Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Onintm Oflloo , No..OlU F rnnni Ef.
OniiiiollUliimOjllO'vNi- I'ourl t
ntri > oiNwif Urnmlwftjr. t
Now YorhCOnieo , Hoora OB Tribal
rnbllihod cnsry nrprnlnjr , etoopt Sunday * ' t
nnl ) Monday tnutnlag ( Uilj.
Qne . .flO. I Thfw Unnthl . . . . . .PJ
Blstfuatn . MO | Olio Month . 1.
Per West , 85 Cent * .
TIM itir ii ,
nuns rOftTTJUD.
( "m Tear . . . $2.00 I Throe Uonlhj . , .t
HiHaulh . . LOO | On * Month .
Auxrlotn Keira Company , Sol Agontf , Kawido
rt la the United 8Ut .
A 1 Ijanmnnlcitlona relating to New * unl lUltor1
fcialten hoald to addroMoil to the Kotroa or Ti
Tugftjrj nl Rgmlkttnool honld
fMlrMMd toTni n i PO M II ( I , QUAD
Pritli , Chocks and Poiiofileo otderi to b made pi
bl to the order ot the company , j
A. II. Fitch , Manager IHlly Circulation , P. 0. Bo
, Neb. .
vn us honest primirioa nud thcr
will bo no bolting.
Tin : democrats hnvo carried Alab.irni
And the Mormons Imvo nwopt Utah.
TIIK anti-monopoly national oommittci
ccmvono nt Chicago aozb wcok to nt
Inch a tail to Ban Hulloi'd kite.
SHAW'H "dilver'platol" circus was at
tached nt Silt Lake Monday by creditors ,
The silver pitting must have been enl >
n cheap wash.
TUB tripartite pool has baon ouoh n
dismal failure that it * dissolution will bo
mourned only by Pool Coramiaeioner
Oiuiar.v TANNKU is rattling around
li > cly in the second district but wo
four ho has taken a heavy contract to pull
"Our Jim" through.
TiiKKt : will only bo two candidatoa for
congress in the third district this time
and the republican convention may as
well taho notice aud govern itself accord-
aafo for Blaine and Logan
in apito of Howe. licatrloo Erprata ,
Why inopito of Ilowo ? Isn't Church
Howe in dead earnest for the national
ticket ?
Oi.KVitANi > 'a letter of acceptance will
not ieach the American people until next
week. They can boar the awful suspense
but there is no telling what oflbct this
terrible uncertainty will have upon John
OAUTKK HAHUISON , the spread caglo re
form mayor of Chicago with 12,000 sa
loons at his back , has gene to Albany to
inject some reform into Cleveland's let
ter of acceptance. Carter oxoocts to bo
the next governor of Illiaou , but his fig
ures arc decidedly imaginary.
.So i-Au very little interest is mani
fested among republicans in the prim
aries that como off Friday afternoon.
This Booming indifference is readily no-
counted for. Our primaries have be
come a more farce. They do not voice
the will of the party and are in no aonso
an expression of its untram
melled eontimont.
OIIAUMW FniNoiH AI > ATH is very
hopeful that the Union Pacific will
again bo able to pay dividends this
fall out of the tolls from Nobraaka
crops. This is very conaoling to the
holders of the watered stock but will
hardly bo keeping faith with the gov
, orntnimt , which was to have the sur
plus earnings uatil the interest on the
bonded debt is paid off.
Ou iiA is largo enough now to have a
lirst-clms telephone service at all hours
of the day and nignt. Patrons of the
telephone In this city have almost given
tip the use of the wires after sundown.
They cannot put in a word edgewise
while the electric light dynamos are bu/-
s'mif , and after midnight the snoring at
the telephone exchange is louder than
ail the dynamos ,
AUOOUWNU to the latest advices that
have reached the national republican
committee from all parts of the state the
outlook in Now York U decidedly en-
couraging. la the rural districts the republicans -
publicans are enthusiastic for Blaine ,
nnd are receiving largo reinforcements
from.tho intelligent Democrats. In the
- , cities Dl&ino is the favorite candidate of
! Iho democratic workingmen and antl-
rtonopolUU , and several hundred Jllaino
i and Logan clubs , whoso membership
consists elf won who have hitherto voted
| tne dQiumsratio ticket , Lr vo been formed
j throughout the atato. In Utica , BufUlo ,
Troy , Syracuse , Albany , Ogdonsburg and
I Rochester , Blaine will receive several
f thousand democratic votes.
IT Is an ill wind thut blows nobody
good. Ono curious effect of the cholera
ec ro in Franco has been a marked decrease -
crease of drunktmoss in Paris. During
the inoulh of June the average number
of persons dally taken up by the police
for "drunk "
being and incapable" was
170. On the 1st of July it declined to
10 * and on tho. 12th it had fallen
aa low M.D4tho . emallost number m
record einco the police regulations on the
uubjoct of street drunkenness have come
f ulo force. The day of the national fete
SOOjiuclL CMefl wore reported ; but the
ttumber VIM COO in 1883 ,
fiiUla'frfioiirn scare in Ktnsuoud
IOWA . .would prove Invaluable , in aiding
U o enforcement of prokibittoo.- -
Ltnd Commissioner Kendall has hi
himself interviewed by the Lincoln Jon
tin/ , which is the defender and champic
of nil public plunderers and jobbers , coi
corning the alleged school land frauds i
Keith couiiiy. Kendall's version vin >
cites the hud department and plncos tl
entire bl.imo upon "ft tjangjol epeculato
whoso noses wore put out of joint by th
promptness of the action of the commi
sioncr in ordering n now appraisement <
sshool lands in Keith county. "
According to Mr. Kjndall the bm <
of public works and buildings decided t
lease the lands in Keith county last Ma
and the clerk of Keith county was dill
notified to have them appraised , Oil th
20tli of Juno this county clsrk notifio
Kendall that one of the appraisers , undc
improper influences , had retained th
list to prevent the disposal of the landi
Thereupon a now list wan forwarded an
the clerk ordered to appoint a now so
of appraisers ,
Mr. Kendall also entered a virluou
protest against the crooked methods c :
the drat appraisers by a solemn dcclnra
lion that "this department will not couti
lonftiioo any improper influence in th
natter of nppraimxl or disposition o
ichool lands , and will expect your in
luonca and the assistance of county oil !
! ors in protecting the state from such. '
iVhon Esau sold his birthright for a meat
if pottngo , the blind patriarch oxclaimct
ho voice is the voice of Jacob , but the
mnd is the hand of EJIUI. Glen
vondall , in the role of an honest man ii
i little too mush for ( ho meal
rodulous. Had the head of the dqnrt ,
lent of public lands nnd
uilJings boon n man nl
haractor nnd integrity this special in-
motion against improper influence
'ouldhavo cleared his skirts
tut Mr. Kendall protests
Itogothor too much. Why ha
is voice never boon raised against land
iioculatora in his own ofUco and undot
10 shadow of the state capitol. How
jines it that ho has never interfered
1th the land sharks down in Lincoln
ho have cleared all the way from § 5,000
> ? 10,000 oaoh out of school land trans-
irs during the past eighteen months ,
[ ow comes it that Glen Kendall himself ,
ho hardly had a rag on his back
'hlch ho could call his own ,
hen ho came into ufllsa has
massed a snug fortune within ICHS than
iur years on a salary of § 2,000 a year ?
; ut wo digress. According to Mr. Kon-
all , the grounds upon which the Keith
> unty injunction suit is brought is b.iso-
ss , because Attorney General Powurshas
indorod on opinion that the lnuU ap-
raised at less than § 7.00 an aero need
it bo offered for oalo buforo leasing , and
i the Keith county lands are only op-
raised at twont-fivo cents an aero they
mid bo leased without that formality ,
ere is the milk in the cocoanut. Ken-
ill , smuggled a law through the legisla-
ire that can bo interpreted to suit the
md grabbers , and then they fortify
lomaolves by an opinion from the at-
irnoy general. Lands that are worth
vonty dollars an aero are appraiaod at
Fty cents an acre , and being no ap
raised they need not bo offered for sale ,
ix per cent on an appraisement at half
dollar an aero would coat three dollars
year for 100 acres , or § 30 a year
r 1,000 acres and no taxes. There
millions in it' A man with
iry small capital can do a land office
isiness. How does this honest land
mmusionor.rcgard such appraisements ?
'as it in the interest of the otato that
ruls in Keith county , which are report
I to bo worth three dollars an acre ,
ould bo leased on an appraisement for
ronty-fivo cjants per aero ? Six per cent
i twonty.fivo conU an aero and no
xes !
"There is one thing which does not
era to bo kupt in mind , " eaid Mr.
ondall , "and that is that the school
nds are re-appraised every five years ,
ia accordingly better to appraise thorn
a reasonable rate and got thorn under
use than to appraimi thorn too high nud
t no income from them. "
What does Kendall understand by a
asonablo appraisement ? DJOS not every
hool.boy in Lincoln know that when
o bars were letdown by allowing ap
aisomoutsat any price , u high premium
is offered for wholesale perjury and
> ud ? What do the land sharks care
out roappraisoment five years hence ?
icy dent intend to hold the lands five
ars. They simply sell out on a bonus and
a parties that purchase those leases are
t on the track to secure low appraiso-
mta the next timo. Meantime the state
s boon systematically swindled and mil-
us of acres have passed out of its eon-
11 for twonty-fivo years at a moro song ,
will take a great many interviews in
Lincoln orgau of the "forty thieves"
explain away and justify these school
id frauds.
I'ho High School has for years been
) priao of Omaha , not only becaima it
ono of the most magnificent school
ildinga in America.but because its loca-
n makes it the most prominent structure
the city and the surrounding grounds
Capitol hill are a thing of beauty and
oy forever.
L'he grading of Twentieth street , which
II HOOU be completed , botnoou Dodge
\ Davenport streets , will very materi-
y improve the approaches to our High
tool grounds. An opportunity to put
iso grounds in presentable shape is now
urded which the school board should
all moans improve.
[ fur obvious reasons this work should
done without delay. Unless the high
i bankmont is graded downand walled
will endanger the lives and limbs of
j ichool attendant * . Now , we do not doing things by halves.Vo
not believe in' Cheap John economy
and do not approve temporarymakosht
w hero the moans arc on hands for BU
stantinl and permanent iniprovomnn
The high school grounds are always t
first place viewed by visitors to Omali
whether they are tourists , cxcursionii
or business men necking a now hot
wont of the Missouri. For our own pc
pie these grounds afford all the combin
advantages of a public ? < juaru and pat
The proper and most economic thi
for the board ot education to do is to 01
ploy a lirst- class landscape architect ai
lot him draw plans that combine a :
group the natural with the artificial , ai
lay out the grounds into a beautiful Ian
Itwillr.otbo necosasry to complo
this work in ono year , but every Improv
mnnt of the grounds from now on shou
bo made to conform to the plans adoptc
The first step in the direction of perm
noncy should bo the construction of asu
stantial stone wall to protect the su
rounding embankment. Thomatorial f <
This the wall , should not bo limoston
The dismal failure ot the south wt
Im Innght a wholcsomo lesso ;
Hint wall will require a now sandatoi
: ap that can weather storms and BUI
iliino. All projects oi wooden copir
ron fencing or fencing of any kin
iluvo the wall should bo dropped as
isulcsinsio of monoy. Omaha is t
ongora caw pasture. Cattle are E
ongor permitted to run at largo , an
oncos around public grounds are ui
ightlyovon when they are ornamental
fiowed purely from the stand point c
conomy , there is no saving in woodo
oping , and wooden walks. It wil I
ccidodly cheaper in the end to uo dui
bio tnntetiah. Whatever is don
hould bo well done , and not anothc
ollar should bo spent without plan
rom a competent landscape architect.
WE are not at all aurprued at the prc
lounced preference of Miss Susan I
Lnlhony for James G. Blaino. A horri
Id bachelor like Grover Cleveland , wh
irofora a buxum widow to a youthft
nd handsome maiden like Siuan , is no
it to bo president of the United States
II. II. SiiKuu , of Ashland , is a candi
ate for lieutenant governor. It appear
liat Mr. Sliodd is opposed to the two
jrm policy nnd waiua to undermine lit
.gee. . Fremont Tribune.
Can you undermine a vacuum ?
The excitement c\ujud : by the diacov
y of the "Texas fovor" in a few cattli
iiigcs in Nebraska aud K tnias has prao
oally subsided. The prompt action o
10 govornora of both statoa aombinod
ith the railroad * aud otook association !
factually quarantined the infected cat
9 , preventing the diacaso booom
g general and necessarily diaastrou :
stockmen. In no instance ha : the of ,
lioncy of unitfamoag stockmen boor
own as in this. Like one nun tdo sav ,
al associations took hold of the infact
I eattto and either slaughtorod-thom 01
it thorn oat of roach of healthy herds
srned everybody of tho'trails likely tc
road the diaoaso , and took every pos <
> > lo precaution to confine the contagion
the cattle in whom it was first discov <
od. The railroad companies seconded
ery effjrt of the stookmon , disinfected
I cars likely to spread the disease and
rofully oxiiminod all stock offered for
ipmont , as an additional precaution.
10 total number of cuttlo lost by the
tease is ostiinitod at 1000 , of which
5 nucjtimbodat Ox llila. The fdod.
; stations at all important shipping
intaon the riilroals have boon re-
ired a oansidorabla distance from for
ir locations and the latter thoroughly
Fortunntoly the disoaao did not oxtonc
to either Wyominaj or C > l' ' > rado. Thos.
urgls , secretary of the Wyoming Stock
owera association , cUims the disease
is first introduced at Mix well , Neb. ,
it May , by a bunch of cattle belonging
lUukiii & Co. These cattle had buen
ippod from Tcxia , and wuro herded in
0 neighborhood of Maxwell , but were
: onvard drivuu to the rnngo of Runkiu
Co , on tha Middle biup The land
which these cattle hud boon herded
iS nftorward fjaced in by the owner ,
to turned his OVTII herd loose there.
10 result is that his cattle have become
aroughly imprognitoa witli the fever ,
d most if not alt of them will dio. A
m named Searls owned a bunch of
out sixty-five. Of his number forty
1 already dead. The diaoaso ,
r. Sturges says , is not bred in
live cattlo. The germs of the disease
nain latent in the systems of oxtr'omo
ithorn Texas cattle , likomalaria in the
items of acoUmatod Mississippi valley
m. A stranger goes to that region
1 is immediately seriously affootod with
laria , while thn resident to whom the
ease may Invo boon transmitted gpei
ng apparently unaUeoted. la a sohso
s as true of 1'exas fovor. The Texas
tie are apparently in a good atatq of
kith , but the germ of the disease- in
im , and native cattle following the
te trail , and moro especially camping
or near the bedding ground occupied
the affootod Toxaa stock , are liable to
itraot the disease. When they do so
iy usually dlu , but native cattle thus
mtod cannot communicate the disease
other stock.
'he cattle shipping season , which re.
rod a temporary sot back by the Texas
or scare , is again under full head.
j Union Pacific railroad company his
io a reduction of five oonti on last
r's rates to Om ua and Ohloago on all
tie shipped at any station between O -
i and North I'latte. The company fur.
r ogroos to permit thoshlppnr to sell his
: k at Onhi and Council Bluff * if he
hei ; i ( not soli to parmlt him to bill
stork from either of tUoie poiuU to
icigo over any line ha mty select ,
hout unfavorable discrimination on
i part of the Union Pacific. If the
ok are sold the Union Pacifio agrees to
aaso them , and if in this case a line of
4 is selected over which they do not
ke a "through" rate , they agree toao-
it the proportion the Union Pacifio
uld have received had tbo stock been
od through to Chicago.
This liberal arrangement , " says a clr-
cular issued ly the Wyoming stock gro
era' ( xiscciatiin , "voluntarily made I
j tlio t nuin Patific , represent a valual
C3nco. sion to Iho stockmen of Wyonii
and Nebraska , and especially to the met
burs of thi ) Msociatun , nnd should 1
1 appreciated by them. It indicAtes
the strongest manner , the intention
the Union Pacific railway to meet tl
needs and wishes of our members , ai
expresses their sense of the yalua at :
importance of the vast consolidated i
torosts wn represent. "
Advices from well known stock men i
Ogalalla. North Platte and along tl
Union Pacific , indicate an unprocodon
od general drive to the ranges north nt :
west of the Black Hills , says the Dea
wood Times. At least 40,000 homl pai
od Ogalalla week before last , nearly t
under Contract to parties well Ktiown :
that vicinity. The principal hard b
longed to the Continental cittlo cump
ny and numbered 20,000 head. Li
wcok , in all probability , brought as mai
moro , and an equal number will cro
the track this vrook including 9,000 hen
for the recently organized Vermont oa
tlo company.
Tlia immense corn crop which Nobra
k'i ' farmers will harvest the coming fall
looked upon by western stock men ns
providential boon for their special bo
efit. It is calculated tint the harvce
being very favorable throughout tl
country , will reduce thj price of coi
somewhat , and make it very profllab
when fed to stock. U is estimated thi
during the coming winter i5,000 ! head
cattle in Wyoming , Nebraska nnd Col
r.tdo can bo fed from this present cro
It will bo cheap , and stock men the r
gion can drive auch cattle as thuy desii
to fatten to this state and there fcod the
for thu winter market. This corn will i
easily and cheaply obtained and the c\
tlo thnreby fattened at a small cost fi
the winter market. It will bu beneficii
alike to the stockmen and farmers , giviu
the tiller n homo market and the profit
which usually go to elevator middlemor
Bring on your steers.
The story of Wyoming territory , n
told by the assessment roll , is ono of th
most gratifying exhibita of growth an
prosperity in western annals. A territc
ry yet in her teens , with thousands c
acres of land unoccupied , with undeveloped
oped mineral deposits , which in variot
and extent , are unequalled by any of he
noighbora , and with a number of infan
industries springing up in the larg
towns , plaoo Wyoming in the front ran
of prosperous territories. The great am
only drawback heretofore has been th
lack of transportation facilities , partici
.arly a northern ro < td. With this latte
now assured , the future of the torritor
is brighter than over.
Tha figures of the assessor shows thn
there are in the territory 648,988 head o
oUlle , 44,275 Horses , 357,081 sheep am
goats , 1,628 mules and 1,372 hogs , a to
tal of 1,153,044 head. Ltramio is th
banner county , , with 283.194 head of cattle
tlo and 57,978 shooo. Johnson count ;
3om a nnxt , with 160,481 head of cattl j
followed by Albany and Carbon counties
L'nu total valuation of nil anfmala iu tin
territory reaches § 20,718,215. Beside ;
this there are 580.112 miles of railroad
til owned by tha Union Pacific campany
issossod at § 5 219,790 , making tha crane
.otal 825,938,041.
The citizauii of Laramie are always 01
: holort to ct ch every opportunity dal
iulatod to advance ( ho interest of th
own and surrounding country. Since
ha closing of the Union Pacifio rollinj
nills and the. atoppago of , work on thi
oda works , the town lost conaiderabli
if the vim which had characterized it
! o when Ohas , Francis Adams and othoi
Jnion Paclrto olibUls passed througt
hero last week" delegation of promln
nt citizjns pounced upon them and se
ared an hoar's talk on truttKJ pertain *
ng to tbo gonaral welfare of Liramio anc
ho territory. Mr. Adimi stated among
thor things , that the company had chut
.own on all extensions of roads for the
resent , but tint the oimpiny would
loot the people half way ia the matter of
oncosslons and inducements to build up
( idustrlos along the line of the road , and
hus while helping the community , in-
roaso the business of the road. The
ay for rolling iron rails had passed and
bat portion of the rolling mills must bo
bindonod , but the company proposed to
ithor opperato the bar mills and increase
10 faoiltiea for the manufacture of mor
dant iron , or loiao the mill to parties
ho would put thorn in operation. The
uilding of the soda works was an cxpori.
lout , and as soon as the works were
amplotod they would bo leased to other
arties. Ia regird to other proposed
idustrios Mr. Adams promised that the
jmpiny would give every reasonable
iducoment ia the matter of rates to
mko them ucocsaful and help build up
to town and the railroad's business ,
here would bo no discrimination and
] uitablo freight rates would bo given to
1. The interview seemed to give
Mioril satisfaotiou and the Lvamioiws
ill now put their nhoulaora to the
heels of progress.
Denver claims a population of 75,000 ,
soording to the Tribune. She claims to
j a railroad center from the fact that
[ ty-two passenger trains arrive and de *
urt front the city dally. A bunch of
200,000 bonus were recently huckstered
; the financial marts of the country
Ithout a taker until the interest rate
ai raised two per oont. The track-ago
the state has grown from nothing four ,
on yeara ago to 3,087 mllos. The Un *
n Pacific employes within tha limits of
ate , 3,233 men , with aa average month *
payroll of § 141,000. T ho Burlington
nploys 121 men and ita pay.roll for the
lar was $80,000. The pay-rolI of the
lo Qrando shops in this city last year
aounted to $160,000 , while the pay of
o olorks and triimrun of the line ran
> to $336,500. The Now Orleans road
nployes 79 clerks , trainmen and me-
iftiiics. The Circle road curri'i 12',000 <
issengors last year. The Tribune ia re-
irtod on tha ragged edge of bankruptcy
id the Ojiinhn f socking n now barrel
tap or go under. Ttmro are other and
ere substantial evidence of the relapse
om which Denver is now Bullerinp ,
it the fact is so well
lown that mention of them is
porlluous. By way of contrast we give
few figures of Omaha's growth. Wo
lira a population of 60,000 without
utiug. trains arrive and do-
rt from the depot and transfer daily.
The report of the bnard of trade for 188
hews that the Union Pacific employe
3,005 hands in this city along , list yea
with n monthly p&y roll of § 175,517 3
Tno B. & M. and other ronda , ono hn
that number ; union elevator , 40 hand
pay roll § 2,000 ; Boyd's p&ckin ? houn
20U h nd , pay roll § 8,0r.0j Omul
Smoltinfj works , 830 hands , pay roll § 2C
OOOj Willow Spring * distillery , 100 land
payroll § 0,500 ; Whitfl Lead Co.I
hands , pay roll § 2,500 ; packing at
canning works , 125 hands , pay roll SS
000. Besides thoio there are the maohic
shopn and foundries , the nail work
and other industries. The now a toe'
yards and packing homo wtll give on
ploymonl to a large numbar of Jmoi
There are fully 2,000 men employed i
public works udor contract which wi
cost in the neighborhood of ono millic
dollars. Our five-year five per cen
paving bonds sell readily at par , whi
ten and twenty year bonds command
premium every timo. The three prim
pal newspapers are doing a largely ii
creased business , as shown by the ere
lion of now ollbo buildings and incro.i
ing their machinery phnt. Last ye
they employed about J00 hands , with
monthly pay-roll of § 15,851. Thono st
tistica tell their own story. Oainl
takes no stops backward. Her Rrowth
steady , substantial , otornnl. The line
agricultural country on the continon
watered by the reservoirs of huavcn , at
peopled with the best of all states at
nations , furnish a spinal column for tl
metropolis of the Missouri valley superl
to the arid plains and mineral wealth
The Hastings Democrat charges , wil
a showing of evidence , that the B. & J
railroad company and the merchants i
Omaha nnd Lincoln have pooled to pri
vent the establishment of wholesale hoi
sea in Hastings. The charge of diecrin
ination ia not a now ono , but no fir i
the merchants are concerned it is witt
out foundation. It has always been th
policy of railroads , and will doubtlo !
continue to bo , to mtku terminal poiul
distributing points , i c. , to concontrat
wholesale houses at such points as wi
give butter facilities for the transfer c
uoods and secure the bonoSt of Ion
hauls. Tlio caao cited by the Demount
is as follows :
"Jttr T. S. Mcnoof Iowa City , lows
wafi in thii city t'o or three d , ya tliw wee
for thu imrpos ) ot ujtiblUliin a wholesal
crrocrry housu at thin point. Arrangement
had busix mailo whereby ho could n cure tw
rooir.a in the f-tono block , and it w s his in
teution to till thorn with pfooda After decid
Ing that Umru was not uiiothor point in th
state tlut needed ai lintlliit on of this ktiu
moro than Hasting , we have all the ajvan
tagea hero for maUiiic an enterprise of thi
kind u success , Mr McGee went to tha B. I
M. U. K. company ac Omaha aud informal
them of what ho intgndod ( o do nnd askei
them what tlioy conlit do ia the way of ratea
Much to hia BUI prise they Informed him tha
Lhey ould give him no apscial rate ? , and u
ihoaama time advisoi him tJ go to Lincnli
if he wUhod to embark : in thu wholesale bna
iuo < i < , tlioy assuring him that if ho would gi
to that place taoy could oieily RIVO him i
rate. Air. McGee informed thorn Hasting
AMS tha n est dfcirablo point and that unlci
Ihev coulJ givohitn a rats by whhh ho conk
. oinpoto with other whol-fl lo houses in th' '
< tate , ho would ba compelled to abaudon thi
mtorprluo. The lallrjid gave him uo encour
igement nnd he returned c i hit * horn 3. "
' Bo Juttc to liliUno. "
From the New York Sun.
We deairo that full and exact justice
ihall bo done to Mr. Blaine in the mvoa
tigatiou of his variegated career in pub
lie life. Ho has enough to explain and
enough to answer for a.i the 0090 stands ,
No candid person will countenance anj
attempt to make the republican candi
iato seem worse than he is by miarep
resontation of the record by disingoniout
inferences from distorted facts or by
headlong , blundering logic.
In the New York Times of Mondaj
last there appeared a loading editorial
irticlo entitled "Tho missing Mulligan
letters. " When Mr. Blaine took from
Mulligan the lettori which were after
ward road by the hard-pressed statesman
n the house of rooroaontativea , ho took
ilso a memorandum which Mulligan had
nade of the dates of the letters in a
package with a synopsis of their con-
outs. This schedule called for fifteen
otters or , to bo exact , fourteen letter *
tnd ono paper entered as "contract with
Northern Pacific. " The Congressional
looord for June 5 , 1870 , shows t'aat Mr.
Jlaino road just fifteen letters on thn
leer of the house. Ho said at the time :
'Thank God Ahnigh'y , I am not afraid
0 show them. Tiiure they aro. There
1 the very original package. " Acain ,
ust before sending to the clerk Mr. Mul-
gan's memorandum , ho said : "I have
ow road those fifteen letters , the wtiolo
f thorn. The housp aud the country
ow knows all there is in them. They are
atod , and they correspond precisely
ith Mulligan's memorandum which 1
ave hero. I keep tlii * memorandum 113
protection to myself , for it ia very val-
able aa showing the identity of the 1st-
jra in every rpipect. "
Did Mr. Uiaiuo , in fact , road the lot-
> rs , and all of the letters , which ho had
ikon from Mulligan , or did ho suppruts
jmo of the moro damaging documents
i the budget , supplying their places
ith comparatively innocuous epistles iii
rdor to keep the tally right ? It is nood-
iss to cay that this is a very important
The Times endeavors to establish the
icts that the fifteen letters submitted to
10 house by Mr Blaine , with so many
rotossions of candor and unreserve , were
ot the fifteen letters called for by the
[ ulllgan memorandum. It prints the
lomoraudum itself , and also the dates
f the letters actually read in the house ,
n the strength ot certain apparent dis-
ropancteo between the two lists , the
imos insinuates that Mr. Blaine
oooivod his colleagues in the house
hilo pretending to take them into his
mfidouoo and to put himself on honor ,
i it wore. If that was the case no moro
Bsplcable trick waa over devised by any
uutod rascal. The Times finds that
mr letters called for by the momorau
iim were not read by Blaine , while ho
id read four letters that were not in *
udea in the memorandum. It asks :
Where were the letters called for by
10 following entries in Mulligan's mum *
auduui ?
No. 4. July 25,1800 , on tha same
No. D September G , 1809 , contract
ith different parties.
No. 0. Contract with Northern
No. 8 October 24 , 1871 , Fisher to
l&ine urging settlement of Northern
cifio railroad account.
And why is it by a most singular coin *
loiioa Mulligan's memorandum is silent
to four letters read by Mr. Blrine ,
ariug dates of July 3,1872 ; April 20 ,
72 ; April 25 , 1872 , and July 2 , 1809 ?
, n it bo that this splendidly audacious
ttesmsa substituted some harmless let *
ra from his portfolio or manufactured
r the ( ooisioh tha four letters on Mul-1
; an'a list but not.road ? If so , it waa J
a fatal , a most terrible blunder not
doctor the memorandum before eondi
it to the clerk to bo road. It was nudr
ity , indeed , to rpraid before 11,000,0
ot hid countrymen on the pages of t !
congressional record to complete a di
proof of his soluomn assertion that _ t !
letters ho road "corresponded precise
with Mulligan's memorandum. "
Wo dislike to break in upon Mr. Wi
liam Walter Pholps' vacation , but wo b
lipvo that rather moro than 44,000,000
his countrymen would like to hcnrhis e
f I mat ion ( f the discrepancy. Lfo h
given sorao attention to the matter , t
think for in a letter to The Evening Peen
en April 23 , Mr. Phelps siid : "Mull
gtui'a memorandum of the letters ,
which ho had numbered and index
each ono of them , was produced , ai
number and index corresponded exact
with the letters read. This ww ful
demonstrated on the lloor of the Iron
atid ia a part of the record. "
Yet Mr. Phelps was substantially rig
and the Times has been led into a fnl
position by carelessness hardly less o
cusablo than deliberate dishonesty. Ti
discrepancies which it detects are supc
ficiat. A careful analysis of the tv
lists would have shown our republic
contemporary that it had no ground f
this grave charge which it brings agait
the republican candidate. The nrrang
inont of the loiters in the llccord
somewhat confused. Mr. Blaine re :
them "quito niiscollancou ly" as ho sai
that is , without regard to either chron
logical order , or to the order in win
they appeared in the Mulligan schcdiil
\Vo have , therefore , arranged in ono or
umn , the dates of the letters called f
by the memorandum , and in another tt
dates of thu letters by Blaine in tl
housu. Where the dates correnpond t ]
f.ict is noted. Where a letter called f
doi-s not appear to have boon road I
Blaine it is marked "suppressed ? " Who
tt appears that a letter waa read whic
had not been included in the momoroi
dum , the fact is indicated by the woi
"added. "
Dates in Dates real
memorandum , liy IJla ns. Koto-
US May _ ' ( ; , ' 01. . May ' 'it , Vl. .Kighl.
: ! -.lunoL'7 , 'G'J. .Juno y , 'OH. .Probably rig ]
1 July 25 , 'C9.Tuno2 , 'o ! ) , . . Probably ril
5-H-ijt. 0 ( C . . .
- - | , - - .Supprosaedt
1-Oct. , 'l'J..Oot 4. T ! ) . . light.
2-0 jr. 4. ' < ) it..0ct. , 'GU. . KiBht.
7-RIay 1-1 , 7'I..Miy ' II , 70..Jighl.
10-Oec. 1 , 71. . Oct. 1 , 71. . lUght.
! ) -Oct. 4 , 71. .Oct. 1 , 71..lliBlit.
8Oct. . : M , 71. . - Sniipro
1 -April lit , 7 . 13 , 7..lcislit.
12-Aniil 18 , 7April 18,72. . JJi ht.
- . . April j , 72..AdJed.
- . . April art , 72. .Added.
- . .July a. 7i..AdJud.
13-Aiu. 0 , 72 .Aug. ! ) , 7.UiBlit.
14-A'ig. 31 , 72. .Aug. 81 , 72. .Ki ht.
( i Uoutract. N. L'M. - . .Sm > pre cd.
Of the titteon letters doicribod in th
nemor.uidum ton appear in the list o
; h ( EO road by Biaine. In tho. case of tw
xhors thpro 13 a slight discrepancy in th
lato. The letter marked Juna 2 ! ) , 180'J
u the Record is evidently that which i
narked Juno 27 , 1889 in the momorau
lum , for it is thu famom "no deadhead
3pis lo. The identity of the memorandur
cw , July 25 , 18IVJ , arid the Ilocon
Hterof Jn'y2 , 1878 , is established b ;
he'f ict that the lettur answers exactly t !
Mulligan's synopsis of the formeiThosi
li'C-0ancug | ara obviously tha result o
riflins ; cluriojl orrcrs on his part in trau
oribing the dates.
Thia disposes of one of the four letter
vhich the Times think were supproesei
> y Blaino. The second in ita list i
tfunber 5 of the memorandum : ' 'Sept
i. ' 09 , contract with diU'arent parties '
Phis was omitted by Blaine because i
ras written by Fisber to him , not kb
urn to Fisher , The Times will find i
irintcd on page 3,000 of volume 4 , par
t of the Record as "exhibit K. " Th
bird document supposed to have booi
lupprcssed by Blaine is the "controc
vith the Northern Pacifio" of the mom <
irandum. ThoTimes will find the miss
ng paper on page 3,008 of the same vol
imo of the Itucord marked "exhibit J.1
? he fourth of tha "suppressed" lettora
ras that of October 25 , 1871. It wai
lot ono of Blaino's letter. It was writ-
en by Mr. Fisher , and Blaine explained
t the time that he failed to find it in th (
ackage. Wo do not think that any bad }
rho has followed our analysis of the
ists will doubt the truths of his assertion ,
Mr. Blaine road three letters whicl
roro not included in the indox. The
ates are April 22 , April 26 , and July a ,
872. For soma reason Mulligan has
lilod to note their existence iu the list
'hich ho prepared for his convenience on
tie witnecs stand. Blaine certainly
amed no advantage by confiding their
rmtonts to the public. As they merely
dded evidence of his connection with
ulroad speculations , and , as they really
uro not needed to fill out the number
illed for by the accompanying memo-
indum , their production by Mr. Bltiuo
joms to ua to strengthen tha presump.
on that he wont straight through the
ickago wrested from Millignn in the f cl
ip us interview of Mjy 31 , 1870 , at the
.iggs house.
Lot us have all the truth about Blaine ,
nt lot BUino have the benefit of strict
id impartial justice in the development
' the case against him. Wo do not ba-
ave thnt the Tunes intentionally mis-
( presented the case. It was hurried to
inclusions without verifying its facts.
ow York Herald.
The Concord school of progressive
bilosophers has closed for ttio season ,
id , ai our correspondent intimates ,
robably forever. It waa moro entirely
spendont on the octogonorian Mr.
mos Bronson Alcott than was generally
luposod , and hia place can hardly belied
lied by long haired spiritualists of either
ix. The discussion of Emerson disclosed
.ore about the personality of the speaks -
s than that of the lofty subject which
ley failed to comprehend. When it
tmo to "Immortality" the philosophers
> und themselves immersed .in "a sea of
oubles , " from which recourse to B wedon-
> rgand other lessor lights in Spiritualism
iled to guido them. Boston is riot
thens , nor is Miss Elizabeth Peabody
Iato or even Aristotle , and so the at-
nipt to perpetuate a nineteenth century
heel of Concord philosophers will prob-
ily go no further. Wo have made a
iry much greater success in the way of
ingling religion , education , ' the camp
oeting and the garden party st Chau
urjua Lake.
Tha CrunliliiK Oa < U (
tcklund Courier ,
We have tramped through the mar
Inus Mammoth Gave , viewed the Chi-
jo waterworks , listened to thu thun-
r of Niagara aud beenjtwe struck by the
antic proportions of the Brooklyn
idye , but really wa do not think any
these can bo compared in importance
d grandeur to a West Point cadet at
me on a brief vacation. That is , not
Liu hus his uniform on.
Tlio Agitation Ended ,
ItiKKJi-OKT L. I. .
, , July G.-An agitator ,
italnlnjr 0,000 barrels of cnido oil , t the
run f the Urooklyu oil company. New town
wk , explwled this aornlng. Theollwiu
iiumea and the git tor destroyed. No
iw property destroyed. Low $3,000.
Anil-MonopolyStnto Convention ,
The anti-monopoly party of the stHo
of Nebraska will hold A sUto convention
at the Academy of Musio in Lincoln ,
Nebraska , on Tuesday , September 9 ,
18S4 , at two o'clock r > . m , for the pur
pose of placing in nomination five can *
didatcs for presidential doctors , and also
candidates for the following offices ,
viz : Governor , lieutenant governor ,
secretary of state , state treasurer , audi
tor of public accounts , commissioner of / \
public lands and buildings , superinten /
dent of public instruction ; , and attorney * /
general. Also to elect a chairman of the
anti-monopoly state contra ! committed ,
nnd to transact such other business an
may properly como before the conven
tion.Tho several counties are entitled to
representation as follows ;
It ia recommended that uo proxies bu
admitted to the convention except such
aa aru held by persona residing in the
counties from which proxies are given.
13y order of the state committee.
.T. Bunuows.
0 11. HniAnjtAN , Chairman.
A Thunderbolt ,
"Ah , " murmured a Philadelphia Call
man , Badly , "if 'twere only d'fisrent.ouly
different. "
'JTo what do you refer ! " she gently
"Oh , nothing , nothing ! " ho quickly
answered , with affected confusion. < % 1
was only thinking how cruel the world is
to aasumo ttvit a poor man is always after
the money of aa hoircds when lie is in
love with her.1'
"I understand , " aho sweetly replied.
"But it is n great comfort for mo to know
that no one who loves mo need hoaitato
on that account , for although I was an
heiress when the season opened , all my
money was inyeated with Grant it Ward ,
nnd my guardian writes that riot a penny
is loft'-
Ho hastily remembered that he had an
engagement somewhere else.
Foreign Notes.
LONDON , August 6. Tha latest advice *
from China stain that thu Ohinoto authorities
jtortpodthe emiriorijervico bctween.Fee Chow
unil the landing place of the cable.
P.MIIB , August C. At Versa ! lea to-day the
: onuuitteo of conference , of the houses of par.
llamenttp which all proposed amendments to
Ma constitution were referred , accepted And.
rionx' amendment ; declaring nil monarchy pro-
taidera were illegible to tbo prenldency. The
jom't.ittoaiiitedin tbiamattar ia nouord with
Minister Ferry.
DunLl.v , Antrnst 6. A trua bill wai found
ifraiust Cornwall , French and Fernande/ , for
VIES-NA. Angusfc 6. The I3oar hotel burned.
Tlio Cholera ,
1'AltiH , Auiruat C. Three death * at Jttar-
"illes , and three at Toulon laat night , Seven
turned fufrutive * have BO far died. ,
MARSEILLE * , AnRust C , nt noon. Two
leatha from cholera since 9 o'clock thin morn.
LONDON , Augnut p. The outbreak of the
Jupliali chdlerti ut Korthhamptoa wan owin ?
u the 8c rjciiy nf watdr. An entire family
van stricken. No deaths oocui red.
"iV 1H70 H'rofulom Ul'oH broke out on my body
uolll mj hrp nt tt&i nnu mn o ( corruption
omo ol tho4B Ul"cT were not Icon lhan one and one
M lichwiin ilUrni ter , MIJ oogo rough , ragged , aid
if'j ry < ! rnd' the Oivlt > ' ppen < o tlio hone and
I'u1 wl'h ll > nni\6 ir-a't'T ' llnrythlng I > nounto
iemfUI- l dculty wssirird In v ln. Orrdtinlly th
one Itbcll bonatnn dlnopol , and the BUDetinx bezan
iejm t D no Ulierc U'ptaii to taki the piaoj'l
lo-o hlih'tto on Ih' * > irfaco I Lfciimo a mere
icck. Four months at ft time ooulil not cettny
nds f > mv lie d loauso of eilrcinn soroneaa.
ould not t rn In h d. Know not what It van to bu
i hour e\cn 'roo ' ttnm pain 'Had icanon to look
licnllf lt > Bll anacu'te. In Iho tunjner of l&jO ,
let ten year * nf this urttchod oxlutcnou , I beifan
i UIM > L'utlcura Hemnli < ji , and after two ioa * per-
( tent HBO ol them tba la-t ulcer has hoilud. Tim
read dlioa < e Im auocumbud , All over t tic breast ,
liore once waa a maa ? ol cirroptlon Is no a healtby
In. My v eight haa lncrrnod ( rn n one hundred
id twenty-three to one hundred and filly-Bit pounia r
id the goo i worlt Ii eUilxMni ; on. 1 lei I my eel ( a
iw man , and all through Cutlc'nrt Iteme leu.
Cuttom lloime , New Orleans.
Hwornto t.elnro United Btatei Comculaaloncr.
1 Borofuloni , InlicrlUd and OnnUgloua Ilumon ,
id thus remove tne root t proilSo caui > of human
Oorlnir. to clear the Un of dl-fliruilni : blotches ,
: hlng Torturvi , Humiliating Kruptlona and I/oath-
roe ere ian ed liy Inherited SorotnU , to iiurlfv
J bt-autlfy thoaklii , andrtntorolhe hair BO that
I tricaof. \ > < UKI roinalar , Cutlcura Iteaolnot , the
iw Ulood VuriUur , and Cutlcur * nod Cutlcura fnan ,
0 grtat Bkln ur and lleauiltfera , am Infallible.
' .Great Blood Modlcmoa.
Tbe half IIM not boon told aa to the great curative
iwew ol the Cutloura lUmedloa , I havopald hun
oda of dollars for piedlclnea to rate ditouca ot tb
jcxj nd kln , 'and never found anythin ? yet to
ual the Cutlcura llemedlen.
I'rotldenoo „
, It. I
I'nco ot Cutlriira , amall boiM , BOo : Urge l > ox i
1 Cutlcurte o ! ont , Ji p r buttle : Cutlcura Boup ,
a Cutlcur * Bhavtn j U p , Uo. yolJ byall drug.
Astern Cornice-Works
1111 Dgaglu Bt Omh , Neb.
Galvanized iron Cornit&s
VDormer Windows , FlnUU , Tto , Ina and
> llng. Btwiljt/i ratent Uetallio UlrrUgbl , IraUnt
uat d lUtchet Bar aad Brack t * BtMilog.i I am
goneul agent for thi abort ) Uo odrooda. Ire
U 0 1 , toooloif , '