Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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These Chairs are offered for Sale as low as they can be bought in the Eastern cities ,
An Immense Stock of
c IEC .A. IM : B IE IB ,
Parlor Furniture !
Great Reductions will be made on all lines of Furniture for the nexfcThirfcy Days , prepara
tory to occupying our new building.
Saturday Morning A go at 9.
A party ot Chlnoio emigrants were on
board the Union Pacific train ) uetcrdy on-
route from Baa VrancUoo to Mow York.
There will ban regular mooting ot IUth
Hcbocca degree , Ledge No. 1 , In Odd Fellow's
hall , at 8 o'clock SUurday evening , August' ) ,
168 L A full uttendanco la rtquoitod.
Tbo rod and preen line atrcot cm a are now
compelled to transfer thulr patBCUKeru at the
ooruorof Kifteoitk etrcot and Capital luouuo ,
owing to tbo taking up of the trnok on Capi
tal avenue by thogradcru.
Tlio emigrant businctm has been pretty
doll for & faw weeks , but ls > plck\nf ? tip again
now. Thrua earn Piliod to overflowing with
pxMiiRom to uettlo In the woat woxo attached
tu tbo uonu train yoitordey.
1 Tbo examination of Dr. Henry Durham ,
oJuJTRfJ with mamltuigliter for administering
an overtime of oconlto to Jauioa llouiek ,
which wau net for yesterday , woa contm
uod until next Wednmday afternoon.
The Capital Avenue abating rink waa ro-
, opeuod Thursday ovouutf. About iivohtmdrod ,
vrore i > attendance , and a number indulged in
a gllda on the ryllew. The A. O. H , band waa
ITTCBCut and fumUbed tuo ruuMc fur tbo ooca-
g r lttt * Balbocb and tbo MltfiM flrifl enter
tained largo party of their yminR frlonda rery
laat uvciiiDR at th nuldonoo of Mr.
IBalbach , llarney atroot. Tlio grounds were
brtlllintiy illnruloatod anil ! u all n * poets the
party via nttraotlvo.
f A1 Whllo operating ona of the atram rolloru
' thV City Laundry Thursday , MIM Olevo
DriKtrs , on employee , had two ilnKCit * of bar
lolt hand dialocatod onJ tbo nwipf the hand
' tuidly biuUod by lx > i ff .cauKhfm the rulls.
V : 3 > r. Womemloy et the broken fingorv , and
tsjot the girl borne.
A petition waa rectlvod by Jndge lieneke
, ' the'Dtt ea and othur charooteraof that clatti ,
> Jjodrlrra frointto river bottoms. Thq pjti-
' tlou was ( Ignod by both retidonU of the bot-
. . toroa and table landu ,
Jndge Wakely , Tbnnday , granted an In
junction upon application of R. H. Shannon
and ThouiM Nolan , no roetraln the city from
paying to William Fltcli & Co. , newer bulldrrH
' nay money duo the firm. The twj firtt
named guaUetmm bavo alw ) iwkod that a if
celvar bo appoik d for the ( Inn and for un
Aocountine of the firm's fimdu ,
. Kigbtoenthatr etlab lnggtaileiandfrom |
the old bridtrs out to thg end of the ati oot pro-
eats a sorry tight. Tba fencoa and Hide walks
arobflng torn up and the | > IowB and ecrapcru
ro catling In their woik in great ahape. The
eJd bidgo over the creelr , which bad been con-
* 4d < * f d riaVy for eome time poit , kaa been torn
dovn and anew * lie U bo'ng ' t-rtctod in it *
teod. Iu oonte < junvoo of tb'n the a have
* uotbeonrunnlrgtn the end of IM no and
will pet for , eopeUma to 000:0 , At aozn
j > olnt on'tbo atieot the cut will reach eight
feet In depth.
TLo povluj on Nlutb ttroet from Harney
toLeavcnworthBtroete is oompletod and attention - ]
tention la now turned to that poiot between
I/6avenworlhBtroet ndlbo depot. Tho. cor
track has been paved and no trouble la now
expoiiencnd on Ninth itroot ,
The captoina ol I bo variona boao ball clubs
play ing at the Athletic park ere rcqucated to
meet at the northeast corner of Fourteenth
and DonglftSBtroota this evening at 8 o'dook.
Thou. A. Golden , uooretory.
