Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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( SUCCESSOR TO THE J. M. 1J , & B. CO. ]
The molt extensive manufacturers o [
k 11
609 S. Tenth Street OStAlIA , NEU
WIMCC9 of ntlltrd and Tool TttbloaJanJ materials
Urnshed on application.
Flattsmoutli , - - - - - Nob. .
laxiDiBor inouonauBniu Ano ntaa
tJTYonrjjc stock lor ftlo. Correspondence toll od
reports from the ii'o o ( Sv , Ill's Spcclfl o ( S. S
THE ) hi the treatment ot Cancer coiitlnuo to bo
wonderful. There sccnis to 1)0 no doubt that It Is ft
poaltlro tpcclOo for Skin Cancer or Kplthclloma.
"Fortwcnty jc ra I suflcred from a Cancer on my
neck. 'Talent Potash ami Mercury Mixtures' foil
Instead of curing the cancer , I losttho use of my
anna and the upper part of my bojy. Jly general
health was broken down , and my Ufa nas dtspatrcd
of. S. S. S. cured mo sound and well. Tills now loaae
of IIo It garo to mo cannot bo measured by nny
rnenctarv value. 1 owe my Ufa and the support of
my family to Sniffs Spociilo. "
W. II. HOBINSOX , Divlaboro , Ga.
"Mr. Brooks , near Albany , was hopelessly nllllctod
with Cancer. It had eaten through lila nose Into
his mouth and throat. The time ot his death was
only a iuottion | of a very short time. Ho prajud for
death , hlj sulTerlng was so great S. S. S. has had a
wonderful eflcct on hint. Ills Improvement la so
great tint we all feel sure of hUbolni ; iicttcctlv cured
an time. W H. GILIIKUT , Albany , On.
Our Trcatlia on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free
to applicants.
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa.
N. Y. Offloo , 169 W. 22d St. , between Bth and 7th
Avenues. Philadelphia offlco 108 Choaluut St.
The use ot the term " Shot
Lino" In connection with ( hi
corporate iiamo of a Rro tro d ,
couveya an idea of ust what
required by the traveling pub
lic a Short Line , Quick Timi
and the beat of &ccommod .
tloua all of which are turn-
ehcd by the greatest railway In America.
And St. Paul.
It owns md operates over 4,600 miles cl
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
Dakota ; and as ta main lines , branches and connec
tions reich all the great business centres ol the
Northwest and Far West , It naturally answcro thi
dcecrlptlou of Short Line , and Best Kouta between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Chicago , Milwaukee , La Croeso and Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendala
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Stlllwatoi'
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkosh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Ooonomowon.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Pralrlodu Chlen
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbaull.
Chicago , Bololt JanosvtHo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elgin , ilockford and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar Rapid * .
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
f Bock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman S Gcpora and the Finest Dlnlntr Cars In
the nrld arc run on the mal.i lines ot the CHIC AGO ,
attention U paid to passengers by courteous employes
of the Company.
S. S. MERRILL , Oen'l Manager.
A. V II. CAKPENTEH , Gon' Pass. Agt.
J.T. CLAKK , Oen'l Sapt.
GEO. U. UKAFfORD. Ass't Gonl. Pan Afft.
n v WAV or
Connecting ; In Union Dnpots nt Knn [ is C'ity ,
Oinali.iiuiii Denver with through tialns lor
.And nil points In the Wo&t.
Connecting In Grmul Union Depot nt Chicago
amn lor
yisir YOIIK , nosy ON ,
And all Knn Ajii cities.
Atl'porln with tlnop . , Vtmlna lor Indiana ; ) .
oils , Cincinnati , Coluii.'iis , und nil points in
tlio South. Kitst. At HO.JUi3 with throniih
trains lor nil points
Kloipint Day Coaches , I'urlor Cars , with Ho. .
cllnliif ? Clmlrs ( e. ts liuo ) , Smoking Cnro with
ICovolvlnt ; Clmli-H , I'ullmuii 1'nliico Sleeping
Cniti and thu famous U. II. itQ. Dining Cuts
Council Jlluiru : Chicago nnd DCS
UlllCHK" , Ht. JU.40)ll ) , AtUlllSOII lUHl
Topuka wliliout clmiiKo. Only tluoiiRli line
tliol ? own trains between Clilcnso ,
nncl Denver , nnd Chicago , Kansas
City mul Denver. Thiouah curs between
Inulanaixilli und Council llluira , via 1'uoria.
Solid Tnilns of Kloirant Day Coaches mid
'Pnlliuan ' 1'nlacoSlcopliiK Cnrauro run dully to
nnd from St. I.oula ; vfn Hannibal ; Ouincy ,
Keokiik , Iliirllngton , Ccdur Itupldy nnd Albert
Lento St. 1'nul und Mlniicftrxilla ; 1'nrlor Ciira
IIccllniiiK Chali-H to nndtorn St. lmilt
nnd 1'cnrin. OnlyonocliaiiBOof cars between
St. I.oula anil lc > lolniH , I own , Lincoln , No. , nnd Denver , Colorado.
' It Is also the only Through Line between
It Is known aa the crent TJIUOUiill OAIi
I , INK of America , und id uulvcritilly admit
ted to bo thu
Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for
all elaccos of Travel.
Through Tickets via this line for ilr > atoi ?
tt. U. coupon ticket olllcualn the UnitudStatos
and Cunudu.
Vlci-1'rM. 4 U n. hl n jt r.
axe n.ati > . cstr-oot ,
The Jnry Males ils Award for Rigta
of Way Damages ,
Fault Found With the Survey.
There 1ms for n long iltno boon mud
talk about getting some outlet for the
crock southerly to the Missouri river , nncl
the recent indignation nnd excitement ol
these who hits Buttered irom atngnnnl
water nnd overflown has hastened action
a little. The city council recently took
stops toward having a right of way con
demned , also a jury was appointed
consisting of .1. L. Farmau , Henry Pas-
chol ; W. L. BigRB , Thillp Johnson , A.
W. Wood , nnd Mr. Sperling. This jury
completed ita work yesterday and de
cided upon the following awards :
S. Wcflton 512 OC
Mrs. Gardner ! > OC
1) Murphy 5 SK
Mr , Glulow 12 OC
Mr. HIco 1 2. ;
Mr. Judson I 2i
Tom Smith 4 OC
Sll 7C
This provides for a right of way one
liundred foot wide nnd extending from
the city's limits to the river. It is doubtful
about the property owners taking the
awards made , and equally doubtful about
the city giving it. The cost of a right-of-
way is but the beginning of the expenses ,
as there trill hnvo to bo munching , cut-
Ling nnd digging , and then this artificial
t > ed will bo liable to wash , the
banks crumble , etc. , as is the case in
other places where this has been tried.
The proponed survey will take the crook
through much valuable land , and mnko
damages heavy. Some who have looked
over the ground declare that tnia
survey is impracticable and too costly ,
and tlint by following the marshy and
ow Innd , n right of wny can bo procured
much cheaper , and the expense ot pro-
faring the bed will bo nothing in com
parison to the route now chosen , while
t will have the advantage of being a
more natural water course. The objection
; o this latter route being much longer , is
said to bo moro than overcome by the
objections to the present plan.
However this may bo , it is hoped that
something may bo done which will give
relief to these who have suffered from
; oo much water , and that the relief will
come speedily. It is nlso well for the
city to have some sort of an exit for the
drainage system which it Is trying to
complete in the central part of the city.
Live and drcasod spring chickens at
Martin Casey's meat market , 541 Broad-
James Brooks , who has been couGncd to his
loino four months , on account of an accident ,
a now gaining , '
William JBraddy and P. W. Seller ? , buai-
ness men ot Ainsworth , Neb. , were in the
Muffs , yesterday.
J. Jj , Do Bovoise , the pool lines' ticket
agent , returned yesterday morning from lits
rip to Spirit Lako.
Charles Millett , who superintends the street
laving , is a llttlo under the weather , and
hreatcnod with bilious fover.
J. M. St. John returned to Missouri , yes-
arday , to buy apple ? for the commission
louse of J. M. St. John < t Co.
Judge Ayleaworth returned , Sunnday , from
lis Minnesota trip , and is again seated on the
mealsackof the superior court.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sears wore made hap-
) ier still on Sunday night by the appearance
of a rousing young democrat whoso lirst cry
was for Cleveland ,
Judge W. C. James , after having filled the
Dhicago reporters with all sorts of stuff about
[ owa goiug democratic , has huriied home ho-
'oro they could got sweet revenge on him.
C. A. Marshall and D. J. Flynn , of Now
York , passenger agent of the Hock Island
Albert Le.i route , together with E. J. Dolier-
iy , also of New York , spent Sunday at the
flcnl K.sluto Transfers.
The following transfers were filed in
rho county clerk's oflico yesterday and
reported for TJIU BEE by P. J. Me-
Mahon :
Sarah Mankon to Minnie Haggorty ,
lota 12 and 13 , block 22. Howard's add. ,
Joseph Forman to George W. Forman ,
s wj 12 , 7714 , $3,000.
Charlotte Coy ot al. to Foirviow Ceme
tery Association , part n w4 n 0 } 25 , 75 ,
14 , $300.
vVm. Uandall to Charlotte Coy , part n
w-nc25 ] , 75 , 44,8100.
SVm. Kirkland to George W. Graham ,
n w.l s e.J 15 , 77 , 42 , SCOO.
Mnrtlm J. Jackson to George W. Gra
ham , a wj a cj 15 , 77 , 42 , § 00.
Flora J. .1. Mitchell in John n. Agg-
son , ni n c { 18 , 74 , 40 , $2,325.
Mary B. Swan to Edward P. Cooper ,
lot 2 , block 17 , Boors add. , $100.
Total sales ? 8,000.
COUNCIL ULUIYH , IOWA , August 11,188) ) .
Wheat No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 C5@
70 ; rejected CO.
Corn Local purposes , 40@4fi.
Oats For local purposes , 30@40 ,
liny 810 00@ia 00 per ton ; baled , CO@CO
Rye 10@lCc.
Corn Moul 1 30 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , C 00 ®
700.Coal Delivered , bard , 11 50 per ton ; soft ,
5 00 per ton
Lard J'alrbank'a , wholesaling at Ojc.
Flour City Hour , 1 C0@3 30.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per dor.
Cattle Butcher cows 3 50@4 00. Butchoi
stcera , none in market.
Sheep 3.DO.
Hogs 100.
Quotations by J , M. St. John & Co , , com
mission merchants , f > 38 Broadway.
Poultry LtvQold hens , 7c ; spring chickens ,
2 25@3 00 per doz. ; live turkeys , Oc.
1'cachea A bus. box , 1 00.
Lemons o 00 per bor.
Uauanos 2 00@3 00 per bunch.
Butter Creamery , 20o ; rolla , choice 9@10c
Kfgs 14 per dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , 1 50@2 00 per bbl
onions , 75oierbu ; cabbage,50a per doz. ; eatinf
apples , 1-3 bu box. t 0a. choice per bbl 3 25fe
1 00 ; beans , 1 W @ 2.23 | wr bushel.
The barn on the farm of Thomas Brace
one tnilo west of LoMars , was burned 01
Thursday afternoon , together with twl
horses and a number of hogs. The cause
of the Dro is unknown. The barn wai
worth about $500.
The employes of the Fairfield wooloi
mill have gouo on a strike.
One Mrs. Urozol , of Uubuquo , has
sworn out a warrant against her husbanc
charging him with incest with his ton
year-old daughter.
Judge Miracle has c'onicd the paving
injunction asked for by 11. E , J , Board-
man in Marshalltown , nnd the work ol
paving will proceed.
The Dos Moines Capitol calls Mrs.
Blank , who caused so much trouble to
the Marsh.illtown prohibitionists , "tho
goddess of personal liberty. "
Marshnlltown's outstanding Indebted
ness is only $21,000 , and it owns n sys
tem of wntor works valued at $150,000 ,
nnd real property worth at least $30,000.
The first wedding in the now capital
last wook. The young couple , Mr. Mar
tin V. B. Morris and Miss Minnie II.
Williams , wore both of Wayland , Henry
LoMars Sentinel , 7 : _ The second
Catholic church building in Iowa in size
nnd cost is the ouo now rapidly reaching
completion nt LoMars. The timbers for
the roof are now up.
Wonsol Milan , n young Bohemian ,
vrhoso parents nro respectable farmers ,
lias been arrested and locked up ns the
rapist of Laura Kaninch , the llttlo Bo
hemian girl at Cedar Ilnplds.
Henry Vanclovo , of Ottunma , was
trying to draw a charge out of n ride.
II o drew it. The bullet plowed n furrow
through the flesh of his breast and cut
to the bono on the finger of his loft
The Storm Lake Pilot says that last
Sunday nttornoon as the youngest child
of William Uhtn , residing near Early , in
Bac county , was playing with the children
at a neighbor's , It was struck by light-
ling and instantly killed. Mr. Uhta
ras sitting on the porch and received a
slight shock In the fingers. The other
children were not harmed. All the
ights in the house were broken and the
chimney and ouo side of the house torn
Marshalltown Timcs-llopublican , 7 :
Another version of the trouble between
ho Aeklcy editors was nivon by a gentle-
nan in town yesterday. Ho says the
wife of the editor of the Tribune wont to
ho oflico of the Enterprise and drew n
elf-cocking revolver on the editor , com-
nanding him to got down on his knees ,
) ut the latter said ho "didn't have to. "
She then pulled the trigger , but the ham
mer stuck at half-cock , and the assaulted
ditor's life was saved. Ho then took the
vcapou wway from her.
The "bottom diseaso" is creating
mvoc and death among horses near
lonn. It is named because it is pecul
iar to portions of the Missouri bottoms
t has boon traced through Woodbury
lounty , nnd into Monona county , and as
ar north as Dakota City. Within the
> aat two years nnd a half , at between 250
mil three hundred head of horses are
mown to have died from it in that sec-
ion , and it has become worse lately ,
md is causing no little anxiety
among farmers. The approach of the
jottom disease is insidious. The horse
; oes " off his feet" nnd begins to gradu
ally decline. The brain is affected and
ho animal goes into uncontrolablo fits of
ronzy. The disease may run along for
hroo or four weeks , nnd possibly two
months , ending in death by wasting
tway or starvation. No animal was nt-
has been known to recover.
L Beautiful Capital The Fort and
Military Territorial Growth
of Idaho Railroading.
torrospondonco Salt Lake Tribune.
In all the groac west wo do not know
of n town so beautiful and homelike as
ioiso City. A Now England country
illago , or a town in the back woods of
ho middle states , away from railways
md commercial bustle , is the countor-
> art of Boise City with its neat and nt-
ractivo cottages embowered in deep
ihadows of fruit and ornamental trees
vith gardens in the rear , and ilowors in
ront. The narrow streets are lined on
ach side with stately Lombardy poplars
, nd other ornamental trees , while the
ards are BO dense with apple , poach ,
ilum , cherry and pear trees as to almost
ixcludo the sun from the green swnrd.
Che English sparrow has not yet invaded
.his place to drive out the feathery
songsters , and our cars are greeted with
, ho chirp nnd chatter of several old fa-
'oritos so common in the cast. Besides
i system of ditches which irrigate n por-
ion of the city , other portions are irri-
od by mciuia of water wheels. Down
ono street there is a canal in which the
vator runs , but several feet below the
rards of citizens. To inako this available ,
irhoels oimiliar to the pnddlo vrhcols of a
itoamboat , are suspended so as to dip
ho paddles into the stream to bo pro-
> ollod by the water. On ono side there
s a series of buckets , ono on each pad
dle , which takes up ono or two gallons
of water and as it passes over at the top
empties into a trough , thence to How in
lipos on the grounds on either side of
ho street. If not needed , the wheel is
alsed out of the water to remain idle.
