Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1884, Image 1

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    flf 4 DAILY BEE. , „ ,
a Number Large-Sized Ones Dis
covered in low's ' Prohibitory Law ,
Judga Hayes , of Musontine , Do-
cideo Vsi Ji ? Jurisdiotioni
The Fine and Imprisonment Pro
vided Beyond Their Powers
And at Variauoo with the Oonsti-
tntion Of the State ,
"The Imprisonment for Oosts Also
C Deolareil Unconstitutional !
bo Punished K\-
ccnt tlirongli Indictment liy
tlio Grand Jury.
51usc..TlNE , Iowa , August 5. The Daily
.T.urnnl will publish to-day the full account of
* ha important decision of Judge Hayes , of the
ovtuth Iowa judicial district , as to the juris-
( ictiou of justices of the peace under the now
fovra prohibitory liquor law. Judge Hayes
holds that justices have no jurisdiction to try
Jetormiuo or pass judgment upon cases under
Chis law other than to hold a preliminary
trial and bind the defendant over to the dis
trict court. The decision Is based upon the
opinion that the penalty of the now law exceed
the jurisdiction of justices , By this decision
M liquor cases commenced hero under the
new law nro dismissed. The question Is on a
oc great Importance and will bo appealed to
tUo supreme court.
MtMCATJNK , August 5. The following are
the important point ! of Judge HayeH docinlon
that justices of the peace hnvu no jurisdiction
ovorcises under the new Iowa prohibitory
law. The petitioner , Pfeiffcr , by habeas cor
pus proccouingH , eouiht to bo "rcloiscd from
nMtralnt by defendant as sheriff of Mujcatine
county. The parties by , their pleadings and
by stipulations fully agreed upon
Tin : FAOTH ,
which are in brief that the petitioner was
convicted lieforo a. justice of the peace in
Muscatlno county , of the crime of celling in
toxicating liquor , first oflen'-e , and by the
ju tieo sentenced to pay n fine of 875
ujid oost , and ordered committed until paid ,
: w , provided by our priwent law ; that he was
committed accordingly. Whereupon they nil-
I'-aled. That subsequently tlio sureties up-
vn his appeal have surrendered him and that
he iri now in the custody of the sheriff by \ ir-
tuo of the original commitment.
"Tin- only point made relates to the jurisdlc"
tiim of thu justices to try and determine of-
fene rt ntrainst the provisions of ao1 tlon 1510 of
tlio c < xlo ( selling intoxicating liquors ) , as
( usswl by the Twentieth general nseumbly.
Thia questlon ia determined by the penalty
provided by taid act. The law itself docn not
attempt to B.iy what court or courts nhall
havfl jurisdiction to trv end determine the
yprural offenses named , but makes
* i Jo of intoxicating liquors a crime , and pro
vides penalties for fmt nnd Hiibaoquent of-
feline ? , and leaves to the law us it exists and is
controlled by constitutional provisions to de
termine the forum. It follows m a matter of
course that
( H-ovidod for the first offense 'is within the
jurisdiction of n justice of the peace , BO far as
upl-ears here , that the petitioner is not entitled -
titled to relief , but' if otherwise the justice
could only act as a committing magistrate and
hold the defendant for the. action of the grand
jury , and that his commitment upon trial and
. -ouvictio ia void' ' for want of jurisdiction ;
jjid tbqra is no authority for a sheriff to hold
th < * in'titlouor , The law in quoation provides
tJi.'it for the first offence a defendant shall be
J'vmod pnilty of a misdemeanor , and on con-
. iction of said first offcnso nhall pay a fine of
not low than $50 or inoro than $100 , and the
o ta of prosecution and stand committed to
the county jail until such line and costs nto
paid , and in default of this payment of
thrt fines and costs provided for the first
omvlctlon under this section , the person eo
jinvicted shall not bo entitled to the benefit
. .i chapter 47th , section 25 , of thU code , until
hi * shall have beeu imprisoned sixty days.
Article 1 , section 11 , Riiyn : "All offenses lees
than felony , and in which the punishment
Joet , not exceed a finoof onuhundrtd dollars ,
ur iniprisooment for thirty days , shall ba tried
oimmiaiily l fora n. justice of the peace or
other officer authorized by law or information ,
under oath , without indictment or the
intervention of a grand jury , saving to
Ut'i defendhiit the right of appeal and , no p'-r- '
non fhall lx > held to answer for any higher
onuiinal ouVimo , unless on ire.-entnn.'iit or m-
Jictnient by a grand jury.
' .f lowu , nnd binds the general assembly as
well ; H all court ollicial.s nnd individual nf-
f : te < l thereby , and lesin'ativo ' intent or enact-
mi-lit is of no avail when contrary to its pro.
virjoin , and is not inaterid to b ennsideivd.
lt\ > * ill hoi-ueii ut once that if the penalty
piovided fur the firbt olfense , can
: it iU highobt inflict a punishment In excess
.f t fine of $100 , or in CXCCAH of0 ( lays' iin-
TinVriiinent , that it is nut within thu jurisdic
tion of u justice , and that the person churned
with the offense is entitled to tlio interuiition
of a grand jury before ho can bo held to an-
Hwur. AH Ixjfore quo ed the penalty may be
for a firm of ? lt)0 ) and costs , with an express
provi-ion that the guilty party tliall wtiiud
' .iinmittrtl to the county jail until tha line
und cosU are paid , ThU in
in ourlattH , the penernl , If not unnerssl , rnlo
being in CHses other than for helliiu intoxi-
citting li < niorri that no commitment follows at
til for non-payment of cost * , not even for tha
highest other ciimo punishable by line ; and
in rn.iking this excoiiticmilly suvero penalty
the legl"lati\o wi lom did not uvcn tee it
t amend b ction1,50'J of the code , which
| irovide > > that imjirfsoument for fines shall
n tt cend one day for every three and one-
third dollars of the line , so as to inaku it
ipply tn tout" . Ho , undur this peirn'ty ' for
tiling into\icitin liquord , according to its
tery terms nnd the law of the state , a
defendant who could not pay the costs , uven
h only ft f mliing , would Inivu to
. \eept an ho might bo nilinved by the provi-
, iioiw made fur "puor convictHj" and vn
ticru he remain in jail sixty days where
in all other cases the law in tlm pluntititude
nf in mercy onlyi provides for tbiity
< luj-r ( nf Mich inipritonmunt. It would
f. < t < m that thu would or might ho imnnlimcnt
jlthou h the learned counsel for the state in
juriously argued otherwise. The Hupit'tno
. i.urt in the titata v . Irwin , H lowjk 27 ,
-iy that thu costs are ojiart of tlio jmnalty
but not of the line which is conclusive of the
l > Iiit iu consideration. If there was here no
provision for imprisonment for nou payment
. f the costs it might lx < r ucd that they
did not ont T into tha pimi hinent , which w
theuordii'.ed in tha Inhibi-
t-uii but they became
ciill'-ctibK ai ether such debts , aie by execu
tion , imd there is nn limit to
thajurl-dictlon of a justice in this regaid. The
-nend u sembly may fix at plosMire , or if the
word in tbu constitution was "fino" Instoiwl
' .f''puoiahrnent , " It wight bo Mid that the
< mi * would b > i a mere inc'dent , and that nn-
I'liVonimnt might bo provided for their mm-
| . , iini'iit. I think it must ba ivno-ded that
ho punishment pfiiridtd deed or may iccd
a tine of * l < )0 ) , and It Is jnol as clear that it
may exo-ed thitty days'ilnmisonni'-nt ! for. if
the fine wn Sldd th t would tike just the
hole thirty days under tha threa and one-
thlid 'lullars ' a il.iy pro\l ion of the law , even
If tint | rovis'on ' covered the coktsj and then
tin- doff ndiint would Imvo to tiny , in exee s of
the thirty days. Ions enough tn n M li < fy the
eostg ulifeli would , if only a fraction of : i day ,
KXl'KI'll Tlir rOS'STITtTlOV M. 111IIT ,
A * vpplvingt" this ivtttirulnr cn-e , it was
elamiiil that tin prtitiunri M not ntitlfd to
tln > U-n * lit- . < > f n liaN ! < lorpui niter hiixln
apie.ded | , notwith < tjindiiighn hsd been Biirren
tlensl , and was iu jsil bylrlue of thn
original committment.t rennon was gi\ Bit
for Uiis claim , and nonoUappa'ttmt to me.