The work of paving among the many
trocua and cross-tracks at the corner of Plf-
tconth and Fa nam Btroeta la progreealog
finely and the work will bo completed In H
few days. Wbca the tpaoo ia all filled In with
granite np even with tbo top of the ralla it
will not bo BO bad to drive over ae waa nt firat
thought ,
And now cornea what bids fair to bo the
moat exciting game of ball ot the ontlro uoa-
Bio. Thofiro department ot Onnha ban chal-
lougod the roportora and tncmbwn of the prc i
of this city for a Rama of ball to be played
tioxt Wodntwday nttarooon. The challenge
ban boon accepted and now all that romalna late
to vanqwlah the too ,
The bollora f or the newoonit honto will
bo not milfildo of the main building In a email-
or ono whloU ia now bolng orootod for th ' .
purpo ofho building will bo built nndor
ground on the aoutbwoit oornor of the oonrt-
IIOIKO lot , niid'wJll ' ba 52 foot loujf , 22 foot
wide anjl 10 f ot deeii. The roof of Hw houao
will bo ilubh with the ground nnd provldod
with ekyllghU
Thla morning Mr. Quthrlo's council
will argnq a motion for writ of baboaa cor-
puatotaled Mr , Qutbrla from jail , before
Judge \Vakoloy. Mm. Gnthrlo who baa been
very 11 } for amoral duyi with pneumonia , ia
reported wore * to-day and ( or that roaoon , If
for no other , many people express themsolve *
aa hoping tbfttj Mr. Guthrie may be ro-
Dr. If. Ii. Romlonurtt , v.hol wollknnwn
In thin olty to hontemoa , ia about to open on
llarney Htreot a bonpltal for tick' and lame
aolmaL ) , where they will bo treuUxl on witn-
tlfio prlnclp'ee. Tba doctor wai formoJly
homo lurguon of Columbia , Veterinary rolleg * ,
ot which ho ia a graduate , Thla cow institu
tion for Orualm wi 11 supply along felt want ,
The Colored Blalna and Logan Club
met ywCcrday night at Ita ball
in Lytlo'a block. Owing to tbo fact of
the primaries bolng holt ) ' " ' * night , it waa do-
oid d to adjourn early. Veforo adjonrnmont ,
howwer , the cl ib decided to aooept the lovl-
tabnn pf the oulorod ropublioana of the UlnCTi
to tiku part In a grand Blaine and Logan
deaiouatratloq at that plaoo on Taowday
Mr , I/aw Id Jloyn , th photographer , Is
one < > ( the happ'oU and proudott men in
Nubraika. Ho bat boon a married man jutl
one ycftr y tiUr lay and at 5 o'clock In the a ro
hiiwifo made turn a wedding proaont In the
bhape of bright and laughlog little baby boy.
In addition to thli arrival Mra. Hoyn'n
toothor nd el i tor , from Detroit Michigan ,
and 51r. Heyu's brother , from the aama plaoe
hava oomo to celebrate the Drat anolronjary
of their marriogo.
It waa learned lout evening from Condno-
( or D , It Drowit , cf the U. P. , that a genVo-
lutn by the iift-ro' of Mnron , oooompanlrd by
LI ; vdSt and child , on tlw wur to Uock Island
bid the miafortuno to loae his wife near Flum '
Crook. She roti od hi good hoJth In the 07011-
Ing.'nwoko ill the next morning and nhoitly
aftordlol. The conductor took up a contri
bution on the train collecting 85 to old tbo
dt.tro s d hnabmd who evidently waa i a much
coed of raonoy undw the drcumttanccB.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. A. S. Qulnton ,
general ocrtary of the Women's Nutlonal
Indian association , adilrcHied the ladles ol
Omaha In the Firat Proabytorlan church. Af
ter a very eloquent addrosn by thu talented
lady , a branob Bociaty of the aiuociatloa waa
Formed In this city , and the following Mien
werechoBon asolfioors : Mw. James K. Woolworth -
worth , pretldont ; Mrs , Jamca , eecrota-y ; Mra.
Maxfiold , treasurer ; Mr * . Locke , firat vice
president ; Mrs Shoirill , Booond vice president.
