Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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A TomiR Society Man Nearly IJOSCB
Ilia Uctrotlird Tlirouih Dis
sipation ,
A young man well known in this city
and prominent in both society nud busi
ness circles , but who haa boon in the
hnbit of indulging in the ( lowing bovrl to
some excess , lias suddenly joined the
rnnks of the tomnornnco piuty.
Ho has for some time boon engaged to
ono of Omaha's fairest daughters , and
their ai > proachlng marrwgo has boon the
all-absorbing topic of conversation in the
circle \vhoro they move. Ills lady love
has boon somewhat fearful on account of
his fondness for liquor , but had battled
to allay her fears and thought that ho
would do bettor after marriage.
Ono day last week , in the middle of
the afternoon ho appoarnd upon the
streets in a beastly itato of intoxication ,
find some of the heartless ones got hint
into an open carriage and drove him
back and forth in front of the house
whore lived his bothrothod. She saw
with woepincf eyes and aching heart his
condition and addressed him the follow
ing letter , which ho nftorwnrds dropped
upon the sidewalk , and which was found
by Edward Loslio.OMAHA
OMAHA , August , 1881.
Jin. : DKAU Sin : AH I Imvo seen fit
to break our enRagement , you may cull at the
liouso niid taka back your hunrt , 1mml ami
ring , which I will willingly return after what
I saw of you this afternoon , If you't stop
drinking now. you never will , not after our
marriage1. Therefore , please call nt the house
to-morrow ( nftor you have sobered up ) for the
last timo. You have broken my heart , and
may God forgive you , If I uovcr can. Ohyou
don't know how l.lmvo loved you , and always
will , long nftor ( loath , hut I can never marry
a drunkard. I leave this place ami you to
morrow o\ening , noser to return. I wish to
go before you sober up , for If I did not your
excuses ami my love lor you would make mo
yield. I say good-byo for the last time , and
may God blesa you and forghoyou , ia the
wish of your lost darling , .
This letter was received through the
postoflico the morning following his debauch -
bauch and with a heavy heart ho hastened
to the homo of the writer. At first she
refused ta see him but after
tor considerable urging she granted him
an audience. With tears in his eyes and
on bended knees ho craved pardon and
her great heart , filled to overflowing
with love for him would not allow her to
turn him $ way aud ho was forgiven.
It was an experience which neither of
them will over forgot and it will doubt
less piovo a benefic to both of them , as
lie now wears a Murphy badge , having
signed the total abstinence pledge for
"Two Birds Killed AVltli Ono Stono"
nt a Birthday Party.
It is but ono week yoatordaytlmttho
proprietors and employees at Wiig &
"Westborg'a united in celobrallng the
birth day of Miss. Rosicky , ono of the
employees , and now comes another in the
shape of a double header.
Last Friday evening , Mr. J. P. Mai-
ander , who came into exlstonco just
twenty-five years before , had his breath
fairly taken away by the arrival at his
gate of almost a regiment of his friends.
By nine o'clock there were over sixty
couples at the scene of action ; three
houses , 1313 , 1317 and 1321 Pacific
street , Doing utilized to accomodato the
guests. Mr. J. Bartin , the bookkeeper ,
and Mr. A. G. Hunt , a clerk for Wigg &
"Wostborg's , generously opened their
houses. The Bavarian band was on
hand tb furnish the music , and dancing
was indulged in until old "Sol" had al
most put in an appearance In the
Mr. Mailondor has been In the employ
of the firm for the last aix years and that
ho is highly respected by all who know
him is attested by the faot that Mr.
\Vestborg , in an eloquent speech In behalf -
half of the friends present , presented the
hero with a moat beautiful sot of ground
plass wine glasses , largo pitcher and tray
and every thing to make the sot com
To cap the climrtx Mr. A. G. Hunt ,
who , ore the party disbanded , was
twenty ono years old , hia birthday being -
ing on Saturday , was thoroughly surpris
ed by a handsome token of roapoct in the
ahapo of nill'a manual in its latest and
most complete form , which was also pro-
aontod by the popular chairman Mr ,
Wostberg , in behalf of the audience.
All was over at last and all present
united in saying that they had spent an
enjoyable evening and fooling that they
were bound still closer together on ac
count of this gathering to celebrate the
double header of Messrs. Mailandor and
limit tlm lending men
Tlio Much Needed Conduit
the Bottoms Completed.
The Seventh street sewer , upon which
the contractor , Mr. R. T. Shannon , haa
boon at work since the construction of
the ono for storm water on Farnam , was
completed on Monday last. This sewer
plays on important part in the drainage
of this city , carrying off the storm and
waste water of south Omaha. This con
duit is known aa the east extension of
Jones atroot , sewer boglna at the east line
of Seventh atroot and runs to the center of
Sixth. It is sixteen foot in di
ameter ono way , semi-circular in
form , and constructed on the three
ring brick pattern. This is the largest
sewer in the city , none other being moro
than eight and a half foot. It waa built
with Hat aurfaco on top , nnd was con
structed in this manner to protect the
property above Seventh street from damage -
ago caused by its overflow , "arising from
the back water of the river. At the
mouth proper of this aowor a catch basin
waa built connecting with which ia an
eighteen inch pipe running into thu river
and carrying of the daily drainage and
the foul matter of the bottoms , the over
flow caused by heavy rains running to
thu river through the bed of South
Omaha crook , Ita cost to the city was
Postoflico changca in Nebraska and
Iowa during the week ending AUR. 0 ,
1884 , furnished by Win. Van Vleck of
the postoflico department.
Eitabllshod EnterpriHPpnwn coun
ty , John Wmtupy postmaster } Moore ,
Scott county , Frederick Moore ; Vodn ,
Samidcrs county , Levi W. Butler.
Discontinued Floral , Oago county.
Names changed - Boomer , Antelope
county , to Vickory ; Carrie , Brown
county , to Nordon.
Postmasters appointed Lockwood ,
Morrick county , Daniel S. Dye ; Nordon ,
lrown ? county , Diedrich T. Oordos.
Established Lirk , Worth county ,
Simon Larson , postmaster.
Postmasters appointed Carson , Pot-
tawattamlo county , 0. W. Furrow ;
Forest Homo , 1'owoshiok county , W. .1.
Smith ; Mormoutowu , Taylor county , J.
Willoovo ; Porlco , Jefferson county , F.
J. Domarah ; Peru , Madison county ,
Win. 0. Smith , Quasquoton , Buchiiimu
county , A. T. Cooper.
1'roparntlnnn fot- the Grcnt Itnrhccuo
nt Nonuilin Cnuiitj'pi Motropolls ,
There uro few towns in the state so
Favored by fortune as Auburn , located
at the crossing of the R & M. and
Missouri Pacific railroads in Komaha
county- Within n few years she has
crown up out of the prairie , and backed
jy energetic , pushing people , almost
rivals Brownvillo in growth and business
irospority. Surrounded on all sides by
; ho finest farming land , in a high state
of cultivation , with two rival railroads to
carry her products to market , and with
several factories backed by homo capital ,
urning out implements of industry ,
Auburn ia a thorough representative of
western enterprise and grit.
It is to this growing young town , on
ho banks of the Nomaha river , that
many uyos are now turned with anticipa-
ions of pleasure. To make known the
idvantagos of the town and to entertain
.ho largo number of visitors expected
from abroad , the citizens have made
every preparation. Excursion trains will
run from Lincoln on the 1) ) . it M. nud
from Omaha on the Missouri Pacific , to
morrow morning , leaving both cities at
3:30 : and arriving at Auburn about noon ,
Four passenger coaches and a baggage
car have boon engaged for this city , and
judging by the number of tickets sold , ad
ditional cars will bo necessary to accom
modate the crowd. The A. O. H. band
will accompany thoj Omaha party
md discourse sweet music by the way.
The Hibernian rillo team will bo there ,
prepared to ovoluto and cut a figure ac-
: ording to the latest military modo.
A grand dinner will bo given the vis
itors by the Aburnites , and a variety of
of games with prizes and other amuse
ments provided. The gentlemen in
charge of the Omaha excursion have
uado every arrangement for the comfort
of all who desires to go. The trip will
mdoubtcdly bo an enjoyable ono , covnr-
ng Cass , Saroy and Otoo counties , the
ichest and oldest settled in the otato.
Jot everybody go , have a good time and
lolp a good cause.
A Letter ot Inquiry.
The following letter was received by
District Attorney Godwin on Monday
ast and is given to the public for what it
s worth.
TAUHTOK , Auj ist 7 ,
Mr. Godwin : Dear Sir : Doubtlosa you
vill be surprisud to receive a letter from nn
ntiro stronger , but I have not . \ single ac
quaintance in Omaha , and seeing your namu
n the paper as ono of the counsel in
ho late trial of your city marshal I ha\o
aken thin to find out ona tinner I don't quito
undorhtand. I hnyo rend nil the paper * and
vhere Mr. _ Gnthrio has his sentence. I ECU
Mrs. Guthrie is beside him. Now , how can
liero bo another when I have never been
divorced from him or ho from me ! Kiveyoara
igo ho was horc. IIo paid o\erybody there
cnew ho had n family here. Will you tell mo
fhe is married or ( inly living with this
woman ? Ilia wife eho cannot
> o at present. I only with
the judge had gi\en him
v Hfe-timo ( sentence. Oncn in the lone ago
Sir. Giitlmo WSHvery much respected here ,
nit gambling prou-d his ruin. 11 is wifu and
son and two grandchildren arc hero to feel the
dibgraco ho hn brought upon us. If you will
answer this you will lmw > my everlasting
gratitude. Can lip bo arrested on the chnrgo
if bigamy when his term expires ? I would
itist like to gee him suffer.
Yours Hespectfully ,
219 Weir street. Mils. K. C. GuTlinin.
Educational Conventions.
Bishop Willard F. Mallaliou , D. D. , of
Boston , Mass. , who is to preside at the
hroo Nebraska conferences this full will
como to the atato in time to hold six edu
cational conventions before the confer
ences open.
Ona will bo held in oich district , the
following is his programme :
Yorl , Wednesday August 27.
Lincoln , Thursday August 28.
Beatrice , Friday August 2 ! ) .
Nebraska City , Saturday and Sunday ,
August . ' ! 0th and 31st.
Red Cloud , Monday , September 1st.
Kearney , Tuesday , September 2d.
The presiding older in each district will
preside at the convention hold for his dis
trict. The leading ministers and promi
nent laymen in the dilforont
districts are expected to bo
present. This is the centennial
Year of American Methodism and a great
oll'ort will bo made by this denomination
all over the country in the cause of edu
This is the first effort of the Methodists
in Nebraska.
It will bo followed up by more elabor
ate plans of work covering the entire con
ference year.
These- conventions will undoubtedly
be of great interest to all who attend
The bishop will have as his travelling
companion Dr. Edward Thomson , presi
dent of Iil K. college at York. Other
prominent clergymen of the denomination
will bo with the bishop at various
points nnd assist in the work.
Prof. D. B. Worloy , ouo of the
teachers of music in the M. 1C.
College will have charge of the rauaic ,
which will bo furnished by the ' 'College
Quartet , " from York , consisting of
Messors. Fair , Linch , Brancht andMacy.
The especial object of those conven
tions is to begin the raising of a fund
to bo known as the "Simpson Centennial
Fund" to endow a chair in the college at
York in memory of the distinguished
biahop who recently died in Philadelphia ,
OiiKAi1. Choice acre , half acre and
quarter aero lots , fronting on liurt , Web
ster and California streets. Evans' Sued
store. Augllt2
Latest shoot music at
Eimoisi & EUICKKO.V'H ,
Cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. post oflico.
uO 1m
The Omaha Eye and Ear Free DUpon-
sary , under care of Dr. Oraddy , open
from 2 to 3 p. ra , , for the treatment of
thn poor.
Dmppn ary on Dsdc-o street , near
biuipuon d carnage uhopa. 1m
The EncoiirnulitK Crops Incursion
Into n Missouri Town County
I'olltlos Other Items.
ConxiKu , Adams County , Towa , Au
gust 11. For some time past this town
has been as "tho breast after the spirit
has departed , " but now that the harvest
is about over wo see the farmer on our
stroota again disposing of his surplus
small grain , which has yielded an abun
dant harvest , and out in the country ono
can hoar the busy hum of the thrasher
as it prepares the grain for market , the
corn crop is looking splendid and gives
promise- becoming the largest crop for
many years.
On Tuesday the 5th inst. , the fire com
pany of this place had an excursion to
Burlington Junction , Mo. Tlioro were
five coaches londtid besides a largo num
ber who were compelled to find standing
room in the bnggago car ; they had a
splodid time and everything passed oil * in
good shape , they realized quite u nice lit
tle profit on the investment.
Politics are the chief topic of convora-
nation on the street now , wo have now
nine candidates for the ollico of recorder ,
and still some back townships to hoar
from , but our political prophet , A. M.
Parks , says they can not nil bo elected or
nominated , there will probably bo some
disappointed ones nftor the nominations
are made , wo also hnvo n Blnlno and
Logan club in active operation , and the
prospects are now that this county will bo
carried by the republicans this year.
Our town is improving nome this year.
The first national bank is putting up n
building 20x100 , which will bo when
completed ono of the most beautiful
buildings in Iowa. A. G. llagadorn Is
also building a fine brick business house
41x100 , to accommodate his largo trade in
hardware and furniture. The city coun
cil have did ono thing this year for
which they will receive the everlasting
thanks of all the inhabitants of Corning.
They have caused Central Park to bo
Fenced with a nice picket fence , which
improves its looks groatly.
W. F. Hollistor , n young man who has
; ron n up among us , haa boon suffering
for some time with a heart trouble which
ended on yesterday with his death. Ho
was buried to-day. A largo concourse
of people assembled to pay their last
respects to his dead body. On the 1st ,
Peter Stewart died very suddenly. Ho
was around on the street the day before
liis death. Ho was buried on the 2d by
Lho Odd Fellows and the fire department.
On September 22d the colored people
of Corning and vicinity intend to
celebrate the anniversary of the emanci
pation proclamation , issued by Abraham
Lincoln. They expect to have a largo
crowd In attendance.
This county has long been without n
iair , but this fall they will have ono.
The organization has boon perfected and
grounds have been purchased , and the
intention is to make a beginning.
The School bands Steal Other Po
litical Manipulations ,
CENTIIAL CITY , Nob. , August 11. No
ticing several articles in THE BKE con
cerning the school lands , I took pains to
make inquiry into the matter among the
knowing ones and find that you have in
no manner overdrawn the subject nor
told the half. It cannot bo controverted
but that the school lands of Nebraska
iiavo passed into the hands of as unscru-
lous a gang of thieves as over infested
any county. That is , the lands that were
open to and subject to lease under
Kendall & Go's late law. The lands in
the county were appraised at $7 per aero ,
but the gang got them and the settler
[ s paying thorn a heavy tribute. There
is no help for it for twenty-five years , for
they have them for that period , and that
not for value recoivcd but on the con
trary for nothing received whore ono
takes into consideration the value of the
lands As to nll'uirs , the recent hail
made things look gloomy around
Central City and injured the
business of the town very
materially. Political matters are also
dull , the old ring is to all appearances is
loading. The republican slate is made
up. Dorsoy , for congress , was hero nnd
the delegation is his without doubt , the
country dolcgats being sold by their city
associates as easy as falling oil'a log.
The antl-monops nro quiet , but can if
they wish break the aldtos as they are
now up , and probably will. "Tis hoped
they will , at least. Moro anon.
SiiTii SA\AOE.
The K. P. nl. Tolcch ) . , Ohio , August 11 ! . The fcattiu-H of
lu-day'H j > rc > Krjumn < j < > f trmriifiniimi'iit | , of the
unifoiiiuxl rank of thu Kiii hUof J'ytliUH wiiH
the paradu. Six hundred hir Knight * jinrtici-
pattil and are now in tlm city , cigliticn
uivittinna rcpirnontilif , ' all the principal citici
of Ohio and two -Michigan. . The pnxlaco
cxchanga tendered the couitesirn of the hall to
visltoia to-day , Tlio duy'H festivities closed
with a conceit , ball , and firoworka at Schont-
ZUH park.
SaddlolmgH and Sulky.
AT rilU.AIIKM'lilA.
MONMOCTH 1'AltK , August 12. Track fast
milo all BROS Duplex won , Cnruuicl 2d ,
Luuiaotto 3d ; time , 1:10 : ,
August stakoa two-year-olds thrco-quni -
terd Guano won , lirookwoixl 'M , Unrust 3d ;
tiinu. 1:10. :
Milo and furlong three-year-olds
Tattler won , Tattoo colt i.'d , Uluu Hell 3d ;
time. JifJ'J.
Milo and thrue-sixtecnths all ages Priam
won , Monitor 2d , Halcdon 3d ; time , 20iy. ;
Three-quartern milo Helling It.wka won ,
I'alonla2d , Queen Khther 3d ; time , 1:111.
Hurdloraca milo and u half -air hurdles-
liutkrn won , Kcho /rroniboiia 3d ; time ,
CHICAGO , August 1 > . Driving park rtccn :
Milu nua u Bixt iith of a milo all ag < s
Conklm ? won , Chantilly 2d , Kll Howutt lid ;
time ; 1:60 } .
Milo and ono-tiglitli tliri'o-ycaroldii Alloo
won , lierlin lid , lop Hawyer 3d ; timo. lBi : ( ,
Milu and 600 yards-all IIK < U F/vuian won ,
Bo.itinan 2d , Atlilona 3d ; tune. 2:12 : ,
Milo heats all ago * John &ullivan won ,
Trix S d ; time , 18& : ! & .
SARATOHA , Auimst 12. Kcntur-Icy staKcn
two year olds Tlircfimrt ) | rn f a milo
Li/zlu Uwyerwon , Kurt 2d , Jtaillia3d ; time ,
Grand prize KaratogH haiulicip all ages
mile and tiineimrtcrJcneiid | ( Monroe
w n , LuckylJ 2d ; time , 3.01 ! ,
of milo -llonwick
Three-qunrUTB - won ,
S.iunUror 2d , ( ilenbar 3d ; time. 1:15 : } .
Mile iiiirce four liuidli"i 01oiiam uon ,
liourko Coclirami lid ; time , l-M ) .
At New YcjrkMetrojxilitaiiK , 13 : Virg'- '
ax , 0.
At JSo ton 1'rovidfcncti 1 ; Jioston.
st r
At Chicago -CliicaRo ! ) ! 15utf l > 11.
At ColumbiH Columlm * , f > ; Iinllanao- |
lls , I. '
At Hoston UnioiH Natioiml" , lj Hos-
ton. S.
At lUUtinoro ItMtiiiioro , 3 : AlloRli nv , 3.
At St. I milfSU LoiiliO : JumNvlllc.l.
At New York-Athli'tlw , 2 ; Hi.H.klyii , \
At J Yw York Xi-w York I ; 1
At Kansai City-Xog.Mno ; rxin.
IvKOKfK , Imvi , August 12. \ . tolcgram
pent out from Dubtimio , that tlm Iiulimjuc
KXHO ball cluli liad dcfoatod the KP < ktik < . i i
Inccncct. The Kcokiika ImM1 iv t ) hy l in
Duliiiimn thi > < soivson , nnd ttll claim thn
iliip of tlio M-ato. Oulnujuodnfontcd
Kand-i. a locnl club of tint city ,
bcon ucfcntiMl by the Kooknkn in
o\cry game they played.
Hloulltn Family.
WUIIITA , KM. , August 12.-Tlm KngleV
Mioeul fnun IMntto county says' On the Dili ,
nbout dnyluvnk > I , D.inioN , } vh. . oi > arnte < i
from hli family durinp the winti r , Imtlni
hai been biiarillng with them fur Hie Imt
month , dressed lumaelf , took n ro\elver , went
to abed where hisifovas nleci ltip and de
liberately blew her lirnim out. Turning to n
bed in the sumo niom occupied liyhNtuo
daughters lie shot the oldest , inlluting what
ho suppoced to be a fatal wound Kollowing
her down stairs , nnd firing ncn > the yard ;
then placing the ne.ipon to hi own head ,
litod n ball Into his bruin nnd dropped dead.
Smnll pov in llllnoN.
Sl'lll.vnl' , Ills , , August 12 An out
break of mUi < reported to tlio state
board of health , near thiHlitro of St.
( leorge , six miles north of Knnkikofi. A
child brought from Chiwgo to its homo lick
\\lthtliodiioasedlod on the 3 it of July.
1'ightotliei ensos have sinca tcwlted , two of
which will pob.ibly piovo f.itil. It is
stated there is also 11 case in Mnnletio , contracted -
tractod the amo way.
At Olintanooga , yesterday , ( Joneral , Too
Wheeler was nominated for congif < s liy the
democrats of the Kiglith Alabama district.
Thi" is famous Kighting .Toe.
Yesterday , whllo Kobort Knight and William -
liam Smith , nnar OranltoKftlls , Minn.cixi ,
Umpmg In n dynaimto cnrttidgo , for blaiting
[ nirpofei , it p\lodod ] ) promalmely , killing
uid leriously if not fatally injuring the latter.
At Itochustur , N. Y. , Monday , Wostmont ,
against time , to beat his record ultli n nin-
ning mate at 1'ittshutg , 2.02 was made in ono
All the preliminaries have boon per
fected for the great excursion from this
city to Auburn Thursday next , August
IA. , The train will leave , the Missouri-
Pacific depot at 8:30 : a. m. , and will ar
rive a llttlo after noon. Dinner will bo
served to all the guests immediately upon
their arrival. All these wishing to enjoy -
joy the pleasures of the occaaiou are re
quested to purchase their tickets before
leaving Omaha. Tickets can bo had from
Andrew Murphy , corner Fourteenth and
Hornny stroota ; John McGovorn , 1417
Jackson street , or from members of the
A. 0. n. ; but the agents of the railway
company will not furnish any. The
round trip will bo § 2. uO-4t
Ask your /orliAMBUuor.nnoap. .
The Celebrated luvcntor'n Uriel
Courtship nnd Hnppj Mnrrlod Uto.
Now York Herald , August 10 : Mrs.
Mary Stillwoll Edison , wife of the In
ventor , Thomas Alva Edison , died sud
denly at 2 a. m. yesterday at her late
rcsidenco at Menlo Park , N. J. She
was 29 years of ago , and loaves surviving
her three children. The story of her
marriage to Mr. Edison is a singularly
strange and romantic ono.
\Vhon ho first formed her acquaint-
siuco ho was about 25 yon * of § . He
had just invented the chtmiocl telegraph -
graph , by moans of which could be
transmitted , ho claimed , on a single wire
3,000 words n minute. The Ulograph ,
notwithstanding this , however , became
subservient to the Morse system. While
working on this chemical telegraph ho
employed aovoral young women to punch
holes in the paper. Among them was
Miss Mary Stillwoll. Ono day ho w&s
standing behind her chair oxaming a telegraph -
ograph instrument.
"Mr. Edison , " remarked Mias Still-
well , suddenly turning around , "I can
always toll when you are behind mo or
near mo. "
"llow doyouoccount for that ? " mechanically -
chanically asked Mr. Ediaon'atill absorb
ed in his work.
"I don't know , I am sure , " she quietly
answered ; "but I seem to fool when you
are near mo. "
"Miss Stillwoll , " said Mr. Edison ,
turning round now in his turn and look
ing his interlocutor in the face , " 1'vo
been thinking considerably of you of late ,
and if you are willing to have mo , I'd
like to marry you. "
"You astonish mo , " exclaimed Mias
Stillwoll. " 1 1 never "
" 1 know you never thought 1 would bo
your wooer , " interrupted Mr. Edison ,
"but think over my proposal , Mias Still
well , and talk it over with your mother. "
Then ho added , in the eamo oil-hand ,
businoeH-liku way , as though ho might bo
experimenting upon a now mode of court
ship ; "Lot mo know as early as possi
ble , and if you consent to marry mo , and
your mother is willing , wo can bo mar
ried by next Tuesday. "
This was the extent of Mr. Edison's
courtship. It is hardly necessary to add
that the highly-favored lady laid the
abrupt proposal before her mother.
"Ma haa consented , " eho told Mr.
Edison the next day.
"That's all right , " said Mr. Edison in
reply. "Wo will bo married a week
from to-day.
And so it was. The two were mar
ried in a week nnd a day from the beginning
ginning of Mr. Kdison'a novel and precipitate <
cipitato courtship. In connection with
his marriage , however , a siory is told
quite as uingular , but fully in keeping
with the ono already given touching hia
courtship. It is said that directly fol
lowing hla marriage ho ontoredhla labora
tory in his wedding suit , and hastily
throwing his coat on a bench began
"Why , surely , you are not going to
work on your wedding night ? " remonstrated
stratod his chief assistant.
"Suppose it is ? " ho quickly answered ,
setting to work with renewed zeal , "tho
Gold & Stock company don't care for
that. They want their instruments to
morrow , and they've got to have them ,
marriage or no marriage ; sohero goes. "
The wedding trip of Mr. Edison ran
into the inystoriea of inventions. Ilia
wedded life , however , ia said to Imvo
boon a singularly happy ono.
Oniitildor TIICHO
] ! uriogton ) IfuwKoyo ,
My BOH , there are eoma things boys
ought to know. At your ago a younp
man should bo inquiring into things.
