Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1884, Image 1

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The LoDg-ThreateiiGu Filthy Story Aliont
Elaine Finally Made Pnblic ,
Of How - Yoara
, Thirty-Five Ago
Ho Was aBoldBadKontnokian.
And Of the Scandal Ho Oausod
That Disrupted a Seminary.
Marie Halpin , Cleveland's Boto-
noir , Mysterioualy Disappearsi
John Kelly Said to Intend a Nom
inal Support of the Ticket
Smith " \VoeO , Dan Manning , ami Tilt -
t tlcn Industriously Sand-Paper-
Inn Cleveland's licttcr.
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
CHICAGO , August 10. The long-promised
story about Blalno's alleged poccadtlloes with
n woman whoa ho was a school teacher In the
Blue-grass region of Kentucky bos at last
been ( ? ivon publicity. The Times , of this
city , tbis morning puhli hod two columns
about the matter under date of Millcrsbuiy ,
Bourbon county , Ky. Omitting unnecessary
descriptive verbiages , the story is aa follows :
In 1850 and 1851 , or nearly th'rty-fivo years
ago , ono Colonel Thornton F. Johnson had
jwo schoola near Mjllursbur , ono called
Western Military Institute for boys , the
that Blaiuo , then a young man , was employed
as a teacher in the boys' schoo1 , was called
MajorBlaino , and wore a stunning military
uniform with nodding plumes ( the correspond
ent suggests ho might have secured thotitlo of
the Plumed Knight from this Tact ) ; that in
the mala department was n pretty and petite
teacher , to whom Blaine paid assiduous court ,
Blinding most of his time 'between Friday
oveninffand Jforrdsy morning in her com- '
' pany ; that after a ttmu'vhispers began to go
. f t around ijbat thorp weVo Visible feigns of the re- ,
, suite of all thin billing. 'and cooing ; that it be
. etymosnopen .Fi'arettaAi'ths young/woman
' - nu's. in an interesting condition ; that
fbJlt'Bluino left , > Vr > t ° ic.tuni and tfiat not fcer , the yoilre ? XVUtoJ/tu / nlso Jctt , and has-l
\ pot been heard of since , t / > TJiUUa oll.r" ' 1
v nainu'jo'f the young wonrtinns not gHeii1.
number of alleged affidavits -ora nnbUthodinJ
v whch ! < every name eiceptrthit'Jf' ' Blaini'ls I
carefully given , oven to that. of ' ; thb nllege'd-j
notary before whom th ? alleged affidavit .pro-
fosses to have bean made. Altogether , ' the
x accusation os made is very 'weak. It his been
known for sorao timo.that proof flips of this
otory were iu the pos ossioh of a number , of
leading democintic parjcts for publication.
_ . In Now York , a few days ago , Henry Wot-
of the Courier-Journal Raid It had
vci > been offered Ills. " paper but that his men had
[ ijf 5 In wtJgiOd * tho. "itory" > nd' Ox"plode3ittasd
that , so far a ho and his paper were concerned
it would find no countenance.
Special Dispatch to Tm : BEK.
NKW YOIIK , August 10. Ever since the
publication of the story about the illicit re
lations between Governor Cleveland and
Maria Halpin , the woman has been an object
of unusual interest , both to democrats and re
publicans , the former hoping to secure a state
ment from her refuting the story , the latter
hoping to prevent any such action. For the
last five- years filio has been living with im
adopted father , J. A. Seacord , at New Rochelle -
chelle , We tche ter county. That town has
since been full of detectives , politicians and
lawyers of both p irties. La t Thursday the
woman disappojicd , and both parties claim to
have her in hand aad know her whereabouts ,
and both claim to have a statement from her
to bo used at the proper time necessary. A
statement of her "abduction" or voluntary
removal from both points of view as published
hero this morninv i > re herewith given.
Thursday Mr * . Halpin , attired in tliu work
ing drees of un old woman , wpnt by a Deluded
route to another house , where she dressed her-
nelf in Incoming garb , partook of supper , and ,
heavily \cilecl , wullced to the depot , just In
time to catch the train for New York. A de
tective guard , Tinder the leadership of Officer
Kane , wax at the depot and saw the lady pans
down the steps and enter a car unmolest
ed , and in fact unnoticed by any of the repub
lican "emergency men. " Immediately behind
her three or four gentlemen who had been
waiting MI the platfnun , entered tlio same
car and quietly took seats. They passed the
time in com creation' on casual subjects until
the train arrived at the Grand Central depot.
Hero Mrs Hnlpiu entered a coach in waiting ,
and two of the gentlemen stepped in after her.
coach rattled away along Forty-second
rjThe towards the west side , and was noon
lost to sight.
Widow Halpin lias arrived in New York.
Shei has been suptnred by an agent of the state
republican committee hero , Tim democratic
national committu thought they had bur under
control , but they were not vigilant enough ,
and HO she hai , escaped them. She arrived
hero last evening , and is now in a secure place.
It irf not proponed to use the widow's evidence
in any way unless Governor Cleveland at
tempts to deny the charges. Mr * . Halpin
has made a complete statement of the whole
story. You may bo certain the promised de
fense of Cleveland will never l > o mode. Its
appearance alone depends upon the silencing
of widow Halpin. _ ,
Speer-al Dispatch to THE Bin.
WyuoitK , Neb. , August 8. The Gage coun
ty convention to nominate delegates to thn
lopublican judicial , congresiional and state
convention ! was held to-day , and of all the
villainous frauds we have FOMI it "takes the
cakn. " The "job" was "nut nji" by Habin and
his crowd , and it Dawes delegation to the sluts
convention , n Weaver delegation to the ron-
Rruisional und a rjabin delegation to the judic
ial district convention the result The
convention wns tumultnous throughout. Col
onel Colby and many uthera essayed to speak
but wore refused a hearing.J.
uutn LAnnui'Ki ) AT MINDKN ,
Special Dispatch to TIIK BEE.
MlNDKN , Nflb , Auguit 0. A stuare fight
was made to-day at tlm primaries between
Luird and Ga. < lin. Gailln Boooptd Liir < l
from two to one In the largest vote everpoiled ,
If tliio ia an indication. th > i eight judicial dis
trict is solid , and Ciudin will bo nominated on
tlio drat ballot on the twentieth of Augtut at
Hooting * , '
TIIK covEii.von's imoniKR HEATHS AT CHUTE.