Workmen are now engaged In fitting up
the slate tair ground-land placing them in
roadin-es for the mooting of the State Fair
awocifttion , Boptombor 5 , 0 , 8 , D , 10,11 and
12. Ducingtha heavy wiod-atorma of the
forepart of the summer many of the smaller
building * wuro blown down and tboy are now
being rebuilt , Much now work , building
stalls , etc. , ia also being , and when all la
completed the groundi will bo in better con
dition than tor a number of yeora lx'foo. ; A
great deal of attention will bo paid to the
track , M it ia expected that some very go < d
horuwwill be present to talca part In tha
raoo , '
The firet patty of the season
was glron Tburtday evening nUha
rmidonoo of Mr. and Mrs. Goo , W.
Doano , on Chicagoitroet. About fifty conp-
loa of the elite of the city were In attendance.
Tba large parlora were brilliantly llghtod nd
deooratod with flowcre. The oai pots were oov-
ored with oanvaaj and tha Musical Union or
chestra furnUhod the miwlo , while flying foot
kepttlino. Upon \bs \ lawn a liigo platform
was erected and the amootb lurfaoa was con-
eUntly filled t ) e with merry waltzora. It was a
very faahlonable affair and a fitting opening
of what proinln to be a aodt brilliant aeaeon
In the society world ,
At tto opera house lait night Wood's
Dime MuMium govo a uhow to a fair tuod au-
dienco. Tlio ontortalnmont la ono of rare
meiit , and la worthy of Crut-clasB patrontgo
The rope walking of Prince Dumspiro waa
wonderful and ollcltod hearty applause. Car
ter , the jngglor and balanotr , Mtoalihod all
by his alicoot tLiroouloua feat of balancbg.
Big. Giovanni , with hta tnntical Rlaaao * and
porfonnlng canary blrdii , adds greatly to the
performance , I1U iwrfortnance upon the
glatiuM U very Cno , and hia dock of btrda era
worthy of u great doU of praloo , In foot the
wholn entertainment It a model one , nod la
only marred by ono foaturu and that la by the
horrlblo ocoompadlmont upon tbo piano by W ,
Lmlors. HU aoeouipanlmenU are viniply tor-
rlblo and tend toruio'rbat wpuld otherwiw
bo a very good act. Ilia time la no time , and
InvUad of following the aoloiat , be Insltti ou
loading , and that too by a full half measure.
The U. P. band gave a delightful open
air concert at Jeiftraon Square Thursday
Karlr at r Buoper the people brgan to gather
and by the time tha firat tolectlon waa given
the Huaro wni filled with anxloua llttonen.
while on all ido on the outatdo the fonoe , the
atroeU were | lnf d with trauoa Tha conowt
waa all that w " prnnU'd , and each number
a l ( wax ( riven waa heartily ecoorud , livery
vody unltna In laying "do ao Homo mora. " *
Connor , Dontiata , opp. P , 0 ,
An Unnraa ! I/aok of Interest Shown
by the Party Yesterday ,
Tbo republican primaries , to elect del-
ogatca to the county convention which
moots next Monday aftornooa in the city
hall building , were hold in the various
wards and precincts yesterday evening.
In the city there were contents in two
wards only , the Third and Sixth. In
the first mentioned ward the hoodlums
and transient citizens , headed by
the friaky Smichdt , Sahler and
Wright , succeeded in carrying
the primaries without resorting to the
disreputable act of stealing the tickets or
kicking over the ballot box. The oloso
proximity of Schmidt's saloon to the
polling place had a taliamanic influence
toward inducing the trinity's satellites
to vote for the ticket nominated in a
caucus where eight republicans only
were present. In the Sixth an opposi
tion ticket to the regularly nominated one
headed by Furay was in the field , the
election resulting in a part of both being
The /crowing is the result :
Firat Ward E. M. Stonbonr. John G.
Taylor , Joaiah Kent , R. McDonald ,
William Doll , S. Jorgonecn , J. W.
Second ward I. S. Bascall , Morris
Morrison , Mike Lahy , T. W. Blackburn ,
4. J. Larson , John Hooly and Lenis
Third ward John H. Sahler. Prioo
Sanders , Walter A , Meyer , W. F.
Schmidt , F. D. Kent , Robert Sexaner ,
Robert Green.
Fourth ward Obas. H , Dewey , John
Potoraon. W. F. Beehel , R OJJ. Bourse ,
N. A. Kuhn , Kd. Gorman anil E.
Sixth ward T. J. Stanley. Louis
Hammer , A. H. Sander , D W. Lane ,
N. J. Phillips , Benjamin Fnlton and J.
W. Nichols.
Nobraatta'H Corn Crop.