An appiu fell at the feet of Newton , and
while no waa wondering how it wta that
aa apples como down cider always wont
up , ho discovered the law of gravitation
whereby farmers are enabled to put a
peek of npploa into a Bovon-quarfe b s.
kut. Novr , every young utuu ( should bu
observant and thoughtful , and
study n great deal from the book of hu
man nature , llow docs it como that
your party frequently selects a ninety
pound man for a two Ion congressman !
Why and how docs the clerk with the
smallest salary wear the lait clothes ?
Why does the smallest town have the
biggest mayor ? Why Is the oath of an
anintenr fisherman considered void and
of no force In court I Why doea an alarm
clock mnko tlio moat nciao when you want
to sleep ? Why does n iimu'n own dog
always got llokod in fight ? Why is It
that your 2.30 homo can never trot inside -
side of 3 when anybody t > lao ia along )
Can you rely upon the pnrsou'a word in
a horse trade ? And if so , why not I
Why ia it right to steal from the govern
ment ? Why .is Uio farmer moro honest
than the city man ) And If BO , how
nmiiy ? Why docs the spring chick
en live longer than the ostrich ? Why
does the man with the fewest troubles
make the most fusi about thorn ? Why
is a man so much botlor than his neigh
bors ? Ilovr is it that the country got *
along juatas well when congress ian't in
session ? Why does Uio
man with smallest advortsaement always
want the bii'Roat "local ? " Why does an
ugly man have such aprofound contempt
for beauty ? Why does ft man hate soap ?
Do tlio beat men in America rule
the country ? la the 1'roaitlunt
always the boat and wisest man
In ali the land ? Does the judge really
nnd truly know nioro than any of the
lawyers who practice in hia court ? la
the member of congreoa honestly and
truly the most intelligent and ablest man
in the diatricl ? Are the mombora of the
school board mm of education ? Consider -
or these things , my son. It will do you
good to think over thorn , even though
you may never solve the easiest conun
drum in the lot.
i Advertised ni ubsolutoly pure
ran topilownoti n lioUluro until hpnttd , then
rvmovo tlio corer Mid tmoll A cliemht will not l * > rv
qulnd to doteet Uio proaenco ot nimnonlo.
In n million home * fur nmitcr | ot ft csnturj It bm
itood thn ronaumiri' irllitliln tut ,
Dr , Price's ' Special FlayoringExlracls ,
Tli ilrongt lraoitd llclUii ) aid D t riill iorlno iiiaBd
Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
i'ur Light , ll lthr Mrtitil , Th llmt Drj Hop
Y. .t In Hi * Wurlil.
Ilaa lioen cetabliahcd and especially equipped ( or the
treatment of dlioimm ot the
Nervous System ,
Blood , Kidneys ,
And Bladder.
All diseases produdnK blood Impurities and pols
onliiL' , with pimples on the nkln Diseases of the
I.licr , llbeuraatlam. Tiles , Chronlo Foinato DlHoasca
dlsoasonf Kjo aiidEar.CaUrrh.ABthiim.IlronchltlB.aro
all treated by new and siiocctmlul methods. Incliiulni ;
the Vltallz-d ( HKcn troatmont. VOIIIIK Uon , Middle -
dlo AKOI ! and Old Jfcn , BiilIirlnR from Nervous ilebll
Itj and eihaustlon , from any cause whatever , prodti
clnK IndliroHtloD , paltiltatlon , despondency , illzrlnca * ,
OBSof momor ) , lack of oneiKy anil ambition , can he
jioimanontly and speedily uiroil. NO Cl'IlK , NO
PAY roil TIlKATJinNT. The phjHlclan In charge
lu a tegular graduate and liatutudlud hla ] nifoBSlon
In London , Paris and Uorllii. llu Is nn export In all
diseases of the t rlnary ordain In both nexca. If you
are allllctoil , call , or urltu full tlutcrlptlon of jour
case , and imdlclnu may bo Hont > nu. Consultation
free. Addroen all coiniiiiiiilcallnni Omaha Dlapcina
' Noli. Ollico houra D IS
ry , CrouiiHo's.lllocK , Oinahii , , , l-&and78i. m. SnnilanO-10a. m.
ron THK rrnr. or AI i. nisrARia ov
rou "nrnvTV YKAIIS iimmiiirryit' ' .
. . . .
biilhlr \ cUTlnnrv hiii-rlllrH Imvo In ru - - - *
I'/iriniTM. Mncli llri'i'di-rx. I.lvi'ry Mnlilonim
Iiirfmi-ii. llnrBiillnllrondn. Mi lurliirrni.
Ciil Ml iVVompiinlcH , Tni\'K ' IllmnidrniiiPi
nii'l McnnKcrlci. uud othcra bandllim blotl
' ' . ' Blnniinl. ( SU M
fi'nt frw hy mull on rifclpt ot prlir , Mlrrnla
f / rnmplilrU Hi-ill fri'o iiiinppllcnUon
WJ 1'ullou blrcel , [ tuw YorU.
LIIIIUiniJDCVC' Vital Waknes and I'ro -
nUlYlrnnblO tnulnn from overworlc or
Ilccn In WH yrar. . CDCP F R NH 9ffl
U the moot mi prCulrlU IIUiM (
romcilyknown. Irlr $1 IH rvlal.orftriaiiui
. . . ; powder for
iiiiiro.r. ,
liiut , Catalosuodnu , ultou. bl. . M. Vv
Tikrs no oilier
? * ? f . A U\F hliiiptrftctly. "
1 S * § U a \ /I fIf wrIUj ) a moth.
aifJ&ff r Jliinilrt.lnof
ir.m uliiilUrtnlliiio.
rilnls , i well an thcwo from roptitanln iilouUlam *
. .nut thowholo II H .fMtlfy to thuuorth tit
Ihiiulritt no ixidkliiLIt > v4fn < l In huallu or nick
III HM 4 JHndAtit. liV nlltlriVK ) > 1'tx Uook ticiit ( rtu.
IIIIItl.U'K'S IMMIII CO. , IlliclnrH. | .
ocx ) a cruciiHiat Kami. K Kljtf , did upon
thu Tth day nf AUKiist , A. I ) . 18SI , lllo liU umillcfttion
to Ihu iiiaur nnd city council of Omaha forlfocnsu to
ell Halt , HjilrltuoUH and Vlnoua Uiuom | , at cor , llth
and Capital avenue , Third ward , Omaha Ncli. , from
the lltn day of April , IbSI , to thu llth da ) of April
If there IK ) no objection , rmnonitranoa or ji
fllwl within two wtikii from Aug. 7lh , A. D.
thu M Ikxjiiuo will bo Krantcd.
