OMAHA DALL/ -SATURDAY , AUGUST 9 , 13M. THE OL LIABLE THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL LENDER COMPANY , [ SUCCESSORS TO THE J. If. D. & U. CO. ] THE MONARCH HID mot I extensive manufacturer * of IN THE WOULD. < W9 8. Tenth Street OMAHA , NEU grrrtcca of BlUM and Tool Table.and material ! arnahcd on application. S. H , ATWOOD , Plnttamouth , - . . . . Neb trauma or Tuouououiiiu Am nma arum HEREFORD HUD JERSEY CUTTLE AID tPBOO OR J1UIT KID IWIXI for al . Gorr iDon < tenoa loll ed 1,000.00 I l nnJ a particle of Morcnry , Potaeb , lodaic , Arennlc , or any Pol- * onou uhsta rain > "I havfl nrrd Blond Taint by Ihonne of Rnllt'g jpoctQe nfto- h l m et signally 'at cdwitn thu Mtr- eery and t'utasb Treatment. F A.TOOMFK.M D. I'crry , Oa , "Swi't'a Ppodfle hi curol ne ol H rnfulaoflS ftars etandlni ; Uid * , oro. 09 Iirgo ns my luind , and every ore thnuphi I ixi d.oncd. SnittV Spocifla cared mo allot ph ilcl&ns anil all < ther lurdlduo hod ilod. ' ' M , U HiOH , Unokerkv < Jj-A ( ffArvwould not tmahvo from no what wJ-/ ) \/uU8wlf. > ' ' 8iCPiflaha | d'-nolnrmo. It oudro me ol ltheuniatl < mciuiicd bv malaria. " AIWIIIK TIIOUAb , Hjirli gGold , Term. t Oar TrcatUa on Blood and Mkln Dlscuoa mailed free to applicants. TIIK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 8 , Atlnnta , Ox . Y. Offlco , U9 W. V2d St. , between fl h and 7th vcnuit , rbiladtl.hla otfico 106 CbortnutSt. The tug ot the term " Shot Una" In connection with the corporate name of a greatroad , convoys an Idea of ust what required by the traveling pub lie a Short Uno , Quick Time and the best of accommod * lions all of which ue fain ib d by the greatest rMlwav In America. CHICAGO , MIL WAUKEE And St. Paul. n owng and operates over 4,600 mlleg of Vcrthero Illinois , Wisconsin , MlnnosoU , low * T ) tota ; and u ia main lluci , broncho and oonnee Mona reach all the treat buainom centres of thi Northwest and Far West , It naturally -answers thi Ueacrlptlon of Short Line , and Best Route between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and UlnneapoUo. Chicago , Milwaukee , La Crosse and Wlaona. 'V ' Chicago , UUwankee , Aberdeen and EUondala Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Clilro and Stlllwitof Chicago , Milwaukee , Wansau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkoah. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknshr. and Oconomowoa Chicago , Milwaukee , Madleon and Pralrlodu Gblen Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault. Chicago , Bololt Janesrille and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elzln , Uockford and Dubuquo. Chicago , Clinton , Rock blond and Cedar Rapldl. Chicago , Council BlnDs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yantctcn Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rook IsUnd , Dubuqne , St. Paul and Minneapolis Drenport , Calnur , St. Paul and Minneapolis Pnlln-on 8 eepers knd the Finest Illnlne Cars In > the n : eld are ran on the main tinea of the CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAYandevoif Attention ta paid to passenger ! by courteous employe ! of the Company. h. 6. MERRILTi. Oenl Hanairer. A. V II CARPENTER , Gen1 Pass. Agt t.t. CI.ARK , GenT Bapt. GEO. II. UEAFfORO. ABrt. Geal. Pal Ar ( PEINCIPAL LINE filllCAOO , PEOR TA & ST. LOUIvS , nv WAV 01' OilAHA AND LINCOLN TO BEHVSS , OH VIA KANSAS CITY AND /4TOHiSON t : DENVER Connecting In 1'nlDii Dniuits .it I' Oiimhuunil Pen vi i with tlinm < : li uiilns lor And nil ixliit3'lii i \Vost. iiiinil Union Dopotnt Chicago li tlniiili ) ) tniliiH lor xis w y o it if. n o .s1 ? ' o Ar , Anil nil IUnCIIliM. . AtPcorla witlitliiiK imiii-iiorlmlUnaa. ollB.Clncinnutl , t'ohm * . . .J , unit nil i > oliits In thuSontli.Giut. At H' yuis with tlnouu'h trains tor all polnln S < iv i. Kleipint D.iy Coiicliva , 1'iirlor Cars , ltli Ito. rllnliiK Clinlra ( scatH ficit ) , Sinoklnx Curs with ! < cvolviii Ulmlru , 1'ullnmn 1'aliico Hli'epliM i/'ars unU the futuoim u. II. XQ. llnln Carn nmclally tound from (51ikiiro and Kansasfllty , ChlcnKoana Council IIIiuU : Chicago nnd 1 > M lollies , ChicaKO , St. Joseph , AU hlson niul TopeUu without cluiifjo. Only tlirouch line running tholr ciwn tiiilns between ( jhlciiKO , 'MricDln niul Iloiivor , and Chlui o , K\n3iia : ( itv uud Dunvor. ThmiiRh cuis between n.ipolld and Council llliilld , via 1'uorla , GHINO rVOUTU AND SOUTH. bolld Tralnu ot Kleu-iuit Uny Coaches nnd Pullman rulncoSleopliia Cars are run dally to and from Ht. I.oiila , via Hannibal ; Qnlncy , Kcukuk , Iluillnplon , Oodar Itanldannd Alhrrt I.cntobt. 