Proui-css ot the InvcBtlRntlon ot the
SoldlorH * nninont Dnyton-Gov-
( -rnur l'atrl tl'H Dlnuoll-
cnl Tyranny.
DAVIDS' , O. , August 5. The Sohliors' homo
congrciiionnl investigating committee con.
veuul ut II o'clock this morning , continuing
the examination of wltne.i > o } . The testimony
ro\ealeil the dis'ts of infamy into which the
soldier is inveigled , robbed and ( oniotime.s
imuilentl. Many of the resorts outside of the
em porata limits of Dayton Mem to bo out of
the jurisdiction of the law. K\en these with
in thoeityaiu not molested by the authorities ,
and colnp.iro with any of the liunt depraud
In tholar n cities. Many foldiers conio to
Ijayton , become drunk and disorderly , are ar
rested , roruovud to the homo and are there
punished. Kx-lCcpit'&outativo McMahon raid
.inlverial tomplaints Irom the Boldiera
[ > jiutcd to lursh trea nent. Tbuy wanted
some ono to complain to , but dared not lay
ihcir gtiovancea before General M. K. 1'atrick ,
governor of thoihome. . Th a would bo ob-
fiatcd by resident manager , but Color-cl
[ larris , the present resident manager , lived in
incinuatt , and the soldiers could not see him
Dut once a yojf. Ho belle\ed tin homo should
bo moio a hospital than a garrison. ' 1 ho tol-
diers had done their work , and this ihould l > o
their rawaid. The disoider outside could be
dealt with as other di-orderly citizens are.
While at the home , ths cjinmittao was most
cordially recei\i by the inmate ; , who wen ;
reviewed and inspected duiing the afternoon.
Thoie has beei a growing didiko to ( iovornor
Patrick ever Mnco ho has been here , : xnd re-
icntly complaints have been numerous. The
l > o rd of manngersinstituted several Invest- !
Cations , which never have amounted to any
thing. A petition signed by niiiiy citirean of
Dajton was prepai-edund pi-o umcd tu congress -
gress through Mr. M urray , the reptesentativo
Irom this district. It urged such action on
the part of congress awould bring
ixbout a ( Iinngo in the governorship of the
homo. The conduct of tha governor , it charges ,
U , in many ca < e > , tyrannical. Hd has refilled
admittauce , even temporarily , to miny woun-
dea and disabled soldiers , ho are thusthrown
upon public charity. _ Ho hts inflicted un
usual mid severe punishment upon iunmtos ,
it is further charged , for small on trivial
offense ? , while blind and insane men , for
e.\presshi ! ? opinions for which they nro wholly
iiresponsible , hsvo bean dMii norably dis
charged from tlm home , and are now a burden
upon charitiblo institution * . The v are at
pment twenty-tin eo discharged inma'os of
the Soldiers' homo in the county infirmary ,
and neailyallof the-u are either in nno or
blind. Governor Patrick was a regular army
ollicer , ind uccustomed to the rigoious ( In-
eiplino of the regular army , but the four
thousand men o\er whom ho bus control were
of the volunteer service and unused to that
kind of discipline. The committee proposes
to mike u thorough investigation , and dnribg
thu wesk it will | M > in e.stiou to hnir
complaints fiom inmates and citizens.
This fact has been announced at the
homo , and all thosa who li.'nr h on mistreated
or have any chaigos or complaints to m.iko
against the immurement h.ive been reqneste < l
to appear befoie the cuinuiittee. CJeueral
Kusccpns , chai'inan of thu house mllltiiry
committco , is present and attends the meetings
of thu committee.
About twenty witnesses weio heard today
nnd some very positive facts of cruelty and
severity of disciplln * brought out. Sherilf
Uowling testified that on one occasion , while
going through thehomoto levy on some tobac
co , ho was hailed by Governor 1'utrick , who
itopped him and demanded why ho passed
aim. "Ho called on an officer to arrest me.
nut I would not submit and told htm I would
not bo stopped by anybody while tn the
discharge ot m > | oflicialduty. Ho also demand
ed that my official papers be served by his of-
iccrjand grasped them from my hands. Ho
also lefusej to comply with the order of thu
court to turn over certain books to the court. "
Probate Judge MclCemy and i ol. Sago both
testified that the crazy men had betn given
their discharge. When mania seized them , aud
were refused readmission , nnd tint the comity
infirmary aud jail were now filled with those
insane people.
\yUliain H. McKinney , of Louisville , now
an inmate , t.iid another inmate called him u
, ] ) HlapiM-d him.uml w.Mthiowu
into tha guard-house. He was not allowed to
make any statement , and was kept theie for
nine day.s , and tlien sent for thirty days on the
dumps. Ho said then ! were other similar
cases. He iclatod a case whiro un epilemic
wjs beaten nearly to death with a lead pipe
in tlio hands of an olliu''r ; also a c.uolnie
an insane man was ulloweil to his brains
nenily out in the girird-house , the chief of
police , when his at entimi was called to it ,
remarking : "Let him kill himself ; it wouldn't
hurt if all thu d cranks out here
did tha Bame. " One Itawlings testified
tint if an inmate h-it the hnu > e to take a
job Gov. J'atnck wiote letteis to the emjiloy
er , blackening the man's charaotei. Various
Uinds of cruelty were testified to ai Ix-ing
practiced by tin ) go\einment of the institu
tion. Gen. Patrick , the governor of the lioine
> is pruaont during the en tire investigation ,
and suggested questions put by members : f
tin ) board. The witnesses with the exception
ot three or four , were leading officers and citi-
/ IH of the county.
A. Lively Fusllado at tlio Polls Und
Blood Uetwfcn llrctlicro-ln-
13n.MPOUVJI.r.F. ) ! , Ky. , Augiibt r . While
two negroes weio quairelling yefcterd.iy over
the election , n third named Hun Doan cumu
out of n store , drew pistol and commenced
firing Into the croud. The firing lucamc
general and fifty or sixty j.hotsweiodiiichargcd
in two minutes. Bun lioau lecelvod four bui *
Uts and Is supposed to ba mortally wounded.
A white man named Fraud Blair un.s Hlightly
wouaded. Two. nogroo.-i , names unknown ,
were also wounded , and n hoisn killed.
Two miles above Uradfoixhille , .liJin ] ! ur-
choli and his son Jim , waylayed and uttiicked
Jumei lake.s ! and hix son Tom. John Ihn-
choll struck James Kakes on the head with n
ntono , knocking him down , Jim Ilurcholl
draw a piktol , shot James Itakes through tha
head in he lay on the ( { rninid , killing him. Ho shot Tom Hakes , inflicting a Imd unnud
on the thigh. John llurcbnll mariied James
Hakes' sinter and : i feud of several year * '
standing has existed between the families.
liurchell is not arronted. The oll'icers me
looking for then : ,
For CoiiKrcfg in IlllnoU.
QUINUV , Angu t 5.-Tin democnitlo eon
vi'iitlon of the Twelfth > . nu'r i"ind district
of thin city to-day iiorniniti < l ,1 .M. HigK" ,
the present inemtH" , fur -uieli"ii | to con-
Kre-n , and Samuel K. Chlttenden , > t Adams ,
for member uf thu state board of nqnalizu
Our Curt or mid Cleveland.
CIIICAIIO , AmzuH fi.--Mayor Harriion. the
demcKiratlc candidate for governor of Illinois ,
left this aftcrnocn by the Chicago and ( irnrui
T uuk limited express anil West Shorn route
fir Albany to confer wi'h Governor Clvv ?
I m'l. '
This Seems lo be the Gathering Cry of
the People of England ,
Further of the Great Popular
Demonstration at Birmingham ,
Bright's ' Terrific Arrnigument of
"tho Spawn of the Dark Ages , "
Ohamberlain's ' Fioroo Attack on
the "Divine Eight of Peers , "
Varying Eoports Relative to the
Franoo-Chmoso Status ,
The Kcyptiun Elephant I'rojjrcss of
the Cholera Oilier
Tlio FrnnoIilNo
August D. In connection
with tlio great reform demonstration hero yes-
tardny , wa * the mooting hell nt lling-
ey liall ; twenty thousand people
wore present. Speeches were made hy Jehu
Itlglit and Joa. Chamberlain , president of tno
) oard of trade. Mr. Bright said : "Tlio lory
najority In the house of lord" , wan actuated
> y the Baino bitter hatred of the liberals on in
1832. Who wore the peers ? " ho asked , "ihoy
voro the wpawu of blunders , the wars and cor-
tiption of the dark ngos of our history. They
mil entered thfj temple of honor , not through
the temple of morlt , but through the pepul-
chors of their ancestors. They were no bettor
than their fathers. " Some of thorn wcro
worse , for their privilege * had produced
"guoranco and arrogancu , Tha reform of the
iiouso of lords , Bright dcclarod urgent and In-
witablc. Should people submit or should
, hey curb tha nobles , an their fathnrs had
curbed the kings of J Dglamlf Bright then
explained the mnnnor In which ho would Hko
M see the power of the lordii restricted. Ho
would allow the peers to retain their present
lowers during the first session that n bill
ihould be presented them , but ho would abso-
utoly prohibit them from vetoing a franchise )
3111.Charaborlin road a long and powerful
attack upon _ the peers. "Tho dlvino
right of kings , " ho said , "has
jecn acknowledged to bo dan-
gorouH. The dmuo right of peers WIH a
ridiculous figment. It the lords remained
obstinate In their opposition to tha popular
will , tha present agitation would continue to
the bitter end. 'He loolied forward with
oiccrhopo to the result of this agitation.
Kngl.iud , the choion homo of toIf-Rovirnod
isople , novcr will bo subservient to the inso-
out pretenses of the "hereditary class , " Tha
Bentimonts of the speaker * were received with
enthusiastic applause. A resolution wa'
adopted denouncing the action of the lords in
; he rejection of tha luform of the franchieo ,
Tlio Soiulnu JSxpr dltlon ,
LONDON , August 5. A credit of 300,000
'or thu Soudan expedition panned the hoti'-o of
commons 174 to 1-1.
LONDON , August 5. Gladstone , in miiv inga
credit of t'3i)0n ) , 0 to provide for an expedition
to the Soudan , eald tlio purposa of the ot-
neditioii WHS merely to rcliovo General Our-
Ion and not to crush the Mahdl. Thin wou'd '
jo Hifliclcnt to secure good go\ernuient In
Soudan. The evacnat'on ' of that country wait
now a question us Kngland was txiunil to pro
tect General Gordon. OIuUtono intimated
.hat ho was asking tlionicinlxTS tooto rather
in llio principal Involved than on the exact
igurrt which ho anticipated the expedition
would cost His intention was to obtain an-
.horlt.v to redeem the pledges which had al
ready been made. It wan undesirable to en-
.IT Into details at present.
Lnbouchere , radical , objected. The vote
low asked for ho believed was a more nop ,
N'ext year the houjsu would 1)3 asked to vote
t'3CWXIO ( ( to carry on the work.
The ucdlt was agiced to 171 to II ]
New UntB.
ugust C. A consistory will \tn \ held
it the Vaticanabout thorniddlu of September.
Tin ) I'opo delivers the allocutiou and creates
leveral cardinal * , Tlio now cardinal * ni-1 nil
Italiann. Th J'opo will fiL < o nouiinaUt
se\eral bishop * .
Franco and Clilnn.
I'AUiti , August 5. It is reported that Ferry
nth sent his linnl ultimatum to I'ekin.
Special ] Iliillctln for July.
NC.TON CITY , August 1 , 1881During the
month of July the tempor.ituro win generally
julow the average , uvcopt itt ( stations on the
sBimlpp ! river boloir Cairo , in Arkansas ,
" , Indian Territory , Texas , Hoiithern
roloracii , Now Mexico , in California nouth of
San Francisco , end in the Florida peninsula ;
t was from ft" to G' ' below the average on Lake
Dntiilo , in northern Minnesota and Dakota ;
from t" to G" below tha moan In the District
if Colnmbla , eastern Pennsylvania , the north-
era Michigan peninsula , central Minnesota ,
and northern California ; from II to I' In Ma
ryland , the shorn of Long Island found , east
ern Massachusetts , central Ohio and Indiana.
