2 to AHA OA.ILBEE SATURDAY , AUG -THE 51 RESOUNBG. ? modlclno , combining Iron with pun e tonlw , quickly nnd cotnptotclj Tpep litj Iirdlffffltlim.VrnUnm * Impure nioodt Dial arlniChllls DIM ! FoTtrn unit NMtrnlaln. . . . . . . His an untttlllnc rrmcdj-for Bl MMOf tu ( Itlitnrya nnil I-IfFfT" " " * , , . It U InrfUuAWo lor PUoitsca peculiar tc tVomen , wnl ftll Vlio > lrad sedan tfifrllU * . Ildocs not Injure the tccth.cnu * ) hMulache.pl prodfipe onsUr llon oMo- Iron mtdicfati do ItenrlchcsMia rwriflca IhoMood.stlmutntci the BppctlW , aids ' ( he n lrolUtlon nf food , rev Here * Heartburn iui < UU > Jcbln , nnd ilrcngtli cna the tnuiclos Mid nertca. Fet Intermittent Fcrcri.rwsUude , lack ol Encrcy , < It h8 nt > equal. B3r The Rrnnlnf ha * nlfttfctriulA irinilc fthd Craned rod line * on wrapper ; Tnkc no other , BtJtni' IT nROWiiriiimiat to , BILTIBORE , a irnninnrTM c ! " * * " VAnlUUUCLC , OITUI. > ( , To SMOKERS of Blackwcll's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Thin epeelal ncpoalt Is to mmnmioo the payment of Uio 25 premium ! fully described In our former announcements. The premiums will bo pald.nonmttcr bow nattU ienumberofbftca returned maybe. Qftft fllackvtiri Durham IWttrro Co ,1 tiurtinm , IT. C. , * ID. ISM. f " Oit itt Bin * /Jnrtan , / ir&nn. jr < ? Dun Bm.-Wo tnciiwo yon $ ll x > oo. which r4euo pl w on BrocUl Icpo It to pay premiums for our empty tolncco l > wra U > In rohirpM IXxx ISttL i'onni truly. J a OMlll. Pro Idont Often of Hit funk f DwkmJ l > rXnm. K P. Hay 10. IfBtl * ' rrat ntartvrlTi flnrflim T > > M o On. DPAR Sin I hnve to ncknowlodKO receipt of from jou. which wo hive placed upon StUMon ) it for the object yon rtolft " ' . WIL15Y. Ciohler. "Yours truly. I' . A. . Nona crnnlno vUuo < it picture of UULLon the RWSeo onr oilier Btuiouncnmenta. 'OOCTOR THITHER C17 St. Chnrlos Ht. , St. tonls , Mo. A rccuUrgrfc < 1u&laoMvoUo4leilC llt4ei , bul t n longe nnd BLM& DHfcA.tnihan 407 otbrr rby.leliill la Bt. Lovll mjeltf TTr ihow nd a ) I old irildcintiknov. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menial am Physical Weakness ; McrcurUI and other Alice ( Ions ot Throat. Skirt or Cones , Blood Poisoning old Sores and Ulcers , r imua iiu nr miieu Diseases Arising ( ram Indiscretion. Exco'sn Exposure ! or Indulgence , * Hefc tu-aioe * wnMofth < ncr onnx < , dobllllr. dlmnMi of Mddtfecllre BurnerI'lmplw on lt > r Tcnlontoll * . .ocletf FemtlM , oMdeu.eu , A Positive Wriuen Guarantee . TamphlM * . EnplUb or German , ot paae. d < crlblne above dueMoe , In male or fomal , ? JUCI MARRIAGE CUIDE ! lllailttttd In elotfcMd,1IUUelB4 Jam * ' MMF mv n. 360. m. h * * ' * ill Ut rarlMM , d' Hml r loOTUIUfe nat * A kwk . fBraM . _ . lilerMI U .It. Iktlli. Dewt | . Ju .4 , , turin * on norUck Food. " wrlta hundreds of irraterul mothers. Mother1 * milk eontalni no vstirch. An artificial food for Infant * ehonld A ooDtala rtsron. ' The bert and aioat nutritious food In boalth _ . ID _ f n * JoirviAIm * tt > M AuiKnurDiaitsTKD. free from I { Kirohnndnxiulrosnooookliw. lUcpnuncnuui by Vhyiaclana. Hwmy txneficlal to Muralnff . Motheni na n drink. jPrloo 40 andtftcenli Uyaltdntwriwa. - 1 of Children , free. _ . _ - _ 0.--O.W.BaUif , tl. B. . jStlal 4y./ . " rla4 U all that p il4 V * de ! rt4 > ' ' ir > V'p > jt la , KBjon. f Miu. lbU | in t. ' tf . IVtnm , U. ! > . , Trn , IT. T , \V111 bo unt I > F mall on receipt of I'riw ' in tUropv IIOHMCK'M I'OOI > CO. , llaclnc , Win. a -Uin llouLtua'a Ilur HITUACT or JliLT'fcO A. POTTER , LAW REPORTER ! Neb. gTDoposltlon DiotoUoni , Bta , promptl > I 'Uml'i Notice to Gontractora and liutldnrH Kc > ( id propoiito 11 be received up to Aucmt it , n4V36c.ockin.foilmJdlnc tnd oujiiiletl . T " " - - " r - * * ! - i UVLUIIIWV * .ir le&tly . . . . . . . _ f jr occAipatipy. B brick U otu i hoiae , above tnn Jouu tlatlun , ( n HpriimllclJ , sarpy ooun y , N liia k , MS oordu tu pfan and feiioutlQitiousolCltivc UTOB afrlu.cu'1lul.lu''ttb' ' ? { iP" " urlck aud oil U n < v 1ll bo furnUlitxl tn the ureRuiJ by Uie btiilJluj uom rulUo All other mxttrlil to bo furnlBhed by onn tractor , Viand n > d eptoJBcitiiunt cm bo teen at J JU.Hpcrmau1 i.toretaBnriiiBabllNtb.Orat . ( Clove , llroa , Omihu. ( lulldlnu to U > oompluted on ur betin th Uth day ol Koverobcr , 1831. 