1'aul nnd Mliineapolla ; 1'nrlorC'ard vltli Uecilnlns Chalm In nnd lioin Ht. I.ouH ind 1'forin. Only onu eliiiiiK" of curs In tw con t-t. I onlannd Ic Moliu-a , Io n , Lincoln , Nc. bnisk.i.nnd Denver , Colorado. It iaaUo the only Through Line hutwcen ST , LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS tmd ST. PAUL. It H known aa the tfrcat TIIUOUGII OAll tINi : ot America , uuU in unlveituilly admit ci | to Im the finest Equipped Hallroad In tha World for all classej of Travel , Throuuli Tlohus via this line vor salts atw K. It. toiinoa tlckit olllceu In the UnitedStatcfr Cantulii. V. .J. I'OTTKIt , I'nitOEVAL LOWELL , ' VluxlYu 4O a.M u rer GCD v > u X * . HANUKAOTUI'.KB Of GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES. WINDOW CrVPS , FINIALS,5mC , 3 , to n.Ottt fflltroot , , , , .KEDUABK " 86 HAtt He. Ha offered ma hln heart and hand , WhereAt I likughod and sild him nny ; But found to Ula that when ho wont llo took my h ppina * nwny , And no I wrote n little note : "Duir , T oic , " It a kc < l , with woet dMlgn , "In love Is It fair to thtnio UIIO'D mind ! " Said hot "It Is ' " and I'm ch ngod mlno ! UoAitawcicilNo. She droppsd har gUvc 1'orhnpj In love ; Ho btoopod to pick it Up , She llmhcd and sullied , The Artlees child , And aikod him homo to imp , He nnswcrod ' No , " And turned to a i , And lihuhoJbanonthhor gUnco. And off howint For whoa ha bent , Ho'd bndly split his panULire ! -Lire , EEMABKABLE"IRISH TEIAL , It was undoubtedly a very remarkable trial. From whatever point of view eon- aidored , it was calculated to attract and 5r attention. The crime sent a thrill of horror through the country , it was BO daring and BJ cold-blooded. The victim was a French gent Ionian , resident in trcland , and noted as a man of kindly and charitable disposition ; and the youth who was arraigned for the terrible deed most certainly had not the face of a mur dorer. On the contrary , his countenance was singularly mild and gentle in cx < > roesiou , nud in his bearing ho appeared retiring rather than aggressive. The trial , to which I ulludo was that of Thomas Hullorau , for the murder of Qua- AVO Thitbiult , of Rockwell , on April 28 , 18G2. It commenced on Monday , luno " 3 , 18G2 , in the court-houao of Honmol , the capital of the county of Hpperary. I have eton it frequently tatpd that a lcgalgentleman _ of Jiigh rank , being ezamTned lTeforo "some com nisslon on the question of laud tenure n Ireland , said that Tipperary , : o far as t was o ncorncd , had aottlud that matter with the riflo. About the time of the murder of M. riiiohnult the aucicnt and undying die- mto between the owners nnd the occupl- > rs of land burst out with all its old bit- erness. The rojly ) of the ballot - on the ) no side to the notice to quit on the other nras , for the hundredth tiino In our histo- y , making men of all shades of opinion iang their heads , and pray that that God vould send us aoino means of ending the annatural strife. In the beginning of 18G2 ouo of thoao periodical waves of agrarian crime awopt ver Munstr. A gentleman named TUzgorald was walking with his young vifo on a road in the county of Limerick , vhen two assassins accosted thorn , and , vith terrible daring alow him before her yes. The body of an old mwi named luGuiro was found fearfully mangled in fluid Carrick-on-Suir. The near - - eup- coed cause for his murder was that head ad taken a farm from which another nan had boon evicted. Col Knox , of irittas Castle , in the county of Tippory , roa set upon arf ho was riding ono day , by wo men , and his lifo attempted. In these circumstances the govern- npnt determined to ieauu n special corn- aiesion ; and it was before this tribunal 10 trial of which I write took place. It pened in the court nouso in Clonmol on uno 23 , 18G2. From that little space lero , surrounded by iron bars , called 10 dock , hundreds of men wont to