Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1884, Image 1

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UiillQstiiDEripla ) < iafioDofttie
Gen , Horatio King Explains Them
to Becohor's ' SatiBfaotion-
Olevoland ar d Two Married MOD
Intimate With OQQ Woman ,
ABabe is Born to Her and Qrover
In Order to Shield His Two
Friends Who Were Married.
Henry Ward Abs ilws "tho Fool I si )
1'cacadilloen of ji VHUUR BIou"
' 'Griicr , Merov and
IVnco. "
* * SAVR
Special Dispatch to TIIR BKK.
NiiW YOUK. Au r. 8 Goa. Horali' ) 0
King , ot Bruokl ) n , a butom frii n 1 of Henri
Ward Bjooltor , arrived homo to day after A
personal an I tWouxh invesl'g ttm of the
Buffalo scanditl about OUvelund. Tao mia-
tion of King W B the ntoiuw uf a conference
between Beodnr , Sjhurz aid fi , Vf. Curtis ,
Trholdemauded that the real f ctt of tha cat (
bo inide kuown befcro they proceeded furth-i
Intha csnvata , Schun lofuaintr t > speak in
public until thia wm d jno. King luakoa the
followg ! report ;
The laoti Boom to bo that
he mot this woman , and bacamo intimate
with her. fiho wu a widow , and not a good
woman by any meanp. Cloreland discovered
that two of his frijnds wore intimate with
her at the same time aa hlmrolf. When a
child was born , Cleveland , in order to nhlold
bis two friondc , who wertt both married
men ?
of It. Ho took care of the child and mother
like a man , and did everything in hla power
for them , and ha provided for thorn until th-
woman baoame a c mfinned victim of oloohol-
Ism , aud mndo it impoepib'o by h r conduct
for him to hive anyibit g t > > do with her. He
never eopaiutod the motttcr anil child nor dlrl
be do anything t < i injure tha worn n. He oo-
ooptod riun-'iisib'li'iea ' ' th t not ono min in
a thousand ban huulderod.
Lain many othar men Clovulmd likeagood
, living and gnod.oiinipkUT , but ha never goei *
to ox com in nnythiiig. Aftfr thn child WA > -
bum tlie w.imau made a h.ibitof vi-i'lngeverj
man with whom rho lud bten incim ito nn t
demanding mnu y under thn ati of ezpo-ure.
The man who in reality wn the father uf the
infant had an i tit ere * tin : ; daur.htnr whom bo
ue WAS in oontMHr ; DRSAD
leat hlfl fffen b fhonld 'ro'ichThiS wifaTtfiid
duld , * nd Clavebvi'dboing thebnly unmanleo
man. relieved Irm of his emborr s < inent by
ekouldoiiog all the rtflp n iblty. Fr. m But-
* falo'I.Wootdlroo- Aibinv and called on the
Governor. Ho frankly told mo that my ver
sion of the Btorroa
* ' " bo nald ' 'ai honorable
'I acted thronghout , , any
orable m n ihould. " No man could hive
looked ut the xuvnrncr and not have fo t that
h was speaking tha tru b. ' 'Af or I hid con-
f cfodcd my rejo ich"fl I calledoa Boo < her and
'related too result of my visit to Buffalo and
-Albany. Beojhor said ho had boeu wrongfully
and that now ho rould not do to much tot how
bin sppreciatioa of tba man. The whole mat-
tar having oeon ezpl iuod to lieecher'a eatis-
faction , be will now support tha governor , as
the foolish plci'tiJillooa of a young man , cuin
xnittqd fourton or li teen yearn nrrj , will not
ircign tfe'aiuat hia preneot life aud political
tei rd. "
Tlio Uifforenr. WabiMli Brmclios Eu-
Uoavorlnt ; to O t on Ilioir
VeotOnco More.
BT. Loc'H , August C. To still further the
effect nf tha divorcement of ths Wabaah and
the MicHOuri Pucific fyatoin' , several meet
Ings of the d'rcctors of bi anchor of tLo Via
bmh road were L Id this afternoon , and the
.following change * wera inado :
Biunswiuk & Chllliootho road , Jamee F.
Howe woa elected president and Col. T l
madge director.
St. Louis , OUuinwo & Co'lar Koptds roil-
rnai-Col Tolaadgu , u'o.t d pneidnat , A.
H. Hnxio vioa-nresidi nt , and James ritmih
and CharliVJ M. Hay * wcro made direc
tO'B.Chioiad &St. LouU CoL W. K. _ Blou-
gott and Ch B M. Haw elected director ? ,
vioo K. S H ya and H. M. Hucie.
Cocncil Blutfi * & Omaha rojid Col. Ial ,
magao'eoted p oild ut , vice U. Af. Hoxic.
Tbo repiit that noiiin of ttio dlvhion super
IntondonW of tbo Wuhish would bo roraoveil
proven to have boon an error. $0 ch ingo wil
be in ula suiong ih * o nfHouw , but di
viflloa fr-i bt ufftuU will b appointed to work
" '
up local"
It UiDcadlnCbio ff < > Alter
HogH Most Hereafter Bo Hold
un Their aterlts.
0 , August 8. There hai boon much
d'uuaV'alaotloa among the o > mmsalon ! dooler ,
t tha ttock yards for a long time over th
operation of thn nlirinka a/atom In the eal
of hog * . Under it | ockora could contract for i
drove of hp s , and thru road in a man wh
would arbit'arily dro da that in many ww <
wh t pre known MI "plKiy ows/'oud "stags ,
from wbosa aggr pate woighc about forty
IKiund * ach wiw shrunk or docked , Ther
woo no apjieal. aud tbo loan w- <
chuged to ihofu mer , A ( hort time ago th
llvnsiok fxchanjo pa * eda rule that htire
eftur h K * chm d be Hold on thair merits ; tha
the o thrown nut mu.t' bs iolajtcd In advauo
of the oalo and takun out of tbo herd tn b
fold eopa'aUly on their mo-itBi filao etrtlr ly
doing away Withthishrinkrge.Iu order to givi
time for HBgotlatlonH with pocke'H tha lU'i
wui not then put into force , Atliorff wus m
iprrestaent re-chfd thi ( ximmimloncra thi
afternoon rf solved to put tha riila in force
bogintiiag In Noveuibq- .
Fatal Oatllo UIMOUB-HII lowe ,
OUIOAOO , Aurmfc 8. Thi .Tonml' < Tien
Molaos poo'al wys : Notloa baa been given t
the at ltd ixi-i'dot health uf mi outbreak o
a fatal cattle dUeaso at Jvoaavs , ttovent/en
cattle having died in twanty-fou' hoarB. Ih
veterinary surRivin bw boon tent to invett !
ito No dflUlli yet.
LK MABB. TA. , Aninut 8 A small bunch o
iMcattld w niilo4d < Kl bc'O Bbort the
TJw diAOAoo mppoetd to bo Texaa fev
iroTdilcJ among th'm nnd G\a di d. When
a load t f Infoeto I tatt'o w/w p'acxl In ft her I
otiAtiyn / CMttK fi lin-n of the lntt r have
inca died , and hfle " moro nra ill. The dlj-
ano i o iifi ixl to thete , ntd thrro are no
ear * of ill fjunidiiig.
DcatructlTO OonlKrntlon ( Among
HouoliV IttillilltiK nt
Cluster , 1'n ,
OHMTKII. August a Th'a m"ruini a Or
Nafl dificovend ly tin w..lilinun in a blnck-
mithehop , a f r me buildlng-iu itoach's nhiji-
nr , The flaws eooii uprt'iul ( o tha punch
hod als i fr < mr , and \oring nr a ly , n nc o
fKrtin * , All offurls timavo this imiiicnso
iui diu/t / we'0Rivvn * up , and Htt.o iilo i rfi'i ' cttd
, uviiigt a lii idi g sheds n hi ort dist nco
nay , but tlo itfottsof ttie firemen were tin-
v ilinfr i nd it W H H < K > U d
Toltgiam were S'lit to W Imi gfon nnd
'hihulelphi.i for s i t liehu ihi tire WHS
rot rn tin cr 10 trol hulli.i nlly t. ' tountor-
i-nd t nor ler.
Thn p iuc pnl losi will bo nn thejunch sh d
vhir ti row.tsus cnsi o ttiac cry \nlu-il
t $ < 500Ji : Tlio > olU nloni OB. $12mM )
piec" , nnd were fiico ir
our sets < f thn'e. I h > ro wo o
ii sot < of pu c' ea v 'i cil aSli 00. Tli utn
rm ciiiny uai q < all. cxpn 8 vu wu
cquir d in I'ni'y us , t Jt intuis iufo th
li pi gof 11 pntc-iniidiroii i etxl ii uliip .
In bu Idiitgri thainee < M ara tvorth 500 , ,
TljH ] n nn b , tti b ,11 tingj and uiahii-ry
8 aillt ( > bo fi'l" ' iiuure , ! iu i'hilad Ip'ji.i ,
NVw YoiU rt , d Kiigli-h c , inpani i.
'Iho w y < tin 'IT ' the Old Uo i ini n fh'p
'cni i lobt lauiicliu i c u h fnu
lutihiflmu wer eubdund before m y da ii-
Q..OVIM dniiyt'iho v. B'tl Ti.o ro hro B
ab tit hvo buadrod men nf 1 1 uo'k. uudvil <
virtu illy > ti it > ioy d an I tuspendw ik in
o\trnuiont crui * r fur . . m
LONDON Aug 8. A Times di pith from
fitiiChoWB.tB : ' 'Ih ? American mlnintcr
will fcrrh'o at Shanghai to day. , Tni Qhiuoae
nmaln firm n > ui further ooim l'oiiij ' by vthq
rtouili will vlone Npcuie pbuto. / ' '
CAHI i , Anff. 8. The Nllo Kin-jison B.T ? fcot
i thrco days. ,
DUBL .v , August 8. All men iodictcd for <
oocoi.tiiiu with tlioroocnt nbomlua'ilo ' noau-
lale , plcadei not Rullty Tholnquiiy wa < or-
> ierod by tbo court rewarding Fruiich'rt sanity
> van ixmtK | > ned to Augutt 1 > \ at' the request of ;
hoorowii , ( "
CAIIIO. Aueust 8. There were furth < irsarri-
vah of British tronp * hereto day , end otheiB
ro on the way. Tne Uoparturo ot the Sixtieth
iflos for Cj prua is ixwtp iiiod. Capt. tipeedy
nd Ma > on liey lelt Uu klm for Siukat.
VIENNA , Anroit 8 Slollmakor. the mur-
leiorof Batikor Liuihi tsnd .Broker Elnorr.
WSB hiugoJ hjro thin mo ning. Ho rofiucd
o make u confession. Elaborate precautions
were takui agaluht anaicbist reprisal.
T..IJLOH , Aupwt8.-Two deaths hero from
holora lant night. One at Las Eyne
BrnNif , Aupu t8 A rug dealer at
wiel , canton of Borno. ill d of tholtra ,
Th French go ercmo t will c-nnult the
himler o' deputies i cforu in-tructing Ad
mit ai Courbel at KOI ( Jhow to act.
The i u unit exj > eliti ( > n for tuo rolirf of
oiiuial G tdon will proceej up iho Nile by
way of Doi go'a.
B-akiin haa bnen ahandpuod M a base
f oi cratioai. Tlwprojeit of construc'ing a
ihvayfom u.iltira to B ibo has
> 3m biiiijL l and tbo plant is 10 bt > taken
o -India ; * ; . . . * > „ . J , "
Thop eco conferineo t Bernn cloeid its
eaiuu ya t rd .y. Bofir ita final tdjoain
ntnt It luioji e < l A motion f > the neutral
atii/n i f iatc'ruco ulcc.innla.
A house at Bi lar I Lurtn , n r Bri'lf Lt
JJns. Jfran ; , WIIB > triick by lig'ttiii-gyes-
erdsy. T o'flameB prald rapi tly. ana nine'
y h usoi were burued before ttoy wuo sab
dued. .
FivecholiVa patioots in llio lazaretto nt
ari | niio , Itnly. wcrd cured , and throe are
n nu iutpiovtid c ir.diti n. >
John DoGraw & Sons , lumber dcalora of St.
' .ail , bavo a BUuoJ. Idubilities , 810,000 ;
assets ut known.
Holmes , Lafferty & On , Ihn oldest nnd ono
of the la vest tirnm In the live stock t-ndo of
Pittaburg , ha < assi Dod. Liabil.tien , SI 0.0 K ) ;
afls t , ample Tha failuro. was c.ut-ed by
wmplica ion growing out of thoPeuusylvania
b UK suapeneion.
n epkl'niio of moJignant and pcruicipiu )
uriH C'trlon mile-
lagingat , thirty-eight -
distant In , in Tnnan.i. The o wteo ni'ie '
leatht inside of thit tlSB veil hour B The in-
: ialitai.trt Wcro paiiic-Ft'ickcn. Ilia beloved
; lo tpidi mlc Is d ae to in'onaa malarial poison-
ig. J'su-mSia vnry sickly ; there u-re ton to
ittoea fuutr Is d i y. ' 1 he neat is iutoaBe.
nt a Itailruail Ores lnK.
SutNAHDOAH , Pa , August 8. Mr. and
Mrs. Uixon , their two ch lureii and n man
nrmed Cutf , uhiio crrsxii g tl o rcadii g track
at Connor stati n in a cairiago ihlH afternoon ,
wcro struck by a loccraoth a Mr. ajd Mrx.
Dixon , ono child aod Cuff were instant'y
killed , the horses cut to piece ! ) and the vehicle
d ruoifthod. The driver aid infant cwoapcd.
The patty vtcio returning from a funeral ,
IJin liouiHvillo & Nutlivllle.
NJEW YORK , August 8. At the Louisville
k Nashville meeting , junk adjourned , Jobr
f. CartorwiH * ! cd director In tie nlnco elF
F 1) . Carter , reeignod. 'I he financi il plan
wai left tincimiint'Joof fivoto bo reporUd
uii at a KJ n ial mt"-t'ng Tiu > > day rext , 3 p. m.
The'nittm coatl tu of K , vf. I'ojU1 , .f'S.
H geie , K. O. Probdt , A. Noiton and H.
BIlus Maukvy
BAN 1'iiANOiflOO , August P. John W
Mnukoy tlenirn the truth of the statement
tclr graphed luat i < ightrom / Naplen of thj on
gagomentof hi * duuebttr , Kva , ta a member
of the Colonn family. 4
That Tired Feeling
Tbe warm weather has a debilitating effect !
{ specially upon those who are within doors
most of tbe time. The common , '
complaint known as "that tired feeling , "
U tlio result. This feeling can bo entirely
overcome by taking Ifood's Bareaparllla ,
which gives new lifo and strength to all
the functions ol tbo body.
"I could not sleep ) had no appetite. I
took Hood's a.irsapurllla and soon began to
4leep soundly ; could get up without that
tired and languid feeling ; and my nppetlto
Unproved. " It. A. tiANrpitu , Keut , Ohio ,
Strenytliwi the fiynteni
IIood'B Barsaparllla Is characterized by
Uuro peculiarities i 1st , ( ho combination of
remedial agents ; 2d , tlio proportion ! 3d , the
froctis of securing the active medlclual
qaalltlcB , The result Is a medicine of unusual
Btrength , effecting euros hitherto unknown.
B ud for tool. ccntaJnlDi ; additional evidence ,
" Hood's Saraanartlla tones up my fiystfini.
piirillca my bloou , sharpens my apt'Ctlto , aim
kcojns to make me ovi r. " J. i' . THOMI-MON ,
JteKlHtcr ol Deeds , towel ) , Mass.
" Hood's Birwparllla beats all othorn , and ,
iHMnrUiUiiwolglitlnicold. " I. lUitiiwoxow ,
130 Uaiik Btrcet , Wow York City ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold ty all droeglsta , tijtdiforta. Mode
only by a 1. HOOD 6 CO. , Ixnrell , Mux
JOOaDosoaOno Dollar.
Somewhat Increased Jnst Now by Bnt-
Which Hna Made the Domoorats
Almost Despair ,
The McDonald Feeling Against
Hondrioks Intense in Indiana ,
With a Probability That the Es-
publioanB Will Win ,
Two Stirring Mootinga of Demo
crats at the Hub-
From frontiers J.ihn
but Noii-Coiuiiitttal
TcU'Rram Other Pariy
Xow York Clt jTlio Tniunwiiy Crowd
Chicago Times ,
NEW YORK , August 7. The doolirodJc-
termination < ( Get urnl Butler to puhiuito f
iuto tlio litild fur the prcaidncy m a tipu
about winch no'iti ' iaia of nil parlie * in this
city Imvo much to say , S id n well ku nvu ot-
m inber of tin nlilrrmtnlc ch.uubor and
sachem of Timmany thin nftaaoon : ' Ol
p j r p Jo * n Kelly will notaiytoin to tnaily
WT 's , but you can just make up yo'lrmiud '
( hat hO ) ta wuil aa the raajoiity of ihn l' iu- .
IIIHI y vo rs , a o cxttomely gla I to know ih a
Uicy will bo nSle ti > v > to for Butter
thld amumn , If ilioy fool HO i liuod.
"IhjiM ao eevr r 1 leiviom why Ku lor iri
sure to en ch a largo p u t'on ' of ti lrnh\oU\
Ho is bold , aggmiiil\o ami Without nu i itn of
sy'mpa hy for JCngl ind. Workingmeu look t i
liim with t degree fasaura Co that a somewhat.
hard to ace u t for. Hut in thin c mpaigu tie
w 11 ka c hii clearest claim to the Irish void
up n a contract a conipa'ioon of MB Mid
ihu other cMidiclttto , ' records. Blnini , jou
see i' a ropnblio n , and Cleveland , though ft
di > u ocnin not on iccord on the Irish qui-kfron
at nil. Fur I lie first , Taumi my 11 on would
r.vlliu-not r te bee ui.oof hia roi.ubliejm.m ,
and for tlio Becond. tccy hava no liking on tbe
too Bcoro of his rebuff t j Kelly and Gnvdy. "
the nnli-monopilist , was very busy , but ho
found tiuio to Biytho letter was lu harmo %
with assurances a ready lee ived hy the anti-
m uopoliH'g. "Th ro can bo no doubt th t
Uciiir 1 Butler \vi 1 mate ft very strong candi
date , " ho ai I , "as ho la txtremely popular
with the i > oplo. In the ii ist place , bo is
Htror g witb the anti-motiojioluta and the
other naional paityby whom ho wainoml-
i atd. secondly , ho hm the 1 bo i pclainefl at
ri'a buck : a d thiidly , ho will receive * Jamc
' from tl intore-tt id the d
inppo't o canal - a B-
Srfttsfied elements in I oth tbo ropublio in a d
democratic par tie < . I have been told to-day
by o. few of the leading nti-m mopo'y ti o
fiat they i 1 try and f o'cct an eloit ral ticket
that will roij.biue ull tha etrocgcst elemonte in
"ofl.r' " '
Mr. Kobe CBii sort , tha
sa'd : "The wortitumon will support Butler ,
euthu'iastlcily mo o enthuitai ically tha
any indcp nd- t can < ti ate that has tvcr run
beforeBuiler vvilltakn away it gre t many
voL-H from Cleva and. Hm aocopt < ncy b < B
rn ifa\cd the etnbnrraifm nt of tbo laboring
clashes , ny did not want to vote for
Uluino , whiln they would not vote f _ r Clevc-
l nd. Many of them , like myself , "wish to see.
the republicans turned tut if office. 'It is
lime the o wai a ctinngo. The feeling among
the wo kiog cla 8oa ia such that I lionwtly bo-
Iinvothat JJutlerwili carry the etutc of New
Yort. "
Speaker Band U. who is topping at "tho
"if ill Avenue bet ° l , did not thmk ion. But-
; r chuld PO materi illy affot the voting in this
.late . aa to piuvaijt Clevo'and ' from tteuring n
majority. lu icgard to tlio jroneral poli > ical
'utnto be B.V.V victory awalt'ag the deino-
. t .
Senator Pugh , of Loni-iatw , reid ttat in the
mth Oral. Butler conld not carry a district.
. 'he ' talk of the B'a-no ' mi-n , payirg that
tin Holid south w n a th'ng of tbo t > a > t , aud
tmttho ropubllra a would pol larga
oiitiea thi re was a'l ' ncusen-e.
Clint < n Kurb bb , a l < rooilyn greenbacker ,
aid : Gen ] iutl r Is a candidate ill uaruost
'or the presidfncy. He Kill without d > ubt
Hll a larga vote lu tliin ttato and U u btatta of
vlo > i8ahuRott4. Nrw .IcrMiy , Connoticut oud
llchigan. Why , I belief ) that tUo goreraJ
ill poll more votes in Chicago than Cluvo-
: and. "
Tnomas Dennoby , a trcmber of the Inde-
xmdent labor | arty , and an nationalist ,
mid ; "I tlu'nk that his landid cy will reoult
n tbrowitigthoelect'on ' into tbo house of rep
jcontatlvr , \vhluh ovcut Clevclaiid would
probably win. "
Uall and. Trcinont IVmplo
Ovorilowlnfr Bnthu l 8t1o
Democrats Bpcochc * ,
Lcttcrn , Ktc.
BOSTOK , Augtut 8. The dauiocratri to
ipened the campaign by a daublo nitiCcitiou
minting. When the doors opened t Fanaul
hull and Trcmont Temple , hundred * of
inn wen ) in waiting anjl ( juiokly filled the in
terior of both halls. Both the Temple and
Poncutl ball were uncomfortably 'crowded
At Fall neil ball. Congncsman I * . A. Collin
prealdodi The firet ppeakor was Jociab O
Abbott. Ho wen f llowod by Thorn og O , Dor-
dan , who delivered an addrcfuui which 6rrai ne < . '
Bhint ) . , Ho made Uin prominent nddreaa o
thn evening. Fire Coumurioner John
Fitzgerald nddrcseod liiinsclf to Uie Irish' '
Aiucilcan voWr.
were ren'l from many prominent gentlemen
T. A. Heiidri ks eent thfa following :
BARATOOA , Aiifruat 8 , I regret I cannot at'
feud thn dcinooiatlc inedin ? in Bus on Friilo ;
( ivenlDg. Hope It ill bo a great MHCCOCH ,
Urn. H. B. Cox wmU :
NKW YOUK , Au8u k. 8. Dear Hir : Your
invitation to ' our Boston mnet'ng received.