HAMI , , K. KIWJ. Applicant
J. J I 0. JK\VK'Ir. C'ltv I'lurk
Tlio Leading Agricultural and Live Stool :
Journal of the Wont.
20 PagCS { * TiiiAiL
H. S. SMITH 5s CO. ,
. AMJ l-UULlallBKB
I10N ItOllT W I'UIINAH , tiecretary Htnto Hoard
of Aurlculluie , Auaaclalo Killtor.
BUUbUHUTIO.V I'llI-K , Hl.OO per > eur lu adtauce.
100 nnd lee H llth Htrvst. .
ja j lot * \t
rtTBpeelalg will FoelUvelynot be inserted
nnioBapaid in advance ,
TO LOAN-Hon v.
\CONKY TO tOAN In sunn ol BOO. nil onward
IV1 0 P l vh an. ! Co. , Ilotl Kitato and I.OA
150S Karnam St 835-11
U'ANTKD-lllrljattho Millar ! Hotel.
" \\ANTKU 11 lilillonROilwoman forKOiicral homo-
ttntk. Kily OlK MI < | ( fox ! Wi 112 H ISlh
tercet 220 Up
\ \ TANTnlinlnz ) room Rlrl 1017 t'Apltol ntcimo.
M asm 13
r.\Nf KD-A Ivubcr 709 South 10th St.
AlfANTKO A mlilillc-UK'cil nmn for n rc poniilblo
it iirtlllon , Ainu 8o erivl8troiif | uonun for tll h-
vanillin ; , At the I'aMon Hotel. Inquire ( or the Flow.
! 37-13i |
\ VANTKIA cooil Scamllaavlan Rill ntTlcroo Ht.
lulMceu ISlhand 14lh , No. 1SH. Ml.Up )
WAN FKD Inmiedlalrly two ROCH ! jrlili to do gtn-
cr l liouu.\vork at llurk-cjo meat nmrkct.oor.
Clh Ami Jlaon Ht. llooil wajeapiU. 211-lSp
VlfANTKD A competent Rlrl for L'cncrnl homework -
work , Mrs. M. IU > Kr9 , IDth and Iea > aimorth
street 13 tf
" \\7'ANTii : Tnoin no ( ROOI ! aiMrcfi to can\a
* > and Kill Kiwi * . lUfironnireiiulred. Cill af
ter S a , in. at 421 Smith 10th St. S14 12p *
I rAXlKl-lrl ! ! at ttllklta1 Taper llo\ factory ,
> loa.Sjlilhllth.
irANTiU-tlrl : or woman Iminc.lUt ly at Oil
llarno ) at , . Sl7-12p
" \\/"ANTiD : KltHtlasi rook , dining room and
! } kltclun K'rl ' at Troiuont House , ItUh nud Hurt ,
1SS tf
I'ANTKD A No. 1 cook Uanbaum'aroiitaiinnt ,
\\7ANTKI-Mcrchint Tailor. A if'C'l pants and
t T vc t maker \\antcd , at Ynnkton. Apjilyor nd-
. ( less rtunk Jlolttrlcli , Ynnkton , 1) . T , , box .101.
181) 14.
(7ANTKD Immedlttclr , a Rlrl for Keniral iotisc'
> work , 2514 DoiiKlas St. 18IH
\\rANTii-600 : teams on 0 A. A. U. It. cut Off ,
it now under oonatrurtlon bctneen HlKbco nnd
Clarknon. Work will last six month * . Wa es 1(3.50 (
icrda ) . Free transportation from Kaiinad City 1 * .
nddrwia , John UoLaughlln , llonlok , Mo. lttl-lpp !
-Wftiler at the Occidental.
10 ; tf
\\7ANTKl-I.AlliS : OH OKNTLKMKN-In city
11 orcoiiutr } , tii take nice , llk'ht and pleasant
uoik at thrlr own homon ; fj to $5 n day easily nnd
quietly made ; orkaontliy mall ; nn ciinaflfllnn ; no
stamp for reply. 1'loaso address llcllablo Mtnl'i ; Co. ,
rhlladelphla.lV 847-lm
f \fANTKD lly n mlddlo aiea man , position as
I' tailor In store or on [ arm. Had cxi'Crloiuw ' In
olthcr. Address "A. O. " lice ollico. 210-12p
" \\7"ANTKU nconipotentdracolerk , asltinllon
TV } tnrHOiperlenco , s | > oaks KnxlUh and ( Joriuin.
I'or particulars addrois 'Unit. clerk , thU i.lllcf. "
Aj iiunff man Ishes a situation to ftko chnrco of
n country storu. tSpoalis flormtn nnd
1'eu j ears' oxierlenco City tcfctenco. Addrean' ' } ! .
I. " llco ollico 216-13p
Mil'.HunilU Yoiini ? man , ( teed bnelnefH expor-
/ Icnoo and leferonei'S , \\a\M \ Ilka to obtain per-
innnent position In Oniiha , Is of rood habits nnd uscil
to hard work , Addrusi "D. U. " Hoe ollloo. 105-lVp
WANTED A position bv n flrHt-rlaan l.iJ'1 book-
koeptr Addro 9 "H3 , Ueo olllto. 745 tf
A\TANTr.l ) hituatlon to do ircnornlliousauurk by
I T Ucrinan ( till. Adilrcsu "M. A. Ueo ollico.
; situation nn hook ,
ktvpcr. In w holosalo CBtnbllshment In Omaha.
Addr * ) " 0. " rare Boo. 8Dt ) tf
\\7ANTKD-rirnl-clais UU1 IxmnUrii , with or
It ulthout roonu , inirjtliliiK homehko , 210 N.
18th St. , t doors north CrolKhton house. 233-Kp
\7k7ANTED-To rent , n nlcoO room rnttaKO In peed
V > Iccation , on car lino. Address "K. F. a" llco
olllco. 226-Kp
TI7ANT I > Furnished rxom with hoard. Address
V > "J. 1' . .F" Uo olllc * ) . 227.13p
" \T7ANTKD Aleuts for Ihu best campaign modal
V ? in the market. Horn ! 10 contx for Bamplo tn
YouiiK'aArt Kmporlum , Omaha Neb. 202-11
) Twoortbrco furnished rooms coiuu-
nlontly located for light housokicpliiK. Address
stnthiK- terms , "A. 1J. . " Ueo ollloo. 057-tf
"ITtfANTKD-SZ.OOO on first class city socurlty.lor 6
II ) caru , atB per cent. Address llox 020 I'ost-
olUco 700 tf
FOR KEHT UouBen ana Late.
