THli , DAILY BEE-SATURDAY AUGUST 0. 18&L NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL ? 2tO,000 8UUPLU3 MAY 1,1884 20,000 iRBcrons : n. VF YATE3. A. K. TOUZAUN , VrraldPnt. Vloo rrwldcnt W. V. MOOIIR , JNO. B. OOLUNR , I.KW18B. HKED ( K ot K. lUyden , AwdaUnt tU Acting Cathler. RAKUxa omcx : The Iron Bank , COB , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A GKNEu/vu UANKINQ BUSINESS TKANSAOT12D. INTEREST allowed on Umo deposits upon f Avorablo terms and npon aooonnta of bankr and bankers. FOREIGN EXOIIANQB Government Bcndu and County and City securities bought nod eold. In its treatment of customers the most liby oral policy is punned consistent with safotd- and nound banking , and wo invite corrcaponcR wnco or personal inquiry in connection there with FINANCFAKD GDM1WERCE. NEW YOBK , Aughet 8 , Money Easy ; li @ 2 ; closed 1J. Prime Mercantile paper 6l@CJ. Storlinfj bills. l"inn ; 4 82J ; demand 48I . G o vo rnments 'i nu. Hallways Strong. Stocks Opened heavy and lower on reports of Belling for foreign account. The decline ranged J to 3J. New York Contra ) , Lake Shore , Michigan Central and Union Pacific led the downward movement. Tha weakness in the market was duo to free sales for short account , the bears inclining to the belief that the upward movement had npent its force. The bulls have encouraged this belief , and have worked to secure a Inrgu chart interest. Having bren successful in this , they turned the market this afternoon. The shorts bc- came nlarmcd at the sharp change , and made an effort to cover. Offerings , however , were light , and they pucceodod in acquiring but little stock. On the way up tha improvement from the lowest point of the day ranged i to Ig , The market closed steady at or near the outside. OOCPONU Vi . „ 100 Vi Coupons . 112 U. 8. new , 4' § . 119 ftwlfiofc-nofflS . 126 OTOOE9 AND EOHDa. ' Amsrioan Kxprees . . 92 BnrL , Cedar Rapids & Northern . 02 Central Pacific . 405 OhlcJ o & Alton . 131 do do pfd . . 145 OU. , Burl. & Quinoy . 118 Erie . 15J do pfd . 31 Fort Wayne & Chicago . 12 ! < Hannibal & St. Joseph . 3b\ do do do pfd . * S8J Ullnola Central . 128 Ind. , Bloom. & Western . 14 Kansas & Texas . 11 < > 5 Lake Shore & Michigan Bo . 82J Michigan Central . GS Minneapolis & St. Louis . 114 | do do do pfd . 30 ! MlMourl Pacific . . . . 92 Northern Padfio : do do pfd , N srthwofltcrn do pfd New York Central , do do pfd , Poorla , Decatur & E vanavllle 1C c : Koci Inland 11JJ 2 ! OUlcngo , Milwaukee & St. Paul 60 do do do pfd 109J > Bt Paul Minn. & Manitoba 96 Bt Paul * Omaha S3 do do pfd 94J Texas Pacific 33S Union Pacific -tlj WabaflhySt. L. & Pacific 0 do do di pld Weitorn Union Telegraph. . Asked. . GRAIN AND PltOVIBIONS , f OHIOAOO PaODDOB. OniOAOO , August 7. Flour Quiet and not quotably lower. Whoat- Weal : and fairly active ; opened easy , declined i@3c , mooveml the loss , but reacted and closed l@\o below latent figures on thu afternoon Iward yesterday ; cash and August 79J ; September 80t 80& October 821 ; Novembe S3i ; winter lower , and moder ately active ; new No , 2 red 84'384J , closed 84 ; Spring dull at 79g@30J , closed 70 * . Corn Active and unsettled ; opened easier , declined tjc , rallied g@ifc , fluctuated and rlosod Jo altovo final quotations on the afternoon board of yesterday for all deliver- [ iff except August , which closed le lower. Casli 53 ; Aueust B2g@0'JS : September 52J ; October Dig ; November 474 ; year -131 ; May 11 ; rejeetod 49i. OatH Dull ; caah nominal ; August and Sep tember declined iOjJc , year and May weakened - ed i@ic , the market later reacted A@go but closed inside. August 26jj ; September 25 | @ 25J : year 25251 } ; May 'J9i@293. Jtye Dull ; 01. Barley Firm , Jo higher ; September liOJ ® G" : no ca h market. Timothy Quiet : prime , I 3C@1 3GJ. Flax Seed Good demand ; No. 1 cash Ic 6v higher 135@1S5J. - ' * " Meaa Pork Steady and nearly nominal ; IT 50(5)1760 ( ) raxh ; 21 00 August ; 19 50offerid September : ] 9 00 Octobur ; 12 23 year. Lard Quiet and easy ; averaged 2J@Ec ! lower ; cash 7 Ifi'S ? 47J : August 7 45 ; 7 47J September : 7 57J 7 00 October ; 7 20 year. MoatB-Khort rib Hidfi 8 Uulk - 75 , 1 shoulders , (1 20 ; nhort clear Bides , 0 Si. Butter Firm ; clioico creatnmy 19@20 ; fancy dairy 17@18. Cheeflo Steady ; full cream Cheddars 9@ Ojf : skimmed cheodara 2@tf J. Kfc'gu Unsettled ; 13@lij. WliiBky-110. Illdoi Stnady : green salted quoted , bull Oi ; damaged CJ ; light 8J ; heivySjcnlf lli@- Jt * Tallow No. 1 country sold at 5 21. lU'celpti and thlpments UecalpU. Bblp'tt Flour , bbls 5,00(1 ( 7,000 Wheat , bus bela 117,000 119,000 Corn , bnshela U3 > ,000 197,000 Oats , bushola 05,000 47,000 Kyo , bnnhela 19,000 20,01)0 Barley , boahob 1,000 . . . . S AriznNOON I5oAHi > Wheat August , and Xovfinlx > rgc lower ; September Jo lower : Oct- olx > r 4c lower. 