1 bavo a previous a * d unavnida' lo engage *
nun. t for August lb , xnd in fail for the
month of Auwnrt I al all IHI | itioccupied. He-
gri t > log y inability to bo present , I r-muin
yoii'B tinlv , 8. 8 , Cos.
P. " . lieptuA to the Iwt nian. i. e. , I' . A.
Col'iw. '
. Cb'on'l ' Vilv. rro-idcnt of the democratic
Etion\loonvontIoD , wrote t
MAOIH NVia , August 7. I ha > e receivnl
IhU morning your favor of tlo lit o ntitnlng
nn invitation t < i be pro > eut at th" rat Do tlon
tnwti'g to bo held u the uvo of ( he 8th invt.
I r gift I am unable to imrtidpato In the
pri\Hego o/ that mooting and nture the grati-
fioitio" wliich my brother rtemocri < H vf Bo <
ton are sure to manifests but I only arrive * ]
homo from the caat lut evening , and am unablu
to return no soon.
John Knlly wnt Ui following :
SAUATOOA , Angu-t 7.In i jay to your di -
patch , it would b iuipotjlliUt for tag to'to -
* nond t your rooun t to adjp the ratified-
tli n meeting t be hM ( n Bostou ,
.lowph TuliUcr. islllor of the New Vf rk
World , w cohonf the iuot IHMW ucutipoak n
nnnoiiiio t ) for the inco i-ig , Ho nrrited in
lloftton Wcilncml y eye ing , tfajy to liorforni
t | < o i uti-i" a o'g ed him , bvt on iviivfvi Io\inil
. > tulo f. tn an ousting th tone of 111 * tnnttwl
riniloy ] < hnd Iwcn ta on Kcd l nly ill And ww
in a iiiiist critics ! ci > < cl tlm , Puhtter uUin.-
id to Now York with ut ilc'oy , aud TliUnd * )
fc t tlio fnllowii g tfl'Ojr rx
N .w YOUK. Atigu-t 7 , Ooncral 1A. .
C illini > . It U ubi'Muto'y ' linjio iblo for mete
to fp.-ak m Friday ovetinJor to on * mit
liouid. . 'OBKl'll 1'UUTAKll.
Special Di < ptcti to TltK Uctc.
WASitiNaro.v , At'guit V. Th6 trcaclterott *
ro duet of lln drio R at Ohio , go in 6 tcn i :
Wy acW catln Uta o mlcy | ! cf Ei-3 nhfor
MoU nild while ea'ly p fiugin cvfry | K > -
niblo way f r l.ia . o\vn" dvfticonnif , linn iiot
K ft the fr'omhrf ' MoTon ' < l In a very Rood
Ini or. Kx-cn tor Mel ) natd wa < itV nh
ingt n to day nud * .id i o IKJ ! oved U o < onto.t
i 1 nil n n ould b < n cV ) * onu. "Doth p i
( S'jt ' -ii Indiana. " rnti h . Hniavlioob-
8 rvod hi' tlittlatt pt idrn ial catnlM 'o i
itot nuy m nnxiou * tohivo licit 'riekn ua
n fu , even at Ihn tn | > rnm f IB ) gin 'inn ' .
ntul foni nott Ix ; liwujii as n 'BUM ln it ,
hn added. > 'iut ! 1 t.inkjho douiocrat * xvill
carry tuo sato. ' - s
_ _ AJ
THK u'IJtto.
iiRi'Unutt.\M nrro it TO cAnnr IT.
SprcUl Dispatch to the UEC.
NVAattiNaro.v , Aug ist 'ft Tha ropnWIcaTi
copfrres3'onalo.inpai ' { ; ' 'Vomini tea will con-
con'r.uo ficlr effoits ii tlio T7n k of ciirylni
oufUcicntion iGBilonal dj tiica ti g'vii the
republioann con rnl of tlid Iviu'o t f rcpn-eo 1 1-
'iio' . Thn now appoMlontn'ii t 'aw ' of 832
! < crom d > ho m nt ifhlp nf tlio boiHi tbir y-
tvvn n ombt r > . Of iheaa UID dfinncr ttuaiiod
Ifl and the mill loans 1.1. In 011 o illm-r.
raTiipiip it IKI roiib | icons would h.Vd m do
p o &T g tins from the f < > rta e < \ m mbarrhip ,
bocniiBiih in no oovwl rgerlntliouort a n
'Hid w t < inatatia than lutnasomli. lut fie
f r < o f Hid IHI jtical tiilaUwayn nhich i 1 1882
H vrpt orn' the co mirv d ciiicd ov iy clo o or
doubtful district in favor i > t the demi crt < .
Tie public ilia hopotM dNYn luo t. if Kit
all of thcso ropiiblluxn etrongholds in the com
ing election , * * >
WA311IKQ1ON , August , Nothing but dis-
gu > t is expressed by Itadius ; dem cr ta hort
an they read Geuoral 1'iillor's dcchrition of
intention to run nsau independent candidate.
Some i f tuo bourbons ar ehrowd enough to
tnggcst that t o Cleveland elector , 1 ticket
khould bo abandoned In , Momchussctts BO a *
tn i'aye tlio c mtcflC squarely btwocn Blulm
and Bailer , nnd , if pfissiU" , di.feac the repub
licans in that BtuUbni o bar domocrati u < go
thatmcli acou < BO wouM bo inicidul to thiir
pirtj'a cli noes of ca ryfog. tbo country be-
caii'O It woiM bonoonfw jonif win'mese In
a sthtc wb ro they clahua large independent
A noitumuisrouv.
riio Orcclj- Party Cowpcllotl to Pro-
Ipecial Dispatch to aVJ BEB.
WABHINQTON , Aogftf. lt the story to'd
into is tmc , an I It , coJjeX from a man wb : >
URhtto-iow whi istf'tytl.irg ' obuut , the
'ull iiicaauroa of tha bo M , ' ' I-thKn/alJwhiLli
lioGrcoly paity went h io tiot yet been made
mblic. ' Tlio first ' announcement of
heir finding wa i'to the effect
latthisurvivorauoalditot bavo lived fo-i > -
labt houra longur. Actdrding to thi < etorv ,
Jibtr store of carefully , * Orft did provisiom
ve out many d tys bcKd-o tbbi u'rrivnl j 1 tit
i > liof nquadr.m ; ttut the eucvivois' . w ifl re
. ucod to the di o extremity ofsustaiulDg ! ifc
ill the flf h of tlfir dead couirado * , and that
he near approach of doiUi'was pica ged bi
iven * , this e OAt y supply running low.
t apneuB that uonq , of ( ho p r-
y have talked of the matter ; bu
.to fast ia ev dencod from the mutilated on-
ditioD of the bodi H of tha p tot follows now rex -
x > si g in ihi tiuUs of tboBeir. The maker
if th'H ' titement TB only iho BkeloUDB of
iomo waio left ; it Is O7cn liintod thitono of
he nnor fellows biifferedideath at the. hind *
if his comrades , that lifo might bi maintained
in thorn a few anjn longer *
Wliltlng , Lo an And
WABIIIQTOK , D. C , Augtut 7. Cougrwu
man Wh tiug , of M-HWchuBotto , who is her ,
nyi that tha outlook for tbe r publican tlcktt
n hin state Is inucli brighter that it WUH a fw f
w. cks ago , and Mr. Whiting Bays befxolBcon-
ident Unit the etalo is all right for Blaine and
u' < gan , that the f.cttbtt Butler inttudn t <
uu rn the greonback-lab > r-and-n Duopoly
icket will dr. w a great many votes away
rom Cleveland. Mr. Whiting- oim of the
nrg Bt manufa-tuiew of paper hi New Knit-
and aud a-i n"tlvo bucinl s-ma < i , whu is well
nfonntd as to buulnoaii Kcntlmcnt.
Gonerjl i ogtn does not Intend to retutn to
Was ilngt-n \ ntil winter , nor SB it probable
hat ho willacoin visit Msjoo. After a lv >
day n JYoit Point , where hia son ii going to
choo ) ; end n short trip to Long litancli ,
vhoreht will visit GeUcrol Grant , ha will go
wi t. making hla bcadfiunrteM for the suuv
nifrinChicigo. Ho told a peiit' man yrt
torday- that reports that hu in prepanng
Biwocuefl ore not tine.-
Htephln B. Elklns will return to Now York
rorly next week and will take pratica
cbargti of the mo'e active man grmcut of tht >
pu'ional committea Ont ) tf the national ro
Hiblican committee ( Aid yi Bterdny that ilnili
llaljiiu iB at proent in New York city , and
.hat affidavit1) of some bind will probably noon
jo wfcdo' by her.
Tltere ia A dilTcroHcq of opinion CH to tb
cifoot of Qencral But'ora ' candidacy. Hf cru
tary Mcrhoison , of tUb cooK-vnautl ooiumit'
tie , when he roud.Goneral BuUer'n letter to
day' , vaid ; "He In doing will ) the Democrat )
Just tii bo did with uV whtn bo was a to
puulican. Ho w 9 bull in a china ho |
1W ha d6no , 'an i everybody export
when ho woi ) eo ipnonifuloxmly snubbr
at 'Chicago. Ho AwiUi run loM ( A laboi
democrat. Th y now bavo two candidates la
the field. They are 'lK ' tQD , " ho added aJtoi
a iho t panso. ' 'Ilicy wight an wellruoogitlzc
it'pow > Butler will cirry a Urge democratic
vo'o. Ho will take Kouio democratic votea
which would bavo gene to BKino , but those
ore few , and e aro'vcry 'willing to loan the on
in view of tlio viwt number lie will get tba *
would not have voted f > r Blaino. "
Secret ary Mcl'heraou rootivcd a IC
uiorolng fiom gent'wnart who baa jutt oem
plettd a tour of tbo Paf iUo ttates. Tlio wntc
Hayn Iho republican * will carry California b ;
10.000 , Nevada by 6,000 , and Colorado by 10 ,
Tim Iroii Worltern ,
PirrHnDRO , Atiguat 8 Tim
rwnclutlou of lion ac'l teel Woiku < wrro In
eofsion only OIKS hour uud a ) ialf to-day end
traruacbd nothing but routine IruHiiiPte.
CixninitUfH no'iRfd tlm convenUon that they
ttoru imt ready to roporr , ur > d adjoimimciit
WM taVen till to-taorruw tnornbg ,
Tlio Upa-Tro Cttlo of TCXOH.
DKNVKII , AupU'tR. About twenty' young
ca'Uonf a herd of n hundred aud fifty hcitig
tuuitnro'l uino tulles from the city , died of
Tata * fevrr IhbjuAt two daya , Fifty others
aioalck. The dls > uuo was communicated
from a hoid ifoenUy brought from Ttxau aud
plocnd In an adjolrjlrg1 pasture.
* Oftttlo DUoase in PonnBylvnnlo.
LAHOAHI KB , Fo , August 8. fovcral COM *
of TCJC i fever and j'lcuro pnctnonta werodu *
ooveifd among cafilo luj ihii county , The
Atate anthyritk. bed the infoittxl b > 'rdi quar-
ftittiatxi ,
&s & II Progresses Each Day on Cticagi
'Chaogo ' act ! in Wall Street ,
Oattlo at Ohioagj Sell for tlie
IHighost Prioo'of tbo Season ,
A.nd Wheat Sooros the Lowest
Values for Many Menthe ,
Heavy Receipts of Hogs
' a Obusiuornblo Doprooirvtion ,
i -
ThoBonrs Make aSuooossful Raid
in New York Yesterday ,
{ corctfcry Folffcr'a Holiomnjto Voroi-
bllvcr'Dollarn nn t ho UnnkH.
Special DisiKitch to TUB IUK.
CIIIQAGO , Anguit 8. - Cattle i-oaupti wcro
heavy ) nd am IR thatrrivali wvtusomool
h i best n .lives th I bavo b o on the nmrl ol
( orto.uo tim1 , ui'l ' th y do'd fo tin liithcat
prices of tbo BHBon. B Vdiol drovoa inixJ ,
7 I'O ' lo 7 10 , aud Gilln'rf premi im steer
made 7 96 , nhi o priuxi ox | ri an I goo I
Aliipp'ni stocrs m di 0 03 to 08' , with
sea.ind claatktG 5itoG itv Bofoi' as prlc s
W-U tbeiO was 1 UK ) or uo ibangc on best
< ntlron.bnt cecond cU * a d wjuimiuvo e
easier if liot lo or. m uiaut > f th l > tturht\o
to couii otu with Rood Toiaus aud iMoii' < nas
riio < e w ro "b ot IW totv I * of Tuxou < ou Pile/
nd txltli imb th'ro wui n 'air demand , prio s
uc'f ) 10 to 15o 1 .wcti , Cown nl loV grido
n.tivoi wi'ro a'no lower , bt Hfarm nt d frcdd e
oir.tinucd Vcaro har.ily n load bain among
the arrivals today Ginid to hoico'tililii- '
plug , ' 120U lo 13 0 IWDD IB , 0 10 to 0 CO ;
comm'n to medium , 1UOO to 1200 p uudit , 4 0
5 70 ; grnns T xun 6 to lOo lower , 700 to 1000
| KUiitln , 8 7o t j 4 G5.
Trodo was fa'rly active , and prio-R about
about steady tut compared witli ji t rd y ;
yet tbcro was n t that Htrm g lenlli ( Unit ] > ie-
va'lcd ytsteiday , and at hoclosavalucH were
ratlii-'r oaupr. bhould UIB utoeent heavy recoil -
coil ts cotitibur , pncoi will drop lonpulorably ,
nd not n faw louk for jxd-cliiH ! uuxt wtck.
Salci wo.oatO-10uG Ifi ; for atKorted li ht ,
540@010 , for heavy , ith bulk if gao
raizod at 6 80 < gG 00 , lifcht , 100@200 Ibc , C 40 ©
Wheat -was Tcry top heavy to-day , and
prices f > ll nlf vrryiniidlyCoih whciit bn > l
d > pjxj I to 70j , th i lowest po n in n uuml IT
of months. Tlio d cl in IB nser bed tn ihi un- ttnor of foreign n-rviofo , reporm
of fu o weather in EnKlnu ) , and
n contlnn t md coi.Uuncd ) uut. t. rvuoip'H nt
n ft-ly ull the wiutnr wliiot nuikt'U. . Th--
iU t t'ons ' f iho dav we u 71H lor Augu t
t0 * f > ir di ptoiubcr , 81 } fnrUc obera d b'JJ fo
November. ABIH d buaiueas wa tcnn.itcxl
In < oru n I the f'cling ai unnut la I , tb , , u. h
ii icfs wtroB oi'll y inainuli od , a ioti < i > .iroil
wi h the i lo iiJJ P'l > on ihi r ( pnlru- board ,
* hich" h3 oibiitlltlo ch * co' Irotn ycotor-
d y. On the aftaiuoon b enl yiteer fell off
i. Tuo cl ulna qnottliulifl-unK ) C i f r , 628 for September. Cli * tor Octohar
und -I7J f > r Novombor. .
t IM dull nnd Wo k Avgua elo > ing at SO ,
3cptcmKr at 3 j ; tin yo ir M Z5j <
. fuovmicon.
In pork thcra is prictic illy n 'trading.
Lird wart cflsler , O' < M n < t 7 il < sr S | iUin
bdr , and 7 C2i Jor Octobsrr. '
Ktc'al ' Diepitoh to TUB Buc.
NKW YonK , Augunt fi. Tbotcora \ wcro
till inpOBSJseion of thomftiket at the open-
pot tlio board thin momin ; , priemgenerally
bowltga de&linofrom lost ovouiiig'H clo inf
U'ltationi ' uf j to Jj jxr cent. The board
oem appeared full of o dors to neil , and
uring the first hour further imp rtont con
WIH'OIH werdmodo , tJttvt Vork Control celling
own to lOSjitHoldot lllj on Wednesday
, nd clo'td at 1081 last opening ; Labu KLoro
oochfd 80 , ndoch'iMinfS prr cent frutn yea
> rday ; Wrstrrn Union f 'l ' 1 ) > er cent , to
iBS ; llaknwnnua 1 j > erc > nt , to 110J ; Union
" 'acitic Ig per cent , to 4iJ. AftiT th ?
.rst hour the market bccaiim dull , and
hi afternoon thwnlU dinonlyaiuodurato
miounsoft ) in ( n. New Jcrti-y has been au -
acptiou tothugcikCtd mlothroughout the day" ,
tea < ) ily udvuiiciig fr m fj ? , nt uhiih it
opened , to C2i , and It is now hulling ; nt I/A
' Iiavu bocn MimparMtivery strong also ,
niodo nto fluctoati"n , but iho tnar > ei
xjarn unmisUkabln ovidenoo of Imgo roaliza-
, IOOB ou the part of recently proitinout bcort.
Whili IhostaUmcut of propoard iwuo o :
rom § 15,000,000 to 820,000,100 now debenture
jond * by the New York Ont ( U company ha
.wn . rdvived and i unpplomeuted 'wjtlt thn
.itntemeat th < t $5,000,0 O of thcno lx > i.dtthave ,
been void by on America i and f irelgn wyndl
cntt ) tu ns-umo the latua f those'bonds lit post
lively ( usertod by leading , bankers , and as
itnmgly denied by tha par iea In intcroit ntf
ftukirn liaving relatloui with Ueui. The
Gutuian cjutinfjent is credited with luvin ,
eroatly incrpa'ed the ithort intercut hold by i
Leading drawers ot foreign exchange ad
vanocd tbo rate Jo thia mornltu if
4 83J aad 4 85 } . It IH generally bejfowi
howuver , that too ivlvunco is only tempororj-
and it IA raid tbatic grew out of nhipmuur
forthaui'iuientof secur tlB from Ixiudou t
New York. I'.Jid'ng ihoo/intmuod dullncni
In the mercantile tiade , i hero in little biui
ce 8 doing in foreign e cli n o cither way
outuido of tliat groivlng out of tbe nmnmoht
of K-cnritlra back and fo.lh botwecu l ondon
iid Nuw York
Acoordinz tu Bt lemootn mad-t how by par-
tout lu p Bitlon to know the foct , it if no
part of Secretary Po er'n plan | o ferro thtf
ttccop'.uiica of th ) silver dollorw by bonks ill
tuaktut ; tottlt mvnt witli the clearing hou .
ThoBtc'u ary wi 1 , however , maku a mprg
liberal u o of the largo supply of legal louder
m > UH in hi p > iMCBlnu th in ho hue done in the
pant , nd thuH huilianU us much iw poiniblq
the dccrcntlofr gold supply.
Tlio NrwOrleanH I'oitumNtcr.
NKW ORLEANS. August 8. roitlmMtor
Merchant pit'partid toduy and forwarded to
tbotwatinastwRenornl a. full utaUmeit cou-
cerning tbucba'gtH and ntaUjmout laidu by
the comuvtUe appoln od by thi p stmattor
irrneral to exn : inu Iuto the oiiiiduct and con
dition of the Now OrVaiiu | ioHoflicu. Ho d-
MiitM tbo iimuHicioiicy of U'e ' for > , butclahus
itgrottHOUtof tbo inn U drlti 1 lliat l' Kin been
onuprllod to aj > j.olnt to a giuat eictont for i > o
litioal icnjoiiB ,
The Cholera ,
JIAIWKILU , August -The. bffkt has somewhat -
what iucrofliud the mortality among the ohol <
era patients.
ItouK , Aunmt 8. Throe fresh OUCH of ol'ol ' <
prnaru r < > i > ort > d at Cairo and iientcnotUi
Two dca'li < to-day at Menca ono at Cariqua-
nn , ono nt O > susiu , Noroh case * at I'uLca
) i ribut | two \ > mw < t under trontment thoio
lK > Knti OOCH to Went Point
NRW YORE. Augusts. Log
Paint to-day to moet hla VfU < > . )
nntl Balky.
| AT nntoitTOH ,
BntontON BEAOII , An8.Sovon forlonite
ii-wiiwinn r < Bmncnay won , ALnlo G 2J ,
Ida N 3d | timlSM. .
Mlta-aollini ? alliiwnno * * Shelby BftntM
won , IMfort r 1 j Cing Tom 3d | t-mo , J1 ! ! > 4.31
Milanil ft furlni ? M ) iurcw liotnor won ,
Trn inrcr ! M , .Hm UivlistoSdi linn , 2.05J. .
Milo m ldcn jll a o > TiUftnt won , Ho-
bollt > ndYirklo n3J tin-r , 11 J.
Mi'o ' inaMoiiB.wo ovr iilds sivl upward *
111 yrard woi , IhniUn 2d. G. B , 3d ; tlmtfj
AT HAttvrooA ,
HAnATOOA. Angust R. Six fiirlonpt-2-yrar
oldi no't ' wlnno's Doubt woo } Alfred 3J
liitMo uOdi tin" I ill ) .
Milo Htvl ftirlonv all affm Wllfl > wo
woni i 1,1 T VMj 1 VH iv.p'ay 3,1 thno liSJJ
Milo and a furlong -Coinpvnvt ion won
Q naIj.CaiMtiltflKiptnro3 < ! ! time 2i2. |
Mi o and a h.'Uf steeple chftio li kett
won ; time i:53 ,
AT cmiaAno nliivwa PARK.
C'litoAno , A g t , Mih m I on eiglilh-
3on - oli'nT ut Mnitrawin , Si rl fir d.
L'o-.kling ( the Mvorlt ) Jj time , hW.
Mi Utinuuor ha ulicup m'lo ' ixnd n qtmter
-l'c < llii\\oi , Ljkbolo i'd , au.iivun 3d , time ,
Mi'o ricixti nil ngon Ki \ > \ woo , Bcnntb
Auat ulian 'M ; I o t tim , It H ? .
thr o qnurtcni of a ti'llo nil atrcs 'Me-
Biwling won , Nora ii 2J , AverySdj time ,
Turo'-qu rtcr of a milo jwoonslnk'd
Mnrv H mtltou won , AiKo2J , Dudley
3d ; tiitiu lilfi ) .
Jiuo.\oo Anp at8-ItlHrpxrtf | , l that t
drive bctwoon ,1 nhn-lon , And Iticlibiill will
tiUo plftoo over the Cbioogo track , August
At Kan'aB City Un'orw ' , Kansis City , 10 ;
Chim o , 1.
At Richmond Virginia 2 : BrooUvn , 0.
At B l line o UniouB , Boston , 2 ; Balti-
A 'tiitrolt Do n it , 2 ; Buffalo , 1 .
At O hi'nbu Columbm , 7 ; To'ed' , I.
At Ph UdvlpUa Providence , G ; Phllodcl-
phiAt " '
At Now Y rk-Now York , 8 ; Boston. 8.
An Detroit Aftwiioon fmuio , Detroit , ' It
Bulfa' O.
At Now York Baltimore , ? ; Metropolitan ,
At Milwaukee Mllwaukeo , 7 ; Minno.ipolin
'Trio ' Arctic Ueiul nt Home * .
NEW YonK , Aujjnnt a Thn Groa'y 01-
ixtdition nhlpa Biiw , Thotin and Alert ar
rived at noon off Governor's Iland. Secre
tary Univiln , Gonorala Sheridan , Hsncock and
othir aimynnd naval offioaro , with trooj.n.
reoalvad the hod ice from the tcaioli , the foits
firing the franral nalato.
The following is a lut of the dead and plaoa
P. Kiaunontind , Roch-
, N. Y.
M : OEArrr Iftiuew , Kalnmazoo , Miob.
SFIUIUANT UAVin O. JUuir-N , Howard ,
ICnux Co. , Ohio.
HKRarANT DAVID LIKN , ThUitdelpliio.
HtEtiEANT Wit. ( iufin , Wtwblngt < n.
Ov roiiAt.'loii rii KLUDON , PottBvlllo.
PIIIVAT * Wu Wnmrtsn IHhllnd.
PIUVATKVir. . A KUIH , Clydn. N. W.
Aftvr tin bo lien r n o lau * oa they wcro ra
co.tnci by troops to tlioh' B\itU where will lay
In ftrt'u n dor ti ganpil'of h nor \ ntil rrmav c
by f r o dn. T.i-m rr. w ino nnjr ! 'RuT. ' Dri
Uo-xl lo , chap'ain tit Govrtvow-jKlarid ; will
rend thoburiiliorvfifeovorthndoadiand de
lirt'r Uie/crmon , The bodi i i > f 8 njonut
Hinry and tichnold r will b , Bcnt tu Oypra ;
HII , thi former la a vault to nwnit onltira
fiom Germany , thoJaVnr forju'ocniotit In iho
gavornimit pot. .Othor bo-liffl luva been
laum'dby lulAtivc1. , *
About o'o'ock tins nftrrnooa the bed ion
a'l ' except itmry apdS > hncidolWrroicp ao > C
in the w odoiiCJBea Hnd conveyed t the bat go
ofjlcc , wdcro they will l-ctkou t't thorailro.ia
will Lear thorn to Uioir filial rotting gla.ea ,
Arthur Motlt'ntliijf Urtwcna Franco
and Ohlno.
LONDON , August P. A dicpath to the
Tlmt B f rom Fo > Chow says : ' 'i'l < faid'rot Ar
thur m tuedoitiag butwCna Fiance and Chlim
nnd haa telographo I itBtnictionn in Join
llij'fwll Young , Uiiitod Httttd minister a
t'okin. IiVitnco detlrea a settlement within a
ncok. "
Minn Hill SnoHtliu Alia California ,
BAN FnANOiBOO , August 8j A libel suit for
8,0 ) was Inn iluted > g'.ln-t tbo AltaOoJi
foruia , by Barah A. "fihiron. " pWntiff In the
ha' on divorcn cosR. ' ) ho alleged canto is ih
publication of Wiliiozn M. Nil'soti'i ' tin ernont
aorn n R her of foi ging what IB known on the
"Aly Dear Wife" lctt r .
An Indian Uerrltojry
Tonr Sumr , Ark. , August 8. ChnrksWil
son a prominent p or cli. ait of Kallaihapa ,
Ch > cti w nution , Tvai awkntlnated twelve mUei
from his homo , whifo rolamitiK fromauoloo
tionocriug tiip vestorday , No oluo to the asA -
A OlmnBu of NoU ,
NKW YOUK , Aug. 81 Tb aaalsfc nt w .
SUbM triuuurer here Is ioflnctod to snbttltnl
United Btaton no01 for gold omtlfieaton whor
pontlblo , in paying clearing hosno balances.
Outraging a Child.
NEW Yon , Augn t 8. Henry Bwttty ,
novonty y ara of ogs , wan arrmtod nt Hnntrr B
I'oibt for i utra ing ft BCTen jcar old B"l-
Lyncliing i Uiro tcntd ,
Oarrlsoa'a WcaHTi.
NewYonK , Aug 8 Commodore Garrlwmi
InveutorythowB litbllltitB 91.471,228 ; nomi
nal onMtB , gl,707.y28iactual assotB , I ' " " .
A Fallaro
, Aug , 8. Altmatr , Jamclman &
Fuoha , wholmale liquor doaleru , bvo failed.
( falunioranyTi\Juriouaiubatuiicc4caik bo fuunt
lnAudrow8i > oarlJJaklnif r < rwdor.I , poj
U'l . llulug cnclorcfld , and testimonial
romifuclicUemUUaBa Dona Uay .
ton ; II. Ucla/unlamo , of Clitcagoi and
lloilc , itthraukoc. KCTCT sold lu bulk.
j *
- M
A Nitalilii GatiierlDglof Mains's ' ? ar'
Veterans at Old OrcbariYesterflay ,
Plip Great Orowd Present AtL"
' dressed by Mr , Blaine ,
of * dnnlfm or tlio
Army of the Tti \ MO nt Mln.
ucnpnlt' ( tj * Vock.
OLoOnanAnn , Mo. , \ l , 7. Tin re-1
nn'on of the MainoGr n\ \ * * y of tin Ro-
Mib'iohero today was \ . , nonso affair ,
drifting together eomo 3 ,010 , of wliom about
\000 w ro vcto' n of iho InM wnr. The faot
th c thallm. .Tamon G , Bla'iio w rt lo bo
p-ocntp-nb bly h dngro td'ftltulo with
drawiru txieth rtuch tMnr , but th ° ro
wft.iiolhl gof iwlitKal n'gu tio-mo in the
oven's of 111 * day. un'o a tign fi anco niuv bi
attaavo I to tlio tnthusiaum hi h was ovok d
hy Mr. ni-iooN | irjgmoo. Th.V.tho ictuMl-
can'o tii coenrty thn ntlmlntio * , rcp ° ofc
_ nd lore of tlio citizen f Lia own ela'o
in tiia la very mml'fB1. by BU h
rcctinga M these hijh wrro given
him by Uio imilo ot Porll nd Woili loilay
uvui'tiff aivl by tlin v tfru B aud their da
horoto-il.v. l\ir B'ainn an ived hero on n po-
inl Ir.iln fi om I'orthv d at 10:4 < \ m. . and
prooa do I lo tha Old 0retard benne , rectitlng
nn ovation from the i row B on the way. Ho
ludas mio IB Guv Robio , tha Hon. T. B.
Hood. Af. ( ! . . the lUu. Nulain D'ng oy , M. 0. ,
ovGov. Po h ra , the Hon. W , Ti Putnam ,
tho'lloii. Nat am Cloivcs , ihn HOD. F N.
IJnw , and ecvtral otltarr , Among iho rhV
tiuxuifhol goink'Uicn prfo'iit wrro uvGov.
Sold n C mior , a vot. rfiot tin wjr : Col. Vf ,
T. KtMiln , UM prohihitory candidate for Royor-
uor , ntid otbcte. At 11 o'clock u rrcoption
* on ho d in iho public parlors of tin Old
Onbord Unuw , the band pUylnjf , "S e , the
OorKjacriiig HtNl\iiCB ) ) , " n Sir. Bhvna and
ho o > mmutoo mvonid in followed by dig-
guiBta in larga siumbers. Mr.
B alrw jootivod in Ilia contorof thi grand par
lor with Colonjl ProdJCf Uow _ nd the Hon.
CJcor o D. B Li boo on his right , Governor
Kobio and Depmtmont Conmiandoryilli4mi !
t > d tuciubeiB ot tlw > commit .oo on lus loft.
The crowd filed in , piiaing in tirglo file , shakY -
Y > 'r hands whh Mr. Blaiue and Governor
Kobio ,
Ai.trilia reception Mr. Blaine hod dinner
with saVoril or Lia fiienda and drove into the
gronu'ls ' t 2 o'clock. Tito auditorium on tha
. round * wuBCjonded ; ovary mat and stop , and
cyan the trwa being hlitd. Dfpnrtment Com-
mindi r-YViUI' ma ca led the meeting to order ,
introdoc'nff- srnor Bekloa Connor , who
nr B greet o l wi > hl < nil cho r . Hoipoko of
the g and < Irod ol the G. A. R , the p-inciplo
of li hc and integrity , which Boatainoih ° m In
great duties , nnd wolcomod-thoconrnulus in a
ntining fivembiutp oob.
follow a b , Govomor
Moid hn WUB moat happy t > bo Iwro k > a repro-
O'f tno Btao' > f Maine. Ha con-
fd tb' G. A R. < on thn contiuiiauco of
fa aid- god followhjp. Ho was
, & > lea the immense lumber pi went ,
, ud , epcio of the plfftsanj , of iraeetinff
ih | 'tilkitifr ' OV Tp t .cvsnt- off great
portancp.i Tha country nt .p-m-nt is
atou'llnf ; cm a great political erounmce. Ho
apV o in nthc > Mti < 3 Wmr ) I tbo Sixth , . ReT-
nn h'nnj Third 'Mainn ' , ' f * glerioni * deeda
" "
Aflni-Qovotnor'Roblo'iiBjjocch WOB oaJed
Mr. Bltlne a'coildal tbo stcpa of tha ntatiJ
flTDldatTbTOtvrhoor ! ; 'ftnfl'crio9- ' 'Blalno.
oar n idrae. " , Ho t ok the Rtand an
rtiilil it nib nod t'e to lbt > if- * ,
ov rat GUARD AHwropMAwn
Ithaulc > you * forihinklndlv andcorUiai
ing. TBowh&o.'dAyhaB b'an one > of „ great
pi OTOIO to me in > tha renewal ol old acqnuut-
an o and tha rrcalllnir ol old f < xn < tf , of avil lifo
thntnntw'ato yoiirsplendi'jr ' prfn of thp w r.
My mind is earrUd caok'Jo the whiter of , 18 < I' '
to the ojciwmtnt , tbd k.tion , ami kt vi < <
omo time the eorlouaoocB and the wvdncmof-
hat rn'nou 'iind rnUoal eta. I vividly ra-
memborovery Inddoiitaiwoatondon thaevo
of t o gigantic etrnggVi when nt l.i t Iho war-
cloud bnrtt and Lincoln itaned his
prov lamution for 7 > 06 men , Jdaino was
asked for 01 o jegimcnt Gow. Wabbburn ira-
moxllivtfly winonviDcd w catiA.iC3 ioh of bjH
legislaUio. I had the 1 nor at tima to bo
p. akor of the hcrtwo of rcp'twontallvos. Pat
riotism WBB torrid ; o.nfvlcnoo wan eUcufr. and
woyonngeruMmwrsol th ? Ifgialntnre I was
butSljearn old meao f determined to do
nomoth'i R very boW , -om'thlng Ihat wo vcn-
tur d to bopo woa'd b Tatkei nppa > h'ng to the
coufo cratogOTornwont. - IwilOjid f reaDoi.d-
ii g H iih th t ono regiment wKwa'thq prtsident
hud ft-kod , ire nuthoriaed tUtrBO\Snitr ; to offer
ten rouiminta to Uo Uttfooo ] govern
munt , ontl , though entirely unwed
touB-atodfbt , wo empowered tbo govenioc
to hoi r.iw 31,000,000 i < n the fixlth of
fur iaimniliato t M iu Ibo cqnlpmont of troops.
Wo all felt that wo woio tor rains : when wo
used th'BO big figure * Wo f < . It Bnro tliat our
ton rfgiincnta would novribo Doodud , for inch
aontligent from Maine "implied a larger
farce thVn Nujjokx > n and Welling ton both
6 nunoDdod < a tbo Cold of Waterloo , ( ien-
VcttxjD-you , far better than I , know the BO-
qncl , Crur ton rewtmoiitfl were Htront into the
yo'te * of tlto ti or bcforo the cipirtvtkoa ef halt
year , and we ended by tarding thirty-two
rtgirncnUof it > f nlry , two regimen tu of oav
aVry , and uino b > tpioa of wt-llery. Thmo ,
with tbo roxrnltq needed to k op tb ; lr ranlM
full in the terrible contfet , absorbed mora
than 70,000 of the men of M iu-i , a ,
draft alnvi t & 3 largo hi proportiiNi to
I the arniu-beadnff popnlaton an I'rod
trick tbo ( Iru.t loviott on the proviuco (
Prussia hit hi Ivurdiet iwews d jioiiod
U _ . , Year.1 War. "Von
honored and important part of -
of trot groit hostage. 2 Join with you
oomnxmo.atlvo weivicca for the unretum
"brave , for tha * great best wBo dl d forh
counUyandlor libaty. No victory in war
tire * A wed no in.ntb gnoil to nunkind , none
enrprOTtnttd BO mmh ortl. The Ktrngglo
! btcr and oar , triumph 'in oo'cbratoil , neb
witha jcilw of bavi g ooi < ( in < rtd afoo. bub
fi b tliJH better etn.ia of laving ledaimed
oar kin man atd brought tbom bick to their
fawn' hiritagc , and to Ua- protection 'cf tluiie
oirn ( hjgi iuid hot o th tbot jlag of .the north
and Boatb , fhfl cast and tbo w { t , will a'l tied
nrotovtk > nu U xJ 'ta ' lUoltrring lohU wo'
ih Ul aliawoll to oihir In unity , ' 'lor we are
Tbo tpoocb oloeed amid a tumult of ap <
plonio IM ting- for ( en nijnQtefl. Uhu othee
xoken of the a/Urucion Wfro thn Hon.
a. ' Lan Gloves , ( X > niroemin Ileed , Oolouvl
Carp , of Colonulo , IV t Dtparlimnt Com-
wander .7 , 8. Pang , of.Watcrvlllo , i.nd the
Hon. W. V. I/osa , of Wa'ervtlle , The
p-o hoi rtil.xlnd to tto war and to'thoNO who
larticipiUd in It. A tab gram woi read
from B nalor Fryo KgratHug bin inability ta
1)0 prrgont. The oimcica co o < l with tbrco
ihoi n f r the o.s'inguishi l npeak rti and then
for the Grtw.d , Army , Ut , jBloine left on the
4 p. in. train.
1 The Dzzio Bradley Outrage.
PiTranvno , ABfrnstS. Thetwjnty-fivoinen
arroUd for' lobbery ndaolt - on Lizzio
Bradley U | O6 wtckaogo h tl a heaili g to-d y ,
M but nix worn TO o * ( d , the uvldence bong
inoQlllo cut to bold them. The principal wit-
) c + , s oa'onot bo fountf. Tha polioo
Iblnlt ho ho * been Bplrilcxl away by f ttecdj ot
llw pritonerj , 11 iw Bradley haa aily re-
"That tired feeling" from which you
Buffer so much , particularly ID the mom-
ing , is entirely thrown off try Hood'a Bav