OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 6 , 18o4. THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , fSUOCESSOIW TO THE J. M. B. * U. CO. ) tHE MONARCH The moct extensive manufacturer ! ot IN TOK WOULD. , 609 S. Tenth Street OMAHA , N XSTrlcti of nitllrd and Pool Tables and material * urnohod on application. S. H. ATWOOD , Plnttauioufch , - . . . . Neb. KixiDiaor Tnonotraiiiani XKD man eABi HEREFORD AHD JERSEY CUHLE AMD ntraoo oft nisir m > swim tVYonog ( took ( or ! . OoirtsDODilunoo Bolt od NOTICE TOCATTLBMEN COO CATTLE FOR SALE. t coo Cows and clfors. oo One-year Stoors. The ahnvo doKrlbod cattle r all well broil , ua- -Uve Noora > < a a"d Iowa. i-- Jii , " " " . .niin t. .Ai.i i i. . - to milt _ % " m purch eor. r Tfl"cr Jurtner purtioulani oal on or addrosa. U W. FLAN Alhlon. Nfb. IS DECIDTO BY Royal Havana Lottery I lA ( COVKnUMKNT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana , Ouba , Every 12 to 14 Days , TICKCTS , 82.00 , - - HALVES , SI.OO. Subject lno manlnolatlon , not controlled hy the a parties In Interest. It IB the fairest thing In the nature o ( chance In existence. ForlnformuMonand particulars apply toSIJirSKT OO.Ocn. Aitents , 1212 Urooaway , N V. city. K. KAUB & CO. , 417 Walnut street , St. Iouls , Mo. or Prank Lobrano , L.JP. , 20 Wyandotte , Kan , jym& & wly. OF THE at [ OMAHA NEBRASKA. The scholastic year oommoncee on thu First Gsflay in Septenilier , The course of instruction embraces all the Elemen taryand higher branches of a finished education Difference of Ilellgion Is no obstacle to the admls elon of yonn ; ladlca. PnpIIs art received at anj Utno of tbe year. TERMSPAYABLEIN ADVANCE Including Board , Washing , Tuition In English aud . Krtccll , U3O o ! books. Piano , per befslon of Five Months , § 150.00 OHAKQES-Drawlnir , P.iIotlnK , Gerina Harp , Violin , OulUr and Voual Music. Ilclerenoen are required from all pernong unknown ly to the Institution. Fur further Information apply the Jv RURAL NEBRASKA ! TCne Leading Agricultural and Live Stools Journal of the West. H. S. SMITH & CO. , It AND rCBUSUERS. 31041 IIOBT. VF011KA8 , ikcretary Blato Board of Agrlcultuic , Asjoclatc lidltor. 8UHSCKIPTION I'KICE , t.OO per year in advance. In iiTAGKNTS WANTED.KJ 100 and 103S. HtbStroat. - - OMAHA , NED Jy 22-m.ta tf iui Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn. A country of WOODS AND LAKEfl , tOO nillin v i-st otst. PauL Tnroo tralnsdally en the N P. II. rt. , with 80 Day Excurnlou. Hcietn ut about oDi--Lalf HOTEL MINNESOTA , - An elegant housa with aii immodtlonn foi 200 R. R. CQLBUrtN. Proprietor. Notice to Contractors and Builders. Sealed proportalu wilt be rvcelve < l up to August 11 , at 12 o'clock m. , fur building and ooaiiiletlng ready ( or occtipanir , u brick eshool houua , above tnn foun dation , fu Hpringlleld , Sarpy ooun'y , Nebrat ) . i , nc- / . ordui ; to plans und specllleitioua of Clou * llrou. , are ) It ct , Ciunhf , Neb.'V' The brlc ! . und nit ttone will lw ( urnlshocl ou the grouuu hy the building com- ulttco. AU otbur niaterhl to bo ( urni.hed by con * tractor. I'lauH nd epfclflcillon * u-vibencen nt J. D. ( ipc rmaii'8BtoniInSprlni.'lli'H , Vs .nratCluroa thi " -moj. , Omahi.lllDlMlpff'te 1 o < omplct d on or before ) ( ho 16th day of Vo < ember , 884. The ooinmlttco re- di wriotho rlolitto reject any or all bids. Adlroea , IJoUdlnic committee , BpringUold , Neb. Jly Va-mAo lot of of Science of Life , Only $1.00 BY MATTi POSTPAID. ( { on ; . ' KNOW THYSELF , , " A CHEAT MEDIOATi WOII& nf of ON MANHOOD ly ' ' ) Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility , Frematnre Decline In Uaa , Krron of Youth , an thi Qntold mUorles eenltlng from Indlaeretloni or ex. CWWM. A book for every man , young , middle-aged , in jatA old. It contain * 1S5 prooorlptloas tnr all aoatc aod chronto dlsoa oa each one of which la Invaluable Bo found by the Author , whose experience for S3 Ten I Is suoh aeprotmhlr never before fol Ho the I't rt aov phynlc an COO P 7M , Sramd lu bemtlfo Preachmusllo DiooMednnren , fall gUt. naranteed 9 b a finer work n every ease , mechanical , lit. \ vary and prolesetonal , than any other work sold In Wi crantry for 12.60 , or the money will be refunded lo ev ry Instance. Fiiee only fl.oo by mall , pott. lope paid. Illustrative sample B cants. Bend now. Odd ty ' taedal ( wuiledthe author bv Hie National Lfediral 'Ihe AwooUHon , to the oflfcen of which bo refers. the The Bo'e'M of U'efhoulj be react by the yonng IrdtraetloD , and by the affllottd tot relief , a wdl benefll ill London Lancet. ta There Is no member of society to whom Tbe Mel enoe of Life win not b owfu ] , whethn youth , pi' ent , ruardlan , Instruct or or elorvrymm. Arttotuct Addresf the Petbody tfedlo&l Institute , or Dr. n IL Parker , No. i Bulflocb Street , Iloiton VIM. , whi tion may bo oonroltoJ on all dlser t r iulr'-ig aklll ani1 Bed the eUU of all trtber pbyn-lirg I fl'an ' pedaliri Buct r tt d too-CM. H mi toll 'Ithont ' in biitioc * t > lhu . THYSELF * , VARIEGATED YAPORERS. A Rather Miied Attendance at a Brook lyn Mcpdent Meeting , A Democrat Presides While Oarl Sohurz Orates , The Orator Interrupted , Hissed Howled and Unheeded , Ho Manages However , to Bead a Few of the Mulligan Letters ! Other Political Matters Thoth Oontest for Congressman ! Henry Winter Duvls SiipiuwtMi to tin l'In > IHK Oaiiii' with Ills Son- In-Ijaw KlkltiH. T1IE3 MUGAVUMPS. A MOTI.KV MKKTINrt IX NKW 1OHH. YOIIK , August B. Thn 15rooklyu in > dependent republicans held a max ) meeting to-night in that city , livery seat in Music h ill was filled from the orchestra to the cock loft , and many were ntmblo to Rain entrance to the building. A largo portion of the mi- dicnco WCM democrats , and there were many lUaino ivpublii-am present. IK W. Alaxwoll called tha mettiugtj order and intioducod E. DKMINO chtiirmiui. Mr. in cliniuuan of tlio fu r. * t . . T-V . _ Doming * _ _ . . . _ f i > . 1,1. . . . MenVi club Young Democratic of Jimoklyn , Dcminz in his npcuch said tmch a immense asscmblngu was an ludtc.itioii of the wide- ( li-K.iti-fnct'on of thu republicans aud their dibiro ai American citi/-m f < r good government , boeauso tlmy bo ievtd that the republican candidate was not a fit person tu hold the ollico of piesideut. They were op- poaod to IIH ! election. [ Cheeru and huseJ ] . Uefoi-o ho finished the uproar W.IH tofrcntthnt ho could not bo heard. was then introduced. Ho said he wished to address himself to republicans find npi > cal to their reason 0.1 men who loved their country. The tariff M.IS not the rpioition which they do- cired to meet , and tha charge that tluy were free trader WM falso. Tha question , was whether honest government could bo obtained. Would not tlie endorsement of Midi man as Elaiuu IK ) daugenms to good go\ernment ? It han been asserted that Ulaino wn.s an abused man , and that his enomics wcro pernecutine him. If this were so it was not right , nothing was o distasteful to him ( Schurz ) as to discuim the character of any mau , but ho should not m ko any charges ag-inst BluiiiH which li.d not boon mudo against himtelf. Mr. Schurz then read fomc of THK MfLLIOAN LBTtKUS , and lomaiked that Dlaino's friends disliked very muih to ba brought facn to face with theho lotters. [ A , "No they _ don't. ' UheiTii and hin'-eH. ' ] Sihurz wnt into _ the lilhtory of the Alulhgan letters , the aiuliciuu times lx > eoniiiig HU demonstrative that ho was obliged to stop speaking for tevural in n- ute . In conclusion Mr. Schurpol l ) in tu- . igific t rms of the character of Governor Clovelaud , and > aid lit as in every way wor thy of bupport. THE CONOKKSfclONAIJ OAMl'AIGN. CUTTINQ 130WN THE DEUOCKATIC .MAJOBtir. a Chicago Times. in WASni.SV.IOS- . C. , August -Special. [ ] The congressional campaign reports show that the republicans expect to cut into the demociatic majority of seventy-five in thu .loiiao in n inaunti1 that will juopirdizo its control. Both parties will direct the con- Efrefslonal campaign from Washington The republicans have already org nized their plan of luttlo and uro hard at work , while the democrats have tcaicely begun their labois. With their ; presidential ticket in the field . u month earlier than the domociHtf- republican1 , get tliOHlait in pro- liminaiy preparations for tou light. It is ad mitted by oemrcratj that they conuot hold anything lik their prraant ttrrngih in the lower house of cmiRrefc' . They realize Out their wave majority will bo cut , but they expect to hold enough to retain cuntrol of the lioiiso. Demociats count UJHIU losing mem- beis in California , Indiana , Iowa , Micliigon , Missouri. New Voik , Ohio : ind WiscoiiHiu. The republicans exp ' ; t to make pains in these htaten nnd in different portions of the south. to is believ i d by republican lenders that the rapid ( .rroAtli of manufacturing interest ) ) in the south hai devolepisl A powerful protection sentiment there which will nsseit itself by supporting republican candidate ! ) for < : ungro-H. ) aider to got this support the plan H to nominal" for congress in houlhern states the bebt men tu bo found. It is claimed that there are men of that sect'on > miiicnt in democratic politic * in hitherto v\ho , tirhnj of the policy of that party MI- ready to takttlio lead in a. light for n pro o tective tlinlf. If the republican mamiff'i-M can prii nt it , they vjill not ] ierniit thu old lead- n , of that p.rty in the south , thu men who in tigmod in rc-ci'iihtiueti' n aid thus becnmo in impopulur , to lend tliu cungrei-riional titkets. Tim ( UmocratH profets to f el neeu o nbout the They admit the growth of in-otection n-nliincnt In that region , but it will not go nntcidii the party to vote for congressional candidu tw. v MBEUTY'S COUNKK Sl'ONB , Tlio Gorriiinny of its Ijajin on IJcdlocH Iwlanil Taken i'lncu Blil ; t Itoln. NKW Vnntr , AuguHtO. Theliceranonirs of ) laying of tlio corner stonn of th < 3 ll.irthol- Ht. utatuo on Hedlora iblnud nin pro ruexiu } Hatlufactoily. NBW YOIIK , August P. Tlui Htorm to-day ntiTforvd very iniiih with tha tvuryinfr ou5 thi ) procinniinii nrrnnpi'd for the laying thi' corner i-t uu > nf the pedestal of the liartbolili Htatue of Lilxnty at ledlo ! < : H island. About tivo bundifd periioni WOIH prcbcnt. Them for the most part , wert ofticlala idi'iitl- fitJ with tht-c 'i mon t. Tin1 Jlujouic fritter- nitv and imited Riieeta vtxiod for thrro hourH during a dienching rain , while the pro- ramiiiii of etercinos won being obiwcd. if it hitd l 'n a good day 10,000 wcio pxpecU'd Jlfdloei island , cnch jmylng fifty ceuU In ulmief-lon , Tl guestrt WITH met on their irriviil st Bfdloo inland hy ] f,0 men from in j'ifth artillery I' , S , A. end ncor ] of in licemen. Tha ( Jovenior'i ) Ixland U.llllJ played hevrral national nirn , including th "Aliiineillidi-f. " ( Joniptrollnr Grant WHK the only member of the Xew York city govern ment prtt-Mit. At tha appointoil tlmit the atonn wig laid by the most worshipful maaler Iho thu grand lodge nf tha utato Now York , and Immediate twenty-ono puns were tir < id from old 1'nrt Wood , nnd thn Iiiiud played 1'roisu ( lodKromWiom AHUleiningH Flow " Jejiity Grand &Ia < it r Laureuoa in hi ad- dri'.Jn h i.J : "Nuvernnci' the building of th tvmplc of Solomon have Mtisnnrt paiticipatcd a work moru exalted than UIH ! , " ' JIail Columbia" followed , and with the "AfiMcJl. lulu'1 Again w.'is intr dncid Allx'rt LaKuivro , wfr minister in cnnrpj'if tliol'n'nchi'onstdattigeii- He said : "In a fiiwuoukd thn Htatua of ty , tran ported by a French nhfp of wa > , v\oud ! arrive In thn country and \io \ uroctxl up ontbiii < not Travellers aiiivjng from Ku- would behold il , and tn nil it would bi a | > a of protecting inlhumco of u frfo ( oation Amenctu govenuncnt novrr Husnendoi reign of law. It novcr r < ieorU > d to prr- scnptlvomea urt i nuil af t r the oinclurion < f great KniggV. il iintm-tnl to liberty th u of hu llug the woumh c ud by war. " William Alliui liutler then d'livei d the lift1 nratiun , and WIM fri < quinUy Intemiiitfd by No upplsune. The uteicires closed with iKiiioillc- by Hieht Hev. Ilishop Henry O. I'Atton. On arriving iig.-dn in th city , the mtuR-limi n > b'tlted boforu the I'ro'ch c < nmiluta and plaj-fd the French national air , th ooinpli niul meiit Mnst acknowledged bv Lefaivro in per- n and by tlo dljij.inj/of the J'ri-ncJi f The company then proceeded to bnildlnp , upon the site of W * < hington'H head ininrlom , and pm took of the hmpitahty ol Mr. Cyrus W , 1'iold. _ ATHAG1O TUAl * . ThoCrliulnnl Xeclcctof thoOuncrs Mild I.C88CO Of tllO IJllltCll SintCH Hotel t AVasliitiRton , WAOIUNUTOX , August 6. At the coroners in\o tlKAtim into ths Unltcxl States hold ac cidcnt , tenltnmny Rhvii bnwliiff thai , the p oprit < t r of the Imtel , h.i < : known for a lonp time Hint the building wi un'iifijvt In1 nexTff.iM' tin' li'a l wonl of uurnnu to tin 'i".fii ' < init. The owner * ol trdi bnlld'iii ? * nv nwar o { its iluifi-rous con diTl n , but M' k nottt > p Inr its Th hualth ofllcvr when he iu iicctcil the sani taryan-anpuiucnUwf thohotfl , found U entirely tiroly tin ufc , but IB his examination wm of a puivly fanitary character ho nuulo no leport on thu bulged and cntniblnif , ' walln. Two 01 thifo yciira RO , an Inturauoi company er- fused to insure the buildinp beennno both the rji"t nnd west wall * were Biuiuig- . The coroner's jury brought in a verdict in which tliry nay : "From the i < % ldcncoobo llovo the bui ( fluff hm been uniafo for a lon time , nnd iU comlitinn wai well knonn to Inith owners and UIMP , and that they , par licnl.irly the owiit-r ? , Mionld be held rtniion mblo , nnd to that 1'iirf , respectfully cull the attention of I ho distiiel nttori < oy to ilia ni t- tcr for Mich leg l proceedings IH tha C P do imindfi. " The owners of thu building hro iJwlgo Coof the tllliroine cnuit of the diy- trlct , and tlio KO lambed fnmilv. The ICHSCC.S IJelding A Clatk. " The lUnrnliiKs and ICxponilltnrcN lnr- Ins tlio PnHt Year. CHICAGO , August 0. Tim twenty-fifth an nual report of tin ) Not thwestern railroad , , for I the you- ending May 31 st , will bo publish ed to-morrow. The financial report in an fol- ! o\vn : Gross earnings ? 25 020 C24 Operating . \pemes ami taxes. . . . 15HO967 Ntt receipts I rom operation 'J S"'J 067 Deduct Interest nd rentidu paid to leascdlincs C0051I40 NctproliU 3 783 727 Letsslnkhigfunds on bonds SS3000 and dividends (8 ( per cunt , ou prefeired nnd 7 per cent , on common stock. ) 20394G9 Leaving a ourpliiH of 7f > l 358 Add bilanco to credit of income account Wny SI , 18KJ 8125 801 Tot il to credit nf iucomo account May 31,1881 9 187 11 The number of miles of road oper ated ! H 37C3 KANSAS CATTIU In Several Counties Tlioy Arc Snlil to bo Affected uy Texas ITover. Toi'EKA , Kg. , Augii-t 5. KIlik , in 3UlIs county , and Brookvlllo , in Saline county , stata that the Texas fever is among tin cattle that tectlon. At Ilruokvillo ono liundred ere infrctwl and eight have died. At Kllis twelve are down with tha disease. Twelve miles south of Kllis thirty-four nro sick nnd ' Reventy-fivohiiNo died. 'I'emiiorarv iniarnii- lias been o-.tnblith' > d and is boii'g rigidly cnfoi-ci d. lirookvilla is iPgu'ar ' ffed- iiigpla-u for shippeis , and it is thought tie dUc EO wns in louuerd there by Homo iuloctod herd , wlikh was fed in the ntick yard * . Tli" governor is conferring with the i-tato live btuck sanitary committee with , 'refcn nee t < > quarantirg the Htatc ftjivluet Toxascattlp , and proilamation to that"clfcct may t expected a fetv days If tha di Moxlc.iii Sluttcrs. MEXICO. August 5. The legislature of Yucatan his potitiom'd ( ho president for the , piyment of amounts duo the railways of iho htatoand for relief fiom fedund duties on yiain from the United otatfH en account of iho deplorable consequtncos of the g ashhop- per plaguo. Too receipts from customs at Vera Cruz for July wax 87 11,000 , a doorcase of . * 320OpO , compared with those of the correspondini ; month last yoir. Thu July bank rtilcmtnt how an unfa\or- . able condition . The Campaign In Illinois. CHIOAOO , August 5. The republican etalo central committee hnd ! an open scsclon here bepiuning ut noon to-day , nnd listened to re ports as to the presidential feeling in variouu parts ot the etalo , and tha general outlook for the campaign , all nf which were of n reasHur- ine chnractor. The committee then adjourned 3 o'clock , when it will go into hccret execu tive session. Among the gcntlomen pienent this mornin ? were Governor Hamilton , Con- grossinmi Dunbaur , Da\is , Adams and Hill n u The AVcatherTo-iluy. WASHINOTOK. Auinist 0. Kor the Uptcr ) at Mlsjisaipni Vallej : Partly cloudy , local rains folluwprt by el'unng in noitlicru pnrtions fair oni NOiitliBin portions , wenturly winds , hlRlicr barLimi'i'i , nlight f < 11 in tiim ] Tatnro in north- gn n portioiiH , and ktationau temjieraturo in southern | ioition. For the Mi emi Valley : Cleariu'g and fair , < ; it to north winds , cooler noiihi'm pouimi , > tutiuncry tinpeiatnro southern poitinn. : o HnrsnllilovpH Cnrrallnd in Mnntann. VH ! HKI.IN\ , August B. Advicerf from Cottonwood - wood , August Hd , uri ) to the i-ifuct a courier ar > ivd from ni'iir the mouth of Of the Mtwclo Shell report * ! that Gran- < llo Stuart's cowboyx have u largo band of hors-thiriva < ! sn roundi-d , The bjiid ii too strong to I o tiilicn , butcan U ) held till hulp con us. It infurcemi'iitH left Hiuiduy , Hot expected. pa air ta A Toinporanco Oninp Itfcctln . TORONTO , August fi Tha Kcott temiwr. niicy act camp meeting will IK > htld at Milton , Alton county , August 15th to the 70th , In clusive. Am ng tha oratora are ex-Governor . John. Uev. Dr. Booh. of Now York . ] ) b. unuii. Jtor. * Jt. xjuuiiT , ui XYUW j ui n. tu. Daniel Doruhestvr , of lioston , Hon. J. U , Kinch and , Iuo. Ji. Clark. in NOXKS. Jy ing The iteamer Illinois , from 1'hiladolpliia July " 5 , arrived ut ( i icenstown ye terd y otdiilux , Inning been working under reduced Hteam. Her arrival ' WHH anxioiiBly awaited na ho WH 'xpe'ctod to bring tidings of th U. Lydiiin Monurch , Thol'arin iiowujiBjipi-K cpeakof Ilio cholera tin. ! punt ttnn' . 'J'lui J'lngluli and American lianki-'is niul fiurists1 iifcncifs ( nro unanimoitH their oiprenfion of opinion that conQdeucit returning and that tbent will Ixi a. marked Tim Increase of touriiiU. thn Csjitain McHurray , with a complny of Tuxin ritngi n returned turau Hprn , Tejfaj , from purmiiiff roiu' adu Ajiaclicj. He reports fndluns dolne no luilln-r deprrdations than usual killing of enoughil \ tit livn 011. They t > cnttireil on tlio approach of troopH , nnd evinced no tiffin of bein nh the war j & Thn rni tclcpraphi'd from Monterey llmt e < l fiencrnl l hiui lierii in iin ullcrcntldti viUi us Grnunil ] U > clii , i < now fild ; tu Irj entlirly the vvlthout fouiuUtlon. line Th Fit nch official r < < cord < * ho that hlnco thnontii'fiikof thu clmliTU in thi ) Month nf KrJiice a.ZOO hov di d from the dhriuo , 1'htnt ten do itlw ut Aliirt--llleM from cholera dminiT the twenty.fuur hours endud at 0 oVloct last nil-lit. KI Mahdi lias ordon-d a force of 50,000 men from tha Jluxarit und Hhillolc trilM'-t to ruin- forca Osman Dlgnu , Tha Ji-liBi ! ionH luivn decided iufavor of Mul.ili , K.i miu in c'osely blockaded. la IialHir IjeudorH' Division. YOIIK Au u t Kx-Judgo John lloonuy pni idcd ut a mfotinif of the ovecu- committed of tJif Kutlonal labor pnrty nt , 3 J'mo trtt lo-nlght , and n oliitloiw wnro p.-v b d oondeiimJn thu action ofV. . A , Uve Usritey , W. H. Wolf ; md others cl.iirnlngtrj | > r nent the national M * > r p rty In npprov Avo. ingctTtn'n atiiciai acu of Governor Chivelind , claiming thnra per'fuu had no nuoti authority , ncd tocoimucadiiv thflr dm the or2RnJj UvJ , To Mother llnbliikrc ! . 0 ! Thou , of modest mflutloii ( tone from out our midst , To thee all hell , clomtstlo f brlo of my What woman said that then wort over out ol date , Till inetlJIIiiR man had said that them wnrt shown too long. Thou fashioned Hubbaril with whom our ) mpAtlili-s belong Could we but nrbitrato 'IwIxtGummlngs.Konl ami thee , Our pen would ncarco attempt this vnry nri- ous s yj Though doubting not our Unit * , fair maid , how oft we itih And my ftith theo tint men nre hm.itics fur Yet ; If girls are weak , our trusty ni.indiM ayvth , yoal OMAIM , C n't A young Swede and his wife aopearod baforo Judge Bonoko Yesterday nnd told n pitiful story of the way the boys in the west end of the town treat thorn. For a nutnbor of nights a crowd of boys have gathered around their liotiso. IVon- ty.olghth nud Dodge strootfl , and in dulged in n tin pan exercise , familiarly known nsachivnrloandhavo | tnado night hideous ' vrith their howla. llepoatodly J" the young married man has arisen from his . bed and entreated the boys to leave but without avail. Finally his wife de cided to try her porstiaaivo f lenities and oponcd the door , when ono of the rndo follows struck her upon the head. Pa tience has at last ceased to bo n virtue and they have called upon the strong arm of the law for protection. The mar shal nnd mayor have becu notified and will doubtless take 'stops to nbato the nuisance. A Hrokon Arm. Monday evening about quarter be fore six aa Daniel Thompson , 12 years old , 'employed as water carrier to Mr. Grant's workmen at the aahphalt works near ; the B. & 1I. depot , attempted to alight from a car ho fell and broke ono of the bones of his loft fore-arm. Tlio little fellow bravely marched up town in search OfWll a doctor. Ho found Dr. Womorthy who reduced the fcncturo nnd made him comfortable. Ucmoomed more distressed . at the unfeeling laughter his Buttering provoked among the workmen , end the anxiety lost h. ) should not bo able to water to-d. than the acci carry - y , over dent. The Duraut Company. At a recent mooting of the Durant en gine and hose company , the following of ficers were elected for the ensuing year : Sohn Shoahon , president ; Pete Dandall , foreman ; Joe Burke , first asslstoiit fore mo man ; B- BF. - F. . Hodman , second assistant or ; Thomas ClilF , treasurer ; Frank [ Schnotz , secretary. The company is in excellent ahnpo in every way and the boys are all as enthu siastic an over. FOIIBIGN APFAIHS. Franco and China , LoNDOX , Auff-o. Th" Standard snys : "Wo tre In nomtton to state that negotiations bo- woon Franco anil C'hJun wore indefinitely irokon oil Hundny. " The Timed publishes a dispatch fcom Pee Dhow , which snys : "ifoo Chow is quiet , Dlilua has ufTere i to pay the indemnity of S700tOO which 1'atornutro , the Kr nch minis- MT , demanded. Twelve Chlnoso gun-boats wcro placed in position at Fee Chow. French Admiral Combtt Is in n furious frnrao of inind 4ml tins done his utmost to provoko. war. liitEST , Aug. 0. Three transpots embarked .roops aud Btoros here for Tomiuiu. ILoKDO.v , August 0. Marquis Tseng had n cunforoncu with Karl Grnuvillo to-day , and ITS asked him tu join European mediation to thn loublos between France uiul China , but Karl jranville refuiiid aud ordemd incninsctl precaution - caution taken to guard English rcsidunU in Canton , Fee Chow and Shanghai. Tlio vJholorn , MAIWKILLEH , August 5. It now transpires hat there were a number of cases of cholera the hospital huro in l&tf , many of which VITO fatal. The fact , howov or was snpproasod order tu prevent alarm and the attendants worn to secrecy. Three death hero and two Toulon last night. Toutov , August fi.--Thuro Ins Icon only ! duith fiom clulera to-day. The last hri'e deaths have Ixrii among returned refu- ; . There wuro tliroa deatlis from typhoid over anil two fiom cholvra to-day ut Lasyno. I'AII I c at Koo-Chnw , Fee Cnow , August 6. Busiiietrthoro Is entirely - tiroly susiouiud. ] | TlioInViabitiiuts ftlo Hying the interinr. J'oruigneM urn alarmoil the natives are b < ) : oming aKRieiulyc. Am r- can olficiuh at this port ire asiibting the Driliall ii'lmiral to tii'iutnumt fur the protcctiui The Ureolc Itoynl I'ulnoo Adanio , ATIIUNH , Auguht fi. i'vening. Tin ) roj'a palace is on fin * . Half thu upper Htoiy in already destroyed. firemen ai' tallorit ! wrro injured fifllitiiu/ the Hauies. TUB ? > AffjWAY3. Important I'nlnt tn Kallrouil Imw. HT. LotiM. Augiut 5. SincpliMt February when the Ht. Luuin , Hannibal & Keokuk railroiid went Into the liandfi of n receiver Homo liftyitifcirvening petitions liavo been ( ile < the UniliMl .Stitterf court hire by the crcdi torn of thn road. The claims have Ix'cn chief forntippllc ? . Tint United Statcu court ) ) < ' in vacation , argument has been heard on thehu potltiouM liufore the Hpecinl nmstcr in chancery , nx-Govrinor it < > ynoldH , and huvn at tracted coiif-iderubla attention , tlin iiueillon involved hat never been pas-ied 11)1011 ) by thi . H. supreme ixnirt is regarded < LH a verj impoilunt OIIK , It in whether , when a decree foreclosing u deed of trust and appointing u receiver is Hilent an to thn payment of out- standingclaims , uny cluliiiHCiiii Ixi bythucnurt declarixlaliimugalniit thoprn | > ortyof thoroad. eumo ( | iie tton in said tobnlnvqhod in the authorization by the United Stutoa court ol imtio of receiver1 CTtllicuton by thn ro- celv'M of th WuluiHh roiwl , wid curtilicatex being n lien on a road. A Now Trans-Oonilncntal bine. VOSTO.N , AiiKunt ( i. - Thu Atuhiion , To | > eka D. Hiinta Ku juilrojil diiectorn held u prot/nct- of meeting to-day , but little could IM < loarnei to thd nunlness ( lone. It was understood ( luerttlon of tMufectim ? u tranrontlnenta by way rf the Atlantlo & 1'acllio and the Northern 1'Acifio railroad * vya the main topic ronitldered. Fair pro ums is ald by ono o , tlmdlnctorn to have Ixjcn jnuje , Init notliinf concluded , Goldcn'H Bulcltlo Hanker an /.Icr , , AujrtiHtB. ft is Mtald on Biithor.ty that Frank K. Kverett , thn ( loldon bunker , who suicided about thre < i weeks ago chort In hU uwoants with diiposltorn to largo amount , approximating UiO.OOO , Ev erett carried , ( KK ) lift ) Insurance. Allen's Brain FIKX ] botanical extrocl : * strengthor.s thn Drain and ixwitivoly cures ( i Nervous Debility , * NervousnoHs , ] f adaclicb < U unnatural IcAtw , and nil wuaknooH of Oenern Hvrtem ; it nivor { M * . tfl pkg.f C for 85 At dru idrtU Allen's ' ' or I'huriniicy , 'J15 Vita . N. V. to I'lrOrwoknp fur Durnocrnoy 'oiirKtuiinir , N , H , Atijfwit (5-f'alvin ( r. " . di"no7iawj rlwi-nin > yi" ever W , if , Slttf Hcjitibllcdn. by ft vote of 1,003to 431 , ( ho snvilktt rtlM&ijcan vote ovrr oust In this city. Ulio dtit ) crjit" < tor the firnt tima lit fcoiori ytNitfi , elect A innjoiity nl the city ginfrnmmt , ( curing 13of the IP-cowicihncn nntl Dot ( he ! ) aMoimcn. No Water for Ktovcn The shipwrecked crow of the British Bark Benefactress were adrift in an open boat , supporting life ou some bits of dry broad and n few dried apples. This was slim faro and reduced them to a state of creat feebleness. But Brown's ' Iron Bitters brings enfeebled folks up rapidly oven . from such depths aa this. It on- riohea the blood , tones the system and gives healthful strength. Mr , Win. llnrdco of Knni" , Texas , writes that ho had dyspepsia in its worst form , but was restored by Brown's Iron Bitter * . Dent met i vo Klrcn. 1'llll.l.UKI.rillA , August f > . At the Pennsyl vania railroad edict ) In this city to-dny the loss bCi \ liut night' * fire at forryhoneo , Jersey City , is esUmntod at $100,000 , It will cause no delay to tralllc. NKW YOIIK. August 5. The ruins of the 1'rnmylvanla deixit ntJorsoy City , uro ullll smouldering. Engine * nra still at work , Uravel from thn depot Is suspended. No now topoitod , A CARD. To all n ho are imtTcrlnR from ntfn anil Indiscretion * of youth , nortona nrahnrm , parly d , u > . lixi ol manh'Mvl. eta I w til send a rcclo tint trill i ' nil , FUKK OF CHAlUin. Thil Rrpat rcm eily * * i v < iroil by ainl-idoncry In South Artier ! en. Scmlii' JdresMOd onvulops to llnv Jonsni T. IMULV , Stalu > . New fork dy m & cod Our Anlnml I'niiltiuc KxpnrtH. AtiiiNriTos , August fi. The t tnl vnluo of thti n\i irts of di moitio en tie , IICK'I bonr , | ioik ami d ilry ( iioductM for ilio nlv nun tha > uiuitOti\\i > : , | I for HID tnni" | > ii d lail > onr. Thoboof ntid pork prodtuts for the eight mouth * a tied lunn HOth wo'- ' ? 5"r'JOr)3S. npilnut Jti7li7t- ! 8U tlii < corriipondtitf tinw i'i ItWI. Tli daliy products for tlio two month' i > nile < l Ju u " ? 0th worn ia.titf'J.Uin , ag.imt SJ.tKHVllM the Bnuiu tiiuu IrtHt ) ttnr. men Piles are frequently preceded by n soruo of Weight Int lie back. lolna and lower port of the are profiont , oa llattioncy , nnonstnona of Uio atomnch , etc. A molatcro llko perspiration , t try cuiiuuuii iwMJUvmuiM AUMjnim , .LI.AWIIUU and ItchlngTllos yield nt once to the applica tion of Dr. Bonnnko'B 1'ilo Komody , which ncU " octly uj n the parts affected , absorbing the .umorii , allaying the iutonno itching , and of- 'octlng a ] > ornmnont cure whore other rotno- dies have fulled. Do not dolny until the drain on the gyatom produces permanent disability , mt try it and bo cured. Sclirotcr k Bocht. "Trade rninnllndbv O. V OnrMmnn " A New National Bank , WASHINGTON . August 5. The comptroller of the treasury bus nuthoriml the Third S'ntlonnl linn ) ; , of St. Piml , Minnesota , to begin - gin butini'ifl ; capital , $500,000. TEST YOUR BAKM POWDER TO-DAY. tlramli a K almolnloly pur THETEST ! Plaoo n ean top ilou n tin n hut utove until he Atrd.thfm tuuovo tboiMviirKml nitmll , A rhoml-l will not bu r - Ulr d to delect thu | irw3tii.v uf niuinoiUn. n DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. " UJULTIIFULNKSS IUB NEVER KX qr"TIOTED. In a million homn for a quarter of a etnturj It fcu itocxi the ooniumers1 rollablo t st , THE TESTJJFJHE OVEH. TRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , HAKKRS Or Dr. Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , > t ddltloi. nit n Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems For Light , Healthy IircaJ , The licit Drr Uup Yeast In thu World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. . UT. LOUIS. THE MILD POWER OUnES. ' " " OM BO PATH 1C- SPECIFICS. „ j . , t. incliniiml : > crtlio ijwlnl prp- crlpllon of nn einlni-nt | ili > Klclnn Ilio only Hlinple , K/iTumid hum licit I'luf for Ilio P 'oplo ouiiKii. 1. l'i.viT . ( "ongoiitlon.lnnnmntlonf. . . 2.Vnrnii. . Worm Invar , Worm I iillc. . . .1 : i. I'rvliu Colic , or'lriahliijtof Infuuu . an I. Illnrrlienof Uilldrrn or Adult * . . . " ft. lv i'lllnrv. ( Irlplim. Jllllloii < .ollc , . . . Cliolrrli.llnrbliv. V'oniltliiB . 7. ConullH. UoM , llroncliltM . H , IVriirullili. Toothiu'lio. I nuonrlio. . . . . llomlnrlim , blck llrndnclioa. VcrtlK III. llvunnniiln. lUlllous Molinifli . . I . Hiiiiiiremi-d or Painful IVrloil . .an I'J. vV/illri / , too I'rofumi rvrlodi , . . . . . .an I I. f.'roiin. CoiiKh , Dinirnlt lirnnililnK .an M. Hnlt ItliKiim. iryslHlns : | ! , I'lUiitlaiik , .an Ifl. IlliciiiimlU.n. lUionnmtla r < ili . a a III. IVvcrnnd AUIIP. t'lilll , Fovrr , AKUPS .ftlV 17 I'll . Illlnd or IilfcdliiK. . . . . fl > ttl. l.'ntnrrh. uotilo or chronics Jnlliirnza flO 211Vlioniilnir Ciinili , violent coiiRln. . . .ni > 21. ( ii-Pi-rnl riclillllv. l'l > lcul 77. Kidney ll."i. , . . All J4 rscrvuin lli-IilllU' , . . , . . . . 1.IMI : i ( . ( Jrlnnrv U'l-nlincm. Wttlnif the bed .nil 32. IMion.norihe llcnrl. I'lilnlmllon. l.OU feM l > y driiKKlnn. ornunl by ( no C.'UMI. or ln- rle Vlnl , fren of I'linrxn. on rewha or prlro. Hend riirlr.lliiinnlir < iv floiikon Il e oC-r. , ( UI iiaijoo , Kltn liliKirotcil Cnlalognn fltV.K. Addreis , lliiMinliri-yn' lliiinnoiiolhln Mra > l w Cu. , lunpiillnii Hlri-et. Krw Vork. Olanlcal , BelentlBc , Coramerelal and Art Impart menu. Doth naive a-lmltUJ. Tuition low , IDK rhotp , be t of society , Kul ! ; equipped faeult } tjfAddroM for particulars , Uev.V. . W. Ifartha . I > . I'rixdileut , or I'rof. 0 II. DM leleti , Ktoretary tbe Faculty lielldiM , Neb. Jyma Sta $ 1,000.00 ! $ at W I Ui bo paid to any one wJiowlll find a jurtlcle ol Mercury , I'otatb , lotllnu , Anwulc , or any I'ol uonous sububw oe In I F T'S K 0 I "I have cured Illooil Taint by thonne ofHwIlfj fliwdflj ( lt-r I IIM ! infi t slKntllyalliil with the Mer cury ncl I'utauli Ttuatnitiiii. K A. TOOMKIt , if. J ) , I'trry , Oa , "a | 't'8 fipodflr Im curol ire of H roluluoll ! jiuin ttanillnv Had noroi M liiyo an my Imnd , nnt ctcry Of u tlioujfht I wu duouiml , HwiltV Hjierlni rurixl inu tltor I'll ' ) slclans and all other mi illilno hai ! llud ' U. L. IIIHU , lonoko , Ark. 1 A Anrt"01'1'1 ' not I"1'1'0 ' from u a what > 1 W jUUU Hwllt'n Hpwma ha d < > n ( or me. cuJro mo ol llliuuinatNm ruwJ liy malaria. " AHC'IIIU T1I01IAU , blirUgeold.Tonn. Our Treatka ou ll ( xl and i > i < louiU , TIIRBWIKTHI'ISOIFIO CO. Orawvr 8 , AttaoU , Oa. . V. om , 159 W. KM < i. , lwt wn fl li au < t 7tb Minis. Jlii'/xU'.IJo ' nCiii Htn.t ti utH. SPECIAL NOTICES. Trtli rosltWAlrnot ba insertoa inftdvanoa , TO LOAM-MonoV. MONET TO TXAN Innmi of ISOC. nd nnw.rd O. r. D rls anJ Oo. , Ht + \ KnAt * wi to * ArnnM , IMS F rn m At K8-H. rAO t ( IAN On long tlmn , nn flint inortCAgo. lk'lit ilnlJAiH A , t. ! ' pi'tctc n , U93-6p HBLP WAHTBU. -A bnrbtr 'OflSuulli 10th bU 872 lip in n plrl for ce'icrM hoiwo SlDfolltlllSth St.,4.oU9. o ( LeiktriiKorlh , 10(1 ( fl WAKTI'.t ) AroiupoUnt niantoUlmcarotf horxs uiil do other work t my trttdono * . rtiiulr d , 11. W. Yttff , fl ) tIl k Nktlunkt t nk. 1039 \\TANTKD-A lulght boy It or 18 year * at New it York Photograph ( rallcrv , tluncotJlfarn tha trulo. S3\mllnikMaD preform ! . 115-Gp Vv AN1 KD WMlcr kt tno Occidental. M 107-tf WANTKn-Colored sM-eaiy work anil jny. 112 Mouth Itth strtet. OJOOp WANTKl > A WOIHVI to f\Ko rare of room ami attend it cigar xtoro. AjU'ly ' cor. Kill anil tre tt , IfANTKU 1POO tr iris ( orMlMonri. WSR < * M. ' . ) perdftr , K ro IS.M ) per team , iddp Tlmnday. Call until wcdnrmlay boon on J. A. T\irLcr .t Co. , cointr lOlliund Hainoy Hts Oi-1 Cp \A7"ANTKD A few lipnoini tnlnjlruot 'n ' lionk- > i keeping. An tlicrolfl ilrnmiil ( or pOin | > < Uiit I will Irtrnafow , mul Kltl rh > ll < f pity until ftltUAtlnniniufnr'ilnhtxl .1 ll.CMITII , 15101)oncU Bt. \A7ANTKD-A Kltl In a funlly of two , 10,13 Far- 097tfFar > Vnamitr eU 097-tf \\7ASTKD Oii < TpooilRlrlln UtchcnamionoROixl > 1 ilinlnrf ro in c'll t AtCMlo httol , U15 DnupUs U7ANTKU One oip.'rlfiiccil ( Meiman Atnl fntrn Imlv Mu t npink ( UiniMi ami Kiigllfh fluent' Ai'ply ' > on Yoik Dry KOOd Blue , 131Uami 1312 fPO.ft . . - -Dlnlinf l mom RI | | at Huston HrsUur- nnt , 1414 I OURU * Kt. BJJ Ci | \VAKTKD llatber. A Hr t-o.'nmtiirbrrnaDt l 11 Immediately , Clooil pay. llorton & Hclirok. Scl-iilir , Neb B65-6i. ] \VANTKU IminodUtely , a ( roo.1 cuipct nt K\r \ 11 f jr ccnoral hiutc nuik , ijll DoiiRlm St. 1)12-11 A17AKTKD Olrt to > la cooklnir , w hlnir nnillron- } Ing. A | phut 0. St. llltchonck , corner 20tli lid DodKo Kt. B13-tt An rxptrltnrcd cook at lloston lion- tnurant. 1414 DouKlai at 010-Op WANTKD-flooil clrl Imincdl.-vtuly At the Carey \ Houio , N. W. cor , llthoiul Daicnpoit streets. SMtf TTTANTKU A jrlrl tor Rcn rnl homo work. A VV good steady ultuttton to onunho U a good rook , washer nnd lionir. Ilrn. A. Hornnson. 1018 C i > Uol mo. , between IfHIi ami rotli. k74-lf WANTii-I.Alir.S : Oil OkNTI.KMIi.V-ln city orronntry , to lake nlco , Unlit aud p1ra < Mtit Hoik at their own heinca ; K to } . " > n day cosily nnd inlctly made ; work Kout liy mill ; nn ainva 'liif ; ; no itamp for rody | I'loito uddruts Itcllablo Jljiil'ir Oo. , . 'hlladolphi * , Pa. 817-lui 8ITDATIUN8 WAWIBU. Hliifclo wiiinnn van ta jilloo to tnk rare of Infant . or help with house work , 013 north 21st Ht. 117-6p WANTKD A situation by astroin ; Iioy 11 ycnrx old to mirk foi hU Ixinnl , wouM picfcr tlio country. | AddrcBs 1JI21 liAlllornia Bt. lie Op \\7ANTEI1 Mtimtlun liy a yoiin man In a Coui- i < muiclal Iioini' , uilluu rapidly nrd neatly , hao a . lioruu h kmmledco ( rnllro * I ljiuln s < and a pro- nicnt HUnoTapliur ( An lnUr\low Kjllrllod ot any ' rBt-closs houxo. AddrcM "A. J. " Dcuolllce. 104 5p WANfKU Situation an book keeper In A who'o- ' nalo or retail store. Had 8) ) oanxiiperlonco and ran Kho the bust of inferences. Will work for oiuall salary to counncMCOHlth. Addreen "F. U H."cnre Uooolllce. US-0 \\7ANTKD-A altuatlou as drug clerk by a man 11 with 4 voarsejiitilcnco. AddiMM Enioat Ixic , Wataga , Kuox Co. 111. ; 8o\Bi > WANTED A pOHltlon by n first-clan lad < - l > ook keeper. Addles " 83 , " Hen oflloo. 715 tf mariloil man wamn Hituation an bookkeeper AYotiutf keeper , In wholcmle eBULUehmoDt In Omaha Addrcn"C. " carullco. t-98-tf &IISOBLLAHBODB WANTS. /"ANTED To imrrhaso a small farm Improved on IT thob&nkH of a lake or river , innet bo high and healthy. Aildr < is box 804 Omaha , Nob. 11)5 ) tf WANTED To fill , foundry , ( plindli ! cnanco torn practical moulqur v\lth miull caltal | "A. W. " 60 Iloo ailen. ! ' 099 Op Inoorthrra furnished looma oonvo- WANtKD nlonllv local oil for llrlit houruhttipliitr. Address atatlni : terms , "A. K. .T " rji > o oflloa. B&7-U To liny , atioih milch now. Apply nt SIS H. 1 ltd strcut , ( up-stal ) n3i-tf B WANTKU-iK.OOOon flr.t-clasj elty neciirlty.for t jtlru , atO percent. Addrous Ilex 1120 1'ont- ofllwj. 700 tf FOK RENT--Uonnes and Lota. HUNT A furuljliod front room for two gcii' F - ' tlenicn or Rent. m wife , at IfId 0pltol nvo Alxo a ftw ruppcctahto taklo lioaiden w.ll bo liunlth ol , ( jiiod board at 93 76 per week. I0i-Cj > T7Ull KKNT Six room homo In first-clasn neigh J.1 boili-jod. O. F.Davis & Co. 101 II FOK HUNT South front room , nlotly furnished 1D04 Karnamitroct. 89.-0)i ) TTtOIlllIvMT A pleaunt front room for gontlinan J.1 orlody , at 8 ( IHouth21et sircvt. 110 lip pOlllUJNT-OnooI the niioslrrBl.lnirus . lu thn city , 1 11 rooms , furimOH , liofnnd cold ooid water lutli' , witcr doicU , malm , vtn Kvor > tlnni ; Ilrntcusi ) thrniigliant # 70.CO per month Darker & .Mnync , ISlli and Trrnam. 112 tl HENT Hou o 6 looms good repair , Nl yard , clrtcru water. Htnt I 0 per mouth Hll Park WUde ave. Apply to Jno. W. Uell , 10th 8t. FOIt ItKNT Ilio built . diy K'noJmtoro li AIMun , Nub , I'i cm > Ion l t a | Hcjit. Hia Bt ) fuel hy 24 feet. Addrcn Armtitronx' li Wciitmer Albion , Ni h. 1177 12p Jj"MJIl HKNT Front rouni , 1U.6 Clilai o utroct. tWfl > p ITiQil HK.ST-A two itorir fraino linlldl.iir milltblo 1' forbuilnttuj. I irgi ) cellar , UnUlrs [ tulUMofur rcsldenoo. Intjulre on premlso , ooruer 20th am 1'lorco Rt. Orig-t 17IOK KINT-KV : | < I roonu , J , I ) . Hffilth , 1(10 Doug 11an street. 087-Op Epoit 1 KKNT-l-'urnlfJitd rooms 1721 Douglas Rt. OH07p IpOU' KKNT Nlcoly furnished roonu without 1 board 1BU Daveojiort Ut. lOMIp IflOIl HKJJT Houta ( f reven room ] and good eel 1 lar , hard and soft water. Inquire a W , corner IStli afid IVcino Ht. eei-6 F ( Hi HENT Nicely furnished rooms at 028 soutl 20th Ktrtet , htlf block from tit. Marv's avenue. BlO-Sp FOIl HKNT-FurnUihod rooina 1U10 Dodge Street. HO-Sp Foil KENT Clan o. Inqulro H. W. cor. California and Utu stretts , lecond door. 068 K FOU KKNT A flve room cottage northwest cor Capitol avouue and UUi Ht ; city water. Inuul-e 2118 Capitol avonuo. 771.Ci | H JIKNT-lMrnlshed rooms Iflil Capitol av . IjVJ It KKNT H verl lorgo unluriiUhod front rooin L1 or entire house now , at oor. 12th and Wlllloic 010-6 ] ) HKNT-A p.'n > Miturnhhed ! room t 2W3 Ilkrney street , 060-5 OII HENT-KuroUhod roomi with board , J8I Doige. 015-lmp FOIlllKKT-OiiaHit In Druiutu's Iloolt , JSth mil Ilonard trootiivxlrriilm-ro\euu.itD | ; All.I ) mBtruet , PW tf > Olt ItKfiT - l'LmittiurulUuil ; rooms , 17t > 7 Can * . J/ll Itr.NT-'IVn flurnUhml south dent rooms 8 _ JTVOIt HUNT A t-tom , ouri , r ol ' lutli dtrwet Aj'ply ntut door , fc21-tf 1j OHIIKVT-HU roi.inn-t c , Him IncatlMi. Ir H T7XIl HUNT Two nrw 6 loom honswi , very rom- J1 Ptetaona block from Park are oars. AMKJ , 1607 Karnam , irioil HBNT-Hoonu In Crounw'a Woolu . . - L1 Hitchcock. 613-11 I poll 1 nRNT-FomlAhed rooms at MZ7 Dodire 8t. 497-1rap Foil KKNT On gninrt square piano. Inqntro efFxIholmandEikkson. 44atf boUM * * FOR SALE. ITHMl HMB-l' tfoctly qnlet family bor n nk 1 looking , SI2IS. AIw ) a good pony for $10. Hayne t Dtiker , HI. Mary'iavo , turn 111.7 OIl HM.K TwocleirantiOAldcncQloUnearJudga I 1 Dundjii'ncwrojidenco. Thmolntsarethemoittde- Irabln building lots In that ntlKhborhood , they wi 1 > n teld cheap and oa good tsrnw. Uwkurjc Maync. 8th and F rnam. 11I-I7 17UH ) 8AI.B Only 18 iwre lot * If ft In Norwood , JOO ' per acre , 01 cony terms Oitl fcon and i > cure oino ot UICHO bo.iutltul loU. Darker It Majno. 18th and Fat n am. 113-7 andFOU FOU MAI.K A rlo n itock of Hardware. In Central NehrMka , AddroM "A , n , " IkeriitlMdng Co. , Oaaha , Net ) . 081-1 m ' lood. l-iuollyollrmd , all kl.idsof White ) Ilrond , Jl Itolliand Cakes , at the Jlobomlan D kcry. IBtli til WlllUins strerts. 8D5-5 17IOR H LB-215 acres ; 100 acrrs under cnltlratlon ; Rood Krove , franv I OUM , stabla , pianirv , well , nd name fruit tree * ; about n mllca nouth cf Valpar. lie , In lAnruuUr county , Xeb. . at f ISperacro. Ad * cosi Thox. Welle , IHvtd City , Neb. Termit oasr. 049-11 wt it 1 " , > 0ll SA LK Tvro housen and two barn * , boggy houno und fcncp' , on IL fc If , tlffht-ot-wajf , on Maxm dtreet. between 13th and Mth. Mutt I' " sold > c ( ro AUfruH 8tli. I' . lIUOHCa 060 - p I 1 7IOII HAI.I' A coed ldj bar top buggy cheap , 217 Uoulh ISth. 030-tf Foil BALK Cheap , -.mill now drug ttock. AJ- Dion DnnjKl.t , ' oaroot Uoo. tDSS JOH H\li < C toa\lnp ; on aconunt of 111 health. 1 bom" . Inrn , tow tries and 2 lots. Also two u.oo.1 n'dlilcnco loK Apply T. K. l"arlHt , Qis oinco , 13th and Kamain. pOU BAI.K 111 ilc rnblo bnlhllni ; loU , tor trade 1 ororulu CUllat A. UOTC'H HlODoOgo St. 8KJ-lmo FOU RAI.K Qradctl Dnttnm ( Mtlo-7 joirllnic hi Iforn ; fill two year old holler * ; M thrno ye"1 oM cows ; t four year old cow * ; SpcilcreodDmlum ! ( bulls , 3rnd4 ono l9 nliowiuilinal ; 2 fovon-elRlith.1 Ihif- liain build , 2 J earn old , Atx o except a tow are Bra- do stork and ihowtliclr bnodlngplalnly , MralViM by tatd bulln , out ot nlwro cowi. u are the yearlings ; 11 yearling ; steers ; 17 two year old Btocrs and 78 thnu car old gtccn. II. I' . STc.'IN , Mlu3en , Neb , 70'Mnip FOIl BALE At n gm + l bargain , tha Scott real- denco protxrty. Jiitt eait of i'ratt'a In Hansoom I'laco , Thin Li a very Hoalrablo 7 room cotURa anil \vllllweoldfttaeacriaoo , llARKEIl A HAYNK. 13th nd Karnain.1 7011 SALK Oil TIIAPK-A 5 year old Kentucky _ ' liOrKfl 16J ImndH high , Rcntlo and kind , trots In I minutes untrained , alto a now line side tar top car- rlx go. C. J. Calian. 731-lmo j > 01t SALVi Orooery business In good locality - pajlng wtll. Will icqu'ro cSiiltol of about $3,009 01 paitluulars addrosaV. . WA thisolllco. 000-1 in 7 < OI18-.LK Two full lots , with thrco first clana L' homes In good rcialr | , on B W. err. 18th and Canltol avenue. ItcnU ( or < J.f 00 per year. 07t-tf : 0.1LDOANKA.CO. FOHSALl ) Acholoodairy andntnok farm of 800 acred , 203 anroa under rnlthatlon , 21 mllea from liver Creek , Nob. , on U. 1 * . lUIIway. ( lood boueo. n cam and Ice houses , barnv , corrals , eta , or dairy- ng and dock raliifiig I And la well uatoiedand oil liolcoRrMHandgraunglind , with plenty of rang ) idjolnuig. Kur sale cheap. Potter & 'amain ntreet. 6l-tf FOIl H U.C-Rnglnoi ! now and second hand 10 b p. It h. p. and 20 h. p. portable aivl stall m ry ; o ] > bollord of any nlzo and style , lllchard d Clarke , U. 1 * .11. Y. bet , 17th and 18th BU Omaha. 540-tf HALK A nilrtlnir onion suitable lor ft small FOR newspaper or Job ollloo. Will neil for cash or 01- bange lor Oinaba City property. Addrnsi X. Z. Q" lee otllou. 403 U FOIl BALK Largo lot on Park avenue. Alaohousu and lot near St. Mary's avenue. Inquire 422 Oou- cut street. 437-lmp 0R 8ALB Throe of the bcek lota In Ilanscom L1 place ar a bargain If ( old soon. Potter & Uobb , D16 Farnain. 031-tl FOR SALE Cheap lots In Hlilnn's Cd aiUltlon , Klrkwoo.1 and 1'Ulnviow. letter & Cobb , 1516 faraam stroot. 4123-lf F OH H AM ; Two Rooond hind phnoa , at Rdholui & KrlckiMii'ii itnalo Store on lOtb St. S'JO-tf FOIt HAUt Two ojxjn nocond-iiand buggies bud ona delivery wagon , cheap , at 1910 Haroey 81. 830-tf HIBCELLANEOnS. sinks and ccB pool cleaned with anitary tluancr. 8at | factlon iruannteedt ) K. n. Aliol , ( luciXBior to to J , M Uinlth , ) box 378. 1000-lmop TIIAYKI ) OU STOLBN 1 bay pony white star ou forehead. 1 bay main 10 jcars old , HM south Otb St. II. Scliontioo. ) G07p QTUAYKD Oil HTOLKN A ll'ht b y nearly onel mare pony 8 years old branded "II , A. /"on hip , white faoo and caddie mat kg. % b. mward or her return to M. F. Maitio , 19M Olark Ht. [ I MUIIRAY liongoed pasturing. Spring water. . rpAKKN UP Ixiat April , r l and Rhlto yoarlinij _ l heifer. Owner can luvo sama by cUIIuR at M. Melhaun , nor. liltli and Uoson , and paying chaigoa The BIO of the term " Hhoi Lino" In connection wtUith * oorporato uaino of a great roao\ conveyn an Idea of tut what required by tlio traveling pub- Ho a Hhort tlno , Quick Tim * and the boat of accorumod < tlons-all of which ate faro- bed by the groateat railway In America. And St. Paul It owns and opcnUs ovei 4,500 mllcsof Kortbcra Ulliiola , Wlscoiulu , MlnnoooU , low * Dakota ; and as ts main lines , branches andoonnno- Uoni reach all the creat bualneao centres nl tha Northwort and Far West , It naturally answers th * description nf Qhort Line , and Ilcut Itoato botwoca ChlaaKO.Mtlwaukee t. Paul and UlnneapolU. Chicago , Milwaukee , La Qtoene and Wlnona. Obloago , Milwaukee , Abordocu and I3l9ndala Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Clau-o and StlllwaUr Ojlcagu , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Deavcr Darn aud Othkosb. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknaha and Ooonomowoo. OblcaRO , Milwaukee , llMllson and Pralrledu Chlto. Chloano , Milwaukee , Owatoroia and ITalrlbault , Chicago , Bololt Jancrvlile and Mineral Point. Ohlcago , Klzln , ilockford and Dubnquo. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar lUplda. Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Clilcatfo , Bloux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Boek Island , Dubuque , fit I'aul and MlnaeaiKiUV , Darenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Mlnneapolui Pullman B eepera and tha Finest Dining Qua la the nrld are run on the main line ) of OioCIIIOAOO , MIUVAUKKE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY , and eve y atUntlonls paid to pomxmgoni by oourtoouaeinployea of the Company , b. B. UKRIULT * ( lonl Manajrer. A. V H. UAIIPKNTKTI , Cku' 1'aaa. Agt. J.T. CLAKK. Oonl HJlit. OEO. II. lUCAKraitD. Ao/i. OonT Pai. Aift. Nebraska Cornice -AND- GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES' FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIH IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. PATENT MKTALW BKYIJanT , Iron Fencin I iwustradoa , Verandaa , OBce ml I/ , , Window and Collar OuND ' .Hi T. 0.