It is a cheap and good plan nnd 'adds in
terest to the street as a pleatont drivo.
Tust now the fruit trees are loaded with
; ho finest fruit of the land. Poaches
suffered by the hard winter two years
ago , and that class of trees will have to
bo replaced by now ones , bnt all other
kinds of fruit are so abundant aa to bo a
drug in the market. There iu a good
opening hero for a shipper to supply Salt
Lake with fruit.
Blackberries , raspberries and some
thor small fruits are now In their prime
and the supply is far beyond the de
mand for homo consumption , Ono
lng pleases a Utah man in looking at
the crop of apples pears nnd plums. The
festive worm has not entered this reg
ion and hence the fruit is entirely clear
of all defects , irbilo the flavor is as good
an that of any locality.
Boise City has an elevation of only
2,200 foot above sea level , and in climate
ind soil is well adapted to fruit raising.
So is It to raising vegetables and grain.
Corn trill ripen hero na well as in Illi
nois , and the name largo varieties nro
Potatoes seven Inches long and three
Inches through were picked out of n
wagon load of the new crop , while tur
nips nix inches in diameter were soon , by
the side of Rolld cabbage heads over a
foot in diameter , and BO solid that wo
wanted to know if they were from Cal
ifornia where the season cones so much
earlier. The agricultural possibilities ol
the Boise valley are beyond computation.
Fred Dubois , United States marshal
for Idaho , fools a just pride in the man
ner the penitentiary la conducted , and il
was not long after my arrival before ho
had hla spring wagon ready to take mo
thither to inspect the place. It is lo
cated about H miles from the center of
tow n on n reservation embracing four 4i
acre lots. A high board fence surrounds
the pcnotontiary , and guards nro stn
tionod on top of this , with guard houses
at the corners and walk planks between.
The buildings arc far from being whal
they should bo. The main structure is
of stone , in which is inclosed forty-two
cells. These are in three tiers or stories ,
the two upper ntorlos being reached by
stnirs with iron verandas running around ,
the cells being in the center of the
building with n epaco of several foot nil
round between thnm nnd the outside
walls. Fifty-six prisoners nro kept in
these forty-two cells , after using ono
for storage , another for solitary confine
ment and ono for n bath room. The
place is kept clean and under good disci-
[ ) lino. J. 11. Richards is warden and
live guards nro employed , fourduring the
day nnd ono at night. The prisoners nro
dressed in striped clothes , made by ono
of their [ number. The experiment of
making trunks was tried , and if there
was n market for the product , it would
bo profitable. Men prefer to work , nnd
are credited five days on their time for
every thirty they work , providing their
johavior is good. A squad goes out un
der a guard to quarry stone on the reser
vation. Suchatono find ready s.ilo , as hero
is where Boise City gets ils supply of
mich. building material. The ponotentia-
ry belongs to the United States nnd is
run nt a profit to the Government , ns the
Territory in its payment of $1 , per week
'or each prisoner sent there by the Tcrrl-
orial courts , moro than pays the expense
of the institution. Marshal Dubois
hinks of building n wnll around the pen-
tontiary , ns it would not cost but little
f anything , the atone being handy , and a
species of clay near the place ivould nf-
ord a mortar almost equal to lima and
sand. The buildings now used were laid
with it.
Fort Boise occupies a position almost
n town , nud on n military reservation ,
'ho location overlooks the town and had
t boon improved would to-day bo n
charming spot , but former commanding
ollicors have had no interest in this di-
potion , nnd hence it is barren of attrac-
ions. General Brisbin is now coiuman-
lor of the post , garrisoned by company
) , Second cavalry , Captain Gregg , with
evenly mounted men. This company
inly n few weeks ngo came hero from
' ' 'art ' Ellis , Montana , and General Bris
) iu was transferred from Fort Kcogh ,
lontana. Wo found him busy lilting
p his house , his furniture having just
rriyed , nnd ho was not in the best of
[ ririts over the matter , ns n recent order
ransfors him to Fort Walla Walla ,
Vashington territory. Ho stands the
ext in line of promotion and as that
nay como at almost any time , and ia sure
o como within n few months , it seems
lard for him with his largo family to bo
ompolled to remove BO noon after ouch
long move na they hnvo lately made.
Besides being a most clover gentleman ,
Srisbiu is noted for his literary work ,
ml nonspapcr correspondence , the good
Hods of which have been felt in the
west , by which this country has boon
made known to so many readers.
Boise City is the seat of justice of Ada
ounty , ind is the capital of the torri-
ory. Her business men are ontorpris-
ug , her people social nud intelligent , and
.hey . take n deep interest in the cause of
ducntion nnd the moral and political
questions of the times. Their court-
louse and school-housn are models to bo
) eluted at with pride , while their
ihurchcs are well attended. From Ter
ritorial Controller James L. Onderdonk
wo learn some important facts regarding
ho entire territory. Ho has closely ex
amined statistics of the census of 1880 ,
when the population was 30,000 people ,
and from official roturus " of taxpayers of
1883.ns compared with 1870 , ho esti
mates that the present population aggre
gates 60,000 , or just double that of four
oara ago ; Ada county has 10,000 , of
rhich 3,000 are in Boise Oity.
There is little progress being mndo in
onstrucllng the Boise brnnch of
ho Oregon Short Line , from
Jaldvroll , and the citizens express
ittlo hope of Its completion within
ny near dnto. But ono train per day
ach way , now runs on the road between
Voisor , Idaho and Granger , Wyoming ,
.hat . train being n mixed ono. Postal
lorks on the route complain of being on
, uty forty-eight hours at a time , to run
little over 500 miles , and citizens nil
.hrpugh central and southern Idaho com-
ilain about the slow mail transmission.
? ho Tribune reaches hero forty-eight
lours after being prinled , when it ought
.o como through in thirty hours. 1'as-
ongors coming from or going east have
o stop at Kuna , fifteen miles from hero ,
omo three or four hours in the middle
of the night , and if coming from the cast ,
rrivo hero after nn nil night spent
without sloop , and lack of rest.
The hours at which trains pass Kuna ,
mnkcnit very unpleasant for travolors.
This is n fruitful year for crops and
.ho . entire Boise valley is BO well covered
vith grain wherever tunning is done to
make the country very charming at this
canon ,
The work of constructing ditches is
; oing on , and in time this valley will bc-
omo "a real garden spot , nnd abound
with thrifty farmers.
Tlio lioctlo anil tlio Klea.n
If n ono hundred and fifty pound man
md strength in proportion to that'of the
beetle , ho couid lift nearly 200,000
) ounds. If ho were ngilo in proportion
0 the ability of the flea , ho could leap
over u three story house Some poor f ol-
pws nro BO feeble that they can neither
ift nor leap. Their blood IB poor , their
ligostion bad and their energy gone ,
live men Brown's Iron Blltors , which
will enrich their blood and tone them up
A. Democratic Orfrnn lit Doultt ,
Now York Sun , ( Iom ) ) .
In truth , wo are all men of destiny ;
.ho question Is , what shall our destiny
> ol Cleveland has had a remarkable run
of luck so far ; will it continue or will il
) reak ? la it his destiny to boat brother
[ ilalno , or to bo bouton by him ? Is ho
really the agent of fate to clean out the
republicans , or is it brother Blaino'a des
tiny to clean him out ? Or is Bon Butler
1 man of destiny appointed to do the bus-
ness for both of them ?
for a Bummer llosort.
Cincinnati Kmulror | ,
Steve Elklns may think ho is having
mportant conferences with politicians ,
and that ho owns n state or two nnd hai
a great deal to nay about the other
states , but the fact seoma to bo that ho in
nothing moro than a big sign for a sum-
in or resort.
GIIKKNNILLE , Ci. , May 8 , 1883.
"Was attacked with severe kidney dia
ease. HUNT'H [ Kidney and Liver ] HK.M
KIIY was advised , and ono botUlu completely
pletoly cured mo. " Chaa , II. Alexander
Foreman Dye House , Shetuckot Mills.
"I will certify to the truth of the
above. " John A. Morgan , Druggist
Greenville , Conn.
\VlltpiirtftMhn DLOOD/rppu.
latollin LIVER nml KIDNEYS ,
nnd IliHTiiiiK Tin ; Hi : ALT H
TlOOll of YOUTH. l ) i.
In , Want or Appetite , In-
"Minn , Ijii-k it mrvngth.
cnroil. Hone' , iiimr
IIITVM recrlvo new rorcc.
tlm inlnil mul
llraln 1'nnrr.
their drx nil )
flml lnDK.lIAUTKirai2lON TONIO ntnfnnml
riicciljr euro. < iHc < n tlnir , lirnllhy rmiiiilcxlnn.
Krritucnt Mtom | > t. at rnmitrrlVltliiK unlynilil
In Iho popularity of Iliu orldiiM. Do not capcrl-
Son.l . jrarmtdroMlo'lhoPr. llnttorMc'1 ' fo.V
iMonU.lo.for / ! \ our "JDKKAM HOOK. " ,
trull of Urooi-oiLuJ uwtul. Information , frwv J
The Leading Agricultural and Live Stock
Journal of the West.
20 Pages { " "Komi " = AH1 1 80 Columns
H. S. SMITH & CO. ,
IO.VUOI1T. W. Kim.VAS , Secretary State llourd
of Ariciittmi' | , Associate Keillor.
SUUSCUIl'TIO.V I'lUOK , ? I.OO per ) o r IniuUanoe
Mnnil 10SS Ktli Street. - OMAHA , NK11
Jy Si-null ) tf
TA ! > M no nthcr
It nxnvHlth
lilmpi-rfirtls , "
urltix n iiintli
rr llmiiltnlflnr
, . , . KUnlhrtcMlmii.
nlm . nn Mrll m llio trnm i-oi'iitnbln i > lijplrintm
tliroimlmiu tlmlinlo lr Hti > * tlto tint \\nith nf
] ( < iimrvnmtrunkliiir Hiwt foo.1 In liraltliprflok-
IIMW 4Hniiil75rt , HvnllilriiKvli tK llonkrontfrea.
IIOItl.U'K'S Kl t l ro. , | { iir-i
4iientbyiiiaUoureccl'toI | rrlvulu
The scholastic year connnoncco on the
First Wednesday in ttmter ,
The course ol Instruction embraces Ml the Klemcn
tarv and higher hranehos ol n finished education
DlITercneo of llclltdon Is no ohstaclo to the admis
sion ol yonn ; ladlea. I'uplls are received nt any
tluio of the ycnr.
Including Hoard , Washing , Tuition In English nud
French , uuo of books. 1'Uno , per ucsslon of
Five Months , - - $150.00
r.XTKA CIIAliaES-Drawlnp , Painting , Gcrma
Harp , Violin , ( iiiltnr and Music ,
Keforenooa are rciiulred from nil persons unknown
to tlio Institution. For lutlhcr information apply
\ ) ll.miu
James Meal Institute
Chartered by tlicStateoflHU
! nols for thcexpresspurpono
of Elvlncimmcdlate relletia
nil chronicunnnry and prl-
'tvntc disccscs. Gonorrluxa ,
' GleetandSyrhiUsinallthcir
camplicaled farms , olio all
diseases of tlio Skin and
Blood promptly relieve Jand
pcrmanentlycured by reme-
dicstestedln n-Forfi/1'eiirJ
_ _ , . Niicctall'racHre. bemlnal
iclit Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Face.Lost Manhood , tnatttvrli/c\irctl'Nier6
tsiiocjcpcrlnienilnil * The appropriate ru.r.edy
isutonce used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd-
' .clces sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on
pcckace to Indicate contents or sender. Atldresi
UH.JAMES.No. 204Wahinnlon SI.ChlCBgoIIK
In the Dlstilct Court for Dcnglas County Nehioak
Kathrlno Koan , plaintiff . 1'atrlckII. Kent ) , de
To I'atrlck Koan nen-roglilont , defendant.
You aio hereby notified that on the 23d day of July
1884 , hathrlno Kean filed a petition acalnstjou In
the district coutt of Douglas county , Nebraska , the
object and prayer of which nro to obtain a dhorco
from you and the care and custody of your minor
child , on the grounds that elnco your marrliKO to
plalntlflyou line hecoino an habitual driiukrard ,
nnd have failed to support her for more ) than two
jeaas last past.
You nro required to answer ( aid petition on or be
fore Monday the Bth day nf Boritomiwr. 1884.
Iy ! .T. P. intli : ! hJ. J. O'CONNOU.hcr ottornojB.
jy 29 , nng 6-11 ! 1
Vrlilrln mate *
' "
easy OllOpCT *
riiiTlliiui" YiriiithortcaBrrorillnKlotliowoliiiitiliry
carry. Kfjually well ndnptou to roucii country
rondHnndflnodrlvvsof cltlfa. Ataniirnrliirrdnnil
olduy nlllhnlrndlnuiarrlnenllnllilrr ; > Biiil T"
ftl , Hfnry Tlmkyii. > > i ntn. . ( U.
lined nzvliiHlvidy by "ABSUtTBUG.GYCO
. ,
MO. VALLEY , - - - IOWA.
ognd for Circular ) . "
Oon 14th & Jones ,
1'ornons Allllcted with any dlnenso , not contiglous ,
can flnd n home , and If occupying a prlvnto room ,
may hero bo nttonded by any phj lcl n In Kood Btan-
ding. The LyliiK In Uepartinont In nn cupcclal feature.
Adilroa Central llonplul , Oinahtt , Neb.
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing ]
, Jlalunriulei , Verandat , Ollloo and Jr.
, Window and Cellar OuND Oih
tSr : ' .VLsrleit.
repaired Irom fi ult of flre , olll
lloow t , CruUhtou lilock 16tl
One of the Boat and largest Stocks in the United State *
to select from.
Wlisre They , Can Enjoy Pure Air < & Water !
And nil of the good nnd plcnaant things tlint go to ninko up a com-
> loto nnd hnppy existence.
The town of- South Omnhn is situated south of the city of Omaha
on the line of the U. P. llnilwny. nnd it is less thim 2i miles from the
Onutliii post oflico to the north line of the towu site.
South Omnhn is nearly 1 miles north nnd south by 2J east and
vest , nud covers nn nron of nearly four squnro miles ,
The stock yards are nt the extreme southern limit.
Nearly 150 lots hnvo boon sold and the demand is on the1 increase
The yards nro being rapidly pushed to completion.
The 500,000 beef packing house is progressiuc : finely.
The $30,000 Water Works nro keeping pace with the other im " ,
provements , nntl the Hotel nnd Exchange Building will be erected nt once
The B. & M. nnd Bolt Line Railways hnvo n large force of men at
work nud will , in connection with the u. P. Railway , have n union depot
icnr the park nt the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be
luruished for Church and School purposes. '
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
) e cheaper than they are to-day.
D * "Apply at the Company's office , cor. of 13th nnd Douglas [ streets
over the OmalinSaving'sBauk. |
Assistant Secretary ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
Engine Trimmings. Mining Machinery , Bulling , Hoao , BrnaH and Iron Fittings ,
at wholounlo and retail. HALLADAYVJNDM1LLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Wo make a ( specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nd
YARA OIGARS. All Oigara sold by ua uro of one own manufacture and warranted
oa represented.
OPERA HODSE 010AR HOUSE , I 552 Broadwoy , ' .
BMlXn At O
7 and 0 Mala street ,
BOSTON , March let , 1331.
E N 1'IANO 00 , OH.VTI.BMBH Your Instruments. Qruiil , Square arid Upright , are really nobla
and unrl/kllnl tit beauty of touo and flulah. Allow mo to oonjfratulato you on your sterllnj
Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb