L AILY BEE-THURSDAY AUGUST 7. I8 i. NEBRASKA OMAUA , NEBRASKA , PAID UP OAPlTAIi $20,000 SUni'Ll'H MAY 1,1881 20,000 DIRECTORS : II. W YATES. A. E. TOUZAL1N , I'nsldfnt. Vine President. W. V. MOORE , JN'O. S COU.IVfl , LEWIS S. UKKI ) Ktnt K. llayiten , Awlnant ind Actluc Cashier. iiAMtuit OPIICX : The iron Bank , OOB , 12TH AND F ABNAM STfl. A OKN'KHAI , HANKING 1JUSINKSS TKANHACTKU. INTRUKST allowed on tlmo deposit * upon favorable terms nnd upon accounts of bauki itud bankers. FOUKIGN EXCHANGE Government Bonds and County und Cltjr securities bought ard Kold. In itn treatment of cnstomora thp most libv nral policy In pursued consistent with nafnto > and pound banking , and wo iuvitocorrciiponcn unco or iwhonal imulry [ in .couuoctiou thoi-o with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. YOUK , ArgUht ( J , Monty Eaiy ; IJ @ 2 , clofcdoifcrudlj , Pritno Morcsntilo paper 51- StorliiiR bills. l''inncr ' ; 4 S2 ; demand 48JJ. Govomments Wi-nkur. llailways I'irrn. Stocks Opcui'd utroiiif , capccially for < > rn Union , Union P.iuiliu nd Northwestern. The udvanco tiDf ( l from to 1J jxjr wnt. , Wustorn Union ii'cording tha Rientcst ml vnuci' , with PH'I-S up to CH. Tliia as bttccoed- ed by a dcclico of t li PIT cent , the for Union Pacific , wl.uh fell off to 4.3. Aft T midday Western Union roturncd to OS and tha entire list wiia xtronger laid higlu-r. inK the greater pn t of the duy i < puculatiun was dull and the changes in prices rliuht. After 2 o'clock the market developed mon- activity , with louurfigurex lUlaround. Thuduclinow.H duo to the uufa\orahlii leports regarding tha n'sult of the confcionco of tie ! Wcetorn Traflic : f8ocation ! ! , in eustiun at Chiciigi , The ro : wtion from thu highest puinl of the day ranged from i to 3 par cunt. At the close Mimii active i-haiM rallied J to A. Computed with ycitt'tday juices aru J to 2 lower , except KnnriaH & Te\a , Tatna Pacific and Wub&vh profcircd , uhich uro J to J pat ceut. higher. COUPONS * * fi U.S. now , JV ll'.U P cliio t B of ' 95 AND BONDS , C Amsrlcau l-h.-pr-x-s Bail , Cedar Kayids & Northern Central raclHo . i Chicago & Alton 3S2 I do do pM 1-15 CbC , Burl. A Quircy 119i' Ol 8. § pill if OsnnlbaJ ASt. . Joadph 3 * } dodo do pfd 5 tlllnola Central 12S lad , , Bloom , & Wcutoiu 12Sub Tozas. 11SJ Tnlf o Shore & Jllchigan So 8-H 51'ohlgan Central ail M.nuoapolta & St. Louin 115l do do do pfd l SUa iourl Pnclfjo 91 ? Noi thorn Pacific Br do do pfd r > 4 Nor thwostorn 102t do pfd j ; Now York Control no 21 ? do do pfd . Ki i'ooiia , Decatur & E vicuvillo . . ir > S Rock laland . nt : ? Chicago , Mllwanboo i : St. Paul . s4 do do do pfd . . 100A St. Panl Miun. A , Manitoba. . . . uo Bt. Poul& Oinalia . : )3.i do do pfd . 95 Tetai Pacitio . li'i Uuion Pacific . \Vab-wh , St. KftsPnciuo . OS do do dn pfd . . . . . . . . . 111 WmU'irn Union Tclegrupu . . . . . Cii ] AsUod. GllAIN AN1 > PItOVISIONS , OJIIOAQO CIIICAOO. Anffnxt C. Flour Quiet ; and nut quotiblv l"\ser. WiicatSlow and wt-aVcr nvuragfd a ( .ti.iilo IOWJT : oiH'iiiil firm , 4@ IiigiiPr , iloclinnd J og ! , rallkil Pj Iliictiiiiti'd and clowd Jffl } IUMVI * rlotinj ; iigiitis on I'm ' afternoon lio.arJ ynslci- lay ; Sl ? ' < i l caHli : 81J August ; 8.'U'a8ii : H < 'ptomber : Kl M' Octoborj 8flJ@aJ3 No. \oinberj w int'-r nnw No. 2 , > BI'IT , ruli'd \1 \ lowt'r , bG PU , clo'fti'l ' iiii'iili' S | > riu , iiuiet be ami i-iwii-r ; No. 2 Bold 81J : closoU 81i'ahl ( . Corn K.x.iIyictUo and fomowhnt unset- tied , ( ipciifd fmn , $ ( < ft % liiglior , dt-clinad 4@1J , lliictiniti'd n lid uloM'd nbuut t below litot HHoUitioiH nn tin' uflcrnotm board of yestri. iliiy : (5t.J ( r.atli ; filJVuu ! ( ? t ; ri3 @ 5l ! . Sup- tombor ; fi2i Octol > crI" ; . } Xuvciubor ; ' ) ! f year ; -IHJ May ; IflJra.'W ' rojoctcJ. Oats Dull and firm at ( SJ advance ; 2 ! ) @ ! tO caflh ; 275 Aupu-t ; 20 September ; 203 year ; 29 ? Slny. Kye rirraj I52. Barley Nominal. Timothy Dull ; I 201 ( 27. FlnxSecd KinnjlSI. M ' 8 I'orlc Stendy and nr-arly nominal ; ID 50@10 00 cash ; 21 00 Aujrust ; 18 f)0@18 75 September : 18 10 Ootob rj 32 25@12 _ 30 year. Lard Firm and moilomt-ly uctivo. iiupinv- i d D@74c ; C.IHI 7 47.7 f 2 { ; 7 W tf T)2J Aw- Kust ; 7 Wi@7 0 .Soptembur ; 7 00@7 72J ( Jc- tuhor. ' - Hull : SfontM Short rib nidfi 8 60 ; should- UTB , ( i 10 ; thoitrlcart-idcri , 9 ill ) . IJntliT H'i'ady and fjitly active ; clmicg cieauirry 21f i2"J ; fancv dairy l.r/c)0. ) ChcchU Dull hut firmly held ; full enam cheddaro 8i@i ! ; Bkimmwl cliuddars 25St ( . Km * Weik ; 12JtoU. \VhUky Unsteady 1 10. ll'dcu ' Steady : 'rafn wi'tud ' nuotod , bull DJ : ilnuingcd OJ ; light 8J ; heavy 8 ; calf IAS- jy Tallow No. 1 ijouatry sold nt 5 2 . AITKIINOON Jio\iu > Wheat jj lowvr Au- : gu t ; i lower Seiitumb.-r ; J OctulK-r nnd No- vi'iuliur. Cuni&louir August and October ; i I"Wi huotijinlHT nnd Nov umber. OaU i higher Au'u ( , t ; i lower Septombor. Pork nnclmniful. hard 2 loucr Si'ptcuibei ; 21 lowur Goto- l > r. HT. UJCIH PROUWK. ST. lot'i" , AneuHt 0. Wheat Lower and flow ; No. 2 rod , 8)8'ic.uh ! ( ) \ ; b5@K-IJ Auir- uU ; Kt'l SeptemlxT. 80 Octclwr. uat : 81 J .September. 8U ( October. September ; > iri O.-toUir , U its-Slow ; f I caili , aiiftfWS bid AuKu t ; UHoptinilicr. ItyaLower ; M , lUrloy N'oinliihl. ItutterIfmhaiifrod. . Unch HiiKed , ; ( > > rn Meal2 7fi. Whhky ! 1.07. OMI IJ uti ) . Wheat QuMjSl } Novom br.Corn pet Corn -fitoidy ; I7'AuRunt ' / ; 48J H jitomlr ; 4" Ootoltcr. ( ) .its-Hiif'.ior ; 253 hd ! for August ; 21. ' for ilv .Sc-pti-mbt'i' . : Nirw TOBK pnonucc. NEW YORK , Aujfunt -Whe t Spot ; dn- er cliudd © ) clcHfU Mteadv ; ojitiom upuoi-d la wri'ak nnd broke 4@JRteiwlipr ; ; recovered i } ; cloHliiK bottom rut fj No. 2 Chicago , > i ; uu- ( Traded red , 78@l 00 ; No. 3 rud SfifflRfl : No. 2 nxl , Ml @Wi Septombr.r , clwinjr , OJJ. it Orn Spot dull : optioon cniftitd lirm ; Inter declined -1 ® ? ; clo'li , fllfut lecovtry ; un graded , 67@0''Jj No. 2 , Cl } : Srptembor uc tcrn white western 40vdIs. ) 1'gjfa Western fie h , dull easier , " Poik Qulat , hold itniiiKrr ; now men 17 01 l.nrd Strong ; \u Uru utiiim | > ot , 7 ( g , 7 ! ' : - Finn. jiN ; > d domnud. CINCINNATI , CINCINNATI , AugustVh ( ? t Weak No. ami ami"t ; Stnnipcr ; Nn. 2 lni\ol 1 > ( ' , . Hyp Hull : No. 2 ( W. lUrliuiit ( : c-\lr. ( KljNn. 2 fall fil } < ij70 I'otk-Kiyn nt 17 0 ( ) J..IM ! - Viniii r a % 7 .T'3 7 . liulk Meats -Stuni ; Iwui'diTH , Ci ; hoi ribl. ! > l. 107. KANSAS cnr. KANSAS CITT , Augmt i ! . Wheat Weaker tiomltiiil ; l > 7 bid forcaMi ; tlSl bid for Septom her ; 70 bid October Corn-Steady ; 42 ® U } cath ; IllSopMn bor : .TJJ UctnlJvr. OftU Dull and noininnl : 22 } bid. llKHI'OOt , . : . ; Anguit -Wheat Dull } eider 7 ( M-7s td. C < rn - Slrinur : fs lid. llreudiitull * , Hull , il 1OLK1KI. TOI.KIIO , AngiHil ! . Who.it tjuii't , ate No. U red canh und AuRii t , K"il bid. Corn ( Julot , steady ; No. 2 r h and Augiw rO.J , bill. UalH Dull ; No. 2 , conh , U5. NEW OllLEASB , Xr.w 'OntnVKs , Angiut C. Corn fjtioted , nd\ed,0l ( l2. ! Outs Wnatorn. minted 1081 tl. Corn Moid Dull , lower ; 3 OOSDH 10. 1'oik ( tooit dem.ind ; higncrl(5 ( 7 ( 'Cl7 01. Lnnl-Btoaily ; litrco rullnwl , 776 ; kej ; 8 ' > . Whisky Firm ; waitoni rwlificd , 1 00(5 1 20. HAI.TIMOUK. liALTlMOIlt , August (5. ( I'loin Nut ipln tod. tod.Whp.it \ \ o- < tern , eatifr : closing quiet : No 2 wintfi- , red np"t UU&.II ; ] . Corn Nomioiilvtslorii ; , mi\ed , Feptumbtt tatn ) Quiet nnd strong ; western white 105 ? ) IS ; mixed 4tir ! < . Uyo Dull , oi isr ; fi'MJG5. KPCE LOXVIT lit 12it. : ' Wli'tsky Stoidy lit 1 U > . r HILWAVKKK. MILWAUKEE , Angupt 0. Wheat Xeg- Ipctml ; Mo. 2 Alilwaikeo and August , 8'- : September 83 ; Octobei SI. Corti Weaker ; No. L' , oli@5IJ ; rejected , CO. CO.Oati Oati lIlRher ; No. S , white , . ' ! 7. llyo Kirmei ; No. 1 , 132 fcid , Kl n-ki .1. 13 rley Nuili'cled ; No. 2 spring , old , 53 ; September , C2J bid. JjlVB SIOCK. OniOAQO LIYK STOCK. CHICAGO , August 0. Dro\t ra'Jourmil ru putt : Hogs Acti\e. 10 515 higher ; rouph tuckinn 55 © 7"i : packing and sni | > ) ) ing 50@li { llj ) light , -I050 i 05 ; skiiw , 1 Suroff ) 40 ; C.ittlo Utiong all around ; exports , C i > 0@ ! ) . ' > ; common to choice shipping 4 l'i."iSiO ( M ; infenor In good cows 2 10@ 110 ; Btockera and t feeder * , S 0@t 40. Sheep Hiit-k : infciior to fair , 2 f > 0@3 DO TCWt. ; medium to extra , HfiO@i 75. ' I imbi Per head , 1 00@300. ? KAVSAS CITV. IC.Ns CITV , August li. Cattle Firm 5@1' ' ' < . ' lilghoi ; imtlvnn , 1 " " ( I'll HO ; Ifogs Incited 10@lf c higher ; fale-i f > 50@ G7i. Sli3.'p Steady ; natives ! ' , CO. J ST. LOUIS. St Louis August ( ! . -C.Utlo Acti\e , lirm : exjHirt ? , n40'imi 75 ; common to choice shipping , 4 7ofa 0 40. Sheep Good muttorm wantndj poor dull ; inferior to good , 2 00 ( , : { 10 ; choice to e.\trn , Lambs 1'er liead 2 00 4 00. ; Hogn Hioher , nc-tive ; Yoiknr * fiSOffi''S 1)8 ) : .U'lting , 5 lOci-l 7-r > ; butchnr * , fi 75ft 1)5. ) TKAFKIO. rtOUB AND OEJ1.V. CniOAOO , August 0. Rooc-IpU nad ship- nonla of flour and grain for the pant 48 IIOUIH ii&ve boon ni followe flscflpt ? , Sblp'U Plour , bblB . 15,000 9,0.0 n WTioat , bnahabj . 133,000 31XW ( n Oorn , bushelfl . 2(11,000 112,000 Onto , bcthoU . 7X.OOO 70,000 Rye , burtioh . It.OOO . . . . Barlay. bcihola . 2,000 ] , ( K)0 ) ' . NEXT YORK , August iJ. EscoJpt/j nad ihlpmonta o ! Hour and grain for the past 2 1 hours : bave been aa follows : : ! Knfolptx Shlp'tx. xVheat. btuhela . 2JiOD ( 74,00 Dorr , bnshola . 20.COO ii',1,000 3a B , btuhela . 12,000 51,000 LIVE BTOCff. CniOAtio , August ( i. Kaeolpto * nd ahlp- { canU of live Btocli for thu piut2 ! hoan ; havi * jeonaa foUorvr : KaofelpU. Ship't" . 3attlo . 4,000 Sogs . HO.nno Jhcep . l.fiOO . . . . KANSAS CUT , AugunttJ. RociJptj nnd ihlpmenU of live Block for the past 21 hours isvo baon 03 Csllowo : t IteselpU , . . . , . _ „ Dottle ] , tf0 ! ! Hoga 0,000 W l > 30 ST. LOCIR , August ( ! . Rocolpta and ship. nentH of live clock for the pait 24 hotiru huvx joon as foUov.u ; HcoelpU. Bhlp'to. ' Oattlo . 1,100 . . . . ITofpi . -1,700 -beep . 000 O.1IA1I/1 MAItKKIS. Wholesale "rriOB or THE OMAHA Wednewlay Kvoniug Tha following prices uro charged retailers fj jobbers , whuleaalera and commlaaion mor- hanta with the exception of grain , which in juoted at the prices furnished by the elevators md other local buycrx ; na Gr ln 0 Wheat Cash No. 2 , f-l ' C\l \ * , 0B y Cash No , 2 , 47@Mj. Rya-Coah , No. 8 , Corn-No. 2 , S90i. \ . p Outs No. 2 KlvgiM ) * * Wool , on Heavy fine lfl@l.'l. Medium 146817. Coarfo 10@ii. : liurry 2 to Co olf. Ooncrnl I'nMluor. BOJ SH A good many Hnpll JoU ere ooni- ? tie In from growcra noiv and pric < - < rule luvv , v Choice oaily hurx'erit ari'l ] Ud Axtracha am 8c nlllng at hv { fi'irtji'i f > On.rbsrreJ ; f.-incy oatin/ luj if 1 00 per bbl , jtA in lld mpM light Mi'l ' demand good. j. pick-id tuwy , tier bu , J260 ; medium , r 200@22i. Be JlKieiWAX TtiFoo.ld"m.Mid , Oholco blight 6ji. . I ) ' , 20 ' < i > N , , . roti mmi to Rood dark per Ib , ji.j. j. 20a. j.o j.j ; o DrrrKR-.l'm.isfifmer nnd improving Htoad- j > \ with a strong demand for the Hnnr graden. / Cholr-n tablo. f3glCcj ( fair t < j K. > . > | , b@llc ; riwmcry , 18@2Co , OinKa-"onio" per bbl , $7.00 ; "YorkSta',9 bbl , $8 00 ; pori jbl , $1 7B ; c mdoased par , , 8Sa. Crib apple , per B l. 35c. V'Ul cream , western , 8(5 ( 'Jj Wl - xinsln new 10 ; young American 12ffllSo. Kooa Unchanged ; tnaxkut oontinueii finn Oc 18 } . Oi FonuoN KBPITS CallfurnUJ orantrti , per box , ( I CO , Mwftlu * letr.on * , per bor , 0 W > . lUnanM , per bnnch , $3 Ot ' 'V . Ib. . ICo. iMte , In fr/Jli , 7icj d t B furil , In boxes 12 > c uy Dilod , .OC < aiO.OO ; We , t7.00 000. 000.IKI.LT -IKI.LT In 20 and SO Ibvt \ \ , R7Ji In 2 1 i nii per don , 81 1X1 ; assoNo lumblpN , dor. ' $1 20 ; ehoonor , V < " Aoren , 8S Oil. MAPLE SCOAW Puro. In brlrkf , i > er Ib , ICc Ohio , ISc ; Rinnll caku , I' J ONIONS Choice IHT bbl. I'orcoRN- irood demand at y.2\o per Ib 1'ot'i.TBtIn liberal "Ujiply mid prlcei a lit "t l' ' weaker howouT rci-eipti meet rendyr.i ! on arrixal ; old rhtckoni 3 7 < > ; Rprlng 2 7A. 1'oTATOK.sNow homo grown , plentiful , sell injf at 35frf 10 per bxi. i'BOVisfoss llam , lljc ; b. bneon , 12Jo o . ba < xin.llo ; d. . eldos lOJcj fhort ill ildcM. lO o ; Miouldera , 8ic ; inona | > orK , uol. 318.60. lrlxl ) ( beef , 13e , Lwd. Of SMALL Kmuiollluo borriei per 12ite | M > $200. Hlftckborrles per 2l.qtcn p , S 1 0c SI 00. Wild p'umn , i > er V buOiel bo.SI 00 I'oAclrcs $1 W ) . OAUKOHNIA Fnriit Train , ' W-lb. boxe < SI 0 ; I'owhpf. , 20-lb IIOXM , 93 00 ; l'ium , 2J Hi bc\e , * -J 2. . VAT Oowi - fl Ol > 4't C noQB 4 25S..1 7f. HKUF 8 23@3 75 Oi.LVjt.i- iXKfth 00. Dry Gnitil * . BnowN SiitETiNos Atlmitic A , 7ic ! Atlan tlo P , Co ; Atlantic Ir , ; rJ < : ; Urnnswick , 74o iavrr am < . cavvi ; uco lili. 5Jc ; 1'ncl fto II , Ti'o : Koynl St.tnd rd , 8c ; Indlua Hun A , 8c ; Wnnchtuelt A , 7i'c. FINB llnow.v StiunriNna Argyle , 71e : P p pornll U , 7c ; Sali b > ry K , Ola : ? > > : > . < * I OOITONSUallon 4-4 , Die ; Uul Ion 7-8 , r 'o ' Cumberland 4-4 , Be ; Davoll L > 1) , 8ic ; Knirmnunt , 4\c \ ; Fruit of the Ix > oui 4-1 Jia : Glory of the Went , KJc : Goldnn Gate , K\o \ Hill 7-S , So ; Hill 49c ) ; Lonsdiilo & } oNau ; Vi < rk Mill * , llic ; WAinauttn , Nie. DLTKB ( Colored ) Huston , oz. , ll c ; Hot. ten , 10 oz. , 14Jc ; llo-iton , a oz. , He ; Fal lllvor , 8Jc. Uocicn ( Grny-Wost ) Point , 8 oz. , llo Weit Point , 10 oz. , We ; lotton ! 13car , 3 o/ . , llr. llr.TICKINGS TICKINGS Amoskrnn , He ; ContJnontal Fancy , 9fo ; Cordis , 10/c ; Pe. > rl Pvher , Mo York , 12icHumlclou ; Awnings. IZJc. OBSIMH Auiiwkoac , 14c : Uonvor CrooU jVA. 12c ; Beaver Crock HH , lie , Beaver Crook CO , 10 : Itavmakurs He ; JrtiTroy D Si T. 12 ; .Tairrey XXX. lltt'c ; Pearl Itivcr , ISc ; Warrsri AXA ( brown ) , 12c ; Wnmn 13 ( brown ) , lie ; Watrou CO ( brown ) , lOc. Fifth nvncno glove fiuiRh , Be ; Koyntono plovo finl'h , 5Jc. COKSKT JKANS Amory , 7a ; Ilaticock , Be ; Ko.irs.iyer , SJc ; Rnckport , 7c. S Alien . 5Jc ; Ainorican,6c , ; Arnolds 3c ; Cochooo , Gc ; llarmony , 4c ; Indigo , 74c ; Tndlgo 78 , ll\c \ : lu-.llgo 4-4 , 12&c & ; cheap oilo 4Jc ; Clwrtor Oak , 4J3. PniSTS Snir.TiKaa Ajnoiican , Cc : Coclmoo , ) C ; Glouceator.ocjSouthbrldso , 4Ie ; Waverlpi , 4Jc ; RosodaloIJo. . GtiKQHAMS Amosken ( { ataplos Rio : Bates staples , 8c ; I > nuc.ut r Rtaplea , EC ; Plnnkot ilatdn , Oc ; Iludson cliockn , Sic ; Anioakoag L'orslnnu , OJc. Dncs3 Goons Atlantic alpacca , 9Jo ; Per Blano cafihmor , 23 c ; Hatnleton canhmorc , [ 54c ; Hamlotou Kfiucun , llic ; llamleton bro cades , ICc ; Arllnplon brocade , ISo. Grnccrn UnT. OASNCT ) GOODB UyBtcra ( tandardpcr ) COIM' , UU ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per caaa , 2 20 raspborrlos , 2 lu , per case. 2 70 ; Uartlett loans , per coae , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per caae , 10 ; og plmcB , 2 lb , per case , 2 SK ) ; green [ ngc3 , 2 Hi , per cajo , 2 SO ; pine apples , 2 lb JOT case , 4 805 60. ROPB Sisal j inch and larger , 9o , g Inch , c ; } Inch , lOc. OANHLCS Boxofl , 40 lb , 16 , 14 c > 8 , 14 3 ; iooa 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , ( ta , 14o. MATcnca 1'or caddie , S5oj round , easM , 65 ; tqunro ca 03 , 1 78J- * SooAiis Powdered , 8fc ; cut onf , 8 c ; granulated , 7io ; cotifectionora' A , 7jc : atnnd- wd eitra O , ( > jc : extra O , Cgc ; uodluiu j'cl- ow. CJc ; dark yellow , o. COVKZBS Ordinary grades , 12@12 jo ; falrlfl " 913 0 ; good , 14c ; prime , ln@lDJc ; choice 0@17c ; fancy green anuyeUowlU@10ioold ; overuiDont Java , 20@2Cc ; Ixivorlng's roasbid 7c : Aibuclzlo'g routed , 15c ; McLan hlinV XXXX rowtad lota ; mltaUon Javai ICi G'.13c ; Clark's Aurora , 3GJc. Rioa Louisiana prin.0 to choice , 7@Tio ; ar b c ; Pctma , 6jc. Tisai No. 1 nmcfcertl , half brla. , 7 COj No. , 1 01 ; family mackorol. kita , GOe ; No. 1 white fioh , half brls. , 7 25 ; No. 1 kite , 1 CO. Standard Of in. . i2s , bols ; Standard 1o , 4J gcllon la'RB 1 Rf ; Standard do , 4 gallon ceca 1 45. SOD i In Ib papers , 8 30 par casoj keg per lb , lie.Picxt.cn Picxt.cn Medium , In barrels , 8 01 | do half barra's , 4 0 ; tmull. In burrnls , 9 00 ; do half borrcln , G GO ; nhorklna In barrels , 10 00 ; lo In half barrels. 5 (0. T/KA3 Gunpowder , Rood , 4555c ; choice GO < 27 < "c : flood Imperial , 4U@43c ; choice , W@GSo ' Sfonng llyron , c ° ° l'i S6503 ; choice. .Scfi l 00nyaii ) , nuUirol lent , S. > c | Japan , sholco , G075c ; Oolbii , Rood , S6@10cOoloDg , hoco [ , 40@f.5c ; Hoiictong , good , 85@40c ; " ioico , WOODKKWARB Two hoop tllt , 1 85 ; Iiroo hooji Mails , 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo- ccr vmhbc.uil/s ; , 1 &t : Double Crown 2 90 ; Villbr.ckoto. 8 V > . m SOAI'3 Klrk'H Savon Imperial , 8 45j Klrk'a allnet , 3 GO ; Klrk'a gtandard , 8 76 ; Klrk'u Thlto HuBsinn , 625 ; Klrko entocn , 215 ; Irk's Prairie Qaoer , (100 ( oaken , ) 40c ; Klrk'a cr.OTolla , doz. I'oiABn Ponnayhinln etna , 4 cue , In coao , 35 ; Babbltt'u bull 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor ! nil , 2 doz. in cane , 1 CO , DANDY Mixed , U@lSc ; stick , lie ; twist tick.injc. VissQAK New Tork apple 16o ; Ohio op- 19 , 13c. HALT Dray loadc , per bbl , 170 ; Anhton , In acku , 3 50 ; bbln daii y CO , Cs , 3 80. BTAUOII Pcr.rl , 4 Jo ; 811 vor Glooa , 8c : Ooni Urth , 8c ; Kxcolultr Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7ja SPIOEB Pepper , 17o ; albploo , 15o ; olo\cn , 5c ; cassia 15c. LTD American , 8W ; Graomrich , 3 40 ( Vcfltorn , Z 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; LowU' lye , C5 ( : Jewell lye , 2 75. Honors. ALOOIIOL 1(8 wino alcohol. 2 10 per wlna allen extra California spirits , 188 proof , 12 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 87 proof , 1 14 per proof gallon ; re-distilled vhtnkioa 1 U0@l CO ; line blended , 1 M2 ) 50 ; b. LontucUy bourbonn , 200@700 ; Kojituoiy nil Ponunylvanla ryes , 2 00@7 00. BnANnisa Imported , G 00@1UOO ; domohtlo 40@4 00. I GINS Imported , 4 50C 00 ; doratutla , 1 40 3300. KOMB Imported , 4 C0@8 00 ; NowEnglar.cl , 00@1 00 ; domoullc , 1 W 33 } EO. PHAOU AND AprLB BHAHUI 1 75@4 00 , OilAMrAQNM Impoitcd per ca70 , 28 000 OOjtAmotlcau.'ixir eve , 12 00@IC 00. Valuta Oils ami \ nrnlnieu. OILS 110 carhoa , per gallon , 12o $ 150 ° Oftdll ht , per ( [ alloii , 12jc ; 175 ° headlight , er ( { allou , Ifia ; 150 ° vrntnr white , Mo ; Uu oed , i r allen thiB oa. l' GO : 'No. 8'l 40 ; sweet , par Rillbn i'OO 3nn V/.15. , per gallon , 1 CO ; fiah. W. B , , Kirg.tllon . , 1 5) : noatofoot extra , pei ftallou , 'JOn ; a i. 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , pe * gallon , 30o ; lie t urarnor , 15o ; golden machluu , No. 1 , per gal cu , 35c ; No. 2 , 28o ; xpnrm , rlj nal , per gullnu Oc ; turpentine , per gallon , We ; uuptbb 74 ° er callon , lllc. B ] lead Onwha P. P. 1 white load , St. Itouiii , pure , CicMareeillo3 ; % in I to B lo cuni , 2&c ; Krciich zlcc , ( rroen . or.l , llc ! ; Kiench euc ! , tn > l Btal , llcj lrf-ncli inc , In vamUh aaht , 'flic ; Krnnch clic. in oil 01 jgt , 15c ; raw und burnt umber , 1 Hi tana , ICc ; aw and burnt Hlctmit , 10cvandvko ; brown. ; refined lanipblucl : , 12c ; coach blnch , and very block , 10o ; drop bl.nk , ICe : Pruulau ilu' ' , 4"i ; ultrainiirlno blue , ISo ; clircime tricen Jtl. It ! > . , IGo ; blind and Hhnttcr ( neon , Ij , & IX , ICc ; Psaiu crton , IKot Indian rod , ; Venetian red , S > Tnacun rod , 2Joj Aniorl- Vermllllon , 1. & r.i ; t n. , . M , , O. & U , O , , IBo ; yellow othra , 9c , I olden ochre , 1'kt ' , patent dryur , fcj gnilnlcg olorn. light oak , dork o < & , walunt , chnluut /id h Ifct Toimccoi Ptoa TOBAOOO Ollm . cj llnlllon 48sj lorsoeboe , 47o ; Star , 'i uddy. Met HOT- ey' , 40c : Ulack , 88@10c. VJNE CDT Common. 20 < ipOo | Rood , 4S@ | Itoco Iioaf , 70c ; Premium , C6o ; Diamond Jrown , & 5c ; Hweet HUteen , COo , a O , H. . 2ic ; Mecrtclianm , W5oj I > ur > . am , B oz , , C5c ; Dnrhato , 4 oz. , C7c ; Darhair of 2 or , , RBc : Son of North Owolhm , 8 oz. , 65. fojj of North OATollna , 4 ot. , fi7r ; Hf1 o North Carolina , 2 ot. , GOe ; 0. 1C Durham , . , 2Sa ; O , 1C Itaiham , 2 oz. , S0c | Unoli Koil , J' 26c : Tom and .leny , 288. Hides. Steady ; preen butchnrd , r..fli. r 7\W-S \ ! dry Ilint , 12i'12idiv.1U lO llilnm fged hlihv , two-lhirdi price Tallow - r.frfo. , ( ! " ' 00. iiuatticr. Oak oln , SSo@42c han lock kin , BOo to 1 00 ; numcr 3o tti hemlock calf , fifc to 1 00) ) l.ninJook npix > r , 2L'i to'.Mcoak ; upper , 2loj aUi ator. 4 00 to fi f.O calf Lid , 82SA ; Ore on HIU. * U > Jo 2 7f > ; oiO > kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak culf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; Krone } kip , 1 10 to 1 W5 ; Froncli calf , 1 25 to 2 OOj nn KOU , C M t i 7 tO ; llnlnfiii. 6 00 to 8 CO ; top Iiinps , 9 00 to 10 F0 > B. L. Jlorocw , SOo to ! Uxs lioblilo O. D , Jlorocco , 8T c ; ilmoii , i ! W to 8 00 IlAnNC0 4 No. 1 tar cv k , 87o | No 2 do. S'ct No. 1 Ohio oak , 34o ; No , 2 do , 83c | No. 1 illwauk ( tVIo : No ' . ! do 83r. No. 1 PHU oak har , 37cj No , B Pitta hnr , SW > c. Drimo DBCOS AND CHKUlCAU-Aild. Carboie , c iwad. tartarlo , 55o ; bolnain c.iiubii , | ir lib. TCcbarkiiaA8afra4 ; , per lb. K'c ; otlomol , p < jrlt > 7f > o ; duohonldla , per oz. , fO.05 ; chloroform per lb. , ? l 10 ; Dovora irawilor , i > or lb. , 81.25 epsom dalto , i > or lb , , 8Jc ; Rlycoriun , pnro , IHJI lb. , 2Sc ; load acetate , per lb. , 22c ; oil , caitor , No 1 per gal , , f 1.55 ; oil , c.vtor , No. 8 per gal. , 81,40 ; oil , olive , jior c l. , § 1,40 ; oil orl- iktium , POc ; opium , $4.50 ; mtlnlno , P. & W ; nnd It. & 8. . i > or oz. , St. 10 ; | > ottiMuin , . lodino , par lb. , 81,50 ; ealidn , per ox , , 40c ; nil" < ) hntooi mornhlno , per o ? . , $3.50 ; wilphur tlonr , per lb. , 4c ; strychnlno , par oz. , $1.35. Drv WWto load , 80 ; KrouoU tine , lOaj Paris whiting , l ! c : whiting Rildnrit , IJc ; whiting xunT He ; lampblack , ( Jonnantown , lie ; wnpblark , ordlnury , lOo ; I'msilon blue , 5oo ; illramarint' , IPc ; vundykp , brown , 8c ; umbci burnt , 4c ; uaibor. raw , 4c ; tlcnnn , burnt , 4oj plonna , rt.v , 4o ; Purls preen , f nulno , 2T > c ; I'uia preou , common , SX'ojclmimoprMD ' , N. V. , iOo ; chromo ( rroon. K. , 12c , vomulllon , Kng. , :0o ; vcrinilllon. American , ISc : Indian rml , iOc ; o plnli , 14c ; Vonctian rod , Cookxon'p , ! ? c ; Vonatlnn rod , Ainctloan , 1J1- : red load , 'ic ; chrome yellow , ganulnn , 20c ; cliromo ycl- ov , K. , 12cocliro ; roclinllc , ik > ; oehro. 3'"rouch , Jjc ? ; oclue , Amorlcnu , 2c : Wlnter'w mineral , 2ia ; lehigh bnnra , 2ic ; SpitUh bror.ii , 2i ; L'rinco'H mineral , 3c , VAHKiBtirs Barrcl.t. po * .vllou : Vwn\ \ taro , extra , 1 10 ; funiltnro , No. 1 , W | couch , aitia , IU U : coaob , No. 1 , 51 20 ; Dimar bxtrr. . SI T" * ! JnniMi , 70eanrL : ltiiin , oitro. Slio ; hollrc , S3 fX > : hard oil fiulih SI 60. HctiYT narclw ro IiIiC. Iran , rated , 2 CO ; plow steel s ] > ocliil caet , Ca cnidblii , 7c ; apccialor Gotman , f > rt east too ; do , 1520 ; r/agon spolos , rot , 2 2r@0 00 ; hubo icr not , 1 25 ; ( oloc3 ! sawed dry , 1 40 ; tuugucs , iach , 70@8uc ; oxloa ouch , 75c ; sinoro nuts per ! ) , 7@11 c ; washers orlb , 8@18c ; rivets , per b , lie ; coil chato , per Ib , P@12o ; molloablo , Cc run wodgos. 6c : crowbars , fie ; harrow teeth c ; spring teel , 7@8c ; Burden's horschooa 4 70 } unlon'n muloshooa C 70 BARUKO Wiun In cat lots , 4 per 100 , NAILS Rate. ? , 10 to CO , 2 05. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck hot , 2 10 ; oriental xm-iior , kegs , C 40 ; do. , half kegs , 8 48 ; do. , tuartor kogo , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 8 85 ; faso , per 100 feet We. IJEAT > Bar , 1 65. OoAlr Cumberland blacbimlth , 10 00 ; Mor la run BloRsburff , 10 00 ; Whltobroast lump : 00 ; Whltobroa t nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 owa nut. C 00 ; Rook Hprlmr. 7 00 ; Anthra Ito , 11 2i. < il 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Iminrtor. wuor.KSAtr. Wo quote lumber , lath and shine ; en on a&n it Omahu a' tlio following price" : JOIBT AND SCAKTUKU 1'j H and under 200 ; 13 f ( , 23 50. TiunnBt 16 foot and nndor , 22 00. TIMBKII AND JOIST 18 It , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 60 ; 2 ft , 20 1 0 ; 24 ft , 2G CO. TsNOlNa No. 1 , 4 end C In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 200. SHE ? Tina No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. HTOOK BoAitrw A , 411 CO ; B.40 00 ; O. 35 00. ytoom.NO No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 85 00 ; No. .2500 . fy . . SmiNO , clear 27 00 ; V 2 20 00 ' No , S , 1)00. ) nxiLtNO jl , 37 00 ; 920 HniKGLSS , bo.it 4 50 ; standard , S 50. JJATH 3 25 per M. LIMH Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bnnhol , 85c ; runout , bbl , Z 25 ; lown plufilur , bbl , 2 50 ; hair ar ha. V ; Turfed felt , 100 ibn. 8 50 ; strew x-Kd Sk ! > , DKNVER MAIUCKT. LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , frran , 100 lb. 4 00 31 50 ; shocp , llvo , 2 50@3 00 ; hofis. live , 5 00 $5 25 ; drcsiod 7 00@7 25.- Hides. Dry yiint , llj@12c. ; green 4Co. Tocn calf 8@10 : ; sheepskins , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. li@Gc , Wool. Colorado lS@14c. : Colorado heavy , l@12c ; Now Mexican 7@10c. ViamColorado. . ItX ) Ibn , 1 85@2 15 ; pat- nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 5@3 25 ; Graham , 100 llm , 00 ; rye , 100 Ibc. , 2 25@2 45 ; buckwheat , 100 bs , 10 00(310 ( 50 , bran , ton , 12 00(2)14 ) 00 ; com noal. 100 Ibs. 1 4501 75. OnAlK Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 40 ; corn , In acka 100 Iba , 1 lij@l 25 ; onia , 100 Ibs , 1 SO 31 40 ; barley. 100 Ibg , 1 SOfSll 85. HAY Baled , upland. 7 00(5,10 ( 00 ; hot- om 12 00@14 CO ; straw. 9 00(311 ( 00. KDTTEII Klncst , 25@2Cc ; Nebra ka dairy ® l5o ; common , C@8c. KQOH Freeh , 18@l'Je ; ranch , doz , froth fj"Cc. CJIKKT ! ! Full cream , 14eilGc ( ) ; Llmborcor , in ; SWIBS , tiuportod , 29 , POULTHY l lvo , chickens old , doz.O 500 ; 75 irlug chickouH , 3 M@4 50 ; dressed lb , 100i-0o. POTATOIM lOOlbn , new , 1 7fi@2 25. VKaKTAULEH Oniona , now , KlOlbs , 22K ( § 25 ; cabbsfjo , now , 100 Ibs , 1 00 ; now cotH. 1 75. KnniTa-L moniT , choice Messina. C50 ® tO ; apploH , California , bbl , 200@32fij ananas , uuuch , 1 CO ® 4 00 ; ixjachcs per box , 10 ® 2 f 0. MXATS Ilanu , lb,13i14c ; bacon , break. ast , 12f@13ei ] lard , in tciw , Ib , lOc ; rv salt Hides , 910 < ) . I'lBII Mackerel , No.l , 1 CO , kit , mtwn , 75 < a 2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; folland liorrinp , kef , 1 GO ( ° } 1 75 ; trout , per . 17Oll8o ALONG TUB tINE OF TUE | BgOi St , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The DOVT eitonslou of this line fiorn WnlicHclJ np JEAUTIFUL : VALLEY of tlio OAN 'ti CoucoiJ ami Colcrlie ! ( : ctie tli o bent uortlon ol the Wutu , Hiwclil ci- uikbn tatci lor Uiiil icokvri o\ur tlilj line to Vaync , Norfolk r.n.1 Ilurtlnjitoii , ami via BUlr to nil itlncljial i < olit on thu SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC IUILIIOAD TrtliisuvirtbtC. , lit I * . At , & 0 , railway to Cor 1'lon , HIoux Uty , I'unut , HattliiKtOM , Wa > no uJ Ii.lMlt , Ooxxaaoot * vt 331' lx * Kroicont , OikiU.o , Noll'li ; , and thnmfh lu Val entino. Cffnt | &U and alllnloniutlon call u V \ : WHITJJKY , Oentr * Airor.i. . OI-KN8 KOHHKCONDfJM Cluilct ) , Boientinr , CommnroUl mil Art li'itli utitt MlmltUd. Tuition law , bentut xxlcty riuliKiuluutd facult ) ildrow for | iartlculan , Her. W. W. I ) . I'jcjUtnt , or I'tol. a U , D , Neb , jy tauvu Railway tame Table. n Kti-ct July The fittcnlton of the truM-HInt ? piiUlp IK fMKI It the fct tl.tt thU In the enl ) romi.leto . in.l . ' ' ly rorroct llme-ulilo jiuM fh".I In tl.c t > t > . All trams atrttp fit knit ilirt > > ( torn Onmh % or Central Rt.inilsrJ Tmo ! , nhleh Ij 51 minutes tutor tlion ii.iii time. I I'.icrpt Bji'.unhy , * Ktwi1 Sunday , | I'-to | > t Men- lay. Front Union VneltU ) Depot ; Tenth HI , U. r. R. R. , UAIN LINK. I.RAVF. ifallanil ) ; M'.1I'IO i m Altuntlo K\ji . . .7fOatn : m Mill MiJ KHI..4:00pm : D lr. VALLEY DIVISION. p"5 WAV * . I ARRIVH. Ltiiooln Kxi > . . . , lSMp : m | Lincoln Kip. . . ,11:65 : p m DUUMY TIIAIN3 UKU'OK lUVIfllON. UAV OmnhM 0:10 : , 8:00:00,10.CO : : , 11:16 : a in. , 1:00 : , t CO , 3:00 : , * : oo , 6SO , 8CO : , 10.SA p. m. OnfitiiiU ! ; : 4:40,0:00,11:15 : : : . m ; loo,3Wf : : > , oo. 0oa : , loSS : m Ariho tti n ( rrilftHitlS mtnutra l Ur ; Ilfoajlway ilrpotCo'inrll Illuff * . SO mlnuti Inter. 1/ctvn ( Viunall lllu ? < , Ilro .l y ilopot , 7n : , P.I I , 0:30,10:30,11 : 10 .m. ; l.lo : , S:30,3JO : : , 4ioc:33,8.es : : , 11:06n.m : On B n.l ) e:7ZO : , 9:50 : , U : ORtn.lM ; : , 3.SO , 4:30 : , 0.3) , 11:06 : J > m. Aritx at Ttftn ter 7 mln- ntoa Irvtcr. I * ve Council niulTn Tntnnttr Atpoil 7Sf : , 6:87 : , 9 97,10.37,11:47 : a m ; 1:37 : , 2:37 : , 3:37 : , 4:40 : , 6:37 : , OM , 11:16 : p. in. Arrh Outnnik 1.1 minutel&tcr , T1UNSKKIITIIAINS. T.KIV * . ARCPTII. t'ts ? . tio. 9 ! 8:1R : ft m IV . No. M..fl:4S : am 0 n3 : a m tJ 10OSjt : in . . . 4. . . , . : 5 pm " (1 ( . 7:55 : | .m S. . . . : pm 10. . , .8.65 pm UlBSOUitl 1-ACiriC , UUH. I Hall * . 10:35 : am I Onnh.i K p..flfO ; am .St. Louis Kip..S:35 : pm I llnl ! * . . . . . .O.JU \ < m a. o. h F. jv. u. UATB. I Wall . eIO : a m St , ru' EIJI. . p'45 a ro St. 1'AUlKip . 3Mp m Hall . 7Si : p m Dullv. o. , n. i * \ \ u n. . I)3 tolnc Aoo'.fl:40 : .1 m KnjirwM . 0:43 : a m Uau * . 8.10 n t I Ii ) Moluo Aco'.flWp : in Cirtno ) . 4-V& pinlUill" , . 7:86 : | m 0. fcN , W. H.U. uurn , ARIUTH. Iftll" t : fipm Kid ! ' 7:35 : p U. , M. ii St. 1' . It. 11. I.lkM. I 1R1UVT. t * . JMBaci I rcl8n KipJ. . . . if . 4S5pm MMI * Kip- . . . .7D3pm : C.,1) M ] H. \UCouMCilMlu3M. . ) . . 8:15 : a lu I Kirrora 8:15 : a m 4'J6p : m I Hall 7:35 : p m Diilv. ( Ncto.lloOW : m mlDOOpm : dummytn ! tilio nonncct with rist-t'ouml trains on tlio lloolE-Istmul , llurlli.Kton , Nnithtitctn anil Ullwaul < co ronl - > VADAanar. LOUIS & PACIFIC. IJUVn , I ARRIVK. CiuinouKall llOO'pm Cannon Ball 3:60 : ptu lftly. ! K. 0ST. . JOB b 0. It. ( via Council llluffn. ) LHAVU. AHKIMI. MaU C:00am : Kxprffit 8:55 : p in 11-dl 7:35pm : 'HUNBAY TIIAINS Ei During July FotunU } ' , Kuiulay auil MontUy Clitcao | tr&lim111 rotate aatUlown ; Saturilay tn'jtf trAlnn Ic-tvo July 6th ami Mth via 0. M. &Kt. l'July ; mil Ui thu Nortli-Woatcrn ; July If tli vi.t the Ilook Uliuiil AnHo In the eame crJtr tiio UontUy follow Ing , aiuuiayiuuiulnf ; trftliifl icj ! irt and Sunday droning tralnx ( .rrivo July Ath ami 27Ui tla the Itook laUml , July \HfttlioNorUi-\VcEtcrD , and July 0tb via UiaOU&bt P. From n , & M. Depot ; Tenth Htroot. B. ft It. RAILROAtX-UAIN LINK WIST BOUhD ( ART LUAVB. AKIUW. Omaha. . . . f:10pm : TEOtm : 70 pm 10:05 : am Athl&nd. . . E:27pm : 10PBi : > ui 1:62 : pm 8:12 : am rjnooln..10:00 : 1121 ICOEI : 3tO : pm 7:15 am Crete 11:17 : pra l :540rm : 2:41 : pm 8:04 : urn HnFtlDpn. . blSara : :1D pin 11:55 : am ItMO pm Hocl Cloud. R:00 : aui 8:03 pm 10:25 : 'n 8:25 : pm UoCcok. . . 10:65 : aui B16pm ; 6:10 : am 4:1U : prn Akron. . . . SMS pm :10am : 12:6naui : 11C5 : am Denver. . . . 7:26 : inn C'15 am 0S5iim : 7AG ? urn Daily. 01TAHA AND PLATTI'MOUTH TIIAINP : Lv. OniRtia ul 7W : , and 8 : < 5 ft m ; 4W : , 6:10 : , 7:43 : p m Ar. OintLa tfi i , b:40 : nnd 10 : < J6 n in ; 7:00 : , 750 p ui 0. B. ftJQ. U..U1 . ( l'Utt mouth. ) LKATH. I EtRniVllI "nntorn Kx | 8:46 : a m OmnhixKxp 8:40a : til Ctloago KMI..4AOp ru | Wcetcrn top.,7:30p : m Pally. K. O. , ST. J. L 0. U. ( via PUtUuiouth. ) I LIUTB. I AH.RIVH. Wall Elta m Hxprnu ) fl:25 : iijTof-st VCDpm | Mull 7M : p From O. St. f. M. iftrO.Depot , " I4ti anil \VolJ8tor Strco 0. , 81.1 . U. ft 0. LXAVI. so * 2 I't8MDircr..FM : am I NoS MIzeil IOM : a n No4MIKX ] I.:30rm : | Nu 1 ran unfor. C : > 10 p m i > U l. WITH C A.nd j'our work is done for all tirap to come. V/E CHALLENGE n more dun bio inatorinl 'I .it ntroot pavomonfc tnon ; o Sioux Falls Granite. jT 1/OU ANY AMOUNT 0V I -OK MAGABAM Hied prompllj' . SamploB Rent and oslimiites given upon application. WM.Mol3AJN&00. , Sioux Falla.Dakotw. DUFRENE& MENDELHON. AECHITEOTS TO .OUAIIA NATIONAL SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. Wtt CALL YOUH ATTENTION TO C3 It U tha b i and thf p t fooj lor rtock it ay VlniCJOno pound li * qn l to three pounds ot toia it < xX toil nithUroun 1011 Cakolu tha Fall and fflntor , Inet-oaJ ol runnlrc Jo-nn , will Inoiwuw In w lr.h and bo In . RCX * | tnntkiHI.'o nuini.tlon In the iprlu ? . Dnttyraon , oj < ell aa otlieri , nlio uco It aw loitllv t. IU merit * Trj II and JuJg f jr youiMlvc ? , 1'rloo f to per tnnt no clutyo for nvku. Aildreaa WOUUUA.N LIKSHRD OIL COMPANY , Oouha Neb. nn DKALEIIS IN Sljaijpqi SSc & /iri ! , & i3 0 FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF [ TIP ! 4 ' .1 T.O23O CBtx-oot. BTEELE , JOHNSON& CO. H. U. LOCKWOOD ( forraorlyof Loclnvood & Draper ) Chicnqo , Man- ngor of the Ton , Cigar nnd Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grmlos of above ; also pipea and smokers' articles carried in utock. Prices nnd samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR DENWOQD NAILS AND LAFLlff & * RAND POWDER (70 ( PERFECTION Heating and Baking In only attain xl by n lnj CHAPTER OAlC Stoves and Ranges , 1RIRE GMIZE OVER OD08 Fci B.ilo by MILTON EOGSES & 80N3 W U pft. KU\ \ sy ; JOBBER OF Will ] [ I 1C * if EASTEfiN Pfl/CES DUPLICATED ] 1118 FAHNAM STKKET , - - OMAHA , 0. i\l. LL'IGiiTOW. H. T. CLARKlt. LEIGHTON & GLAl TO KENNAHD BROa fe CO. ) ft $ ! S IBM H ? OT DKA1BES IN PaintsOils. . Brushaa. NEBRASKA R/lHwaukee / , Wis. GUNTHEE & CO. , Sole Bottlers. M.HELLMAN & CO. , 1301 AND 1303 FAflNAM STREE1 CQff JSTtt R3SOENTLYFROM PRKMONT , IBS EISY 9Bw&ttE att I SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL. -WE PAX" THE For Hides , Wool , Polls , Etc. , mid cpiisigiunents made to UB will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. 13th Street. Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB ? ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) LIMEOANDtlCEMENT. idfand YardL6th"andIOouras ; ( ! ts-i