Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    \ TICA T3 TA Tt - * * . .
-THE §
Tnh medicine , combining Iron \\Ilh ptiro
TccetnMo tonlri , nulrklr and rnrnj > lrnly
< 'nrr l > TNirp ln < ImllKCMlnn , \ \ i nlitir" ,
It Is nu unmllln ? remcJy for DI'piws of the
KlilncjM nnil Liter.
H Ii invnlimblo for fl ! wo ? pN > Ilftr to
TVnmpn , nnd nil vho lend fcdontim live" .
ltilocsnotliijurotliotectlicnii olicnrtnrlicnr
THTxltico coiutlpntlon othrr Iran mcittrtnts ilo.
It enriches nml purifies the Mood , stlrmi nlci
tlienppctltc.nlds the n .lmllntlnn of food , re-
llous llcftrtlnirn nnd llclrlilug , nnd ftrcngtu-
cn tlio miwlm nnd ncncs ,
For Intermittent 1'cvcrs. Lassitude , LACK or
Energy , Ac , it has no eqtml v
& - The Kpnulno hns nix > vo trmlo mnrk nnd
eroded red lines en rapj r. Tnkc no other.
Bid t > hiij iiiiiniMiiiaK > i. ( ii. , H'lTiTiniii.nD.
017 Sf. Charles SI. , SI. Louis , No.
A rtfnltr Kr 4QtleriM r. Mr licnl Coltrtri tin turn longer
< Dr P * lin itieiitel * ' rcnimen of CHRONIC fi'iivci * . HMM
> nn t > iivi MiUa anr KlUr l'liikl nlL bt ,
u fltj ! M r * > ( > " fti > 'i n ' nil r < * l lent * kbow
Ncnous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and. other Affec
tions of Throat. Skin or Hones , Dlood Poisoning ,
Old SorCS and Ulcers , nro Urttrd * lth vnitrftUelcd
fturrfMon taunt iMi-Dtllle | > rlrie1pU * flaf < > lrrrlrattj.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , tich trainee * ito or tha
folloUg cflrrti tiertnuineM dtMllty , dlmnex * of tight
ftDddcfrcthe memory , i Itntilrirn the t ec , jtijilful decay ,
ftiertlonlotb * toclrtof fern tin , coorurU * o f 1 leaf , eta ,
rendering Marrlneo Improper or unhappy , * ro
rrmoBtiyctmd. lampbktfSA itgeclrtittie Kbo * , pen !
InietlM cnvflepc , frceto tnj id-ltcni , CnnialUtloafctof *
Cee or ba&U free , andlnvlitl. A\rlt forqactiloai.
A Positive Written Guarantee
drtm In all eornUceuei. Medicine * cnt cmjvhrre.
Pamphleti , Encllih or German , 04 pages , < ! *
criblnc above dlieaies , in xnalo or female , FJlEiJ.
IfOpuffei , flue pltte , Illailrattd la cloth nd fill binding ;
Me , mouejcr i > oiUt | IIUJP , j | > ef cotcm , Jie. TM l > * ok
eobUloi * U the eurfooi , doubtful vr ItKjuMtlte want U
koow. A book or xrcat | ttt ib.t to ftll UialUi ,
Han-low * * ro
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at llavmin , f uba , Every 12
to 14 Days.
TICKETS , J2.00 , HALVES. 81.00.
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled liy the
partita In interest It la the fairest thing In the
nature ol chance In existence.
For Information and particulars apply toBIIII'SKY
CO..Gcn. Auonts , 1212 llroadway , N Y. city.
K. KAUB & CO. , 417 Walnut street , St. Louis , Mo.
or Frank Lobrano , L.J1) . , 20 W > audotte , Kau.
jy 'tnlo & wly.
' mini ion , can. Hook ln >
ciTlile Ar ncr. KloPnUon BI.K , T.
, , l KELT and other KUECTMO
Pj Ari-UANCiui nro sent nn M Days' Trial TO
llEN ONLY. liOUNO OH OLD , who am suffer
ing from NERVOUS DKIHIJTT. LOST Vrriurr.
\ Vi6TlnoVitiKNiuisen , nnd nil thoao dloconrs of n
I'llisoMil. NiTUKK , nsultliiB from Aru i auil
OTHEH CAUBIISQrxM'Hy relief anil rnmpleto
rettorattnn toIrii.Tii , Vioon nnd MIKIIOOD
UOABIKTKKD. Bond at ODCo for Illustrated
Pamphlet free , /damn
TOLTAtC' nr.l.T CO. . Mamhall. IMIeh.
A Tlctlm of o&rly Imprudence , caarinir norroaa
BtbUltr. preronturo decay , eta. harmK trirj la
ln every known renu'dy. li&a ( llKtovunnl nslmplo
deans of Mlf-onro. wlilcfi ho will nentl 1'ullJC to
W-HUlTordm. AiWrnsa.
> UUM-vVtt - > .A > M NV *
The Bteamahlpa of thli w oil-known line are built Of
Iron , in water-tight compartments , and are furnlah
od with every requisite to make the namage both
eato and agreeable. Tlioy carry the united Ktatoa
and European malls , anu Icatu New Yorka Thurs
days and oaturdaj n for I'l ) mouth ( LONDON ) Cher ,
bourg , ( I'AHIS ) aud IIAM11UMO.
Kates : First Cabin , 856 , ? 6 and 67f ) . Steerage , ? 20
Henry I'undt , Mark Hanscti , K K , Monre , M. 'lolt ,
ogcntaln Omaha , arouowlcg&Schoontgonagent ln
Council Uluffa. 0. II : 1UU11AK1) & CO. , Uen. 1'aw
Agta. , Bl Ilrovlway , N. Y. Clma. Kozmlimkl t'Co-
I Ueneral WuutoJii Agiuta , 107 Wanblngtou bU , ChlCA
: BO.IU.
Science of Life , Only $1,00
! 1
" Eibanstnl Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility ,
Premature Decline In Man. Kirortof Youth , an the
untold mlxrles eiultlng from IndUcrotloni or
euei. A book for erery man , young , middle-aged ,
ndold. H conUIni 125 preMrlptloni for all acute
nd chronic dlxaaei each one of which Is Invaluable
o found by the Author , ho e eiporlenoe for 23
can Ii inch i probably never before fell to the tot
f anr pbyalcan COO pagi , bound In beantlfn
reach muslin maoawdaoven , full g11crnarantei ]
o be a finer work n every > enM , mechanical , lit'
rary and professional , than any other work aold In
bit country for IJ.60 , or the money will be refunded
D every Instance , Prtoe only 11.00 by mall , pot-
paid. Illustrative earonle 6 cunts. Bend now. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National Medical
Association , to the officers of which be refer * .
TheSdeuteof Lllethould be read by the young
Instruction , and br the afflicted for relief.
beneBI all London Lancet.
ere Ii no member of society to whom The Bel-
ot Life will not bo useful , whether youth , par-
nardlan , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
rees the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
rker , No. 4 Bulflnch Street , Uoston Mas.wbo
a ooniultej on all diseases requlr ig ( kill and
enoo. Ohronlo and obstinate dlseu jstbat have
the skill ol all other phyi-lir 1 1 dam
altyi Bucb treated lunwu-HtAL fully
antnttuitt failure. TUVCCI C
* * * HlbhLr
About Z.ROO head , mostly one and two lean nld
tteera. Will be at OgiUlU about Auguit toth. lit-
quire of or tddresa
B. U. OKI1IK8 ,
) y JO-mie Ira Ogalalla , Neb
CooCowaand clfere. oo One-year flteer .
The above deivrtbed cattle art all well trod , n -
tl Nebraska anil low a.
Tbcw cattle wUI Utoli In lots to suit purchaser.
ff ) 1'JjtfJ.i ptrUcuiVIl cal on or addrew.
, J.V . ,
How It is Sought in tbc
Gulches of the Divide with
out Result.
Supposed to Have Been Hidden
intlio Early Days by a
Miner Who Died ,
A CrnnkVlio lias M/ulo n I'fc'fl
\Vork of Hocking ( do lioet
ColTco Tot ,
Denver News ,
An old mnn , with n long groy board ,
sallow complexion , lustrolcaa groy oyca
beneath shaggy oyobrows. clad in a rough
minor's suit of clothes , nnd with n small
stilt felt hat on n largo head , makes his
appearance on the atrools of Denver every
two or three wooks. Hothon dlsappcnra
only to reappear aa from n crack in the
oarth. When in the city ho frequents the
West Side , and is often soon on Tenth
and Eleventh streets ahullling along , eyes
bent to the ground ns if searching for
something. 11 o notices no one , nnd ii
spoken to sometimes deigns to reply , and
again pays no attention to the speaker ,
not oven looking at him.
Ho was pointed out to a News reporter
yesterday as a man with a history. The
reporter had often soon the maubut took
him to bo a harmless crank.
"Yes , " the person with the information
continued , "that old fo low Is crazy on
the subject of recovering a lost treasure ,
11 o has spent money and tinio In trying
to find
A COFKniM'OT I'Utl. 01' GOLD
dust , said to have boon lost by an early
prospector for gold on Cherry crook. "
"What is his name ? "
"Ifnrvoy Sitnms. Ho is a carpenter ,
but has not worked at his trade for n
number of years. Shortly after ho came
to Colorado ho loarnodthat _ a minor
named Joslyn , who was with Oroon Run-
eel's party , died in a little cabin on a
gulch in Douglas county. Ho was known
to have taken out n considerable quan
tity of gold dust , which ho kona in n tin
coffee pot. Minors supposed titat ho had
at least $40,000. After lib death a care
ful search was made for the money , but
It could not bo fonnd ; In fact , it is more
than probable that ho never had gold dust
to amount to anything , but such waa the
"When Simtna hoard the stoiy ho quit
work , and has boon searching for that
lost cofToo pot over since. I'll bet ho has
dug up enough ground to have dug a
ditch clear across the state , or had ho expended -
ponded the same amouut of labor on the
it would now bo completed. "
"How does ho procure money to carry
on hlsrosoarchoB ? "
"Ho works by the day in some mine
until ho has secured enough money for a
good stake , then ho starts out on his
search and keeps at it until his grub gives
out. A month or so ago it dawned upon
Ills clouded mind that ho could wash out
enough gold to pay his expanses , and
now ho never cornea to Denver unions to
got a pointer. "
"What do you moan ? "
"Why , ho is dead struck on fortune
tellers , and whenever ho has a dollar or
two ahead ho cornea to the city and con
sults them. You know there are several
hero who pretend to bo able to reveal
the whereabouts of hidden treasure.
About five weeks ago I mot the old man.
Ao was highly elated , and actually talked
to mo for an hour or more. I saw him
in front of the west DonvorlTurnor hall ,
when ho came up and spoke to mo. I
iiad mot him an hundred times before
irithout being noticed. Ho told mo that
lie would bo a rich man Inside of a month
Ho had just returned from
, vho nas given him explicit dlroctions
liow to find the gold , and ho was positive
that the long sought dust would soon bn
"I drew the old man out and ho in
formed mo , very innocently , that ho had
described the country where ho was
working ns accurately ns ho could to the
woman and then she drew him a diagram
of the spot whore the coll'eo pot waa.
The old .follow grow communicative nnd
told mo all about his uoarehoa for the
money. Ho lias it located now at a spot
distant from Parker , on the Denver nnd
Now Orleans railroad , about six miles , in
Rood's gulch. Ho said iio had formerly
prospected for the location in several
athor gulchoa but was now 'satisfied that
lie was on the right track , nnd ( would not
lot up until the collet ) pot nnd contents
"I learned from the old man a good
deal of his history. Ho came from Hock-
onsport , Ohio , where his wlfo and
are still living. I tried to reason him
out of his wild achomo for massing
wealth , but gave it up ns n hard job , na I
saw ho took mo for the fool of the two , "
"His being back In Denver goes to
prove that ho didn't accomplish anything
by his last olfortr
"No ; ho told mo yesterday that ho
was within fifty foot of thowcalth.but his
tunnel caved in and ho was forced to dis-
: ontinuo work for nwhilo. It soorna
that the woman , to throw an air of mys
tery around her divination , had told the
old fool ho must dig n tunnel , and lie
obeyed her. She know oho was euro of
another fee. The old fellow's pertina
city in his search has caused others to
Follow his example , and I am told that
there are at least fifty persona now
searching for that lost cotloo pot. Mr.
SlinniB , however , is confident that no one
can find it but himself , Some day ho
will bo found In n gulch , shovel in hand ,
dead , nearer the golden gate than the
golden coilbo pot. "
Angostura ItttlorH la n household word
till over the world , For u\ot CO yearn It hna
advertised itself by iU morlta , It Is now ad.
vcrtleod to warn tlio imbllo a niunt counter-
'clt , The gouuiuo nrtlclo U manufactured by
Ur J. G. 13. Hlonort & HUM.
The Mmc-Klln Club.
Detroit Proo Press.
"Do odder obonln' I hoard an orator
aay dat dis waa do nlgo of wisdom , " ro-
narked Brother Gardner as the mooting
opgnod in perfect harmony. "Lot us
inalyao do assertion , an1 see what it am
node of.
"Has dar obor bin an algo when do
records allowed more commercial fail
ures. "
"Has dor obor bin an aigo when
utateamon made more foolish speech
es ? "
"Has dar obor bin an aigo when do
icojilo displayed more recklces oxtravn-
; anco ? For obery one mnn worlcin' on
i salary wno iavcs a dollar a week
wonty bin llbin beyond what doy
"Us * dar sbcr bin tw ptgo when
murder , robbery , embezzlement , nn' do
odder crimes on do calendar war' mo
hoard of ? It am an nigo in which you
may doubt your kindncat naybur and
beat friend.
"lias dar obor boon an aigo in which
reckless fjpoculashun , ( gross mismanage
ment , corrupshun in high nn' low places ,
conspiracy to defraud , queer decisions by
courts , queer nckshuns by congressmen ,
an * n ginoral disregard of honor an' hon
esty war' ao plain bofo1 do eyes of do
bcoplo ?
"Do nigo of wisdom yum !
"An1 dat Bruno orator assorted dat do
next gonormhun would Bolvo all scion-
tine problems , make great advances in
invunshuns , control do dementi , an' llvo
on our high piano. Lot ns sco.
"Tnko do present generation an' fur
oboiy ono porfocly healthy man , I'll fin'
you nine who am nilin * . Do majorlK
smoke , chow , drink , keep onroasonablo
hours , an' propar' domsolvcs fur do grave
at CO. Consumption , llbor complain * ,
dyspepsia , kidney disease , neuralgia ,
rheumatism an' ncofula nm obo.y day
complaints. Drunkenness , gluttony an'
immoiality no longer excite surprise.
Cat's do seed fur plantin1 do nox1 gonora-
"Fin1 mo ono porfockly healthy woman *
an' I'll fin * you fifty who am nllln" . Take
boaf sides of do longest square in Detroit ,
or nny odder American city , an1 It won't
average two healthy women , no matter
how clusly do houses am built. Kowral-
gia , rheumatism , weak backs , nearsightedness
edness , terrible headaches an' cancerslu-
mors nnd n dozen odder nilmonta am
koopin' do doctahs busy. Paint , powder ,
thin shoos , thin clothes , reckless expo
sure , late hours an * n total disregard of
common BOIISO in oboryfing am do cause.
Dat's do ground * on which to sow do
"Do nox1 ginorashun is dis kontry will
need to double up ourjldiot an * insane as
ylums. State prisons an' jails will need
to bo enlarged. Honesty an * moralsty
will bo strangers In the land , an * friend
ship will have n mlghth lonesomu timo.
Do seed an1 the do groun' nm ready an *
do crop will como In duo time. I say to
yon dat dis nm do open doah to do black
man. Lib soberly , sensibly nn' wldout
abuse. Lib morally nn' honestly. Con
sult your health in your dross an' diet.
Avoid whatever will degrade you morally
an' injure you physiclally , an do second
ginorashnn from this will make do laws
fur do white man an' runhls kontry. Do
ono am dotorioratin' , do odder am creep-
in * up , . Do black man has do bowers in
his hand.
Judge Cadaver presented a resolution
to the effect that the Lime-Kiln club
should hold no further intercourse with
the Concord School of Philosophy until
that oocloty transmits a humble apology
for neglecting to answer official inquiries
and return ollicial documents. As chair
man of the committee on natural and
theoretical philosophy ho had boon called
upon to ask information of the Concord
school , but in every single instance had
boon snubbed and insulted. His rcsolu-
tionNwas adopted without debate , and
the next time the philosophers want to
post themselves as to whether the mug
wump sheds his feathers in the spring or
fall they will have to go further than De
troit for Information.
* * # # pdo tumors , rupture nnd
fistulas , radically cured by improved
methods. Book two letter stamps
World's Dispensary Association , Buffalo ,
N. Y. tu. f. and wkly.
The Electric Light in "Warfare.
St. Jamoa Gazctlo.
The oloctrio light is evidently destined
to play a considerable part in the warfare
in the future. If properly employed by
any army in camp or bivouac it ought to
make night attacks and surprises impossl-
slblo. A storming party might as safely
attiok a town nt noonday as nt midnight
under the glare of n dozen arc lights. In
naval battles also it is to bo largely used ,
and the masthead electric light la to bo
relied upon aa ono of the great defences
of an Ironclad against torpedo boats.
Yesterday at Aldorshot experiments wore
made for a moro benevolent purpose.
Movable electric-light wagona will bo
usad to illuminate at nightfall the area on
which a battle haa boon fought during the
day , BO as to reveal the wounded men
who Ho there to the searchers of the
bearer company and the ambulance corps.
The operations yesterday were successful
enough to encourage further experi
You Can't make $ r ( ) O by
Thin ,
oven If you have chronic nasal cataarh in
its worst stages , for although this amount
of reward has for many years boon oll'ored
by the proprietors of Dr. Sago's Catarrh
Remedy , for any case of catarrh they can
not curoyot notwithstanding that thous
ands use the Remedy they are seldom
called upon to pay the reward , and when
they have boon so called upon they have
universally found that the foiluro to euro
was wholly duo to somn overlooked com-
pljcatlon , usually easily removed by a
slight modification of the treatment.
Therefore , if this should moot the eye of
anybody who haa made faithful trial of
this great and world-famed Remedy with
out receiving a perfect and permanent
euro therefrom , that person will do well
to either call upon or write to the proprietors -
priotors , the Worlds Dispensary Modi-
cnl Association , of Buffalo , N. Y , giving
all the particulars and symptoms in the
case. By return mail they will got
good advice free of all costs. w and s.
IJoforo ml After ,
Chlcrgo Herald.
"Clara , what makes you sit BO close to
Qoorgo when ho calls Saturday night ? I
liopo you will not forgot the proprieties ,
my child. "
"Oh , but ma ; George Is BO dreadfully
deaf. "
"Yes , I remember your father was
troubled with the same complaint before
wo were married , bat now I cannot go
through his pockets in the morning with
out waking him up. " _
To Enjoy Ijtfc ,
Many people do not enjoy their lives
any moro than prisoners in jail or exiles
In the mines of Siberia. It Is because
they have overworked themselves into
nervousness or biliousness or dospopsia.
They can bo happy if they will use
Brown's Iron Bitters. This Is a poouliir
preparation of iron , which enters into the
blood , driving out impurities , and giving
enrichment for poverty , strength for
weakness , and vigor for lassitude. Mr.