A Chicago paper of recent date from
roliabln reports from nearly all points in
this state estimates that NoWatkVs corn
crop for this year will exceed 120,000,000
bnaholi , an amount inoomprehentiblo to
the human mind. Allowing 600 buahels ,
the ordinary quantity for a car , it will
take 2-10,000 oars to move Neb-
raaka'a crop from her borders
Thirty feetu the usual length of a freight
car , 176 of which would make a train one
milo long. Dlvldo 240.000 , the number
of cars necots&ry , by 17J , the number in
a mi'o ' and the quotient will bo 1303 , or
the length la miles of thin corn trans
porting train and a distance equal to that
from Council BluUa , Iowa , to Now York
and miles be
Oily extending sixty-three
On Saturday , Aug 9 , 10 a. m. , at 620
S lOih at. The Entire Stock of Pawn
Broknr'd Goods , consisting of Watches ,
Jewelry , Clothing , etc.
o7-Ut W. B. GWHO , Auctioneer.
1'olioo Court.
In polko court yeaterday there were
a goodly number f evil doors.
Joseph Loniuffar fr being drank and
disorderly was fined $5 and costs.
James Ssott was charged with disturb
ing the peace. Jim thought ho had not
disturbed the peace Of this city , and his
case was continued ,
Charles Fisher refused to plead guilty
to a charge for disturbing the peace , and
his case was continued.
Nottio Howard and Flora Benson , two
of the demimonde , 'woro charged with
disturbance of the poaco. They claimed
it waa their landlady and a drunken man
who made the noiso-and they were hold
until tbo matter could bo investigated ,
j James Lynch and Tea Huth wroe ar
rested about five o'clock for fighting.
Jim got 35 and coats , while Ted carried
off the banner , getting $10 and costs.
Thus ended the morning lesson.
Blnlno ana liogan Bully.
A grand rally will be hold in Council
Blufld , Iowa , by the colored Blaine and
Logan club of that city , on Tuesday eve
ning , August 12tb , 1884. , _ The colored
voters of Omaha are all invited to attend.
The following are the apeakero from
Omaha : Rev. Birl MltchiJJ , Dr. W. H.
0. Stevenson , A. H. Willis.
Mess. Kaufman Bros. , of 207 S. 15th
street , will give to each and every pur
chaser of 25 cents worth of cigars a num
bered ticket which will bo good for one
ohanoo in the drawing of a $40 gold
watch. Theao drawings will take place
on the last day of each month until fur-
thur notice.
Absolutely Pure.
TtU powder Dercr T rU * . A * marvel o < poieutM
ronfftn and wboMit&6UMi Moioooofloouaftltb&D
thocnllmrr ktnd , &t.douinnbo nld la oonuwtiUoi )
with tbfl mullrtudo ol low .to t , Uiorl weight ilarn or
, - -i - , - _ , _ , - , _ - , , -
Practical Painjers & Decorators ,
Slfefit 008118 ,
Are prepared to do wcrfc
Uf&ay branch ,
On Short Notice
Booth's Oval Brand
D. B. BEEMEE , Agent , - - OMAHA , NEB
The largest Stock in Omaha ; and Makes the lowest Prices I
* m
kh latest and "wrtment far Bnrpwslng anything in this maiket , oomprislu (
moat tasty designs manufactured for thb spring-B tnalo lan ooverlnj
range of prices from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive.
Parlor Goods Draperies.
Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of all the lafc- >
tomers , the newest novelties in styles in Turcoman , Madras and
Baits and Odd Pieces. Loco Curtaiua , Etc. , Etc.
Elocant Passenger Elevator to all Floors.
1206,1808 and 1210 Fornam Street , - - - - OMAHA NKtfL !
. _ Ss / '
t03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Eatabllahed 1878 Catarrh
Deaf new , Luag and Nervous DiioajeaSrx edilyandlrermauently Cored , PatienU
Jnrod at Homo. Write for "Tnit Mruu ii-MiaaiowABy , " fo the People.
lonaultatlon and Corroapondonco Or at it. P. O , Box 202. Telephone No. 26
HON. EDWARD RUSSKLL , PoatrnMter , Davenport , eaya : Physician ol
to. ADluty ana Marked Sucoeu. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport
- * - " n rtonomWe1an. . Fine Rnrcaaa. Wonderful Curoa. " JJoura 8 to C '