Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1884, Image 1

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Singnlar Results in Some of tti
NeliraslaHBDnlilicanCoBTenllons ,
The Brass-Oolor Mon in Salini
Bovr toDawos' ' Dictation.
The Tail of Ben Butler's ' Kit <
Eises to Say a Word ,
Mr , Blaine Declines to Eat Bakec
Beans in Boston.
Some Fears That Calamity Wellei
Will Carry the 4th Iowa.
Various Political matters of Or'catci
or Iicss Interest.
Special Dispatch to TIIK BEK.
AununN , August 11. Kcports from the re
publican primaries hold In the county Satur
day give the Major's faction thirty-six dele' '
gates nnd the Howe faction sixty on the count )
convention to bo held hero next Saturday.
Special Dispatch to THE BEG.
Cum : , Nob. , August 11. The republican
convention of Saline county met at Wilher to1
day. By request of the convention Govornoi
D.iwei named the delegates to the state , con
gressional nnd judicial conventions. The con
vention was harmonious nnd enthusiastic.
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
CUKTE , Neb. , Auguitll. Atthorepublicai
county convention to-day tha most shameful
proceedings over perpetrated on a free peopli
were crowded down the throati of the voters
of Saline county. Governor Dawes was badlj
defeated in his own precinct , but ho compelled
polled bis "brass collared" dupes nnd post
masters in secret caucus to nllow him to selecl
delegates to the state congressional nnd
judicial conventions. At least three hundred
republicans have been made anti-Laird and
anti-Dawcs. An independent republican
mass convention is talked of , and the sontl
inent is tbat the county ; will go anti-machine
by five hundred majority.
BOSTON , August 11. James G. Blaine , be >
ing invited to dine with the Middlesex , KSSOJ
and Norfolk and the Massachusetts republican
clubs of this state , "who are desirous ol
manifesting their highest esteem foi
your public tervico and their devotion
to the cause which you represent as a candi
date of the republican party for president of
the United States , " answered as lollows :
"I am under obligation for the very kind
invitation which you extend mo to moot the
MassachtBsotts Middlesex , Essex aud Norfolk
club } nt a public bmiquct in the city of Boston.
I need not assure the gentlemen who compose
these club ? of the very great'plcasuio it would
givoma to bo their fruasc. I appreciate most
iully the kindness intended , aud iti.s witb
sinccrest regret I find myself unable
to indicate tlio day when my engagements
would permit mo to leave Maine
I am sure , however , a festal occasion is not
needed to deepen the interest of Massachu
setts in the impending national contest , and
for myself no hospitality could add to the
Hcnse of kindness which I have receded on so
many occasions from the citizens of your state.
I am , gentlemen , with the greatest respect ,
yours truly , JAM is G. BLAINE. "
UTICA , August 11. Goneial Logan had a
public reception upon arriving in Hcrkimor
to-day. Upon piesontation to the people he
was received with long-continvod applause , to
whichho responded nt some length , expressing
thanks for the kindly greeting. Concluding
bo said :
"I met along the rend the citizens of your
grand state who showed kindly feeling toward
mo personally. ' I certainly return the same
kind feeling toward them. If I should over
return huro I hope to moot you as ono citizen
meets another , nnd that wo takq ono another
by the hand as friends nnd ns friends only.
To the old veterans I met hero to-day , let
me say there is nothing I enjoy more than to
take the hand of an old soldier that I endured
the fatigues of war with , that this country
might live , ( Applause. ) I fool nt all
times grateful to them who nt
your will , with loyal hearts behind them , with
the prayer * of Christians for them nnd God
bless the women that smoothed the brow of
the sick , wounded nnd dying eoldler with
all this they went forward
that the old flog might bo
unfurled from the Icy shores of the lakes
in the north to the land of everlasting flowers ,
BO that each and every citizen might enjoy the
finmo privileges , no matter where born or what
their complexion may be. [ Applause ] , I
thank you again , ladies and gentlemen , for
your kindly greetiug. [ Applause ] ,
NEW YOBK , August 11. It having been reported -
ported in many papers that General A. M.
West , the candidate of the rational party for
vice president on the ticket with General But
ler , would support the democratic nominees ,
B. W. Terhndo , secretary of the national
commlttco of the national party , telegraphed
General West aa follows :
NEW YOUK , August 11. To General A. M.
Vr est , Holly Springs , Miss. The managers at
the national democratic headquarters are
clr'niing that they have advice * from you to
tbo effect that you will support Cleveland ,
Kail the lie. BW. . TKKLINUK.
Mr. West replied :
"HOLLY SritiNO , Miss. , August 11,1881.
ToB. W. Terlindo , 113 Liberty street , New
York. The claim is false. Have had no cor-
lespondenco whatever .with the democratic
headquarters , A. M , WKST , "
DoncquE , August 10. Great interest is
taken in this part of the state over the nomi
nation of representative In the Fourth Iowa
district. Tlio convention inotta at Dccorah
next Wednesday , The fooling Is that th <
strongest man in the district should bo eelectti
to wrest It from the grasp of the dotnocracs
attained ontft two years ngj. Calamity Wet
ler h s a stronghold on the farmers' vote , am
ho Is by no motns nn cnsy man to bent. The
opinion in this city Is that the Hon. N. 0
Decrinir , of Mitchell countjv I' the stronges1
man the convention can nominate. Holim
already defeated Wellor in the old district
more than once , nnd can do It ngaln. It li
expected ho will bo nominated on the socouc
ballot. In any ovcnt.fjmrd work hos to bo.donc
to carry the district.
NfiwYonK , August 11. The friends o
General Butler will give a public reception U
him August 30. Tlio committee include !
Louts K Yost , John Swlnton nnd V. D
Moulton. It wns voted to nsk Charles A
Dann , Thomas B. Connory nnd John Kelly tt
join the committee.
NEW YOUK , August 11. Kx-Mnyor Ed
ward Cooper , chairman of the democratic
state committee , hns roaigned. Ho assign ;
ill health ns the cnuso
Row Between Brothors-ln-IJa
Ilcsulta In Three Deaths and
nn In.lurcrt Baby ,
.MUSCATINB , August 11. The Journal's
special reports a horrible tragedy near Itoch
ester , Cedar county , on Saturday evening.
Charles Ammerman , of Miucatino , and W ,
Riddle , of Rochester , brotlicrs-in-law , left
Muscatino Saturday noon with their wive ?
and n young child of each for Rochester ,
The party wore in the same wagon and gel
into a family quarrel. Ammonnnn finally
put Riddle , wife and child out , telling
them they could walk to Rochester. Ho after
wards relented , and took them in , the woman
nnd child. When passing Riddle , the latter
ordered the party to lult , and receiving n
refusal fired nt them with a double-barrelled
ahot gun. Ammerman was instantly killed.
The Second shot shattered Mrs. Ammcriuau'f
ami. The team ran away and Riddle's child
was run over and had an arm broken. Riddle
was arrested the same night and jailed at Tip-
ton. There was strong talk of lynching. Al'
the parties are connected with old and respect
ed families in Muscatino and Cedar counties ,
They arc Leaving Indian Territory in
Largo NuniDors.
CALDWELL , Kansas , August 11. Troops
have broken up the settlements of "boomers'
at Pearl City , or Staffordsville , from the
Arkansas Valley , and arrested three old of
fenders , J. D. Ross , J. S. Clark nud 0. W.
Hadden , who will bo taken to Forl
Smith for trial , A stub book
of certificates of membership , showing
the Hisuance of 1887 certificates at S5 each ,
bearing the seal of the colony , tha plats and
Bold notes of a survey made by IT. H. Staf
ford , the colony surveyor , together with nu
merous other papers pertaining to the colony ,
wcro captured. Tha recent demonstration at
Rock Hills haying the effect to open the eyes
) ftho remaining ' 'boomer ? , " they nre Cleav
ing In rnojt cases without the interposition of
the military.
Hotv Cedar Kaptds Presses in Politico
to Help Out , its Fair.
CKDAU RAPIDS , Iowa , Auguatll. Arrange
ments are about perfected for two grand po-
iticnl rallies-one republican and ono democrat
ic , to bo held hero during the central Iowa
fair , which occurs September Oth to 10th in
clusive. There is considerable excitement
iver the matter and it is hoped Logan and
Sherman will bo wocuted ns speakers. The
'air is to bo one of the largest over held in thu
state , over § 12,000 in premiums being offered.
1'ho association will offer 81ODD to the politi
cal party making the best display , the judges
, o bo two republicans , two democrats and ono
[ Culamnzoo's Contribution to tlio
North I'olo ,
KALASIAZOO , MICH. , August 11 The re
mains of Sergeant Kdward Israel , meteorolo
gist of the Greoly Arctic expedition , arrived
, liU afternoon. They were met at the depot
jy the city4 authorities , the Hebrew and Ger-
nan societies and a great concourse of citizens.
The places of business were closed in respect
o the deceased , who was a native of Kalamazoo -
zoo and honored fornnusually brilliant talents.
Hie funeral took place at1 o'clock from the
'csldenco. Young Israel'n widowed mother
ias deep sympathy here , among all classes in
ho great .nilhction which ends three years of
icavy hearted suspense.
The Locust Plague in Mexico ,
ST. LOUIH. Aug. 111. Late advices from
Vcra Cruz , Mexico , say myriads of locusts
appeared in that state and notwithstanding
in immense quantity of them have boon
tilled , great destruction to crops has resulted
n Yucatan and South Mox'co , Hundreds of
squnro miles of territory art ) covered with the
> osts and corn , grass and other crops are ut-
erly destroyed.
It Is said thousands of families dependent
ipon small crops will have to bo supported by
ho government during the next elx months ,
Two Boyish Brothers Dead.
INDIANAPOLIS , August 11. The Journal's
pecial from Switz City , Greene county , ro-
iort that on Saturday night George Rankin ,
, ged 1U , was showing his brother Jnmes , aged
M , how to hnndlo n self-cocking revolver , when
he weapon was discharged , tup ball striking
Tames below the right eye , inflicting a fatal
wound , George , thinking lie bad killed his
irolher , turned the revolver on himself and
ent the ball through his breast , from the
olfectsjof which ho nicd at noon to-day. The
death of thu brother is hourly expected.
The Denver Triuuno-ltopiiullcan.
DENVEII , August 11. Tlio Denver Republi
can and Denver Tribune , tbo leading republl-
can newspapers of the state , cons -lidnti'd
-day. The new paper will bo known as the
Jenvur Tribune-ltejmblican and will remain
republican In politics. It will support Sona-
or N. It. Hill for ru-c1otion. Tlio editorial
lusiness forces of thu Republican aru to con
duct the newspaper.
Ho Wrecks the Nc\v \ Toil Wall Slrco
Bank of $500,000 , Capital ,
A.t Least It Will Oloso Its Boon
" Until Investigated. "
The Oaehior " Lending Money toi
Freely on Insufficient Margin ; "
A Claim That Bopositors Will hi
Paid inFull 50 per OontNowt
Money Sufficient to bo Advancoc
for Resumption To-Bay.
Otlior Financial Matters Tlio dlonr
Ins liouso Reports The In-
dianapolla Bank , Etc.
NRW YOUK , August 11. Wall street banl
closed its doors this morning owing to the ir
regularities of its cashier. It will rcmalt
closed until matters are investigated , Thi
president Is Thomas AV. Kvans ; cashier , Join
1 > . Dickinson. The bank is situated at II
Broad street and is a slate bank. When tin
last annual statement uas issued , September
1SS3 , the figures were : Paid-up capital
$500,000 ; surplus , § 05,197 } undivided profits
847,730. Kiornnn's ngoncy reports : The vice
president states the clearances , of the bank
will go through the clenring-houto to-day. The
capital stock is 5200,000 , which will probablj
bo swept away. The depositors will eventually
ally bo paid in full , nnd very likely CO pet
cent , will bo paid them by the end of thli
week. The cashier's shortage is stated to be
8200,000 and the bank baa 850,000 In bad
O. F. Simpson nud C , J. Osborn , director !
of the Wall street bank , Saturday night am
Sunday , made a thorough examination , and
decided thnt In justice to all parties , not tc
open the institution this morning. The rosull
of the examination ! a as follows : Deposits ,
81,250,000. call loan , 8110,000 : good businosi
, > apor , 8350,000 ; cash , 8185,000. Cashier J ,
P. Dickinson has boon lending money tec
freely on insufficient margins , nnd its csti
mated the loss will bo about Sl00uOO. ! Tin
bank was debtor at the clearing house 528.
000 this morning , which has been paid. It 11
estimated thnt depositors will bo paid in ful
and part of the capital will remain.
President Evans , of the Wall Street banl
says , the depositors will bo paid in full. Ir
Saturday's bank statement the bank figured
for $1,510,500 loans nnd diacoiinttr.SSO.-lOOnpo
cle ; $122,000 legnl tenders nnd deposits § ! ,
133,300. The ofliccrs declare the suspension
is duo to irregularities of the cashier
John P. Dickinson , who has unt beer
at his desk since Prlday night , the excuse foi
his absence Saturday beinir that ho WAR con
fined to his houao by illness. It is not charged
that Dickinson IB guilty of any worse irrofiu
larlty than carelessness in the security col
laterals offered for loans. Several Wai
street firms nro closely idontifiei
with thobauk , among thnm C. T. Tompsoi
& Co. , B. S. Chapln & Co. and Dickinson
Bros. All these declare that they will no *
suffer by the failure , but the street is momen
tnrily expecting to bear of suspensions. Tin
bfciiV - f-gaid 1s p-aotically fife. p r
tfig mo recent flurry it nsked for no acconio
datlonsat the clearinghouse nnd its officer ;
frequently made a boast of Its strength.
NEW YORK , August 11. It Is stated thai
Mr. D. O. Mills nnd Mr. Charles Osbon
have decided to advance sufficient money t <
enable the Wall street bank to resume to >
morrow. Charles J. O.sborn , ono of the di <
rectois , states that the loss to thu bank cannel
exceed its capital , 8500.0PO , and it ii not
likely to bo so tjroat , and the depositor * will
not have to submit to any delay in getting
their money. There Is no reason uhyOO pei
cent , can not bo paid out at once.
NEW YORK ; August 11. The wife of John
P. Dickinson , the defaulting cashier o the
Wall street bank , remained to-night a the
liouso of her father , C. F. Simpson , Madison
avenue. None of the family ha\o seen Dick
inson since Friday last , and ho was then at
the Oriental hotel , Coney Island. Where ho
is now , Simpson says neither ho nor his
laughter know. The rumor that the ( inn of
Dickinson Bros , was a heavy loser by the fail
ure is denied to-night by Platt K. Dickinson ,
who says thu firm was in no way affected.
NKW YOHK , August 11. The directors of
, ho Wall street bank held n long session this
ifternoon nt the bank building , investigating
, ho books and accounts , President Evnns
laid the condition of affairs was very conf lined
md It would be very doubtful if the report of
; ho statement could bo made for several days.
1'ho directors refused to jay anythinc what-
wer in regard to discoveries made. All the
liKclosure thus far is that the failure is due
; o abstraction by the cashier of collaterals
lodged with the bank ns security for its call
INDIANAI-OLIS. August 11. Ilocfivor Lamb ,
) f the late Harrison bank , filed n partial ro-
iort this morning. Ilo finds assets of S138-
)00 ) , of which $3,100 are available , and that
> nly if there are no offsets. Ho Has not con-
hided the bchedulo of liabilities , but saye
.buy will exceed half a million , *
An Assignment ,
NEW YORK , August 11. Hegin A. Wright
las filed nn assignment for the benefit of hie
: roditorri , to Leighton Williams , giving a
reference of $127-00 to Klzabcth S. Kclley ,
for amounts which the assignor had received
Tom her during the post four years , uml for
itocks and sucmitioa belonging to her , upon
.vhlch . , as collateral , ho had borrowed um
low outstanding , and which ho is unablu tu
ir redeem , nnd nlao for money received by
Idm , being the proceeds of all the stocks bo-
onglng to her and loaned him ,
Now Yorlc fitnto Laborer ,
UTIOA , N. Y. , Augunt U. The third mi-
mil Mission of the ntnt < > labor convention
ipened in the opera house to day. About 00
lulegatOB were present. A temporary chair-
nan was chosen nnd the usual committees up-
uiintcd , and the convention adjourned till to-
narrow. _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
Tlio Traveling A < ; IUH In Denver
DKNVEII , August 11. The International
Association of Traveling Passenger Agents of
ho United States and Canada meet In annual
invention in this city to-moirow. About a
hundred members have nlronly nrri\cd niu
otltciRftrn coming on every train. .1. 1) )
Welch , president , nnd W. 1) , Tinncy , iiccrc
tary. arrived thli afternoon. KUbnrato prep
nrfttlon are making for Uio entertainment <
the visitor * ! which will Include n bnnquo' '
Tuo l y evening. Thursday morning , tin
1 1 th , they statt on nn excursion to the princl
pal iH'inU of interest in Unt state , rcturniof
on the 20th.
Bnso Ball ,
GRAND lUriiH , Atigust 11 , The gOrnml
TUpulsbagp ball club wa < practically disband'
od to-day. At this date the club Is four games
in the lead for the championship in the Aorlh-
\M\stcrn laiguc. It won 48 ponies and lost 15.
Kixoof the players join th * Detroit club
Ukwn , ( iatslii'ld , Kearns , Cov and Jones.
They hao been released. The rest hno not
vet boon teleascd. but probably will IH ) soon.
The club is out of debt , nnd quits with a lessen
on the season's business of $2bOO.
QOINOV , August 11. W. 1) . Whitmoro to
day tosigncd the presidency of the North
western lo guo. Tlio Qulney club tidny sent
in its resignition as n meim < cr of the league ,
and has mndo application for admission to the
Union associntion. The _ location of CJuincy ,
iniihvny between Cincinnati , Chicago , St.
Louis nnd Kansas City , Is BO accessible that it
is Ixjliovctl Quincy's application will l > o no-
oiitcAno vs. nui-j'Ai.o.
CIIICAOO , August 11. To day's gnmo bo-
twoou Chicago nmlBulfrtlo wns given to the
latter , owing to the refusal of Chicago to snb <
mltUthodiciricuof tlioVmiir , A postponed
gamoiilaycd subsequently vns called nt the
cud of tlm ninth inning on account of dark
ness ; ecore , C tu 0.
At JKast Snglnaw Milwaukee , 3 ; Sagi-
na\v , 0.
AtUnltlmoro Baltimore , 10 ; Allegheny ,
At Providence Providence , : ! ; Hasten 1.
At Columbus ColunibutllImlianapolis,3 ; ,
At New York Athletics. 0 ; Lrooklyn , 2.
At New York Metropolitan ? , 4i virgin'
ias , 1.
At Boston Unions Nationals , 5 ; Boston , 3.
At Detroit -Detroit , 1 ; Cleveland , 8.
At Philadelphia Philadclphios , 8 ; Now
York , y.
SnilcllcbnKfl ana Sulky.
CIIICAOO , August 11 , All ages li miles
Bennie Australian won , Billiard 2d , Thady
3d ; Time , 1:5 lj.
Mile Labcllo won , Centorvillo2d , IdloPnt
3d : Time , 1:48 $ .
Three-quarters mile Mnmcn year olds ,
Hebanthus won , Pastor 2d , Ilnrpoon 3d ;
Time , 1:17. :
Two year olds Swcopstakos for now win
ners nt this meeting 100 pounds each with
sex allowances , five furlongs Kdltor won ,
Moggie M 2d , Lnntrum 3d : Time , 1:03. :
Sweckstakes nil nges half mile , Bluebird
won , Dudley Oaks 2d , Imcy Walker 3d ; Time
SARATOGA , August 11. Mile Follownlay
won. lliclmrd L id , John Henry 3d. Time ,
1 I "in *
Milo and n half Euclid won , Nettie 2d ,
Paniquo 3d. Time , 2:401.
Milu and a half furlong Pilot won , Krupp
Gun 2d , Lady Lyon 3d. Time , 1:54. :
Three-quarters of a mile Meteor won ,
Zamola 2d , Peter L 3d. Time , 1:17J. :
AT nltlailTON BEACU.
BniniiTON BEACH , August 11. Five furlongs -
longs Maiden Three years and upwards
0. 15. won , Jeff Henry second , Dot thud.
Time , 1:05. :
Five-eighths of a mile Maiden Three
years old and upwards Belle Garland won ,
Florence J. second , Forlorn third. Tine ,
1:03V. : r
Mile SelHtiR . .alUnvanocrv.JJCfiovn won ,
Tonj" J1 ester JbVi.ond , " FranIt''jtuiiyoU' thlw
Time. ! : ? . i
Milo and a furlong , all ngos Hickory Jim
won , Charley B , second. Arsenic third.
Time , 1:57J. :
Milo and a quarter : all ages Jim Carlisle
won , Treasurer second , Bonner third. Time ,
2:14. :
Three-quarters of n mile , non-winners
Charley Kppa won , Quebec second , Laura G ,
third. Time , 1:18J.
Milo nnd a half , six hurdles Charley Kpps
won , Correct second. Time , 3:01 : } .
Tlio Oar.
WATKINB , N. Y. , August U. The National
[ lowing asiociation commltteu has determined
; o reject three entries J. J. Donohuo , of
L'ort Huron , for rowing in the Canadian crow
vithin throe months ; I1 rank J. Mumford , of
, ho Perseverance crow , New Orleans , for row-
ng crooned at Washington.and J. J. Murphy ,
> f the Motrcipolitans , Now York , for not bo
ng an amateur.
Hard Gloves.
NEW YOIIK , August 11 A prize fight to-
light between John Lynch and Frank Mo
3ue , with hard gloves , was won by Lynch.
ttcCuo was badly punished. Both men weie
covered with bood at the end of the third
round ,
Holies 1'roni R "Wreck.
NEW YOUK , August 12. The two hundred
msscngers wrecked on the steamer Amstor-
lam arrived hero this morning. F. .Tetter , of
[ ja Crosse , Wisconsin , said ho was among the
ast to leave the steamer after she stranded ,
Ho hoard complaints from cabin passengers
n regard to having lost articles. The Island
ers treated them well , and shared with them
whnt they had. Other passengers say the
sailors helped themselves to cigars and wlno
and did not aeein to care for unbody , Tlio
treatment of steerage passengers was a great
deal worse than natives on the Island , The
captain had no command over the men , The
agents for thoHotterdam line are caring for the
Amsterdam passengers.
MAKIHON , Iiid. Aug. 11. The propeller
Mowrio Glass , exploded her boiler this morn-
ng in front of Die city. Tlio engineer , Geo.
Keller , was Instantly Killed , being frightfully
: nangled nnd blown to the raft of logs the
jlasa was towing.
Joe Llchptcr was on the raft a consld rablu
llstanco from the boat and was knocked Into
.ho river and lost. Ho was married and has
'ourlittlp children. Commodore Wolf was
jlown with the pilot house fifty foot in the
air , nnd broke his way out of the debris in the
witter. He was bruised but not seriously
nut , Two young men were on the raft but
escaped Injury ,
Dmmatlo Hwlmllors ,
NKW YORK , August ll-Two actow , Harry
licit alul Andrew J.eavitt , were arrested to
night on a charge of swindling a number of
leisonsoi t of sums , usually 825 each , by
neanx of bogus atlvcrtUementB calling for
hoatrlcal managers , treasurers , business man-
agurs , etc ,
The Appreciation In too Gallic Marie
Continues in Chicago.
Yesterday's ' Stiles of Swine Sho\
tin Advance of a Picayune ,
Wheat Goes Within 2 dents o
the Decline of Last April.
The Wall Street Failure Lowon
the Prices of Stocks ,
TLo Cashier's ' Fathor-in-Lav
Not Orinio-
Olaims Inoxporionoo , -
Xlio Mnrlc Lnno lte\low Shows n Hoi
Sun Making Millions of
Bushels ofVlicnr. .
Special Dispatch to TUB BK.
CniCAno , August 11. After a slack openini
trndo In cattle became active , nnd bcfuro nooi
most of the atult hnd changed limnta. Ship
piug grades sold lOo higher tlmu at the clom
last , week , niul stackers' ntul butchers' tint
also found tendy buyer * nt stronger figures
Texnns , of which the run was \cry light
showed n more decided change tlmu dtd na
ttves. They wcro in ncttvo canning nnd ship
ping demand , and tlia limited offerings won
quickly disposed of nt nn ndvanco of ID to 25c
Six lands of good ones , averaging 1031 pounds
sold nt G 00. 1'oor to fal
erodes were quoted nt 3 25 to4 CO
'llio ' domain ! for atockcw continues far nhoai
of the supply , nnd prices nre higher than the ;
Imvo been since early in duly. They nn
wanted nt 3 60 to 4 60 for common to prlnn
ones , while fcedeis Hell nt1 1IT ) to1 76 , niu
oven higher in some enter. Good to choici
shipping , 1200 to 1350 Ibs , G 00 to 0 60 ; coin
; non to medium , 1000 to WOO Ibs , 4 C5 to 6 00
range cattle , 15 to 2oo higher ; grass Texans
760 to 1000 ib' , 3 75 to 1 60 ; 18 MonUnr
Texans , 1041 Ibs , nt 5 00 ; 301 Ncbrnskas , 110.
