Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1884, Image 1

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The Railroad Managers Fail to Har
monize Their
But the Present Western Kates
Will bo Rigidly Maintained ,
Chicago and Dos Moines Freights
Raised to 76o , Per Owt ,
Charles Francis Adams and Par
ty Leave for New York ,
Meetings of a Number of Rail
way Pools and Associations-
Oilier Mrctlnjrs Arrancrcl f r the
Fin tire to Rettla Disputed
A BTJUiava Of TI1B BrrOA'rlOrr.
UiopaUhtoTaic BUB.
OHIOAUO , August 7. To-d y'a proccediugs
to railway circles boo v ere Tory Rign'Hc.uit ' ,
and augur a gnoral reign of peace and full
roles Ml round nutil the fa mornhavo shipped
tbo bulk of their crop. To a itn up : The
Colofido lines , tbo I .wa pix > ' , tbo Chicago
nnJ Missouri river lines , the Chicago nntl St.
Louta ' linen and tba Tran con-
tlnuntnl association a'l took action
looking to the ro'tora'.ton and main
tenance pLratoej ami to onmp'oto the job the
arbitrators of the fast-bound trunk line pool
agreed tipon the pen ent-giti wh'oh ' t H un
derstood wi 1 prove eittBfactO'y to the Grand
Tinnk and will Veeph , < t pool jntnct. So
that practically it mnv bo mid that poioo W.IH
declared from thti Atlantic to tbo Pacific. It
ifl safe to sar
in railroad management weio never before
consummated in a sinelo day. Tba adjourn ,
mont of the oornmitteo of western lines till
jfkiptombor 23 wai without rloubt for the pur
pose of giving th < i 'in's ' in the tri artito agroa-
jnent time to tame to n dissolution or A very
material modification of tint lurrctitnont.
CoUrood mon cenorally believe it will bo dis
solved. The Northwestern h o already prac
tically given notice of ita withdrawn ) , and this ,
according to tbo farm * of neupplniirntal
contract , will jyrm.fctho W-ibash to withdraw
which it will gladly do The St. P.uiUud
Union Pacific wou-d like to ab'osrate tlio
original tripvrt'tc contract , and tlio Cock
Inland in tbo "only obloctor. A atrong prov-
hnre will bo bruughc to btaron thi-i ilue to
moko it cons * ut to a dlteoluti m of tbo emi
tract , and ropictxntitiveflof oih-r linca 8 < y
Utoy will put tha roapuntibility for further
rjto wars at its door * nlniio if itrcfuecs. Unlike -
like most r-ilnay ajjreuimu > , thia oae H
ind can bo mont ex od in a o tirt of law. So
that the olh-r lii ca are ut the mercy of the
Itocfc Island if it chotwoi to hold Uiiia to it.
CHICAGO , Angutt 7. The committee of nine
appointed to consider and report some line ol
action far Iho guldanoo of tba f estortt and
southwestern ttuok lines did not go lute HOB-
-aiju until after eleven o'clock this fomuoon.
The goaoral si station n mains aa Indicated by
the awsflociated press dispa/cho * jwttrday. It
I-i declared that the caatinuanoo of the tripar
tite agreement will bo discussed and possibly
v decision reached to-dav. Ai nearly as can
he ascertained , the Rock Island now la the
only rood opposed to abandonment of that
combination. 'II it maintains iti present at
titude the fnturo IB unoeitiin and the meeting
.IQHV adjourn wlthoat aotlun. . Official a gen
erally takn the view that a doculvo vote on
the question will bo taken to day.
The conference adjourned nt 1:30 : o'clock
having demonstratad it wan impwsiblo to rcc-
ucilo alt difference * . At the general confer
ence tha entire aubject of maintenance of tha
Colorado rates and-further ejl-toiico of the
tripartite agreement was referred to a committee -
too of five , compouod of General Mannzera
Hughitt , Potter , Oablo Roblison and-.Kim-
ball , who were instructed to oport on or bo-
ioro September 23. In the moan time current
rates are to be maintained
UfflOAOO , August 6. Representatives of the
rotda in A rtstoU in the t rafic bctwoi n Chicago
and Omiha tlmt is , the &t P ul , Nortliwutt-
oraRo.k Inland , Wabanh nd Burlington mot
thiB iifwrt-o- after iho adjournujcnt of the
comuiittoo of niuo , and ngiefd tor&Btaroall
rut' between the poiutn tiiunod. A ci'inrniteo
conBlBtluff f Ripley , of the Kodc Inland > o id
tnd CouiaiiMioaer Yin n ? , of iho Vvort ra
Trunk Line association , wo nppoin od to arrange -
range the details.
U pre. enut5ve8 of tbo line in the Cpntrtil
Jowa Trafllo associati n cominivd in bo sion
to-day. It waa ufirood to ad\auco nil iat > lu-
iwosn Chicago and DrH Molina to a bo ii of
i-ovcnty-fivo teats pel hnii'lred for firnt cljs .
Lumber ratea were diuciutod but withi.ut
coaching a dociaiun. Adjourned till to-morr-
TJio followini are the appointments ta ] > osi-
Mtions in the Jrand Trunk sy.tom west of the
IXitroit liver , uisdo public to-day : John
Main , n. iHUnt general freight agent , hu td-
ciunrtcrH at Uetr. it ; W. K , Llavis , a si tant
P'neral pawongor ngent. hpA'lquartora at Chi-
atgj. Tlw iippointineiiti ate to takej effect
Churlo'a Franw Adsras and party loft for
New Vork tliirt even'njf.
ClUCAQO , AngU't ? . Ueproeentativps of the
linca iu the Utah pool met llin afternixjo. _ In
\lewufthofaitthatjthonotico of tlio with
drawal ot ilia Atchibon , Tojwka & Ha'.ta ' to
-xpirt AuziiBt 24 h it wa r nolvod to miiiu-
Mm raterf until Sept-iiilx-r 23d , whun tlw cum-
mitUx ) ontianri-MiBwtiurl buciiifpa will repoit.
A meeting of the Chicago and t. hoim
{ xxjl lines wtta held to-day to conaidcr the
iiotitioof wi hdriwwl of the IlliiioU t entrnl
vhiih cxpiiui the lBth of Anjjti I. I'uuling
iurthi-r n ButiatiouH for settloiuent of tlio ex.
L tinp diilicultioM , mi oxten-inn tf the notice to
tvptoinbcr 1C was onnHpnwxl to.
A intH-tiiiff of Iho TniuB Oot.tlncntal HBIOCIU-
tion w.v called to aBAOinblo at fc'u.r tog S'li- _
Ujnber'J , the day before the loticoof vith-
< lr&wal by the Atlantic and Pacific expires.
The arbitnitore cf tha trunk linoK > ol to day
continued the consideration of the cjucMtio'i of
/ < croont-igM refeirod to thorn by OommiBBioiier
I'ink , the chief rnatUir being a claim by the
! ian < l Trunk for iocio&ecd pbrccntago. 1 ho
( irbltra'orri moda tbt-lr award am tunvardud
it to tbo oominiteiouer. Tim character of thu
4Wird ! is not mado.known.
Tint General Christian Bundiiy Huliool
Angust 7. The Oencral
Chivtian Sunday School ansoclatlon , com-
p.,8ed of morabxrH from all j rt of the
United Btatea , in H * . lou t Bvthauy park ,
twanty mi1cn bOuthwMt of th'n city , to-day
drct'A the following offliiilH to Bfrvetho
coming yar ; I'rHildeiit , A. It. IJewf-n ,
J. H. H l'n ' M ! '
Indian * ? > ic < pro-idmit , ,
hourl ; recordjiiu wcretary , W , II. Dropler ,
. and -
, ir < r , . , Orf-n , Ohio ; i.xwiUyo wmrnit-
.JiKnoxP. Taylor Ii. : P. II. Ihmraii ,
Kmtucky ; KJI * SIOH , Michigan. .
Tli tuonluK HCHiion waa < ccupioil in the ui
uwJoa cf the topic "Tha I'la and
Purport ) of Ihe Sunday School , " atd lth an
( MlilrPM by J. II. llatri on , of Mls-ourl , on
"Christian " In
Temporaioo nnd Childhood ,
Iho afternoon Knot P. Tyler , of Ibiii iit.eou.
ducUd an inUUita ou "Time , Place
tory on They iuo llo'atrd ' to lUbln I
Al night A. McLnin , ootrri-p tiding i
f HID Christian 1'oroljm Mlvlmiary soetoty ,
itlilrrwd tin' a'Bo.mUon on "Iho Sunday
School and Mlssi nn "
Uoport of thn llnulnorr Corpn fur the
lant Year WhntHns llccii
Done ntul AVllnt IH
Nonlcd to bo
Done ,
ijf , Augu > t 7. Major
eorpa of cnnincer * , In clurgoof thu improve
mentof the Mli i flippl Ktwcen the lllinoi *
and Ohio rivers nnd otlrr minor
nei.t , has intido the innuil report. Tha
anginal estimate of tlio cost of the improve
nont , anro\i-ml In 1883 , wna 810,007,100 ; Iho
aggregafo tinount appiopiiatod lo July f > ,
1881,5i 53,801,600. Thcr * is avail.b'o for Iho
preaent fiscal > oarC2C.5-l ! ! , aud an appn-
iriation of 81 , 00/00 ia a.ihed for Iho 6 cal
j oar endlrg Juno 30 1880. It in p tti os d to
3xpcnd the appropriation ill Carrying lullho
; > lan hcrelofore doptcd Ti is i to fitst ini-
jinivo | rt of the liv-ir below Ht. LOUH and
ft rkhig down t o m , rocldimi g ] nd aid
juildiiig up new ban s and ioJu in ? thu rer
,1111 apt.ruxiiiidtuly . unit nn uiiltji nl ub ut
A500 fnt : 'Iho Alluvial ba iks arn lo bo pro-
; o led fr m rrutlou. It propoHed by ih H
nifiuic to RU lire a cha uol of H dOpth uf a'
ejntejght feet at the Iowe t tt < g . Tlio
d'pth J8 n < w Iliblo t4i become four ( out or ovrn
lu H ima pi ices nnu IOSH < liau i ilit ) feet In
ypUca where tin v filth ib greater llmu
i-inA foe * . The chaiigoablo ch racier of the
river , MaJ"rBrn t s y < , Vend n itimponsi-
.ilo to give in adv nca thn exact localttlo-
wh W the worki will bo require I. "
Hula ivolo thowo'ki.fthnpiiatTear , MIJT
Kill t says the fu dj av iU lu during the
fear wore not aulHcienl iu uiiinunt ti juatily
.haundertiklngof hiiy tow uorlc , or PVO i to
.irosoculoBUco'H . fully all Iheso which liad nl-
icady boon it augur .t d. Tuey were appied
as fnr n iKisfibl.i to such work ai wuroiu
irgent iionl of repair and exteiiHidu to pre
vent loss of p tit of tlio tumlla proviniuly ob-
.rvinerl. Ai > ajipropri itiou of1182' ' ) in asked
Vr the imnrove.imu' ' ; of the Miisig ippi at
Caiw Girardo at and 85,000 for Uio removal of
snags in O-iign river , No apptopriilloin are
( commended for the Impnvenicul of the
MweiH-ippi oppiw'to St. l.otiia , nor fur the
river of li u bor at Alton , III.
\ St. Louta Boy KtllH Uls Father at
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
Sriitir LAKE , la. , August 7. McMahon is
not ( hot ; that must be a mintttko. A gcutlo-
man with his family , wife and aon.weio rpcnc'- '
ng a few daya on the lake , fiom St. Louis , by
the name of Hollaed. They had went t > Mil-
'ord yesterday , on n hunting excui ion. Wtile
.ho BOU wai showing hU father how I o could
oid the gun , it accidentally went olf.ahoolluK
lia father through ths he art , killithim in
The groonbackera ot Tower Hill , III. , yes-
ord y nonriiiatoj Elder .T. M. Corun for
The c ffeo and spioa f.ictory of Divfs ,
backer & Perkins at Bcwton wet ) destroyed by
iio \ eatuda ; moibing. Lw , $20,000 ,
In the Kighth Ohio congrCHsionil demo-
cratio couvoi.tiou . 'day Jur'go Little , of
county , received the nomnutlon on
the 674th ballot. -
The-Grand Tiunk riilway repair pimps bo-
fond the flouthca telnC-hicaVo _ Inn ta burucd
aet'-nleht together with nine frtight cots.
jo.s $15,00 ; inturance uuknbwii.
Joseph Tait , ebpt Tuei-d.ay at Nicholson
tatiun , L'oui/inni ; ' by/Timo'hy Seal , him
inrodied. It w IB a family vendettd. Lant
"car Taic killed Seal's bi other.
The funeral services over tbo romatns of
ergcan WinGpJd H. Jewell , ono of the vie-
ims of the Grccly oxj > edluoD , occuircd ut the
klcthodipt clinixh in Ltibon , N. H. , yctitcrduy
fccmuou. Bueinesa waa Buapetdcd.
Six deputy United Btatea in-raliala were dia-
charge J yesterday by Erh udt , acting
raderthijordersof Uitwctpr.
Whether the diwliar o has i.uv nohticul nig-
nificanco could not bo a > ccrttineu.
The managfmsnt of the W r d'a Exposi.
.ion h.ivu uuthnrizcd ncgoti ti 111 with the
B'miich government in oid r to have 13a
.lioldi'd bMtuo of Libeity btought to New Orleans -
loans for n short time I cfniu haaliy Eet up at
I Jodloes Island , NtwYork.
Th i ] > otco conference at Beine yeato'day
api ruved a resolution of Hunui-dl diaarmuiiiLMit
nnd the csUbliihment of tn i t rrwtioiml
iribunal of arbitintion. Thn confen-iico ex-
ro.s-d hopullut iho ojecti . ! I congress of
: lie Latin ttntna of Amn.ic . would 8 < > on meet
ami arrange a system of arbitration.
The Alirwi'sipiil republican stuto commUttc
bin corapliilod the r-loct > rlal tlc-ut. liuite a
iiiimlior of iiidopendantR wprepiesmt at iho
meeting in Jackson , among them General
Chuluitrs , who a < ldresud thu couunittco at
considerable length.
A preliminary meeting of the wood wortcra
of Pittshurg was hld hut night for the pur-
po-o of forming a nntlounl 01 'iiizAtion , snni-
Lir to the Amalgninatod AKS ciutlon nf Iron
and Steel \Vorkere. It will include carpontcrr ,
c.tbinit makers , tuniprn , machine mold m.'ik-
OTH and all other workers in wood. Tha ob
ject \\ill Ixj thu ) > rotcctiun of tinploycs.
The kocond day of the ox'-confedera'.o rn-
inion at Dalla > , Texas , was occupied with
speech-making and parndi . Mnny old tat-
teix-d bittlvfl' ( < gd wcio in line. Gnncrat Sulll-
vau KOHB and others a < ldressod the veterans.
Miss S. S. Tliompron , of South Carolina , mad
ail original potin , dedicated to Jeifcifcon
Divii" . A grand puNdo of xtatu militia con-
eluded the | rogramro . There werol8iOO (
Ufitnm on the camp Rronnilij , Kx-Govirnor
Hubbard arrived to-day.
Sutcldo lijr Morptilne ,
8i'BtNOFiELi > , ILL. , August 7
MoEwen , for many years Htaticn ageut of the
Wabaah railroad at thin point , died at 2
o'clock thia morning frum tha effect of mor
phine taken with nultldal Intent. lie wax
: i"ud 33 years , and IO.-IVPJ a wife and two
children. The body will be takd to Tuna-
wandti , N. Y ,
Txipcra Sent Baok to China.
H.vN FttANClbuo , Angii't 7. Ninetwn Icp-
era were sent back to liiua to-day on thu
Btojmcr Oceanic. One e-cnpcd bpfuro Hdtllug ,
but waa rccapturfd. The city ] ) ttid their full
faro and gave each $5. Social dlBpaU ho ro-
cclvtd here from the oaht about O'Ponnoll
two lopt-ra caii'inl much amusement , a ho ha *
not any with him.
Arohbltliop Rynn's Tmnnlatlon.
ST. Ixum. August 7.A bill of tr ii.l.iton |
wan itccl\el to-day from Kmm trm-fpriing
Archbisluip Hyan fr in ilii di .u-w to tn-
( llocti-o of Philadelphia. Thft KK : ; . ! Ciithoiio
clergy meet AI < nday nejut to L ' < o ictl"n on
the archbiihuiVri doartuit ) for hit now ii'ld ' of
The Dubitii ncundal.
DCIILIK , Angiiit 7. The grand jury yea tor-
day. In prooenting an it dictment attaiusl
Cornwall and companion * , urged the jti'li ' n to
prohibit Iho publlcatlou of tha ovHf n > o , The
juilgoBald ho would ilo what ho If gaily ooiUc
and commoiulod tbo requcat of the ijranil jury
to tli' ) discretion and furbearwce of llui
TbelnterminalilGlmtaiion of European
Powers More Apparent ,
Germany Now Bristling Against
the Gobbler Great Britain ,
Berlin Newspapers Ohargo Eng
land With Inciting Gaul.
Relations of France and Ohinajn
the Same Doubtful State.
The Affectionate Meeting of Wil
liam and Francis Joseph.
Destruction of III funnel 1'roporty by
ilurriuktio In Southern Kuropo
Oilier ForclRii Frnincnts
Tlio Ciiolcr * .
I'AlllH , Augutt 7. An aualyHla of tha water
In common wo at Marseille * , Alx and ArloH ,
ahow it full of numboilots microbox. Thu
authorities of MaraoUloa will coinraonce the
constmctiun of public works to giro occupa
tion to the uuimployod. , August 7. morning The
death from cholara In I'Huaty-four ln-uts.
TODLON , Auaunt 7. Four doatha here laat
night , ( iuo ofMNona wbo returnoil yuitorduy
Tlioi o h is been a flight lucro.vo in c ) i owing
tu tdu great unmbor of toturuing fugitlvoj.
MAB9UU8 , August 7. TwodoJlha Ihis at-
Lo ixw , August 7. Knglbh cholera is
Miroadlug in Clayton , l.txnoore and Ilichton.
The Ilanileta ute not for from Ulackburn ,
BnosaKls , August 7. The Uolgium government -
mont ban doclmd to entablish quatantlno
against Mediterranean i > ortK.
PAHIH , Augiwt 7. LvScyn CIUMI anxiety
but the coiuiiuoa of thu roinalndtr of the do-
iwrtmenU sutiafactory.
Franco nml Cjlilnn ,
LosdoN , Axigust 7 The Timc ' dtupatch
from FooChow , thia date Buys : "High au
thority hero awrte that peace ie certain. The
American minister is to arbitraUA eettle-
inunt will probably bo reached , which will
bo acceptable to both parties , bit It li beller-
ud that the sottlemout will bo temporary only
on the French tido. Thu Chliiosd know that
the French are anxious to act elxuwhcre. "
SOUUAN , August 7. 'Iho Toll Mall GazetH
inibhshi'H the f lluuing : "Admiral Ciiurbet
lia not 01 cupii'd tl.c harbor or mines ut Ko-
limg. Tha French wiirvs < oU in the port will
Uinko no h stiln mov.monts at Kcliing , nor
ult ewhero in China. "
MWDAN , August 7 Tn the ooiomonj to d y
the under Htcr tary of nt io for fo.cign alfairx
yaid that he hclievcd tucnegotia'.loiJB bttwecn
Franca and China are Htiil goi g on.and hoped
they would result iu iv fiiuUdly gettlomcut.
Gcrninnyinnd Bn land.
BKRUN , August 7. Bi nurk hA in trudtod
Count Von olunstor , Gcimaii jvujbjueador to
Ijoelnnil , to-eki : rlQibnviHo , lintlsb for-
tigu sicret ry , whit mujuiuics EnjUurl in-
tinds t1- take for tin paymout of tbe Al'xau-
dii * indemnity , 1 < to u go early nnd ouer-
< tt'oao > ivo to punish tha ontrafoi inlli ted
lj J'agliah Hshivmen iu tlio Noith KU on
Geimw Hriing eluop' . , The Grnnan press
on.tinuts to attack tlio English p ilicy iu tbo
Kg ) tinn cdnforuuco and Piiino Minister
Perry's overture ! t ; > toe Kurop'on poweiB fof
a joint remCHCntaUon with Knglui d on the
i .yment of the iudomnitieu. The North
Jlorman Gi > zetlo tuproa.hea tha Encliari
) t s for itj pertiiBtcnt etforts to excite
franco against Uermauy.
\VHholm and Francis Joseph. *
IBCHD , August 7. Emperor 1'rnncin
Ji eeph gave audience to-day to Tiara , prime
minister fur Ilunga'y , and then vietod the
emi > eror of Gei ninny The cmperora worn together -
gether half an hour. LatwrEa.peror William
i/avo aud eiuo to Tiaza. The einperora then
lme < l together. Tiaza and Count Do Bed--
tovict ) , minister for Cnmtla aid SUvonla ,
wcro alee present at the dinner. lboomi > oroia
I rove to the utation tngcthar , and Emperor
\Villiom left at4 o'clock. TheyembMood mid
cuKcd reiwntcdiy before parting. Uvaiioi > H
everywhere. B
PartyDlanidors In Itr > ) gluni.
, August 7. A fireman playnd a
ICBC nmn a ithuuting mob which g ttiierc'd out-
kidu Uio chamber of dunutirs to-cl ty. fiovpral
HI rcstn were in til o. Tlio Keii'l'iuuics ' pscoit d
; bn moriibcrs from the ciia'iibci. Tnci mob
finully ( lirtK.'rfij. | Tliti .lonrual , uf Uriihfu't ' ) ,
uppuilHto nil CttboicH to join a counter
demonstration Sunday cgjiimt tbo liberaln.
M are ft'aird.
Franco and Canada.
1'AHIH , August 7. l > n > Hidoiit Oinvy hw :
cunfurrul i ) ] > > n ilvct r Fnbre , cuniininiiiry
{ unoral in Canada , the dccor.itinu of the
legion of If01 or. The Figaro , rtfdrrlrg to
the-inutter Bayo it ij proof tf the interest
with which Fiance rrgirdii Caundu pud
kh IWH a lively doslro to cument thu rulatioriH
i\h'ch ' arn becoming'ever closer butwtnu thu
: wo countries.
Fatal Iliurlcanua in noiitlicrnKiiropn ,
SAIUHTOI'OL , Angust 7. Acovero linrriooiiu
ind rain etoiin vimtcd this m'ction to-day ,
fwiilve portions worn killed and nn immouHo
amount of dam gri wnri done property.
VIKS.MA , August 7. Tliero was a violent
mil Hturm to-day in the Linz ( Jrcln and
i > iich.ilo ? diftrictn. Many per on were in-
jurrd. A largo number of building * were
wunhed out.
A Cupnohln Oui-dlnnl ,
KOMK , August 7. The capuchin Fatlnr
iissifjii , arxhbuhop of Vianiu. und Puvlflc.
id six other Italian j rclslCH will bo : < 'd
cardinuU at the coniirftory in September.
unil Mrvlco.
LONDON , August 7. Ted v in the
rjmvlllo stated that negotiations nith Mexi
co fnr a nt w treaty of commerce would noon Lu
returned ,
Tlio Fight In luiliann.
Augurtt 0.- The campaign
undurthouu'picrM of thn democratic ntutu
central cummittctt will be < ip nud Hoptoinber
I , and a glittering array of oratorical talent
is to be provided for tlm Indiana stump.
Amen ? the t who luvo Ix-on boukud ahead
are Wadn Hmniiton , Curl Schurr , Benatnr
Vokt , nf MiHuouii , Coloin-l Vllus. uf Wisuoii-
Bin Representative CarliKln , nf Kentucky ,
Hciutir 1 in ) it'll , of Dnlawart' , St-imtur lilack-
burn uf Kmituukv , Oouunil Palmiir , of Illl-
noiws , tiOVPiiinr Ifoadly , of Ohio , Kx-3eimtor
l > nnllttlt > , ofrli < r < in in Judge Cnclirnn , of
Oenr/iu , JiiJi ; ) ) K. P. Fox , lie > il Witichottcr ,
and 0. H. Kentucky. Of c'mrro
11 thulndiin * JightH will bluM , Kx-Gov
lleiiil.lokH will mfiKo several KixtcclifH in In
iliann , but will not tro outsldn nf thn f.tnt > .
Senator Voorhefii will t-Jk In tin ; wlioln
co'intiv ' , and fx-Sunator McDonald will l > oui
iv pioiiiincnt part in thu C.-UIVUHH. Chairman
IltudoMun ihiukd tha domuctatic maturity
will certainly nash 10.000 aud prubabh
A uidiig thnso who hivn authorized the re
publican romtnlttiX ) to make oijMilniinrntM | for
them In Indiana art * Ihu following : Heuit/iri
FO u and Halv , aud Ojryrtiniiieii Hied uti'-
rkci , of M lnet Coi grevman lUyniwnd
W.I ) . 1M1 > - , nf PeniiKy a-ias HUM. NVH
11 m If. Wr N William MrKlnl y , lion Hut
toruorth , thulRn FuHtkrr , M > d ( Jon , II , P.
Kotincdy. nf Ohioi rx-Qoveriuir 1'lttclicr ,
Iloim. JolniIJ' llfndersop. I. tils GuUcchtlkj
md Col. 1) . P. ! > > cr , of Mi' . mrl ! Cong H <
in in Krauk Hisoock. of Ne / Yorkj ( Jon. John
W. I'Ynnoll , t f Ki' luc1tySonator ,1. A. Tib-
bolt , of Connecticut ! 1'orivrr inan .Tnhn S.
> f Virginia , mil I Inn. > lnmr It. 1IM
lowell , of Knu a , formotly nt Indiana ,
Action Tnkcn Almost Kqnlvnlont t-o
Prohibition ,
CillCAiH' , August 7. 'Tim Catholic Tnlnl
Alwt neuco union of Am tloit , at Ita nmhtu
Lliin forenoon , roxruiderid tin ruooluti m to
liold IU COHVI ntio'i ' No jo iMnic , IniL. and
It uiutdoiidrd to hold Uinncxt conve < tion at
New HHNCI' , Conn , the fcrnt Wi < dncsday iu
August 1Kb. Anunilxii'nf ' amolifl uuuli to
thuc until ut inn wo o acted upon , aflor which
aidiviKM wcromado ly Dixlior * Spjilulog awl
IrcUud. Adjourned i < t 3 o'cl ck.
t the nfii'iuooii HMiU tlib tcnumittw on
reB"lulio n pre nU < l fthing tvpof. ltch i
acterizcs thoeo who cauen C'imuiid mi-cry br
io'liugnto ' ! > ic > tii ; llritiOiK k * irlinlnat ; lmtU
tbac moral eunnioii al'ino cannot p ov < < U
against intnmpriaMCp ; tlintlbol < w mu t bo lot
volvd , and th it it in di o nHUmity to tmat
the inunjgtiraocit of public nffaini to tboso who
hold nlDci ! utth _ ' KI o J will uf the liquor d al-
crn. It ciin inuffl :
"Whllu wo iKsviniiza mnrtl sitasion as the
haft ! < of tfinpuraucti woil : , \\j revo'tboloM
ileo'a ' uourcouti cu o In the Ivgil re < t i lion
of the liquor trutllc. As a mrni.s lo the ad-
vftuceiuimt of tli it work lu li lostiiciloii un-y
go to uhitovrr c > xt ul euna boss to u
in our iMpidy if Ci.ibolio tcm | J-mc
citlz HH ; wo ompliteito tlio f ict , however , Uial
wo c.innol conutomnca or in any wav a oa
ago Uiu llqunr liilcrori' , tuudi li.-n vote lor i . "
An attempt to luROit a rriolution In favor
nf actual prohibition uiuvd a ruiiltod
cuBiIon , but thn i6p nt uf lln committco prc >
vailed without chnnpf. The report ulso Jo-
cluied thitt it is the right' tif o tWio iu tlio
army oruavy of the Uirtt l ijtttcs to have
Cftth llc chnpliUm : clyiiil.aJitzc ! wltli Iho
stiuggloa of i lie Irish ( lu'iile ; protoetiig
agaliiKt tVic f'H'irt ' of tlii-lt ( liau gnvrruinuit
ti > tuko piiesoB ion of tliu nro'r * rty of the pro-
iKuauda ; and c implimquting PrenldhHt Arthur
for his prompt Action in FHV nig tlio American
college t tlio propiVTnudft ,
The following otlie ra'ttvro olrctod : Presi
dent , Kev. .1. M. ClcAK-Kouo h , Wln.j vic -
prc-iidrnt. Rnv. .TnnmfiFi nieba , of Iio6kly ;
tniasuriT. il v. J. IXUanki , nf Oliioj Btcro- ;
tnry , i h lip A. Nolan , of Philadelphia. '
Adjouniod. , . -
Dining' the forouooit BV JOU n ooinmitb > e of
seven WM appoint rxl lo draft a memorial on
the Hiibject of totil nbstincnoo'to bo prej ted
tu thu IJifhopa' council at Baltimore. '
A. Ilobbisr Itfoolvor.
EutB , Pa , August 7. TJiainvostigntSon into -
to the chat w iigaiiiht Ilixeiver Yornuui , nf
iho German Inaiirnuco company , and Goorgii
W. Docsmp , II'B ' altornry , began here yes > cr-
day. It RWUIB thn iicnpcnlca uold in tba Judg-
mcutbt n favor of Uio lomumy wore bid In by
much t'in ' l-w avu polcl by him nt
profit , which was not | iut in the roroiverV
account ? . Vanmiu tratiliul that Decamp
f/aveintk $2000 in tmo oVal of tills kir.a
wnich by oversight WH n it put in the bookn
The iimount of ihn coujpu/iy'd liabilities \\M
nearly a million tlollnis.
su aiar bi iT'h i-oitrs.
* " * *
Saildola | > and Sulky. *
CIHO.VOO , August r. Milfl , all ages Bol
lard wun , Tifxlhl , Ttu fawyor 3.1 ; time , lt f.
Mile nnd nn eighth"- J * Lowan won ,
f n 'i U
. Mile Junta all ngt Dick Brown won
Loupe 2d ; llroH , liSlf
ill Jo " " " , oldH-AVIll'o
* r - Clark won ,
m ti 9 Wnltir8.VrJrie , 1:18.
ift h l.o Rime eond tiout a4 llin fourth
Bnllo I'ato won , KlHxjmna'L'd , Cunstcllutlon
3d time 1:18.
: , : t
Milo nnd a fuart | r Or hurdloH Athel
tune won ' Bill Bird 2d , P. I.iuo 3d ; time
SAIIVTOOA _ , Augu t 7. Track fair. Milo
all ages Jim Iteuulck woo , Hichord li. id ,
MateSd ; time , 1:15.
Virginia fctakes i-yA r-olcU five furlongs
Dwyer won , Volanto 3J , JIaui'on ( 3d ; timu ,
Threo-qunrtcrx of a mile Trollopo won ,
Simon 2d , Hob May 3d ; tiuib , 1U .
Iliiiulicai ) all ages half for
feit with 61 , 0 < H ) added -fractional couno
about two inllcN and uqu.'ulcr Hienzi won ,
13e\erwck | 2d , Anetto 3d ; ilme , ' 1:29. :
BurvAU ) , August , 7. Cls2JiO Charlie
[ logan won ; Pcuil 2d ; Tom Canioion 3d ; best
time 2:22.
Cl csl:25 ! : 15 < f sie won : Enrlo 2d ; Kva 8d ;
Onwaid 4th ; U-st time 222.
Class : 17 Pacing Minnie R won ; .Tewiit
2 < lGu ; ffloSd ; Lorcua th ' : time 2:1D2:10 : : ? ,
-Postponed : till to-morrow.
MONMOUTII PAIIK , August 7.- The track
M deep with tlu-h. Haven furl iigc , all
i , Fraukit' li uon , KunlpoisfjLM , Clu'dcailet )
If time. 1.3 i.
Throoti | rtirrt ( f a mile , Iwo-yfar-olde-
flollliig lirror won , Uim t "d , Ciicknt 3d ;
tim1.20. .
Trenton ftakiw throe-year-oldH mile and
one-eight , ClmuiicUcrwon , AlarmaUuko I'd ,
Burton yd ; time , L':0 : .
I4tiiitotvu Htnkes two-year-oldH and up-
waids mile , Mini \Vo"dford won , I > ( tchcHi
1 , Little Miuich 3d : time. 1:17. :
Milo J.nd a li If sollimj Dan K. won ,
ericliw'Jd , iUgnrtUd ; tiinci , 1:08. :
Ilandicaji htiidlo race milo and a quarter
-over five huullen Tromlwiio won , J3 lly
I'd , Major McClitrty tklj time , i:31. ! :
B HO Unll ,
At St. Ixiuiw , Mo , Unioni , Fit , Lotiia , I ;
Cincinnati 5 ,
At Chic/ico Chicago. 2 ; Cluveland , 8
At New York N JW York , 2 ; Providuice ,
At 'WellingtonUnioui * , National i , C ; Bui-
tiincro. ti.
Al I'hiladelpbin Philadelphia * , < ! ; Bontontf ,
AtQuincy-QuincyH ; St. Paul 7.
At JJntrott Uotr. il , 0 ; Unir.ilo , U.
At MitivauKeuMihniuVie , 5 ; MinneApolU
3 , '
At Kanan City Unions , KSDHIH Oily , < l ;
Chicago , ! . i i
At I'liiludolpMrk UnioiLn , lioHton , tij IGiy
stone . *
At Columbia -Columbus , 3 } Tolodo. ' . ' ,
At Indiuiioiiolin Ittdiunnpolif ( * 'li ' Orand
IUpids'l. I
Al JUehnuiiid VirgiiiiftlO ; Urooklyii , 2 , '
Al PhiLt Jelphi't A > hK-Uc , 7 ; Allpfthvny , 1 ,
MILWAUKI.IT , August , ? . In the second In
ning of tha Milwuukco-MIunu l 'lii IHF
ball gainn to-day , Vaa\i < i , pitcher nf thoMlu
uej | > oiH ! , bioko nis right anil pitching ,
At St , Ijouij Kt. Louis , 0 ; Cincinnati , 11.
Iowa nudVlsconaln ,
New York Sjiecial t < ) the Chicago Trllnino ,
JvA-tioviTiiorritout1 , ijf IOMS , hna been here
fcroavfral daconlcrrltig with the nutinnnl
ooiiiinltteo HoHtyn the dcmoomtii ) phn to
inaktt a fusion with the gr"enbickc M in Iowa
for toti coiisideration of u division nf the olio-
toralottit can lu\io ( piwiblH elfut. . Jin
H.tys thu entire wrteiiba-l ; vote in , litwa w 11 not
fooiun OUT in.OUO , The German vote anil
greenback \oto could go to the duniocratn
without ciiilauguriug the republic tn iniijiiiltj'
Mr. .Stone HI\H the icpiibllinns iun ; roll up in
Iowa thin fall from CO OfXi to 75,001) jnajoiity ,
He hai iniffliir of the Uermuni du'eitiug thu
republican ticket t-i my eXtiint , Ho thinks ,
Ii6wevnr , ih it the flcrionnii \Vispiimiti
in a luiicti nioro iloubtfnl ( jnantiiy , Iu that
tttiitriHid , cart-fill > 'ork UiiUHlodv Mr , Btonn
i of tin opinion thad Wi/C.uifia Is tha onlj
ropubjiaui Uitein Uio 'Atist thut h rciuot/ !
Siicti Sfcmcd lj be tbc Condition of
All Chicago Mar Dls Yesterday ,
Oattlo Buyers Dftshod by tha Ar
rival of Ootvrso Animals ,
The Soaroity of Tesano , However ,
Appreciate Their Values ,
Good Mixed Packing Hogs Also a
Shade Highor.
The Oourso of the Grain Markets
Downward all Day.
Drop to a I ewer lUnpo TImn
Known in AVcoks OUicr
Art lok-H ,
Special Vlf patoli to TUB DKE.
C7UOB o , AuguKt 7. The iwelptn of cattle
wores inioivhtt In excoes of \vhatv\iwgun-l
orally nntlcipiitcd , and uunnu ; thu nrrivalrt
were a lat < per cent , of b'g.coaraounfliusliod
Oattlr , taoro of thw olnst tliati for any day for I | I
a inoi tii p i3f , lluyota did not R * in to w ant
.huinwhontlify c.nld find anything tailor ;
vsioo they rulnl Blow and xold ataiitiido
luA'cr prlxw th.ui tli y would ha o brought on '
Tuesday or Wodnr eday. On the other hand I i
good RBiootli , filii hed atock fo'd as well a * nt
u y timp , innking $0 CO to 83 8 * , while second
c ! id ronsh cold ut S5CO to ? HiW.
Cows Were In po'xl drjuand tu nccount
ot tlia foni-city of T.ixnni , arid b Bt
woroniftkiuffnlroiiBpricps. llie > ti were but
forty or fifty tan JH olToxnna ou iia'e ; tli > y ha > o
Adviiucfdoiito7Go hi a week. Ho-f packing
firms hid about sixty iond-i diicct from 1C in-
saa Cityj BO tlx > y were wait Mipplted. Stouk-
L-rs and fondenl nr i carco , wltti'a Blnrng ( In-
maud , nud they ajyoun , ' | ntuersould m ) ku
Rood piiceriifon market Good to choice
shipping , 1230 to UTO pnundi. 5 00 to 0-10 :
common to medium , 1000 to 1200 pound * , -1 7n
58lir ; ( ij T uin , 700 to 1000 iwundt ) . SCO
1100B ,
At the eorlj- opening trade wan mthor slnw
nd prlooA u Hlmln naaier , but IbiH markvt
: n ted oulr a short time , M buyer * f r pickorn
rstalved thoirordoi8 inrly nnd went in for all
the bogs they could KCt ; heiiou pixid mixed
mckeri ) ( .old ft Miada higher , whHobpa\-v H'jrta
undcrwftit little or no chringo. Tli > ro was
only a fair demand for lieht , and then aaoln
< a'o ncn pncferrtd uisell thci'1 mb.i > d packers
it current inarkot ; no thut usuorroiH of light
'oilLd mme didiculty in getting wha ; th y
wanted uuloss they | wd ( bitf premiunm S < I04
at fi10 10 C 15' ' for a mirlcd Jijfllt , and C 4r to
Ci05 for henvy'nnd mined pnckcrM. About
nl old , und the nuirkot ulo cd
, 0JO to 0 16.
( JIIA'M ,
The course of the grain innrkct was down
ward to-day , owing Mealier fo-uigo ndvicco,1
and win n/celerateu duringtho aflenio-'n ne . '
slon by roportB , ipipuudlng faU-i
tires in New York , uononf uliluh wtro ; vrri-1
IK-Tt-ysls ! & | Wted ttiat"tbe , forthcoming
M-port of the. agrluititfFhl &uhau nt 'WWiing-
ton , eftimaiiiiifthiHyjiar'g yidld of tvlimt ut
lewj thmi fiOO.OTO.Odii bti < Jicu , would provo nn
element of t-tri-iiathin viowi-f fnrni'restimnt B ,
but oitliur tli * inforuiution cainctoo late or Iho
present couditioiiH weni not prteaing , nud
jirices dropped to a Iowarnngi thii'i hm benn
knnwn lu Roma woskH. i Cash wheat on the
nf rcrnopii bo ird dropped to 801 nud closed at
80J , ith Angutt at the a\mofiguie , Si-plum-
licr at 81 J.October at 83 and November at
Com took the niunn cotirae a wlic t. jiiling
-cak during the entire f eii-inn , and cfoaing ft
to lo under yefltorday nn Uie regular bonrd ,
and declining Jo on the afternoon board ,
August nt G2Jo Hopfcrtnber tit 82gc ,
October nt 81ic , November at 402o
Oats inlod firm early , but finally broke } c
under yen'erday , closing at 20o tor Aurost
rinl 26g for September.
There is practically no trading in pork , ox-
cent in the way of eotllouiout.
Lard rtded nruder , cloning ut 7 024 for Sep
tember , 7 C21 for October.
Receipts of and corn hero wcro both
heavy , ! M3 cam of the former bolug received
and COD of the latter.
CmcA'io , August 7. ThoBroedera'aaztitto
H nulhority for the follou'ing ' : "Tho ' c6nta- '
r oui dicca < r < rt act of Grrut Brltsiu lirw bicn
rttjontly amended t o that tlm privy council
tnnyexmipt { Muttons cif a country _ /ron / the
[ jrohibltory oidnr. TliN , It In raid , wai In-
: flild l oflpeclall.v to cittllti from the urH'oru '
Htiitcs and terrllorif T of llin TJidled
jut thn privy council Imi , wo believe ,
no actiuu oa yet in the ] > remii-r.H. "
Neither Or/ranl/.ntlon or IMsclpllao In
It-Tlio rontmnhtor's Bon
Abollsliod /
W , Auguit 7 , T.ho spe.ciil emu-
iiiiialoji which lim been investigating Iho con
dition ; md inalirigeniont of tlia New Orlcaiia
lOitotlice , Biibuiittcd a report to Iho postnwi-
r-gcrieral to-day , The coinminslonera say in
their report that they found the facilities of
Ihu ollico nuiple , but thu force in umploymont
innufliclent through n lack of proper t < aini"g.
OrKnni/.uloii or disclllnu. | they say , dev
not t xl l In Iho ollici , nvr dotjs
any Byumi of pramoti&n bu > od on
inulritiuul mcrir , and they udd Unit limy
Found cvtiytblng arranged apparently moio
Tor tlifi piniml convBiilfuceof tf/ocleiki / than
fur the iii-iiCMditiM of the bmlriC8H.
Thn rojKirt iiiakps a number of iicvi ro ra-
flectiniHmi the ollici'la cinntpt d with the
ollico nnd rcconmund many chwfri-n , includ4
ing the abolition of ihoM.lllce . of collecting
clurk , Mithti salary of SWA which 1ms In en
liuld for Home tune by Otorgo W. Marcjianl ,
oji of thu postmaster.
Tlio Imbor Kloinont ,
Chicago TiiiitH ,
Nrw YOIIK , August C.Scclal.l [ / tfohii
aN'Miiara ( ek-graplm the following UiTho
Htnr from 8irAlog.t : : "I Inu e not bfeu al > lo to
'it there has been any chapgu ia the
minds of thoho who mu slopp ng at Ihi ) holc'lfi
olatlvo to the i > io jiectHof Cluwland. Moat
of tlinn ro of the v imo opinion thai they ox
piPS'int a weik ago ( hat In view nf Iho an
tagonism existing kjiiinst him tunong the
laboiiiiL' cUn-eii of tlio cuuiilry. It would bo
imjioasib'u for him turuccoxl. TM > tjuetlon
in : Cau there 1 uny chniiru | in'idn iu thin
elu i of o plo botv/cuu now wild election day t
Tliero is a Inr u nuiuUT > the tmunlly
rusboii tlitt tlm luboiing dual luv
log generally voted the dcuno-
fifct'w tkk't v ili bn lulhtovoto the rt-ji'iljll- '
can ticket whr u the lltno o mes for lliein la
ifuttluic billet * , und Ih'tMhuy illovurlonk
Ihu wroiiK tliut h/n benn done thtu ; nnd vutn
as muni for lha ilejnooratlo ki finlufj ; ,
not gfev
lh y onn'iiler lint Ihe
gflevnneo < f whi h th-s woritcra coinpNin has
Ukru deeprol iu thrir inincN nivl ih y wi
Uiortiugi'lvumler'tnnd thnn > s-nof It tlmt
lhi > y nir will Iio able lo convince lli > im lven
Ih a liny would Ixi doing Ju Hco to Unir own
canto ni d iu'ert t if th > y o-oin any aylo
l ' elfltal \ the ma i who ocjastjiiod the Itoublo
of which they coin ilnin. "
A Talk With Bcnntor Mlllor.
NRW YOIIK , Auirint C. Unite 1 SUies Sou-
alor .Tilml' . llllVrcf California , arrlv/d in
tliin c'.ly yeBtfrdity from Washington. Ho
left li-day for aisit to Sa-ntoga nn-l Lake
l > e r e. Inixumvoin lion on ( oi'lcal umt-
tM bofoni I NVI | g thn clly 8e < mlo Miller
* * ' ' ' . ' , 'Tlln outlook ImpnviH d ! ly , not only
iu California i ut tlirougtiout the union 10 far
as I can In if ji < ,
I'Ji. Cantor la Hlcly to to rqwblican ? "
Oh , yd i I Iw-d no doubt uf It nt all. In
fjct , wA fibaU cany all iho Pi ific states-
California , Otfgtfn anil Nevada. Our omdl-
\MH \ * ntt5 vcr' Popular , ptitlrnlarly Mr.
lUlne , , homj nomli mlmi w n lh beat Mint
could have boon undi for the P.cilic coast "
"iHih m any U-publuan dlMUisf ctlun in
the Stal ? "
' 'Not a hi , The rapublicatii nro p-i-fectly
' ' ' '
- ; they were n vcr more mi lhan now ,
t < ? tn < himi > i > lic , Iho young men e -
iiUlO.Wu ] aw ulrongrr vow tha-i i i,18Si > ,
\Ylcl\tiHiUPniocrnU lriumii ) d by nptiiivlng
tiftir'-riiy lellertip n tin a few ifayn K'foru
uleclidii aii > t leaving UK with ut mifllC'e. . t
lime ) 11 tountor no ; ill t imprrvoiou ih .t itv m
eeuumo UNiium popularity will carry
jus through , with a big majority in No
vember , lie u on nee ill t
of t o staid ho took oil the Cliiii'm-
rvUriction inra > uro M well at for liij
prou uno dproto tit n fldiitlineulH. Log n U
ids ivory popu ar. Ilia BtUctio'i for Iho vico-
pro.-ul < iicy wan a winu liiov-1. He ! < par Itu *
li-rli utr , iu niii'ii ' g tun loldiVrti , who trg i\l
him as an nble , cuoigu'Io and pair o ic a ates
hi n , u well us a liravn leadii- . The noldier
element iu Civ'ifomin it much atrntigitr thaii is
gon-ially nnpixincd a greal many toteraiH
Lai 1117 sett txl there plnco tho-van C lifornut
wmtB protection , and many of the , idd Hum
democrattari B.I Blruiirfly fu favor of it Ih t
they will itipport our nominees. Ycni
tuay h vo notio.'d that fonr out of
BIX of nur deinoo'alio eorpnwinon voted
( gainstthoMor < i on bill. Th oilier two
were Fo\oroly comured by their people for uos
having iloiie HVowleo. One effect of their na
tion will bo the election of republican nucoev
pen to ilcmocrallorrpresiMilntivei in at ImHt
three district * . AH promising M tho" < i prc -
iwctiaroin Cnlifeima , wu do not inland t/i
relax nur efforta towurd mioofra , but i > hnll
mika our mnj irity hondiouior lhau it other-
wiyj would bo by making a strong cam
paign. "
_ "Arn the tlomocrnla incased over the cl < > j-
lion of CloveJand and ilendricksH"
" "I cannot say thqy am. Tliey wuuled Til-
den or Thurman , you know , anil they are nat
urally dlsftppolutod , "
\VniTitMT.L : , N. Y. , Angu t 7A larga
crowd aniirmbled at tlio depot to ( { root Governor
ornor Clovelaml on hit way to the Adiron
dack1 ! . The ROVI rnitr oaino oil1. < > n the plat
form uf the car. The trtln litlted but a
moment , but many in ilia * , t mo took tba
{ roveinitr Iry the h.iu I , and wUlui I him n
phiuant trip end uuactps la Novombr.
Many lxiK'n ) wora pierttnt.
I'lwvlTHDimo , N. Y. , Autm t 7. Governor
Clovelnnd amv d hi ) o ih'H ' c\eui g , Nn
dutinito' public nolle- * had bou iivcn ; of l\\ \ *
nuivcmuiita , b'ut. dnrrni ; the. nftoinnon a
rnmor that IftVQJI nxei.-i ) > d got aflo it , and
when the t idn'ptillod in nn # v 'U. u crowd < f
mvcrilinu andT mrt'rublvd ' nt thid-pot. n
tiio giivti n iHmt-V his \rnyi , tn-iocc i l gti
UlroufiJt Ihrrmg , lit' w c rupoAtmily
cheintjl. Thij governor ui I rfinuin here
over uixht an tha gurus of Smith M. Wtol.
Biul to-inorrow imirnllu will li'-ivo bv : t sp.'c'ttl
bruin for jhoIion niMintain nhd ( . h ktauipm
: .ikvhaltuiion fhn way nt Clinton prirjou.
Saturday. luwill procotd to Prosjiecthouwj.
at tin lieiuj < f , Sftn nao lake , wcuro hu will
robdbly ictnain tivo , wpakn.
' J . ?
.1 m - i
C.uiEniDo Ohio , August 7. Hon. B. K.
3racflt rcgliterof the treasury , addrcasvd it
m ° ctlrf6f < 3.0001 { * opl here. The attendance
a largely comrioBed of colored people.
: ! nico'ti addrtya inti-Jo a profound , impro'sion ,
and was mainly tin the tariff nnd tbo relation
of Uii uoloicd ix > iIo ) lo the democracy. lUv-
f rend . ) func < i I'olndoxtor , of Colurabuii , and
lion. J , D. Taylor , of Coinliridgo , also upoke'
, , , 1KNNK8HKE.
JTAVCXXIA , Augutt 7. Thoconnty ekc-
.iou wfti thii rnoit oxcitiug that occurred since
tha war. Thp city polled pearly 3,600 voted.
All distri'li liilt two givn t1i rppub'iran ' can-
lidaUu amajority. . Jtcpublican lw , GOO.
Held fur Wanwoni.
LowiiQN , Ang. 7. Nothing further hM
30011 hoard about Sheldon , IhnEnelUh citUeu
eaid to have been captured und hold for rmt-
zom In Katioun. Jho Dnallnh govcinment Is
hutlHlled lhat American aulborllloa have done
til they could to find him. U ia feared ho uas
boot ) killed by hl captors.
Heavy Failure ,
W "YonK. Augu t 7. Sohedulos ia an-
slgninont of I } . C , Nflwoll k Hens , lumber
tnerchnnts , to Joseph Hlttun , were filed to-
day. Liabilities , ! fll'3.G07 ! nomlnul asset * ,
C1W,2)3 ! ! ) ; actual asscti. 9I3CSI. ( Among the
liabllllloa ani preferred claims of SJitD7 ! , non-
profernxL tJ2-J71 { secured , 811,213.
Tlio Iron 'Depression.
rrrreiiujwi , Augtut 7. The depression In
the iron bu.-li.e8j In tliU ejty. U , iid to bo
gutter at thn prcwmt tlmn for o numlwr of
> narn. Munv mill * which routined In opera-
Jon through the pinio of 1B7JI am now claHed.
Jthew tht had pUnty uf ordera then are
) ow mining ol.icli ,
S1OOO. Given
IfaJti itirtwrinlu'k'iuit.uUfmui.vcuu , bu WUua
lu Atiiii't Wrt * 1'earl linking 1'owdor. A i s.
'nclyPUfJE. lkilnKen < lonxilnnUUi1mcmUl.
tout M. Drinftintr.Uii ,
Uoito , MUnnukofl.
,2b ! i'J ltt A UtelS
' 11 i *
Tfistimony Both For and Asaifist
ClcvclaDil in mo Maria Halpin
Scandal ,
An Explanation from Mr.
tlio PreinUep. Aw.tltt
i Inform/
i-orrirt' '
Wanhingt.u . Spoihl ti < ift v
Pies ? . TDK ! iy your com - | rf n't met Prof.
Polter , for loutlotn ycsw tfilfiimbor of Uio
faculty of Co moll unlvotMlj'JfilJ'ij o imo Into
thci offiw ) in Ktalo 6f rj.ild gitaUon'nniI
WAnt d to look at trio pAptrt * U o said ho hid
ho.rd Uu t JJiih.ip.BomoljodyVn Now York
nail rldr ( ) ' ! 4 < l n ' } < wr. to'thij ill o.Tatiu
tnU < n I com nitUxi ilii'mADdirig in llta name of
common decciuj1 th t Uruv > r.Olovelani !
nhoul.t . bet ken l > yibteu > end -liil frum hU
pwiitinn t l ho hcu t.ol th W'iniicVitto probes.
Mim m o'h-r uouls , tha * . ho lia withdrawn
f i otu tha , ticket. ( , c
"Uoynii think. " mill ho , "ih-tthew horrible -
blo clnrRt-.i iv/a'not h'ui ' nrotnieT"
"I hi\v.i 1,0 kii wlo I " replied , the corrcj -
uondrn , "txcoptruvh on tonvit lr.inv tlorao-
crjitirj P urix-H. jR0 it many of hin party
ttiou 'H ' end tiRvapap ra l lievo th m t > b
Irne , anil it swum to run , w nu ht imt lo dlit.
( iiitj their ooictiona Yoiaik-U my bunion ,
n i now I 1 1 a k wh it you lhink'"f
"I don't buliu\al < t m , " ho MI ! | , ' but M the
cane etaivln now tlm wuight of Iho evidence in
M ho vily agiln thun. . Ita-emstiinostrango
i ha- they d.h.'e . ili-irovojhoni | tf Uioy'mo ahfo
lo rte no. It i bin , Ju' tico to him and . lift lh
vnto a of IhiH cnuntiy that if tliO'if charges am
faUo it vhoilld h ft' ' tin ) wxti-f tion of
tlm ptitil c. My homo U in woninru N'Tw York
anil I Iu\o known > om hb'g of flbvomor
ClovelaH'I'ii per mini nnd prdfuxlonol lOpnla-
tlnn. His privalQ.ehar.iuwr ha always been
fair so far ua I kniW. | " , *
"Whiit waH fits iirpfo lonal jvpnUtionr >
' .Good. IIu wYuidlwAy , known M a rail
road lawyer , and I < believe llx > mo.fof hi
liu iu wad > a ll l Btlonvy ot largo oorinra-
tiMiRantl monopolicH. 'HTh t is oiio ? region
why it always Hecmoil dtranfo to rno'.tMthu
nhoitld bo numlruu < d for' such liiph poaitioni
by the democracy , who ntotoml ti > > ba m
ntronglv oiofo | I to moniipolto' . But I don't
know that it IH to very utrange , either , an
they arn not often consistent in anythiiiity but
them ! chaiyrn aatnit hi morally , if they ant
not rvfulod , I pno s the ( Konld will answer
them very emphatically next loll. "
MILWAUKKK , S | iiHVlcgratii , AtUfustB.
M lUUiaway , an elderly Indy , a.fciilent of
Btilfa'o ' , N. Y , is injhii city wlth-bor-'diugh-
UT. Mrw. Sexton , whoso lunband Is'un atticho
of iho i Milwankm pOBtolllw. Loamngrthat ?
Mrit. Ilathtw.ay wan actpiilntcd iwilli Gov.
Glova'aml and his family , iho PignfleiajPrtiiH
oorro > pendent called upon hr loimiuiraifcho
ooukl verify or tlirtfirovo the Jilori'oul'rtconll ?
H"t- all , nit ooncotuitii { ClovfllaiidV * ' character.
* v
Uur fuuiily have lived neighbnra to/.Clcve-
iuj'rt v and Iwxo loan Intimatoryi ae.
( { uaiultd with Govo nor CJovolaad tein-o bolo -
lo o Ib t lim. ) of h-H election n Mimff.'vA
iniiro hoi orahla anil pure man in hV > ' private
lifo I b vo nuvor soon. For yourg , prior to hb
dcaUi , my hiwbuul , lU ugh nraSuwl rfpubll-
cm , was an iutlmato fiiund ! > f Olovelmid. IE
Ui ro was any fuirulttion for thnt Mara -Hal-
pta atory , don't 3 on think my hunbatd would
liave k ii n it ? By Ihu ay , 1 1 am throuch
a letter f-om iny f mlly that thin Mm. ii.lpm
ha ann.iuuo . l hepfnivn mt' ' > Bue f r slan-
coiilui papcrff ami men wlm h 7j Hprcad iho
jiotliis whVh'WfliV < ; niy-mknow , M-nndaom.
lovtnuir O yoln\l ( l)4Milij' ) , < iruv d tn , iru
> est ofwiclotyin IWfTrt , , aud T repeat KU
inva'o lifo lm been * bbioirproticu.
Mr . Hahawny l o.-vm , o litiiooof ) ! Mug
oinoii of rofinmi ont and int lllg nce , and
uriinr the iiitcrviow talked t nt oa if phe wfro
uxliiuati ehiitiiiion Clcvoland'ii cntwe bub
athcr as Ih.iugh lm wiw ingerudand dis-
iwted at the lies that Icvd l > cea told of her
ncnd. .
Nuw Yonit , 8m ial ToJog'amug. . 0.
.bo Kov. Ilenry Word Bccctier nicelvod'youp '
orn upondent Ihin rnorniug lo hirt connlry
omo at Pofkskill. ' In rep'y to" the in-
uiiy ha cxprMod tlm If aa feei
ng much bettor. A , conversation
hen ensued . In regard ' to . , tin
ruUifu'urr n of the loiter MKsgotl to have been
ccently wriltcn by Mr. Boochor to Ooorgo R.
't'ck , cif KaiiHuB , iu which Mr. Uoocher b
crodite < l witli hnvinz mid : "Owing tolatq de-
tloutniuta frnm Alljany , I ciumol conscl'nti-
uily and will not now support G rover Clove-
and1 * j- , /
"I am not euro tint Ihoso wcro w y wowlu ,
uk Iho uonfwuu t iuvojH llio gonpral tone of a-
ottt-r Ivioto i > i.O < M > rKu Jl. who , by the
way. m uol a , rcUtlVu ur counoo.iin of mire. I
oonaidoc howgverj'contlnuttl Mr , Beechar ,
with iiidignaiicn , "that he lui
clod yerytf faiprncJently in mak-
ng Jtjmbhc. Thuott r WAH writteji to Mr.
IVck in A coriritiinitLiI atnin , end Wjslu r-
lyto imo from him of a dinular naturu. At
lijtliuelvrotfj tjhiin I waaixU * in ncolpt
f severi.1 Jtttiy of iho ln > nprt6 [ cliarnutcr
r.ini cl-rgyiiicii in liiilfalii in ri > f rci w lo
tr. CJovUands ! ininmrality of chm-acter.
.tin information ramgcm inn hko ft craah ,
nd I ctrlainly intimxltd in my notn to t'ook
hat if the u.'I ' ( > gatiim * agiiiii.t Cleveland
proved true , I could never Iw liis artnor boar
r nMidviicutP. I alto pat tnynclf in com-
[ iHiiK.'ition with puirral leading nidcix > nlwitH
Now York to inako a fair inquiry and re-
> ort. During the iwndency cf tlicw inveiti-
itiocH 1 lau do lutthintcbut hold iny longno.
To doclarii lhati woukt not nupporc Cievo
and would virliuliy bo ti I. couio hia
accused ; my mind ther'ofnro tt ) < n to this
iurp < Mi' : If Mr. CNjvcland hnll bo justly
iibjfctod 10 the chaiga ( if cootinuoiio im-
ni > ality Hubtupiimt to Iho xi i-ionco of
.liirttcn up foirtwjn ( yoAitt ago , I fliall bo
tuned from iilljiirther ct < nn ' '
Wiia a , comuiittiu of Invinlitration npruJnt.
"Have you definitely decided to withdraw
'our ' Huppurc from Mr. Cleveland ? '
"No , I have not. I must lutt learn the
rutli , If Mr , C'eveJand la a ditulpatcd man
won't vote for him or. advocatu him. ,1(110' (
H rrut , I will do both , vote for and idvocalu
dm. ' I iud thut a morning paper gays that
w s lo fpouk at a meet-
ng of independent republicans in Brook-
yn thii oveiiing. I n v r was os pec ted lo
Kcak nor askul to m tk , and , tityvt r , at any
lie , dreamt d of Hp-aLIng uit that occasion ,
; t IsalcfiinslnuutuJ by nowpapois lhat my
ndiVpcMiitlou imi burn Imaginary. * Mrx ,
leccfi > r IIIH : been uurning mo ! ) lucu last Friday
and only Jat night did eho gtvuro her proper
ainoiint of eleen. 1 liavo Loen exceedingly III
with colic , and if toy word to thut ellect w not
Hufliciont , \ > r. Tilden , of Pkvkikill , con uivo'
'ou ' a certificate. I m much letterto-jiay.
lid if I look \\all It in liccauio ) ' mil mad , and
1 , d * aj look well when 1 am wiul. " " . '
Snlultio ofu BusliioSB Dlan.
Sr. PAUL , Minn. , Aucnut 7 - J. 8. Mellon-
uf , the leading coufeciioiicr of the northwest ,
committed euiiulo last night by taking inor-
ihiiie. It is Haiti hU ACOOUU H arn in a bad
> iune , and tliat fluancial troublw led to the
di d.
Afg. 7. aovemorClovelaml/tft /
it noon for thu Adirondack * . Too nmyur of
i'liictgi ) uullod oil OjgV ] oijdr Ihi * muruing.
The Utter ti acceptauVo will ( nobably cot ) K >
itauc-4 nuUI OJovolaud'd .return , . * fortnight
h < nee ,
Aculdrntail * bliot by .Htn
Sr. Ixii'lH , August 6. Iiifcnrmtlon it re
ceived that Jiunea Hgllund. United Hlatoa
deputy cl rk , Hid the boat knouu
giupherof thhclty , wa atvidtiuUlly-
Nt tiplrit Lake , IOWH. by thu dit'cbaiKO
tf-in tu the LuaJi of lib o\vu wn ,