Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    OMAHA DAlJLf -WEDNESDAY , AUGUST ( i , 1884.
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Davis , who
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han-
an increased list
of property. We ask
those who1 have desirable -
rable property for
saleto place the same
wrth us. The new firm
will be
South 14th St ,
. ' < . & :
-THE g
Tlth Tnedlr-lne. combining Iron with r-mo
YoKctutilo totiloo , nulrfcly nnd romplctcly
t.ureii I > TNpri | lni ImllKrHtlmt , WrnkncKN ,
liuiturr lllnoil , , llnlarlnClilllMind I'm rr ,
nnil Noiirnlalii.
It Is nn unmllinij remedy for DUcnsofi of tlio
Klilnrjn nnil Liver.
It Li invnlimblo for Dlaeatc * peculiar to
Women , ntnl nil lie lend Mjilcntnry ll\e .
Itiloos not Injure the teeth , cMi ehCM < lncheor
jiroduco constlpAtlon othTrun metlMntido.
It enriches nnd imrlllci the blood , Ftlrmilnlcs
the nppellto , nidi tlio nvlmllntloii of food , re
lieves Ilonrllmrn nnd ItcIchHip , mill strength
en' ' the muscle * nnd nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lnssltude , taclcof
l.ticrgy , tic. , It has no equal. v
STlio Rcmilno Una nbovo triulo mnrk nnd
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take im other.
, n < i.Tisouiiit > .
Uni-w nun rinlilttltf Quirk rw * ° * nDT' '
nervous - ell Hi. , N.Y
" "
ic ) ( AFTER. )
, , IU.UTHO-VOLTAIC 11F.LT nnd other Kutcrmo
> J Am.iAxcrs nra sent on 'M buys' Trial TO
MEN ONLY.OU.NO OK OLD , who ar Buffer-
Inn from Niiirocs l > Ktm.iTr. LOST VITAUTT ,
WABTIIO WKAKNESsiy. nnil all tnoso zllnran1 * ct it
I'BRSoxAi. NATUIIK. rrsulllnit from APOSKS and
Oriirn CAVSKS. HiKwty rrllff anit romplcto
r toratlon to ilEALTii. viooii nnd MANHOOD
UUA1UHTKKD. P (111(1 fit OUUO tOt lllUltratCj
Tamplilrt Inf. Arti ( j
TOLTAU' nr.I.T CO. . Mnnlinll. Mich.
Health is Wealth !
Da. K.t ! VTiw's Nmixn ASD URAIX TRKATJIKNT , ft
guaranteed tjirclJo for ITjptcrla , Iizztuo' > , Conrul.
ilons , Tits , Ncuoni NouriXKl i Hcfldaobo , Nervous
L'rostration caused by tlio umof alcohol or tobacco ,
kValtclnlnrm , Mi-ntal dtnrtffrlon , Sottenln ) ; of iha
brtln , resulting In Insanity and 'loading ' to misery ,
decay and death , I'rematurc Old Age , Bnrrone's loss
otl'oer 11 cither six , Imolunturj Lows ami tlpcr-
matorhrn ouuucd by oier oxertlon of llm brain , Hell-
abuse or over indule'noo Each box conuiiianne
nonth'a treatment $1 CO a box or six lioxca for
5.00 , eciitby mall prepaid on receipt cl price.
rocureauy caoo. With each order rocclvcl by
orslx uoxei accompanied with 8 > 05. we will ecnd
bo purchaser our wiittcn Ruaranteo to refund tbo
moncylf the trcattrcnt dneu rot effect a cure. Guar
antees Issued oaly by JOHN C. WEHT i CO
jy 2SmSe-ly ; 802 Majleon at , , Clilcago , 111.
. . . .
A. Tictlm of early Imcrnucnco , cvi-ing ncrrooa
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Fpcciul Pcposlt Is to cnornntco the
payment of the 25 prerplurrm fully described
'n ' our former announcements.
The premiums will be jald , no matter how
small the number of Imps returned may be.
OKeeJaeViMr * Durham Tfibaffo Co.t >
nurtian , Jl. 6' , A'av 10 , 18M. (
nEVI > j.
Uiihtrr Ilnnk t > f tliirliam , T > nl > iam , If. C.
Sin Wu tnclnae yon ' 5II,9o UO. which
i pluco on Ki > eclal Icix lt to par prumiumn
for our i mptr lulucco Imp * to tie returned Deo.
IStb. Yours truly. J S CAHB. Prcf Went
Ofaf ff the Rank of Durham , )
Jiurham. .V C. , Pay 10.18H.J
rrinl llhirkirrTit Durham Toftirro Co.
Drill HutI Ivnt to nrktiouledKe ix-wlpt of
tlLWOOO tmm ton. whlrh nn hn e placed uron
Biccial l ) i ) Htfor tin objoi-t > ou ffjtr
ioumtnily. P A. W1LKT. Cashier.
None Pennine without picture of DULL on the
I arkru-o
tVSua our oilier auaounceminta.
WIiIo-Awakr Agents Wanted Every where for
hv J ime * J'arlon. Ih < 1 trrcntttt liloirraplu-r of tin1 nirr ,
IH'li"Tantollinii C Klti \ i > Slfllll pn i-lllMr.nitlon .
'rfn mil ) JJM ll < w lllit -r h li iia ( IL-IV A lionk fi > l l'\rry
oiuaii. J. jC.CJu.4i IbuiJ , " ! < V fi MaillaullSl..Clllcno. |
.H0i f $ ahtiTW BELT
" \v i 1 euro Xi n ou > iic8 ,
LJII ba'iKliPt4liiaUhni , 1'ur
iilv M , Mmulfli.t hiluilra
Kiilncy , Hpinu mil iher
ill > jMHuutA > tliiu3llenrt
pntlun lan , rmnnti ,
Mrs , IniMulonc ) ,
PnmlMinii. . riolni | ii t'ti-il.ttc only wu.ntlfU.hl . c
Inn lu-ltln Alni-ilc.i Hint i.'tirUtln'Klcclilulv nml im . .
nttlam through llu boJy.blul cull be'rtthaitt'il ilian jii
rloiit by the imlirnt.
01.000 V/outrl Mot Qu It.
lit , ttonsa J WM affllctx ! with rhsumtlsra nd
raroJ by uslnjf a belt. To any nnn allllotctl ivllli
ihH dlwanv , I woulJ nay , buy HornuV KIcctrlo Itelt ,
Any onu can oontor with m by writing calling
a loiyatore , UtO DouKlMetroot , Omaha , Nob.
MAIN OFKIOK 1422 Douglas Street.
tBTor gale at C. P. aoodmstn'i Ini3 Stora1 1110
ftrmtii tit , Omaha.
' .Ordera filled C. O D
. . , . .
( Faculty 1'rlro , Uudlcal CoUego ol Ohio.
And other IHsenses ol the Ann and Reotam.
Boyfl's ' Opera Honsc.
ere ed and wtt
Oinaba , Neb ,
i3TlepOHlU'in Dictation ) , Kto. , prompty ! ttended
Krlnnger , , . . .Uavaria
Cnlrnbnchor , , Havana
Pilsner .Bohemian.
Kaiser Bremen ,
Bndwoiser St. Louis
Anhausor St. Louis
Bestn MilH'unhec
Hclilitz-J'ilbiier Milwaukee
ITrna'a Omnha
Ale. Porier Domestic und Ilhixn
How Moiljcflkft's DlAitiondfl Secured
Tholr I'opulnrlty The Gontn
Given to lllion liy tlio Gznr.
Jn\\ol .
Mr. IT. J. Snr ont , tlio nmimgor of
Mine. Janisch for the coming season , in
conversation with a Now York reporter ,
made A clonu breast of his old diamond
tciok the other day.
"Why , " said ho , "when Mojcskn wan
employed by mo she had not enough diamonds
mends to buy n loaf of bread with. 1
had tu udvauco her the money to como
on hero from California with , and when
wo began the season she was in my debt
very nearly $1,000. YOU can imagine ,
then , that when she first played Oamillo
at the Fifth Avenue thca'tro there were
no diamonds to exhibit. Hut Trhon wo
had played several towns nnd got thraugl
with Boston wo began to fool n little
OAsinr. I had sonic money in my pocket
and BO had she , Ono day wo were walk
ing along King street , in Montreal , am
wo pasaod a jeweler's just next door to
the theatre. In the window iraa i
maguiGcont diamond necklace. Mod
jcaka nnd I feasted our eyes on it , ant
then I said that wo might -as well go in
and BOO it. She protested , 'what was
the good ! ' but I said , 'it may do us gooc
to handle it , any way. ' So wo wont in
ana asked the man in charge of the atoro
to sco the noeklaco in the window. Ho
recognized us , and taking it out said it
would bo just the thing for the madatno.
Wo nudged each other na if it were r
delicious joko. Then ho told us it had
boon made for Mary Anderson but aho
liad never como to claim it. I though !
Mary had been going it rather stronu
and then asked him the price of , it , ' 1'S ,
said ho , ' § 40. ' Wo were both as
tonished. M'Jlgivo § 35 for it'said 1 ,
and the bargain was concluded. I took
ho nccklnco away ( so far Modjoskn had
) oen playing Camilla with nuccr old
uccklaca that fell to pieces nearly every
night many a time 1 mended it. ) The
icxt day I had n box made with bands
of brass , a strong padlock and handles
m both ends for two men to carry ,
When wo got to Chicago I put the nock'
ace in this strong box , ana ono night
kftor the performance I walked up to
.ho oflico of the hotel and had n man lift
ho box onto the counter. 'Put that In
ho safe , ' I said. They looked at the box ,
and said they never could got a box like
that in the safe. 'Well , ' said I , 'you
> ut n notice in every room that you
ron't bo responsible for valuables unless
they are loft in the safe , and hero ia
Mmo. Modjeaka'd $40,000 necklace. I
want you to take charge of it. ' By this
imo there was a crowd nrouud the corni
er eyeing the box. The clerk didn't
{ now what to do. 'Strange , ' said T ,
that the present Mmo. Mudjeaka got
rom the czar of Uuesm can'c bo properly
irotected. Then got two policemen and
iut them to guard the box all night , and
' 11 pay them myself. ' The policemen
roro got , and they sat on each nido of
ho box of § 35 diamonds till 12 next day.
Nothing more was necessary for mo to
.o. The papers were full of the czar's
i40,000 diamonds , and Mocljosha'a
owelry was ono of the attraction. ! of the
"Ilhoa ? Well , Rhca didn't have
nough money when she came over hero
; o pay ono day's hotel bill. But she had
> ought a few paste diamonds in P.iris bo-
ere leaving. They were worth fully
S70 because they were very well set. The
; zar of Russia got the credit for these ,
oo. It was a magnificent paruro which
10 had presented her with when she
nlaycd at the imperial theatre. Both
vents antedated Patti'a cznr diamonds ,
ou will f OP , though if they nro no more
genuine than Modjoska's and Ithoa's it is
imply the same old trick. But wo man-
god to get a boom out of the diamonds ,
von in her caso. No end of reporters
escribed them but few were given a
ery cursory view. If Jlhea'a acting
md only been up to the diamonds it
would have been all right. But appar-
ntly the trick had been done to death ,
'ho public neither c.imo to ace Ithoa nor
10 diamonds cither. "
"But what about Janisch's diamonds ] "
"Oh , they are really real diamonds !
'hoy got the prat prino for paato nt the
'ieun.i opposition. You can actually ex-
mine them without being able to tell the
ilferenca. And thpy are very effective
ndccd , and worth quilo § 000 or 700.
? caido Modjeeka'a mid Rhoa's they are
enuinc old minu stories. I could really
anl anybody with them , but I wpn'tovon
hough Modjeska and Ithca did got monte
nto bad habits. "
Ammonia ii obtained in largo qimntitlos hy
10 putrefaction of the uilno of animals , in-
cyclop&Ha Jlrilannica.
Kvury h-iunckce ur can test baking powdera
outaiulng thia di-gunting ilrtip I y placing n
anot the "lonl"or { "AndrewH1 Pearl" top
own nn a h t ntovn until hoatud , then removi
Im civrrnnd Hincll.
Dr. I'rico'ii Cream IJakinKl'iroilordnca not
inntain Amrnoui-i , Alum , l-inio , I'otaih , liouu
"hdspliatpn , ( prove it by tha nbovo teHt ) , It
a brojHxrcd by a PijIciuu ) and Clicmiut with
[ wciul regard to cloanlinen.i nnd hoaltliful-
on/ / ) , ni-o-w-Um
Uxperlmcnr , With the
JJIcutricuI Htroet Oar A
Cli'laiid Leader Auff. 2.
Yesterday the now electric motor
treot car mndo its first uninterrupted
rip on the Quincy street branch of the
Pardon street car lino. Several trials
lad boon made during the week , but
owing to slight imperfections , such as
are unavoidable in now inventions the
operation of the car was not entire-
y satisfactory. All these , however ,
mvo been donn away with , and
ho electric motor street car is
an ataured lucccss. At about noon
Hesors. Knight and Duty , the patentees ,
Superintendent Duty and the directors
of the East Cleveland company got
aboard of the now car at the Garden
troot barns , Mr. Duty acting as driver.
3y throwing back a handle similar to a
irako on the front platform a powerful
surront of electricity was turned from
ho iron conducting rods , laid between
he truck , into the dynamo machine.
L'hio started the gearing end pulley
wheels , and the car started ofl'at a live-
y rate , towing behind it &u ordinary
torso car. It glided along
smoothly and rapidly without apparent
neans of locomotion. Horses nnd dogs
roro considerably astonished by the ap *
larition , and pcdeatriuns ( < i7cd open
nouthud at iliu wonder. A rate of
about eight milt H per hour , coraldorably
aster than otreoC car horses uro accua-
omed to travel , waa achieved without
difliculty. The train swept around cures -
es with perfect grace , and the journny
othe end of the olectria ruilvray was
comjilbtcd without any mishap or break
n the machinery , it was a de
cidedly novel experience rid
ing on an electric horto , and all
thy passengers tzprcfwid thotnnelves us
ju. " r..f ' i.daui eaJiSod ri'.h thtir t v-
The return waa mndo without accident
anil the carconlinuod to run regular trip
carrying nil who ohoeo to ride by pay in
their faro. Another motor will bo built
and the two Trill do the regular ecrvlc
of the mad on the Quincy atroot lin
during the fall and winter. Unices th
coat of maintaining an electric railway
when aubjcctcd to n practical teat in thi
way , greatly exceeds all calculations , th
East Cleveland company proposes to introduce
troduco the now motor on all their lines
Eventually it may revolutionize th
street railway business.
Tirol I.niiKiilil Dull.
Exactly expresses the condition of then
ninth of people at this season. The do
proaaivo effects ot warm w eather , ant
the weak condition of the body , can enl ;
bo corrected by the uao of a reliable ton !
and blood purifier like Hood's Sarsapa
rill * . Why Buffer longer when n remedy
is BO close at hand ) Take Hood's Sarsa
parilla now. It will give you untolt
wealth in health , strength and energy
AVIint rr'Hjrcss In Cattle ,
Western .Agriculturalist.
Wo have boon inquiring of tanners am
stock brooders throughout the woat , wha' '
progress is being made in stock raising it
their locality. The answers all indicate
that stock is attracting universal atten
tion. Moro grass nnd inoro stock is the
rule of progress , and improved stock is
generally required. The prejudice
against the improved broods of stock hns
Riven place to onthusiastio admiration ,
because the moro progressive farmers and
breeders in every county have demon
strated the practical value and superior
merits of the improved broods over scrub
Western farmers and brooders now
lead the world in stock breeding , both in
quantity and quality. The beat of all
breeds ot cattle , horses sheep and
tiogs have boon liberally imported from
European countries , and with
our liberal feed , fine gross and
water , and superior atock raising facili
ties , with that ambition to have the best
of everything in stock breeding , vro are
now ennblod to soil back to the old world
our high grades at remunerative prices to
us , which is cheaper than they can raiao
Hence it is the general tendency of our
'armors to convert their grain fields into
; rass for stock. The "uncertainty of
; raln crops depending upon good seasons
can no longer successfully compote with
stock raising , nnd by inventing the same
ammmt of money that is required in machinery
chinory for grain farming in good brood
ng stock , in ton years by the increase of
ho stock will oroato n valuable herd ,
> y keeping the females and selling the
uale.'i to pay running expenses , while the
arm machinery will bo worn out nnd
The western states have developed n
uperior qrass country , and stock and
; raas in this day will make uuy country
> rospurous , if the Improved breeds of
ntook are bred. With the beat stock
country on earth nnd the moat nnd best
itock the woat loads the world in stock
reeding , nnd this improved stock brood-
ng is not only inoro profitable , but it
; ivcs more dignity , iulluouco nnd im-
jortanco to fanning , and makes the farm
nore inviting to the merchant , manufac-
urcr or capitalist , and more attractive for
ho young farmer. Both the old and the
oung farmer can moro profitably on-
; ago his surplus capital in improved
i took breeding than in any chatmola of
rado or speculation , for just aa true as
iko produces like , does n tire hundred
iollar animal produce offipring that with
, wo or three years' feeding will sell for
wo hundred dollars. Thus the stock
ireoder cuts off his coupons of 100 porct.
year. Whether ills $100 , $500 or 82500
laid for a femaln brooding animal of
; oed recorded pedigree , the ofldpring is
vorth just aa much. Improved sires are
qually profitable in paying for thorn-
elves ovpry year.
The spirit of our ext msivo intercourse
with our readers throughout the woat
will bear us out in thia universal adop-
ion of improved stock-breeding , either
f full blood stock or by grading up with
ull blood sires. The Western Agricul-
urist has boon urging this good work for
ears , and wo nro happy to have the
loarty co-operation of our readers , for
ho highest prosperity of our country is
n raising good stock , as only our country
TIorNford's Acid Puosplinto.
Imitations and counterfoils have again
ppoared. Bo sura that the word
HOHHKOUD'H" is on the wrapper. None
ro genuine without it.
Too ninoli itt a. Ijuxury.
"Look here , " said n grocery keeper to
hillside farmer in Kentucky , "you owe
mo S20 and 1 want my money , "
"Ilaint got n durnud cent , inmtor"was
ho confident ntuwer.
"Well , 111 swoop down on your mis-
rablo little garden patch and take it out
of what you own. "
"H vlnt got nothin1 trnr wufladang. "
"You'vo a cow , havn't you , nnd three
or four ptes and n mule ? "
"Yes , thar's thu framework of a cow ,
and thorn piga looks like pork bar'a with
ho ntavcn kick outon 'em , and the mule'a
o thin the buzzards turn their noao up
at.him. "
"Well , I won't bo hard on you , but I
am bound to have somothing. Whatcan
'ou spare best1
"Lemmo mo BOO a minit. There's the
ow nnd thorn pigs and the mule and
and the old woman. You jos' aon'
roun' and git tbo old woman. A man
n my fix amt no uao for such a lugaury
as a wife , nohow. " Cincinnati Merchant
If your complaint la want of appetite , try
ialf a wlno-gmBU of AnKOBtura Bittern
mlf an hour before dinner. Beware of coun
terfeit * . Ask your grocer or druggist fur the
emilno article , manufactured by Dr. J. O , V
llegort & Bonn.
Quarantining Texas Gallic.
HKI.KNA , .Mont. , Aug. ft Uovernor Croaby
ceucd n proclamation to day for ijiiarantlno
gainst Texan cattle from noithern range *
coti.inginto Montana by rail.
Wlien tlio Funurul CoromonlcH AVI 11
Tulco I'lnco.
from tha Cincinnati Commorclal-Uazetto.
Every body who was present at the
official notification of Governor Clove-
and of his nomination appears to have
> oen oppreaaed by solomniiy. The high
y onr-Uo Col , Vilan informed the povor
nor that the committee had como in "n
solemn and ceremonious manner , " to
notify him , end that being noloraiily and
ceremoniously performed , the governor
replied that ho was himself ' 'profoundly
mprosaod by tlm solemnity of the occa
sion. " There need hardly have been
his ceremonious adoption of habiliments
if woo no early in the season. The fun-
ernal ceromooiru nt Albany will take
ilaco early in November ,
The President of the Cambridge ,
Hae . , 1'iro Ins. Co , recommends Hood's
Sswiparilla as a building up and strength ,
tilruinc' ' .
.St. 1/ouu Itopnbllcin ,
It WM only a few years ago that the at
tention of Illinois farmers was directed
to the subject of underdrawing ns n
moans of improving the productive capac
ity of their lands , and carrying elf the
surface wnter that retarded lie lit work
so late in the spring. They nt once recognized
ognizod the value of drainage as r
necessary feature in the agriculture of n
state whoao surface is monotonously
level , and began to take steps to intro
duce it. How far they have progressed
may bo learned from the fact that there
nro now C3 ( ! drain-tile factories in the
state , nonrly all of them established
finco 1875 , The greater number of
them is to bo found in the central portion
tion of the state cast of the Illinois
river , which embraces the grain district.
These factories have nn aggregate capi
tal of $3,71) ) 1,000 , employed 5,41)5 ) hands ,
paid out in watea $1,434,000 n year , nnd
turn out 170,1102,000 pieces of tile pipe ,
worth $3GOrOO ! ) A year.
A'lnrgo portion of Central Illinois ia
now uudordraincd ; nearly every thrifty
farmer has his fields undarlaid with pipe ,
and the work is only _ fairly begun. Aa
the advantage in draining in drying and
warming the soil and improving its pro
duct , \o capacity becomes manifest the
system \'ended nnd it will not bo many
years buiuiv the prnirio state will bo n
not work ol underground pipes. Illinois
farmers nro becoming as proverbial for
their intelligent thrift ns Illinois soil is
for fertility. The most cllVctivo farming
In the United Slates is to bo seen in the
central and northern counties of that
state ; nnd the uyatom of undordraining
n nn exnmplo of the readiness with which
Illinois huab.tudtnen carry out now ideas
Jint promise to increase the yield of
their acres.
Durkoo'n Salad Drt-.sslnc U compound of tlio
rcnho-t , purest and choicest condiint'iita
nancy will buy. U aurpaiflOJi nnv that ciin bo
miilo at hutiiu , In cheaper , aavcit labor and all
Prlvcrn AVlio rail.
loeton ( .ilobo.
I waa sitting ou the front sent of nn
open car the other day , gazing abstract
edly nt the driver , when nil nt once 1
ras startled by seeing n fat woman who
lad sat on the sent behind mo reaching
> aat my head to give him n terrible proil
n the aide with the point of her urn-
irclla. My first impression .was that it
was going to bo n case of aggravated
assault , but I soon discovered that she
only wanted to stop the car , for she pres
ently got out and wont on her way ns
coolly ns if nothing had happened. To
ny surprioo the driver did not ovou turn
irouuil , nud the only apparent effect of
.ho blow on him was a sudden indes
cribable noise , such ns ia hoard irlion a
uddcn kick forces n little of the wind
out of a football.
"Excuse me , " said I , "do they often
hit you like that1'
"Very frequently , air , " wns the reply.
"I should th'nk ' it would hurt you. "
Thu driver took his hand from the
> rakn and emothed down his coat behind ,
"Fool there. "
I did so and encountered n protuber
"What's that J" 1 asked.
"A oad , sir. "
"What's it for ? "
"For the points of umbrellas nnd
canes , sir , 1 nlwoys wear ono. "
Jnnuprtliif ; in Union DopotH at ICnil nirily ,
Omaha iiml Denver with tliiou/li / tnunn lei
And nil points In HID Oic.itVost
Connoctlni ; In ( i-iiil | ( Union Diiput lit Chlcu o
with through tnilns lor
Anil nil i : ( > ' -"ni Oltiw.
Atl'norli with thioj tniliiHlor Inillnnap.
illH , Uliiclninitl , ( JoliinJAlj , unil nil points In
tliohontil.Kusl. At Si * > juln Hltli lluouuli
tniliiH lor nil polntx .So\t.
ilcK""t D.iy Cciichi , I'm lor Cuiri , wlthltu.
rllnlni : CliilnseutH ! : ( lieu ) , SniokliiK Cam with
{ iivolvniK ( 'huliH , I'lilliniin 1'ulacii hluniiln
'ura nnil tlm IIIIIIOIIH ( } . II. & ( ) . lllnlnt ; Ciu-n
nn Unity toiiiul from tJlilcaijo and KuiiBiiHlty ! ,
nnd Coinicll llliillrt ! Clilc K" nnil DIN
, Clilcn o , St. Josvpli , Ati'lilnoii nnil
without , chiiiiK" . Only tluoiiKli llnu
runiiliiR thiilr own tniliiH lictwcnn Clilcnj.'o ,
Mncviln unit Denver , nnd Ohlciiio , Kuimna
Jltv niul Dunvi'r. Tlnonuli curH liutwuiiii
Inalntmpollti mid Counull llluirs , vlu 1'corlu
Bolld Tmtiiu of lilt'Kiinl Uny t'ourhcH nnd
[ 'iilliiifin 1'iihiriiHlcoiilni ; Ciiru uro run dully to
mil fiom tit. J.oula ; vlu llmmlliiili Qnlni'V ,
Kiiokuk , IluiIliiKton , Codiir ItunldHmid Albr'rt
1,111 to St. I'uul und MlntiiuiHillHi I'nilorL'iirK
with Hi'clliiln Cliul to nnd fiom Ht. Imils
ind 1'corlu , Onlyoiiormnoof ) rurn bi'twicn
t. I.oulHttnii DON Moliira , Iowa , Lincoln , Nn-
braHkn , nnd Denver , ( 'olonulo.
It U uUo thu only TluoiiKli IInn httwccn
It U known ox thu Krcut TJIUOUiill ( JAIL
1,1 SH of America , unit in iinlvt'ittully uduilt-
toil to Im the
finest Ejuippod Railroad in the World for
all clacees of Travel.
Throiijth Tickets via this line tor Wile al. aj !
U. lt.couion | ticket unices In the U lilted Htutf *
< Uld Ctiiiada.
n th c I'tlilt ' ( ul fir luflm Cciinlj Ktlruk
Kathrlno Koan , plaintiff , . 1'ktrlckII. Kuaod .
fend int.
To I'ntrlck Kcan n n-rMldimt , dafenduut.
You ie hereby notlHed that ontho23d day ol July
PM , lUthrlne Kuau filed petition ir lnit ynu In
tin datrlct rou't of D' < unla county , NcbrttK ) , tlio
Cibject mnl pr > e ( of which ro to uiitaln a clUurco
'nun ' jnu and tlie care ami cuitody of your minor
child , on ttiu KioiinjN tint tlace lour uiarrl'Ei tu
ilnlntlfl jou ) > > bicouu an lialiltual drunkrard ,
, nd have failed tu Bupjiort her for uioiu than two
yuauH la t put.
You aio required to miewfr laid petition on or Le <
ere lunda ( ) the 8U | day of HeptemUr ISM.
K AllllllNK KKAN , I'UlnlKT.
ly J. I' , KtiKllkli , J. J. O'CON.NOll , htr uttorni'ju.
One of the Boat and largest Stocks in the United State ?
to select from.
Fine Healthy Homes ,
Where They Can Enjoy PimfAir & Water !
And nil of tlio good mid pleasant things that go to innke up a com
plete and happy existence.
The town of South Omaha ia situated Houth of the city of Omaha
on tlio line of the U. P. Railway nnd it is less _ thau JJi miles from the
Omtiha post oflico to the north line of the town site.
South Omahn is nearly 11 miles north ami south by 2 j east and
went , and covers nn area of nearly foursquare miles ,
The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit.
Nearly 1 fi ( ) lots have boon eold Ratl the demand is on tha1 increase
The yards nroboing rapidly pushed to completion.
The 560,000 beef pucking house is progressing : finely.
The § 30,000 Water Works are keeping pace -with the other im
provcments , nnd the Hotel and Exchange Building will bo erected at once
The B. & M. nnd Bolt Line Railways have a largo force of men at
work and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depot
ucnr the park at the nonth end of the town. Suitable grounds will bo
furnished for Church and { School purposes.
< fs ? Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
be cheaper than they are to-day.
23gr ° Apply nttlio Company's office , cor. of 13th and Douglas 'i
over the Oma1 njSaviug's Bank.
. A. UPTON ,
Assistant Secretary ,
J. H. MILLAED , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier.
Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOOV
Flro nnd Bar/lar Proof Rafos for Rant at from ? 5 to 850 per annum.
Paints , Oils , Y ami
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
fingino Trimmings. Mining Machinery , Bolting , Jloce , Braaa and Iron
at wholualo ana retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS ,
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Keb.
W" . Hi.