their oem for having taken the law into their wn bands and wreaked on some land- > rd or agent or bailiff , what was called 10 wild justice of revenge And now nether act in the over-recurring and pparontly interminable tragedy was bout to commence , and all the dramatis ersonoo were assembled and ready each ue ifor ! his part. The legal men , who took prominent i thin trial were at that day known in reland as mon of very great ability. Ind. when I mention their names it will o seen that the estimate of their coun- rymon was correct for most of them vo since placed themselves in the very rOuc ranks in their profession in the tngdom and to-day some of thorn are of rorld wide repute. The court consisted f Mr. Baron Deasy , subsequently lord ustico of appeal , and Mr. Justice Fitz- enrald , siucb raised to the peerage as jord Fitzgerald and now a member of lie liouau of lords , The prosecuting .ounsul were Mr. O'Hagan , attorney onoral , now Lord O'Hagan , and twice ord chancellor of Ireland ; Mr. Liwson , elicitor general , the proat'iit distinguish- d judge of that name ; and Mr. Bur- caul Armstrong. The prisoner was do- ended by ono ot the abluat men at the rish or any other bar , Mr. Francis Me- Donagb , EEaioted by , I think a Mr. John- on. When the proceedings commenced the ourt was densely crowded. The pop lar mind was in a state of great excite- icut , and the sympathy of the crowd tiowud iteolf on the aide of the pris"tier. ho crime was agrarian. It was another ct in the long drawn out land war , and hat was auilicicnt to enlist the masses in is favor. That this feeling did not rieo from a wicked liking for crime wua nado very manifest during those days. Coining down in the van from the prison ach morning with Hulloran was another nan awaiting trial also for mutder. The hargo against him was that ho bad poi- oned hia wife , and the loathing of the ) eoplo for him and his crime was us narked as the lively sympathy they howea for Halloran. This man was ubsequently found RUilly and executed , 'he formation of the jury was closely matched. I was among the opectators , nd , knowing nothing of the inner work * ngs of the proceedings before mo , 1 ould not see bentath the ourfaco , but rom the remarks of the crowd nronnd , couli perceive that if there woo a atroug ecling enlisted on the aide of the pris- ) nor there wern also feelings not friendly M him , but not BO numerously represent- d. One of the throng , well dressed and vidently moving in the up'por circles , ifter ( urveying the jury , turned to a oropanion and aaid : "There could not bo a better jury. ? hey are all country gentlemen all too , ' . think , in the Oormiaaionof the Peace. ' The other side of the question was not eng In coming. A rather tattered look- ni > agriculturalist ejaculated for the ben- lit of all around ; ' 0hl Wishal May the Lord protect ho poor boy ! I know every man on the ury , and he is either a landlord or a magistrate. " And this was the state of affairs in the jourt house. On one aide there was sat- .faction that the tribunal was composed if gentlemen of position and intelligence , who would know the value of evidence ind whose verdict according to t , On the other there was apprehension , loubt , distrust , that the men in the box , .akon from the same class as the murder * d man , would not require much pressure .o induce them to send the peasant in the lock from whore he stood to the scaffold , It was in such circumstances thnt therca butiuota of the trial commenced. The attorney-general , Mr. O'ilagan rose to state the CMO. From the rumor and Anticipations for days before I wai prepared to look on the proceedings as t ilcspcrato struggle on the part of tin crown to secure the conviction of the prisoner. I had accordingly pictured tc mjfaclf the kind of mon who would do such work n ith thoroughness , nnd the pictures I had called up were not by an ; mentis prepossessing. I looked , then , Upon the face of this man with great cu riosity. The wig , that pnculiar and , Ui my eye , not graceful article of tlrosp.timdc his appearance strango. But I could not help fooling that there waa certainly nothing ferocious or bloodthirsty in the countenance of this principal character in the terrible tragedy on which the cur ; tiia on which boon raised.V0ri the con * trary , to mo apoko rather of calmness and bpnpvelonco than of any of these characteristics which toll of a bad and malignant disposition. It was the foco of n man calculated to maka a most favorable first impression ; and before ho had commenced to apeak nil my pro-con * colvcd notions had received a rude shook. Ho turned to the bench and to the jury , and in a aubduod and solemn voice , but with none of that sepulchral solemnity which Booms to toll the twelve mon that their business is to send the pris tnor to the grave , commenced his statement. Alter a few fornnl sentences ho took his eyes from the jury , and resting his elbow on the ludga of a bunch behind him while ho continued to toy with a piece of paper , wont on to detail the faota which , the Crown hold , connected the prisoner with the murder. The ourpriao which I had felt at his appotiranro was surpassed by my surprise at the calm and Impartial dignity of his words. There was no trace of partisan rancor. There was clear ly no attempt to strain any ouo point gainst the unfortunate man in the dock. Eho fiats were detailed so as to make a mrativo that would abide in the mind. I'ho brutal and cowardly character of the itimo wa made manifest , "out there wr.s 10 effort to raise prcdudico against the irisonor on thnt account , unless the facts irst brought the guiU homo to him. And now for the gist of the statement Che victim was a Frenchman namedGus- ave Thiobault. rio had u brother , Ohurlet- , 'or whom ho acted as agent over some anded property , while ho owned and nanngcd soma other land himself. lie osidcd at Rockwell , in the South Rid * ng of the county of Tipporary. Ho was 'ouud lying on the road side murdered , lot far from his residence , on the nfter- loon of August 28.18C2. A double bar- oiled gun was lying under him with the itock smashed , and also n broken pitch' ' 'ork , and his face and head had been norcilessly battered in. The gun wus tia own , and its tno charges had been xlged in his breast. These were the lircumstances which first challenged the tttention ot the police. Following up iis movements on the fatal day , and the acts surrounding him , it was found that 10 had lefc his homo about noon , having aken a child by the hand some distanca town the avenue , and there relinquished lis little ciurgo to ttio nunjo. Ilu car led a gun , and was accompanied by a oroclous dog. It did not appear clearly , mt the inference left was that this dog ras kept for purposes of protection , as ? hiebault had been in receipt of those aisaivos , terrible to Irish landlords , mown aa threatening letters. These lad ao disturbed his wife's peace that she nsiated on his taking greater care in his noveinouts ; and it was stated that ho aid jokingly , when ho thought her solic- tudo for him waa needless : "Mo no fear. If I am killed , you get nether husband. " As a precaution ho was also occasion ally ccompamod by a herder named Connors , lo was next seen atanding on the side of > road , leaning on his pun , his back to ho fence , in conversation with a man rho waa facing him resting on a pitch- ork , and within a few feat of him. This iew was had by a man named Woodlock , ho leading witness for the prosecution , nd his eyes , with the exception of thoao f the murderer , wore the last which saw ho unfortunate gnntloman alive. Wood- 3ck waa taking a harrow which ho had lorrowed to its owner. Ho was seated n the aide of a donkey-cart and drove lowly up the hill past the two mon rhen he reached the summit ho hoard ho report of a gun-shot immediately fol- owed by another and turning , ho saw moko riaintr from the spot on which the wo mon had boon conversing. On this pot was found the dead body of M. Thio- lault. Ho swore that Thomas Halloran ran the man ho saw leaning on the pitch , ork. TLoro was other evidence cor- operative of the theory put forward by ho crown , that the man in the dock was ho murderer ; but this was the hack- > ono of their case , and if it stood the cet , and wont unihakon to the jury , few lidccd would be the dayo of the young nan looking out from the dock. When the attorney general eat down , omo formal evidence was gone/into amid Imoat broatliloss silenv > . It was not the videnco now being given that occupied ho minda of the audinncu , for they did lot give much attention to it. Almost very man there was speculating on Vocdlock what manner of man ho was ; low would ho give hin evidence ? Would 10 hang Halloran ? And , in the whispers f the country people atanding immnd ( ho oprobrious epithot"iuforiror"was fro- iiently hissed with vengeful venom Vhcn at length the name of Woodlock ran called there wait an impatient stir nd a ruurmer. When footfalls were icard approaching , everyneokwns craned o got a view of thia man , who wai uppoaod to hold the balance of life and loath. When ho got on the witness ta- ile , and stood out in full view before us , hero was not much to be neen. Flo was man over seventy years of ago. His up- learanco wes very shabby , lie were an nciont brownish rod wig. His coat was usty looking and very old , and his hat , rhich he , with great enlf possession for a nan of his opportunities , laid quietly [ own beside his chair , allowed that its iwner was walking ono of the humbler laths of life. Altogether hia appearance ras shady. His face was weathurbeaton , nd the flesh about hia eyes 'was com- iressod and wrinkled and gave him a hrewd aud inquisitive look , Meeting tim casually , and not under such trying ircumatancos , I have no doubt he would ircsent.tho appearance of an intelligent nan of his class. But the grave nature if his position gave him an anxious , BUS- licioua aspect , which did not tell in his &vor. The crown took him in hand very gin * ; erly. Ho was treated with kindnoca , nd consideration , His aiianorn were ocoived with smiles and as ho went on 10 was made to feel at every atop that IB waa putting the right foot Forward. Vnd so ho was. Hi * evidence * was ; iven clearly , consistently , and quietly. ! 3very word of the opening statement , as ar an it concerned him , was distinctly irovod , Aa the examination slowly pro. seeded I could not help imagining thnt hia man had hia hand on Ilia prisoner's lollar , and was dragging him along , urely and steadily , until ho brought [ him to Jhocprrtn of the rlctim , and Ue him to it a spectacle for all mun I > get He told his tale with deadly precision Ho was driving on his donkey cart. It saw two mon in conversation by the sid of the , faring ono another. Ono o thorn had his buck to the fence , his faci to the road. Thut man was M. Thio bault , Trhpao mangled body was subao quontly found there. Did ho know thi other maiif Yes. Eobk round and U > 1 us if you can see him. Standing up , am looking steadily at the dock , ho pointed to the prisoner. "Yes , there ho Is , Ton Uailomn. " A groan wont up from the body of the court , These words should certainly be HallorAii'o death knoll. What advaiv tago was there now in prolonging the aiVugwlt ? The law had marked his vie thuoTid should have him. How did the prisoner boar it ? I looked at him and what ! ho took his eyes from the face ol Woocllock ho threw nn earnest and ap pealing glance toward the bench on which im counsel sat. There , ho evidently believed - liovod , waa his only hope. For the rest ho appeared calm and smiling. Presently the direct examination closed and it was now the time for the atrui glt ) . Mr. MjDjnagh , the advocate for the prisoner , waa smiling and apparently joldijg with ono of the Crown counsel. It seemed as if ho did not fool that there was any responsibility on him. As ho rose ho was still whispering in the oar of hia friend ; and , as ho draw himself to his full height they both indulged in a hearty chuckle. It almost sickened mete to see such luvity and indifference , while the creature in tho. dock , innocent or guilty , must bunulforing something Itku the tortures of the regions bolow. This atrango advocate seemed in no haste to commence. Ho turned over the loaves of his brief , made a few remarkr ID an undertone to his junior , and then gave what appeared to mo to bo a somewhat comical side glance uf , U < o crown coun sel before referred to who smiled , shook Ills hoad'and throw his eyes in U < o direc tion of the witness. A.I this passed rap idly but my eyes and mind wore fixed on this strange advocate. His facu was white and rather wrink led , ana