F > OIl HKNT I'lvo room iwttak'o , good locality , $20
per month. O. F Davis & Co , 223-14
Poll HKNT A BUlto of a or 0 rooms for a email
famll } , Ni > . 11IV ! .Soutli llth street. 231-lSp
I rum IU.VI'-A : Immlaumoly furnUlio.1 miltu. Also
L1 ono tmmll room , llatli room. 1720 Capitol avu.
Ij Oll IlKNT South front room , nicely furnlsliod ,
' 1901 rarnamitreet. b3l-13p
irHlli HUNT Nicoiy MrnUhod rouiiw without
X1 lionnl 1BU l > avc i > ott St.
17Ull ) HKNT 'I I nu uoocl IIOIIHUH , I rnnini cnch , on
I1 LuaMiimnrth strout. lltnt 811. Inquire of An-
iltrHon , 8lh anil I/mMiiworth. 233-12P
NT Kiifiiliheil ( rout rta lorth ililo of
Ilimanl , between loth ami llth. HOUMI ic ly
231-3i ] |
< OltUiNT- : Olio LotUKf , J1B.OU | iar ni'iutli ; ono
17 two fitory filtlnt ! hoiliu , $3fi.OO | ir u onth. llotll
In L'ouil | > &rt cf city. Wurrcn S lt/lcr , ' 'III S. 14th
neil IlKNT Nicely fumUU-il rconn 1023 Ioclo (
1 direct. 212 2J | >
lli.N'T : A flvo room cotta o In gooJ locality.
1 In.iilront'IH . | ! Capitol inuMiiu. 20S-14p
r poll HKNT-Ono nicely fiiriilnlicil room Hiiltulilo
I. OIl HUNT Furnished roonw 1818 DodKO Street
JIKNT A pleasant front room S. K. cor. Utli
anil Howard etroet. ISO-l'Jp
ItKNT-A nicely fiirnUhetl front room OH N ,
Uthht , , ne r CUDS bt. 137-lUp
70U ItlCNT-riirnliheJ room 722 South 10th St.
1 186-1 Dp
17011 IlKNT Two laruo Una iiuwhounua with barn ,
1 If nooiloil , Apply to likllou Ilroa , 317 H. 18th
utrcot. ltM2i ) |
FOH IIKNT A ( urnlshtid room for Keiitleman or
lady , aifl H. 21et mar I.uiveiiHOrtli. 110-lSp
) JtK.NT-A furnldiixl room at 2112 California
IrVH 1 . 107-16I )
- furnlalicd rooms at 310 north
13tli ulreet. li 5-lilp
17 > 0ll HHNT-lIouHo'of flvo robing. IliUlr | first
1 houw west el Herald ollloc. UU ISp
37\0ll IlKNT ( lo Jd elHnhou | o with 11 roonu
' fnrnUliwJ or unfiirnliiheil. Apply 019 north 101'
Ut. liulwcen California ami Webster 148 tf
) nK T llnilio of nix ri > onu. 1711 Jicknon
J7MH ' of T. J. FltzmorrU , 614 ti. 17th ttrcot , or
lleo Dltlto. 1I7 ! If
I.IOK KKNT-Nlcxjly lurnUhod ( root room 1015
V Dodiu shout. 110 tf
UliNT-Onool the ducal rcglilcnceu In the city
FOH rooms , furnacv , hot and cold colJ water Lathi
water iloauti , Kratou , otc. Kvcrtlilni ; lint clam
throughout. 10.00 per month , lluktr A , Maut > ,
13th and rrrnam. 112 tf
\ IlKNT Houw 6 oem Kooil rejmlr. Nice
1 jard.olatern water , Hint iiO per month Mil
Tark Wlldo avo. Apply to Jno. W. Ueil , LlruiiKliit ,
lOlhBL 1B5-U
77(011 KENT 'IhohoKtcimtomoililry ( fnod < itoro hi
J1 Albion , Neb. Puttiuiiiii lit "I Hfpt. lz M
fuel hy ! ! 4 feet , Addrem Atuuliaiig i. Wi'ituver ,
Albion. Neb. U7M2p
poll IlKNT A t o itory frame bulldlug miltibla
I 1 ( urbualnrBU. I rifn cellar , iipdtalru nultiblo for
residence , liniulro on premliet , corner "Oth anil
I'lercoHt. M"
IlKyr-t'iirLlshoU roouii wllh boarJ , 1812
Dodge , 915-luip
jtOH IlKNT 1'lumiiul lluniUlaJ rooim , 17g7 Uuw.
t' 809-lZp
HKNl'-'lvMi liurnUhtx ) nuuiu liulil cuulu , I
JTlOH HN lOthHt > 7g H |
I , flltUKST BU luuu tt'ttaai ' , llm Huftiloiln \ S
J. ' T. i'vlcrteu , ti. cwt , Klh aau UOUKI * , ( UMl
17IOU IlKNT Two nrw 8 room hoti c , ycry
ploto ono block from Patk ave. cars. AMES ,
1607 Farnam , 659-tt
Tj > 0ll nKNT-Rooms In Crounst'a Block. f > . M.
I1 lllfchcock. B13-H
fJ'Oll IlKNT Ono Kranrt oquiro pl.ina Innnlrs
JLQlKlholm and Krlckunn. 440-11
FOIl IIRNT Ono itood six to m homo J2S. rxr m
0 M. Hitchcock. 285-tt
E Good road her e , dlilo tar rmfrgy nJ
AI plv at Homnn's ( talile , 13th Btrcct.
FOIl S.U.K-A flno plvio , cheap. Cill toihy.
