I iWJJA DAILY BEE THURSDAY , AUGUST 7 MVIN'O. ' him to bent n retreat after a oneffzix d _ 5 -THI 151 - BEST TONIC wcillclne , combining Iron will lo Ionics , quickly nml romi VurtK lTi > r > rpsln ln < llRrnllniiVrnl Impure llloocl , ninlnrluJlil nml Nrurnlaln. . U Isnn unfiullntr remedy fo JUilncj * nnil l.urr. It In Invnlunblo fur litantci peenl Women , nnrt nil who lend Kilcntnt ) ! ' ItrtoesiiotlnJarolhetcctli.Mineliiwln iinMnco conMljiatlon other Jron mtalci llcnrlcliosBinl imrlflos tliPlii)0lMliii ) Ilio nptictltc. Rids the lmllnUnn of to lle\cs Heartburn and JJclcliIng , nvdttr muscles nnd ncnrv HIP cm I. Tor Intermittent reacts. Lassitude , Encrn'i Ac. , It liiu no equal , m Tlic genuine lins nliovo trade mm crossed icU HIICSOII wrnj | icr. Tnfcu no fnikr.nuwMiimrAi. . < o , HAMmai ni < fni/k/ 'VOLTAIC nni.T end nt"r KL . . . _ ICM nro otnt en : Dnjs' Tr HFN O.NLV. vOtimi oil OLD , who nrn . , IXWT Vn { ni { frum Krnvoua URMI.ITV \VJLITIIQ VTRtKXKwaa. nna nil Ihnno U rruu I'EUJIOXAI. Kiniim , rrsuHlDK from Ant.r.i Oritnn Uiu * - fli < Hiljr i-ollcf nml rot rw > u > rixtlnn tc ITPALTII , V'onn nnj 3ti nuinnNTnri ) . llpml at onua Cor Illtu I'&tnpliU t frto. ActorosB VOLTAIC "na.v t ; . . niitrnimii , r Health is Weal ! PR. K 0 Wi.m'HNl'BirKAKU TnAtN TRIUT RiiauntCMl nix-cltlo lor UyitcrUk , l,7tuc'C ! , ( hlona , I'lts , Ncrvou'KcnracK , Hcadaohv , > 1'roatratlun canned by the Ud ululcobol or t \Vakiliilm * < < , Mi-ntil iltpr < r lun , Holtcnlnc liriln , rn'iiltloii In Ingttnty nn > l leading In i ileciy and ilcntli , I'rcinaturo OM ARC , Barronc . oll'aer n cither BCX , Involunlaty I/O.-WH an matorh'n i-auuol ty over eu-rtion ol tlu bial I'ach tiox contt nbuBo or over indulK'iioo m < ! nth' trcattrcnt f I ) box or KX ! bo t&.OU , ecntby null prepild on teoulpt cf price WE C1UAIUN1E1 ! HIX BOXl'S To euro any case. With etch order receive 1 fnr > lx Inioj. accompanied wlili S\OJ , wo 1 the purohiBir our wtltUn Ruaranteo to relu money If the treatment Ji * not effcol a euro. tailnt Irtiiui ouly by JOHN 0. WET & C jt ZS.tn&c.ly 602 Maolion tit.Chlcagi mmm $ RESTOEU , crn-ing n ( A victim of oarlv imormonco ftoblilt ? . prcmnloro dec * ? , eta. nsnne in > rnTT known remeuf. lit a dltcofnrra nf of B .i-uuro , vatoh lie will c d ITlll GIVEN AWA To SMOKERS of Blackwel Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Tl\Is Special Deposit Is to jniarantoo payment of the 25 premiums fully dcecrt former announcements. > u our The premiums will be paid , no matter I email tbo number of bans returned may b < Offln niaehnirt Dortiat ntorro Co. , JHirftam. ft. C. . a 10. 1604. Oufttcr aiimk nf Durham , / > r om. If. BlBi-We inclom ) you IIJI50.W. w D * n - iikawi | ) l oo on BpocUl Duxirit to pay prcml tobacco baim to l rthirnei } rmptr for our Ulh. Xonin truly. J. H GMUt. lYonlde of ( DinieDurham , Ihtrfnm.N C , ilay IV , IKSL J , I > mn Hin--I have to from you. which hav None cenulne without rlcturo of HUMjon . l > arkuKv. tVBoe our other announcement * . Wide-Awake Arj nls Wanted Every whe WOIVII LBi ry-WiUlfllpSv > ! . Hi'iiralijlu , I &rf.BrK Sa.ote.iS2 , IMiTi' ) Auno. I iri" ) i ll in Ainpiltit titlUni tlirouirli tlu.ti x tu lollrnt. SI.OOO Would Not Duv It. afElotod with rhoumM ! mired byuiag t belt. To any one tflllofe Out dlsewe , I would B JT , bur liorno'i ) lllocti ! Any one can conlor with me by writing | mynioreli OI > ougUiitroet.Omaba , No ' WIT.UA1I ti'V MAIN OFF10K-1tn DouglM Btrcut , k error tale at 0. T. Ooodmu'i DcovHtoi cnkoxbt .Omaha. F Order * filled 0. 0 D C. A.WILSONM , ( Faculty IMxe , Uedlcal ColliKe of Onto B1TJOIALTV FILES , FISTU1 And other Dbeowd ol the Anus and 1U < ' House. Boyd's Opera . eve od fttvl wtf C. A. POTTER LAW REPORTE filKKEKU BLOCK , / \ - , _ t. _ -IW Omana ow. , , w , I > loUtlom , Eta , promptly to. Imported Be IN BOTTLES. Erlantjor , . , lit Gulmbacher , Br manor . . Bolit Kaiser > < . . . . . . . . . .Br DOMESTIC. Rudwoiaor St. AnliaQrfer. . . . . . .St. Best' . . . . Milw BisUWPilsner . , . . .Milw Kruz'a 0 . Ale , Porter. Domestic and \BI \ MAU11EI r ) . > . .1213 farm HONORS TO THE QUEl . IMS , Holfls a Reception aoilii ilcfl lii Tbonsanils of Peep Her Sploudid Apartments at villo Orowdod all Day Curiosity Seekers , Btr , Ulillr Tell * How llo Mm Grcnl Trnltcr RII In UiOJI Satunlny. I.oaJor , August -I. In the center of luxurianlly fu niwrtrnontp , turromidcd by n pi ot lazy Camilla RoldieM , and wait < by two grooms -who athflod lie ; want with tender solicitude , Mnut "Quocn of the Turf , " was fount ! Qlonvillo driving park ycstorday. did a princess on her throne rccoi dovotcd attention , Dlankuta coloro , auitod by their various nu33uu to every changing brcc uvory alteration ill the lompi were arranged about hor. She 1 been subjuotod to a bath , the TV which hnd been placed at the tc tun > to exactly nuit the iiioon'H | Yesterday wn hnr rccoption cli from morning nntil night she wa upon by the curious ones who fn BOO hnr in her wondotfvl porfo of the day boforo. Just nn the entered hisr ninrtmonto n c dashed up , containing four ladies , none of whom would cone luavo until thca had patted the upon tha ncuk , nnd called hi iiBinoa. Hut their devotion war boaidu that of the two groom could not have bcoti nioro iiasidu their duties had Mr. Vundurbil watching their every action will : uloccopo. It hid boonwhijpcrud i hit Muud would bo taken nwa ; Dlovnhud nnd the rumor eery lUgUH'Ilt TUB OIIOWDH OF VISITOKH , vho began arriving as early s ! 1 o Imoat before the great trotter had d hur oycs , and continued to comi ark. Uno party even insisted on pen her by the light of a tiny litl orn that her groom procured toe Aeioii. It is boliovcd that botwoo elit nnd dark uoc Icsa than twon undrcd people called upon the 'ho latter looked upon the who cding very modestly , and wh : ynoaiuo of two hundred eyes di jst to dispoao of an extra ullmva rain that hnd boon fiivon her in c ration of her remarkable achiuven lie day boforo. Seated in front of the Konnard is thoughts buried in n morning lie reporter found Mr. William f Cincinnati , to whom belongs thu C having driven Maud S. the fastc ver tnado on the turf , and of ree o Mr. Vanderbilt's great trotter tl f Queen , which had boon snatchix or twenty-four hours before by Ju ; oo. Mr. flair has been at the Kc early six weeks ovoraincoMaud roui-ht to the city. Do ia a man < lender build and of very taaty dm itelloolual forehead otands out wo pair of bright black eyes , while a ark mustaches bristles over and pa lidca his mouth. Ho ia a perfect t nan in his manners , and greeted 1 tor cordially. While somowhaj [ i ogarding the prominence yivoa h iamo in connection with TUB AOIlir.VEMKNT OK MAUD H n Saturday , ho was not at all ave alking about the event. Ho was : the performance was not a surpr im. "Yes , " ho replied , "somi ut not all together a surprise i 3eforo I brought her out I was a fraid aho had not boon worked nough to do a real fast milo. I dinud during the three days pro tie trial , and the mare had had q out. Yesterday morning I brougli ut on the track end drove her a m :18 : , nnd then put her back in tin ) lo. In the afternoon , half an hot ere the crucial teat , eho waa drl mlo in 2:27. : Then nho xros again a the utablos and groomed , and ho came out for her fast heat she \ nagnificont form. "ilad you any means of knowing ou were going to beat .Tuy-Ey. ccord ! " "Yos. I kept the time all tin iround. Ilnro'd the way I mad nntinuod Mr. Blair , drawinj logant guld stop watch fron racket. "Thia is just exactly as it stood hn milo waa fminhod. " Ttio minted to U0 ; ( > JI.5. "I hav hanged them ainco the milo waa d. H of ere hitching up 1 fastono vatch to my button holu , and it 1 ny lap all the way round. So [ tut how each quarter waa being md brforo I passed thowirol was hat the record had boon broken era 1 brought Maud S , out I waa led that if aho did not. do bottc 2:10 : aho could do it on Monday , waa dutorminod to drive her field old Mr. Kdwarda to a ay that she > o driven a fait milo. 1 did not brco her very fast to the quarter MH\ was satisfied when I reachoc TO UllOWIt 1IUU. L wanted to roach the half milo liVe \Vo did roach it in 1:011 : , and I w ident the record would bo I From there to the wire it was } uostion of endurance. "How deco Mr. Yandorbilt fee' the ovonU" "Vory happy. Ho hoa teleg for her to coma to Saratoga , and si bo Bent to him on the afternoon Sboro train to-morrow. " Mr. Blair will auUt in placii queen in her own private concl then roturu to Cincinnati. By thief of Mr. Yandorbilt'a promise the driver will receive 10.000 for hit Saturday 5,000 for lowering Ma own lime , nnd $5,000 for buathi Kyo Seo'a record. Maud S , \ placed in her cur this morning ai grooms will go with her to Sn The car will bo attached to train 1 on the Lake Shore road leaving 1 iiU5 : p. m. lleo Xotmfor Atueilcan Agrlculturiat. How to tnauago robber boos. . flloto of a honey flow nnd especial bast-wood honey harvoat , beea i clined to rob. Lot a hire bo 01 live minutes at ouch a time mid u ( if hungry robbers are ready to of the tipon any exposed portions A part of the honey crop is usual ) ; thd hiven at thocloaoof the hftrvc tha tuk of removing it is attendoi " " Bomotimu "unple B ntues and loaa , The queen breeder inuit n ily open hives and handle coinbi , i robbers Iroublo or not. When examining boca in preparing ! thotn for wintci ; rMi. bora nro often pattlculirly troubl To eave themselves from these nnccH , many boo keepers have a tent , in which they can perform th of the apairy. This consists of n frnmo work covered with niu8 < iuit ting , easily cnrriod rom place to nnd sot over the hivoa ( hat are opnued , Grading , crating , and shipping The first grade nhould consist o perfect , white combs , and it is _ th tor'n ojiinion that , in many ins there should bo only this ono grai comb-honey. Some boo-kcopors n second grade or unfinished section if the apiary is rightly managed , will bo but few of these nt the cl the Benson , nnd it ia bettor to oxtr ; honey from them , and keep the until another season. Honey that dark for the first grade , ahould m general thing , bo stored in section ! m usually moro profitable to cxtn Before crating'acclions should bo e clean of propolis. A small crnto is urablo , it is moro rnsily handled , a liable to bo 'dumped , " while it ser enables the retailer to sell n whole of huncy nt onca. Sections thin placed only onp tier high in all crates , UOCMIBO if any combs of the bocomco injured , the honey _ dripa and soils these of the lower tier , buo-kccpcra make n shallow "di ( heavy inruiilln paper , and place it i bottom of thn crate , then if coml injured the "diah" catches the 1 and provonb tbo soiling nf other > All hunoy crates should Imvo ghtas least ono of their hides. Kniull lota of hunoy should bo m express , and largo onei by freight , pro'.s matter is nucrsiarily hi rapidly , and when there is n hrgo [ ipnoy to unload , itia apt to bo > fi'in a hurry. When n largo : umoy ia sent by freight , the con should bo notified in advance , BO t may eoo to the unloading. Small should not ho atackcd up in n tn light pile , in n car , but built i ohapo of a low pyramid. If nccoi > o had to ono end of tha CAT , plni lonoy there , aa it will bp protect .hrco nides from tumbling dowi upon the other it can ba built up light of atftirs , which will protly o ally prevent any crnto from rocoi tumble. Always. , handle honey caro. _ _ _ EXCtTIiMKNT. "What cnuBOH the great rush at Sck Uoclit'B lrug Stororr The frco dlatri if aamplo bottloa of Dr. Boaanko's Cou jtmg Hyrup , the moat popular romi ) ouha , Coldn , Consumption nnd lira now ou the market. Surroiiniled by Urlof and Sort uck. Man that ia born of woman is ami atoca and few in the hill. Ho risoth up to-day and Hour iko n rag wood , and to-morrow or tl f ter the undertaker In a him in th ) fX. fX.Ho gootL forth in the morning wa iko u laik. and is knocked out ii ound and two nocoiuls. In the midst of lifo ho is in debt .ho tax-collector pumioth him win 10 goes. The banister of lifo la full of snli nd ho alideth down with considi itpidity. Ho vralkoth forth in the brigh ight to absorb ozone , and meotot ) .ink teller with a aii ht draft for $ ! Ho cometh down at eventide and oth thA wheelbarrow in ? ia path aii wheelbarrow risoth up and smitott to the earth , and falloth upon hin runneth ono of its legs into his oar. In the gentle spring-time ho pi on hia oummor clothee , and a bl trikoth him far away from homo , illoth him with woo and rhi ism. ism.Ho layoth up richoa in the bank , ho cashier apoculaioth in margins hen gootli to Canada for Ilia hoaltl In the nuium he putloth on hia v loutora , and a wasp that abid horn tilioth himself full of intense citomont. He nittoth up all night to got t urns from Ohio , and in the end lot that the other fellowa have t t. Ha buyoth a watch-dog , and wli cometh homo the watch-dog trcoth and sittoth beneath him until morn. Ho gootli to the trot , and botlo nonoy on the brown mare , nnd the { bldii K with a blaze fiico winnothl flo marrioth a rod-headed hoiros n wart on her noai > , and the ne : icr paternal ancestor gootli under ow itaiots and great liabilities , cometh homo to live with hia bi son-in-law. CONV1NC1N&.S ftlho proof -1 the pudding lu nut In cl ho string , but in hnvitiK au ojiportur out the urtlcle direct hclirotor < c Boc JruraUts , Imvo a free trial bottle of D anko Cough nnd Lung Syrup for oac every ono who la uflllctod with Coughs , Asthma Consumption or any Luu ? All Hho AViia Afraid Uo'd Htop , vluciunittt Merchant Traveler. A young woman from the countr ; suing her cr-swootbeurt for broa iromiso , and the lawyora wuro , aa Hiking all sorts of inquisitive into .orica , "You nay , " remarked ono , "th defendant frequently Bat very clo you ? " "Yos , air , " waa the reply , witn tlush. "How cloaol" "Close enough , so's one cheer wi Jio Bottin * room wo nuodod. " "And you say ho put his arm a you ? " "No , I didn't. " "What did you say , then ? " "I said he put both arms n mo. " "Then what ? " "Ho hugged nio. " Very hard ? " "Yea , he did. So dum hard \ cotuo purty near hollorin' right out ' Why didn't you hollar ' ? " " 'Cause. " "That's no reason. Bo explicit , ] BocauHO what ? " " 'Uau o , 1 waa nfoorod ho'd sto | The court fell otf the bunch and bt ) curried out and put under tli drant for purpose of roauioiUtion. tiio llnlilei-H. Kan. , Auc. 5. General thu hfailijuartoiH from tills c tha field jeitonluy , the camp bulne' I Cue uUloa bouth on ChoUn ! kU rivur lx cntnp&nlua uf the ( Uli cavulry ' are trutnd. Ilia futura movoin'enti are n < i public , l > ut thcrn N no iloubt from th tortviird bluwa will fall thick and ( M tlio lint Intruder in 1 udluu Urrltory liTho The Pronident of the Cain' Mass , , IHro Ins. Co. , recommends SarnaparilU aa a building up uid oti cuing remedy , HKIiUNQ NAMK8 roil A Ijl' . The Novel Avocation of n. Mnn Says the I'tilillc ig (3 rate fill to News , In the roar of a cigar store in 1 avmiuo yesterday , anys the New Sun , n man was treading a small which constantly turned out shei names , Donling in * namas wai m < vn'n biuino.is. All around hini shelves laden with cardboard box of names on shoots like these li printing. On the edges of the s' wcro printed ntrips bearing the "lawyers , " "doctors , " "drui "grocers , " and ao on through tin list of avocations , " "I advertise a mil ion nam fl , sa man , "but L don't suppose 1 have gi OB many as that. 1 know tint sooi I bey in collecting thorn I supposed a million , but when I counted them only 05,900. However , 1'vo got a many moro thnn that now. Win they for ? They're for sale. I sell to business men , men who want t < out circulars , publishers vrho are at journals nnd wmil to introduce widely , inventors who have some they want to bring to the notice of tain class of persons and BO on. t stnnco , n man who has invented r faucut got from mo the names of br and enloou-kecpora , another man w signed a now form of memorandum cnmo to mo to-day for the naincii c the lawyers and physicians in my i tion , nnd the proprietor of a mi acndemy up the Hudson came in yrstcrduy and got about nil the na havo. I print them , as you see , half nu inch apart , ao that they c cut off nnd pastop on wrappers , o v ( er nowspapora. "I get these namei in nil D ways. For inutancc , the Sun keoj busy every day cutting out nnd co names. I copy nil names of bu firms , householders , elhVmls , nnd p Kionul men from the Sun , which 1 found to bo very careful m rccpi names , I found that out becau ; colluding is stlf correcting. I ( ; i name of the BhoriiV < if a county western slate out of the Sun to-da instance , and tn n month or two I ate to run across it again in the local of that neighborhood , or in son ficinl document , nnd that gives chance to GOO whether or not i correct the first timo. But aftc most of tny names come to mo in ways. The oflbial lista licenses granted , legal inouu , directories blue t lista of morabarohipa of clubs , as tionsand corporations nnd in a rooro ways than I can think of in a I [ renew my lists constantly and midsummer I throw away these I i.ivo had for n year ; not all of then ill that I think are unreliable , eu louscholders , for instance. The ilonty of clomnnd for names. Men wnnt to appeal to a largo circle of pc ] uit thin little don of mine full etude udo , saying that they wouldn't tnotvn what to do but for mo. xro usually surprised at the loir pr : : hargo , but I have low prices , not AUSO I clo not properly vnluo my ervicos so much ns bocsujo thori ithora in the business in .Now York , ho competition ia lively. " ORIGIN Olf AMMONIA. Ammrmla ii obtained in large quautit .ho putrefaction of the urine of animals , ; ycJpctlitt litilg f.'ta. , ' , \ \ Wfory houjT S'per ran test baking po Mtitninlng USf disgusting drug by pin " " "Andrews' Pearl : nn of the "Koynl" or iown ou a hct stove until heated , then r , hn cover and gmcll. Dr. Price's Cruam Baking Powder do > : ont in Ammonia , Alum , Liaio , Potash , ? hoBpbatos , ( prpvo it by the nbovo test a broparcd by ul'hyeicmn and Chemist cleanliness nnd heal ] > cclal regard to anas. m-e-w The Knd of G < uur D'AIcno. Denver News , .uff. 6. Aloxnndcr M. Ooohran , of Tin uras in Denver laat evening on hia r lomo from the Caiur d'Aleno count "What do you think of that cour 10 waa naked by. a News reporter. "It's a good country and lota of i jet away frorrf. 1 waa up there 1 : ouplo of months and took up two cl L deeded them away to a tondorfoo waa willing to pay mo for the filing. "Are there any good mines there' "None that I know of. I kno : hroo mines which nro sunk ninety deep , nnd there was no more trace o .o bo found than ou the plains. It t great fraud. And it waa too bad , \\iion I was ( hero not less than [ ) Rotilo were on the field , and ncarl of them busted finnnciiilly. Why men there begging for bed money , men , too , who had never known wl was before to want for a dollar , , hey ull managed to got out o camp , until to-day not a iicn can bo soon about the once ft region. " "Wan there over any gold there ? " : ho reporter. "If there was the present gone : ioa not soon it. The excitement ; otton up for railroad purposes , an jreat measure they succeeded 1 iaught thousands of people , and BO tnem old minors who had passed th many llurrlcn. They all aoknon .hemselvca as rank suckers ! " Mr. Cochran ia ono of the mos < cessful minors in the west , and has valuable propertioa at Tin Cup , the of the recent rich strikes. Horaftml'N Drank With Boda Water ia dolioious. AU druggists have ! ; in refreshing and cooling. Try it A Flfiht With KnKlou. lrrom tbo lon\er Kopublicau. Mr. H , 0. Collins , of Denver , I present engaged in gulch mining gold pUcers of Douglas county , peculiar and somewhat startling t turo the other evening. After tup ] Saturday evening Mr. Collins , a his wont , started out to explor neighboring hills. Approaching i cipitous clilV ho felt that his soul's would f > rover remain ungratitiod ' ho sealed its stoop sides , ThisaftG sidorable dilliculty , he accompl Upon the highont point of the r summit ho discovered a huge perched ; loaning over with much culty to hia surprise ho saw four renlly very young but % vi.v ' birds , which although but recently , od , were already the size of a largo on , He was about to place his hai the neat to seouro them when i moat savagaly attacked from abi four monster birds , which ho a rccogni/,9d as specimen * of the na bird in nil their uative freedom , an bo found to his cost , in all their strength and vigor. Like R fla quarter swooped down on him , and bonks and talons struck and bruise < considerably about the. bead aud forcing nini 10 oeat aided lyrciug hit Lin Kctinrr ; for perhnpi . fif. teen minutes. Hastening I cimp Mr. Collins obtained the nasi of another miner , and the two , with clubs , returned to the scene i tlo. The old eagles had disaop but an invcn'igHtion ' of the nest ( lit the cause. They hnd removed tl the young during his absence. Th mnining ono ho secured by placin n , brown brimmed felt hat nnd lo it down the side of the clilT with to his companion. The onglot i in c.imp , the pot of the boys , thriving wonderfully. It takes.ibo small rabbit per diem to furnish hit austnnanco suitable to his rapidly ing capacity. Mr. Collins has nam bird Orovor Cleveland after the ni standnrd-bcaror , nnd tha onglo will py n pruud position in Iho rank a c rejoicing host of the Ccntnnnial sta the twelfth dny of November next , the nowa of thu election of his nan by an overwhelming majority shall been received. UnruiliiioiiH Honor * . TKIIIIK HACTK , Iml , AttRimt H. J l/amb was uniuiiinoufly ru-nnniitiatL'J f RteM in thta ( Fifth ) district , by tliaduai convention at lluckvillo to-day. JAKb'H HE. ' How T\vo Wlltl Mon of tlm West Died Willi Their Boots On , Portland Orcgunlan , On Big Spring crook , in Mo county , a few days ago , lUttesnnku nnd his partner , O'Fitilun , two dci ioea nnd reputed horao thieveattei to run u amull pUce called Luwistot incoting with some opposition tin : larcd they would clean out the ind commenced ( mooting at ovcryb ( iight. There wure only three gi the town , nnd they were placed it inncls of mou of undaunted courage jscd them with such good effect th jf the aupposad horsj thieves won lawn in short order , O'f leing ahot fir.it , through through , with n Winchester rifle [ Uttluanako nerved in hko man ihort time nftcrwards. Both ihoncd great pluck. O'Fallon , joing shot through rotlo back ti lartucr and naked him it ho was fakosiidho waa. "Well , " said C on , " 1 nm f.hot nnd I nm u dead jut I will otay with you. " At that nent ho fell Irom his horae , then i limuolf upon hia knees , took dclit um with a Winchester nt a young mined Smith , nn outsider , who wn ng to got nway from the frncaa , nnc lim through iho head killing hit itantly. The citizens aim that there woul nero men killed if thn thing was snded quickly , and ahooting from p > f all sixes commenced in earnest. C en took-jivo shots in the body I 10 fell tha second time , nnd th aiscd himself on his side and cent : hooting until ho had not strons upport himtclf , nnd after lying dev tept shooting aa long aa there waa 1 lim. lim.lUttleanako Jake , after he wan hrough the body , kept shooting ; iia right arm was broken by a ball , 10 changed to his left hand , and ; another ball broke hisrigh md , supporting himself by the othe cppt shooting ; another bill strucl ihin , carrying away half his jaw , W fell to the ground , rjiaod hipsol iia side , and kept shooting. From i ieea ho could not support himself ongor , and fired lyinu ; Hat on the gr < fhoro were niuo balls in him befor ; ave up. Just before he drew his iroath ho made an cflort to draw hie ol again , but had not strength em .nd it fell by his side. Malaria's Mighty Ilost. What a host of unpleasant sympi ndigeation ; lame back ; aching ji ileopleasnoBs ; vertigo ; weariness ; no letite ; cold foot ; pains in breast ; weats ; chills and fever. Malaria t 11 these. Brown , s iron bitters c hem all out. Mrs. F * A , Glenn , acovlllo , S , 0. . says , "I had a aorioi ack of malarial fever , nnd Brown'a Bittora restored mo to good health. AJsewSortof Breach of 1'rom 'hiliulolphia Timoi , "Ia doy n bill of excitement hyai 'ko Proasor ? " asked n colored mi liatrict attorney's Clurk Jerome y lay. lay.'A 'A bill of c.icitomont ? you mean > f indictmonii "YPB , aah. " "What i * the chargoJ" "Broach ob promieo , sah. " "Wo don't have breach of pn sasea here. " "Dis man ia charged wid borr 'o' dollnhs and u half nnd not piyi jack , " explained the colored visitor 'Oh , you mean faleo protons " said Clerk Jc > rcanh of promiao ? aughing. "I'spoaoao , sah , but I'eo nllus ) b do 'pinion dat when a man bori nonoy an' promised to pay hit bad lidn't dat ho wn * guilty ob brer jroimse , said the colored man , sci ng his hor.d. Clerk Jerome fen > ill of indictment against Isaac Pn solorod , charged with falsa protons ransaction involving $1 DC , French Grape Brandy , distilled ; ract of Water Popper or Smart-'N Jamaica Ginger and Camphor Wat sombtnt'd in Dr.JPiorcp's Compoun tract of Smart-Weed , ii the best po remedy for colic , chole.-a morbus , rrhooa , dysentery or bloody flux ; al break op colds , fevers , and inflamir ittacks. CO cents. Keep it on 3ood for man or beast. Mon' ' Tbo Dear liltte Brute Cambridge Tiibunv. A fashionable young lady at the ( Union , In Saratoga , gives the loll iccount of her silver poodle ; "U duiay , he is. So nice and clover , lias his tooth brush and keeps j still when the maid uses it with po He likes to have hia hair oilec combed , and takes a shampoo witl i'oct delight. When lie goea to be lays his head on the pillow and gc sleep like a tired b y. It's lots of caring for the brute , though. Ti one thinu ; I'm thankful for , he's a dressed in the morning. " The Tcrrlblo Drain Which scrofula ha upon the system boarrostod , and the blood must belied lied , or serious consequences will < For purifying nnd vitalizing c flood s Sarasparilla 1ms been found rior to any other preparation. It i every trace of impurity from the 1 and bestows new lifo and vigor upc ory function of the body , enabling entirely overcome disease. M E fit7 St. Clmrlc St. , S ( . Ion ! * A tt fular * r1oat9ftft o Mt jlf ( | Collect hM1 enotFCtlu Ui i > etHltn muli1 f CniioMC Ntr Una IIWH i > Iiur utMh . .nAN * * oiinr 1'hf.lflia la w f Vj r Pf" * how Nti'i nil elli .Urtit * know. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Her Physical Weakness ; McrcurUI and olh lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Po old Sores and Ulcers , ttnte.l * ith ti tare'nnli.oi 'liniliic i > rlnehl ! < . tutr I'H Diseases Arising from Indiscretion. Eiposure or Indulgence , iitii tr aure , ( olloolnt ci''i | iM > < in ne. < , lUUIilr , lUmnti HIM ! dtfeftlvr memnrr , flniblra on the fiitfi > hTi nvr < li > nlot& > ofMj ol rriutlrt , ronfu l < > or rinderlna : Mnrrliga Improper or < mh > .trmfttitnU } cuml. rhaph ! < i < 3 > | iffilcn the i { n irtlM tu\Hfl | * . frrMu liny fcrtrtrcs , . Contult nee cf If mMl fr , und Ir.vlu.l. n tIM rar until A Positive Wriiren Guan Kirt In fcll car M0 f . IfrdMne * icnl ever IMmnhlMi , Enallnh or German , 04 pi criblnc l > eve diseases , in raUoor foraal MARRIAGE CU1K tnariiCFi , Bnd > ' tf . llln lt ; t In tlolhtnlfl NKnumeyort-oMtgfll anir.tii r cnur , 25 ? . Cfinutni M the rtrloni , .Innltful ( > f IrmuMtli > no , Jl took er tiii I'.iunt . . UeiJi ! lUiilnuil > io jroiu u.J If lm mavlc ' " wrlto lmu < thrives on Ilnrllek'i rood. uritctul mother * . Motliir'B tullk ccni ttircli. An artlflclnl fooJ for Infante tarcli. TUo btut ivnil nigst i > ronlnln no ( food In hralth M H 0 13 g { hr. . & Awii'vtK ran S H ( j 1 n G n F' ' ) ttorch mid n'.iulrni no i Hlifhly lnni'ttchi to - ilrluk. 1 II eJ3W > tWJniinr.cint . llynl'li . ol 'Ullili I5rud for lioolt ou Iho Troalii.cnt Knfltf dlB neil iinl niirllloui. " tf. H' . I 1' ! > . . A'HlalclI. A J oeslrf J , n . > r. Flui U nil ttmt couM 1 > J Stlttjn , A'ltdi * . . . * onn Ioff II tupfridr I1 In tire > So ticMfner iMng mint. ' K S tvf.m N. If. n 7Ve . . ' mill on rrtvlpt of rrl n in \ \ 111 In srnt hy HOIir.H'K'S I'OOl * < ' ( ) .i SJtirlnc t 'U8it IlonLicn'H l' v EXTIJAOT or M )1UECT LINE FOn ENGLAND , FUANC QEUMANY TLo stoamslilpn o ! tlili wcll-Known line nro ron. In wtt r-tlght oouipirtmonts , nml ara dw-ltti a\vry rcquisitu to nuka t'ao pnjsi afo unit a rccalilu. Thcv carry the Unltoi ml [ Our irciD mulli , nn > I l a\o New Yorke ! a > 8 nml sAlnrtUjH for I'lymoiith ( LOXUOI lourff. ( l' Uiaft'iil HANUUMO. lUtei : Klr t Cabin , M5 , ? . > and ? 7n. Stoei Henry I'linilt , Mark HanMin , r' U. JIoiicx , contain Omaha , Ornncwlc i .SiJiijfiitu'cn.r J-mucIl BluI ( < . 0. U : RICUAK9 t CO. , Oo L ta , HI Brovlmv , SI. Y. C'btw. Kozmlnsl. lencral Wcatoin AinU , 107 Wasbln ton SI ( 'O.IH. 4 < nlco to Contractors ntul ISn ) Felled proposal ! ) w 11 bo recc'tv a < \ up to Au 1 12 o'ciojk m. , lor bihUllnj : iinl co nilctli | > | nr occupanry , a titlck Mohool home , above ' t atlun , In Sprin llclJ , Parpy conivy , N'ebiR' ' otJiiiR to plant and spccltlnxtioiis ol Clo c ; rol lucta , i nii'liii , Kcl ) . The hilck nnd n illl be furntttbuil on the froun'n tiy Ibo buildl ilttcu A'l ' other material to bo lurcUhcd rartor. Plain ttMl ppec4GcilIon8 c'tnbopci ) . Spe.irmixu'BBtcro , 'nSprlnKfiold.Nob ' , ere lroi > . Omaha. lUillJInjr to be ccinplctcil on < he l&'h Oay ol November. 1SSI. Tlmcomm or > ethu ilfilit to reject nny or sll < \ Jiltcsi HulHllne cx > uimttcc , S Jly V0-uiJo ! lot fthliH/i&KA LfiND A6 tiC TO DAVIH ti SNTDEB Dcilers to 1505 KAHNAII ST. llive lor ula 100,000 ( area onrernlly select * i Eastern Kubiukk. t low price nd on eu ; improvea luua tor e lo In Douglu , Dodffo , latta , Hurt , Cumin ? , Bupy , WMnlngton , lundcrfl , ind Butler Oountlea. Tuxes pild In 11 parts ol the 8tU , * Money loan&l on Improved Urma. oiary. I1 w yi In DISEASES OP THE SYS & E J 7. ARMSTRONG , M. D , ' result of Arc o eo are 'repaired from Parker , Hoom 6 , Ciclghton Bloc t > i tr oti > PROCLAMATION , IVTFIKRKA1' , Joint resolution wnadortec ' Lcglelature uf tbe btato of NcbraacU , ' ' ( thln-i th .Sj ? lon ttiercol , anu apiiro ed K 761 , A. l > . 18S.Jiiropo3iDir n Amendment to ojr(4)of ) Ar Ic'o ' 'hrcca ) ol the ConbtUi itdbta'i- , aid that said suction as musudi culas follows , to-wlt : "Sfctlon The tenni of cttlee of member irgUU uro shall In two \raiB , ami thovth : eCLUo n salary of t > jeo hundred drl'ars ' f. ur\li HduriuK gild lorm , tnd ton ccntu f'l nllo they shall trael m eolni ; to and ictun.l he 1 1'to ol , aru\ng ( \ of tlmcfi \ a'ure , on t isual r.m'o. I'KOMIIKD nouyAKlt , tnat nelth. i.rscl Ilii 1'pihlaturo nor emi > loee shall than ihcl * Bn'r nv pay nrp iuUlti ) ) other ullcagu. Kiel ) illusion , tucopt HpccU' sesaioi o i. ol IUBJ than kilty dayn. Alter Ilio explr Drty duyx n ( the t ctalou nohMi nur joint UHI f the nature ol bill , uball bolntrouuctxl , ur lovrtnor shall , hy epaclal mtBiaee , ca'l the Ion ol iholAirUluturo to the necis-itv of pa law on the subject matter embraced In then nd the tutroduutlou of tllb eball bo rei lieruto , " Iho ballots nt the tlectlon at which t > ald . icnt aliall bo submlttoj tlmll bo In the fc arm. "Tor propwod Amendment tothe O Ion iclat'iiK ' to LegUlatlro Dci. rtutrt " ' , ropotu I Ameidm i.t to thu Conttltutlon I 3 I i bbth a ! cii l tmcnt. " WiiKXK.ti , J > jlu rejclullon was adopted * k'UUturo ol th Ha'o ol Kobraakn at th setith Hcpslou thertof , Mid > ppro\ed Feb'ut ' . D. : Si83r.ron < 8lrff au Amti an ent to Beet lofAr < lrl Kite ( li ) cf tte rotetliutlon lute , kndthat saldiection < u ammdoJ tball "Section 1. Hie ritcuthc Uopirtment el itt | ol Governor , licu'cnaiit-OoMiinor ' , > ( if State , Auditor of Pul lie Acot-ULti , Tri | i > p ilntendentol I'ubllo Initruction , Attorn ml , Commlsjloner of 1'ub la 1 aiids aa/ Bu nd Board of > tilluiy CommUrlonera. ilie limed In tbljBJclknshi1 ! t cb Inld Ills oil he tor m nt two ytara from the first Tinned heflrttTntxdty In Jmuiry next a'UrhUi ' nd until hi * nuoceiuor U elected and quail jed iDKOiiowmtM , trattho flint elootlon of said hall be hi Id on the llrst TucsJay luceeealngi loudly In November of IKoB , and each tuu leotUniulullbe h M at the mime relative I och c\en ) f r theioaltor. All other ofllce uaj be provided for by Itw , under tbe piovl bU section , shall be chotou In mch manner uch time * , and > hall nold their otlloea fortucl ' b provided by law , and in > f ; tlme m .may O'lnnuch UuUcsatiJrei-eUu such coraptni. nay 1 provided for by Uw. The Qovemor , I'ubllo Aorountii , Tri ary of Htat , Auditor of ; oinmls louer of 1'ubllo Laudiand Uu litln * , orney Oeneral.ebUI rraldu at tbe cat ol cove urlng thi Ir tcrron of otllco , and IC D tha pu onls , booVitundpaiwrt there , and the otScor uniej ihall p rloim tuch duties u in iy I o ri Uw. " ly The billota at tbe tloctl in at wl ich B Id nuut thill be lubmlttoU thall bo In In the fc AmenJmunt to Scctn firm : " or propose J I ) of Article rlv(5) ( ) of the Ooiutllutlon , hiccullvel > ep rtiiient. " ' galnttp op- sod aunt to Suction one ( I ) ol Article Ifite (5) ( ) ol t 'Exu-utUc lleparlmtnt. ' " tltullon. eiitUluJ , aiieroliire , I Junes W l u oa , OoV.rnor itate ol Nebraska , do liernhy viva notlco.h lancu itb Section Un ( l ) Article HltoenMI : on tltutlon , and thu pruvldoiuol au aet ti 'An Act lopr < vlde ibo wanner ol proposing , nenU to the Conititutlou and sulmitilnu tl o theKIectottoltllj EtaU"appro > cil Fehrui V.I ) . ' 877 , llutuldprniuied Ameidmoiui ubnilttiHl to the qnaUdeJ votrn of thli aiitlutlon or rejection > t the General I lee tit ieU un tht 4tb day of November , A , D ISiL r- * . In witneaa w hereof , 1 h e hoicu ( HXIL. I ruylunU and cauwd to be a til , ' ' re t B al of the Hutu of Mebrtu Done at LlooMn tbU 13th day ol July , A , I he Eighteenth > enrol th > Hla > eand ft th xitulruoecf the United btitei. the One Hund llntb. By the UO > ernor : J AMEa W. DA Arrtar ; Knur ARC V , KOUOBN , Jy O-toe 8m l-uw eecietuy ot I Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm Mr Edwin Daviswho is well and favorably known m Oinaha.This will enable us to han dle an increased list of property. We ask those who' ' have desi rable property for saleto place the same with us. The new firm will be in REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 213 South 14th St. \ \ (