it struck mo that it would not bo out of place oil the shoulders of a graceful and fashionable old lady. His attitude and his action were BO exceed ingly graceful studied. I thought that they Bouniod finical. The wig concealed luo lumd so that I could not observe it ; but the mouth mid lips were a study , they were so flexible and nucilo. Aa ho stood there , a spulo playing over his fact ) . I thought tiini a man whoso lead ing characteristic was humorous and very caustic sarcasm. Suddenly ho shot n piercing glance at tho. witness , swayed sightly aud gractfully from side to side , dangling his glasses , and then com menced. Soft us the smile of a mother , ! ; rt'atuful as the cooing of , a babe , were Ilia first accents. Thoao who expected the lichtoning nd the thunder were dis- appointed. Had Woodlock been his btothur the touo could not bo more bland or soothinp. Ho asked aomo trivial questions of a formal nature , aud before ono minute had elapsed the look if anxiety and fear had left the face of Lho witness , aud succeeded by ono rather easy and indifferent. As soon as ; his stage was reached a change , rather slight though , abruptly came over the nanner/.of the advocate. A v harshness : repr into his tone. " \V 8 there not an inquest in this : aso , Mr. Woodlock ? " The witness said there woo , and that ho. iad been examined at it. And then with lortcntoun gravity and an increasing larshness of tone ' Djts your evidence hero to-day fairly epreaent what you told the coroner ? " The witness unhesitatingly said that it lid. lid.Without Without notice and I shall never for- ; ottho _ tone , harsh , grating , and scornful rhilo the whole appearance of the man hangedhisjhoad thrown a little forward,1 lis shoulders slightly raisedhis eyes fixpd in ttio witness and scintillating like dia-i nonds in the gaslight the counsel called ut , "Repeat that answer. " And , before Voodlock could comprehend the change , 10 thundered at him as if ho were an al * eady discredited witness , "Look at the ury , sir ? " Woodlock started , turned to the jury , nd reluctantly repeated the answer. It raa as if the whole court had been oleo rified. Hero was a vital issue Jyina cou- ealed until nowand as yet not disclosed , 'ho interest that had boon digging was ovived , and the idea that it was all over ritli the prisoner was shaken. Words ould not describe the intense anxiety hat awaited the evident crisis that was oming ; Snatching up a paper , the bar- ister asked : " [ lad you over n doubt about the dontity of the man you saw speaking to Dhiobnult ? " T.ho answer como promptly , ' No. " " rhon , " asked the counicl , "why did ! ou say , wIiLii the coroner ankcd you if fou know the man , ' how coul I I know inn when I never saw his face ? " The witness denied over having said uch n thing. With withering wruth umn the denunciation and query "You contaminated ' do perjurer , you lony your own words/ / " Ono can butter imagine than describe ho oxcituipont that now took possession if the crowd. The attention of every ndividual in court waa utrained There raa n aili nco that no ono would break , nch was so eager to catch the slightest ccont in a contest on which depended he lifo of a man. ( To bo continued. ) IOWA lihMb. Anamosa ealoon keepers have all quit. There is no liquor sold in Ottumwa , but trunks continue to appear the nayor. The Kirkwood house of Dos Moines vill not bo ready by the titno of the neoting of the republican state conveu- ion , The Dos Moines Capital says two iluggora have agreed to fight in that city innio time , in September for 8100 and bol-money. Gov. Sherman has been applied to for t ptrdori for Smith , ex-deputy treasurer , ) f Lao county , who was sent to the pom -entmry for three years and half , for em- jczzlemont , two years ago. In the north part of Mills county the Missouri river has been cutting in to ward the bluff all summer. The K < insa Jity railroad has been removed , but the iviir ia said to bo reaching for it again , For the year ending October 2. 1882 , hero was received § 2,187,0 ! > 3 t-t for tin nto the treasury of thn ctato of Iowa. olloing ninomontha , ? 