Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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To the needs of the
nurlit , commercial
traveler * nd now ect
tier , Hosteller's Sta
m ach Hitters lipccu-
It nrongthcns the
digestive orffar , and
braori the physical
energies to unhealth
fnl Influencoa , lire-
, moves and prevent )
malarial fever , con-
' Mlpatlon , dyspepsia ,
htalthfully ktimu-
laics Ihe kidneys and
bladder and omlchos
as well M purifies the
blood. When eve
o o m o by fatlgu
, whether mental
physical , the weary
- * m m - and debilitated find
a reliable couroo ot renewed strength and comfort ,
Far > ale by all drugtfsta and dealers generally.
iVhat Ii moro dolldoui
ban to enjoy the cool
.hideol the tcranda ,
> nd pirtakoof natute'i
ojutlo * Thono using
Hldgo'i Food for their
denert will find no ills-
comfort Kldgo'i Fo-xl
4l > no Mango Is delio-
m and nourishing ;
and ooo advantage tt o
never without Ridge' *
'cod I ) , that the Is al-
, . . . . Sold by dnifrirUta or1
\raj prepared lor com ) ' j. w. / * - ! * - ' -
erywhere. j Many rjrocert also kfen It. In can , four
r4 i-86c , 050 , < 1.2J and 1 78 , WOOLIIICU & CO. ,
on label i
, ftiinljMt ! nrn < > * u nra
M.k , IMinkn , r.r twl Aru. ! til
rtM Af 4r li"rrtk d.IHo i tvr
to ( lw * f cl Mil U fcll tummcr ijrinli Try It. *
nk jBur rt
ll.o. . Kn
j. w.
w.ei if. JT.
Belgian Boynl and U.S. Mull Htoamora
TheShine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France
Steerage Outward , $20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , fig ;
Siounlon , 119 , including bedding , etc , 2 < 1 Cabin , | 60 ;
Round Trip , $90.00 ; ( excursion , 9100 ; Saloon from g 0
to 30 ; Excursion 110 to 8150.
CTPeUr Wright & Sons , Gen , Agents. 65 Broad-
roaldnrell Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Qlod
man b Co. , 203 N. 10th Street , Omaha ; D. E. Kim
all , OmahaAironU. p ool-lv
ra Summer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , SOO miles west
of St. Paul Tnroe trains dally ou the N. P. It. R. ,
with SO Day Excursion. Tickets at about one-half
rates. ;
An elegant bouse with accommodations ( or ZOO
guests. R. R. COLBURN. Proprietor.
gniKKD FOB cmcnLAnaaivma FULL rAStiouLiEa.
Taken no other
„ It aKrOen with
write * a moth- ;
cr. llundreduof
plain , M well 08 tlinw Irom repnlablo physician *
iioELtoK'a ! ! ! hBwnolBUPtwitlfyto the worth n (
llequiree no cooking. Jlcyt food in health or sick-
ue"ft.and.76ctH. . Itjrall dn Hook sent free.
oarooelpt ffriool
Kotlco to Contractor * ( and Bnildors.
Boiled proposals will bo rooelred up to August 11 ,
at 12 o'clock m. , for building and completing ready
( or occupancy , a brickschool house , aboro too foun
dation , in Sprlngdeld , Sarpy county , tfebraika , ao-
ooriltog to plans and spodflaatlons of Cloves Bros. ,
arc ) Itects , crnaha , Neb. The brick and cut ttone
will bo furnished on the ground by the building com *
mltUo All other material to bo furnished by con
tractor. Plans and specification ! can bo seen at J.
D. Spearman's store , InBprlngfleld , Neb. , orat Cleros
lros , Omaha , llulldlng to bo completed on or before
the 1Mb day ol November , 1834. The committee ro-
aonetho right to reject any or all bids.
Addrost Uulldlng committee , Springfield , Neb ,
Jly W-mie lot
Science ot Life , Only $1.00
Kihamtod VitalityNervoni and Phyalwl Dobllltv ,
fit nature Desllne In Man. Eirors of Youth , aa the
tueold miseries osultlng from Indiscretions or ui- E
0flj * A.l03fc ? l ° .r every man , youn ? , uilddlo-aged ,
uoiold. It contains 125 prooorlptlons ( or all acute
aui ohronlo diseases each ono of which U Invaluable
B3 found by the Author , whouo exporlcnoo for S3
yairs Is iuoa asprobably never before fell to the let [
of any physio an BOO pages , bound In beautlfn
FronoamnslUi moosjedcoversfullgllt.Bnarantwd
nibs a finer work n every sensj.-raconanUul , literary -
orary and proteenlonal.-thau any ether work sold In
this country for IJ.M , or the money will bo iound < d
fnM tinl.Un.f l'floeonly , 1.W by mall , p t.
paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Bond now. Odd
fc nX tfA 1"1
Tbo SclctiM of Life should be read br ths young
Instruction , and by the affllrtod ( or relief.