'llio curumlttco ro acriolho iluhtto reject any tii ullMJj > Uldro Uulldlnit comUtUiivHpilugflelJ , Nob. Science of Life , Only $1.0(1 ( BT HAIL POSTPAID. UHOW THYSELFiM A GREAT MHDIOAIi WOUK , ON MANHOOD Kitatuted VlUlUr , Berrouf od PhntoiJ Debllllj P rB tnr Decline In Mui , Birort of Youth , an thi viatold ralKrtos cuultlni ; from tadlacretlong or i , fnv . Abook ( or every man , youn ? , ral jdle-ageri nadUd , H nouUlDS ISi prescription ! tor all aooti uul chroute dUeaivt eiohor.o of which U lavalaabli lo foaad by tbv Author , whooe ezpartcuoa for Vt I earn It tntto MpioUUly avu4 fore tell to the I1 ol § DT pbyitcafl Peg pagoj , bound lo betutlfi frracu tatisllit m oc * dootir , full gilt , iruaranti- ' jo.lBitftaarmjl ( ' o icrory en e , meciianlojl. lit. aijy * r4 | profo lon l , ttw Any other work Hold In I Llj ( OJjUx tpt MUiO , Ot tUu rkoo y U1 be ref uodi d b OTorV JuKUuco. ' , ' Price only' tllW 'by tstll. port. ptd. Uutrutlvc ! itti } > l 6 cent ) . Btndnow. Q.ld rMrfJul irar&dt > .e author by the KtUtuial Uedlitl AflwoiiUon , to th * olf.oojj oi which be lelert Ha Hd uee | LJJuiJiould be retdbr the rouai lMtrjtt1ou. nO by th alfilotftd ( or lellef , wfi : bcarfll ill. I.ooaont.tnoet , Tbf re < ao moujU-r lodety to whom Tb Hd vtatol LUiJkUJLuoH JjaBful , whether yoatb , pal KO | . ircwd'w , IrwVuoloror clergyman. Argonant. Addrm Itaf Veabodr Uedlotl loetltato. oi Or. U ft tX V . Ha 4 lialflnOi 8tr < w , Bwtoa Ma/i. . whi Mov I e oofartd ] ca ill dUocao * iequirigtklu and npjrtiioe. C/ironlo / Uitlot UcatedJi ik. itb t tart bxmM tb * ikfil ot ( II otiMtpujifUCll c . t Mdaityi Boab tratd raoocat.ncRL ( oil ) nlcUaw bUora. TUVCCIC IHictLr Ltiimcnt , 0 , wht hti got Into the wenthor , And why Is tkocoftfcn so drtat ? 2Iy tnic t ha\o ilcf ) rtod together , With nil of ffiy hopes ( or this year. The d y < nro dinRustlnfjly chilly. The nighl * A o confoundedly cold , My | imf ! | i eta now knock mo mo t silly fur gene is my clmnco to Rot gold. MybodrnctnB nre tnildovrcd and dnety , My dinlng'rooma empty nnd bleak ; Mr rnllrn ( wtnblUhmrnt'n mutty , And my rout will bo duo in I cater In HUtam r , And llouiulcr around in A hole , n 111 borrow the tools of ft plumhcr , And prAitico npon the Nurih F lo. N. Y. Journal 11ONEY FOIt THE 1J/VD1BS. / Cftmoo jewelry hna ngaln appeared. Silver antique jewelry la mucu worn. Walstconla nro worn with riding habits. Plain and plaid goods uro frequently oo bincd. Tutsoro ellks nrq the bout materials for d cloaks , I'relty flumtr\or \ lambrequin * nro made , Straight fiillneu is fa htonablo for the bi broadihs of ekhte. j A , orent many thin chain bracelets arc w around the aim. Stalling linen collars with n little tmbro ery on the edge ere worn. New ice oroam plato * are of Bohemian wi hod have tainted liandltw. Fun-platted eklrta of blnck and white ecru nnd rod are very pro ty. Borax < 1ii > olvixl in water and Applied will : fepni g will clean net bUck oodg. The hindfornt st border fora crazy quilt u pioitd bind of ted or peacock blue plush. i Wall poekotfl of fin colmed silkn Are taut fully covered with coverings of oriental luce. rlW fnihlnn of wosrirg retl fn > it instead aitificial , or of n iturll flwem hna incrcajo A loeomlug fini < h if impnttod to nfthirra white mull bltinot by facing with black vc rot. Hnmlkorcluofs with bright colored border i imliroldury are tucked in the bolt or buttoi toll. toll.Branches Branches of the elder biifh , hurg in tl lining room of u bonso trill clear the room i Her. Her.Paper Paper ( lowers are dtipoeod upon panels c ilaquos and uircd as mautol or wall orni nents , Oarpota Hliouliljbo chosen with a vlmr < heir being tha background of the furniture < , room. Small treo-toad oar-rinw , made in green ( haded gold with diamond eyas , are tl : atoat caprice. Pprcclatn fiiiRor riqgs In different colors i vornbvladica nhodcc.aro them to.bo-tl ; utcet 1'arls fnahlon. KngnRomcnt rliiRs now in faohlon are ( mppliiroJ end dlnniond . This fa Komotlmt iltercil to ipcludo rubius. „ Gin rubbad OD the fuco'nt night will iir irovo tlio texture of the i-kin and belo to clos ; lw pores tnlargcd by the UH i of powder. The first Chiueso lady haa arrived in No' fork. There tuo other ChlutRo women ttior jut they h.ivo tmver bad thuir fuotbandadged It Is said that thiiro are no fowoc than twee y ilintliict ehiidod nf the mnshroum or "tlmu > ignun" color , though the shadei in ony of ii iirieil tones id not ND much woin aa was ex tooted. To pi CHI fliiworg. placu them between tw hfwta of i ow blotting pupfr. Place n houv , 'cight upon them n > l lut thoiu remain id wo or tbrr o weeks. They may bo fixed to iaporby ftrung gum nrnblc. Smelling bottles are mn lo of long cut glna 'imu ' of them ton and twelve tnche . will ilve > rtp ( . They ire ciioially tilled will nlognowat r , m.d bong too mlky to carry ro tuft on tha drawing loom tablo. A Iwly roadur wiites to say llmttlnhn ison losing her hnir recoutlv , nnd want t now what ehu shall < lo to ( irevcnt it. Kithu : uep your bureau drawer locked or el u dli hargo the hired girl uud get another of omploilon different from jour on. AVljIlo thirty couplra ore t-pooninpr on tfa torch of a Loug Branch h < > tt > l the other nigh omo wicked wretub 1-tnck bin It ad nrounl th orner and shouted : "Look out ! Heie comt our huab tmi ? " lmmi < diateU twoutv womu tterod Hiipprestod ahricks , and iislLg , fled t Itoir rot nia. White silk glove * are worn by the mlllioni 'he o favor ooonomy. for , though they m ' ) ll quickly , wo nil kn w that white silk bund erobiefB und similar articles of good qualifr ash well. So alto do Bilk gloves , and thu in vltnblo tiny darns nt the finger ends nhov m consplcuuualy than when gloves are col ral. ral.A A corner wall-banket IB of dark browi Ick r , lii.td with garnet ca&bmore. Two o 10 sidea are at right augles , wltllo the round , i ont Is decorated with a valance of cvrui i mvotoen , ornumoutcd with u da-ign of leavei i applied work and edged wlih croehti oolou lace. At the corner * nto crochet ro Jttos with hanging ball tasst-U. There la a club o ( pretty girls in Boston wh < ftvo sworn never t > > wear DVO HU > H. ua or spec acles before they are married. It apposri Itat thu avcrago Boot n girl roads uud nUiuici 0 radon that very ntuny of the donr creatur i re n * > ar'Hlghtod. Glanaea ho , therfforo en greatly in vogue , but n girl with gl n 1 aluiuat unkisxablo. Therefore , the Bociotj foroineutioncd. ) Cbatelaino watches nro not fo much ti'ct ow us fuimorly. At the cnmo timu VOM f nutlf ul ou ( H cjmo from the lost wirkahop- , kinong tbo o may bu mentioned u I' nui.i incimun , the body nf thu watch bdngmeunjt \ a iaig.i inund ( jam' t , wiih yellotv g ilil rib "ifwnrk liiturlnnii g norouH inn npp.r lulf , 'In pendant Is n heart of guinott , with yellow ukl chaiu of npiiu bri id wuik. O.tilimore 'n line qualltl a'will ' composa * om [ tlio Vi'ry fushU niilild ilriits fabilcs tha , oimi ig BB mou. Sani ) ItM i if uuw 1'iuiflun BlimJo l t > f-wardid to jtupuitew dttgw eiiUiBi | ( ( IA lea of biege , golden bronio , dwii mod ruui. fawn , Qunke r gray , Ni-a | > nlitaii blua ul modt jiult and i i\rq Lo'urjng , Poinpulan rfd , ltd for tivf nlng wuur u list uf | nip , lnvely lint. ) o numcrou * to rofur to hoio , tU'l ' uluo of nu > v ullcato Imoa impoieillo to desiribn , f'onvonablo Hplrf , Thn blatant b , nil frog's Boggy son ? Comof gurgling from o ch olntnpj The chirp < if pirrowa nil d y long , Is hear Ibnnoath the trees , The screeching owl's "too-wbit , too-whoos,1 The caokle of each barnyard gootie , Wblch wiuldlw 'ruimtl the pump , Now ktrlke upon ht breeze * But not a fiouud ( if alt tluao crews IH bulf as bai8 > t so the liullbaloos Of orators on ths tump. MUSICAL ANI ) DllABI.VTIO. Sij ; Now York thcntorx commencu their tea on AuguttlS. Chrlitlno NiUson has refused $ U,600ftiiigh1 rein Kruodt Gyu. The Kmmn Abbott opera comp'nv nnui bfir season m a CinJnuuati b w hall , Bm : mber J. Tha GBrinan rm-ra season In Lnndon cloied n July 11 with "hoheugren" which drew i ill house. The nnvultiev at tlio Berlin opera house nvxl inturuill U ) Fiaiiko'u ' 'Jluro" und Wagutr'i " Mlrt Clara LouiieKelI ( > p , ln company wilt In Ayrof Chicngo , 1m bum vi ltuiRoii an and Purls. Itoland L. Tayloure will manage Mini LU an Ulcott. Her partt will IM Jullit , Par. lutiu , Viola , uud other lo itimato churao- irs. irs.Thu new PhllUarmonlo soclotv at Boillu v11 vu uuitv Inter twenty Rmud o < iir > rU , ol hich tea will 1)9 ) coi.du ted by Jo whim , nnd LTHonob by Wul'nerii' ' d Kl nd worth. Tha r doul t iblu Col > iiel M ple in ! i now foibioK ) to huvu | ) ioiiafil 10. the dlrectoit tlio Mitroijolltin opnru lioit > u to muiiugu It xUeamm. 'Jhnre Is afilr piobabillty tliat ivvll fctourn the h > use bocauio ba bin coif aoiH with I'attl und nthir famous urtt t < lie loouit Hint Oyo has uutlroly wltlidia'ii tnimll iiBgutlatlum ttj'psjirtf ' lo bo conolo' I'd ' , Mrro. Pfttti h bwn lit not on nil iililo * with e moot tempttug olfuia to romaiu in Kuoopti. iluk of iJ'i.OUO for oich oouofit in a oiio of jbt , divided equally aracg Llvcrp-l , Bir tningham , Munrhfoter , and Ola'gnws al o fir for Crjstnl IMacn , and Albert IUI1I O is will ng to give her hot own Urm * . She I n'reiiowed < .fl r of ntupobduu * Gn.nclal lmp < from St Petersburg , Two Frenchmen , tbo brotTifrs Fotre , hn Invented A new kind of Imrp , maxlo pntiroly wood. Instead of stiing * the Invintnrs t atrong strlpn nf Atnerlo.n ( ir , 'J h I sound produced , es in the ordinary harp , by th ? cc tact of the fingers but the plaver wears loit alovea ouvercd with rosin. The tone of t Instrument is cnld by Lo Moncstrel to bo romaikuble mrlty. Batllpy Cumpbell'g 'Siberio" company w open the ngnlar season at the Grand upc hou-e , New York , on Ausitft IS. The oih coming attraction nru , "A Mountain Pink" the Ccitnedy , ' 'Madamo Bouifaea" at Wi InokV , Mlntiie Palmnrntthe Fourteenth trt thea.ro , Lottn at Daly' * , "Invcstlgxtlon" the Theftlro Comiquc. ' 'Calltd Back" nt t Iflfth Avenue , "Tho Silver King" at the IV , "Caprice" At thn Now Park , "N. . SV ' At the Cnfiiro , ' 'Tha Seven Haven at Nlblo's Tho-tre , "The Silver King" , No company , at Mount Moirls theatre , ' rficba" thnSttr , andPwitur'scompAuy at Tony P tor's thuatrc. Ballnd uf the llroccbcB. Some pantaloons Had lain In lallurs.otocK.fur Uiany mooni. All