Dakota , and the Wlllamotta valley ; Itw.u
front 1 ° to . ' ! ' In the oant (2nlf ( and most of thu
Atlantic coast state ? , In Tcnnoxoe , the upper
Miwdsaippl and Mlssouii valleys , and north
L'ucilio coast. The average excens in tlia low
er MInsi ippi valley and Tuxna is l ° . : t ,
The rainfall has been in exceed of thu avor-
i\o for July In Now England , the Atlantlu
coast stationH to South Carolina , in east Tennessee -
osseo , over J-nko Krio , the Miasouri and Ar
kansas river valleys , In Io\va \ , in tlin valley of
the Ked Klvor of the North and its tributaries
The f.vciuo oxcojs in Now Kngland Ij 8 27
IncheH. Tha gipatest deficiency occurred in
TVMIH , the Uio Grande vat ley , in Florida nnd
southern Ixmislana. Koi' the Bacramento
and Han Joiquin : river valleys the rain fdl'
has been normal , and nearly HO la nil the IV
cih'n coast utatc" .
No fiouts are reported dirmg | the mouth.
Tin1 numerous hail , toniadic , nud hurricane
( tonni in MleHouri , lllinoi- , and Iowa on July
1 , in Kentucky , Tmmcssee , mirthcrn Aluliamii
and western New York on the 5th , did uorif > id-
rablu damage to standing grain and fruit.
W. H. IlA/fK ,
lirioradicr nil Brevet Major General , Chief
Signal Ollicer , U. H. A.
and HulUy.
Cllir.\fo ; , August 0. Ti.-iek faH Mile
> in " .ill ages Iali ! ll 4 < , n , Ccntir\ilu | M ,
l\iu.i ! Jd } tini'i , IjlHj. Wwt wide htake-
mili and nixti'unlhthri'Oyear'dld. .
) - thri'Oyear'dld.Ifairy
tiuzuon , Ailcn 2d , I'.erlier 2 < lj tiui" Isl'Jj.
Three fen tlix mile purno-all nno.s KVA
wmi , Wellington. ! id. Nora Hilj timu lilfij.
Mill ami eighth jellingBi.rham won , Jly-
> lcrobul : 2 , ripiingerHdj time 1:58 : ,
lll'NNIVl JI40KS AT HI" , I ( HIM.
C'lllfAiui , AinmtC.-Hamuel Kker , of St.
Ivmin , t-duy iximplotod iirrangeinents for u
full nmoinK mi eting at .St. Loui , comnieuc-
lux August iJStu , to contlnuo six day * .
AT rillLAUKLrillA.
MONMOCTH J'AIIK , August B. The track
wa de < > p with rhiih , Frao handicap mlle -
I'riaui won , CJroenland SJdi tlnn1:14. .
litak" -three cpmrterj < jl . redo
Grenadier won , Partloa I'.l , l iil
time. , 1:18 | .
I'.v'diiio Ktakos thri1" n'lnrlcrj of n milc-
Aranzn won , Ltttlo Minrh d ; time , 1U ) .
Kn-o handicap -mile and throe uKU-enth *
Chicadco won , M im duke L'd , KilinrnV M\ \
time. 2:12) : ) .
Soiling nllownncol fifurlong < i 011de-
awa > won , Swift 2d , lnt M ; time , Ij" " . .
Steeple ch e Tfrmbtnc wnn , AuvtlianSd !
time , : iS05. : f
S.MtAlxxiA , Aucust 5.Trai k hoix v.
Two oUI five firloiig4Fog Boll
won. HarilaonSd , H hima3d ; tmr ( > , IsiO.
Milo npd n half- All agis Uofereo won ,
HtwiM 2il , Gcorgo L 3d { tnniL' : t'JJ.
Mlle nnd f > iontjr yudilleanor won.
Manitoba i.'dtlmr,4l5lj. ; !
Varna for non-wimidrs at * linco
July 15 V -Ilottcliimio won , /auioro
2d , Verix Ikl ; tim , lilU.
NKW YOUK , August fi. Hichaid 1C. Vex
nffViR ft pur o of ? 10)00 ( ) lu match the twttera
Maud S. and Jay-Eyc-S < ' 0 for a trot at tha
Goiitlonion'a Drhing park in this city In Sop-
turubcr next , bust two in thres.
Huso Uill.
Al Chicego Chlcijrw , B ; Clovolnndn , S ,
At 1'hlladclphi.i No anie ; rain.
At I.ouisvi lo Iiouisvdlo 0 : Cincinnati , 3.
\Vjishlngton National Unions 3 ; Balti
more , 8.
At IndiauapoUit-Jhdianapcilta , 14jTolodo'i
AtKrokuk-KooJcuk , fiSt. ; Vnul , 27.
At IHtroitNo ghme ; V in.
At JCnnwf City OhiciRfi Uiiionn , 7 ; Kan-
sin City , 8. V
MAUSHLLKS , Auguit B. Oiio dmth by
cliolorahoio bet neon SUmd 1J ! o'clock a. in.
"l * *
GENEVA , Augiwt'D.- Ono cn o of cholera
lore. 'i
At St. Tlouis St. IWuiA ( I'uioiu ' ) 8 ; Cincin-
imti 0. 1. > '
At tinincjv u'uoy ' P ; Minneapolis 3.
AtTcrro Knqto-tli-Jiid Itnpida , 8 ; Terre
[ luntcd.O. The Terre j lauto club , has dis-
i.tudod , most"ot the playerj having ofTea-a
from other chiUiTln tht Northwestern league.
Importune nnd' 'largely Attended
Meeting of llnllroud Moil nt
CniQAGO , Aug. 5. Tlio managing offioirs of
all thu railroad Hues interested iu trans-Mis
souri business , bcgari' assembling beru this
morning and cut into secret nenalon at ,11
o'clock. The Union "I'ncilic reprvMintatlvw
will not arrive until thii afternoon nnd con
sequently nothing can 1m accomplished pending
ing their arrival , and-it is not expected under
the most favorable conditions Unit any result
can bo achieved within two or tlnxo days
owing to the peculiarly complicated niiturn of
the questioriH to be settled , llm firtt
railroad meeting matter to 1m brought
up for t-ettlumunt Is tint of the
Colorado rates which bad beoii disturbed over
since die formation of the combination ba-
twoon the Union Pacific and Omaha roads , to
the exclusion of the Burlington , unlil within
oue week ago , when they wcro temporarily
restored , to await the action of tbo present
conference. For the propi r maintenance of
Colorado rates It In contended by norno mana
gers that a pool will riecwuirily ba formed
which will include all lowu lines brntichlug
ut Omaha and the Union ,1'autlio and all HUUIII
western lines. This was thu opluion
expressed by Uoswell MIUerof the Hlwuukoo
& St. I'aul railroad , iu" sonvewation with a
representative of the Associated Press this
morning. Ho could t-cq no Inturmountablo
obstacles in the way. It is claimed , however ,
that BO long as what is kjiown aa the tripartite
agreement oetwecn the \Jnion I'a.Iflc and its
Omaha connection ) remalm in force , the an-
t'igoul/cd loads cannot ; to brought' '
into n pool concerning Colorado
aud other trans-Missouri business ,
owing to tin i fact that under thu tripartite
agreement the eastern connections of the
Union Pacific hold arbitrary n wer in the
making of through western rates. The olli-
clals In attendance however declare that the
result alined nt , nitmoly , malnteimnco of rates
upon all competitive western business , can be
satisfactorily arranged without antagonizing
any of present pools , aud that the temper of
all roads now Is to achieve that result. _
The afternoon Hcsslon was very brief , and
no action won taken owing to tbu continued
absence of representatives of the Sun Fran ,
cimi and Atihison , Topekn k SantaJL'o
roads. Mr. James McMulleu , uca president
of iho Chicago & Alton road , has been elected
pi-rmaneutchairman. All tlin reprehontfltiviw
conMTHdlvith declare vthat nothing as to the
outcome can bo hafuly ( lccarod ) at this stage.
The U. P. "WeaUonliifi ; .
Si > cclal Uispatch to Tlui'liEU ,
CJIIO.MJO , August 5. This evening the olli-
ciils of the roads Intcicstud In the trans-Mis-
Miiui busineiH held no. meeting , but there
weio a numljer of individual JIIIVIUM confer
ences , at which , it Is believed in railroad r ir-
eles to-night , that nn ' ; npp'oach to another
pooling niianpeJii ntvn rnadn It feeuiH
jnetty certain that Union Pacilic has weak
ened in lelation t > i thu famous tupailiUt
agieument , and that it is leady t-i desert it
iillitM ca t of the Misfouii , if necc.
ry , to fccnro n co-nation of the mu 5
rieiouH opKn.tionvhlch ] It ban bpin
sulfeiinr ; trorn the Burlington ioiul. Yieo
Presidunt Klrnb'dl of the Union Pacific , [ irnc-
tiually adinittinlns much in an iiitfr\lew to
night. He said it would probably to neces-
n ry to muUo some chmigM In the tiip.utito
agreement In order to form n new pool , and
that thcso changes would probably Im made.
ChtulcH Fiancis Ail.imV prediction that the
Union Pnclliu will soon Ixi iiblo ti > resume the
payment of dividends is probably based fully
as much on the Ixillof tlmt u now pool will he
formed an on the givxl crop prospects in
KebrinVa ,
Krnncla ,
Augiut 0. ChuvlfcH KraucU
Adaim , jHwIdpnt of thu'Union i'lioifio rail-
toad , returned from the west to-day. Jle
rayathecriips iiloug Ihollno of the road in
Nebraska and clsowhero uro unnaunlly good ;
lhat tlio mines are loldmg well , and the out
look for : i good busmen bylho ro.ul excellent ,
Ho Is of opinion tlio road will bo able soon to
iCHinno the payment of dividend ) .
Beiotlula Is juct < i * * / mow Kenoral than any
other ( Hsei ! < ? . 11 H Insidious In character ,
and manifests Itself. In runnluB screw , pustular
cruptiona , bollH , bwclHusn , enlarged joints ,
absccBsea.soroej't'S , ct . Uood'sBarsaparlllii
expels till trace of scrofula from the blood ,
leaving It pure , enrich and hcalMiy.
"I was severely afllietird with ncrolula ,
and for over a year Uo4 two miming norm
nn my neck. Took fwe bottles of Hood's
Harsaparllla , atul consider -myiclf cured. "
C. 1C. I.ovr-Jov , IxwellJ MUSH.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , lo , , linil scrofulous
tores for seven years , gprlug and fall , liood'n
BarnaparlUa cured him.
Salt Rheum
\Vlllbm flples , Klyrla , 0. , Buffered greatly
from erysipelas and gait rheum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times Ids hands would
crack open anil bleed , lie tried furious prep
arations without aid , finally took Hood'H Bar-
oaparllla , and now nayii ; " 1 am entirely well , "
" My sou luU gait rhcuui on his hands and
on tbu calvw of hla Icga. He took Hood's
Barsaparllla and Is entirely curea. " J. H.
BTAMOX , Mt , Veruoii , Qhlo ,
' Mood's tSarsaparilla
SoM by all druKglsM. * t ! M * for 5. Made
only by C. I. llt)01 > It CO. , I-owull , Mas * .
IOO. Dosos-Ono Dollar.
TammanY's ' Forlorn Dope Said to be
PatciiDniiaPfiac' ,
As a Qo-Botwoon at Saratoga
from Olovolaml to Kelly ,
3on Butlor's ' Vanity Impelling
Him to Rim for President ,
The Michigan Anti-Monopolists
and Groanbaokors Oonibining ,
yditional Euoourgamont as to
'Bopnblioan States in the South ,
OoiiUllniHiiii > Mi\iioof \ lllnlno'ti Kloe.
( Ion Other Nixtlonul IMnttorti ,
ijpoclnl L ) ! patdi to THE UKK.
SAn.\THiA , N. V. , August 0. Hon. H. P.
' 'lower , who vliited Governor Cleveland r t
Vlbrtiiy ywtoitlay , juid (5o\ernor ( 1 fond ticks a
Nit nt the Grand Union this morning. The
[ otwipihaveit that Klowcr bears the olive
branch , nnd is trying to bring Tummany
iround to the ticket. When ho was informed
of thu reports ,
"I urn not mithorued to speak for Torn-
nuny. I tnko no pirt in jmliticj. I can sny ,
t < iwo\or. that I think Tammany will come to
upport tlio regular iioiuluooj all right. The
) i sp4 > ctHof the ticket are growing brighter
ivcrj- day , and I b Iiovo wo ohall B ccp Is'ew
York ttuto. "
1'linvcr admlttod that ho had bcou the
luoritu caudldatuof Tauimnuy hall , but paid
hat his vislta to the democratic ) nominees
vero purely of n social nud cougratuhitory
inture. lie did 'not think that he would
Live time to call on Kelly , as ho intended to
oiue on the 1 p.m. train. Close observer *
, y tint 1H IIIIKWINO
n tlio democratic camp. Kelly is reported
o liavn issued hi * ultimatum , It in to thu
ilfect that. Tammany must have control of all
.ho New York city oIlic 'H , or the ticket will
> o bolted. Olovelnnd and Manning
ro i.ild to bo inclined to Ignore
'mninnny and tnko their clnnces with
Cellcy ngidnst him. Ileudrickn in for cinicili-
tiou , and with thut end in VimvlniB had rti-
k-aU-il iutcrviuWH with tlin Tiuumany ehiwf ,
Hewer uko wantf" " pence In tlio camp.
day _ . . . .
ulties in tin statn nf New York , and somuaro
f an unusual natum. Tha laboring olasics
iw somewhat disMtif Hod mid homo of Kelly's
riunds uro POIX- , bin , they tue nil "democrats.
ml they will bo all rijfbtbofyre election day. "
'ho efiirator eeerus to be nnnoywl Btill
yitho'ut beiiTir qiicslioneil on the subject , liu
aid : _ "As to the BulfHlo rcindal , I think it
j n disgrace for in onto utter it , H can do
10 harm to Cleveland. Tint purpose for
vhiqhit was published ivlll ba defeated. It
vill add ttiength rather thiin weakness to
ylCvcland'scunvnsH. Uight IhinUiiiK men do-
irecato thu drjg in ) ; in nidi mat ors into
Hlitical coiitoalH. A enrdidnto nhunld bo
udged by hi * public record , and Clnvoland'M
ecord stand * , ' ! al > reformer and man of adininiHnitivn skill.
I.LTIlill. "
if _ acceiitance i * almost eompletud. It will bo
irief , \ullnotmediiloiniich with political
irobieins. It will follow somewhat in the line
f his eM'ech | to thu ratifioation committee. It
my ho issued on the same dav that Clove-
and'H letter is | inlli ) liil. The letters of
'ilden and llcndricks were | irouiiligated xim-
ItanCoiu. Hendrickrt doox not bulle\o in un-
occsaary delay ; ho wants thu miilter out of
lie way so that ho can begin the more solid
Kill ; of the campaign. He will piobably
a > o Now York to-morrow.
rii : wiLLituN.
NKW YOIIK , iih'unt I , There is not the
ixhtiint doubt In the world but that lifii Hut-
erwill run us an indoponddit candidate. A
ligh Boat ( u i authority cays that Jtutlur is now
iaro nt work upuii ail uddrwj to the country.
After the way ho wn treated at Chicigo , It
vns tnnde imiHijsIble that ho could act with
ho democrat ! ) . Hii candidacy w ill clinch- the
ast nail in GlevOmid'H eoflin In this utato ,
vtieitCoiiKie Hnun ,1. ,1. Adams , .a wurru
ipjKntt'i ol Cleveland , concedes thut liutlen'p
iulidiiryI1I moan a lorn UiJlelUn'l < of10 , ,
XJU votes. If Adams M willing to toricul" this
aigit amount , it is certain that ovi u thin Du
ne IH not lurgnenouf-h. In thu same way it
ejirefvnU a labor vote that will jiot gi ( to
Jluvchind undernny circumttancex. Hut Hut
r will mil jlr Isiiiazy for notoriety and sen-
atinn , and will be thu laxt man UiHacrilici'tlr *
Misir.iiily. A Fcnllcinan In this city who wan
i merrilKT of the democratic cunimittf o which
uepitred the tar ill report for the lust G'hicigo
: oiveiitiou ) lelatcn un incidout which well it-
Udti'dtes ISntliTH vmilty. One night when the
L'liniinittee waH hard at work at tlio IroiiUiilH
ilub rooms muddling ; their irruconciliablc dif
erences theio was heard n great uproar In the
street. It WAH tlio night duringtho democrat'
c convention when iho T'hurman bandana
ro\vd made iuch ashoxvinf , ' . Butler , ho WOH
with thu coinmittei' , took tin * demonstration
ai perepnal to himself. Stepping to the win-
tow he'shoved It up and wamiu out UJHIII the
i loony wheiohu could bo heun. The crowd ,
at thu Mghl of him , cluvrtd and yelled "JUit-
er. " Thy old man stood there und fairly
shook With chltckloH of griitifind vtnity ,
while le > is of pltmMiio ran down his leallier
checks. When liu ( ame back to the coin-
n.itUi ) he > tcu'iicd his depatturo by haying
with an art'of chlldiHh rapture , "I just
thought 1 would step out and i-eo if any of
Ihoiy \ * in Iho croud would rt cognize mo. "
The innocent yaility of this epiirh ninusod the
iiommitteo very much , in * If Jlutler's claim to
[ rfinu ri'stuil upon popular Knoululgo nf his foiuottin face. Duller will not
oilly be : \ rniulldati ) , but he will go to the
htuinp. Ho will make speeches oust and
went. Ho will go went lii' t , mid will probably
flnvuto tin latUr part of the cmnpilgn to his
labiirlnJ ) fol'oweis ' in the HUtoH of New York
Chiwgo Tribune ,
KKW Yoiih , AugustI.There Is not mu 1
strerx laid by the rcpublieaiiH upon tlin | K > H
sibility of canIng any of the Hiuitheni states
It is not expected HOT that active operations
will bo conducted by thu national coinmittei
in more than twu of those commonwealths
Florida and Went Virginia. Florida Is con
Mdeiod loasooably ei'itulnif eiioiili ( nnrthm
xpeakem can lii poiHuaded lo g into thu
HtituthiH full. TheieIIUH been u law invreiKO
f ( loitheni ixipiihitioii thvro during thu
la t four years. Thin ia nearly all repiibliran
The Imurlmnit nro lMcomlug frightened ulum
West Virglm.i , and ulruady there nro niiinir
ous iiInjH from tlmt state directed lo thu dtrnu
ciatlc mi tlon il rinniolttie. It U pmatol ;
charged that ex Ken tor Henry ( ! . li\In , tin
grrat c ipitalist and rnllrmd mVncr , is not act
ingln KWK ! faith with tlif ilmnocmtio party
aud lhat JIBIH ! < UV Ui n p ! ai tu delh < rt
, hisi Piin-in-1a\v , Uie vote of ( hi st.\tr.
{ Ikhin < R visiting with hit family nt Deer
"ark. 1 M innocent \ hit M enlarRed upon by
ha democrat * nn n put of n t plan. It IIM
iei'11 dieided to nmko n te t of I.IM' ) ' pnrty
i ilty hv iallnj-iiHiu ! | him fur a goodsulne'ip-
on to the dcmonatiu e.itnp.ugn fund.
Ciilliv lor-of-CiisU riH I'inchlmek U hero
'I10" ' . ' " " . V ' , t" New I'.iulnnd for a few
veeksrvit ( 1th ntrRiigo to neo how | vopulnr
Iin ; > i'uKinjlunl suminer i-iorU ara IM-.OIII-
ngtotha Aithnr ] ' < ileral oUleehnldornlio
vera pt-omincnt at Chicago. 1'iiuhluck will
RIte Mnmo , ns a nutter of COHMO , diiiing hl
nw > trruUtitmiil Is nuvioui to lxinxited to
mil the M > 'nkem in the cixnipa'gn iu that
-tnte , now so near at hand. He was aoked
tu-iUy if tlmrti tta any chance of the temibli-
cans cwi "W. Louisiana thn ye.r. "No , " he . , " . W. lm > o thn vot.s
to do it. bulwd luvuuo earthly elmnco with-
mt federal nMUianco to get them counted.
Wo have a bonrlmn rolurning nwchine that
would rt'jlstct' ft demmjrnllo majority If rnly
U > u bourbon Voles wrro ciwt agaln4
\ million upuii tlio other side. H notthern
HjioaU-M were ( o BO down then ) it would : iid
Hgro.tly in bnuiring out our vote , but uh.a
Rood would th.ttlo ? No matter how high a
mjorlty might bo ruled up it would surely
biiCouiiUxlout. > o , 1 nhull not ailvlso the
Mininitleoto do anythltiL' down our wuv.
: llillrto is very with our white people ,
virlicu'wly ' with tlm young men , but DouilMtn
iroiljudicu ami the
retniulpg Iwanl ma-
ihlno wonlil prevent any gam tioitu ? recorded
or him. "
"Wlnt southern states do yon think can 1
carried by lilsinn nnd J.rgant"
" \\VII , Ihero is only ono whom 1 think wo
nvo n gei'd ' r hiineo I am tliito | certain th t
vith n little work nnd attention Klotida
can bo t-islly earned , Tn North Carolina and
West VirfiinU wehnxe lightingolianct's noth-
ag more ,
Chieagti Trtbuno.
NKW YOIIK , AujriHtA ! fri -nd of Ho 'coo
Cnuklintf old thii morning that Conliliut ; is
\b olntely cnnvincfcl tlmt Ulnino will bo
> hcted , and that ho can easily carry this tUto.
Conkhng IUH always been n.iinit the policy
of hunting un noiif > ntitiis for candidates of
nnyjiarty. MU friend < motci him na inyinit :
'ItH only the bold who deserve trt win In
) dlitic ? . The republicans at Chicago took
v piumro pwilion upon the tariff < iueitiin.
n pontlon that admits of no nii coiHttu'.tiuu ,
lud then upon tnp of tint plnecd in 110111-
nntlpn two mnn with thn longest records ns
mblio men c ( any men in the party. Thii
H wholeiomo ngvressiveneiirt ami opuosed to
he timidity of tin1 democrats in inaKinsr n
Jirilf platfoim which is nlwohitely meaniug'
ess , nud putting in nomination un unknown
nan of thlid-rato ability. "
Mr. Conkllnpr likens Cleveland unto tin K ,
J. Hnycs nnlor of Htntesinon. Atr. ConkliiiB
s po well satisfied with his law practice tlmt
le hni hid his ) > jlittcal dislikes in n , nio.viiro
uftened. Ho will not bo at nil dlMiIonsed to
nvo Mr. Ulnino elected. Meanwhile his sat-
lical mcthoils of thought find nourees of
amuHement iu Inciting froliusorno
wraRTaphu iu the New York World , with
vhosii editor ho JIM within the last year nuin
taiiiedNomethingof nn iritimncy. Hi ) will
lot mnko any si > coclics in the campaign for
either side.
Chicago 'Triljune.
DCTHOir'MIcliiiiu ( , An iiktI. . M. 8. lloyn.
: on,4oC'I'ort Huron , thiurinun nf the ntntu ikti ,
tl-monopoly committee , vhltiN ) Detroit' this
nonihig. ' He iloen not tlrnk the anti-mo-
mpilisti will fa\or tin ) lenoniination of ho
iresent fiiHion govi'inor ' , Jiegole , ln'cauno 1m
etot'il the only fiiiti.inonniiolut ; bill pas > 'd
iv the last leglslatiuii tlio niimuUv bill.
limy art ) clfH-tntiifl'd , also , with hi vetoing
hoHtnto Rivamp-comminiilriier bill. Hnthinl > s
he greunbiekerH will nominate AVildman
klills , of Detroit , or John lilantjianl , of If inn ,
rgoveinor , thn former being tlio strongest.
s ho would pet ninny democratiooU s.
lo alni ) aid : "Wo am going tn nnito th'1
nti-monopolNts gii'enbaekern .
, , worklngmen.
nd Itutler democnits on a ttrmght Hutler
lectoral ticket , and the democrat * nn1 going
o eiulorsu it. "
"And if they do iiotP
"Then the lUitlor ticket will ( Mill the most
votes. "
NKW YOIIK , August D. Logan
ho plan of the campaign for tin no hours nt
ho republican national hoadimartcrH to-d.iy
with.Secret.ity H muel Fi < u-iidrn , Chairman
t K. .loiiCK , J'.x-(5overnort ( ) le by , of Illinois ,
Walter 1'helpV , a rn-t A. Hobart , General
luwlcy and Congropurnon Uurrows.
OnurlH ruiil I > a\vyorH nt Mllwunkco
Find Them Dllllcnlt to Unrnvcl.
f. . Tim Wi-llh Me-
ii'och c.isi ) wan brought to a halt to-day by
.110 . attorney for Welle , who has made nppli
cation to Jgdgo Hamilton , of tlin circuit court ,
or e H'order compelling Mciooch ( to answer
x'rtnin.'iitiuit.'biifl mid to produce the lool.H of
McGi'otji , ' Kvmliigluirn x Co. , which caim-d
Iji'cr.nih nf I88II. As Ihocae Htiiiidx , Wells
ius filed n bill unking McUnoih tuaccount fnr
\iirions HIIIIH , $100tOJ and over , which he
dirges are due him from MUicoch , Tlm lat
er ha ] filed a cross bill mid Wells' attorney
las b'en examining Mcier ) h on eei tain things
n this cross bill , hut ho refuse * to answer und
vill not jiiiidnce tin- books , Kxamination is
iidcliiiitely postHined | , jH-iidlng the
f thu court.
A Sun Francisco J'Mro.
HAV KIIANU HOI , AngnH D. The liio this
iinrning iieNtroyed a building am ) oontrnts
ueuiiied by the .Schmidt Label nnd Litlio-
fniphio company and Tutiim it liowcn. The
oss IH estimated at half a million ,
liATKii.-Tho Schmidt Co. , the largest
ithograiihing Crrn on the uoast , lose. MOO.OOO :
riMiii ed fur : ? 4),0m ) Tatum .t Uowun , dea'ern
nnuuhinery and lubriuiting oils , $15,000 ;
Inlly covcieil , Whenlan t Tnioy , book
! ) ndeiv , Sl.ClK ) ; covered , 1 liu building wan
iwned by U. It. Thompsnn , of Alarneda , ant
win valiii-il itt 3M,000 ) ; Imurcd for S.rX.000 )
The total insurance is divided among forty
comn.iidei' , A hundred employeH are out o
fiiiployrneii , Thu total IOSKCB nro lesa than
lint Hiippobed , and exucod $ " 70,000 ,
Yellow Fever In Mexico.
WAHIII.SHTO.V , August 5 , Iu view of tin
piovalcnm of yellow fovtir in HOIIKI ci'ie.s ' o
northern Mexico , it has licen deemed l ' t t <
iiiKpectnll the trains coming into the Unitci
HtiitiN from , Cuaymalo , and the nelingfecie
tury of the treasury him iiuthorized the col
lector of cnitoins at Kl J'aso , Texas , to emplo ;
n loiujic-tf.'nt iiiNwctor ) for tlmt ilutj.
Tlio Uoui-Nuof the Oliolnru ,
Jtour , August G. A death by cholera ha
ocvimi'il In encli of the follonmg niiuiri
Italian to\vn < i l ) < ni : iu , Villafrnnc.i. Caiio
Monleiioltu , KejHirgu , and Caiiip.ignlre. A
fuel i ei3c : linn almi ot.uurreil in thu pnuiin'o o
A l''liiuniliil
LO.MIO.V , August -Hugh Chlldnrs , ihan :
collar of the exclioijuor U going to Kgvpt on
special mission In conni'utlim with I'.gyplia
finance , elothod with extensive powers ,
( ion , IjOfjan mill tlio
New YOIIK , Autrustri , tien. l gau v'nlte
tlm republican national couiulttoa rooim to
day and had it conference with chairma
Jonus , Ttwoxdrciddd that the vienoral v > l
not speak in public moetluK * until Liter In th
tpi , if ut nil ,
'be ' Annies of Bnll and Bear Holding
Trncc in Chicago ,
Jittlo Moro than tho. Minimum
Stir in Live Stook or Grainf
\TativoCJattlo \ 10 to 15o Lower-
Texas. 25 to 30o Higher ,
logs A'btivo'and Strong , | " = 5r"n !
Appreciation of 10 to !
Grain Markets Ruling Qui
a Lower Eango of Prio
'ho Visible Supply Incronsr
Wheat Corn Byinpathl
Special Distiatch to TUB 1) K.
CIIIOAUO , August 5.-ntof ) thu'1,000 cat-
lo on K.vlo there was proliably only aUmt
O natlM's. Tlirin WAS a. gtwid dumanci
romnhlpl > rsuiddniiHtid IMX ; ( dealere , und
ots tlmtfluitod this demand found ready pur-
Tt ; HO tint thu mnrkot wan active to. thu
xtent of th. ' Mlpply , and.pricei niled . stuuly
corniHirctl with the prioo * tif yesterdayj' yet
nines are 10 to Ific lower than nt thu clo o of
ast week. The best imtivoa nro making 0 50" "
o (5 ( 8 , and second cla H 5 f)0 to 0 23 , grader * '
mRolling from 4 f > 0 toG-SR.N and COWH and
nils nt a 00 to Jlfil ) . There wi.rexxboiit2,000
'exam on the market , mid they\\ero-makintj
10 tlio-110 ; uml may bo qnoUd a5 to 'Ma
ighor tlmn on Satimlay lost. > OiuudroVo of
loutuna's sold at ! 7n. The market closed
tcudv with nil Hild. ( teed to rhoici ) shippiog ,
, 'JOO to 1,350 llxi , fi OO to I-Ill ! ; common to
neditim , l.OCO to 1,200 Ibs. , 4 60 to 5 cn'rang. :
cattle , strong nt 3 00 for Alontnni ; Toxao'rt
VeragmglUlS lUs , 4 7fiKta s Tevnis 700
lWOUwi30 : to-I 40.
HOnH. -t
isrkct closed steady , with' ali > ut , all 'sold. .
, ght , 15U to 210 IbM , f 30 to 0 DO.
The markets ruled < piietfwUh ft lowoc
. \ngoofprico9. Wheat held tipyduniiffithd.
arly oeeslon , but when tint vwlblo'lsupply rp-
ioit was jniblishtd , showing ftUvinbrna-.o of
early n million and a half bushcliTdiiring tlio
veek , n v-mkii's ! net in , -.tlit'm'J.wau a.
loarly evident do Iri ) to unloJd.S.lliOvcWng'
ruiH on tbo regular board Werttf to'&a
owtr than th < > latent quotatlonn. for
osterday. On the nflonioon .lii'iard priceaS
gatu foil off , and thctlatost figuroi werq tlu ) ,
ow't > t for a closing iu witno werikHAugtlst *
t SSlJo , September at 82 c , Oatobur ab
< J .rn WBH In ni < iilcjrjto dnnxnd , but after
In' early tracing piiors tuliulionk , and tht ;
uhmingon reKiihir lioard was J to Sounder
ymtKnl.iy.'aliie wcni ogain weak on ths
tftenioon lx > ard , closing at uJ f , Soji-
ember at riilj'c ' , October .
Oata ruled ti rm throiighont thu eitlro day.
hning at 274c for August , and 2fio for Sep- '
1'ork No trading.
Lard ruled firmer , closing at 715 for Aug-
< t , 7 GJ for Septcmlor , and 7 70 fur Octo-
IIAilrCVKU lit ItAINfl.
Ntw YnnK , Augiut 0. There wan an
nusually light demand in dry goods for.
Trade is much interrupted by very i
rf , which havu delayed shipments ,
itill , in priiitn and dress go < Kli < , u very fair
low bnsl nivs W.-VH done.
Itrokor Mcyir'a Schedules.
NttwYoux , August B. Kch'dulef'orr'tht )
iA.signment of L. Christian Muyeryn broker ,
how liabilities < if . Ifiil.OlO ; lunninal assbtti * ,
lOO.OOO ; actual annetH ,
Noted Jlaccs ,
Aug. fi. KOCOH pOHtjtoncd till
I'mrADKU'JIIA , Aug. B , Mr. J. I. C.IHO lim ;
irrangod to trot Joy-Kye-Sm g'iliiit ' the
: VJ'i record of Maud H. , nnd 1'halln.s against
is ! own record of 2KtV at IJelmont rark.'tliia
Ity , Friday , August 1C.
Yollowfilono l' rk Suiiorliitciulcnt.
WAHIIINOTON , Angiiht f , Tin ) cecrutnry of
ho interior hii : < nppi intrd Itoljurt O. Curwn- |
er , of Dodge Citv , Ion a , Kiiperlntendent eCho
ho Yellowstone National raik , toiucceed I * .
I. Conger ,
iIorinoiiH Kleot Kvory oillcor In Utnli.
S.M.r IMKK , August B. Tlin elections in
't.ih huvtt litfu fur county ollleers only. The
ilormvua elect all the otlicerH in ovcry
. , AVabach.
--i Kuiii < .piti tlio
NKW YOIIK , AiiKHHtfTlu Wabwhdiiec -
ois have appointed ' 'ii committee to imiuint
nto the propoH'd plan of ni-ortj'.iniz.ttloii
and u ill leportat a nubrtCquent meeting.
For GonKceoa in'Illinois.
onuui , Aupu t JJ-Tlii } republicaD _
of tlm Thirteenth district to-day nominated
lamca ( f. Taylor for Cougr * B.
Hj B Jf * f 1 m * v * w w mm
Ifaluni urmiylnJurloiiK nit > Miinivscan to fomiil
In Andrews1 Jenrl Uttklnit Powder. I * } *
lively PURE. Heln ' eudorMsl , unit tcstlmonluU
nsjofvitl Irom such chetnliU n 8. Uunn liny * , lion-
ton ; > l. Ik-hifontalne , ofChlcuKo ; u > ni u04tavi <
Itode , S1I1 uukev. Never wild In lnJ i.