Urounso'il tllnc-k , room 13. 230-tf
rpon SAT.K Oil rilADK-nistctaM meat mulct
I1 kllllnK from 7to in btovMtcr week. Shop rent
roaaonali o. llfa < on for stlllnf , other builnora. Ad-
driw box 222 , Ncola , Iowa * 229-lBp
17011 SALE Hour Mill cJicap. on evy terms nf
pajmcnt , favorably located within fifty milts ol
IhHrtty ( lood owning. Address T. O. \ io2418 ,
St , Paul Hum. 207-lm
FOU SAU : AT A IlAIUHlN-lnrconouicsann
lot SJtlCO. llcnls for IWIO.OO annually. Good
well , lirgo clotcm , ImlMlnm all new and In fine ,
health ) location. Tr'oo ' $ .1,000 , orwllloxchaneo for
Rood farm. Inquire on I'rrmlm No 133112th anil
Williams Street. 211-13 ,
I7UII 8AI.K licautltul aero lot fronting on 13th
JT f t , only $1,000 easy terms , llxtkcr & Maynf ,
3lh anil rnrnam. 193-12
I poll SAM-full : lot Rood IIOIHO anil other im-
1 linnciriciitj , good location nrar Kth StSouth
tmvift , (1.350 on monthly pajmcnts. llnrkcr ti
Majnc , 13th ami Farnam 203.12
1TWH ltivr-Two : rooms , 1013 S. llth street Ref.
4 ercncoa required. 205-lIp
iiVJIl SAUI Choiplots , J5 down , K per month.
1 ! 0. Tatterson kco. , cor. 13th and Karnam.
NKW MA IS OK OMAI ! A-Bomh hai reduced price
for nc\t 3J iU8 tn $1 from 110 bcictoforo.
Foil SAt.K-Cheap , a imall now druff stock. AJ-
dress "Uruirclst,1'drool lice. 1D5-12
I7MMIS U.K-A rlcin stock of llanlw-iro In Central
1 Nihta kx Address "A..I1. " nccTiibllshliiB Co. ,
Omaha , Nth. 081-ltn
Foil H \ M-I * Aeroa ; 100 n-r umlor culthatlon ;
Rood jro\ ; , trams I inwo , tUble , granary , well ,
Atul some fruit trees , About n mlloa < > uth of Vulgar.
al o , In tfliicastir count } , Noh , , at JIC per aero. Ad.
Icoss llioa. Wolfe , 1)J\ I ) Citj , Nob. Tenni CA y.
010-1 o int 4t >
FOIl BALK Afiooil Blilo hat top buggy rhoap ,
t17 ! South IStli. 03041
1OH SAtiR tea > iiiK on account of 111 health.
J1 house , tarn , fowlerlca and 2 lota. Also two good
residence Iota. Apply T. M Tarfltt , Ota ollico , 13th
and Karnam.
FOU HALK 10 ileslrnblo bnllillriR lot ! , tor traJo
orCJMh. Call at A. llospo'a 161U DoJgo St.
SALK-Orruleil Durham Cattle 7 joarllns
1 holfcre ; 00two year olil hollora ; 51 thrco year uM
oo ; -I four \ car olil oonn ; JiwllKroeil Durham bullf ,
I ainM. ono la dhow animal ; 2 aoion-clghths Diir-
lain hulls , 2 joata olil. Aboio except a low are L-ra-
Ic I stiH'k anil nhow their brccdlnR plainly. " 6 calvea
< y Ealil hulls , out of above coua , onnro the yearlings ;
1 jcirllnk'otccrfl ; 17twoear oM etocra And73 tbroo
car ulil atccra. It. 1' . STfM.V , Mlmlen , Nob.
FOH SALE At A uroit barRaln , the Scott reel ,
ilenco property , Just catt of I'ratt'a In Hanscoin
Mace , This Inn \cri iloslrablu ? room cottaio and
vill hu cold at a sacrifice. BAUKKll&MAYNK.
712 tf 13th and Kirnani.
I7\01l H VL1J OH TllADI ! A B year old Kentucky
' lion o 1C ] hanilH liltih , penile and kind , trota In
3 mlnuton untrained , nUo a now line sldo bar top car-
lace. C. J. Canin 731-lmo
FOU HAT.H Urnccry liinlnoso in gooo ! locality
] njlnc cll. Will iciiulro capital of about $3,000
'or partlcularamUlroiia "W. W " tlilaolllco. COO-lru
FOIl HALE A cholco dairy And Block tarm of SOU
ncrcs , 200 ncros under culthatlnn , 2J mlloa from
SlUer Ureck , Nob. , on U. r. Uallnay. Good homo ,
jeamand Ice IIOUHOH , barnn , corrali , 0(0'or ( dairy-
K and stock ralafni ; Iind la well watoiedand All
holcoKraxa And KrAzhihiid | , with | > lcntv of ranj J
vljoliiln ( { . Tor nalo cheap. 1'ottcr & CobU , ' n
faniiun street. 671-tl
\LG-KnRlnas now And second hand 10 h. p.
1 15 h. p. and 'M h p. portable and stationary ; alga
liollcrno ! any size and ntjlo. Hlclurd & Clarke , U , 1. '
U , Y. bet. 17th and 18th Btl. Omaha. MO tl
\ BALK A printing oillco eultablo tor n email
1 newspaper or Job odlco. Wlllaoll for caoh or ei-
chaiiRo tor Ouialia City property. Address "X. Z. li"
Boo ollloo. < 88-tf
I poll HAT.E Two scoond hand pUnos , at Kdholm
1 & Erlckuou'H MiiHlo Store tin 10th St. 880-tf
FOU SALE Two open ncoond-nand bnRglea and
ono delivery w agun , clioap , at 1819 Barney St.
883-tf *
IOST A jcllow urcjhound ; f& reward for Inform-
jatlon to L. A. Stcuart , 1013 Jonea street.
LOST On August 12thlF84bctuccn Fort Omaha ,
and my reeklcnco on St Mary's avo. , a bunillo
oontalnlDAlad | > 's Ik-riiBtrA bat with garnet oa-
trlch plumes. 1'lcauo Bcnil tn my ollico If found.
1)iRRONAL : A gentleman from the liast about 35
Hlslica to make the acquaintance of a yonnR la-
ly or widow , object milrluioiiy.l Address strictly
prl\atc. "to" llco oinco. 210-12p
LOST-On Ctb of AiiKiist , 1 bay mate pony 3 years
old from my promises mi loth St.and Uellorue
load. Llboial rowerd will bo paid lor her return to
mo. Joe Kavan. corner 13th and Lcatunworth St.
UP A brown cow , 7 or 8 years old. Owner
can have same by cnlllnK on Charles llertbolu ,
CumuiK Struct , O'NcH'o Placu , mid paying charges.
toanvelzoand colored
In any ttjlo very cheap , at 1410 Dodgu St. , OmaI I
ha Nch. thlril lloor. 101 Hp
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