out ot fctylo. No customer , loisuuth , o uld they bbguilo. ' Like guunyba B , They seemed A tr vievy ou imman legs. , At last , despairing , The tailor btinx them out onoi ay for airing , Ami pinned * * lgn Tit croon of goodly > ite und 1m-era fine ' Tnui.op.iiti lor sail , " Ills Bptllinfr.tiuo.wumomotitms known to fa Nc-t l ng before His landlord wildly i urbod Into the store , , "Ah-lici r d do ? " The tailor cried ! "Whittcanl do for you ' "Do whit I Bay Take down the > c bulls , the block will bio ' " awayl" { Burlington Press. There are G" ,000 clergymen in this countr ; There are 12.000 French CAthullcs in Oh eago. eago.At Shmghat a volume is about to bo put liohod coutnintug the "Avo Matin" in 31 lauguago * . Korty-thro rccmbors wore received at th First be itch Prtsbytotfau church ut Chlcagc Ul. , on the tuurnitig of July 10en , Fdnils nmouuting to $35,000 bavo boon cot tributtui toward ttio arectlun of a Geruih : Bv ngollo > l church In Jornnalem. The Moody and Snnkoy canip.Vgn in Lor Jon , rtcontly closc'l , cost 8tXi , ovcry cen ) f which was voluntarily < ontributtd. BUhop Whittle , la lila forty joais of mlf iloLary work among 'the Indians' Min itnuta has ridden on hortobaok over 30,00' ' iiillo/ , iiilloTho The Cumbcrlnnd 1'rcsbytarinn church ha ) oeu admitted to the Ailitno nf ruformei ; hurclica y A vote uf tha I'liu-PresbytetUi louncil ut Bulfast. The UiuUh-Am-ntcan Missionary society a jopi'iiha eu , bun tout thia printtvu y.nin nlnisturs of the goxjjcl tu Dauish cuit rega ji/nlu the United States. ' The Southern Presbterian church clsimi ha huuor nf uigauizll < g tha ( list pruabytcry ii ho Kepubliu ofi Maxiuo the Presbytery u L'uiimyllpas. It bus ttvo churchea under It outiol , The Congregational chnrch at Pittsford ft. , colubrrtUd UH ca itouuiitl about twoweoki o. i'hu ihuith liivi'rlail'durliig this pcritx un paitti 'among thaui the father uf Coluno tubert Ingeraull. Tha Wesleyuns in Emrlsmd repirt A net tn reaso uf upwards uf , - l,000 Iv it added thn ho pwt ihuo veun ) have wltnecstd the great uit Uovclupmeut uf M > thodit > m in KngUnc into the days uf John Wesley. Bishop Ilylo , of Liverpool , prcacheH in tin pan air m the great ship building yard ut tht lOunintennia-iun and amiing thu MtO ) car oi8 , with thtir wivoa aud cbildioii and th ( nenof thagrHit frpight htnttonu , having uf , lmo8 fioiu , COJ tu 3 , 0Jin one o 8 jmUy. The liptacoptl Cluirthof the Holy FaiUin , 3aut Fe , Nt M. . i indoavoiing thiough it rccinr , the Hev Kdwaid W. Mennuy , to s : abhah Hganlutrium fur con-umpiivea In tha ) ity. The Utizima have tontributud ten sc.o if ground and H portion ot the funds fur tb < milillng. It is to bo open to all denominu ions. The church of the New SpiritnM Dispenpa loMlu > b > ) n fouudud in Brooklyn , and tb lohuvortiho'd ruguUr Kuudt-y evening meet' ngs Tnerc aru no nrdui'ned p < 6ocheia in the hurch orjj.niz tion , but Iictjrers coma fur- ra'd fr < m ntnoug tlio members whoa .ctasion lorn md- . i The papal consistory has officially fixed to if ut In September. Jiobably twelve card- Uwillbcrnatod. . p'he'uuperior of bo * Franciscan brothers , Brooklyn i making u tour of Irt-landto obtain recruits ir lh mlealoii ia Amoiica Thn anhblshon f Oregon Is nppoallmr in 'tho Kngllsh cathoJ CB fur fnniU tuCBt bllah ntw mimlona In AH ska and Vancotivtr island. Futher , Hngan renldt nt of the cell ga of ft. Hulpiuo Paris 'ill eon nail for DuBiflu vvboro ho will found sonduary. Jn tlio buiaiiiur. In the Summer every hummer Snekn'gicon ( itMsnml natures now , And thugayrnmm nil ] drtmmter , Whom tboglrlx declare "A hummer , " Douu A suit of tmvy blue. In thn Summer nvrry plumber , , As he imigplratinn vvipeo , Coolly hlta In mucliUUon , And hi wurm im gli atlon Lightly turna tn th' ' ujjlita of pipes. KUUOA IIONAU ho board < f uduoatlo of Chicago has pro. iblwd ih < 4 study of Gienk by the public jhi O'B. ' Thn.pruLtlckl uin nimlty nf tlio b ard i taking tlili ictlini-tlm vole beli'g ' 18 to 1 - i > t ln pily reprtw < lit ? tlio unanimity uf public mjliuoi ton tills1 uutjoct Hoibort. Sprncor , in liis work on'cducition , iys : "Tits lint ricjulkiln tn m-omlil educti on ID to b a RO d iviimal ' To ba A g.n d iiiinul , to huvo KKI ( | heHlth niui mulnUiin It , mply ui9 iiH n strict conlorniity to the UXVB [ health to the law & of our pliymcil b ing , Hftverftml collrgo , I'hilnpttli hti , which for year past Ina > hon \ HtutiilUy iiicreunlng on- iutflliKcnuo in thu of iw rpil-o i < mt inn r - ) iiico , i lliru for the next collfgiata yrar a nine in piuoiicnl oattouomy fur muuuiH iid pi jvitW students under thu dirt'btlon uf 'ruft'Hi ' > tr harplell8. Thn eourno nf luutructlon In dramatlo art , at 11 New York Lyieum tchoul uf acting , com- HHOI phvslcul tralnlur , uiimlo ojprcMon , evn'diiiuent nf the voice , vocal oxprecsluu , limlcry , study of pUys , ntudy uf character , 'ag iji > s'n > > 8S and trading. I'rauklin N. argent is thn director i > f the school. Hliortcr C'lllfut' ' , In Home , Oil , , has juatfo- itvit I 81 ,00 under the will nf tht ) lute AL cdShoittr , for whom it was namuil. Five miimml ilolUiH will l > o u i-d to improve the louidaumlbuy a t-k'BCiiH | ! , and the rest will iMnvcsiod nnd th inWifSl ustd to pay the jitidii uf iK > or'kiul dt'-orvicg n'rls. ' All tliuuuMiriiit | > ndeiiUnf instruction and m instruct ru of higher uduo.tiuu In Minlni- > t h tvii been tmkid to nituud n convention , i bo hul I in t ) u utntu capitul in H. I'aul , on 10 2 < th and 27th , iht. , to dtacu 4 quei > tioim gunling tha oigu zatiou unl iimthodsof oik in In H g nurvl dtpartmuut of tduotion , 'l hn Schouect < iy ht > < r cl imn to have strii t- r nl'ubl.i until' ' rity lor lliu s > criitm that 'ronidtnt ' Klipnalet Nttt Pirlfr , while in utlu , WBU linpnitum d by a wvll-knnwu Call- > rniu ii'il ' loiiHirn to found KI > nduautioual in * Itiilo In Sun Fiauulsoo ; < 1ut fur till" purpose ix gtiitlxuinii prii | o < nl to placu In Dr. Put- ir'i ban I tliu nvinihceul fuml of 3 0m 0,000 , lid tliut 1) . Pntur wua ubbgcd by poiBi.'iul u ons tu doolino AM > KO thu vi ! tora lo tha Natli n U Touch. h'Oxuveutlo'.i t Mudlnuu , wjn fiUiii ign ( > r ttpal , mui being urg nily irquetted lo " > n iw word * tif emoiufgyliifiu , ll-o eloil'iuiil reUto riutttontled in A | iii tlmt HUKIIIK latiy g. od thingH Cdiituintd t-vo i f Bii | > oiUtivu ciullvucu. Tuo jir t won uu tauiurtapptul lee o toiclifiy for tUoroi gbnrun in tlio tvctiii g ' l-"i iilith , uud tlio cvutiud * va m Intlltfuitiit > cl < imur of miy ovll inttnUonn in thu pait tha LaUinllca uvaiiut ihu imblioi < cltouU. Sttidiinrrx-u ininiiT t Gvnnauy , Mr. A. . Ba-g nt , In mi inirrr'uw the 4 thor day ; ; n eiu HIU twenty AiiuTicii girls at > hu uni- f tityof JC'tricIt , Bwitifilaul , ktudjinx the hlpherbrnnchesof science flnd fitting the PVH ) f , r larfern. I hivetvvo dtueht thcio , Mls Klla who i' taking A olathl couraf , and MijugLlzzie , who Ii studying I eye _ and thnjfcur nnder the most fixm < fp cinlist in the -world. Lizzlo , you kno took a do/'tfl in mcdiiinu in this country n wp li cnscd to prac'ico ' h'fp , but she want to learn N ! ! thnt ah oculist could know , a hnsbo < natth Zuri h uuivcisity for M time. Thu iloor * of ovnry university in I rupo except th t nt Xurch ro lamnud the f 4to of vvotncn. The Fn-ntli admit worn t/i thu'r ' tnodlc'l cultigcs , but not to Uioir u AN Knalfsh court hen decided that the i lional echuola can notcmnpal the children w AtUndth'tri to c rry on any part of llv studios after school Ivran. A child whrmo I thor rtftt'od to Ilow him to study t hon was "kppt In" to nuke tip the defleli-nU The father sue-d the shoolraaster fur "lllef dftontinn/ ' The lowrr court overruled t plf , on th ground that no force had bo exercised. The Queen's Bench set nmdo tl decision , on the ground thatthi nchoolmaste oxortls of his authority w * equivalent to t uieof fnrco , and thU the father had A ilg to forbid study at homr , if he choo / to do i Aa the KchooKhonra In Kngland nro six houn day , this d ci Ion cm not bo hold to tut rfc with the reasonable efficiency nf teacMne. that .number of hours not only tha rtcltatti but thn preparation of Icnons infant bog throiiRh with. It is to bo hoped that tl Lugliehux iitiple wllltlud Imltttors in Amc ca. Innttiora the main buiin'HS of tbo ch dren Is tin own Into thuno etcnti g hnuis win should bo devoted to hcalhful locnutioa AI fauiily intorcouria A Uaiif ; untl n hinuotr. Dopartlntr , I ha-1 clipped A curl Th.it u'cr her l.row . rlld lung : She smibug said : "Yott'ro like A gu You go ulf with A "bang. " At which I pfcaped her lips and crlo "Fur punuine yuu'vn A Knack ; But now I'm likn fi-horman , I go off with A "snifck" " _ Wilmington Sta t I Camp tapotlngt will bo rlpo in a few days. Muscular Christianity ti nbovo par nrnor iho coloro i Christians of Iho Quaker Olty. Bi muscle scorns to ba oven fattuer above thj jhnUiaultyi A Toxai minister hag loft the pulpit to f a the legislature. Ho will now order b inntalmius made with two hip pockets ii itead of only ono. 1 In what condition WA * the pttr'rach Job'i hn end of his life ? " n-k < d a Sunday tchoi caohor of u ouiot looking boy at the foot i .he . clas. . "JJoad , " calmly replied ho boy. A religious weekly of prominence thlnl ho iivorngosnlary of the niiniitor should 1 idvancod. How would It rlo as n prelimiim 0 advance the uvnqo quality oftho miulnte , Chicago had n b amp who returns tlinnl or hie hrf akfast In fiyo mo It rn languages an spouts the Lord'a projcr in Greek , Latin an Ifibrow. Evidently a naw variety of th peciea. Minister's WIfo-"How terriblel Thi ia | > or ways that a Muthoilift minister nnd h ! umily 10 the rural districts of New Yor vver ccontly dlECovorod to bo ou tlie vereo of stai ntlon " Minister "Well ho might have know notigh to keep'n big rlo. ? . " Mjnjiufcr' * ife "Why , what for ? " Mii-ister "Tofoarooff donation parties. Multhow Vnsair rnat'o ' his money by mal ; ig beer andalo , etc , and upsnt a good den 1 building and ondon it c Vntsar collpgo fo ourg woman nt Poughke ie N.Y. Mi ra ST lso left the ram i f 87K)0 ( ) to th * Sab ith Schools uf the f even churches iu Fough copsio Thorn-was Some ambiguity in th lording of the will , and till beque-a In. pen in dlsputo ever -iuco Vaffai's dtmth 'ho churches have bten quarrelling over tbui dare of ho brer nioney. Some of then lihnod that the will msiut S7 0 iU to each o : at ) t nvou church schools. Uthera settled fo l.dOO. Two of the chinch claims nro yet un ttlcd. They want nil tha money they cat ct out of tha Vasaar beer house. It is ( fratifyina to If arn that In at least om Jupect f oiue of the anu nt picpheta ara no i. . oiy to be disturbed Vhilo time shall list hero have btsou prophets who have founc fa no iniucrHblo th it th y wr ro not sorry ti ie. but of latoye&H there ) has been-developoi n luqurinif spirit .that has caused certaii lea of jdbred memory to bo picked to piecti ttpr they wore dead and could not daftnc lemsulves. Kll.ha'g hair if ho had won ay would g v stood on end at the irrever woof men who have argued that two ehi aaig.ncvor could have torii up forty-two buc at'iiifoly childr'n la ono proup. Daniel'i ruphosies have been twiitod by all surts o ; .eu to tn an everything and nothing ; while ] nah-who ; made the m ( t TAmorkable "stow voy" pasuago on recnrd , has been clasnec ith the mendacious roUtiira of o losn l llei lown aa tiah stonoa. But Haggi , Zeuhari t id MaUchi are safe at least to the ox tout having ihelr allf-ired graves opened to see il iy bones arc ? in thorn , for the Sultan has vea their tombs unto tha purpo'ual koapinc the .low * , ' who baliovo in the propliota an 1 o willing tu lot a m m alouo when he is dead The Veteran MUtnpoi'a Will. The gnod old timfB have passed and gone : ThcreV nothing Ilka them now , Nomoro the oumpalgu work is done On the hurrah 1 trow. In yiin nuf ohirg-s wa outpour ; Tri -ydu not seem to hurt. And , sadder fur , wo have no mora Iu air the bloody Hhirt. Full dour that sat gulno garment wasTe To n.any a romldloil brain , And m tny an nrgumt nr. it haat Served stoutly toi < u taln. Whonuver rhet' riop tcroJ i ut And nuuirht WHH i > ft to Hurt , Wu'il only jiift t ntisH a hout And wuvo the bloody slu'it , Some rigmarole about , thn war , JJkHwix- the rights of in i > . S.'mH ' tliiiinping Unit , us m st Hoa aro. About thu Ku Kim K ar , Whim dru'Htd up In u | ihra > u or two Tnat vveip both uhurp inni curt. Left nutiijiig Mine fur ui to deBut But wave the bluody shirt. But people tfhey are changed. I trow , And now they treat as bouh Our eloquence ) ; and they allow Thn Hiirt will mihuvv wath. Aud they will aik w rjue > itius , too , Aud uetmi so mighty pert A fulluw can't know what to do About thu bluody shirt. DROPS tn Artie expldrntlom America is four mlles d eighteen deaths ahead. ' 'The battle.U not Always to the strong , " t Umburger tltroso invuilably nunueoi to i > ( , k down men of mijht. rhu ici-mcn of Wtihhlngton have been iron out by tha departments. Th y int d to git up A comer In baigs. ricklofoot is the name of a thriving town in XV ; , r".tnl 8I ° "iroug ruason * why it ould be changed to "Titnglefoot. " rho cucumber sings to the watermelon , lilo the green uppln rolls around in glee : Vo ar wauipk'g tq-ulght on the old cramp. A. Ji riey City man tana leather with stalu j * , ami in view of the number of lor.g-wlnd. . omtois who wo now taking in talent this te of useful mateiial should ba dibcour * ml , "Tharo now,1' exclaimed Mr . Popinjay , as rny If dl he went craOnug tn tlm floor , ille the waiter wan tryu.tr . t > put Pupinjuy's alter iutubinpockut. "That is whut cuuttw tlp ( > iug thu Wkittr. " "Will you have Halt on your eg6 ? " asked j huttl w ltrr of the guekt. "Oh , ,10. ink * . They iri not ut nil f" > 1 > " Tnsn 3 waiter went nut tuconault tu. 1 nd.ord tn 111 tte hotl had beuuliiBulted.-l Menhunt i voer.3 ! . ( Vt tba pump. First milkman This it .ting to be a nuliinrc , Jim. I've had to mpup t * > u g-tllon luoro tbanuu l to-day , ruppl ) thn dtm nd for cream alone , iu d i about vvoru out. Second mllkmin ( thoughtfully ) toll you Mt v\o cuu do , tif UM uvviutlniill t < > thn nip during ( his l.uny co tsou , and In that y ki cp the vupply of milk up to the do- nd without fxtri * I W on our p tt. Lowell ( 'itltun. rht trouble is tint tie cimpa'gn r > ng does ibilngout ourbert talent It i ttmmnio h thu woodcut of th candidate. Oumpa'gn portraits are generally engraved f > n basswi with H doublo-barral shot-pun. H U an ; promptn affair. So Is the campaign ro Sidney Lat.ier and Baron Tennyson do ; wrlto campaign foaea. Neither do ( H the aw singer of Mich gun. Only the hlgh-boi fence poet over wiites campaign > ongs that tung to the tnrjo iif John Hrnnn's remains mouldering in the grave , while his soul is the net of marching on. Very few writers campaign B nqs ovfr din a natural tlo They generally die mysteriously nd tmddai ; nd with some other man's boots on. II Nyo. TW B KvcrTltiis. I never had a rjiere of btiad Pnticulnrly wide , But if t foil ti | on the floor. TWM on the buttered side. I never had a bit of toast , Howovnr good and wldo , But it nluays full nn the mmlcd floor And on tlio buttered s'del ' Ben Bull SINGULARITIES. A calf of Ayrshire breed , belonging to A' ' Colof _ Prtwtuckot , U. t. has Hvod 01 thriven HMSO its birth , six weeks go , althoui it is provided with ono nostril only , and h not even A tudimont of thetocond. A boy WAS born tn the wife of Charl Sllory nf Castleton , Ind. , the other 3aywhl weighs -riaybutl7 ounces. An tirdlnn goblet placrd over the head of the child roue cs to its hips. Tno organs are all perfact foamtd and well proportioucd and the child living nnd doing well , At Wo t Pulnt , Miss , on the C.mto Abnrdoen & NaKhvillo railruad , A fuw da ago A workman while boritg .in artesiru wi otruck a pnpulxr tree roveral fust in dlamet at A dppth of 550 feet The wood is in A pe feet state of preservation. Thn city of Paris have boon presented 1 the Sh h of Persia two dlmltuvc camels i larger thin poni'8 , which belong to an c ccodlngly rarn species of which the Shah h four specimens In his prlvata ( tiMes. Tin will be placed in tha Jardino yon Pluntes in houn constructed especially for them. While n neirr > was ploughing near I Grangi * , Mo. , a short time ago. ho turned up btimlilo bets' nest. The m ilm did riot lingi long , but started for the woods. Tha plout caught in the root of u tree , holcliug the muli fust until the bens stung thorn to death. Tl negro WBS so badly stung that he raved like mitdnmn for two days. Tha nutmeg trees prow on the Islands i AjU nn 1 tropical Amnrica , and look lit Hnsll pear tree * . They bear fruit s veoty i gifhiy years. In Jamaica thfro la ono tn tlmtever yeftrhaaon it over 4,000 nutmeg I'lio fruit irt ab > ut tha eizn uf a peach , an when rino it broitka open and eh own the EBOI ivhlth 'n the artiilo known to commurcu c the nutmcfr. M < ca Is the thin covering ovc ho seed. Tha Dutch have not lontrollud tb lutmog trade for many years. They tried t nntiiio tha growth of the nuttreg to the Buud [ stands , which they owned , but the niitme tlgeons carried the nuti into all. the Burround ngcouutifoii , and the trees grow and tloui shed in spite of the would-be monopolists. An ingenious horticulturi-t of Philadelphii totiting that abnoht evtry hour in thodv lomo plant bloomed , hag constructed on thi iriuc'plo ' floral clock composed of twenty our plunts one for every hour. At this tn if the clock , nt IS oMock , was planUd th virtulitcea. At the hour of 1 , 2 au-l 3 ha hui lifforent varletHH of tbo same plant , oath u vhieh bloomed at the hour opposite to whicl t was planted. At 4 o'clock the commoi ilunt of that name w B placed ; at Dthogar leu i-ictJgo came out ; at 6 the geraniur riste nnd At seven the evening p-irimose. A > ho had the bona nox , at 9 the eilenc Kirtifiura , nt 10 a c qiif < , at 11 another klm ind at 12 tha night-blooming ceraus. Th ilants at 1 and 2 were c ictus , at 3 the com nun salsify , at 4 tha ch'cory , at 6 the snov Intlo and at C the dandeliou , 'I do not likfl thue , Dr. Fell , The reason why , ! cannot tell. " Ib has often been wondered ai , tin iad odor thin oft-quoted doctor was in Iwaa probably because ho , being ono o ho old-school doctors , made up pills a argo as bullets , which nothing but at istrich could bolt without nauaoa 3enco the dislike. Dr. R. V. Pierce' . 'Pleasant Purgative Pellota , " are augar oated and no larger than bird-shot , anc ro quick to do their work. For all do angoments of the liver , bowels anc tomach they are specific. Wed&Sat Nebraska Cornice AND UANTJFACTrUREBS 0 ? iALVANIZED IRON , CORNICES FINIAL8 , WINDOW GAPS , rIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING PATEKT METALIO SKYLIOIIT , ron Fencing ) lum , liaiustrades , Verandas , Office and Ir lUtllnn , Window and Collar GuND 4tli \Vllltinrlrrlho DLOOD.Tcim. Ute i tlie LIVER null KIDNEV8. und KIHTUIIK TIIK HEAiTlI . > Iien ln , Wantof Apncllte. m- dlKCdtlon , J.uck o btrcnRtli , amriircilPocllnKaUsolutcly cared. Hunts , luuscltsaiul iHjivearcctlvuliiWforco. . l.nllvciis the piliid and . , uillc | jlrain l' < i-wcr. SnrrurhiKfrom complulnta P * ! ' * * ' " noculUrio tliulr six will Ind In DR. IIAJlTBU'rflKON TONIO B Vifii aid J'tiedjr euro , ( llvcaoiluar , licallhy comiilcxlon. Frequent attrmpts at counttrlVUliiK only add otUe popularity of tlio orlxlniil. lo ) uut expcrl- acnt-KetlhuOiuoi.NAi.AMilles 'gfnd ' your nddreiitoThe Ir. IlnrtorMed.Co.V B.t > , I , ' ° ? lV Mo..for oar-DKKAM UOOIC. " ! iFollof atraaKaDad useful.tulorrnitiontrue. J , T33C3E1 HAS NO UPERIOR. IB Steck is a Durable Piano , IE BTECK II&8 BINOINQ QUAHTV 0V TONK FOUND NO OTHER PIANO , BOLD NLV BY KTOODBRIDGE BROS. , OMAUl NEB. DISEASES OF THE SYE & EAR J T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , rvpaked from result ol Ore , offl Hoora 6 , OnUlitoa Clock 16th ctf By the nut of this REMEBT , the Btora- DISCABE3 a 01" epeedlly regain their i. ntronnth , and th TIIE blood la purified. | It la pronounced b ? ' hundreds of tlio beat DtADDETt doctor * to bo tha ON. I A1ID I.Y OTJnE for U hinds ot Kidney Dl - noecs. , I ' OEOAN3 It 1 § purely voeo. unorsr table , nnd cure * when QllAVEI , other medicines fall. BIABETE3 It In prepared ex. unioirr's presuly for these din. DISEASE rase * , rind has never been known to fall. m Ono trial will oon. vlnco you. For sale injt - . BACK ? byaUdruug-kto. IOUTS PBICB tl.sr . OB Bend for SIDE Pamphlet ofTostl. tmmvous monlalo. J HUNT'S' on HE.1IEDY NOH-ttETENTION CO. , * OP TrOTldrnee , K. I. CAIN Health andjappiness. DO AS OTHERS HAVE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered ? Kldntr Wort brought mo from my crnTc , ul vrm'.ariorllmd bcrn Btrrnup tiv 13Iwst doctors In Detroit. " JLW. DoTernnr , Mechanic , lonli.SIlch Are your nerves -weak ? "Kidney Woit cured nio from nervous vraL Ac. , aftrr 1 was not cTpcctcd to llro.Mm tl. M. D. Uoodwm , Ed. Christian Monitor ClovcUuid , O. Have you Bright's Disease ? "Kidney wort cured me when my water was just like clialk and then like blood. " Fiante Wilson , Peabody. Maw. . Suffering from Diabetes ? "Kidney-Wort Utijo most succcsfill remedy I ha1 OTer nacj. Given almost Imrnciltato rcllcfj' Dr. 1'Lllllp U. Ballou , MonLWn , Vt. Have you Liver Complaint ? "Kldncy-Viortcured 1110 of chroiilo LivtrDi cas 3 after I prayed to die. " Henry ard , late Col. COthNat.GaardX Y. Is your Back lame and aching ? "Killney-Wort(1 bottle ) cured mowhen I vraaso lame I had to roll out nf heel. " 0. M. Tilluiage , Milwaukee , Wis. Have you Kidney Disease ? "Kldncy-V. ort made mo tiounrl in ll cr ftinl kldm ya after 7Cara nf onsticccosful < loctorfnff. Its worth 310 a box. " Saw'l llodgc , WHUamstovsntst Va. Are you Constipated ? "KidneyWort causes cayy e\acuatloiia and cured mo after It yearn u o of other m < vllolntn. " Kulson FalrcUild , bt. Albans , Tt. Have you Malaria ? "Kidney-Wort has done better than any other remedy I have ever used In my practice. " Dr. H. K. Cluk , South Hero. Vt. Are you Bilious ? "Kidney-Wort hAn done me morn good than any other remedy I have ever taken. " Mrs. J. T. OaUoway , Elk Flat , Oregon. Are you tormentedwith Piles ? "KldneyJVortpermaiwntlff curtit me of lilnedlns piles. Dr. w. c. Kline recommended It to me. " O o. II. Borat , Caihlcr U. Bant , Myentown , Pa. ns and I had luffcred thirty yean. " llbrideeJlalcolm.Wcrt Bath , Main Btanain ? . Many rrlenua UM anrl prauo Kit , U , Lamoreaux , Isle L * alone , Vt , If you would. Banish Disease and gaiu 'Health , Take KIDNEY-WORT THE BLOOD CLEANSER. Iowa f/om the Mixlmutn Mineral Pountaln ol Sara K& Sprlngi , and Is tlio opinion of the most eminent edlcal men Natliro'ij Boveretgu Cure Tor Constl- atlon , Dlspepsla , Torpid Liver , Inactive > ndltlouB of the Kidneys , and n moat salutary torat to In Bcrolulo.ua aHeotionn. With ladies , BOH. imen.atid bnn\Uants cvonwhero Ithashoome e standard of dleUry expedients , f , > rtl yliiff the jestlve funo'lona and cnahilnt ; fica-ivnrs t'iImlu'ce th Impurity at table The world oUtalth , Intil : once and refinement to'tlflea to lu sparkllne , n t- a'ly pureand dellghUul ijiuntltlcn an lie beverage = pmp ab'o ' , and atcrtitlt It with MnK the xuifst d vpaedkit fourco olclrar complexion-hlRhhealth d exuberant Milrlt. . Hathorn Spring Waier sold In glao bottlcti ; four dozeu pints are packed a owe. It may bo tbt.lned at all hotels , nd o UKKttU , wine mer liaota , nri tocert evervwher ITTCe * , , . / - / - ! GOULD&COS 18 DECIDED BV Royal Havana Lottery I lA OOVKIINHENT INSTITUTION. ) ' Hnvann ulm l ! rawn at , , Every to 14 : Days. 3KET8,82.00 , . , . HALVES. $1.00 ucjoct ta no pianlnulatlpn , not controlled by the tiuoln Intoreut , u U the lalrott tblng In thi uro ol charioo In tixUtanco. 'orlnlormatlonand ' particular ! apply to&HirauY . .Oon AnvnU , 1218 | } rnaa \ , K Y. city , KAUU& CO. , 417 Walnut street M. I.ouls , Ito , rrtnk Lobrano , L. u. , to vVyandotte , Kan , Ytulu i. wly. t DRt wL hwFlS * \f3fa l J&IjO | f J ) wing to the increase k n our business we've idmitted to the firm * Sr Edwin Baviswho s well and favorably onown in Omaha.This 7ill enable us to ban- He an increased list N. f property. We ask hose who1 have desi- able property for aleto place the same Tfth us. The new firm rill be ) ESTATE 13 South 14th'St . / i r- 1 * ! "t - I fft > r 4 - * J- " " "V \i