Ibs , 480.
The trndo'oponcd out nctivont prices nhowiof
but slight variations from those current ot
Saturday , The early Bales wort ) largely t (
scalpers , but the bulk of the stuff soon fount
its way into packer * ' hands. Sales of ligh
hogs wcro principally at 5 05 to ( ! 00 , whlh
trading In nenvy lota was mostly nt 5 75 tc
0 05. Some fancy rangers made I ! 15 , am
choice heavy reached CIO ; > kips nnd cnlli
went at1 CO to 5 25. The days' c a'es show in
average advance of about DC. Light , 1 CO tt
210 Ibs. , 6 70 to 010.
Cash wheat touched n lower point to-dnj
than nt any time since the great decline las
April , whan there was a quotation of 7(5 ( cents
To-day'o elosiug prica was 78 cents. Then
was a good speculative business , with a goner
nlly unsettled feeling , prices fluctuating fro
quently. The market opened J to g <
lower , influenced by unfavornbli
foreign advices nnd repot Is of hot and forciii )
weather in England : then rallied about y@l <
under a fair demand , again Tqfcatno weak , ro
ending 3 to IntimUrronmtt/1'Vjl / } xweipt
at St. Louis i , u vli-j wpo .t ! fci&ii'o of * . ,
Wnll Street national bank. TJien followed i
brisk demand from the "shorn" at the decline
cline , nnd the demand was also increased bj
n reported largo export movement from Now
York , which was , however , subsequently cor-
reeled and proved to bo only about ono Inui
drcd thonsind instead of ono million , as first
reported. Prices wcro advanced 1 to l c , but
on the correction alluded to and
the liberal incroiHO in receiptH , " the posting
showing 4GL earn , the market ngaln became
weaker , declined lijc , fluctuated nnd final ! )
closed jjfcelc under Saturday. On the after
noon board the market was again weak , Sep
tember closing nt 7D&79J ; October 80J ; Nov
umber 81J.
Corn opened lower , and nftor n rally receded
with wheat , closing Jo under Saturday. Or
; ho afternoon board prices again declined J < 3
[ a , August closing at tiOi ; September ; October
obor 48J ; November -IfiJ.
Oats weru weak , in sympathy with tin
nthcrH , closing for August at l5e ! and for Sop'
tembornt 2lj.
Kyo declined to C8 for cash.
Barley dropped to C5 for September.
Pork remained firm at 2100 for August > ml
Lard inled firm , closing nt 7.374 , September
SM'cial | Dispatch to Tin : J3ii : : .
NEW YOUK , August 11. AH usual during
,1m summer season , the Htock exchange diil
not open till 11 o'clock this morning , nnd tin
umouncemcnt which was lasted on the dooi
of the Wnll Street National bank , that owinj
to Irregularities on the part of the canine/tin
uaul : would remain closed until matter ) ) could
be investigated , had become generally known
The opening prices on exchange werogenerallj
1 toll per cent lower than the final quota-
lions Saturday , but sustaining orders wen
not wanting , especially for uctlvo stocks , and
during the forenoon most of the early declirici
wcro regained. This ufternoon the marhe
has again been weak without ny spec ) 1 feature
turo other than the development of this morn
Ing and thu announcement this nftornooi
that the earnings of thu Northwestern railronc
for the first week in August allow a falling
off of over $00,000 , as compared with lati
The cashier. John P. Dickinson , is the Bon
In-law of the broker , O. F. Simpson , but II
is mideiHtood that ho hos not hud much ex
perlenco in the banking business. Mr. Simp
son hays Mr , Jickln ou Is not n defaulter , noi
has ho absconded. Ho simply made too man )
loans on insufficient tu-eiirilicn. These ocur
itles have depieclated t < 1 tuch nn ( xtent that
tlio directors thought it moro who to Hop nl
unconnd look into mutters than to open and
go on In n half blind eoit of way. K. S ,
[ Jliaj'ln ' , wlm is diructly connected with twool
the directorH , 0 , J. Osborn and Mr , Won !
Si'ott , said. "Our lioiifcii Is not affected by the
'idhno In the loatt , nor do I bcliovo any otit
will Ixi the loner , for the dlroctorn havo.alrendy
decided to pay the depositors In full nt nil
curly dole. " The extreme declines thi < nftcr
noon have ranged from 1 to 2 i > cr cent , part
of winch has Lccn recovered in the last hnll
and uniieltlod , wltli cvldonco of supporting
orders from a strong house and n natural dis-
poMtion _ to decline. It i * sUtcd tlmt the
rrnnk Line arbitrators haxo forwarded their
decision In the matter of itcrccntnqes to Com-
inNiinnor IHnk , with a rexiucst to have It pro
mulgated nt once , and that the Grand Trunk
percentage U smaller than tlml rccomondrd
by Mr.l'ink. There Is no appeal from the
uecJMon of the arbitrator * . The coal cninpan-
U"tlia\onxreed to unipcnd mining oporntions
during tlio fitst week In Sfptemlwr. Oliphant ,
for fomo years vlco-prwident of DelnwsroA ;
lluiUoii Canal company , hn.i been elected
president in place of Uickson , deceaseil.
TIIK ci.E.\niNii nousua.
lloflTOS , August 11. Dispatches from the
leading elennng houses of UIB Unitcil States
show thnt the clearances for the week ending
AtiRtwt'JUi , were 8721,171,003 , tt dccrcnso oil
10.-I per cent ,
LONDON , August 11. The Mark Lane Ivx-
prcs ? , In its weekly review of the corn trade ,
says : An intense dry tropical heat hai pre
vailed smco August let. Harvest work pro
ceeded rabidly. Grain mattuvd in exceptionally -
ally rood form ; all the earliest wheat U now
In perfect milling c-mdltion. ttnrloy ntul ont
varylii some districts nro excellent , in others
poor. Spring bonnn nppcnr to bo an absolute
failure. The potato crop is unlikely to prove
Inrgo , but will bo freer from disease than lot
many years. Throughout the past week
made their nppcaranco in various markets in
a condition described as somewhat phenomen
al. Now wheat 15 quoted at 3 ( ! @ 10s for rod ,
nnd 4 Is for whites per qunitor. Sales of Eng
lish wheat during the week wns 10,768 quart
ers nt 37 ( id , tuiuiiBt 35,1.11 qunrtcn ntKin for
the corresponding week last year. Trade in
foreign wheat is
nnd present symptoms indicnto n rapid Bubal ,
denco of values In a level hitherto unknown ,
The present position of the trade will strength
en the argument uf those who claim thnt the
production of wheat throughout the world In
Into years has been increasing in a ratio ex
ceeding the ratio of consumption. Wheata
In London nnd Liverpool nro irregnlnrly
cheaper. Onto Is Cd lower ; mnizo is firmly
held In London , lUrloy remains unchanged.
off coast is literally drisd up under the blaz
ing sunshine. There was only ono gnlo.
Eleven cargoes nrrived nnd eight wcro with
AT KU11N ,
EI.OIN , Ills. , August 11. Butter Jo lower.
SnlcH , 21,000 pounds nt 23c. Chcoso dull and
nominal ; skims , 7c. Prlvnto sales , 116,000
pounds of butter and 2,000 boxes of cheese.
Ttio Dca Molncn Ulg nistlllory.
DfS MOINM , August 11. Since the ruling
of the secretary of the treasury recently , BO
\viiluly published in the case ot the Interna-
tiot-ul dittillory of this city , forbidding chip-
montsof distilled spirits in bond to Canada
xnd lt reimportation thereafter , lie has ruled
that thu thlpmentn in question nro.strlctly in
conformity with the law.
DIM MOINKH , August 11. The Bocrotnry of
the troanury based the new rulinir on Sootious
3102 , 3103 and 3101 , and telegraphed Midi do-
ciniou to the collector of customs at Detroit ,
whom the question was first raioul. The col-
loctyr notified Mr. Kidd's agenfc there of the
' 'IfiBl n , nnd the agent wirnd ICidd'ii brothel
at Chicago , nnd from Chicago wired hero to
night. The associated profH reporter at 12
o'clock interviewed Mr. Kidd , the proprietor
of the international distillery licic , nnd wan
sbown telegrams to the above effect.
Tlio Itniublor Ituiiiblor.
VAH UOCKAWAV , L. I. , August 11.
Another shock was felt in villages along the
South side , Long Island , this afternoon. It
wns not as heavy an yesterday , but sufficient
to caiiKO excitement , The court houeo thook
eevoral seconds. Croskery , etc. , on the hotel
tables rattled nnd xomo fell over , making the
gneHts start from their scats , The shock was
felt there about 12:30. A few minutes later
the big hotel on the Itockaway lloach was
shaken , the doors and wiiulows rattling loud
enough to bo heard a conujdcrablo distance.
Tlio outer doors of other buildings woroclotud
by force. Honipstead , South Ovnter Bay and
Long Beach , WooUiibury and other places re
port similar experiences.
llAUTForin , August 11. Kcports from Nor
folk , Litchllold county , say the eecond shock
of carthquako was noticed at Hovernl places in
that town at 11 o'clock Sunday night. It waa
much lighter than the ono in the afternoon.
Tlio Shnlco in IIOIIK Island.
LONO iHi ANi ) Cm1 , August 12. The earthquake -
quake yesterday canted the brick chimneys of
two houspH to fall atKast Norwich. The
1'rCHbytorian Stinday-echool at Jamaica had
the walls cracked from ono to two inches in
width , extending from the roof to the founda
tion. The colored camp meeting in Floot-
wood'rt wni broken up by the shock. All in
attendance , being on their knees at the time
jumped up , shouting , nnd ran from the woods
to their homes.
Gutting Itnllu'ny Hates.
iNnrANAI'OMH , August II. West bound
passenger rateo arc badly deinornli/ed here.
Tickets to Kansas points are selling nt ? 5 , n
cut of nearly S'J , A party of 283 persons fiom
eastern Indiana pa ned west to-day , traveling
on round trip tickets to points in Bouthweut
i ) , for which they paid $12 ouch , a cut of
( Hi per four. Eastern rate * are also being cut.
ticfu'ta being Hd nt a i eduction of two ami
tin co dollars.
nt Albany ,
AMIANV , N. Y , , Auaiist 11. General Lo
gan arrived hoiu on route to Horklmer thin
afternoon. Ho was welcomed by 2.000 people -
plo Guns were fired , liata waved ami contin
ual choeilng kept up until the train loft
twenty minutes later In the crowd wore
largo tcprcsontatioiiK of workingmen , Logan
Hindu a brief ppooch acknowledging the recep
tion , and left with Senator Miller ,
Deposition ul tlio Arctlu VcHsclH.
WAHIIINOTON , Augiut 11. It is nndpriitood
thu vessels of the Gieuly iislief expedition will
bo put out on commit ion in a fuw days and
the ollicern and ciawa detached , nnd placed in
waiting ordera. The supply ship Alert will
probably be returned to tlio English govern
ment as the object fur which eho wns donated
had been accomplished ,
Fflrther Particulars of the
Down East
Philadelphia Even More Stirred
Up Than the Gothamitesi
That Oily Experiences Its First
Earthquake Since 1817.
Ships Snap Hausors aj H earners
Pushed Against the jj. , rves.
Boston Brags of No i Thau
Six Distinct Sh
A Second Quake at Varl ,
At Some Sunday Night nnd
Elsewhere Yesterday ,
riutADELFiHA , Aug. 10. For the first time
since January 8 , 1817 , a very yorceptiblo shock
of earthquake was felt In Philadelphia nt 9
mlnutoR after 2 this afternoon. It wai of ;
about ton seconds duration nnd the undnla *
tion extended from north-oait to south-wear ,
increasing In intensity with succeeding shocks
nnd subsided gradually. The strongest bulld-
ings'ln the city wcro shaken , rickety chimneys
toppled over on roofs nnd bricks tumbled
down on the pavements. In nil portions of
the city plaster fell from the coiling of houses.
Chlnajwaro rattled in the closets , door bolls
began ringing , glasses chattered in a lively
tune upon the side hoards and clocks wcro not
to running down. In some instances
\\Ttnn rnosi HATED
upon the ifoor of their dwellings. Nervous
people were frightened to such an i that
many thought the destruction of the world
was at hand. Everywhere the populace be
came excited. livery house in the city was
affected more or less , their occupants tunning
Into the strcot thinking a terrible explosion
had Ukon place. A few momenta later three
fourths of the population were in the street.
Kvorywhoro men women and children congre
gated uiipn the sidewalks and discussed the
affair , this was more notlcablo in the thickly
populated district southward. Gradually the
Impression that
had occurred v.grow upon the citizens , and
each inquired of his neighbor if ho had felt the
shock. Many timid people wcro eo alarmed
that they hesitated to re-enter their houses
and did not do BO until assured by stronger
minded neighbors that a repetition of the re
markable event was unlikely. In a short
time after the occurrence , people flocked
from all parts of the city to Chestnut street
and there gathered around the different
newspaper nnd telegraph offices to arcertaia
the nowB. Shipping was likewise affected by
the shock. Largo ships loading petroleum in
the Schuylkill river snapped their hawsers
and were only prevented going ashore by tlia
united efforts of their crows.
in the lower section ot the city wore thrown
ngninst the wharves , and nome of the crow
pitched out of their bunks , Ilugnynvej
overflowed many wharves , and considerable
property wns floodad thereby. In several in-
Btances where persons were watching thi > t
river from the docks , they found themselves
suddenly overtaken by huge waves nnd soaked
deeply. Laden steamers lying in the Dela
ware trembled without apparent injury dur
ing the shock.
BOSTON , August 10. No loss than six dis
tinct shocks of carthquako were felt in this
icction this afternoon. Prof. Pickering , of
Harvard observatory says ho first noticed a
tremendous movement of the earth , followed
by the swaying of buildings and the creaking
a ! timber. Tlio shock was first noticed about
2:07 : p. in , , continuing about ton seconds. The
shocks wcro plainly felt throughout the city.
That Mexican Knllway MUBH ]
MEXICO , August , 11 The twelve railroad
employees ( Americans ) , arrested nt Coleru
Saturday , were with the exception of throe ,
r leascd upon the payment of a small fine.
Tim three retained were ordered to Zacatecas
for trial , tbo federal authorities assuring fair
Killed by the Earthquake ,
PLAINFIKLD , N. J , , August 11. Mrs.
Charles Schaler , sick , was so affected by thu
carthquako Sunday that uho died in n few
S"8OOO. Given
Ifnlmn or an/Injurious cubstanccscan be found
In A YiilrnWR * Ponrl Unlf Inlf T/ Trr1ftiI lino.
. Dana Hays.
ton ; .M. Dclafontalno , of Chicago ; cud
Jloilc , Milwaukee. Never sold in mil * .
extern1 [ 1
fo 5e ) safer anb