Kdward Cauo , of Jersey City N. J , ,
sullorcd from drspopsia nnd loss of ap
petite. Ho used Brown's Iron Bitters
and writes , "It made mo fat and happy. "
It WoHltlH t Keep.
Blunkin and his wlfo had boon indulg
ing in a family discordance , and finally
Mrs , B , exclaimed :
"Well , I've got my opinion of any man
who talks like you do. "
"Oh , have you ? Well , you can keep it.
f you want to. "
"No , I can't either. It's so awfully
; ad already tL&t it wou'c keen , Mer
chant Traveler ,
Two Trips to C po B cliy A Big
AVoir Klllctl BcAiitlful Arctic
riiononionn Tlio Sun's
Farewell ,
New York Herald ,
While the first exploring party sent on
by Lieut. Oreoly waa ott the way to Lin
coin bay , ho was encouraged by the opoi
water in Hall's basin , to send n bent par
ty , under Sergeant Brnlnard to Capo
Beochy. The story that follows of thol
tripand of camp life In the polar regions
is taken from Sergeant Rico's diary :
This expedition to Caoo Beochy encountered
countered the greatest dlflicultics and ox
porloncod remarkable escapes from beinj
crushed between , the over moving nnc
changing ico-ilooalhat threatened to cloa
in on the party. When Mount Beaufort
n few miles short of our destination , was
reached , it was found Impossible to return
by water because of the crowding ice
Conscqontly the boat in which the party
had como whs hauled upon the Ice-fort
whore it remained until August of nox
yew , nnd BO the return to the sta
tion was made by land. The time In
which the round trip was mndo was from
August 31 to September 3 , Inclusive. On
September 15 n party mot n pack of nine
teen wolves , but the animals , although
apparently hungry , would not como
within riilo shot. By September
20 , it wna concluded that , ri
the temperature was but 10 degrees below
low zero , the party was in the midst of an
Indian summer. The increasing cold
however , Boon drove the members of the
party indoors , nltKbngh the outdoor
work wns still prosecuted vigorously. The
working party were banking the house
and piling and coloring up the provisions
nnd commissary stores. The scientific
corps were hourly observing barometers ,
thermometers , nnd tide guago , watching
the vagaries of the magnet , and making
photographs. By September 23d , wolves
had located thomsolroa near the station ,
their prey being musk-oxen. A well
weighing oighty-ono jounda , and havinc
"long white fur , sparsely Intermingled
on the back with black hair , " was shot
almoat from the door of the station ,
whore it had doubtless boon attracted
by the pangs of hunger. The animal
measured five footjnlno inches from nose
to tip of toll , nnd stood thirty-throe inches
high. "Wo wore , " .writes Sorgt. Rico ,
"struck with the great resemblance to
our dogs , and'could readily accept the
theory that the osqnlrnoux dog is only a
domesticated wolf. The tracko of both
are similar , and the only difference that
wo could detect was in size. "
On Sept. 21 , Liout Lockwood , with
four men , wont withprovlsslona to de
partment "B , " near Capo Boochy , and
throoo days latter roYurnod with n sectIon -
Ion of a largo and well-preserved piece of
driftwood , thirty fool long and ton inch-
en in diameter , that had been fonnd in
St. Patrick's bay. The Fahrenheit scale
showed the following thormomotrlc scale
for September : Moan tomporaturs ,
10,9 ; maximum 30 ; and minimum 10,4.
October opened with cloudy , dreary
weather , nnd on the second day of the
month the thomomotor of 22 degrees ,
from 9 degrees above to 13,3 below.
On October 4 "a beautiful halo accomp
anied the sun all dayraud in the evening
mock moons were observed. These
Arctic phenomena wore of frequent oc
currence during the autumn. " During
this time the tomparaturo outside was 24
nnd 25 degrees , and during October con-
sidoiablo snow foil , though this did not
prevent email partiSjVfrorn being on the
hunt a1 most nil the urao to Capo Bain1
and the Bellows for musk-ox moat.
Mount Ovitus was also ascended , though
this was attended with much difficulty ,
as it rises above the snotr
valleys nnd cliffs 2,000 foot.
"Thoro was , ? ' writes Sergeant Rico ,
"something awful in the Impress ! vo
scone of desolation spread around. No
sign of animal or vegetable life bare ,
losolato and chaotlr 'a world unfinished
by the hand of its Creator ; ' and such si
lence I I am euro that ordinary quiet
would have boon nn uproar compared to
that which surrounded us. Eugene
Aram should have been transported by
the poet to such a place to give full play
to his study of a guilty causclonco. " All
this while the sun had boon gradually
curtailing its light , and on October 14 it
disappeared for 1.1G days , and in de
scribing this change the diary roads :
"Wo all rushed out at noon , and , sure
enough , 'Old Sol' only showed part of ills
disk for a few moments , sprinkling the
Ice and snow with silver and crystals ,
and then sank lazily back In n beautiful
glow of warm , rosy colors. It was ono
of the few glorious pictures vouchsafed
the Arctic aojouinor , but ono which car
ried with It too many shadows , as wo
thought of the night of months when
oven the recreant sun loaves and is
away with our absent friends at
homo. Then succeeded n soft , misty ,
pearly twilight , merging n few hours later
into darknnss , and each day the twilight
decreased until , n week later , Jupiter ,
Arcturus , Capolln , and Alpha Goinino-
rum twinkled dimly at mid-day. In a
few days they were joined by Mara , Po
laris , Yoga , Castor aud Pollux , and the
Cygni. " The light was still sufficient to
enable a short trip to bo modo. Our
> arty had gene to Boochy and built a
iommodlus snow house for the accommo
dation of prospective sledge parties.
Dthors had mined coals and taken them
.o Capo Murchlson. Fourteen dayn after
ho sun had disappeared Sorgt. Rico tea-
od the active power of the solar light by
exposing n sensitive pootographlo plato
ono of Oarbutt's dry plates for an hour
at noon , nnd got a very distinct Impres
sion of a landscape. The same export
mont was repeated with alimst as good a
oault the next spring , seventeen days
> oforo the reappearance of the sun. The
minimum temperature for October WM
31 1 , with a moan range of 9.2.
Those figures were noted from hourly ob
servations , and were duly corrected aa to
how accuracy. _
Ammonia is obtained la largo quantities by
tlio imtrofactlnn of the urine of animals , n-
cyclojxditt Jiritannita.
JJvery housokoepar can test baking iiowdore
containing this tliRgustlug drug by placing a
can of thu "Jtoyal" or "Andrew1 IVarl" toj
lowu on a hot &to\o until heated , then remove
.ho coAor nnd smell ,
Dr. 1'rioo'a Cream liaking Powder does not
contain Ammonia , Alum , Lima , Potash , Uuno
'hosphaten. ( print ) it by tlio above tcut ) . It
a brepared by a Physician and Chomlflt. with
peclal regard tu deanlinosa and hoAlthfuI-
IMS. m-o-w-Sm
Special Dispatch to thofllobo-Uemocrii
DAVKNI-OKT , Iowa , Aug. 8. Much bad
ilood was created hero to-day , and fears
are entertained that it will develop until
orioua trouble is caused , by the .bringing
if suits for the enforcement of the Sun-
lay law , which bos boon a dead letterer
or years. Four barbers have boon
irought before a magistrate on the charge
of keeping their places open on Sunday.
. 'ho prosecution was brought by another
wrber limned Gardner. A cbnngu of
'ouuo waa moved , when all the par-
log loft the room , While this waa going j
on nn outrageous assault wna made upo
Mr. Gardner. Ho was pelted with do
cnyod eggs by several persons , and thi
was continued as ho descended a Ion
stairway into the street. A largo crow
assembled and much excitement wn
manifested. Several arrests have beer
made. The barbers against whom th
information was lodged nro the forcmos
onoa in the city.
The "Exposition Unucr cllo do 1'art Cnl
cnlro" awarded the hlgnoU honors to An os
turn Itltlcrs ns the most cffic.icloui otimn
l-nt to excite the appetite and to keep the d
gcitivo organs In good order. Auk for the goi
tilno article , manufactured only by lr , , J. G
B , Slcgort & Sons , nntHiowaro of Imitations
tlio Dot nils of Brit
Business In 1881) ,
American railroad managers shoul
take a hint from the results of the Bril
ish passenger business In 1883 , says th
Now York Journal of Commerce , Run
ning first , second , and third-classes o
cars to accommodate various castes an
tastes the various British railroad com
pantos hnd nt the end of the year thn
the lowest grade is by far the moat pro
ductlvoln ) earnings. The official stalls
tics for 1883 show the receipts from thi re
class matter to have boon 17,050,100
against 3,329,700 second class , nut
3,079,100 first-closa. The gain in third
clans for the year over the returna fo
1882 la about 700,000 , and the firat nnd
second classes exhibit n loss in the com
parlson. The third class receipts arc
nearly three times as great ns tnoso o
the other two classes together. This i
an unanswerable argument in favor o
cheap travel. It explains in part why
the not earnings of the British railroads
for 1883 nmountcd to 4.29 per cent on
nn increased capital , a result unoxpcct
odly good. The statistics do not give the
comparative cost of running the three
kinds of cnra in which tlicao passengers
were carried , but there ia nc
doubt that the figures , if obtained , wouli
bo greatly in favor of the cheapest clasp.
The third class cars nro always crowded ,
the second clns are only partly full and
the firat class on the mixed trains either
go empty or carry much loss than their
complement of passengers. The prime
coat of the bettor claaa of cars is.of course
much higher than the third , and the
wear and tear make n larger bill of e x-
poneo for rofuinishing. If the produdlc-
38 of the people did not support this dis
tinction in cars the companies would lonf
ego have abolished the classification and
adopted the American plan.