2 Com August , Sopternlx , and October Jo lower ; November unchanged. OatH August 8c lower ; September Jo lower. Pork unchanged. hard - SopU'inbor 7c lower ; Octobi-r 5c lon-fr. NUW OHLKAN8. NBW OBLEANS , August 8 , Corn ' tmliil. mixed , 63. X1' OataVeatorn , Kcarce ; 40@4J. Corn Meal-Lower ; 3 00. 1'ork flooiV demand ; higner ; 17 25 @ 17 60 , Lard-Firmer ; tierce refined , 800 ; keg , H 25. 0 Whisky Finn } western rectified , 1 00 ® ( 120 , DALTIUORK. Augnat B. Ilour Not quo- Wheat W eatern , Jowor , closing iSlird a toad r ; No , 2 winter , red spot , August 8Pi@ ogii Corn Western nominal ; mixed spot and AnrfUBtC2. Oats Irregular : western white , old , Kyo Qnict , ca y ; ( XG3. KpRKa y at I2U. Whi ky Noin'mnlnt 1 IB. MILWAUKEE. MIIAVAUKKR , August 8. Wheat Weak No. 2 Milwakco nnd August , 705 ; Bei tcmbor , BOJ ; October 81J. Corn Ihillj No. 2 nominal rejected , 49J. Oats Firmer ; No. 'J&aXj. \ . Kyo Nominal ; No 1 , 02. Barley Qititt , uncli.inxed ; No. 2 tpring 35 ; September , C2J. Nnw TORS rnormcB. NBW YORK , August 8.-Wheat Spot : Jo low or ; options t > poncd itfl ( { < 3 lo\\cr , \anciil 1B1S'dusiiiK ( ro ctioii S ( < $1J. cciptu 128 000 ; \porte : ? f ) , NO. No. 2 Chic BRO , S8 ungraded red , 7" < | f l'No. ' ; . 3 re ' 87'd8"jll No. 2 uxl , I18g93 , ' ; September , clo' ii'Ki ' 'J B- Corn-Spot l@lic and options i'SJc lowci closing uteaty. llpcolpti , 3I.OPO. export 59.000. Ungraded , MsCit ; No. 2 , C2JftC3j ( Si'litembor , ( i . Oati Nominally unchanged. ll copts ! C000i'xpiits ; , noli * . Mtxud western JtStgr" white , western \ ( < ? < 17. Kggs Western fiosli , quii-t , steady , moi ; crhte dcmtnd , Pork Dull , unchanged , " Lard CI\PI | ; scarcohigheroptionf ; ; , 10@12c Points towop u'lKtern ntvuiit spot , 7 UU@8C ( liutter Firm ; tni'durulu ilcnmiid. l.lVKIll'OOt. . Llvsiii'ooi.'AiigiistS.-Whe.'xt Dull ; hnavie winter 7s fid 's 7d ; spring , 7s Cd(2)7s ( ) 7d. Corn- Dull ; ea'iur ; f s Ojd. Ureadilulfs. Dull , drooping , imr.ixj. TOLEDO , August 8. Wheat Dulllj lower No. 2 red ca h August 82-f askod. Corn Dull ; No. 2 cash and August Mi asked. Oats Dull ; firm ; No. 2 , cash , SO. ST. LOUIS ntonccK. ST. Louis. August 8. AVhoat UnseHlei and lower : No. 2 red , 832 8JJ cash : SUJ'tf 83S AuguH ; 83JU84J Septambfr ; 8.1 ( :8iS : Oo tcbor , clii < itig at ins do piicoH. ' Corn Higher ; 471@48 cash ; I'J' l'i Alt' gust : 471 48 October , closing at ton lignre.i Oats Liwer ; 30''g3l cash , 2&J August ; 213 September. Kyotiiiioi ut 58. Barley -A lot of now Miimi > * ottn .sold at 70. Batter--Uiichan cd. Fgis Uuchniiped. 1'Taxsse.d 12 @l W. Corn Mfal Fjimur , 2.70. Whisky 1.07. Bran Firmer , 51o)52. ( ) CALI BoAltn. Lowerfi3J August : 83gtf88j September ; SlJ'iJ.SI ? October ; 80J November ; 82/82J / the year. Com Lower ; 40J October ; 48J@48i the year ; 40i May. O.ita Lower ; 23 August ; 24i September. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , August 8. Wheat Firmer ; No. 2 red 82. Cnrn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed 06. Oats Finn ; No. 2 mixed 30. Rye Dull and lower ; No. 2 , 60(201. ( Barley-Firm ; extra No. 3 fall 70. Pork Firm at 17 00. Lard-Quiet at 7 40. Bulk Meats Firm ; shoulders , C ; fhort ribs , 9 . iWhiskoy Held at 1 07. No pale' . KANSAS CITr. KANSAS CITT , August 8. Wheat Sharply lower ; C5J for cash ; CCJ for September ; C8J bid for October. Corn-Quiet ; 42 for cash ; 41 for September ; 18 bid October. Oats Dull and nominal ; 23 bid , tilVE STOCK. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Augusts. Dro\era'Journal ro- wrt : Hog1 ? Receipts , 15,500 ; steady on l > est : f > @ LO lower ; rough packing 5 BO'S ) i 70 ; paekiiig md RliippitiR 5 70ii ( ( 10 ; light , 5 40@G 25 ; ikii > s 4 20(315 ( 40. Cattle Receipts 8,520 ; funcy cattle firm it 7 00@7 35 ; e\ ports , ( i 50@7 00 ; common to shoico 4 GjjG ( 50 ; inferior to f ur cows 2 25 g)3 ) 00 ; medium to good , 3 00 ® 100 ; stockeis i 0@1 25 : feeder ? , 4 80 ( < 84 110. Sheep Roci-ipts 2,809 : 2oOo lower : iu- erior to fair , 2 fiUa ( > ! JOO per cwt. ; medium o eood,325@4 CO ; choice to extra , 1 00@ 125. 125.Lambs Lambs Per head , 1 fiO@3 75. KANSAS cnr. KANHAS CITV. Augast S. Cattle ID- ? eipts < , l.GCO ; steady ; native ? , 4 75@G 30 ; cows , 80@3 75. Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; weaker ; 5c lower ; 40@572J. Sheep Receipt' , 105 ; steady ; n-itlves 120. ST. LOUIS. St Louis , August 8. Cattle Receipts , i,500 ; eha'lo easier ; natives lower ; exports , 40@G 75 ; common to choice Hhipping , 4 75 @T. 40. Sheep Receipt" , 7,000 ; good muttons wan- .ed ; poor , very dull ; inferior to good , 200 ® 40 ; clioico to extra , 3 60@4 00. Lambs Per head 200@400. Hogs Recuijita , 2,3 0 ; quiet : Yorkers 5 SO § 5 80 ; packing , 0 40@5 85 ; butchers. 5 75 ® ilO. OniAHA MARKETS. Wholesale Price * . Orrros or THE OMAHA Bn , I Friday Evening Auguat 8 , f The following prices arc charged retailers ly jobbers , wholesalers and commlsaion mcr- lianta with the exception of grain , which is uoted at the prices furnished by the elevators jid other local buyers : Grain , Wheat Cash No. 2 , CUj 'lfl. Barley Cash No. 2 , 47@52c. Bye Cash , No. 8 , 45@4Gc. Corn-No , 2 , 39@3"Jc. Oats No. 2. 2 J@i7c. "Wool. Light fine 1417 ! Heavy fine 1013. Medium 14@17. Coarro 10@13. Burry 2 to Go off. Flour and MIlIfltufTs. WI.VTKU WHEAT Boat quality , patent , at 5 10@3 10 SKCOND QUAMTV 2 853 Of > . Sl'UIWi WlIKAf Bestquidity , pat-Jilt , 3 00 ® 15. 15.SKOO.VII QUALTV 2 1D@2 75. BltAN Gio per cwt CiiorrKi ) FKKIJ Per 100 Ibs. , 80. ? . COIIN MKAL 1 00@l 10 per cwt. SCIIEKNINU ( i5@75o i 'r cwl. > Block. > VAT Cowi- J5(5 ( a to Hooa 1 25M 7' ' . BUMP 3 l'0@3 50 OAivea-5 OUg7 ( 00. > General Vroduoo. ArPLES In liberal supply ; all choice , well pocked fttock meets with icady ealu at , ' < 00 ® 50 per bbl. BBANS Receipts light nd demand good. Bjud picked navy , per bu , 92 50 ; medium , 00@2 25. BEESWAX In good demand. Choice bright per Ib , 26@28e : common to good dark per Ib , . BUTTKn Prices finnor and Improving nt/-ad- lly with a ntronfr domain ! for the finer grodHs. Choice table , 13@lCc ; fair to good , 8@llc ; creamery , 18@2ic. OiDKU-"Ohio" per bbl , 87.00 ; "York State er bbl , 38 00 ; peri ' 'b' ' , $1 75 ; condanved par la , 85c. Crab njipla , per gal , 35e , OUEESE FiUl cream , western , 8fe9 ; Win- oonaln new 10 ; rnnnK American 12ffll3c , Kuan Jtrcelpti ) heavier and priced a littlu weaker , Helen to-day , 13e. ' FonnaN fiiuira California orfcnzoi , per box , ft M Hefnlm. lemons , per box , 50. linnanus per bunch , ? 3 00 Figs , Ib. . 16o. Dates , In frails , 7Jo ) dates , ai-'l. In boxe4 l'2 a ( ! AMI : Tiin seuson for prxiriu cliickeni cuuiinouces AuguH IS. They will probably nut hi Ing over * 3 KO per dozen as long at warm weathrr lasts , Hay Baled , AOO@10.00 | loose , $7.00 ® 900.jELLTln , jELLT-ln 20 and 30 ) b nalli , C@7 J ! In 2 Ib AM , per doz , 91 50 ; asioNa tumblers , dot. 91 20 ; sdioonera , per dozen , $3 09 , MATLE SDOAK Puro. in brinks , per Ib , ICc , Ohio , 13c ; emiUl cakei , 12ic. MO ! . 818,50. Drlod hoof. 13a I , n1. OffllOo SMALL FmiTfl- Blue liorrie * per 12 qt C P S200. BUckbortlen | xr ; 24-qt case , $3 fO SJ 00. Wild p'uin , Kr i bu.hol bet , SI 00 Penchos § 1 TO. OAI.HXIRNIA Fntns Pear * , Vt-lb. boxe SI Oil ; Penches , 20-lb boxes , l& 00 ; PhmiB , 2 Ibbnxw , S3 25. ( Jia ] > esl'pr enito It bo ? 100 Drr Uuodu. Bnows Siurnxos Atlantic A , 7 o ; Atln llo P , 6c ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 74c lioftvcr Dam LL , Glo ; Lawrence LTj. 6Jc ; I'nc So II , 7fc ; Royal Standard , 80 ; Indian Ilea A , 8c ; Wauchiuott A , TJc. FINK BROWN SiiKETiNaa Argyle , 7Jo ; Poji peroll R , 7o ; Salisbury R , GJo. BLEACHKD COTTONS -Ballon 4.4 , CJo ; Ba Ion 7-8 , 5Jo Cumberland 4-4. 80 ; iJAVoll DU 8Sc : Fairmonnt , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 9c ; Glory of the West , SJo ; Golden Gate , RJo Hill 7-8 , Sc ; Hill 4.4,90 ; Lonsdalo 8Jo ; No Vsrk Mills , UJc ; Wamsutta , lOio. Dl'CKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 or , , lljc ; Boi tin , 10 oz. , 14ic ; Boston , 0 oz. , 14c ; Fal River , 8Jc , DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 or. , 11 Wont Point , 10 oi , , llo ; Boston Bear , 8 07. tlo. tlo.TiOKtNQS TiOKtNQS Amotkeng , lie ; Continents Faacy , 91 o ; Conlis , lOJo ; Pearl River , 14o Vork , 12jo ; llamloton Awnings. 12Jo. DENIMS Amoskoag , Mo ; Beaver Creel AA , 12o ; Beaver Crook BB , llo Koavcr Crook CO , 10 ; Havmakori o : Jaffroy D & T. 12f c ; Jaffroy XXX. 12Jo Pearl River , 13c ; Warren AXA ( Drown ) I2o ; WarronBB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAMBiuca Fifth avenue glove finish , 5c Keystone glove finish , 5Jc. COMET JEANS Amory , 7io ; Ilancock , 80 Koanayor , 81c ; Rockport , 7c , PniNT3 Allon8,51c ; Am on can,5fc ; Arnolds ) c ; Cochea , Gc ; llarmony , 4c ; Indigo , 7Jo Indigo 78 , lUc : Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap Bale lc : Charter Oak , 4Jc. PniSTS SmnTiNos American , 6c ; Oocheco 1c ; Gloucoster,5oSouthbridgo , 4Ic ; Wavorlys , IJc : Rowdalo , 4o. GiNaiiAMa Amoskoag staples 8Jc : Bates itaplos , 8c : Lancaster htaplos , 80 ; Plnnkol ilalds , 9c : Hudson chocks , 8Jc ; Aiuoikoog ? orsIanH , OJc. Ur.csa GOODS Atlantlo alpacca , 9Jc ; Per ilnuo caahmor , 23 Jo ; Hatnloton cashmere , Clc ; Hamloton FaucuB , llic ; Hnmloton bro Dados , 15c ; Arllupton brocade , lEc , Grocora OARKED GOODS Uyntors itttandardfcer caeo , 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per caw , 2 20 aspberriofl , 2 Ib. per CABO. 270 ; Bartlctt loara , per case , 58) ; whortleberries , per coao , 10 ; egg plumB , 2 H > , per case , 2 90 ; green agoa , 2 Ib , per cooo , 2 00 ; plno applet , 2 Ib per case. 4 60(35 ( 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , 9o , 3Jc ; J Inch , lOc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 1C * , 14c ; 8s , 14 3 ; 30100 40 Ibs , 16 oz. . 6s , 14o , MATCHES For caddie , 85o ; round , 2 55 ; square caaos , 1 70. SUOAIW Powdered , 8Jc ; cut oaf , 8o ; prannlatod 7Jo : confectioners' A,7c : Htand- rd extra O , Go ; extra O , C | ; medium ye. ' ' ow. 5J s ; dark yellow , e. GOMEES Ordinary grades , 12@12io ; fair IS 513ic ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15Jc ; choice 6@17c ; fancy green andyollow.lG@16ioold ; overnmont Java , 20@26c ; Levoring's roasted. 7c : ArbncklflV roafctod , 15c ; McLnughlln'c gVgTC roasted , 15jc ; mltatlon J vo , 10J 318 c ; Clark's Aurora , lOJc. RICH Louisiana prune to choice , 7@iioj air 64c ; Patina , 6 c. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brig. , 7 ( Ot No. , 95 ; family mackerel , kits , GOc ; No. 1 vhlto fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 93. SmUT Standard Com. . S2c , bols ; Standard o , 4i gallon kcga 1 85 ; SUudkrd do , 4 gallon ion 150. SODA In Ib papers , S SO pec case ; keg per Ib , Jc. Jc.PiOKtia Medium. In barrels , 8 00 ; do n half barm's , 4 50 ; small , In barrels , 9 00 ; do n half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins In barrels , 10 00 ; 0 In half barrels. 5 50. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice 60 % 75c : good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@C5c Tonng Hyson , good , SG@50c : choico. 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf. S5c ) Japan , hoico , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 8640c ; Oolong , hoice , 40@55o ; Souchong , good , S540o ; hoice , 35@45o. WOODENWAUB Two hoop polls , 1 85 ; hroe hoop paibi. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo- ieer washboards. 1 5 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; IVollbuckets. 3 45. SOAPS Klrk'a Savon Imperial , B 45 ; Kirk's latinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , S 75 ; Kirk's ? hlto Russian , 525 ; Kirks ontoca , 215 ; iirk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cnkos)40cKlrk1e , ) ; nagnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cue , In case , 35 ; Babbltt'u ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor all , 2 doz. In case , 1 50. OANDt Mixed , 12@lSc ; stick , lie ; twist tick , lOio VINEQAB Now York apple IGc ; Ohio np- le , 13o SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Aahton , lu acks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy GO. 5s , 8 SO. STABOH Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Set Com tarth , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss. 7o ; Com , 7a SPICES Pepper , 17o > nlkploo , 15c ( clovoo , 3o ; cassia loo. LTB American , S 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Voatorn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 65 : Jewell lye , 2 75. TOD4CO04 Fiuo TOBAOOO CHma40c ; Bullion 45 : ; [ oneshoo , 44 Star , 47o ; Jnddy , 45o ; Her- oVs , 40o : Black , 88@40c. FlNB Otrr Common. 20@SOo ; good , 45@ ) o ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 65c ; Diamond rown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 60o. SMOKING 0. 8. , 22o ; Moerschanm , SOc ; Dur iam , 8 oz , , 55o ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durharr oz. , 55c ; Sea of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55o 011 of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 57o ; Seal o ) forth Carolina , 2 oz. , COo ; O. K Durham , 4 T. . , 28c ; O. K. Durham , 2 or. , SOcj Uncle Ted , i'l 25c ; Tom and Jerry , 23o , Iilanora. ALOonOL 188 wine alcohol , 2 1C per wine alien extra California spirits , 188 proof , 12 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits ! 7 proof , 1 14 per proof gallon ; re-distilled rhlskloa 1 00@1 50 ; tine bfonded , 1 50@2 50 ; Contncky bourbons , 200(35700 ; Kentucky nd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BnANDiia Imported , 6 0016 00 ; domestic 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 C0@6 00 ; domestic , 1 40 $300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New England , 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PEACH AND APPLB BBANDY 1J54 00. OnAUPAQNES Imported per caio , 2800 ® 1 00 ; American , ' per cose , 12 001G 00 , Palnta Olla and "V arnlihni. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 ° eadllght , per fjallon , 12Jo ; 175 ° headlight , er gallon , 15o ; 150 ° water whlto , Ho ; lln oed , raw , ; pr gallon. D9c ; llnsood , boiled , per alien , G2o Lard , winter etr'd , per gallon , 70cj fo , 1 , 60oNo. ; 2 , 50o castor. XXX , per galen on , \ GO ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; nwoet , per gallon 1 00 perm W.B. , per gallon , 160 ; fUh. W. B. , ergaUon.)53t noatnfoot extra , pei gallon , 90c ; f o , 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; ummor , 16o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per pal- on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; nponn , signal , per gallon tOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48o ; naptha 74 ° er callon , IGc , PAINTS IN On > White lead , Omaha P. P. e ; white load , Bt. Lonls , pure , 61cj Mareoilles rreen 1 to G Tb cans , 20c ; French clno , green eal , 12c ; French zlno , red seal , llo ; French [ no , In varnlah asnt , 20c ; French zlno. In oil uut , 15c ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 lt > cans , lOo ; aw and burnt Sienna , lOo ; vandyke brown. 3c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and vary black , IGo ; drop black , IGc : Prussian lue , < 8j ; nltramarino blue , 18c ; chrome Rrcon j. H. & D , , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L II , &D , , I6cj Paris preen , 18c ; Indian red , 5c ; Venetian rod , 9 Tuscan rod , 22c : Aineri- f sa Vennllllon , I . & P..I t , . . „ , * . , j. M , , O. &D , O , , lie ; ysllow cthre , 9 ) olden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , He ; graining alort. light oak , dark oak , wnlnot , ohmtriot JIIlIOH. Steady ; groan butt here , 01@ ( ) ; grpun salted , 'ife8 : dry Hint , 12@12dry * ilt 10@ll ! dam- igad hides , two-thirds prico. Tallow-r.J@Oc. ( ( ! BlioepPelt8-2.r c@100. ] Oak lole , 88c@l2c ; hemlock * ole28o@R5o ; leuilock Up , SOo to 1 00 ; runner 65o to 80o { jomlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o to 24c : oak npiier , 2lo ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 60 ; alf kid , X' ( V ; GrbUen Liu , 2 60 lo 2 76 ; oak Jp , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kin , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- Clioteo per 111. 51 00. PorconN- ( fixxl demand al 2@2Ho per Ih 1'OULTBT In liberal wipply mul prian n little tlo wpftkor however rccripti moot rmnly nal on nrmnl ; old chicken * 8 "fi ; spring 2 7 . I'OTATOKS Now homo Rrown , plentiful , ncll iiifj nt 35(340 ( per bu. PROVISIONS Hwn , 1 IJoi b. baoon , 12Je n. n. boom , life ; d. B , Miles lOJc ; abort ril UlM | lOJc } nhouldori , 8Joj mews jxirk , po HATINKB8 No , 1 Ur oak , 87o ; No 2 do S5o ! No. 1 Ohio oak , 84c ; No. 2 do , OSoj No. t Milwaukee 34ci No 2 do R3o. No. 1 ruts oikk bnr , 87e ) No. B ritU n k bar , S5c. l > rtu:8 Dncoa AND CittutoAtn Add. Carboio , c ncid. tartarlo , Mo ; balarnn cnpabU , i > or lib G5c ; bark sassafras , per Ib. 12c : calomel , per It 76c ; ctnohonldln , per oz. , $0. < V5 ; chloroform l > or Ib. , SI 10 ; Povora powder , par Ib. , 8L25 cpaom Baits , per Ib. , 8Jc ; Rlyecrino , pure , po Ib. , ' 'So ; loud ncetato , per Ib. , 22cj oil , caitor No 1 per Rah , (1.55 ; oil , castor , No , S po K l. , 51.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 8MO ; oil orl K.imiin , fiOc ; opium , $4.f > 0j qntntno , P. & W and II. k S. . per 01 , $ L40 ; poURaluui , lodluo , > or Ib. , $1,50 ; Raliclu , per oz. , 40c ; BU > phntoof morphine , i > or ot , , $3.50 ; sulphur ( lour , per Ib , , 4oj strrchulno , per oz , , 81,35. Drr Paint * . Whlto load , 8os .French tlno , IDet P rl whiting , 21o > whltlnfr frlldors , lcj whiting com1 ! lie ; lampblack , Ooruiantown , 14o ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 65o , altrnmnriuo , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , So ; itnibor burnt , 4c ; amber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4oj Pari , 10c ; o pink , We ; Venetian rod , Oootaon's , 2Jo ; Vonotlan rod , American , IJci red lend , 7o ; chroiuo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel ow , 1C. , 12cnchro ; rochelle , So ; ochro. French , 2c ; ocliro , American , 2cj Winter's mlnornl , ! Ac ; lohlgh brown , 2ioj Spanish brown , 21o ; trlnco'8 mineral , 3c. VAHNI3HE3 llarrols. po , jralloni Purnl tnro , extra , 31 lOj furnltnre , Nc1 , 51 : conch , extra , $1 10 : ooaoh , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Oamar extra , $1 7C ; Japan , 70j&ArhUnm ; , extra , 85c ; hollnc , 3 50 : hud oil fmlth 81 59 , llearr Hardniro Lint. Iron , rates , 2 CO ; plow rtool apodal cast , Go crucible , 7c ; Rpootal or , So ; cast too ; do , 1C20 ; wngon apokos , sot , 2 25 < a3 00 ; hubn per sot , 1 25 ; follooa sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , ' acli , 70@85c ; axles onoh , 75c ; cqnaro nuts par t > , 7@llc ; washers or Ib , 8@Wc ; rivota , per b , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , u@12c ; malleable , 80 roa wedges. Oc : crowbars , 6c ; harrow tooth c ; sping tool , 7@8o ; Burdon'ahorBchooa 4 70 iurdeu'a muleshooa 5 70 , BA.RBID Winu In ear Iota , 4 per 100 , NAILS Ratoa , 10 to CO , 2 6 ! > . SHOT Shot , 1 8D ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental mwdor , kef i , 6 40 ; do. , hall koge , 0 4S ; do. , quarter koga , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 8 85 ; ( uao , per 100 foot We. LEAD Bar , 1 Gu , OoAlf Cumboiland blacbimlth , 10 00 ; Mor Is run Blossburp , 10 00 ; Whitobroost lump ; 00 ; Whitebroaat nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 OU owa nut. 5 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthrn Ito , 11 25il 50 ; Otinon City , 7 00 , per ton lauanar , WUOLBDALK. We quota lumber , lath and ahlng on on oars t Omaha at the ( oUowlnK prices : JOIST AMD SOANTLINQ 10 It and nndor 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TiMBEBa 10 foot and nndor , 22 00. TIMBEB AND JoiQP-18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 28 BO ; 22 ft , 2C 60 ; 24 ft , 26 60. EteoiNd No. 1 , 4 and 6 In , , 24 00 ; No. 2. 2200. BHEETINO No. l(2d ( common board B ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 1800. STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; O , 86 00. FLOOBINQ No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. ,2500 SmiNQ , dear 27 00 ; 2 25 00 ; No. 8 , 000. OKIUNO ft , 87 00 ; p. 25 SHINGLES , boot 4 50 ; standard , 8 60. LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per tnuhel , 85o ; jemont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa planter , bbl , 2 50 ; hair or bu. 50c ; Terred felt , 100 fcs , 8 50 ; ntraw card 850. DKNVEIl MA11K13T. LIVK STOOK Beef CattJa , fra'f , 100 Ib. a 75 34 ? 5 ; ahoep , llvo , 2 f.0@3 00 ; hogs , live , C 00 )5 ) 25 ; dressed 7 00@7 25. Hides. Dry Flint , llj@12c. ; green 4@5o. 5Toon calf 8@10 : ; sboopsUlus , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. 5@Cc. Wool. Colorado 13@14c. ; Colorado hoary , ll@12c ; Now Mexican 7@10o. i'LOOBColorado. . 100 lbn.1 86@2 15 ; pat- nt , 100 Iba. , 2 S5@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Jbs , 00 ; rye. 100 Ibs. , 225@245 ; buckwheat , 100 bs , 10 00@10 50 , bran , ton , 13 00@14 00 : core Boal. 100 Ibs. 1 45ffll 76. GttAiN Wheat , 100 lb , 1.35 ; corn , In acks 100 Ibs , 1 15@1 25 ; oata , 100 Iba , 1 80 @ 1 3i ! ; barley. 100 Iba , 1 801 35. HAT Baled , upland , 10 00@1 > 1 00 ; bot- om 7 00@10 00 ; straw , 9 00@11 00. BuTTEn Finest , 2S@2'Jc ; Nobraeta dairy 4fol6c ) ; common , C@Cc. Eoas Fresh , 16@lic ) ; ranch , doz , fresh 324c. OnxBSX Full cream , 123130 ; Ltmburgor , 8c ; Swiss , Imported , 82o. POOLTKY Llvo , chickens old , doz , 5 25@5 75 ; pring chickeni , 8 60 ® 4 60 ; droaaodlb,19@20c. POTATOEQ lOOlbs , now , 1 75@2 25. VMETABLLS Onions , new. 100 Iba , 2 00@ 25 ; cabbage , now , 100 Ibfl , 100 ; new eeta , 1 50. Knurrs Lemonn , clioico Kfoaslna , 650 © 00 ; apploa , California , bbl , 2bO@SOO ; ananas , bunch , 1 G0@4 00 ; peaches per box. 75@ 2 26 ; watermelons , per doz , 5 00@G 00 ; c-'irB , jier box , 2 CO ; California graic | , 3 50. ilBATH Hams , Ib , 15$15Jo ( ; bacon , break. oat , lS@13io : lard , in tons , Ib , lOc ; ry salt aides , OA@10c. FIBII Mackerel , No.l , ICO , kit , moas , 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 60 ; lolland herrinp , kev , 1 C0@l 75 ; trout , per b. 17@18o ALONG THK LING OF TUE ) K hlcago. . Si. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension ol thU line from WakcBelil BJ > BEAUTIFDL VALLEY of the OAN tlirough COQOord and Coleridge eachca the bust portion ol the BUtc , Spools ! 01- urebn rates tor land lecken over tlili line to IVayna , Norfolk luid Ilartineton , and via Blair to all rlocipol polbta OD the 3IOUX CITY & PAOIPIO RAILROAD Tr lM oror Uit 0. , at. P. U. ft 0. R&Utrar to Coy nRton , Sioux city , 1'onca , Qaitlngtoui Wayne ud Norfolk , Oo22.xi.oot , t 3Bl tlr- or Fremont , Oakda. t tfollgh , an j through to Val entin e. trfot rates and all Information call on V V. WHITNEY. Genera Avent. Western Cornice-Works , IKON ANDBLATJCUOOHNO , D , SPECHT , PEOP. 1111 DwwlM BU OmaliA , Nob. UANUFAOTUHEU OF Galvanized iron Cormcas t nw , oRi , Tin. Iron ami R1ate lluoflnr. Sittoht'a Patent Uetalllo Hkyllirht , 1 nteut kdjuit u Ilatcbot liar and Ilracket Blielvlntr. 1 am tbo genera ! | { ent fur tha abuvullna ofKWxl * . Ire Oroati ugi ITcncluK , Dalustrtdei , Verandas , Iron C * NOTICE TOOATTLEMEK _ COO OATTLE FOR SALE. BOO Cows and elfers. oo One-year Bteeru. Tlio above deeorlbod cattle are [ all well bred , na tive Nebraaka ami Iowa. Tceu cattle will be ol j In Iota to lult ptirchater. For Juilficr parUoulori oal on or adtlrraa , U W. PLAN Altlon , Neb. Railway Yimo Table. n Kfftot July The attention ot the triwrlllne publla It mllnl to the fact that thl In the only complete and ateolnte IT correct time-table published In the city. All ttstns Mtlrr at and tte | > art trout Omaha on Ontral standard Time , which tt 21 tnlnutcu fMtc than tun time. t Rxccpt Saturday , Rtc pt Sunday , ) Ktccpl uon From Union PncHlo Tenth Ht , D. r. n. a , MAIN LINK. LIU VI. 1MUT * . . . . . AtUntloKip . , ,7:50 : am raclfloKip 8:15 : pm Mail and Kip..4:00pm : Dih- . JVKPUDI.TCAN VALLEr DIVISION. MATH. I ARRITX. Lincoln Eip..U:65p : m tJncoln Rin.ll(6 : p tn DUMMY TKAIW8-UJUDOK DIVISION. L av Omaha : 8:40 : , 8:00 : , B:00,10:00,11:16 : : : a m. , 1:00 : 2.-00,8.-00. * :00 : , BSO , tXO. 10:85 : p. ro. OnSundayj 8:40,9:00.11:16 : : : a. m { ISW , SltX ) , o.OO. 8.00. lOSB p m Arrive at trannror depot 18 tnlnatct later ; Droadway dqwt.Councll niuHs. SO mlnutrt later. la\e Council Blull , nroadway JeP ' . ; ! 0 80 BSO. : loao , 11S40tim.\ \ 1:30.2:80,8.80. :80,8aoBa5 : lJM6p.m On Sundays : 7M. : 9:80,11:40 : : a. m.l ; : o 8:80 , 4:80 : , 8:8J : , 11 5 pm. Arrive alTrau fct 7 mln iA v vwuuuu Bluffs Transfer depot : 7M : , 8S7 ; , 9:87,10:87 : : , 11:47 a m ; l : 7 , SS7 : , BS7,4:40. : : 6:87,0:45 : : , 11116 P. m. Arrive Omana IS minutes Utei. TUANSFKll THAINS. tliVB. AKIIVK. Pw . No. 1 8:15 : am 61..05 : an 8 8:68 : am 8..Ul6am ! ii tt 10:05 : a m m . . , . . .1:55 : pm B 7:86 : pm 8. . . . . .MO pm ii 10. . , . ,0.66 pm Dal r. UI3SOU1U PACIFIC , „ „ , - ' .10SS am I Omaha Ka | > . , ' . .dSO ; am St.LouUEip..8S5 : pni | Mall * . . . 0.60 pm a. o. h i * . it. it. L1ATV. I A1MVB. Hill 8:10 : a ru St. Pan1 Kip. . 9iB : a m tit Faul Kip 0.65 p in I Wall. . . . . . . .TlSl p m Dally. o. , n. i fc V. u R. tniv . I Auurm. Do Uo'jieaAoQ'.B:40 : n m ExpreaJ . . . . . 0:45 : a ru , ,816 ; a m I DosMolnoa Aeo.0:50p : m ljuvn. I AUUVB. 8tBam : I KinTeaot- " . O'lSa-m trCSpmlVUll' WAVE. I Awun. VollMtx * 8:15 : a m I VaMfln Rift. . . . 0'45am ItltDtloKit 4l6iiui : ! I Mill t Kip * 7Mpm 0. , U k Q U. B. via Council flUidi. ) UUVE. I ABUTI. Mall. . . . . 8:15am : I Kinross 0:45am : gxpicii 4 : p" ( Uall TiSfipni DaUv. [ Note ) Tbo 9:00 : a m ami 6:00 p m dummy tralni alto oonnect with cant-bound traln § oh the Hock-Inland , Iluillneton , Niirth-Wcstorn and Milwaukee roada. WADABII , BT. LOOI3 * 1'ACIKIO. IJTAVT , I AUTVU. CaaaoaBall. < . . .1 0pin I Cannon Ball 8:60pm : DaGj- . K. 0. , ST. JOE k U. It. ( via Council Bluffs. ) UUVK. I AUIITB. Uall . „ P aam I Enwcee } 7:50am : Kmjcnit. . 035pm I Hall 7 5pm AlUlANUEMhATOr bUNDAY TllAINa During July Baturday , Sunday and Monday Chicago trains will rotate as follows ; . . . Saturday evening trains leave July 6th and Nth via a 11. & Bt. I' ; July l th vln the Noith-Wcutcnj ; July Wth via the Hock Uland Arrir * In f order tbo Monday fallowing , Sunday morning train * depart and Sunday trains arrive July flth and X7Ui via th Kock Inland , July 18ihla tha Korth-Woalcrn , and July KUt via thoOU&StP. From B , & M. Ilopot ; Tenth fitroot. B. k H. EAILKOAD-MAIN tlKK. EE.1VIR XinUES. mat BOUBC. K1BT EOOTTD. LEI vm. Auuvm. Omaha. . . . 8:10pm : 7 0am TT.'COpm lO.-OBom Ashland. . . 8:27 : pm 10:08 am C2 pm 8:12 : am Uncoln. . .10:00 : pm IStfO m 8C9 pm 7ttara Crete 11:17 : pm l :540prn : Z:41 : pm 8:04 : am HostlnRB. . 6:16 : am 4:16 pm llf.5 : am 10:50 : pm Red Cloud. 8:00 am OH)3pm ) 10:25 : am 8:25 : pm SJcCook. . . 10:65 : am B1E ; pm 8:16 : am 4:10 : pm Akron. . . . 8:45pm : 2:10 : am 12:60 : am 11:05 : am Denver. . . . 7:26pm 0:16 : am 9:26 : pm 7:80 am Daily. 3 OMAHA AND PLATTTlIOOTn TBAINK Lv. ' Omaha Rt 7tO , and 8:45 : a m ; 4:60 , fc:10,7:45 : : p m \r. Omaha tC.-2 , 8:40 : and 10:06 : a m ; 7.-00,7SO : p m Drily. C. B. & 1 Q. U.iB. M * riaUsmoith ) TLUVK. I pAuurvi 1 Eaetorn Kip..8:46 : a m I OmahaEip 8:40u : m ChtoagoExp.,4:60p : m I Western Kip..7SO p m Dally. IK. 0. , ST. J. tc C. B. ( via r tt ! = = outh.J ) LIAVB. I A12UVI. Mall 8:45 : a m I Kxprcc ) 0:25 : a Exproeat 7:45pm : | Mall. . 7 : 0p Prora O. Ht. P. M. &O. Depot , Kill and Wobstcr Stroou , 0.SLpIlit'.bO. ijuvi. IABUTI. No2 ro8scnKor..8SOam I No 8 Mlxal loSOam No41Ili-od..ESODm : I Nol Pawengor , 6 : 0pm Uundari Kioootcd. orxnlng tna oioiinp of Mtliu. Konri onct. oi < on. k.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a n. w.c.R.i. r. , t o. M. fcBt.r. wfo Eoo : . . . . B:20 : a. n. A Q. 9oo : fioo : Otfo B:20 : a B. & Ex Malt 3. 0. tt P. In Iowa 8:00 : Wabaah local K.c.stJooftO. & . . . . _ Ci5 : , coo : Ulteourl Paclfio - . . . . 7:00 : 0. , BLP. M. ftO 0:00 : eco : Union Paolflo 8 0 4JO 11:10 TM : 9 , b Republican Valley 12:15 : B. & II. Local T.-CO 109 B. ft II. Ex. Hall. 10:80 : Offloooncn Bundayi from 12:00 : m. tn 1:00 : p. rn , O. K OOUTAKT Poetmartar WITH m in. Ajid your work is done tor all time to como. WE CHALLENGE World to proihico n more durable material or street pavement tnan'-i e Sioux Falls Granite. FOK ANY AMOUNT OF OR MACADAM illed promptly. Samplcn sent and estimates given upon application. ° WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Falls , Dakota. DUFRENE& MENDELHON. AEGHITECTg TO ( OMAHA NATIONAL JJUJI.DLKS , un . idK ii'imi ' , * VfhetM Servers , BPEOIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , TVE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. It U tha boel and cheapest teed tor Riook tt any klmLOOn * pound U * qu 1 to Ihrea ponndi ol eon stock tei with Ground Oil Cake In the Fat ] and Winter , iDMeaJ of running down , trill Increase In wetekt and bo In , good marktabla oond.llcn In the ( prlng. Dairymen , at ell an othen , who nee It con tatlly I Itainerlte Try U and Jndg * fur youratlve * . Price 2IS.CO per ton ! no chirr ' ' "nw66'b"ilAN'uN3Kr.b"on. coupAinr , omaha DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Look Comp' r FIRE AND BURGLAR PEOOF H. B. LOOKWOOD ( formerly of Loclnvood & Draper ) ' Chicago , Mon- ngor o the Ton , Cigar and Tobacco Department * ; . A full line of all grades of above : also pipes and smokers' articles -carried in Btoclr. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BEHWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & * RAHD POWDER CD PERFECTION Heating and Baking IB only attained by oalng CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , siTH m mi [ OVER eooe Foi oolo b ; MILTON ROGERS & 30KB OMAHA' HENRY UEHEVIANN JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED ) 1118 PARNAM STREET , - . OMAHA..NEB" 0. M. LEIGHTOJN. H. T. OLABE& LEIGHTOH & CLARKE. BuocEsaona TO EXNKAHO unoa ft oo. ) Wholesale Druggists ! * * * * DEALERS IN f * PaintsOils. . Brushes. Class. NEBRASKA FRANZ FALK BREWING CO * Milwaukee , Wis. . QTOTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers. M. HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 13TH , U4.HA. U4.HA.SLOMAN SLOMAN BROTHERS , RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. ; WHOLESALELEATHER , SADDLERY SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL. WE PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES For Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will be made. 13th Street. Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave. , - OMAHA , NEB ? ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER Si GRAY. ) 9 land YarJJWC tsi :