Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1884, Image 1

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Some Untold Stories Relative to
North Polo Explorations ,
Cannibalism Creeping in as Ono
of the Orimos of the Survivors !
Not Merely the Legs of a Victim
But Bodies Eaton Upi
Sonib of the Explorers Claimed t
bo Eaten Before Dead.
The Horrors of the Jeannette Ees
surrooted for Effect ,
Jl Hitter FccHiijjExlHtiiiK Between the
Explorers SuKRCBtcd. ns tlio Cause
of the Canulabllsiu ,
"Whore Arctic Heroes Comts Down Ic
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
WASHINGTON , Augtut 12.--TIi9 story thai
cannibalism existed to a contiderablo c\tcn
among the members of tlio Grcily expidltion
ivas shown lolln/on this morning. Ho read
it through \erycarefully , and said ho knew
nothing about it whatever.
"Do you bcliov o it to bo true ? " waa asked.
"I cannot any ; this is the hrst I liavo heard
of it , " was the reply.
"You saw Lieutenant Grcc-ly nnd Coin
minder Schloy at Portsmouth , did you not ? "
"I did. "
"Did they speak of this matter ! "
"They did not. "
"Would they not have born likely to men
turn it if it had occurred ? " „
"Not noces aiily. "
"Would you not regard it as strange tha
that they should overlook so important a sub
ject in the course of several hours' comorsa.
tion. "
"I cannot say that I would. "
"You seem to bo very , pen
oral. Your manner would warrant ouo in be
lieving that the story has really
Prior to this Ilazon had answered corres
pondents' queries in a cautious and In Stating
manner Mo now braced lilmself up in hi *
chan and replied with more emphasis than ho
had before shown.
"There nro certain facts connected wilh tin
matter that I am not at liberty to mention.
It is \ erj probable , though I do not say so of
ficially , that they wjll bp made the subject of
congressional inv estimation next winter. The
story contains some Inaccuracies , notably thnt
in which reference is made to dovouiius ; the
amputated limbs of those who suffered the
lo s of ligs and arms in order to preserve
their lives. Only one amputation occurred ,
and that was on ship boaid wliilo the icscued
party were en , route home. "
JIazcn was'asked what truth there was in
thp stttrtr.cllti-lhr..t-y j' ' < iii II < aij > ic < l LM
shot foi stealing i.itions , and his bed > aftei
wards devoured.
"That is ono point on which I must refii'o
to Ix interviewed , " hureplieditli gieat dig'
"la the report that Captain Ichloy called
you and Secretary Clnndlar into the vessel's
cabin and informed you that the survivors had
eaten their associates was falae. ' ' was asked.
"That story is untrue. "
"Them fa no truth then , in the remainder
of the published stones that the bodies were
eaten1' "
" 1 w ill not say that they mo not hue , I
have but casually glanced at the published
story , other than at those portions w liich I
deny. "
"Did you hoar any rumors while at Ports
mouth that the dead men had been eaten ? "
"There were rumors of that kind afloat.
My ollicul position would not permit mo to
give tlio facts in the case. "
"There are facts , thin ? "
"I can't answti thit. I had a long inter
view with Lieutenant Gieely , but tlio subject
of eating boilieit wits not referred to. lean
imigmi a ci"e when cannibalism would bo
ju-tili ililo , .mil it would bo a c.iso where men
aie staiving. "
"Do vou excuse cannibalism in the Greely
. "
ca ?
' Lruilr the circumstances it would bo ex-
curable. "
"Ha * .Sociotary Chandler received any ie-
pint lelativo to this subject. ' "
"JS'cit tint I know of. I have received
none. "
"Is the report that private Henry was shot
and afterw aids eati n false ? "
'Tin n vvero rumors at Portsmouth that lie
had bie-n killed and that _ the Mirvivorn had
paten hu body , but 1 decline to give any facts
in Ins ca e that I might know. "
"Will the shooting bo.i subject of investi
gation by the war dopaitment ? "
"Not necessarily. .Men ere shot everyday
in mutinies und no Investigation made , Umki
tht'Mimo circiimslanccs it iniglit bo piunci. "
H.uen's ( iiauner was guarded , .mil his
replies given only after hesitation and appir-
ently after weighing tliovaluoof ovcb sen
tence. It was obvious that hu wits very will
ing to deny ; oven with cheeifulness , tlio in
accuracies in tlio article , but the ualient and
mam features ho was apparently disposed t"
uund as much as possible.
has created a great HI nsatiou here , and Ad
mini ! Nichols , acting bicrctury of tint navy ,
vvas besieged by newspaper men anxious to
aiceilaiu something otlicial concerning it
The admiral Hays thru is positively nothing
in the navy dop.irtrnint confirming the story ,
. . .id ho doubts Its truth. Jt is possible , how :
ever , a leport of tiiis nature- may have gonodi-
loot toSociotary Clmndki in Now Hampshire ,
as numerous documents are-forwarded to him
without examination , home persons expresses
thu opinion qnii tly that t'lere ' is something in
the htory , and nay it is beginning to be known
tint the ( Jriely party wan nol as h irraonious
as has IK on generally supposed , and that Iheio
is a story connected with the expedition which
it was intended to , but which muat
now come out in the same way as the history
of the .leannctto'u unfortunate cruise came to
tlio knowledge of the public.
WASHIMSIOV , August I'"Will thorn be
any investigation on the reported eating of the
bodiis. " to
"An investigation could not bo inado cither
by tha w r or or nav y department. That l n
matter that congress will h ivo lo look into :
tlu'ii nil the facts will bo prem nteil , end until
then nothing can be Riun nut.1
Uoueral Itnzeu j * l.ieutoiiint ( Jicelpj 8
report on the > ntin- expedition will proKably
bo fnruntdo ) to him within a month Whllo
It was generally conci-dixl lint then- wore no
rooordstosulntanti.atcthestnn. bothann.v nnd
lliv j otluerf , among themselves , lld not vlow
it an Impossibility by an > moans. It is
caul by tiav il oll'icer * . In tlio corridor of the
navj department. ' Though there Is no reason
I know of for belli vinp tlio storv , the facts
are tint there nio no records to substantiate
it does not disprove it al all. Look at it as
true ; Is there aiiv thing Improbable about it'
You mil I , striding lion- with all comfort )
about u , view uch a matter with dread and
horror , but you must rpmombcr the e men
vvcro i educed to such a condition that tliclr
moral faculties \\oio blunted , they should not ,
in fact , bo consuloivd responsible agents.
'Solf-prfprvntioii' was their only thought , and
they could not bo expected to moralize upon
. '
LINCOIV , August 12.-Ktartling interest
wan excited hcio by the story of Henry being
killed and eaten by the Oreely party.
Hnmy'it real nnmo was Hock. His cuter and
other friends in this city will push the Invcsti
gation .
INIHNArom , Intl. , August 12.Tho re-
. . .ttins of Willlntn Whistler , late mombe of
the Greely Arctic exploring party , was interred
\esterday near Delphi , Carroll county , ( iov.
Porter and slalfwcro prc'scnl A number of
local military companies participated in the
exercises , Including addresses delivered by
Govciuor Porter , llov. Loucks Logan , Judge
Gould , Jlov. Soawright and ( i. W.
Julien , of Delphi. Wlilstler was
a member of conirmy 1\ Ninth infantry. His
term of enlistment would havei expired to
Information has just been received from the
northern suburbs o ( the ] /ikovio\v that Kev
If. M. Collison , pastorof the Fullortonavt'imo
-sbytenau church , shot himself and then
himself this afternoon , Uoth are de id. Par
ticulars liter.
CMICAOO. August 13 The vviro and iron
works , branch of 12. T. Uai-
nntn wire and iron works at-
Detroit , which failed last month , vvero seized
by the sheriff to day oil an attachment In
favor of Gralnni Kinlcna nnd Paismoro , of
Philadclphii. The Detroit assignment had
not been recorded in this state , on account of
the assets of this branch about $40,000. A
meeting of the Westoi n Trunk Line associa
tion hi" been called for to-morrow to consider
the withdrawal of the Northwestern road.
It is not probable that the mooting will bo
* iold , however , as some members cannot reach
PORTSMOUTH , N. H. , August 12. Secretary .
Chandler returned heuo to-day. To night an
associated press agent visited him on the
Tallapoosa to Inquire concerning the truth
of the artico in to-day's New York Times
The secretary appealed to bo considerably
agitated. Ife said : "You may soy tint I
liavo been the New York Tunis , and tint the
nsvy department has received no such reports
) f the ; shooting of Henry and cannibalism as
; he Tunes gives. Of course , you naturallj
ne\t axk me is the story true. I say that
I decline to say. I lefuso to say anything
further about the matter. "
Arctic Cannibalism.
Special Dispatch to TIIK BKF.
Niw YOIIK , August 12. The story tele
graphed Tin : UhK by your correspond
ent some days ago stating that the Greoly
party wore compelled to oat tha flesh of their
comiados to sustain life , has tinally got out
and H printed at length in the Times to-day ,
creating a great sensation. The Times sa > s :
"Written documents are now in possession of
th n ' "v rhsprrtnient add to tlio record of mis
erable human suffering already published in
connection with the Groely relief expedition.
The most shocking stories of inhumanity and
cannibalism , and all tlio facts , liavo been in
the possession of Secretary Chandler nearly
thieo weeks. Tor the s.ako of humanity and
the American people the army authorities are
trying to keep it hushed , but in the official
investigation w Inch is almont sure to come ,
all the tacts will undoubtedly comoout. Dvory
effort will presumably bo taken to prevent
it , but the truth must be know n in time
It also charged that P/hato Henry of the
Fifth cavalry stele moro than his shaic1 of tin
rations and was shot and eaten. The body
was interred in Cjpress Hill cemetery last
Saturday. The letter that his frloud .Robert S. w
Oberfeldor , of Sidney , Neb , is daily looking
foi , will probably never como to light.
The Greely Expedition ,
LOUSVII.LK , Ky. , Aug. 12. The 1'vcning
Times will publish the followini ; correspondence
enco this afternoon. Sergeant Itrainard , who
with Lockroad reached the highest northern
latitude over trod by the foot of man , w rites
as follows to Henry Clay of this city :
N. H.Aug. 11 , IbSJ. f
Mr. Henry Clay , Louisville , Ky : DKAII
Sin In behalf of the few of my comrades now
li < ing and the many who struggled BO bravely
tor life but had finally to succumb to staiva-
flon , I do.sirt ) most earnestly to thank you for
the kind letter of May 1 , 1883. written
in our interest and published in
the Cornier Journal. Tlio advice was sound ,
practical and as it SCOIHIM ! to us then , and it
afterward transpired prophetic. With our
own xiovvs of what wan required for our afcfy
it coincided perfectly. It was found in the
Proteus wreck cache , landed by Loute ! iianL
Gailington , near Capo Sabm , ami was tead
and reread in the gloom and darkness of a
cheerless mi erablo house in appreciation of
your noble efforts to succoi jour former tried
comrades. The camp in which wo wore then
located received your name. I remain very
respectfully ,
D. L. DllAIVAIlK ,
"Lady Franklin lay ! expedition ,
Ilnrlnl of'Ijli'iiicnniit Ijoolcwonil ,
ANN vi'JMH , Mil. , August 12. The obsequies
Limitonant Lockwood vvero observed lion1
to-day , with all the ceremonies possible dur
ing the vacation of thu Naval academy. The
nfhcuri , professors and cadets now at tin-
u-ademy weie present with a largo congrega
tion of loading citizens , Thu remains were
loposited in a grave between those of Com
lades Terry and Liuutonnnt Collins.
General NOWH Notes
Washington Special.
HThe postollicc department has received'n
ilisp.itch from South Carolina which may In
dicate that a political outrage has been t nn-
initted The postmaster at a little town Is
called Damberg telegraphed that ho had been
compelled to clime bis ofhco and uscapo to
another town. The postoflica authorities have I
no fillther information on the- subject , and al (
special gent has been ordered from Atlanta ! <
that place. . 1
While no orders ha > o boon issued on the *
nubject , it is prettv well understood at tl
navy dtipirtmetitthit the Viw ehi > f thoOrvel
rolu f expedition will l > o put out of commnslo
In a few days and the ofheoas and crew do
tidied and placed on vv.ilUnc orders. Th
supply-ship , Alirt , will probiblv bo returnc <
tothn KugbMiKovi'rnmout , as the object fo
which she was donatedIIIRlieouaecomplinhei
H Is h lred to retain the Thi tl < mid lioar i
the naval n rvice for s riovlnir purposes , nn
they will bo koiit unti1 the mooting of con
press with that end in view. Hadvorsoactio
is taken on this proportion the vrxsols wi
be sold at public auction to the lugheit bit :
H. 11 1'lliolt , the coWoil ox congreismn
from South Carolina , who died jvstordav n
NewUrlcans , vvasono of the most noted mot
of hisiAce. Charles Stunner Uxik ft gioat in
torest in him. Ho made thi- moat oloquen
speech over delivered in congn-ps by a coloiti
man. Mr. Klliott was born In Massachusetts
nnd was graduntedwith honors at Kton , I'.ng
Inml. Ho was a printer by trade , and fo
seine timi' conducted a newspaper at Charles
town , Moss. Removing to South Care
Una he > became si > e'akcr of the house of repro
tentative ! * , and afterwards a member o
congro s , wliero ho attracted attention , bn
rf signed to accept the attorney-generalship o
his state. After thu collapse of the rupubh
can paity in South Carolina , Mr. Klhot cami
to thin city , wliero he be-camo special agent fo
the tie'asury department.
"AVo Thouulit So.
NKW YOUK , August 12. The directors , .
the Wall street bank liavo decided to wind up
will a receiver will bo appointed this after
teen ,
Nhvv YOUK , A jru t 1 ? . The Junk ev.inln
ersaroat vvoik on the Wall street bulk's af
fairs footing up the sustained by Dick
IIISOII'H speculations. President Kvans dou
not know whether the statement will bo readj
today. It is rumoied ju the street tint th
stockholders will not bo paid 25 per cent , nni
that the defalcation is laiger thin stated
The vico-prosident states thnt the sttxikhold
; rs will ho paid 50 per cent , nnd the depositor
.H full. Itohablo authority says the dehci
will not hoover $250OuO. llumors on the
street , lion ever , put the defalcation at half a
million. Brokers who dealt with Dickinson
are said to bo ke-eping mtiot and trying to con
ceal the fact that they hail transactions w HI
him. Ho Is not at his house this morning
The general belief is that ho is in Canada.
NKW YOIIK , August 11 ! President Kvaus ,
of the Wall street bank , states an additiona
investigation satisfies him and the directors
that the amount of loss will fall short of the
capital and the depositors will bo speedily
.jpald in full.
Notice was posted at the Wall street bank
this morning announcing that all chocks ol
Ogden & Cell \ bo paid on presentation
at the First National band. Humors is cur
rent _ at the opening of business , that abscnl
Cashier Dickonsou , was arrested , but it
proved unfounded. It is now assorted that
Dickonson was using the bank's funds in pri
vate vlrturoi in grain and stocks. His mar
gins , however , were small , but ho averted
suspicion by putting small sums to his credit
in , i largo number of oflices. It is thought his
latest puichases , when closed out will show a
profit , as the markets advanced aftei they
were made.
Franco unil China.
Lovnos , Aug , 12. The Times dispatch
froml'ekin , August 11 , says : Thimg L'
Ytiman protested to the powers against the
operations of thoFiench fleet at Keelungung.
PAIUS , Aug. 12. Tlio Voltiiro gives tlio
following account of the French operations in
China : Admiral Lospes blocadedlCoolungunp
oa thu 5th. Tlio Chinese attempted lo rcpe ,
him with a battery of Krupp's ccnnon. The
1'ronch thereupon fired and silenced the bat
tery without casualty. A company then land
ed and spiked the guns. In this operation
one man was killed and two wounded. Ad-
mlial Lespis remains at anchor before ) Keel-
ungungto prevent Chinese vossels'coasting.
Admiral Com bet stays at Fee Chow to hiip-
poi t Patonotre-'fl demands. A dotatchment of
the sqmlrounliemains off Woo Sung , ten miles
north of Shanghai ,
Admiral Leapea reports , August 5 , with
thrco vensels , ho attacked and destroyed the
forts of Koelungung On August C parties
landed from the ships and completed the de
struction of war materials in stoio there. The
Trench are now majors of the port , roadstead
and mines. Two men were killed and four
oun Jed.
The Clinlora.
MAKiriM i.s , Ausmst 12. Per the twelve
hours end ing at 8 to-day to-day there wtro
four deaths by choleia hero. Thcio is a con
tinuous decrease in deaths in the ontlving dis
tricts. The weather continues intensley hot.
Los'DO.v , August 12. No deaths by cholera
here last night , although many peuons are
under treatment.
Hcxton in Now Yorlr ,
Nuv YOIIK , August 12. The steamship
Nevada armed lati tonight. Among the
passengers is Thomas Si xtou , the lush nation
alist , and a membei of pirhamoiit. IIo starts
for the Irish national convention at Boston ,
Catarrh Is acty pievalent disease , with
distressing and olleiislvo fcjinptoms. Hood's
fanisaparllla gives ready relict and speedy
cure , from tlio fact It acts through tlio bfooil ,
and tluia reaches every part of llio system.
"I suffered with catarrh fifteen years. Took
Hood's Sarsaparlll.iaml I am not troubled any
with catarrh , and my general health Is much
better. " I. W. LIM.IB , Postal Clerk Chicago
& St. Louis Kallroad.
" I Buffered with catarrh C of 8 years j tried
many wonderful cures , Inhaler * , etc. , upend.
Ing nearly ono huiiUieil dollars w Ithout benefit.
I tried HooU'8 S irsaparllla , and was greatly
Iniprov. cil. " M. A. Aimisv , Worcester , Mass.
Hood's Birsiparllla la cli.iraclerl7eil by 12
three peculiarities : lot , the combination at
remedial agents ; 2il , tlio proportion ; 3il , the
process ol securing the nctlvo medicinal
ipulltlcft. Tlio result Is a mcdlcliio of unusual
Htrcngth , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Send for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Barsiparilla tones up my system ,
purllles my Mood , uliarrioiis my am > etlto , ami
MTIIIS to in iko mu over. " .1 r. TiionraoN , ly
ItegWer of Deeds , Lowell , Mass.
"Hood's fiarsiparllla bcatB all others , and ( v
worth Its weight In golil. " I JlAimiNoioK , a
130 Iiaiik btruct , New Tork City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla ol
Sold by all druggists. $1 ; nix for $5. Marie
only by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOO ° Do8O8 Ono Dollar. -
Missouri Democrats AcUs if as Snrc
Grant and Oonkling Eaid to bo fo
TildenOutspoken aljtl Earnest for
Governor Olovolaud-
New York Elects L'Now % Chair
man and Disowns the
Franklin County , Ifabraska , Out
spoken for &nslini
Other Political Mattes at A'nrylnj * In
tcrcst In tlio "Itnjvdy " > Vcst , " " "
ST. Louis August 1--4A Jefferson City
flpocinl to the Post VispaUh i > ayiit Chairman
O'Day , of the state cental ortmnUtco , cnlloi
the state domocratio condition to order at a
quarter of cloven , lie congratulated tlio dc
mocracy on the conditloulbf party affaini ii
the state , and referring'to the report of ai
effort at coalition of all tta other parties , sail
ho had no foam whatovcl tlut It would sue
ceod , i ?
F. F. IJothwoll , of lia uMph county , was
inado temporary chairin &l After an address
by the temporary chatnfaaii , committees 01
credentials , platform , organisation and older
of business weio appoiu Mi
The convention rcasseiujlidat 5.30 p. in , ,
but tlio commltteo oa credentials not boiiif
report , Congressman poiVurt by Invitation
: nado a speech to ( ill in "toe. * The commit
; oo on resolutions were uSw'sllll in session ,
.heio being a contest on I'ibo tariff question ,
the national plank on ( hii subject mcotliif
vviih opposition. f
The speaking was continued until 1 p. m. ,
when the convention ndjoarncd until2o'clock.
On reassembling the ( mention organwi !
by electing civ-Governor y orlis II. Himllu as
poimanent chairman , ' | 'Nick M. IJcll oa
aecietary. J *
The Jcommitteo 'on phVTonn' then icporli-d
icsolutions , which vcro itloptcdwithout dis-
cusalon. They declare : r >
1st. That tliodomocra to parly of Missouri
endorses llio declaration < tpripciples made by
the democratic convent tf\ recently held at
Chicago , and pledges II j earne-st suppoi t to
Glover Cleveland and TIAnus A. HoudricKs ,
the nominees of that convention for president
and vice-president of thojITiuleil States.
Second , Wo eiidoiso Jhii nction of our
United States senators t& < ' Inombers of the
house of reprcscntalives 41 ttio Forty eight ! "
Third , We onelorso Uneconomical admin
istratlon of affairs by oU1iesoi.t state gov
eminent in all its biancti < ! , and point lobbj'a
pride to the record of the < d < ) . .iocratlo part ) of
Missouri , in the admiuistri ' .ion of our Htatt
governmen' ; that In overy.iwrtion of Mifsou
u the laws h.avo been f-utjjt illy adimnisteieil
and all poisons are alik nv otcctod in porcon
and pioperty ; thai the &tplo enjoy ponce ,
oidci , piospeiily and j > , V"vhilst honesty
nnd economy hav o obtitaO in every depart
ment of the slnlo govy itncnl slnco it has
passed into the hands of iSjjdumocrfllic party.
.Fourth , That the dciimpracy congiatulates
the1 people of the state o ptlio reduction of our
statoelebt of abolition millions of dollai * ,
nearly ono half ; m thp' iilargemenl ot n. . .
public school fun d and iu'unatcnal reduction
of the rate of taxation , hhd pledgas itself to
the same strict oconimiy falho futme.
Pifth , The democratic , party , which origi
natcd the public school tsjdtem of Missouii ,
stands ready to maintain education in
the state. ' * * JL
Sixth , That the demotucy is tlio especial
champion or the pooplosflnd reiterates its in
tense hostility to the moibpohutic tendency of
the times , and declares" purpose of batlling
for the masses in Ihoir'jmtigglo formiptemo-
Nominalions for goraninrwas then nude ,
and General John S. UirmailuKu vvas iiomi-
n ited on the first ballotf Ly a vole of 332 lo
' V T
UTIOA , N. Y. , Augujt'jl. ' [ Special. ] Rep-
rcbentativcs of the liibotorg.'iiii/.itions of New
York opened their tliird-Jliniial convention in
this city to day. deorgo Dlair of Now York ,
chairman of the evncutty committee , in call
ing the delegates to ordfr addressed llio con
vention lev lowing the nr gioss of Ihe work-
Ingmen's cause undu ujwod effort m tin irovvn
bohalf. He claimed thatrcdit , for tin m of the
Urgu majority cast liistSyi'l In favorof abolish
ing prison rontract labm accused the eliito
senate of defeating theajSll providing asubitti
tuto foi the contract tiyitom , the child-labor
and othei labor bills , nrV ] recited the number
of bills which failed cithjr by I'xccutivu acts
nr hostility In the legislature , and said it must
bo tin policy of vvoikinySnen to defeat every
man who has Ix on host/Jo to the laboicm'ln
ti'rosls who bhoiild atMiipl to return to the
assembly this year. Ill carefully abstained
fiom further reference Wo Cicn. Clevelaiid's
altitude. t
Tliomus Gawley , ol JBiiffalo , WBH dieted
temporary chairman oif Ilia nomination of
the oxecutlvo coimmtton after a Uiarp dcbato
in which it was bhmtljfjiinted that the committee -
mitteo WAS liying lo run llio convention by
the methods of machliui pollticianH , Committee
too on crodentuls and Jpennanont oiganiza
tiim won1 apjiointi d ami recess was Uilcrii till
p , in , lutcrvlowH vvilh duiing llio lecess
discussed a general uqiUrstandmg that-the
convention will lice ] ) cltarof national politico ,
nml will rccommcmt the laboi iimons to con
fine their efforts to\ securing member *
Hie state Icgislufaro favorable to
VIOWH. It wadalno iliaOoicrnl that the po i-
live drift of opinion irf kgalnat Cleveland , the
delegation from JJulfaloliuing claimed as solid
hohtilo to him , Jiut'ur has many friends
among the di legatee , but it is behoved
majority would dt'claro for lilalnc If
vote wore taken. In the ecsslons of the
credentials coiiimiU& dining recces it
was charged that Hubert i ) . Thompson ,
the Now York county democracy pur
chafed twoiity-fbiirii tickets on winch
ho sent men fyero with crodeti-
Liuln from spurious organizations and others
onnccUd with no lalxjr organl/.ilioun lo lobbj
'a declaration foi Cleveland by
When the oinvmliiul ifis emblrd right
legi-d delefrntcs wcro deii'od ' noatm cm
quonco of this di covory. Thoniioon is coin
mltsionor of public works in Nrw York , nn
retains his position because of Cleveland
vote of ono of tin Itooicvi-lt bill-
The convention ilid nothing further tin
settle Hi mombi'tuhip except lisle
to a pthy | ppoeeh by Ge'orgo lllalr , who ni
ttiiansw-or the question : ' 'Why did you g" t
ChlciRoiu Julv ? " Ho said ho went to th
( Umociatio nationnl cvnvnitlon nt the ouggos
tlon of the labor orgauizntloin to endeavor , t
the t'Uont of his ability , to'iioc.uro' the nomina
tlon of a candidate friendly Ri lh < J Intc-rosts o
tlio woiklngmen. "Failing1 Ui accomplish thu
purKv ] < e < , my UKir lu that direction ouiUil am
1 roturniKJ. ' Thjs was the noari > iit to nn owt
avowal of ilm | U < factipn with the dfniocrnti
caiidldato inkdoi though It Is Ixsllcv ed lht ro
l\ut of the ttniidlng bofumittco htl leglnlntio
and record of members will show Uint Clovi1
laud 1ms llttlo to hniw for from the laUir 01
gauizatiqns. Mr. Blnir nays the roxirt | wll
repommoml llio sunportof jirosldentiftl can
didati1 ! injoturn for the support of assembly
men fnvornba ( to workingmon. The convon
tlou aJjbuihcel till to-morrow.
Special Dispatch to TIIK BKK.
ASIIIXaTON' , August 11. Poll
ticians hero aio speculating as to the jn-obabli
course of Grant and ConUing in the coming
cnnipatgn , and In this connection it may hi
interojtmg to make public the fact that ilur
lug the gonoral's last visit to Washington h
c.dled on Mr. Ulaiiio and the two gontlomci
iv ere closeted together for over tw o hours , U
course the results of that Interview cm onlj
M authoritatively nnnouucod by n Rtntriiion
f rom either of the parties prasi'iit. This haslet
lot been done , jet intimalti friemls of iue-1
leiosay thatan amlcablo uiulerstanding was
arrived at so far as Grant is concerned , am
that ho will take part when the campaign bo
{ Ins In Now York.
Mr. Colliding has absolutely lofusoil to liavo
lything to do witli IJlalnu or his canvass
IIo Is saftl to liavo said ROHIO kind things o
Ciogan , who in ouo of Ins old and warm friends ,
jut for Ulaino ho has only the bitterest am ;
: nest biting sarcasm. Muu of Coukllng's torn
) oramout aru npt to let tbt'ir emmtioa more
hancounterbalMico theii fiicmhhips , and Ii
.ho piesentinntanco Loul Uoncoe has oudi'nt-
y given Logan to understand that his love
'or him will not alTe-ot his knillng lilamo
Conkling Is rather inclined to favor ] iulor'i
candidacy. They are men who think altko on
nany ipuestlon ? , and the bonds of Irlimdshti
mvo be'i-n cemi'iited oven stronger than evei
inco Conkling madi ) his inglorious rctreal
roni thu sen ito to his law piactico. It is no !
unonp the impoasibilitlos , therefore , that bo-
ere tlio camni'gn isovei Conkling will gito
utterance to ins ficlings iA a manner winch
wi 1 bo'.bi'yoml tlio palo of mlaconatiuctlon.
MAIIVSACOCK , Maine * , August 13. At a
lublio meeting hero to-ilay , loud calls were
n ido foi Blaiue , mill as ho came forwaid a
oico shouted "Three chirrs for the next
resident of the United States , " and they
wcro heaitlly given. Dlaiuo sild : "My
riunds : 1 came hero to day , not to speak but
o hear. I liavo been to long accustomed to
ittoud I'vory political gathoiing In Kemiooec
oiiiitj to misi this one' . [ Lmghtei ] And
o I cnuu from old habit , just to HCO if they
\ori held as in [ the old dayf < , } 'wlieii I
o of tin impo-ed upon > ou for join 'sulfrage'
an o\aetiou which I can nay with canilcr ,
lever had an ) expectation of again laying ii |
n > ou. Itnt I am once more1 , people ol
vl.iinu | ) coplo in whom 1 liavo uover trusteil
n vnm [ Avoice , "Good , " and applaimo. ] 1
m detaining j on by thu ciuiplu word lion
ho enjoyment of liVAIing a gTeat oiftlor from
ho west. I am ns aiiMons for thottoatas > eire
ro , and I so j told the platfoim to him. "
TIIK nniocuvrio CII\IHM\.V.
NKVV Yeah , August 1'2. The e\ecutlvocom
iltteo of the democratic state commiUeo
lected AVilliam II. Smith chaiiman. It is
aid at hoadqiiarleis that lldward Cooper had
ever been elected chairmui ; hi.s iiaiiio li
leioly been suggested In connection with it ,
hen tins sugge tion had been convoyed to
/oopoi , ho nt once declined on account of ill
loalth. The comunttco to-day organi/cd for
lie hrnL time. Mr. Cooper was piesenl at the
neetmg , mid on Ins motion Mr. Smith , who is
i warm , personal fiiend of Governor Clove
mid , was elected.
Special lo Till. JJn.
I'Vaukhn his not elected a L lird deh'ga.
. [ on , 11 H was ii'portid. Yon count
'ranklin ' county IIVK votes foi Judge
L.vkl. MAII.NACOCK , Maine , August VI ,
'hi re is a great crowd here. ISlalno is o\ .
ecti'd atl o'clock , when thospciking begins.
Tililoii anil ( Jlovcliinil ,
A Washington telegram to the New York
torald says : It can Lo stated with absolute
utlioiity that Mr. Tildun'd niton st in Gov-
rnor Clovdand'H HIICCOSH M and hax been
irnest and oulspoki n. Mr. T lldon's letter of
oclinatlon was iniulo iiubliu aftei an assur
ance from tliu governor that ho wan In ho trty
id entlro sympathy with the overwhelming
euro of thu party that Mr. Tildon should ao-
/it / the nomination. That Inttor , by the
ay , was propand many wookH before Ix'ing
nally given to the public. Mi. Tilden only
vulli'd foi a proper opportunity to mnko his
oclsioii known. Ho loft his Intimate
i lends In no doubt that under no
rciimstanccH would ho feel himself
ilo to undcrtako the rcxpomiibilitlox of
ie uimpalgn and the Hiibsoquont "achiovc
tent of inform in the administration of the
ideral goveimnont"- no one doubts thnt .
us election would be certain if ho survived 1111
I the close of the campaign. Hut when Ins
ocision bcciimo known at Washington hu was
mpottuniil vigoioiinly and coiistaiitly by
mny leadeisof * ' ' < paity to rocoiMHli r It.
Ie kte-adfastly re I his IHUHOHII till firit
it ntion being * } ! - s the letter to the
ute domocratii ' & ntion , Circumstances
and afti r tin " " * uco of Gov. Cluvoland
ferrtd to Ic' to addri'ss the letter to
Chairman JNTuu the tlmo it was issued ,
id Gov , Clew < > : ontrol cf the etato dele
atiiin was thi ) assured ,
Slnco anil * a lx.forn the nimiiiiatlon
ilr , TIldeu'H I 3 ions of esteem for ( Jov.
lovolandaa c ? relation of his high mind-
I and able7 itrarion , which eo closely
ms followed M .csof Mr. Tildon's own ad-
minl tratlon of the time oilier , havn hoot
uliM nti'il. G.v. CIevi.Itmd > frn ndfl Irel that
liu i iinlldacy tTprosoiitg m the larci'st mom
lire , nnd mon CfUKpicunuslj , perhaps , thai
won ! 1 1mi been the cao with anv other can.
didntp , tint ' iirlni vi mi'iit of i cforin In the ml
minntiation of the fnli ml govrrnmi nl" whirl
t'1 ' ? , I'- II-K ! as Us chief Issue whim Mr.
lililen was Its i tiuliilato. And n llio
ehoio , of th , .pirty , when Mr. Tildon
could tint l , ( > placed at the hnd of the
ticket a Jthn lir < t dNnnoritlr cov crr.or of Now
Jifirk aftei Mr. Tildin hn aMn mav 1m con
julond to n pn-ni nt the issuoof tint "ln-st
hmimftiMif fri'odnm-thi pledge i f our dove
Iiu Uii the
ptlnriplos mid the cause now in-
fj'pirabloin Ihi-lusloij uf this rrpiibbc from
the and the name of Svmhol J.Tildcn. "
Mr. lildi'ii's informal Indorsement of the
tiokxt was expressed In his litter to llio
Alluny philinx on tin- occasion of the rail-
lic.itloiMiicotuig after Governoi Cleveland had
wen notified ot his nomination. Mr Tildon
wrote : "Although I cannot K- present in
Jioidou with mj old friends In Alb my on th it
liiUTostiiig occixlon , 1 cordially co-oixrato
vyith thorn lu supiwrt of the excellent nomum-
tioiig by the domocratio national convention ,
and feel assured tint in its success at the elec
tion , of which there Is ovi-ry promise , the
country will achieve a substantial victory for
the can-.o of good government. "
Moro AVhlHi > oiliies of a Horrllilo
Story Yet to bo Unfolilcil hy
the Greoly Kxrieilltlon.
WASIIINOTON , August 12. The hornblo
story , tnililishctl in the Now York Times this
morning , that tlio sutvlvora of the Grooly
| ivrty , crarod by Htarvatum ami cold , fed on
the dead bodies of tholi comrades , and thai
wrilten docuimmts aiv In posoosmon of the
IHVJ dopirtmont to substantiate the terrible
nauativo , created a great sensation here , and
Aihiur.ll Nichols , acting socrctary of the
navy , was sluutly besieged by nowupapci men
anxious to ascertain something ollicial con-
coining the publication. The ndmiral says
Lhoro is positively nothing in the navy do
[ urtuieiit , to conlirm the story , and ho doubted
its truth. It is possible , however , a report of
this nature may liavo goni > direct to Secretary
Chandloi in New Hampshire' , as mnnerouH
documents are forwarded him without dis
ci huination , Some persons express the opin
ion quietly that there was nothing in the
stoiy , and it is beginning to bo known. The
kiroely pivtty was not as harmonious as has
jcen geneially supposed , and that there is a
story connected with the expedition which it
was intended to conceal but must come out ill
sumo way , the history of tha Jeauotto'a MM-
'ortuii ito ciiiiso ( Miiphaslrc'H.
The Times' story was shown General Ha7on ,
.vho . nt first .was very non-cnmmittal , but
mally , with decided emphasis , ha said :
"Thoro are certain facts connected with the
natter 1 am not at lllwrty to Imontlon. It is
i cry probiblo , though I donotsay in ollicmlly ,
.hitthoy will bo made the subject of con-
fresslonal Investigation next winter. The
story eonlains some inaccuracy , notably that
n which lefn once is inado to dovourttic the
unpulited limbs of these who sulfend Iho
oss of legs and arms In order lo prison u
Ive-H. " General Haren was asked whaltiuth
hero was lu tlio statement thai young Henry
ml been shot anil his body had been eaten.
'That is a Mibjcct , ' lie icplied , "upon which
'must dcclnio to bo Interview ud. "
UUIIIIMIIOS , IA , August 12. About ono
lunilrod biirv Ivors of the first Iowa
regiment in attendance at the ro
mum here to-day assembled at
ttjp city hall whoio they we-ro welcomed In an
add ross by ( i ov ornor 0 oar. The prr nont olbcors
were cuntlnned , An executive coimnltti'o of
ono froip eivcb comniviiy appointed to perfect n
l > ermanuut orgiiiil/ation. A mceUug-wllHio
liold at Cedrtr jJapids In Aug.,1885. Col , Uatca
and other dlstingiiiHliod perrons wi ro jiresont
at the picnic this aftei noon atSchlariipM park ,
where aildioosos will bo made by Govornois
Ivirkwood und Sliorman , a poem road by W.
I' . Howe , of Mt. 1'loanant , "History of the
Itegimont" by Goo. 11. llallou , of the Davon-
iiiri Democrat , and other appropriate rxor-
cibo" . Weather delightful.
J'lio Intornntloiial AKI-IHH nl Oiiinhn.
Dicsvim , August 12. About two hundred
nembers of the Inteinatlonal association of
he Tiavelling Passenger Agenlw , with ladies ,
vi 10 present nt the opening of the annual eon
cntiim this afternoon. Nearly ovtry ntato in
ho union , and nenrly all tlio iiiiroitant tiiink
IIIOB of the country win * lepresnntcd. An
uldriHS of welcome was made by 1) . L. Stur-
gls , uf the local eominitli-e , and soveial proml
lent citi/eiiH. A losponso was made by J. I ) .
Ye eh , of Cincinnati , presldi nt of the asso
latlon , the vitoran agent , Captain K. I ) .
tlay , of Philadelphia , and othirn. Jame > s S.
Cecil , of Chicago , orator of the association in
an addros ; , gave an intoieHting history of the
tstfocmlion fiomtho inception in liulfalo in
H72 lo date ; ho earnestly irciimmondi ii that
ictioii bo tain n a this meeting looking to the
o-opi lation of agenls lowaulri the rostoralion
if thu maintenance of the tanlf of uitoH.
llection of olbcors to inoirou. The ball at
lie American hotel this evening was largelj
ittoiidod ,
TlioCaiiBnKKIliiiippi'il ; |
LOVDON. AugiiHl 12. The rase of Sheldon ,
ho KiigliMini.ui alleged to Imvo boi n kid
appcd in ICiuisiin nml to bo held foi laiihom ,
vns brought up in the commons to-day ,
Arthur Arnold , liln ral , for Salforil , made
/ tin * object of an inquiry.
The under foielgn M > CI < tary stated thai the
alc'sl foreign disp itches fioiii the ISrilish mill
Hter al Washinglon , dated August 0 , brought
lie inti'lliKonco thai all I'lfiutH mailo up to
lilt time to dlscovoi Shitldon had proved
utilo. The heaicli"howevei , would bn vigor-
nuly proKOcntod. Arnold then said llio
irothor of the mic ing man recuvid Intlers
oiu friends in katiiiHH which n si i ted thai
! io uiithiiriliis wi 10 making no effort to find
lim The HI i rotary lepluid that this was con-
ran to tin Information the government had
li < nuked to KI o the Icttont , and promlHCil t )
ay attoullon to the nmtti i
Tlio JlrulilH ,
Sr Loi'iH , Angiist 12 , The Gmnil Grove
f Druids of lln < United States md in their
.nrntj fifth annual conclave this morning ,
'wo Imnilicil mill fifty-nix suhordumtn lodge's
were lopromnti'd and 1 1,100 memboi-shlp. The
rsslon wasdovoted lo organuing. Thi ) grand
iccmtiiry'ri njiort KIOUH ) the aiiiiuid 11 ceipls to
10 S7C7U ; diMbuifi mi nU , $2,510 ; lialniic on
mini , § 0.088. ChilliesViiln i , of St. I'aul ,
SIliinrHoia , most nobln grand of the Druids ,
n the annual udlro ( H HIIOKD of the neceusity of
i revision of the ritiialistio work , Theru has
ici'ii an mur.'iHo of 1800 inembcinhip thu pakt
rear , NuminutioiiH for gruml olhci'ix were
undo and the notion ailjournod till U > -
norrow ,
Tlio HovtntlilllinolH.
] ) ixov , Ills. , AiiRusl 12. The Houutli dis-
rlct to-day , nominated J. S. Ktkhxi for
congress ,
Wboic They Do It and 'Where They
Lose It in Chicago ,
These Who Boueht Cattle Soil at
15o Advance ,
Even Texas Buyora Make a Per
centage on Their Ohango ,
Hogs Claim 10 Oonts Inoroaso in
Any llvont ,
Grain Again Doing a Business
that Might Cause Shame.
Wheat nml Corn Jjoivcr Oitts/l'orlc
niul LnrillloliI Their Oun ,
Special Dispatch to TUB BRK.
Ciitcvuo , August 12. Trading incaUlo was
a httlo slow , the too firm views of holders act
ing as a check on nctlv o trading. The light
receipts seemed to warrant tlio holders In
asking a further advance , and they named
prices 0 to 10 to IBo above Monday'n rates.
Buyers would not respond , and consequently
Irado dragged along all the forenoon. Sale *
do not indicate any itnpoitant chaugo from
Monday , though the average of prices was %
little higher. Dressed beef shippers were the
largest buvers. they taking a number of prime
droves. Butchers' stock was in scanty supply
and sold as high us any , il.iy rc'cemly , and
stockcrs vvero scarce and very strong. The
nm of range catllo was about ono hundred
. Thu market was again n trifle higher.
Some prime Te < xans made 5 12 } , and it was a
very poor lot for which better than 4 00 could
not bo obtained. K\port steers , weighing
from 1IEO to ll > 50 pounds , 0 75 to 7 00 ; gooel
to fancy shipping , 1'JOO to 1150 poundr , G 00 to
0 15 ; poor to fair , 1000 to 1200 pounds. 5 23 to
585 ; lln ough gr.tss Toxano , ranging from 7CO
to 1020 pounds , II JO to I 13 ; Nebraska Toxanti
100 to 1050 pounds , I 25 to IIS I ; Montana
To\.ins ranging lOtO pounds , C ID.
The trade opened early and active' . The
competition carried up prices a plump 10 cts. ,
all grades sharing about omially in the ad
vance. Much of the morning trailing was
on accumlativo account but packers , as usual ,
de-cured the luck of the hog ? . Salts of light
weights ranged from 5 CO to fi CO for very com
mon to C 20 to fti for i'\trn , the latter liguiei
jeing paid foi few singers. Packers vvero
very hbcial. They exacted scarcely any
hhimkago , while they pud big prices for loin
in lirxt h mils and m the hands of members
if the exchange as on inducement for them
to sell hogs at the usual shrink , but so far as
could be learned Kulu IS ) was not violited by
any ono bound by its provisions. A largeV
mrt of the good hogs vvero sold before 10
. 'clock , and the feeling remained firm to thu
finish. Hales of skips and culls were at 1 00
to 5 35 ; light , 1DO to 210 Iba , 5 53 to G 23 ,
Wheat was a nhailo lower again today ,
coh wheat touching end closing ot 77J cents.
The visible supply repoit showcsl an increase
of 000,000 bnahulH , including stock in store at
Nmvporl NOWH , nut labelled heretofore , and
whirli amounts at the < pi esent lime to 530,000
bushels. The total blowing is about six mil
lions loss than at the same period a jcai ago.
Tin 10 was a strong buying movement shortly
aflc'r the publication of the v isiblo supply re
port and prices rose l@ljc , but receded again ,
and thu closing on the afternoon lioard wnu
about Ic under tlu < lalcst figmcs yesterday ,
with September at 79J ; October at bO.J ; Nov-
embci 81fj. The firnt dealing in May wheat
was olfectid to day al 8l@M ) > \ .
Coin ruled active and unsettled. The via-
lible supply showed a reduction of 00,000
[ mxlii Is aa compiled with last week , and
crices i ese one cent , aftei wards eased elf jjc ,
loseiljo to Jo under yesterday. On the af-
.crnooii board prices again receded Jo to ju ,
: losing at OOJe foi August , 4'J ' c foi Septe'in-
ler , ISle foi October , 15Jo for November.
Oats , modelatoly active , and averaged low
er , closing at 2ric for August , 2ljjo for Sep-
.embi i , ilfks foi Octi.boi.
Pork was marked up n dollar for August ,
S2fjOfor SepU'iiibei , cloaing at § 2j.uO for
August , und S22.50 foi' SoplomlxT.
Iiinl fiini , closingat S7.15 for Septembe'rfc
and § 7.05 foi October.
Dukotn Uiinlc Kailuro.
Hi IION , Dak , August 12 The icceiverof
ho bulk of Hinon btati's that the habditiex
ire $ ii,000 : and the nomuial assets $20,000
and actual assets 5 > lfi,000.l ?
[ raliimorunylnjiirlons tubataiui ciiii U ) roun.l
n Amlrovvs1 Joarll3aklna rowdor. Is j -
.tvelyPURE. lie'liiKenilor&cit.anitti tlmoiiliila
rece-lviil Irom such chcmMsasS. Dana lla > ii , llixs.
on ; .M. Dt'laloiilniiio , ol UlilcaKO , uiiti ujiUivivj
loilo , illhuiiikev. hoversolit lu bull. .