2U2-124 , ! , 4 an" or tli1 year closing with the 1st ot July , .818,000.59 , making a grand tot. 1 ol aoiiuya received from October 2 , 1882 , o July 1,1881,8358,417,80 During , his time all the money wus paid cut up m thn various warrants iaaut-u oiot p Ir g j : 2,02 ,60. In other words over $7- )00tOl ) > were handled by the treasurer. A big tramp wont to the Henderson 'arm , north of West Liberty , ou Satur day nftorno < , and rudely demandcc something to vat. Mrs. Henderson re fused to give him anything , whorcunot ho seized it club and started for her. Shi ran into the house. The follow did no ! follow her , but ho broVo the glass out ol two or thrco windows and then started down the railroad track , It wat notlongvhowovor , until four or five men were in pirauit , and , overtaking him , a light ensued. The trump knocked twc of them dq'wn with a club , uhoti 0cargo Jackson Atov a revolver and soi > t a 02 cartridge through hi ! log. Ho gave up , wontbaok to to n , had an examination aud was bound over in $300. The ex citement for a time was groat. Cedar Rapids Gazette , C : Mr. and Mrs. Amory Koyca , of Marion , were married near 'MoUonnollsvillo ' , O , , August - gust C , 121 ! ! , sixty years n o. They arc still in the enjoyment of n reasonable legroo of health and strength , consider- 'nsr their year * . Mr. Koyca being in hia 34th. year and Mrs. Koyos 70. They are ho parents of Mrs. Judge Giflen nnd Mrs. Preston Daniels , of Marion , and Mrs. Robert Holmes and Mrs. L. K [ 'arkhursl , of Ocd.r Rapids , nud of Mr. A. J , Kvyos , travelling sales' limn for Cook & Frick. This ovouing at Marion , Mrs. Judge Qiffen will give an entertainment in honor of the golden anniversary of her parents' marriage , vhich will bo attended by all the surviv njj children , nnd there will doubtless bo iiiiiiy souvenirs of affection presented the .god conplo Mr. and Mra. Koyos cuno 0 Linn county in the spring of 181' ) , md have rtsidtd hero over t inco. Vo y uw people live to calobrato the sixtioiu otr of married lifo , nnd this cnuplo will ocoivo many warm congratulations to- ay. OOAlAlt'JltUIALi ' , COUNCIL riLorra MAUKKT. CoUN'cit. Uturrs , IOWA , August 8,18SJ. Whuut No , 1 inillluK , 7&l3)bu ( ) ; No. a 05 ® ) ; rojtCtodr 0. Ooru Jjocftl puriXMivi , 40@ 15. Onta For local purponw , SJ5@ II y 510 00@12 00 per ton ; baled , DO@CO Uyc 40@4r.o. Corn.Moal 1 SO par 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices nt yartlo , 0 00 © 00. Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; lott , 1 00 l > or ton Lard Falrbnnk's , whoIoAallng nt PJc. Flotur Olty Uour , 1 tiO@3 0. Brooms 21)5@3 ) 00 per duz , LIVE STOCK. Oattlo Butoior cows 3 60@1 00. Butcher .oar * , none iu iniukat. Slioop 3.50. j Hogs 100. rnonucE AND Quotations by J. M. St. .John & Co. , com- mlHiiou men-hunts , 5S3 lirondwAV. * Potiltrv Lho old hen , 7c ; pptmg chlckonn , 2 25(5)3 ( ) 00 per doz , : live turkoyu , io. ) Fcachoa A bus. b x , 100. Lumens U ( H ) per box. Bnnunas 'J 0 Kft3 00 per bunch. Uuttor Groaiuory , 20o ; rolls , choice 9@10c. Eggs 1J podozen. . VegotnbloH- Potatoes , 1 H02 00 trorbbl ; onions , 7f > c)6rbu | ; cnt > hnfro50o per doz. ; eating nitiliv , 1-3 bn lint , fOo. cliolo > per hbl 3T 100 ; boaup , lGQ@235 , per busbol. Health is Wealth ! Dx. IS U'H NBRNP. iNn tnAis TRKATMHNT , a guaranteed eivcl.lo for IIjBtor a , DizzlUo t , Coiuul- lopfl , Fits , Noi\ou Kenra K Ittntlaoho , Nervous 1'rosiration cansud by the us ) of altool or tobicco , \Vakilulncfs , Mental il pneslon , HoftcnliiK of iho butn fcDuUlnir In lusontv anil IcadliiK t" misery , Jecwy and death , 1'ron aturo Old Age , Darrono-a lota 3fl'oor n oltlirrntx , Involuntaiy Lo-iwa and Sper- matoih ra caused I' } ' over exertion of thi biaui , self- kbusa or oter inJulu.iico Kadi box tonitlnsono month's treatment 61 < > 0 a bnx or six boxes for 55.00 , sentbj mall prepaid on icculpt of pr co. WISOUAU\N1KE SIX I10XF.U Tocuroanv case. With each order rorokel by us forMx b < xes aocompatiletl with C' 00 , wo will nrnJ the purchaser our uiltten uruarantee to refund the money If the tn atnnenl d.'cs not i ( Toct a cure. Uuar inters l uc < l oul > by JOHN C. U'E-T A , CO , Jy S02 Uaalaon at.Chicago , 111. RURAL NEBRASKA ! me Leading Agricultural and Live Stock Journal of the West. 20 Pages { wra.K TiMKAii.j8 ( | ColniDS H. 3. SMITH & CO. , KDI10RS JON nOBT. W KOHNAS , decretory State Board of AcrloultutF , Associate Kdltor. iUBSCnilTIO.N' PHI I ! , 1100 per j oar In advance. jtSTAOENTa WAN1KDJHT 108 and 103 a Uth Street , - OMAHA , NEB jy J2 ron THE cnrr.n OP ALT , DISEASES ov Hrrnj ! , DOGS. noc 5 UI/iJlV. IY1H TWrNTV YKAR3 Hnmiliri > y ' Iloniro. o-rlimrv Hpi-cllli ( > vu lcii ji ul li i P , hloc 11 JlrrcilrrH. lAvrtv huililo mid iirfin.