Special Di patch to THE DEE.
CBKTE , Neb. , Auirust'J. At the republican
primaries the ticktt headed by the governor' *
brother by defeated by 3 # votw , t21 votei
being cast. Governor Dawes , Judge Morrlr ,
and F. < T. FH Inad a forlorn hope. Bowism
is played out in Crete
Special Dispatch to TIIK BEK.
HAUATOQA , August 10. The following Is
given by ono who protossos to know what lui
1st ilking about : Kelly has certainly in no
witechauged his estimate of Cleveland lnco
the latte-i'a nomination. Ho feels that a man
has been nominated who docs not represent
true democratic principles and cannot bo
elected. Still Kelly , as a good democrat , does
not feel inclined to bolt his party nomination ,
although ho * fully realizes the ignominious
treatment which ho has received from the
hands of the o who should bo his Party as
sociates. Ho recognizes Butler to be a man
who is going to pla ? the most prominent patt
in shaping the result of the election , and he
will receive a vote which will astonish both
the country and Butler himself for Jin im
mensity. llegording Tammany's position ho
considers it will give a formal acKnowledgment
that the regular democratic nominees nre
Cleveland anil Hnndrlcks. Aside from Icei-p-
ing Its record clear of not bolting , Tammany
will do nothing for the ticket. Its members
will cast their votes Individually In whatever
manner they BOO fit. and that an overwhelming
majority will vote for Butler is unquestioned ,
v '
- n General Butler laan
BOSTON , Auguot 9.
interview , says : "I see they ( the democratic
leaders ) complain that I have deserted the
democratic party. There is no uay of satis
fying them. The last tlmo they complained
it was that I had captured the doiuocratb or
ganization. Bo it sofor then I have a gieat
doH of gratitude to the people of Massachu
setts , but none to any domocratio organiza
tion , state or national. In no campaign did I
over receive nid from the democratic national
organization , nor did any national democrat
from out ido _ over come here or say a word in
my favor or in f vor of the democratic party
while I was the unanimous nominee. When <
ever I have any use for the organization of
of Massachusetts democracy , Iill got It. "
Special Dispatch to the UEK.
NKW YOHK , August 10. It is now understood -
stood that Cleveland's letter of acceptance , as
prepared by Dan Manning * and Smith M ,
Weed , is now In the ) hands of Samuel J. Til
'den , who is carefully running through the
manuscript very freely , using a blue editorial
pencil. Tilden may himself rewrite Bomo of
the paragraphs. Cleveland it was thought ,
could nut bd trusted with the writing of the
letter , and so has gone away for a long vn6ugh
tiaio to give Tilden a chance to have at least a
fortnight of rumination over thin Important
Qedgt. JJapids Special Correspondence.
' 'jtligs bee'n said' that 'the Germans left the
republican- party in Iowa at the time of the
"Jrrohlbitory amendment , and that they have
voted the democratic ticlrot over since. If
that bo true , then they have polled the largest
vote for democracy possible to obtain without
securing republican votes , and that in Iowa is
one of the impossibilities ; 'and it has been
made the more impossible because of the
action of the prohibitionists of Iowa in declar
ing stronger allegiance than over to the re
publican puty. The groenbackors ore about
through fusing with the democracy. They"c [
have learned that fusion means snubs to
them , and if there bo success at all , it is euro
to fall to the democrats. More of them will
vote the republican than the democratic or
their own. They are scattering , being adly
disorganized , without a leader and without
hope. The republican party , on the other
hand , is stronger than for some time
in the past. The force is rapidly
uniting from the various factions that luvo
existed since the prohibitory question
as been so prominent in the state , and in a
addition to the lar o majority that would sure
ly fall to the republicans in November , will
be the additional majority of 2\000 of Irish
men who are open and enthusiastic In their
revolt against the democratic platform and
Cleveland. Every day bringa new evidence
of this fact. The democrats throughout the
state are very much disheartened because of
ths revolt of the Irish , and are laying much
stress upon the fact that a good many Ger
mans now vote the democratic ticket , but they
seem to forget that many of them have voted
it for a couple of years , and they have been
Included in the democratic vote , oven above
which the republicans have had euch large
State and congressional matters are now
quite prominently before the people ; and the
next three weeks will see the nominations all
m.iJo on all the tickets , and the campaign will
open red-hot abuut September 1. McCoid
will probably bo returned to congress from the
Firbt district , and in the Second , Jerry Mur-
may defeat any republican put up , as he
o\er 3,0.0 plurality the htst time ho ran ; ' 1
though if a good , strong republican shall be
nominated he may possibly pull through. Col.
Henderson , the present incumbent from the It
Third district , been renominated by accla
mation and will bo elected. In the Fourth be
district there are several gentlemen talked of ,
anion the mott prominent being ex-Congress-
man N. C. Deonag and Tom UpdegraffV who
was defeated by "Calamity" Weller the last
time , through the inactivity of the republl- in
caus of tlut district. Whoever may bo the in
nominee there this year on the republican
ticket will bo elected. In the Fifth district a
sharp contest bet * oen "Tauia" Jim Wllvon ,
thu present member , and Milo 1 * . Smith ,
tbis city , resulted In the nomination
thu Utter. In the Sixth district
Lieutenant Governor Frank Campbell will
no doubt lay out Weaver. In the
Seventh district , Major Conger , the present
ent BtalotreaHiirer , will , It In generally beliuv-
od , take Ka < son's place ; while Hepburn Is re-
nominated in the Klghtli district , and will bo
elected. Lieut.-Gov. Manning or John Y.
Stone will l > o beat from the Ninth district to
relto > e democratic Piisey , Holmes , the pre
sent incumbent , will lie returned from the
Tenth , and Strublo from the Eleventh. Iowa
will probably send a full delegation to con-
gresu with one , and posnibly two , exceptions ,
for there la a show of ita being solidly ICepub-
lican ,
ore eetting warm. Chief JuBtice Ilothrock ,
of this city , will probably be nominal d. He
has not hud thn ollico a full term yet. and the
nomination of Judge Noursu would be ac-
ceiitul by the anti-prchlhitlonisti as the car-
nHK ! out of thulr to inaka a lupremo
court that would "hold water" according to
their Ideas ; and if Hothrock should l i defeat
in the republican contention the democrats I
would probably nominate him , and a ffreat
many republicans would vole for him. There
ore several can Jidites li'isecretary of stale and
two or three 1mvo lately withdrawn , leaving
among the o uuwt prominently mentioned ,
Capt. Harry Green of Bremer o mnty , Llow
> n of J'olk c unity. Jtu'Sftll of 1'ape. and
Jackson of Butlor. Mr , Twombly of Keo *
eauqua will probably bo nominited' for nUtu
t'wisurer. Fur
attorney-general them are
suver-il candidate ? , Mining the more promi
nent being the piocnt incumbent. Smith Mo-
Therson. Honntor utt ii of Mar hall county ,
and G , 8 , Itoblnson , of Htorin Lake , Buena
Vista county. Thfl otato conven-
vwl' n , whi'h meets at 1) H Molnen ,
August 20 , will bo a lively ono , and very h
lagely attended. There being so many candi *
dates for the various position' , it will nodouU
red-hot ; mi it will bo a very Important
convention , considering thn present situation
and the tigitatlou of various questions that
hit been golog on in the etafa during the
pait tire or three yearn ,
The llrport of tlio Dopnrtmont of
WASHINOTON , Auguit 9. The depwtmcnt
of agriculture reirorU that the average condi
lion of tha growing cotton In the United
States hat been advanced from 8G per cent , In
July to a little above 8 ? IH.T cent ,
The condition of corn averages the same M
in the July report , and li higher than in nuy
August since 1880. It has been exceeded but
three times In ten years In 18if > , 187l ! and
1880 , when it wns Oil | Mr ! cent. InrachluKtnnco.
Thotu has been an improvement ia Iowa , Alii-
eoiiii , Kansas , Nebraska , ( Hwrgia , Alabama ,
Kentucky , > ow Jcraoy and the Pacltlo coa t.
A plight decline in the condition is ro ] > orted
in Ohio , Indinim , Illinois and in sums southern
orn states. Drought has prevailed in piirtloiH
of the Ohio valley and in Texas withewnsider-
able severity , reducing the < condition of ei rn
0 points , The average's nf principal stated art' :
Ne-vYork . .Ml" 1)1) ) )
Maryland 94 Pennsylvania. . . . . . ( ! 0
North Carolina. . . . 117 Ohin..V. . . ; . . . . 81
South Carolina. . , , 9-1 Indiana it )
Georgia 97 Illinois 02
Alabama J 99 103
Mississippi ) j Mitsouri 102
Louisiana . . . 78 . . . ; 101
Texas 83 Nebraska 103
Arkansas 9l [
Thu repoit for who it includes only the
spring wheat region. The aerogo ia 93 , ono
point hlpher th.m in the ten lost good spring
wheat years , and higher than ia any year since
1877.The average for tlio condition of oats Is 94 ,
one point lower than In 1883. The crop has
beeu harvested in tlm lover latitude ! ! , and
promises n Hue yield in thu mott northern
states ,
The condition of rye averages 07 , the same
as last month.
Barley also maintains its high condition
and buckwheat promises n full crop' , iu area
about the snmo as lost year.
Tobacco promises n large crop.
The prospect is favorable for another largo
crop of potatoes , but not so full us lout year in
area , being three per cent , smaller. The
present indication - - ' ' - * l
ten per cent. lesi.
larger difference If future conditions should bo „
less favorable.
Ilia 'Montana ' Cow-Boys Continue
Their Horrible- Bunt Altar Horse-
HKLKKA , M. T. , August 9. Meagre partic
ulars have been received of another slaughter
of horse-thieves in the Muscle Shell region ,
ICO milcH northeast of hero , last week , by cow
boys. While in pursuit of stolen horses a log
lumso ' was discovered in the timber on the
mountain side. _ It was secrectly watched a
day or two , during which time so\cral small
parties of men came and went , some by day
and others by night , having in their postess-
ion horses evidently stolen. It becoming
o\ident that it was a horsa-thief rendezvous ,
the cow-boys congrejated , and on last Mon
day night crawled up clote to the house and
attack d fourteen horse-thieves , who were
about the promises at the time. Nine were
killed and five escaped. Tim cabin was seton
on fire and burntd. No particulars have yet
been received of the fight of Grnavilln Stuait's
cow-boys with a band of thieves at the mouth
of the aluscle Uholl , though the fight must
have occurred several days ago. The locality
Is over 203 miles from Helena , with no tele
graph communication. Never was there a
period In the history of this or any othar ter
ritory wLen so much horro-thlotlnff wa
on. The citizens are determined to effectual
ly stop It , Fully fifty thieves were hanpcd or
shot in the past month.
Foreign Fro menta.
Several deserters who were captured have
been flogged in the presence of troops at Wady
A plot to escape has just been discovered
among the prisoners at the prison in the
Boulevard Chaveo , Marseilles. Twenty-five
men securred crowbars and files , and arranged
plan to kill the wardens and break out. One ,
however , informed the authorities , and the
rott were put in irons. The plot Is eaid to
have originated in thu prisoners , fear of the
iV Foochow dispatch to the London Times I | _
say : Franco refuses to submit a , settlement | in
of'tho Franco-Chinosodifficulticsto mediation
Advices fron Pekin , dated August 8th , btatu
tint Tsung Li Yamen hat gained confidence i
and will dinregard the chrome mcnaca of the [
Franco lloet , French picatige can only bo re
covered by Norlous operation * .
A convention of the burgomasters and coun
cillor * , of all the connnuncrs of the country nx-
scmbled in the touii hall at Brussells on Sat
urday , Tlio room was crowded and cnUmeiani
was manifested. The Burgomaster of Antwerp
read a compromis des eummunes , which all
delegates will sign , stating their objections to
the ministerial education bill. All present
took an oath of arilioion to this document.
A group of Parliaii capitalists , headed by .
Freycinet , will join uith the Jlnsslaii eonceH-
sionalre.s in com tructlng a railway fiom thu
Caspain sett to Uiissoirli , on the Persian gulf. At
he czar and the shah of Portia will support
the hcliemo. The nephew nf the Kungian min
ister of finance Is one of thu cnncoeHlonulres.
Is intended by this means to create a through of
route between England and Indi , which , can
paused over in a fortnight. It Is expcctcxl it
that thu work will bo completed iu three
It is stated semi-ofiicially that the negotia
tion * between Patenotro , the French minister
China , and Li Hung Clung , only resulted
an offer on the part of China of an Illusory
indemnity , The time tfiven China to accept
the French ultimatum expired August * .
Franco Is obliged to nunx | > rt her demands by |
seizing the guarantee. Admiral Li-apex , if
therefore , on August 5 , occupied the port of ing
Kulung and the coal mines in that vicinity.
Fatenotro ban Informed LI Hung Chang that
the duration of the French occupation depends
entirely upon the action of China , which can OH
khortun it by paying an indemnity of eighty
million francs In ten yearly InHtallments ,
Hood's Sarsapar/7/a ed
Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , the
best Wood-purifying and atrengthciilng reme
dies of the vegetable kingdom , You will find
this wonderful remedy effective where other
medicines have failed. Try It now. H will
purify your blood , rrgulato tlio digestion ,
and give new life and vigor to tlio entire body ,
"Hood'H Sarsaparlllu did mo great good ,
I was tired out from overwork , and It toned 111wi
me up. " MIIH. (1. 1' . HIMMONH , Cohacs , K. Y , with
"I suffered three years from blood poison , thbn
took Hood'H Harsaiarllla and
think I am pe
cured. " lilts. 21. J , DAVIB , llruckport , K. Y , el
2 > urtjlea the Blood fiiTl
Hood's Bartaparllla Is characterized by bin
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination ol
remedial agents ; 2 < l , the proportion/ / , the fit
protest of securing the active medicinal hi
qualities. The result Ia a medlclno of unusual I ,
, effecting cures liltlierto unknown , I , v
Bend for book containing additional evidence , (
" Hood's Sarianarllla tones up my system .
piirim'H iuy Mooil , uliarpena rny'ariii to , and did
FC'enis to iniiko inojiver.1. ' _ J. 1' . Tu
iarBJste"r o'f'lVcceis , Lowell , Mas * .
"H od'H fiarsajiarllli lieats nil ntliprs , and \
worth Us weight In ueild. " I. JUUUWUTOK , full
I'M Dauk Htrect , Hew York City ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. | I ; six for | J. Made
only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass , the
IOO ° Doses Ono Dollar. tion
New York All Agitated ocr ? a Sab
bath Afternoon
Shalcc-Dp ,
The Earthquake Oonflnod Prinoi-1
pnlly to Manhattan Island ,
Buildings Booked , Oars Jumped
and Houses Moved.
People Bush Prantioally Into the
Streets in a State of Panic.
The Animals in Central Park
Evinoo Great Agitation. '
The Shook Also Felt tu Philndclphliv ,
Brooklyn , and. Other East- I
ern Cltlca
! NEW YOIIK , August 10. ' About 2:0 : ! >
o'clock this aftcnioon readouts of this
vicinity werostattled byn sovcrp ehock o *
earthquake , lasting about 10 Crouds , at tho.
Western Union olflco hero showing the shock |
w widespread. The firat reports wcro re
ceived from the following points ; The At
lantic ] Highlands near Sandy Hook , Ixnig
Branch , Philadelphia , New Haven , Bo ton ,
Khzabotb , Plain field , Spring Lake , Cottage
City , Martha's Vineyard , and Portland Me. ,
This city was the last point it was felt. Ho-
IKirts were also received from Jnioy of the
sub oflices about New York , llcoorts as to
its duration are divoiao , but the avcrago
seems to bo
The operator at Providouo * was vaguely
questioned s to whether ho had hoard or seen
anything unusual , and ho promptly replied
that ho had bad his hand on tli3 gleam pipe ,
ard that it had trembled violently } Ho had
been looking up and down the itruet to dis
cover the heavy team which , up to the time of
inquiry , he had supposed was passing. The
question made him suspicious of an earth
quake. This suspicion was promptly con
firmed by various people rushing into the
streets and office taking for nn explanation.
At 2:16 o'clock Atlantic Highland ! exper
ienced a second shock , but lean violent than
the first. At Philadelphia scaffolding on
tome of the new buildings going up on the
corner of Sixth and Heed street * was
and some bricks on the boards veto shaken
off and fell to tha street below. Tae severest
ehock was reported from Soabright , N. Y. ,
where the depot was shifted la ono side ,
shaking up the contents and nlunning tlio FO-
iumate. At 2:30 p. in. an ineffectual effort
was made to rai'0 thu Long B.-aiich office ,
which had been in communication with the
local office up to the time of tbo shock. The
operator just had time to report'tbo shock ,
together with the fact that thu jars of tlio bat
tery had overturned , when the wire gave out.
At Hnrtfoid a barthoacUd nun rushed
frantically to the telegraph oflice. Cold ing iu
Ids hand n newspaper which he liwj been read
ing. Ho faid he had ln-cn rocl.ocj violently
and that the , . ( - * - " -
rLASTBitrxa'ON Tin :
in Homo placog had dropped to the floor.
In Brooklyn the streets wcro alive with people
who had como out to ascertain thoiuausoof the
rocking and to gossip about it , Ouo coolheaded -
headed observer , upon the first /perceptible
motion , took out bis watch , and 'timed the
vibrations. Ho rooorted that the shock
began , as nearly as could bo determined , at
2.00 that the first oliock
; lasted just ( on sec-
onelf , and that the "emietinp down , " as ho do :
scribed it , took nearly TO seconds moro. Off
hand Riiesses as to the duration varied from 0
a-conds'to two minutes , according to tbo
amount of tbo observer's fright and his judg
ment as to the flight of time. At Mrnlo park on
and Trenton the shock was timed at " :05 : ,
while in more southern points of ita orbit it
was felt at 2:10. : Exaggerated reports came
from various points. From Trenton it wan
reported that
i i on
was lashed into foam. A passenger arrived
from Trenton teen after , however , ! laid the at
story was absurd and that
, thu watqr was as
placid and aa muddy an ueual. The telegraph
manager at l/onoy Island promptly asked for
the uarticulaiH of the explosion , ' supposing
that tome refinery , powder mill or dynamite
factory had blown up. A few minutes Inter ,
however , the facts became known ( there that
the whole Inland had been roughljr t shaken by
vibrations and that euenta and yititora were
very greatly alarmed , the fright in Bomo cases the
inountlngtoa panic. Neither Capo May
.101 Atlantic City noticed any unusual motion ,
and so far as the early reports indicate Phil
adelphia was the southern limit of I the ehock.
Cleveland the shock wan
In the main local telegraph offloo the hun
dred people present felt n aoriotu movement
their k floor ( the seventh story ) , but there of
was no electrical phenomenon cuiiucctfld'wlth '
, and no electrical disturbance , ' ' -Tho ' npl
Impreuiion which seemed to take poisosiion of
the inmates of houses in New York was , that tlio
the bmldlng was about to fall , and people ron
into the streets only to discover their neigh
bors rubbing out amazed like themselreii , In
Then as there were no evidences of the
catastrophe , the people returned to their
homes , realizing there had been an earth-
iiulo. As n rule , people remained Iu front
their houses a few minute ? , opparrntly try
to cot at some solution of tnelr fcam and
watching thn faces and inannnrH nf nf tinrti . I
they re-gained some decree nf confidence roru
turned to the houses. The men remained in liii
groups in the streets discussing the occurronc * , to
unexpected mid BO startling. An earthcu
cniako is a thing so unbolted for. In this part by
the world that its cause and the' hintory of wl
most terriblo'oues Ix-coino topics of para- far
mount interest. Aboveall , ] eopl6 were concernch
in Irving to fluci out from thnso they
talked with whether second and perhaps nun-
sequent 8hi < cl < K were likely to follpw. At the
observatory of thu United States signal service
Ultimo of the larthcitmbit and iU cltirution
were noted , Awtistnnt Observe fihlliuftn und ,1
Mcrrlogwcreat tha time In the olfiee , and
about 200 feet above the lou'l of tha itreet.
Thu first Intimation of thuearthquakawoH
like the muttering of dittant thunder. This a (
VVBH imiacdlatoly followed byu shock like vn
that of a violent explosion , which crimed tbo t
building to quiver , although it did not nhaku "t
perceptibly. Thu rattling continued nljout tic
clgLtHeconda | ord w s iu.comimnled by ruinbon
Hug Bounds , which g adually cliid nwiiy , The > n
fiibt bliock win felt aliont 11 mfnuten jiast 2 , era.
The effect cf the jar wax much moro perccptl * Cc
in houscw of light Htrnctnrc , In many in- * > >
Btauccs it being lepo ted that n clearly doan
fined rocking movement w n felt , and dishes th
pautrifH wura thalcen front thn did vex. rn
Thus far , howovrr , no damage ) of any kind I10
was reported. While the shock was felt in NU
dwelling * , persons traveling
not know nf the occurreoca until they th'
were told of It by the iioonlu gtttlng on at thu oai
statloiw and i hat thoehoek felt on the elefoi
\utod stations was olinlitcoujpartd with that we
on tlio ground befoio. A far an can ba
Bcertaiuod , the shock was entirely imperoop * tin pa
tibleon the uutn Immcdlattly after tha tin
ehok had been felt at the | > ollca central oflico.
considerable confusion wan occnionod. and
improeidon at first prevailed that violent
explosion hod occurred. A < little inroallffn- hilU
, howerer , led Acting Buperintoadout'po l
S n Jcrs to the conclusion the catua of the
distubanco was
A UKAT , K.MiniQl'AKK.
Ill at once sent out a general dispatch to all
point' , asking for intonimtion in regard to the
shock In the city. Answers eon began to
pour in , niul operators were ke'pt bu y for
nnurs writing out reports from different cp-
tains. It Appears the nhock was felt with
some intensity all o\ir the cltr , although It
produced mow alarm In the thickly gettlexl
I tenement districts. A telei/ram from the
Yonkora police paid the shock lud U-cn felt
there nlso , The grcattMt excitement provatlcHl
in the Jewish and Bohemian quartem of the
KastSide. Hiiun's , which nre inoftly high
anil lightly constructi'd teniemonts' , \\ero violently
lently xlmkrn and the tmil'uxl inin tcK tttshcH
out , cairvlng with them whatever of their
household ollccU they could ino\e.
Uirno out by parentH who N\cro hanily
loss panic-stricken , and the whole imputation
was FOOII gathered in the center nf the street ,
In Ijiuilow street , lietwcen II outer and Canal ,
the panla was nt its height. Tlio streets wore
crowded with people huddled together , evi
dently thinking thu last hour had arrived , ev
pooling o\ try minute to ceo thu u alls of their
dwelling fiUlipoii them. Women were
Mirloklng and children bawllnf , while men
wt era oltlHT awoaring or praying. This was
kept upi for nearly halt an hour , when the
commotion finally subsided , and the police
persuaded the people to return to their houses.
mmilnrscenos < \\itnofsod In Mulberry ,
Jersey and Molt streets , wheio the Italians
hah their co onies. A few momonU after the
rushed into the Madison street police sUtion
ahoutlng that smoinl In Atimno Btreet
had tuinblrd down. The njjiort , however ,
was found to be uiitnio. The panic being
caused by on excited m ui who nitliod out
into t the street shouting "Tho hoiwo is falling "
Jn many houses the door-l > ells wore oet jing
ling by the lfoek. _ Its cause was a nmttor
of much tiKxnilation u pccially nmong thu
ignorant classes , and it was some time before
many undarstooel the mil nature o ( the occur-
on co. In Central park thfii shock was ineiro
eC\ero than in thu surrounding region. Thaio
wore largo crowds iu the Mull , who were at once
thrown into a ( tate of violent excitement by
a strange rumbling in thu ground which was .
distinctly heard. a \
wcro frightened by the ehock , and many of
them were secu to tremble as if m fear , while
they remained perfectly still for pomo time
after it occurred. Operator Hoffman , nt the
arsenal , wax thrown from hi8 chair but wax
not hurt. The globes of two lampi iu his
oflico cracked. Th ceillug of the Tenth ore-
ci net station WOH badly cracked and a frame
house , NoJ 142 Lewis street , cracked In sever
al places and ono of the women who lived in
thu home beciino unconscious from fright. A
street car in Avenue B was lifted from the
track several times , and several
At a drug store , corner of Ninth street and
Tenth aenuo , several bottles wcro thrown '
from the sholvew. A policeman on Brooklyn
bridge reports that the shock was dlxtinctly
felt up there , and the great towers nt either
end oscillated visibly , while the * bridge itxolf
rocked. The shock of earthquake was felt ' .
gene rally along the river front , and the piers :
uereirocked , as if by heavily leaded tincks
passing over them. At the iron bor.t pier , n
t-trticturo af nolid masonry , the motion was NO
violent that the ticket takers rushed from
their offices to ascertain the cause. The late
afternoon boats brought buck crowds from
Coney Inland , Theiu the shock seemed tu
be much moro violent than In the city. The
piazzas and dining rooms' ol the great hotels
were ) well filled when the rumbling nolso was
heard , followed by a rocking of the ground ,
which inadu the windows rattle and shook the
dlxheti and Rwlnu glosses from the tables.
There wan a general rush for tha open air , and
for Rome time grwt excitement prevaiUd , '
Afc New Piers there was a nimlUr sh < ; o ! ' *
There won a general niah towarel the main en
trance , the people being under the impression
that the structure was giving way. As thu
shocks did not recur , apprehensions on thlc
HO'iro were soon allayed. In Brooklyn the
earthquake was felt very generally throughout
the city and along the river front anil eastern
district * , the shock appears to be tlih heavi
est andof lemger duration. Every where ) people -
plo abandoned their houses , KOIIIO iu to ror ,
others to learn what calamity had befallen the
oelghboihood. At Green Point the people
started upon a run for the Immense oil works
the uhoro of Now Town crcok fe-aring an
explosion had occurred there , while all
responded to the alann which they thought
would goon follow. The sensation experienced
board the receivhig ship Vermont , at the
Brooklyn navy yards , was uimilar to that felt
when a broadside is discharged from the ( hip I
Homo distance. According to the Btory off
the sailors , there was distinctly felt a jar , and
noticed by all em board. Persons traveling in
streetcars felt vibration * , and in many In *
nUnceH the wheels of the can teamed to leave
thu track producing the gamei effect at when
they pass over a loose switch , The bell on
the Presbyterian church in Grcenpoint swayed
back and forth and rang euiveral time. ! Joint
enough to bo board by all tbo people living in
) neighborhood Among other evidences of
violence and agitation in Brooklyn may be
mentioned the
and the throwing down of a high pile of
bricks , the B way Ing of lumpi and pictures and
like. Many Uunday schools weio In tcs-
nlon at thei time ? , and the teachers Iiad In some
instances great difficulty iu allaying thu terror
the children and preventing a panic.
Kreim reports received from Long bland , it
> eara the earthquake * visited that reaion
with greater Nevcrity than tliiu city. Along
Atlantic coast of tlio Inbuilt the uhoclc was
very violent and the vl brat ion H seemed to in-
Increase ) in poweaoa they traveled eastward.
Jamaica the vibrations lasted ten seconds
and the chimneys on tuveral houses toppled
over. No corloiiH damage , however , IH rei-
iKH'tpel from any place- .
In Long Inland City , lilualiincr , Whitcstono ,
Oollego Point , the
WO distinctly felt , and tha shaking of houses In
was pifcept'.blo. Two hundred mid fifty
fruosU at Long Branch betel ran from the
dining-room to the beach and refused to return
the building for some time , fearing it ro-
curcnco of the Bhock. The amount of alarm
tlio earthquake ) everywhere was uimply
astounding and was the theme of convolution
into the night , while preachers in many
churcliew discoursed ujion the subject.
"People prayed who never prayed before ,
And those who have prayed before only
pr < yed the moro , ; '
Pious Catbolia vromnn took their heads arid
repeated a Pater and Ave , while men nf the )
faith made
Kiorylxidy cxinfossed of Ixiing ppPHc'iuecl of a
very peculiar feeling during and immediately
after thu shock , and few there ) weio who
vnvlcd the pnwiculon of ocsupnnti of ten-
utory flfttn. There were many thunkHgiyipgii
tlio vexpeTH services that tlio present visita
tion WOH not me > re > Bevern and frtyen werej
offered that a recum nc of thu eartheiiako |
may < not be attended by more lorioiiri dln ht-
. Koporta from many ports of this state ,
Connecticut , New Jerwy , and lYnnsvlvaiiiu ,
shows thenhoclc wan fell about M in thin city ,
was eitteudwl by no more greater damage
than thu trembling of old chimneys , or the
rattling of dinheiH , 801110 women at different
poinU io haid to have fainted , but no una
far an known died o | fright ,
. . . . . August 10. A Hjxiulal t
' Preen from Macmuio myi the nhock of
earthiiiuko wan felt there. The Gecman Ilu-
formed church building , in which ecrviceu
were going on , WM thakeii and rocked. A
panic ensued and the congregation fled. After If
itiOHUock the ti-t\ ice < were resumed , although I' In '
coiigiegatiun wan much frightened , ,
BALTJIIOIIE , August lO. IleBldenln on tholk !
and highlands nurrouueliog thn city re- * i
ort * alight el jock of earthquake felt shortly 9
after 2 o'cle > ck. In the clly it was not per-
i-cptlblo. Telegrams from Kockxllle , . .lont-
ginnery county , and Mcchanlcitown , report n
slight shock felt.
Tlio U. 8. Consul t Mftroolllcs 'lolls
ol Ita Vlrnlont but Appnrontly
Non-Ootitnfflona Olmractor ,
WASHI.VOTOH , August 0. Fi auk II. Mason ,
United States consul at Marseille * , In a dis
patch to the ) senate department relative to the
cholera at that place and Toulon
, says ! It appears -
pears that notwithstanding all the progress in
medical pcicnco and thocry
\cry perfect arr
mcntt for collecting and
treating stricken \le-
titnsof the ccemrgp , more than two-thirds of
the o attacked have died oven during the
first fortnight of the epidemic , when nil the
( military conditions worn most favorable. Tlio
almost immediate ) transmission of the disease
from Toulon to Marseilles and the enormous
ileixth rate ) of 70 per cent In thu earliest stigcs
of the epidemic. Hooin to nrovo that taultary
Bcionco and nudioal skill liavel made but little
stilwtntitUl progress in dealing with Asiatic
A pocond foatura of tha iiresont opidomio is
the rigor and deadlines of its attack ta com
pared with thnt of the last great cholera BUIII-
mer 3SGT > , The rapidity and \Irtilenco of
this development are attributed in somp mcas-
lira to the intense damp and stifling heat
which prevailed during most of the days since
tlio."Will of Juno. There ATO phjiilcmns of
judgment and eorleneo [ who maintain that
do sication is thu only effective destroyer of
the choleric inlciobo on a largo scale , and tlmt
dry , hot weather , whiln it mn bo unfavor-
nblo for these already attacked , is most effec
tive in staging tha spread of thu contngion.
fugitives from hero pate died at Aix , Grena-
bio and other towns in southern France * , but
the epidemic has not thus far been kindled
there , nor have any pontons liccn attacked except -
cept such as brought the contagion from this
city orToulon , ,
In view of the enormous emigration which
ha * occurred since the outbreak , thrca weeks
ago estimated by good authority at ono hun
dred thousand persons from Marseilles and
fifty thousand from Toulon and the distribu
tion of this vast contingent throughout
1'nuicc , Italy , Switzerland and the Nether
lands , it is noteworthy and encouraging that
no authenticated casu of cholor.i has occurred
among this Army of fugitives at any point
notth of O reliable , although a great numborof
Italian working i > copu ! left the two stricken
cities for Northern Itily during the early
days of the epidemic , it has not , apparently ,
boon earned with them , or if it has , it Is not
yet developed. "
Nothing in all the dispute concerning the
origin and cure of the disease boa added any
uffoctivenesa : to the means hitherto known for
treating cholorio tiatients , and thu proiwrtion
of deaths to the cases appoirs to increase
rather . than diminish. A momentary gleam
of hope was diffused by the announcement
that patients had been rescued from the col-
la pso I stage of the malady at the hospital in
Toulon by the inhalation of oxygen , but this
encouragement : has been clouded by the dis
covery \ that the effect of this powerful stimu
lant was but temporary , and the patients thus
.teated finally died in the same ratio as tlioso
rcatcd by other methods.
The Tory Turn-Out.
MANCUKSTKH , August 0. The coiiscrvativo
demonstration , at Pomona was n great success.
It is estinmtod that over 100,000 persons were
present in the gardens anil at the overflow
meetings , Sir llichard Ashton Crosn prosidod.
Ono hundred nndeovonty.membersof the Lai
easliiro Odnsevvntlvo nrwoolaUqn. sent a
es In sujtripit of thq Marquis "to ! Sall
llioyj iTiierMftrouisdr HaliBlii/ry'liiudrf an
uddreji. , iu which ho atatfd that hu believed n
fair muofiiiro ( ur the distribution of parlla ;
m outcry Hoati would greatly rtinforcu thu con-
eervativofl. Thu h msoof lords w < w willing to
puss the frnn hiso bill if the govon ment ap
pealed to the country and found it wns in
favor of the mcasuio. He wan confident , ho
Baid , that if the government resigned their po
sitions would lie tilled and a complete measure )
reform ppeodtly passed. Ho contended
that the IIOUHO of commons represented , nut
tha country' ) ) opinion now , but its opinion of
live years ago. Ho referred to John Brlght's
speech at the reform demonstration at Birming
ham as Imuginatlvo.
Lord Ilandolph Churchill also spoke. Hu
rahl appeals to the people by both parties wore
certain to speedily produce a general election ,
which the hbrralsfoari'dthu memory of Kgypt ,
Ireland and Africa being too vivid ,
r Death of Hon. AV B. AVlilto.
Special Dispatch to THE BEK.
TtKAUAH , August 10. Hon. W. B. White ,
after ft brief illnois of inllauimation of the
bowoju , died at bis residence in this town last
evening. Mr. White , who was respected and
hived by all who knew him , came to this
county In 1872fioin Indiana. Ho won born at
Snlon. Indiana , June 11) ) . 1601. After
taachiog school for a short tlmo in
this county , ho engaged in the real estate lius-
ntHD , and then in cattle raisingin company
with Chris Hurtman , He was a very success
business man and In a few years accumu
lated A comfortable fortune , Hu nor\ed as
deputy treasurer of this county for several
toinis , was treasurer for Jour years and de
clined tlio nomination for a third term. Ho
was a candidate for elate tieasurer on thu
rtdublicrn ticket , and uould undoubtedly
have boon nomlnatd and elected Iiad he
lived , Mrs. White la hersulf very ill , luving
given birth tu a child yesterday morning , anil
the death of her husband has had a dopreolng
effect upon her. The funeral of Mr. Whltu
will taku place at 1 o'clock nn Monday , . Ho
will b * buried with Moseinio ceremonies , ha
being a member of the Knights Templar com-
mimicry of Oniiho , and the members of that
order are expected to attend the funeral ,
The Went her To-day.
WAHHINOTON , Autrust 11. For the Upper
MlHd'BsIjipl Valley ; Generally fair , except
the northern portion , partly cloudy , local
rains , loutli ti west wiuJn , lower barometer
and A tllirht ribo in temperature.
For thu MisBouii valleyt ( Generally fair ,
southerly winds and slight rise iu tempera
SIpOO. Giver. re
IfnlumorutiylnJurlciiisiuosUiiici'Ucuu to found
Androwu * Pearl .Baking Powdor. Js l > os-
lively PURE , Iklnviimloricd , and testimonial *
re-con eulTrom miali uhvuilnts net ) . Dana lUyn. ] ioa-
Jf. lMafoutafno.orcilcaijO | | and "
liouo , Mllwunkcc. Neveriplelju buli.
Latest DoFelopmcnls ofthe Diplomaticl
Mm over in Enrojie.
England Views With Ooncora >
Amorioan Mediation in China.
The Oollapso of the Conference Ro- ,
gardodas a Gladstone' Triumph.
, 4 . '
Bismarck Makes a Oats-paW of
Ferry to Aid the Dissolution-
Gordon Still Defending Khartoivsr
Aid to be Sent Him.
"Aniorlunn Journallatlo Methods"
1 Vlciinn."i
lora Iiicondlartam nt
Special Dispatch to THE BKK.
NEW Yonic , Autrnst 10. Smalloy cables
'win Lonelons The 1'nglish receive with
Homo concern the news of American media
tion lietweou Franco and China. Ihiglieh
diplomatists hive lung since been aware of the
present American minister's views of the pos-
ibility of greatly enlarging American intln-
enco In the e.aitcrn teas. They suspect that
Mr. Young means to ecizo thii occasion te >
atriko HOIIIU blow at Kucrlinh political and com-
nercial nupremacy in China.
Gladstono'H nnnouncomont of the collapse
Tlio Si
joico tint England halt received liberty of ac
tion In Kgypt , and applaud the firmness with
which Lord Granville repelled thn final at-
.ompts of M. Waddington to hamper tbo
uturo policy , and to postiiono decisive stops
by adjourning the conference till October in
stead of sino die. T0 ) | minlntcry has now a.
"rcflh start , and stands , for most practical
jmrposes , nearly where it did after Tel el
Kcbir , with the additional strength derived
"rorn its appeal to Europe and tlio failure of
JSuropo to agree. There is * pretty unani
mous admission that Kngland can and must
lionceforth act alone.
Diplomatists hint that tbo failure of the
conference was really due to Bismarck , who
Buspectwl Franco and induced _ Ferry to per
sist in demanding terms which thu prince
knew England would decline. The Gorman
chancellor , having thus secured a coolness be
tween Franco and Kngland , in ready to support -
port the latter in any energetic meature of re-
01 m In Egypt.
oonnoN ,
NQWB apparently. Authentic represents Qon-
oral Gordon as actively engaged In an eg-j.
gruwive dofeimo of Khartoum. The minister *
to finally yielding to popular pressure , and
have asked and obtained from the. commons
money to prepare n relief expedition. ' .They
have escaped partly by clever tactics , auclji
parly by sneer I net thu condemnation v.'hichv
twa imontha'Sftd.'ft&jttied ftlmoit' joeutableT
The St. James Gatotto , in an nrticlo u ] > oa
the mbjoct of "Uoisipg the PreaVsiioerlngly
ele'uouncca the attempt of Andrew Carnegie ,
the I'ittsburg raillfeionire , to Introduce Ameri
can ' methods into English journalism by buy-
'ng up a eyndicaio of papers to bo operated
n certain political interests under the inan-
igemcnt of Hamuol Store ? , M. P ,
The marringo of Vfllliam Henry Ilnrlbeit ,
ate proprietor of the Now York World , anil
Mlsa Katharine Jarker ? Traoyt of New York , .
took pluce to-day in Yorkshire , and was o >
grand affair.
MAIWEILLKS , August 10. The fear now
prevails that Marsellleti boa not teen the worst
of the plague. The increased mortality is
atcribed to the batty return of emigrants ,
coupled with the unbearable hep t. The gen
eral aspect in Marseilles is impiov-
iufj' . DusiuciH , however , is at a tilnml-
etill. _ There can bo no donbt that
cholera is spreading rapidly throughout the
department of Ilcrault , the disease Is making
rapid progress through Southern France , anil
Northern Italy. In the little vlllageof Gig-
nac , near Montpelier forty cases of cholera
has been found , and there have been numer
ous dontlis. The panic there is so terrible
that fathers and mothcm of familicH fled ,
leaving little children uncareel for. It In l > o-
lipved that in Avlngnon the epidemic is
worse than in other places.
VIENNA , August 10. Vienna is almost in a
atato of jiania in consequence of a largo numb
er of serious fires that have recently occurred ,
hardlyn , day now patucs without some notable
conflagration , nnd thq circumstance connect
ed with 03chliro ; Indicate incendiary origin ,
Thu jiolico bellovo there in a wide spread cou-
Hpincy to destroy thu main buildings of tlio
capital by fire , but have been unable to cap
turo incemdelarieH ,
1'AniH , Alienist 10. Prime Minister Ferry
ys hu still discredit ! * the statement that Acl-
miral LcsDes bombarded Keclung on Formosa
livforo taking possession in the nam > ; oE
Franco. Ferry given as bin reasons for his
disbelief thu fact that ho has received no
official information that tuch Ixnnbardtnent
toelk place and that Kcelung is entirely un
fortified. It in still declared , both at the
foreign oflico and at tbo Chinc'so embassy ,
that tha teportw of the French action
at Kooluug are erroneous. In Ixtndon ,
however , it VR liulloved the stories circulated to
the elfesct tliat Admiral Lesjiea both bom
barded and occupied Kcej Luii ? on the Dth
Inst. , are subtitanttally true. If the bombard
ment tookplacu the fact will weakrii France's
case and Inclto thu ClilnehO , OH nothing of tbo
kind could hav < > b-en nccefiuiry , The news of
tlio occupation of Keo Lung has been In circn-
lation among thu merchanta In Paris and Lon
don for three or four daye , but it was ridi
culed by the authoritiea until confirmed in
both citieH by dispatches to the KBglish projs.
The Times and Standard are convinced the
war is imminent between Franco and China ,
and both have already rent out special corres
pondents to cover the principal centers of newa
during the expected struggle ,
' i - * BB1 *
A nrutnl Prize-FfKht Near Denver
Kudu In General Melee ' ? >
j of Bpcotatorf. ' " *
DF.NVBH , Aurjust 10. An oxcur ion train
tlila morntug carried several hundred poonla
twenty miles south of Denver , where a prize
fight between John F , Clew of penvcr , ; and
George A , Morrison , of Leadvillo , took place
for the championship of Colorado. Both uen
wcro badly used up. At tha end of the tixth
round one of the ipectators reached over the
> | > o und struck Clew , This itarted n genual
Touch end tumble fight , thlity or fony wen
participatintr. The eiherifl hacl disanntei tbo
the uowd befiiro leaving the train , which
probably prevented "a terrible fight. Tlio
therlff ana poeto succeeded la dragging the ,
combatanta apart befoie any hetious injury
bad been done. ' , 'Wwntlme the rtfeiec called