The American railroad corporations
lave yet to learn by thorough and sys
tematic trials to how low a point farci
can bo put so as to produce the largest
lot earnings. It is invariably the CPSO
Jiat those roads which do the most liberal -
oral commuting business earn the most
money from passengers. They reduce
.ho faro in consideration of the fact that
; ho pasaongor makes dally trip.s But on
each trip the company must make a prof-
t or else the moro it commutes the moro
t would lose. Now , if it pays to take
people at reduced rates between two
points by the mouth or for the round
rip , why would it not also pay to make
; hat rate applicable to everybody without
regard to the number of trips ? This ox-
lorimont ha ? never been tried except at
iinos when the public has demanded and
ilmoat forced it from the companies , as
n the case of the great Philadolpha
exposition and other national fairs.
The dividends in the years
when those fairs whore hold indicated no
decline in not earnings of the companies
most affected by the reduced rates , and
until the contrary ia proven wo are onti-
: led to suppose that the experiment waa
successful. But no company in the
United States haa over had the courage
and faith to introduce really cheap rates
of faro at all times and seasons , with or
ivithout competition as an Inciting cause.
[ Uvahy may make faros to Chicago , Cin
cinnati or St. Louis very low for a time ,
) ut the companies soon como to an under
standing and re-establish uniform higher
rates. What the people want Is moro
reasonable rates to non-composing points ,
lot commutation or excursion tickets ,
jut 'unconditionally cheap faros. Wo
jollovo thorois "money in it" to an ex-
: ont of which the companies little dream.
Files nro frequently preceded by a BOUBO of
weight In ho back , loins and lower part of the
abdomoncui8ing the patient to suppose be hna
eomo affection of the kiduoys or neighboring
orgaiw. At times , nym turns of indigestion
nro present , as flatuoncy , uneasiness of the
stomach , etc. A moistcro like inspiration ,
producing a Aery disagreeable itching particu-
arly nt night tutor getting worm in uod , Its
very common attendant. Internal. External
mil Itching Piles yield at nnca to the npplica-
Jon of Dr."Boannko's Pile llomody , which acts
directly urrn the parts affected , absorbing the
rumors , uliaying the intense itching , and of-
octing a permanent euro \\lioro other reme
dies have failed. Do not delay until the drain
on the system produces permanent disability ,
but trv It nnd bo cured. Schrotcr & Becht
"Trado supplied by 0.1' Goodman. "
Seal pf North Carolina Tobacco is the
) eat.
fly the central position of Its line , connect ! the
t out anil theY t by the Btiortot route , and cnr-
ric pjn eneera , wilt out chnnito of cam , between
Cliloaao and Kansai City , Council Illuiro. Lcavon-
worlU. AtcMion , Mlnneiiiiolln and bt Vaul It
conceon m Union Uepott with all tha princlpM
linen of raid between the Atlantlo and the Pacitlo
Dcfont. In rguipmcnt Is unrivaled > nd injcnin.
ceut , be Iie I coiup-ueii of Uoit Comfortable and
beautiful Day Coaclio * . Masnlflcout llortoa lie *
ellnlntc Clialr Cars , 1'ullman'n I'rcttlrct Vtlace
cleopiDK Cirj , nnd the Drst Una of Dlninz Car.
la the \Vorlc" IhrteTnlnt i. > .ACUi3o en I
Mlmouri Hivcr 1'olnt * . Twr > StiChl-
tagaaud ISlnucspollj acd PI. Auil , yi
A Ifew and Direct Lint , via Hcncca and Kanka.
lire , iin rcoeutly brcu opened between llleritnond ,
Nortolh. Newport News , Cliattauooza , Atlanta. Au.
fU ta.Kaihville.Loul vnie , Lcxiiittoil.C'inclunitl ,
Indlanupoln and Lafayette , and Omaha , Uluacap *
ollinudtJI raulaudlutermcdlatapoluts.
All Throusu Vuiengcn Travel on lout Eiproj
Tiokets for sale at all principal Tloket Otaccs In
the United Utatcs and Canada.
Vecraco checked throuch and rat s of fire !
vrnji at low an competitors tint oiler K < a idvan.
fof detailed Information , get the Uai't and Void.
crs of the
Xt your r tr--t Ticket Ol v .ur > aJrMS
' '
Shares In Proportion1 ! ; *
LonisiaDa Slate c.ltii ( unuanv ,
" We do Hereby urtify Mtue tuperrtte tkt AI
anyemtntt for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual
DtaianjiDfthe Louisiana State Lottery Company
andinptnon manaat and control tht Drawinot
thtmtehei , andt\at the tame are conducted uui
koneity/aimtti. and in good faith toward oil par
tia , and tee authorize Ike company to 1144 tAi cer
tifaate , ifithfao-iitmltt o/ our tignaturtt affacAtiJ
in ill advrtiitmtnU , "
Incorporated In 1803 for U yo&n by the leilsltlon
for educational and charitable purposes with a tup
Itnlcf $1.000,000 to which n reserve ( nnd ol ovoi
8550,000 hag elnoo boon added.
By an overwhelming popular vole It9 franchise
wan made n part of too present state constitution
adopted December 3d. A. 1) . 1870.
The only Lottery over voted on nnd en
dorsed by the people of nny State.
It never scales or postpone !
Ito grand single number drawings take
place monthly.
A splendid opportunity to win n Fortono
Ninth Grand JJrawinz Cliwa I , In thoAcatl- ;
omy of Music , Now Orlonna , Tuesday. Sept.
Oth , 1881 l"2d Mouthlv drawing
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
100,000 , Tickota nt Five Dollars Knelt , Frao
tlous , in Fifths in proportion ,
1 CAPITALI'HIZi : „ . _ . . . . ITi.OCI
1 do do S6.0CO
I do do 10,000
i do 2000 10,000
10 do 1000 10,000 ,
SO do 600 10,000
100 do 200 20,000
SCO do 100 80,000
COO do CO 26000
1000 do 26 26,000
9 Approximation prices of (7CO 8,760
B do do 600 1,600 ,
B do do 160 S.J5I
1987 PrlwM , amounting to $285,501
Application for rates to clubs should bo made onlj
o tno office of the Company In New Orleans.
For further Information write clearly giving full
address. Uako P. O. Money Orders payable and
address Registered Letters to
Now Orleans , La.
Foetal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ex *
iress ( all sums of | 6 and upwards by Expreea at our
expense ) to
or U. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans La.
607 Sovcnth St. , Wash ngton , D. C.
.0. CARLiaLE ,
. , - - - .
ognd for Circulars. "
( Faculty Prize , Medical College of Ohio.
'I '
And other Diseases of the Anus and Rectum.
Boyil's ' Onera Honse.
tnoedaml wtf
3rlangfir , Bavaria ,
] ! ulmbacher , Bavaria.
Pilsner . . . . .Bohemian.
laiser - o.Bremen.
3udwoiaGr Sb , Louis
Anhauser .St. Louis.
Best s. . . . Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
xru 's Omaha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Ehine
5Viue. J3D. MAUHER.
Will cure Ncri ,
iliulripo llhouniatl m , 1'ar
iilTflu , .Si iirnlk-U , Htlca
KIU1IC3 bjifnu nn < l l.ivtr
illt > caK'sOuut\Mtliiii4t , Heart
dl i-a , IiyHui | iu , Coiisfl.
iwtl(1i.Eiilo ( | . 'Cut rrril
rlli" . I.pllcp r. liniiotmio
> nmlKIIC , I'itInpsus Utcil.elo Only fcluitnloJ-K'cj-
rlclt .tlu Aliurlui tlmt bend thcKN ttrldty und nittR
otlBin through thr hoily , and can bo recharged In on In-
taut b } tlu ) fatlent
fil.OOO Would NotBuv It.
Da. HORMII I waa aflUctod with rhouraatlem and
enrcd by using a holt. To any ono atllicted with
iint dUease , I would Bay , buy Ilorno'a Klectrla Belt ,
Any one can confer with mo by urltlng calling
| my gtoro , 1120 Douglaa street , Omiha , Nob.
MAIN OFF1CK-1422 Douglaa Street ,
CSTorBulootO. F. Ooounuui'e Drug Store" 1110
arnam St , Omaha.
Ordcro filled U. O D
Health is Wealth !
uarantccd aiiecltlo for Hjatcrla , Dlzzlucn ) , Comul-
Ions , Flta , KcriousNcura'gU ' , Ileodoobo , Nertous
'rOBtratlon caused by the usi ol alcobnl or tobacco ,
V'akcfulnoiw , Mental depression , Sottenluff of the
rain , resulting In Insanity aud loading to misery ,
oca > and death , Premature Old Age , Ilarronces , loan
f Tower n either sex , In\oluntarj Loesca and Sncr-
natorhora caused by over exertion of the brain , self.
buso or Ocr jndulEenco. Each box oontnlnsone
month's treatment. St CO a box , or elx boxes for
5.00 , ecu t by mall prepaid on receipt of prko.
To euro any case. With each order received by us
oralx boxes , accoroianledtltli8500 | , wo will Send
he purchaser our mitten guarantee to refund the
money If the treatment docs not effect a cure. Ouar-
antcea Issued only by JOHN C. WEST & CO .
Jy : 802 MadUon fit. , Chicago , III.
The Steck is a Durable Piano.
I'rivaU rooms for adulU at reasonable rate ) , Inciti
ng nursing , Prompt attention given to emergency
CMoa. FatlenU can be attended by their own pliy.
clau. f tTDlstientary for the poor open TueeaajB.
ad aitiuiU ) 9 < icm 10 to 11 a. m ,
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Davis , who
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.Thig
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who1 have desi
rable property for
saleto place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South lAttf St.