-ii. Homo llnllronilt..Iniiiilni iircn. mil Miiic rniiiiiaiiln. Trnv's lllnn < 'Ur < > ini'i Diid .MriiniriTlci. and oiliira liauallue Btucl lllH.rI | .l IH.IIB. . . . „ „ - , _ . Ilu iiphrpj * ' Vi'lerlnnry.Mnnanl. ( VO pp. in f i ' l > y "inH on rii elpt of pi Jce. i < i nU tjy-l'amplilc U sent iroo on oppllcalluu Cjii'iiur.YH IIOMKOPATJIH ; Muu.fio. 10'J I'uliou hlrci-t , : \K\I VorK. Vital Wfakuora nnd Prrx Untlnn from overwOrU0 llccn In n I * , the inn > * t MIUI * ! tin rcmcily known. wrco vial of pomlor fc > BAMBUEG-AMERIOAN DiniCCT LINE FOIl ENGLAND , tfllANCK AND UKIVMANY. Tlie iteamxhllMi ol thli well-known line are built of Iron , In water-light compartment ] , and are furnlih * ndwltb every roquuiteto make tie passige loth idle and agrecablo Thov carry the UnlUxl Uiatet iuj Kun t > oan malls , ami I avd New Yurka Tlmn- ilayi aud naturdaya for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher- IMco : Fliat Cabin , t 6 , Wi and 87S. Pleerag , | 20 llenryi'undt , Mark Ilinneu. K ,1 ! , Moorei.U. Toll , iKCiiteln Omaha , Oroocwlcif i SoJionlgen , acuta | In 0.luncll UluO . 0. K : UICHAK'J * CO. , ( Jon. I'M * Wti , 01 Urovlway , N. Y Cban. Kozmtoikl & Co- Qtneral WuotuJn AdlnU , 107 WanblDKton UU , Ohloa T. 0. CARLISLE , DIIKEDKK OF MO , VALLEY , - - - IOWA BHi.nil lor Clrenlart. " TIP/1KEN SPRING VEHICLES ! rni < r. one | > er- Hprlnei IrBBlhen nnd horteq crorillo lolhewr glitihcy rarry. IC'iually well Adapted to routiTcounrr roadi and ABBOTT BUQQY CO , THE CHEAPEST PLACE JLJ J UMAHA TO BUY u-ElrE | | DEWEY & STONE'S , Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in the United State * to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELE&ANT PASSENGER .ELEVATOR * SOUTH mm , IT IS THE NAME OP THEpJOWN WHE E I Fine Healthy Homes , FOR ALL ARE FOUND I Where They Can , Enjoy Pure Air & Waterl 1 And all of the good and pleasant things that go to make up a com plete and hnppy existence. ' * " ? $ The town o South Omaha is situated sonth oE the city o Omaha nn the line of- the U. P. Ituilway. nud it is less than 2i miles from the Omaha-post office to the north line of the town'sito. ' ' ' South Omahn is nearly 1-J- miles north and south by 2j east add westjimd covers an. nro.i of nearly four square miles , 1 1 The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit. ' Nearly 1 fiO lots have been sold &ad the demand is on the ] increase The yards are boiug rapidly pushed to completion. ' ' The # (50,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The $ SO 000 Water Works are keeping pace with the other im provemeuts , and the Llotol and Exchunge Building will bo erected at once The B. & M. and Belt Line Ruilwnya have a largo , force of men al work and will , in connection with thoU. P. Railway , have a union depot near the park at the nanth end of the town. Suitable grounds wilbba fumishca for Church and School purposes. . Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never bo cheaper than they are to-day. IST'Apply at trie Company's office , cor. of 13th and Douglas | streot9 jvor the Omah assaying's Bank. M. A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary. utANur.u-ru En or ot ecoxorvt AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , , UIO and 1220 Uornoy Strict and 403 A. Kih Blrwl , I fft - < d .1 > l binij ( ii'iju.ul fnm ngon ainillcatluo. 'iY1cin9i C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist , AND DEA.LER OMAHA , Doub/e and Single Acting Power ana Hand Engine TriraralngB , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron at wholeaalo and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILL8 , OHUIU. B AND SCHOOL BELL& . Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. LUMBEE MEECHANT in . ua a < O - 03El ) Dln I rg a > * CD * I ' rt O 5 DQ tU 5a ra n Mou tUO OITMINGS AND 20TE ST. , OMAHA , NEBt