : a m 7,20 , a in Day Express 0:60 : p m UNION PACIFIC. 8:00 : p m Western Express , 6:35 : a m 11:00 : m 1'aciflo Express , 4:40 p m 7:40 a ui Local Hipress , 0:54 : a m 12:10 : a ui Lincoln Expresa , At Tranifor only. DOHMT TRAINS 70 OlMIU. Lo&vo-7:20-8SO-0SO-10:30-ll:40a. : : : : : m. 1:80-2:3 : : 3:30-4:80-6:30-0:30-11:05 : : : : p. in Sunday 0SO-rlilO : a.m. l:30 : 8.30-6:30-4)SO-llOJ : ) : : p. m. Arilvo 10 mln te before leavlnc tlmn I A.t the well-lmown Establishineat op J. P. FILBERT , 2M ( Upper Broadway , the PIONEER GASH 01 Council Ulufla. Notloo our reduced I'rlc * Wet. Wo ghu IB poundi Extra 0 Suenr ( or 91 00 12poundsUranulatctl Sugar I 00 26 pound * Cholcu Oatmeal . ,100 ! 5 pound * Nivy Itoitn ) 100 20 pounds l-Bt ! Hulk Htnrch 1 00 12 | w > und Carolina Ulco 1 00 12 pounds Choice i'ruiKB 1JOO 28 barn Buffalo Soap 1 00 Kitra Lake Trout , jior jiourJ 119 I.crrilmnl'ii I'liiK | > or lb 40 1 dozen Mackertl 1' Colorado Flour , Winter , foi cwt. , , . . S DO 10 ( > oumU Ginger BiutiMi I 00 40 pounds h > mloy 100 6 gallon hcf Hyiuii 1 70 WhltuFUh , | iorkll M Uackori'l , iwrklt 10 Datue , i ir pound 10 103 poumlriuiBSUiulanlToniatoitJ 1 IK > All kliidii CalKornU rtulia ] > auud Lu k' SUndaril 4 ( or 1 00 T. T. T. All grades , accorilluK to quality , ISO to Boo jwr pound. Wo alto curry a lull line ol llon'i , radios' anil Children's line Shoe * and Ucn' Flno Hoots at > ry ow [ irloiw. AUoa full lUio 01 Tluwuru and 'eiiTiil rvluudUu. Call ri us and bo coatlnovd tlul you w > o inonoy dealing with ui. OooJo dollvcieil u In any part of the city , u auord , wo art bound to tell and challenge ad aolo couuHjtltlou lu tills onuuiv. J , 1 * Kir.UKIVT1 SU < ) u , , i < r Broadway JAC01J 8IM3. K. P. OADWELt SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL iiLurrs , IOWA Oflico , Ifftlu btrott. Itoomi 1 and 1 Bbug-trt k Me- U uou' Illock. Will prtvctloo lu BUto lad r'edHtl MUltl ICE ! ICEI ! ICE ! ! ! For pure river Ice patronlto the blue wagons-sat- Bfactlon guaranteed. Leave orders at No. 45 South Main street. Telephone No. 84. MULUOLLAND & NICHOLAS. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. FOR SALE Two largo lota with three raised houses , and all implements , bringing montnly rental of $24. Price 81ZOO. Address L. , BEE Offlco J.n. TATK. WAKI1E.N WHITE * T A-TIEJ &j WKCZTIEJ. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice In State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 9 , Schugart'a Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffr. Real estate collection agency. Odd Fellows Block oor Savings Bank. tnOS. 077ICI2 , U. | ( . PDSIT. Council BluHa . i . Established - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and omestlo Exchange an Ilrmo Securitf THE INVflLID'S GREAT BOON ! NATURE'S REMEDY. Thcso waters come In a large , pure stream , flow- Ink' from Nature's fountain and touched by the hand of the Master Chemist. In a laboratory not made \\ltli hands , for the euro of Khoumatiim , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , all Blood and Skin Diseases , Dyspepsia , Liver Complaints , Kidney and Bladder Diseases , Gout , Neuralgia and Asthma. And they are now ao- know lodged to bo a moat wonderful specific for nil [ rma of Female Derangements and General I ) ? * blllty where a tonlo treatment is desirable. Hundreds of gratcfui Jiooplo who caino to the Spilngs on crutches and stretchers and ncntanav cured , many of them ' leaping and praising God , " will testify to the healing properties of these waters. "wnsic TO TIIK uoaa 1" ' I.KT XATURK IIB\L vou. " UEV. U. iT. TIlOill'SON , Manager. Albany , SUoam Springs , , Gentrv Co. , Mo. BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No .89 Pearl Street Council Muds , owa. As there are many So-Oalled Veterinary Surgeons In thla city , who are practicing their quackery on our people , I deem It but justice to eay that I defy any of them to produce u diploma , or credentials , ndlcatlng that they are graduates of any \ctcrinary netltute , and I do hereby caution the publij agalna * I am tlie Only Known Graduate IN WESTEllN IOWA. Office & 125 ' Pharmacy , B'dway , AT 13LUE UAUN. T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S , N. SCHURZ. Mo of the Peace. OFFICE OVEH ASIK1UCAN EXPUES3. OUNCIL BLUFFS. 30W A. MrsHJ , Hilton. M n. . PHYSICIAN & 233 Middle Broadly , Council Blufta. R. Rice M. D. " ' other tuinorn removed without tbt Mood. CHRONIC DISEASES < * WnJ' U\er blrty yearn practlcAl ezxri | nee Office I'tor trevt , Council liluBi CJTConoultatlon trte TIIK HAMMOND Babf Jumper ! UO-BEAOKETT AUKNT , 224 it 220 Broadway , COUNCIL I1I.UFFB , . IOWA. BOOKS STATIONERY , TOYS AND NOVELTIES. Largest Stock LOWES ! PRICES. " H. H , HQRNE & C0. ; WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo mnko n specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA end , YARA OIGA11S. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted as represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , ' H. H. UORNE & CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. SMITH & TOIiIjEU , ARts , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Main ntroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. H. F. HATTINHAUER , OFFEPuS FOE SALE COST Light Hood Wagons , Piano Box Ton and Open Buggies , Browstor Top and Open Buggies , Windsor Top and Open liutrglcs , l'bncton of all klnutand t o Scateu Carriages. All of the abo\o are of my own manu facture and guaranteed the best of stock , and tire1class In every particular. Send for descriptive circular. 2TFactory and Office 27 , 29 and 31 Fourth Street , Ceuncll Bluffs. 9 LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. anj NotIOD8at } MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Mannfaclnrer , urtalns , Jn Lace , Sl'b , Turcoman , Etc. Oil clothsIMattlngs , Linoleums Etc hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , [ omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our l'nr.- ; hoapest place to buy CARPETS , Curtaius _ and IIouso Furnishings in the C'ty. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Best $2 a day House in the West Centrally Located Sample Rooms , Firat Claaa Table , All Modern Conveniences , Reduced Rates to Regular Boarders. ALL TRIMMED HATS MRS. S. J. NOERIS , 105 Main Street , Council Bluffs. The remaining HATS on hand will be Sold Below Cost to make room for New Goods , A Full Line f NOTIONS always Hand J. J. AUWEUDA , 317 Broadway. Council Bluffs. NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE Furuituro and appointments all now. Noa. 208 and 210 Broad\7ay , OoancJl Bluff JT . Waves three inch part 65o , Coquetts lOc each , Switches $ lto$20 each , Hair' ornaments given with every pur chase , All kinds of hair work promptly attended to. Waves made of Ladies combings at 50c per inch , ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J , GOOD 29 Main Stree DEParojoxrioto CREGTfJl , HOUSE \ EVERVTIIINQ Nos. 21 7 nnd 21 US. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS DR. JUDB'S ELECTRIC BELT. 3,000 Elcctdo Iltlt tre n h Juno by us. Agents Wanted ! Ilelercnces-Any o the lu 'ne ' bcueci In Council Bluffs. JUDD & SMITH Proprietor. 319 BROADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS