THE DAILY BEE-COL'NCIL BLUFFSSATURDAY , AUGUST 9. 1884 , THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS Saturday Morning August 9 , tsuuscnirnoN HATES. Hr Oarriof - - - - - - -10 < > enf ftt week Ir Mull - - - - - - - | io CO per jrctr OFFICE : Ko , T P irl Street , Hear Broadway. MINOR MENTION , See J. Rotter's summer style * . There wcro throe plain drunks fined yesterday. The defective fire nlnrm continues to cause trouble. " The Bavnrinn baud play nt Milliard , Hob. , to-morrow night. The Council Bluffs district conference of the M. E. churches will bo held In Missouri Valley August 13. D. A. Loomis and Elvira Hill , both of ihis city , were married Thursday oven * ing by Justice Sohurz , at his oflico. E. W. Ticknor hns nn npplo tree in his yard on Fifth avenue which is now in bloBBom , the second blooming this year. The newly painted delivery wagon of the McClurg cracker factory is ono of the handsomest wagons of the kind in the city. city.S. S. H , Graver has bought out the livery atablo of S. S. Wagner on Bancroft street And Mr. r7agnor has gone to Hot Springs. W. P. Aylsworth 1m contracted to , raiaa another brick houso. This time ono belonging to a Mr. Jones on Washington - ' ington avonuo. Wm. H. Russell and Mrs. Alice Gragpt , both of this city , yesterday obtained leave to wed ; also II. Haock , of Hoi- stein , Ida county , and Augusta Ronnan , lun of this city. Spiritual circle to-morrow afternoon at * 2 o'clock , and evening at 8 o'clock , in .Shugart & Beno'a block. Entrance on Main and Pearl streets , two doors south : of post oflico. The Cleveland and Uondrioks glee club ; JIB formed consist ! of E. A. Bockor.O. W. Oreo , 0. A. Riley , F. A. Darrah. J. W. Adolph , B. T. Connor , J. A. Murphy and Carl Williams. The dear old grandmother's guardian did not show np in the convention yes of terday. Ho probably has not got up yet after being knocked down in his own | Jj word the other night by 1G1 to 1C. The Blaine and Logan clubs have opened as their headquarters the rooms under the Citizens' bank In Shugart's block , and are fitting , them np in a very it attractive and eouvoniont manner. I Tomploton & Lamb have placed In. their show window a very novel sort of an attraction , It being a plantation scone , the cabin being made out of cigars , and , the Burroundings being skillfully wrought in tobacco. The Rov. J. Fisk will preach at the ' United Brothorn church on Sunday , [ August 10th , 1884 , at 11 o'clock , the funeral sermon of the two babes dssortod by their mother. All frionda to human ity are respectfully invited. J. A. Bode , who made such a lively fight against Anderson two years ago , now issues from Tabor the first number of hia campaign paper , "Tho Hatchet. " It is red-hot republican , and nhowa that hia pencil has boon sharpened afresh for another three month * ' contest. Colonel 0. F. Parsons baa begun put ting ; hi * patent fire and water-proof paint on Noumaycr'a hotel , which will give the pnblia a still bettor chance to BOO what it really is , and what its merits aro. If it proves oa represented , it scorns that a factory could easily bo started hero. The row , in which Sadonski and the Pore brothers indulged , the other night at the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul's yards , was to have boon examined into by Justice Abbot yesterday , but the par Lii ties concerned had made up and the cases del were dropped. It seems to bo qulto the ! U the ; rage now for men to club each other un no til too much weakened by blood to fight noi any longer , and then when it gets into aaU. court thu transaction is shown up as simply U.B. B. ply a little misunderstanding or a friend * ton ly Ecufllo. toiKc At Chow May Queen. It's boss. Beat Istj in town. Opera house cigar store. I R. Dividing tliolilvy. Sheriff Dan Farrell , of Glonwood , was FrDi hero yesterday looking Di after the division DiA of the $1,000 reward for the capture of A Reynolds. The railway men who claimed El a part of the reward for giving the ofli- .leHi Hi cers the first pointers , were qivcn $250 , HiHi .and received it in cash. They appar Hi ently intended to give the conductor the slip , who was to have ono-UiIrd of what they got , but Ofiicor Hurley by ono of his rci quiet , quick moves prevented any such move , and the conductor got his share. Out of $250 , the attorney who looked after the railway men's claims , got $50 , and the remaining $200 waa divided be tween the two men and the railway con " ductor. The remaining $700 of the 81- 000 , is to bo given to the Officers Hurley and Towns , who divide it equally , leaving on Mayor Vaugbati , the chief of police , the w raarahal and all co others out in the cold unleia the oilicora want to donate some thing. hi May Queen Fine Out Chewing Tobacco at Opera House Cigar Store. Try it. the pc Itcal Edtuto Transfers. Of The following transfers were filed in the the county clerk's oflico yesterday and reported/or TUB BEE by 1' . J. Mo- to , . Mahon : JJ John H. Aegson to L. E. 8. Mitchell , vo ant ' n w J 17 74 40 , $2,500. , able Thomas Kearney to 0 L. Roberts , lot 4 , block 13. Oakland , 8100. ly Thonus Kearney tn 0. L. Roberts , lots for 2. and mi _ 'J , block 13 , Oakland . , $100. * * * Total eale , 8 3 0007 the , MANNING THE MAN , IS SoSaystboPettowaltamicConDtTCoD vcntion Unanimously , The Delegates Instructed to Sup port Him for Congress , Delegates Also Chosen to the BtAto Convention. The republicans of Pottawattamti county mot in delegate convention at thi court houao yesterday afternoon to soloc nineteen delegates to attend -tho ropub llcan state convention to bo hold at Do Moiiics , Aug. 20 , and nineteen delegates to attend the republican convention to bo hold at Atlantic , August 10. Col. D B. Dailoy called the convention to order , and , besides stating the pur poses , Miggostod that the county central committee bo also made up , as the state committee bad suggested that this bo done at an early a date as possible. Charles M. Harlo was chosen as tem porary chairman , and on taking the chair made onool his happy little speech es , full of enthusiasm for the ropunlican party , and calling forth much applause. Mr. A. T. Cox , of Oakland , was selected temporary secretary. The following committees wcro ap pointed : On Permanent Organization John Llndt , of city , M. S. Burnett , of James , T. P Troynor , of Lewis , J. B. Hake and E. A. Consignoy , of Knox. On CrodontitU T. J. Evans , of city , J. Turner , of Washington , P. Ellera , of Mindcn , F. Benjamin , of Knox , S. B. Trum , of Pleasant , The committee on credentials pre sented ita report. Concurred in. The committee on permanent organiza tion reported in favor of Fremont Ben jamin , of Knox , as permanent chairman , and Jacob Sims , of this city , permanent secretary. This report was concurred in unanimously. Mr.Itanjamin , on taking the chair , predicted a victory not only for the na tional ticket , but a victory in this county. Hif expressed the belief that the action of-this convention would virtually de cide the congressional convention at At lantic , and uiat the convention at Atlan ice would select a man who would carry Pottawattamio county by a majority of ono thousand. That convention would nominate : a man about whom all repub licans would rally , and all factions bo done : away with. Mr. Gonalgnoy moved that a committee - too be the chair , to consist ono from each township and ward to name nineteen delegates to the state con vention , and nineteen to the congres sional convention. Mr. Lawson moved to amend by hav ing the delegates from each township name a man. John Lindt moved to lay the amend ment on the table , but on learning that mtV V would also lay the original motion on the table , withdraw it , and moved to in definitely postpone it. Mr. Lawson objected to this sort of procedure. The motion to indefinitely postpone the amendment was carried , and the original motion carried. The chairman then named the follow ing as such committee : Kane First precinct W. MoFaddoi , Second J. Sims. Third John Lindt. Fourth Phil Armour. Bolknap A. T. Cox. Boomer L. 8. Axtell. Carson W. F. Pierce. Center W. T. Davenport. Crescent A. R. Protiss , Garner H. M. Saar. Qrovo Gco. Bolton. Hardin D. T. Porrv. Hazel Dell G. W. Groves , James W , 8. Burnett. Keg Crook Woostor Fay. Knox E. A. Conslgny. Layton 0. M. Bruco. Lewis L. B. Cousins , Lincoln G. W. Woods. Macedonia Wm. Tompkins. Minden P. Ellorp. Noola .T. A. Hamilton. 1 to Norwalk N. W. MaUon. Pleasant S. B. Trum. Rockford Frank Johnson. Silver Crook Not represented. Volley A. MoKinnoy. Washington Joroino Turner. H Waveland Not roprosontod. GJ WrJght-EH Clayton. York Not . roprosontod. Oil Before the commltoo reported John yo Lindt offered a resolution instructing the yoMl delegates to USD all honorable moans to secure cure ! the nomination of Judge Rothrock for Ml . 1.0 supreme court. Carrieda few voting no.Tho committee reported the following cit delegates to the state convention. O on . Manning , H. A. Browp , W. F. Sapp tin . A. Consignoy. Judge Peako , Eli 01 y , G. S. Lawson , W. W. Bilger , Vie , Keller , J. N. Baldwin , J. B. Blake , Phil h Armour , H. B. Jack , T. J. Evans , J. O. 111 Stadtor , A. T. Flioklnger. JS. P. Brown , th . B. Wilson , L. S. Axtel. The following were selected as dele- ro catoi to the congressional convention : ad Fremont Benjamin , Phil. Annum , E. W. Davis , T. J. JCvana , A. McKlnnoy , John Lindt , S. B. Frum , L Kinnohon , , P. Ellora , Jacob Sims , W. T. Wilcox , tbo .lerorao Tumor , A. W. Askwith , B. W. to Dight , J. A. Hoko , L. B. Comin , J. A. fro Hamilton , E. J. Abbott , Robert Jones. du The reports were adopted. Eli Clayton introduced ttio following resolution ; The republicans7of Pottawattamto Uu county in convention assembled , being dosirouH of securing the election of a republican - publican in who congressman this district , hereby declare that the choice of this At convention for that position is Lieut.- :1 : Governor 0. H. Manning , of Pottawat | wi tamio county. Wo believe that he not ) only unites in himself all the elements which ] will contribute to republican sue Be coas in thii district , but the material BeTc intoroslH of the diitriot will bo well and faithfully represented and cared for by him in the nutional congress. Wo therefore proaont his name to the people of this district BB our choice for nomination , and request the people its the district to ratify our choice at the oongreaiiotial convention at Atlantic ou lUth of August , aud bo it in Kieolvod , That the delegates selected said convention irom this be county good ; directed to present the name of Lieuten in Governor Manning before that inmi con and vention as a candidate and u o all honor It i moans to eoouro his nomination. 301 The resolution was adopted unanimousui Bud enthusiastically , and calls came hit "Mannlnp , " ' Manning. " While a committee was out after him . ' convention jnocoodod to select a Oh county committee , the following being chosen. Kane First precinct E. J. Abbott second Jacob Simms ; third John Lindtj fourth A. J. Hart. Bolknap W. T. Wilcox. Boomer Pete Peters. Carson W. F. Piorco. Center A. D Button , Crescent A , R. Prontiss. Garnnr N. Gallup. Grove J W. Connor. Hardin D. N. Perry. Hazel Doll-W. U. McGuinnots. jJamcs John Young. Keg Creek J. b. MoNay. Knox J. A. Hake. Laylon 0. M. Bunco. Lewis L. B. Cousins. Lincoln A. H. Chsso. Macedonia T. J. Young. Mindon-F. Marti. Neola J. 4 , Hamilton. Norwalk R. Graybill. Pleasant J. E. Krum. Rockford 0. Kolsoy. Silver Crook G. A. Slovens. Volley A. L. Fit Id. Washington . ! . K. Annis. Moroland Abel Gilford. Wright-J B. Tyo. York E. K. Harris. Judge Thurston , of Omaha , chancing to bo present , was called out amidst ap plause , and put in a half-hour'a talk , en tertaining the convention. Ho touched upon the fact that there had boon eomo distensions in the republican ranks hero , but notified the democrats not to take any encouragement from thcso little troubles , for the republicans like cats yowling at night , and seeming to bo chewing each other1 all up , were only making moro cttb. The democrats were predicting victory for their ticket. They always hnlloood too quick. They were like the Irishman , who thought it would bo so funny to rub the bull's nose in the dust , aud who after getting thrown over the fence by the bull remarked that it Was so fine that ho had his laugh first. Judge Thurston also imitated m a most laughable manner the spopcli of a democratic orat < r , who in trying to portray the wonderful character of the democrat 10 nominee for president , not only forgot Cleveland's name , and had to refer to notes , bur also in saying that ho believed God would bo on that side , had also to refer to his notes to remind mind him of thonamo of the almighty. There was much laughter , and hurrah , and on his retiring , Lieutenant Governor Manning was called for. Ho appeared and there was another outburst bf en thusiasm. Ho spoke briefly , confining his remarks simply to an expression of his gratitude for the honor paid him , chooa Ing his words well and fitting them nice ly together. Ho touched upon the in competency shown by the democratic congress , and pointed to the evidence of thia in this city , where there was only a v hole waiting for a government building. > Ho believed the democrats had loft that hole to crawl into after Novem ber , and ho hoped they would pull the hole in after them. Ho pledged hlmoolf to give his time and ability to the success of the party , whether fortune shall make him ono of the standard boarora or not in this district. At the close of his speech , and moro cheering , an adjournment was taken. After the adjournment of the conven tion the county committee held a moot ing , and chose Jacob Simn as chairman , and A. J. Hart , as secretary. PEHSONAU W. 1' . Fierce , of Coraon , was io tlio cit ; yesterday. i A. W. Askwitb , of Walnut , spent yesterday' ' in the city. James .Kirkwood 1ms loft on a visit t Spirit Lake. Henry Wagner ycxtfnlay returned from business trip. I Postmaster Remington , of Noola , was in tha | city yoBtorday. , lion. E , W. Davis , of Avoca , took in tin convention yesterday. KH Clayton , of Walnut , was hero yesterday to the republican convention , J ) . A > Conalgnoy , of Avoca , came to th convention of course yesterday. J , Fred Myers , of Detrition , camu to th city to attend the convention ycatordoy , J. J. Ste.idman , of tho'Nonpareil , has gen his homo in Crcston to regain his health. 7 Frank Bhinn , the attorney from Carson , was talcing in the political situation here jcs torday. Miss May and Mattiu McClure , of Mt I'lcusnnt , arev inttlng their friend , Miss Idt A. T. Coxof the Oakland Acorn , was among the wUconio calltra at TIIK BKB office yoitonlay. Will II. Kent , formerly with TIIK BKB Mrived huro from Kansas City , whore bo ha boon visiting his sister. Fremont Benjamin , of Avoca , v\us in tin city yesterday , and ordeml TUB BFE placed file at the lilalno and Lopan beadqunrtei there. there.Wm. Wm. Maloney yesterday received uord that hia father is lying very ill nt his homo it Illinoif , IIo started ooht at once on receipt o the news. Mark Duryoe , the manager of the Ogden , returned yesterday with bis wife from Color , where they have been on a trip of about tuoweokn , 01 D J , E. Hutching , foreman of construction at 15 new stock yard * in Omaha , was brought 12 his home in this city on Thursday BUlTuring 16 26 from the effect ) ! of n sunstroke received tun to days or so ago , 12U W. 12. Davle , who was named In the tota 25Kl Kl graphic columns josterday as having beer Lo apjKiinted assistant general paati-ngcr agent ol Id Chicago A ( .Grnnd Trunk' with head Co 10 ijiiarti-rH at Glilaigo , is the eamo gentluman 10 & was formerly tlio agent of the Sioux City IVI this ptint. Ilia many friends hero will III Date gladly learn tlmt hois climbing up thu ladder toAll rapidly , All A fresh shipment of cheroots just in. Dost in the city D cent. each. Opera House Cigar Storo. PO MoxliiK nt die V. M , O. A , ow The Watchman , which is the ollioial organ of the Y. M. 0 , A. , at Chicago , in last issue contain ! the folio wing in its question drawer ; Q. Should boxing gloves bo allowed our Association gymnasium ? A. Wo think not. While it is a exercise , yet it looks rough , and a majority of caies causes ilf fooling often worse , If they are allowed , should bo in private room with a competent instructor , and no spectators , A Unless : so guarded they should bo pro hibited. _ Nothing in town boats the 5 cent Oi Cheroot , at the opera house cigar store. kill ouru : - - - - - - t bickering Piano Best and Mokt Ilcllable. HALLBTT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANO Endoroetl b ; PKAVZ Lurr. EMERSON PIANO. UntlviJIcd for Tone or Finish , KIMBALL PIANO n et Modern 1'ricotoUiu. The KimliMl Orrnn. no long and favorably known In tha west , recommend * Itself , J. L. HTKWAKT , Solo Agent for above linen of Gooda , Warerooms , 82i ) Broadway , Council Jlluflfi , Iowa. Corriapondenco Solicited. Agents Wanted. I DeVO & WRIGHT , WHOLESALE I Haitae , Cnttery , Tinners' ' Stoct , Etc. . H-Btccal attention bymall. COUNCIL BLUFFS IA. A room papered entirely with litho graphs of celebrated men and women is a novelty which Schmidt & llarb , the popular barbers , 720 Broadway , invite the public to call and see. The Dos Homes Register's investigat ing committee reports as follows : Daven port "mum" is being shipped into Dos Moines. It is labelled ' 'mum , " and is said to bo used for medicinal and uili- nary purpoica , and , in fact , that , is printed od on the label. It dooa not look aa in nocent in the bottle as Cnlfnx water. Try May Queen Opera House. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. l SpceUl a Tcrtbcmenta , euo M Lost , round , To Lota , For Ealo , To Hcnt , Wanta , Board- fci ; , ota , will bo Inserted In this column at tbo tow fcint nto of TEN CKNT3 PER LIKE far the Dirt Ineortlon and FIVi : CENTS PER LINE for each nibeoqucnt n- portion. IXIOTO adrertltomoDta at our offloe , No , Pearl Street , near Broadvrav WANTS. T7 < OIl SALE Ur rcsMenos , corner 7th a\onua and -T 10th etroec. If taken soon will cell for (2,003 tolowralue. Will alio toll furniture , caip U , &c. , all or in port. It not sold at once will rent promises sea , with house tumlthod or unfurnished , at moderate rent. Any one thinking of making their homo lo Council IluHn will do well to Investi gate this offer. It la the bait bargain ever offered m the city. M A. UPTON. , LOST Lap robe , Sunday morning : between Her- dlo barn and packing hnuse. Suitable reward lor return of lame to ihit oBlce , Council Cluda. WANTED A good turber , will good wagoa. tteady job. Harmon & Carlton , Mluouri Valley ; , Iowa. c \LD PAPERS For tale at Bu offloo , at SS oenta \f a hundred. tTT ANTED Every body to Council Blnffi to takn VV TniBxx. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. TpOn SALK C1IKAP. OooJ boarding house , wloon X ? and billiard hall. Tine butloesa. AddrecaK. DHB office , Council Bluffa. A GENTS Ladles and gentlemen can make first -Volasa wages by eellint ; the "Champion Bosom Streothor and roalne Board. * Retails at tl.OC. Any lady con do up a one shirt without a wrlnkia and gloaa it M nloelyaa the best laundries can. Addrcee for putlcuUn C. B. 8. i L Co. , Bni , office , Counci Bluffs Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tha following are the times of the arrival and de- nuturo of trains by oontnl standard time , at the local ' depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mln- ILCS culler and arrive ten minutes later. cmaoo , nnwauoros AMD QDISOT. LUVX AUIV& CS5 p m ChloagaEzprtM. 9:09 : a m 0:40 : a m Fait Mall. 7:00 p n > CIS a m I'ilall and Express , 7 : ' J p m 12 50 p m Aooommodatlon. i. 0 p m "At local depot only. BixsjLS orrr. r , JDI AHD ooosnL twm. 10:05 : a m | Uall and Express , 7:06 : p m 8:00 : p m Pacific Express , 6:60 : p m cmaoo , ttftWAUKn ASD n. rAUL. C:25 : p m Express , 0:06 a m 6C : a m Express , flJ5 : p m CHICAOO , HOCK ISLAND ASD rACrflO. C:80 : p m Atluitlo Exprew , 0:06 : a m 0.25 a m Day Express , 6:61 : p m 1:30 a m * Des Uolnes Accommodation,1) ) O.OC p m "At local depot only. WABAHIl , BT. LOUIS ABO MCIT10. 1:20 : a m Mall , 3.05 p m 6:10 : pm Acoommodaton 3CO am At Tranafercnly cmoAoo and KOBrmnuTUir. 630 p m Exprees , 8:60 : p m 8:25 : a in Podlta Express 9:05 : a m Bicnx cm AUD rAcmo. 7:10 : p m St. Paul Express , 6:60 : a m , 0am Day Express 0Wpm : trnioM rAcino. 80 p m Western Express , 8J5 : a m 11:00 : o m racrflo Express , IM p m 7:40am : Local , Exprtsa , 0M m 12:10 : a m Lincoln Express , At Tranifer only. BOUT TSA0B T001UDA. Leave 7.-20-8EO-0:30-10.30-lliOo. : : m. 130-2:3 : 8:50-lJO-6-SO-flSO-llK)5 : : : p. m SunOoy 0.80-11:40 a.m. 130 8:306:30SO11:05 : : : p. ta. ArtlvelO mln to bofure loavmR tlmn GASH TALKS ! At tbo troll-known Establishment OP J. P. FILBERT , SOU Upper Broadway , the PIONEER GASH I Council BIuSs , Notloo our reduoea Prleo List. Wo poundi Extra O Sugar for . . . fl 00 pounds Granulated Sugar . . . . . . . . 00 poundi Choice Oatmeal . 00 pounds Navy Boons . . . . . . . . 00 pounds IVtt Bulk Starch . DO pounds Carolina Rico , . . . . . . . . 00 pounds Choice l'run s . JOO bar * Buffalo Soap . 00 Kxtra Lake Trout , per pound. , . 09 Loniliard'iFhigporib. , . . . * 0 dozen Mackerel . . . . . IS Colorado Flour , Winter , p r owt . . . 200 tOpOUUdjdlnycrBoapd , , , , , . , . . , . 1 00 Opoundsh uilby . , . . . 1 00 &gallonkrg Syrup . . . . . . . 1 70 M .iwr. . . . . 80 UJ Mackerel , ocrklt . , . 10 Dates , per pound . , . 10 8 pound uini Standard Tomatoes . 1 00 kinds California Fruit * . pound Iiiisk'i Stoadard 4 for . 1 00 T. T. T. All cradoi , aooordlnj to quality , 16o to SOo per pound. Wo alna carry a full line of Men's , Ladles' and ChUdreu'a flno Shoos ami UeoV Fine Boot * at very prices. Also full lluo 01 Tiav re and general rchandbo. Call on tu oiid bs ooavinccd thai you HVU money Ky daillntr with u > . CJooJj delivered o Inauy part of the city. a a word , we an bound to sell and challenge aU aolo ooumtlttoa tn thli oouutv. J. P FltllKHTI 2t > 4 u .01 Uroadtray IACOB BlktS. E. P. OAD > YELL SIM8&CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUrFS , IOWA Offlce , Mala Street. Koout 1 aud 8 Shanii * Uo- faUon'i UJoolr , WUJ practlo * In gtU Mid F dw l ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! ! For puroriver Ice pntrottio the bluowagons < a. tfactlon ( ruarantccd Ixn\o orders at No. li South Main street Telephone Mo , 84 MUL1IOLLAND & NICHOLAS. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. FOU HAI.K Two largo lot ) with three raUcx house ) , and alt lmproicmcn',8 , bringing inontul rcnUlof ? 2J. I'rlcof 1,500. Addrees I * , DXK Office J.K. TATK. WAnnEN WHITE Practice In State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 9 , Schugart'g Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council BInffr. Real cstato collection agency , Odd Fellows Block jvcr Saringa Bonk. rnos. omen , 11. u. rimrr. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Conndl BluBi ' . la. Established - - 1856 Dealers hi Foreign and omestlo Exchanca an Drtaa Secaritl THE INVflLID'S GREAT BOON ! 8ILOAM NATUHE'S REMEDY. These waters come In a large , pure stream , flow Ing from Nature's fountain and touched by the bant of the Master ChomUt. In a laboratory not made will hands , for the euro of Hhounntlim , scrofula , Ulcers , Catirrh , all Blood and Skin Diseases , Dtepapsla , Lh r Complaints , Kidney and Bladder Diseases , Gout , Neuralgia and Asthma And tboy are now a& know lodged to bo a most wonderful specific for a ! f rms cf Female Derangements and Central 1) llllty where a tonlo treatment is desirable. Hundreds of gratefni people who came to th Springs on crutches and stretchers and wcntawa cured , many of thorn M < apirg-and praising Oed , will testify to the hcalin ? properties of these waters. . "rinsic TO TIM rees I ' IKT NATOBB mu , TOU. " REV. U. U. THOMPSON , Manager. Albany , SUoam Springs , .Gentry Co. , Mo. 9 BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. * J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No .89 Pearl Street - Council Bluffs , owa. As there ro many So-Called Veterinary Surgeons In this city , who are practicing their quackery or our people , I deem It but justice to lay that I del ) any of them to produce A diploma , or credential ndlcatlng that they are giaduatea of any votortnarr nstltute , and I do hereby caution the pubUa again * ' tuoti ijuacks , ai I am the Only Known Gradual IN WESTEKN IOWA. Office & Pharmacy , 126 B'dway AT BLUB ilAUN. T. J. CADYM.D.V.S. N. SCHURZ. OFFICE OVER Ail Kill CAN EXPKBSS. _ OUNCILBLUFFg. IOW A MB , HJ , Hilton , M n , . PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON , 222 Mlddlo Bro 4v y. Council Blnfli. R , Rice M , D , DANGERS or other tumors removed without tbi , knlfa or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES " * < Oter hlrty years practical eiptrleno * OfotNi I'ear trett , Council Bluffs fVConcultatlon tree THE KA1MOM ) Baby Jumper ! T L-O-BEAOTETT AOfNT , 224 A ; 220 Broadway , TV COUNCIL BLUFFfl , BOOIvS ] STATIONERY , TOYS AND NOVELTIES Largest Stock LUWES1 J'BICES. H.H. HOKNE & CO. . _ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fine Cigars Wo make a specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA YAItA CIGARS. All Oigara sold by ua are of oar own manufacture and warranted aa represented. OPERA HOUSE OIOAR HOUSE , ' I D52 Broadway , H. H. HORNE & CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITU & TOLIiKIC , ' " 5 , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Mala street , COUNCIL BLWPPS , IOWA. LAHGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa nud Nobraalta , and sold fnr the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , lown. MRS , D , A , BENEDICTMannfacturer. ASADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH nrtalns , in lace , fl'tc , Turcoman , Etc. Oil clownsjfitattlnga , UnolenmBEtc hoicest and Best Selected STOOK in the WEST , [ omo and bo convinced that wo tire headquarters for all goods in our line , lipapest place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the C'ty. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. . Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - [ COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Best $2 a day House in the West Centrally Located. Sample Rooms , First Clasa Table , All Modern Conveniences. Reduced Bates to Regular Boarders. ALL TRIMMED HATS .A-ftorr MRS. S. J. NORRIS , 105 Main Street , Cbuncil Bluffe. The remaining HATS on hand will be Sold Below Cost to make room for New Goods. A Full Line f NOTIONS always Hand , J. J. AUWERDA , 317 Broadway. CotmoU Bluffs. / NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE American Plan. Furniture and appointments oil new. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Blot ? MRS. J. J. GOOD. Waves three inch part 65c , Coqnetts lOo each , Switches $ ltozO each , Hair ornaments given with every pnr- ohase , All kinds of hair work promptly attended to. Waves made of Ladies' comhings at 50c per inoh , ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J , GOOD 29 Main Stree GRESTON HOUSE - EVERYTHING / IJIBTCLABS. - NOB. 817 and 819 S. Main St. . COUNCIL BLUFFri _ DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BELT. 3,000 Electrlo Belt 3 tbo rnlh Juno by u * . Agents Wanted ! r.cferenccs Any o tbo bualno bouaoi to Council liluOa. JUDD & 8UITII Proprieton. ai9 BROADWAY . - COUNCIL BLUFFS 3D. IMC. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELKGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 3NTo. XQ KT 3VOC , lxi. tat. . 504 Main Street , - Council Bluffs. UANUTAOTbllKH OF TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS SAMPLE CABES a specialty. Slims 1 , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Execu te < J WHOLESALE 1'KALERS.IN HATSCAPS BUOKGLOVES , nd 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA ,