Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1884, Image 4

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    OMAHA DALLY BfiE-r-lTRIDAY , AUGUST 8. 1884.
Omfthn , Omoo , No.l010'F ' roiim St.
Council BlntT * Oflhjo , No. 7 Pcrtr ! H
Bt root , Near UrniulWr < <
Now VorUDOmco , Koom O5 Tribal
DaUdlng. _
Published erorr ircnlng , eioopl Band y < 1
etil ) Honda ; momlDp dally.
uua rr uiiu
tJt Year . 1 10.00 I Three Month * . IS
ButHonuu.t. . . . . . WMJOno Uooth . . . . 1
Per Week , IS Oontu. '
rtnt wnntT UK , rcnueiuD KTHT , WKJSMDAT.
rta 3 rosrr/uo.
ot Y a . jtOQ I Thrpo Months. . . . . . .I
6U Months. . 1.00 | One Month .
American { leva O imny | ( Sole lictotr , Ncwidi
etl In lb United BUtca.
A I Oo-amanlcntloni relation to Newt n < l Edltoi
naltera should bo odditmed to the EDTTOB or 1
t > ott ri ni Reinlttanooa ihoold
ftddremedtoTninii nruim a ootfrurr , QKAI
PrtfU , Chock * and PostoRlce nrden to bo road * p
bti to the order of tbo oompiny.
B. R08BWATBS. Editor.
A. II. Filoh , Hamper DfcJly. Circulation , r. OD <
THE oyaig ffi"f9r > catorD , aa w
predicted * * ! Tup * II fro last fall , w
probably build an extension to Donv
from 1U i5wi > i City. < t .PaoiGo line
Nebraska'uiui ; tinl"i'it an early day !
S. nn < l Jny-Hvo-Suo have bo <
trotting againit limo long enough ; T. .
( puiiUu would liku to HOO th su'fost ilyt
trot fgilnst oac'i other. Wo will th
know which is thu-faater horiw/
GnovEn CLEVELAND has bjon olocU
an ornary member ot the Bachelors' Pi
toctivo uui9n of Winusborough , Sju
OAroliria ? The Winnaborough unit
trill probably protect him from at
further attaoka from Maria.
K BUTLEH will not write his lott
of acceptance until after ho has road Mi
Cleveland's. The delay of Mr. Olori
land is somewhat annoying OB the publi
is very anxious to hoac what Bon has t
ay. The points that ho will make groal
ly depend on what Cleveland cays.
Tin : "conscience fund , " which wi
originated by Treasurer Spinner , aboi
twenty ycaro ago , now amounts to nboi
8250,000. The contributions eaohyoi
aggregate from S OO to $7,000. If a
the thieves should return their plundc
the conscience fund would bo ewolle
into millions.
THE MissachusjtU prohibitionbl
have made * a oix months ongagomor
with the Hon. J. B. Finch , of Nobraski
to etump that elate for a prohibiiio
amendment. Applicitions for Fine
have been mode by eighty towns in the
etato. A prophet is appreciated awa
from his own country.
able -modify and self abnegation in di
oliniug promotion to a captaincy oxcoj
in the regular order of seniority. Lieu
Grooloy may however relent and nccoi
promotion to a cole oloy ehould U
President decnveuch a recognition propi
for bis meniorlouB conduct in search afU
the north pole.
puniahablo with death i
Alabama , and the first instance of tl
death penalty being enforced for th
crime occurred on last Friday. Thn
young men , who had burned down
dwelling house and endangered the livi
of the inmates , wore hanged at Scott
boto. The death penalty may see
rather an extreme punishment for arto
especially whore no life is lost. Arson
one of the most cowardly of crimes , ai
hence death may not bo too eovoro f <
those who commit U and put the lives
innocent persons in jeopardy.
TUB recent attack ot "Dr. " T. j
Blaud , the philanthropist , upon the a
ministration of Agent Mi.Gillicuddy ,
the Pine Ridge Indian agency , is no
explained by the utatomeut that Blai
went to the reservation purpi a > 1y
atir Ufl mischief and to pursuado tl
Indians to employ him an th.oir "eouoao
at 81,000 a year for each tribo. M
QJllciidJy , upon tUwuvorius ; the re
motive ul his mission , drove him off tl
reservation. Blaud'H published stat
snone denouncing MoQilliouddy and li
administration , are pronounced by tl
Indian commissioner base fabrication
It is difficult for an Iriih-American I
visit England at the present time wit
out being arrested on suspicion , charge
with being a dynamiter. The Engli
have their agonta in Npv York who * cat
all pointers.toSootland Yards. The oth
day the London polloo received inform
tion from New York that a Oathol
priest was coming o .England , dtsguiei
as an emissary of-the Irish vigilauoe cor
mittee , whatever that might bo ! Tl
priest was aoountely described , and U
police weiJB on the lookout for hin
Meantime"a ! di cov ry JTM made <
an allege } , at'tompt l > blow u
the XfotUpgham postoffloe. This , <
ow 9 , made , he p61ico more anxiou
* hw rer-tocapCuraho ( Irish-Amorica
vigittBt , and a cablegram was sent t
Jfer York for
further information concerning
corning him. The reply came b c
that it WAS all's mistake , and that th
suspected emiwary was Rev. Fatbo
Itiordan , thoOaitle GirdenclupUin , wh <
had eailed for the old country for th
purpose of checking Irith piupur emigration
tion to America. Rev. Father Riorda
wu preUably not arruted when he land
d , a 4 Hie police were disappointed ii
not get ting up another dynamite eonsa
tion. While i t b true , that there ha v
4 > een several outrages committed , w
ve led to believe that the majority of th
dynamite uearot faave no tnoro founda
< ion ( Lao the lather Riordan incident.
Wo copy quite extended comments i
the constitutional amendment to bo vob
on in November. The onmmonts a
made by 'tho Omaha \\rpubUcan at
BEE , and afford the render n upportuni
to look at the matter from both s5dt
But , actually , if the voti-r dor ires lo ha'
the legislature regula nnd control tl
railroads , ho is oppoaod to tl
amendment. On the other hand , if tl
voter is in favor of having a commi
sion created to rrgulato and en
trol the railroad ? , ho is in favor of tl
Amendment. That is all there is in it.-
Sprlngficlk Monitor ,
Thai is not all there is in it. Tl
question is do the taxpayers of Nobi.ii'i
propose to vote for a railroad commissii
without knowing how many members
will bo composed of or what oalary tin
will draw. Do the people of Nobran
desire to clothe the legislature wi
power to create n horde ot other alt
oQicials at unlimited salaries ? Do th
pioposo to remove the barrier which t
present constitution affords against nu
botlcss state officials and limitless salurii
There is n great deal more in the pi
posgd amendment than would appear
What dooa the followl
mysterious olauso signify ? VAll oth
officers that may bo provided for , by la
und.or the provisions of this stictio
shall bo chosen in such manner and
such times , and shall hold their oflic
for nnch lorgth of time as m >
bo provided by law , and sht
perform such duties at
receive such ouraponsation as mi
boproviiud by law. " Wnat does th
moan ? What other atato oflhers are T
to have besides the railroad CDmini
sionora ? Are wo to have n state o
ginoor , a commissioner of Imraigralio
cittlo commusion , n atato poun
master , and acorcs of other ofliciala
food at the public orib ?
The fraraora of our present oonstlt
tion havn very wiooly enumerated tl
various ofllcora in the executive dopai
mont and prohibited the legislature fro
creating additional ones. The salary '
each state ofilcor is now fixed by the o
; anio iaw , but the proposed amen
mont is BO worded that tl
ogislaturo may not nnly create or
number of uorr otlicos but may also ii
crease the salaries of the state oflico
already created. This would bo a
elegant scheme for hungry oflioo sooko
and tax eaters. There may a tin
como when this state can afford to pa
ughcr salaries to state ofBcors tnau
s now paying. When that time comi
wo ahall cheerfully favor on amcndmoi
o the constitution to raloo thooo BO
arica. But wo shah insist that tl
salary of each officer shall bo limitc
> y Uio organic law Legist ;
ureo are altogether too liber
fith the people's money an
hey are seldom able to resist appeah ft
acreased approprlitions under the moi
Umsy pretext. Whou the tax payers i
Nebraska understand all the issues ii
volvod in the proposed amendment , n
confidently believe they will vote it don
by an ovorwholminct majority.
WE have boon carefully watching tl
BEE for an expressed preference fa n
gard to a candidate for congress in th
district. So far it has not montlonr
my one but saysif a change is to be mac
t must bo an improvement on the pro
out incumbent in point of character an
ability or take the chance of defeat froi
a bettor man from the other party. . '
joes on to say that "tho Third distrii
lias some able republicans whoso reooi
and character ore * unassailable and wl
rank with congressmen from the oldi
states. " Wo would be pleased to hai
TUB BBK gtvojta choice. Frcmo\ \
THE BEE docj not propose to dictate
to the republicans of the Third district i
to whom they shall nominate for congres
We would not attempt to to'ui ' on i :
dividual choice upon that district even
wo were unanimously r < quested 'to nau
the man. TUB BII : will not bo so inc. )
sistont us to undertake what it1 ban hut
toforo condemned The ehoico of tl
Third district should bo the volunta
and uatrammoled act of the republicans
that distric1- , and not a more dummy
or catspaw t f individual ! or corpiratiu :
Wo have nought in a friendly spirit tt ) n
inonish the republicans of the Third d
triot against committing a gruvo bluud
that would imperil success in the coniii
campaign. If the oupport of TUB Bin
worth having its advice may bo wor
hooding. Wo propose to support the r
publicau candidate in the Third distri
if ho is an honest nnd capable man wi
a clean record. Wo do not propose
advocate the election of a jobber , co
poratiou tool , or nonentity , if a bott
man is presented by the opposition.
THE war against the landing of "a
Bistod emigrants , " is bolnR carried t
very vigorously by the commissioners i
omifrration in Now York. The oommis
iobors ordered the return of a nuinbi
of Roumanian emigrants who arrived o
the etoamer Furnosla on July 10th , an
the matter was taken to the suprora
court ) n behalf of the emigrants. It wield
: old by the court that it had no potrc
o interfere when the commlsslouoi
were acting as agenti of the Unite
States. The action of th
commissioners having boon suitaiue
hey are proceeding to carr
out the provisions of the law. On lag
Tuesday the commissioners returned the
ho steamship RugU 41 assisted Uu m
migrouU and paupers out of 780 steer
go passenger * . Nearly all of those wcr
women with children , and men whos
meaigo had been paid by relatives o :
riends to this country. Nearly all o
hem had no money and no resjmniibli
elatives or friends ii\ this country. Thej
lad simply been shipped to this couutrj
W bo got rid of , In all tuct
catos the rejected emigrants have to b <
aken back to Europe by the vessel whicl
rought them hero. ThU provision ,
which is being strictly enforced , will com.
pel the steamship agents on the oth
side of the Atlantic 'iq bo moro car of
in receiving emigrant passengers. Thi
will have to establish some system of e.
amination as to the resources and pro
poets of the emigrants. Homo of i
steamers have refused to carry ba
assisted emigrants , and as n conscquon
a clearance bill is denied them , wh !
will hold them in port until they compl
It is the purpose of the Commissioners 1
continue the most rigid inspection with
view of keeping out all poraoni incapal
of Bclf-juDport na well aa those who n
likely to become a public charge ,
other words they propose to prevent tl
country from becoming the poor-farm
the world.
Fen many years there has existed
Now York a publication known
' Bank Note and Commorc
. orler , " the proprietors of which he
for Bomo time been engaged in lovyi
blackmail upon bankers all over t
country. Their method haa boon
send to every banker a copy of their pu
Ifcatiou , without his subscribing for
and in a few weeks or months , eond hi
a bill fora year's subscription. If t
banker failed to respond they wou
then send a threatening and abusive k
ter. Some of the bankers i
sponded with the cash , wh
others refused to bo blaokmailc
Several of the loading papora of the con
try have exposed the operations of tl
gang , and have virtually broken up th
Infamous business. The Now Yu
Times , which wai the lati
paper to expose them , says :
Their solo otock in trade seems tobi
typewriter and unbounded audacii
They unquestionably belong to that cli
which a certain eminent capitalist or
described as "cheap follows. They c
easily bo smoked out and put where" th
can do no moro harm if their victims TI
use the legal resources at tht ir a mman
Thoao IcochtMj are now employing tin
typewriter in preparing circulars annou
cine their ability to disprove the charg
-nado in the Times. If this in DO , wl
don't they bring a suit against the Tim
for liboll Wo have assorted that th
are rascals swindlers , and black-mail o ;
If thcso charges are untrue they i
grossly libelous. Lot the manipulate
of the typewriter bring an action agon
the Tinu-H if they wish to disprove t
TUB effect of the present campai ,
upon some nowapaj era is rather stupol
ing. According to the Boston Advertis
the Oharlostown ( Mass ) NewEntcrpri
is in trouble as to which president !
ticket to put at the head of its column
[ t had up Cleveland and Hondricks ; tin
ono of the proprietors said thoao nam
must como out and Blaine and Logj
must bo put in. The editor , who is
Cleveland man , thereupon resigne
Then the other proprietor cacao aloi
and said Cleveland and Hondricks mu
bo put back. It is suggested that thi
might compromise by having it for 01
ticket ono week , and the other the noz
or they might call it Cleveland and L
jan , or Blaine and Hondricks , or BIov
land and Lodricks , or Olaina and He :
gan. Thora are various ways out of
TIIEUI : is moro trouble in the wostei
railway world. The days of the tripe
tito pool are evidently numbered. Tl
Chicago & Northwestern having secun
a strong foothold in northern Nobroak
just as the Burlington has in aouthei
Nebraska , it has no further uao for tl
pool , and it has given uotico that ita Ni
broaka business shall not bo tui nod over
the Western Trunk Line Association.
THE man who represents Nebraska
a doubiful state in a presidential cat
palgn is either a crank or a fraud.
A i'upulur
Uoston Adxortlaor.
Among the current comments fro
our exchanges , which are ropubliuhed
uuoilier column , will bo found a pat
graph from 'I'm ; OMAHA UEE. one of tl
moat outorpriaiiig papers of iliu west ,
.u tack s u number of its t-xuhmiges f
their iubit of imposing , or trjiug to u
pose , upon their roadwra by heading tl
foreign duipatolies which tliuy buy fro
other pipura in this ojuntry us''fro
bur spotitl corrosp ndont. " This evil
otain is just , and it would bo evidence
jounmiiaiio huuwty if the jjurn h it
peached should di op the hauu. Poop
buy papurs fur tnu news thvy ojntan
and they have common sonsu enough
value such news according to the suur
from which it comes. When tlio Tom
stone Tomahawk or the Dead woe
Figaro head their purchai
of cholera news from tl
south of Franco as "special telegraph
correspondence , " and go on to detail tli
wanderings of their private medical o :
port through the streets of Toulon i
the hospitals of Marseilles , the Toral
itone or Deadwood readers either kuo
that the heading is a fraud or are tc
umplo-mlndod to think much about i
[ t is only when the editions of all th
Buyers of news are ranged side by sic
on an exchange editor's Cable thatth
raudulont legion of special corrospom
onts in foreign lands is soon in its fu
magnitude. Toulon and the Pharo hoi
utal seem for the moment awarmiu
with armies of bustling American coi
respondents , and it is only when th
many dispatches are compared that it I
eon that only ono busy pencil startei
he whole.
Of course , such deceiving headlines ar
n themselves of small moment , but the
ire , Hovurtholeis , toll-tales of a cortaii
ondonoy in our journalism which shoul
ba chocked. It is the same spirit tlm
Kompts "padding" of despatches , or tin
construction of wliolo columns ( f detail
bout earthquakes or storms by quick
wilted writers , whoso knowledge Is read ]
made in the encyclopedia. As now cablei
ro laid , moro foreign nawa will oomo tc
ins country in the regular order , and sc
tie temptation fraudulently to gratifj
lie public's desire for details will do
reaso ; but it would be moro to tne credit
f many American journals if fhey would
tieck this tendency withouc the old ul
ircumstanoea Bogus news is , after all ,
o more moral or digestible than bogus
utter , and , in the long run , the public
oes not enjoy the ono more than the
lien Untlpr It Retting his Icttor tanned.
Politic * ! slrAwa ehow which way the bolU
The democratic whlto elephant In cover
with whlto inoti.
The clcrRyrnon who bipttrfll Blalne
to hold a convention at Bar Haitor la A
Campaign bdyor gc In R'noral ha a te
cloiicy tJ Inikmo Iho tomijcr and redden t
The fimt r plUlo of St John contains t
sswitlon that ho will carry JCan M.-Tr
lias b en < lcln ( ? anst ilenl
Uain.go thi * joir , buc lu biggnst stroke in
i > j expected la Novtmbcr.
ThU f the second time Joneph Jf
and tliodnmotfiatlo part v IIAVO been
up by ThutnuB A. Jloudii Its.
John IColly l utlil jpcechl'm. Wo ro I
formed ho walltwp < l n fi hliono three w e
ago , mid hia been aCllcttd with iufUmod to
The baking niwcler men would make tl
canipH gn a hoc CUB If tl y wer to turn thi
attention to iwlitlcal writing [ Louisvi
Conrlar Journal ,
The great mlatnko of nho mutwumria w
courted the favor of Theodore Roosevelt yi
in believing that the tnun huduotma
the ocqtulnunco of hi lyu tooth.
The inolubitfon tlck t smncks of propbe
and reIfttioni. . It In n 1 1 ftn that a poll
col party oiniiecnre the soivlcoj of a Uau
and ft St. John at tha same tlim- .
, Tha im n and democrat wlmfuggcsts tb
CJo < eland tjkolha stump and dlsnms pub
nueatiuns vmh DMoa i no friend to Cloi
laiiu or hia party nnd should retire.
The Hon. "T. m" Ochiltieo is g lntr to E
claud next month Wethould havothouo
bo would linvo remnlnod nnd taken an i
na a stir llnr duriLg the en
DjvilDvvlsBoUrtownon the Blaine si
of the fcnaj. Ldmuuds w n his firct chuii
und Greeham secoud-and apparently the <
tenatorlms n > t entertained the thuuijht
voting fur a democrat.
Wo < lo not see how the working clasroR c
cpnilttontly support IhotiiM A Heiidricl
'lo the btHt of gur obseivntlnn , Mr. II ndiic
has bceh without tnr ti.lblu moans of MU
pjrt for the pant eight years.
A fat man takfng II'B first o.xorci e Is
crncoful fpectacln as compirod with the o
wmdi Stephen Clovcland * ill present wh
bo begins to wre.tlo w iih the tariff und fi
eign policy in that letter of acceptance.
"I have burned my bridges behind rm
oxclajms Colonel T. Wentworth llimlnsc
the lloyal Grand of the Uoaton Mngwumpi
WeU , many a man has done that before , a :
howled for a mud scow to croin back again i
to skirmish wan over.
MlssTommsny Hall to Chicago notniji
tioa I'm mad ut you. Don't you dare p
your hnndg urotmd me. Don't you dai
Tukoitavr now theroetopI'll - , D
Did you sty I should bo nmyr and com
troiler. [ Pittaburg Chroaicle-Telograph.
Mr. Logan says : ' -The a/lvantage of lia
Ing a bank u < > te In the houau which wilt bo
Rood In the morning at it was the night I
fore fhonld bo appreciated by nil" It is tl
iumo ny with Iro-h fish which yon are tr
ing lo B4VO for break/an- , and y t there is li
tie chance for frodi fi.h in a letter of acder
ancu. [ New Orleans Pica/uno.
.it is just found out that , in nulto of hi * fu
head In lithograph. Governor Cltvdand in n
hindsom man ; ho is chunky nnd band
Blalno , thungha t H Inr mtu , in not e.x .
liR.kiig. . A * for Ben Dutlei well , vva giv
up ; wo cannot do ihe mbjxct ju-ti.o 13
liKltongiw Loata all. Bi8Ue < , Uoi.jamln
accounhd alidiea' man. .lohn Wilks * , tl
fuin < jm dcm < g ( uo of aie. tury pn , wai tl
ui liei-t man in Kurope ; ho luj iin invetera
tqumt , Lut ho WUB IrneUtib.o with tl
Tlio farmora of Adams county ore talklr
up u fair.
Wymoro boa a Cleveland and Ilendrlc
cmb. D.Uo'PlatUmtrath. * < >
' Frtmont has forked over the 6 1,000 as t
price of the G. A. R. Reunion.
Mrs. ijordwell was killed ty HHhtoninc no
Nebraska City on the 2d.
"The prettiest little church In wcste :
Ntbiadca" wan dedloattd by the MethodU
at Sydney on the 27tL ult.
0. AV. Peridleson , * homestoider. w
stnick dead by lightning , thirty milea noii
of North Platte on tho'Ut ,
ThoLnncaater county agricultural sodo
will hold its fourteenth annual oxhlbitU
September 1C , 17 , 18 and 19.
The Luw and Order Xeaguo ha finsjly st
ooedtd in breaking ups the liquor traffic
N Ugh. The last saloon hai gone.
The people of Wood river volley consider
a settled f ct that a branch of the B. ft J
railway will bo run up that valley from Ket
The I'oncn Journal ssys of DIxon onun
towns that Ponca hara iwpulitlon of 1,50
WaKofield of COO , Martlnsburg of 300. ui
Newcastle of 210.
Bpatlce f torted op hsr canning factory Jn
\ > oek. It starts out in protntnlng ahoiio at
will no doubt Briil a good marktt for all tl
good * it can turn out.
Jpfne CTOBS and Lo-I Brlest two Winn
hsRo IndiHiis , were Ukeu before the eounl
juilg * nt Nobra ku City on thn 31 ult , / (
Htoallng Oinah i Indlun ponlec , and bound ovi
on their civvn recoanizauto.
The supreme court of the atvto has dncliti
Ihu o unty coat qnettlon In Uur'na . i
fnvi of Alma. Thla
r will probably tet i
ix-st nil further ihapute In that badly Bh lu
up | wit ou of the state.
. ( ? ' VfTrel } > who w ' eonOnndlntl
JT-nkllnoiuiity lock-up on ft olingo of rol
jilng thu trrtiiklln dep.t , m di ) hh ew r
l.M.t . ihui > d y iiMht , uu < l for h ? capture M
offrrj n ruwuid of 810.
Tlio lht < t en'irofram I'o\trio9 Is fo tl
( T it fiat Frank ICI.KK ! touk too IIIHUV oiiw
slooumb and laiil d wn n tlm ra Ire l trai
to o.e. A pnsiluK train ftirnl.heJ a Jed fi
tlm coroner.
Th3n > ntaot for thd fownd trulc fm
Oruapolu to I'liUtamoutU lion been lut to Jolt
ViMgu aid. thovxp k to b ln nt once Th
will vr ittly fuctliiuto truftio butweauOm.l
mid Platisinouth.
Mrs. Kifimlno Johmon died In Wt ,
r. lntai wMl vnngd frwn injuiira lecelvt
hv the i explosion of a keroieno laicp en tl
iptli.f.luly Sheleivei three children , tr ,
oldest but little over three yoa-s and tl ;
youngest nine mouths.
T oiV. . Battorff haa commenced suit s
Fremont ngainst the Slonx City and Puc'fi
company for 810,000 damages. Mr. Uattorl
loat two fingers of one hand whil * coupllu
cars i at MlisourL Valley , ! * „ In DjcomtxH
M *
The dehv In opening the. Oxford cut-off o
the B. & M is oxplnlnol by the Oxford Rr-cti
ter-that Contractor FUzgerAld refuses t
turn the rciidbad over to tha company , till th
expiration of the time allowed aa per contract
uultts he Is paid a handsome bonus.
A Lincoln bnite of a man , named Bests , ha
repeatedly maltreated his wife , nnd a fo\
oven ng ago , while under the Influence o ;
whisky , ho subjected her to moat paltful tor
tura. Aroatof trand feathow was lire
pared for hint , which ha escaped bv placini
himself under the protection of U o police.
Ben Moore the well kn '
, , wn pia't trader a
FoitlMiliiann who inoreoiod his stores o
wealth bv butchering bis nelgbbor'a cattle am
milllug the meat , has teen uipturod a thlrc
time , and the oulcer < now Intend to frtfi * t <
him until ho courts at Sidney putthethaokla
oahlm. Tha CMO agalnstT him laastroDi
A youoc man nf fe , tw of Gen. C. U
Dontan , who recently e t blshfd ! a ranch Ir
LUo In county , vvus kiJlcU by lightning n
the 2 th. Ill * dei th w . Instantunn u . lh (
BUteras of hln temiOos being spperated , hi.
light arm and Ipg badly lacerated and th
mam r.irca ( if the fluid pasting over the leaion
of liia heart and lolt lui g ,
Mr. F. 7 dmbf rp , an A-hlan-l county farro.
IT , was Killed l > y luhtonlng MI tha it ) fi while
iurv bll u. The Lolt struck hla lio.d , tear-
ingaphnstlyli'ileiubia skull. pa lng down
liU liody Into hi * boit . tetihig th m Into
4ir il * ndi ciiplrgt < > the ground , thin In a
itrond of time reducing a itioug. healthy mane
, o H mun le J , ble < xllni { cor , e , . who
it < vhiiuufurthoa daOAlri > av ills body WM
riiblo tora and burned , vhlla Lia tat , vwt
mil bouta wire torn to atomv.
The Bheldon Ollpiior ssysi The iccent wid
namoroas ruins throtwhont lections of tl
stuto have caused grain to be down to nor
extent in localities and consklerabln liW V
IKS eco Btonon by Its being Impossible to c
it. Though the wet weather nnd wind * ha1
brought this loss , In jomo plnr-M , it will ,
localities where crops have suffered from hai
asslstcorn In overcoming this darnngo nt
thus iitovo n benefit to those who have be <
0 unf. rtunato an bilntvo boon viiitcd by hi
and lust their small grain.
Palling into conversation recently wii
a gentleman engoged in manufacturin
and incidentally in n commercial but
tietB , ho expressed himself as compellt
to net with the republican party bocau
it favors fair protection , for , said ho ,
that were nbrrgitcd my business wou
bo ruined I could no longer carry it c
At the same time ho said ho could n
approve of absolute prohibitory lav
in regard to the manufa
turo and sale of liquors , and aa the r
publican party in some of the states a ]
parantly favored such law , ho was in
quandary as to what course to pursue !
the poudint ; national political contest.
little further conversation on the subje
left no doubt on the mind of the writ
that the person referred to would vo
for the republican candidate for prot
dont. His position i. , however , a su
gestivo ono , and strongly indicates th
1 ho subject which was bothering hi
aora o what needs elucidation.
It Is true that in aorao few states ,
in Iowa , which is a state principally d
voted to agriculture , and in which tl
republican party greatly predominate
state laws have been enacted prohibito
in their nature. But this action mu
bo taken and understood in a local ai
not in a national sense. Such laws a
liable to bo enacted in any state whore
considerable majority of the people
the state are in favor of them.
It is a state affair , a domestic conccr
devoid cf a national character. Wha
over republicans , aided by democrats , i
democrats aided by republicans may t
in a state , having rtgmi to the domest
concerns of the state , is ona thing ; whi
the course which may bo pursued by tl
republican or democratic party in the
national capacities , is quita anotho
Both of these parties are nation
parties , and the ono is aa mn <
opposed to prohibition as tl
other. Ntithor of these parti
includes the subject of prohibition in i
platform Noitlior of these great ni
tional parties loans toward piohibitioi
nor is it Hkoly thai it will very soon. Tl
fact that i ho nucleus of a national pri
bibitiun party haa boon formed and hi
numinattd its candidates for the pro
idcntial offices , is pretty conclusive ev
dence on this point. This leaves tl ;
two parties in the positi- which tht
oujiht to occupy on this question Wi (
the question of prohibitory kgislatic
tlioy will have nothing to di
Thu subjects of revenue , tariff , finano
the public lands , civil service reform , an
f jreign policy , with such others as ai
recognized as belonging to the guier ,
government , are quito sufficient tu ei
i > ross the attention of great nation ;
parties. The subject of prohibition to
lungs to the several states in their ind
vidual capacities , and there it will I
likely to remain. It is therefore an e
roneous idea for anyone to thin
of leaving the national party to which 1
belongs from any considerations pertaii
ing to the subject of prohibition. If b
is opposed to prohibitory laws , he shou ]
stay in his party , whichever it may bi
( unless he loaves it for other consider !
dons ) and flght prohibition there. F <
those who are opposed to prohibition 1
puisuo the opposite course by concontra
log in ono of the national partii
whenboth _ of those parties ignore tli
question , would have the effect to coi
ciintrato the prohibitory forces and thi
cdnduco to bring about what the ant
prohibitionists wish to avert. If oithc
of the great political parties were to ci
pouse the cause of prohibition , it woul
would furnish a reason why those oj
posed to it should leave tht
party. But until this takes placi
which is not likely to occur at al
there is , so far as this question is coi
corned , just as much reason for a dome
crat to vote for the republican prosidcr
ttal nd congressional candidates as thei
Is for n republican to vote for those c
the democratic party. S. G. W.
SnawOeriy liloudcH.
Now York. Tuunal.
A local rickot lately nominated in a
Olio town is composed wholly of rerl
liaired men That they will malt * a bi i
I ant run is already an nssured fact. Tli
choice i f carmine cranium candidates is
wise ono frurn rurioui points .f view. ]
is economic il , bcctusM no torclil ght prc
cessions mil be needed , It dura avva
with the necessity of tattooing candidate
is every auburn-hoirud man is more o
ld > s ftocHt'd. It ; ia cinducivo to a red
litit campaign , for all thipa with chestnu
lotk have warm temper. As for ' 'paint
lug the town rtd"u man with hair th
Imo of nn auroru boreulis is by i.alur
fitted for such fiery frescoing. If tli
strawberry sans of the nation are given i
illanco to cast a rubicuul rpfleo'ion 01
the political horiton they will onhanc
( ho brilliancy of the campaign and ehe <
lustre wherever /hnv. / cluster.
A Right Smart Western Town.
Now York Sun.
"Yes , sir , " said an enthusiastic citizoi
of a new western town ; ' 'we've got i
right smart town , stranger. "Why , " hi
continued , impressively , "it's only ei :
mouths old yet and It's got two hotels
forty-eight beer saloons , twenty-sevoi
gambling places , four drug stores , to saj
uuthin1 of grocery and clothing stores ,
and the bust half-mile track west of the
Missouri. "
"Any churches ! " asked the stranger.
"Any what ? '
"Churches. "
"You mean them buildin's with a long
aint sticking up in the air. "
"Yea. "
' No , wo hain't got any of them. Thai
? aa some talk about buildiu' one , but we
inally allowed it would look too oddish. "
Around rno Circle.
Oi.n Onciuui ) . Mt , Aujtist 7. Blatno
indpirtyanlvedfrotn Portland this worn-
t'g The Btrfeta wuro filled hv a crowd
Yhioh gave Bl lne an ovation. Upon arrival
, * ne , hotel BUln h d & coiiltreuca with
iof Downtiig , nf Utiua.
It I * e.tlinated 2\OiiO pornons , IncludlrglS. .
00 old sn dlt ra are hero to.tlny to nttenil the
1 can PIUUUK of i ha firtt d Army. it. nt of
ho visitor * stteaded Blalt o' | .uullo re. oiition
ii tlio old Orchard house , lihluo Mot * ! in the
unior iiarl IT , and tbe crowd | utod In iicle
uaud ahovk liuuda with Ulaloo and Cover.
or Itoble. The reception ended at noon ,
lnpular Uava In the Ttilrc ] low *
\VAirRLOo , la. Ausrust -Tho tvpuMJ.
insof ho lii.ddUtrctM-diy . un nimously
.noiiln t/d D B Ilundtwon , p- * ei t imuj
° \ f r coi rest ) . Tbuitj ii no other candidate
I the field.
ol iho Tides ,
PhlUdelplilaiOalf. "
There { s a growing belief that the d
prossion in business has touched better
nnd that a gradual , and possibly rnpi
recovery will now take place. It is di
ficult to indicate the exact evidence <
such a change. It is rather felt tht
soon. As in nature , certain events a
felt to bo in a given form , rather thi
known to bo ; so in business , there is
feeling that the worst is over , b afore BI
distinct evidence ia icon. Yet , evi
now , there is A bisia for the belief th
so widely prevails. The crops have m
tutcd and are being gathered. These a
so abundant and good that they repr
sent a vnst increase if our nation
wealth. This is Biibttantia ) and real Bom
there ia the assurance that wo are sul
stantlally wealthier than were sever
months ago. Even if the markets ai
not active , or prices high , the fact th
wo have the material , which sooner i
later will command a market , is ono el
mont in our. growth in conGdono.
Then the weak and rotten element h
boon wooded out , and it is found that tl
country is not in so bad a condition
was supposed. The element that h
gone under ia largely speculative , and d
neb contribute to the real growth of tl
country. The railroads , while stocks ha'
alituak in value , have generally shown
good earning capacity. Insomo cases tl
earnings are larxor than. when the pric
of stocks wan far in excess of what the
now aro. Th i sentiment is gradual
obtaining thai there is no real rosfua f
the scare , and that U has been ilt-ddvisi
and injutiouj. Bouce the gain in con
den co.
Still another element is the natur
energy of the American character. Oi
pooptu do nut incline to sit duvru in a
ject despair and Idt things go. A pan
may seize on them , and it will run i
course. But sooner or later sound son
and the buoyano ) natural to us will pr
vail , and all the gloom and fear will 1
dissipated. 'I his buoyancy ia alreai
beginning to so assert itself that an it
prossion obtains that even the summ
will show mnro than the average busine
thrift. And while presidential oloctio :
are usually depressing to business , it
oven believed that the present canva
will prove an exception. AH this is i
tributablo to the buoyancy of the Amei
can character , Ir. will not bo depress *
for a long time unleao there ore very so
lous reasons for it
Finally , it is noticed that lecjitima
business , while it an fibred in the spec' '
lative panic , produced no disastro1
failures and is in a healthy conditio
There are even signs of an advance. . '
many departments business shows sig :
of picking up. Hence the courage th
is being revealed in BO many direction
Confidence , it is confessed , is the re
need , and , once this is imparted , and i
else vti 1 follow. And , as it is boil
gradually restored , wo regard it as co
elusive that wo will certainly have a ft
recovery in the early full if we don
find the summer ono of great promis
At all rvontfl , a different spirit obtaii
than did a short while ago , and it has :
it the outlook of a prosperous period.
Pla a m top down on a hot ktore until heated , tb
ITS in jkLninx.iM ma NEVER '
Inn million home * for a quarter of a nnturr It hi
itood the consunicri' reliable tent ,
ujKcna or ,
Dr , Price's ' SuecialFlayoriDgEiJTacts ,
Tk il rongnlaa t d.llrl.o. led tttmt line Bu4
Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gem :
for Light , Healthy Breiut , The Deit Dry Hop
Yewit In the World.
A.athorized Capital , - $1.000,000
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000
ff , W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sit
' " MrarnT , Pmldont I SuftE. UOOBM , y.P
BKJ. B. WOOD , Cnhler. | Ltrruia DSAM. A
rr nkMniphjr.B muel E. Bogen , B n. B.Wooi
murIo 0.nou eiA. D. JonoJ | Luther Drlks !
Trwetct Qoaeral BaUng Biulnuu. Allwbi
U.T * DT BanlOntr bntlaeu t transact uo Invltod
ML No nutter how Urge or em&U the tramuctlon
i wlU icoolro out rateraT attention , nd wo promln
LlwsoourtootM treatment.
fm pMtlcuUr Attention to business lor P rtl *
toildliie ouUlde the city. Ki iinge on kll the pita
J * o'a - United 8Ut . WlweftrSt .
° Bnkeri leoelrod on lvot
lMUMO rUflo t < i.ot Depcdi U tn t pet o i
Bur nl ifllta Forelim tTcb ng , Oounly , Clt
md Government Mcn/lUu
tncet rpomi In tbo city. Centrally located and
near Hormi railway
! sl5 Douglaa St , - OMAHA , NEB.
TEIU18- to W.M per d y , a * per room.
O. O CAIII'DEU , IToprletcr ,
1404 Farnam St. , - OMAHfc
Farming 'Lands , Improved Farms and.
Stock Farina in D. nglaa , Oass , Codas
Nanoe , Thayer , and Coward
Oo unties.
U6 For Sale -83x03 fat on Hth ttroct , nosur Hor-
noy , room for a Wok block ot loan tores which
would rent readily. If rxrtsoM wltliln to < ! } ( !
It will bo withdrawn uul ballt OK > n. South
44 ft roor or ailojf 85,6 > H. laAdo 44 ft. , t5,2 J ,
143 Kur Solo A , bargain , SflxlSi It oq'tttli St. , now *
Jones St. Call and e ns to regvu to thta prep
etty wo hate a bargain lor ran ,
111- For Solo Oi od buslnt/a lol on Coming Bt ,
60x132 feefe id.000.
10 < For Bate ImprMod Farnftm ttnetpropertrnaar
12th street , il7roo. . .
117 ForSalo 48jxlS2 Joet , splendid brick Improre-
mont us good business an te In the dty $ 10,000.
123 For 8ilo Elegant o > mer on troot oar line , 3 81
eOBtore.'twontory. aud buoment 18x40. Good
location , ? O.COT.
118 For SoloHplendld business corner cn , 18th St .
lot 08x125 , BU > ro baikllng and barn bargain
107 For 8aIo-A business property lot $18.600 yieldIng -
Ing a rich Income of 16 per Cent , net on Invest
IM-Knr Hale-On CaUomla , cliio to Belt line lot
81x132 , two 8try bonaoond barn , { SJ5CO.
For Solo wituin Half-Milo of Poatoffice.
3 < G Honsa and lot $ 8,000
S33 - IIoU'O nd lot 3,600
3121Houf > c and lot 2,800 v
S34 Hou o n I lot „ . . 2,600
& < * ) -Uingaauf lut ' 2/00
289 II u * anl lt 8.0 0
202 Hou-eonl 'ot ' „ 12,000
Vl ) Two Houws IJ.iOO
193-HumeOJicI 1 t 8tO
IfeS Hu * nal lot 2,200
17 * H usaand lot 4,000
172 Uou-o nnd lut 3800
Ifid . ousean lit. . . . ' 4,500
103 Houuoand lot ? ,500
lf > 0 Iliiim aud lot e.tOO
16' House and lot tfOO
OS Hou . and lot 4,10 }
t3 Tlou'oaud lo * e.fOO
3'65 Ilou-onii' ' lot 3C09
105 House tnd lot , 6,000
1 61 dome and loj 3,000
140 H'UfOand lit 12,000
153 Houseand lut 6,000
Residences for Bale within a mild oircleof
PoatofHoe and outside of Half Milo.
tstt ) noa-o anil lot $7,809
19f Tliueaidsl ta , . , , , , . " 6.COO
IS1 * Hou-oandlot 8,600
t38 HousaaLdlot 8,000
S3G Housoand lot 2,500
S31 Houai anrt Int 2,800
3 Honseand lot 2,100
328 Hou'oand lot. . . ' J.TOO
145 Hoteoan rt 2 , 50
170 Houaoandlot 8,60
301 Housa and lot j wo
3 8 House and bt _ 8n09
SOeJ House and lot 2,000
176 IIouso and lot , 2,800
138 Hou8 * nJ M 8,800
EB8 House and 2 lota . . . . 8.COO
294Ilonnanu lut , 1,700
273 Uon o and lot 2.EOO
283 Housaandlot , % ix
81 Heir o and lot 2,600
rK 9idcnoolQt8ln- part * ol the dty and all
addltliEd. Acre property near tnodty. , rrlow arci t
terms t3 suit /
Otf.OMABA , . ,
S , W Cor , 'Farnam and 12th Sis ,
Capital , - - ( BIOQ.OOO.OC *
O. W. HAMILTON , Pros1 ! .
8. n. CAUDVYELL , V. Proo't.
Kl. T. BARLOW. Cashier.
8. S. OALDWEII , , B. F. Sunn ,
Accounts solicitor and kept sut >
( oct to night choccu
Oortlflcatoo of Deposit losuud nv
Bblo In 3,0 and 12 months , boarlnq
Interest , or on demand without In-
Advances nrtndoto customers on
approved oocurltlosnt market rate *
of Interest.
The Intercuts o ? Customers arer-
o'oooly guarded and every facility
compatible with principles o/
sound banking freely oxtondod.
D'aw sight drafts on
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu
ail European Paesa o Tickets
United States Depository
3or. 18th and Farnam Sta ,
The Oldest Banking Establishment
" in Omaha ,
Orcanliea la 1009.
u a National Bank ID
omoiu w ores .
MO ) .KOMnj. . . Preddent. 'V
. Miantoii , Vlo Preddtti \ . ,
A D TWI Korwra , Ed VIM Pweldeat. \
A. i , Vornnvx. 1
' . U. < H > ur , Afibtart Oa.DlTO'
huuoia i gene ml banUur bodnna. fun
tinoatoe bearinic laterrat BrT drJti
ujdiooand rincia
Removed to 121 N. Hth Bt.