Tvul Dootal UL- London Lanoot.
Here U no member of society to whom The Bel
bnjj of LUo will not be tuetul , whether youth , pu-
eat , guardian , Instruotoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Address to * Peabody Uedloal Instltnto , or lr. W
n. Parker , No. 4 Bulflncb Street , BoUin Mass. , who
may DO consults ! on all diseases requli'ig skill and
expetltuc * . CaronioandobstlnatedUeu tbat have
batted th * skill of all other phys- r 11 oUoi
speoUltyi Uaab treated DUoons.nCUL
a full )
-tan Inquire - ' " - - - -
( allure. I-"IL----
About 1,000 bead , mostly ono anil two years old
steers. Will bo at Ogalalla about August 20th. ID-
< julro of uraddrosi
D. II. OU111E3.
) y f 0-mJte 1m Ogalalla , Neb
Wlllpurlfytho BLOOD.Toiro ,
Uta UVe LIVER niidKlpNEYS.
and ItEnruius TIIK liKATiTU
und VIOOtt of VODTJL Uj -
iicpstu. Wuntof Apjjellto , jn.
ulKCstlon. I.aik or bl
ii-r > erivtiTuiiuiiuivv ,
.Kiillren * Hi * julnd aim
'I A "W11ft Buir"r/iiglfoifco"uip"alnfj / }
bi 4 UI Eud jiotulfarto tlielr aox will
Bed InDK.lIABTKB'aillON TONIO BU ( > and
. Ulv suclearliealthy fouiplcxloii.
Jfro'iuiut atleiopls it cpunti.rfi'ltFuf ( only add
to tliopopubirttyoftliodrlKlnal. Do uot expert *
Millions of Dollars Gathered tyf a Thrif
ty Gentleman ,
Ills Cnrocr ft Puwnlirokcr and
How llo Bccuno King of A
Trnm Hallway Incl-
Ucntfl ofliluJMfo ,
N. Y. Journnl.
On Chatham Btrcet , just Bbovo the on-
trnnco to the bridge , can bo Boon an old
nndwonthor etainwl building , Ita iron
shutters , thickly coated with chut and
rust , have boon drawn down thcao many
years , and from the general appearance
of the atructuro ono is load to believe that
Ita original owuota have long alnco boon
dead and forgotten and that its present
hoira are content to lot It remain as si
lent as the tomb. That building , how
oror , has oa romontico a history aa any
in the city. In it , nearly half a contuary
ago , Mr. Henry Hart , then a poor ,
struggling pawnbroker , and now presi
dent of the Third Avonao railroad com
pany , made the first dollar of hla present
collosual fortune of $5,000,000. The
old Weather-beaten sign
is still upon the front of the building ,
but it la scarcely legible , and in a few
years must bo taken down in order to
shield passers-by from injury by its fall
' " 8-
Mr. Hart arrived in thu city from
London In 1835 , and hia worldly posses
sions when , fcioudlcsB and alone , he
stopped from the atoerago of that Amer
ican packet , can bo bolter imagined than
described. With all the thrift of his
race , combined with a pertinacious deter
mination to Buccood , and casting his
eyes about the then straggling town , ho
noticed that the elder Simpson had a
monopoly of the pawhbroking businoa.
Yonng Hart had scraped together n few
dollars in London and ho decided to open
in opposition shop to Simpson , For a
long time , however , it was an uphill
itrugglo. The Simpsons wore very pop
ular , genial and obliging , and not toq
grasping , while young Hart was un
known , and with a limited capital ho was
lot in in a position to grant the extend-
id accommodation that hia powerful rival
eras.As an instance of the popularity of the
Simpson establishment , old theatre-goers
recall to-day that antiquated "chestnut"
which every minstrel ohow from that day
to this haa inflicted upon its audience :
In a garden love ocono a strapping negro -
gro , wiih a mouth like the Mammoth
Ottvo , would gently murmur to his Dinah :
"Say , honey , my heart am broken. "
Dinah would smile most excruciatingly
at her ardent swain and sweetly say :
"Oh , Sambo , don't take it to Hart ;
take It to Simpson. "
Thia waa thought very funny at the
imo , and it probably was , but ono would
vish to have hia life insured before ho
lorpotratod such a joke nowadays.
This little incident , however , well il- (
ustratod the opinion in which the two ;
mwnbroklug shops wore held , and also [
orvo to show the odds with which Mr
lart contended. Ho , however , atrug-
led along , and it waa not long before the
eke which was originated to injure him ,
> ocamo directly beneficial to him. Ho waa
lublicly advertised by it and those in
iced of money accommodation soon
ipund their way to hla doora. From that
time , Mr. Hart advanced rapidly , and as
roar by year wont by bo accumulated on
mmenao fortune. Ho early appreciated
ho value of the Third Avenue railroad
roportyand at its inception , was among
bo largest subscribers of its stock. His
larly investment in this property led
lim to purchase much real estate along
ho road. The two ventures became so
mmonaoly profitable that ho abandoned
ho pawnbroking business , although ho
LOS never disposed of the property which
ras the scone of hla early struggles , and
von for several years after ita doora had
eon closed ho continued to reside , 03 of
Id , in the upper portion of it. >
In 1808 Mr. Hart became largely in
orostod in the Pacific Mail Steamship
ompany. Ho became ono of its largest
tookholdors , and has boon a powerful
iroctor In its management. Despite the
pa and downs the company has had and
ho vicissitudes through which it has
lassod Mr. Hart has never lost faith in
lu ultimate value of the property. At
ho recent election ho cast votes which
hewed him to bo the largest individual
tookholder in tno company.
During all thcao years Mr. Hart has
opt the word thrift constantly before
is eyes , and yet ho has boon personally
beral tud has given to many Now York
liarities irrespective of scot or donomi-
ation. Ho has , quito naturally , taken
deep and active interest in the schools ,
capitals mi' ! asylums directed by those
his faith.
Mr. Hart , although sixty-five years [
Id , as ho walks down Wall street does
it look a day moro than fifty , if that.
a is remarkably short in stature , but
ioka like a mtmaturo Palatal ! ' , and gives
10 kho impression that the pleasures of
iblo have not bean neglected in his pur-
lit of wealth. Ho wears a Venetian
card , which is anowwhito , haa laughing
res , a ruddy complexion and his dress is
milieus without ostentation. Ho still
stains a alight London accent.
Mr. Hart's mansion is at No. 730
ludiaon avouuo. It is a solid structure ,
ud its appointments' and surrounding
afloat the Unassuming manners of its
lastors. Meanwhile the old Chatham
troot shop still stands with its dust and
list , and thouch on the verge of dissolu-
ion , as probably many of its early pa- 1
rons were , it is , nevertheless , a monument
ment to the remarkable sagacity and do-
orminod industry.
A CARD. To All who tie suffering from eiron
ndludlscretlonsotjouth , nwoni weakness , early
leray , law ol inanhoort. oto. I will send a reoho that
ill cure you , FHEK OF CIIAUOK. TbU great rem-
dy was discovered by a ml-slonory In South Amerl-
* . Bond toll addreuaod envulupi to Hiv Joanrn T.
* . BUUoo D. Now York. dy e in fc not
Boino Advloe About Uaggiigc.
1'hlladalpola Ledger.
Aa to being beforehand in the matter
f nailing Iho Irunk or trunks to the 11
railway station , there is much to bo
iilncd tor ourselves and for others prao- '
ioing that virtue. Particularly ia this
ho ca o jaat now when auch batalllons of
runks ore moving by every train. Two
r three acoro of trunka galling to the
itation just at train lime means ono or t
ther of two things : cither the train must
je delayed to got them aboard or the
jai/gigo must bo left behind to take
loino following train. This latter ia the i
thing which uiually happona when the
baggage Is late.tfor no experienced rail
way ofllcial will , if ho can help it , take
tbo numerous rleka that follow the lato.
itrt IM nf a train , 4 dozen trunk * will >
not atop him , and should not , If the
train la delayed then it and all persons
apon it are under diwd vantages from the
itart and danger ia now and then the
inpwii on of such disadvantages. There-
fore have the trunka ready in good season -
son , BO aa to reach thcro say twenty or
fifteen minutes at the very least , before
the hour and the minute for the train to
Don't have trunka of the Noah's Ark
or dog-house style of dimension if you
can possibly avoid it , No person who
indulges In them aa any fair plea fur a
scold at the baggage-smashers. They are
simply unmanageable at times by a single
man , however atrong and doxtoroua ho
may bo. They will slip and come down
smash ; and at the very best they are
aovoro atrainsa on the much-abused and
not always justly abused men who have
to handle them. Independently of the
baggage-man , however , you have your
ywn personal interest in the matter of
having your trunks of the moro easily
handled kind. It la no trifle to have a
trunk full of holiday clothoa buratod open
and strewn about on the platform at a
railway station because of a fall brought
about by ita own size and weight ,
whether the fall waa caused by
the difficulty of handling it or by
actual carelessness. It is moro
likely to happen in the former than in
the latter , and it does so happen. Misa
Snnau Anthony lot a good example In
this matter. She had moro apparel to
carry on a long journey than would go in
ono trunk , nnloss it wan a very big ono ,
and so she got two. The baggage-man
on a western railroad proposd to charge
her extra for the second trunk. She re
plied that she had not as much Tf eight in
the two moderate-sized and easily han
dled trunka as was in any ono of the big ,
unwieldy ones standing about the plat
form , and she asked the baggage-master :
"Would yotfrathor have it in ono strain
ing load to lift than in two that anyone
could easily toss about1' ? ' "No , " ho said ,
"butldinn'tthinkofthat.1 , "Well , I
did.1' said Susan ; "it's a sayo to you. "
Those two trunks were then promptly
passed without any extra charge ; and it
is eafo to soy that they were much loss .
exposed to smash either by accident or
the "don't-caro-whother-tho-dog-houso
gota-smashod-or-uot" fooling with which
such a horse load is tackled by the over
taxed strength and skill and temper of
the baggage handler. The lost point to
bo remarked upon is that all baggage
should bo marked so as to distinguish it
from all other. Did anyone over hoar of
a trunk with the owner's name , and
town , cityor village upon it being sold
at auction \mong the unclaimed bag
gage which tho- railway companies
nave to auction off at intervals to got
rid of and to comply with the law ? Thia
M ono of the things which don't happen
or , if it does , it is amongst the rarest
of occurrences. The reason is that the
stray hunk has that upon ItwhicM points
out the owner and brings trulk and
nwnor together again oven tbjough it
may bo after many daya. And moro than
that , Iho name helps to arrest the trunk
an its wanderings and prevents it from
jotting very far astray. So mark your
baggage , even though it bo only a hand-
latchol , a shawl-strap bundle or a paper
parcel , if thorn's anything in it you don't
nrant to lose. j
"Mono ana la corpora sano. " "A sound SI
nlnd in a Jouml body' is tlio trade mark , of
Ulen's Brain Peed , and wa assure oar readers
lmt , if dissatisfied with eitber weakness of
Jrain or bodily powers , this remedy will per
nanontly strengthen both. § 1. At drug
bridegroom Otijccta to Support- al
lag His AVlfo'a Relations. ,
A thin little Irishman with a thin lit- bb
llo brogue and a downcast oxpreaslon b
walked jup to .Tastica O'Roily in the
fombs Policotoourt yesterday.
"Yon look Aa if tbo world was dealing sic
inkindly with you , my friend , " said sire <
Bis Honor. "What ia you troublio ? " re
"Troth on' faith Yer Honor in
, , , you are
ight , " replied the man , ono Bernard liw
) ' 2non Donahue , of No. 30 of Cherry lira
troot. ( < A month ago I wont to a pic- rare
lie. I waa introduced to a buxom
oung gorrul. I got struck on her , and ro
iroposed marriage. "
Did she accept ] " U !
"Yia , in leah toimo than it would take at
cat to drink a thimbleful of milki in fu
wo weeks wo wnr married and in our
wn house. Two daya afthor the weddin' tr ,
lUr mother druv up to the duro wld hur
brunk , and towld mo she wud sthop al
rid us. Pt
* Not honor aho bate lo :
very roight , yor ,
10 for comin * homo at tin o'clock. The ra
ixt day her daughter arrived and an- 2G
ounced her intention to reside wid us.
o can imagine mo foolin's , but I tried br '
ried to supplies thorn. Two days after brwi
lat I came homo from mo worruk , and wi
ho do you suppose was there ? Why , mo gr
ithor-ln-law. Oallin' mo wife Delia out ric
the I 'Luck hare dar rii
parlor says : a , *
u' , whinvl married yo , I didn't intlnd to at <
inrrv yor whole family. "
"What was the roaultl"
"What was the result ? " sorrowfully
iked Donphuo , as ho wiped a tear away. UK
It was this : Mo wife iliod o tin kettle mt
tor motho , mother-in-law broke a tweu- an
r-fivo cent broom on mo head , while mo
ithor-in-law tried the Sullivan game on
10 'knocking out , ' I think they call
"Bo brief , Donohuo , " said His Honor , 8nI
what do you want done ? " I
"I want justice and I want all parties
hat doesn't belong to the house to lave
I like mo wolf and want her to stay ,
nt mo father-in-law mother-in-law
- - , mo - -
id sister-in-law must go. oai
His honor thu in
advised hen-pecked bus-
md to go h < nuo and expel the disturbs - ior
s of hia peace , and to call in police as- me
stance If
"What causes the neat riuh at Bchrotor &
ocht'a Drug Store ! " The free distribution
samiilo bottloa of Dr. liosauko'a Cough and ROI
g Hyrup , the most popular remedy for 35
gliB , Colds , Couauinptlon and Bronchltla thi
on the tnarkot. Regular elto 50 conta and
00 doI
doAT I
"Working the Press " AT
ohnboth Sunday llorold. ilo '
"What tort of a season did you have ? " foi
akod tbo Old Oyster of the Little Straw- 24
erry. pr
"Pretty f lr , I thank you , sir , " polite. pa
f replied Iho strawberry. a
"Did you got many press notlcoa1 lei
"Oh , yes , iir ; any number of al
tiom. " foi
"Not as many aa ice-cream , though , Hi :
'hat fellow bags the whole press. Why , W (
u ia ao diegueting people with hla puffs tb
bat I don't auppoeo I'll ' bo able to got a an
inulo line in for my Sundaywchoal festi-
al Btewa next season without paying for th
, " crowled the Old Oyater. fei
"Yea. atr.I perfectly agrco with you , " zv
ospondod the Little Strawbcrrj"The fnmi
y anuin of them work Iho press ia nor- mi
> otly disgusting. There ia the little St (
Sroen Apple-- " BO' '
"Oh , don't nionllon him ! " cried the 28 1
ld Oyster. "Ho is top low. I uovor ar
aw a notice of him in a better role than arha
email boy's stomach ! " ofwi
Scrofula disooaoa manifest themselves
n the warm weather. Hoods Sarsapar-
Ha cloansea the blood and removea every
aint of scrofula. 81
Dints A.bont Thrlr Food , Care find
AD a reporter passed ono of these mot
ley collections of birds , fish and shells
a veritable sea-curiosity shop ho noticed
several email boys trying to abstract
something from two tin cans at the door.
As ho drew near the boys loft , but the
goldfish remained.
"Can you , " said he , entering the atoro
and addressing the proprietor , "aparo
the time togivo mo a liltlo information
about RoldDsh ? Where do they como
from ? "
"From the Sandwich Islands and from
China , " was the reply.
"Which are considered the finest ? "
"Well , there's not much choice. " an
swered the proprietor ; ' 'tho Chinese
goldfish , " pointing to ono tank , "besides
having the largest fan-tails are much big
ger than these wo are able to got from
the Sandwich Islands. Yon see how
small they aro. The natives oat the full *
grown fiah. "
"How do you got them up hero ? "
"In largo tin cans , and wo often lese
several hundred fish out every thousand ,
BO wo don't make a great deal on them
after nil , A can tips over in the night ,
and when UTe fact la discovered , why the
fish have been lying around out of water
for several hours and are either dead or
dying. "
FOOD ron THE nan.
"Ia there any danger of their starving
to death ? Do you feed them , or do they
catch flies for a living ? "
"Thoy must bo fed some and the wa
ter changed , aa wo do up bore every
} thor day if the can or globe ia small ,
inco a week for a tank. "
"What do yon food them on , cracker
: rumba ? "
"No , " replied the fish fancier , "for uu-
ess the water is changed every day the
lour will begin to ferment and make
.ho water sour. That the fiah can't
itand. There comes a special food for
horn , niado principally of rico and bnl ,
if conrao , you can't expect mo to glvo it
way , you know. But this ia what it
ooks like , " opening a box and display Ing
i pile of thin water-like shoots , whlto ;
.nd abqnt two inches equaro. "Soo
LOW they go for it , " crumbling a shoot
if it over the tank , and instantly every
ish waa at the surface greedily swallow-
ng every fragment within roach.
"Do they vor fight ? "
"Not a great deal , though sometimes
rhon a now fish is put into the tank the
thora sot upon him , lash him with their
n * , chase him around , bite him and fin-
Uy kill him. But there Is another thing
a regard to what goldfish oat. They are
ory fond of the fungus which forms on
ho sides of the tank and on the shells
nd atones in an aquarium. Ladies make
Croat mistake in always cleaning out
heir globes , polishing thorn until they
ro as clear as crystal. They do not give
bo fungus a chance to crow. "
ii ; Are ? " asked
goldfish long-lived was
"They depends upon several conditions .
uch as the care and the food they got ; 1
ut all favorable will live 1tl
being , they a tl
) ng time. There is a man opposite who tlb tla ,
aa had the same fish for seven years ; b
oops them in a small globe , too , and a ,
hey are as lively as when ho first got
liom. "
"A most unsatisfactory kind of pet , * I d
bould imagine , " said the reporter , who
ad boon watching the proprietor idly tl v
abbling ; hia hand in the water , unnoticed
y the tish. "Do you believe they can
b tamed ? "
The storaMjpor shook hia head. "Some ?
Oirn think , " said Tin , "that when they '
Lick a finger in the water , and the fish
omo up and nibble at it , it's a sign they htl hW
jcognizo their owner , but that's all bosh tl
i my'opinion. No matter how long thev
vo they're the same. I'll tell you though
hen they die off , and that's when it "Jri
"When itralui ? " repeated the puzzled itfc
"Yes , for after a heavy shower limo is
ied to settle the water in the reservoir i
id unless wo filter the water very care-
illy the lime in solution kills the fish , atU
"Gould the fish bo raised in this coun- '
y ? " was the next query. tl
"Yes ; why not ? There's a Chinaman tl
) eve hero who is breeding from several
lira , ono of which are each ton inchea tlU
ng and for which ho asks $30 a pair ;
thor moro , yon see , than our price of 03di
i and 50 cents apiece. "
"Has ho a complicated apparatus for
'coding purposes ?
"No ; merely a tank of water floored
ith stones , andin it considerable of such lil
ass as this , " pointing to a spiked va- drb
] ty of a fresh water grass in his aqua- ;
urn. "Tho spawn ia scattered on3 the
ones and among the grass. lie's mak-
g the thing pay , too. "
Durkoo's Salad Dressinsr Is composed of the tote >
sheet , _ purest and choicest condiments to
mey will buy. It surpasses any that can bo
ide at homo , Ia cheaper , eaves labor and all glpo <
xioty. po
W (
ltd to Bo ttio Finest Ono Kvor tic
Constructed In the United State * .
All that remains to complete the mag- frc
ficont hanging staircase in the south- hit
st corner pavilion of the now city hall CO ]
Philadelphia , which is said
by oxpor- cai
iced architects to bo the finest apoci- fo (
3ii of work of its kind in America , is w
D placing of a massive and ornate bal- it' '
trade of bronze , wilh ebon I zed cherry P.ri
nd-rail along Ita entire length and the we >
vlng of the ground floor. The hall In of
ilch the stairway rlaea ia a regular oota- till
n in shape , ita extreme diameter being
foot 0 inches , while ita height from
o ground floor to the canopy over theme
mo IB 116 feet.
The staircase la built entirely of Capo cm
in granite , and affords access to * Qvo
'ors. It h&a 150 steps and twenty plat-
rrus , tbo average aizo of the latter being
x2 feet. All the stops and platforms do tin
eject 7 feet from the wall without op- tini i
trunt and will bo defended
support , by cm
continuous bronze railing , the total I'r
ngth of which ia 410 foot. The octagon- isl
"well" Inclosed by the atairwoy la 21 sp < .
ot in diameter. While the walls are ue.
led with buff Ohio sandstone , the
unscotling , 5 feet in height , aa well aa
o under side of the stops and platforms ,
o of highly polished granite. he >
The distance from the basement to ati
0 first floor , reached by 30 steps , is 39 Bt
ot , OJ indies ; thence to the Ixit I-H.E- al
nine , 10 feet 10 } inches with Uatepa ; th
om the first mezzanine to the second pc >
ain floor 12 'foot 2 ] inches with 32 lai
ops from the second main floor to the II
cond mezzanine 15 feet , 0 inches with IK
steps. Between each story the stairs ro
o divided into four flghta , and aa ono It
ilf of the octagon traversed ia composed bl
luvol platforms , the other of stairs
Ith low risers , the journey up this great
airway is accompanied with little fa *
jue. . .
While Ibo total length of each atop iai Ai
feet and 0 Inches , ono foot and six' Ai
inches of ono end ia built aolldly in the
wall and Btrongly "koyod-np. " The
other Bovon foot projects into the stair
way , having a bearing of 1 | inches on
the whole stop below. The first three
stops of the stairs are cut from ono piece
stone , which rests on r very solid founda
tion , built up through the collar to ro-
celvo it. The octagonal form of the
stairway permits of tno greatest strength
and security being attained , aa the un
usual length of the platforms givea then
a bearing on three aides.
The top of the stairway ia gracefully
and skillfully wrought into a circle , and
the ceiling and canopy are of cast iron ,
richly pannolod and ornamented , the
canopy being ono of the moat unique
outings of the kind in America. It ia so
light and graceful that it ia scarcely pos
sible to conceive that it is composed of
such rigid material as iron. It ia stated
that the cost of the stairway complete
will bo $100.000. Similar stairways
will bo erected in each of the four earn
ers of the now City hall.
Hereford' * Acid Plioophnto
Drank With Boda Water
is delicious. All druggista have it. Ii
is refreshing and cooling. Try it often !
Days In Olden Time When the Inquiry
iv a Appropriate.
Boston Advertiser.
Thus far this season a stranger coming
to Boston and being told that owing to
the change * n standard time it was Octo
ber hero , won d find little in the temperature -
aturo to uuueuoivo him. In the midst of
such coolness it is instructive to recall
the frightful heat of past years. In 027
A. D. , according to a French periodical ,
the heat waa so great in Franco and Ger
many that all springs dried up ; water became
came ao scarce that the people died of
thlrat. In 879 work in the fields had to bo
3'ivon np ; agricultural laborers persisting
in their work were struck down in a few
ninntos , so powerful was the sun.
[ n 993 , the sun's rays were 'BO
iorco that vegetables burned up aa under
ho action of fire. In 1000 rivers ran
Iry under the protracted heat ; the fish
loft dry in heaps and putrified in a
ow hoars. The stench that ensued pro.
lucod the plaguo. .Men and animals
ronturing in the sun , In the summer of
1032 , fell down dying , the throat parched
iO a tinder and the blood rushing to the \
iraln. In 1152 , not only did the rivers
Iry up , but the ground cracked on every
ido and became baked to the hardness of
tone. The Rhino In Alsace nearly dried
ip. Italy was visited with terrific heat
n 1139 , and vegetation and plants were
turned up. During the battle of Bela in
200 there were moro victims made by
ho sun than by weapons ; men fell down
unstruck in regular rows. The summer
if 1207 was also BO vote ; there was an ab-
elute dearth of forago. In 1303 and
.304 the Rhino , Loire and Seine
an dry. In 1015 the heat
hroughout Europe became oxces-
ive. Scotland suffered particularly in
.025 ; men and beasts died in scores.
? ho heat in several departments during
ho summer of 1805 waa equal to that in .
glass furnace. Meat could bo cooked
ly merely exposing it to the sun. Not
soul dare venture out between iioon
nd 4 p. m. In 1817 many shops had to
lose ; the theatres never opened. their
bars for several months. Not a dop of
rater fell during six months. In 1753
ho thermometer rose to 118 degrees. la
.779 the heat at Bologna was BO great
hat a great number of people were
tiflod. There was not sufficient air for i
ho breath , and people had to take rof-
ige under ground. In July , 1793 , the
teat became intolerable. Vegetables
rere burned up , and fruit dried upon the
roes. The furniture and woodwork
i dwelling-houses cracked and
pllt up ; meat went bad In an hour. The
Ivors ran dry in several provinces dur-
ig 1811 ; expedients had to be devised On
) r the grinding of corn. In 1822 a pro- trl ne
racted heat was accompanied by storms eu
nd earthquakes ; during the drouth lo-
Ions of mice overran Lorraine and Alice ' 1
ice , committing incalculable damage. In Uu
B32 , the heat brought about cholera in
'ranee ; 20,000 persons fell victims to
10 visitation in Paris alone. In 1840
10 thermometer marked 125 dogreoa in a I
10 Bun. Finally , the summers of 1859 , Ctv (
300 , SCO , 1870 , 1874 , etc. , although
cceasively hot , were not attended by any
_ _
No well regulated household should bo with
it a bottle of AnROHtura Bitters , the
orld renowned appetizer and invigorator ,
oware of counterfeit * . ASK your grocer or
rugeistfor the gonulnu article , manufactured
y J. G. B. Siotrort & Sons.
A Great Fact Thought Out.
jath" in Philadelphia Tunes.
I notice eye-glasses seem indespenaiblo
every young person in the eastern
iwns , while I have never soon an oyo-
ass , I think , in the west on any young
trson. How is it to bo accounted for ? :
cannot bo a great study , because the
oatorn men road their newspapers all
.rough in little typo and ought to have
eyes at all. It cannot bo the muta-
DUB of the weather , for the average
astern man ia always full of either chilla Th
quinine , and ho ia up in the morning
ring to find his cattle in the fog and 20
jquonlly is drunk at night trying to find
9 wny home. I have about como to the
nclusion that the young man from the
st woais an eye-glass because ho ia a no
al. It seems that the latest agony is to
jar only ouo aye-glass and look through BUI
with both eyes ; this is supposed to give
oclsion to the mind. By tno time 4tho 109 i
st gets properly civilized a largo part
the east will have become barbarous
rough its affectations.
Ammonia la obtained In largo quantities by DII
n putrefaction of the urine of animals. An- DIIT
clopttHa Jlritonnita , T
livery liouicko i > er can test baking powders Iroi
ntaiulng this disgusting drug by placing a . . . .
n of the "Ilo/al" or "Andrews' Peail" top and 1
wn on a hot steve until heated , then remove day
e cover and smull. bou
Dr. I'rioeVi Cream Baking Powder does not bouII IIII
ntaia Ammonia , Alum , 1 line , Potash , Bone II
lospbatea , ( prove it by the above test ) . It Col
bropared by a Phyatciau and Chemist with Agl
ocliu regard to cleanliness and healthful- Oei
8. m-o-w-2in go '
The Alcohol QucBtlon.
Why do doctors ever prescribe alco-
lie stimulants ? They ay there la goI
rongth In them. This la all a mistake ,
jch thing * may bolster patient * up for I
litllo while , bnt leave them worse when
10 temporary stimulus aubaides. If
oplo keep on taking alcoholic atlmu-
ntB it means drunkoonfu and ruin ,
emembor that Brown's Iron Bitters is Tl
Dt an alcoholic drink. It ia the only
ilUblo preparation of iron ever made. TH :
builds up the system , enriches the
lood and invigorates the stomach.
Throat and Lung Diseases
specialty , Send two letter stamps for
largo treatbo giving self-treatments 2
ddrcsa World's Diapensaay Modlcne
aaociaton , Buffalo , N. Y . * m and the
This medicine , combining Iron with pure )
tonic * , quickly and completely
Cure * IlTDpepalit , Inillgmllon , U'rnUnn * ,
Impure IUondiUnIiU-ln , Chilli and Fever * ,
unit Nrurulpln.
It Is an unrolling remedy for Diseases of the
Kldneyt and I.lrer.
It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women , and all vrho lead f cdcntary lives.
It docs not Injure the teeth , cnuFohcaclache.or
produce constipation other Iron mcdtcinndo.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , nlds the nwtmllatlon of food , ro-
llovci Heartburn and Ilclchlng , end strength-
cni the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy , Ac. , it has no equal. .
OTt- The Rcnulno has above trade mnrk and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
id 0.17 t.y . neons CMKaicit ro. , PAI.TIIIOB * , to ,
( Faculty 1'rlio , Medical College of Ohio.
And other Diseases of the Anus and Hoctum.
Boyd's ' Opera HODSG ,
eve cd and wtl
Brlunger , Bavaria
[ Eulmbacher , Bavann
Pilsner Bohemian.
Kaiser . * Bremen.
Budvreisor St , Louis
inhauser. . . . .St. Louis.
3eat8. _ . . . _ „ Mil'vauk
5chlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee ,
Iruc'a Omaha ,
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
CVrne. , ED. MAUKER ,
The scholastic j car commences on the
First Weflnesflay in September ,
be course ot Instruction embraces all tbo Eiomen
.ryand higher branches of a finished education
iflerenoo of llellirlon la no obstacle to the admls
on of younc ladles. Pupils are received at an
mo of the year ,
icludlng Board , Washing , Tuition In English aud
rcncn , use ot books. Piano , per session of
'ive ' Months 150.00
, - - § .
EXTRA CHARGES Drawing , Painting , Germa
arp , Violin , GulUr and Vovalafuslc.
References are required from all persons unknown
the institution. For fusther information apply
. Will euro Kerrouinem ,
LumbagoItncumaUim , I' r
alyils , Neuralgia , Sciatica
Kidney , Spine an-1 UTCI
cJlfcae > , Ooitt.A8tliumlear
uieeae ( Dyspepsia , CongM
Patlon , Lrrifpclai , CatarrB
lie * . Eplfepiv , Imnotency
unb Afniti. I'rnlapBiis Uteri , etc. Only sclentiflc hlov
j licit In America that sends the Electricity and mag-
ttim through the body , andcanberecharvredlnanln-
kBt by the patient.
81.000 Would NotBuv It.
Da. HOJUTB I was afflicted with rheumatism and
red by using a belt. To any one afflicted with
at disease , I would eay , buy Home's Electrlo Bell ,
Any ono can confer with me by writing calling
| my store , H20 Douglas street. Omaha , Neb.
MAIN OFFICE 1422 Douglas Street ,
C3" For sale a to. r. Goodman's Drag Store1 1110
mam Bt , Omaha.
Orders filled O. O D
fasMeal Institute
S Chartered by theStatcoflll' .
? nois for thecxpresapurpono
'ofclvtncimmediatc relietln
all chronic , urinary and private -
* vate dlsecscs. Gonorrhoea ,
J Gleet nndSyphilis in all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly rellevedand
permanentlycurcd by remc-
. dieste8tedinal'orrear /
j ts&t > l > rclall'raFHee. Seminal
iRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
: FaceLost Manhood , Jiuiltlvtlucured Thert
iiufj-i'erhnrniimi. Ths oppropriate >
It once used In each case. Consultations , per-
nal or by letter , sjcredly confidential. Med-
nei sent bv Mall and Express. No marks on
cxace to indicate contents or sender. Addresa
UAMCS.No. ZUtWajhlngton SiMC
10 Loading Agricultural and Live Stocli
Journal of tbe West.
H. S. SMITH & CO. ,
IK KODT. W. FUIINAS , Secretary Btato Board
of Agriculture , Associate Kdltor ,
BSCH1PTION PRICE , (1,00 per year In advance ,
aud 103 k litb Street. - - OMAHA , NEB
y 22 m&o tf
lie steamshlpa of thli well-known line are built ota
ID and are furnish-
a , water-tight compartments ,
wltn every requisite to make the passage both
9 and agreeable. Tber carry the United Slates
European malls , and leave New Yorks Thurs-
n and Saturdays ( or Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
irir , ( I'AlllS ) aod QAUBUMO.
lates : First Cabin , $ i6 , (06 and 176. Steerage , 920
lenryPundt , Mark Ilanven , F .K. MonresM. Toft ,
mtsln Omaha , QronewiezJiSchoentgen , agents In
incil Bluffs. O. DUI01IARO : * CO , , Oen. Pass
ts. , 81 Broadway , N. Y. Cbas. Koimlnskl & Co-
oeral Western A nts , 107 Washington St. , Cbloa
10 Steck is a Durable Piano ,
< I
4 IT
if"I I
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the film
Mr Edwin Davis.who
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' have desi
rable property for V
saleto place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South 14th